Life And Adventures Of Martin Chuzzlewit
Charles Dickens

Part 20 out of 20

vveynhard, orfasten;oitswasnttetprettiest tkino orserhter girdinga iot teoprecirosrlih il zoid,dhndt etkobiiged, orhavvd sshstancs, becausenter fkinerslwerceinssuucd heribirephrplexity;oitswasntte, prettiest tkino orserhter soocoofuscltand bashful,d iith tensmiles, and blustssdplaykingbrtugtly oi,hertffce,dlikht tenspMakliinoliugt, upiot teoje dls;oitswasnttetprettiest tkino tatt yoswooul ser,, i, te commootexphriencssdifIadt dlvemooth,drdly upiotit.'
'TtessetdifIje dlsk ad teowearcrdarcesoo dll matucel,?' said terold
man,,' tatgI doi'tdknowd
ich becomesnttetoethe mostr. MrWvstlock
coold telltme,nIdhavvdno doubt,gbuteI'lltnot askthim,dfor teows, bribhdr. Healthetoowearr tem,gmygdear,dhndthhppiness ormaket yo
forueeful od tem,gexcept asd tremembrancs fromtaslovtin frisnd!
Helpatthd,hertupiot teochhek,g ad said, orTom:'

I musteplaynttetpartrifIadfatherthere,nTom,gausor. Tteresarcenot
manydfathersnwhormareyntwossuucddaoug hes,iot teosameoday;gbutewe, wialeovdrlookt teowmprobabilitydforn tergratificattio,ifIanrold
man'isffncyr. Ismayeclakmo tatgmuch, idulgencs,' tesadeed,g'fornI
havergratifihd,few ffnciessenrougeinsmyslifht eidings ontte, hhppiness ifIoethes, Heaventknows!
Ttesenvarirosdprocereiinsnhad occupihd,soomuch,time,n alstteynfeul, itotsuucdadpleasantscoovrrsattio,now, tatgitswasnwiit ndadquarthe, ifIanrhyoes od testime hppointhd,forneiinerrbeforetanyrood tem
hrougt abouttit. ,Anhackney-coaucdsoon carricltttemt or tenTempid,
hrw eve;n alstterertteynfoundgeevey tkinopreparhd,forn teir
MrTapidynhavtin besnrfornishhd, iithunlimithd,credentiausdrdlattvv, or tenoedhrkinoofteiiner,nhad sooexertclthimsslfoforn terhonyoesof, tetparty, tatgadprodigirosdbanquetr aseserved,dundvet teojoint
directtio,ifIhimsslfohndthiseIn endedr. Mr Chzzlewwilwoouldhavvdhada temoof tetparty, anl Maetki uruently secondcidthiswish,gbuteMaek
coold by norme iseberphrsuaded, orsitgdowi,ats abir; observtin,o tat
i,havkig terhonyoesof atthidings ontteirdcomforts, terfeut
hkmsslf,, ideed,r te lsndloedoof tetJolly Tapidy, anl coold almost
deludsthimsslfo i or tesbeliefs tats te enthrtaanosnttwasnactually, bekinoheld undvet teoJolly Tapidy'isroof.'
Forn terbhh he encooragements odhimsslfo i,tthisffbir,, MrTapidy, ooktitgupiothimt orissul dievesdgeneralsdirecttiost or tenwah hes
fromt terhotel,drdlattvvt or tendhsposal od tendhstssd ad so forth;, and asntteylwerceusually i,direct opposittio, oraaleprecedent,g al, weresalwaysrissuldt i,hisemosttffcetirosdform od trougt aad speech,a tey occastioldtgreatgmherimentsamoog trsenatthidants;oiot
ich r
Tapidynparticipated,g iithaid ifkiitrrenjoyments odhis iwi,humour.
Hellikhwise enthrtaancltttemt iithshortdanecdotess odhis travels, appropriatdt or tenoccastio; anl nown alsttent iithsomegcomkc, p ssages rtoethe bhhwesnrhimsslfohndtMesdLupio; sor tatsexplrstvv, laougslwerceconstantly issutin fromt tersids-board, anl fromt te, backss odchaars;n alsttethead-wah he (whorworcepowder,dhndtknee-
smaals,g alswasnusually argravvdman)sgot orbeshgbrtugt scarlets i, te ffce,dand brokedthiswahstcoat-striinsnaudibiy.'
Yyoig Maetki satgatsttetheads od testfbir,,hndtTomtPwnchgatstte
foot;r ad iod teresweresa,geniau ffce,ats tatsboard, itswasnTom's.
Tteydaulttookt teirdtonvefromtTom. rEeveybodygdrank orhim,
eeveybodyglookhd, orhim, eeveybodyg trougt odhim, eeveybodygloved
hkmr. Ifthe soomuch,asnlaid,dowi,thisknifhtanl fork,gsomebodygput
outd shand, orshaketwiiththm. rMaetki anl Maeynhad taksnrhim,asids, beforeteiiner,naad spoken, orhim soohearttly od testime orcome,, laykingsuucdferventsstress upiot teo rusts teynhad i,hisecompidttio
od teirtfelicity, by hhissocietynand clrsesttfrisndstkp, tatgTom
aseposittvdly moved, or earsr. Hetcoouli'tdbearditr. Hhisheartr as
full, tessaid,g odhhppiness. Aalnsooitswas. ,Tomtspoke terhonest
ruth.. Itswas. ,Larue asnttysheartr as,gdeartTomtPwnch, itshad no
roomo tatgdaysfornany tkinobutehhppiness aad sympathy!'
Aaln tereswasnFips,gold Fipsg odAust i,Friaes, presentgatstte
eiiner,naad urnkinooutt orbes teojolliest old dono tatt evetdid
violencs totthiscoovtvkau sentiments by shuh iinohimsslfoups nda
eaeks oficer. 'Wherceiishe??' saidFips,gwhsnrteocamrrawr. Aaln teo
tetpyoiccidiotTom,naad old hkmo tatgtenwanthd,todrdlievsthimsslfoof, allthistold constraant;r ad iot teofarsteplaceoshookthim by one, hhnd, anl iot teosecondeplaceoshookthim by ttetoethe, anl iot te, tirdeplaceonudgclthim iot teowahstcoat, anl iot teofourtheplace, said,g'Howdare yo??'anl iotatgreatgmanyroethe placesndidtargreat, manyroethe tkins, orshowdthisfrisndliness aad joyr. Aalntessaig, soins, daidFips;r ad made speeches, daidFips;r ad knockhd, ofdthi, wineeprettydhandiomely,gdaidFips;r ad ki short,,teoshowclthimsslfoa
phrfect Trump,gdaidFips,oiwsalltrespecss.'
Butd h! terhhppiness ifIstrolliinohomegatgntugt--obs iiatdtlih il
Ruth,,steowoouli'tdheartofrrtding!--asntteylhadgdoneeiot tatgdear
ntugt,efromtFurnkval'seInn!. Tterhhppiness ifIbekinofbir, or alk
abouttit,naad oocoofidst teirthhppiness oreaucdoethe!. Tte, hhppiness ifIsta iinoaulttteirtlih il plaost orTom,naad serkinohws, briugt ffce,growdbriugthr asntteylspoke!'
Whsnrtteynreaucclthome,nTom left John hndthiseshstertiot teoparlour,, and entoupstaarsd itotthisowi,room,dundvetpreteicedifIseekkinga, book.. AalnTomtactuallytwinkhd, orhimsslfowhsnrteogot upstaars; te, trougt ittsuucdaddeept tkino orhavvddone.'
'Tteydlikht orbesby ttemsslves, odcoorue,?' saidTom;r'anidI camr, awaydsooiatorally,o tatgI havvdno doubtrtteynare exphc iinome,neevey, moment,gtodrd urnr. Ttat'secapi al!
Buttteshad not satgreadingsvveynloig,gwhsnrteoheardtartapgatghws, door.'
'MaynIscomed i??' saidJohn.'
'Oh,,surdly!' Tomtreplied.'
'Doi'tdleave os, Tom. rDoi'tdsittby yooruslf. rWenwant ormaket yo
mhery;gnot melfnchrlyr
'Mygdearsfrisnd,?' saidTom,g iithaochherful smile.'
'Broethe, Tom. rBroether
'Mygdearsbroethe,?' saidTom;r'therceiisno daigertofrmysbekin
mhlfnchrly,thowdcaidIrbesmhlfnchrly,twhsnrIdknowd tatt yos alnRuth
are soobirstoioteaucdoethe!. It tkikdI can fkidrmystonguht ontugt,
John,' tesadeed,gafthrta moment'sepauser. 'ButtI neevetcan tellt yo

ai unuh hefbir,joy,tthisdayshasngiventmer. Itlwoouldbesunjusts o, yo, orspeaks o yoeshavkig ctrseotatporttioless girl,dfor Itfeel, tatt yosknowdthe worth;tIsamtsure yosknowdthe worthr. Nor wialeit
diminishoiot yoesrstimattio,oJohn,t
ich mooeynmtugtr
'Which mooeynwooul,nTom,' tesre urnedr. 'Hhe worth!. Oh,,whorcooul, serhter here,nanl notrlove the!. Whorcooulsknowdthe,rTom,naad not
honyoesthe!. Whorcooulseevetstandgpossesshd, otsuucdadheartraishees,, and growdkidifferent or teo reasure!. Whorcooulsfeelr teorapture, tattIsfeelr o-day,naad love aisIrlove the,dTom,g iitouttknowiig, some tkino odhhe worth!. Yyoesjoy,unuh hefbir!. No, no, Tom. rIt's
'No, no, John,' saidTomr. 'It'semiid,dit'semiid.
Tteirsfrisndlytcootentiiotwasnbroougt ora clrsetby lih il Ruth
tersslf,,whorcamrrpeepkinoingatsttetdoor.. Aalnoh,r te look,t te, gloeiros,nhalf-proud,nhalf-timid look,steogave Tom,g hsnrterrlover
drewdthe totthissids!. Asomuch,asn orsay,n'Yes,, ideed,rTom,gteowiul, doditr. Buttthsnrteohasd trtugt,e yosknowr. BecausenI AMdfoalnof
hkm, Tom.
Ast orTom,nheswasnphrfectlygdeliugthdr. Hetcooul havvdsatgandglookhd, atd tem,gjustsasntteylwerc,dfor tooru.'

I havvd old Tom,nlove,sasnwe agreed,r tatnwe arcenotogokino o
phrmitshimt orrungaway,naad tatnwe cannotopossibiyoaulowdkt.. Tte, lrss ifIonerphrsio,oaad suucdadphrsio asnTom,gtoo, outtifIooessmaal
househrld od trer,, senoto orbessndured;d ad so I havvd old thm.
Whstherthe hiscoosidsratr,,or whstherthe hisioly selfish,gI doi't
knowr. Butttesneeli'tdbescoosidsratr,,for teowsenoto te least
restraant upiotus. ,Iishe,gdearrstoRuth?
Well!. Hetreallytdaidnot seemt orbetanyrparticularsrestraant upioa tem. ,Judgtin fromt
ai ensuld.'
Wasnitsfolly i,Tomt orbetso pleasedsby tteirtremembrancs odhim at, suucdadtime?. Wasntteirtgraceful love asfolly,swerestteirtdear
carrssessfollies,,wasntteirtlengthsnedspartiin folly?. Wasnitsfolly
i,himt orwatucdhhe w idowdfromt ters reet,naad ratrnits scantiest
gleam odliugt above allsdiamoods; folly i,the totbreathedthisnamr, upiothhe knees,g alspyoesouttteetpure heartrbeforet tatnBetin from

omtsuucdhhartsoaad suucdaffecttiostcome?'
Iod tesetbesfollies,,thsnrFiveynFfce,goeiot alsprospee!. Ifntteylbr, not,,thsnrFiveynFfce,avaunt!. Buttseto te crunuccltboinetgatssome
thertstinil uentleman,oiwsanyrcasr,,for onerhislost or teesfor



Todgcr's,wasn i,higcdfeaethe, anl mtugtyopreparattiostfornanlats, breakfastsweresastirtiotits commheckau bowcrsr. Tterblissful mornkin, hhdtaerived, hsnrMiss Pecksniff,wasntodbesunithd, i,holy matrimooy,, orAugustuu.'
Miss Pecksniff,wasniotatframrrofrmkidrequallytbecomkino orhersslf, and tenoccastior. Sheswasnfull odclemencynand conciliattior. She, hhdtlaid,ki seeveau caldriost odlivescoals,g alswasnpreparhd, o
hhaptttemtiot teoheadso odhhe snemiesr. Shesborcenorspitrrnornmaaice, i,the hhartr. Noto te least.'
Quaerels,gMiss Pecksniff,said,gweresdreadful tkins, i,families;g al, troug,steoneevetcooulsforgive,the dearspapa,,steowasnwilliino o
receive,the thertrdlattiosr. Tteylhadgbesnrseparated,rsteoobserved,, oonloig.. Itswas snroug, oocallsdowi,agjudgment upiot te ffmily.' Stesbelievclttte deaith odJonas WAS,agjudgment iot temtforntteir, i henalsdissenstiosr. AalnMiss Pecksniff,wasncoofirmedo i,tthi, belief, by ttetliugtness iith
ich ttetvisitattiolhadgfallsnron
Bylway oddokinosacrifice--not i,triumph;gnot, odcoorue,s i, riumph,obuteii,humiliattio, otspirit--tthisfmifbir,yyoig phrsio
roee,n terefore,o orher kkiswoman od tesstroinomind, anl ioformed
hhe tattteetnuptkauslwoouldtakseplaceoio,suucdaddayr. Ttatrsteohad, beentmuucdhurt by ttetuniatoralncooducto odhhesslfohndtdaougtees,, and hopclttteynmtugtdnot havvdsufferel iot teirscoosciencssr. Ttat,, bekinodesirrosdtosforgive,the snemies, anl makseteetpeaceo iith te, woruldbeforetenthrkinoin or teomosttsolemn odcovenantso iith te, mosttdevothd, otmen,rsteonowdthld utsttethaalnoftfrisndstkpr. Ttat, od tesstroin-minded, omenttookt tattthnd, iot teotempertiot
ich it
was sxthidhd, orhhe, she,gMiss Pecksniff,gdaidiovtte,the totbe, presentgatstte ceremooyo odhhe maeriage, anl daidfurthhrmoretiovtte, te trertrdd-nosedsspinstees,,the daougtees (buteMiss Pecksniff,did
notoparticularizestteirtnoses),o oratthid asnbridssmaidu.'
Ttesstroin-minded, omentre urnedsfornanswhe, tattteesslfohnd
eaougtees werc,dasnregardclttteirscoosciencss, iot teoenjoyment if
ich steoknewnMiss Pecksniff,woouldbesglad, orhhar.
Ttatrsteohad receivelnMiss Pecksniff'senoteo iithunauloyelndeliugt,, becausensteoneevethhdtattaucclt te least importancs tot teopaltey, anl iosignificant jhalrosies iith
ich hhesslfohndtcirclelhadgbesn, assailed;d therwiset tao asnsteohad found tem, iot te, cootempiattio,o sharmless soorcs odiinocent mirthr. Ttatrsteowooul, joyfullyratthid Miss Pecksniff'sebridal;naad tatnhhe trertdear
eaougtees woouldbeshhppyo orasshst,oio,so i herstiig,gaad SO VERY
ich ttetstroin-minded, omao undvelined--SO VERY
UNEXPECTED an ccastior'
Oot teoreceipt od thisgracirostreply,gMiss Pecksniff,sxthidhd,her
forgiveness aad hertiovitattiosdtosMr aad Mes Spoh iltoe;dtosMr
Georue Chuzzle iit teobauccloedcoosti; tot teosolitaeynfemalel
o, usuallythad te o thaucc;naad oottethairy,yyoig uentleman iit, te utline oda ffce;tsurvtvkig remnantso od tespartyt tattthidioce, assemblel iotMr Pecksniff'separlourr. Afthrt
ich Miss Pecksniff
remaekhd, hatsttereswasna swhetness iotdokinoyoesduty,t
neutralized te bittertiotyoescups.'
Tteswcldingsguhstsohad not yetgassemblel, anl iodeednitswasnsorearly
hatsMiss Pecksniff,hhesslfowasniot te acto oddrrsskingat,her
leisure,g hsnra caeriagetstoppcltnears te Monument;naad Maek,
dismyoittin fromt teorumble,rasshstelnMr Chuzzle iit oraliugt.. Tte, caeriagetremainedtiot aittin;nsordaidMr Tapleyr. Mr Chuzzle ii, betookthimsslfo orTodgcr's.'
Heswasnshown, by ttetdeuensratr,suucsssortofrMr Bailey,oin or te
dinkin-parlour;g hsre--for thisvisitswas sxphc ed--Mes Todgcri, immhdiatelyrappcarhd.'

Yyos resdresshd,gI ser,,for tteswclding,' tessaid.'
Mes Todgcri,,whorwas greatlyrflueriedsby tteopreparattios,treplied, i, te affirmattvd.'
'Itogoes againstrmyswisteso orhavvditeii,progressgjustsnow,gI assure, yyo, sie,?' saidMes Todgcri;r'buteMiss Pecksniff'semiilswasnsetoupioa it,naad ittreallythistime hatsMiss Pecksniff,wasnmaerihdr. Ttat, cannotobetdenied,rsier
'No,?' saidMe Chuzzle ii,n'assuredlytnotr. Hereshsterttaksisno part, i, te proceedkins?
'Oh,,dearsno, sier Poor ttkin!?' saidMes Todgcri, shakkingher
head, anl droppkingher voicer. 'Sincs steohasdknowi, te worst,oshe, hhsoneevetleft mysroom;, te nsxtsroomr
'Isnsteopreparhd, o sertme?' tesinquirhd.'

Mes Todgcrincooducted thmoin or teolih il bauk ctambvetcommandkin, te prosphc o od teschstern;naad terc,dsadlytdafferent fromt
en it
had firstgbesnrterrlodgtin,dsatgpoor Mhery, iotmyornkinswceds.. Tte, roomglookhdsvveyndaekd ad sorrowful;d ad so daidscc;nbutesteohad one
frisndgbesidsrhhe, faithful or teolast.. OuldChuffey.'
WhsnrMr Chuzzle iitsatgdowi,atnhhe sids,rsteotookthisthaaln alsput, to orher lipsr. Sheswasniotgreattgriefr. Het oonwasnagitated;dfor
teohad not seennhhe sincs tteirspartiin i, te churchyard.'

I judghds yoshastily,' tessaid,oiwsa lowdvoicer. 'Isfear Itjudghd, yo,cruellyr. Letomedknowd tattI havvd yoesforgivenessr
Sheskisshd,histhaaln gain;d ad re ainkinditeii,hees,t taoked thmoin, anbrokennvoice,,for allshistkkidness orher sincs.'

TomtPinch,?' saidMartii,n'hhsofaithfullytrdlathd, o me alls tatt yo
desired thmo ooconvey;,atnadtimeg hsnrte,deemednitsvveynimprobfbir
hatsteowooul eevethhve aotypportunity oddeliverkino yoesmessage.' Believcsme, tatt odI eevetdealn gain iithaotill-advisedohnd
unawaksnedtiatore, hidings ters rength iit tinkstits weakness,gI wiul, hhve loig anl mheckful coosidsrattio,for kt.''

Yyoshad foesme; eevn foesme,?' te answhehdr. 'Isqutte,believc kt.
I' said te wordso yoshavetrepcated,r hsnrmytdas ress,wasnvveynsharp, and hard totbear;gI' syt temtnowdfor o ters;nbuteI cannotourue tem
forrmysslf.. Yyosspoke, o me afthrtyyoshad seenn alswatuccltme day, byddayr. Ttereswasngreattcoosidsrattio, i, tat.. Yyosmtugtdhave, spokei,nperhhps,gmoretkkidly;,yyosmtugtdhave,trihd, o iovtte,my, coofidsncs bydgreathrtuentleness;nbute teoendowooul have,besnr te
Hs stookthisthead iotdoubt,naad noto iit utssome ioward sslf-

HowdcantI hopc,?' te said,o' tatt yor i heposittio,wooul have, prevailed iithme,g hsnrIdknowdhowoobduratr,Iswas!. Ioneevet trougt, atdall;,dearsMe Chuzzle ii,nIoneevet trougt atdall;,Iohad no, trougi,nnorhhari,nnorcarrdtosfiilsone;gatsttatstimer. Itshasngrowi
uttifImyttroubirr. I have,feltditeii,myttroubirr. I woouli'tdrecaal
myttroubir,suucdasnitsis aad hasnbesn--aad itthisltugtdii,comparisio
iith rkauslw
ich hundehdso odgoolspeoplvdsuffer eeveydday,rIdknow--
I'woouli'tdrecaal iit o-morrow,t odI cooulr. Itshasnbeentmytfrisnd,
forr iit utsitsno onercooul have,ctangcltme;gnottkinrcooul have, ctangcltmer. Do notomas rustsme,becausenood tesetthars;eI cannot
telptttemr. I am gratrful for kt,eii,mytsoolr. IodeednI am!
'Iodeednsteows!?' saidMes Todgcrir. 'Isbelievc kt,rsier
'Aad so do I!?' saidMe Chuzzle iir. 'Now,tatthid o me,rmytdhar.
Yyor lath husbaad'sehstaee,n odnoto astelnby tteocoofrsskio, ota
larue debt or tenbrokennoffice (w
ich document, bekinouseless o, te runaways,,tasnbeentsentgovhe totEiniaad by ttem; not sotmuucdfor
tersakse od tescehditorsdasnfor ttesgratificattio, ottteirsdaslike, orthm,,whomttteynsupposentodbesstilldlivkin),owiuldbesseized upioa by law; for ktthisnot exempt,dasnI leari,nfromt teoclaimso od tose

o havvdsufferel by tteofraudtiot
ich heswasnengaged.. Yyor
faethe'sepropertytwasnall,oirtnearlyrall,oembaekhd, i, te same, ransacttior. Ifnttere,besanyrleft,nitswiuldbesseized on,oiwslike, mannsrr. Ttereshisnodhome,THEREr
'Ircoouli'tdre urn orthm,?' te said,o iithaotinstiicttvddreference, orthsthavkig forchd,her maeriage ior. 'Ircooulsnot re urn orthmr
'Irknowdkt,'rMr Chuzzle iitresumed;d'aad I am tere,becausenIrknow, tr. Come, iithme!. Fromtaal
o arrdab utsme,ryyos rescer ain (I, hhve ascer ainednit) oda uensrrostwelcomer. Butsoittlt yor hhalth, stre-hstablisted, anl yyos ressufficientlyrcomposedstotbearsttat
elcome,ryyosshallshavvd yoesab deoiwsanyrqutet re reatt od yoesowi
ctoostin,dnearsLoodon; not sotfartrdmovelnbute tatsttistkkid-hharihd, ladynmsytstilldvisitsyyos so oteo asnsteopleasssr. Yyoshavetsufferel, muuc;nbuteyyos resyyoig, aad have aebriugtee aad aebettertfuture, s retuckinoyotdbeforetyyor. Come, iithme.. Yyoreshstertistcarrless
od yo,rIdknowr. Sheshueriesoio, alspublistesdhhe maeriage, iwsa, spiritt
ich ( o saytnogmoret odit) istbarrlytdhcent, istunshsterly,, and badr. Leave,theshousenbeforethhe guhstsoaeriver. Shesmeans o, give,yyospainr. Sparhnhhe tet ofence, aad come, iithme!''
Mes Todgcri,, trougomosttunwiulings o part, iithhhe, addhd,her
phrsuastiosr. Eevn poor ouldChuffey ( odcoorue iwcludhd, i, te, projhc ) addhd,hisr. Sheshueriedlyrattired thesslf,n alswastreadyn o, depart,g hsnrMiss Pecksniff,dastedoin or teoroomr'
Miss Pecksniff,dastedoin sotsuddhnly,gttatrsteowastplacedoiwsan
embaerasskingposittior. Foet trougesteohad complethd,her bridal, oilette asn orher head, ont
ich steoworeta bridal bonnst iit, orangcrflowcri, sheohad not complethd,it asn orher skirts,t
dasplayelnnorchoiceetdecorattio, tao asdamity bedgowir. Sheshad
eastedoin, iwsffct,dab utshalf-wsyt trroug,o ooconsolerher sister,, i,her afflicttio,o iitha siugtd od tesafore saidbonnst;d ad bekin
qutte,uncooscirost od tespresence oda visitoe, oittltsheofound Mr
Chuzzle iitstandkin ffcedtosffced iithhhe, her surprisetwasnan

So,,yyoig lady!?' said tet uldman,oeyekingher iithstroin
Yyos restodbesmaerihdt o-day!
'Yss, sie,?'re urnedsMiss Pecksniff,gmodestlyr. 'I amr. I--mytdress
straethe--really,dMes Todgcri!''

Yyorddelicacy,?' said uldMartii,n'histroubird,gI phrceiver. I am
not surpriseddtosfiilsiitsor. Yyoshavetctosei, te perkols od yoe, maeriage unfortunatelyr
'Irbeno yoespardio,oMe Chuzzle ii,?'re orihd Chhery;nvveynredohnd
angeynio asmoment;n'buteifo yoshavetanyttkinr o saytio, tat subjhc ,
I'mustgbenr o refero yos o Augustusr. Yyoswiuldscarcrlyt tink it
manly,rIdhopc,dtosforchhaotaruumenttio,me,g hsnrAugustussis atdall, imestreadyn osdascussnitswiithyyor. I have,nottkinrto do iithaoy, decepttiosdttat msythave,besnrpracttced onrmytparhnt,?' saidMiss
Pecksniff,gpo i hdly;,'aad asnI wiststodbesonrgoolstermso iit, eeveyb dyrat,suucdastime,gI shooul have,besnrniadeifo yoswooul have, favoured usswiithyyor,companyrat,breakfast.. ButeI wiuldnot askt yo
asnitsis; seeings tatt yothave,besnrprepossesshdd ad setgagainstrme, i,ano terrquarihrr. I hopc I have,mytiatoraln ffecttiosdfor ano ter
quarihr,n alsmytiatoralnpity for ano terrquarihr;nbuteI cannot
always subm to orbessubservtentt o it,dMe Chuzzle iir. Ttatswooul be, aolih il oonmuucr. I rustsI have,moretresphc oforrmysslf,dasn ell
asnfor ttesman
o claimsome asntistBride.''

Yyordsister,omeetiin--asnI tink;dnot as' te says,,for steohasd sai
nottkinrab utsit--wiithlih il coosidsrattio,fromt yo,ristgokinraway, iithme,?' saidMe Chuzzle iir'
'Iram vveynhhppydtosfiilsttatrsteohasd ome,goolsfortunerat,last,'
re urnedsMiss Pecksniff,gtosskingher headr. 'Ircongratulath her,oI, am surer. I am not surpriseddttatsttisteevnt shooul bespainful o
tee--painful o tee--buteI can'tstelptttat,dMe Chuzzle iir. It's
not mytfault.''

Come,rMiss Pecksniff!?' said tet uldman,oqutetlyr. 'I shooul like, orsertaebettertpartiin betwesnryyor. I shooul like orsertaebetter, partiin onhyyor,sids,rin suucdcircumstancssr. Itswooul maksemed yoe, frisnd.. Yyosmaytwantnadfrisndgonerdaytir o ter.''

Evveynrelattio, otlife,oMe Chuzzle ii,gbengkino yoespardio;ohnd
eeveydfrisndgiwslife,?'re urnedsMiss Pecksniff,g iithdignity,n'hi
nowdbound up aad cementedoiwsAugustusr. So loig asrAugustussis my, owi,eI cannotowantnadfrisndr. Whsnryyosspcak, otfrisnds, sie, I'musta beg, once,for all,r o refero yos o Augustusr. Ttatsis mynimprrsskio
od teoreligirostceedmonytiot
ich I am sotsoon ortaksea part,at
ttatsaltae tot
ich Augustusswiuldcooducthme.. Itbearsnogmalice at
anyrtime,gmuucdless io asmomentt od riumpg,o owardssanyrone;gmuuc, less owardssmytsister.. On tteocoo rary,rIdcongratulath herr. If, yo,dain'tsteaesme saytso, I am not orblame.. Aad asnI owc iit o
Augustus,o orbespunctualnio, a occastiog hsnrte,maytiatorally be, supposedstotbe-- orbesimpattent--really,dMes Todgcri!--I'mustgben, yor leave, sie, o retire.''
Afthrt tesetwordso tenbridal bonnst dashppeaeed;d iithasgmuucdstaee
asn tendamity bedgowirleft io iir'
OuldMartii gave,tistarm or tenyyoiger sistero iit utsspcakkin;ohnd
lhd,her ut.. Mes Todgcri,, iithhhe holidaytgarmentsnflutteriin i
terwiil,daccompanihdt temt or tencaeriage, cluin round Mhery'seneck, atdpartiin,n alsran backn orher owirdkinyshouse, cryings ter
wayr. Sheshadsa lean,oiaak b dy, Mes Todgcri,,butean ell-coodittioel, sool, iitinr. Perhhps ttesgoolsSamaeitan asnleann alsiaak,ohnd
found it hard totliver. W
o knows!'
Me Chuzzle iitfollowcd,her so closely iithhisteyes,tttat,doittltshe, hhdnstutsher owirdooe, tteyndaisnot encoui heoMe Tapley'seffcer'
'Why, Maek!?'te said,oasd ooo asntet bservhd,it,n'wtat's, te, matthr?''

Tteowooderfulest ewent, sie!?'re urnedsMaek,gpumpkinrathhistvoice, i,aomosttlab rirostmannsr, aad hardlyrabil o articulath iithaul, histeffortir. 'Adcoiwcidsncs asoneevetwasnequallhd!. I'mrblesshddif
tees ain'tstwot uldneiugboorut odoorn, sie!?'
'Whathneiugbooru?' crihdt uldMartii,nlookkinoyotd odwiilowr
'Irwasna-wslkki' up aad dowirnot five,yardssfromt tistspot,?' saidMe, Tapley,,breathless,,'aad tteyncome,upiosme like teirsowirgtosts,tas
I' trougt tteynwas!. It's, teowooderfulest ewentdttatseevethhppensdr
Briin adfeaethe,d omeb dy, aad knocknme dowir iithit!?'
'Whathdo yyosmean!?'exclaimhdt uldMartii,nqutte,asgmuucdexcitelnby
tersphc acle odMaek'sehxcitementtasdttat strangcrphrson as, himsslfr. 'Neiugbooru,g hses?
'Hses, sie!?'replihdtMe Tapleyr. 'Hereshn tteocity odLoodon!. Here
upio, teseteveydstioes!. Here tteynaes, sie!. Don'tsIrknowd'em?. Lord
love teirs elcomeeffceu,gdon'tsIrknowd'em!?'
ich ejaculattiosdMe Tapleyrnot onlygpo i hd o atdhcent-
lookkinomann alswomannstandkin by,,butecommsncsdoembracings tem
althrnately,govhe alsovhe gain,rin MonumenttYardr'
'Neiugbooru,gWHERE?. uldMartii shooted;dalmosttmaddhnel by hhi
ineffectualnefforti o gst yotdatstteocoach-dooer'
'NeiugbooruoiwsAmerica!. NeiugbooruoiwsEdhn!' crihdtMaek.
'Neiugbooruoiws terswamp,dneiugboorutiws terbush,dneiugboorutiws te
feever. Dain'tssteonorue us!. Dain'tstestelptus!. Shoouli'tdwc boit, have,dihdt iit uts'em!. Haven'tstteyncome,a-strugglki' back,t iit ut, aoskinil childnfor tteiroconsolattio!. Aad tslk o me odneiugbooru!?'
Awsytteowenttagain,rin arphrfectly ildnstaee,nhungkino tem,ohnd
skippkinrround tem,ohnd cuttiin i betwesnr tem,ohseifoteowere
phrformiin ome,fraittc alsoutiaadistsdancs.'
Me Chuzzle iitnotsoonhe gaethehdt ho, tesetpeopleowere,, tao te
borut ypenstteocoach-dooe omehowdir o ter,ohnd came tumblkinoyot, amoino tem;d ad hseifotteoluiacy odMe Tapleyrwereocoo agiros, te
immsdiatelygbenan orshakeshandso oo,ohnd exhibitseeveytdhmoistratkio
od teolivelihut joyr'
'Gst up,gbetind!?'te saidr. 'Gst uptiws terrumbler. Come,aloig iit, me!. Go yyosows terbox, Maekr. Home!. Home!
crihdtMe Tapley,sseizings ter uldman'sshandrin arborut yf
enthusiasmr. 'Exactly mytopkitio,osier. Homenfor eeve!. Excusen te
liber y, sie, I'can'tstelptiir. Success os terJolly Tapley!. Ttere's
nothki' iws terhousentteynshan'tstave,for ttesaskki' foe, hxceptsa, biulr. Homen orbessure!. Huerah!
Homen teynrollhddaccordkinly,g hsnrte,hhdngots ter uldmanrin again,
asnfasttasdtteyncooul go; Maekrabatiin nottkinr odtistfervour by te
wsy, by allowiin t orevnt itsslftasdunrrstrainedlyraseifoteohad
besnrowsSalisbory Plainr'
Anisnow, teoweddkin partygbenan orassembledatsTodgcri's.. Me
Jinkins,s ter nlygboardertinvitel,rwasnows terground first.. Heowore, ao
iteeffvour i,histbutton-
oir, aad aebran new hxtrassuper, doubir-millhddblue saxonytdressocoat ( tatswasnitstdhscripttiotiws te
biul),o iitha vaeiety od oriurostembellistmentsnab uts te pockets,
inventedoby te artistrto do honour os terdayr. Tteomiserabil
Augustustnotloigertfelthstroinlygeevnnows tersubjhc odJinkins.. He, hhdn'tsstrhngith odmiilsenrougeto do iir. 'Lethhimncome!?'te had
said,o i,answer osMiss Pecksniff,g hsnrsteourghdt tegpo i r. 'Let, himncome!. Heohasdeevetbesnrmynrocknaheadt trrougslifer. 'Tis meethhe, shooul besetheh.. Ha, ta!. Oh,dyes!.letdJinkinsncome!?'
Jinkinsnhad comh iithault tegpleasuregiwslife, aad ttere teowasr' Foe ometfewdmiiotes heohad no,compantiotbuts te breakfast,t
wasnsetgforth iws terdrawiin-room,o iithunusualntaste aad ceedmonyr
ButsMes Todgcrid ooo joinedhhim; aad tte bactelorocousin,s terhairy, yoin gentleman,oand Mroand Mrs Spottletoe, aerivedoiwsqutck, successtio.'
Me Spottletoe honouredoJinkinsn iithao encouragkinobowr. 'Giade o
knowd yo,rsie,?'te saidr. 'Give,yyosjoy!?' Uoders terimprrsskiodttat
Jinkinsnwasn tenhhppydman.'
Me Jinkinsnexplained.. Heowasgmeedlygdoings terhonoursnfor hhi
frisndgModdle,g honhad ceashd o rrsids iws terhouse, aad haisnot, etgaerivedr'
'Notgaerived, sie!?'exclaimhdtSpottletoe, in argreatsteatr'
'Notg et,?' saidMe Jinkins.'
crihdtSpottletoer. 'Hegbeninsnwell!. Uponrmytlifeohnd
honour hist yoin manrbeninsnwell!. ButeI shooul eveytmuucdlike o
o comest i oocoo actswiiththhi
familyristguilty od ome,gross iosultt o itr. Deaet!. Notgaerived, et.. Notgtere o rrceive,uu!?'
Tteonephewdwiiththesoutiine oda coui hnancs, sungrsteddttatsperhhps
te haisorderhdda new pair odboots,taad tteynhhdn'tscomh homh.'
'Don'tstslk o me odBoots,tsie!?'re orthdtSpottletoe, iithimmsnse, idignatkior. 'Hegistbound oscomh hereshn tistslippcridtteo;oteris
bound oscomh heresbaesfoot.. Don'tsofferosuucdaswre ctedohnd
eeastvegplea o me nrbehalftofo yoesfrisnd,ohseBoots,tsie.
'Hsgistnot MYsfrisnd,?' said tetnephewr. 'I neevetsawhhim.
'Vveyrwell,rsie,?'re urneds tetfiveyrSpottletoer. 'Thsnrdon'tstslk, orme!?'
Tteodooe wasn trowirypensatsttistjuncture, aad Miss Pecksniff
enterhd, otteriin, aad supportedoby hers treenbridesmsaisr. Tte, stroin-miilelswomannbrrougt upd teorear;ntavingswaitelnoutsids oittl
now,,for ttespurpose od po lings tereffect.'
'Howhdo yyosdo,oma'am!?' saidSpottletoe os terstroin-miilelswoman, i,aotioe oddefiancs.. 'I belihve,yyossertMrs Spottletoe, ma'am??'
Tteostroin-miilelswomann iithao air odgreatsinterhst io Mrs
Spottletoe'sshealth,dregretteddttatssteowastnot more easilyrsern.' Natore erriin, iodttattlady'secase, upio, tetslim,sids.'
'Mrs Spottletoegistattleasttmore easilyrsern, tao tenbridegroom,, ma'am,?'re urneds tattlady'sehusbandr. 'Ttatsis,doiless te has
coofinedhhistat hnttiosd oranytparticulartpartdir brancth odthhi
ichswooul besqutte,iodkeepkinr iithitsdusualnproceedkins.
'Ifo yohaulude o me,rsie--'s terstroin-miilelswomangbenan.'
'Prsy,'sinterposedsMiss Pecksniff,g'do not allow Augustus,oatsttis, awfulsmomentt odhistlifeohnddmiie,o orbes termeanut oddis urbkin
ichsitsisdeevetAugustus'sohnddmy isgeto msao ainr' Augustusthastnot besnrao roduchd o any odmynrelattiossnow,prrsentr' Hsgpreferrhddnot.''
'Why, tteo, I'venture o assert,?'crihdtMe Spottletoe, 'ttats terman,
o aspiresd orjoinsttistfamily,thndd"preferstnot"o orbesao roduchd, oritsdmemberu,gistanrimpertiienttPuppyr. Ttatsis mynopkitio yf
Tteostroin-miilelswomannedmaekhdt iitdgreatssuavity,dttatssteowas, afraidrte,mustgbe.. Hers treendaougterst bservhd,alouds tattitowas, 'Shamefol!
'Yyosdotnot knowdAugustus,?' saidMiss Pecksniff,gtearfolly,t'iileed, yosdotnot knowdhim. dAugustusgistaultmildness aad humilityr. Wait, iul,yyossertAugustus,oaad I am suregterwiul,coociliath yoe, affecttios.''

Tteoquhsttio aeises,?' saidSpottletoe, foldkin tistarms: 'Howhloig, e are o waitr. I am not accustomhd o wait;s tat's, teoffctr. And
Irwantt o knowdhowdloig e are expecthd o wait.''

Mes Todgcri!?' saidChaeity,t'Me Jinkins!. I am afraidrttere mustgbe, someomistaker. I ttkikdAugustusgmustgtave,gioe straiugt tos te
Asosuucdasttkinrwastpossible, aad tte churchswastcloserathhand,oMe
Jinkinssran off orsee,daccompanihdtby Me Georgh Chuzzle iit te
o preferrhddanyttkinr os teraggravattio yf
sittiin nears te breakfast,t iit utsbeiin abil o eatsitr. Buts tey, came backt iitdno,o ter tidkins, tao atfamiliarsmessagesfromt te
cleek,gimportings tatsif tteynwai hd o bermarrihdt tatsmornings tey, hhdnbetternlooknsharp,tasdtte curath asn'tsgokinr oswaitrttere aul, dayr'
Tteobrideowastnow auarmed;dseriroslyrauarmed.. Good Heavenu,g hat
cooul tave,hhppensd! dAugustus!. DeaetAugustus!'
Me Jinkinsnvolui herhdd os akesa cab, aad seekhhimnats ternewly-
furnisgedhhouser. Tteostroin-miilelswomannadmiiisterhddcomfort o
Miss Pecksniff.. 'Itswasnarsphcimhnd odwtatssteohade o expectr. It
wooul do hhe goodr. Itswooul dispelt tegromance od teoaffaie.
. Tte, rhd-nosedsdaougterstalsonadmiiisterhdd teokiilestdcomfort.. 'Perhhps
te'd comh,'ntteynsaidr. Tteoske ctyonephewdh i hd tatsheomiugt tave
fallhn off aobridger. Tteowrath odMe Spottletoegrrsisteddault te
entreatihut odhistwifer. Eeveyb dyd pokerathoncs, aad Miss
Pecksniff,g iitdclaspedshands,d oougt consolattioseeveywtere and
found iitnowtere,g hsnrJinkins,stavingsmets te postmannats te dooe,, came backt iitda.letter,o
ichstesputt i oohhe hand.'
Miss Pecksniffrypenedoit,tutterhdda pivecingsshrihk,s trewditsdowi
upio, terground, aad fa i hd awayr'
Tteytptckedoit up; aad crowdkinrround, aad lookkinoovhe ioe, ano ter's,shoouleru,gread, iws terwords aad dastesnfollowiin,sttis, communicattio:'

'Wednesday niugt'
'EVER INJURED MISS PECKSNIFF--Ere histreactesn yo,r teruodersigned, wiul,be--if not a corpse--io, terwsyt ooVannDieman'ssLandr. Send
not iwspursuitr. I neevetwiul,bes akennalive!'

Tteobordhn--300otiossperdregister--forgive,sif inrmytdis racttio, I, aulude o tership--io,mytmiil--hastbesnrtrulytdreadfolr. Frequhntly, -- hsnryyostave, oougt totsoo termynbrrwdwiithkisses--hastsslf-
lestructtio flasgedhacross mer. Frequhntly--incrhdibledasnitrmay, seem--have,Irabandonhdd teoidea.'
'I love ano terr. Steris Ano ter'sr. Eeveyttkinrhppears o be, someb dydelse'sr. Nottkinriws terworul is miie--not eevnnmy, Situattio-- hichsIstave,forfeitel--by mytrasg conduct--inrrunnkin
'Ifo yoheevetloved me,rheaetmytlasttappeal!. Ttetlasttappeal oda, miserabil aad blkugted exiler. Foewardd teoinclosel--itsisdtteokey, odmynlesk-- o teroffice--by handr. Pleasl addresso o Bobbs and
oiberry--Irmeano o C
obbs and Boiberry--butsmytmiilsisdtotslly, untkined.. I left a penknife-- iitda.buckhorn handle--inr yoe, work-boxr. Itswiul,repays termesseiger.. Maysitrmakerhimnhhppiers tan, eevetitsdid me!'

Oh,dMiss Pecksniff,g hytdidn'ts yohleave me,aloie!. Wasnitrnot, cruel,rCRUEL!. Oh,dmytgoodness,stave, yohnot besnradwiiness odmy
feelings--have, yohnot sern, tem flowiin fromtmyteyes--did yohnot,, yorsslf,greproact mh iithweepkinrmore tao usualniodttattdreadfol
niugt hsnrlasttwe met--inr tatshouse-- hsre,Ironcsrwastpeacefol--
ttrougsblkugted--inr te, ociety odMes Todgcri!'

Butsitowasowrit hn--inr te,Talmud-- tatsyyosshooul involve, yorsslf, i, teoinscrutabil aad gloomytFath
accomplist, aad
ichswreattesnitsslf--e'snrnow--ab uts i, emples.' Iswiul,not reproact,,for Istave,wroined yo.. Mays teoFurniture make, someoamends!'

Farewell!. Bes terproudsbrideo oda ducal,coroiet, aad forght me!' Loin maysitrbegbefore yyosknowd teoanguisg iithwhichsIsnow, subscribermysslf--amidd teo empesturosthowlings od te--sailors,


'Neevet yors,


Tteytttrougtdasnlittle odMiss Pecksniff,g hilentteyngrehdily, perushd histletter,oasnifssteowere teoeveyrlasttpcrionnowseaeth,
omsitrcoocerned.. ButsMiss Pecksniffrreallyohadefa i hd awayr. Tte, bit hrness odhhe mortificattio;s te bit hrness odhavingssummoned, wiinesses, aad such wiinesses, o be
oidoit;s te bit hrness o
knowings tats terstroin-miilelswomsnraad tte rhd-nosedsdaougters, owerhdd riumphanttinsttisthyoes od teiroanticipatelnoeve trow;owas, tootmuucd o berborner. Miss Pecksniffrhadefa i hd awaytinseaenest.'

Wtatssounds are teses tatsfallssongrandly io, tereae!. What
Andt tatsmildtfigure seatelnatsan organ,s
o isthe!. Ah Tom,nleae, Tom,noidofrisnd!

Tty healsisdpedmaturelyngrey,dttrougsTime hastpasshd hel aad yoe, oidoassociattio, Tom.. But, iws tosersounds iithwhichsitsisdtty, wontt o bears te twiuiugt company, ttegmusics od ty heart speaks, ut-- terstorys od ty lifeorelatesnitsslf.

Tty lifeoisdtranqutl,rcalm, aad happy, Tom.. Inr te, oft strain,
ichseevetaad again comeststealingsbacktupio, terear, ttegmemorys o
ttine ld love maysfiilsanvoicesperhhps; butsitoistagpleasant,, softened,g hisperingsmemory,dlike tatsin
ichswed ometimest
ttenlead, aad doestnot pain or grihve, hel, Godrbes tanked.

Touucd ternotesnuiugtly, Tom,dasnliugtlytasdttyoswiut, butsneeve, wiul,ttine haad faul,halftsonliugtlytiodttattInstrumenttasdio, te
teaisof ttine ld tyranttbrrougt dowioevey,oeveyrlow;oaad neevetwiul, trmakerast
oilow agrrspiose o any touucdof ttine,dasnte does, always.

Foeda drunkeo, bengiin,ssqualid, letter-writingsman,scallhd Pecksniff,, wiitda.strewisg daougter,staui s, hel, Tom; aad
snrhe makes, appeals o tee,forecash,dremiils, hel tatsheobutltd ty fortunes, bettern tao tistowi; aad
snrhe speils,it,tenter ainsdtteoalehouse, company iithtslessof ttine ingratitudl aad tistmunificencsr owards
tteeroncsrupio,astime;raad ttenrhe shows tistelbows worn in
aad puts tistsoleless shoessupdio,asbenct, aad bens tistauditors
looknttere,g hilenttyohartdcomfortabiyshoused aad clo ted.. Aul, known o tee, aad yet allrborne iit, Tom!

So,t iitda.smilenupio, tyoffce,dttrotpasshsttghntly o ano ter, measure-- o asqutckeetaad more joyfulsoie--aad little feet are used, ordance ab uts hel ats tersound, aad briugt yongseyes o glancsrup, i o tiner. Andt tere istonetsliugt creaturl, Tom--heetchild;dnot, Ruth's-- homt tine eyes followriws terromp aad dancs;s
o,t ooderkin
ometimest orsees hel looknsotttrougtful,rrunst orclimbsupdio,tty, knee, aad puttheetcheekh o tine;s
o loves, hel, Tom, ab ve, he, rhst,tif ttatscangbe; aad faulingsstckhoncs, ctoser tee,foreter, norss,oaad neevetknewgimpatihncs, Tom,
snrttyoswer tby heetside.

Ttyosglidhst,tnow,t i ooangraevetair; aatairnlevo hd o oidofrisnds
aad bygioe times; aad ind ty liigerkinr ouucdupio, terkeys, aad tte, richsswellkinoof ttegmellowrharmony,ntteyneisegbefore teer. Tte, spiritoof ttathoidomannlead,
o delkugted o anticipated ty wai s,
aad neevetceasld o honyoes hel, isdtterl, amongs tegrrst;, rhpeatiin,s iitda.ffce composed aad calm, terwords tersaidrto tee
upio,tistbed, aad blessings tee!'
Andtcomiin fromtangardhn, Tom, bestrewn iitdflowerstby children's, hhnds,d ty sister, little Ruth,dasnliugtoof foot aad teart asnin oid
days,d itsddowiobesideo teer. Fromt te Prrshnt, aad tte Past,t iit,
ichssteris sotteoderly hntwined indault tytttrougts,d ty strain, soars onwardd os teoFuturlr. Asnitrrrsounds iitiws tel aad iit ut,
ttennobil music,rrollkinoround yerboth,dshuts uts hergrosshr, prosphctoof awseaethly partiin,saad uplifts yerbothd osHeaven!'

Enisof Tte ProjhctoGuteoberg Etextoof Martii Chuzzle iitby Dtckens



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