James A. Harrison and Robert Sharp, eds.

Part 2 out of 11

fær-gripe flôdes: fýr-leóht geseah,
blâcne leóman beorhte scînan.
Ongeat þâ se gôda grund-wyrgenne,
1520 mere-wîf mihtig; mägen-ræs forgeaf
hilde-bille, hond swenge ne ofteáh,
þät hire on hafelan hring-mæl âgôl
grædig gûð-leóð. Þâ se gist onfand,
þät se beado-leóma bîtan nolde,
1525 aldre sceððan, ac seó ecg geswâc
þeódne ät þearfe: þolode ær fela
hond-gemôta, helm oft gescär,
fæges fyrd-hrägl: þät wäs forma sîð
deórum mâðme, þät his dôm âläg.
1530 Eft wäs ân-ræd, nalas elnes lät,
mærða gemyndig mæg Hygelâces;
wearp þâ wunden-mæl wrättum gebunden
yrre oretta, þät hit on eorðan läg,
stîð and stýl-ecg; strenge getrûwode,
1535 mund-gripe mägenes. Swâ sceal man dôn,
þonne he ät gûðe gegân þenceð
longsumne lof, nâ ymb his lîf cearað.
Gefêng þâ be eaxle (nalas for fæhðe mearn)
Gûð-Geáta leód Grendles môdor;
1540 brägd þâ beadwe heard, þâ he gebolgen wäs,
feorh-genîðlan, þät heó on flet gebeáh.
Heó him eft hraðe and-leán forgeald
grimman grâpum and him tôgeánes fêng;
oferwearp þâ wêrig-môd wîgena strengest,
1545 fêðe-cempa, þät he on fylle wearð.
Ofsät þâ þone sele-gyst and hyre seaxe geteáh,
brâd and brûn-ecg wolde hire bearn wrecan,
ângan eaferan. Him on eaxle läg
breóst-net broden; þät gebearh feore,
1550 wið ord and wið ecge ingang forstôd.
Häfde þâ forsîðod sunu Ecgþeówes
under gynne grund, Geáta cempa,
nemne him heaðo-byrne helpe gefremede,
here-net hearde, and hâlig god
1555 geweóld wîg-sigor, witig drihten;
rodera rædend hit on ryht gescêd,
ýðelîce syððan he eft âstôd.


Geseah þâ on searwum sige-eádig bil,
eald sweord eotenisc ecgum þyhtig,
1560 wîgena weorð-mynd: þät wäs wæpna cyst,
bûton hit wäs mâre þonne ænig mon ôðer
tô beadu-lâce ätberan meahte
gôd and geatolîc giganta geweorc.
He gefêng þâ fetel-hilt, freca Scildinga,
1565 hreóh and heoro-grim hring-mæl gebrägd,
aldres orwêna, yrringa slôh,
þät hire wið halse heard grâpode,
bân-hringas bräc, bil eal þurh-wôd
fægne flæsc-homan, heó on flet gecrong;
1570 sweord wäs swâtig, secg weorce gefeh.
Lixte se leóma, leóht inne stôd,
efne swâ of hefene hâdre scîneð
rodores candel. He äfter recede wlât,
hwearf þâ be wealle, wæpen hafenade
1575 heard be hiltum Higelâces þegn,
yrre and ân-ræd. Näs seó ecg fracod
hilde-rince, ac he hraðe wolde
Grendle forgyldan gûð-ræsa fela
þâra þe he geworhte tô West-Denum
1580 oftor micle þonne on ænne sîð,
þonne he Hrôðgâres heorð-geneátas
slôh on sweofote, slæpende frät
folces Denigea fýf-tyne men
and ôðer swylc ût of-ferede,
1585 lâðlîcu lâc. He him þäs leán forgeald,
rêðe cempa, tô þäs þe he on räste geseah
gûð-wêrigne Grendel licgan,
aldor-leásne, swâ him ær gescôd
hild ät Heorote; hrâ wîde sprong,
1590 syððan he äfter deáðe drepe þrowade,
heoro-sweng heardne, and hine þâ heáfde becearf,
Sôna þät gesâwon snottre ceorlas,
þâ þe mid Hrôðgâre on holm wliton,
þät wäs ýð-geblond eal gemenged,
1595 brim blôde fâh: blonden-feaxe
gomele ymb gôdne ongeador spræcon,
þät hig þäs äðelinges eft ne wêndon,
þät he sige-hrêðig sêcean côme
mærne þeóden; þâ þäs monige gewearð,
1600 þät hine seó brim-wylf âbroten häfde.
Þâ com nôn däges. Näs ofgeâfon
hwate Scyldingas; gewât him hâm þonon
gold-wine gumena. Gistas sêtan,
môdes seóce, and on mere staredon,
1605 wiston and ne wêndon, þät hie heora wine-drihten
selfne gesâwon. Þâ þät sweord ongan
äfter heaðo-swâte hilde-gicelum
wîg-bil wanian; þät wäs wundra sum,
þät hit eal gemealt îse gelîcost,
1610 þonne forstes bend fäder onlæteð,
onwindeð wäl-râpas, se þe geweald hafað
sæla and mæla; þät is sôð metod.
Ne nom he in þæm wîcum, Weder-Geáta leód,
mâðm-æhta mâ, þêh he þær monige geseah,
1615 bûton þone hafelan and þâ hilt somod,
since fâge; sweord ær gemealt,
forbarn broden mæl: wäs þät blôd tô þäs hât,
ættren ellor-gæst, se þær inne swealt.
Sôna wäs on sunde, se þe ær ät säcce gebâd
1620 wîg-hryre wrâðra, wäter up þurh-deáf;
wæron ýð-gebland eal gefælsod,
eácne eardas, þâ se ellor-gâst
oflêt lîf-dagas and þâs lænan gesceaft.
Com þâ tô lande lid-manna helm
1625 swîð-môd swymman, sæ-lâce gefeah,
mägen-byrðenne þâra þe he him mid häfde.
Eodon him þâ tôgeánes, gode þancodon,
þryðlîc þegna heáp, þeódnes gefêgon,
þäs þe hi hyne gesundne geseón môston.
1630 Þâ wäs of þäm hrôran helm and byrne
lungre âlýsed: lagu drusade,
wäter under wolcnum, wäl-dreóre fâg.
Fêrdon forð þonon fêðe-lâstum
ferhðum fägne, fold-weg mæton,
1635 cûðe stræte; cyning-balde men
from þäm holm-clife hafelan bæron
earfoðlîce heora æghwäðrum
fela-môdigra: feówer scoldon
on ðäm wäl-stenge weorcum geferian
1640 tô þäm gold-sele Grendles heáfod,
ôð þät semninga tô sele cômon
frome fyrd-hwate feówer-tyne
Geáta gongan; gum-dryhten mid
môdig on gemonge meodo-wongas träd.
1645 Þâ com in gân ealdor þegna,
dæd-cêne mon dôme gewurðad,
häle hilde-deór. Hrôðgâr grêtan:
Þâ wäs be feaxe on flet boren
Grendles heáfod, þær guman druncon,
1650 egeslîc for eorlum and þære idese mid:
wlite-seón wrätlîc weras onsâwon.


Beówulf maðelode, bearn Ecgþeówes:
"Hwät! we þe þâs sæ-lâc, sunu Healfdenes,
"leód Scyldinga, lustum brôhton,
1655 "tîres tô tâcne, þe þu her tô lôcast.
"Ic þät unsôfte ealdre gedîgde:
"wîge under wätere weorc genêðde
"earfoðlîce, ät-rihte wäs
"gûð getwæfed, nymðe mec god scylde.
1660 "Ne meahte ic ät hilde mid Hruntinge
"wiht gewyrcan, þeáh þät wæpen duge,
"ac me geûðe ylda waldend,
"þät ic on wage geseah wlitig hangian
"eald sweord eácen (oftost wîsode
1665 "winigea leásum) þät ic þý wæpne gebräd.
"Ofslôh þâ ät þære säcce (þâ me sæl âgeald)
"hûses hyrdas. Þâ þät hilde-bil
"forbarn, brogden mæl, swâ þät blôd gesprang,
"hâtost heaðo-swâta: ic þät hilt þanan
1670 "feóndum ätferede; fyren-dæda wräc,
"deáð-cwealm Denigea, swâ hit gedêfe wäs.
"Ic hit þe þonne gehâte, þät þu on Heorote môst
"sorh-leás swefan mid þînra secga gedryht,
"and þegna gehwylc þînra leóda,
1675 "duguðe and iogoðe, þät þu him ondrædan ne þearft,
"þeóden Scyldinga, on þâ healfe,
"aldor-bealu eorlum, swâ þu ær dydest."
Þâ wäs gylden hilt gamelum rince.
hârum hild-fruman, on hand gyfen,
1680 enta ær-geweorc, hit on æht gehwearf
äfter deófla hryre Denigea freán,
wundor-smiða geweorc, and þâ þâs worold ofgeaf
grom-heort guma, godes andsaca,
morðres scyldig, and his môdor eác;
1685 on geweald gehwearf worold-cyninga
þäm sêlestan be sæm tweónum
þâra þe on Sceden-igge sceattas dælde.
Hrôðgâr maðelode, hylt sceáwode,
ealde lâfe, on þäm wäs ôr writen
1690 fyrn-gewinnes: syððan flôd ofslôh,
gifen geótende, giganta cyn,
frêcne gefêrdon: þät wäs fremde þeód
êcean dryhtne, him þäs ende-leán
þurh wäteres wylm waldend sealde.
1695 Swâ wäs on þæm scennum scîran goldes
þurh rûn-stafas rihte gemearcod,
geseted and gesæd, hwâm þät sweord geworht,
îrena cyst ærest wære,
wreoðen-hilt and wyrm-fâh. Þâ se wîsa spräc
1700 sunu Healfdenes (swîgedon ealle):
"Þät lâ mäg secgan, se þe sôð and riht
"fremeð on folce, (feor eal gemon
"eald êðel-weard), þät þes eorl wære
"geboren betera! Blæd is âræred
1705 "geond wîd-wegas, wine mîn Beówulf,
"þîn ofer þeóda gehwylce. Eal þu hit geþyldum healdest,
"mägen mid môdes snyttrum. Ic þe sceal mîne gelæstan
"freóde, swâ wit furðum spræcon; þu scealt tô frôfre weorðan
"eal lang-twidig leódum þînum,
1710 "häleðum tô helpe. Ne wearð Heremôd swâ
"eaforum Ecgwelan, Âr-Scyldingum;
"ne geweôx he him tô willan, ac tô wäl-fealle
"and tô deáð-cwalum Deniga leódum;
"breát bolgen-môd beód-geneátas,
1715 "eaxl-gesteallan, ôð þät he âna hwearf,
"mære þeóden. mon-dreámum from:
"þeáh þe hine mihtig god mägenes wynnum,
"eafeðum stêpte, ofer ealle men
"forð gefremede, hwäðere him on ferhðe greów
1720 "breóst-hord blôd-reów: nallas beágas geaf
"Denum äfter dôme; dreám-leás gebâd,
"þät he þäs gewinnes weorc þrowade,
"leód-bealo longsum. Þu þe lær be þon,
"gum-cyste ongit! ic þis gid be þe
1725 "âwräc wintrum frôd. Wundor is tô secganne,
"hû mihtig god manna cynne
"þurh sîdne sefan snyttru bryttað,
"eard and eorl-scipe, he âh ealra geweald.
"Hwîlum he on lufan læteð hworfan
1730 "monnes môd-geþonc mæran cynnes,
"seleð him on êðle eorðan wynne,
"tô healdanne hleó-burh wera,
"gedêð him swâ gewealdene worolde dælas,
"sîde rîce, þät he his selfa ne mäg
1735 "for his un-snyttrum ende geþencean;
"wunað he on wiste, nô hine wiht dweleð,
"âdl ne yldo, ne him inwit-sorh
"on sefan sweorceð, ne gesacu ôhwær,
"ecg-hete eóweð, ac him eal worold
1740 "wendeð on willan; he þät wyrse ne con,
"ôð þät him on innan ofer-hygda dæl
"weaxeð and wridað, þonne se weard swefeð,
"sâwele hyrde: bið se slæp tô fäst,
"bisgum gebunden, bona swîðe neáh,
1745 "se þe of flân-bogan fyrenum sceóteð.


"Þonne bið on hreðre under helm drepen
"biteran stræle: him bebeorgan ne con
"wom wundor-bebodum wergan gâstes;
"þinceð him tô lytel, þät he tô lange heóld,
1750 "gýtsað grom-hydig, nallas on gylp seleð
"fätte beágas and he þâ forð-gesceaft
"forgyteð and forgýmeð, þäs þe him ær god sealde
"wuldres waldend, weorð-mynda dæl.
"Hit on ende-stäf eft gelimpeð,
1755 "þät se lîc-homa læne gedreóseð,
"fæge gefealleð; fêhð ôðer tô,
"se þe unmurnlîce mâdmas dæleð,
"eorles ær-gestreón, egesan ne gýmeð.
"Bebeorh þe þone bealo-nîð, Beówulf leófa,
1760 "secg se betsta, and þe þät sêlre geceós,
"êce rædas; oferhyda ne gým,
"mære cempa! Nu is þînes mägnes blæd
"âne hwîle; eft sôna bið,
"þät þec âdl oððe ecg eafoðes getwæfeð,
1765 "oððe fýres feng oððe flôdes wylm,
"oððe gripe mêces oððe gâres fliht,
"oððe atol yldo, oððe eágena bearhtm
"forsiteð and forsworceð; semninga bið,
"þät þec, dryht-guma, deáð oferswýðeð.
1770 "Swâ ic Hring-Dena hund missera
"weóld under wolcnum, and hig wîge beleác
"manigum mægða geond þysne middan-geard,
"äscum and ecgum, þät ic me ænigne
"under swegles begong gesacan ne tealde.
1775 "Hwät! me þäs on êðle edwenden cwom,
"gyrn äfter gomene, seoððan Grendel wearð,
"eald-gewinna, in-genga mîn:
"ic þære sôcne singales wäg
"môd-ceare micle. Þäs sig metode þanc,
1780 "êcean drihtne, þäs þe ic on aldre gebâd,
"þät ic on þone hafelan heoro-dreórigne
"ofer eald gewin eágum starige!
"Gâ nu tô setle, symbel-wynne dreóh
"wîgge weorðad: unc sceal worn fela
1785 "mâðma gemænra, siððan morgen bið."
Geát wäs gläd-môd, geóng sôna tô,
setles neósan, swâ se snottra hêht.
Þâ wäs eft swâ ær ellen-rôfum,
flet-sittendum fägere gereorded
1790 niówan stefne. Niht-helm geswearc
deorc ofer dryht-gumum. Duguð eal ârâs;
wolde blonden-feax beddes neósan,
gamela Scylding. Geát ungemetes wel,
rôfne rand-wîgan restan lyste:
1795 sôna him sele-þegn sîðes wêrgum,
feorran-cundum forð wîsade,
se for andrysnum ealle beweotede
þegnes þearfe, swylce þý dôgore
heáðo-lîðende habban scoldon.
1800 Reste hine þâ rûm-heort; reced hlifade
geáp and gold-fâh, gäst inne swäf,
ôð þät hrefn blaca heofones wynne
blîð-heort bodode. Þâ com beorht sunne
scacan ofer grundas; scaðan onetton,
1805 wæron äðelingas eft tô leódum
fûse tô farenne, wolde feor þanon
cuma collen-ferhð ceóles neósan.
Hêht þâ se hearda Hrunting beran,
sunu Ecglâfes, hêht his sweord niman,
1810 leóflîc îren; sägde him þäs leánes þanc,
cwäð he þone gûð-wine gôdne tealde,
wîg-cräftigne, nales wordum lôg
mêces ecge: þät wäs môdig secg.
And þâ sîð-frome searwum gearwe
1815 wîgend wæron, eode weorð Denum
äðeling tô yppan, þær se ôðer wäs
häle hilde-deór, Hrôðgâr grêtte.


Beówulf maðelode, bearn Ecgþeówes:
"Nu we sæ-lîðend secgan wyllað
1820 "feorran cumene, þät we fundiað
"Higelâc sêcan. Wæron her tela
"willum bewenede; þu ûs wel dohtest.
"Gif ic þonne on eorðan ôwihte mäg
"þînre môd-lufan mâran tilian,
1825 "gumena dryhten, þonne ic gyt dyde,
"gûð-geweorca ic beó gearo sôna.
"Gif ic þät gefricge ofer flôda begang,
"þät þec ymbe-sittend egesan þýwað,
"swâ þec hetende hwîlum dydon,
1830 "ic þe þûsenda þegna bringe,
"häleða tô helpe. Ic on Higelâce wât,
"Geáta dryhten, þeáh þe he geong sý,
"folces hyrde, þät he mec fremman wile
"wordum and worcum, þät ic þe wel herige,
1835 "and þe tô geóce gâr-holt bere
"mägenes fultum, þær þe bið manna þearf;
"gif him þonne Hrêðrîc tô hofum Geáta
"geþingeð, þeódnes bearn, he mäg þær fela
"freónda findan: feor-cýððe beóð
1840 "sêlran gesôhte þäm þe him selfa deáh."
Hrôðgâr maðelode him on andsware:
"Þe þâ word-cwydas wittig drihten
"on sefan sende! ne hýrde ic snotorlîcor
"on swâ geongum feore guman þingian:
1845 "þu eart mägenes strang and on môde frôd,
"wîs word-cwida. Wên ic talige,
"gif þät gegangeð, þät þe gâr nymeð,
"hild heoru-grimme Hrêðles eaferan,
"âdl oððe îren ealdor þînne,
1850 "folces hyrde, and þu þîn feorh hafast,
"þät þe Sæ-Geátas sêlran näbben
"tô geceósenne cyning ænigne,
"hord-weard häleða, gif þu healdan wylt
"mâga rîce. Me þîn môd-sefa
1855 "lîcað leng swâ wel, leófa Beówulf:
"hafast þu gefêred, þät þâm folcum sceal,
"Geáta leódum and Gâr-Denum
"sib gemænum and sacu restan,
"inwit-nîðas, þe hie ær drugon;
1860 "wesan, þenden ic wealde wîdan rîces,
"mâðmas gemæne, manig ôðerne
"gôdum gegrêtan ofer ganotes bäð;
"sceal hring-naca ofer heáðu bringan
"lâc and luf-tâcen. Ic þâ leóde wât
1865 "ge wið feónd ge wið freónd fäste geworhte
"æghwäs untæle ealde wîsan."
Þâ git him eorla hleó inne gesealde,
mago Healfdenes mâðmas twelfe,
hêt hine mid þæm lâcum leóde swæse
1870 sêcean on gesyntum, snûde eft cuman.
Gecyste þâ cyning äðelum gôd,
þeóden Scildinga, þegen betstan
and be healse genam; hruron him teáras,
blonden-feaxum: him wäs bega wên,
1875 ealdum infrôdum, ôðres swîðor,
þät hî seoððan geseón môston
môdige on meðle. Wäs him se man tô þon leóf,
þät he þone breóst-wylm forberan ne mehte,
ac him on hreðre hyge-bendum fäst
1880 äfter deórum men dyrne langað
beorn wið blôde. Him Beówulf þanan,
gûð-rinc gold-wlanc gräs-moldan träd,
since hrêmig: sæ-genga bâd
âgend-freán, se þe on ancre râd.
1885 Þâ wäs on gange gifu Hrôðgâres
oft geæhted: þät wäs ân cyning
æghwäs orleahtre, ôð þät hine yldo benam
mägenes wynnum, se þe oft manegum scôd.


Cwom þâ tô flôde fela-môdigra
1890 häg-stealdra heáp; hring-net bæron,
locene leoðo-syrcan. Land-weard onfand
eft-sîð eorla, swâ he ær dyde;
nô he mid hearme of hliðes nosan
gästas grêtte, ac him tôgeánes râd;
1895 cwäð þät wilcuman Wedera leódum
scawan scîr-hame tô scipe fôron.
Þâ wäs on sande sæ-geáp naca
hladen here-wædum, hringed-stefna
mearum and mâðmum: mäst hlifade
1900 ofer Hrôðgâres hord-gestreónum.
He þäm bât-wearde bunden golde
swurd gesealde, þät he syððan wäs
on meodu-bence mâðme þý weorðra,
yrfe-lâfe. Gewât him on ýð-nacan,
1905 drêfan deóp wäter, Dena land ofgeaf.
Þâ wäs be mäste mere-hrägla sum,
segl sâle fäst. Sund-wudu þunede,
nô þær wêg-flotan wind ofer ýðum
sîðes getwæfde; sæ-genga fôr,
1910 fleát fâmig-heals forð ofer ýðe,
bunden-stefna ofer brim-streámas,
þät hie Geáta clifu ongitan meahton,
cûðe nässas. Ceól up geþrang,
lyft-geswenced on lande stôd.
1915 Hraðe wäs ät holme hýð-weard gearo,
se þe ær lange tîd, leófra manna
fûs, ät faroðe feor wlâtode;
sælde tô sande sîd-fäðme scip
oncer-bendum fäst, þý läs hym ýða þrym
1920 wudu wynsuman forwrecan meahte.
Hêt þâ up beran äðelinga gestreón,
frätwe and fät-gold; näs him feor þanon
tô gesêcanne sinces bryttan:
Higelâc Hrêðling þær ät hâm wunað,
1925 selfa mid gesîðum sæ-wealle neáh;
bold wäs betlîc, brego-rôf cyning,
heá on healle, Hygd swîðe geong,
wîs, wel-þungen, þeáh þe wintra lyt
under burh-locan gebiden häbbe
1930 Häreðes dôhtor: näs hió hnâh swâ þeáh,
ne tô gneáð gifa Geáta leódum,
mâðm-gestreóna. Mod Þryðo wäg,
fremu folces cwên, firen ondrysne:
nænig þät dorste deór genêðan
1935 swæsra gesîða, nefne sin-freá,
þät hire an däges eágum starede;
ac him wäl-bende weotode tealde,
hand-gewriðene: hraðe seoððan wäs
äfter mund-gripe mêce geþinged,
1940 þät hit sceaðen-mæl scyran môste,
cwealm-bealu cýðan. Ne bið swylc cwênlîc þeáw
idese tô efnanne, þeáh þe hió ænlîcu sý,
þätte freoðu-webbe feores onsäce
äfter lîge-torne leófne mannan.
1945 Hûru þät onhôhsnode Heminges mæg;
ealo drincende ôðer sædan,
þät hió leód-bealewa läs gefremede,
inwit-nîða, syððan ærest wearð
gyfen gold-hroden geongum cempan,
1950 äðelum dióre, syððan hió Offan flet
ofer fealone flôd be fäder lâre
sîðe gesôhte, þær hió syððan wel
in gum-stôle, gôde mære,
lîf-gesceafta lifigende breác,
1955 hióld heáh-lufan wið häleða brego,
ealles mon-cynnes mîne gefræge
þone sêlestan bî sæm tweónum
eormen-cynnes; forþam Offa wäs
geofum and gûðum gâr-cêne man,
1960 wîde geweorðod; wîsdôme heóld
êðel sînne, þonon Eómær wôc
häleðum tô helpe, Heminges mæg,
nefa Gârmundes, nîða cräftig.


Gewât him þâ se hearda mid his hond-scole
1965 sylf äfter sande sæ-wong tredan,
wîde waroðas. Woruld-candel scân,
sigel sûðan fûs: hî sîð drugon,
elne geeodon, tô þäs þe eorla hleó,
bonan Ongenþeówes burgum on innan,
1970 geongne gûð-cyning gôdne gefrunon
hringas dælan. Higelâce wäs
sîð Beówulfes snûde gecýðed,
þät þær on worðig wîgendra hleó,
lind-gestealla lifigende cwom,
1975 heaðo-lâces hâl tô hofe gongan.
Hraðe wäs gerýmed, swâ se rîca bebeád,
fêðe-gestum flet innan-weard.
Gesät þâ wið sylfne, se þâ säcce genäs,
mæg wið mæge, syððan man-dryhten
1980 þurh hleóðor-cwyde holdne gegrêtte
meaglum wordum. Meodu-scencum
hwearf geond þät reced Häreðes dôhtor:
lufode þâ leóde, lîð-wæge bär
hælum tô handa. Higelâc ongan
1985 sînne geseldan in sele þam heán
fägre fricgean, hyne fyrwet bräc,
hwylce Sæ-Geáta sîðas wæron:
"Hû lomp eów on lâde, leófa Biówulf,
"þâ þu færinga feorr gehogodest,
1990 "säcce sêcean ofer sealt wäter,
"hilde tô Hiorote? Ac þu Hrôðgâre
"wîd-cûðne weán wihte gebêttest,
"mærum þeódne? Ic þäs môd-ceare
"sorh-wylmum seáð, sîðe ne trûwode
1995 "leófes mannes; ic þe lange bäd,
"þät þu þone wäl-gæst wihte ne grêtte,
"lête Sûð-Dene sylfe geweorðan
"gûðe wið Grendel. Gode ic þanc secge,
"þäs þe ic þe gesundne geseón môste."
2000 Biówulf maðelode, bearn Ecgþiówes:
"Þät is undyrne, dryhten Higelâc,
"mære gemêting monegum fira,
"hwylc orleg-hwîl uncer Grendles
"wearð on þam wange, þær he worna fela
2005 "Sige-Scildingum sorge gefremede,
"yrmðe tô aldre; ic þät eal gewräc,
"swâ ne gylpan þearf Grendeles mâga
"ænig ofer eorðan uht-hlem þone,
"se þe lengest leofað lâðan cynnes,
2010 "fenne bifongen. Ic þær furðum cwom,
"tô þam hring-sele Hrôðgâr grêtan:
"sôna me se mæra mago Healfdenes,
"syððan he môd-sefan mînne cûðe,
"wið his sylfes sunu setl getæhte.
2015 "Weorod wäs on wynne; ne seah ic wîdan feorh
"under heofenes hwealf heal-sittendra
"medu-dreám mâran. Hwîlum mæru cwên,
"friðu-sibb folca flet eall geond-hwearf,
"bædde byre geonge; oft hió beáh-wriðan
2020 "secge sealde, ær hió tô setle geóng.
"Hwîlum for duguðe dôhtor Hrôðgâres
"eorlum on ende ealu-wæge bär,
"þâ ic Freáware flet-sittende
"nemnan hýrde, þær hió nägled sinc
2025 "häleðum sealde: sió gehâten wäs,
"geong gold-hroden, gladum suna Frôdan;
"hafað þäs geworden wine Scyldinga
"rîces hyrde and þät ræd talað,
"þät he mid þý wîfe wäl-fæhða dæl,
2030 "säcca gesette. Oft nô seldan hwær
"äfter leód-hryre lytle hwîle
"bon-gâr bûgeð, þeáh seó brýd duge!


"Mäg þäs þonne ofþyncan þeóden Heaðobeardna
"and þegna gehwâm þâra leóda,
2035 "þonne he mid fæmnan on flett gæð,
"dryht-bearn Dena duguða biwenede:
"on him gladiað gomelra lâfe
"heard and hring-mæl, Heaðobeardna gestreón,
"þenden hie þâm wæpnum wealdan môston,
2040 "ôð þät hie forlæddan tô þam lind-plegan
"swæse gesîðas ond hyra sylfra feorh.
"Þonne cwið ät beóre, se þe beáh gesyhð,
"eald äsc-wîga, se þe eall geman
"gâr-cwealm gumena (him bið grim sefa),
2045 "onginneð geômor-môd geongne cempan
"þurh hreðra gehygd higes cunnian,
"wîg-bealu weccean and þät word âcwyð:
"'Meaht þu, mîn wine, mêce gecnâwan,
"'þone þin fäder tô gefeohte bär
2050 "'under here-grîman hindeman sîðe,
"'dýre îren, þær hyne Dene slôgon,
"'weóldon wäl-stôwe, syððan wiðer-gyld läg,
"'äfter häleða hryre, hwate Scyldungas?
"'Nu her þâra banena byre nât-hwylces,
2055 "'frätwum hrêmig on flet gæð,
"'morðres gylpeð and þone mâððum byreð,
"'þone þe þu mid rihte rædan sceoldest!'"
"Manað swâ and myndgað mæla gehwylce
"sârum wordum, ôð þät sæl cymeð,
2060 "þät se fæmnan þegn fore fäder dædum
"äfter billes bite blôd-fâg swefeð,
"ealdres scyldig; him se ôðer þonan
"losað lifigende, con him land geare.
"Þonne bióð brocene on bâ healfe
2065 "âð-sweord eorla; syððan Ingelde
"weallað wäl-nîðas and him wîf-lufan
"äfter cear-wälmum côlran weorðað.
"Þý ic Heaðobeardna hyldo ne telge,
"dryht-sibbe dæl Denum unfæcne,
2070 "freónd-scipe fästne. Ic sceal forð sprecan
"gen ymbe Grendel, þät þu geare cunne,
"sinces brytta, tô hwan syððan wearð
"hond-ræs häleða. Syððan heofones gim
"glâd ofer grundas, gäst yrre cwom,
2075 "eatol æfen-grom, ûser neósan,
"þær we gesunde säl weardodon;
"þær wäs Hondsció hild onsæge,
"feorh-bealu fægum, he fyrmest läg,
"gyrded cempa; him Grendel wearð,
2080 "mærum magu-þegne tô mûð-bonan,
"leófes mannes lîc eall forswealg.
"Nô þý ær ût þâ gen îdel-hende
"bona blôdig-tôð bealewa gemyndig,
"of þam gold-sele gongan wolde,
2085 "ac he mägnes rôf mîn costode,
"grâpode gearo-folm. Glôf hangode
"sîd and syllîc searo-bendum fäst,
"sió wäs orþoncum eall gegyrwed
"deófles cräftum and dracan fellum:
2090 "he mec þær on innan unsynnigne,
"diór dæd-fruma, gedôn wolde,
"manigra sumne: hyt ne mihte swâ,
"syððan ic on yrre upp-riht âstôd.
"Tô lang ys tô reccenne, hû ic þam leód-sceaðan
2095 "yfla gehwylces ond-leán forgeald;
"þær ic, þeóden mîn, þîne leóde
"weorðode weorcum. He on weg losade,
"lytle hwîle lîf-wynna breác;
"hwäðre him sió swîðre swaðe weardade
2100 "hand on Hiorte and he heán þonan,
"môdes geômor mere-grund gefeóll.
"Me þone wäl-ræs wine Scildunga
"fättan golde fela leánode,
"manegum mâðmum, syððan mergen com
2105 "and we tô symble geseten häfdon.
"Þær wäs gidd and gleó; gomela Scilding
"fela fricgende feorran rehte;
"hwîlum hilde-deór hearpan wynne,
"gomen-wudu grêtte; hwîlum gyd âwräc
2110 "sôð and sârlîc; hwîlum syllîc spell
"rehte äfter rihte rûm-heort cyning.
"Hwîlum eft ongan eldo gebunden,
"gomel gûð-wîga gioguðe cwîðan
"hilde-strengo; hreðer inne weóll,
2115 "þonne he wintrum frôd worn gemunde.
"Swâ we þær inne andlangne däg
"nióde nâman, ôð þät niht becwom
"ôðer tô yldum. Þâ wäs eft hraðe
"gearo gyrn-wräce Grendeles môdor,
2120 "sîðode sorh-full; sunu deáð fornam,
"wîg-hete Wedra. Wîf unhýre
"hyre bearn gewräc, beorn âcwealde
"ellenlîce; þær wäs Äsc-here,
"frôdan fyrn-witan, feorh ûðgenge;
2125 "nôðer hy hine ne môston, syððan mergen cwom,
"deáð-wêrigne Denia leóde
"bronde forbärnan, ne on bæl hladan
"leófne mannan: hió þät lîc ätbär
"feóndes fäðmum under firgen-streám.
2130 "Þät wäs Hrôðgâre hreówa tornost
"þâra þe leód-fruman lange begeâte;
"þâ se þeóden mec þîne lîfe
"healsode hreóh-môd, þät ic on holma geþring
"eorl-scipe efnde, ealdre genêðde,
2135 "mærðo fremede: he me mêde gehêt.
"Ic þâ þäs wälmes, þe is wîde cûð,
"grimne gryrelîcne grund-hyrde fond.
"Þær unc hwîle wäs hand gemæne;
"holm heolfre weóll and ic heáfde becearf
2140 "in þam grund-sele Grendeles môdor
"eácnum ecgum, unsôfte þonan
"feorh ôðferede; näs ic fæge þâ gyt,
"ac me eorla hleó eft gesealde
"mâðma menigeo, maga Healfdenes.


2145 "Swâ se þeód-kyning þeáwum lyfde;
"nealles ic þâm leánum forloren häfde,
"mägnes mêde, ac he me mâðmas geaf,
"sunu Healfdenes, on sînne sylfes dôm;
"þâ ic þe, beorn-cyning, bringan wylle,
2150 "êstum geýwan. Gen is eall ät þe
"lissa gelong: ic lyt hafo
"heáfod-mâga, nefne Hygelâc þec!"
Hêt þâ in beran eafor, heáfod-segn,
heaðo-steápne helm, hâre byrnan,
2155 gûð-sweord geatolîc, gyd äfter wräc:
"Me þis hilde-sceorp Hrôðgâr sealde,
"snotra fengel, sume worde hêt,
"þät ic his ærest þe eft gesägde,
"cwäð þät hyt häfde Hiorogâr cyning,
2160 "leód Scyldunga lange hwîle:
"nô þý ær suna sînum syllan wolde,
"hwatum Heorowearde, þeáh he him hold wære,
"breóst-gewædu. Brûc ealles well!"
Hýrde ic þät þâm frätwum feówer mearas
2165 lungre gelîce lâst weardode,
äppel-fealuwe; he him êst geteáh
meara and mâðma. Swâ sceal mæg dôn,
nealles inwit-net ôðrum bregdan,
dyrnum cräfte deáð rênian
2170 hond-gesteallan. Hygelâce wäs,
nîða heardum, nefa swýðe hold
and gehwäðer ôðrum hrôðra gemyndig.
Hýrde ic þät he þone heals-beáh Hygde gesealde,
wrätlîcne wundur-mâððum, þone þe him Wealhþeó geaf,
2175 þeódnes dôhtor, þrió wicg somod
swancor and sadol-beorht; hyre syððan wäs
äfter beáh-þege breóst geweorðod.
Swâ bealdode bearn Ecgþeówes,
guma gûðum cûð, gôdum dædum,
2180 dreáh äfter dôme, nealles druncne slôg
heorð-geneátas; näs him hreóh sefa,
ac he man-cynnes mæste cräfte
gin-fästan gife, þe him god sealde,
heóld hilde-deór. Heán wäs lange,
2185 swâ hyne Geáta bearn gôdne ne tealdon,
ne hyne on medo-bence micles wyrðne
drihten wereda gedôn wolde;
swýðe oft sägdon, þät he sleac wære,
äðeling unfrom: edwenden cwom
2190 tîr-eádigum menn torna gehwylces.
Hêt þâ eorla hleó in gefetian,
heaðo-rôf cyning, Hrêðles lâfe,
golde gegyrede; näs mid Geátum þâ
sinc-mâððum sêlra on sweordes hâd;
2195 þät he on Biówulfes bearm âlegde,
and him gesealde seofan þûsendo,
bold and brego-stôl. Him wäs bâm samod
on þam leód-scipe lond gecynde,
eard êðel-riht, ôðrum swîðor
2200 sîde rîce, þam þær sêlra wäs.
Eft þät geiode ufaran dôgrum
hilde-hlämmum, syððan Hygelâc läg
and Heardrêde hilde-mêceas
under bord-hreóðan tô bonan wurdon,
2205 þâ hyne gesôhtan on sige-þeóde
hearde hilde-frecan, Heaðo-Scilfingas,
nîða genægdan nefan Hererîces.
Syððan Beówulfe brâde rîce
on hand gehwearf: he geheóld tela
2210 fîftig wintru (wäs þâ frôd cyning,
eald êðel-weard), ôð þät ân ongan
deorcum nihtum draca rîcsian,
se þe on heáre hæðe hord beweotode,
stân-beorh steápne: stîg under läg,
2215 eldum uncûð. Þær on innan gióng
niða nât-hwylces neóde gefêng
hæðnum horde hond . d . . geþ . . hwylc
since fâhne, he þät syððan . . . . .
. . . þ . . . lð . þ . . l . g
2220 slæpende be fýre, fyrena hyrde
þeófes cräfte, þät sie . . . . ðioð . . . . .
. idh . folc-beorn, þät he gebolgen wäs.


Nealles mid geweoldum wyrm-horda . . . cräft
sôhte sylfes willum, se þe him sâre gesceôd,
2225 ac for þreá-nêdlan þeów nât-hwylces
häleða bearna hete-swengeas fleáh,
for ofer-þearfe and þær inne fealh
secg syn-bysig. Sôna in þâ tîde
þät . . . . . þam gyste . . . . br . g . stôd,
2230 hwäðre earm-sceapen . . . . . . .
. . ð . . . sceapen o . . . . i r . . e se fæs begeat,
sinc-fät geseah: þær wäs swylcra fela
in þam eorð-scräfe ær-gestreóna,
swâ hy on geâr-dagum gumena nât-hwylc
2235 eormen-lâfe äðelan cynnes
þanc-hycgende þær gehýdde,
deóre mâðmas. Ealle hie deáð fornam
ærran mælum, and se ân þâ gen
leóda duguðe, se þær lengest hwearf,
2240 weard wine-geômor wîscte þäs yldan,
þät he lytel fäc long-gestreóna
brûcan môste. Beorh eal gearo
wunode on wonge wäter-ýðum neáh,
niwe be nässe nearo-cräftum fäst:
2245 þær on innan bär eorl-gestreóna
hringa hyrde hard-fyrdne dæl
fättan goldes, feá worda cwäð:
"Heald þu nu, hruse, nu häleð ne môston,
"eorla æhte. Hwät! hit ær on þe
2250 "gôde begeâton; gûð-deáð fornam,
"feorh-bealo frêcne fyra gehwylcne,
"leóda mînra, þâra þe þis lîf ofgeaf,
"gesâwon sele-dreám. Nâh hwâ sweord wege
"oððe fetige fäted wæge,
2255 "drync-fät deóre: duguð ellor scôc.
"Sceal se hearda helm hyrsted golde
"fätum befeallen: feormiend swefað,
"þâ þe beado-grîman býwan sceoldon,
"ge swylce seó here-pâd, sió ät hilde gebâd
2260 "ofer borda gebräc bite îrena,
"brosnað äfter beorne. Ne mäg byrnan hring
"äfter wîg-fruman wîde fêran
"häleðum be healfe; näs hearpan wyn,
"gomen gleó-beámes, ne gôd hafoc
2265 "geond säl swingeð, ne se swifta mearh
"burh-stede beáteð. Bealo-cwealm hafað
"fela feorh-cynna feorr onsended!"
Swâ giômor-môd giohðo mænde,
ân äfter eallum unblîðe hweóp,
2270 däges and nihtes, ôð þät deáðes wylm
hrân ät heortan. Hord-wynne fond
eald uht-sceaða opene standan,
se þe byrnende biorgas sêceð
nacod nîð-draca, nihtes fleógeð
2275 fýre befangen; hyne fold-bûend
wîde gesâwon. He gewunian sceall
hlâw under hrusan, þær he hæðen gold
warað wintrum frôd; ne byð him wihte þê sêl.
Swâ se þeód-sceaða þreó hund wintra
2280 heóld on hrusan hord-ärna sum
eácen-cräftig, ôð þät hyne ân âbealh
mon on môde: man-dryhtne bär
fäted wæge, frioðo-wære bäd
hlâford sînne. Þâ wäs hord râsod,
2285 onboren beága hord, bêne getîðad
feá-sceaftum men. Freá sceáwode
fira fyrn-geweorc forman sîðe.
Þâ se wyrm onwôc, wrôht wäs geniwad;
stonc þâ äfter stâne, stearc-heort onfand
2290 feóndes fôt-lâst; he tô forð gestôp,
dyrnan cräfte, dracan heáfde neáh.
Swâ mäg unfæge eáðe gedîgan
weán and wräc-sîð, se þe waldendes
hyldo gehealdeð. Hord-weard sôhte
2295 georne äfter grunde, wolde guman findan,
þone þe him on sweofote sâre geteóde:
hât and hreóh-môd hlæw oft ymbe hwearf,
ealne ûtan-weardne; ne þær ænig mon
wäs on þære wêstenne. Hwäðre hilde gefeh,
2300 beado-weorces: hwîlum on beorh äthwearf,
sinc-fät sôhte; he þät sôna onfand,
þät häfde gumena sum goldes gefandod
heáh-gestreóna. Hord-weard onbâd
earfoðlîce, ôð þät æfen cwom;
2305 wäs þâ gebolgen beorges hyrde,
wolde se lâða lîge forgyldan
drinc-fät dýre. Þâ wäs däg sceacen
wyrme on willan, nô on wealle leng
bîdan wolde, ac mid bæle fôr,
2310 fýre gefýsed. Wäs se fruma egeslîc
leódum on lande, swâ hyt lungre wearð
on hyra sinc-gifan sâre geendod.


Þâ se gäst ongan glêdum spîwan,
beorht hofu bärnan; bryne-leóma stôd
2315 eldum on andan; nô þær âht cwices
lâð lyft-floga læfan wolde.
Wäs þäs wyrmes wîg wîde gesýne,
nearo-fâges nîð neán and feorran,
hû se gûð-sceaða Geáta leóde
2320 hatode and hýnde: hord eft gesceát,
dryht-sele dyrnne ær däges hwîle.
Häfde land-wara lîge befangen,
bæle and bronde; beorges getrûwode,
wîges and wealles: him seó wên geleáh.
2325 Þâ wäs Biówulfe brôga gecýðed
snûde tô sôðe, þät his sylfes him
bolda sêlest bryne-wylmum mealt,
gif-stôl Geáta. Þät þam gôdan wäs
hreów on hreðre, hyge-sorga mæst:
2330 wênde se wîsa, þät he wealdende,
ofer ealde riht, êcean dryhtne
bitre gebulge: breóst innan weóll
þeóstrum geþoncum, swâ him geþýwe ne wäs.
Häfde lîg-draca leóda fästen,
2335 eá-lond ûtan, eorð-weard þone
glêdum forgrunden. Him þäs gûð-cyning,
Wedera þióden, wräce leornode.
Hêht him þâ gewyrcean wîgendra hleó
eall-îrenne, eorla dryhten
2340 wîg-bord wrätlîc; wisse he gearwe,
þät him holt-wudu helpan ne meahte,
lind wið lîge. Sceolde læn-daga
äðeling ær-gôd ende gebîdan
worulde lîfes and se wyrm somod;
2345 þeáh þe hord-welan heólde lange.
Oferhogode þâ hringa fengel,
þät he þone wîd-flogan weorode gesôhte,
sîdan herge; nô he him þâ säcce ondrêd,
ne him þäs wyrmes wîg for wiht dyde,
2350 eafoð and ellen; forþon he ær fela
nearo nêðende nîða gedîgde,
hilde-hlemma, syððan he Hrôðgâres,
sigor-eádig secg, sele fælsode
and ät gûðe forgrâp Grendeles mægum,
2355 lâðan cynnes. Nô þät läsest wäs
hond-gemota, þær mon Hygelâc slôh,
syððan Geáta cyning gûðe ræsum,
freá-wine folces Freslondum on,
Hrêðles eafora hioro-dryncum swealt,
2360 bille gebeáten; þonan Biówulf com
sylfes cräfte, sund-nytte dreáh;
+ häfde him on earme ... XXX
hilde-geatwa, þâ he tô holme stâg.
Nealles Hetware hrêmge þorfton
2365 fêðe-wîges, þe him foran ongeán
linde bæron: lyt eft becwom
fram þam hild-frecan hâmes niósan.
Oferswam þâ sióleða bigong sunu Ecgþeówes,
earm ân-haga eft tô leódum,
2370 þær him Hygd gebeád hord and rîce,
beágas and brego-stôl: bearne ne trûwode,
þät he wið äl-fylcum êðel-stôlas
healdan cûðe, þâ wäs Hygelâc deád.
Nô þý ær feá-sceafte findan meahton
2375 ät þam äðelinge ænige þinga,
þät he Heardrêde hlâford wære,
oððe þone cyne-dôm ciósan wolde;
hwäðre he him on folce freónd-lârum heóld,
êstum mid âre, ôð þät he yldra wearð,
2380 Weder-Geátum weóld. Hyne wräc-mäcgas
ofer sæ sôhtan, suna Ôhteres:
häfdon hy forhealden helm Scylfinga,
þone sêlestan sæ-cyninga,
þâra þe in Swió-rîce sinc brytnade,
2385 mærne þeóden. Him þät tô mearce wearð;
he þær orfeorme feorh-wunde hleát
sweordes swengum, sunu Hygelâces;
and him eft gewât Ongenþiówes bearn
hâmes niósan, syððan Heardrêd läg;
2390 lêt þone brego-stôl Biówulf healdan,
Geátum wealdan: þät wäs gôd cyning.


Se þäs leód-hryres leán gemunde
uferan dôgrum, Eádgilse wearð
feá-sceaftum feónd. Folce gestepte
2395 ofer sæ sîde sunu Ôhteres
wîgum and wæpnum: he gewräc syððan
cealdum cear-sîðum, cyning ealdre bineát.
Swâ he nîða gehwane genesen häfde,
slîðra geslyhta, sunu Ecgþiówes,
2400 ellen-weorca, ôð þone ânne däg,
þe he wið þam wyrme gewegan sceolde.
Gewât þâ twelfa sum torne gebolgen
dryhten Geáta dracan sceáwian;
häfde þâ gefrunen, hwanan sió fæhð ârâs,
2405 bealo-nîð biorna; him tô bearme cwom
mâððum-fät mære þurh þäs meldan hond,
Se wäs on þam þreáte þreotteoða secg,
se þäs orleges ôr onstealde,
häft hyge-giômor, sceolde heán þonon
2410 wong wîsian: he ofer willan gióng
tô þäs þe he eorð-sele ânne wisse,
hlæw under hrusan holm-wylme nêh,
ýð-gewinne, se wäs innan full
wrätta and wîra: weard unhióre,
2415 gearo gûð-freca, gold-mâðmas heóld,
eald under eorðan; näs þät ýðe ceáp,
tô gegangenne gumena ænigum.
Gesät þâ on nässe nîð-heard cyning,
þenden hælo âbeád heorð-geneátum
2420 gold-wine Geáta: him wäs geômor sefa,
wäfre and wäl-fûs, Wyrd ungemete neáh,
se þone gomelan grêtan sceolde,
sêcean sâwle hord, sundur gedælan
lîf wið lîce: nô þon lange wäs
2425 feorh äðelinges flæsce bewunden.
Biówulf maðelade, bearn Ecgþeówes:
"Fela ic on giogoðe guð-ræsa genäs,
"orleg-hwîla: ic þät eall gemon.
"Ic wäs syfan-wintre, þâ mec sinca baldor,
2430 "freá-wine folca ät mînum fäder genam,
"heóld mec and häfde Hrêðel cyning,
"geaf me sinc and symbel, sibbe gemunde;
"näs ic him tô lîfe lâðra ôwihte
"beorn in burgum, þonne his bearna hwylc,
2435 "Herebeald and Hæðcyn, oððe Hygelâc mîn.
"Wäs þam yldestan ungedêfelîce
"mæges dædum morðor-bed strêd,
"syððan hyne Hæðcyn of horn-bogan,
"his freá-wine flâne geswencte,
2440 "miste mercelses and his mæg ofscêt,
"brôðor ôðerne, blôdigan gâre:
"þät wäs feoh-leás gefeoht, fyrenum gesyngad
"hreðre hyge-mêðe; sceolde hwäðre swâ þeáh
"äðeling unwrecen ealdres linnan.
2445 "Swâ bið geômorlîc gomelum ceorle
"tô gebîdanne, þät his byre rîde
"giong on galgan, þonne he gyd wrece,
"sârigne sang, þonne his sunu hangað
"hrefne tô hrôðre and he him helpe ne mäg,
2450 "eald and in-frôd, ænige gefremman.
"Symble bið gemyndgad morna gehwylce
"eaforan ellor-sîð; ôðres ne gýmeð
"tô gebîdanne burgum on innan
"yrfe-weardes, þonne se ân hafað
2455 "þurh deáðes nýd dæda gefondad.
"Gesyhð sorh-cearig on his suna bûre
"wîn-sele wêstne, wind-gereste,
"reóte berofene; rîdend swefað
"häleð in hoðman; nis þær hearpan swêg,
2460 "gomen in geardum, swylce þær iú wæron.


"Gewîteð þonne on sealman, sorh-leóð gäleð
"ân äfter ânum: þûhte him eall tô rûm,
"wongas and wîc-stede. Swâ Wedra helm
"äfter Herebealde heortan sorge
2465 "weallende wäg, wihte ne meahte
"on þam feorh-bonan fæhðe gebêtan:
"nô þý ær he þone heaðo-rinc hatian ne meahte
"lâðum dædum, þeáh him leóf ne wäs.
"He þâ mid þære sorge, þe him sió sâr belamp,
2470 "gum-dreám ofgeaf, godes leóht geceás;
"eaferum læfde, swâ dêð eádig mon,
"lond and leód-byrig, þâ he of lîfe gewât.
"Þâ wäs synn and sacu Sweona and Geáta,
"ofer wîd wäter wrôht gemæne,
2175 "here-nîð hearda, syððan Hrêðel swealt,
"oððe him Ongenþeówes eaferan wæran
"frome fyrd-hwate, freóde ne woldon
"ofer heafo healdan, ac ymb Hreosna-beorh
"eatolne inwit-scear oft gefremedon.
2480 "Þät mæg-wine mîne gewræcan,
"fæhðe and fyrene, swâ hyt gefræge wäs,
"þeáh þe ôðer hit ealdre gebohte,
"heardan ceápe: Hæðcynne wearð,
"Geáta dryhtne, gûð onsæge.
2485 "Þâ ic on morgne gefrägn mæg ôðerne
"billes ecgum on bonan stælan,
"þær Ongenþeów Eofores niósade:
"gûð-helm tôglâd, gomela Scylfing
"hreás heoro-blâc; hond gemunde
2490 "fæhðo genôge, feorh-sweng ne ofteáh.
"Ic him þâ mâðmas, þe he me sealde,
"geald ät gûðe, swâ me gifeðe wäs,
"leóhtan sweorde: he me lond forgeaf,
"eard êðel-wyn. Näs him ænig þearf,
2495 "þät he tô Gifðum oððe tô Gâr-Denum
"oððe in Swió-rîce sêcean þurfe
"wyrsan wîg-frecan, weorðe gecýpan;
"symle ic him on fêðan beforan wolde,
"âna on orde, and swâ tô aldre sceall
2500 "säcce fremman, þenden þis sweord þolað,
"þät mec ær and sîð oft gelæste,
"syððan ic for dugeðum Däghrefne wearð
"tô hand-bonan, Hûga cempan:
"nalles he þâ frätwe Fres-cyninge,
2505 "breóst-weorðunge bringan môste,
"ac in campe gecrong cumbles hyrde,
"äðeling on elne. Ne wäs ecg bona,
"ac him hilde-grâp heortan wylmas,
"bân-hûs gebräc. Nu sceall billes ecg,
2510 "hond and heard sweord ymb hord wîgan."
Beówulf maðelode, beót-wordum spräc
niéhstan sîðe: "Ic genêðde fela
"gûða on geogoðe; gyt ic wylle,
"frôd folces weard, fæhðe sêcan,
2515 "mærðum fremman, gif mec se mân-sceaða
"of eorð-sele ût gesêceð!"
Gegrêtte þâ gumena gehwylcne,
hwate helm-berend hindeman sîðe,
swæse gesîðas: "Nolde ic sweord beran,
2520 "wæpen tô wyrme, gif ic wiste hû
"wið þam aglæcean elles meahte
"gylpe wiðgrîpan, swâ ic gió wið Grendle dyde;
"ac ic þær heaðu-fýres hâtes wêne,
"rêðes and-hâttres: forþon ic me on hafu
2525 "bord and byrnan. Nelle ic beorges weard
"oferfleón fôtes trem, feónd unhýre,
"ac unc sceal weorðan ät wealle, swâ unc Wyrd geteóð,
"metod manna gehwäs. Ic eom on môde from,
"þät ic wið þone gûð-flogan gylp ofersitte.
2530 "Gebîde ge on beorge byrnum werede,
"secgas on searwum, hwäðer sêl mæge
"äfter wäl-ræse wunde gedýgan
"uncer twega. Nis þät eówer sîð,
"ne gemet mannes, nefne mîn ânes,
2535 "þät he wið aglæcean eofoðo dæle,
"eorl-scype efne. Ic mid elne sceall
"gold gegangan oððe gûð nimeð,
"feorh-bealu frêcne, freán eówerne!"
Ârâs þâ bî ronde rôf oretta,
2540 heard under helm, hioro-sercean bär
under stân-cleofu, strengo getrûwode
ânes mannes: ne bið swylc earges sîð.
Geseah þâ be wealle, se þe worna fela,
gum-cystum gôd, gûða gedîgde,
2545 hilde-hlemma, þonne hnitan fêðan,
(stôd on stân-bogan) streám ût þonan
brecan of beorge; wäs þære burnan wälm
heaðo-fýrum hât: ne meahte horde neáh
unbyrnende ænige hwîle
2550 deóp gedýgan for dracan lêge.
Lêt þâ of breóstum, þâ he gebolgen wäs,
Weder-Geáta leód word ût faran,
stearc-heort styrmde; stefn in becom
heaðo-torht hlynnan under hârne stân.
2555 Hete wäs onhrêred, hord-weard oncniów
mannes reorde; näs þær mâra fyrst,
freóde tô friclan. From ærest cwom
oruð aglæcean ût of stâne,
hât hilde-swât; hruse dynede.
2560 Biorn under beorge bord-rand onswâf
wið þam gryre-gieste, Geáta dryhten:
þâ wäs hring-bogan heorte gefýsed
säcce tô sêceanne. Sweord ær gebräd
gôd gûð-cyning gomele lâfe,
2565 ecgum ungleáw, æghwäðrum wäs
bealo-hycgendra brôga fram ôðrum.
Stîð-môd gestôd wið steápne rond
winia bealdor, þâ se wyrm gebeáh
snûde tôsomne: he on searwum bâd.
2570 Gewât þâ byrnende gebogen scrîðan tô,
gescîfe scyndan. Scyld wel gebearg
lîfe and lîce lässan hwîle
mærum þeódne, þonne his myne sôhte,
þær he þý fyrste forman dôgore
2575 wealdan môste, swâ him Wyrd ne gescrâf
hrêð ät hilde. Hond up âbräd
Geáta dryhten, gryre-fâhne slôh
incge lâfe, þät sió ecg gewâc
brûn on bâne, bât unswîðor,
2580 þonne his þiód-cyning þearfe häfde,
bysigum gebæded. Þâ wäs beorges weard
äfter heaðu-swenge on hreóum môde,
wearp wäl-fýre, wîde sprungon
hilde-leóman: hrêð-sigora ne gealp
2585 gold-wine Geáta, gûð-bill geswâc
nacod ät nîðe, swâ hyt nô sceolde,
îren ær-gôd. Ne wäs þät êðe sîð,
þät se mæra maga Ecgþeówes
grund-wong þone ofgyfan wolde;
2590 sceolde wyrmes willan wîc eardian
elles hwergen, swâ sceal æghwylc mon
âlætan læn-dagas. Näs þâ long tô þon,
þät þâ aglæcean hy eft gemêtton.
Hyrte hyne hord-weard, hreðer æðme weóll,
2595 niwan stefne: nearo þrowode
fýre befongen se þe ær folce weóld.
Nealles him on heápe hand-gesteallan,
äðelinga bearn ymbe gestôdon
hilde-cystum, ac hy on holt bugon,
2600 ealdre burgan. Hiora in ânum weóll
sefa wið sorgum: sibb æfre ne mäg
wiht onwendan, þam þe wel þenceð.


Wîglâf wäs hâten Weoxstânes sunu,
leóflîc lind-wiga, leód Scylfinga,
2605 mæg Älfheres: geseah his mon-dryhten
under here-grîman hât þrowian.
Gemunde þâ þâ âre, þe he him ær forgeaf
wîc-stede weligne Wægmundinga,
folc-rihta gehwylc, swâ his fäder âhte;
2610 ne mihte þâ forhabban, hond rond gefêng,
geolwe linde, gomel swyrd geteáh,
þät wäs mid eldum Eánmundes lâf,
suna Ôhteres, þam ät säcce wearð
wracu wine-leásum Weohstânes bana
2615 mêces ecgum, and his mâgum ätbär
brûn-fâgne helm, hringde byrnan,
eald sweord eotonisc, þät him Onela forgeaf,
his gädelinges gûð-gewædu,
fyrd-searo fûslîc: nô ymbe þâ fæhðe spräc,
2620 þeáh þe he his brôðor bearn âbredwade.
He frätwe geheóld fela missera,
bill and byrnan, ôð þät his byre mihte
eorl-scipe efnan, swâ his ær-fäder;
geaf him þâ mid Geátum gûð-gewæda
2625 æghwäs unrîm; þâ he of ealdre gewât,
frôd on forð-weg. Þâ wäs forma sîð
geongan cempan, þät he gûðe ræs
mid his freó-dryhtne fremman sceolde;
ne gemealt him se môd-sefa, ne his mæges lâf
2630 gewâc ät wîge: þät se wyrm onfand,
syððan hie tôgädre gegân häfdon.
Wîglâf maðelode word-rihta fela,
sägde gesîðum, him wäs sefa geômor:
"Ic þät mæl geman, þær we medu þêgun,
2635 "þonne we gehêton ûssum hlâforde
"in biór-sele, þe ûs þâs beágas geaf,
"þät we him þâ gûð-geatwa gyldan woldon,
"gif him þyslîcu þearf gelumpe,
"helmas and heard sweord: þê he ûsic on herge geceás
2640 "tô þyssum sîð-fate sylfes willum,
"onmunde ûsic mærða and me þâs mâðmas geaf,
"þê he ûsic gâr-wîgend gôde tealde,
"hwate helm-berend, þeáh þe hlâford ûs
"þis ellen-weorc âna âþôhte
2645 "tô gefremmanne, folces hyrde,
"forþam he manna mæst mærða gefremede,
"dæda dollîcra. Nu is se däg cumen,
"þät ûre man-dryhten mägenes behôfað
"gôdra gûð-rinca: wutun gangan tô,
2650 "helpan hild-fruman, þenden hyt sý,
"glêd-egesa grim! God wât on mec,
"þät me is micle leófre, þät mînne lîc-haman
"mid mînne gold-gyfan glêd fäðmie.
"Ne þynceð me gerysne, þät we rondas beren
2655 "eft tô earde, nemne we æror mægen
"fâne gefyllan, feorh ealgian
"Wedra þiódnes. Ic wât geare,
"þät næron eald-gewyrht, þät he âna scyle
"Geáta duguðe gnorn þrowian,
2660 "gesîgan ät säcce: sceal ûrum þät sweord and helm,
"byrne and byrdu-scrûd bâm gemæne."
Wôd þâ þurh þone wäl-rêc, wîg-heafolan bär
freán on fultum, feá worda cwäð:
"Leófa Biówulf, læst eall tela,
2665 "swâ þu on geoguð-feore geâra gecwæde,
"þät þu ne âlæte be þe lifigendum
"dôm gedreósan: scealt nu dædum rôf,
"äðeling ân-hydig, ealle mägene
"feorh ealgian; ic þe fullæstu!"
2670 Äfter þâm wordum wyrm yrre cwom,
atol inwit-gäst ôðre sîðe,
fýr-wylmum fâh fiónda niósan,
lâðra manna; lîg-ýðum forborn
bord wið ronde: byrne ne meahte
2675 geongum gâr-wigan geóce gefremman:
ac se maga geonga under his mæges scyld
elne geeode, þâ his âgen wäs
glêdum forgrunden. Þâ gen gûð-cyning
mærða gemunde, mägen-strengo,
2680 slôh hilde-bille, þät hyt on heafolan stôd
nîðe genýded: Nägling forbärst,
geswâc ät säcce sweord Biówulfes
gomol and græg-mæl. Him þät gifeðe ne wäs,
þät him îrenna ecge mihton
2685 helpan ät hilde; wäs sió hond tô strong,
se þe mêca gehwane mîne gefræge
swenge ofersôhte, þonne he tô säcce bär
wæpen wundrum heard, näs him wihte þê sêl.
Þâ wäs þeód-sceaða þriddan sîðe,
2690 frêcne fýr-draca fæhða gemyndig,
ræsde on þone rôfan, þâ him rûm âgeald,
hât and heaðo-grim, heals ealne ymbefêng
biteran bânum; he geblôdegod wearð
sâwul-drióre; swât ýðum weóll.


2695 Þâ ic ät þearfe gefrägn þeód-cyninges
and-longne eorl ellen cýðan,
cräft and cênðu, swâ him gecynde wäs;
ne hêdde he þäs heafolan, ac sió hand gebarn
môdiges mannes, þær he his mæges healp,
2700 þät he þone nîð-gäst nioðor hwêne slôh,
secg on searwum, þät þät sweord gedeáf
fâh and fäted, þät þät fýr ongon
sweðrian syððan. Þâ gen sylf cyning
geweóld his gewitte, wäll-seaxe gebräd,
2705 biter and beadu-scearp, þät he on byrnan wäg:
forwrât Wedra helm wyrm on middan.
Feónd gefyldan (ferh ellen wräc),
and hi hyne þâ begen âbroten häfdon,
sib-äðelingas: swylc sceolde secg wesan,
2710 þegn ät þearfe. Þät þam þeódne wäs
sîðast sîge-hwîle sylfes dædum,
worlde geweorces. Þâ sió wund ongon,
þe him se eorð-draca ær geworhte,
swêlan and swellan. He þät sôna onfand,
2715 þät him on breóstum bealo-nîð weóll,
âttor on innan. Þâ se äðeling gióng,
þät he bî wealle, wîs-hycgende,
gesät on sesse; seah on enta geweorc,
hû þâ stân-bogan stapulum fäste
2720 êce eorð-reced innan heóldon.
Hyne þâ mid handa heoro-dreórigne
þeóden mærne þegn ungemete till,
wine-dryhten his wätere gelafede,
hilde-sädne and his helm onspeón.
2725 Biówulf maðelode, he ofer benne spräc,
wunde wäl-bleáte (wisse he gearwe,
þät he däg-hwîla gedrogen häfde
eorðan wynne; þâ wäs eall sceacen
dôgor-gerîmes, deáð ungemete neáh):
2730 "Nu ic suna mînum syllan wolde
"gûð-gewædu, þær me gifeðe swâ
"ænig yrfe-weard äfter wurde,
"lîce gelenge. Ic þâs leóde heóld
"fîftig wintra: näs se folc-cyning
2735 "ymbe-sittendra ænig þâra,
"þe mec gûð-winum grêtan dorste,
"egesan þeón. Ic on earde bâd
"mæl-gesceafta, heóld mîn tela,
"ne sôhte searo-nîðas, ne me swôr fela
2740 "âða on unriht. Ic þäs ealles mäg,
"feorh-bennum seóc, gefeán habban:
"forþam me wîtan ne þearf waldend fira
"morðor-bealo mâga, þonne mîn sceaceð
"lîf of lîce. Nu þu lungre
2745 "geong, hord sceáwian under hârne stân,
"Wîglâf leófa, nu se wyrm ligeð,
"swefeð sâre wund, since bereáfod.
"Bió nu on ôfoste, þät ic ær-welan,
"gold-æht ongite, gearo sceáwige
2750 "swegle searo-gimmas, þät ic þý sêft mæge
"äfter mâððum-welan mîn âlætan
"lîf and leód-scipe, þone ic longe heóld."


Þâ ic snûde gefrägn sunu Wihstânes
äfter word-cwydum wundum dryhtne
2755 hýran heaðo-siócum, hring-net beran,
brogdne beadu-sercean under beorges hrôf.
Geseah þâ sige-hrêðig, þâ he bî sesse geóng,
mago-þegn môdig mâððum-sigla fela,
gold glitinian grunde getenge,
2760 wundur on wealle and þäs wyrmes denn,
ealdes uht-flogan, orcas stondan,
fyrn-manna fatu feormend-leáse,
hyrstum behrorene: þær wäs helm monig,
eald and ômig, earm-beága fela,
2765 searwum gesæled. Sinc eáðe mäg,
gold on grunde, gumena cynnes
gehwone ofer-higian, hýde se þe wylle!
Swylce he siomian geseah segn eall-gylden
heáh ofer horde, hond-wundra mæst,
2770 gelocen leoðo-cräftum: of þam leóma stôd,
þät he þone grund-wong ongitan meahte,
wräte giond-wlîtan. Näs þäs wyrmes þær
onsýn ænig, ac hyne ecg fornam.
Þâ ic on hlæwe gefrägn hord reáfian,
2775 eald enta geweorc ânne mannan,
him on bearm hladan bunan and discas
sylfes dôme, segn eác genom,
beácna beorhtost; bill ær-gescôd
(ecg wäs îren) eald-hlâfordes
2780 þam þâra mâðma mund-bora wäs
longe hwîle, lîg-egesan wäg
hâtne for horde, hioro-weallende,
middel-nihtum, ôð þät he morðre swealt.
Âr wäs on ôfoste eft-sîðes georn,
2785 frätwum gefyrðred: hyne fyrwet bräc,
hwäðer collen-ferð cwicne gemêtte
in þam wong-stede Wedra þeóden,
ellen-siócne, þær he hine ær forlêt.
He þâ mid þâm mâðmum mærne þióden,
2790 dryhten sînne driórigne fand
ealdres ät ende: he hine eft ongon
wäteres weorpan, ôð þät wordes ord
breóst-hord þurhbräc. Beówulf maðelode,
gomel on giohðe (gold sceáwode):
2795 "Ic þâra frätwa freán ealles þanc
"wuldur-cyninge wordum secge,
"êcum dryhtne, þe ic her on starie,
"þäs þe ic môste mînum leódum
"ær swylt-däge swylc gestrýnan.
2800 "Nu ic on mâðma hord mîne bebohte
"frôde feorh-lege, fremmað ge nu
"leóda þearfe; ne mäg ic her leng wesan.
"Hâtað heaðo-mære hlæw gewyrcean,
"beorhtne äfter bæle ät brimes nosan;
2805 "se scel tô gemyndum mînum leódum
"heáh hlifian on Hrones nässe,
"þät hit sæ-lîðend syððan hâtan
"Biówulfes biorh, þâ þe brentingas
"ofer flôda genipu feorran drîfað."
2810 Dyde him of healse hring gyldenne
þióden þrîst-hydig, þegne gesealde,
geongum gâr-wigan, gold-fâhne helm,
beáh and byrnan, hêt hyne brûcan well:
"Þu eart ende-lâf ûsses cynnes,
2815 "Wægmundinga; ealle Wyrd forsweóf,
"mîne mâgas tô metod-sceafte,
"eorlas on elne: ic him äfter sceal."
Þät wäs þam gomelan gingeste word
breóst-gehygdum, ær he bæl cure,
2820 hâte heaðo-wylmas: him of hreðre gewât
sâwol sêcean sôð-fästra dôm.


Þâ wäs gegongen guman unfrôdum
earfoðlîce, þät he on eorðan geseah
þone leófestan lîfes ät ende
2825 bleáte gebæran. Bona swylce läg,
egeslîc eorð-draca, ealdre bereáfod,
bealwe gebæded: beáh-hordum leng
wyrm woh-bogen wealdan ne môste,
ac him îrenna ecga fornâmon,
2830 hearde heaðo-scearpe homera lâfe,
þät se wîd-floga wundum stille
hreás on hrusan hord-ärne neáh,
nalles äfter lyfte lâcende hwearf
middel-nihtum, mâðm-æhta wlonc
2835 ansýn ýwde: ac he eorðan gefeóll
for þäs hild-fruman hond-geweorce.
Hûru þät on lande lyt manna þâh
mägen-âgendra mîne gefræge,
þeáh þe he dæda gehwäs dyrstig wære,
2840 þät he wið âttor-sceaðan oreðe geræsde,
oððe hring-sele hondum styrede,
gif he wäccende weard onfunde
bûan on beorge. Biówulfe wearð
dryht-mâðma dæl deáðe forgolden;
2845 häfde æghwäðer ende gefêred
lænan lîfes. Näs þâ lang tô þon,
þät þâ hild-latan holt ofgêfan,
tydre treów-logan tyne ätsomne,
þâ ne dorston ær dareðum lâcan
2850 on hyra man-dryhtnes miclan þearfe;
ac hy scamiende scyldas bæran,
gûð-gewædu, þær se gomela läg:
wlitan on Wîglâf. He gewêrgad sät,
fêðe-cempa freán eaxlum neáh,
2855 wehte hyne wätre; him wiht ne speów;
ne meahte he on eorðan, þeáh he ûðe wel,
on þam frum-gâre feorh gehealdan,
ne þäs wealdendes willan wiht oncirran;
wolde dôm godes dædum rædan
2860 gumena gehwylcum, swâ he nu gen dêð.
Þâ wäs ät þam geongan grim andswaru
êð-begête þâm þe ær his elne forleás.
Wîglâf maðelode, Weohstânes sunu,
secg sârig-ferð seah on unleófe:
2865 "Þät lâ mäg secgan, se þe wyle sôð sprecan,
"þät se mon-dryhten, se eów þâ mâðmas geaf,
"eóred-geatwe, þe ge þær on standað,
"þonne he on ealu-bence oft gesealde
"heal-sittendum helm and byrnan,
2870 "þeóden his þegnum, swylce he þryðlîcost
"ôhwær feor oððe neáh findan meahte,
"þät he genunga gûð-gewædu
"wrâðe forwurpe. Þâ hyne wîg beget,
"nealles folc-cyning fyrd-gesteallum
2875 "gylpan þorfte; hwäðre him god ûðe,
"sigora waldend, þät he hyne sylfne gewräc
"âna mid ecge, þâ him wäs elnes þearf,
"Ic him lîf-wraðe lytle meahte
"ätgifan ät gûðe and ongan swâ þeáh
2880 "ofer mîn gemet mæges helpan:
"symle wäs þý sæmra, þonne ic sweorde drep
"ferhð-genîðlan, fýr unswîðor
"weóll of gewitte. Wergendra tô lyt
"þrong ymbe þeóden, þâ hyne sió þrag becwom.
2885 "Nu sceal sinc-þego and swyrd-gifu
"eall êðel-wyn eówrum cynne,
"lufen âlicgean: lond-rihtes môt
"þære mæg-burge monna æghwylc
"îdel hweorfan, syððan äðelingas
2890 "feorran gefricgean fleám eówerne,
"dôm-leásan dæd. Deáð bið sêlla
"eorla gehwylcum þonne edwît-lîf!"


Hêht þâ þät heaðo-weorc tô hagan biódan
up ofer êg-clif, þær þät eorl-weorod
2895 morgen-longne däg môd-giômor sät,
bord-häbbende, bega on wênum
ende-dôgores and eft-cymes
leófes monnes. Lyt swîgode
niwra spella, se þe näs gerâd,
2900 ac he sôðlîce sägde ofer ealle;
"Nu is wil-geofa Wedra leóda,
"dryhten Geáta deáð-bedde fäst,
"wunað wäl-reste wyrmes dædum;
"him on efn ligeð ealdor-gewinna,
2905 "siex-bennum seóc: sweorde ne meahte
"on þam aglæcean ænige þinga
"wunde gewyrcean. Wîglâf siteð
"ofer Biówulfe, byre Wihstânes,
"eorl ofer ôðrum unlifigendum,
2910 "healdeð hige-mêðum heáfod-wearde
"leófes and lâðes. Nu ys leódum wên
"orleg-hwîle, syððan underne
"Froncum and Frysum fyll cyninges
"wîde weorðeð. Wäs sió wrôht scepen
2915 "heard wið Hûgas, syððan Higelâc cwom
"faran flot-herge on Fresna land,
"þær hyne Hetware hilde gehnægdon,
"elne geeodon mid ofer-mägene,
"þät se byrn-wîga bûgan sceolde,
2920 "feóll on fêðan: nalles frätwe geaf
"ealdor dugoðe; ûs wäs â syððan
"Merewioinga milts ungyfeðe.
"Ne ic tô Sweó-þeóde sibbe oððe treówe
"wihte ne wêne; ac wäs wîde cûð,
2925 "þätte Ongenþió ealdre besnyðede
"Hæðcyn Hrêðling wið Hrefna-wudu,
"þâ for on-mêdlan ærest gesôhton
"Geáta leóde Gûð-scilfingas.
"Sôna him se frôda fäder Ôhtheres,
2930 "eald and eges-full ond-slyht âgeaf,
"âbreót brim-wîsan, brýd âheórde,
"gomela ió-meowlan golde berofene,
"Onelan môdor and Ôhtheres,
"and þâ folgode feorh-genîðlan
2935 "ôð þät hî ôðeodon earfoðlîce
"in Hrefnes-holt hlâford-leáse.
"Besät þâ sin-herge sweorda lâfe
"wundum wêrge, weán oft gehêt
"earmre teohhe andlonge niht:
2940 "cwäð he on mergenne mêces ecgum
"getan wolde, sume on galg-treówum
"fuglum tô gamene. Frôfor eft gelamp
"sârig-môdum somod ær-däge,
"syððan hie Hygelâces horn and býman
2945 "gealdor ongeâton. Þâ se gôda com
"leóda dugoðe on lâst faran.


"Wäs sió swât-swaðu Sweona and Geáta,
"wäl-ræs wera wîde gesýne,
"hû þâ folc mid him fæhðe tôwehton.
2950 "Gewât him þâ se gôda mid his gädelingum,
"frôd fela geômor fästen sêcean,
"eorl Ongenþió ufor oncirde;
"häfde Higelâces hilde gefrunen,
"wlonces wîg-cräft, wiðres ne trûwode,
2955 "þät he sæ-mannum onsacan mihte,
"heáðo-lîðendum hord forstandan,
"bearn and brýde; beáh eft þonan
"eald under eorð-weall. Þâ wäs æht boden
"Sweona leódum, segn Higelâce.
2960 "Freoðo-wong þone forð ofereodon,
"syððan Hrêðlingas tô hagan þrungon.
"Þær wearð Ongenþió ecgum sweorda,
"blonden-fexa on bîd wrecen,
"þät se þeód-cyning þafian sceolde
2965 "Eofores ânne dôm: hyne yrringa
"Wulf Wonrêding wæpne geræhte,
"þät him for swenge swât ædrum sprong
"forð under fexe. Näs he forht swâ þêh,
"gomela Scilfing, ac forgeald hraðe
2970 "wyrsan wrixle wäl-hlem þone,
"syððan þeód-cyning þyder oncirde:
"ne meahte se snella sunu Wonrêdes
"ealdum ceorle ond-slyht giofan,
"ac he him on heáfde helm ær gescer,
2975 "þät he blôde fâh bûgan sceolde,
"feóll on foldan; näs he fæge þâ git,
"ac he hyne gewyrpte, þeáh þe him wund hrîne,
"Lêt se hearda Higelâces þegn
"brâdne mêce, þâ his brôðor läg,
2980 "eald sweord eotonisc, entiscne helm,
"brecan ofer bord-weal: þâ gebeáh cyning,
"folces hyrde, wäs in feorh dropen.
"Þâ wæron monige, þe his mæg wriðon,
"ricone ârærdon, þâ him gerýmed wearð,
2985 "þät hie wäl-stôwe wealdan môston.
"Þenden reáfode rinc ôðerne,
"nam on Ongenþió îren-byrnan,
"heard swyrd hilted and his helm somod;
"hâres hyrste Higelâce bär.
2990 "He þâm frätwum fêng and him fägre gehêt
"leána fore leódum and gelæste swâ:
"geald þone gûð-ræs Geáta dryhten,
"Hrêðles eafora, þâ he tô hâm becom,
"Jofore and Wulfe mid ofer-mâðmum,
2995 "sealde hiora gehwäðrum hund þûsenda
"landes and locenra beága; ne þorfte him þâ leán ôðwîtan
"mon on middan-gearde, syððan hie þâ mærða geslôgon;
"and þâ Jofore forgeaf ângan dôhtor,
"hâm-weorðunge, hyldo tô wedde.
3000 "Þät ys sió fæhðo and se feónd-scipe,
"wäl-nîð wera, þäs þe ic wên hafo,
"þe ûs sêceað tô Sweona leóde,
"syððan hie gefricgeað freán ûserne
"ealdor-leásne, þone þe ær geheóld
3005 "wið hettendum hord and rîce,
"äfter häleða hryre hwate Scylfingas,
"folc-ræd fremede oððe furður gen
"eorl-scipe efnde. Nu is ôfost betost,
"þät we þeód-cyning þær sceáwian
3010 "and þone gebringan, þe ûs beágas geaf,
"on âd-färe. Ne scel ânes hwät
"meltan mid þam môdigan, ac þær is mâðma hord.
"gold unrîme grimme geceápod
"and nu ät sîðestan sylfes feore
3015 "beágas gebohte; þâ sceal brond fretan,
"äled þeccean, nalles eorl wegan
"mâððum tô gemyndum, ne mägð scýne
"habban on healse hring-weorðunge,
"ac sceall geômor-môd golde bereáfod
3020 "oft nalles æne el-land tredan,
"nu se here-wîsa hleahtor âlegde,
"gamen and gleó-dreám. Forþon sceall gâr wesan
"monig morgen-ceald mundum bewunden,
"häfen on handa, nalles hearpan swêg
3025 "wîgend weccean, ac se wonna hrefn
"fûs ofer fægum, fela reordian,
"earne secgan, hû him ät æte speów,
"þenden he wið wulf wäl reáfode."
Swâ se secg hwata secgende wäs
3030 lâðra spella; he ne leág fela
wyrda ne worda. Weorod eall ârâs,
eodon unblîðe under Earna näs
wollen-teáre wundur sceáwian.
Fundon þâ on sande sâwul-leásne
3035 hlim-bed healdan, þone þe him hringas geaf
ærran mælum: þâ wäs ende-däg
gôdum gegongen, þät se gûð-cyning,
Wedra þeóden, wundor-deáðe swealt.
Ær hî gesêgan syllîcran wiht,
3040 wyrm on wonge wiðer-rähtes þær
lâðne licgean: wäs se lêg-draca,
grimlîc gryre-gäst, glêdum beswæled,
se wäs fîftiges fôt-gemearces.
lang on legere, lyft-wynne heóld
3045 nihtes hwîlum, nyðer eft gewât
dennes niósian; wäs þâ deáðe fäst,
häfde eorð-scrafa ende genyttod.
Him big stôdan bunan and orcas,
discas lâgon and dýre swyrd,
3050 ômige þurh-etone, swâ hie wið eorðan fäðm
þûsend wintra þær eardodon:
þonne wäs þät yrfe eácen-cräftig,
iú-monna gold galdre bewunden,
þät þam hring-sele hrînan ne môste
3055 gumena ænig, nefne god sylfa,
sigora sôð-cyning, sealde þam þe he wolde
(he is manna gehyld) hord openian,
efne swâ hwylcum manna, swâ him gemet þûhte.


Þâ wäs gesýne, þät se sîð ne þâh
3060 þam þe unrihte inne gehýdde
wräte under wealle. Weard ær ofslôh
feára sumne; þâ sió fæhð gewearð
gewrecen wrâðlîce. Wundur hwâr, þonne
eorl ellen-rôf ende gefêre
3065 lîf-gesceafta, þonne leng ne mäg
mon mid his mâgum medu-seld bûan.
Swâ wäs Biówulfe, þâ he biorges weard
sôhte, searo-nîðas: seolfa ne cûðe,
þurh hwät his worulde gedâl weorðan sceolde;
3070 swâ hit ôð dômes däg diópe benemdon
þeódnas mære, þâ þät þær dydon,
þät se secg wære synnum scildig,
hergum geheaðerod, hell-bendum fäst,
wommum gewitnad, se þone wong strâde.
3075 Näs he gold-hwät: gearwor häfde
âgendes êst ær gesceáwod.
Wîglâf maðelode, Wihstânes sunu:
"Oft sceall eorl monig ânes willan
"wræc âdreógan, swâ ûs geworden is.
3080 "Ne meahton we gelæran leófne þeóden,
"rîces hyrde ræd ænigne,
"þät he ne grêtte gold-weard þone,
"lête hyne licgean, þær he longe wäs,
"wîcum wunian ôð woruld-ende.
3085 "Heóldon heáh gesceap: hord ys gesceáwod,
"grimme gegongen; wäs þät gifeðe tô swîð,
"þe þone þeóden þyder ontyhte.
"Ic wäs þær inne and þät eall geond-seh,
"recedes geatwa, þâ me gerýmed wäs,
3090 "nealles swæslîce sîð âlýfed
"inn under eorð-weall. Ic on ôfoste gefêng
"micle mid mundum mägen-byrðenne
"hord-gestreóna, hider ût ätbär
"cyninge mînum: cwico wäs þâ gena,
3095 "wîs and gewittig; worn eall gespräc
"gomol on gehðo and eówic grêtan hêt,
"bäd þät ge geworhton äfter wines dædum
"in bæl-stede beorh þone heán
"micelne and mærne, swâ he manna wäs
3100 "wîgend weorð-fullost wîde geond eorðan,
"þenden he burh-welan brûcan môste.
"Uton nu êfstan ôðre sîðe
"seón and sêcean searo-geþräc,
"wundur under wealle! ic eów wîsige,
3105 "þät ge genôge neán sceáwiað
"beágas and brâd gold. Sîe sió bær gearo
"ädre geäfned, þonne we ût cymen,
"and þonne geferian freán ûserne,
"leófne mannan, þær he longe sceal
3110 "on þäs waldendes wære geþolian."
Hêt þâ gebeódan byre Wihstânes,
häle hilde-diór, häleða monegum
bold-âgendra, þät hie bæl-wudu
feorran feredon, folc-âgende
3115 gôdum tôgênes: "Nu sceal glêd fretan
"(weaxan wonna lêg) wîgena strengel,
"þone þe oft gebâd îsern-scûre,
"þonne stræla storm, strengum gebæded,
"scôc ofer scild-weall, sceft nytte heóld,
3120 "feðer-gearwum fûs flâne full-eode."
Hûru se snotra sunu Wihstânes
âcîgde of corðre cyninges þegnas
syfone tôsomne þâ sêlestan,
eode eahta sum under inwit-hrôf;
3125 hilde-rinc sum on handa bär
äled-leóman, se þe on orde geóng.
Näs þâ on hlytme, hwâ þät hord strude,
syððan or-wearde ænigne dæl
secgas gesêgon on sele wunian,
3130 læne licgan: lyt ænig mearn,
þät hi ôfostlice ût geferedon
dýre mâðmas; dracan êc scufun,
wyrm ofer weall-clif, lêton wæg niman,
flôd fäðmian frätwa hyrde.
3135 Þær wäs wunden gold on wæn hladen,
æghwäs unrîm, äðeling boren,
hâr hilde-rinc tô Hrones nässe.


Him þâ gegiredan Geáta leóde
âd on eorðan un-wâclîcne,
3140 helmum behongen, hilde-bordum,
beorhtum byrnum, swâ he bêna wäs;
âlegdon þâ tô-middes mærne þeóden
häleð hiófende, hlâford leófne.
Ongunnon þâ on beorge bæl-fýra mæst
3145 wîgend weccan: wudu-rêc âstâh
sweart ofer swioðole, swôgende lêg,
wôpe bewunden (wind-blond geläg)
ôð þät he þâ bân-hûs gebrocen häfde,
hât on hreðre. Higum unrôte
3150 môd-ceare mændon mon-dryhtnes cwealm;
swylce giômor-gyd + lat . con meowle
. . . . . wunden heorde . . .
serg (?) cearig sælde geneahhe
þät hio hyre . . . . gas hearde
3155 . . . . . ede wälfylla wonn . .
hildes egesan hyðo
haf mid heofon rêce swealh (?)
Geworhton þâ Wedra leóde
hlæw on hliðe, se wäs heáh and brâd,
3160 wæg-lîðendum wîde gesýne,
and betimbredon on tyn dagum
beadu-rôfes bêcn: bronda betost
wealle beworhton, swâ hyt weorðlîcost
fore-snotre men findan mihton.
3165 Hî on beorg dydon bêg and siglu,
eall swylce hyrsta, swylce on horde ær
nîð-hydige men genumen häfdon;
forlêton eorla gestreón eorðan healdan,
gold on greóte, þær hit nu gen lifað
3170 eldum swâ unnyt, swâ hit æror wäs.
Þâ ymbe hlæw riodan hilde-deóre,
äðelinga bearn ealra twelfa,
woldon ceare cwîðan, kyning mænan,
word-gyd wrecan and ymb wer sprecan,
3175 eahtodan eorl-scipe and his ellen-weorc
duguðum dêmdon, swâ hit ge-dêfe bið,
þät mon his wine-dryhten wordum hêrge,
ferhðum freóge, þonne he forð scile
of lîc-haman læne weorðan.
3180 Swâ begnornodon Geáta leóde
hlâfordes hryre, heorð-geneátas,
cwædon þät he wære woruld-cyning
mannum mildust and mon-þwærust,
leódum lîðost and lof-geornost.


THE ATTACK IN FINNSBURG. [Footnote: See v. 1069 _seqq._]

". . . . . . . . . . . näs byrnað næfre."
Hleoðrode þâ heaðo-geong cyning:
"Ne þis ne dagað eástan, ne her draca ne fleógeð,
"ne her þisse healle hornas ne byrnað,
5 "ac fêr forð berað fugelas singað,
"gylleð græg-hama, gûð-wudu hlynneð,
"scyld scefte oncwyð. Nu scýneð þes môna
"waðol under wolcnum; nu ârîsað weá-dæda,
"þe þisne folces nîð fremman willað.
10 "Ac onwacnigeað nu, wîgend mîne,
"hebbað eówre handa, hicgeað on ellen,
"winnað on orde, wesað on môde!"
Þâ ârâs monig gold-hladen þegn, gyrde hine his swurde;
þâ tô dura eodon drihtlîce cempan,
15 Sigeferð and Eaha, hyra sweord getugon,
and ät ôðrum durum Ordlâf and Gûðlâf,
and Hengest sylf; hwearf him on lâste.
Þâ git Gârulf Gûðere styrode,
þät hie swâ freólîc feorh forman sîðe
20 tô þære healle durum hyrsta ne bæran,
nu hyt nîða heard ânyman wolde:
ac he frägn ofer eal undearninga,
deór-môd häleð, hwâ þâ duru heólde.
"Sigeferð is mîn nama (cwäð he), ic eom Secgena leód,
25 "wrecca wîde cûð. Fela ic weána gebâd,
"heardra hilda; þe is gyt her witod,
"swäðer þu sylf tô me sêcean wylle."
Þâ wäs on wealle wäl-slihta gehlyn,
sceolde cêlod bord cênum on handa
30 bân-helm berstan. Buruh-þelu dynede,
ôð þät ät þære gûðe Gârulf gecrang,
ealra ærest eorð-bûendra,
Gûðlâfes sunu; ymbe hine gôdra fela.
Hwearf flacra hræw hräfn, wandrode
35 sweart and sealo-brûn; swurd-leóma stôd
swylce eal Finns-buruh fýrenu wære.
Ne gefrägn ic næfre wurðlîcor ät wera hilde
sixtig sige-beorna sêl gebæran,
ne næfre swânas swêtne medo sêl forgyldan,
40 þonne Hnäfe guldon his häg-stealdas.
Hig fuhton fîf dagas, swâ hyra nân ne feól
driht-gesîða, ac hig þâ duru heóldon.
Þâ gewât him wund häleð on wäg gangan,
sæde þät his byrne âbrocen wære,
45 here-sceorpum hrôr, and eác wäs his helm þyrl.
Þâ hine sôna frägn folces hyrde,
hû þâ wîgend hyra wunda genæson
oððe hwäðer þæra hyssa . . . . . . .



m.: masculine.
f.: feminine.
n.: neuter.
nom., gen.: nominative, genitive, etc.
w.: weak.
w. v.: weak verb.
st.: strong.
st. v.: strong verb.
I., II., III.: first, second, third person.
comp.: compound.
imper.: imperative.
w.: with.
instr.: instrumental.
G. and Goth.: Gothic.
O.N.: Old Norse.
O.S.: Old Saxon.
O.H.G.: Old High German.
M.H.G.: Middle High German.

The vowel ä = _a_ in _glad_ }
The diphthong æ = _a_ in _hair_ } approximately.

The names Leo, Bugge, Rieger, etc., refer to authors of emendations.

Words beginning with ge- will be found under their root-word.

Obvious abbreviations, like subj., etc., are not included in this list.


Abel, Cain's brother, 108.

Älf-here (gen. Älf-heres, 2605), a kinsman of Wîglâf's, 2605.

Äsc-here, confidential adviser of King Hrôðgâr (1326), older brother of
Yrmenlâf (1325), killed by Grendel's mother, 1295, 1324, 2123.

Bân-stân, father of Breca, 524.

Beó-wulf, son of Scyld, king of the Danes, 18, 19. After the death of his
father, he succeeds to the throne of the Scyldings, 53. His son is
Healfdene, 57.

Beó-wulf (Biówulf, 1988, 2390; gen. Beówulfes, 857, etc., Biówulfes, 2195,
2808, etc.; dat. Beówulfe, 610, etc., Biówulfe, 2325, 2843), of the race of
the Geátas. His father is the Wægmunding Ecgþeów (263, etc.); his mother a
daughter of Hrêðel, king of the Geátas (374), at whose court he is brought
up after his seventh year with Hrêðel's sons, Herebeald, Hæðcyn, and
Hygelâc, 2429 ff. In his youth lazy and unapt (2184 f., 2188 f.); as man he
attains in the gripe of his hand the strength of thirty men, 379. Hence his
victories in his combats with bare hands (711 ff., 2502 ff.), while fate
denies him the victory in the battle with swords, 2683 f. His
swimming-match with Breca in his youth, 506 ff. Goes with fourteen Geátas
to the assistance of the Danish king, Hrôðgâr, against Grendel, 198 ff. His
combat with Grendel, and his victory, 711 ff., 819 ff. He is, in
consequence, presented with rich gifts by Hrôðgâr, 1021 ff. His combat with
Grendel's mother, 1442 ff. Having again received gifts, he leaves Hrôðgâr
(1818-1888), and returns to Hygelâc, 1964 ff.--After Hygelâc's last battle
and death, he flees alone across the sea, 2360 f. In this battle he crushes
Däghrefn, one of the Hûgas, to death, 2502 f. He rejects at the same time
Hygelâc's kingdom and the hand of his widow (2370 ff.), but carries on the
government as guardian of the young Heardrêd, son of Hygelâc, 2378 ff.
After Heardrêd's death, the kingdom falls to Beówulf, 2208,
2390.--Afterwards, on an expedition to avenge the murdered Heardrêd, he
kills the Scylfing, Eádgils (2397), and probably conquers his country.
--His fight with the drake, 2539 ff. His death, 2818. His burial, 3135 ff.

Breca (acc. Brecan, 506, 531), son of Beánstân, 524. Chief of the
Brondings, 521. His swimming-match with Beówulf, 506 ff.

Brondingas (gen. Brondinga, 521), Breca, their chief, 521.

Brosinga mene, corrupted from, or according to Müllenhoff, written by
mistake for, Breosinga mene (O.N., Brisinga men, cf. Haupts Zeitschr. XII.
304), collar, which the Brisingas once possessed.

Cain (gen. Caines, 107): descended from him are Grendel and his kin, 107,
1262 ff.

Däg-hrefn (dat. Däghrefne, 2502), a warrior of the Hûgas, who, according to
2504-5, compared with 1203, and with 1208, seems to have been the slayer of
King Hygelâc, in his battle against the allied Franks, Frisians, and Hûgas.
Is crushed to death by Beówulf in a hand-to-hand combat, 2502 ff.

Dene (gen. Dena, 242, etc., Denia, 2126, Deniga, 271, etc.; dat. Denum,
768, etc.), as subjects of Scyld and his descendants, they are also called
Scyldings; and after the first king of the East Danes, Ing (Runenlied, 22),
Ing-wine, 1045, 1320. They are also once called Hrêðmen, 445. On account of
their renowned warlike character, they bore the names Gâr-Dene, 1, 1857,
Hring-Dene (Armor-Danes), 116, 1280, Beorht-Dene, 427, 610. The great
extent of this people is indicated by their names from the four quarters of
the heavens: Eást-Dene, 392, 617, etc., West-Dene, 383, 1579, Sûð-Dene,
463, Norð-Dene, 784.--Their dwelling-place "in Scedelandum," 19, "on
Scedenigge," 1687, "be sæm tweónum," 1686.

Ecg-lâf (gen. Ecglâfes, 499), Hûnferð's father, 499.

Ecg-þeów (nom. Ecgþeów, 263, Ecgþeó, 373; gen. Ecgþeówes, 529, etc.,
Ecgþiówes, 2000), a far-famed hero of the Geátas, of the house of the
Wægmundings. Beówulf is the son of Ecgþeów, by the only daughter of Hrêðel,
king of the Geátas, 262, etc. Among the Wylfings, he has slain Heaðolâf
(460), and in consequence he goes over the sea to the Danes (463), whose
king, Hrôðgâr, by means of gold, finishes the strife for him, 470.

Ecg-wela (gen. Ecg-welan, 1711). The Scyldings are called his descendants,
1711. Grein considers him the founder of the older dynasty of Danish kings,
which closes with Heremôd. See Heremôd.

Elan, daughter of Healfdene, king of the Danes, (?) 62. According to the
restored text, she is the wife of Ongenþeów, the Scylfing, 62, 63.

Earna-näs, the Eagle Cape in the land of the Geátas, where occurred
Beówulf's fight with the drake, 3032.

Eádgils (dat. Eádgilse, 2393), son of Ôhthere, and grandson of Ongenþeów,
the Scylfing, 2393. His older brother is

Eánmund (gen. Eánmundes, 2612). What is said about both in our poem
(2201-2207, 2380-2397, 2612-2620) is obscure, but the following may be

The sons of Ôhthere, Eánmund and Eádgils, have rebelled against their
father (2382), and must, in consequence, depart with their followers from
Swiórîce, 2205-6, 2380. They come into the country of the Geátas to
Heardrêd (2380), but whether with friendly or hostile intent is not stated;
but, according to 2203 f., we are to presume that they came against
Heardrêd with designs of conquest. At a banquet (on feorme; or feorme, MS.)
Heardrêd falls, probably through treachery, by the hand of one of the
brothers, 2386, 2207. The murderer must have been Eánmund, to whom,
according to 2613, "in battle the revenge of Weohstân brings death."
Weohstân takes revenge for his murdered king, and exercises upon Eánmund's
body the booty-right, and robs it of helm, breastplate, and sword
(2616-17), which the slain man had received as gifts from his uncle, Onela,
2617-18. But Weohstân does not speak willingly of this fight, although he
has slain Onela's brother's son, 2619-20.--After Heardrêd's and Eánmund's
death, the descendant of Ongenþeów, Eádgils, returns to his home, 2388. He
must give way before Beówulf, who has, since Heardrêd's death, ascended the
throne of the Geátas, 2390. But Beówulf remembers it against him in after
days, and the old feud breaks out anew, 2392-94. Eádgils makes an invasion
into the land of the Geátas (2394-95), during which he falls at the hands
of Beówulf, 2397. The latter must have then obtained the sovereignty over
the Sweonas (3005-6, where only the version, Scylfingas, can give a
satisfactory sense).

Eofor (gen. Eofores, 2487, 2965; dat. Jofore, 2994, 2998), one of the
Geátas, son of Wonrêd and brother of Wulf (2965, 2979), kills the Swedish
king, Ongenþeów (2487 ff., 2978-82), for which he receives from King
Hygelâc, along with other gifts, his only daughter in marriage, 2994-99.

Eormen-rîc (gen. Eormenrîces, 1202), king of the Goths (cf. about him, W.
Grimm, Deutsche Heldensage, p. 2, ff.). Hâma has wrested the Brosinga mene
from him, 1202.

Eomær, son of Offa and Þryðo (cf. Þryðo), 1961.

Finn (gen. Finnes, 1069, etc.; dat. Finne, 1129), son of Folcwalda (1090),
king of the North Frisians, i.e. of the Eotenas, husband of Hildeburg, a
daughter of Hôc, 1072, 1077. He is the hero of the inserted poem on the
Attack in Finnsburg, the obscure incidents of which are, perhaps, as
follows: In Finn's castle, Finnsburg, situated in Jutland (1126-28), the
Hôcing, Hnäf, a relative--perhaps a brother--of Hildeburg is spending some
time as guest. Hnäf, who is a liegeman of the Danish king, Healfdene, has
sixty men with him (Finnsburg, 38). These are treacherously attacked one
night by Finn's men, 1073. For five days they hold the doors of their
lodging-place without losing one of their number (Finnsburg, 41, 42). Then,
however, Hnäf is slain (1071), and the Dane, Hengest, who was among Hnäf's
followers, assumes the command of the beleaguered band. But on the
attacking side the fight has brought terrible losses to Finn's men. Their
numbers are diminished (1081 f.), and Hildeburg bemoans a son and a brother
among the fallen (1074 f., cf. 1116, 1119). Therefore the Frisians offer
the Danes peace (1086) under the conditions mentioned (1087-1095), and it
is confirmed with oaths (1097), and money is given by Finn in propitiation
(1108). Now all who have survived the battle go together to Friesland, the
homo proper of Finn, and here Hengest remains during the winter, prevented
by ice and storms from returning home (Grein). But in spring the feud
breaks out anew. Gûðlâf and Oslâf avenge Hnäf's fall, probably after they
have brought help from home (1150). In the battle, the hall is filled with
the corpses of the enemy. Finn himself is killed, and the queen is captured
and carried away, along with the booty, to the land of the Danes,

Finna land. Beówulf reaches it in his swimming-race with Breca, 580.


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