Science in the Kitchen.
Mrs. E. E. Kellogg

Part 17 out of 17

Disease germs in meat 391
Dish closet, utensils for 67
Dish drainer 68
Dishing up 463
Dishes, washing the 472
Dish mop 475
towel rack 74
Double boiler 53, 81
in the preparation of gravies 351
in the preparation of gruels 421
substitute for 81
Double broth 414
Dough 117
kneading the 131
Drafts and dampers, management of 49
Draining dishes 475
Drain pipes 64
Dried apple pie 339
apple pie with raisins 339
apples with other dried fruit 191
apples 190
apricot pie 339
apricots and peaches 191
pears 191
Drinks and delicacies for the sick 432
Dropped eggs 386
Drupaceous fruits 168
Dry granola 293
Drying fruit 211
Drying towels 475
Dry toast with hot cream 292
Duck, digestion of 39

Eating between meals 449
hastily 40
too much 42
when tired 42
Effects of cooking fat 53
Egg gruel 422
lemonade 434
panada 429
plant, description of 262
sauce 352, 353
Egg Cream 434
Eggs and macaroni 107
composition of 380
digestion of 39
for the sick, recipes for 431
for use in desserts 297
how to choose 381
how to keep 382
in cream 386
in shell 384
in sunshine 385
micro-organisms in 381
poached 386
poached in tomatoes 385
recipes for cooking 384
stale 297
test for 381
to beat 383
use of in unfermented breads 154
Evaporation 54
Evaporated peach sauce 191
Extension strainer 421

Fancy omelets 387
Farina 88, 89
blancmange 304
custard 325
fruit mold 304
molded 89
nutritive value of 89
pie 339
pudding 325
recipes for cooking of 89
with fig sauce 89
with fresh fruit 89
Fat, decomposition by the action of heat 54
Fats 26
effects of cooking upon 53
Fatty matter 42
Fermentation 118
the different stages of 119
temperature for 121
the process of 118
Fermentative agents 120
Fermented breads 142
recipes for 142
Fibrin 26, 78
Field corn 101
Fig, the 176
layer cake 345
pudding, steamed 333
Filbert, the 214
Filters 69
Fine hominy or grits 104
Fires, care of 48
Fish 408
as a brain-food 408
baked 410
best method for cooking 410
boiled 410
broiled 410
how to select and prepare 409
parasites in 408
recipes for cooking 410
Flavoring suggestions for 298
Flaxseed tea 434
Floated egg 431
Floating island 325
Floors, kitchen 61
Flour, to keep 115
absorbent quality of 126
adulteration of, how to select 116
deleterious adulteration of 115
entire wheat 114
Graham, how to test 114
gruel 422
how to select 113
measuring of 55
Flummery 93
Foam omelets 387
Foamy sauce 353
Food amount required 42
apologies for 469
Food elements 25
changes in by cooking 45
correct proportion of in wheat 79
deficiency of 43
excess of 42
nitrogenous, subject to rapid decomposition 118
proportions of 28
uses of 27
Food for infants 444
for infants, quantity of 445
for the aged and the very young 439
for the aged, requirements for 439
for the sick 418
for the sick, to heat 420
for the sick, utensils for the preparation of 420
mucilaginous, excellent in gastro-enteritis 444
Foods 35
adding to boiling liquids 54
combinations of 28, 43
digestion of 35
effects of hard and soft water upon 52
Fowl, broiled 406
to stuff 406
to truss 405
Fowls, digestion of 39
Fragments and left-over food 452
French butter 378
rolls 145
Fresh fruit compote 301
fruit pie 336
Fried foods for breakfast 287
Frosted fruit 181
Frozen fish 410
Fruit 164
acids 165
beverage 361
cake 346
canned, selection of 193
canned, the storing of 198
canned, to open 199
canned, to sterilize 193
canning, causes of failure in 198
canning of 193
cans, to test 193
cause of decay 192
cellar, the 184
cooking of for jelly 204
crackers 162
custard 325
dessert 299
directions for picking and handling 182
directions for serving 179
dried, for cake 343
foam dessert 315
for the sick 432
for the table 178
general directions for cooking 185
how to keep fresh 182
ices 211
jelly 204
jelly cake 345
jelly, recipes for 206
jelly, storing of 206
jelly, straining the juice for 204
jelly, time required for boiling juice 205
juices for the sick 432
juices, recipes for 209
loaf 142
loaf with Graham or whole-wheat flour 146
or vegetables in tin cans 199
pie 339
pudding 305
rolls 142, 161
sandwich 545
sauce 354
shape 315
shortcake 318
sugar 26
syrup 210
tapioca 310
the storing of 183
the circulation of juice in 178
the preservation of 192
to cook for canning 194
use of spices with 185
Fruits, analysis of 166
at the beginning of a meal 168
dried 298
drying of 211
for breakfast 288
in jelly 208
kinds most easily digested 165
recipes for cooking 186
stale 167
structure of 165
their value as nutrients 165
Frumenty 87, 293
Frying 53
Fuel 47
economical use of 48
waste of 51

Galvanized iron ware 57
Game, suggestions for selection of 403
Garbage 479
Gasoline and gas 47
Gastric juice 36
Geese and ducks, suggestions for selection of 404
Gelatine, a culture medium 313
custard 315
nutritive value of 313
preparation of for deserts 314
Gem irons 152
irons, filling of 156
Germs in stale fruits 167
in the fermentation of bread 120
Glass, care of 476
utensils 477
Glucose 26
Gluten 78
custard 431
cream 422
gruel 422
meal custard 431
meal gems 436
meal gruel 422
mush 429
Gofio 95
Gold and silver cake 346
Gooseberry 174
tart 318
Gooseberries, directions for serving 179
to can 200
Graham apple mush 90
bread 139, 144
crisps 161
flour 88, 113
gems 157
grits 89
grits gruel 423
grits, how manufactured 88
grits, nutritive value of 89
grits pudding 325
gruel 422
mush 90
mush with dates 90
puffs 156, 157
rolls 160
salt-rising bread 147
Grain and fruit diet for the aged 440
Grains 78
an economical food
and liquids employed for cooking 82
composition of 78
digestibility of 78
for the sick 429
for breakfast 84
importance of variety and use of 79
insalivation of 80
in soups 274
insufficiently cooked not easily digested 81
left over 454
nutritive value of 78
suggestions for cooking 81
use of by other nationalities 79
use of condiments with 79
Granite ware 57
utensils, to clean 474
Granola 429
crust 337
fruit mush 91
gems 159
mush 91
peach mush 91
Granular corn meal 102
Grape apples 301
fruit, the 173
beverage 361
jelly 208
jelly pie 340
juice 209
sugar 26
tart 338
toast 292
Grapes, to keep 184
directions for serving 180
Gravy toast 291
Gravies and sauces 350
and sauces for vegetables, recipes for 351
to flavor 351
Green bean soup 280
beans, preparation and cooking of 264
corn 264
corn, boiled 265
corn preparation and cooking of, recipes 264, 265
corn soup
pea soup 280
peas, dried 222
peas, preparation and cooking of 264
Ground air 70
Ground rice pudding 326
Gruel, barley 422
egg 422
flour 422
gluten meal 422
Graham 422
Indian meal 423
lemon oatmeal 403
milk oatmeal 423
oatmeal 424
of prepared flour 423
peptonized gluten 424
raisin 424
strainer 421
Gruels 420
recipes for 421
Gum arabic water 435

Hasty pudding 102
Hazelnut, the 214
Hickory nut, the 214
Hoecake 139
Holiday dinners 543
feasting 543
menus 544
Homemade macaroni 106
Hominy 102, 104
gems 158
Honey 26
Hop yeast 141
Hot butter toast 419
lemonade 435
milk 376, 425
water 435
Household workshop 60

Iced milk 357
tea 357
water 357
Ice in refrigerator 68
Icelandic bread 110
Iceland moss blancmange 437
moss jelly 437
Imperial rolls 145
Indian corn 101
Indian meal gruel 423
Indigestion caused by bad cooking 46
Infants' food 444
Intestinal digestion 38
juice 36
Invalid food 426
Irish moss lemonade 435
potatoes 233
Iron rust 57
utensils 57
Ivory handles 477

Jam pudding 305
Japanned goods 477
Jellied oatmeal 94
Jelly, apple 206
cherry 207
crab apple 207
cranberry 207
custard pie 340
for the sick 419, 437
grape 208
orange 208
pear 208
plum 208
producing principle 165
quince 208
with fruit 316
Julienne soup 415
Junket 425

Keeping fresh fruit 182
Kerosene oil 47
Kitchen brushes 75, 76
clock 62
conveniences 70
drain pipes 64
floor 61
flowers in 62
furnishing 61
furniture 62
good sized one 61
location of 60
plumbing 64
refuse 64
sanitary 61
sink, best material for 64
slate 63
table 63
utensils 66
ventilation 61
woodwork 62
Kneading 55, 131
table 74
Kornlet and tomato soup 280
soup 280
Koumiss 425

Lamb 402
comparative nutritive value of 392
Layer pudding 316
Lead-adulterated tin 57
test of 58
Leaven 121
Left-over foods, care of 453
fragments in soup 275
Legumes 217
composition of 217
digestibility of 218
green 219
suggestions for cooking 319
value as strength producers 218
Legumin 217
Lemon, the 173
Lemonade 362
Lemon apples 187
cornstarch pudding 326
drill 72
filling 338
flavor 299
jelly 316
meringue custard 340
oatmeal gruel 423
pie 340
pudding 326
pudding sauce 354
shortcake 318
syrup 210
Lemons and oranges, to keep 184
Lentil and parsnip soup 281
gravy with rice 226
Lentil meal 225
puree 226
soup 281
toast 292
Lentils, description of 225
mashed with beans 226
recipes for cooking 226
Lettuce 256
to clean 230
to serve 257
Lignite 47
Lima bean soup 281
Lime, the 173
Liquid, quantity required for bread making 126
Liquid yeast 140
Liquids best suited for cooking 51
Liver digestion 39
Loaf cake 347
Loaf, size of 133
Lobsters 409
Love apple 260
Luncheon, cold, provision for 545

Macaroni 105
boiled 106
description of 105
in soups 274
pudding 326
recipes for cooking 106
soup 281, 416
to select 105
to prepare and cook 106
to keep 105
with cream sauce 106
with kornlet 294
with granola 106
with raisins 293
with tomato sauce 106
Maize 101
meal 102
Mallic acid 165
Manioca 309
with fruit 312
Maple sugar 26
Mashed cabbage 250
beans 224
peas 221
parsnips 244
potatoes 236
sweet potatoes 240
Mashed turnips 243
Mastication 37
Materials, mixing of 55
Meals, drinking at 41
eating between 41
service of 464
Measures and weights, comparative table of 55
Measuring 54
dry materials 55
flour 55
liquids 55
salt 55
sugar 55
Meat broth 426
diseased 390
extracts 43
for children 448
importance of simple cooking of 392
nutritive value of 389
pies 392
preparation and cooking of 395
preservation of 394
soup, recipes for 415
soup, preparation and cooking of 412
soup 410
selection of 393
Meats for the sick, recipes for 430
left over 454
Melon, the 176
directions for serving 180
Menu cards 468
Metate 148
Micro-organisms in gelatine 313
Milk, absorbent properties of 367
adulteration of 365
albumenized 425
and contagious diseases 366
and lime water 425
baked 433
bread 127
bread with white flour 142
care of 367
composition of 364
condensed 369
cream and butter 364
diet 425
diet for the young 442
digestion of 39
dishes, washing of 367
diseased 365
for cooking purposes 52
hot 376, 425
left over 455
oatmeal gruel 423
panada 429
porridge 423
preparations of 425
recipes for 376, 425
sugar 26
to sterilize for immediate use 368
to sterilize to keep 369
use of in soups 274
utensils for keeping 366
yeast bread 147
Minced chicken 430
steak 430
Mineral elements 26, 78
soap 477
Miss B's salt-rising bread 143
Mixed lemonade 362
fruits, to can 202
mush 94
vegetable broths 428
Mock cream 354
Molasses sauce 354
Molded farina 89
rice, or snow balls 327
tapioca with fruit 310
wheat 88
Mrs. T's caramel coffee 360
Mulberry, the 176
Mush, rye 101
Mutton broth 428
chop 430
chops, stewed 402
comparative nutritive value of 392
digestion of 39
recipes for cooking 401
rules for selection of 393
stewed 402

New potatoes 236
Nitrogenous elements, importance in dietary for children 448
Nursing bottles 447
Nuts 212
recipes for serving 215
to keep fresh 215

Oatcakes 92
Oatmeal blancmange 94
bread 147
character of 92
crisps 162
drink 362
for children 93
fruit mush 94
gems 159
gruel 424
in soups 274
mush 94
porridge 95
preparation and cooking of 93
proportion of nitrogenous element in 92
recipes for cooking of 94
soup 281
time required for the digestion of 93
with apple 95
Oat, the 91
ancient use of 91
a staple article of diet with the Scotch peasantry 91
description of 91
Dr. Johnson's definition of 92
how prepared for food 92
nutritive value of 91
Oil and gas stoves 95
Oleomargarine 373
Olive, the 171
Omelet, foam 387
plain 387
soft 388
Omelets, fancy 387
recipes for making 387
One-crust peach pie 341
Onions 267
Orangeade 362, 435
Oranges and apples 190
cake 346
custard 327
dessert 316
directions for serving 180
flavor 299
float 327
in jelly 317
pie 208, 317
pudding 341
rice 100
sauce 354
syrup 210
whey 437
Ornamental potatoes 238
Oven, heat of for baking unfermented bread 153
proper temperature of 134
test for heating of 50, 136
thermometer 50
Oysters 409
digestion of 39

Paddy fields 98
Paint for kitchen walls 62
Panada, recipes for 428
Pan broiled steak 399
Pantry, the 67
Parched grain coffee 360
Parker House rolls 145
Parsnip beer 243
boiled 244
boiled, digestion of 39
browned 244
creamed 244
description of 243
mashed 244
preparation and cooking of 243
recipes for cooking of 244
soup 281, 282
stewed 245
stewed with celery 345
with cream sauce 244
with egg sauce 244
with potato 245
Partridges 404, 406
to dress 404
Passover bread 148
Pasta d'Italia 105
Pastry and cake 333
indigestibility of 334
Paste for pies 336
for tart shells 337
Pates 392
Patent barley 96
Pea and tomato soup 282
Peach, the 170
cream 301
custard pie 341
digestion of 39
jelly 208
mush 294
meringue 327
sauce 355
tapioca 311
toast 292
Peaches 189
and cream, directions for serving 180
and pears, directions for serving 180
to can 201
Peanut bread 110
the, or ground nut 214
Pear, the 170
Pearl barley 96
barley with lemon sauce 97
barley with raisins 97
wheat 87
Pearled wheats 86
Pears, to can 201
Peas bainock 220
cake 221
canned 269
description of 220
gravy 352
green, description of 264
green, recipes for cooking of 266
pudding 220
puree 221
recipes for cooking 221
sausage 221
stewed 266
the history 220
Pecan, the 214
Pectic acid 165
Pemmican 394
Peptonized gruel 424
milk for infants 426
Percolater holder 73
Perforated sheet iron pans for rolls 152
Phosphates in wheat 86
Picnic biscuit 546
dinners 545
pudding 327
Pie, fresh fruit 336
crust, raised 319
with one crust 335
Pies, general suggestions for making 334
paste for 336
recipes for making 336
Pigeons 406
to select 404
Pineapple, the 178
beverage 362
cake 347
directions for serving 180
lemonade 362
tapioca 347
Pineapples, to cane 203
Pink dinners 468
lemonade 362
Pippins and quinces 187
Plain cornstarch pudding 328
custard 328
fruit pudding 305
omelets 387
pudding sauce 355
rice soup 282
Plaster of Paris in flour 116
Plum, the 170
jelly 208
porridge 90
Plums 189
to can 202
with sweet apples 202
Poached eggs with cream sauce 386
Poisonous mussels 409
substances produced in fried foods 54
Polenta 102
Pomaceous fruits 168
Pomegranate, the 174
Pop corn 101, 104
pudding 330
Popovers 159
Porcelain-lined utensils, to wash 474
ware 57
Pork, digestion of 39
Porridge, milk 423
Potato and rice soup 282
and vermicelli soup 283
bread 143
bread with whole-wheat flour 144
browned 238
cake with egg 237
cake 237
chemistry of cooking 233
cooked in jackets 234
digestion of 39
frozen 233
hash 240
Irish, description of 233
paring of 234
preparation and cooking of 234
recipes for cooking of 235
snowballs 237
soup 282
sprouts, poisonous 239
stewed with celery 237
structure of 233
sweet, preparation and cooking of 238, 239
yeast in bread making 140
Pot barley 96
roast lamb 401
Poultry and game 402
and game, recipes for cooking 406
less stimulating than game 402
suggestions for selecting 403
Preparation of mushes with meal or flour 83
Prepared food for infants 444
Prune, the 171
marmalade 191
pie 341
pudding 305, 328
toast 292
whip 328
Prunes 191
Pulled bread 143
Pulp succotash 224
Pumice stone 477
Pumpkin 259
baked 260
canned 269
dried 260
pie 342
pie without eggs 342
recipes for cooking of 260
stewed 260
Puree with chicken 416
Putrefactive fermentation 119

Quails 406
Quantity of food for the aged 441
Quince, the 170
jelly 208

Radish 256
description of 257
Radishes, to serve 257
Raised biscuit 145
corn bread 146
pie crust 319
Raisin gruel 424
panada 429
Range ventilator 61
Raspberries, blackberries and other small fruits 200
directions for serving 181
Raspberry, the 176
manioca mold 312
Raw eggs 431
potato yeast 140
Recipes for canning fruit 200
for cooking rye 101
for steamed pudding 332
for unfermented bread 156
for yeast 140
Red rice mold 307
sago mold 311
sauce 355
Refrigerator 68
Rice and fruit dessert 307
and strawberry dessert 308
and stewed apple dessert 307
and tapioca pudding 307
and apple custard pudding 329
balls 333
best methods of cooking 99
cream pudding 306
custard pudding 329
description of 97
digestibility of 97
digestion of 39
division in food elements 98
dumpling 306
fruit dessert 306
flour 98
flour mold 307
history of 97
kernel, structure of 98
meringue 305
preparation and cooking of 99
pudding with raisins 98
recipes for cooking of 329
requisites for cultivation of 306
snow 329
snowball 306
snow with jelly 329
soup 415
time required for digestion of 98
to clean 99
water 424
with eggs 329
with fig sauce 99
with lemon 294
with peaches 100
with raisins 100
Roast beef 399
chicken 406
mutton 401
turkey 407
Roasted potatoes 235
sweet potatoes 240
Roasting 49, 397
Rochelle salts 151
Roll, fruit 142
Rolled oats 95
rye 101
wheat 86, 87
Rolls 145
Rose cream 355
Rough rice 98
Rust, to remove 477
Rye, appearance of 100
bread 144
description of 100
flour 100
meal 100
nutritive value of 100
puffs 157

Sabbath bill of fare 549
dinners 548
Sago and fruit custard pudding 330
and potato soup 283
custard pudding 330
digestion of 39
fruit pudding 312
pudding 312
sauce 355
soup 415
Saleratus 149
Salicylic acid, in fruit 192
Saliva, the 36
Sally Lunn gems 158
Salmon, digestion of 39
Salsify, description of 263
preparation and cooking of 263
recipes for cooking of 264
Salted fish 409
Salted meats 394
Salt, measuring of 55
Samp 103
Sanitary customs among the Jews 390
Sauce for desserts and puddings, recipes for 352
Sauteing 53
Scalloped beans 223
cauliflower 252
egg plant 262
potatoes 237
turnips 242
vegetable oyster 264
Scallops 409
School lunches 546
Scientific cookery, principles of 47
Scotch broth 283
milled barley 96
Scrambled eggs 386
Scraped steak 430
Sea kale 256
Sea moss 309
blancmange 312
Seasonings 31
Semolina 105
Setting the sponge 124
Shaken milk 378
Sheep's kidneys 392
Shell fish 409
Sherbet 362
Shortcake, banana 318
lemon 318
strawberry 318
Silver, care of 476
to remove egg tarnish from 473
Simmering 53
Simple custard pie 342
stock, or broth 414
Sink in kitchen 64
Skim milk, composition of 370
Slippery elm tea 435
Small fruits 191
Smoked meats 394
Smooth apple sauce 188
Smothered beef 400
chicken 407
Snowball custard 331
Snowballs 327
Snowflake toast 292
Snow gems 159
Snow pudding 317, 329
Snow, use of in place of eggs 298
Soda 149
use of in cooking vegetables 231
Soft custard 431
omelet 388
Soup, digestion of 39
digestibility of 272, 412
seasoning of 275
Soups 271
economical value of 272
from grains and legumes, to prepare 272
recipes for making 276
selection for material for 411
to flavor 273
to thicken 274
Sour bread 130
Sowens 93
Spaghetti 105
Spice and flavorings 185
Spinach 252
description of 252
preparation and cooking of 252
Split pea soup 283
Sponge 127
cake 347
how to secure the best temperature 127
when sufficiently light 129
Spoons, kind to be used in measuring 55
Squash, baked 259
canned 269
mashed 258
pie 342
pie without eggs 343
summer 258
winter 259
Stains, removal of 477
Stale bread 138
Starch 26, 78
action of cold water upon 53
action of hot water upon 53
Steak, pan broiled 399
Steam cooker 71, 81
cooker for grains 81
Steamed apples 188
chicken 407
custard 330
eggs 386, 431
potatoes 235
prunes 545
pudding 332
rice 99
rice, digestion of 98
squash 259
sweet potatoes 240
turnips 242
Steaming 53, 397
different methods of 53
vegetables 231
Steel knives, to clean 474
Sterilized milk 369
for infants 443
Stewed apples 188
asparagus 256
beans 224
beef 400
beef with vegetables 400
beets 278
cabbage 250
carrots 246
cauliflower 252
celery 253, 254
chicken 407
corn and tomatoes 261
crab apples 189
fruit pudding 308
Lima beans 224
mutton 402
mutton chop 402
parsnips 245
pears 188
potato 237
squash 258
raisins 190
turnips 242
Stewing 53, 396
proper temperature for 53
Sticks 160
St. Martin, Alexis; experiments on 29
Stock 410
preparation of 413
to clarify 414
to cool 413
to strain 413
Stomach digestion 37
Storeroom 68
Stoves and ranges 65
Strawberry, the 175
charlotte 330
minute pudding 308
shortcake 318
Strawberries, to can 200
String beans, canned 269
Stirabout 102
Stirring 55
of grains 83
Stuffed potatoes 236
Succotash 224
Sugar 78
amount of required, in canning 196
cane 26
crisps 348
excess of in fruit jelly 204
fruit 26
grape 26
in canned fruit 194
measuring of 55
milk 26
to color 299
Summer squash 258
squash, preparation and cooking of 258
squash, recipes for cooking 258
succotash 266
Swedish bread 110
Sweet apple custard pie 343
pudding 308
sauce with condensed apple juice 189
Sweet corn 102
Sweet potato 238
pie 343
soup 383
to dry 240
Swiss lentil soup 284
Swiss potato soup 283

Table, the 461
appointments of 462
arrangement of 463
for estimating the amount of food required for infants 446
in kitchen 63
linen, care of 477
linen, colored 479
linen, washing of 478
manners 458
of nutritive values of foods 484-486
refuse 480
setting the 462
the setting of over night 463
topics 44, 59, 77, 108, 162, 216, 226, 270, 286, 295, 349, 356,
363, 379, 388, 417, 438, 450, 455, 470, 480, 542, 550
Tamarind water 435
Tapeworm 391
Tapioca and fig pudding 311
cream soup 416
custard 331
digestion of 39
filling 338
jelly 311
pudding 331
soup 415
Tartaric acid 165
Tea 358
and coffee, adulteration of 359
and coffee, substitutes for 359
not a food 359
use of, detrimental 358
Temperature 56
for bread-making 128
Test for bad water 69
Testimony of St. Pierre 391
Thanksgiving menus 544
Theine 358
Tin closet, list of utensils for 67
utensils 57
Tinware, action upon by acids 57
adulterated with lead 58
Tisane 363
Toast 139
apple 290
apricot 290
asparagus 290
banana 290
berry 291
celery 291
cherry 291
cream 291
for the sick 419
grape 292
gravy 291
lentil 291
peach 292
prune 292
preparation of 289
recipes for 290
snowflake 290
tomato 293
vegetable oyster 293
water 435
Tomato and macaroni soup 284
and okra soup 284
and rice soup 282
cream gravy 352
cream soup 284
description of 260
gluten 429
gravy 261, 352
preparation and cooking of 260
pudding 262
recipes for 261
salad 261
soup 416
soup with vermicelli 284
toast 293
with okra 262
Tomatoes, baked 261
canned 269
scalloped 261
stewed 262
Tortillas 148
Trays for invalids, suggestions for preparing 419
Trichinae 391
Turkey, roast 407
suggestions for selection of 404
Turnips, baked 242
boiled 241
chopped 242
composition of 241
description of 240
digestion of 39
scalloped 242
in juice 242
mashed 242
preparation and cooking of 241
recipes for cooking 241
steamed 242
stewed 242
with cream sauce 243
Tyrotoxicon 376

Unfermented batter bread 154
bread 148
recipes for 156
wine 209
Unleavened bread 117
Unripe fruits 165
Utensils for bread-making 127

Variety cake 348
Veal 402
comparative nutritive value of 392
rules for selection of 393
Vegetable broth 426, 428
brush 76
casein 217
casein hardened by the use of hard water 156
hash 238
marrow 258
marrow, description of 258
oyster, description of 263
oyster, preparation and cooking of 263
oysters, recipes for cooking 264
oyster soup 285
oyster toast 293
press 71
Vegetable soup 285
Vegetables 228
canning of 268
composition of 228
decayed 229
dietetic value of 228
fresh, value of 229
keeping of 229
left over 454
overdone 231
preparation and cooking of 230
recipes for canning 268
shredded in soups 274
sprouted 229
stale 229
storing of 229
time required for cooking 231
to keep after cooking 232
to select 229
underdone 231
Velvet soup 285
Ventilation of china closet 67
of cupboards 62
of kitchen 61
of pantry 67
Ventilator 61
Vermicelli 105
pudding 331
in soups 274
soup 285, 286, 416
Vienna bread 142
Vitellin 381

Waiters, general suggestions for 466
Waiter, the handy 72
Walnut, the 214
Wall cabinet 73
Warmed-over potatoes 238
Washing the dishes 472
Waste barrel, the 479
Water, action of upon food elements 52
amount of for cooking vegetables 230
boiling point at different altitudes 52
boiling point at sea level 52
boiling, temperature of 51
bread 126, 142
comparative value of use of hot and cold in cookery 52
rice 424
supplies 69
supplies, tests for 69
tamarind 422
to increase the boiling point of 52
Wheat-berry flour 113
cracked 86
description of 85
Wheatena 429
Wheat, finer mill products of 88
flour, nutritive elements of 111
gluten 429
meal 88
molded 88
oats and barley coffee 361
pearled 86
preparation and cooking of 86
recipes for cooking 87
relative proportion of food elements in 85
rolled 86
structure of 85
with fresh fruit 87
with raisins 87
Whipped cream sauce 355
Whirled eggs 386
White celery soup 286
custard 331, 332, 437
of egg 432
of egg and milk 432
soup 416
Whiting in flour, how to detect 115
Whole-wheat bread 138, 143
puffs 156
Whortleberry pudding 309
Whortleberries and blueberries 175
directions for serving 181
Window box 62
Winter squash 259
preparation and cooking of 259
recipes for cooking of 259
Wire dishcloth 474
Wooden ware, to wash 474
Yeast 121
amount required for bread-making 126
bitter 123
boiled potato 141
cells, effect of heat upon 121
compressed 122
effects of freezing upon 123
foam 122
homemade 122
how to keep 122
how to promote the growth of 123
liquid 140
raw potato 140
recipes for 140
test for 124
the most convenient kind 122
the stirring of 123
Yellow luncheon 468

Zwieback 139, 289, 436, 453
preparation of 289


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