Buttercup Gold and Other Stories
Ellen Robena Field

Etext scanned by Dianne Bean of Phoenix, Arizona.


by Ellen Robena Field

Copyrighted, 1894, by the Bangor (Maine) Kindergarten Association

This book is lovingly dedicated to the dear kindergarten
children, and particularly to my little friend, Alice Caro Wing.

"Children are God's apostles, day by day sent forth preach of
love and hope and peace."--Lowell.

"Come to me, O, ye children!
And whisper in my ear
What the birds and winds are singing
In your sunny atmosphere.

Ye are better than all the ballads
That were ever sung or said;
For ye are living poems
And all the rest are dead."--Longfellow.

"And Nature, the old nurse, took
The child upon her knee,
Saying: 'Here is a story-book
Thy Father has written for thee."--Longfellow.

The Little New Year

One cold morning Maurice awoke from his dreams and sat up in bed
and listened. He thought he heard a knock at his window; but
though the moon was shining brightly, Jack Frost had been so
busily at work that Maurice could not see through the thickly
painted panes. So he crept sleepily out of bed, and opened the
window, and whispered: "Who is there?"

"I am," replied a tinkling voice. "I am the little New Year, ho!
ho! And I've promised to bring a blessing to everyone. But I am
such a little fellow I need somebody to help me distribute them.
Won't you please come out and help?"

"Oh, it's so cold!" said Maurice; "I'd rather go back to my warm
bed; " and he shivered as Jack Frost, who was passing, tickled
him under the chin with one of the frosty paint brushes.

"Never mind the cold," urged the New Year; "please help me."

So Maurice hurried into his clothes, and was soon out in the
yard. There he found a rosy-cheeked boy a little smaller than
himself, pulling a large cart which seemed to be loaded with good
things. On one side of this cart was painted the word "Love," and
on the other "Kindness." As soon as the New Year saw Maurice he
said, "Now please take hold and help me pull;" and down the
driveway and up the hill they travelled until they came to an old

"Here is where I make my first call," said the New Year. Maurice
looked wonderingly at him. "Why, nobody lives here but an old
colored man who works for us; and he hasn't any children!" "He
needs my help," said the New Year; "for grown people like to be
thought of just as much as children do. You shovel out a path to
his door, while I unload some of my blessings; and the little
hands went busily at work, piling up warm clothing, wood, and a
new year's dinner, the New Year singing as he worked:-

"Oh, I am the little New Year; ho! ho!
Here I come tripping it over the snow,
Shaking my bells with a merry din;
So open your door and let me in."

Old Joe, hearing some noise outside, came to the door, and when
he saw all the nice gifts the tears ran down his cheeks for
gladness; and as he carried them into the house, he whispered:
"The dear Lord has been here to-night."

"Where am we going now?" asked Maurice, as they ran down the
hill. "To take some flowers to a poor sick girl," answered the
New Year.

Soon they came to a small white house, where the New Year
stopped. "Why, Bessie, our sewing girl lives, here," said
Maurice. "I didn't know she was sick." "See," said the New Year,
"this window is open a little; let us throw this bunch of pinks
into the room. They will please her when she wakes, and will make
her happy for several days."

Then they hurried to other places, leaving some blessing behind

"What a wonderful cart you have," said Maurice; "though you have
taken so much out, it never seems to get empty." "You are right,
Maurice, there is never any end to love and kindness. As long as
I find people to love and be kind to, my cart is full of
blessings for them; and it will never grow empty until I can no
longer find people to help. If you will go with me every day and
help me scatter my blessings, you will see how happy you will be
all the long year."

"A happy New Year!" called some one; and Maurice found himself in
bed, and his sister standing in the doorway smiling at him. "Have
you had a pleasant dream, dear?" she asked.

"Why, where is the little New Year?" said Maurice; "he was just
here with me."

"Come into Mamma's room and see what he has brought you,"
answered his sister. There in a snowy white cradle he found a
tiny baby brother, the gift of the New.Year. How happy Maurice
was then! But he did not forget his dream. Old Joe and Bessie had
their gifts, too, and Maurice tried so hard to be helpful that he
made all his friends glad because the happy New Year had come.

Mother Nature's House Cleaning

One morning Mother Nature stood at the door of her house looking
out over the world. King Winter's reign was over and he had gone
back to his home at the North Pole; and Spring was coming over
the hill with her three little helpers to make Mother Nature a

Let us see who these helpers were. First there was roguish March
with his rosy cheeks, and his curly hair flying in the winds that
blew all about him. Next came Baby April with her apron full of
violets, daffodillies, and green grasses. Part of the time she
smiled sweetly, and part of it she frowned till the big tear
drops chased each other down her cheeks. Last came May, playing
tag with the sunbeams, wandering knee-deep in flowers, and
calling to the birds that sang around her:

Mother Nature watched them coming and murmured, "Such a dirty
world as King Winter has left behind him! It must be cleaned up
before the little girls, April and May, come, but March I am sure
will want to help me do it."

She beckoned to the frolicsome boy who came racing down the hill
to see what she wanted. "I must have some rain to wash away all
this dirty snow," she said; so March whistled to the East Wind,
who blew together the rain-clouds, and soon the tiny rain drops
were busy at work washing the floors of the world, and in a short
time the snow was all gone. Then Mother Nature wanted the sky
ceilings cleaned, so this time March whistled to the West Wind
who began to sweep away the cloud cobwebs from the sky till the
cheery old sun smiled again, and shone Mother Nature a bright
"good morning."

"Now March," said she, "there is one more thing you can do to
help. You must start the work for Baby April." Then March, with
the South Wind to help him, awoke the seeds, whispered to the
trees to begin to bud, started the brooks singing, and called the
robins back from the South.

When his visit was over Mother Nature thanked him for helping her
so well on all of the thirty-one days he had spent with her, and
told him she would send for him again when her next cleaning day
came around.

How the Raindrops and Sunbeams Helped

One morning Mother Nature looked about her, and said: "My
children have had such a nice long rest and it will do them good,
for they have a busy summer before them. It is time to go to work
now, and as some of the babies just won't wake up till they have
to, I must send for my helpers at once." The long days carried
her messages, which in our language would have read something
like this:-

My Dear Helpers, Sunbeams, and Raindrops:--

You are needed down here on eurth. It is time to dress my plant
children, and give them work to do. The birds must be called back
from the South, and the cocooons must be opened so that my
butterflies can come out. I shall have to make good soil and get
my clover beds ready for the honey makers. Come at once, as some
have been sleeping too long already. Whisper to the trees as you
pass that it is time they were budding, Be gentle with all, for
they are my children, and I love them.

Good-bye, from your
Mother Nature

This she directed to the Sunbeams at Blue Sky Park, and the
Raindrops at Cloud Land. When the message reached these little
helpers, they started off at once to obey the call, and the sun
gave such a merry laugh, that Grandma came to the door of the
farm house and remarked: "How warm it is today, quite like
spring; I believe I will set out my geraniums." But just then a
silvery voice said: "Wait a little while longer till we make the
ground soft," and pop came a raindrop upon the dear old lady's
nose, and she hurried into the house, saying "What queer weather
we are having! first sun and then rain." Then the Raindrops and
Sunbeams smiled at each other, and danced more merrily, for they
knew what good work they were doing to the great brown house
where the flowers dwell.

The tap, tap, of the Raindrops wake them up, and when they raised
their sleepy heads and felt the warm kisses of the Sunbeams, they
were glad and began to grow. Soft breezes called to the leaves to
come out, and soon the brown coats which the trees had worn all
winter were replaced by new green dresses. Pussy willow and
snowdrop were the first to herald the spring, and crocus and
violet soon followed. Out in the woods blossomed tiny pink and
white May flowers. Little seeds burst off their jackets and sent
up green plumes. Then Mother Nature called her helpers again and
told them to search for the lilies, and dress them in white robes
for Easter. And so each beautiful flower came again--and the
birds sang once more, and the children were glad that spring
had come again. The little helpers had done their work well, and
were happy--and every one thanked God for the spring.

Rock-A-By Baby

"Rock-a-by baby in the tree top,
When the wind blows the cradle will rock."

Helena was playing with her dolls under the Maple tree in the
garden. It was the first warm day of spring, and the little girl
was glad to be out of doors again, and to rock her babies to
sleep on one of the low branches.

But she was not the only one singing a lullaby that bright sunny
morning, for Mother Nature was singing one, too, and a soft
breeze was gently tucking some little brown cradles to and fro in
the tree tops. Some were very, very small, and others wen larger,
but each held a wee leaf baby, fast asleep. The next time Helena
came out to play, the babies in the treetop were waking up, and
she could see them in their dainty green nightdresses, peeping
out at the world. During the next week they grew a great deal,
and one of them crept out of their cradles which fell down to the
ground, leaving the babies still up in the tree top.

By the time Spring went away, the babies had grown large and
strong, and spread beautiful green parasols to give shade to
their friends through the hot, dusty days of summer. When Autumn
came, Mother Nature gave them a holiday, and how pretty they
looked in their gay gowns as they frolicked with the wind!

Then they said good-by to the Maple tree, and went dancing and
whirling over the fields to meet King Winter. When Helena looked
into their old homes on the tree, she found some more tiny brown
cradles, and knew that in them were new leaf babies that sleep
safely til Spring comes again to visit Earthdom, and wakes each
"baby in the tree top."

A Child of Spring

I know a little maiden,
She is very fair and sweet,
As she trips among the grasses
That kiss her dainty feet;
Her arms are full of flowers,
The snow-drops, pure and white,
Timid blue-eyed violets,
And daffodillies bright.

She loves dear Mother Nature,
And wanders by her side;
She beckons to the birdlings
That flock from far and wide.
She wakes the baby brooklets,
Soft breezes hear her call;
She tells the little children
The sweetest tales of all.

Her brow is sometimes clouded,
And she sighs with gentle grace,
Till the sunbeams, daring lovers,
Kiss the teardrops from her face.
Well we know this dainty maiden,
For April is her name;
And we welcome her with gladness,
As the springtime comes again.

Mr. Frog's Story

Down in the garden is a pretty brook, and something funny
happened one day as I was sitting watching the tadpoles and
minnows playing tag and hide-and-goseek. All at once something
gave a jump out of the water and with a loud "kerchunk," landed
on a stone near by. It was Mr. Frog, and as "kerchunk" in frog
language means "how do you do?" I replied politely and inquired
for his health.

He assured me that he was well and happy, and went on talking.
"Did you know that I was once a tadpole just like those little
creatures in the brook?

"I have heard people say that you were," I answered. "You would
not believe it to look at me now, would you?"

"No," I said, for certainly he did not look at all like the queer
little animals I was watching.

"Yes," he continued, "once I was a tiny black egg in a globe of
clear white jelly, and floated around along the bank of this same
brook. Soon I grew into a wee tadpole, and freed myself from the
globe of jelly, and found I could swim about. I had a long flat
tail which I used as a paddle to help me swim. I had no feet nor
legs then, but I grew very fast, and soon two legs came out near
my tail, and by and by two front ones came, and I did not need my
tail any more, so it disappeared. Then I discovered that I had a
long, slender tongue to catch insects with. My skin, too, had
changed, and is now covered with beautiful spots, and if you look
at my eyes you will see how bright they are.

"I live beside this brook with my family, and my cousins, the
toads; and in the spring and summer evenings we sing to our
little tadpole children, and tell them of the time when they,
too, will grow up and be toads and frogs."

Here Mr. Frog paused, and before I could thank him for his
interesting story, he gave a loud "kadunk," which means
"good-by," and with a splash he was off for a swim in the brook.

The Robin

One day, while walking home from the Kindergarten, I met some
travellers coining from the South. They did not come on the car
or the boat, but they travelled very quickly. As they passed me I
fancied I heard them say, "How do you do? We are glad to see you
again. Are there plenty of houses to rent this Spring? You will
have a great many more visitors by and by, for our friends are
coming North as soon as the weather gets a little warmer."

"Yes," I replied, "some of the houses you occupied last spring
are waiting for you, and you will find pleasant places on which
to build new ones in Crab Apple Lane, Woodbine Walk, Maple Park,
and Apple Tree Avenue."

"Thank you," they called, and hurried on, leaving me to wonder
what sort of a journey they had. All day long I saw them flying
to and fro, carrying loads of straw and mud.

Just at twilight there came a rap at my window, and there stood
Mr. Robin Redbreast, looking in as saucily as you please. "I
thought you'd be there," he chirped; "and if you will look out a
minute, I'll show you my house."

Sure enough, there was a tiny home on Apple tree Avenue, just at
the corner of Branch Alley. There was a cellar of mud, and the
rest of the cottage was neatly woven of straw. "How do you like
it?" he chirped.

Of course I admired it, and asked him if he was all ready to go
to housekeeping. "All but the beds," he replied, "but if you will
give me some hair and a few feathers, I will soon have a soft
place for our eggs to rest on."

I threw some out, and in a short time the nest was lined. Then
Robin flew off, returning the next day with his mate, who showed
her delight at the new home by cozily settling down in it.

Every morning the birds gave a concert above my window, and one
day I heard some new notes, and, peeping out, saw that five
little robins had come to brighten the cozy nest. Such a busy
time as the papa and mamma Redbreasts had now! Such a digging
for worms to drop into the big mouths which seemed to be always
asking for food! In a few weeks the baby birds learned to fly,
and left the nest to make new homes and sing their own sweet

The old birds stayed on the Avenue awhile longer, but when the
leaves put on their holiday dresses, and the flowers tied on
their nightcaps and went to sleep, the Redbreasts sang good-by to
their friends and, spreading their wings, flew away over the
house tops toward the Sunny South.

Easter Carol

The world is filled with gladness;
The bells of Easter ring;
Each pure white lily's waking,
To welcome infant spring.


Oh, dear little children, listen,
And hear what the glad bells say!
The sweetest chime they ever rang--
"Our Lord is risen to-day!"


Birds are flying across the sky;
Their songs ring through the air;
They carol of the Father's love
He shows us everywhere.


Oh, dear little children, listen,
And hear what the birdlings say!
The sweetest song they ever sang--
"Our Lord is risen to-day!"

The Lily Sisters

Once upon a time there were three little sisters dressed in
green, who lived together in a beautiful palace which was owned
by a Great King. Such a beautiful palace as it was! The ceilings
were made of turquoise and opal, and soft, velvety green carpets
covered the floors.

Many other children lived with these little sisters, and they had
such a kind nurse called Dame Nature, who taught them how to do
their work well; for everybody had some work to do for the Great

Surely no one could be unhappy in such a wonderful home, and yet,
I, am sorry to say, one of the little sisters was always

She knew, for Dame Nature had told her, that some day the Great
King would come to see who had done loving work for him, and
would give the good lilies beautiful white robes and golden
crowns, but she was not willing to wait until the King was ready
and saw fit to do it.

When the Sunbeam children came to play, she would hang down her
head and sulk, and after a while they would leave her alone, and
play with her sisters.

When Professor Rain's school was out, and the jolly little
raindrops coaxed her to play with them, she would say crossly,
"You am too rough, let me alone!" and they would go and play with
the happy little sisters as the sunbeams had done; for everybody
loved the two good little lily sisters, who were sorry to see how
naughty the other lily was.

But they tried to do their best to help her, and kept on growing.

One day the Great King, who had seen how well they tried to do,
thought they deserved their robes and crowns, so he sent the
sunbeams dancing away to awaken the inhabitants of the palace for
the crowning.

Away they went, peeping through the curtains, and flying into the
windows of the palace and waking all the little children with

Then they took off the old green dresses of the sisters, and put
pure white robes on them and gave them crowns of pure gold. The
other little sister wished then that she had tried to do right,
and drooped until she faded away.

Madam Wind and the Bird family gave a grand concert in Maple Tree
Park. Everything was full of gladness, and the lily sisters held
a reception all day, and many people came to congratulate them
upon being crowned. Among their visitors was wee Ruth, who kissed
them and took them to a little sick friend. He smiled as she
pressed them into his hand, saying: "Take them, please, for
Easter," and in her sweet child language she told the story of
Easter, and of the wonderful work the Great King's Son did for
the people of the beautiful palace.

Nature's Violet Children

Once on a sunny hill in the woods grew a little colony of
violets. They had slept quietly through the long winter, tucked
up snug and warm in the soft, white snowblankets that King Winter
had sent Mother Nature for her flower babies. Jack Frost had gone
pouting over the hills because the little sunbeams would not play
with him, and spoiled his fancy pictures. The tiny raindrops
knocked at the door of Mother Nature's great, brown house; and
the birds called to the flowers to wake up.

So the violets raised their strong, hardy leaves, lifted up their
dainty heads, and were glad because spring had come. While they
were so happy, a little girl came to the woods in search of wild
flowers. "How pretty those violets are," she said. "I wish I
could stay and watch the buds open, but I will take some of them
with me and keep them in water, and they will remind me of this
sunny hill, and perhaps they will blossom."

Then the violets were frightened and whispered, "Please don't
take us!" But Ruth did not hear them, and she pulled stem after
stem till her small hands were quite filled. Then she said
good-by to the pretty place, and the little violets said good-by,

When Ruth got home, she put the buds into a vase of water, and
set them in an open window where they could see the blue sky and
feel the kisses of the sunbeams. But the poor little violets
drooped for a time, they were so homesick, and whispered to each
other, "Let us give up and die!" A beautiful canary in a cage
over their heads sang "cheer up! chirrup,!" but they would not
listen to him at first.

By and by they said, "Why do you sing that to us? How can we be
happy away from our beautiful home?"

Still the bird sang "cheer up! chirrup! The sun is smiling at you
and I am singing to you. We are trying to make you glad. How nice
it would be if you would only blossom and make some one happy
instead of hanging your heads and trying to die. Do you think I
like to be shut up here? If some one would leave the door of my
cage open, I would spread my wings and fly out of the window, far
away to the green woods and the blue sky. But while I am here, I
may as well sing and be glad. Cheer up! chirrup!"

"Perhaps he is right," said the buds, and they lifted up their
heads and began to grow. One bright spring morning Mother Nature
passed by the window and gave them each a lovely violet cap. Then
they were, glad, and Ruth was happy, too, because her buds had

The cheery canary sang his sweetest carol to them, and the whole
day was bright because Mother Nature's little violet children had
tried their best to be happy and so had made others happy, too.

As the great red sun went down into the west, he heard the happy
bird still singing "cheer up! chirrup!"

Baby Caterpillar

Baby Caterpillar was tired. All summer long she had been
travelling slowly through the green world where she lived, and
feeding on the green leaves that grew near her home., Now Autumn
had come and Mother Nature had given a holiday to the leaves, who
put on their new dresses of red and gold and played tag with the
breezes. Baby Caterpillar wanted to play, too, but could not run
so fast as the happy little leaves, and she grew very tired and
thought she would take a nap. So she found a cozy place among the
branches of a grape vine, and made herself a soft, silky blanket.
Then she rolled herself away within it, and then, in her queer
little cradle, went to sleep.

One night, late in the fall, Jack Frost came over the hill. He
spied the cradle swinging to and fro, and began to play roughly
with it, for he is a roguish little fellow, and touches
everything that comes in his way. But the warm blanket hid the
little sleeper so that Jack could not find her.

By and by King Winter came, bringing beautiful snow blankets to
Mother Nature's flower babies. He gently rocked the cradle as he
passed, and whispered, "Sleep, baby, sleep! You have no need of
my blankets."

At last Spring came with the sunbeams, the best and merriest of
Mother Nature's helpers. They awoke the flowers from their long
winter nap, and called to the birds and the brooks to begin their
songs. When they came to the little brown cradle, they stopped to
rest, and Baby Caterpillar began to get very warm under the thick
blanket. She woke up and stretched herself, and her cradle broke,
and she came out to greet the Spring. But what a change! Instead
of the old dingy dress that she went to sleep in, she now had a
beautiful yellow one; and, instead of crawling among the leaves,
she flew up and away into the sweet spring air to play with the
sunbeams and flowers; and the little children called her a

Five Little Indian Brothers

Once there were five little brothers living in Farmer Lane's
barn. There were a great many other children there, too, but
these little brothers played by themselves, and chased each other
across the wide floor of the barn until they reached a corner
where there was a large crack, and then they could look out into
the world. The first thing they saw was Farmer Lane breaking up
the rich brown earth with his plough, for Spring hadcome, and
told him it was time to do his planting, while the little
brothers were watching him, and wishing they could find a way to
roll out into the bright sunshine and help him, something
happened. What do you suppose it was?

A great brown hand came up behind them and in a moment they found
themselves in a wooden measure with many more of their friends.
"What is the matter?" said one little brother. "I don't know,"
said another. "Maybe we are going to travel," said a third; while
the two smallest cuddled very closely together, and whispered,
"We won't be afraid; God will take care of us."

The measure was taken, out into the field, where Farmer Lane was
still at work, and soon, into the furrows made by the plow, the
little brothers were dropped one by one. They lay very still at
first. It was so strange and dark in their new home. By and by
they found a friend, an earth-worm, who told them wonderful
stories, how God would take care of them, and some day would give
them a new life. Then the little brothers were glad and hoped it
would be soon. Thus the days went by. The warm spring showers
moistened the earth, and the sun shone so brightly that the
brothers danced for joy way down in their dark home. What do you
suppose happened when they danced? Why, their old coats split
open, and some little hands came out. They were helpful hands,
too, and went to work at once. Some of them went down into the
earth to find food and water for the whole plants, and the others
reached upward to the air and sunshine, and spread out beautiful,
long green leaves.

Each day the plants grew taller and taller, and new buds came
that blossomed into flowery tassels that waved over the tops of
the plants. These tassels were fall of a golden dust called
pollen, and as the wind blew it to and fro, some of the tiny
grains found little green cradles along the sides of the plants,
and crept into them. There they stayed, growing strong and round,
until one midsummer day the plants were full of ripe, sweet ears
of corn.

When were the five little brothers, do you ask? Why, they were
five little kernels of Indian corn that Farmer Lane planted one
spring morning, and each beautiful stalk of corn was the new life
the earth-worm told them about. God had taken care of them, and
takes care of of His little children, too.

Buttercup Gold

Did you ever hear of the pot of gold hidden at the end of the
rainbow? Some people think it is there now, but they are
mistaken, for a long time ago somebody found it. How he happened
to find it, nobody knows, for a great many people have searched
in vain, and have never even been able to discover that the
rainbow has any ends at all. The man who found it was very
selfish and did not want anybody to know, for fear they might
want some of his money. So one night he put it in a bag, which he
slung over his shoulder, and walked across the fields toward a
thick wood where he meant to hide it.

In the bag was something beside the gold--something so small that
the greedy man in his hurry had not noticed it. It was a hole,
and, as he walked on, one by one the gold coins fell out into the
grass. When he reached the wood and found all of his money gone,
he hurried back to search for it, but something strange had
happened. It was a midsummer night, and the fairies were having a
dance out in the meadows. They were good, loving little people,
and despised selfishness above everything. One little fairy spied
the glittering gold among the grasses. She had seen the greedy
man passing by, and knew he would soon be back to hunt for his
treasure. "It will do him no good," she said, "if he hides it
away, and neither will it help anybody else. I will change it
into something that will give joy to rich and poor."

When the greedy man reached the meadow he could see no gold
money, but in its place were bright, yellow flowers--buttercup
gold for the children.

The Raindrops

Up above us, near the Sky Country, in a place called Cloudland,
live a great many little people, called raindrops. They are very
helpful, and always try to do their best, because they know the
great King of Cloudland has work for them all. One morning two
tiny raindrops were sitting together looking down at Earthdom.
"How dusty and hot everything looks," said one drop. "Yes,"
replied the other, "let us go down and see how much good we can
do in Earthdom to-day." So these two little raindrops called
their brothers and sisters and told of their plan, and asked them
to go, too, for they always wanted to share their good time with
others. "Let's have a game of tag, and see who will reach the top
of that hill first," said one little drop, and away they
scampered. They ran so fast that they reached Earthdom at about
the same time, and how glad Mother Nature was to see them. Some
of them went at once to visit the flowers, and whispered such
sweet words to the tired, dusty blossoms, that they raised their
heads again, and thanked the raindrops for the comfort they had
brought. Some of them slid down the slanting roofs of houses and
filled the wells. Our two little raindrops with five others, went
down into the brown earth and cheered up the roots. Then they
travelled on, and by and by they came out again further down the
hill, and made a beautiful spring, around which little children
played. The spring soon helped make a brook, that flowed down
over the hillsides, winding in and out among the rocks, washing
them smooth and round, singing as it rippled on its way.

By and by it met some more brooks and they made a stream. The
sunbeams loved the clear stream and danced to and fro over its
surface, as it rushed joyously onward, turning the busy mill
wheels, and keeping the grass and flowers alive and beautiful.
Sometimes weary travellers walked along its banks, and stooped
and quenched their thirst with its pure, cool water. While the
stream journeyed on, it met other streams and they made a
rivulet, and by and by the rivulet heard a low voice calling,
"Come with me and I will show you the mightiest of waters." So
the rivulet joined the river, and together they travelled on till
they heard the deep voice of the ocean welcoming them to its

Where were the little raindrops that left Cloudland early in the
morning? They were playing among the ocean waves, and helping to
rock the ships that sailed over the waters. At sunset a
vapor-boat carried the drops back home and in the eastern sky
they stood with robes of red, orange, yellow, green, blue,
indigo, and violet, and made a bright bow of promise.

As they looked down upon Earthdom once more, everything was
fresh, and sweet, and glad, because the little raindrops had done
so much to help others, and had left no part of their work
undone. The night shadows came, and the rainbow faded slowly
away, leaving a message for the children of Earthdom. "Do your
best, little children, and big children, too, for God has work
for all."


Laura was tired of playing with her dolls, and tired of taking
care of Baby Donald, too, he was such a big baby, and she was a
little girl for nine years old. So as soon as nap time came, and
baby was at last quiet, Laura went out on the porch and cuddled
down in the hammock, where she swung to and fro, wishing there
was something nice to do, or some new kinds of dolls to play
with. All at once she thought she heard a faint voice say, "What
a queer child! Here she is wishing for some new plaything, and
has never noticed us. She must be blind, poor child! for every
morning we put on our prettiest dresses and smile at her; but she
always passes us by."

"Yes," replied another voice, "when she came out here to lie down
in the hammock, I brushed her hair softly and left a kiss on her
forehead; but she shook me off as if I were a bee trying to sting

Laura sat up, rubbed her eyes, and looked around in surprise. Had
some one really spoken, or had she only fallen asleep and dreamed
it all?

She could see nothing except the morning glories which covered
the side of the porch. There seemed to be hundreds of them, blue,
white, pink, and violet; and how wide awake they looked! "It must
have been the 'glories' talking," said Laura, "but I didn't know
glories could talk. Can you, dear glories?"

The flowers nodded, as if they understood what she said.

"What pretty colors! I never half noticed them before," went on
Laura, "and wouldn't that blue one make a lovely dress?"

Just then wee Donald, fresh from his nap, came toddling out
through the open door, and stretched his little fat hands to the
glories. "Baby wants a trumpet," he cried.

Laura laughed aloud as she said: "Why, they do look like
trumpets, and like parasols, too;" and she gathered a handful of
the blossoms and sprinkled the porch with their brightness.
"Let's play with them, baby; see if we can make some dolls; " and
Laura stood a glory on the step, and into the tiny hole stuck the
yellow center of a daisy, whose petals she had pulled out. On
this center she marked eyes, nose, and mouth; and when a small
glory was added for a bonnet, what a pretty flower doll she had,
with a pink skirt, green waist, and white bonnet! Then a whole
family of glories were made, and Laura gave them each a parasol
to carry.

Baby used his glories for tents, and they had
a good time playing, and Laura wished she had noticed the glories
more before.

By and by, when the day was over, and Laura sat again in the
hammock, watching the sleeping glories, she said: "I wonder if
the glories could have been talking this morning; "and one little
sleepy bud looked as if it could tell if it chose. But Mamma put
her arm about the little girl and said, "I think it was a dream,
dear. But if the flowers could speak I think they would tell my
darling that by using her eyes more, she will find out how much
there is that is beautiful, and God made them all for us to
enjoy, because he loves us. Every flower that blooms its
sweetest, and every child who tries to be good, is a precious
part of our Heavenly Father's glories."

A Fall Song

Golden and red trees
Nod to the soft breeze,
As it whispers, "Winter is near;"
And the brown nuts fall
At the wind's loud call,
For this is the Fall of the year.

Good-by, sweet flowers!
Through bright Summer hours
You have filled our hearts with cheer
We shall miss you so,
And yet you must go,
For this is the Fall of the year.

Now the days grow cold,
As the year grows old,
And the meadows are brown and sere;
Brave robin redbreast
Has gone from his nest,
For this is the Fall of the year.

I do softly pray
At the close of day,
That the little children, so dear,
May as purely grow
As the fleecy snow
That follows the Fall of the year.

The Babies' Blankets

"Such a cold day," sighed Mother Nature, "and no blankets to keep
my babies warm! Little Jack Frost came over the hill last night,
and what mischief the boy is planning to do now, it is hard to
tell. He is such a happy little fellow, but is always up to some
prank. If Father Winter does not send me some blankets soon, I
fear Jack will pinch my babies' toes, and pull their ears, and
make them shiver till they am ready to freeze. I have put them to
bed and told them to keep quiet, and perhaps Jack will not see

"Ha! ha! ha!" laughed a tinkling voice right at the dear old
lady's elbow. "Some of your children did not mind you. Early this
morning I found one of them whispering to a sunbeam, and under
the hedge found a tiny blue aster. I shook her till she was so
cold she was glad to go back to bed again. Ha! ha! ha!" and Jack
gave Mother Nature such a hug that she shivered, and murmured:
"Poor babies! I must write a letter to Father Winter."

This is what the letter said:

Earthdom, November 1, 1893.

Dear Father Winter:--Have you any warm blankets for my babies?
The season is coming when they should take a long, long nap, and
Jack is up to his tricks again. Please send me some blankets

From your old friend,

Mother Nature.

This letter she directed to

King Winter,
The Polar Regions,

Then she called her messenger, Autumn Wind, and sent him
northward with her message. King Winter was seated on his throne
at the back of the North Wind, planning his coming work in
Earthdom, when Autumn Wind arrived with the letter.

"Deary me! deary me!" said the king, "has Jack Frost gone to
bother Mother Nature? I meant he should wait for me this year.
But something must be done. Ho! Snowflake, come here, and bring
your sisters and brothers with you."

In a few moments a troop of dainty beings clothed in white came
dancing along. "What do you wish, Father Winter?" they asked.

"Mother Nature has need of you, my helpers," replied the king.
"You must, stop the next passing cloud, and go down to Earthdom,
and cover up the babies. Jack is there, and they are freezing."

Just then a golden-edged cloud floated by, and the snowflakes
huddled together on it and were soon travelling earthward. The
sun was setting as they passed the western gate of the city, and
the cloud was tinged with red and gold. By and by it began to
grow dark, and the little cloud grew larger and larger, and
before long the night came. In the morning the little children of
Earthdom were surprised to see a white covering over the land.

"See the snow, the beautiful. snow" they cried; and the sleds
were brought out, and such a merry time as they had playing in
the white drifts! But I wonder if any of them knew what the snow
really came for, and how glad dear Mother Nature was because her
babies were sleeping safe and warm under the downy snowflake

The First Christmas

Once there lay a little baby
Sleeping in the fragrant hay,
And this lovely infant stranger
Brought our first glad Christmas day.

Shepherds on the hillside, watching
Over wandering flocks at night,
Heard a strange, sweet strain of music,
Saw a clear and heavenly light.

Listened to the angels' story:--
How, in David's town so still,
Slept the infant King of Glory,
Dreaming of sweet peace, good will.

And a star of radiant splendor
Led them where the baby lay,
Lowly cradled in a manger,
On that far-off Christmas day.

Though that day was long ago,
Every child throughout the earth
Loves to hear each year the story
Of the gentle Christ Child's birth.

And they seem to see the beauty
Of the eastern star again;
And repeat the angels' chorus:
"Peace on earth, good will to men."

The Christmas Star

Long, long ago, in the blue sky above the hills of Bethlehem,
twinkled the stars. Very early in the morning they would sing
together and would tell each other of what they had seen during
the long night.

They used to watch the shepherds guarding their flocks upon the
hillsides, and one bright evening star that looked down upon the
earth earlier than the others, would tell stories of little
children whispering their prayers at the twilight hour. One
wintry night a new star came to visit the other stars. It was so
radiant that its rays shone upon the gray hills and made them
light as day. It had come on a wonderful errand. The shepherds
saw it and were frightened at its strange brightness; but an
angel came to them and said: "Do not be afraid; the star has come
to bring you good, tidings of great joy, and to show you the
place where a little babe is born,--a little babe whose name is
Jesus, and who will give peace and joy to the whole world."

Then the shepherds heard some singing,--beautiful singing, for a
great many angels had come to tell the good news; and the star
grew larger and brighter, it was so glad. When the angels had
gone back to Heaven, the shepherds said, "Let us go and see this
child." So they left their flocks sleeping on the hillsides, and
took their crooks in their hands and followed the star, which
travelled on and on till it led them to the little stable in
Bethlehem, when the Baby Jesus was cradled in a manger. Then the
star moved on again to a country far away, where some good, wise
men lived. They saw the bright light, and noticed the star moving
on and on, as if it were showing them the way to go. So they,
too, followed the star till it rested above the birthplace of
Jesus. Then the wise men went in and gave their best gifts to the
baby, and they and the shepherds knelt and thanked God for
sending the little Christ Child to be the best Christmas present
the great world ever had. The star watched over them, casting a
peaceful light over all. At last the dawn came over the hill
tops, and the star went away, far back into the blue heavens, to
tell the other stars the story of our first glad Christmas day.

Love's Garden

There is a quiet garden,
From the rude world set apart,
Where seeds for Christ are growing;
This is the loving heart.

The tiny roots are loving thoughts;
Sweet words, the fragrant flowers
Which blossom into loving deeds,--
Ripe fruits for harvest hours.

Thus in our hearts the seeds of love
Am growing year by year;
And we show our love for the Saviour,
By loving His children here.


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