Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah & Meccah
Sir Richard Francis Burton

Part 8 out of 9

Bab al-Nisa, at Al-Madinah, i. 332
Bab al-Rahmah, or Gate of Pity, at Al-Madinah, i. 332
Bab al-Salam, anciently called the Bab al-Atakah, i. 332
Bab Jibrail, or Gate of the Archangel Gabriel, i. 333
Bab Majidi, or Gate of the Sultan Abd al-Majid, at Al-Madinah, i. 332
Babel or Babylon, settled by the family of Noah, i. 343
Badanjan (egg plant), i. 404
Bad-masti, or liquor-vice, ii. 272
Baghdad, i. 266, n. Quarrel between the Baghdad Caravan and that from
Damascus, ii. 128
Baghlah (corrupted to Bungalow), i. 178
Bayt al-Ansari, at Al-Madinah, ii. 1 The Bayt Abu Jud, 1 The Bayt
al-Sha’ab, 1 The Bayt al-Karrani, 1
Bayt al-Ma’amur, ii. 320
Bayt al-Nabi (the Prophet’s old house) at Meccah, ii. 251
Bayt Ullah, or House of Allah at Meccah, i. 306 See Ka’abah.
Bakhshish, meaning of, i. 8, n. In the deserts of Arabia, 247, 248; 406
The odious sound for ever present in Egypt, i. 189 Always refused by
Englishmen, 189
Bakia, Al-, cemetery of at Al-Madinah, i. 278, n., 286, 323, n., 327
Prayers for the souls of the blessed who rest in, 328 Visitation of
the, ii. 31 Graves of the Ashab and Sayyids at, 32 Foundation of the
place by the Prophet, 32 Description of a funeral at, 33 The martyrs
of, 37 Tombs of the wives and daughters of the Prophet at, 38 The
beggars of, 38 Benediction of, 42 The other celebrities of, 43-44, n.
Belal, his Mosque at Al-Manakhah, i. 395
Balsam of Meccah, used in the cure of wounds, i. 389 See Gilead, Balm of
Bamiyah, an esculent hibiscus, i. 404
Banca tin, i. 180
Baras, the kind of leprosy so called. See Leprosy
Barbers, Eastern, their skill, i. 289, n.
Barr, Al-, at Madinah, i. 289, 297
Barsim, or Egyptian clover, i. 404
Bartema, reference to, i. 326 n. His account of the colony of Jews
existing in Arabia, 346 n. Adventures of, ii. 333
Basalt (Hajar Jahannam, or hell-stone), ii. 74
Bashi Buzuks, irregular troops at Cairo, i. 157
Bashat al-Askar, or commander of the forces of the Caravan, ii. 72
Bashir Agha college, at Al-Madinah, ii. 24
Basrah, a den of thieves, how reformed, i. 258, n.
Bastarah, i. 29
Bathing in cold water, Arab dislike to, i. 173 The bath in the Hart
Zawaran of Al-Madinah, i. 392
Batn Arnah, near Mount Arafat, ii. 187
Batn al-Muhassir (Basin of the Troubler) at Muna, ii. 181
Battalin, the lowest order of the Eunuchs of the Tomb, i. 372
Batul, Al-, or the Virgin, term applied to the Lady Fatimah, i. 328, n.
Bawwabin, one of the orders of the Eunuchs of the Tomb, i. 372
Bazar, of Al-Madinah, i. 391
Bayazi schismatics, ii. 6
Bayonet, use of, not learnt in the English army, i. 269, n. The most
formidable of offensive weapons, 269, n.
Bayruha, Bir al-, at Kuba, i. 414, n. “Beauty-masks,” in vogue at Meccah,
ii. 233
Badawin, i. 142, 144 Observations on the modern Sinaitic or Tawarah
race of, 146, et seq. Enumeration of the chief clans of, 146
Ethnographical peculiarities of, 146 Improvement in, 147 How manageable
in the Desert, 148 The city Arab, 153 Arab dislike to bathing in cold
water; 173 Arab food, 211 Description of a Shaykh fully equipped for
travelling, 234 Dress of the poorer class of Arabs, 237 Their songs in
the Desert, 242 The Aulad Ali, 112, n. Badawi robbers, mode of
proceeding of, 127 Awed only by the Albanian irregulars, 133 Habits,
142, 144 Their songs, 144 Their tobacco-pipes, 144, n. Remarks on the
modern Sinaitic clans, 145 Purity of blood of the Muzaynah, 145 Their
peculiar qualities, 146 Their love of the oasis, 149, n. How treated by
the city Arab, 152 A Badawi ambuscade, 156 Their food, 182, n. The
wreckers of the coasts of the Red Sea, 205 Their bad character at Marsa
Damghah, 213 Those of the coasts of the Red Sea, 218 The camel Badawin
of Arabia, 230 The Hazimi tribe “out,” 231 The black mail levied by them on
stranger travellers, 233, n. Their suspicion of persons sketching, 240,
n. Badawi woman leading sheep and goats, 246 Character of the tribe of
Benu-Harb, 247 Their pride, 247 The Benu Bu Ali tribe defeated by Sir
L. Smith, 248, n. Their ingenuity in distinguishing between localities
the most similar, 251 Quarrel with, 256. The Sumayat and Mahamid,
sub-families of the Hamidah, 256 The Benu Amr, 257 Attempt to levy
black mail, 261 Their defeat of Tussun Bey in 1811, 262 Fight between
them and the Albanian troops, 269, 273 Their method of treating wounds,
271, n. Their attack on the Caravan, 273 Graves of the Benu Salim, or
Salmah, 274, n. Shape of the graves, 274 Their contempt for mules and
asses, 304 Their preservation of the use of old and disputed words,
377, n. Their appearance in the Damascus Caravan, 418 n. The Benu
Hosayn at Al-Madinah, ii. 4 The Benu Ali at the Awali, 4, 5 Almost all
the Badawin of Al-Madinah are of the Shafe’i school, 6 Their idea of the
degradation of labour, 9 Furious fight between the Hawazim and the
Hawamid, 29 Practice of entrusting children to their care that they may
be hardened by the discipline of the Desert, 36, n. Their fondness for
robbing a Hajji, 385 The Sobh tribe inveterate plunderers, ii. 58 Their
only ideas of distance, 63, n. Their difficulty of bearing thirst, 69
Account of the Badawin of Al-Hijaz, 76, et seq. The three races, 76 The
indigens, or autochthones, 77 Their similarity to the indigens of
India, 77, n. The advenæ, 78 The Ishmaelites, 78 Mixture of the
Himyaritic and Amalikah tribes, 79 Immutability of race [p.425] in the
Desert, 79 Portrait of the Hijazi Badawin, 80 Their features,
complexion, &c., 80, 82 Their stature, 83 Their systematic
intermarriage, 84 Appearance of the women, 85 Manners of the Badawin,
85 Their true character, 86 How Arab society is bound together, 86, 87
Fitful and uncertain valour of the Badawin, 87 Causes of their bravery,
88 The two things which tend to soften their ferocity, 89 Tenderness
and pathos of the old Arab poets, 93 Heroisms of the women, 94 Badawi
platonic affection, 94 Arab chivalry, 95 Dakhl, or protection, among
them, 97 Their poetic feeling, 98 Effect of Arab poetry, in the Desert
98, 99 Brigandage honourable among the Badawin, 101 The price of blood
among them, 103 Intensity of their passions, 103 Their sports, 103
Their weapons, 105 Their sword-play, 106 Their music and musical
instruments, 107 Their surgery, 108 Their religion, 109 Their
ceremonies, 110 Circumcision, 110 Marriage, 111 Funeral rites, 111
Methods of living on terms of friendship with them, 112 Their bond of
salt, 112 Their government, 113 The threefold kind of relationship
among the tribes: the Ashab, the Kiman, and the Akhawat, 113 Black
mail, 114 Their dress, 115 Their food, 116 Smoking, 118 The Badawin
compared with the North American Indians, 118-119 Superiority of the
former, 119 Enumeration of the principal branches of the Badawi
genealogical tree, 119-123 n. Ferocity of the Utaybah Badawin, 144.
Their visit to the House of Allah, 168 Their graves at Mount Ohod, i.
430 Their disgust when in towns, ii. 179n. Their appearance in the
Damascus Caravan on the Arafat plain, 181 Their cleanliness compared
with the dirt of the citizen Arabs, 190 Their fondness for the song of
Maysunah, 190, n. Their wild dances and songs, 223 A pert donkey-boy,
“Badr,” the scene of the Prophet’s principal military exploits, i. 225, 260
Badr, reference to the battle of, i. 274 n.
Beef, considered unwholesome by the Arabs, ii. 17
Beggars in the Prophet’s Mosque, i. 312 Female beggars near the tomb of
the Lady Fatimah, 328 At the tomb of the Prophet, 331 Strong muster of,
at Al-Bakia, ii. 38
Bekkah, or place of crowding, Meccah so called, ii. 215, n.
Belal, the Prophet’s mu’ezzin, i. 234; ii. 1, n.
Bells, origin and symbolical meaning of, i. 79, n.
Baluchi, nomads, the, i. 246 n.
Benu-Harb, the Arab tribe, i. 247 Their pride, 248 Sub-families and
families of the, 256 Their defeat of Tussun Bey and his 8,000 Turks, 262
Benu-Israel, Dr. Wilson’s observations on, i. 147, n.
Benu Jahaynah, i. 24
Benu Kalb, i. 214, 248
Benjamin of Tudela, his accounts of the Jewish colony in Arabia, ii.
346, n.
Bequests (Aukaf) left to the Prophet’s Mosque, ii. 374
Berberis, characteristics of the, i. 62, 63, 202
Bertolucci, M., his visit to Meccah, i. 5, n.
Beybars, Al-Zahir, Sultan of Egypt, his contribution to the Mosque of
the Prophet, i. 368
[“]Bida’ah,” or custom unknown at the time of the Prophet, i. 371, n.
Bir Abbas, in Al-Hijaz, i. 264
Bir al-Aris, the, in the garden of Kuba, i. 412 Called also the Bir
al-Taflat (of Saliva), 413
Bir al-Hindi, the halting place, i. 274
Bir Said (Sa’id’s well), i. 251
Bilious complaints common in Arabia, i. 387
Birds, of the palm-groves of Al-Madinah, ii. 399 Carrion birds on the
road between Al-Madinah and Meccah, ii. 62 The Rakham and Ukab, 62
Vicinage of the kite and crow to the dwellings of man, 72
Birkah, Al-, the village so called, i. 29
Birkat, Al- (the Tank), description of, ii. 136
Birni, Al-, the date so called, i. 401 The grape so termed, 404
Bissel, battle of, ii. 89
Bizr al-Kutn (cotton seed), used a[s] remedy in dysentery, i. 389
Blackmail, levied by the Badawin, i. 233, n., 265; ii. 114
Black Stone (Hajar al-Aswad), the famous, of the Ka’abah, ii. 302, 321
Traditions respecting the, 303, n. Its position, 302 Its appearance,
303 Ceremonies on visiting it, 168
Blessing the Prophet, efficacy of the act of, i. 313, n. The idea
borrowed from a more ancient faith, 313, n.
Blood-revenge, i. 235
Blood-feud, proper use of the, i. 259 Its importance in Arab society,
ii. 87 The price of blood, 103
Buas, battle of, between the Aus and Kharaj tribes, i. 349; ii. 59, n.
Bokhari, Al-, celebrated divine, i. 106, n.
Books, Moslem, those read in schools in Egypt, i. 105 Works on Moslem
divinity, 105, et seq. Books on logic and rhetoric, 108, n. Algebra,
108, n. History and philosophy, 108, n. Poetry, 108, n. Abundance of
books at Al-Madinah, ii. 24
Borneo, pilgrims from, to Meccah, i. 179
Botany of the Arabian Desert, ii. 137
Bouda, the Abyssinian malady so called, ii. 175, n.
Brahui nomads, i. 246, n.
Bravado, its effect in Arabia, ii. 264
Bread in Arabia, i. 245 That called Kakh, 245 Fondness of Orientals for
stale unleavened bread, 245, n.
Breakfast, an Arab, i. 298
“Breeding-in,” question of, ii. 84
Brigandage, held in honour among the Badawin, ii. 101
Britain, probable origin of the name, ii. 239, n.
Bughaz, or defile, where Tussun Bey was defeated, i. 262, n.
Bukht al-Nasr (Nebuchadnezzar), invasion of, i. 347
Bulak, the suburb of, i. 31
“Bulak Independent,” the, i. 109, n.
Buraydat al-Aslami, escorts Mohammed to Al-Madinah, i. 354
Burckhardt, his grave near Cairo, i. 84, n. Error in his Map of Arabia,
253 Reference to his “Travels,” i. 286, n. His account of the curtain round
the Prophet’s tomb, 321, n. Extracts from his descriptions of the Bayt
Ullah, ii. 294, et seq.
Burial-places in the East and in Europe, ii. 183
Burma, or renegade, derivation of the word, i. 23
Burnus, i. 193
Burton, Lieut., what induced him to make a pilgrimage, i. 1 His
principal objects, 3 Embarks at Southampton, 5 His Oriental “impedimenta,”
5 His eventless voyage, 6 Trafalgar, 7 Gibaltar, 7 Malta, 7 Lands at
Alexandria, 8 Successfully disguises himself, 11 Supposed by the
servants to be an ’Ajami, 11 Secures the assistance of a Shaykh, 11
Visits Al-Nahl and the venerable localities of Alexandria, 11 His
qualifications as a fakir, magician, and doctor, 12 Assumes the
character of a wandering Darwaysh as being the safest disguise, 13
Adopts the name of Shaykh Abdullah, 14 Elevated to the position of a
Murshid, 14 Leaves Alexandria, 16 His adventures in search of a
passport, 19 Reasons for assuming the disguise, 22 His wardrobe and
outfit, 23 Leaves Alexandria, 28 Voyage up the Nile, 29 Arrives at
Bulak, 31 Lodges with Miyan Khudabakhsh Namdar, 35 Life in the Wakalah
of Egypt, 41 Makes the acquaintance of Haji Wali, 43 Becomes an Afghan,
45 Interposes for Haji Wali, 48 Engages a Berberi as a servant, 62
Takes a Shaykh, or teacher, Shaykh Mohammed al-Attar, 67 The Ramazan,
74 Visits the “Consul-General” at Cairo, 86 Pleasant acquaintances at
Cairo, 122 Account of the pilgrim’s companion, Mohammed al-Busyani, 123
Lays in stores for the journey, 125 The letter of credit, 126 Meets
with difficulties respecting the passport, 127 Interview with the
Persian Consul, 129 Obtains a passport through the intervention of the
chief of the Afghan college, 131 An adventure with an Albanian captain
of irregulars, 132, et seq. Departure from Cairo found necessary, 140 A
display of respectability, 141 Shaykh Nassar, the Badawi, 141 Hasty
departure from Cairo, 142 The Desert, 144, et seq. The midnight halt,
154 Resumes the march, 154 Rests among a party of Maghrabi pilgrims,
156 Adventure on entering Suez, 159 An uncomfortable night, 159
Interview with the governor of Suez, 160 Description of the pilgrim’s
fellow-travellers at Suez, 161, et seq. Advantages of making a loan,
165 Suspicion awakened by a sextant, 166 Passports a source of trouble,
168 Kindness of Mr. West, 169 Preparations for the voyage from Suez,
172 Society at the George Inn, 172 The pilgrim-ship, 186 A battle with
the Maghrabis, 191 Leaves Suez, 194 Course of the vessel, 195 Halts
near the Hammam Bluffs, 197 The “Golden Wire” aground, 200 Re-embarkation,
201 Reaches Tur, 201 Visits Moses’ Hot Baths, 203 Leaves Tur, 207 Effects
of a thirty-six hours’ sail, 209 Makes Damghah anchorage, 213 Enters Wijh
Harbour, 214 Sails for Jabal Hassani, 217 Nearly wrecked, 219 Makes
Jabal Hassani, 220 Wounds his foot, 221 The halt at Yambu’, 225 Bargains
for camels, 230 An evening party at Yambu’, 232 Personates an Arab, 234
His Hamail or pocket Koran, 239 Departure from Yambu’, 241 The Desert,
242 The halting-ground, 244 Resumes the march, 244 Alarm of [p.428]
“Harami” or thieves, 249 Reaches Bir Sa’id, 251 Encamps at Al-Hamra, 253
Visits the village, 254 A comfortless day there, 255 Attempt of the
Badawin to levy blackmail, 261 Encamps at Bir Abbas, 264 A forced halt,
271 Prepares to mount and march, 272 Scene in the Shuab al-Hajj, 273
Arrives at Shuhada, 274 The favourite halting-place, Bir al-Hindi, 274
Reaches Suwaykah, 275 Has a final dispute with Sa’ad the Demon, 276
Disappearance of the camel-men, 277 First view of the city of
Al-Madinah, 279 Poetical exclamations and enthusiasm of the pilgrims,
280 Stays at the house of Shaykh Hamid, 288 The visitors and children
there, 291 The style of living at Al-Madinah, 296 View from the majlis’
windows, 297 Visits the Prophet’s tomb, 304 Expensiveness of the visit,
331 Reasons for doubting that the Prophet’s remains are deposited in the
Hijrah, 339. Visits the Mosque of Kuba, 398 Sums spent in sightseeing,
411 His “Kayf” at Al-Kuba, 412 Arrival of the “Damascus pilgrimage” at
Al-Madinah, 416 The visitation of Ohod, 419 Attends at the Harim in the
evening, 433 Visits the cemetery of Al-Bakia, ii. 31 Prepares to leave
Al-Madinah, 51 Adieus, 54 The last night at Al-Madinah, 55 The next
dangers, 57 The march from Al-Madinah, 59 The first halt, 59 A gloomy
pass, 61 Journey from Al-Suwayrkiyah to Meccah, 124 A small feast, 127
A night journey, 132 An attack of the Utaybah, 143 The pilgrim sights
Meccah, 152 His first visit to the House of Allah, 160 His
uncomfortable lodging, 171 Returns to the Ka’abah, 172 Ceremonies of the
day of Arafat, 192 et seq.; and of the Day of Victims, 202 Accident at
the Great Devil, 204 Revisits the Ka’abah, 206 The sacrifices at Muna,
217 The sermon at the Harim, 225 Life at Meccah, and the Little
Pilgrimage, 227 The pilgrim’s contemplated resolution to destroy the
slave trade, 252 Description of a dinner at Meccah, 256 Leaves Meccah,
260 Events on the road, 261, et seq. Enters Jeddah, 265 End of the
pilgrim’s peregrinations, 276
Busat, Bir al-, at Kuba, i., 414, n.
Business, style of doing, in the East, i. 27
Bassorah, i. 266, n.
Butter, clarified (Samn in Arabia, the Indian ghi), used in the East,
i. 182, 245 Fondness of Orientals for, ii. 11
Buza’at, Bir al-, at Kuba, i. 414, n.

CAGLIOSTRO, Count (Guiseppe Balsamo), the impostor, his settlement of
Greeks at Al-Madinah, i. 292; ii. 25
Cain, his burial-place under Jabal Shamsan, ii. 160, n.
Cairo, its celebrated latticed windows, i. 35 Medical practitioners in,
54 Expenses of a bachelor in, 65 A Cairo druggist described, 67 The
Abbasiyah palace, 78 Scene from the Mosque of Mohammed Ali by
moonlight, 84 A stroll in the city at night, 88 Immense number of
Mosques at, 96 Once celebrated [p.429] for its libraries, 101, n.
Fanatic Shaykhs of, 113, n. The corporations, or secret societies of,
113 Description of the festival following the Ramazan, 115 The “New Year
Calls” at Cairo, 117. Meaning of the name Cairo, 117 The Pressgang in,
117 The inhabitants panic-stricken at the rumours of a conspiracy, 118
Scenes before the police magistrate, 119 Vulgar arabesques on the tombs
outside the Bab al-Nasr, 335, n. Gardens in the Mosques of, 337
Magician of, 388, n.
Cambay, Gulf of, i. 212
Camel-grass of the Desert, i. 252
Camels, remarks on riding, i. 142 The “nakh,” 152 n. The Shaykh or agent of
(the Mukharrij), 230 His duties, 230, n. Loading camels in Arabia, 234
The mas’hab, or stick for guiding, 237 The Arab assertion that the feet
of the camel are pained when standing still, 241, n. Mounting a camel,
241 Travelling in Indian file, 243 Pace at which camels travel, 244, n.
Method of camel-stealing in Arabia, 250, n. The celebrated camels from
Nijd, i. 266, n. Camel-travelling compared with dromedary-travelling,
281 The she-camel which guided Mohammed, 354, 355, 360 Carthartic
qualities of camels’ milk, 390 The huge white Syrian dromedary, 418 The
Dalul, 418 The Nakah, 418, n. The camels of Al-Madinah, ii. 16 Camel
hiring at Al-Madinah, 32 Camel’s sure-footedness, 68 A night-journey
with, in the Desert, 132 Specimens of the language used to camels, 133,
n. Mode of sacrificing camels, 217, n.
Canaanites, identified with the Amalik of the Moslems, i. 343, n.
Canal, the proposed, between Pelusium and Suez, i. 143
Capparis, the wild, in Arabia, ii. 72
Caramania, i. 191
Caravan, i. 249 The escort, 249 The Tayyarah, or flying Caravan, ii. 50
The Rakb, or dromedary Caravan, 50 Principal officers of the Caravan to
Meccah, ii. 71
Caravanserai, of Egypt. See Wakalah
Caste in India, observations on, i. 36, n.
Castor-plant, i. 403
Cathedrals, of Spain, proofs of their Oriental origin, i. 307, n. The
four largest in the world, 364, n.
Catherine, St., convent of, on the shores of the Red Sea, i. 202, n.
Cattle, breeding of, among the Badawin, ii. 107
Cautery, the actual, used in cases of dysentery, i. 389 And for the
cure of ulcers, 390
Cavalry, Albanian irregular, i. 266 English cavalry tactics defective,
268 Reference to Captain Nolan’s work, 268 Ancient and modern cavalry,
268 The Chasseurs de Vincennes, 269
Cave, of Mount Ohod, i. 423
Celibacy in the East, pernicious effects of, ii. 79, n.
Cemetery of Al-Bakia. See Bakia
Cemetery of Meccah (Jannat al-Ma’ala), visit to the, ii. 248
Cephren, pyramid of, i. 30
Cereals, of the Madinah plain, i. 404
“Chains, Affair of,” (Zat al-Salasil), ii. 89
Chaldæans, in Arabia, ii. 77
Charity, water distributed in, i. 6
Chasseurs de Vincennes, i. 269
Chaunting the Koran, i. 106
Cheops, pyramid of, i. 30
Children of the Arabs, i. 292 Their bad behaviour and bad language, 292
Causes of this, 292, n. Children entrusted to Badawin, ii. 89
Chivalry, Arab, ii. 92 Songs of Antar, 95 Chivalry of the Caliph
Al-Mu’tasim, 96
Chob-Chini. See Jin-seng
Cholera Morbus in Al-Hijaz. See Rih al-Asfar
Christ, personal suffering of, denied by all Moslems, i. 326, n.
Christians, colony of, on the shores of the Red Sea, i. 202
Civilisation, the earliest, always took place in a fertile valley, with
a navigable river, i. 344 n.
Circumambulation. See Tawaf
Circumcision, ceremony of, ii. 19 Among the Badawin, ii. 110 The two
kinds, Taharah and Salkh, 110. Method of proceeding, 110, n.
Cleopatra’s Baths, i. 10
Cleopatra’s Needle, i. 10 Called Pharaoh’s packing-needle by the native
Ciceroni, 10, n.
Cleopatra, her introduction of Balm of Gilead into Egypt, ii. 148, n.
Coffee-house, description of an Eastern, i. 215 Good quality of the
coffee drunk at Al-Madinah, i. 290 Filthiness of that of Egypt, 290, n.
The “Kishr” of Al-Yaman, 291, n. The coffee-houses of Al-Madinah, 392
Coffee-drinking on the march, ii. 63 The coffee-houses at Muna, 222
Coffee-houses on the road near Meccah, 261
Cole, Mr. Charles, Vice-Consul at Jeddah, his account of the population
of the principal towns of Arabia, i. 393, n. His straightforwardness
and honesty of purpose, ii. 267 His letter on the trade of Jeddah, 268,
Colleges (Madrasah), the two, of Al-Madinah, ii. 24
Colligation, system of, in battle, ii. 89. The “Affair of Chains” (Zat
al-Salasil), 89, n.
Coloquintida, its growth in the Deserts of Arabia, ii. 137 Used as a
medicine by the Arabs, 137, n.
Comet, apprehensions of the Madani at the appearance of one, ii. 29
Commerce, of Suez, i. 179
Communist principles of Mazdak the Persian, ii. 3, n.
Consular dragoman, a great abuse in the East, i. 128, n. Instances of
the evils caused by the tribe, 128, n. Hanna Massara, 128, n. Remedies
proposed, 128, n. Consular abuses, 129
Conversation, specimen of Oriental, i. 87
Coptic Christians, good arithmeticians, i. 108, n. Coptic artists
employed on the Mosque of Al-Madinah, i. 365 Probably half-caste Arabs,
ii. 78, n.
Coral reefs of the Red Sea. i. 218
Corinthians, fair, not any at Al-Madinah, ii. 19 Those of Jeddah, ii.
Cosmetic, Badawi, ii. 81, n.
Cot, column of the, in the Prophet’s Mosque, i. 336
Cotton seed (Bizr al-Kutn), used as a remedy in dysentery, i. 389
Courtship, Abyssinian style of, i. 59
Covetousness of the Arab, its intensity, ii. 103
Cressets (Mashals), of the East, ii. 132 The Pasha’s cressets, 132, n.
Cressy, reference to the battle of, i. 267, n.
Crown of Thorns, i. 405, n.
Curtain, of the Prophet’s tomb, i. 321

DABISTAN al-Mazahib, i. 344, n.
Daggers of the Badawin, ii. 106
Dajjal, Al- (Antichrist), the Moslem belief respecting, i. 378, n.
Dakhl, or protection, among the Arabs, ii. 97
Dakkat al-Aghawat, or eunuch’s bench, at Al-Madinah, i. 316, n.
Dakruri, Al-, the shrine of the saint, i. 155
Damascus, cathedral of, i. 364 Its eminence among Moslem cities, ii.
133, n. Epithets applied to it, 133, n. Sayings of the Prophet
respecting, 133, n. Said to be the burial place of Abel, 160, n.
Damascus Caravan, i. 321, n. Brocade of Damascus, 322, n. Rejoicing at
Al-Madinah on the arrival of the Caravan, 334 Description of the
arrival of at Al-Madinah, 416 The Emir al-Hajj, 420 Number of pilgrims
in the, 334 Quarrel between it and that from Baghdad, ii. 128 Stopped
in a perilous pass, 143 Grand spectacle afforded by the, on the plain
of Arafat, 181
Damghah, Marsa, on the Red Sea, i. 213
Dancing of the Badawin, its wildness, ii. 223
Daniyal, al-Nabi (Daniel the Prophet), tomb of, i. 12
Dar al-Bayda, the viceroy’s palace in the Desert, i. 154
Daraj, Al- (the ladder), at the Ka’abah, ii. 311
Darb al-Sharki, or Eastern road, from Al-Madinah to Meccah, ii. 58
Darb Sultani (the Sultan’s road), i. 260; ii. 58
Dates, the delicious, of Tur, i. 204 Those of the hypæthral court of the
Prophet’s Mosque, 337 The date “Al-Sayhani,” 337 The date-groves of Kuba, 381
The fruit of Nijd, 383 The Tamr al-Birni kind used as a diet in
small-pox, 385 Celebrity of the dates of Al-Madinah, 400 Varieties of
the date-tree, 400 Al-Shelebi date, 400 The Ajwah, 401 Al-Hilwah, 401
Al-Birni, 401 The Washi, 401 The Sayhani, 401 The Khuzayriyah, 401 The
Jabali, 401 The Laun, 401 The Hilayah, 402 Fondness of the Madani for
dates, 402 Rutab, or wet dates, 402 Variety of ways of cooking the
fruit, 402 The merry-makings at the fruit gatherings, 403 Causes of the
excellence of the dates of Al-Madinah, 403 The date-trees of Kuba, ii.
Da’ud Pasha, his palace at Al-Madinah, i. 394
Daughters of the Prophets, tombs of the, ii. 38
Daurak, or earthern jars, used for cooling the holy water of Zemzem,
ii. 310
David, King, i. 212
Darwayshes, wandering, i. 13 A Darwaysh’s the safest disguise, 14 The two
orders of Darwayshes, 15
Death, easy in the East, ii. 183
Death-wail, of Oriental women, i. 118
Deir, i. 189
Deraiyah, the capital of the Wahhabis, i. 369
Deri dialect, said to be spoken by the Almighty, i. 344, n.
Descendants of the Prophet, one of the five orders of pensioners at
Al-Madinah, i. 375
Desert, the Great, by moonlight, i. 85 Camel riding in, 143, 148
Reflected heat of, 144, n. Habits and manners of the Badawi camel-men,
146 Peculiarities by which inhabitants of the Desert may be recognised,
146, n. Feeling awakened by a voyage through the Desert, 148 The oases,
149 Unaptly compared to a sandy sea, 150, n. The pleasures of the
Desert, 150 Effect of the different seasons in the Desert, 151, n.
Pleasures of smoking in the, 152 A midnight halt in the, 154 The
absinthe (“Wormwood of Pontus”) of the, 155 Rest under the shade of the
mimosa tree, 155 Perfect safety of the Suez road across the, 156 A
Badawi ambuscade, 156 Charms of the Desert, 158 The Desert near Yambu’,
242 Fears of the travellers in crossing, 244 Breakfast in the, 244
Dinner in the, 245 Hot winds in the Deserts of Arabia, 247 Desert
valleys, 252 Fatal results from taking strong drinks in the Desert
during summer heats, 265, n. Discipline of the Desert, ii. 36, n.
Effect of Arab poetry in the, 99 Description of an Arabian Desert, 223
Devil, the Great (Shaytan al-Kabir), ceremony of throwing stones at,
ii. 204 Second visit to the, 219
Dews in Arabia, i. 245
D’Herbelot, reference to, i. 281, n.
Dickson, Dr., his discovery of the chronothermal practice of physic, i.
Dictionaries and vocabularies, Egyptian, imperfections of, i. 108, n.
Dinner, description of one at Meccah, ii. 256
Discipline, Oriental, must be based on fear, i. 212
Diseases of Al-Hijaz, i. 384 The Rih al-Asfar, or cholera morbus, 384
The Taun, or plague, 384 The Judari, or small-pox, 384 Inoculation, 385
Diseases divided by Orientals into hot, cold, and temperate, 385
Ophthalmia, 385 Quotidian and tertian fevers (Hummah Salis), 386 Low
fevers (Hummah), 387 Jaundice and bilious complaints, 387 Dysenteries,
388 Popular medical treatment, 389 The Filaria Medinensis (Farantit),
389 Vena in the legs, 389 Hydrophobia, 389 Leprosy (Al-Baras), 389
Ulcers, 390
Divination, Oriental, i. 12
Divinity, study of, in Egypt, i. 105 The Sharh, 105 Books read by
students in, 105, n.
Divorces, frequency of, among the Badawin, ii. 111
Diwan, luxury of the, i. 295
Diwani, value of the Hijazi coin so called, ii. 11, n.
Doctors. See Medicine
Dogs, pugnacity of, of Al-Madinah, i. 301 Superstitions respecting
them, 302
Donkey boys of Egypt, i. 111, n. Donkeys, despised by the Badawin, i.
Dragoman, consular. See Consular dragoman
Dress, Oriental; gold ornaments forbidden to be worn by the Moslem law,
i. 34, n., 236, n. Fashions of young Egyptians, 99 Faults of Moslem
ladies’ dressing, 123, n. Dress of the Maghrabis, 156 The face-veil of
Moslem ladies, 229 The Lisam of Constantinople, 229, n. The Lisam of
Arab Shaykhs, 235 Description of an Arab Shaykh fully equipped for
travelling, 235 The Kamis, or cotton shirt, 236 The Aba, or camel’s hair
cloak, 236 The Arab and Indian sandal, 236 Dress of the poorer classes
of Arabs, 237 The belt for carrying arms, 238 Dress of the Benu-Harb,
248 The Kufiyah, 265, n. Costume of the Arab Shaykhs of the Harbis, 266
Dress of Madinite Shaykh, 289 Articles of dress of city Arabs, 289, n.
Dress of a Zair, or visitor to the sepulchre of the Prophet, 309 n.
Dress of the Benu-Hosayn, ii. 4 Costume of the Madani, 14 Dress of the
Badawin, 115 The ceremony of Al-Ihram (or assuming the pilgrim dress)
on approaching Meccah, 139 Costume of the regions lying west of the Red
Sea, 139 The style of dress called Taylasan, 226
Drinking bout with an Albanian, i. 153
Drinking water, Oriental method of, i. 6
Drinks, intoxicating, not known to the Badawin, ii. 118
Dromedaries, sums charged for the hire of, i. 141
Dromedary-travelling compared with camel-travelling, i. 281
Dromedaries of Al-Madinah, ii. 16
Druze mysteries, foundation of, i. 97
Dry storms of Arabia, i. 247
Dua, the, or supplication after the two-bow prayers, i. 312, n.
Dubajet, Aubert, i. 112. n.
Dust storms, ii. 129
Dye used for the beard, ii. 14
Dysentery, frequent occurrence of, in the fruit season in Arabia, i.
388 Popular treatment of, 389
Dwellings of the Arabs in the time of Mohammed, i. 357

EARNEST money (arbun), ii. 52
Ebna, the descendants of the soldiers of Anushirwan, ii. 78, n.
Echinus, the, common in the Red Sea, i. 221, n.
Eddeh, Al-, the dress in the baths at Cairo, ii. 139
Education, Moslem, i. 185, et seq. Remarks on Mr. Bowring’s strictures
on, 109
Egypt, curiosity of the police, i. 2 Alexandria, 8, 10 Egypt’s first step
in civilisation, 17 Inconveniences of the passport system of, 18
Officials of, 19 Her progress during the last half-century, 28 The
Nile, 29 The Barrage bridge, 30 The Wakalahs or inns of, 41 The tobacco
of, 64 Shortness of the lives of the natives of Lower Egypt, 69 The
worst part of the day in, 77 All Agapemones suppressed in, 81 Fashions
of young Egyptians, 99 Subjects taught in Egyptian schools, 103, et
seq. Theology in Egypt, 106 State of learning not purely religious,
107, et seq. Degenerate state of modern Egyptian taste in poetry, 108,
n. Acquirements of the Egyptians in the exact sciences, 108, n. And in
natural [p.434] science, 108 Their capabilities for being good
linguists, 180, n. Their knowledge of the higher branches of language,
108, n. State of periodical literature in Egypt, 109, n. Bigotry of the
Egyptians, 110 Their feelings at the prospect of the present Russian
war, 111 Their views respecting various nations of foreigners, 111
Their longings for European rule, 111 Their hatred of a timid tyranny,
112 An instance of this, 112, n. The proposed ship canal and railway
in, 113 Importance of, to the rulers of India, 113 Secret societies of,
113 Press-gangs in, 117 Employment of Albanian Irregulars in, 133
Semi-religious tradition of the superiority of Osmanlis over Egyptians,
147, n. Story respecting this, 148 Seasons of severe drought, 180
Diseases of the country, 181 Food of the Suezians, 182 Reason of the
superiority in the field of Egyptian soldiers, 184 Insolence of
demeanour and coarseness of language of the officials in Egypt, 194, n.
Ruinous state of Al-Hijaz, the effect of the wars between the Egyptians
and the Wahhabis, 254, n. Bad quality of the coffee of, 290, n. The
scourge of ophthalmia, 385, n. The pot-bellied children of the banks of
the Nile, 406, n. Their monopoly of milk, curds, and butter, at
Al-Madinah, ii. 9
“Elephant, affair of the,” ii. 321, n.
Embracing, Oriental mode of, i. 287
Emir al-Hajj, of the Damascus Caravan, ii. 420 His privileges, 420 Abu
Bakr the first Emir al-Hajj, 420, n.
English, how regarded in Egypt, i. 111 Fable in Arabia, respecting
their desire to become Moslems, ii. 230
Eothen, reference to, i. 388, n.
Epithets, Arab, i. 277, n., 305, 327 The epithets applied to
Al-Madinah, 377 Applied to the Syrians, ii. 133 And to Damascus, 133, n.
Era, Moslem, commencement of, i. 355, n.
Erythræan Sea, i. 196, n.
Escayrac de Lanture, M., his preparations for a pilgrimage to Meccah,
i. 4, n.
Esmah, Sultanah, sister of Sultan Mahmud, i. 371
Etiquette in Al-Hijaz, i. 419, n.
Eunuchs of the Prophet’s tomb, i. 316, n., 321, n., 322, n., 371, n.
Antiquity of eunuchs, 371, n. Originated with Semiramis, 371, n.
Employment of, unknown at the time of the Prophet, 371, n.
Considerations which gave rise to the employment of, 371, n. Method of
addressing them, 371, n. Value of the title of Eunuch of the Tomb, 371,
n. Shaykh of the Eunuchs, 371 The three orders of Eunuchs of the Tomb,
371 The curious and exceptional character of the eunuch, 372 His
personal appearance 372 Value of eunuch slaves at Al-Madinah, ii. 13
Eunuchs of the Mosque at Meccah, ii. 319 Respect paid to a eunuch at
Meccah, 255
Euphorbiæ, in Arabia, ii. 72
Eve’s tomb, near Jeddah, ii. 273 Traditions respecting it, 275
Ezion-Geber, i. 189

FACE-GASHING in Meccah, ii. 234 In other countries, 234, n.
Fadak, town of, founded by the Jews, i. 347
Faddah, value of the Egyptian, ii. 11, n.
Fahd, Shaykh, the robber-chief, i. 257
Fa-hian quoted, ii. 276
Fairies, good and bad, origin of, i. 314
Fakihs, at the Mosque at Al-Madinah, i. 316
Falconry, among the Arabs, ii. 104 Origin of the sport, 104, n. Its
perfection as a science in the 12th century, 104
Farainah (Pharaohs), origin of, according to the Moslem writers, i. 344
Faraj Yusuf, the merchant of Jeddah, i. 47
Farantit. [See] Filaria Medinensis
Farrash (tent-pitchers, &c.), ii. 71
Farrashin, or free servants of the Mosque, i. 372
“Farsh al-Hajar,” of the Mosque of the Prophet, i. 332
Faruk, the Separator, a title of the Caliph Omar, i. 320
Farz, or obligatory prayers, i. 311, n.
Fasts, Moslems’, i. 76
Fath, the Masjid al- (of Victory), ii. 48
Fatihah, i. 194, 200 Repeated at the tomb of the Prophet, 319 Said for
friends or relations, 319, n.
Fatimah, the Lady, her tomb at Al-Madinah, i. 308, n. Gate of, 315
Prayer repeated at her tomb, 327 Epithets applied to her, 327, n. The
doctrine of her perpetual virginity, 327, n. Her garden in the Mosque
of the Prophet, 337 Three places lay claim to be her burial-place, 339
Mosque of, at Kuba, 411 Her tomb, ii. 42 Obscurity of tradition
respecting her last resting-place, 42, n. Her birth-place, 251
Fatimah bin As’ad, mother of Ali, her tomb, ii. 43, n.
Fattumah, i. 174
Fatur (breakfast), i. 79
Fayruz, the murderer of Omar, i. 435
Fayruzabadi, his Kamus, or Lexicon, i. 108, n., ii. 98, n.
Fazikh, the Masjid al- (of Date-liquor), ii. 45
“Fealty of the Steep, the First,” i. 352 “The Second Fealty of the Steep,” 352
“Great Fealty of the Steep,” 353
Festivals, following the Ramazan, i. 115, 116 Scene of jollity at the
cemetery outside the Bab al-Nasr, 116
Feuds between the Desert and the City Arabs, ii. 18
Fevers, quotidian and tertian (Hummah Salis), in Arabia, i. 386
Remedies for, 389
Fiends, summoning of, favourite Egyptian pursuit, i. 109, n.
Fijl, (radishes), i. 404
Fikh (divinity), study of, in schools, i. 104
Filaria Medinensis (Farantit), not now common at Al-Madinah, i. 389
Finati, Giovanni, Hajji Mohammed, his pilgrimage, i. 199, n., 262, ii.
390 Sketch of his adventures, 390, et seq.
Fire-worship introduced into Arabia from India, ii. 160, n. Agni, the
Indian fire-god, 160, n.
Fiumaras, of Arabia, i. 3 The Fiumara “Al-Sayh,” i. 399 That of Mount Ohod,
Flight (the), of Mohammed, i. 354, 355, n.
Flowers of Arabia, i. 251 Of India, 251 Of Persia, 251
Food of the Badawin, ii. 116 Their endurance of hunger, 116 Method of
cooking locusts, 117 Their favourite food on journeys, 117
Forskal, i. 218
Forster, Rev. C., strictures on his attack on Gibbon, ii. 76, n.
Fortress of Al-Madinah, i. 393
Forts of the East, a specimen of, i. 157
Fountain, the public (Sabil), of Al-Madinah, i. 391
French, their popularity in Egypt, i. 111 Causes of this, 111
Friday sermon, of the Prophet, i. 335
Fruit trees, of Al-Madinah, i. 400
Fugitives, pillar of, in the Mosque of the Prophet, i. 335
Fukahs, or poor divines, of the Mosque of the Prophet, i. 375
Fukayyir, Bir al-, at Kuba, i. 414, n.
Funerals, Arab, ii. 23 Description of a burial at Al-Bakia, 32 Funeral
ceremonies of the Badawin, ii. 111

GABRIEL the Archangel. [See] Jibrail
Gabriel’s Gate (Bab Jibrail), i. 333
Gabriel’s place (Makan Jibrail), in the Mosque of the Prophet, i. 336
Gabriel the Archangel, his communications to the Prophet, i. 360, 361,
Galla slave girls, their value, ii. 13
Gallantry of Orientals, i. 210 Ungallantry of some “Overlands,” 210
Gambling not in existence among the Badawin, ii. 107
Gara tribe of Arabs, i. 145. Low development of the indigens of, ii. 77
Garden of our Lady Fatimah, in the Mosque of the Prophet, i. 337 Date
trees of, 337 Venerable palms of, 337 Gardens not uncommon in Mosques,
Garlic and onions, use of, in the East, i. 32, n.
Gates of Al-Madinah, i. 391
Geesh, Lord of, i. 8
Genealogy of the Arabs, intricacy of the subject, ii. 119, n. The best
known Arabic genealogical works, 119, n.
Generalisation unknown to the Arabs, i. 250, n.
Geographical Society (Royal) of London; its zeal for discovery, i. 1.
Geography among the modern Egyptians, i. 108, n., 250
Geology of the neighbourhood of Al-Madinah, i. 279 Of the road between
Al-Madinah and Meccah, ii. 73
Geomancy, favourite Egyptian pursuit of, i. 158, n.
Geometry, study of, in Egypt, i. 158, n.
George Inn, at Suez, i. 159 Society at the, 161, 173
Ghabbah, Al-, or the watershed of Al-Madinah, i. 381
Ghadir, Al-, description of the plan of, ii. 134 The three wells of the
Caliph Harun at, 134
Ghalib, the late Sharif of Meccah, revered as a saint, i. 340, n.
Purchases the treasures of the Prophet’s tomb from Sa’ad the Wahhabi, 369
Ghaliyah, her heroism, ii. 94
Ghazi, or a crusader, i. 329, n.
Ghazi (twenty-two piastres), paid to the free servants of the Mosque,
Ghi, of India, ii. 12 Considered by Indians almost as a panacea for
diseases and wounds, 12, n.
Ghul (Devil), how expelled from persons suffering from hydrophobia, i.
Ghul, the hill near Meccah, ii. 147
Ghurbal, Bir al-, at Kuba, i. 414, n.
Ghuri, Al-, the Sultan, his additions to the Ka’abah, ii. 307
Ghuzat, or crusaders, i. 329, n.
Giants (Jahabirah), who fought against Israel, i. 344
Gibbon, his derivation of the name Saracens, ii. 76, n. The Rev. C.
Forster’s Attack on him, 76, n.
Gibraltar, i. 7
Gilead, Balm of, grows as a weed in Al-Hijaz, ii. 148 Name by which it
is known to the Arabs, 148, n. Its value in the valley of the Jordan,
148, n. Introduced by Cleopatra into Egypt, 148, n. Places where the
best balsam is produced, 149, n. Qualities of the best kind, 149, n.
Description of the tree, 149
Goat, the milk of, ii. 17, n. The flesh of, 17, n.
Gold ornaments, forbidden by the Moslem law to be worn, i. 34, n.; 236
“Golden Wire,” the pilgrim-ship, i. 188 Its wretched state, 188 Ali Murad,
the owner, 189 The passengers, 189 Riot on board, 191 Halt near the
Hammam Bluffs, 197 Runs aground, 200
Goose (Sand-), the, i. 154
Gospel of Infancy, quotation from, ii. 148, n.
Grammar, how taught in Egyptian schools, i. 104 Prosody among the
Arabs, 107
Granites (Suwan), of the plains of Arabia, ii. 74 Of Meccah, 295, n.
Grapes of Al-Madinah, ii. 404 The Sharifi grape, 404 The Hijazi, 404
The Sawadi, or black grape, 404 The Raziki, or small white grape, 404
Gratitude, no Eastern word for, i. 51
Graves, shape of, of the Badawin, i. 274. Injunctions of Mohammed to
his followers to visit, 314, n. At Mount Ohod, 430 Musannam, or raised
graves, 430 Musattah, or level graves, 430 The graves of the saints at
Al-Bakia, ii. 32
Greek Emperor, his presents to the Mosque of Al-Madinah, i. 365
Greeks, hated in Egypt, i. 111 Those settled on the Red Sea, 202 Those
in Al-Madinah, 292
Guebres, fable of, respecting man’s good works, 313, n. Their ancient
fire-temples in Arabia and Persia, 379, n. Their claim to the Ka’abah,
ii. 301 Fire worship introduced from India, 160, n.
Guest-dish, ii. 12
“Gugglets,” for cooling water, i. 399
Gunpowder play (La’ab al-Barut) of the Arabs, ii. 86
Guns sounding the order of the march, ii. 71 The guns of the Badawin,
Gypsum, tufaceous, in the Desert, ii. 134

HABASH (Abyssinia), i. 177
Haddah, Al-, the settlement so called, ii. 202
Hadis (the traditions of the Prophet), study of, in schools, i. 104, 305
Hæmorrhoids, frequency of, in Al-Hijaz, i. 389 Treatment of, 389
Hagar, her tomb at Meccah, ii. 305, n.
Hajar al-Akhzar, or green stone, of the Ka’abah, ii. 305, n.
Hajar al-Aswad (Black Stone), the famous, of the Ka’abah, ii. 300 (See
Black Stone)
Hajar Shumaysi (yellow sandstone) of Meccah, ii. 295, n.
Haji Wali, i. 43, 44 His advice to the pilgrim, 44, 45 His lawsuit, 46
His visit to the “Consul-General” at Cairo, 86 Accompanies the author in
paying visits, 116 Introduces the pilgrim to the Persian Consul, 128
His horror at a drinking bout, 137 Takes leave of the pilgrim, 142
Hajin, the Egyptian she-dromedary, i. 418, n.
Hajj (pilgrimage), difference between the, and the Ziyarat, i. 305 The
Hajj (or simple pilgrimage), ii. 281 Hajj al-Akbar (the great
pilgrimage), 281
Hajj bin Akhtah, plots against Mohammed, i. 358
Hajj al-Shami (the Damascus pilgrimage), i. 416
Hajjaj bin Yusuf, general of Abd al-Malik, ordered to rebuild the House
of Allah, ii. 324
Hajjat al-Farz (obligatory pilgrimage), ii. 280 The Hajjat al-Islam
(the pilgrimage of the Mohammedan faith), 280
Hakim, Al-, bi ’Amri’llah, his attempt to steal the bodies of the Prophet
and his two companions, i. 367
Hakim, Al-, the Sultan of Egypt, i. 97
“Halal,” to, a sheep, i. 256
Halimah (the Lady), the Badawi wet-nurse of the Prophet, her tomb, i.
328, n., ii. 36
Halliwell, Mr., his mistake respecting the “Methone” of Sir John
Mandeville, ii. 286
Hamail, or pocket Koran, of pilgrims, i. 239
Hamid al-Samman, Shaykh, description of, i. 162, 200 Lands at Yambu’, 225
Vaunts the strong walls of Yambu’, 242 Leaves Yambu’, 242 Halal of a sheep
in the desert, 256 His fear of the Badawin, 261 His determination to
push through the nest of robbers, 271 Takes his place in the Caravan,
272 Arrives at Al-Madinah, 281 His toilet after the journey, 288 His
hospitality to the pilgrim, 288 Improvement in his manners, 290
Behaviour of his children, 292 His real politeness, 294 Description of
his abode, 295 His household, 296 Accompanies the pilgrim to the
Prophet’s tomb, 304 Introduces the pilgrim to the Prophet’s window, 321
Accompanies him to the Mosque of Kuba, 398 And to Mount Ohod, 419, et
seq. And to the cemetery of Al-Bakia, ii. 31 et seq. Procures a
faithful camel-man for the journey to Meccah, 51 His debt forgiven, 56
Hamidah, the principal family of the Benu-Harb, i. 257 Their attack on
the Caravan, 273
Hammam, or the hot bath, i. 70
Hamra, Al-, i. 249 Derivations of its name, 253 Called also Al-Wasitah,
253 Encamped at, 253 Description of the village of, 254 The fortress
of, 255
Hamra, Al-, the third station from Al-Madinah in the Darb Sultani, i.
Hamra, Al-, the torrent, i. 278, n.
Hamzah, friend of Mohammed, prayer in honour of, i. 328 Sent forward by
the Prophet to Al-Madinah, 354 Mosque of, 426 The place where he was
slain, 433
Hanafi school, their views respecting the proper dress for visiting the
Prophet’s tomb, i. 309, n. Their place of prayer at, i. 310 Mufti of, at
Al-Madinah, 373 Their practice of nighting at Muzdalifah, ii. 201
Hanafi sect, its station for prayer at the Ka’abah, ii. 308 Its
importance in Meccah, 309, n.
Hanbali school, i. 373 Its station for prayer at the Ka’abah, ii. 308
Hands, clapping of (Safk), practice of in the East, ii. 223
Hanna Massara, the Consular Dragoman of Cairo, i. 128, n.
Haramayn, or sanctuaries, the two of Al-Islam, i. 230, n.; i. 304
“Harami,” or thieves, in the Desert, i. 261
Harb, the Benu, the present ruling tribe in the Holy Land, ii. 119 Its
divisions and sub-divisions, 119 et n.
Harbis, of Al-Hijaz, i. 266
Harim, (or Sanctuary), the Prophet’s, at Al-Madinah, i. 298, 305, 307 The
Shaykh al-, or principal officer of the Mosque, 371 The Mudir al-, or
chief treasurer of the Tomb of the Prophet, 371 The Huddud al-Harim,
379 All Muharramat or sins forbidden within the, 379, n. Dignity of the
Harim, 380, n. See Ka’abah
Harim, of a Madinite, i. 298
Harim, arrangements of the, ii. 91 Its resemblance to a European home,
Hariri, Al-, poem of, i. 108, n.
Harrah, or ridges of rock, i. 251; 251, n. Al-Harratayn, 279, n.
Harrah, or ridge, as represented in our popular works, i. 341 Meaning
of the term, i. 421, n. The second and third Harrahs, 421, n., 424 The
Prophet’s prediction at the Harrah Al-Wakin or Al-Zahrah, 421, n. “The
affair of the Ridge,” 421, n.
Harun, the Kubbat, or Aaron’s tomb, on Mount Ohod, i. 423
Harun al-Rashid. His three wells at Al-Ghadir, ii. 70, 134 His
pilgrimages and crusades, 136
Harun Bir (well of Harun), ii. 70
Hasan, grandson of Mohammed, i. 97, n. Prayers for, 327 His descendants
at Al-Madinah, ii. 3, n. His tomb, 40 Burckhardt’s mistakes respecting
him, 40, n. His death by poison 40, n.
Hasan al-Marabit, Shaykh, tomb of, on the shore of the Red Sea, i. 218
Hasanayn Mosque, at Cairo, i. 97
Hasan the Imam, requests to be buried near the Prophet, i. 325
Hasan, Sultan, Mosque of, at Cairo, i. 98
Hasan, Jabal (Mount Hasan), i. 220
Hashim, great grandfather of the Prophet, i. 351, n.
Hashish, smoking i. 44
Haswah, or gravelled place, i. 307
Hatchadur Nury, Mr., his friendship with the author, i. 122
Hatim, the generous Arab chieftain, i. 166
Hatim, Al- (the broken), of the Ka’abah, ii. 305
Hawamid Arabs. Their fight with the Hawazim, ii. 28
Hawazim Arabs, their furious fight with the Hawamid, ii. 28 Their
Shaykhs, Abbas and Abu Ali, ii. 28
“Haye” in military tactics, i. 267, n.
Haykal! Ya (sons of Haykal), explained, i. 30, n.
Hazirah, or presence, i. 316
Hazramaut, the Arabs of, i. 240, n.
Hazrat Ali, apparition of, ii. 184
Heat, the reflected, at Yambu’, ii. 232 The hot wind of the Desert, 247,
264 Sun-strokes, 265, n. The great heats near the Red Sea prejudicial
to animal generation, 265, n. The hour at which the sun is most
dangerous, i. 275 Terrible heat at Al-Hijaz, ii. 221 Unbearable at
Meccah, 228
Heathenry, remnants of, in Arabia, i. 4
Hebrew, points of resemblance between, and Pahlavi, ii, 79, n.
Heliopolis, Balm of Gilead of, ii. 148, n.
Hemp-drinkers, Egyptian, ii. 189, 191
Henna powder, i. 400, n.
Herklots, Dr., reference to his work “Qanoon-i-Islam,” i. 388, n. Quoted,
ii. 304, n.
Hermaic books, the, i. 385, n.
“Herse,” in military tactics, i. 267 n.
Hijaz, Al-, dangers and difficulties of, i. 2 Antiquity and nobility of
the Muzaynah tribe in, 145, 146 Land route to, from Suez, 158
Persecution of Persians in, 232, n. The Badawi blackmail in, 233, n.
Description of the shugduf or litter of, 233, n. Abounds in ruins, 254
Sa’ad the robber chief of, 256 Shaykh Fahd, the robber chief, 257
Wretched state of the government in, 257, 258 The charter of Gulhanah,
258 The Darb Sultani, 260 Heat in Al-Hijaz, 265 Douceurs given by the
Turks to the Arab shaykhs of, 266 “Al-Shark,” 266, n. Fight between the
Arabs and soldiers in, 269 Peopled by the soldiers of the children of
Israel, 347 Limits of, 379 Meaning of the name, 380 Rainy season in,
383 Diseases of, 384 Number of the Turkish forces in, 393, n. Account
of the Badawin of, ii. 76, et seq. (See Badawin) Money of, 111, n.
Observations on the watershed of, 154 Purity of the water throughout,
194 Healthiness of the people of, 229
Hijazi, the grape so called, i. 404
Hijriyah, Al-, halt at, ii. 71
Hilayah, the date so called, i. 401
Hilwah, Al-, the date so called, i. 402
Himyaritic tribes, their mixture with the Amalikah, ii. 79
Hinda, mother of Mu’awiyah, her ferocity, i. 433, n. Her name of “Akkalat
al-Akbad,” 433, n.
Hindi, Jabal, at Meccah, ii. 153
“Hindu-Kush,” the, i. 243, n.
Hindus, their square temples similar in form to the Mosque, ii. 300, n.
Their litholatry, 301, n. The Ka’abah claimed as a sacred place by them,
301, n.
History (Tawarikh), study of, little valued in Egypt, i. 107, n.
Hitman tribe of Arabs, the lowness of their origin, ii. 121 Unchastity
of their women, 121
Hogg, Sir James, i. 1
Holofernes, general of Nebuchadnezzar I., i. 347, n.
Honey, the Arabs curious in, and fond of, ii. 130, n. The different
kinds of honey, 130, n.
Honorarium (ikram), given to the Madani who travel, ii. 7
“Horde,” probable origin of the word, i. 394, n.
Horses, Arabian, i. 3 The celebrated, of Nijd, i. 266, n., ii. 195
Horses of the Arnaut Irregulars, i. 267 Pugnacity of the, of
Al-Madinah, 301 The, of Al-Madinah, ii. 16 Price of horses in time of
Solomon, 195, n. Egyptian horses, 195, n. Qualities of a pure Arab
horse, 195, n. The former horse trade of Yaman, 195, n. The breed
supplied to India, 196, n.
Hosayn, Al-, grandson of Mohammed, i. 98, n. His death at Kerbela, ii.
40, n. His head preserved in the Mosque Al-Hasanayn at Cairo, ii. 40, n.
Hosayn, Benu, become guardians of the Prophet’s tomb, i. 368, ii. 3, n.
Head-quarters of the, at Suwayrkiyah, 3 Their former numbers and power,
3 Their heretical tenets, 3 Their personal appearance, 4 Their town of
Al-Suwayrkiyah, 124
Hosayn bin Numayr, his siege of Meccah, ii. 323
Hosh, Al-, or the central area of a dwelling-house, i. 307, 397
Hosh ibn Sa’ad, at Madinah, the residence of the Benu Hosayn, ii. 4
Hospitality in the East, i. 36
House hire in Egypt, i. 42, 65 Houses of the Arabs at the time of
Mohammed, 356 Those of Al-Madinah, 393 Those at Meccah, description of,
ii. 171
Hudud al-Hatim, or limits of the sanctuary, i. 379
Hufrah (holes dug for water in the sand) ii. 62
Hufrah, Al- (the digging), of the Ka’abah, ii. 304, n.
Hujjaj, or pilgrims, i. 329
Hujrah, or Chamber of Ayishah, description of, i. 314 Errors of
Burckhardt and M. Caussin, respecting the word, 314, n. Its walls
rebuilt, 324, n. Referred to, 325-329 Surrounded by a mud wall by the
Caliph Omar, 363 Enclosed within the Mosque by Al-Walid, 366 Spared
from destruction by lightning, 368
Hukama, or Rationalists, of Al-Islam, ii. 201
Hummum Bluffs (Hammam Faraun), i. 197
Hummi tobacco, i. 66, n.
Hurayrah, Abu, his account of the Benu Israel in Arabia, i. 346
Hydrophobia, rarity of, in Al-Hijaz, i. 388 Popular superstition
respecting, 388 Treatment of, 388
Hyksos, the, identified with the Amalik of the Moslems, i. 343, n.
“Hypocrites,” conspiracy of the, i. 358

IAMBIA, of Ptolemy, i. 225
Ibn Asm, or Ibn Rumi, slain, i. 94 His sister, 94
Ibn Batutah, reference to, i. 12 n., 265, n.
Ibn Dhaher Berkouk, King of Egypt, rebuilds the Mosque at Meccah, ii.
Ibn Haukal, reference to, i. 4, n., 17, n.
Ibn Hufazah al-Sahmi, his tomb, ii. 43, n.
Ibn Jubayr, reference to, i. 279, n.
Ibn Kasim, his commentary, i. 106
Ibn Zubayr, chief of Meccah, rebuilds the Ka’abah, ii. 299
Ibrahim, catafalque of, in the great Mosque of Meccah, i. 324, n.
Ibrahim, the Makam, at the Ka’abah, ii. 307, n., 311, 325
Ibrahim, infant son of the Prophet, his burial-place, ii. 32, 37
Ibrahim Pasha, his ships on the Red Sea, i. 170
Ibrahim bin Adham, his vision, ii. 184, n.
Ichthyophagi, the modern, of the Red Sea, i. 218, n., 221
Idrisi, Al-, i. 195
Ignatius, Epistles of, to the Smyrneans, references to, i. 326, n.
Ihlal, the pilgrim dress so called, ii. 205
Ihn, Bir, at Kuba, i. 414, n.
Ihram, Al- (assuming the pilgrim garb), the ceremony so called, ii. 138
Change from Ihram to Ihlal, 205 Ceremonies of, 284 The Victims of
Al-Ihram, 286
Ijabah, the Masjid al- (the Mosque of Granting), ii. 47, 153, n.
Ikamah, or call to divine service, ii. 311, n.
Ikhlas, Al-, the chapter of the Koran, i. 429
Ihram (honorarium) given to the Madani who travel, i. 263, ii. 7 The
four kinds of, 7
Ilal, Jabal (Mount of Wrestling in Prayer). See Arafat, Mount
Ilfrad, Al- (singulation), the pilgrimage so called, ii. 280
Imans, of the Prophet’s Mosque, i. 313, n., 374, 375 Place where they
pray, i. 335, 338
Imlik, great-great-grandson of Noah, the ancestor of the Amalikah, ii.
Immigrations of the Arabian people, i. 344
India, style of doing business in, i. 27 Observations on caste in, 36,
n. Real character of the natives of, 37-40 Popular feeling in,
respecting British rule, and causes of this, 37, n. No European should
serve an Eastern lord, 39 The natives a cowardly and slavish people, 40
Their cowardice compared with the bravery of the North American
Indians, 40 Testimony of Sir Henry Elliot to this, 40, n. An instance
of Indian improvidence, 157, n. Luxuriance of the plains of, 251 Indian
pilgrims protected by their poverty, 265 The Duke of Wellington’s dictum
about the means of preserving health in, 265, n. Wells of the Indians
in Arabia, 274 n. Their sinful method of visiting the Prophet’s tomb, 305
Generosity of Indian pilgrims, 331, n. Their drawings of the holy
shrines as published at Meccah, 342 Dress and customs of the Indian
women settled at Al-Madinah, ii. 6 Recklessness of poor Indian
pilgrims, ii. 184 Remedies, proposed, 185 Qualities of the horses of,
obtained from the Persian Gulf, 195, n. Profuseness of Indian pilgrims,
Indian Ocean (Sea of Oman), the shores of, when first peopled,
according to Moslem accounts, i. 344, n.
Inns. See Wakalah
Inoculation practised in Al-Madinah, i. 384
“Inshallah bukra” (please God, to-morrow), ii. 21
Intermarriages, theory of the degeneracy which follows, ii. 84 Dr. Howe’s
remarks on, 84, n.
Intonation and chaunting of the Koran taught in Moslem schools, i. 106,
Irak, Al-, expedition of Tobba al-Asghar against, i. 349
Iram, flood of, i. 348
Ireland, probable origin of its name, ii. 239, n.
Irk al-Zabyat, mountain, ii. 274, n.
Isa bin Maryam, reference to, ii. 274, n. Spare tomb at Al-Madinah for
him after his second coming, 325
Isha, or Moslem night prayer, i. 233
Ishmael (Ismail), his tomb at Meccah, ii. 305 The two-bow prayer over
the grave of, 176
Ishmaelites, of the Sinaitic peninsula, ii. 78 Their distinguishing
marks, 78
Ismail Pasha murdered by Malik Nimr, chief of Shendy, i. 138, n.
Ismid, a pigment for the eyes, i. 381, n.
Israel Benu, rule of, in Arabia, i. 345 See Jews
Israelites, course of the, across the Red Sea, i. 199
Israfil, the trumpet of, on the last day, i. 340, n.
Istikharah, or divination, ii. 23
Italians, how regarded in Egypt, i. 111
Izar, the portion of a pilgrim’s dress so called, ii. 139

JA AL-SHARIFAH, the halting-ground, ii. 63
Ja’afar al-Sadik, the Imam, his tomb, ii. 40, 41, n.
Ja’afar Bey (governor of Suez), i. 147 Account of him, 160
Jababirah (giants), who fought against Israel, i. 344
Jabariti, from Habash, i. 177
Jahaydah, a straggling line of villages, i. 262
Jama, meaning of, i. 97
Jama Taylun, mosque, i. 96
Jama’at, or public prayers, in Al-Rauzah, i. 330, n.
Jami al-Sakhrah, at Arafat, ii. 192
Jami Ghamamah at Al-Manakhah, i. 395
Jannat al-Ma’ala (the cemetery of Meccah), visit to, ii. 248
Jauf, Al-, excellence of the dates of, i. 383
Jauhar, founder of the Mosque of Al-Azhar, i. 102
Jaundice, common in Arabia, i. 387 Popular cure for, 387
Java, number of Moslem pilgrims from, to Meccah, i. 179
Javelin, (Mizrak), description of the Arab, i. 237
Jazb al-Kulub ila Diyar al-Mahbub, the work so called, ii. 358, n.
Jabal, observations on the word, i. 220, n.
Jabali, the date so called, i. 401
Jeddah, slave trade at, i. 47 Price of perjury at, 47 Value of the
exports from Suez to, 178 Jews settled in, 346, n. Population of, 393,
n. Unsuccessful attempt of the Wahhabis to storm it, ii. 265, n.
Considered by the Meccans to be a perfect Gibraltar, 265 The Wakalah of
Jeddah, 266 The British Vice-Consul, Mr. Cole, 266 Different
descriptions of the town, 267, 268 The fair Corinthians at, 270 How the
time passes at Jeddah, 272
Jahaymah, tribe of Arabs, i. 145
Jamal, Amm, his advice to the pilgrim, i. 233 Reproved for his
curiosity, 243
Jamal al-Din of Isfahan, his improvements of the Prophet’s Mosque, i.
366, n.
Janabah, low development of the indigens of, ii. 77
Janazah, Darb al- (Road of Biers), at Al-Madinah, i. 395
“Jangli,” an opprobrious name applied to the English rulers of India, i. 36
Jarid, or palm-sticks, with which the houses of the Arabs were made, i.
Jazzar Pasha, i. 263
Jews, former settlements of, in Arabia, i. 345 Entirely extinct at
present, 347, n. Take refuge from Nebuchadnezzar in Arabia, 347 Towns
founded by them in Arabia, 347 Fall into idolatry, 347 Given over to
the Arabs, 347 Their power in Al-Madinah, 350 Their conspiracy against
the Prophet, 358 Their expectation of the advent of their Messiah, 358
Jibrail, Mahbat, or place of Gabriel’s Descent, i. 326, 333, n.
Jibrail, Makam (Gabriel’s Place), in the Mosque of the Prophet, i. 336
Jibrail, Bab al- (Gabriel’s Gate), i. 333
Jinn, the Masjid al- (Mosque of the Genii), at Meccah, ii. 250
Jin-seng, or China root, notice of, i. 56, n.
Jiyad, Jabal, the two hills so called, ii. 174
Jizyat, or capitation tax levied on infidels, i. 233, n.
Job, tomb of, ii. 275, n.
Journey, a day’s length of, ii. 63, n.
Jubayr, Ibn, on the position of the tombs of the Prophet and the first
two Caliphs, i. 324 Referred to, i. 399, n., ii. 40
Jubayr bin Mutin, his march to Ohod, i. 433
Jubbah, i. 17, n.
Judari, Al- (or Small-pox), indigenous to the countries bordering the
Red Sea, i. 384 Inoculation practised in Al-Madinah, i. 385 The disease
how treated, i. 385 Inoculation in Yaman, i. 385, n. Diet of the
patient, i. 385
Jumah, Bab al-, or Friday gate, of Al-Madinah, i. 391 The cemetery of
Schismatics near, 395
Jumah, the Masjid al-, near Al-Madinah, ii. 45
Jumma Masjid, of Bijapur, the third largest cathedral in the world, i.
364, n.
Jurh al-Yamani (the Yaman ulcer), i. 390
Jurham, the Benu, their mixture with the Himyaritic tribes, ii. 79
Their foundation of the sixth House of Allah, 322 Legend of their
origin, 322
Justinian, i. 202, n.

KA’AB, the Jewish priest of Al-Madinah, i. 350, n.
Ka’ab al-Ahbar (or Akhbar), poems of, i. 107, n., 146
Ka’abah (or Bayt Ullah) i. 305, 321, n. Superstitious reverence of the
Jews of Al-Madinah for, 350, n. Miraculously shown to Mohammed by the
archangel Gabriel, 361. Times of the opening [p.445] of, ii. 398
Extracts from Burckhardt’s description of, 294 Its dimensions, ii. 294
Its domes and pillars, 294 Its bad workmanship, 295 Periods of opening
it, 298 The doors of, 298 The famous Hijar al-Aswad, or Black Stone,
300 The Rukn al-Yamai, 303 Al-Ma’ajan, or place of mixing, 304 The Myzab,
or water-spout, 304 The mosaic pavement, 305 Tombs of Hagar and
Ishmael, 305 Limits of the Ka’abah, 306 Al-Mataf, or place of
circumambulation, 307 The four Makams, or stations for prayer, 307
Zemzem, or the holy well, 307 Al-Darah, or the ladder, 311 Stone on
which Abraham stood, 311 The boast that the Ka’abah is never, night nor
day, without devotees, 317, n. Legends of the Ten Houses of Allah, 319,
et seq. Proofs of the Ka’abah’s sanctity, 325 The pilgrim’s first visit to
it, 160 Legend of the Bab Benu Shaybah, 161 Ceremonies of the visit,
162, et seq. Visit of the pilgrim to, 206 Sketch of the interior of the
building, 208 Ceremony of opening, in Ibn Jubayr’s time, 209, n. Expenses
of visiting, 209 Reasons for all pilgrims not entering, 211 The first
covering of the, 212 Changes in the style and make of the Kiswah, or
curtain, 213 Inscriptions on the Kiswah, 215
Ka’aka’an, Jabal, the residence of the Benu Jurham, ii. 322
Kabirah, Al-, or lady of the house, ii. 160 Kindness of one to the
pilgrim at Meccah, 216 Her affectionate farewell of the pilgrim, 259
Kadiriyah, an order of Darwayshes, i. 14
Kaf, “to go to Kaf,” explained, i. 17, n.
Kafr al-Zajyat, i. 30
Kaid-Bey, the Mamluk Sultan of Egypt, i. 313, n. Rebuilds the Mosque of
the Prophet, 324, n., 340
“Kayf,” explanation of, i. 9 Sonnini’s description of, 9, n. Kayf on the
brink of the well at Al-Kuba, 412
Kairom and its potteries, i. 29
Kalaun, Sultan of Egypt, his improvements of the Mosque of the Prophet,
i. 366, n.
Kalka-shandi, Al-, his testimony respecting the tomb of the Prophet, i.
Kamis, or cotton shirt, of Arab Shaykhs, i. 236
Kanat (spears), of the Badawin, ii. 106
Kanisat, or Christian Church, i. 365
Kansuh al-Ghori (Campson Gaury), King of Egypt, i. 202, n.
Kara Gyuz, the amusement so called, i. 81
Karashi tribe of Arabs, i. 145
Kasr, Al-, the village of, i. 376, n.
Kaswa, Al-, the she-camel of Mohammed the Prophet, i. 354, 360, 407
Kata, or sand-goose, the (Pterocles melanogaster), i. 154
Katibs, or writers of the tomb of the Prophet, i. 371
Katirah race, its mixture with the Himyaritic tribes, ii. 79
Kaukab al-Durri, or constellation of pearls suspended to the curtain
round the Prophet’s tomb, i. 322 It[s] apparent worthlessness, 322
Plundered by the Wahhabis, 369
Kawwas, or police officer, of Egypt, i. 20
{|Kazi (Cadi), or chief judge of Al-Madinah, i. 373 Customs of the, ii.
Kerbela, battle of, ii. 40, n.
Khadijah (one of the Prophet’s fifteen wives), her burial-place, ii. 38
Khadim, or guardian, of a Mosque, i. 411 Of the tombs at Al-Bakia, ii.
Khakani, the Persian poet, quoted, ii. 162
Khalawiyah tribes of Arabs, despised by the other clans, ii. 121
Khalid Bey, brother of Abdullah bin Sa’ud, his noble qualities, ii. 272
Khalid bin Walid, i. 425 Anecdote of him, ii. 230
Khaluk, a perfume so called, i. 335
Khandak (the moat) celebrated in Arabian history, i.399
Khasafat al-Sultan, of the Mosque at Al-Madinah, i.316, n.
Khatan bin Saba, tribe of, i. 340
Khatbys, of the Mosque of the Prophet, i. 375
Khatim, Bir al-, or Kuba well, i. 382, n.
Khattabi, Al-, his opinions respecting Al-Madinah, i. 379, n.
Khatyb, or Moslem preacher, ii. 313
Khaybar, in Arabia, Israelite settlements at, i. 346, 347 The colony
entirely extinct, 347, n. Capture of, 361 Its distance from Al-Madinah,
ii. 30
Khayf, Al-, i. 262 The Mosque of, at Muna, ii. 179
Khaznadar, the treasurer of the Prophet’s tomb, i. 371
Khazraj, its mixture with the Amalikah, i. 79 Arab tribe of, 347 Its
wars with the Aus, 349 Converted by Mohammed, 352 Its plot against
Mohammed, 358
Khitbah, or betrothal in Arabia, ii. 23
Khitmahs, or persuals of the Koran on behalf of the reigning Sultan, i.
316, n.
Khubziyah, one of the orders of the Eunuchs of the Tomb, i. 371
Khudabakhsh, the Lahore shawl merchant, his profuse pilgrimages, ii.
210, n.
Khurunfish, Al-, the manufactory at which the Kiswah is now worked, ii.
Khusraw, his work on divinity, “Al Durar,” i. 106
Khutaba, the Shaykh al-, of the Prophet’s mosque, i. 374
Khutbah, or Friday Sermon of the Prophet, i. 335
Khutbat al-Wakfah (“Sermon of the Standing” upon Arafat), ii. 197
Khuzayriyah, the date so called, i. 401
Khwajah Yusuf, his adventures, i. 122
Kiblatayn, the Mosque Al-, foundation of the, ii. 44
Kichhri, the Indian food so called, i. 182, n. ii. 63
Kilis, or Christian Church, of Abrahah of Sana’a, i. 321, n.
Kiman, the relationship among the Badawin so called, ii. 313
Kiram al-Katibin (the generous writers), the personifications of man’s
good and evil principles, i. 314, n.
“Kirsh Hajar,” a sound dollar, so called by the Badawin, i. 370, n.
Kisra, goblet and mirror of, i. 365, n.
Kissing the hand, ii. 164, n.
Kiswah, or “garment” or curtain round the Prophet’s tomb, i. 321, n.
Description of a Kiswah, 322, n. Purloining the bits of, ii. 176 Notice
of, 215
Kiswah, or cover of a saint’s tomb, i. 429
Knight-errantry, Arab, ii. 95 Derivation of the word knight, 95, n.
Kohl (antimony), a pigment for the eyes, i. 381, n. Used as a remedy in
small-pox, 385
Koran, beautiful penmanship exhibited in some copies of, i. 103, n.
Intonation of, taught in Schools, 106 Expositions of, 109 Mode of
wearing the pocket Koran, 142 Precepts respecting the profession of
belief in the saving faith, 167 Texts of, respecting Moses, Abraham,
David, Solomon, and Mohammed, 212, n. The Hamail, or pocket Koran, of
pilgrims, 239 The, suspended over the head of the Prophet’s tomb, 322, n.
That of the Caliph Osman, 322, n. The Ya-Sin usually committed to
memory, 330, n. A curious one kept in the library of the Mosque of the
Prophet, 338. n. The Cufic MSS. written by Osman, the fourth Caliph, 368
Koraysh, tribe of Arabs, i. 145
Kotambul, island of, i. 376, n.
Kuba, Mosque of, i. 279, n. Gardens of, 285 Receives the Prophet, 355
Date-groves of, 381 The Kuba well, 382, n. Cool shades of Kuba, 403
Description of the village, 406 Its inhabitants, 406 History of its
Mosque, 407 Purity of the place and people of Al-Kuba, 410 The Mosque
called Masjid al-Takwa, or Mosque of Piety, 411 The Mosque of Sittna
Fatimah, 411 That of Arafat, 412 Date trees of, ii. 338
Kubar, or great men of the Mu’ezzini of Al-Madinah, i. 373
Kubbat al-Masra, at Ohod, i. 432
Kubbat al-Sanaya, or Dome of the Front Teeth, at Mount Ohod, i. 430
Kubbat al-Zayt (Dome of Oil), or Kubbat al-Shama (Dome of Candles), in
the Mosque of the Prophet, i. 337, n.
Kulsum bin Hadmah, gives refuge to Mohammed at Kuba, i. 355
Kummayah, Ibn, the infidel, i. 430
Kuraysh, legend of their foundation of the eighth House of Allah, ii.
Kurayzah, a tribe of the Benu Israel, i. 349
Kurayzah, town of, founded by the Jews, i. 347
Kurayzah, the Masjid al-, ii. 46 Extermination of the Jewish tribe of
Al-Kurayzah, 46
Kurbaj, or “Cat o’ Nine Tails,” of Egypt, i. 21
Kus Kusu, the food so called, i. 198
Kusah (scant-bearded man), ii. 14
Kusay bin Kilab, his foundation of the seventh House of Allah, ii. 322
Kuwwat Islam (strength of Islam), the building near Al-Madinah, so
called, ii. 49

LA’AB al-Barut (gunpowder play) of the Arabs, ii. 86
Labid, the poet, his description of the rainy seasons of Al-Hijaz, i.
383 His suspended poem, ii. 98 Quoted, 147
Labour, price of, at Al-Madinah, ii. 9
Lance, the Arab. See Javelin
Land-cess (Miri), not paid by the Madani, ii. 6
Lane, Mr., reference to, i. 12, n. His discovery of the frauds of the
Cairo magician, i. 388, n.
Language; difference between the Japhetic and Semitic tongues, ii. 79,
n. Resemblance between Pahlavi and Hebrew, 79, n. Traditions [p.448]
respecting the origin of Arabic, i. 344 See Arabic language
Lapidation (Rajm), punishment for adultery, ii. 19 Diabolical practice
of, in Arabia, 180 Antiquity of the custom in token of hate, 282, n.
Lapidation (Rami), ceremony of, ii. 203 The second day’s ceremony, 222
Larking, Mr. John, i. 7
Latakia tobacco, i. 65, n.
Latrinæ, not allowed in Al-Madinah, i. 65, n.
Laun, the date so called, i. 401
Law-suit, a Mohammedan, description of, i. 46
Laymun, Wady, or Al-Mazik, ii. 147 Its celebrity, 147
Legends of the House of Allah, ii. 319, et seq.
Lentils (Adas), the diet during an attack of small-pox, i. 385 Their
cheapness on the banks of the Nile, 385 Revalenta Arabica, 385, n.
Leprosy, the kind called Al-Baras only known in Al-Hijaz, i. 389
Considered incurable, 389
Levick, Henry, Esq., late Vice-Consul at Suez, i. 170 His remarks
respecting Suez, 170, et seq.
Lex scripta, strictness of everywhere in inverse ratio to that of
custom, ii. 87, n.
Libraries, decay of, in Cairo, i. 101, n. The library of the Mosque of
the Prophet, i. 338 The only object of curiosity in it, 338, n.
Lift (turnips), i. 404
Light-extinguishers, sect of, ii. 235, n.
Lisam, of Constantinople, i. 229, n. The, of the Arab Shaykhs, 235
Literature, periodical, state of, in Egypt, i. 109, n.
Litholatry, ii. 300, n.
Litter (Shugduf), description of, as used in Al-Hijaz, i. 233, n. The
mahmil, or Syrian litter, 234, n.
Locusts eaten as food by the Badawin, ii. 117 Method of cooking them,
Logic, study of, little valued in Egypt, i. 107, n. Works on logic,
107, n.
Lots, pillar of, in the Mosque of the Prophet, i. 325, n.
“Lotus eaters,” i. 405
Lubabah, Abu, column of, in the Rauzah, i. 325, n., 326, n., 336 Story
of him, 336
Lukman the Elder (of the tribe of Ad), i. 348
Lying among Orientals, ii. 211

MA’ABIDAH, AL-, or northern suburb of Meccah, ii. 153 Origin of the name,
153, n.
Ma’ajan, Al-, or place of mixing, at the Ka’abah, ii. 304 Its origin, 304,
Ma’amun, Al-, makes additions to the Mosque of the Prophet, i. 367
Mabrak al-Nakah (place of kneeling of the she-dromedary), at Al-Kuba,
i. 410
Madinah, Al-, the first Mosque erected at, i. 91 Its smallness an
annoyance to the people of, 94, n. Men of, respected by Badawin
robbers, 96, n. First view of the city of, 279 Place [p.449] whence the
city is first seen by the pilgrim, 279, n. Poetical explanations and
enthusiasm of the pilgrims, 279, 280 Distance of, from the Red Sea to,
281 View of, from the suburbs, at sunrise, 285 The scenery of the
neighbourhood, 285 The Ambari gate, 285-287 The Takiyah erected by
Mohammed Ali, 285 Fortress of, 286 Its suburb “Al-Manakhah,” 286 “The trees
of Al-Madinah,” 286 The Bab al-Misri, or Egyptian gate, 288 Good quality
of the coffee of Al-Madinah, 290, n. Coolness of the nights at
Al-Madinah, 300 Pugnacity of the horses and dogs of, 301 Account of a
visit to the Prophet’s tomb at, 304, 342 Tents of the people of
Al-Madinah compared with those of the Meccans, 306 Its Mosque compared
with that of Meccah, 307 Ludicrous views of Al-Madinah as printed in
our popular works, 341, n. Moslem account of the settlement of
Al-Madinah, 343 Destruction of the Jewish power in Al-Madinah, 349
Al-Madinah ever favourable to Mohammed, 351 The Prophet escorted to the
city, 354 Joy on his arrival, 356 Tomb of the Prophet, 359 Various
fortunes of the city, 359 Present state of the revenue of the holy
shrines of, 359 The Prophet builds his Mosque at Al-Madinah, 360 The
second Mosque erected by the Caliph Osman, 363 The Masjid erected with
magnificence by Al-Walid the Caliph, 364 The second Masjid erected by
Al-Mahdi, the Caliph, 367 Additions of Al-Ma’amun, 367 Erection of the
fifth and sixth Mosques, 368 Besieged and sacked by the Wahhabis, 369,
370 Almost all the people of, act as Muzawwirs, 374 Epithets of
Al-Madinah, 377, n. Its geographical position in Arabia, 379 All
Muharramat, or sins, forbidden within it, 379, n. Cause of its
prosperity, 380 Manner of providing water at, 381 Its climate, 382, 383
Diseases of, 384, et seq. The three divisions of the city, 391 The
gates of the town, 391 The bazar, 391 The walls, 392 The streets, 392
The Wakalahs, 392 The houses, 392 Population, 393, 393, n. The fortress
of, 394 The suburbs of Al-Madinah, 395 The Khamsah Masajid, 395 The
suburbs to the south of the city, 396 Inhabitants of the suburbs, 397
Celebrity of the dates of Al-Madinah, 400 The weights of Al-Madinah,
402, n. Cereals, vegetables, &c., of the Madinah plain, 404 The fruits
of, 404 Arrival of the Damascus Caravan, 416 The “Affair of the Ridge,” 421
Account of the people of Al-Madinah, ii. 1 The present ruling race at
Al-Madinah, 5 Privileges of the citizens, 6 Trade and commerce of, 8
Price of labour at, 9 Pride and indolence of the Madani, 9 Dearness of
provisions at, 10 Tariff of 1853, 10 The households of the Madani, 12
Their personal appearance, 13 Scarcity of animals at Al-Madinah, 16 The
manners of the Madani, 17 Their character, 19 Their marriages and
funerals, 20-24 Abundance of books at, 24 The two Madrasah or colleges,
24 The Olema of Al-Madinah, 25 Learning of the Madani not varied, 25
Their language, 26 Their apprehensions at the appearance of a comet, 28
Their cemetery of Al-Bakia, 31 The Mosques in the neighbourhood of the
city, 44-48 Vertomannus’ description of the city, 338 The four roads
leading from Al-Madinah to Meccah, 58
Madrasah (or colleges), the two of Al-Madinah, ii. 24
“M’adri,” village of, i. 245, n.
Madshuniyah, Al-, the garden of, near Al-Madinah, i. 415
Ma al-Sama, “the water, or the splendour, of heaven,” a matronymic of Amr
bin Amin, i. 348
Mafish, meaning of the term, i. 8, n.
Maghrabi pilgrims, i. 156, 187 Their treachery, 156 Observations on the
word and on words derived from it, 187, n. Habits and manners of the
Maghrabis, 190, 191 Their bad character, 191 Frays with them on board,
191, 192 Their dislike to tobacco, 194, n. Their repentance of their
misdeeds, 198 Their guttural dialect, 198, n. Their efforts to get the
ship off the sand, 201 Return of their surliness, 203 Their desire to
do a little fighting for the faith, 206 Effect of a strange place on
them, 252, n.
Mahamid, a sub-family of the Benu-Harb, i. 256
Mahar, Marsa (Maliar anchorage), i. 220
Mahattah Ghurab (Station of Ravens), halt at, ii. 66
Mahdi, Al-, the Caliph, erects the fourth Mosque of Al-Madinah, i. 367
His additions to the House of Allah, ii. 324 His enlargement of the
Mosque at Meccah, 296
Mahjar, or stony ground, ii. 70
Mahmil, the Sultan’s, turned back by robbers in Arabia, i. 257 Its
appearance in the Caravan, ii. 65 Place of the Egyptian and Damascus
Mahmils during the sermon on Arafat, 194
Mahmud, the late Sultan, his dream, i. 12
Mahmudiyah Canal, i. 29 Barrenness of its shores, i. 29
Mahmudiyah College, at Al-Madinah, ii. 24
Mahr, or sum settled upon the bride before marriage, ii. 23 Average
amount of such sums, 23, n.
Mahrah, the indigens of, ii. 77 Their low development, 77
Majarr al-Kabsh (Dragging-place of the Ram), notice of, ii. 219
Majidi Riwak, or arcade of the Sultan Abd al-Majid at Al-Madinah, i. 308
Makam Ibrahim, at Meccah, ii. 311
Makam Jibrail (place of Gabriel), at the Ka’abah, ii. 304, n.
Makan al-Ayat (place of signs), at the Mosque of Kuba, i. 410
Makams, the four, or stations for prayer, at the Ka’abah, ii. 313
Maksurah, or railing round a cenotaph, i. 314, n.
Malabar, Suez trade in the pepper of, i. 179
Malaikah, or the Angels, at Al-Madinah, i. 326 Prayer at the, i. 326
Malakayn, Al- (the two Angels), personifications of the good and evil
principles of man’s nature, i. 314, n.
Malbus (religious frenzy), a case of, at Meccah, ii. 175
Malik, the Imam, i. 305, n. His followers, 306, 311, n. Few of them in
his own city, 373, n. His strictness respecting Al-Madinah, 379, n.
School of, reference to, 373, n. Mufti of, at Al-Madinah, 373 Its
station for prayer at the Ka’abah, ii. 308
Malik ibn Anas, Imam, his tomb, ii. 38
Malta, i. 7 The Maltese regarded with contempt by Egyptians, 111
Mambar, or pulpit of the Prophet’s Mosque, i. 310 Origin of, 362 Various
forms of, 362, n. The Mosque of Meccah, ii. 313
Manakhah, Al-, the suburb of Al-Madinah, i. 286 The Harat or Quarter,
Al-Ambariyah, 288 Omitted in our popular representations of the city,
341 Population of, 393
Mandal, its celebrity in Europe owing to Mr. Lane, i. 12, n., ii. 175
Mandeville, Sir John, his opinion of the Badawin, i. 147 His remarks on
the word Saracen, 187, n. Reference to, 286, n.
Manners, Oriental, compared with European, i. 6 Manners of Eastern
officials, 27
Mansur, the camel-man, i. 262 Bullied by Mohammed Al-Basyuni, i. 277
Marble, white (Rukham), of Meccah, ii. 295, n.
March, distance of a, ii. 63, n. The Sariyah on night march, 67
Mareb, dyke of, i. 348 Accounts of its bursting, 348, n. The ruins
visited by a late traveller, 348 n.
Mariyah, the Coptic girl of Mohammed, house of, i. 362, n. The infant
son Ibrahim, ii. 37 Jealousy of Ayishah of her, 47, n.
Maryam, Al-Sitt (the Lady Mary), i. 243, 264, 271. Affection of her
younger son, 287
Markets of Al-Madinah, i. 391
Marriage, an Armenian, i. 123 An Arab, ii. 23 The Kitbah, or betrothal,
23 The Mahr, or sum settled upon the bride, 23 The marriage ceremony, 23
Martineau, Miss, her strictures on the harim, ii. 91
Martyrs, in Moslem law, not supposed to be dead, i. 339, n.
Martyrs of Mount Ohod, i. 328 Of Al-Bakia, 328, n. Visitation to the,
of Mount Ohod, 419
Marwah, meaning of the word, ii. 244, n. Ceremonies at, 245, 246
Marwan, Al-, governor of Al-Madinah, i. 381 Removes Osman’s grave-stones,
ii. 32
Mas’hab, or stick for guiding camels, i. 237
Mas’ad, the Benu (a Jewish tribe), in Arabia, i. 347, n.
Masajid, Khamsah, of the suburb of Al-Madinah, i. 395
Mashali, the Madani children’s bodies marked with, ii. 13
Mashals (lights carried on poles), ii. 132, 382 The Pasha’s mashals 132,
Mashar al-Harim (place dedicated to Religious Ceremonies), at Muna ii.
Mashrabah Umm Ibrahim, the Masjid, ii. 46
Mashrabiyah, or famous carved latticed window of Cairo, i. 35, 99, n.
Masjid, a place of prayer, i. 97, n.
Masjid al-Jum’ah, i. 356
Maskat, i. 3 Importation of slaves into, ii. 13, n. The ancient Caravan
from Maskat to Al-Madinah, 29, n.
Masruh tribe of Arabs, ii. 120 Its subdivision, ii. 120
Mastabah, of the shops in Cairo, i. 68
Mastabah, or stone bench before the Mosque of Al Kuba, i. 409
Mastich-smoke, the perfume, i. 298 Arab prejudice against the fumes of
gum, i. 298, n.
Mas’ud, of the Rahlah, engaged for the journey to Meccah, ii. 52, 59, 67,
70 Heavy charges for watering his camels, 129 His dislike of the
Shamar, 134 His quarrel with an old Arnaut, 136 His skill in steering.
the Desert-craft, 144 His disgust at the dirt of the Meccans, ii. 190
Maula Ali, leader of the Maghrabis, i. 191
Maulid al-Nabi, or the Prophet’s birthplace, ii. 254
Maulid Hamzah, or birthplace of Hamzah, at Meccah, ii. 254
Maundrell, his error respecting the curtain round the Prophet’s tomb, i.
321, n.
Mauza al-Khatt (place of writing) at Meccah, ii. 250
Mawali, or clients of the Arabs, ii. 349
Mayda, Al-, or the Table, in the Mosque at Al-Madinah, i. 316, n.
Maysunah, the Badawi wife of the Caliph Mu’awiyah, ii. 190 The beautiful
song of, 190 Her son Yazid, 191, n.
Mazdak, the Persian communist, ii. 3, n.
Mazghal (or matras), long loopholes in the walls of Al-Madinah, i. 392
Mazik, Al-. (See Laymun, Wady)
Measures of length, Arab, ii. 63
Meccah, remnants of heathenry in, i. 4 Visit of M. Bertolucci to, 5, n.
And of Dr. George Wallin, 5, n. “Tawaf,” or circumambulation of the House
of Allah at, 305 Its Mosque compared with that of Al-Madinah, 306, 359,
n. Pride of the Meccans of their temple, 359, n. A model to the world
of Al-Islam, 360 Population of, 393, n. Vertomannus’ description of the
city, ii. 345 Pitts’s account of, 365, et seq. Finati’s adventures at, 393
The four roads leading from Al-Madinah to Meccah, 58 The Sharif of
Meccah, Abd al-Muttalib bin Ghalib, i. 259, ii. 150 The Saniyat Kuda’a,
near, 152 The old gates of the city, 152, n. The Sharif’s palace at, 152
The haunted house of the Sharif bin Aun at, 153 The Jana’at al-Ma’ala, or
cemetery of Meccah, 153 The Afghan and Syrian quarters, 153 Extracts
from Burckhardt’s description of the Bayt Ullah, or Ka’abah, 294, et seq.
The gates of the Mosque, 316 Expenses during “season” at Meccah, 317
Description of a house at Meccah, 171 Resemblance of the city to Bath
or Florence, 173 Admirable linguistic acquirements of the Meccans, 223
Life at Meccah, 227 The city modern, 229 Character of the Meccans, 232
Immorality of, 233 Appearance of the Meccans, 233 Their “beauty-masks,” 233
Their pride and coarseness, 235 Good points in their character, 237
Dangers of visiting Meccah, 239 Places of pious visitation at Meccah,
Medicine, Oriental practice of, i. 12, 13 The chronothermal practice,
13, n. Experiences respecting the medicine-chest, 26 Asiatic and
European doctors contrasted, 50 A medical man’s visit in the East, 52
Amount of a doctor’s fee, 53 Asiatic medical treatment, 54 A
prescription, 55 Method of securing prescriptions against alteration,
57 Medical practitioners in Cairo, 57 Inefficiency of European
treatment in the East, 57 Superstitious influences of climate, 58
Description of a druggist’s shop, 67, 68
Meerschaum pipe, i. 144, n.
Melancholia, frequent among the Arabs, i. 299, n. Probable cause of it,
299, n.
Mihrab al-Nabawi, or place of prayer, i. 310 Origin of, 361, n., 364,
n. The Mihrab Sulamanyi of the Prophet’s Mosque, i. 310
Milk, laban, both in Arabic and Hebrew, i. 246 Food made by Easterns
from milk, 246 Milkseller, an opprobrious and disgraceful term, 246 The
milk-balls of the Badawin, ii. 117 The Kurut of Sind and the Kashk of
Persia, 117, n. Method of making, 117, n.
Mimosa, compared by poetic Arabs to the false friend, i. 276
Minarets, the five, of the Mosque of the Prophet, i. 333 Invention of,
334, n. Origin of the minaret, 361, n., 364 The erection of the four,
of the Mosque of the Prophet, 366, ii. 318, n. Dangers of looking out
from a minaret window, 318, n.
Mir of Shiraz, the calligrapher, i. 104, n.
Mirba’at al-Bayr, “place of the beast of burden,” in the Mosque of the
Prophet, i. 336
Mirbad, or place where dates are dried, i. 360
Mirage, ii. 72 Beasts never deceived by, 72
Mirayat (magic mirrors), used for the cure of bilious complaints, i.
387 Antiquity of the Invention, 387, n. The magic mirrors of various
countries, 387, n. The Cairo magician, 388, n. Mr. Lane’s discovery, 388,
n. Sir Gardner Wilkinson’s remarks respecting, 388, n.
Miri, or land-cess, not paid by the Madani, ii. 6
Mirror, the Magic, i. 12 See Mirayat
Mirza, meaning of, i. 14, n.
Mirza Husayn, “Consul-General” at Cairo, i. 86
Misri, Bab al-, or Egyptian gate, of Al-Madinah, i. 391
Misri pomegranates of Al-Madinah, i. 405
Misriyah, the opprobrious term, i. 175
Miyan, or “Sir,” a name applied to Indian Moslems, i. 232
Miyan Khudabakhsh Namdar, the shawl merchant, i. 35
Moat, battle of the, ii. 44, n., 47
Mohammed Abu See Mohammed. His mandate for the destruction of the
diseased population of Al-Yaman, i. 390
Mohammed Ali Pasha, his improvements in the Greek quarter of Cairo, i.
81, n. His mosque, 84, 99 His establishment of a newspaper in Egypt,
109, n. His wise regulations for insuring the safety of travelling
across the Desert, 136 His expedition to Al-Hijaz, 177 His
strong-handed despotism capable of purging Al-Hijaz of its pests, 258
The “Takiyah” erected by him at Al-Madinah, i. 285 Purchases all the Wakf
in Egypt, 359, n. His introduction of professed poisoners from Europe,
ii. 86, n. His defeat of the Wahhabis at the battle of Bissel, 89, n.
Mohammed bin Aun, (quondam prince of Meccah), his palaces, ii. 252, 266
His imprisonment at Constantinople, 253 His history, 253, n.
Mohammed at-Attar, the druggist, i. 67 Description of his shop, 67 His
manners, 69 His sayings and sarcastic remarks, 71-73
Mohammed al-Bakir, the Imam, tomb of, ii. 40, n.
Mohammed Al-Basyuni, account of, i. 123 Starts for Suez, 124 Meets the
author in the Desert near Suez, 151 His boundless joy, 151 His
treatment of the Badawin, 152 His usefulness at Suez, 159 His savoir
faire, 160 His joke, 176 Promises to conduct the devotions of the
Maghrabis at Meccah, 199 Change in his conduct at Yambu’, 232 His quarrel
with the Badawin, 256 And with the Madinites, 271 Bears the brunt of
the ill-feeling of the pilgrims, 276 Bullies the camel-men, 277
Downcast and ashamed of himself in his rags at Al-Madinah, 290 Made
smart, 294 Confounded by a Persian lady, 303 Distributes the pilgrim’s
alms in the Mosque at Al-Madinah, 312 Takes a pride in being profuse,
331 Accompanies the pilgrim to the Mosque of Kuba, 398 His economy at
Al-Madinah, 411 His indecorous conduct, 431 His fondness for clarified
butter, ii. 12, 67 His adventures in search of water on the march to
Meccah, 66 Mounts a camel, 130 But returns tired and hungry, 135 His
house at Meccah, 153 His welcome home, 159 Becomes the host of the
pilgrim, 159 His introduction of hard words into his prayers, 168 His
resolution to be grand, 184 His accident at the Great Devil, 204
Conducts the pilgrim round the Ka’abah, 206 His sneers at his mother, 216
His taunts of Shaykh Nur, 218 Receives a beating at Jeddah, 270 Departs
from the pilgrim with coolness, 271
Mohammed Al-Busiri, the Wali of Alexandria, tomb of, i. 12
Mohammed Ibn Abdillah Al-Sannusi, his extensive collection of books,
ii. 24 Celebrated as an Alim, or sage, 24, n. His peculiar dogma, 25
Kindness of Abbas Pasha to him, 25, n. His followers and disciples, 25,
Mohammed Jamal al-Layl, his extensive collection of books, ii. 24
Mohammed Khalifah, keeper of the Mosque of Hamzah, i. 427
Mohammed Kuba, founder of the first Mosque in Al-Islam, i. 91
Mohammed of Abusir, the poet, works of, i. 107, n.
Mohammed Shafi’a, his swindlings, i. 46 His lawsuit, 46
Mohammed Shiklibha, i. 165
Mohammed the Prophet, his traditionary works studied in Egypt, i. 106
His cloak, 146 The moon and Al-Burak subjected to, 212 The “Badr,” the
scene of his principal military exploits, 260, 274, n. Gives the
Shuhada the name of the “Sejasaj,” and prophecies its future honours, 274,
n. His attack of Abu Sufiyan, and the Infidels, 275, n. Distant view of
his tomb at Al-Madinah, 286 His recommendation of the Kaylulah, or
mid-day siesta, 299 Account of a visit to his Mosque at Al-Madinah, 304
A Hadis, or traditional saying of, 305 His tomb, how regarded by the
orthodox followers of Al-Malik and the Wahhabis, 306 Al-Rauzah, or the
Prophet’s garden, 308 His pulpit at Al-Madinah, 310 Efficacy ascribed to
the act of blessing the Prophet, 313 Enjoins his followers to visit
graveyards, 314, n. The Shubak al-Nabi, or Prophet’s window, 316 The
Prophet, how regarded as an intercessor, 318 His prayers for the
conversion of Omar, 320 The Kiswah round his tomb, 321, n. The exact
place of the tomb, 322 The Kaukab al-Durri, suspended to the Kiswah,
322 The tomb and coffin, 323 Position of the body, 324 Story of the
suspended coffin, 325, n. [p.455] Reasons for doubting that his remains
are deposited in the Mosque at Al-Madinah, 339 His ancestors preserved
from the Yamanian deluge, 348 Doubts respecting his Ishmaelitic
descent, 350, n ii. 76, n. Finds favour at Al-Madinah, i. 351 Tombs of
his father and mother, 351, n. Meets his new converts on the steep near
Muna, 352 Receives the inspired tidings that Al-Madinah was his
predestined asylum, 354 Escorted to Al-Madinah, 354 His she-camel,
Al-Kaswa, 354, 355 His halt near the site of the present Masjid
al-Juma, 356 Joy on his arrival at Al-Madinah, 356 His stay at the
house of Abu Ayyub, 357 Builds dwellings for his family, 357 The
conspiracy of the “Hypocrites,” 358 The prophet builds the Mosque, 360
Abode of his wives, family, and principal friends, 363 Place of his
death and burial, 363 Attempt to steal his body, 367 His Mosque in the
suburb of Al-Manakhah at Al-Madinah, 395 Foundation of the Mosque of
Al-Kuba, 407 His “Kayf” on the brink of the well at Al-Kuba, 412 His
miraculous authority over animals, vegetables, &c., 422 His battle with
Abu Sufiyan on Mount Ohod, 423, 425 Anecdote of the origin of his
Benediction of Al-Bakia, ii. 34, n. Tombs of his wives, 38 And of his
daughters, 38 Origin of his surname of Al-Amin, the Honest; 323 His
tradition concerning the fall of his birth-place, 231 The Prophet’s old
house (Bayt al-Nabi) at Meccah, 251 The birth-place of the Prophet, 254
Momiya (mummy), medicinal qualities attributed to, ii. 344
Monday, an auspicious day to Al-Islam, i. 355
Money, the proper method of carrying in the East, i. 25, 25, n. Value
of the Turkish paper money in Al-Hijaz, 393, n. Value of the piastre,
the Turkish parah, the Egyptian faddah, and the Hijazi diwani, ii. 11,
n. Of Al-Hijaz, 111, n. The Sarraf, or money-changer, 235
Monteith, General, i. 1
Moon, the crescent, ii. 71
Moonlight, evil effects of the Arab belief in, i. 154
Moor, derivation of the name, i. 187
Moplah race, foundation of, i. 344, n.
Moresby’s Survey, i. 215, n.
Mosaic pavement of the Ka’abah, ii. 305
Moses’ Wells (Uyun Musa), at Suez, i. 158, n., 195 Visit to the, ii. 203
Hot baths of, 203 His “great tallness,” according to Moslem legends, i. 204
“Moses’ Stones,” the bitumen so called, 204, n. His pilgrimage to Meccah, 345
Inters his brother Aaron on Mount Ohod, 346 His tomb, ii. 275, n.
“Moskow,” the common name of the Russians in Egypt and in Al-Hijaz, i. 292
Mosque, the origin of, i. 90 Form and plan of, 91, 92 Erection of the
first Mosque in Al-Islam, 91 First appearance of the cupola and niche,
92 Varied forms of places of worship, 92 Byzantine combined with
Arabesque, 93 Use of colours, 94 Statuary and pictures forbidden in
Mosques, 94 The Meccan Mosque a model to the world of Al-Islam, 95
Immense number of Mosques at Cairo, 96 Europeans not excluded from
[p.456] Mosques, 96 The Jami Taylun, 96 The Mosque of the Sultan
Al-Hakim, 97 The Azhar and Hasanayn Mosques, 97 That of Sultan Hasan,
98 Of Kaid Bey and the other Mamluk Kings, 98 The modern Mosques, 98
That of Sittna Zaynab, 98 Mohammed Ali’s “Folly,” 98 The Al-Azhar Mosque, 100
Mode of entering the sacred building, 100 Details of the Al-Azhar, 100
Scene in it, 101 The Riwaks, 101 The collegiate Mosque of Cairo, 102
Mosque of Al-Shafe’i, 106, n. The Mosques of Suez, 173 The Mosques of Zu’l
Halifah, i. 279 Account of a visit to the Prophet’s, 304, 342 The Masjid
al-Nabawi, one of the two sanctuaries, 304 The Masjid al-Harim at
Meccah, 305 The Masjid al-Aksa at Jerusalem, 305 How to visit the
Prophet’s, 305 Ziyarat, or visitation, 305 Points to be avoided in
visiting the Prophet’s, 305 Comparison between the Al-Madinah and Meccah
Mosques, 306 Description of the Masjid al-Nabi, 307 Burnt by lightning
and rebuilt by Kaid Bey, 324, n. The gates of the Mosque, 322, 323 The
five minarets of the Mosque, 333 The four porches of the Mosque, 334
The celebrated pillars, 335 The garden of our Lady Fatimah in the
hypæthral court, 337 Gardens not uncommon in Mosques, 337 The pilgrim
makes a ground-plan of the Prophet’s Mosque, 341, n. The Prophet’s Mosque
built, 360 The second Masjid erected by Osman, 363 The Masjid erected
with magnificence by the Caliph al-Walid, 365 Various improvements in
the, 366 Burnt by fire and by lightning, 366 The fourth Mosque of
Al-Madinah erected by the Caliph Al-Mahdi, 367 Additions of Al-Ma’amun,
367 Erection of the fifth and sixth Mosques, 367, 368 The treasures of
the tomb stolen by the Wahhabis, 369 The “sacred vessels” repurchased from
the Wahhabis, 370 The various officers of the Mosque, 371 The executive
and menial establishment of the Prophet’s Mosque, 373 Revenue of the
Prophet’s Mosque, 374 Pensioners of the, 375 Description of the Prophet’s
Mosque at Al-Manakhah, 395 History of the Mosque of Al-Kuba, 407 The
Mosque of Sittna Fatimah at Al-Kuba, 411 The Masjid Arafat at Al-Kuba,
412 Hamzah’s Mosque, 426 The Mosques in the neighbourhood of Al-Madinah,
ii. 44-49 The former Masjid al-Ijabah at Meccah, 153 Description of the
Mosque at Meccah, 294, et seq. The mosque Al-Khayf at Muna, 180 The
Mosque Muzdalifah, 181 The Masjid al-Jinn, 250
Mother-of-pearl, brought from the Red Sea, i. 179
Mothers of the Moslems, (the Prophet’s wives), i. 328, n.
“Mountains of Paradise,” i. 222
Mourning forbidden to Moslems, ii. 16 Mourning dress of the women, ii.
MSS. “bequeathed to God Almighty,” i. 101, n.
Mu’awiyah, Al-, Caliph, i. 258, n. His Badawi wife Maysunah, ii. 190 His
son Yazid, 191, n.
Muballighs, or clerks of the Mosque, i. 311, n.
Mubariz, or single combatant of Arab chivalrous times, i. 302
Mudarrisin, or professors, of the Prophet’s Mosque, i. 375
Mudir, or chief treasurer, of the Prophet’s Mosque, i. 337
Mu’ezzin, i. 78, 84 The Prophet’s, 334 The Ruasa, or chief of the, 334
Mu’ezzins, of Al-Madinah, 373 Reasons for preferring blind men for
Mu’ezzins, ii. 318, n.
Muftis, the three, of Al-Madinah, i. 373
Muhafiz, or Egyptian governor, i. 19
Muhajirin, or Fugitives, from Meccah, i. 360
Muhallabah, the dish so called, i. 79
Muharramat, or sins, forbidden within the sanctuary of the Prophet, i.
379, n.
Mujawirin, or settlers in Al-Madinah, i. 375
Mujrim (the Sinful), the pilgrim’s friendship with him, ii. 29
Mujtaba, Al- (the Accepted), a title of the Prophet, ii. 37, n.
Mukabbariyah, of the Mosque, i. 311
Mukuddas, Bayt al- (Jerusalem), prostrations at, i. 408
Mukarinah, Al- (the uniting), the pilgrimage so called, ii. 280
Mukhallak, Al-, the pillar in the Mosque of the Prophet so called, i.
Mukattum, Jabal, i. 58
Mules, despised by the Badawin, i. 304 Not to be found at Al-Madinah,
ii. 17
Multazem, Al-, the place of prayer in the Ka’abah so called, ii. 299, n.
Mulukhiyah (Corchoris olitorus), a mucilaginous spinach, i. 404
Muna, place of meeting of the new converts with the Prophet, i. 353
Sanctity of, ii. 179, 180 Derivation of the name, 180, n. The pebbles
thrown at the Devil at, 180, n The Mosque Al-Khayf, 180 Sacrifices at,
217, 218 A storm at, 218 Coffee-houses of, 222 Its pestilential air, 224
Munafikun, or “Hypocrites,” conspiracy of the, i. 358
Munar Bab al-Salam, of the Mosque of the Prophet, i. 332 Munar Bab
al-Rahmah, 333 The Sulaymaniyah Munar, 333 Munar Raisiyah, 334
Murad Bey, the Mamluk, i. 98
Murad Khan, the Sultan, his improvements in the building of the House
of Allah, ii. 324
Murchison, Sir Roderick, i. 1
Murshid, meaning of the term, i. 14 Specimen of a murshid’s diploma, ii.
Musab bin Umayr, missionary from the Prophet to Al-Madinah, i. 352
Musafahah (shaking hands), Arab fashion of, ii. 52
Musahhal, village of, i. 245
Musalla al-Id, the Mosque of Ali at Al-Madinah, i. 395
Musalla al-Nabi (Prophet’s place of prayer), in the Mosque of Al-Madinah,
i. 395, 409
Musannam, or raised graves, of the Badawin, i. 430
Music and musical instruments, of the Badawin, i. 145, ii. 107 Of
Southern Arabia, remarks on, and on the music of the East, 223, n.
Musket-balls, Albanian method of rifling, i. 267, n.
Muslim bin Akbah al-Marai, his defeat of the Madani, i. 421, n.
Mustachios, clipped short by the Shafe’i school, ii. 53
Mustafa, Al- (the Chosen), a title of the Prophet, ii. 37, n.
Musattah, or level graves, of the Badawin, i. 430
Mustarah, or resting-place, on Mount Ohod, i. 424
Mustasim, Al-, last Caliph of Baghdad, his assistance in completing the
fifth Mosque of the Prophet, i. 368
Mustaslim, or chief of the writers of the tomb of the Prophet, i. 371
Mustazi b’illah, Al-, the Caliph, i. 366, n.
Mutamid, Al-, the Caliph, his additions to the House of Allah, ii. 324
Mutanabbi, Al-, the poet, i. 107, n. His chivalry, ii. 96 Admiration of
the Arabs for his works, 97
Mu’tasim, Al-, the Caliph, his chivalry, ii. 96
Mutazid, Al-, the Caliph, his additions to the House of Allah, ii. 324
Muttaka, Al-, legend of the stone at Meccah so called, ii. 254
Muwajihat al-Sharifah, or “Holy Fronting,” in the Prophet’s Mosque, i. 309
Muzaykayh, Al-, a surname of Amir bin Amin, i. 348
Myzab (water-spout), of the Ka’abah, ii. 304 Generally called Myzab
al-Rahmah, 304, n.
Muzaynah tribe of Arabs, i. 145 Its antiquity and nobility, 145 Its
purely Arab blood, 146
Muzdalifah (the approacher), the Mosque so called, ii. 181
“Muzzawir,” or conductor of the pilgrim to the Prophet’s tomb, i. 305 Almost
all the Madinites act as, 374 Importance of, 374

NABAWI, the Mihrab al-, in the Mosque of the Prophet, i. 335
Nabi, Bir al-, at Kuba, i. 414, n.
Nabi, Masjid al-, description of, i. 307
Nabi, the Masjid al-, or the Prophet’s Mosque at Al-Madinah, built by
Mohammed, i. 360
Nabi, the Shubak al-, or Prophet’s window, i. 316
Nabi Bir al-, or the Prophet’s well, i. 338 Superstitions respecting, 338
Nafi Maula, Al- (Imam Nafi al-Kari), son of Omar, tomb of, ii. 38
Nafil, the Hijazi, his pollution of the Kilis, or Christian Church, i.
321, n.
Nafr, Al- (the Flight), from Muna to Meccah, ii. 206
Nahl, Al-, visit to, i. 11
Nahw (syntax), study of, in schools, i. 104
Naib al-Harim, or vice-intendant of the Mosque of Meccah, ii. 319
Najjar, Benu, i. 357 Meaning of the name, 357, n.
Nakb, the valley of, i. 279, n.
“Nakh, to,” the camels, i. 244
Nakhawilah, the race of heretics so called, at Al-Madinah; ii. 1 Their
principles, 2
Nakhil (or palm plantations), of Al-Madinah, i. 399
“Nakhwali,” i. 403
Nakib, or assistant Mustaslim of the tomb of the Prophet, i. 372
Nakil, or apostles, of the Prophet, i. 353. n.
Namrud (Nimrod), dispersion under him, i. 343
Nassar, Shaykh, the Badawi of Tur, i, 141, et seq. His finesse, 153
Nasur, or ulcer of Al-Hijaz. See Ulcer
Natak al-Nabi, at Meccah, origin of, ii. 253
Nazir, a tribe of the Benu Israel, i. 349
Nebek, the fruit of a palm-tree so called, i. 337
Nebek, or jujube tree, of Al-Madinah, i. 404 Supposed to have been the
thorn which crowned our Saviour’s head, 405, n.
Nebuchadnezzar (Bukht al-Nasr), invasion of, i. 347
Nijd, i. 266, n. Its choice horses and camels, 266, n. The greatest
breeding country in Arabia, 266, n. View of the ground of, 285
Excellence of the dates of, 383 The Nijdi tribes of Badawin, their
temperament, ii. 78
Newspaper, establishment of a, in Egypt, i. 109, n.
Niebuhr, his remarks on the Sinaitic Arabs referred to, i. 147 His
description of the Oriental sandal, 236 Reference to, 265, n., 385, n.
His incorrect hearsay description of the Prophet’s tomb, 323, n.
Night journey in Arabia, description of, ii. 132
Nile, steamboat of the, i. 29 Description of, 29 The Barrage bridge, 30
Objects seen on the banks of the, 31 Compared with Sind, 31
Nimrah, Masjid, or Mosque without the minaret, ii. 181
Nisa, the Bab al-, or women’s gate, at Al-Madinah, i. 308
Niyat, in Moslem devotions, i. 76 In the visitation of the Mosque of
Al-Kuba, 409 Repeated when approaching Meccah, ii. 139
Niyat, or the running, at the Little Pilgrimage, ii. 244
Nizam, or Turkish infantry, i. 226
Noachians, in Arabia, ii. 77 Their many local varieties, 78, n.
Noah, account of Ibn Abbas respecting the settlement of his family, i.
Nolan, Captain, reference to his work on Cavalry, i. 263
Nullah, the Indian, identical with the Fiumara of Arabia, i. 3, 4
Nur al-Din, al-Malik al-Adil, i. 367
Nur al-Din Shahid Mahmud bin Zangi, the Sultan, i. 367
Nur, Jabal, anciently Hira, ii. 398, n. Its celebrity, ii. 179
Nur, Shaykh, sensation caused by his appearance in the streets of
Cairo, i. 126 His defection, 159 His return, 161 His fishing tackle,
198 His dirty appearance at Al-Madinah, 290 His improved aspect, 294
Enraptured with Al-Madinah, ii. 5 His preparations for leaving
Al-Madinah, 51 His ride in the shugduf of Ali bin Ya Sin, ii. 126
Accompanies the pilgrim to the Ka’abah, 172 Becomes now Haji Nur, 260 His
quarrel with Mohammed al-Basyuni, 271

OASES, the, i. 149 Derivation of the word, 149, n. Vulgar idea of an
oasis, 150, n. Love of the Badawin for them, 150, n.
Officials, Asiatic, how to treat, i. 20 Habits and manners of, 27
Ogilvie, Mr., English Consul at Jeddah, shot at for amusement by
Albanian soldiers, i. 133
Ohod, Jabal (Mount Ohod), i. 279, n., 285 Prayer in honour of the
martyrs of, 328 Grave of Aaron on, 346 Its distance from Al-Madinah,
379 Winter on, 382 Visitation to the martyrs of, 419 The Prophet’s
declaration concerning it, 421 Supposed to be one of the-four hills of
Paradise, 421, n. Meaning of the word, 422, n. Causes of its present
reputation, 423 Its springs, 423, n. The Mustarah or resting-place, 424
The Fiumara of, 424 Its distance from Al-Madinah, 425 Its appalling
look, 425
Olema, their regulation respecting the prostration prayer, ii. 312
Their opinion respecting the death of Moslem saints, &c., 340, n. One
of the five orders of pensioners at the prophet’s Mosques, 375
Omar, the Caliph. His window in the Prophet’s Mosque, i. 316 Benediction
bestowed on him, 320 His tomb, 325 His Mosque at Jerusalem, 325, n.
Sent forward by the Prophet to Al-Madinah, 354 Improves the Masjid at
Al-Madinah, 363 Supplies the town of Al-Madinah with water, 381 Mosque
of, at Al-Madinah, 395 His respect for the Mosque at Al-Kuba, 408 His
tomb defiled by all Persians who can do so, 431, 435 His murderer
Fayruz, 435
Omar Bin Abd al-Aziz, governor of Al-Madinah, i. 327, n.
Omar Effendi, his personal appearance, i. 161 His character, 161 His
part in the fray on board the ship, 192 Effects of a thirty-six hours’
sail on him, 209 His brothers at Yambu’, 230 His alarm at the Hazimi
tribe, 231 Takes leave of Yambu’, 241 His rank in the camel file, 243 His
arrival at Al-Madinah, 281 His house in Al-Barr, 297 His intimacy with
the pilgrim, 300 His gift of a piece of a Kiswah to the pilgrim, 322,
n. His account of the various offices of the Mosque of the Prophet, 311
His share of the pensions of the Mosque, 375 Accompanies the pilgrim to
Ohod, 419 Bids him adieu, ii. 54 His brothers the shopkeepers of
Al-Madinah, 8, n. Runs away from his father at Jeddah, 270 Caught and
brought back, 271
Omar ibn Fariz, poems of, i. 107, n.
Onayn, the Masjid, near Al-Madinah, ii. 49
Onions, leeks, and garlic, disliked by the Prophet, i. 357 Abominable
in the opinion of the Wahhabis, 357, n.
Ophthalmia in Egypt, i. 181 Rarity of, in Arabia, 385 Allusions of
Herodotus to, 385, n. An ancient affliction in Egypt, 385, n. A scourge
in Modern Egypt, 386, n. Origin and progress of the disease, 386, n.
Practices of Europeans to prevent, 386, n. Remedies of the author, 387,
n. Errors of native practitioners, 387, n.
Orientals, their repugnance to, and contempt for, Europeans, i. 110
Discipline among, must be based on fear, 212 Effect of a strange place
on them generally, 232, n.
Osman Effendi, the Scotchman, i. 388, n.
Osman, the Caliph, his Cufic Koran, ii. 322, n. His wish to be buried,
near the Prophet, 325 Prayers for, 328 The niche Mihrab Osman, 330
Assists in building the Prophet’s Mosque, 361 Builds the second Mosque at
Al-Madinah, 363 Enlarges the Mosque of Al-Kuba, 408 Loses the Prophet’s
seal ring, 413 His troubles, 413, n. Visit to his tomb at Al-Bakia, ii.
32 His funeral, 35 His two wives, the daughters of the Prophet, 36, n.
Osman, the Pasha, the present principal officer of the Mosque at
Al-Madinah, ii. 371
Osman, Bab, i. 361
Osman bin Mazun, his burial-place, ii. 32
Ostriches, found in Al-Hijaz, ii. 106, n. Arab superstition respecting
them, 106, n.
Ovington, reference to, i. 281, n.
Oxymel. See Sikanjabin
PALM-GROVE, of Al-Madinah, i. 360
Palm-trees, venerable, of the hypæthral court of the Prophet’s Mosque, i.
337 Extensive plantations of, in the suburbs of Al-Madinah, 397
Loveliness of the palm-plantations of Al-Madinah, 399 Celebrity of its
dates, 400 The time of masculation of the palms, 403 The Daum or Theban
palm, ii. 62
Parah, value of the Turkish coin so called ii. 11, n.
“Paradise, Mountains of,” i. 222, ii. 274, n.
Parasang, the Oriental, in the days of Pliny, and at the present day,
ii. 343, n.
Pashin valley, inhabitants of, i. 246, n.
Pass, Arabic terms for a, ii. 61
Passports in Egypt (Tazkirah) inconveniences of, i. 19 Sir G. Wilkinson’s
observations on, 18, n. Adventures in search of one, 19 British,
carelessness in distributing, in the East, 46 Difficulty of obtaining
one in Egypt, 127, et seq.
“Path” (Tarakat) to heaven, i. 15
Pathan (Afghan), the term, i. 45
Paul’s, St., in London, the fourth largest cathedral in the world, i.
364, n.
Pebbles of the accepted, ii. 180, n.
Pensioners, orders of, at the Prophet’s Mosque, i. 375
Perceval, M.C. de, reference to, i. 275, n. His account of Amlak, 343,
n. His remarks on the title “Arkam,” 345, n. Quoted, 347, n., 350, n.
Referred to, 353, n., 354, n., 384, n., 399, n.
Perfumed pillar, in the Mosque of the Prophet, i. 335
Perfumes, of the Zair, i. 309, n.
Perjury, price of, at Jeddah, i. 47
Persia, tobacco and pipes of, i. 179
Persian Pilgrims, a disagreeable race, i. 205 They decline a challenge
of the orthodox pilgrims, 222 Persecutions they suffer in Al-Hijaz,
232, n. Luxuriance of the plains of, 251 The Persians’ defilement of the
tombs of Abu Bakr and Omar, 431, n. Eunuchs among the, 371, n.
Fire-temples of the ancient Guebres in, 379, n. Large number of, in the
Damascus caravan, 434 Treatment of the “Ajami” at Al-Madinah, 434 Charged
with having defiled the Ka’abah, ii. 168, n.
Peter’s, St., at Rome, the second largest cathedral in the world, ii.
364, n.
Pharaoh, the “Cæsar aut Diabolus” of the Nile, i. 10, n. Spot where he and
his host were whelmed in the “hill of waters,” 199 Arab legends respecting
that event, 199, n.
Pharaoh’s Hot Baths (Hammam Faraun), i. 197
Philosophy (Hikmat), study of, little valued in Egypt, i. 107, n.
Phœnician colony on the Red Sea, i. 202 The Phœnicians identified with the
Amalik of Moslem writers, i. 343, n.
Physicians, Arab, not so skilful as they were, i. 390
Physiologists, their errors respecting the food of the inhabitants of
hot and cold countries, ii. 11, n.
Piastre, value of, ii. 11, n.
Pickpockets in Egypt, i. 25
Pigeons, sacred at Meccah, ii. 174 Enter almost everywhere into the
history of religion, 175
Pilgrims, distribution of, at Alexandria, into three great roads, i.
168 Pauper pilgrims, 168 Steady decrease of the number of pilgrims who
pass annually through Suez, 176 Reasons assigned for this, 177 Takrouri
pilgrims, 177 The Hamail, or pocket Koran of, 239 How they live on the
march, ii. 63 Ordinances of the pilgrimage, 140 Offerings for
atonements in cases of infractions of, 140 Observations on, 279 Common
to all old faiths, 279 Conditions under which every Moslem is bound to
perform the pilgrimage, 279 The three kinds of pilgrimage, 280 The
treatise of Mohammed of Shirbin respecting pilgrim rites, 281, et seq.
Directions to the intending pilgrim, from other books, 281, n. The
Prophet’s last pilgrimage, the model for the Moslem world, 290 The
reckless pilgrimages of poor Indians, 185 Note on the ceremonies of the
Wahhabi pilgrimage, 195, n. The change from Ihram to Ihlal, 205 The
Umrah, or little pilgrimage, 251
Pilgrim’s tree, i. 154 Probably a debris of fetish-worship, i. 155, n.
Its practice in various Eastern countries, 155, n.
Pistols, of the Badawin, ii. 105
Pitts, Joseph, his pilgrimage to Meccah and Al-Madinah; ii. 358 Sketch
of his adventures, 358, et seq.
Plague. See Taun
Poetry, Arab, those generally studied, i. 107, n. The Burdah and
Hamziyah of Mohammed of Abusir, 107, n. The Banat Su’adi of Ka’ab al-Ahbar,
107, n. The Diwan Umar ibn Fariz, 107, n. Al-Mutanabbi, 107, n.
Al-Hariri, 108, n. Simplicity of ancient Arab poetry, 108, n.
Degenerate taste of the modern Egyptians in, 108, n. Poetical
exclamations of the pilgrims on obtaining the first view of Al-Madinah,
279, 280 Tenderness and pathos of the old, ii. 93 The suspended poem of
Labid, 93 The poetic feeling of the Badawin, 97 The improvisatore of
the Benu Kahtan, 98, n. Arabic suited to poetry, 99 The rhyme of the
Arabs, 101, n.
Poison. The Tariyak of Al-Irak, the great counter-poison, ii, 108
Poisoners, professed, introduced by Mohammed Ali, ii. 86, n.
“Poison-wind,” i. 265, n. Its effects, 265, n.
Police of Egypt, curiosity of, i. 2 Police magistrates in Cairo, scenes
before, 120 The “Pasha of the Night,” 120
Politeness of the Orientals, i. 210 Unpoliteness of some “Overlands,” 210
Polygamy and monogamy, comparisons between, ii. 91, n.
Pomegranates, of Al-Madinah, i. 405 The Shami, Turki, and Misri kinds,
Pompey’s pillar, i. 10, 29
Prayer, the Abrar, or call to, i. 88 The Maghrib, or evening, 151, n.
The Isha, or night prayer, 233 Prayer to prevent storms (Hizb al-Bahr),
211 The prayer recited, 211 Prayers on first viewing the city of
Al-Madinah, 259 The prayer at the Prophet’s Mosque, 309 The places of
prayer at, 311 The afternoon prayers, 312 The Sujdah, or
single-prostration prayer, 312 The Dua, or [p.463] Supplication after
the two-bow prayer, 312 The position during, 313 Efficacy ascribed to
the act of blessing the Prophet, 316 Prayer at the Shubak al-Nabi, 316
Ancient practice of reciting this prayer, 316, n. The Testification,
318 The benedictions on Abu Bakr and on Omar, 320 The two-bow prayer at
the Rauzah or Garden, 325, n. The prayer at the Malaikah, or place of
the angels, 326 The prayer opposite to the grave of the Lady Fatimah,
327, n. The prayer in honour of Hamzah and of the martyrs of Mount
Ohod, 328 Prayers for the souls of the blessed who rest in Al-Bakia,
328 At the Prophet’s window, 329 Public service in Al-Rauzah, 330, n.
Origin of the prayer-niche in the Mosque, 361, 364, n. Al-Kuba, the
first place of public prayer in Al-Islam, 407 The Niyat, or intention,
409 The Prophet’s place of prayer at Al-Kuba, 409 The prayers at the
Mosque of Al-Kuba, 409 The prayers at Hamzah’s tomb, 427 The Niyat when
approaching Meccah, ii. 139 The Talbiyat, or exclaiming, 139 The
prayers on sighting Meccah, 152 The four Makams, or stations for
prayer, 307, 308 The prayers at the Ka’abah, 164, et seq., 209
Procrastination of Orientals, ii. 21
Preacher, at Meccah, his style of dress, ii. 225 Origin of his wooden
sword, 226, n.
Presents of dates from Al-Madinah, i. 400
Pressgangs in Cairo, i. 117
Price, Major, referred to, i. 384, n.
Prichard, Dr., on the Moors of Africa, i. 187, n.
Pride of the Arabs, i. 246
Printing-press, in Egypt, i. 108, n.
Prophets, in Moslem law, not supposed to be dead, i. 340, n.
Prosody (Ilm al-’Aruz), study of, among the Arabs, i. 107
Prostration-prayers, i. 311, n., 312, n.
Proverbs, Arab, i. 149, 277, n.
Ptolemy the geographer, i. 225
Puckler-Muskau, Prince, his remarks on the reflected heat of the
Desert, i. 144, n.


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