Elson Grammer School Literature, Book Four.
William H. Elson and Christine Keck

Part 9 out of 10

commodity (ko-mod'i-ti), goods, wares.

communal (kom'u-nal), having property in common.

commune (ko-mun'), take counsel.

communicate (ko-mu'm-kat), make known.

communion (ko-mun'yun), intercourse.

compass (kum'pas), size, capacity.

compensate (kom'pen-sat), recompense or reward.

compete (kom-pet'), seek or strive for the same thing.

competence (kom'pe-tens), property sufficient for comfort.

complacency (kom-pla'sen-si), self-satisfaction.

compliance (kom-pli'ans), yielding.

comply (kom-pli'), yield, assent.

component (kom-po'nent), composing; an ingredient.

comport (kom-port'), agree or suit conduct.

compose (kom-poz'), put together: quiet.

composition (kom'po-zish'un), combination, make-up.

composure (kom-po'zhur), calm.

comprehend (kom'pre-hend'), understand.

comprehension (kom'pre-hen'shun), perception, understanding.

comprehensive (Kom'pre-hen'siv), including much.

compressed (kom-prest') pressed together.

comprise (kom-priz'), include.

compromise (kom'pro-miz), an agreement in which all parties concerned give
up something.

concave (kon'kav), hollow and curved in.

conceal (kon-sel'), hide from observation.

concede (kon-sed'), grant or allow.

conceive (kon-sev'), understand: think.

concenter (kon-sen'ter), bring to, or meet in a common center; condense,

concentrate (kon'sen-trat), bring to, or meet in a common center; condense.

concentric (kon-sen'trik), having a common center.

conception (kon-sep'shun), formation in the mind of an image or notion.

conciliate (kon-sil'i-at), reconcile, pacify.

conclusive (kon-kloo'siv), convincing; final.

concord (kon'kord), state of agreement; harmony.

concurrence (kon-kur'ens), agreement in opinion.

conduce (kon-dus') lead or tend.

confound (kon-found') confuse; blend.

congeal, (kon-jel'), freeze; thicken.

congregate (kon'gre-gat), assemble.

conjure (kon-joor'), call on solemnly.

conjure (kun'jer), call forth or expel by magic arts.

conjuring book (kun'jer-ing), a copy of Cornelius' Agrippa's "Magic,"
printed in 1657.

connubial (ko-nu'bi-al), pertaining to marriage.

Conscript Fathers (kon'skript), a translation of a certain form used in
addressing the senate of ancient Rome.

consecrate (kon'se-krat), dedicate, hallow.

conservative (kon-sur'va-tiv), opposed to change; safe.

consign (kon-sin'), intrust; deliver.

consistent (koti-Sis'tent), not contradictory; having harmony among its

construe (kon'stroo), interpret, explain.

consul (kon'sul), commercial agent of a government in a foreign country; a

consume (kon-sum') destroy; swallow up.

consummation (kon's'u-ma'shun), achievement; end.

contagious (kon-ta'jus), catching.

contemplate (kon'tem-plat), view; study.

contemptible (kon-temp'ti-b'l), deserving disdain; despised.

contemptuous (kon-temp'tu-us), scornful.

contention (kon-ten'shun), strife.

contexture (kon-teks'tur), system, texture.

continuity (kon'ti-nu'i-ti), the being continuous.

contrite (kon'trit), humbly penitent.

contrition (kon-trish'un), self reproach.

contumely (kon'tu-me-li), disdain, scorn.

convene (kon-ven'), assemble.

convex (kon'veks), rising or swelling into a rounded form; opposite from

convoluted (kon'vo-lut'ed), rolled together, one part upon another.

convulse (kon-vuls') contract violently and irregularly.

coof (koof),

coot (koot), a kind of duck.

copious (ko'pi-us), plentiful.

coppice (kop is), a grove of growth.

corbel (kor'bel), a bracket.

cordage (kor'daj), anything made of rope or cord.

corroborate (ko-rob'o-rat), make more certain, confirm.

corrupt (ko-rupt'), change from good to bad.

corse (kors), a corpse.

corselet (kors'let), breastplate.

Corsica (kor'si-ka), an island in the Mediterranean, belonging to France,
the birthplace of Napoleon.

Cossacks (kos'aks), a military people inhabiting the steppes of Russia.

council (koun'sil), assembly or meeting, assembly for advice.

counsel (koun'sel), interchange of opinions; advise.

countenance (koun'ti-nans), appearance of the face, the features.

counterfeit (koun'ter-fit), that which resembles another thing; carry on a

counterpart (koun'ter-part'), a copy, duplicate.

Coureur-de-bois (koo'rur'de-bwa'), a class of men, French by birth, who,
through long association with the Indians were only half civilized. Their
chief occupation was conducting the canoes of the traders along the lakes
and rivers of the interior.

courier (koo'rl-er), a messenger.

Court of St. James, the official name of the British court. St. James's
Palace was formerly the royal residentce.

courteous (kur'te-us), polite.

courtesy (kur'te-si), good breeding.

cove (kov), a small inlet or bay.

covertly (kuv'ert-li), secretly.

covet (kuv'et), long for.

craft (kraft), art or skill; a vessel.

crag (krag), steep, rugged rock.

Craigie House (krag'i), the house in Cambridge in which Longfellow lived
from 1836 until his death. During the Revolution, it had been Washington's

crane (kran), an iron arm fastened to a fireplace and used for supporting
kettles over the fire,

cranny (kran'i), a chink.

crank (krank), top-heavy.

craven (kra'v'n), coward; faint-hearted.

craw (kro), crop or stomach.

credentials (kre-den'shalz), testimonies of the bearer's right to

creditor (kred'i-ter), one to whom money is due.

credulous (kred'e-lus), apt to believe on slight evidence.

Creeks (krekz), a powerful confederation of Indians who occupied the
greater part of Alabama and Georgia.

crescent (kres'ent), the increasing moon; anything shaped like a new moon;
emblem of the Turkish Empire.

crest (krest), upper curve of a horse's neck.

crevice (krev'is), a narrow crack.

crier (kri'er), one who gives notice by proclamation.

criterion (kri-te'ri-un), standard of judging.

critic (krit'Ik), one skilled in judging.

critical (krit'i-kal), decisive; important.

Croisickese (kroiz'i-kez), an inhabitant of Croisic, a small
fishing-village near the mouth of the Loire. Here Browning wrote Herve

Cromwell, Oliver (1599-1658), commander-in-chief of the parliamentary
forces in the struggle with Charles I of England.

cronies (kro'niz), intimate companions.

cross (kros), emblem of the Roman Catholic church.

croupe (kroop), the place on the horse behind the saddle.

crucifix (kroo'si'fiks), a representation of the figure of Christ upon the

cruise (krooz), a voyage in various directions.

crypt (kript), a vault; cell for burial purposes.

crystaline (kris'tal-in), pure; transparent; consisting of crystal.

culprit (kul'prit), a criminal.

cumberless (kum'ber-les), without care.

cumbrous (kum'brus), burdensome.

cunning (kun'ing), skill.

"cunning-warded keys," knowledge which comes only from close observation
and which is hidden from the less observant.

curb (kurb), to keep in check.

curfew (kur'fu), an evening bell, originally to cover fires and retire to

curlew (kur'lu), a wading bird, having a long, curved bill.

custom (kus'tum), duty or toll imposed by law on commodities imported or

cylindrical (si-lin'dri-kal), having the form of a cylinder.

Dalhem (dal'em), town in Belgium.

dalliance (dal'i-ans), delay; interchange of caresses.

Damfreville (dam'fre-vil), commander of the fleet.

Dante's Divine Comedy (dan'te), celebrated Italian poem in three parts,
"Hell," "Purgatory," "Paradise."

dapper (dap'er), little and active; trim.

darkling (dark'ling), gloomy.

Dartmouth (dart'muth), college at Hanover, N. H.

dastard (das'tard), coward.

daunted (dant'ed), dismayed.

dauntless (dant'les), fearless.


"dead of night," middle of the night.

dearth (durth), want, lack.

debatable (de-bat'a-b'l), open to question or dispute.

decease (de-ses'), death.

decisive (de-si'siv), positive, final.

decorum (de-ko'rum), proper conduct.

decree (de-kre'), law; decision given by a court or umpire.

decrepit (de-krep'it), worn out with age.

deeming (dem'mg), thinking.

defaced (de-fast'), disfigured, marred.

defer (de-fur'), postpone; yield to the wishes of another.

deference (def'er-ens), respect.

defiance (de-fi'ans), disposition to resist.

defile (de-fil'), pass between hills.

deflower (de-flou'er), deprive of flowers; take away the beauty of.

defy (de-fi'), dare.

degenerate (de-jen'er-at), grow worse or meaner.

deities (de'i-tiz), heathen gods.

delegate (del'e-gat), send as one's representative.

deliberate (de-lib'er-at), not hasty; (de-lib'er-at), weigh in one's mind.

delineate (de-lin'e-at), represent by sketch; describe.

delirious (de-lir'i-us), wild with feeling.

Delos (de'los), the smallest island of the Cyclades, according to legend
originally a floating island and the birthplace of Apollo.

deluge (del'uj), flood.

delusion (de-lu'zhun), deception for want of knowledge.

delusive (de-lu'siv), deceptive.

demeanor (de-men'er), behavior.

demon (de'mon), evil spirit.

demoniac (de-mo'ni-ak), like a demon.

denotement (de-not'ment), sign or indication.

deplorably (de-plor'a-bli), grievously.

depositories (de-poz'i-to-riz), place where anything is stored for keeping.

depravity (de-prav'i-ti), corruption, wickedness.

derision (de-rizh'un), insult.

descent (de-sent'), a passing downward.

descried (de-skrid'), saw, beheld.

desert (dez'ert), solitary; empty.

designate (des'ig-nat), point out.

desist (de-zist'), stop.

desolateness (des'e-lat-nes), state of being desolate or lonely.

despair (de-spar'), give up hope.

desperate (des'per-at), hopeless, reckless.

despicable (des'pi-ka-b'l), fit to be despised; mean.

despondent (de-spon'dent), low spirited.

despotism (des'pot-iz'm), tyranny.

destined (des'tind), marked out.

destiny (des'ti-ni), doom, fate.

detained (de-tand'), kept back or from; delayed.

detract (de-trakt'), take away.

detractor (de-trak'ter), one who slanders.

deviate (de'vi-at), go put of the way.

device (de-vis'), design; invention.

devious (de'vi-us), wandering.

devoid (de-void'), destitute.

devotee (dev'o-te'), one wholly devoted.

devoutly (de-vout'li), earnestly.

dexterity (deks-ter'i-ti), skill.

dexterous (deks'ter-us), skillful, artful.

diffuse (di-fuz'), spread.

dight (dit), adorn.

dignities (dig-'ni-tiz), honors.

dike (dik), embankment to prevent flooding.

diligence (dil'i-jens), industry.

dinning (din'ing), incessant talking.

"dire-struck," struck with terror.

dirge (durj), funeral hymn.

discern (di-zurn'), see, detect.

discipline (dis'i-plin), training; punishment.

disconsolate (dis-kon'so-lat), sorrowful, comfortless.

discordant (dis-kor'dant), not harmonious.

discountenance (dis-koun'te-nans), not approve of; discourage.

discourse (dis-kors'), conversation.

discredit (dis-kred'it), disbelief.

disembogue (dis'em-bog'), discharge; flow out.

disguise (dis-giz'), change the appearance of.

dismember (dis-mem'ber), disjoint.

disperse (dis-purs'), scatter.

disputation (dis'pu-ta'shun), dispute, a reasoning on opposite sides.

disqualify (dis-kwol'i-fi), render unfit.

dissever (di-sev'er), part in two.

dissolution (dis'o-lu'shun), separating into parts.

dissonant (dis'o-nant), sounding harshly, discordant.

distaff (dis'taf), a staff holding a bunch of flax, tow, or wool, from
which thread is spun by hand.

distended (dis-tend'ed), lengthened out.

distorted (dis-tort'ed), twisted, wrested.

ditto (dit'o), exact copy.

diverge (di-vurj'), extend from a common point in different directions.

divers (di'verz), several, different.

divert (di-vurt'), turn aside.

divest (di-vest'), deprive; strip.

divine (di-vin'), godlike; foretell.

divinity (di-vin'i-ty), deity, God.

docile (dos'il), easily managed.

doctrine (dok'trin), principle of faith.

doff (dof), put off (dress).

doling (dol'n'g), giving out scantily or grudgingly.

domestic (do-mes'tik), pertaining to one's home.

domination (dom'i-na'shun), exercise of power in ruling; authority.

dormer-window (dor'mer), a vertical window in a sloping roof.

"double-reefed trysail," a sail reduced in extent doubly to adapt it to the
force of the wind.

doublet (dub'let), a close-fitting coat, formerly worn.

dower (dou'er), that with which one is gifted or endowed.

drama (dra'ma), a picture of human life, especially for representation on
the stage.

draught (draft), act of drinking.

drawbridge, a bridge which may be raised or let down.

"drink the cup," a biblical expression meaning endure.

dross (dros), waste matter, dregs.

Druids (droo'idz), ancient Celtic priests.

dubious (du'bi-us), doubtful, questionable.

dune (dun), a low hill of drifting sand.

dynasty (di'nas-ti), sovereignty, dominion.

ebony (eb'un-i), a hard wood capable of a fine polish; black

ecstasy (ek'sta-si), a state of over-mastering feeling; height.

eddy (ed'i), move in a circle; whirling.

edifice (ed'i-fis), splendid building.

effected (e-fekt'ed), accomplished,

efficacious (ef'i-ka'shus), capable of producing a desired effect.

efficacy (ef'i-ka-si), force.

efficient (e-fish'ent), active, helpful.

effulgence (e-ful'jens), great luster or brightness.

eke (ek), also.

election (e-lek'shun), choice

elevation (el'e-va'shun), height.

elfin (el'fin), relating to little elves or fairies.

Elfland (elf'land), fairy land.

Elijah (e-li'ja), II Kings, 2, 11.

eloquence (el'o-kwens), effective speech.

Ellwond, Thomas, a Quaker, who was a friend of Milton, and wrote a long
poem on King David.

Elysian Fields (e-lizh'an), the fabled dwelling place of happy souls after

emancipation (e-man'si-pa'shun), freedom.

embargo (em-bar'go), restraint

embassy (em'ba-si), a solemn message.

ember (em'ber), a lighted coal, smoldering amid ashes.

emblazon (em-bla'z'n), illuminate, make light and beautiful.

emblem (em'blem), visible sign of an idea.

embosomed (em-booz'und), sheltered.

embrasure (em-bra'zhur), a window having its sides slanted on the inside.

emerge (e-murj'), appear.

emergency (e-mur'jen-si), necessity.

eminence (em'i-nens), height.

eminently (em'i-nent-li), highly.

emulation (em'u-la'shun), great desire to excel,

enchantress (en-chan'tres), a wicked fairy, who weaves spells over her

encomium (en-ko'mi-um), high praise.

encompass (en-kum'pas), surround,

encore (an-kor', an'kor), again; the same.

encounter (en-koun'ter), a meeting face to face.

encroach (en-kroch'), enter gradually into anothers rights.

Encyclopaedia Britannica (en-si'klo-pe'di-a bri-tan'i-ka), a dictionary of
the arts, sciences, and literature.

endeavor (en-dev'er), effort.

endow (en-dou'), enrich.

enervate (en'er-vat), weaken.

enhance (en-hans'), increase.

enjoin (en-join'), urge.

enraptured (en-rap'turd), delighted beyond measure.

ensign (en'sin), banner; national flag.

entreaty (en-tret'i), an earnest request.

envelop (en-vel'up), wrap in.

epaulet (ep'o-let), a shoulder ornament worn by military and naval
officers, and indicating differences of rank.

epic (ep'ik), an heroic poem.

epicurism (ep'i-kur-iz'm), pleasures of the table.

epitaph (ep'i-taf), inscription on a tomb.

equip (e-kwip'), furnish or fit out.

equity (ek'wi-ti), fairness, impartial justice.

era (e'ra), a period of time.

eradicate (e-rad'i-kat), destroy utterly.

Erzeroum (erz'room'), the principal city of Turkish Armenia.

Esk (esk), a river in Scotland flowing into the Solway Firth.

espouse (es-pouz'), make one's own; marry.

essay (e-sa'), try,

essence (es'ens), substance.

essential (e-sen'shal), indispensably necessary.

estate (es-tat'), possession; wealth.

estranged (es-tranjd'), indifferent.

eternal (e-tur'nal), endless; perpetual.

Eternal City, Rome.

ether (e'ther), an extremely fine fluid, lighter than air, supposed to
pervade all space beyond the atmosphere of the earth.

ethereal (e-the're-al), spiritlike; heavenly.

Evan (e'van),

Evangeline (e-van'je-len), the gentle Acadian maiden, and subject of the

evangelists (e-van'jel-istz), writers of the gospels.

evince (e-vins'), show clearly.

ewe-necked (u'nekt'), having a thin, hollow neck.

excess (ek-ses'), that which exceeds the ordinary limit, extravagance.

exclusive (eks-kloo'siv), shutting out others.

execration (ek'se-kra'shun), a cursing;

execution (ek'se-ku'shun), carrying to effect.

executive (eg-zek'u-tiv), a chief magistrate or officer who administers the
government; the governing person.

exempt (eg-zempt'), free.

exertion (eg-zur'shun), effort.

exhausted (eg-zos'ted), tired out, wearied.

exit (ek'sit), departure of a player from the stage after performing his

expanse (eks-pans'), extent, a continuous area.

expedition (eks'pe-dish'un), excursion, voyage.

expert (eks-purt'), skillful.

expire (ek-spir'), die.

explicit (eks-plis'it), distinctly stated, clear.

expostulation (eks-pos'tu-la'shun), earnest reasoning or remonstrance.

express (eks-pres'), exact, clear,

exterior (eks-te'ri-er), outside.

exterminate (eks-tur'mi-nat), drive away, root out.

external (eks-tur'nal), outside, foreign.

extract (eks'trakt), a selection; short part of a book or writing.

extravagance (eks-trav'a-gans), want of moderation, lavishness.

extremity (eks-trem'i-ti), greatest peril.

extricate (eks'tri-kat), free.

exult (eg-zult'), be in high spirits; triumph.

facile (fas'il), ready.

faculty (fak'ul-ti), mental power.

fain (fan), willingly.

fallow (fal'o), land plowed but not seeded.

Faneuil Hall (fan'l), a building in Boston, Massachusetts, where
Revolutionary orators frequently addressed public meetings.

fantastic (fan-tas'tik), grotesque; imaginary.

"fatal sisters," this refers to the three Fates of Greek mythology,
"spinners of the thread of life." The first, Clotho, spins the thread of
life, the second, Lachesis, determines its length, and the third, Atropos,
cuts it. The Greek Fates have their counterpart in the Norse Norns.

Fata Morgana (fa'ta mor-ga'na), a mirage at sea. The spectator on shore
sees images of men, houses, and ships, sometimes on the sea; so-called
because formerly regarded as the work of a fairy of this name.

Father of Waters, a fanciful name given by the Indians to the Mississippi

fathom (fath'um), find the depth of; measure of length containing six feet.

Fatigue (fa-teg'), weariness from labor or exertion.

Federal (fed'er-al), a friend of the Constitution of the United States at
its adoption.

feign (fan), pretend.

feint (fant), pretense.

Felician, Father (fe-lish'an),

felicity (fe-lis'i-ti), happiness.

fell (fel), a rocky hill.

felloe (fel'o), the outside rim of a wheel supported by the spokes.

felon (fel'un) one guilty of a crime.

Fenwick (fen wik), a Scotch family.

Feroe (fer'o), a group of islands in the North Sea between the Shetlands
and Iceland.

fervently (fur'_vent-li), earnestly.

festoons (fes-toonz'), green vines or leaves hanging in a curve, garlands.

fettered (fet'erd), bound.

feudal (fu'dal), the feudal ystem, by which the holding of land depended
upon rendering military service to the king or feudal lord during the
Middle Ages.

filch (filch), steal.

filial (fil'yal), dutiful as a child to his parent.

film (film), a thin, slight covering.

finance (fi-nans'), public money.

"finny herd," a school of fish.

firmament (fur'ma-ment), heavens.

"fishing smack," a small sloop-rigged vessel used for fishing along the

flag-bird, a poetic word for standard.

flagon (flag'un), a vessel with a narrow mouth for holding liquor.

flail (flal), a wooden instrument for threshing out grain by hand.

"flame pennons," (flam-pen'un), swallow-tailed flags.

flank (flank), the side of an animal, between the ribs and hip.

flaunt (riant), display with pride or in a showy manner.

Flemish (flem'ish), pertaining to Flanders, One of the provinces of
Belgium. A favorite subject of Flemish painters was the family group around
the fireside.

Flimen (flim''n),

floundering (floun'der-ing), tossing and tumbling.

flurry (flur'i), hurry.

flux (fluks), the setting in of the tide toward the shore.

fondling (fond'ling), caressing.

Fontaine quibout (fon-tan'ke-boo),

Foolish Virgins, this refers to the parable of the Ten Virgins, Matthew 25;

foolscap (foolz'kap), long folio writing paper named from its watermark,
the fool's cap and bells.

ford (ford), a place where water may be crossed on foot by wading.

forebode (for-bod'), foretell despondingly.

forfeit (for'fit), lose the right to a thing by some error or crime.

formidable (for'mi-da-b'l), alarming, dangerous.

Forsters (for'sterz), a Scotch family.

Fortunate Isles, imaginary isles where the souls of the good are made

foster (fos'ter), encourage; support

fouled (fould), entangled.

fowler (foul'er), one who hunts wild fowl.

fragile (fraj'il), frail, weak.

Franks, a Germanic people on the Rhine river, who afterward founded the
French monarchy.

fraternal (fra-tur'nal), brotherly

fraught (frot), mixed.

frenzied (fren'zid), furious, wild.

frequent (fre-kwent'), visit often.

fret work (fret'wurk'), ornamental raised work, as carving.

frigate (frig'ate), formerly a warship.

Froissart (froi'sart), a celebrated French chronicler who wrote a history
of the fourteenth century.

frontier (fron'ter), the boundary or limits of a country.

frugal (froo'gal), thrifty.

fudge (fuj), nonsense.

"funeral pile," a pile of wood upon which the dead are burned.

funereal (fu-ne're-al), mournful.

furrows (fur'oz), wrinkles.

fustian (fus'chan), See note

futurity (fu-tu'ri-ti), time to come.

Gabriel La jeunesse (ga'bri-el la-zhu-nes'),

Galilee (gal'i-le), a lake in the northern province of Palestine.

gall (gol), chafe, annoy.

gallant (ga-lant'), a man attentive to ladies. In "Lochinvar" pronounced
gal'lant on account of meter.

galliard (gal'yard),

galligas'kins (gal'i-gas'kinz), loose hose; leather leg guards.

gallows (gal'oz), guilty, ready to be executed.

Gambia (gam'bi-a), an English colony in western Africa along the river
Gambia. "The chief of Gambia's golden shore" is a line in a school book,
"The American Preceptor," which was used when Whittier was a boy.

gambol (gam'bol), a sportive prank; a frolic.

gambrel-roofed (gam'brel), a curved roof.

gaping (gap'ing), yawning.

garrulous (gar'oo-lus), wordy; chattering.

Gaspereau (gas-per-o'), a river in King's county, Nova Scotia, flowing into
the Basin of Minas.

Gates of Hercules (hur'ku-lez), the Strait of Gibraltar.

gauge (gaj), estimate; a measure.

gauger (gaj'er), an officer, whose business it is to find the contents of

gauntlet (gant'let), a long glove covering the wrist.

genial (je'ni-al; jen'yal), cheerful, kindly.

genie (je'ni), a good or evil spirit. Pl. genii.

genius (jen'yus), one who has high mental powers.

Gentile (jen'tll), one who is not a Jew.

geometric (je'e-met'trik), referring to the figures used in geometry, the
branch of mathematics which treats of the measurement of lines, angles,
surfaces, and solids.

Georgius Secundus (jor'jus sek-und'us), George the Second, king of Great

germinate (jur'mi nat), bud, sprout.

gesture (jes'tur), a movement of the face, body, or limbs to express ideas.

Ghent (gent), capital of province of east Flanders, Belgium.

ghoul (gool), an oriental demon, supposed to feed upon dead human bodies.
In "The Bells" pronounced gol on account of rhyme.

gigantic (ji-gan-tik), large.

gill (gil), a deep narrow valley through which a river flows.

glade (glad), a cleared space in a forest.

gladiator (glad'i-a'ter), in ancient Rome a swordsman who fought in the
arena with other men or animals.

glebe (gleb), turf, sod.

gleed (gled), a burning coal.

gloaming (glom'ing), twilight.

gloat (glot), stare or gaze earnestly often with a feeling of cruelty.

Glynn (glin), a county in southeastern Georgia.

goad (god), a pointed instrument to urge on a beast.

gorgeous (gor'jus), showy, magnificent.

gory (gor'i), bloody.

gowd (god: good), the Scotch name for gold.

Graemes (gramz), the name of a Scotch clan, sometimes spelled Graham.

grampus (gram'pus), a large toothed fish, valued for its oil.

granary (gran'a-ri), a storehouse for grain.

grandeur (gran'dur), majesty, loftiness.

Grand Pre' (gran-pra'), a village in King's county, Nova Scotia. The woll
means "great meadow."

grapple (grap'l), seize.

grave (grav), cut letters or figures on a hard substance with a chisel.

grayling (gray'ling), a fish somewhat like a trout.

Great Harry, the name of a ship.

grenadier (gren'a-der'), in olden times a soldier armed with grenades, iron
shells filled with powder and thrown among the enemy. The word is now
applied to a member of the Grenadier Guards.

Greve (grav),

grewsome (groo'sum), frightful.

groat (grot), an old English silver coin worth four pence.

groin (groin), bring together in a curve.

guaranty (gar'an-ti), security.

guid (giid),

guinea stamp (gin'i), the mark or impress upon a guinea-an old English coin
worth about five dollars.

guise (giz), shape; cloak.

gundalow (gun'da-le), another form for gondola (gon'do-la).

gyratory (ji'ra-te-ri), winding, whirling around a central point.

Habersham (hab'er-sham), a county in northeast Georgia. The Chattahoochee
rises in this county.

habit (hab'it), a garment; behavior,

Hagar (ha'gar), See Genesis 21, 14-21.

hake-broil (hak-broil), a seafish like the cod, cooked over a beach fire.

Half-Moon, name of a boat on which Henry Hudson entered New York bay and
explored the Hudson river.

Hall, a county in northern Georgia intersected by the Chattahoochee river.

halloo (ha-loo'), call.

hallow (hal'e), consecrate, make holy.

Hampton Falls (hamp'tun), a town in Rockingham county, New Hampshire, seven
miles north of Newburyport, Massachusetts.

hapless (hap'les), unfortunate.

Hapsburg (haps'burg), a princely German family to which Maria Louise, wife
of Napoleon, belonged.

harangue (ha-rang'), an address or speech to a crowd.

harbinger (har'bm-jer), a forerunner; usher in.

harem (ha'rem), a family of wives belonging to one man.

harpy (har'pi), one of the three daughters of Neptune and Terra, having a
woman's face and body and sharp claws like a vulture; a buzzard.

Hasselt (has'elt), a town in Belgium. haunch (hanch), the hip, part of body
between the ribs and thigh.

Haverhill (ha'ver-il), city in Essex county, Massachusetts.

hazard (haz'ard), chance; danger, risk.

heather (heth'er), a small, evergreen flowering shrub with rose-colored
flowers native to Scotland and northern Europe.

heave (hev), force from the breast, as a sigh.

Hebrides (heb'ri-dez), islands off the western coast of Scotland.

Helicon (hel'i-kon), a famous mountain in Greece.

Helseggen (hel-seg 'n),

helter-skelter (hel'ter-skel'ter), in hurry and confusion.

henpecked (hen'pekt'), governed by one's wife.

herald (her'ald), usher in; announce.

herbage (ur'baj; hur'baj), grass, pasture.

hereditary (he-red'i-ta-ri), passing from an ancestor to a descendant.

Hermes (hur'mez), an ancient Egyptian wiseman, "the scribe of the gods,"
who interpreted the truth of the gods to the people. In Greek mythology,
the messenger of the gods.

hermit (hur'mit), one who has retired from society and lives in solitude.

hern (hern), short form for heron, a water bird.

Herve Riel (hur-va're-el')

hilarious (hi-la'ri-us), noisy; merry.

hilt (hilt), the handle of a sword.

Hindostan (hin'doo-stan), the central peninsula of Asia.

hoary (hor'i), gray with age.

Hoeyholm (ho'a-hom)

Hogue (hog), See note.

hold (hold), a castle, stronghold.

hollas (ho-loz'), calls out.

holster (hol'ster), a horseman's case for a pistol.

Holy Grail (ho'li gral), the cup or bowl from which Christ drank at the
Last Supper.

Holy Supper, Christ's last supper with His disciples.

horde (hord), a wandering tribe; a vast multitude.

hospitality (hos'pi-tal'i-ti), the practice of entertaining friends and
strangers with kindness.

hostage (hos'taj), a person who remains in the hands of another for the
fulfilment of certain conditions; pledge.

housings (houz'ingz), pl. trappings; a cover for a horse's saddle.

hover (huv'er), hang fluttering in the air.

Huddup (hu-dup'), a New England interjection addressed to a horse meaning
"Get along."

hue (hu), color; "hue and cry," a loud outcry with which thieves were
anciently pursued.

Huguenot (hu'ge-not), a French Protestant of the sixteenth century.

hurry-skurry (hur'ri-skur'ri), confused bustle.

husbandman (huz'band-man), a tiller of the soil, a farmer.

Hydra (hi'dra), in classical mytholology, the water serpent with nine heads
slain by Hercules: each head, on being cut off, became two.

Hymeneal (hi'me-ne'al), referring to marriage; from Hymen, the Greek god of

hypothesis (hi-poth'e-sis), something not proved, but taken for granted for
the purpose of argument.

hyssop (his'up), a fragrant plant whose leaves have a strong taste.

Ibrahim (e'bra-hem), the Arabic for Abraham.

ideal (i-de'al), an imaginary standard of perfection; faultless.

identity (i-den'ti-ti), sameness, the being the same.

"I dew vum," a mild New England oath, "I do vow."

idyl (i-dil), a short poem describing country life.

Iflesen (ef-la'sen)

ignoble (ig-no'b'l), not noble, low.

ignominy (ig'no-min-i), dishonor.

Illah (e'la), the Arabic for "the God." "La illah illa Allah" means "Allah
is the God."

illconcerted (il-kon-sur'ted), poorly-planned and executed.

illimitable (i-lim'it-a-b'l), vast, immeasurable.

illuminate (i-lu'mi-nat), brighten with light.

illusion (i-lu'zhun), an unreality.

imbibe (im-bib'), receive, absorb.

imbue (im-bu'), tinge deeply.

immemorial (im'e-mo'ri-al), extending beyond reach of memory or record.

immortal (i-mor'tal), lasting forever.

immutable (i-mu'ta-b'l), unchangeable.

impede (im-ped'), hinder.

impediment (im-ped'i-ment), hindrance.

impel (im-pel'), urge on, drive.

impending (im-pend'ing), overhanging, threatening.

impenetrable (im-pen'e-tra-b'l), cannot be entered.

imperceptible (im'per-sep'ti-b'l), not easily seen or noticed.

imperious (im-pe'ri-us), haughty, kingly.

impetuous (im-pet'u-us), rushing violently; hasty.

implacable (im-pla'ka-b'l), not to be pacified; unforgiving.

importtune (im'por-tun'), urge constantly.

imposition (im'po'-zish'un), deceit; fraud.

imposture (im-pos'tur), cheat; trick.

imprecation (im'pre-ka'shun), a curse; an evil wish.

impulse (im'puls), a mental force directly urging to action.

impunity (im-pu'ni-ti), freedom from punishment or injury.

inanimate (in-an'i-mat), without life.

inarticulate (in'ar-tik'u-lat), without voice, indistinct.

incantation (in'kan-ta'shun), a magical charm said or sung.

incessant (in-ses'ant), continuing without interruption.

incident (in'si-dent), event.

incident to, in connection with.

inclement (in-klem'ent), severe; stormy.

incompetent (in-kom'pe-tent), unfit; incapable.

incomprehensible (in-kom'pre-hen'si-b'l), cannot be understood.

incongruous (in-kon'grob-us), unsuitable, unfit.

incredible (in-kred'i-b'l), hard to believe.

inculcate (in-kul'kat), teach; instill.

Ind (ind), short form for India.

indefinable (in'de-fin'a-b'l), cannot be described.

independent (in'de-pen'dent), free; self-reliant.

indiscreet (in'dis-kret'), foolish.

indispensable (in'dis-pen'sa-b'l), absolutely necessary.

induced (in-dust'), caused, lead into.

indulgence (in-dul'jens), a favor granted.

inevitable (in-ev'i-ta-b'l), certain, unavoidable.

inexhaustible (in'eg-zos'ti-b'l), cannot be emptied; unfailing.

infidel (in'fi-del), an unbeliever.

infinite (in'fi-nit), immeasurable, perfect.

infraction (in-frak'shun), a breaking, especially of the law.

infuse (in-fuz'), pour into, shed.

ingredient (in-gre'di-ent), a part of a mixture.

inhale (in-hal'), draw into the lungs.

inherent (in-her'ent), inborn, natural.

innovation (in'e-va'shun), something new or contrary to custom.

innumerable (i-nu'mer-a-b'l), cannot be numbered.

inscrutable (in-skroo'ta-b'l), not able to be understood.

insidious (in-sid'i-us), sly, deceitful.

insolence (in'so-lens), impudence.

inspire (in-spir'), to fill with hope.

instance (in'stans),

instill (in-stil'), bring to mind,

insulated (in'su-latf ed), separated.

insuperable (in-su'per-a-b'l), cannot be overcome.

insurmountable (in'sur-moun'ta-b'l), impassable.

intact (in-takt'), untouched; whole

integrity (in-teg'ri-ti), honesty.

intelligence (in-tel'i-jens), news,

intercourse (in'ter-kors), interchange of thought and feeling; trade.

interminably (in-tur'mi-na-bli), endlessly.

internal (in-tur'nal), inland; inside.

interpose (in-ter-poz'), place between.

interpret (in-tur'pret), tell the meaning of.

interrogatory (in'te-rog'a-to-ri), a question.

interval (in'ter-val), a space of time between any two events.

interview (in'ter-vu), a meeting face to face.

intolerable (in-tol'er-a-b'l), not capable of being endured.

intricate (in'tri-kat), entangled.

intrigue (in-treg'), a plot or conspiracy.

intruder (in-trood'er), one who enters without invitation.

inundate (in'un-dat), cover with a flood.

inured (in-urd'), accustomed.

invade (in-vad'), enter for conquest or plunder.

invariably (in-va'ri-a-bli), constantly.

inventory (in'ven-to-ri), catalogue or list of goods, furniture, etc., with
cost attached.

invigorate (in-vig'or-at), refresh, give life to.

invincible (in-vin'si-b'l), not able to be overcome or conquered.

inviolate (in-vl'e-lat), uninjured.

involuntarily (in-vorun-ta-ri-li), not under control of the will;

irascible (i-ras'i-b'l; i-ras'), easily angered.

ire (ir), anger.

irised (i'rist), having beautiful colors, like the rainbow.

irksome (urk'sum), tedious, tiresome.

irrational (i-rash'un-al), without reason.

Ishmael (ish'ma-el), Genesis 21.14-21.

"Islands of the Blest," mythical islands supposed to be in the Western
Ocean where the favorites of the gods were conveyed at death and dwelt in
ever-lasting joy.

Islington (iz'ling-tun), a district in the north of London.

Israel (iz'ra-el), the descendants of Israel, or Jacob.

"I wis" (i-wis'), surely, certainly.

jackanapes', a short form of "Jack of Apes," an impertinent fellow.

Jacob's Ladder (ja'kub), Genesis 28, 12.

jaded (jad'eti), tired by overwork.

jargon (jar'gon), a confused, unintelligible language.

jerkin (jur'kin), a jacket or short coat.

Jerusalem (je-roo'sa-lem), the capital of the Jewish people.

Jesuit (jez'u-it), one of a Roman Catholic religious order called "The
Society of Jesus," founded by Ignatius Loyola in 1543.

Joab (jo'ab), the "captain of the host" of the army during nearly the whole
of David's reign.

jocund (jok'und), merry, gay.

Johns Hopkins University, a university in Baltimore, Maryland.

Joris (jor'is), the Flemish word for George.

journalistic (jur'nal-is'tik), referring to journalism, newspaper, or
magazine articles.

Jove (jov), the short form for Jupiter.

jovial (jo'vi-al), merry, jolly.

Jugurtha (joo-gur'tha),

junto (jun'to), a secret council to talk over affairs of government.

Jupiter (joo'pi-ter), in Roman mythology, the supreme god of heaven. In
Greek mythology, known as Zeus.

justification (jus'ti-fi-ka'shun), defense; support by proof.

Kaatskill (kats'kil), a group of mountains of the Appalachian system in New
York state.

Kalevala (ka'la-va'la), "The land of heroes," the title of the national
epic of Finland.

keel (kel), the lowest timber of a vessel, to which the ribs are attached.

keelson (kel'sun), a beam laid on the middle of the floor timbers over the
keel to strengthen it.

kelp (kelp), a large, coarse seaweed.

ken (ken), knowledge,

khan (kan; kan), an Asiatic prince; an Eastern inn.

Kieldholm (keld'hom),

kine (kin), cattle.

King Arthur, a mythical British king, founder of the Knights of the Round
Table, made famous in Tennyson's "Idylls of the King."

kinsman (kmz'man), a relative.

kirtle (kur't'l), a garment.

"kith and kin," friends and relatives.

knarred (nard), the poetic form of gnarled, knotted.

Knickerbocker Dietrich (nik'er-bok'er de'trik),

knoll (nol), a little, round hill.

Koordistan (koor'di-stan), a region of western Asia, mostly in Turkey, but
partly in Persia.

Kurroglou (koor'e-glou),

Kyrat (ke'rat),

lacklustre (lak'lus'ter), wanting brightness.

lade (lad), draw water; put load on or in.

lading (lad'ing), that which makes a load or cargo.

laggard (lag'ard), a slow person.

lagoon (la-goon'), a shallow channel or lake.

lamentably (lam'en-ta-bli), sadly.

lance (lans), a long spear carried by a horseman.

languor (lan'ger), a state of mind or body caused by exhaustion, weariness.

Lanier, Sydney (la-ner'),

Lannes (Ian), one of Napoleon's generals.

lapse (laps), a passing away slowly.

larboard (lar'bord), the left-hand side of a ship to one on board facing
the bow, port.

Lascar (las'kar), a native sailor or cooly of India.

lashing (lash'ing), cord; strike quickly or cut.

Latin (lat'in) Latium, a country of Italy in which Rome was situated, hence
Roman, the language of the ancient Romans.

latticed window (lat'ist), crossed open work of wood or metal, forming a

laureate (le're-it), the English court poet.

laurel (le'rel), an evergreen shrub having sweet-smelling leaves,

Laurens (lo'rens), the name of an old southern family. John and Henry
Laurens are famous statesmen of Revolutionary times.

laving (lav'ing), bathing.

lavish (lav'ish), extravagant.

lay (la), song.

lea (le), a grassy field.

league (leg), a measure of distance equal to about three miles.

leaguer (le'ger), a camp.

Lebanon (leb'a-non), a mountain range in Syria.

"Le Carillon de Dunkerque" (le kar'i-lon-de-dun'kurk), a popular song, the
tune of which was played on the Dunkirk chimes.

ledger (lej'er), the principal account book of a business firm.

lee (le), the calm, sheltered side.

legacy (leg'a-si), a gift, by will, of money or property.

legend (lej'end), a wonderful story of the past having no historical proof.

legibly (lej'i-bli), plainly

Lentulus (len'tu-lus), a Roman politician who lived in the first century,
B. C.

leper (lep'er), one afflicted with leprosy.

leprosy (lep'ro-si), a loathsome skin disease.

Letiche (la-tesh'),

Leuctra (luk'tra), a Spartan pass.

levee (lev'e), a morning reception held by a person of rank.

leviathan (le-vi'a-than), a large water animal described in the Book of
Job, hence anything huge.

levy (lev'i), collect troops by authority.

liberal (lib'er-al), wide, spacious.

licentious (li-sen'shus), unrestrained, both morally and legally.

lieutenant (lu-ten'ant), an officer ranking just below a captain in the
army and a commander in the navy.

Lilinau (lil'i-no'),

limner (lim'ner), a painter who illumines books or parchments.

linchpin (linch'pin'), the pin which goes through the end of the axle of a
wheel and keeps it in place.

lineage (lin'e-aj), family.

linendraper (lin'en-dra'per), one who deals in linen.

list (list), will. pl. n. an enclosing for a tournament.

listlessly (list'les-li), in an indifferent manner.

literature (lit'er-a-tur), the written or printed literary productions of a
country or period of time.

lithe (lith), easily bent, pliable.

livery (liv'er-i), a uniform.

loath (loth), unwilling.

local (lo'kal), belonging to a particular place.

Lochiel (lok-el'),

Lodore (lo-dor'), a cataract in the Derwent river in England.

Lofoden (lo-fo'den), a group of islands off the coast of northern Norway.

logical (loj'i-kal), according to reason.

Lokeren (lo'ker-en), a town in Belgium.

loon (loon), a northern web-footed water bird whose note sounds like a

looping (loop'ing), fold.

loose (loos), unbind.

Looz (looz), a town in Belgium.

lore (lor), knowledge.

Loupgaroo (loo'ga'roo'), meaning a "Were-wolf," a person who, according to
the superstition of the Middle Ages, became a wolf in order to devour

Lucifer (lu'si-fer),

luminous (lu'mi-nus), giving out light.

lure (lur), anything used as an enticement; entice.

lusty (lus'ti), healthy, vigorous.

luxuriant (luks-u'ri-ant), very abundant.

lyceum (li-se'um), originally the grove at Athens where Aristotle taught;
an academy.

Maelström (mal'strom), a whirlpool on the coast of Norway.

magnanimous (mag-nan'i-mus) great of mind; heroic.

magpie (mag'pi), a chattering bird belonging to the crow family.

main (man), ocean,

Mainote (mi'not), Maina was the gathering place for the Greek troops who,
under the Greek general, Ypsilanti, fought for Greek independence.

maintop (man'top'), a platform at the head of the main-mast of a
square-rigged vessel.

malice (mal'is), wicked intention to injure others.

malleable (mal'e-a-b'l), capable of being shaped by beating or by pressure.

mallow (mal'o), a weed.

Malo (ma'lo),

Malouins (mal'e-wins),

Malta (mol'ta), a rocky fortified island belonging to Great Britain, and
situated in the Mediterranean Sea south of Sicily.

manacles (man'a-k'lz), chains for the hand or wrist.

mandate (man'dat), command.

manifest (man'i-fest), known.

manifestation (man'i-fes-ta'shun), sign.

manifold (man'i-fold), many in number.

manoeuvre (ma-noo'ver), a skillful movement with a certain aim or plan.

manor (man'er), a district over which a feudal lord ruled subject to the
commands of his court-baron or lord.

"mantling blush," color or glow of youth spreading over the face.

manual (man'u-al), made or performed by the hand.

Marathon (mar'-a-thon), a plain in Greece 18 miles northeast of Athens, the
scene of a famous battle between the Greeks and the Persians.

marauders (ma-rod'erz), rovers in search of plunder.

Mare Ten'ebra'rum (mar ten'e-bra'-rum), Latin words meaning "sea of

marge (marj), poetic form for margin or edge.

Marion (mar'i-on), the name of an old southern family, to which Francis
Marion, a Revolutionary general, belonged.

Marmion (mar'mi-on),

marquis (mar'kwis), a nobleman of England, France, and Germany next in rank
below a duke.

marshal (mar'shal), direct or lead; in the French army, the highest
military officer.

mart (mart), short form for market.

martial (mar'shal), suited for war.

marveled (mar'veld), to be astonished.

maternal (ma-tur'nal), motherly.

mathematical (math'e-mat'i-kal), precise.

matin (mat'in), morning worship, prayers or songs.

Matterhorn (mat'er-horn), a high mountain peak in the Swiss Alps.

maxim (mak'sim), a true saying, proverb.

McGregor (mak-greg'er), a Scotch nobleman who tried to establish a colony
in Porto Rico.

meager (me'ger), scanty, poor.

Mecheln (mek'lin), a town in Belgium.

Medford (med'ferd), a small town near Boston, Massachusetts.

mediaeval (me'di-e'val; med'i), belonging to the Middle Ages, eighth to
fifteenth centuries, A. D.

meditate (med'i-tat), muse or ponder.

medium (me'di-um), substance.

meet (met), fit.

melancholy (mel'an-kol-i), gloomy.

Melita (mel'i-ta), an island, where the apostle Paul, a prisoner on the way
to Rome, was shipwrecked, modern Malta.

mellow (mel'o), softened by years; tender.

memento (me-men'to), a hint or relic to awaken memory.

Memphremagog (mem'fre-ma'gog), a lake on the border of Vermont and Canada.

menace (men'as), threaten, danger.

mendicant (men'di-kant), practicing beggary.

Mersey (mur'zi), a river in England, on which Liverpool is situated.

metamorphose (met'a-mor'foz), change into a different form.

mete (met), measure; limit.

methinks (me-thinks'), it seems to me.

mewling (mul'mg),

mickle (mik'l), much, great.

Midas (mi'das), a king, in fable, whose touch turned things to gold.

mien (men), outward appearance or look.

militia (mi-lish'a), the whole military force of a nation; citizens
enrolled and trained for the protection of a state.

Miller, Joaquin' (mil'er wa-ken'),

Miltiades (mil-ti'a-dez), commander of the Athenian army who conquered the
Persians at Marathon.

mimosa (mi-mo'sa), plants with pods including the sensitive plants.

Minas, Basin of (mi-nas), a bay in the northwestern part of the Bay of

miniature (min'i-a-tur), done on a very small scale.

minion (min'yun), a flattering servant or dependent.

miraculous (mi-rak'u-lus), wonderful.

mirage (me-razh'), an illusion of the eye by which objects like ships at
sea are seen inverted or oases appear to travelers in the desert.

miscalculation (mis-kal'ku-la'-shun), a wrong judgment.

missal (mis'al), a mass-book.

mitigate (mit'i-gat), make less severe or painful.

mitigation (mit'i-ga'shun), relief; lessening.

moccasin (mok'a-sin), a shoe made of soft leather worn by the American

mockery (mok'er-i), imitating reality, but not real; sham.

mode (mod), manner of doing or being; custom.

Mohawk (mo'hok), a tribe of Indians.

molder (mol'der), turn into dust by natural decay.

moment (mo'ment), importance; consequence,

monody (mon'e-di), a mournful poem or song for one voice.

monograph (mon'o-graf), a paper written on one particular subject or on
some branch of it.

monopoly (mo-nop'o-li), possession of the whole of anything.

monotone (mon'o-ton), a single unvaried tone or sound.

monotony (mo-not'o-ni), a tiresome sameness.

Montcalm (mont-kam'), an officer commanding the French troops at Quebec.

moorings (mobr'ingz), the place where a vessel is anchored.

moorland (moor'land), a waste land covered with patches of heather, a low

moraler (mor'al-er),

Moravian (mo-ra'vi-an), one of a sect called United Brethren, organized in
Moravia in the fifteenth century.

Moskoe (mos'ko), Probably Poe had in mind the Mos'kenaso island.

Moslem (moz'lem; mos),

motive (mo'tiv), the reason for actions.

motley-braided (mot'li-brad'ed), interlaced with many colors.

mouldering (mol'der-ing), crumbling.

multitudinous (mul'tl-tu'di-nus), numerous.

Muse (muz), the goddess who is supposed to inspire poets.

muse (muz), think.

Musgraves (mus'gravz), a clan or family of Scotland.

Mussulmans (mus'ul-manz), Mohammedans, The "tottering bridge which
Mussulmans say is the only pathway between Time and Eternity" is the bridge
which extends over hell and which has been described as being "finer than a
hair and sharper than the edge of a sword."

muster (mus'ter), the gathering of troops or ships for war.

mutation (mu-ta'shun), change.

mutiny (mu'ti-ni), a revolt against one's superior officers or any rightful
authority, especially applied to sailors or soldiers.

mutual (mu'tu-al), having something in common.

Mystic (mis'tik), a river in Massachusetts.

naiad (na'yad; ni'ad), a water nymph, fabled to preside over some lake,
river, brook, or fountain.

necromancer (nek'ro-man'ser), one who foretells future events by pretending
to communicate with the dead.

nectar (nek'tar), in Greek mythology, the divine wine of the gods served in
golden drinking-cups by Hebe, the goddess of Youth.

nepenthe (ne-pen'the), a drug supposed, by the ancient Greeks, to have the
power of causing forgetfulness of sorrow.

Netherby (neth'er-bi), the name of a Scotch family or clan.

niche (nich), a hollow, generally within the thickness of a wall, for a
statue or other erect ornament.

night-tide, night-time.

Nilus (nil'us), the Latin word for Nile.

"Nine," referring to the nine Muses of Greek mythology, goddesses of Song,
Dance, Music, and Poetry, companions of Apollo, who, in their light flowing
draperies, danced and sang on Olympus.

nine-pins (nin'pinz), a game played with ninepins or pieces of wood set on
end at which a wooden ball is bowled to knock them down.

Nineveh (nin'e-ve), the famous capital of the Assyrian empire, which was
entirely destroyed in the fall of the empire.

Normandy (nor'man-di), an ancient province of France occupied by the
Northmen or Normans during their invasion.

Norn-Mother (norn), in Norse mythology, the Norns corresponded to the Fates
in Greek myths.

notary (no'ta-ri), a public officer who examines legal papers to make
certain that they are genuine or true and sets the seal of his office upon
the same.

Nubian geographer (nu'bi-an je-og'ra-fer), Poe, in all probability, refers
to the African geographer, Ptolemy. 150 A. D.

nullification (nul'i-fi-ka'shun), an act giving the State the right to
cancel a law of Congress.

Numidian lion (nu-mid'i-an), the fierce animals which attacked the
gladiators in the arena were brought from Numidia, a country in northern

nurtured (nur'turd), nourished, trained.

nymph (nimf), a goddess presiding over mountains, forests, meadows, or

obeisance (e-ba'sans; e-be'), a sign of respect; a bow.

obligatory (ob'li-ga-to-ri; ob-lig'-a-to-ri), required, binding in law or

obliquely (ob-lek'li), in a slanting manner.

oblivion (eb-liv'i-un), a forgetting or being forgotten.

obloquy (ob'lo-kwi), slander, reproach.

obsequious (ob-se'kwi-us), promptly obedient to the will of others;

obstacle (ob'sta-k'l), a hindrance.

occult (o-kult'), secret.

ode (od), a short poem, which might be sung.

odorous (o'der-us), fragrant.

offenceless (o-fens'les), harmless.

offing (of'ing), that part of the sea where there is deep water and no need
of a pilot.

Olympus (o-lim'pus), a mountain in Thessaly, fabled as the home of the

ominous (om'i-nus), foreboding evil.

omnipotent (om-nip'e-tent), all powerful.

Opelou'sas (op'e-loo'sas), an early settlement in south central Louisiana.

opponent (o-po'nent), foe.

opposed (o-pozd'), enemy,

oppressive (o-pres'iv), heavy, burdensome.

oracular (e-rak'u-lar), like oracles or answers of the gods to questions
about future events.

orb (orb), a poetical word for sun, moon, or star.

Oregon (or'e-go-n), a name by which the Columbia river was first known.

Ormus (or'mus), an ancient Persian city, noted for its wealth.

Othello (e-thel'o), a Moorish general in the service of the Venetians.

Otterholm (ot'er-hom),

overture (e'ver-tur), an offer

Owyhee (e-wi'he), a river in northern Nevada.

paean (pe'an), a song of triumph.

pageant (paj'ent; pa'jent), spectacular exhibition or display.

palimpsest (pal'imp-sest), a parchment written upon twice, the first
writing having been erased.

pall (pol), a black cloth thrown over a coffin at a funeral.

palladium (pa-la'di-um), the statue of Pallas, on the preservation of which
depended the safety of Troy, hence an effectual safeguard.

Pallas (pal'as), Pallas Athene, the Grecian goddess of Wisdom, called also
Athene, and identified at a later period with the Roman Minerva.

pallet (pal'et), a small and mean bed.

pallid (pal'id), wan.

palpable (pal'pa-b'l), capable of being touched and felt; plain, evident.

palpitate (pal'pi-tat), beat rapidly and strongly.

paltry' (pol'tri), small, worthless, trifling.

panorama (pan'e-ra'ma), a complete view in every direction.

pantomime (pan'to-mim), a dramatic representation by actors who use only
dumb show.

paragon (par'a-gon), a model pattern of perfection.


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