Every Man Out Of His Humour
Ben Jonson

Part 4 out of 5

MACI. Troth, the Resolution is proved recreant; the Countenance hath
changed his copy; and the passionate knight is shedding funeral tears over
his departed dog.

CAR. What! is his dog dead?

MACI. Poison'd, 'tis thought; marry, how, or by whom, that's left for some
cunning woman here o' the Bank-side to resolve. For my part, I know
nothing more than that we are like to have an exceeding melancholy supper
of it.

CAR. 'Slife, and I had purposed to be extraordinarily merry, I had drunk
off a good preparative of old sack here; but will they come, will they come?

MACI. They will assuredly come; marry, Carlo, as thou lov'st me, run over
'em all freely to-night, and especially the knight; spare no sulphurous
jest that may come out of that sweaty forge of thine; but ply them with all
manner of shot, minion, saker, culverin, or anything, what thou wilt.

CAR. I warrant thee, my dear case of petrionels; so I stand not in dread
of thee, but that thou'lt second me.

MACI. Why, my good German tapster, I will.

CAR. What George! Lomtero, Lomtero, etc.

GEORGE. Did you call, master Carlo?

CAR. More nectar, George: Lomtero, etc.

GEORGE. Your meat's ready, sir, an your company were come.

CAR. Is the loin pork enough?

GEORGE. Ay, sir, it is enough.

MACI. Pork! heart, what dost thou with such a greasy dish? I think thou
dost varnish thy face with the fat on't, it looks so like a glue-pot.

CAR. True, my raw-boned rogue, and if thou wouldst farce thy lean ribs
with it too, they would not, like ragged laths, rub out so many doublets as
they do; but thou know'st not a good dish, thou. O, it's the only
nourishing meat in the world. No marvel though that saucy, stubborn
generation, the Jews, were forbidden it; for what would they have done,
well pamper'd with fat pork, that durst murmur at their Maker out of
garlick and onions? 'Slight! fed with it, the whoreson strummel-patch'd,
goggle-eyed grumble-dories, would have gigantomachised --
Well said, my sweet George, fill, fill.

MIT. This savours too much of profanation.

COR. O -- -- Servetur ad imum,
Qualis ab incoepto processerit, et sibi constet.
"The necessity of his vein compels a toleration, for; bar this, and dash
him out of humour before his time."

CAR. "'Tis an axiom in natural philosophy, what comes nearest the nature
of that it feeds, converts quicker to nourishment, and doth sooner
essentiate." Now nothing in flesh and entrails assimilates or resembles
man more than a hog or swine.

MACI. True; and he, to requite their courtesy, oftentimes doffeth his own
nature, and puts on theirs; as when he becomes as churlish as a hog, or as
drunk as a sow; but to your conclusion.

CAR. Marry, I say, nothing resembling man more than a swine, it follows,
nothing can be more nourishing; for indeed (but that it abhors from our
nice nature) if we fed upon one another, we should shoot up a great deal
faster, and thrive much better; I refer me to your usurous cannibals, or
such like; but since it is so contrary, pork, pork, is your only feed.

MACI. I take it, your devil be of the same diet; he would never have
desired to have been incorporated into swine else. -- O, here comes the
melancholy mess; upon 'em, Carlo, charge, charge!

CAR. 'Fore God, sir Puntarvolo, I am sorry for your heaviness: body o'
me, a shrew'd mischance! why, had you no unicorn's horn, nor bezoar's
stone about you, ha?

PUNT. Sir, I would request you be silent.

MACI. Nay, to him again.

CAR. Take comfort, good knight, if your cat have recovered her catarrh,
fear nothing; your dog's mischance may be holpen.

FAST. Say how, sweet Carlo; for, so God mend me, the poor knight's moans
draw me into fellowship of his misfortunes. But be not discouraged, good
sir Puntarvolo, I am content your adventure shall be performed upon your

MACI. I believe you, musk-cod, I believe you; for rather than thou
would'st make present repayment, thou would'st take it upon his own bare
return from Calais

CAR. Nay, 'slife, he'd be content, so he were well rid out of his company,
to pay him five for one, at his next meeting him in Paul's. [ASIDE TO
MACILENTE.] -- But for your dog, sir Puntarvolo, if he be not out-right
dead, there is a friend of mine, a quack-salver, shall put life in him
again, that's certain.

FUNG. O, no, that comes too late.

MACI. 'Sprecious! knight, will you suffer this?

PUNT. Drawer, get me a candle and hard wax presently.

SOG. Ay, and bring up supper; for I am so melancholy.

CAR. O, signior, where's your Resolution?

SOG. Resolution! hang him, rascal: O, Carlo, if you love me, do not
mention him.

CAR. Why, how so?

SOG. O, the arrantest crocodile that ever Christian was acquainted with.
By my gentry, I shall think the worse of tobacco while I live, for his
sake: I did think him to be as tall a man --

MACI. Nay, Buffone, the knight, the knight

CAR. 'Slud, he looks like an image carved out of box, full of knots; his
face is, for all the world, like a Dutch purse, with the mouth downward,
his beard the tassels; and he walks -- let me see -- as melancholy as one
o' the master's side in the Counter. -- Do you hear, sir Puntarvolo?

PUNT. Sir, I do entreat you, no more, but enjoin you to silence, as you
affect your peace.

CAR. Nay, but dear knight, understand here are none but friends, and such
as wish you well, I would have you do this now; flay me your dog presently
(but in any case keep the head) and stuff his skin well with straw, as you
see these dead monsters at Bartholomew fair.

PUNT. I shall be sudden, I tell you.

CAR. O, if you like not that, sir, get me somewhat a less dog, and clap
into the skin; here's a slave about the town here, a Jew, one Yohan: or a
fellow that makes perukes will glue it on artificially, it shall never be
discern'd; besides, 'twill be so much the warmer for the hound to travel
in, you know.

MACI. Sir Puntarvolo, death, can you be so patient!

CAR. Or thus, sir; you may have, as you come through Germany, a familiar
for little or nothing, shall turn itself into the shape of your dog, or any
thing, what you will, for certain hours -- [PUNTARVOLO STRIKES HIM] -- Ods
my life, knight, what do you mean? you'll offer no violence, will you?
hold, hold!

PUNT. 'Sdeath, you slave, you ban-dog, you!

CAR. As you love wit, stay the enraged knight, gentlemen.

PUNT. By my knighthood, he that stirs in his rescue, dies. -- Drawer, begone!

CAR. Murder, murder, murder!

PUNT. Ay, are you howling, you wolf? -- Gentlemen, as you tender your
lives, suffer no man to enter till my revenge be perfect. Sirrah, Buffone,
lie down; make no exclamations, but down; down, you cur, or I will make thy
blood flow on my rapier hilts.

CAR. Sweet knight, hold in thy fury, and 'fore heaven I'll honour thee
more than the Turk does Mahomet.

PUNT. Down, I say! [CARLO LIES DOWN.] -- Who's there?

CONS. [WITHIN.] Here's the constable, open the doors.

CAR. Good Macilente --

PUNT. Open no door; if the Adalantado of Spain were here he should not
enter: one help me with the light, gentlemen; you knock in vain, sir

CAR. 'Et tu, Brute!'

PUNT. Sirrah, close your lips, or I will drop it in thine eyes, by heaven.

CAR. O! O!

CONS. [WITHIN] Open the door, or I will break it open.

MACI. Nay, good constable, have patience a little; you shall come in
presently; we have almost done.

PUNT. So, now, are you Out of your Humour, sir? Shift, gentlemen

CONS. Lay hold upon this gallant, and pursue the rest.

FAST. Lay hold on me, sir, for what?

CONS. Marry, for your riot here, sir, with the rest of your companions.

FAST. My riot! master constable, take heed what you do. Carlo, did I
offer any violence?

CONS. O, sir, you see he is not in case to answer you, and that makes you
so peremptory.

FAST. Peremptory! 'Slife, I appeal to the drawers, if I did him any hard

GEORGE. They are all gone, there's none of them will be laid any hold on.

CONS. Well, sir, you are like to answer till the rest can be found out.

FAST. 'Slid, I appeal to George here.

CONS. Tut, George was not here: away with him to the Counter, sirs. --
Come, sir, you were best get yourself drest somewhere.

GEORGE. Good lord, that master Carlo could not take heed, and knowing what
a gentleman the knight is, if he be angry.

DRAWER. A pox on 'em, they have left all the meat on our hands; would they
were choaked with it for me!

MACI. What, are they gone, sirs?

GEORGE. O, here's master Macilente.

MACI. [POINTING TO FUNGOSO.] Sirrah, George, do you see that concealment
there, that napkin under the table?

GEORGE. 'Ods so, signior Fungoso!

MACI. He's good pawn for the reckoning; be sure you keep him here, and let
him not go away till I come again, though he offer to discharge all; I'll
return presently.

GEORGE. Sirrah, we have a pawn for the reckoning.

DRAW. What, of Macilente?

GEORGE. No; look under the table.

FUNG. [CREEPING OUT.] I hope all be quiet now; if I can get but forth of
this street, I care not: masters, I pray you tell me, is the constable

GEORGE. What, master Fungoso!

FUNG. Was't not a good device this same of me, sirs?

GEORGE. Yes, faith; have you been here all this while?

FUNG. O lord, ay; good sir, look an the coast be clear, I'd fain be going.

GEORGE. All's clear, sir, but the reckoning; and that you must clear and
pay before you go, I assure you.

FUNG. I pay! 'Slight, I eat not a bit since I came into the house, yet.

DRAW. Why, you may when you please, 'tis all ready below that was bespoken.

FUNG. Bespoken! not by me, I hope?

GEORGE. By you, sir! I know not that; but 'twas for you and your company,
I am sure.

FUNG. My company! 'Slid, I was an invited guest, so I was.

DRAW. Faith we have nothing to do with that, sir: they are all gone but
you, and we must be answered; that's the short and the long on't.

FUNG. Nay, if you will grow to extremities, my masters, then would this
pot, cup, and all were in my belly, if I have a cross about me.

GEORGE. What, and have such apparel! do not say so, signior; that
mightily discredits your clothes.

FUNG. As I am an honest man, my tailor had all my money this morning, and
yet I must be fain to alter my suit too. Good sirs, let me go, 'tis Friday
night, and in good truth I have no stomach in the world to eat any thing.

DRAW. That's no matter, so you pay, sir.

FUNG. 'Slight, with what conscience can you ask me to pay that I never
drank for?

GEORGE. Yes, sir, I did see you drink once.

FUNG. By this cup, which is silver, but you did not; you do me infinite
wrong: I looked in the pot once, indeed, but I did not drink.

DRAW. Well, sir, if you can satisfy our master, it shall be all one to us.

WITHIN. George!

GEORGE. By and by.

COR. Lose not yourself now, signior



MACI. Tut, sir, you did bear too hard a conceit of me in that; but I will
not make my love to you most transparent, in spite of any dust of suspicion
that may be raised to cloud it; and henceforth, since I see it is so
against your humour, I will never labour to persuade you.

DELI. Why, I thank you, signior; but what is that you tell me may concern
my peace so much?

MACI. Faith, sir, 'tist hus. Your wife's brother, signior Fungoso, being
at supper to-night at a tavern, with a sort of gallants, there happened
some division amongst them, and he is left in pawn for the reckoning. Now,
if ever you look that time shall present you with an happy occasion to do
your wife some gracious and acceptable service, take hold of this
opportunity, and presently go and redeem him; for, being her brother, and
his credit so amply engaged as now it is, when she shall hear, (as he cannot himself, but he must out of extremity report it,) that you came, and offered y
ourself so kindly, and with that respect of his reputation; why, the
benefit cannot but make her dote, and grow mad of your affections.

DELI. Now, by heaven, Macilente, I acknowledge myself exceedingly indebted
to you, by this kind tender of your love; and I am sorry to remember that I
was ever so rude, to neglect a friend of your importance. -- Bring me shoes
and a cloak here. -- I was going to bed, if you had not come. What tavern
is it?

MACI. The Mitre, sir.

DELI. O! Why, Fido! my shoes. -- Good faith, it cannot but please her

FAL. Come, I marle what piece of night-work you have in hand now, that you
call for a cloak, and your shoes: What, is this your pander?

DELI. O, sweet wife, speak lower, I would not he should hear thee for a
world --

FAL. Hang him, rascal, I cannot abide him for his treachery, with his wild
quick-set beard there. Whither go you now with him?

DELI. No, whither with him, dear wife; I go alone to a place, from whence
I will return instantly. -- Good Macilente, acquaint not her with it by any
means, it may come so much the more accepted; frame some other answer. --
I'll come back immediately.

FAL. Nay, an I be not worthy to know whither you go, stay till I take
knowledge of your coming back.

MACI. Hear you, mistress Deliro.

FAL. So, sir, and what say you?

MACI. Faith, lady, my intents will not deserve this slight respect, when
you shall know them.

FAL. Your intents! why, what may your intents be, for God's sake?

MACI. Troth, the time allows no circumstance, lady, therefore know this
was but a device to remove your husband hence, and bestow him securely,
whilst, with more conveniency, I might report to you a misfortune that hath
happened to monsieur Brisk -- Nay, comfort, sweet lady. This night, being
at supper, a sort of young gallants committed a riot, for the which he only
is apprehended and carried to the Counter, where, if your husband, and
other creditors, should but have knowledge of him, the poor gentleman were
undone for ever.

FAL. Ah me! that he were.

MACI. Now, therefore, if you can think upon any present means for his
delivery, do not foreslow it. A bribe to the officer that committed him
will do it.

FAL. O lord, sir! he shall not want for a bribe; pray you, will you
commend me to him, and say I'll visit him presently.

MACI. No, lady, I shall do you better service, in protracting your
husband's return, that you may go with more safety.

FAL. Good truth, so you may; farewell, good sir. [EXIT MACI.] -- Lord,
how a woman may be mistaken in a man! I would have sworn upon all the
Testaments in the world he had not loved master Brisk. Bring me my keys
there, maid. Alas, good gentleman, if all I have in this earthly world
will pleasure him, it shall be at his service.

MIT. How Macilente sweats in this business, if you mark him!

COR. Ay, you shall see the true picture of spite, anon: here comes the
pawn and his redeemer.



DELI. Come, brother, be not discouraged for this, man; what!

FUNG. No, truly, I am not discouraged; but I protest to you, brother, I
have done imitating any more gallants either in purse or apparel, but as
shall become a gentleman, for good carriage, or so.

DELI. You say well. -- This is all in the bill here, is it not?

GEORGE. Ay, sir.

DELI. There's your money, tell it: and, brother, I am glad I met with so
good occasion to shew my love to you.

FUNG. I will study to deserve it in good truth an I live.

DELI. What, is it right?

GEORGE. Ay, sir, and I thank you.

FUNG. Let me have a capon's leg saved, now the reckoning is paid.

GEORGE. You shall, sir

MACI. Where's signior Deliro?

DELI. Here, Macilente.

MACI. Hark you, sir, have you dispatch'd this same?

DELI. Ay, marry have I.

MACI. Well then, I can tell you news; Brisk is in the Counter.

DELI. In the Counter!

MACI. 'Tis true, sir, committed for the stir here to-night. Now would I
have you send your brother home afore him, with the report of this your
kindness done him, to his sister, which will so pleasingly possess her, and
out of his mouth too, that in the meantime you may clap your action on
Brisk, and your wife, being in so happy a mood, cannot entertain it ill, by
any means.

DELI. 'Tis very true, she cannot, indeed, I think.

MACI. Think! why 'tis past thought; you shall never meet the like
opportunity, I assure you.

DELI. I will do it. -- Brother, pray you go home afore (this gentleman and
I have some private business), and tell my sweet wife I'll come presently.

FUNG. I will, brother.

MACI. And, signior, acquaint your sister, how liberally, and out of his
bounty, your brother has used you (do you see?), made you a man of good
reckoning; redeem'd that you never were possest of, credit; gave you as
gentlemanlike terms as might be; found no fault with your coming behind the
fashion; nor nothing.

FUNG. Nay, I am out of those humours now.

MACI. Well, if you be out, keep your distance, and be not made a shot-clog
any more. -- Come, signior, let's make haste.



FAL. O, master Fastidious, what pity is it to see so sweet a man as you
are, in so sour a place!

COR. As upon her lips, does she mean?

MIT. O, this is to be imagined the Counter, belike.

FAST. Troth, fair lady, 'tis first the pleasure of the fates, and next of
the constable, to have it so: but I am patient, and indeed comforted the
more in your kind visit.

FAL. Nay, you shall be comforted in me more than this, if you please, sir.
I sent you word by my brother, sir, that my husband laid to 'rest you this
morning; I know now whether you received it or no.

FAST. No, believe it, sweet creature, your brother gave me no such

FAL. O, the lord!

FAST. But has your husband any such purpose?

FAL. O, sweet master Brisk, yes: and therefore be presently discharged,
for if he come with his actions upon you, Lord deliver you! you are in for
one half-a-score year; he kept a poor man in Ludgate once twelve year for
sixteen shillings. Where's your keeper? for love's sake call him, let him
take a bribe, and despatch you. Lord, how my heart trembles! here are no
spies, are there?

FAST. No, sweet mistress. Why are you in this passion?

FAL. O lord, master Fastidious, if you knew how I took up my husband
to-day, when he said he would arrest you; and how I railed at him that
persuaded him to it, the scholar there (who, on my conscience, loves you
now), and what care I took to send you intelligence by my brother; and how
I gave him four sovereigns for his pains: and now, how I came running out
hither without man or boy with me, so soon as I heard on't; you'd say I
were in a passion indeed. Your keeper, for God's sake! O, master Brisk,
as 'tis in 'Euphues', 'Hard is the choice, when one is compelled either by
silence to die with grief, or by speaking to live with shame'.

FAST. Fair lady, I conceive you, and may this kiss assure you, that where
adversity hath, as it were, contracted, prosperity shall not -- Od's me!
your husband.

FAL. O me!

DELI. Ay! Is it thus?

MACI. Why, how now, signior Deliro! has the wolf seen you, ha? Hath
Gorgon's head made marble of you?

DELI. Some planet strike me dead!

MACI. Why, look you, sir, I told you, you might have suspected this long
afore, had you pleased, and have saved this labour of admiration now, and
passion, and such extremities as this frail lump of flesh is subject unto.
Nay, why do you not doat now, signior? methinks you should say it were
some enchantment, 'deceptio visus', or so, ha! If you could persuade
yourself it were a dream now, 'twere excellent: faith, try what you can
do, signior: it may be your imagination will be brought to it in time;
there's nothing impossible.

FAL. Sweet husband!

DELI. Out, lascivious strumpet!

MACI. What! did you see how ill that stale vein became him afore, of
'sweet wife', and 'dear heart'; and are you fallen just into the same now,
with 'sweet husband'! Away, follow him, go, keep state: what! remember
you are a woman, turn impudent; give him not the head, though you give him
the horns. Away. And yet, methinks, you should take your leave of 'enfant
perdu' here, your forlorn hope. [EXIT FAL.] -- How now, monsieur Brisk?
what! Friday night, and in affliction too, and yet your pulpamenta, your
delicate morsels! I perceive the affection of ladies and gentlewomen
pursues you wheresoever you go, monsieur.

FAST. Now, in good faith, and as I am gentle, there could not have come a
thing in this world to have distracted me more, than the wrinkled fortunes
of this poor dame.

MACI. O yes, sir; I can tell you a think will distract you much better,
believe it: Signior Deliro has entered three actions against you, three
actions, monsieur! marry, one of them (I'll put you in comfort) is but
three thousand, and the other two, some five thousand pound together:
trifles, trifles.

FAST. O, I am undone.

MACI. Nay, not altogether so, sir; the knight must have his hundred pound
repaid, that will help too; and then six score pounds for a diamond, you
know where. These be things will weigh, monsieur, they will weigh.

FAST. O heaven!

MACI. What! do you sigh? this is to 'kiss the hand of a countess', to
'have her coach sent for you', to 'hang poniards in ladies' garters', to
'wear bracelets of their hair', and for every one of these great favours to
'give some slight jewel of five hundred crowns, or so'; why, 'tis nothing.
Now, monsieur, you see the plague that treads on the heels o' your foppery:
well, go your ways in, remove yourself to the two-penny ward quickly, to
save charges, and there set up your rest to spend sir Puntarvolo's hundred
pound for him. Away, good pomander, go!
Why here's a change! now is my soul at peace:
I am as empty of all envy now,
As they of merit to be envied at.
My humour, like a flame, no longer lasts
Than it hath stuff to feed it; and their folly
Being now raked up in their repentant ashes,
Affords no ampler subject to my spleen.
I am so far from malicing their states,
That I begin to pity them. It grieves me
To think they have a being. I could wish
They might turn wise upon it, and be saved now,
So heaven were pleased; but let them vanish, vapours! --
Gentlemen, how like you it? has't not been tedious?

COR. Nay, we have done censuring now.

MIT. Yes, faith.

MACI. How so?

COR. Marry, because we'll imitate your actors, and be out of our humours.
Besides, here are those round about you of more ability in censure than we,
whose judgments can give it a more satisfying allowance; we'll refer you to

MACI. [COMING FORWARD.] Ay, is it even so? -- Well, gentlemen, I should
have gone in, and return'd to you as I was Asper at the first; but by
reason the shift would have been somewhat long, and we are loth to draw
your patience farther, we'll entreat you to imagine it. And now, that you
may see I will be out of humour for company, I stand wholly to your kind
approbation, and indeed am nothing so peremptory as I was in the beginning:
marry, I will not do as Plautus in his 'Amphytrio', for all this, 'summi
Jovis causa plaudite'; beg a plaudite for God's sake; but if you, out of
the bounty of your good-liking, will bestow it, why, you may in time make
lean Macilente as fat as sir John Falstaff.




Never till now did object greet mine eyes
With any light content: but in her graces
All my malicious powers have lost their stings.
Envy is fled from my soul at sight of her,
And she hath chased all black thoughts from my bosom,
Like as the sun doth darkness from the world,
My stream of humour is run out of me,
And as our city's torrent, bent t'infect
The hallow'd bowels of the silver Thames,
Is check'd by strength and clearness of the river,
Till it hath spent itself even at the shore;
So in the ample and unmeasured flood
Of her perfections, are my passions drown'd;
And I have now a spirit as sweet and clear
As the more rarefied and subtle air: --
With which, and with a heart as pure as fire,
Yet humble as the earth, do I implore
O heaven, that She, whose presence hath effected
This change in me, may suffer most late change
In her admired and happy government:
May still this Island be call'd Fortunate,
And rugged Treason tremble at the sound,
When Fame shall speak it with an emphasis.
Let foreign polity be dull as lead,
And pale Invasion come with half a heart,
When he but looks upon her blessed soil.
The throat of War be stopt within her land,
And turtle-footed Peace dance fairy rings
About her court; where never may there come
Suspect or danger, but all trust and safety.
Let Flattery be dumb, and Envy blind
In her dread presence; Death himself admire her;
And may her virtues make him to forget
The use of his inevitable hand.
Fly from her, Age; sleep, Time, before her throne;
Our strongest wall falls down, when she is gone.



ABATE, cast down, subdue
ABHORRING, repugnant (to), at variance
ABJECT, base, degraded thing, outcast
ABRASE, smooth, blank
ABSOLUTE(LY), faultless(ly)
ABSTRACTED, abstract, abstruse
ABUSE, deceive, insult, dishonour, make ill use of
ACATER, caterer
ACATES, cates
ACCEPTIVE, willing, ready to accept, receive
ACCOMMODATE, fit, befitting. (The word was a fashionable one and used on
all occasions. See "Henry IV.," pt. 2, iii.4)
ACCOST, draw near, approach
ACKNOWN, confessedly acquainted with
ACME, full maturity
ADALANTADO, lord deputy or governor of a Spanish province
ADJECTION, addition
ADMIRATION, astonishment
ADMIRE, wonder, wonder at
ADROP, philosopher's stone, or substance from which obtained
ADSCRIVE, subscribe
ADULTERATE, spurious, counterfeit
ADVERTISE, inform, give intelligence
ADVERTISED, "be --," be it known to you
ADVERTISEMENT, intelligence
ADVISE, consider, bethink oneself, deliberate
ADVISED, informed, aware; "are you --?" have you found that out?
AFFECT, love, like; aim at; move
AFFECTED, disposed; beloved
AFFECTIONATE, obstinate; prejudiced
AFFECTS, affections
AFFRONT, "give the -- ," face
AFFY, have confidence in; betroth
AFTER, after the manner of
AGAIN, AGAINST, in anticipation of
AGGRAVATE, increase, magnify, enlarge upon
AGNOMINATION. See Paranomasie
AIERY, nest, brood
AIM, guess
ALL HID, children's cry at hide-and-seek
ALL-TO, completely, entirely ("all-to-be-laden")
ALLOWANCE, approbation, recognition
ALMA-CANTARAS (astron.), parallels of altitude
ALMAIN, name of a dance
ALMUTEN, planet of chief influence in the horoscope
ALONE, unequalled, without peer
ALUDELS, subliming pots
AMAZED, confused, perplexed
AMBER, AMBRE, ambergris
AMBREE, MARY, a woman noted for her valour at the siege of Ghent, 1458
AMES-ACE, lowest throw at dice
AMPHIBOLIES, ambiguities
AMUSED, bewildered, amazed
AN, if
ANATOMY, skeleton, or dissected body
ANDIRONS, fire-dogs
ANGEL, gold coin worth 10s., stamped with the figure of the archangel Michael
ANNESH CLEARE, spring known as Agnes le Clare
ANSWER, return hit in fencing
ANTIC, ANTIQUE, clown, buffoon
ANTIC, like a buffoon
ANTIPERISTASIS, an opposition which enhances the quality it opposes
APOZEM, decoction
AFFERIL, peril
APPLY, attach
APPREHEND, take into custody
APPREHENSIVE, quick of perception; able to perceive and appreciate
APPROVE, prove, confirm
APT, suit, adapt; train, prepare; dispose, incline
APT(LY), suitable(y), opportune(ly)
APTITUDE, suitableness
ARBOR, "make the --," cut up the game (Gifford)
ARCHES, Court of Arches
ARCHIE, Archibald Armstrong, jester to James I. and Charles I.
ARGAILE, argol, crust or sediment in wine casks
ARGENT-VIVE, quicksilver
ARGUMENT, plot of a drama; theme, subject; matter in question; token, proof
ARRIDE, please
ARSEDINE, mixture of copper and zinc, used as an imitation of gold-leaf
ARTHUR, PRINCE, reference to an archery show by a society who assumed arms,
etc., of Arthur's knights
ASCENSION, evaporation, distillation
ASPIRE, try to reach, obtain, long for
ASSALTO (Ital.), assault
ASSAY, draw a knife along the belly of the deer, a ceremony of the
ASSOIL, solve
ASSURE, secure possession or reversion of
ATHANOR, a digesting furnace, calculated to keep up a constant heat
ATONE, reconcile
ATTACH, attack, seize
AUDACIOUS, having spirit and confidence
AUTHENTIC(AL), of authority, authorised, trustworthy, genuine
AVISEMENT, reflection, consideration
AVOID, begone! get rid of
AWAY WITH, endure
AZOCH, Mercurius Philosophorum

BABION, baboon
BABY, doll
BACK-SIDE, back premises
BAFFLE, treat with contempt
BAGATINE, Italian coin, worth about the third of a farthing
BALARD, horse of magic powers known to old romance
BALDRICK, belt worn across the breast to support bugle, etc.
BALE (of dice), pair
BALK, overlook, pass by, avoid
BALLACE, ballast
BALLOO, game at ball
BALNEUM (BAIN MARIE), a vessel for holding hot water in which other vessels
are stood for heating
BANBURY, "brother of __," Puritan
BANDOG, dog tied or chained up
BANE, woe, ruin
BANQUET, a light repast; dessert
BARB, to clip gold
BARBEL, fresh-water fish
BARE, meer; bareheaded; it was "a particular mark of state and grandeur for
the coachman to be uncovered" (Gifford)
BARLEY-GREAK, game somewhat similar to base
BASE, game of prisoner's base
BASES, richly embroidered skirt reaching to the knees, or lower
BASILISK, fabulous reptile, believed to slay with its eye
BASKET, used for the broken provision collected for prisoners
BASON, basons, etc., were beaten by the attendant mob when bad characters
were "carted"
BATE, be reduced; abate, reduce
BATOON, baton, stick
BATTEN, feed, grow fat
BAWSON, badger
BEADSMAN, PRAYER-MAN, one engaged to pray for another
BEAGLE, small hound; fig. spy
BEAR IN HAND, keep in suspense, deceive with false hopes
BEARWARD, bear leader
BEDSTAFF, (?) wooden pin in the side of the bedstead for supporting the
bedclothes (Johnson); one of the sticks of "laths"; a stick used in making
a bed
BEETLE, heavy mallet
BEG, "I'd -- him," the custody of minors and idiots was begged for;
likewise property fallen forfeit to the Crown ("your house had been begged")
BELL-MAN, night watchman
BENJAMIN, an aromatic gum
BERLINA, pillory
BESLAVE, beslabber
BESOGNO, beggar
BESPAWLE, bespatter
BETHLEHEM GABOR, Transylvanian hero, proclaimed King of Hungary
BEVER, drinking
BEVIS, SIR, knight of romance whose horse was equally celebrated
BEWAY, reveal, make known
BEZANT, heraldic term: small gold circle
BEZOAR'S STONE, a remedy known by this name was a supposed antidote to poison
BID-STAND, highwayman
BIGGIN, cap, similar to that worn by the Beguines; nightcap
BILIVE (belive), with haste
BILE, nothing, empty talk
BILL, kind of pike
BILLET, wood cut for fuel, stick
BIRDING, thieving
BLACK SANCTUS, burlesque hymn, any unholy riot
BLANK, originally a small French coin
BLANK, white
BLANKET, toss in a blanket
BLAZE, outburst of violence
BLAZE, (her.) blazon; publish abroad
BLAZON, armorial bearings; fig. all that pertains to good birth and breeding
BLIN, "withouten --," without ceasing
BLOW, puff up
BLUE, colour of servants' livery, hence "-- order," "-- waiters"
BLUSHET, blushing one
BOB, jest, taunt
BOB, beat, thump
BODGE, measure
BODKIN, dagger, or other short, pointed weapon; long pin with which the
women fastened up their hair
BOLT, roll (of material)
BOLT, dislodge, rout out; sift (boulting-tub)
BOLT'S-HEAD, long, straight-necked vessel for distillation.
BOMBARD SLOPS, padded, puffed-out breeches
BONA ROBA, "good, wholesome, plum-cheeked wench" (Johnson) -- not always
used in compliment
BONNY-CLABBER, sour butter-milk
BOOKHOLDER, prompter
BOOT, "to --," into the bargain; "no --," of no avail
BORACHIO, bottle made of skin
BORDELLO, brothel
BORNE IT, conducted, carried it through
BOTTLE (of han), bundle, truss
BOTTOM, skein or ball of thread; vessel
BOURD, jest
BOVOLI, snails or cockles dressed in the Italian manner (Gifford)
BOW-POT, flower vase or pot
BOYE, "terrible --," "angry --," roystering young bucks. (See Nares)
BRACH, bitch
BRADAMANTE, a heroine in 'Orlando Furioso'
BRADLEY, ARTHUR OF, a lively character commemorated in ballads
BRAKE, frame for confining a norse's feet while being shod, or strong curb
or bridle; trap
BRANCHED, with "detached sleeve ornaments, projecting from the shoulders of
the gown" (Gifford)
BRANDISH, flourish of weapon
BRASH, brace
BRAVE, bravado, braggart speech
BRAVE (adv.), gaily, finely (apparelled)
BRAVERIES, gallants
BRAVERY, extravagant gaiety of apparel
BRAVO, bravado, swaggerer
BRAZEN-HEAD, speaking head made by Roger Bacon
BREATHE, pause for relaxation; exercise
BREATH UPON, speak dispraisingly of
BREND, burn
BRIDE-ALE, wedding feast
BRIEF, abstract; (mus.) breve
BRISK, smartly dressed
BRIZE, breese, gadfly
BROAD-SEAL, state seal
BROCK, badger (term of contempt)
BROKE, transact business as a broker
BROOK, endure, put up with
BROUGHTON, HUGH, an English divine and Hebrew scholar
BRUIT, rumour
BUCK, wash
BUCKLE, bend
BUFF, leather made of buffalo skin, used for military and serjeants' coats,
BUFO, black tincture
BUGLE, long-shaped bead
BULLED, (?) boiled, swelled
BULLIONS, trunk hose
BULLY, term of familiar endearment
BUNGY, Friar Bungay, who had a familiar in the shape of a dog
BURDEN, refrain, chorus
BURGONET, closely-fitting helmet with visor
BURGULLION, braggadocio
BURN, mark wooden measures (" --ing of cans")
BURROUGH, pledge, security
BUSKIN, half-boot, foot gear reaching high up the leg
BUTT-SHAFT, barbless arrow for shooting at butts
BUTTER, NATHANIEL. ("Staple of News"), a compiler of general news. (See
BUTTERY-HATCH, half-door shutting off the buttery, where provisions and
liquors were stored
BUY, "he bought me," formerly the guardianship of wards could be bought
BUZ, exclamation to enjoin silence
BUZZARD, simpleton
BY AND BY, at once
BY(E), "on the __," incidentally, as of minor or secondary importance; at
the side
BY-CHOP, by-blow, bastard

CADUCEUS, Mercury's wand
CALIVER, light kind of musket
CALLET, woman of ill repute
CALLOT, coif worn on the wigs of our judges or serjeants-at-law (Gifford)
CALVERED, crimped, or sliced and pickled. (See Nares)
CAMOUCCIO, wretch, knave
CAN, knows
CANDLE-RENT, rent from house property
CANDLE-WASTER, one who studies late
CANTER, sturdy beggar
CAP OF MAINTENCE, an insignia of dignity, a cap of state borne before kings
at their coronation; also an heraldic term
CAPABLE, able to comprehend, fit to receive instruction, impression
CAPANEUS, one of the "Seven against Thebes"
CARACT, carat, unit of weight for precious stones, etc.; value, worth
CARANZA, Spanish author of a book on duelling
CARCANET, jewelled ornament for the neck
CARE, take care; object
CAROSH, coach, carriage
CARPET, table-cover
CARRIAGE, bearing, behaviour
CARWHITCHET, quip, pun
CASAMATE, casemate, fortress
CASE, a pair
CASE, "in --," in condition
CASSOCK, soldier's loose overcoat
CAST, flight of hawks, couple
CAST, throw dice; vomit; forecast, calculate
CAST, cashiered
CASTING-GLASS, bottle for sprinkling perfume
CASTRIL, kestrel, falcon
CAT, structure used in sieges
CATAMITE, old form of "ganymede"
CATASTROPHE, conclusion
CATCHPOLE, sheriff's officer
CATES, dainties, provisions
CATSO, rogue, cheat
CAUTELOUS, crafty, artful
CENSURE, criticism; sentence
CENSURE, criticise; pass sentence, doom
CERUSE, cosmetic containing white lead
CESS, assess
CHANGE, "hunt --," follow a fresh scent
CHAPMAN, retail dealer
CHARACTER, handwriting
CHARGE, expense
CHARM, subdue with magic, lay a spell on, silence
CHARMING, exercising magic power
CHARTEL, challenge
CHEAP, bargain, market
CHEAR, CHEER, comfort, encouragement; food, entertainment
CHECK AT, aim reproof at
CHEQUIN, gold Italian coin
CHEVEIL, from kidskin, which is elastic and pliable
CHIAUS, Turkish envoy; used for a cheat, swindler
CHOKE-BAIL, action which does not allow of bail
CHRYSOSPERM, ways of producing gold
CIBATION, adding fresh substances to supply the waste of evaporation
CIMICI, bugs
CINOPER, cinnabar
CIOPPINI, chopine, lady's high shoe
CIRCLING BOY, "a species of roarer; one who in some way drew a man into a
snare, to cheat or rob him" (Nares)
CIRCUMSTANCE, circumlocution, beating about the bush; ceremony, everything
pertaining to a certain condition; detail, particular
CITRONISE, turn citron colour
CITTERN, kind of guitar
CITY-WIRES, woman of fashion, who made use of wires for hair and dress
CIVIL, legal
CLAP, clack, chatter
CLAPPER-DUDGEON, downright beggar
CLAPS HIS DISH, a clap, or clack, dish (dish with a movable lid) was
carried by beggars and lepers to show that the vessel was empty, and to
give sound of their approach
CLARIDIANA, heroine of an old romance
CLARISSIMO, Venetian noble
CLEM, starve
CLICKET, latch
CLIM O' THE CLOUGHS, etc., wordy heroes of romance
CLIMATE, country
CLOSE, secret, private; secretive
CLOSENESS, secrecy
CLOTH, arras, hangings
CLOUT, mark shot at, bull's eye
CLOWN, countryman, clodhopper
COACH-LEAVES, folding blinds
COALS, "bear no --," submit to no affront
COAT-ARMOUR, coat of arms
COAT-CARD, court-card
COB-HERRING, HERRING-COB, a young herring
COB-SWAN, male swan
COCK-A-HOOP, denoting unstinted jollity; thought to be derived from turning
on the tap that all might drink to the full of the flowing liquor
COCKATRICE, reptile supposed to be produced from a cock's egg and to kill
by its eye -- used as a term of reproach for a woman
COCK-BRAINED, giddy, wild
COCKER, pamper
COCKSCOMB, fool's cap
COCKSTONE, stone said to be found in a cock's gizzard, and to possess
particular virtues
CODLING, softening by boiling
COFFIN, raised crust of a pie
COG, cheat, wheedle
COIL, turmoil, confusion, ado
COKELY, master of a puppet-show (Whalley)
COKES, fool, gull
COLD-CONCEITED, having cold opinion of, coldly affected towards
COLE-HARBOUR, a retreat for people of all sorts
COLLECTION, composure; deduction
COLLOP, small slice, piece of flesh
COLLY, blacken
COLOUR, pretext
COLOURS, "fear no --," no enemy (quibble)
COLSTAFF, cowlstaff, pole for carrying a cowl=tub
COME ABOUT, charge, turn round
COMFORTABLE BREAD, spiced gingerbread
COMING, forward, ready to respond, complaisant
COMMENT, commentary; "sometime it is taken for a lie or fayned tale"
(Bullokar, 1616)

COMMODITY, "current for --," allusion to practice of money-lenders, who
forced the borrower to take part of the loan in the shape of worthless
goods on which the latter had to make money if he could
COMPASS, "in --," within the range, sphere
COMPLEMENT, completion, completement; anything required for the perfecting
or carrying out of a person or affair; accomplishment
COMPLEXION, natural disposition, constitution
COMPLIMENT, See Complement
COMPLIMENTARIES, masters of accomplishments
COMPOSITION, constitution; agreement, contract
COMPOSURE, composition
COMPTER, COUNTER, debtors' prison
CONCEALMENT, a certain amount of church property had been retained at the
dissolution of the monasteries; Elizabeth sent commissioners to search it
out, and the courtiers begged for it
CONCEIT, idea, fancy, witty invention, conception, opinion
CONCEIT, apprehend
CONCEITED, fancifully, ingeniously devised or conceived; possessed of
intelligence, witty, ingenious (hence well conceited, etc.); disposed to
joke; of opinion, possessed of an idea
CONCEIVE, understand
CONCENT, harmony, agreement
CONCLUDE, infer, prove
CONCOCT, assimilate, digest
CONDEN'T, probably conducted
CONDUCT, escort, conductor
CONFECT, sweetmeat
CONFER, compare
CONNIVE, give a look, wink, of secret intelligence
CONSORT, company, concert
CONSTANCY, fidelity, ardour, persistence
CONSTANT, confirmed, persistent, faithful
CONSTANTLY, firmly, persistently
CONTEND, strive
CONTINENT, holding together
CONTROL (the point), bear or beat down
CONVENT, assembly, meeting
CONVERT, turn (oneself)
CONVEY, transmit from one to another
CONVINCE, evince, prove; overcome, overpower; convict
COP, head, top; tuft on head of birds; "a cop" may have reference to one or
other meaning; Gifford and others interpret as "conical, terminating in a
COPE-MAN, chapman
COPESMATE, companion
CORV (Lat. Copia), abundance, copiousness
CORN ("powder - "), grain
COROLLARY, finishing part or touch
CORSIVE, corrosive
CORTINE, curtain, (arch.) wall between two towers, etc.
CORYAT, famous for his travels, published as 'Coryat's Crudities'
COSSET, pet lamb, pet
COSTARD-MONGER, apple-seller, coster-monger
COSTS, ribs
COTE, hut
COTHURNAL, from "cothurnus," a particular boot worn by actors in Greek tragedy
COUNSEL, secret
COUNTENANCE, means necessary for support; credit, standing
COUNTER. See Compter
COUNTER, pieces of metal or ivory for calculating at play
COUNTER, "hunt --," follow scent in reverse direction
COUNTERFEIT, false coin
COUNTERPANE, one part or counterpart of a deed or indenture
COUNTERPOINT, opposite, contrary point
COURT-DISH, a kind of drinking-cup (Halliwell); N.E.D. quotes from Bp.
Goodman's 'Court of James I.: "The king...caused his carver to cut him out
a court-dish, that is, something of every dish, which he sent him as part
of his reversion," but this does not sound like short allowance or small
COURTEAU, curtal, small horse with docked tail
COURTSHIP, courtliness
COVETISE, avarice
COWSHARD, cow dung
COXCOMB, fool's cap, fool
COY, shrink; disdain
COYSTREL, low varlet
COZEN, cheat
CRACK, lively young rogue, wag
CRACK, crack up, boast; come to grief
CRAMBE, game of crambo, in which the players find rhymes for a given word
CRANCH, craunch
CRANTON, spider-like; also fairy appellation for a fly (Gifford, who refers
to lines in Drayton's "Nimphidia")
CRIMP, game at cards
CRINCLE, draw back, turn aside
CRISPED, with curled or waved hair
CROP, gather, reap
CROPSHIRE, a kind of herring. (See N.E.D.)
CROSS, any piece of money, many coins being stamped with a cross
CROSS AND FILE, heads and tails
CROSSLET, crucible
CROWD, fiddle
CRUDITIES, undigested matter
CRUMP, curl up
CRUSADO, Portuguese gold coin, marked with a cross
CRY ("he that cried Italian):, "speak in a musical cadence," intone, or
declaim(?); cry up
CUCKING-STOOL, used for the ducking of scolds, etc.
CUCURBITE, a gourd-shaped vessel used for distillation
CUERPO, "in --," in undress
CULLICE, broth
CULLION, base fellow, coward
CULLISEN, badge worn on their arm by servants
CULVERIN, kind of cannon
CUNNING, skill
CUNNING, skilful
CUNNING-MAN, fortune-teller
CURE, care for
CURIOUS(LY), scrupulous, particular; elaborate, elegant(ly), dainty(ly)
(hence "in curious")
CURST, shrewish, mischievous
CURTAL, dog with docked tail, of inferior sort
CUSTARD, "quaking --," " -- politic," reference to a large custard which
formed part of a city feast and afforded huge entertainment, for the fool
jumped into it, and other like tricks were played. (See "All's Well, etc."
ii. 5, 40)
CUTWORK, embroidery, open-work
CYPRES (CYPRUS) (quibble), cypress (or cyprus) being a transparent
material, and when black used for mourning

DAGGER (" -- frumety"), name of tavern
DARGISON, apparently some person known in ballad or tale
DAUPHIN MY BOY, refrain of old comic song
DAW, daunt
DEAD LIFT, desperate emergency
DEAR, applied to that which in any way touches us nearly
DECLINE, turn off from; turn away, aside
DEFALK, deduct, abate
DEFEND, forbid
DEGENEROUS, degenerate
DEGREES, steps
DELATE, accuse
DEMI-CULVERIN, cannon carrying a ball of about ten pounds
DENIER, the smallest possible coin, being the twelfth part of a sou
DEPART, part with
DEPENDANCE, ground of quarrel in duello language
DESERT, reward
DESPERATE, rash, reckless
DETECT, allow to be detected, betray, inform against
DETERMINE, terminate
DETRACT, draw back, refuse
DEVICE, masque, show; a thing moved by wires, etc., puppet
DEVISE, exact in every particular
DEVISED, invented
DIAPASM, powdered aromatic herbs, made into balls of perfumed paste. (See
DIBBLE, (?) moustache (N.E.D.); (?) dagger (Cunningham)
DIFFUSED, disordered, scattered, irregular
DIGHT, dressed
DILDO, refrain of popular songs; vague term of low meaning
DIMBLE, dingle, ravine
DIMENSUM, stated allowance
DISBASE, debase
DISCERN, distinguish, show a difference between
DISCHARGE, settle for
DISCIPLINE, reformation; ecclesiastical system
DISCLAIM, renounce all part in
DISCOURSE, process of reasoning, reasoning faculty
DISCOURTSHIP, discourtesy
DISCOVER, betray, reveal; display
DISFAVOUR, disfigure
DISPARGEMENT, legal term supplied to the unfitness in any way of a marriage
arranged for in the case of wards
DISPENSE WITH, grant dispensation for
DISPLAY, extend
DIS'PLE, discipline, teach by the whip
DISPOSED, inclined to merriment
DISPOSURE, disposal
DISPRISE, depreciate
DISPUNCT, not punctilious
DISSOLVED, enervated by grief
DISTANCE, (?) proper measure
DISTASTE, offence, cause of offence
DISTASTE, render distasteful
DISTEMPERED, upset, out of humour
DIVISION (mus.), variation, modulation
DOG-BOLT, term of contempt
DOLE, given in dole, charity
DOLE OF FACES, distribution of grimaces
DOOM, verdict, sentence
DOP, dip, low bow
DOR, beetle, buzzing insect, drone, idler
DOR, (?) buzz; "give the --," make a fool of
DOSSER, pannier, basket
DOTES, endowments, qualities
DOTTEREL, plover; gull, fool
DOUBLE, behave deceitfully
DOXY, wench, mistress
DRACHM, Greek silver coin
DRESS, groom, curry
DRESSING, coiffure
DRIFT, intention
DRYFOOT, track by mere scent of foot
DUCKING, punishment for minor offences
DUILL, grieve
DUMPS, melancholy, originally a mournful melody
DURINDANA, Orlando's sword
DWINDLE, shrink away, be overawed

EAN, yean, bring forth young
EASINESS, readiness
EBOLITION, ebullition
EDGE, sword
EECH, eke
EGREGIOUS, eminently excellent
EKE, also, moreover
E-LA, highest note in the scale
EGGS ON THE SPIT, important business on hand
ELF-LOCK, tangled hair, supposed to be the work of elves
EMMET, ant
ENGAGE, involve
ENGHLE. See Ingle
ENGHLE, cajole; fondle
ENGIN(E), device, contrivance; agent; ingenuity, wit
ENGINER, engineer, deviser, plotter
ENGINOUS, crafty, full of devices; witty, ingenious
ENGROSS, monopolise
ENS, an existing thing, a substance
ENSIGNS, tokens, wounds
ENSURE, assure
ENTERTAIN, take into service
ENTREAT, plead
ENTREATY, entertainment
ENTRY, place where a deer has lately passed
ENVOY, denouement, conclusion
ENVY, spite, calumny, dislike, odium
EPHEMERIDES, calendars
EQUAL, just, impartial
ERECTION, elevation in esteem
ERINGO, candied root of the sea-holly, formerly used as a sweetmeat and
ERRANT, arrant
ESSENTIATE, become assimilated
ESTRICH, ostrich
ETHNIC, heathen
EURIPUS, flux and reflux
EVEN, just equable
EVENT, fate, issue
EVENT(ED), issue(d)
EVERT, overturn
EXACUATE, sharpen
EXAMPLESS, without example or parallel
EXCALIBUR, King Arthur's sword
EXEMPLIFY, make an example of
EXEMPT, separate, exclude
EXEQUIES, obsequies
EXHALE, drag out
EXHIBITION, allowance for keep, pocket-money
EXORBITANT, exceeding limits of propriety or law, inordinate
EXORNATION, ornament
EXPECT, wait
EXPLATE, terminate
EXPLICATE, explain, unfold
EXTEMPORAL, extempore, unpremediated
EXTRAORDINARY, employed for a special or temporary purpose
EXTRUDE, expel
EYE, "in --," in view
EYEBRIGHT, (?) a malt liquor in which the herb of this name was infused, or
a person who sold the same (Gifford)
EYE-TINGE, least shade or gleam

FACE, appearance
FACES ABOUT, military word of command
FACINOROUS, extremely wicked
FACT, deed, act, crime
FACTIOUS, seditious, belonging to a party, given to party feeling
FAECES, dregs
FAGIOLI, French beans
FAIN, forced, necessitated
FAITHFUL, believing
FALL, ruff or band turned back on the shoulders; or, veil
FALSIFY, feign (fencing term)
FAME, report
FAMILIAR, attendant spirit
FANTASTICAL, capricious, whimsical
FARCE, stuff
FAR-FET. See Fet
FARTHINGAL, hooped petticoat
FAUCET, tapster
FAULT, lack; loss, break in line of scent; "for --," in default of
FAUTOR, partisan
FAYLES, old table game similar to backgammon
FEAR(ED), affright(ed)
FEAT, activity, operation; deed, action
FEAT, elegant, trim
FEE, "in --" by feudal obligation
FEIZE, beat, belabour
FELLOW, term of contempt
FENNEL, emblem of flattery
FERE, companion, fellow
FERN-SEED, supposed to have power of rendering invisible
FET, fetched
FETCH, trick
FEUTERER (Fr. vautrier), dog-keeper
FICO, fig
FIGGUM, (?) jugglery
FIGMENT, fiction, invention
FIRK, frisk, move suddenly, or in jerks; "-- up," stir up, rouse; "firks
mad," suddenly behaves like a madman
FIT, pay one out, punish
FITNESS, readiness
FITTON (FITTEN), lie, invention
FIVE-AND-FIFTY, "highest number to stand on at primero" (Gifford)
FLAG, to fly low and waveringly
FLAGON CHAIN, for hanging a smelling-bottle (Fr. flacon) round the neck
(?). (See N.E.D.)
FLAP-DRAGON, game similar to snap-dragon
FLASKET, some kind of basket
FLAW, sudden gust or squall of wind
FLAWN, custard
FLEA, catch fleas
FLEER, sneer, laugh derisively
FLESH, feed a hawk or dog with flesh to incite it to the chase; initiate in
blood-shed; satiate
FLIGHT, light arrow
FLOUT, mock, speak and act contemptuously
FLOWERS, pulverised substance
FLY, familiar spirit
FOIL, weapon used in fencing; that which sets anything off to advantage
FOIST, cut-purse, sharper
FOND(LY), foolish(ly)
FOOT-CLOTH, housings of ornamental cloth which hung down on either side a
horse to the ground
FOOTING, foothold; footstep; dancing
FOPPERY, foolery
FOR, "-- failing," for fear of failing
FORBEAR, bear with; abstain from
FORCE, "hunt at --," run the game down with dogs
FOREHEAD, modesty; face, assurance, effrontery
FORESPEAK, bewitch; foretell
FORETOP, front lock of hair which fashion required to be worn upright
FORGED, fabricated
FORM, state formally
FORMAL, shapely; normal; conventional
FORTHCOMING, produced when required
FOUNDER, disable with over-riding
FOURM, form, lair
FOX, sword
FRAIL, rush basket in which figs or raisins were packed
FRAMFULL, peevish, sour-tempered
FRAPLER, blusterer, wrangler
FRAYING, "a stag is said to fray his head when he rubs it against a tree
to...cause the outward coat of the new horns to fall off" (Gifford)
FREIGHT (of the gazetti), burden (of the newspapers)
FRICACE, rubbing
FRICATRICE, woman of low character
FRIPPERY, old clothes shop
FROCK, smock-frock
FROLICS, (?) humorous verses circulated at least (N.E.D.); couplets wrapped
round sweetmeats (Cunningham)
FRONTLESS, shameless
FROTED, rubbed
FRUMETY, hulled wheat boiled in milk and spiced
FRUMP, flout, sneer
FUCUS, dye
FUGEAND, (?) figment: flighty, restless (N.E.D.)
FULLAM, false dice
FULMART, polecat
FULSOME, foul, offensive
FURIBUND, raging, furious

GALLEY-FOIST, city-barge, used on Lord Mayor's Day, when he was sworn into
his office at Westminster (Whalley)
GALLIARD, lively dance in triple time
GAPE, be eager after
GARAGANTUA, Rabelais' giant
GARB, sheaf (Fr. Gerbe); manner, fashion, behaviour
BARD, guard, trimming, gold or silver lace, or other ornament
GARDED, faced or trimmed
GAVEL-KIND, name of a land-tenure existing chiefly in Kent; from 16th
century often used to denote custom of dividing a deceased man's property
equally among his sons (N.E.D.)
GAZETTE, small Venetian coin worth about three-farthings
GEANCE, jaunt, errand
GEAR (GEER), stuff, matter, affair
GELID, frozen
GEMONIES, steps from which the bodies of criminals were thrown into the river
GENERAL, free, affable
GENIUS, attendant spirit
GENTRY, gentlemen; manners characteristic of gentry, good breeding
GIB-CAT, tom-cat
GIGANTOMACHIZE, start a giants' war
GIGLOT, wanton
GIMBLET, gimlet
GING, gang
GLASS ("taking in of shadows, etc."), crystal or beryl
GLEEK, card game played by three; party of three, trio; side glance
GLICK (GLEEK), jest, gibe
GLIDDER, glaze
GLORIOUSLY, of vain glory
GODWIT, bird of the snipe family
GOLD-END-MAN, a buyer of broken gold and silver
GOLL, hand
GONFALIONIER, standard-bearer, chief magistrate, etc.
GOOD, sound in credit
GOOD-Year, good luck
GOOSE-TURD, colour of. (See Turd)
GORCROW, carrion crow
GORGET, neck armour
GOSSIP, godfather
GOWKED, from "gowk," to stand staring and gaping like a fool
GRANNAM, grandam
GRASS, (?) grease, fat
GRATEFUL, agreeable, welcome
GRATIFY, give thanks to
GRATITUDE, gratuity
GRATULATE, welcome, congratulate
GRAVITY, dignity
GRAY, badger
GRICE, cub
GRIEF, grievance
GRIPE, vulture, griffin
GRIPE'S EGG, vessel in shape of
GROAT, fourpence
GROGRAN, coarse stuff made of silk and mohair, or of coarse silk
GROOM-PORTER, officer in the royal household
GROPE, handle, probe
GROUND, pit (hence "grounded judgments")
GUARD, caution, heed
GUARDANT, heraldic term: turning the head only
GUILDER, Dutch coin worth about 4d.
GULES, gullet, throat; heraldic term for red
GULL, simpleton, dupe
GUST, taste

HAB NAB, by, on, chance
HABERGEON, coat of mail
HAGGARD, wild female hawk; hence coy, wild
HALBERD, combination of lance and battle-axe
HALL, "a --!" a cry to clear the room for the dancers
HANDSEL, first money taken
HANGER, loop or strap on a sword-belt from which the sword was suspended
HAP, fortune, luck
HAPPILY, haply
HAPPINESS, appropriateness, fitness
HAPPY, rich
HARBOUR, track, trace (an animal) to its shelter
HARD-FAVOURED, harsh-featured
HARPOCRATES, Horus the child, son of Osiris, figured with a finger pointing
to his mouth, indicative of silence
HARRINGTON, a patent was granted to Lord H. for the coinage of tokens (q.v.)
HARROT, herald
HARRY NICHOLAS, founder of a community called the "Family of Love"
HAY, net for catching rabbits, etc.
HAY! (Ital. hai!), you have it (a fencing term)
HAY IN HIS HORN, ill-tempered person
HAZARD, game at dice; that which is staked
HEAD, "first --," young deer with antlers first sprouting; fig. a
newly-ennobled man
HEADBOROUGH, constable
HEARKEN AFTER, inquire; "hearken out," find, search out
HEARTEN, encourage
HEAVEN AND HELL ("Alchemist"), names of taverns
HECTIC, fever
HEDGE IN, include
HELM, upper part of a retort
HER'NSEW, hernshaw, heron
HIERONIMO (JERONIMO), hero of Kyd's "Spanish Tragedy"
HOBBY, nag
HOBBY-HORSE, imitation horse of some light material, fastened round the
waist of the morrice-dancer, who imitated the movements of a skittish horse
HOIDEN, hoyden, formerly applied to both sexes (ancient term for leveret?
HOLLAND, name of two famous chemists
HONE AND HONERO, wailing expressions of lament or discontent
HOOD-WIND'D, blindfolded
HORARY, hourly
HORN-MAD, stark mad (quibble)
HORN-THUMB, cut-purses were in the habit of wearing a horn shield on the thumb
HORSE-BREAD-EATING, horses were often fed on coarse bread
HORSE-COURSES, horse-dealer
HOSPITAL, Christ's Hospital
HOWLEGLAS, Eulenspiegel, the hero of a popular German tale which related
his buffooneries and knavish tricks
HUFF, hectoring, arrogance
HUFF IT, swagger
HUISHER (Fr. huissier), usher
HUM, beer and spirits mixed together
HUMANITIAN, humanist, scholar
HUMOROUS, capricious, moody, out of humour; moist
HUMOUR, a word used in and out of season in the time of Shakespeare and Ben
Jonson, and ridiculed by both
HUMOURS, manners
HUMPHREY, DUKE, those who were dinnerless spent the dinner-hour in a part
of St. Paul's where stood a monument said to be that of the duke's; hence
"dine with Duke Humphrey," to go hungry
HURTLESS, harmless

IDLE, useless, unprofitable
ILL-AFFECTED, ill-disposed
ILL-HABITED, unhealthy
ILLUSTRATE, illuminate
IMBIBITION, saturation, steeping
IMBROCATA, fencing term: a thrust in tierce
IMPAIR, impairment
IMPART, give money
IMPARTER, any one ready to be cheated and to part with his money
IMPEACH, damage
IMPERTINENCIES, irrelevancies
IMPERTINENT(LY), irrelevant(ly), without reason or purpose
IMPOSITION, duty imposed by
IMPOTENTLY, beyond power of control
IMPRESS, money in advance
IMPULSION, incitement
IN AND IN, a game played by two or three persons with four dice
INCENSE, incite, stir up
INCERATION, act of covering with wax; or reducing a substance to softness
of wax
INCH, "to their --es," according to their stature, capabilities
INCH-PIN, sweet-bread
INCONVENIENCE, inconsistency, absurdity
INCONY, delicate, rare (used as a term of affection)
INCUBEE, incubus
INCUBUS, evil spirit that oppresses us in sleep, nightmare
INCURIOUS, unfastidious, uncritical
INDENT, enter into engagement
INDIFFERENT, tolerable, passable
INDIGESTED, shapeless, chaotic
INDUCE, introduce
INDUE, supply
INEXORABLE, relentless
INFANTED, born, produced
INFLAME, augment charge
INGENIOUS, used indiscriminantly for ingenuous; intelligent, talented
INGENUITY, ingenuousness
INGENUOUS, generous
INGINE. See Engin
INGINER, engineer. (See Enginer)
INGLE, OR ENGHLE, bosom friend, intimate, minion
INHABITABLE, uninhabitable
INJURY, insult, affront
IN-MATE, resident, indwelling
INNATE, natural
INNOCENT, simpleton
INQUEST, jury, or other official body of inquiry
INSTANT, immediate
INSTRUMENT, legal document
INSURE, assure
INTEGRATE, complete, perfect
INTELLIGENCE, secret information, news
INTEND, note carefully, attend, give ear to, be occupied with
INTENDMENT, intention
INTENT, intention, wish
INTENTION, concentration of attention or gaze
INTENTIVE, attentive
INTERESSED, implicated
INTRUDE, bring in forcibly or without leave
INVINCIBLY, invisibly
INWARD, intimate
IRPE (uncertain), "a fantastic grimace, or contortion of the body: (Gifford)

JACE, Jack o' the clock, automaton figure that strikes the hour;
Jack-a-lent, puppet thrown at in Lent
JACK, key of a virginal
JACOB'S STAFF, an instrument for taking altitudes and distances
JADE, befool
JEALOUSY, JEALOUS, suspicion, suspicious
JERKING, lashing
JEW'S TRUMP, Jew's harp
JIG, merry ballad or tune; a fanciful dialogue or light comic act
introduced at the end or during an interlude of a play
JOINED (JOINT)-STOOL, folding stool
JOLL, jowl
JOLTHEAD, blockhead
JUMP, agree, tally
JUST YEAR, no one was capable of the consulship until he was forty-three

KELL, cocoon
KELLY, an alchemist
KEMB, comb
KEMIA, vessel for distillation
KIBE, chap, sore
KILDERKIN, small barrel
KILL, kiln
KIND, nature; species; "do one's --," act according to one's nature
KIRTLE, woman's gown of jacket and petticoat
KISS OR DRINK AFORE ME, "this is a familiar expression, employed when what
the speaker is just about to say is anticipated by another" (Gifford)
KIT, fiddle
KNACK, snap, click
KNIPPER-DOLING, a well-known Anabaptist
KNITTING CUP, marriage cup
KNOCKING, striking, weighty
KNOT, company, band; a sandpiper or robin snipe (Tringa canulus);
flower-bed laid out in fanciful design
KURSINED, KYRSIN, christened

LABOURED, wrought with labour and care
LADE, load(ed)
LADING, load
LAID, plotted
LANCE-KNIGHT (Lanzknecht), a German mercenary foot-soldier
LAP, fold
LAR, household god
LARD, garnish
LARGE, abundant
LARUM, alarum, call to arms
LATTICE, tavern windows were furnished with lattices of various colours
LAUNDER, to wash gold in aqua regia, so as imperceptibly to extract some of it.
LAVE, ladle, bale
LAW, "give --," give a start (term of chase)
LAY ABOARD, run alongside generally with intent to board
LEAGUER, siege, or camp of besieging army
LEASING, lying
LEAVE, leave off, desist
LEER, leering or "empty, hence, perhaps leer horse without a rider; leer is
an adjective meaning uncontrolled, hence 'leer drunkards'" (Halliwell);
according to Nares, a leer (empty) horse meant also a led horse; leeward,

LEESE, lose
LEGS, "make --," do obeisance
LEIGEP, resident representative
LEIGERITY, legerdemain
LEMMA, subject proposed, or title of the epigram
LENTER, slower
LET, hinder
LET, hindrance
LEVEL COIL, a rough game...in which one hunted another from his seat.
Hence used for any noisy riot (Halliwell)
LEWD, ignorant
LEYSTALLS, receptacles of filth
LIBERAL, ample
LIEGER, ledger, register
LIFT(ING), steal(ing)
LIGHT, alight
LIGHTLY, commonly, usually, often
LIKE, please
LIKELY, agreeable, pleasing
LIME-HOUND, leash-, blood-hound
LIMMER, vile, worthless
LIN, leave off
Line, "by --," by rule
LINSTOCK, staff to stick in the ground, with forked head to hold a lighted
match for firing cannon
LIQUID, clear
LIST, listen, hard; like, please
LIVERY, legal term, delivery of the possession, etc.
LOGGET, small log, stick
LOOSE, solution; upshot, issue; release of an arrow
LOSE, give over, desist from; waste
LOUTING, bowing, cringing
LUCULENT, bright of beauty
LUDGATHIANS, dealers on Ludgate Hill
LURCH, rob, cheat
LUTE, to close a vessel with some kind of cement

MACK, unmeaning expletive
MADGE_HOWLET or own, barn-owl
MAIM, hurt, injury
MAIN, chief concern (used as a quibble on heraldic term for "hand")
MAINPRISE, becoming surety for a prisoner so as to procure his release
MAINTENANCE, giving aid, or abetting
MAKE, mate
MAKE, MADE, acquaint with business, prepare(d), instruct(ed)
MALLANDERS, disease of horses
MALT HORSE, dray horse
MAMMET, puppet
MAMMOTHREPT, spoiled child
MANAGE, control (term used for breaking-in horses); handling, administration
MANGO, slave-dealer
MANGONISE, polish up for sale
MANIPLES, bundles, handfuls
MANKIND, masculine, like a virago
MANEIND, humanity
MAPLE FACE, spotted face (N.E.D.)
MARCH PANE, a confection of almonds, sugar, etc.
MARK, "fly to the --," "generally said of a goshawk when, having 'put in' a
covey of partridges, she takes stand, making the spot where they
disappeared from view until the falconer arrives to put them out to her"
(Harting, Bibl. Accip. Gloss. 226)
MARLE, marvel
MARROW-BONE MAN, one often on his knees for prayer
MARRY! exclamation derived from the Virgin's name
MARRY GIP, "probably originated from By Mary Gipcy = St. Mary of Egypt,
MARTAGAN, Turk's cap lily
MARYHINCHCO, stringhalt
MASORETH, Masora, correct form of the scriptural text according to Hebrew
Mass, abb. for master
MAUND, beg
MAUTHER, girl, maid
MEAN, moderation
MEASURE, dance, more especially a stately one
MEAT, "carry -- in one's mouth," be a source of money or entertainment
MEATH, metheglin
MECHANICAL, belonging to mechanics, mean, vulgar
MEDITERRANEO, middle aisle of St. Paul's, a general resort for business and
MEET WITH, even with
MELICOTTON, a late kind of peach
MENSTRUE, solvent
MERCAT, market
MERD, excrement
MERE, undiluted; absolute, unmitigated
MESS, party of four
METHEGLIN, fermented liquor, of which one ingredient was honey
METOPOSCOPY, study of physiognomy
MIGNIARD, dainty, delicate
MILE-END, training-ground of the city
MINE-MEN, sappers
MINION, form of cannon
MINSITIVE, (?) mincing, affected (N.E.D.)
MISCELLANY MADAM, "a female trader in miscellaneous articles; a dealer in
trinkets or ornaments of various kinds, such as kept shops in the New
Exchange" (Nares)
MISCELLINE, mixed grain; medley
MISCONCEIT, misconception
MISPRISE, MISPRISION, mistake, misunderstanding
MISTAKE AWAY, carry away as if by mistake
MITHRIDATE, an antidote against poison
MOCCINIGO, small Venetian coin, worth about ninepence
MODERN, in the mode; ordinary, common-place
MOMENT, force or influence of value
MONTANTO, upward stroke
MONTH'S MIND, violent desire
MOORISH, like a moor or waste
MORGLAY, sword of Bevis of Southampton
MORRICe-DANCE, dance on May Day, etc., in which certain personages were
MORT-MAL, old score, gangrene
MOSCADINO, confection flavoured with musk
MOTHER, Hysterica passio
MOTION, proposal, request; puppet, puppet-show; "one of the small figures
on the face of a large clock which was moved by the vibration of the
pendulum" (Whalley)
MOTION, suggest, propose
MOTLEY, parti-coloured dress of a fool; hence used to signify pertaining
to, or like, a fool
MOTTE, motto
MOURNIVAL, set of four aces or court cards in a hand; a quartette
MOW, setord hay or sheaves of grain
MUCH! expressive of irony and incredulity
MUCKINDER, handkerchief
MULE, "born to ride on --," judges or serjeants-at-law formerly rode on
mules when going in state to Westminster (Whally)
MULLETS, small pincers
MUM-CHANCE, game of chance, played in silence
MUN, must
MUREY, dark crimson red
MUSE, wonder
MUSICAL, in harmony
MUSS, mouse; scramble
MYROBOLANE, foreign conserve, "a dried plum, brought from the Indies"
MYSTERY, art, trade, profession.

NAIL, "to the --" (ad unguem), to perfection, to the very utmost
NATIVE, natural
NEAT, cattle
NEAT, smartly apparelled; unmixed; dainty
NEATLY, neatly finished
NEATNESS, elegance
NEIS, nose, scent
NEUFT, newt
NIAISE, foolish, inexperienced person
NICE, fastidious, trivial, finical, scrupulous
NICENESS, fastidiousness
NICK, exact amount; right moment; "set in the --" meaning uncertain
NICE, suit, fit' hit, seize the right moment, etc., exactly hit on, hit off
NOBLE, gold coin worth 6s.8d.
NOCENT, harmful
NIL, not will
NOISE, company of musicians
NOMENTACK, an Indian chief from Virginia
NONES, nonce
NOTABLE, egregious
NOTE, sign, token
NOUGHT, "be --," go to the devil, be hanged, etc.
NOWT-HEAD, blockhead
NUMBER, rhythm
NUPSON, oaf, simpleton

OADE, wood
OBARNI, preparation of mead
OBJECT, oppose; expose; interpose
OBLATRANT, barking, railing
OBNOXIOUS, liable, exposed; offensive
OBSERVANCE, homage, devoted service
OBSERVANT, attentive, obsequious
OBSERVE, show deference, respect
OBSERVER, one who shows deference, or waits upon another
OBSTANCY, legal phrase, "juridical opposition"
OBSTREPEROUS, clamorous, vociferous
OBSTUPEFACT, stupefied
ODLING, (?) "must have some relation to tricking and cheating" (Nares)
OMINOUS, deadly, fatal
ONCE, at once; for good and all; used also for additional emphasis
ONLY, pre-eminent, special
OPEN, make public; expound
OPPILATION, obstruction
OPPONE, oppose
OPPOSITE, antagonist
OFFPRESS, suppress
ORT, remnant, scrap
OUT, "to be --." to have forgotten one's part; not at one with each other
OUTCRY, sale by auction
OUTREGUIDANCE, arrogance, presumption
OUTSPEAK, speak more than
OVERPARTED, given too difficult a part to play
OWLSPIEGEL. See Howleglass
OYEZ! (O YES!), hear ye! call of the public crier when about to make a

PACKING PENNY, "give a --," dismiss, send packing
PAD, highway
PAD-HORSE, road-horse
PAINED (PANED) SLOPS, full breeches made of strips of different colour and
PAINFUL, diligent, painstaking
PAINT, blush
PALINODE, ode of recantation
PALL, weaken, dim, make stale
PALM, triumph
PAN, skirt of dress or coat
PANNEL, pad, or rough kind of saddle
PANNIER-ALLY, inhabited by tripe-sellers
PANNIER-MAN, hawker; a man employed about the inns of court to bring in
provisions, set the table, etc.
PANTOFLE, indoor shoe, slipper
PARAMENTOS, fine trappings
PARANOMASIE, a play upon words
PARANTORY, (?) peremptory
PARCEL, particle, fragment (used contemptuously); article
PARCEL, part, partly
PARCEL-POET, poetaster
PARERGA, subordinate matters
PARGET, to paint or plaster the face
PARLE, parley
PARLOUS, clever, shrewd
PART, apportion
PARTAKE, participate in
PARTED, endowed, talented
PARTICULAR, individual person
PARTIZAN, kind of halberd
PARTRICH, partridge
PARTS, qualities endowments
PASH, dash, smash
PASS, care, trouble oneself
PASSADO, fending term: a thrust
PASSAGE, game at dice
PASSINGLY, exceedingly
PASSION, effect caused by external agency
PASSION, "in --," in so melancholy a tone, so pathetically
PATOUN, (?) Fr. Paton, pellet of dough; perhaps the "moulding of the
tobacco...for the pipe" (Gifford); (?) variant of Petun, South American
name of tobacco
PATRICO, the recorder, priest, orator of strolling beggars or gipsies
PATTEN, shoe with wooden sole; "go --," keep step with, accompany
PAUCA VERBA, few words
PAVIN, a stately dance
PEACE, "with my master's --," by leave, favour
PECULIAR, individual, single
PEDANT, teacher of the languages
PEEL, baker's shovel
PEEP, speak in a small or shrill voice
PEEVISH(LY), foolish(ly), capricious(ly); childish(ly)
PELICAN, a retort fitted with tube or tubes, for continuous distillation
PENCIL, small tuft of hair
PERDUE, soldier accustomed to hazardous service
PEREMPTORY, resolute, bold; imperious; thorough, utter, absolute(ly)
PERIMETER, circumference of a figure
PERIOD, limit, end
PERK, perk up
PERPETUANA, "this seems to be that glossy kind of stuff now called
everlasting, and anciently worn by serjeants and other city officers"
PERSPICIL, optic glass
PERSTRINGE, criticise, censure
PERSUADE, inculcate, commend
PERSWAY, mitigate
PERTINACY, pertinacity
PESTLING, pounding, pulverising, like a pestle
PETASUS, broad-brimmed hat or winged cap worn by Mercury
PETITIONARY, supplicatory
PETRONEL, a kind of carbine or light gas carried by horsemen
PETULANT, pert, insolent
PHERE. See Fere
PHLEGMA, watery distilled liquor (old chem. "water")
PICARDIL, still upright collar fastened on to the coat (Whalley)
PICT-HATCH, disreputable quarter of London
PIECE, person, used for woman or girl; a gold coin worth in Jonson's time
20s. or 22s.
PIECES OF EIGHT, Spanish coin: piastre equal to eight reals
PIED, variegated
PIE-POUDRES (Fr. pied-poudreux, dusty-foot), court held at fairs to
administer justice to itinerant vendors and buyers
PILCHER, term of contempt; one who wore a buff or leather jerkin, as did
the serjeants of the counter; a pilferer
PILED, pilled, peeled, bald
PILL'D, polled, fleeced
PIMLICO, "sometimes spoken of as a person -- perhaps master of a house
famous for a particular ale" (Gifford)
PINE, afflict, distress
PINK, stab with a weapon; pierce or cut in scallops for ornament
PINNACE, a go-between in infamous sense
PISTOLET, gold coin, worth about 6s.
PITCH, height of a bird of prey's flight
PLAGUE, punishment, torment
PLAIN, lament
PLAIN SONG, simple melody
PLAISE, plaice
PLANET, "struck with a --," planets were supposed to have powers of
blasting or exercising secret influences
PLAUSIBLE, pleasing
PLAUSIBLY, approvingly
PLOT, plan
PLY, apply oneself to


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