England, My England
D.H. Lawrence

Part 5 out of 5

'But a clean woman, and respectable, except for her foul mouth,' said
Mrs. Goodall. 'Keeps to herself like a bull-dog. Never lets anybody come
near the house, and neighbours with nobody.'

'Wanted it thrashed out of her,' said Mr. Goodall, a silent, evasive sort
of man.

'Where Bob gets the money for his drink from is a mystery,' said Jinny.

'Chaps treats him,' said Harry.

'Well, he's got the pair of frightenedest rabbit-eyes you'd wish to see,'
said Jinny.

'Ay, with a drunken man's murder in them, _I_ think,' said Mrs. Goodall.

So the talk went on after tea, till it was practically time to start off
to chapel again.

'You'll have to be getting ready, Fanny,' said Mrs. Goodall.

'I'm not going tonight,' said Fanny abruptly. And there was a sudden halt
in the family. 'I'll stop with _you_ tonight, Mother,' she added.

'Best you had, my gel,' said Mrs. Goodall, flattered and assured.


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