Bataille De Dames
Eugene Scribe and Ernest Legouve

Part 4 out of 5


#eau#, _f_., water.

#ecart; a l'----#, aside.

#eclairer#, enlighten.

#eclat#, _m_., brilliancy, notoriety;
_p.12, l.25_, #action d'----#, spectacular act.

#eclater#, burst; _p.14, l.24_, break out.

#ecole#, _f_., school.

#ecoli-er, -ere#, school-boy, -girl.

#ecouter#, listen.

#ecrier; s'----#, exclaim.

#ecrire#, write.

#ecrivant#, _see_ #ecrire#.

#ecrouler; s'----#, fall in ruin, crumble.

#ecumant, -e#, foaming.

#ecurie#, _f_., stable.

#effacer#, efface; _p.37, l.11_, #---- les
epaules#, draw down the shoulders.

#effectivement#, actually; in fact.

#effet#, _m_.; #en ----#, in fact.

#effraie#, _see_ #effrayer#.

#effrayer#, frighten.

#effroi#, _m_., fright; #avec ----#, frightened.

#effusion#, _f., p.38, l.26_, overflow of feeling.

#egal, -e# (_pl_. #egaux#), equal, indifferent,
all the same.

#egard#, _m_., regard, consideration.

#eh#, _see_ #bien#.

#elan#, _m_.; #avec ----#, impulsively.

#elancer#, rush off _or_ forward.

#elegant, -e#, refined.

#eleve#, _m. and f_., pupil.

#eloge#, _m_., praise; #faire un ----#, praise.

#eloigner#, remove; #s'----#, go away.

#embarras#, _m., p.69, l.23_, embarrassment,
_p.34, l.24_, perplexity.

#embellir#, beautify.

#embrasser#, kiss.

#embuscade#, _f_., ambush.

#emmener#, take away.

#emouvant, -e#, moving, touching.

#emparer; s'----#, _p.71, l.28_, take
into one's custody.

#empecher#, prevent; #s'----#, keep
from, help.

#empereur#, _m_., emperor.

#emporter#, carry away; #l'----#, _p.18,
l.11_, carry the day.

#empressement#, _m_., eagerness.

#emprisonner#, imprison.

#emu, -e#, moved, touched.

#en#, in, on, to, at, like, by, for,
from; #---- attendant#, meanwhile.

#en#, in it, to it, with it (them);
some, any; from there.

#enchantement#, _m_., charm, delight.

#enchanter#, charm.

#enchanteresse#, _f_., witch, bewitching.

#encore#, still, more, besides, yet;
_p.12, l.7_, again, _p.10, l.20_,
another; #---- une fois#, once
more; #hier ----#, only yesterday.

#encourager#, encourage.

#encre#, _f_., ink.

#energie#, _f_., energy.

#enfance#, _f_., childhood.

#enfant#, _m_., child, boy.

#enfantin, -e#, childlike.

#enfin#, finally, at last, in short.

#enflamme, -e#, blazing.

#enfoncer#, knock in.

#enfourcher#, bestride.

#engager#, _p.61, l.20_, persuade;
#s'----#, enter into, enlist.

#ennemi#, _m_., enemy; (_as adjective_)

#enrage#, _m_., crazy fellow.

#enseigner#, teach, show how.

#ensemble#, together; (_as noun_)
_p.35, l.26_, joining of voices
(_in singing_).

#ensuite#, then, after that.

#entendre#, hear, understand, intend;
#s'---- avec#, come to an
understanding with.

#entendu; bien ----#, _p.43, l.1_, of course.

#enti-er, -ere#, entire.

#enthousiasme#, _m_., enthusiasm.

#entourer#, surround.

#entrainer#, carry away.

#entre#, between, in.

#entrer#, enter.

#entretien#, _m_., talk.

#entrevue#, _f_., interview.

#envahir#, invade.

#envers#, toward.

#envie#, _f_., desire; #avoir ----#, _p.37,
l.6_, have a good mind.

#environnant, -e#, surrounding.

#environner#, surround.

#envoie#, _see_ #envoyer#.

#envoyer#, send.

#epargner#, spare.

#epaule#, _f_., shoulder.

#eperdu#, terrified.

#epouser#, marry.

#epouvante#, _f_., terror.

#eprouver#, feel, experience.

#epuiser#, exhaust.

#equiper#, fit out.

#erreur#, _m_., error.

#es#, _see_ #etre#.

#escadron#, _m_., squadron.

#escalier#, _m_., stairway.

#escorte#, _f_., escort (_military_).

#escorter#, escort.

#Espagne#, _f_., Spain.

#esperer#, hope.

#espoir#, _m_., hope.

#esprit#, _m_., spirit, wit, mind.

#essayer#, try.

#essuyer#, wipe, dry.

#est#, _see_ #etre#.

#estime#, _f_., esteem.

#et#, and; #---- ... ----#, both ... and.

#etablir#, establish.

#etais#, _etc_., #etes#, _see_ #etre#.

#etat#, _m_., state, profession.

#ete#, _m_., summer.

#eteindre#, extinguish.

#eteint#, _see_ #eteindre#.

#etoile#, _f_., star.

#etonnant, -e#, astonishing.

#etonnement#, _m_., astonishment.

#etonner#, astonish.

#etouffer#, stifle.

#etrang-er, -ere#, strange.

#etranger#, _m_., stranger.

#etre#, be; (_as auxiliary_) have; #---- a#
_or_ #de#, belong to; #y ----#, _p.38,
l.21_, have it (_i.e._ catch the

#etre#, _m_., creature.

#eut, eut#, _see_ #avoir#.

#evader; s'----#, escape; #faire ----#,
_p.47, l. 1._, help to escape.

#evanouir#, faint.

#evasion#, _f_., escape, flight.

#evenement#, _m_., event.

#exaltation#, _f_., excitement.

#exalter; s'----#, become excited _or_
elated, _p.30, l.17_, "swim."

#examen#, _m_., test, trial.

#examiner#, _p.49, l.26_, scrutinize.

#exasperer#, exasperate.

#excellent, -e#, excellent.

#excepte#, except.

#exces#, _m_., excess.

#exciter#, excite.

#excuser#, excuse.

#executer#, fulfil.

#exemple#, _m_., example; #par ----#,
yet, really, _p.61, l.4_, however.

#exiger#, exact, demand.

#ex-officier#, _m_., former officer.

#expliquer#, explain.

#explosion#, _f., p.22, l.15_, vehemence.

#exposer#, expose.

#expres#, _m_.; message, messenger.

#exprimer#, express.

#extasier; s'----#, be enraptured.

#exterieur#, _m_., outside, exterior.

#F #

#face#, _f_., face, front.

#facher; se ----#, get angry, be vexed.

#facheu-x, -se#, vexatious.

#facile#, easy.

#facilement#, easily, conveniently.

#facon#, _f_., fashion; #sans ----#, _p.68,
l.12_, without hesitation.

#faible#, feeble.

#faiblir#, weaken.

#faillir#, miss; (_with infinitive_)
come near, be on the point of.

#faire#, do, make, manage, cause,
give; #---- part#, inform; #c'en est
fait#, _p.45, l.4_, its all over with
that; _p.48, l.27_, #jusqu'a capture
faite#, till the capture is

#fais, faisais#, _etc_., #faisant; fait,
faites#, _see_ #faire#.

#fait#, _m_., fact; #tout a ----#, quite,
wholly, entirely.

#falloir#, be necessary (_impersonal_;
#il me faut#, _I need_, etc.).

#famille#, _f_., family.

#farouche#, savage, wild.

#fasse#, _see_ #faire#.

#fatal, -e#, dreadful.

#fatalite#, _f_., fatality.

#fatigue#, _f_., labor.

#faudrait, faut#, _see_ #falloir#.

#faute#, _f_., mistake, fault.

#fauteuil#, _m_., armchair.

#fau-x, -sse#, false.

#faveur#, _f_., favor.

#fee#, _f_., fairy.

#feignant#, _see_ #feindre#.

#feindre#, feign.

#feint, -e#, feigned; _see_ #feindre#.

#feliciter#, congratulate.

#feminin, -e#, feminine.

#femme#, _f_., woman; #---- de chambre#,

#fenetre#, _f_., window.

#fer#, _m_., iron, _pl_., fetters.

#ferai, ferez#, _see_ #faire#.

#ferme#, _f., p.28, l.30_, tenantry.

#fermete#, _f_., firmness.

#fermier#, _m_., #fermiere#, _f_., tenant.

#fervent, -e#, ardent.

#fete#, _f_., festivity, _p.6, l.16_, baptismal

#feu#, _m_., fire, firing (_military_);

#fi donc#, oh, nonsense!

#fidele#, faithful.

#fidelite#, _f_., fidelity.

#fierement#, proudly.

#figure#, _f_., face, figure.

#figurer; se ----#, imagine, pretend.

#file#, _f_., file; #feu de ----#, _p.83, l.12_,
volley fire.

#fille#, _f_., daughter, girl.

#fils#, _m_., son.

#fin, -e#, sharp, sly, fine.

#finesse#, _f_., subtlety.

#finir#, end, finish.

#fit#, _see_ #faire#.

#flacon#, _f_., vinaigrette.

#flamme#, _f_., flame.

#flatterie#, _f_., flattery.

#fleur#, _f_., flower.

#flot#, _m_.; #---- qui monte#, rising tide.

#foi#, _f_., faith; #ma ----#, faith! really!
#sans ----#, faithless.

#fois#, _f_., time; #une ---- que#, when
once; #a la ----, tout a la ----#, at
once; _p.13, l.23_, at the same

#folie#, _f_., folly; #la bonne ----#, what
a queer notion.

#folle#, _see_ #fou#; _f_., mad _or_ crazy

#fonctionnaire#, _m_., official.

#fond#, _m_., bottom, rear (_of stage_).

#fondre#, melt; #---- sur#, burst upon.

#font#, _see_ #faire#.

#force#, _f_., strength; _p.42, l.22_,
vehemence; #prendre des ----s#,
_p.48, l.21_, recruit your

#forcer#, compel.

#foret#, _f_., forest.

#formalite#, _f_., formality.

#formel, -le#, formal.

#former#, form; #---- un voeu#, offer
a prayer.

#fort, -e#, strong; _p.33, l.7_, loud;
_p.11, l.5_, very; #trop ----#, _p.84,
l.14_, too much.

#fortune#, happy; _p.36, l.3_, auspicious.

#fosse#, _m_., moat.

#fou, fol, folle#, foolish, crazy;
_p.18, l.14_, madly; mad man
(_or_ woman).

#fougueu-x, -se#, impetuous.

#fouiller#, search.

#foule#, _f_., crowd.

#frais, fraiche#, fresh, cool, naive.

#francais, -e#, French, Frenchman
(_or_ woman).

#franchise#, _f_., frankness.

#frapper#, strike.

#frayeur#, _f_., fright.

#fregate#, _f_., frigate, man-o'-war.

#fremir#, quiver.

#frere#, _m_., brother.

#froidement#, coldly, coolly.

#froncer#, frown; #---- les sourcils#,
knit the eyebrows.

#front#, _m_., forehead.

#frontiere#, _f_., frontier.

#fugiti-f, -ve#, fugitive.

#fuir#, flee, escape.

#fuite#, _f_., flight.

#fumee#, _f_., smoke.

#furieu-x, -se#, angry.

#fusiller#, shoot.

#fut, fut#, _see_ #etre#.

#fuyez#, _see_ #fuir#.


#gages#, _m. pl_., wages.

#gagner#, earn, gain.

#gai, -e#, gay.

#gaiement#, gaily.

#gaiete#, _f_., gaiety; #de ---- de coeur#,
_p.80, l.13_, wantonly.

#galonne, -e#, braided, trimmed.

#galop#, _m_., gallop.

#galoper#, gallop.

#garcon#, _m_., young man, fellow;
#mon ----#, _p.50, l.14_, "my boy;"
#---- de ferme#, farm hand.

#garde#, _m_., guardsman; _p.88, l.1_,

#garde#, _f_.; #prenez ----#, look out!

#garder#, keep, preserve, retain;
#Dieu me garde#, Heaven deliver
me; #se ---- de#, take care not to.

#gater#, spoil.

#gauche#, left; awkward, embarrassed;
#a ----#, on the left, #de ----#,
to the left.

#gazon#, _m_., turf.

#gendarme#, _m_., policeman.

#gendarmerie#, _f_., police.

#gener; se ----#, be not at ease;
_p.68, l.10_, hesitate.

#genereu-x, -se#, generous.

#genie#, _m_., spirit, genius.

#genou#, _m_., knee.

#gens#, _m. pl_., people, persons, servants.

#geolier#, _m_., jailer.

#geste#, _f_., sign, gesture.

#glacer#, chill.

#glisser#, glide, slip.

#gloire#, _f_., glory, fame.

#gourmet#, _m_., epicure.

#gout#, _m_., taste.

#gouvernement#, _m_., government.

#grace#, _f_., grace, thanks, pardon,
mercy; #de ----#, please, for mercy's
sake! #an de ----#, A.D.

#gracier#, pardon.

#grand, -e#, great, tall; _p.14, l.30_,

#grave#, serious.

#gravement#, seriously.

#gronder#, scold.

#grossi-er, -ere#, coarse, rude.

#gueridon#, _m_., centre table.

#guerir#, heal, be healed, get well.

#guerre#, _f_., war.

#guetter#, lie in wait for, watch.

#guide#, _f. pl., p.64, l.31_, reins
(_in driving_).


#habile#, adroit, clever, sharp.

#habilete#, _f_., skill, ability.

#habit#, _m_., coat; #---- de cheval#,
riding habit.

#habitant#, _m., p.26, l.27, pl._,

#haie#, _f_., hedge.

#hardiment#, boldly.

#hater; se ----#, hurry, hasten.

#haut, -e#, high, loud, aloud.

#hein#, well! what now? _p.7. l.28_,

#helas#, oh! alas!

#heroique#, heroic.

#heroisme#, _m_., heroism.

#heros#, _m_., hero.

#hesiter#, hesitate.

#heure#, _f_., hour; #tout a l'----#, just
now, pretty soon, by and by,
presently; #a la bonne ----#, well!
well done! good! indeed!

#heureu-x, -se#, happy, fortunate.

#heureusement#, fortunately.

#hier#, yesterday.

#homme#, _m_., man; #----de peine#,

#honneur#, _m_., honor.

#honoraires#, _m. pl_., fees, compensation.

#honte#, _f_., shame; #avoir ----#,
be ashamed.

#Horace#, Horatius.

#horreur#, _f_., horror.

#hors de#, besides, outside.

#hote#, _m. and f_., host; _p.16, l.3_,

#huit#, eight; #---- jours#, a week.

#humeur#, _f_., vexation; #avec# _or_
#d'----#, vexed, irritated.


#ici#, here; #d'----#, from henceforth;
#d'---- a peu de temps#, _p.68, l.1_,
before long; #par ----#, _p.65, l.29_,
this way.

#idee#, _f_., idea.

#identite#, _f_., identity.

#ignorer#, not know, be ignorant of.

#imaginer#, imagine.

#imbecile#, stupid.

#imiter#, imitate.

#immobile#, motionless.

#impatienter; s'----#, become impatient.

#implorer#, implore.

#importance#, _f_.; #se donner de
l'----#, _p.4, l.12_, put on airs.

#importer#, be of consequence, be
of interest, matter; #n'importe#,
_p.30, l.4_, never mind.

#importun, -e#, inopportune, irksome.

#importuner#, annoy, incommode.

#importunite#, importunity, persistence.

#imprevu, -e#, unforeseen.

#improviste; a l'----#, unexpectedly.

#imprudemment#, imprudently.

#inacti-f, -ve#, inactive.

#incendie#, _m_., fire, conflagration.

#incliner; s'----#, bow.

#inconcevable#, inconceivable.

#inconnu, -e#, unknown, strange,

#inculte#, rustic, uncultivated.

#indigne, -e#, indignant.

#indigner; s'----#, get indignant.

#indiquer#, point out.

#indompte, -e#, unsubdued.

#ineffable#, inexpressible.

#inexperience#, _f_., lack of experience.

#inexperimente, -e#, inexperienced.

#infanterie#, _f_., infantry.

#infidele#, unfaithful.

#inflexion#, _f., p.11, l.18_, modulation
(_of the voice_).

#informer#, inform; #s'----#, inquire,
find out.

#ingrat, -e#, ungrateful, thankless.

#injure#, _f_., insult, injury.

#inondation#, _f_., inundation.

#inoui, -e#, unheard of.

#inqualifiable#, _p.46, l.11_, unspeakable.

#inqui-et, -ete#, anxious.

#inquieter; s'----#, worry, be uneasy.

#inquietude#, _f_., uneasiness; #d'une
----#, so uneasy.

#insense, -e#, senseless, mad.

#insouciance#, _f_., carelessness,

#inspirer#, inspire.

#installation#, _f_., establishment.

#installer; s'----#, establish oneself.

#instant#, _m_., moment; #a l'----#, in
a moment.

#insultant, -e#, _p.49, l.9_, defiant,

#insulter#, insult.

#insupportable#, unbearable.

#intelligence#, _f_., understanding.

#interdit, -e#, _p.84, l.27_, taken

#interesser#, interest.

#interet#, _m_., interest; #porter ---- a#,
take interest in.

#interrogatoire#, _f_., questioning,

#interroger#, question.

#interrompre#, interrupt.

#intrepide#, bold.

#intrepidite#, intrepidity.

#intriguer#, perplex.

#inutile#, useless.

#inviter#, invite.

#irai#, _etc_., #irais#, _etc_., _see_ #aller#.

#ironiquement#, ironically.

#irrite, -e#, angry, vexed.

#issue#, _f_., issue, outcome.

#ivresse#, _f_., intoxication, delight.


#jamais#, ever, never.

#Jean#, John.

#jeter#, throw; #se ----#, plunge.

#jette#, _etc_., #jetteront#, _see_ #jeter#.

#jeune#, young.

#jeunesse#, _f_., youth.

#joie#, _f_., joy, delight.

#joli, -e,# pretty.

#jouer#, play.

#jour#, _m_., day; _pl., p.64, l.15_, life.

#journal#, _m_. (_pl_. #journaux#), newspaper.

#joyeu-x, -se#, gay.

#juge#, _m_., judge.

#jugement#, _m_., judgment.

#juger#, judge, suppose.

#jupe#, _f_., skirt; _p.20, l.21_, riding

#jurer#, swear.

#jusqu'a#, as far as, until, even to;
#jusque-la#, _p.64, l.6_, so far.

#juste#, right, correct.

#justement#, precisely.


#la#, there, over there.

#lache#, cowardly, coward.

#laisser#, leave, let.

#langage#, _m_., speech, language.

#langue#, _f_., tongue, language.

#larme#, _f_., tear.

#las, -se#, tired.

#lateral, -e#, side, at the side.

#legerement#, lightly, slightly.

#legitime#, justifiable, legitimate.

#lendemain#, _m_., next day.

#lequel, laquelle, lesquels, lesquelles#,
who, which, which one.

#lettre#, _f_., letter.

#lever#, raise; #se ----#, rise; #au ----#,
at the rising.

#liberte#, _f_., liberty.

#libre#, free.

#lier#, bind, tie.

#lieu#, _m_., place.

#lieue#, _f_., league (2.5 miles).

#lievre#, _m_., hare.

#ligne#, _f_., line.

#lire#, read.

#lis, lisant#, _see_ #lire#.

#livree#, _f_., livery (_of servants_);
_p.58, l.6_, servants (_collectively_).

#livrer#, deliver _p.57, l.2_, give up.

#loi#, _f_., law.

#loin#, far, distant.

#long, -ue#, long.

#longtemps#, long.

#lorsque#, when.

#louis#, _m_., louis (= _about $4.00_).

#lu#, _see_ #lire#.

#lumiere#, _f_., light.

#lutter#, struggle; _p.24, l.16_, contend.

#luxe#, _m., p.46, l.3_, display, excess.

#Lyon#, Lyons.


#Madame#, Madam, My Lady.

#Mademoiselle#, Miss, young lady.

#madrigal#, _m_. (_pl_. #madrigaux#),
_p.41, l.26_, (_pl_.) pretty speeches.

#magistrat#, _m_., magistrate.

#main#, _f_., hand.

#maintenant#, now.

#mais#, but; _p.12, l.27_, more.

#maison#, _f_., house; #a la ----#, at

#maitre#, _m_., master.

#maitresse#, _f_., mistress.

#majeste#, _f_., majesty.

#mal, maux#, harm, misfortune,
evil; badly; #en ----#, _p.92, l.27_,
for ill.

#maladroit, -e#, stupid.

#malediction#, _f_., curse.

#malgre#, in spite of.

#malheur#, _m_., misfortune; #par ----#,

#malheureu-x, -se#, unhappy, unfortunate,

#malheureusement#, unfortunately.

#maltraiter#, abuse.

#manie#, _f_., mania.

#maniere#, _f_., manner.

#manque#, _m., p.22, l.24_, lack.

#manquer#, lack; #---- chavirer#, _p.6,
l.10_, come near capsizing; #----
de respect#, _p.9, l.29_, be disrespectful;
#il ne vous manque que#, _p.82, l.27_, all you need

#mansarde#, _f_., attic.

#marche#, _m_., market place.

#marcher#, walk, march.

#marechal#, marshall; #---- des logis#,

#marier; se ----#, marry.

#marquise#, _f_., marchioness.

#maternel, -le#, maternal.

#matin#, _m_., morning.

#maudire#, curse.

#maudissez#, _see_ #maudire#.

#maudit, -e#, cursed; _p.18, l.4_,
confounded; _see_ #maudire#.

#mauvais, -e#, bad.

#maux#, _see_ #mal#.

#mechant, -e#, naughty, wicked.

#meconnaitre#, misunderstand.

#medecin#, _m_., physician.

#melange#, _m_., mixture.

#meler#, mix, mingle.

#meme#, same, -self, itself, themselves;
even; _p.41, l.11_, very;
#de ----#, _p.17, l.16_, the same
thing; #une ----#, _p.36, l.4_, the

#menacer#, threaten.

#mener#, lead, take to; _p.50, l.13_,

#mensonge#, _m_., lie.

#menteur, -se#, lying; _p.23, l.19_,
deceptive; liar.

#mepriser#, despise.

#mer#, _f_., sea.

#merci#, thanks!

#mere#, _f_., mother.

#merite#, _f_., merit.

#meriter#, deserve, be worthy of.

#merveille#, _f_., marvel; #a ----#, just
so! excellent!

#mesdames#, _see_ madame.

#mesure#, _f_., measure, bar (_in

#methode#, _f_., method.

#mettre#, put, put on; #se ---- a#, begin;
#---- a#, profit, utilize; #se
---- a genoux#, kneel; #te ---- a
cheval#, _p.17, l.3_, see you
mount; #ma tete est mise a
prix#, _p.41, l.29_, a price is put
on my head.

#meurs, meurt#, _see_ #mourir#.

#mien, -ne#, mine.

#mieux#, better, something better;
_p.59, l.10_, #de ---- en ----#, better
and better.

#milieu#, _m_., middle; #au ---- de#,
_p.29, l.31_, amid.

#militaire#, military; _p.55, l.1_,
a soldier.

#mille#, thousand.

#mine#, _f_., expression.

#ministre#, _m_., minister.

#miroir#, _m_., mirror.

#mis#, _see_ #mettre#.

#miserable#, wretched, vile.

#mission#, _f_., commission, message.

#mode#, _f_., fashion.

#modeste#, discreet, considerate.

#modestie#, _f_., modesty.

#moins#, less; #au# _or_ #du ----#, at least;
#a ----#, at less; #a ---- que#, unless.

#mois#, _m_., month.

#moitie#, _f_., half.

#monarchie#, _f_., monarchy.

#monde#; _m_., world, people, society;
#tout le ----#, everybody.

#monsieur#, Mr.; gentleman; Sir.

#monstre#, _m_., monster.

#monter#, mount, come up stairs, ride.

#montrer#, show, point out.

#moquerie#, _f_., mockery.

#moquer; se ---- de#, trick, make fun of.

#mort#, _see_ #mourir#.

#mort#, _f_., death.

#mortel, -le#, deadly, mortal.

#mot#, _m_., word, epigram; _p.10,
l.13_, remark.

#motif#, _m_., motive.

#mouchoir#, _m_., handkerchief.

#mourir#, die.

#mouvement#, _m_., movement.

#moyen#, _m_., means, remedy.

#muet, -te#, mute.

#mystere#, _m_., mystery.

#mysterieu-x, -se#, mysterious.

#mysterieusement#, mysteriously.


#nai-f, -ve#, artless, ingenuous,

#naissance#, _f_., birth.

#naitre#, be born, arise.

#naturel, -le#, natural.

#naturel#, _m_., character.

#ne#, not; #---- ... pas# _or_ #point#,
not; #---- ... que#, only; #---- ...
personne#, nobody; #---- ...
plus#, no more, not any, no

#ne, -e#, by birth, _see_ naitre.

#necessaire#, necessary.

#nerveu-x, -se#, nervous.

#neveu#, _m_., nephew.

#niais, -e#, silly.

#niece#, _f_., niece.

#nier#, deny.

#noblesse#, _f_., nobility.

#noircir#, blacken.

#nom#, _m_., name.

#nomination#, _f_., appointment.

#nommer; se ----#, be named.

#non#, no; #---- pas#, not so, no indeed.

#Normandie#, _f_., Normandy.

#notre#, ours.

#nouv-eau, -elle#, new; de ----, _p.47,
l.18_, once more.

#nouvelle#, _f_., news (_sing. or pl.
e.g. p.28, l.25 and p.29, l.8_).


#obeir#, obey.

#objet#, _m_., object.

#obliger#, oblige; #n'y suis pas
oblige#, _p.17, l.14_, am under
no obligation to be one.

#observer#, watch.

#occasion#, _f_., opportunity.

#occuper#, occupy; #s'---- de#, devote
oneself to, busy oneself with.

#octobre#, _m_., October.

#oeil#, _m_. (_pl_. #yeux#), eye.

#offenser#, offend, insult.

#offert#, _see_ #offrir#.

#officier#, _m_., officer.

#offrir#, offer.

#offusquer#, annoy.

#on# _or_ #l'on#, one, people, they.

#oncle#, _m_., uncle.

#ont#, _see_ #avoir#.

#opposer; s'---- a#, oppose.

#oppresser#, oppress, weigh upon.

#orchestre#, _m_., orchestra.

#or#, now.

#ordonnance#, _f_., order, decree.

#ordonner#, command.

#ordre#, _m_., order, command.

#oreille#, _f_., ear.

#orgueil#, _m_., pride.

#original, -e#, curious, queer.

#ornement#, _m_., ornament.

#oser#, dare.

#ou#, or; #---- ... ----#, either ... or.

#ou#, where.

#oublier#, forget.

#oui#, yes.

#ouragan#, _m_., hurricane.

#outrager#, insult.

#ouvert, -e#, open, _see_ #ouvrir#.

#ouvrage#, _m_., work, _p.66, l.22_,
fancy work.

#ouvrir#, open; #s'----#, open.


#palefrenier#, _m_., stable boy.

#palir#, turn pale.

#papier#, _m_., paper.

#par#, by, through.

#paraissant#, _see_ #paraitre#.

#paraitre#, seem, appear.

#parc#, _m_., park.

#parce que#, because.

#parcourir#, run through, run over.

#pardon#, _m_., pardon, forgiveness.

#pardonner#, pardon, forgive.

#pareil, -le#, like, such, equal,

#parent#, _m_., relative.

#parer#, adorn.

#parfait#, perfect; #---- pour#, _p.28,
l.18_, very courteous toward.

#parfaitement#, wholly, quite.

#parfois#, sometimes.

#parier#, wager, bet.

#parler#, speak.

#parmi#, among.

#parole#, _f_., word.

#pars#, _see_ #partir#.

#part#, part; #a ----#, aside; #faire ----
de#, _p.31, l.22_, communicate.

#partager#, share.

#parti#, _m_., _p.83, l.10_, decision.

#particuli-er, -ere#, special.

#partir#, leave, depart.

#partout#, everywhere.

#paru, parut#, _see_ #paraitre#.

#pas#, _m_., step.

#pas; ne ... ----#, not, no.

#passer#, pass; #se ----#, take place,
happen; #---- ayant#, go before,
take precedence of.

#passionne, -e#, impassioned.

#paternel, -le#, paternal, fatherly.

#patronage#, _m_., support.

#pauvre#, poor.

#payer#, pay; _p.74, l.9_, repay.

#pays#, _m_., country.

#paysan#, peasant.

#peau#, _f_., skin.

#peindre#, paint; #se ----#, appear.

#peine#, _f_., trouble, torment, penalty,
_p.55, l.5_, punishment;
#homme de ----#, _p.54, l.25_, laborer;
#a ----#, hardly, scarcely;
#c'est a ---- qu'il sera parti#,
_p.77, l.7_, he will hardly have

#peint#, _see_ #peindre#.

#peloton#, _m_., platoon.

#pendant#, during; #---- que#, while.

#penible#, difficult, painful.

#pensee#, _f_., thought, mind.

#penser#, think, believe; #j'y pense#,
_p.75, l.14_, it occurs to me; #y
penses-tu!# how can you think
of such a thing! _p.12, l.27_ =

#perdre#, lose; #se ----#, perish, be
lost; #perdu#, _p.40, l.13_, all is

#pere#, _m_., father.

#perfidie#, _f_., faithlessness, perfidy.

#peril#, _m_., peril, danger.

#perir#, perish.

#perle#, _f_., pearl.

#permettre#, permit, allow.

#permis#, _see_ #permettre#.

#perron#, _m_., steps, landing (_of

#perseverant, -e#, persevering.

#personnage#, _m_., person.

#personne#, person; _p.9, l.5_, appearance;
_p.35, l.32_, personality;
some one, any one; #ne
... ----#, no one, nobody.

#perte#, _f_., loss, ruin.

#peser#, weigh, oppress.

#peste#, _f_., plague.

#petit, -e#, little, small.

#peu#, little; #---- de#, few; #a ---- pres#,
nearly; #un ----#, just, for once.

#peur#, _f_., fear; #avoir ----#, be afraid.

#peureu-x, -se#, timid.

#peut, peux#, _see_ #pouvoir#.

#peut-etre#, perhaps.

#physionomie#, _f_., physiognomy.

#piece#, _f_., piece, room; #---- d'eau#,

#pied#, _m_., foot; #valet de ----#, footman.

#piege#, _m_., trap.

#pis#, worse.

#pitie#, _f_., pity.

#placard#, _m_., cupboard.

#place#, _f_., place; _p.14, l.25_,
square; #a la ----#, instead.

#placer#, place.

#plaignant#, _see_ #plaindre#.

#plaindre#, pity; #se ----#, complain.

#plaire#, please.

#plait#, _see_ #plaire#.

#plan#, _m_., plan, division of the stage.

#plateau#, _m_., tray.

#plein, -e#, full; #en ---- poitrine#,
_p.83, l.14_, full in the breast.

#plearer#, cry.

#plume#, _f_., feather; pen.

#plus#, more; #---- de#, more, no
more, more than; #de ----#, longer,
moreover, besides; #au ----#,
at best, at most; #ne ... plus#,
no more, no longer; #ne ...
que#, _p.38, l.30_, anything but.

#plusieurs#, several.

#plutot#, rather.

#poche#, _f_., pocket.

#poetique#, poetic.

#point#, _m_., point, position; #ne ...
----#, not at all; #de ---- en ----#,
_p.27, l.20_, point by point,
with precision.

#pointe#, _f_., tip; #---- des pieds#,
_p.62, l.1_, tip-toe.

#pointer#, dawn, point.

#poitrine#, _f_., breast.

#politique#, _f_., politics.

#politique#, diplomatic, shrewd.

#poltron#, _m_., coward.

#pompe#, _f_., pump; #---- a incendie#,
fire engine.

#ponette#, _f_., pony.

#porte#, _f_., door; _p.61, l.5_, gate.

#portefeuille#, _m_., portfolio.

#porter#, carry, bring; #---- de l'interet#,
take interest; #se ----#,
_p.81, l.9_, turn.

#porteur#, _m_., bearer.

#portrait#, _m_., portrait, picture.

#poser#, place, put down.

#poste#, _m_., post.

#pour#, for, in order to; #---- que#,
in order that.

#pourquoi#, why.

#pourrai#, _etc_., #pourrais#, _etc_., _see_

#poursuivre#, pursue.

#pourtant#, though, yet, still.

#pourvu que#, if only.

#pousser#, push, force, utter (_cries_).

#poutre#, _f_., beam.

#pouvoir#, can, be able, may, can
do; #se ----#, may be.

#pouvoir#, _m_., power, authority.

#pratique#, _f_., practice.

#pratique#, practical.

#precedent, -e#, preceding.

#preceder#, precede.

#precipiter#, plunge, precipitate.

#precis, -e#, exact, precise.

#precisement#, exactly, precisely.

#predecesseur#, _m_., predecessor.

#prefecture#, _f_., prefect's office.

#preferer#, prefer.

#prefet#, _m_., prefect.

#premi-er, -ere#, first.

#prenant, prenez#, _see_ #prendre#.

#prendre#, take, _p.28, l.29_, break
out; _p.49, l.3_, seize; #---- des
forces#, recruit one's strength;
#---- garde#, take care.

#preoccupe, -e#, preoccupied.

#preparer#, prepare; _p.10, l.23_,

#prerogative#, _f. pl., p.78, l.17_,

#pres, pres de#, near.

#presence; en ---- de#, face to face.

#present; a ----#, now.

#presenter#, introduce, present.

#presque#, almost, nearly.

#presse, -e#, urgent.

#presser#, urge; _p.28, l.14_, #rien ne
me presse#, I'm in no hurry.

#pret, -e#, ready.

#preter#, lend; #---- serment#, swear.

#pretexte#, _m_., pretext.

#preuve#, _f_., proof.

#prevenir#, warn; _p.45, l.27_, prevent.

#prevoir#, foresee, anticipate.

#prevotal, -e; cour ----#, provost

#prevoyance#, _f_., foresight.

#prier#, request.

#priere#, _f_., request, prayer.

#pris#, _see_ #prendre#.

#prisonni-er#, _m_., #-ere#, _f_., prisoner.

#priver#, deprive.

#prix#, _m_., price, prize; #mettre au
----#, _p.41, l.29_, set a price on.

#procede#, _m_., procedure, course
of action.

#proces#, _m_., trial (_legal_).

#prochain, -e#, near, next; neighbor.

#procureur#, _m_., prosecuting officer.

#profonde#, deep.

#promenade#, _f_.; #une ---- en rade#,
_p.47, l.14_, a row in the harbor.

#promener; se--#, walk up and

#promesse#, _f_., promise.

#promettre#, promise.

#promis, -e#, promised: _see_ #promettre#.

#prononcer#, pronounce.

#propos#, _m_., talk; #a ----#, proper,
fit; by the way; #a ---- de#, as

#propre#, own.

#proscrit, -e#, outlaw.

#proteger#, protect.

#prouver#, prove.

#provoquer#, provoke.

#pu, puis, puisse#, _see_ #pouvoir#.

#puis#, then, afterward.

#puisque#, since.

#punir#, punish.

#pur, -e#, pure; _p.54, l.4_, mere.


#qu'#, _see_ #que#.

#qualite#, _f_., quality.

#quand#, when.

#quant a#, as to.

#quart#, _m_., quarter.

#quatorze#, fourteen.

#que#, whom, which; than, when,
how, if; #ce ----#, which, what;
#c'est ----#, because; #---- de#, how
many; _p.42, l.12_, #qu'il reste#,
he must stay.

#quel, -le#, which, what.

#quelque#, some, any; #---- que#, whoever,
whichever, whatever; #----
part#, somewhere.

#quelquefois#, sometimes.

#quelqu'un#, somebody, anybody.

#qui#, who, which, what.

#quinze#, fifteen; #---- jours#, fortnight.

#quitter#, leave.

#quoi#, what; #---- donc#, what's the
matter? #---- que#, whatever.

#quoique#, although.


#raconter#, tell.

#rade#, _f_., harbor.

#rafraichissement#, _m_., refreshment.

#raideur#, _f_., stiffness.

#railler#, make fun, mock; _p.73,
l.25_, laugh.

#raillerie#, _f_., mockery.

#railleu-r, -se#, _p.49, l.9_, mocking.

#raison#, _f_., reason; #avoir ----#, be

#raisonner#, argue.

#raisonnable#, reasonable.

#raisonnement#, _m_., reasoning.

#rameau#, _m_., branch.

#ramener#, bring back.

#rang#, _m_., rank.

#ranger#, arrange, "line up."

#rapeller#, recall; #se ----#, remember.

#rapport#, _m_., connection.

#rapporter#, bring back _p.85, l.6_,
#s'en ---- a#, refer to ... about it.

#rassurer#, reassure, put at ease;
#se ----#, be calm.

#rattraper#, catch again.

#ravir#, carry away, enrapture.

#ravissant, -e#, bewitching.

#realite#, _f_., reality.

#receler#, hide.

#recevoir#, receive.

#rechauffer#, warm; #se ----#, get

#recherche#, _f_., search.

#recommandation#, _f_., recommendation.

#reconnaissance#, _f_., gratitude.

#reconnaitre#, recognize, admit.

#reconnu#, see #reconnaitre#

#recu#, see #recevoir#.

#redescendre#, come down _or_ back.

#redoutable#, redoubtable, dreaded.

#redouter#, fear.

#reel, -le#, real.

#reellement#, really.

#refuser#, refuse.

#regard#, _m._, look.

#regarder#, look at, look, concern.

#regime#, _m._, treatment, method.

#regret#, _m._, sorrow.

#rejoindre#, rejoin.

#rejoui, -e#, amused.

#relever#, raise; #se ----#, rise.

#remarquer#, remark.

#remerciement#, _m._, thanks.

#remercier#, thank.

#remettre#, hand over; _p.15, l.8_,
give back; #se ----#, _p.67, l.4_,
compose oneself.

#remis#, see #remettre#.

#remise#, _f._, carriage house.

#remonter#, mount; _p.17, l.5_, come
up; #---- la scene# _or_ #le theatre#,
go to the rear of the stage.

#remords#, _m._, remorse.

#remplir#, fill, fulfill.

#renaitre#, be born again, rise

#rencontrer#, meet.

#rendez-vous#, _m._, meeting (_prearranged_).

#rendre#, render, make, express, give back.

#renfermer#, shut up.

#renseignement#, _m._, information.

#rentrer#, return.

#renvoyer#, send away, discharge.

#reparer#, repair.

#reparaitre#, reappear.

#repartir#, leave again, go back.

#repeter#, repeat.

#repondre#, reply; #---- de#, _p.71, l.6_,
answer for.

#reponse#, _f._, reply.

#reposer#, rest; #se ----#, rely.

#repousser#, push back, repel.

#reprendre#, take back, resume;
#se ----#, correct oneself; #---- ses


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