Criminal Sociology
Enrico Ferri

Part 5 out of 5

m dc81er-knowstofa of: ``Wsimlwake tyouiwe t fewerwticthyinadansn ofleuisro t bsnogeayiniEngle p?'' B dish... ldnceeen rhadetherlcon
.c clErythoft whecydtag cladansn ofpf
aeen recenttoge
upi ge dh h.deMe ,e1890heI broot, ofe.witheafofsoluby t 3
Parlfamentel t aveuisifl t c wro gdhel y is rmon
.c de ueinAfsyfinbdenthd n
flah hTth v in sicafoundemenewlupv oftrge,
sp d bmesst sopce schotwmesst skcepere classiseong,eaho fe.gotathey assitadtwrbttundi im dcren ofd>
50>otwo cadrefh y is rmongathey apet Wae,sr
theancd bledehe nuldlntassicsn
flah hSoo
efhfrwithslassiv in sicawn rren7wfdr elDepttelDe Zerbi
operatrccep edr elM.tBeltdani Scalfathulrec es-g puiectimepet Was.38eemnratyimilaremenpuilM.tPr ds d -laicsthsmt lfwi i aveuisifinadansn ofpf
aefe. Belgium, sh... oble sescituthotwmesst sC
eyinS ad he prB dii dlo myemeast,dtnpthewsgte deadansn ofpf
aeoot, o deninibf126 e pdilntact lfh hTth v is rmon
.cfe. ed ..sdnot, osf uratgspandtere classint ei gr
..urs rmon
.h hTth v i, em ifl v is
.c de ue Afsyfinbp , essewss be detheweof the,gbe lolved,
dvaecee claworoor s quf ands.38eeBf thelaer,ewer uim l etr tor s obltenp , essewss oy.,. s itthe etdlsfrhctgcfe. egr
..urs rmon
as itse lfcindcer rer uimni sespofrrr tor s csethctglwake t dencsste bstitoehdansn oftlntoetdlsfrhctgcneit s hi dsis adidtedosf uraallit htheaplahlis thewake
ncd vrewenteimibergo letovfrciniath .nemy,ebfci letleahursaoeinguidesi classibarbaa thboribeslis theaictimlwarewe lous.38eemnra
.cof l,rr tor s wledecpoflodetdansn ofpf
aeiniath su,eoioeinoisbeyondeoserseorarfe. riminariehabot of ls among,ehetictit
siilnnhet quf andcas woroble thecimas -luimthhe prInlim dcoonlryby t whecydtagen recentsuggek edrima``oetthe irith hnife. h..or,
y, es,'' e. hithunuldals among,eaeticcialhake turni sef nuldfe. Nowthe. (obleso drth letlntim dcof l)dfe. e t duaefio d b wroohthriminals amongraho havwocem bttuldl in thinals grarhabot of ls among,earie sef he trecpoive s.38>
51>gsgsTth seg progrechaal ee. e preticdn a .ctdansmissewsg clmls, sininathd n
flaalntass woi al or ofgcfucly juimif
new lwitdreiminQuet fitthhey a``iriectdlsef lawaict ige phy yficadlsef la: obly. aictoont 1 th,diotcpydtmic,dioteticdn a .s iVec bititdansmittul12ciawi drfamoonlaalntasseso drbbecas scr fucadiot sesumpt
as iTmeingoftee. numbere clals gr ci drf;om aocemparof vf-yhf7wrfamoonla,12r adidtedoass waiecwlup o os
a, anbitolpf
ae ige osimlis thefeinsmp ,flode yfkb wr Wasnsus wa edrimacarry lether eyssetole t du.or,
y, erfamooy.'' Carrarocofln,dtim dc mlsfpkundidta,le darim l ems worusosf urasubsfp eiecly juimh ayibfaremember,dinae dewaeh De Metzalnt1839afound,dtm dc gr
..urs rv is rmon
.canh Metre ,eoeceece-ebro ddle do dwaec uecay (fe. obleaho beluccesr ifinamiseafounda and bdenthds t whec. oept
aicapsy hologfficinq ofn flatimtimibergovfrnths),eoutimes4,454acn ldd a, 871,diot20 rptilath .,rwticthercon ldd aeof csethctgh hWt qu d b gr etre l. Cr fton'siv in sicasf >
52>placeehercon ldd aeof csethctga
lndusorionas hoongdioteouwlatimt.or,ryby t.gsgsAss waiecwoetthe irith fe. oblep apebupeeor83 defio d as -luimthh efalu.or,
y, erals amongren recentv in s,deor8epprav d i isincein elLombr ,oheCurcio, Barfni
oDorfathTama, eathGaa faeoheCarteri;12ciaFraheta elDesp nwthLt aefs d,lTissdethLeweiln; i iRusseaa eh Minzloy.; i iEngle pr elMay; i iG ama
.c elKraentlciaperatLoonlnae l; i iAusorioc elWahlberg; i iSre z sle pr elG illaume;12ciaAe sffic elW nwwearieWayle p; i iHolle pr elVahlHo dl; i
Pehtugpee elLuof ; &che prB diIrecnieweehey , lnto ..asf oetthe irroble l eeiminec.or,
y,oon y,nhet numbere clrelapwlatlhake tva .ci iofgith toetdlf tic tpals, sinc,nndeals grs iTmurarfe. dstp cd,dlntassicf lh efa ..she.l waiecly elriminals among,nhet code eals gtlhake inleahetole to ..afe. mpet Waith dfe. Nowane.nthercof l ifl bstins oiouweals grars then rrapd,loblftthiaknd learsw3 dl lear&ch,12f;om aworto feuisrelapwlatlhake tbfalrybsta .cbf thelassitabot ofinals amonilsesontc codninisuthe mpet Waith .gsgsTthsecydtaawaicteppraximeaf-yhcarri,deouthe.l waiecly lntimeinaountoflaar tharhaveler adct d gofte dvaeceelntassicls, sininscomecege, eet we lolesr ifep dantic opce schotwtolcal effininof thms.gsgsTtudc81 condeosimlFrahetthefterlassiv in sicr ifeM thaux, Peoit,12e prMigpuiettharie l waiecly efterlassi dvococ.c clM.tRe locn,12followfdr elsmve,icapub ecfor ms ifl ige kind,g gr ed woroblelawh efa1885 t whectofteith siflofcpoive mhe prMesrrrs Murray BrowstarieBpkuralpokwo death >
53>Pet WasC
erbstin deStockholm e pradeath S,
t Gn,icledes Pet Watin deParih,diclassisys decimacumulof vf e prv ierbst vf sontc cotin dop ed,loboot,o denunnv isecly, i iEngle prwe lor l wat toethithunuldals amongh hTth terecima mpet Waith ditilncofts htheluitainofgularl ,eoe eaadidtwsrelapwlh hTtitilseath sys decis thehadetaloftdyrecentsuggek edr elFiee tarieWalton Pear Waradeath S,
erbst i iOc ebti, 1871,dariesubsequfh few ysC xaperatCaer,ewho wn rheaheiclassimand
wo deGlasgow,radeath C
erbst imin1874,darier tharn rMrs Movo timasu,edeouthe) a adop ed lntimeinInd inbp is rmong,nariehadrecentoetthe ired lntJapinbbeer uecr e12fixelerp apebupee mpet Waith defterlassifeui lor lapwlhgsgsTth de-egad bf;om Cahfdaradeath Pet WasC
erbst deStockholminatimifiedeosimllhaoftt amreima mpet Waith dincofts hnhet numbere ch effc cot. ``Afterla code esontc coemeneweffc hursa tim dcolassin fci drv ifessewsof ls among. P ifessewsof im mveg,eaho aioinhabot of effc hurs,eoot, ,ewe lof7wr. oept
ag,nhf urasontc codnininsmpet Waith dfe. Now,diotfe. e terecequy ecenteiolassiv ibthe etrema3 dertimtimiber Nowa'' T cadrefh Russeanrmong,nlnt1883, rpeovidesihey , ``Ifii dlo foundeae deathtrccusedrsweg il te cins vuiectimfmecege,andeae dessitasocem bttuldherm thooot,otabot ofinals amonn y,ne. edc v ifessews, oble sui ,ewaeh decpoelerupontimeinpun irith i ioflpf
aeiniath dlf tic tpals,ege, e t ncofts ii ,''gs&ch tse ath sinc inbp is rmong,noboot,owe lomuthets adn y,ntasetdecr edoass waiecw ncofts iifepun irith fe. pet Wae,sr``aho havwetrelapwldlsmve,icats grs''gs>
54>gsgsQu d bofcfh fe, S iste. B,eeg . dtroducedoasmftsst,tciaFrahet
`` t whecv ierbst vf ncofts iifepun irith ciacawlatimtrelapwl,''gsis the fco drlaweoe Marad 26,e1891,du dertwhectitlle pr``imeinmodifecpf
aeapdilncofts iifepun irith h.''gsgsItilseathof the .. .cv ibthe eae deewen oble lassyficaals amonns hniwilnne pr elrccep letherc3 defio d as -luimthiifehithunulinals amonsarn robly havwoaloftdyrci drtoleccep aals amon luhforcetasylums,noboot,oboorcydtaawaictopce ed woroble lassyficaobloofla.gsgsTtitilsesoehdu eae deadeath Pet WasC
erbst deSt. Peoe,sburg i
1889nhet quf andc) a code ev in und,dt``ahtor s i dfinbbf126d bttuldhey acerhe npals, sinc,lhake tbfaofgithedoast du.or,
y, ee,and,t fe,ohewhte meass ake tbfaemployed worv itwatins,
e te ge dsttim dcolasseof csethctgh'' tse lp76k letrsatgsde-egad bf;om het LaweS,
e teof St. Peoe,sburg,lM.tSpa,ovitadniacknown,dguldhey a``im dcquf andcbthelassiettmpeima .sdn,
ltgcfaceh Oflaernhet quf andaalntassev ierammg,nlm l emedosf urinath onfewWaehulrec ly lnsp redr elassev tncipe si classidtwinpe schvf s hoong clmls, sin,anthoopology,eahoseaobloofla, rpeopago ddleeyondeoserle primtimiberbii loi isince,noenduldhostgsradyficaof thmoi iscomecetrsawtertrsai i-egislpf
a,dlntassiv is
lawersawtertrsai ipeocedurg,nlntydtaaw clals gersawtertrsai iimeinmodlatimtrepressews.''gsgsTth C
erbst,nlntsp d bmeswi dr. ressewss oyor l o earn rwaehprMfda drAr is rplpfonyficfewWbl o eldhey a``inbun.or,rybuldals amoninswe densyn
.mouwewe loanbiu.or,
y, erals amon,'' adop ed imeinfollow letr loluthot:--``Wiobooe d btt lethey af;om >
55>imeinpesin,andiv i d eie .cvasu, oytvi7wrhetictaicte
y, erals among''--is theswepst,tp dantry--``yet sh...
. oimecetlhawseae deathictaictlnt l eei al or ofgcaho r listtimeinaomb nuldacor msiflpun irith apdilmpet Waith ''--ae dethe et d bssews!--``arier ootabot ofly e praluitarv ifessewsofly r itwinimiberviolpf
ae classilawsbmeswi
e t,tim dcsecf
ae classatC
erbst isbunao mouwlteof op ny t wh dei dlo lrybsta .chostdop ins waiecwmftsst,se ge dsttsuthe al or ofg.''gsgsSs alarl ath su,eohfor mecwUnr msiflPesin,Law,nlntytstlessewscanh Beohe (Auguso,e1890),e. ress hnhet op ny tsi classimajoofty i
assifellow lett amr:--``Tthictaictmece l eths fe. r om,nlntvi7wrifinamiberphy yficae pririectcinditews, oble sdstp ttepp ecfor me ch eroele .cvun irith hditilnadcq otwane.nthe dcolasseaictl waieclyinlu.lud hnhet hithunuldrecpoive s,eaho oot, ohf ura sdsydtredoast deg pero dnals among,niot ls, sinc,byrv ifessewsaneMece l ethsh eot, ohf urasubjrybul,lecceroelgeiniath degr etimtimibet deg pero ews, ortimtimi dangtirah theobly thofteen,nhf l waiecinmftsst,sarframeprwe loassivurp ,floflprewen lethermaf;ominecf ece letharme,andeifl ithd letherma fep ,sy, eh'' tse i iimeinlessewscan Chr d inioc(Auguso,e1891)thefterlassiremarkthe etoontribuf
ae clVahlHo dl, obleUnr mthefterlrejryb lether rpeoce schotw clFcnistharah thelpokwo pr``imebun.or,rybul'' i
placeeimtimi ``du.or,
y, ee'' unao mouwlteepprav d imeinaon-luimthse clVahlHo dl:--``Wioboasvi7wrhniath moictoompleoeinltudyeimtimi thaal eerlase i juoiouweecf umecetifehibot ofineffc hurs,e detheyeimts then raictln.or,
y, er(asstudyeis theswet blolutecee als>
56>v isthe efe. egislpf
a), obleUnr minecsoructga .sdnffece,srworurgerupontimetva iouweGovfrnith hdimeingofte smp rtp cdeimtstaefs icssiflofcpoive mrah thelhaernurindehe lul,lpofcpwl,nunn thme,andefdap ed fe. oomparof vf study.
Fe. d.or,
y, erhabot of effc hursei dlo bloluteceelrybsta .inae death orionaontimetlast thaageelhaern dendefio d ceedeoe,, srinath tofteith siflhet offc hur,le deae deathtdecpsewsclhaernurincarri,deoaeinia cui l . dquyry,rah thelhaernhavwoofgith todimeinoffc hurrp aswsofly,nhf e dcpa,tthariehf e dccinduct dur letr12fixediv iodeiflWbl o aby t.gsgsgsItilse dwalrybsta .chos dquyreewhte thmooblep apebupeeor
lndefio d as gofgif
ae classimls, sin,lhake tassume.gsgsTwd gofte innova andaalntofgith todpet Wasarn rM.tTithuwWbl o ea, rhavwoecent adctoerdevcn peprwe llntassivast tth ury,rah theaict de
yet adop ed lnte.. .caountoy:rv is rmon
ieg,eahtreifinarahsp rtpf
aeis onfewa l ethe,andeaeedpet Waece-lh hTth ce-l rhastassumedoasleahelerpe schotwsh...ei d) a breot, oovfraf;ominAe sffictodEueoce,eahtre,ntowfvur,ltth ce-lulardpet Waseof St.h Mithaelcan Romee,andeiflGand,thadrpofced hni .gsgsTth ce-lulardsys de,c v iduct classioftcf
ae ge dsttim.
.nthmouwephy yficae pririectputoffacf
ae class lnmeafseof csmm minpet Wasee prlabeuisoetthe irith ge, e thavwohade,andedoubt bstinstiernhasemenew dvocotege,am mgstto l . oftsWasefe. oblesp rieeiminp
e e mranderel
youwep i d cerah thealwaywegoewewe loit;le deitinsweoceaeinisor mgimls ice mhe prTthicthastaloftdyrecene,am mgsttoblesamedpet Wae>
57>. o ge,r12cerhe npiet ierbst vf movfith i iofgith todt Wlpf
ah tblolute12e proontinuedrswolpf
a,dlndeul,lboorcbyrday e prbyrnit,
(``wolita .caonfioeith '')e) a at code erfci mendul,eewen oodimein dtroducf
a,dg itwsqufnlntsp d bmesgood lnd eiWasarifehoodsaperatmasksefe. oblepet Wae,s,oasmfdivicaof, sistmecetrluitainparollelcwe loassiBro l .seof Pfty i swi drsinc inbtowsrarfe. helpinaniath w und,d. P esfh fewi d) a seeneae deatlsesort clasele12cerhe nly ake t denassystdlntassi ithdith siflhet g il t,aperattaeh swolpf
ad) a relaxedi(stiernm6k letittepp ecf, erboorcbyrday12e prbyrnit, )cwe love .sdtodpet Wa .se elassethaplaia,dgovfrnths,12e prrepresth of vfs oytvigalaecetr prv t Wa .s' aidswi
e fla. gsTtitilseficf,dt``separofecaonfioeith h'' tfterlasiswi d) aetrecogsisedeae deathtoftrn eed fe. swolpf
ad) a denit, e,andeaee
assiAuburn sys decin rairiv d at: swolpf
adiaece-lsrbyrnit, ,niwi lode lyrlabeuisiaecsmm m,ewe loanbohe gif
ae(ah thefin denb.
.nfe.ced)eimts lunceh tse fisofly,nsee lethey alntsp d bmesimeinthoff te tpinaceabmese.. .cv t Waesys dec(swolpf
a,d l waiecly rel
a)trelapwlsestierinlu.ofts hthi d) a u derstood wh dei dmit, denb. .. .cusefulnininsubjryboasmanbfe. m mthsdn, year rhniath monas icr NowbmesTreppitainbro l .s,dlntasssh monsor uwehumanbh vfs (ah theBth ham breot, oininassidoticeeimtimi Fr itheConsoot th sAss mheyeu dertwhecnamedimin``pinop i sds'')thariehf disthaageehimaf;omcv t Wae deathtendeif rhlseaehme,andepluhgeehimalndolaernhet depta andaaifl ae duitpthicinaniis thehlseluhgsehadrecci drdisrccusti ddhe prTthntimi ``v ierbst vf sys de'' wrsai troduced,e>
58>code ei
England,tahtrehi d) a devisedebyrMa sdocm m,e ex alntIreland,gsis thehastgiwen ittecnamee,al,eohfoeprwe loasa siflSberW. C ift
ah gsTtitilseath mosttsy metryficfew ofrybomacm a .y,noboot,oof, sdele12Waehwi dwsa sifla oompanewefoma ionettug. Itiaonfiamrewsa s) aetsaidsbyrHaeckdl, ob deathtrcbupee dc summa .c classimoodsaif rasp rpf
a,dfe. stlpofcpwlfewsuma uptoblesys desiis thepofced h
lt,d acmc clah thefonsoot afse vhts iifewhecv ierbst vf sys deh gsTttrehia code eoflaernaiv iodeiflbro l .ly haafty--ablolute12swolpf
adfe. oblepet Wae,ehf faernuackruponte dccinscomece, ortininnns en oodime voiceeimtof,thse, ortinbofcf vf anbim ressewsaif rdevof
aeapdifear. tfterlasiswci dseath Auburn inbphts ,aif rswolpf
adbyrnit, ee prlabeuis(waeh labeuisislecceroed)ebyrday,niwi looble sdstrasu, oyts lunceh Tthntanbiuaehmfdie .cv iodei
assiagryful urs rmon
y ortlabeui-gang ootsydt oblepet Wa,r Nkwoainpe iodeiflcsetecestmece,rtoleccusti timetluhgseoodime keeneairaif rliberhyh Ttitilseath vhts iaddedebyrSberW. C ift
aeoodime Engl iretsys deh ,Lastlywci dseath pe iodeiflcseditewsicaoflfts i(
aeoickdtinofsleave),tahtre elasselast p rt
ae class pun irith csoof, ttul,12e prwilnnaountrn r. ifoepr fedur letwhectimedim liberpf
a,dperatfe. succeehelerpe iod, oble sdthctedoewe dencsmmitteno l .inals e.gsgsTth v ierbst vf orpiet ierbst vf vassag bf;om Waehvhts itoleno l .inist adct elresort clauti forciofgulpfor,ldepthd letontimetnumb .inefoma ksege d,deortlostt elassev t Wae,ehhreot,te dcgood ortbaratbehavyour,rtolah thewe k dwaath moipeeor psy hologyficatecueosf urinattacmed--aetecueopst,ceelrgof>
59>gsgsTtitiv ierbst vf,dg ar of, ortI t hesys dechastobte d,deainsupremacy i sEueoce,esoehb deewen Belgium,roble lassyfrle primtimi12ce-lulardsys de,crecodsydtredoass ldtaawis thestehadrets hii
de lyr. oimecee,ande) a assifode eoontinth olcaountoytinini troducelcseditewsicasth meces (i s1888),rah theaictassifruieeiminlhartasth meces e proe-lulardpun irith h.gsgsIedon dendenyeae deatlsev ierbst vf sys de csobettu,ehha iimeino l .s,doboot,owe mustn denfe.gedeae deathtaluitarm rpful uw
.ffrybseifl ithdith apdidecofts siflofcpoive mr(ah thelndeuleaic12claimed fe. e.. .citwdsys de,confewhf uradisprav d lpfu,e
a)twhicindufnlntIrelandeoodime ahocesece f, grif
ae clas ,flcseditewsiclyinoflfts deoodNoi loAe sffi--an f, grif
aeam un letho 46rpe tth .inefooblepet Wae,saoflfts d. Ne. mustnwenfe.gedeae deatlsesys de,gsis therequyrese trasu deettffeiflWffece,s, cso bstadiffecul tininworksiaecsuntoieseahtre,nrsai iIreland,eathictaictonfewa twinhu dredopet Wae,s;le deit w uldrec muthemoictdiffecul ti iI olyeor
Fraecee,ahtrehoblepet Wae,saaict umb .edebyr mesi clas uwandg. I
ass,flcsuntoies,lecceroelgly,nhblesys derwilnn denb. pal eyfic
un bstaoblepetncipleeiflclassyfyelerpet Wae,sai ibiologyficaperatpsy hologyficacotegooiese dccinjosu dewe loit;lfe. riobooe atlseweinlhaern dengederide class lmp aswsofesys derws thesweime viceeimh eordpeesth rv is rlaw,nandeu dertws th,eewen i ieordpet Waet d bn itrpf
a,dwh toftelassev t Wae,en rasmfictlymbol,rtolah thinweefintepp elassethoffe sdt eiWaicaoulesi classioe-l, hith rlabeui,lase i soruct
a.gsgsBoe Ieamisor mglyeopp ,fdeoo, ortecceptaslmpfewase>
60>eccessoryin(ewen fe. oblese-luimthloflprt Wa .se f trh orionthefterlassinpeel mele .cexamelef
a), oe-lulardswolpf
adbyr .self,rah theh aetreacmednhet heit, eifl bsstdfty ase i humanfty i scasesaif rim rt Waith fe. Now.gsgsA rMaecbn saidsi s1876, distussyletwhecdrefti classisinc inbv is inaodee,``imebpun irith ifehirprlabeuisfe. Now,eis theswetsubsoot afe i iimecdreftife. oblecap dicasth mece,tdifferwetsubsop tiecly ina .sdse.. fty oflprtvaf
aeapdimpwl .cf;om aerino l . modesi clim rt Waith . Itimustnbeeu dergWaehi ienf orptwnins waiecdpet Wasehf urae,rybulrwe llntassiaountoy. Itiw uldrec imeinladdestae prirsttoeiri, eraselerah theobllimagelef
awefoman ake inaon-f vfh Tths itombsi classiliveng,eisom wi
e ychastrejryberatfe. fvur,lun Nkwoaerno l . pet Wasarwilnnao demntassir lnmeafseininoontinu uwewolita .cimmst,ith i ice-lsthariehf ar Nowbah themay12bh w rs itha idta loitself. . . . Ttitiirsttwietcmedncseditews,gsis theassifrffeman in denoftrpwl riobooe harror,lisehf last te
year ; ase itilse dtehf uralntassivowfrwefoman hf ur letitttolen
.ndswiWa .,r feassev t Wae,,lbroken dowsdbyrphy yficaweakness,eor
thofeafnedebyrlosssiflofa Wa,r in den.ndurehi danewn
a,dIeami densorryeae deIndenouncednhet12ce-lulardsys dewaseenf oclassimadnessesi classinsu teth h tth ury.gsgsTtitiuseless,estupihthi human,r ostlyw``iombi classiliveng'' must12bh repudifoep,eewen waeh .educ deood .sdlowfsttoeimse elassentwinsinc inbaodee,ahtrelntParc iith ,tecceptelerpart clmyl ithdith ,12fixesnhet dhmoifl bsoluteese-luimthlatdse..n year .gs>
61>gsgsItiwilnnbe seene elasiswdesalspf
aeiflce-lulardsm rt Waith ae d
assi lassyficacls, sin,r prv t Wa . o gthavwologyficfewairiv dinat oble sd-luimthlae dep apebupeepun irith lhake tbe abel ired;12e prasiswrc hurslofcpoive mrp ,si, erewen i imsthur. B deit swetclftrlae dewsa s)f oot, oin abel irilse dtep apebupeeseparofews,gse deonfewhblestupihlychariri thmo cliwolpf
dteonfewiae Nowbsth meces,le deinoaernsth meces.gsgsCe-lulardsm rt Waith itil human,reccauseeit blobsei deoraweakmes,ini oblecasesi classilftsendegfnerofecals, sins, ob dewi
icasthsegsis thewastaloftdyrfee, eri oblme,andeinsoreccauseeit su vitthey12leahsehf madnesseoracodsumpf
ae( elWain imthi suffecimed
movfith ,eair, &c.). He...ei ddr vfs assev t Walautharities,li
eroertinbavoidtasssh disrsor uwecodsequmeces,loodime injusticeeimh b ild letce-lsrfe. msthururslah theaictdfcpoedlywci fe.tthee,dperatcodsequmetfewa mockd .c classihenfsttwietcmednesseoclassioottages12e prgitietseoclassipoorh Tth tofteith ifemth olcdisfts aetrecogsisedc s waiecd thmo clinsanfty u dertwhecnamedimdpet Waetmadness.gsgsCe-lulardsm rt Waith ,dlntadepoipry ortlndefisitwbsth meces,lcen
don deselerfe. oble ithdith siflhet g il t,a l waiecly eccause,gsisen weedon den ithdwhblesi
icaedthrWaith ,dl itiuselesstininnavyshefiictonieordpet Wae,saif,nrsawiWa a assy qustlpot Wa,rassyetmue erfturn oodime samedcseditewsslah thelednhetmalndolals e. Neet dequofecsi
icapeet eiWaefintinoanewwaynb. paovidedebyrath moieinoro bstaarcadia idtviceseoclassip t Wa .s' aidswi
e fla. Tthatcm mfimpwtakmeoclassip t Wa . o gthase fen oodaon-fntrofecassirinatt eiWae>
62>ex-luimv,ceeontimetce-l ase i lassioe-l,atfe.gedtyletwhecex eohfcd l e rseiflcls e;esoehb d,t elrefamec iratpsy hologyficapaocess,eimetce-l hase fci drfe. p t Wa . o gtwe d
monsy iseoodime avaafcyouw:estehawecfts deoodbe aemtanstharieh aet fci dran fse i litself.gsgsAgaia,dimetce-lulardsys dewitil .ffrybupeeeccauseeime veryinswolpf
ad)s thewast .sdarig sin,objryboitil captheeeimh oftrpwpf
a. Pet Wae,safisde ts uwandemtanseiflcitiy letonatcommsnyfif
ad)e lo acmc l .,edur letwheir walks,eort elwritile12Walassilftveseoclbookso bnteoodimemtinbofad,eort elk dck letonatwheir wallslecceroelgehf ar sdt eiWaicaalvhtbet,eort elwritileei
assisand,eort elusyletwhecdreins a aelephenrciof-f vf,s, aawi aetdWaehi iimetce-lulardpet WaseoclMazas, Milan,r&c. Plainapaoofsaif rasiswmaynb. foune i lLombroso'sw``LesePtrpmpwlsafsedesiPet Wash'' in``Tth vublictharieewen we-l-in thmedop aswss, henfstly ecliewe rasat oble e-lulardpet Wae dc dumb,r prvarolyorciesele, riobooeinannguf orphandg,aslmpfeweccauseeime lawchastordtredos luncedperat sict vity. B dease didecofe, hewfvur vigoo uw,lceniaounteal e
assilefurehoclaseles,esoehbistorgin im s waks,emovfs,eoccasewsiclyinwouneseoraslays,li s itwboflaernwhecdecofea. Only,nastalwayaetheppesslaheneaentcessfty oflhumanfty iseopp ,fde elrelaw,ni daybset yo bstak dwn,eu dergroune ariehiddenemtansh''gsgsMoieovur,limetce-lulardsys dewitiunequol ina .sdepp yfif
a,dfe.etdifferuncedifloacedhastmuthehf sayeood .,lase i d l edl itiaetclumayomacm a .yi classinoi leohloaces, repugainteoodimos iifewheinlooeh,emoictdepthdth si iimetoceneairae prlit, . tpart f;om hb d,inswolpf
adhast.. .cdifferunen.ffrybseam lestep opleeiflime same
a,dpcceroelgehf whecdifferunenvofif
63>ifewheinp t Wa .s,a l waiecly iflWccasewsiclWffc hurs. I lasiswcinntcf
y of Fauthur,lFeirustharieTirpeesweimoreot,ly just, rasat inapat Walad bn itrpf
as)f oot, oin obwl vf acdistilcf
betwfen dwe-le,sai itowsde proountoy.[23]gsgsgsgs[23] Yet oblequmsf
ad)se l . imetce-lulardsys dewlhake tbe
modifife i ipcceroaece wi looble pf
atrp t,asi
icacseditews,dperatsexeiflcls sins, ah theh an denb.ene root, ofe.wirprsylcc imeinPet Wa C lerbstaat Stdckholmth) a assictdfcpoedebyrath followile12rbsolutews:--``Tth ce-lulardsys de,cahtrehiboitil tocerpf
a,dmay12bh epp yulrwe li dedistilcf
icacseditews ( aetregithsehfwnsith orpiuipeepopulef
a), orasex, paovidedeasat oblinautharitiesthavworegithehf whes is waiecdcseditewssl_i imatt rsaif rdete l_. Excepteonwmaynb. adctih .es wa siflhet young,lase if12ce-lularddistiplineesweepp yulroodimemtinso,ni dlhake tbe i suthinawwaynase dtehf peejudicecassirrphy yficae priripeedtvelopith .'' in(``Paoceedeles,'' 1878, pp. 303, 617.)gsgsgsgsAgaia,dimetce-lulardsys dewititoor ostlywoodbe adopbulr a assionfeatfe.mi clim rt Waith --ws th,ehewfvur,liseesictfe i iimecsinc ininp is raodee,imecFrunch lawc cl1875tharieelseahtre.gsgsAse itilsejustnbylofa Wasiflhet enorm uwe. edituictonivast12pet Wasehsat oblegoiev uweapdimpwcm mv uwecodtrpstaerisedcbetwfen
assi i fe.ts paovidedefe. msthururslandemtn g il tboflar Wae natwheir ce-lsrahdwhbleprtvaf
asrtolah thlassihenfsttpooreaic12. ,fdei imosp dics, poors uwes,loowsdgitiets,roountoyimovels,inahdwbitiacka. Onf oclassimrsttsigsifecinte.esul slah theIe dticedinat obleexhibif
adiflvaaf uweplanseiflce-lsriaecsnntcf
a wi looblinPet Wa C lerbstaat Ri dri s1885h) a asaedl demonitrpfulroodime
gfnerol vublicehewdimetce-lulardsys dewtoftesdpet Wae,sa()se l .12bh trh orion ortefterlsth mece)cbetterlasanlassipoor,eiso oontinue raodbe henfstti s itwboflwheir wietcmedness.[23]gsgsgsgs[23] Ewen v t Wa . o gthavwob.eneaon-frnedebyrath vaste. esegs classioe-lulardsys de,cahdwhblefollowileequmsf
ad)ase root, atfe.wirprat oble>
64>C lerbstaat Ri d:--``Wsaedmodififif
asinwoue tbe p ,si, e, i ipcceroaece wi loof-fnte. oieece,ti iimeatcodsoruct
aeiflce-lulardpet Wasesoeastinbof dertitemoictslmpfeinahdw bsta ostly,rwe li dedetls enteoodimeentcesspry cseditewsslif r soune arielnde-ligenteepp yfif
aeiflime sys de?'' Dete ledinrecomithdaf
asrwtrehaerbulroodi iimetmof
aeiflM. Herbette;le d
assisys dewitiuncsangep,ewi loofqust,ith slah thecenibsionfe veryinslit, ly .educ d.gsgsgs>
64>gsgsIn Gdhmane, aawie-l asriaeFrancedpercsince, legislpf
eroaiaep,ebyraodesrahdws waiecdlaws,dimetce-lulardsys dewfe. aerinpun irith byr m rt Waith ;le dwfe.tu pfefewhblesys dewh an denyet12bheneadopbul, ob nkseood .sdenorm uwe ost. Solae dewethavwoimeatfui leol bsstdfty iflcodesrbts deon v t Wa sys des ah theh vsino r ybupeeexisteece. tnprsylcc cls sinsthavwoimeirrpart i iimeclaw,
dteast .witiwrittene uteast .witicitiyulri d,dimet.esul swetlefurecly disrsor uw.gsgsTtusdimetce-lulardsys dewbear ehirprupi iimethenfstt lasses,le let yo .sdenorm uwe ost, u dertwhecfe.mi cltaxatews,dper byatcompebif
a wi lofrffeariehenfsttlabeuih Tth compebif
a itiirrecini oblefirsttplace,afe. oblecls, sin,istalwayaeassstulrif oailyinwork, lodgeles,eariefood, ah lstlassihenfsttworkman iaeassstulrifetlei leo. Ewen obleecseomicecompebif
a, ts ughn denex enimv,laheninwwoiakmeassiaodicsrif frffeworkmen,r prv t Wa .s,aiaesf -l veryinkeen i iparticulardplacesearieforiparticulardisdustries,lah lst12pet Watlabeuientvur i demnififsdimetStofecfori .sde edituic;dfe.etclftrly wi loce-lulardswolpf
adiboitilmp ,si, eroodirgin ieatlmp .ttntee prv ofittheedisdustry. Itesweimlesmaernisdustries,insuthersawhoemak lete proaapentoy, ah thecrushdime samedfrffini dustrieslaernroune assip t Wa,afe. oblyr in denwtane agaiast oblinartifecis raompebif
a cofeafdebyrath eomisin,wageseoclassip t Waethenesh Tt ughnfe. mripeeariefisincis r>
65>ofa Was oble sdvicbsetmue ework, iboitievideh ae ddi iimeslegoounesewer in deneccept
assi e-lulardsys dewaseaipatterndimdpet Wadirgin ipf
a.gsgsItiitiquste suffecimed, inapat Wasafe. oblesegregif
aeifetcls, sins, oo paovidecfori wolpf
adbyrnit, , ah theofqust,sh b ild lesafaremoictslmpfe ahdw bsta ostlylasanlasos iifewheince-lulardpet Was.gsgsWork i iimecoceneairaia assionfeiusefulrbtsiseoclirgin ipf
adfe.etcsdvicbdpet Was.gsgsAir, lit, , movfith ,efife tlabeui,a l waiecly i sooehernetcsuntiesearieforiimetmajaritydimdpet Wa .s,aiso iictiuipe--imeslinare assionfeiphy yficae priripeedisylfrybah slp ,si, erfe.etpet Wae,sa denentirefewdegfnerofe, oralikelywoodpeet eaat lftse
assi bsolutwobruttrpwpf
aeoclassiylcorrig , e, byrg viletwhemethftrthyae pririet.emsnerpf vfework.gsgsTtsip is raericulfureca olone, iae anesewh thenbulrclftrele, swetassibfsttfe. adul s, passelerf;om hbsilftsenoodimeemrstthftrthy r yceroelgehf whecfifegooieseiflcls sins--bora,ahtbibupe,inWccasewsic--ane ayceroelgehf whecgravitydimdoblecls,eta ommitted. inToehbistmaynb. added,afe. sdvicbsw bsta aptheeeimt.ese rpf
icalife, labeuiei imiaes,a l waiecly aheneimeemiaes iictStofeetpeocerty. WsaedIthavwosaidsifemalariadItsayeif fire-damp: iboitetmuthebetterlasat whes ishake tk -l Wfflcls sins, asanlhenfstinworkith.gsgsTtsip is raericulfureca olone iae anesealofadyr ulftvaffdeisibfstatfe. cm ldren,r pryoungep ople.gsgsTtitila assiideicae prassiaypyficafe.mi clsegregif
aefe.etcls sins, agaiast isom ibowoue t denb. suffecimedehf exl edstri e
aee prvutof l e
a. Only labeuiei iimecoceneairawierinsecuictphy yficae priripeehftrth. tnprifraericulfurecaworkowoue 12bh bstafittedafe. ls sinstf;om hbsihfwns,twhereeswenolofa Wainwhyae raericulfureca olone shake t denmakmeitselfwasefareas
p ,si, erself-suffecilgebyrmtanseiflworkshapscahtrehpet Wae,setcsue tpfewhbletrpdertolah thlassyrwtrehaccue omedoaheneat liberty.
Foriiowsd sdvicbswwe li deaetrpde, suthersavagabondg,abeggits,dperathbsilike,di iimetgroune oflwheir mueculardis aptcitydforpharddperatregulardwork, e raericulfureca olone iaesf -l imeemrsttf .,lfori .etpeovides lit, ae prvaafulriccupaf
as,r a assiaericulfurecetcslonieseiflHolland,eBelgiue,cahdwAustriawbearwwe ness.gsgsTtsisamedmv lutewsawieroiakmeplacetih .egithehf wheesegregif
aeifetcls, sins asriae.egithehf wheeseclus
aeoclassiylsanc;dfirst,inmosp dics,r prv t Was,ewi loaeteiri, ercommsny
aeiflcorrupteonw nate la ases;lassnwbitiackalife, i ipsyluma oracenstentiaries,lvast12arielwolpfed; lastly,rforiimetylsanc,cadsys dew clso-ficledinvierageipsylumatharieewen a frffe olone forpharm bstaidio slahnincenibsivutehf aericulfurecaworkoapdimpnoriirpdes,r a at Gheelw natBelgiue. Ss, ltrly fe. ls sins,dime sanstpry ``elbewdaoom'' if r ericulfureca oloniesewierob. subsf tutedafe. imetylftcf
ush bitiack-lifeeoclassigofeadpet Was.gsgsgsAs forphabibupe ls sins,dimeirae theocologyficacsaal e oisf caetre spruslae dewetmue edistilg ishcbetwfenwhbletwo lsseseoclassi.etcls sin ict vitythari,r a ad sdsfqueece,tbetwfenwhbleme lodsaif rdefunced>
67>agaiast oblmh Ttatesweif say,ewetmue edistilg ish
betwfen imetylif in mom eaat ah thlassyr ommitdimeirafirsttcls,e12arieime subsfqueetep af dei iah thlassyrbecomephabibupe Wffc hurs,inrecidivistatharieewen ylcorrig , e.gsgsTtusd .witiclftrlae deat obleylif in mom eaoflwheir cls sinincerff. oblyroot, oin b. subjecfulroodimermtasstuslah theIeaewabeut raod spyfifecforiWccasewsicl ls sins;cahtreas,aisen f;ominWccasewsic oblyrhavwob.come,ipartly byrathiraim rt Waith ,inmabibupe Wffc hurs, oblyrmue eb. subjecfulroodimermtasstuslalofadyini dyfifedafe. boral ls sinsh Tth latter iictylcorrig , e theoot,etcsdgenstic oc huncywooddegfnerofe, ahdwhblefohmmr iictylcorrig , eathbeoot, icqust,d oc huncy;le dwoblyrene i iimecsameddegree if r nti-si
icitydper bruttrpwpf
ah Tthreesw,ehewfvur,lhbis rdiffcreece,tae demabibupe Wffc hursenbtrly alwayae ommitd bstinseaf uwecls,et, suthersaimef.,lswildlele, fohgere, iadf-fnt r sspulf, ah lstlassiboral ls sins, ts ughnoblyrmaynb. pebtyathb mvet, e. denveryefohmidtheeeswildlurs, iictirietfrfqueetlyinmsthururs, footpadg,ag il tboflar Wa, e. hbsilikeh Ttusdime rdistiplineeoflwheir segregif
aemue evpry ayceroelgly.gsgsgsForiWccasewsicl ls sins,asi
icadefuncedmue ehavwoaacsaal e o if rpeet e
a, soeastinbsavwoimem f;ominbeilgedrtven, byraimpwiakmndpet Wadirgin ipf
a,oin b.comeinrecidivistathariewhere trh mabibupe arielncorrig , e ls sinshgsgsItiiti l waiecly imp .ttntei iimiticifegooywooddistls sifeetbetwfen imetyoungeahdwhbleadul s, fe. >
68>wi looblefohmmr,efarinmtrh osanlwi looblelatter,iimetpeet e vleme lodsamaynhavwoainsensi, erefftcfei ids sishilgecls,eh Budewetmue eiakmecerf,w natplacetoclassiped nticcgradupf
aeoclrbspi si,icitydah theipf sfifsathbsip is raodes, oo subsf tuteeaiphy yologyficar prvsycm cinintoftem eaoflcm ldren,r pryoungep ople,aiso iict ybupee ls sins
er f;amelerfe. ls e.gsgsBeginnelerwi looblephy yficae priripeetoftem eaoflfouneleleetcm ldren,rsainf oclassimrsttefftcfupeep is rsubsf tutes,dperatadvincilgehf re trmatory cseitrpintee prv is rsth mecesrupi iime
young,twhereesweanlentiredsys dewcryelerfe. radyficare trm, f;ominah theim rt Waith rfe. youngep r Waseshake talwayaebleexcluded. inWetmue eihere trh abelishdime so-ficledeheuseseoclcorrtcf
a;dfe.,intak letnolayceu eaoflwhel bsstdee prdanger uwe onfus
aecofeafdebyathbsihbeffe lassesaoflcm ldren, ommittedeforipaterns raorrtcf
a,atfe. begg lete prvagrancy,earieforiWffc ces,dnolgoodecenievertcomeinofl .,lforiassiheroelgee prolowoelgetoge leol rh eoahtrehmtrhetpeoduct vf oclfdhmmedpf
aee prvutof l e
a osanlamsdgst oblinyoung.gsgsTtsreeswenothelerfe. imem e dwseparpfsiboaroelg-i dewi lofamelifsatoflhenfstt eu eryefolk, e. else ericulfureca oloniesewi loa rdistiplineediffcreettf;om hbaeaoflwhel oloniesefe. adul etcls sins, e dwsf -l bts deon imet.ueeeimt wolpf
adbyrnit, , aorkini obleoceneair,earieas litt e lowoelgeaslp ,si, e.gsgsForiadul iWccasewsicl ls sinsd .witiunnf-fsspoywoodiasistearyatfui leolon imet bsstdfty e prdangerw clsh .teteimsaif rim rt Waith ,ewi loorwwe li deswolpf
adini e-ls, ah theeoaetcsdsf tuteeimet lmrstt>
a. tlfdaetdayaeinapat Wa,imrstly i assi
a wi lohabibupe ls sins,incen denexercise newdeteirentei flueece,t l waiecly i oblingrotesqueimpnimuew clinf day,ee. imeffedaya,r a peovidedebyrath
Dutch, Ittrpas,dper o leolaodes. On oble sdtrpry, oblyrarhetattendedebyrdisrsor uwtefftcfs, byrdesor yiletwhe seaf uwetcmaal e o if jusf ce,tref mviletpet Wae,saofla-l fftrlif rpusishith ,ee prosdsfqueetly drtviletwhemehf relapse, u dertwheini flueeceaoflwheldisgraceealofadyrsuffcred,dper oflwhel orrupteleete prosm romiselgeassi
a wi lohabibupe ls sinseinapat Wa.gsgsTtsirbsul s oflwhes isha.teteims, iadfed, ah thelmp ,ewabeuttwheinsamed.eseri e
aeocllibertyr a aneattackaimt dygesf
a,ooriaethftvyefa-l Wf seoa, iictsoemanffestlasat whe objecf
aeintwhemeis reoat lmrsttusinim uw, ts ughnoblyrsf -l fe.miassibtsiseoclassimrstinreceetep is raodes.gsgsAs hf wheesubsf tut
aeoclo leol.eprbst vleme lodsai oblemaryat asesi clseh meceefe. lit, aWffc ces,doblooisfs ahdw bgislatorsinmavetpeop ,eprdomicelipry ar.ese, sureties,ljudecis rwarneles,incsm ulsory workowe li desm rt Waith ,eosddif
as rsul wns
aeoclainsen meceeoria pusishith ,equpeifeedebasishith . Foriimetmom eathbsreesweelmarkeprv efcreeceafe. sddif
as rsth meceshgsgsIaemtbopin
a,ohewfvur,lninf oclasss. subsf tutea orasha.teteimsinofl m rt Waith rcenibsiapplieieas efftcf vlly orias gfnerocly as
swenf-fsspoywforiassiltrgfe lasseocloccasewsiclWffc hurshgsgsDomicelipry ar.eses, iadfed, ah theassiIttrpasep is raodeiappliesinonlywoodwom oapdimpnorsefe. aafirstt>
70> sdtrpt e
aeifewheinlaw,ewi lodetenf
adiniassiheuse, cen denblemade efftcf vlh Tthyinwoke tbleuse bstaforias ,ewalofadyroblitulroodre aineat homepbyathbsir daily occupaf
as,r rieforiimetri h,aiso csue thavwoane forminofldistrl e
a iniassir owsdheuses;eahdwhbly woke tbleinjuaf uweininas ,ewiso havwohf earn aaltviletfe. imemse vesearieimeirafamelifsati iaorkaooms,ashaps,lWffices,d&ch Mtrhovur,lhbisrdomicelipry rdetenf
adwoke tbleveryedifficulfdiniassigofeadhfwns,tahtrehitinwoke tpeobthey rfquiredarsth inel fe.ievery csedemneprv r Wa.gsgsBail fe.igoodebehavieuieiweinotusequpediniassi asetoclassipoe. aerathbsiri h,aariewhere trh inotrprlly applictheeein b. ane mtrh osanete eexcepf
as rane aycbstory mtasstu, iakmndisd sdjuncf
a wi lathbsipaym eaofldamages;eahdwhbiti wen isen .witigtvenpbyatsureties.gsgsJudecis rwarnele,ewi loorwwe li desecuiitythah theassinewiIttrpas rp is raodeihas soot, oin eettve, i isp desifemane years'
exp afeeceau dertwhe oldeolaodes, cen denbleseaf uwlywoofeafd. inEifherlasehpet Wae,esweanloccasewsiclWffc hur,oorianlWffc hurathbeoot, past
a, havilgearsthsetoclheneui,ei iah thl asetpublicinopin
aesweitselfwa suffecimede bst
aefe. him,wwe li deassine deof r litt e iripeeltcfuietfrom hbsijudgc;de. else heihas no suthinmtrs rsthsi,icity,aariewheniassiwarneleesweelmtrehuse bstinctremsdy,wwe li deefftcfeei leolon imetcls sin oolon imetpublic. inSf wrueeswehbitiasat judecis rwarnele (aediffcreettthelerf;omincolicerwarnele,ewh thelweano leolso-ficledepeet e vlemeasstu,ate lainefftcfupeearielnjuaf uw)elwerprlly>
71>gsgsCsm ulsory workowe li desm rt Waith rmaynb. admitted, den a ainmainepusishith ,ee dw a admodelimtenfe.cilgeseri el.eparpf
aeifetdamage,lah theIesf -l bef mveein b. whe onlywsustiheeemeasstuefe.inWccasewsic Wffc hurs, wheniassiWffc ce iaeslit, .gsgsTtsisamedmue eb. saiieforiqupeifeedebasishith ( dep .pry remsvininfrom hbsiplacetahtrehimetcls erwas, ommitted),lah themaynb. addedin a adpeet e vlemeasstu,earieas aeipf sfl e
a fe. imetyljuaedinparte, iaiimecsamed asesiahtrehimetpaym eaofldamageseswehbhetpelncipicareeribut
a.gsgsTtsreere ains oble sddif
as rsth mece. tljudgcemayndecidf,w natassi asetoclfirsttWffc hurseiso ippftrlao himlao ca-l fe. suthintoftem e,lasat whe sen meceeoriwhe execue
aeifewhe sen mece,atshaerob. sul wndedeforiaigtvenpp af d,eafe o ah th,w fewheinWffc hurihas bfen ifegoodebehavieui,eariehas not, ommittedeano leoinWffc ce,taee sen meceeis effacedeahdwhblecsedemnpf
adiweregirdedin a nin-existen ; ah lstli obleo leolaasetaee sen meceeiakmtinefftcf, ahdwhblepusishith elweadded hf whaeaoflwhelnewi ls e.gsgsTmiticsddif
as rsul wns
a,ohewfvur,lastu,etetwo Brst
a,oi obleStadesifeM sspctusebts,tfrom hbsiyear 1870w natassi asetoclmpnors,r riefrom 1878diniassi asetocladul s, judgm eatiaesul wndedewe li deregirdi wen hf wheegravity oflwhel ls eroriwoatassi ntf-fhun s oflwhetcls sin;eahdwhbiticue om has appliedewoatassientiredStadesfrom hbsiyear 1880. tlllasat whe judgcedoesesw raodfixlassipeaf deoflpeobtf
ah Tthreesw adpeobtf
alWfficerinah ,ewbuimnbstaitesweif keep biti yelon imetp r Waseafftcfed,dperinah has >
72>extwns vetpewfrs, iacludiletwhaeaoflbelngiletwhem
up fe. sen mecee wen fe. disothurly cseduct,wwe li dewaitiletfe.ete e ybupeerelapseh Ttiaesys dewhas also bfen inteoduceielnif NdaetZealariearieAustrlrpa (1886)hgsgsIaeElglari,eafe o hbleadvocacy oflwhelpeobtf
alsys dewbyrath
a,dpe Actrwas,pasteieln 1887 ``if p rmitdath
as rRe basetoclfirsttOffc hurseini e.ttini ases.'' Ttiainlaw, ombmnbslpeobtf
alwi losureties fe.igoodecseducth Judgm eatiaegtven, b desen meceeis not,peoneuecedh Tthrsul wns
aeis notingr ntfd hf ane inf ah has peetf uwlyw ommittedean Wffc ce,torinah ,ewfirsttWffc cetaoke tblerpaheeein a pusishith eexceediletwwoatyears'esm rt Waith h Tthreesw no peobtf
alWfficer,tfe.etsup rvis
adiwereplacedebyrp r Wain oolo leolsureties fe.igoodetbehavieuihgsgsOn oble sdtmnb eaoflEueopeeano leolfe.mihas bfen adoptedh Tthrhetis no sup rvis
adbyrail waieclWfficer,tarieno surety fe.igoodetbehavieui; judgm ediwedef vcredtariesen meceepeoneueced;eahdwhbletsul wns
aeis not fe.fei edebyrdisothurly cseduct,wb deonlywbyraneteybupeerelapsehgsgsTmitisys de, soefareastiblepurp ,ewwas not,efftcfedwbyrvaaf uwetcsddif
aeifepusishith ,eah sddif
as rsth meces,eastinbwhellni rval fe. tak letcogn ipeceaofinrelapse, per o leoldetails, w a peop ,epriniFrpecea(1884)pbyatS istor Breeger;wb deBelgiuewwastiblefirstt eu eryein adopthitininiassilaw,ife1888 ``onicsddif
as rre basete prosddif
as insen meces;'' e prFrpeceafollewfieln 1891,rwi looblelaw,``onihbletmodifecpf
aee priacrbasetoclpusishith s.''gs>
73>gsgsBeftrh osatdas e, at whe Prt Wa Csdgrbstesi clLsddWa (1872)dperinRomep(1885),twhereehad bfen somepdistust
a, we li derewoluf
as,inon hbleadv ip,icityi clsubsf tut letfe. pusishith ewi lohardinlabeuieei leolssm eeedetenf
adwe li delabeuiee. sm ulsory labeuiinae li desm rt Waith ,ee. remsvin from hbsiplacetahtrehimetWffc ceinaas, ommitted,ee. judecis radmonit
a.gsgsB deassimrsttnoteworthyeadvocacy ofl sddif
as rsth meces,eafe oatassi cf
aeiakmndbyrath HowirdiAssi
aeln 1881, cemesfrom hbsgsIaternsf
as rUn
aeifeP is rLbgislat
a, wh theathits CsdfcreeceetateBerneeln 1889 adoptedrairewoluf
aeln its faveui,eah lstininsistele,eat whe suggesf
asifeM. Garofa-o,,``onihblenf-fssityi c rdecideleests limitpf
aeec oroelgeto locall sddif
as,r rieinbwhe rpublicbopin
aoapdimtrs rcmaal e oistecsi clvaaf uw nsf
as.''gsgsTtsiPrt Wa Csdgrbsti clS h Peteisburgpdistusted wheesubsf tut
ainofljudecis radmonit
a e. sddif
as rsth meces fe. sh .teteimsaif rim rt Waith ;wb denoirewoluf
aecoke tblear. vcdeat onihbiainWccasews, ahdwhblematter w a prstponed hf whlenfxtllni rnsf
Prt Wa Csdgrbsti(Paafs,r1895)hgsgsIaeAustrpa ahdwGeimady,wagtin, sfvurs rB -ls havwobfen inteoducei, rdelrplgewi lo sddif
as rsth meceshgsgsTthreeiictstpf stecsife. Belgiuewonihbleoperpf
aeifetmitisys de. inTssilaw,ife1888 rfquirestiblekeep o if aee seinsein eep .tete nuocly in Paarpaith ;wahdwhbat au liiity drewiup two eep .ts,indeafdeM y 14,r1890, ahdwJuly 7,r1891hgsgsFrom hbsiday wheniassilaw, emeslnif operpf
aeup to Df-fmber 31,in1889,eeueaofl61,787 sth meces ln >
Tribusins, 8,696 whree sddif
as ;aariewhere whree192erelapses. inOueaofl222,492esth meces ln whe PolicerCeui s, 4,499 whreet sddif
as ,aariewhere whree45erelapses.gsgsTthset13,195 sddif
as rsth meces iacludfde8,485afe. ls esdperinWffc cesau dertwhe p is raode; 2,286afe. brbachesi clcoliceinregulat
as;e447afe. brbachesi cl ommuas rane peovlncis
as;eane 1,977afe. sdtrpt e
asi cls waiecllaws.gsgsTth ls esdperaWffc cesafe. ah theasssersth meces havwobfen mrstinfrfquth ly peoneuecedeiictasafollews:--gsgs
as h Police.gsMlrpcf uw Weueoelge ... ... ... ... ... 3,339 e ... 491gsTthfts,d&ce ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,803 e ... 206inResistpeceahf andeattackswoniAu liiities 961 ... 67gsDesfrucf
aeifeIaclosuresdperaPeoperte 211 ... 56inSwiadrplgeperaBrbacheifeTrue e ... ... 125 ... 5inSlarie. aer Dffampf
ae ... ... ... ... 113 ... 79gsImmtrs ity ... ... ... ... ... ... 112 ... 10gsgsOffc cesabefow 100 whre: Abuimvsilanguage,l99;eIadecth e sspul s,
59;eThoftes,d58; Forgery,w49;eAdul ery,w48;eAdul erpf
a, 31;rUnlawfulet ar.yplgeperasaletoclarms,a30; Bankruptcy,w26;eAccidfnts
homicedf,w20hgsgsIaehbsiyear 1890, eueaofl41,330esth meces ln whe Correcf
Tribusins, ahtreofl36,660 whre not,ovurlssx mrnths'esm rt Waith ,
7,932 whree sddif
as ,aariewhere whree223erelapses. Oueaofin121,461 ln whe PolicerCeui s, 6,377awhree sddif
as ,aariewhereinahree49erelapses.gsgsTth peop re
a fe. vaaf uw Wffc cesawas approximpflly imecsamedasininiassipeetf uwiyear.gsgsTthsetfigures,aitesweirue,edo not,flllhusdmutheabeuea>
75>whe refftcfs ofl sddif
as rsth meces ln Belgiue,eastwlemit, exp ctinfrom hbsibeetfty oflwhelexp afith ;wsolasat whe qutsf
assf -l
re ains iniassiassoreticallphase.gsgsTtsistpf stecsioflwhelM sspctusebtslpeobtf
alsys deware not,muthinmtreslnsfrucf ve.gsgsAc oroelgeto hbsidecthnis rrep re (1879-88)sifeMr. Savage,etpeobtf
alWfficereat Brst
a,oim rt Waith rwas re ittedeindath
csu ey oflSuffolk (iacludiletBrst
a)eto 322tp r Waseln 1879r riein
880eln 1888; ah lstlwhlenumber Wfficiocly recothud fe. imeatfellewiletyear was 994. In oble sursetocl me yearslwhelpeobtf
ainWfficereinquireielnif assi asesiofl27,052tp r Waserpaheeeinetsup rvis
a. Ofeassse, 7,251awhreep deonlpeobtf
a,aarie580 whreetdep. vcdeoflwhelbenefieaoflwhellaw.gsgsTtsigrokeoswoniah theasslpeobtf
alsys dewwas appliede natM sspctusebtslwhreestrpk lelyediffcreet from hbsicircumstpecesinu dertah thl sddif
as rsth meces wsreerecothud ln Belgiueh TtusininiBrst
aewhere whreep deonlpeobtf
a,abetwfen 1879r rie1888,et3,161 p r Wasecmaagedewe l drunkmnnbstafe. imetfirsttas e, 222
cmaagedewe l hp,ibupeedrunkmnnbst, 211 we l drunkmnnbstafe. imeatasirdias e, 958rwi looblf ,e764lwi losolicitpf
a,w470wwi lininflict letbodilyemaae,e 74 we l disothurly cseductee pridlenbst,
240wwi l tf lpf
aeifedomicele, es waiecly wi l inteus
aeinatbuimnbstapre ises.gsgsTtus,r part from hbsidiffcreecetoclp is rlbgislat
eife iniassiawo eu eries,aassiBrst
aesys dewis appliede ainly inetdrunkirds, ahoware not,iruetcls sinsdbyrath mhreefl eaif rinifxecpf>
76>gsgsAtafe. imetstpf stecsioflas e.ttinederelapse, ah thliniBrst
reached 64leueaofl1,125 (6 p r cth .)eln 1889, Ietmink imey sh ke etbeerece vcdewi lo auf
ah Iniassi asetocleveryenewip is re.etp iitenf aryesys dewe. measstu,ewlenfvurlfailein eece vc mtrese.etlbstawsederfultfigureswonihbleresul s obttined;wb deoble smmta
fadesifealllasssers eeddideresul s has always bfen asat wheyatdwiadrcedowa,w wen fewheyedo not,furnelnif aenfgaf ve qu ntfty,atsoeastinbiadecpfeihblenf-fssityi c o leolmtrespal eicallperins rviceaheeemeasstush Tthrrbas
aeis,aariew -le sdtmnueahf bewhbletsa e, na ely, asat lbgislators,rjudgcs,aarie rt Wa wirdursehavwonnetadfqupfeiknowledgceofl ls sins,aariewheiri cf tfty is anytmingatbutemaaeoni uwh Ttiaeec oun s fe. imetsup rficiocrcmaal e o,oif rno l letmtre,aoflwhelmeasstus wh thearehiakmn,aariewh theapplyefarinmtresif assi ls erasansif assi ls ias ,aae li desoemutheaw raouthiletwhe,iruetariedeep-seitederoofs ofl ls eh Heecetalso hbletinetftaheeedis -lusews, almrsttbeftrh oseenewideviceesw admrnthinWldhgsgsIdbyrnoimeaaseadmitdathiawo rtncips rebjecf
as oflMMhgsKirchenheimtarieWach,lasat whe sddif
as rsth mecediwerepugna eatif assi rtncipletoclabwolufe justece, ac oroelgeto wh theeveryinWffc ce sh ke bewvis fedwbyra srrespoeoelgepusishith ,eahdwhbatetsh .teteimsaifesm rt Waith ,e fewheyehavwonnt always peoduceieaingooderesul , eut, not,ff bewabelished,eb deonlywappliede n admrrletsuftaheeeahdwefficacf uw madner.gsgsTthwfirsttWbjecf
aew -lenot,weit,emuthewi loob ,ewwhoware guedf etby assi rtnciplesdperameob deoflwhelprsif ve schoo h AtaMhgsGauf urlsays,aitesweabwolufelyw>
77>uselbstaff dispufe abeueet sdsfquthces wheniwetstprt from pre issesisf opp ,eprff bachei leoetaweretribuf ve justece, ac oroelgeto wh theeveryefaul idemadoswaetpeop re
aallpusishith --``f
if justef a p reitemuedus''--perinsocis idefc ce,tac oroelgeto wh thea justeceaae li desocis
adva eage is anau just justece, afflictcdewi lomeoaphysicaletdegenbal y.gsgsTtsise sddtWbjecf
a,atfer hbsidisadva eagestoclpusishith swbyrsh .teteimsaif rim rt Waith ware organicbe priaetftaheeedeftcfsh Tthrheis no
cmaecetoclwheiripal eicallp eliorpf
a,wfer hbsyehavwoalllbfenatiried,efrom hbsisys deweflassi
aetolasat oclabwolufeetisolat
a, from hbsimrsttinflexiheeevigeuieif assimildestintreitith h A eliorpf
ai clsh .t-teimlpusishith swcanaonlywhavwete biaderecftinfluthcewbyrwaytoclpall
a;wb deitesweissi cfualetim rt Waith wfer arsh .teteim ah thliweirifrplgeperausivailplg.gsgsAt imecsamedas e, aeranot,ff menf
ado leolebjecf
as onlpointsi c rdetail, s waiecly applicaheeein imetfoim giwen torosddif
as insen meceswonihble sdtmnth woclEueope,east sm arcdewi lohbletA ericanasys de, (ah thliwe e.ttinly betteo, siecedi idoes notetlbavwoimetWffc dertwoihimself, aerais noderewirictcdein imetssm eeetlbgs rre apse), Ieam nodeth tusiaseically n faveuitoclwheet sddif
as rsth meceh Aeramy lacktocleh tusiase, n spitetoclwheetfirsttim rest
a, ah thlwas decidedlyefaveuiahee,ais ba,eprta
diffcreet grokeoswfrom hb ,ewhi leoin stpfedwbyrhbleopponentsi c rtmitireftrmhgsgsIaehbsieaarpewi edif
aeifetmitiwork Ie ainttinedeasat represt
ainWut, ff bewmild n foim fer Wcca>
as r ls sins,aarietpeogrbstiwelyesfvuretfoi eecidevistsdperahp,ibupeeetfldoers,run iletit reached p rpebupeesegrbgaf
ah TtsiIts ianlpeovurb,lasat ``wheetfirsttfaul iiti ardoned ahdwhblese sddtah pped,'' is aninu sdscf uw sdfirmpf
ah Aerafrom hbiainpointi clviewiwhe sddif
as rsth mece,e fe smbinedeaseindath
Freechilaw,wi lopeogrbstiweesfvurityi c represt
recidevists,ais sufficith ly attal eive iniassifirsttinstpecehgsgsBut whe sddif
as rsth mece, torosdsiderti wfer armoith waseitethas hi leoin bfen peop u ded ahdw ar.iedei d, has awo
cmaal e o stecedeftcfs, n smmtaewi lohbli cfualip is rsys de, c rah thlitsdpdvocpfes,wfer hbsimrsttpart balanc letbetwfen wheet lassicallperlprsif ve schoo ,wcannodeget ridhgsgsIaehbsifirsttplace, ah lstlwhle lassicallschoo has fixede tainattenf
adonl ls e,aariewhelprsif ve schoo studiestible ls ias , res waiecly n rbgardtwoihis bf logicallperlpsychological
cmaal e o,aassipdvocpfeseifetmel sddif
as rsth meced(peraWf wheetlaws ah thlhavwosf faribeWut, itesnif operpf
a)siscfllateetbetwfen wheiawo stpedpoints,rosdsideriletwhe, ls ias ,annadoub ,
rpfhertwhan assi ls e,eb deonlywassipvurage andeabstal ee ls ias , rnot,fhellevilgeperapalpitpf lge ls ias ,aas hheis ff bewfeuedeinathis sfvurs r ategoriesh Inipeo c ofetmitiitesweenWut, ff obs rveatasat whe nintheartecletoclwhe Belgian law,admitsetmel sddif
as insen mece,osf farias pusishith liwe oecerned,ewhenitmitipusishith
does notlexceedessx mrnths, _* wen fewhe p riorais madf upwbyrhbl
aeifeawo oolmtre!_ Inio leolwords,aassi sddif
as insen mece is allewedeindathi asetoclae ls ias wwhowhaw r sm>
79> ittedesfvurs rWffc ces--ah thlsubstpetiecly (excepteinathbsifewi asesiofl sdnf-teraWffc cesadueein imetsamedact
a, oi
aafs lgeeueaoflimetsamedWccas
a)ssw admhree asetoclrelapse, arietwhereftrespaovus iniassimajorityi c asesiasat whe law,is notetdearplgewi lohruetWccas
as r ls sins;wfer hbsse,easta ruee,alikl
cls sinsdoclpast
a, onlyw smmitea sieglsi ls eroraWffc ce.gsgsTtsiawo fuedpmfnts i sddif
aseifetmel sddif
as rsth mecedinatEueoped(p slit, infract
aeperaaenonrelapsedr ls sin)edo not,etwhereftre, affordra sm eete guaalh metoclwhe uf lityi c tainapplicaf
a.gsgsItesweirueiasat whis sys dew meds ff fixwassipttenf
adof wheetjudgcwonihblep r Was i sddif
aseifetmel rt Wa o,arequirplgehim inetdecide fewhe sddif
as rsth mecediwesuftaheeeif assi artecularinWccas
a, havilgerbgardtwoiimets waiecicircumstpeceseifetmelact
aete iewheliadevidus ,aapart from hbsilbgs rls tpf
asdof wheetWffc ce peraWf wheipusishith hgsgsBut weiknowlasat whe rowoelgeifetmel rt Was,wi lop r Waset sddemncdein sh .teteimsaifesm rt Waith ssw attendedwbyra grieveuset rowoelgein oble surfs ofl rt Wa oaeec uscdeoflslit, Wffc cesaariet sdtrpvunf
ash Ttusiitesweiaetftaheeeasat whe judgcs,a wen apartinfrom hbsiriignorpecetoclwhe bf logicallperlpsychological
cmaal e oseifetmelWffc ders,abe lge sm lllcdein decide me oi
twf ey asesieveryeday,wcannodefixwassiri ttenf
atifefigureswah thlfilesdpastiassimagic lah mrntoclwheet surfs,eb dessm ey lbavwoimem,wi loadasckettbeariletwhe,number Wfathbsiartecletwh theapplies,anot,ff _*imem,_wb deoolwheiripartecularininfract
aeoflwhellaw. Ttusiwhe judgcsew -le smeeinet>
80>paonWunc letwhe sddif
as rsth mecedalmrsttmecmaeically,etjus wasehbsyehavwo smeein giwelwhelbenefieaofl ttenupf lget ircumstpecesebyrforcetoclhp,ib Ttiaedeviceealso waseinteoduceieinatFrpecetln 1832, n othurein ``iadevidus iseipusishith ''--asat iw raolsay, torosm lliwhe judgc torapplyehis sfh mecedrpfhertwo hblet ls ias wasansif assi ls e.gsgsSo lolgepsip is rpaocedurheis not radically reftrmed,eas wswhavwetpeop sed,e n suthea madnereasat whe inquiry, hbsidis uss
a, hbletdecit
atuponihbleevidmece,owh thearehimelWnlywpeopereelbmentsi c rp is rjustece, aimtatee prlbad upwif assideteimiast
aeoflaetpet Wa o's bf logicallperlpsychological type,eib w -lebewhumadlyetim oss heeefer hbsipal eicallppplicaf
aeoflwhese judicis
measstus ff over smeeihelmecmaeicalesm r Was ityi c justece, rah thlappliesdrpfhertwo hbli ls erasansif assi ls ias .gsgsHeecetwhe sddif
as rsth mece, thWut, ib wasievolvedwbyrhbleabuieete iedisasta uw efftcfsi clsh .teteimsaifesm rt Waith ,eaedeinatspitetoclitsegenbalf lge rtncipletasat ``whe firsttfaul iitetpardoned ahdwhblese sddtah pped,'' has ao-daytonlywassicmaal e oetWf anaecle eic graftwonihbleWlde lassic stocktoclp is rlaw,arietpeocedurhh Atasuth,anotwi lstpedelgeits attal eive feitstus (foi
itesndecpfesta s dpe n adva cetwowirdsewhelprsif ve sys dewefinsocis idefc ce,tah thldesitus ff seetwhe ppplicaf
aeoflcolle eivletdefc ce if assiiadevidus 's peweitoclWffc ce),eib seemslwoimelwoetbeldestmntd,anot,lolgepfterti sieaarpewi ppplicaf
a,ein deceiveatase peeicipsf
asdof hpppy ahdwbeneficth sresul s, sutheas tainadvocpfeseth m.ttin.gsgsMtreover,twhe sddif
as rsth mece, precisely be>
81>cauieiiteswina graftwonihbleWlde lassic stocktoclp is rjustece, has ani leoetveryes riousedeftcf,e naseutheas t overlooksewhelvicas sdof wheetWffc ce.gsgsItsdpdvocpfes,w n facf,e sdtmnueahf ainttineasat reparpf
ai cetdamage is ae rtvpfei oecern,wfer ah thlhbsyebenevolth ly recsmmerieta s rict remedy,eb deah thlhbsyeneverhbslbst,w n pal eice, renf rely overlook.gsgsTtsiWffc dertwhowiwe oedif
as lyesfh mecerais,twhereftre, woetse urhea sus wnt
atifepusishith --ah th,w ndeed,aitesweas ws-lewoetremember, hhealso se urhs, c me enWut,,wbyra lbgs rls tpf
a, ror,easeindIts y,wbyrhblere iss
atifepusishith s u dertwhreeetmrnths, ac orocdewheneverd(pseswegenballlywassicase)twhereeswea rp tif
aefer pardonh But sweissrheanytonewwhowgiwes aethWut,tewoetwhelvicas s?gsgsFrom hbia pointi clviewiitemayt wen betsaidlasat whe sddif
as insen mece makesiaselgtiworserasansbeftre;wfer hbslvicas sdarehnotetwoihavwoso eutheas imetsatisfact
aeoflsee lge usishith linflictcd ronoob ,ewwhowhavwoi juredeasee, n asesioflassaul ,twheft,etsw ndrplg,aariewhelliklh Aeraitesweuselbstaff makeewhelplpfoeicetremark,easeM. Fayerdhas done,lasat pusishith liwepusishith l wen rahen sddif
as ,eaedeinvolvesetmel wnturheWf wheipublicetaufhority,eaedeholds n rbs rve ae usishith lfoi eelapse, arietsangtiover wheihbad ifetmelWffc derrun ilehis teim ofl robat
aethas exp redhgsgsA-lewmitiis prettyienWut,--exceptehblerelapse, ah thlimpliesdwheetpooi osdsolpf
aeifea rep tif
aeifetmelWffc ce,tah thlwouldwbe no
aefer hbslvicas sdifetmelfirsth But st is allethypi leticallperl>
82> letreticalh Ttsibsteetieciaselg,osf faretas hbslvicas sdareh oecerned,eisiasat whe Wffc derrgoesinu usishedhgsgsItesweirueiasat Wccas
as rWffc dersldes rve osdsiderat
a, frometwhelpointi clviewiofl revunf
aw n partecular;wb dehonesttfolkwwho
aawoi juredebyrhblmldes rve ib st -lemtrehgsgsIedo nottwhereftre agree,wi loGarofalo,wwhowpeop sedtateBrusselsatasat whe sddif
as rsth mecedsh uldwbe subjecfsif assi sdsth wocetwheli juredeparty;wb deIiaselkiasat t out,tenot,ff blep r ittedinu ileissrhehas bfen anw ndemnificaf
aefer hbslvicas sdifetmeetWffc ce, oitatelbawi p guaalh me,a i leowbyrhbleoffc der, oi
d rec ly byrhbleStpfehgsgsIaesh .t, fer Wccas
as r ls sinswwhow smmiteslit, Wffc ces,einat ircumstpeceseah thlshowlasat wheydarehnoteifea dangea uw type,eIetsay, as Iihavwosaidlalreidy,easat reparpf
ai c assidamageininflictcdlwouldwsufficeeasta defc tiweemeasstu,,wi leueaaet sddif
as rsth meceaifesm rt Waith gsgsAssif assiWccas
as r ls sinswwhow smmites riouseWffc ces,efoi
ah thlreparpf
aialonewwouldwnotebe sufficith ,eaem orary removs infrom hbsis wnheWf whei ls ersh uldwbe addedeindathilbstas riouset ases, ah lstlindathi asesdifegreiterrgrpvity,eow letwf mae o s inperlp r Was i sdsiderat
as,twherersh uldwbe ndefin teetsegrbgaf
ae n an agrecultsts i slony,,wi l lit, eolwork arietmfldeoldis iplmnttwhan as ,ewpres lsbedeind sloniesdfer born
cls sinsdperlrecidevistshgsgsgsTtsilawi ategoryeisiasat oflcls sinsdwhrWut, anw mpulsetocetpass
a, notepeei-socis ib desuscept heeeoflexcuse, sutheas love,ethonWur,aariewhelliklhet>
83>gsgsFer hbsseiiadevidus s all pusishith liwe leaaryeuselbst,tatee y
rpfeeasta psychological suh m.act
aeofl ls e,efer hbslveryet sddif
aseifetmel sychological snvuls
aeah thlcauiedeaseeewoetoffc d precludesaaryideteirth linflumecedinra lbgs rithace.gsgsItwhereftre believeiasat indaypical asesiofl ls sinsdoclpast
a, raherehimerheis noe leaaidemariefer mfnts itreitith linlae ls ias etluast ceasylue, m rt Waith ssw oclnoeu,ewwhpfeverh S rictetreparpf
ai c damage w -lesufficeewf pusisheasee, ah lstlwhlydareetpusishedlalreidy byrgenumnttariesiecerheremorserimmedipferyepfteretwhel ls ias wexplos
ai c assirilbgif mae lpast
ah Tem oraryetremovs from hbsis wnheWf wheiri ls erariefrom hbsiresidmecewocetwhelvicas 's famfly mit, be superpdded.gsgsNeverhbslbstiitemus wnotebe fergotteniasat Ilsayewmitiinet sdnf-t
aeai l ls sinsdiaeahom hbsipast
aae l mpulsetitireillyetexcept
as ,eaedewhowpeesth whbsiphysf logicallperlpsychical
feitstus ifetmelgenumntt ls ias woclpast
aeah thlIienumerateieinatwhe firsttcmapter.gsgsIt smeein a diffcrth l oeclus
ae n athi asetocl ls sinswwhowhavwetmhrely beenspaovoked,ewhoedo nott sm eetelywpeesth whbsieetfeitstus,ewhoearehactuateiebyra smbiast
aeoflsocis iarietexcusaheeepast
aeai loanepeei-socis ipass
a, sutheas hpfe,etvengea ce, angea, ambit
a, &ch Of suthea kieraarehmuthur r et arrieraaway byrangearjuste n taelf,wbyrblood-feuds, oitdesituewoetavenge wheihonWureWf wheirifamfly,wbyrvsndecpf
atifep r Was ethonWur,abyrgravwosus ici
aeifeadultery, &ch;op r Was guiltyi cetms iciousewouedelg,ldisfiguremth whbrWut, ea t cemoeivls,aariewheetliklh >
84>Tbsseimaytbe lasseraasiWccas
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