The Autobiography of a Journalist, Volume II
William James Stillman

Part 5 out of 5

with him, for he decided to offer the Treasury to Sonnino, to whose
measures he subsequently gave the most thorough and loyal support,
though some of them were the reverse of popular and not of possible
effectuation without his earnest support. It is possible that my
advice turned the balance in his mind, but it is, with one later
exception, the only instance in which I ever ventured to advise him as
to a political line of conduct, though I was generally credited with a
good deal of meddling.

The conduct of the Italian factions and politicians during the two
years of the second ministry of Crispi, the internecine war of
intrigues to which the King lent a negative but effectual assent, and
which ended in the disaster of Adowah, showed me that the Italian
commonwealth is incurably infected with political caries, and that,
though the state may endure, even as a constitutional monarchy, for
years, the restoration of civic vitality to it is only to be hoped for
under the condition of a moral renovation, to which the Roman Catholic
Church is an unsurmountable obstacle, because the Church itself
has become infected with the disease of the state,--the passion of
personal power, carried to the fever point of utter disregard of the
general good. The liberty which the extreme party in Italian politics
agitates for is only license, and, with the exception of a few amiable
and impracticable enthusiasts in the extreme Left and a few honest
and patriotic conservators of the larger liberties towards the Right,
there are nothing but self-seekers and corrupt politicians in the
state. During the years of my residence in Italy, the strengthening
conviction of these facts has dampened my early enthusiasms for its
political progress and my faith in its future, and, retiring at the
limits of effective service from a position into which I had entered
with sympathy, I buried all my illusions of a great Italian future as
I had those of a healthy Greek future. My profound conviction is that
until a great moral reform shall break out and awaken the ruling
classes, and especially the Church, to the recognition of the
necessity of a vital, growing morality to the health of a state,
there will be no new Italy. The idle dreamers who hope to cure the
commonweal by revolution and the establishment of a republic will
find, if their dream come true, that to a state demoralized in its
great masses, more liberty can only mean quicker ruin. The court
itself is so corrupted by the vices and immoralities which always
beset courts, that it does not rally to itself the small class of
devoted patriots who cannot yet resign themselves to despair, and who
find in a change of persons the possibility of a revival which they
hope for rather than anticipate, while it offends every day more and
more deeply the equally small class of honest and patriotic reformers
of the Radical side in politics. The mortally morbid condition of
public feeling is shown, not in the fact that the Hon. X. or Y. is
an immoral man, but in that he is not in the least discredited by
well-known immoralities which would banish a man from public life in
England or America, and compared with which those with which Crispi
was charged were trivial.

One cannot pronounce the same judgment on Greece and Italy. The decay
in Greece is economic and civic, poverty of resource and resources on
one side, and on the other invincible insubordination, refusal in the
individual to submit to discipline or sacrifice, the conceit of a dead
and forgotten superiority which makes progress or docility impossible.
The measure of apparent renovation in Athens and some other points is
owing to the influence and benefactions of the Greeks who have lived
and prospered in other lands, where their natural mental activity has
borne fruit, but the normal progress of the nation is so slight that
it has no chance in the race of races now being run in the Balkans.
But the Greeks are preserved from a moral decay like that which
threatens Italy by the domestic morality, due in part to temperament,
but in part also to the influence of the clergy, who, if not scholars
and wise theologians, are generally men of pure domestic morality and
leaders of the common people. The Orthodox Church is national, lives
with and for the people, has no political ambitions, and cannot
endanger the state.

In Italy the danger is other. The Roman Church has long ceased to be a
distinctly religious institution; it has become a great human machine
organized, disciplined like an army, for a war of shadows and
formalities, but now employed in the conquest of political influence,
a kingdom absolutely of this world. It is as much a foreign body in
Italy (or France) as if it were the Russian Church; it has no part
or lot in the well-being of the Italian people, and, so far as the
central power of it is concerned, the Vatican and its councils, its
only purpose is to acquire political influence for its own political
aggrandizement, to the exclusion from its field of operations of
all other creeds. For the attainment of this end it works with the
single-eyedness which Christ recommended for other ends, to the
neglect of all pressure on the people in the direction of common
morality. The Pope, in the present case an amiable, excellent
ecclesiastic, is only one part of this machine, and through him it
speaks, saying, practically, to the Italian people, "Be what you
please, do what you please; only in all things which we command obey
us,"--obedience to the prescriptions of rites and ceremonies being,
so far as my observation during my years of residence in Italy goes,
considered as of far greater importance than the observance of the
laws of sexual morality, veracity, or common honesty. The rule of
conduct of the parochial clergy has appeared to me to be to keep their
influence over their flocks in purely ecclesiastical matters, and run
no risk of straining that influence by interfering with their personal
morality, or by making Christianity the difficult rule of life which
it is in Puritan countries.

I have no hostility to Roman doctrine or dogma, for the distinction I
make between the different forms of anthropomorphic religion is only
one of degree, and I have so many personal friends amongst Roman
Catholics in whom I see the fire of pure and living spirituality
glowing through the forms and superstitions of their creed that I
cannot join in that indiscriminate denunciation which is common
amongst Protestants. My experience in these matters has taught me that
to certain natures the anthropomorphic forms of religion are a Jacob's
ladder to that spiritual life which is the end of religion. Nor can I
see that a little more or a little less of the credulity which is, in
all human minds, mingled with pure faith in the Divine, can make a
vital difference in the character of the religion, whatever it may
make in the creed. The most earnest man is hampered by an heredity of
credence that makes the conception of the Supreme Being a matter of
an intellectual struggle which is to some minds insuperable, and to
deprive such of the symbols which lead to a final comprehension of the
truth is no service to humanity or truth. The suppression of the Roman
Catholic religion in Italy, if possible, would be only to leave its
place vacant for unreason and anarchy, for the intellectual status of
the common people does not admit of a more abstract belief. For that
evil influence, however, which a recent writer has designated as
Curialism, which to-day has its seat at the Vatican, and whose aim
and end are the absolute antagonism of all pure religion, I have no
respect, and only the feeling due to unmitigated evil. It is a deadly
political malady, malefic in proportion to its influence on the
people; and, I fear, until Italy is freed from it, no progress or
healthy political life or morality is possible.

For myself, the study of the system and a comparison of its relations
with other religions completed that evolution of my religious ideal
which I regard as the principal outcome of my life. The Roman Catholic
religion is to me the _reductio ad absurdum_ of all anthropomorphic
religions, and such a study of it as was there possible drove me to a
logical conclusion on the whole matter, not by a sudden revulsion,
but as the gradual and normal growth of a rational evolution of
my conceptions of the spiritual life, starting from that stage of
emancipation which my residence at Cambridge and the intercourse with
the liberal thinkers there had brought me to; the influence of Norton,
Lowell, Agassiz, and Emerson especially. In this liberation I am
aware of no sudden break in my belief from its crude acceptance of
miraculous conversion and eternal damnation for the unconverted, but a
slow opening of my eyes to larger truths. If any individual influence
other than those I have named came in, it would have been the reading
of Swedenborg, which gave me a comprehension of what spiritual life
was and must be; but Swedenborg himself had never been emancipated
from the anthropomorphic conception of Deity. He was a seer, not a
philosopher. Emancipation from ignorance will never be complete, and
ignorance and even superstition have their divine uses as infancy has.
Once the idea of evolution as the law of life is accepted, the logical
conclusion is the reign of law and the rejection of all miraculous
interposition, and the perception of this fact by the clever schemers
at the Vatican underlies the implacable hostility they show to science
and evolution. If they could, they would have burned Darwin as they
burned Giordano Bruno. They are, and they must ever be, as the
condition of keeping up the existence and power of the Vatican and its
peculiar institutions, the enemies of mental emancipation. It is not
ignorance which is the enemy of wisdom, but the passion of domination.

The Roman Catholic Church with its hypothetical succession of Peter
will exist forever, because the necessity of seeing through forms and
of obedience to authority will endure as long as humanity endures, for
certain orders of mind and certain temperaments; but the political
problem of the existence of the Vatican in a free and united Italy,
progressive and maintaining her place amongst the European powers,
is one the solution of which I shall await with great interest, not
regarding the triumph of the Vatican as possible according to its
hopes, but not sure that the internecine struggle may not end in the
ruin of both contestants, since the Italians have not the courage or
the patriotism to accept the only safe measure, formal and complete
suppression of all civic privileges for the Pope and his bishops--the
relegation of religion to a place outside the organization of



The dolorous history of the defeat at Adowah, the decisive event
in the decline of Italy, is an epitome of all the tendencies and
weaknesses of the Italian nation; and, as I was more or less
intimately informed of all the causes of it, the intrigues and
treachery which made it possible, and as no Italian who knows the
story will, for very shame, tell it, I will leave the record of what I
learned and what I believe to be the indisputable facts.

When Lord Salisbury came to power in 1895, he renewed a compact with
Italy and Austria which had been made when Crispi was in office in his
first premiership, about 1888, for a common action in all questions
concerning the Turkish Empire; and on the occasion of the Armenian
massacres he called for the execution of its provisions, sending the
English fleet to Turkish waters and making a requisition on Austria
and Italy for the support of their fleets. Crispi, who saw in the
measure the longed-for opportunity of action in league with England,
ordered the fleet to follow that of England, and prepared the
mobilization of an army corps to coöperate by land. He had already
revived the ancient hostility of France by the rejection of an offer
of the French government, made at his accession to office, of
all desirable friendly offices, a treaty of commerce, financial
facilities, etc., if he would withdraw from the understanding with
England as to Mediterranean questions. The entry into the plans of
England for the Armenian question, which were diametrically opposed to
those of Russia, provoked the active enmity of that power, with which
Italy had until then been on friendly terms. Thenceforward Russia
united her influence with that of France in creating difficulties for
Italy in Abyssinia as the punishment of Crispi, and at the same time
the means of paralyzing one of the members of the Triple Alliance.
Lord Salisbury, vacillating, as is his way, and under persuasion of
the powers opposed to his action, consented to delay and negotiate,
thus giving the Sultan time to prepare the defenses of the
Dardanelles, making the _coup de main_, possible at first, then
impossible, and necessitating serious naval operations, which
were likely to involve considerable losses if the pressure at
Constantinople were to be successful.

The abandonment of the inconsiderate scheme, initiated in obedience
to a religious agitation and far too daring for a statesman of Lord
Salisbury's nervelessness, having drawn Italy into such difficulties
as the result of her obedience to his call, the least that Crispi
could expect was that he would be supported by all the moral if not by
the military power of England, whose influence in Abyssinia was very
great. During the government of Lord Rosebery that influence had been
distinctly exercised in favor of Italy, in opposition to that of
France, and, when Crispi asked for the privilege of landing troops at
Zeila, the English port for Abyssinia, in case of war, it had been
accorded, giving Italy the advantage of a menace on the rear of all
the positions of Menelek, which had in the early stages of the trouble
been efficient. The Italian government had no intention of sending an
expedition through Zeila to attack Harrar in any contingency foreseen,
but the possibility of such a movement compelled Menelek to keep
a strong force in Harrar and prevented the concentration which
ultimately proved so disastrous at Adowah. The French government
protested against the concession, but the English ministry refused to
recognize the right of France to protest. Lord Salisbury withdrew the
privilege, enabling the French agents to convince Menelek that England
was hostile to Italy, and thus decided the question of peace or war
between Abyssinia and Italy.

That the occupation of Abyssinia had been a folly had always been the
opinion of Crispi, who, in the outset, opposed it in a speech which
proved a prophecy of all the disasters which followed; and on his
return to power I very strongly, in one of the two cases in which I
attempted to exercise any influence on him, urged him to withdraw from
Africa, but the old man's patriotic pride was too intense for him to
consent to an abandonment of an undertaking in which Italian blood
had been shed. "The flag cannot retreat," he said, and in fact public
opinion was at that moment so strongly in favor of the maintenance of
the colony that no ministry could have carried a proposal to abandon
it. It has been the habit of the Italians since the disaster to throw
the blame for it on Crispi, but I, who was always opposed to the
undertaking, can testify that at the outbreak of war, and especially
after the brilliant if slight victories won by the Italian troops
in Africa, Crispi would have been defeated in the Chamber if he had
proposed withdrawing. In the Chamber there was only the extreme Left
which opposed the war policy, and the order of the day which was
accepted by the government as the war programme was presented by the
Marquis di Rudiní, then head of the opposition, and carried by an
enormous majority. As I was present at the sitting of the Chamber at
which the vote was taken I do not speak uncertainly.

Baratieri had been recalled to Rome on the suspicion that he was
intending to extend the conquest unduly, and I met him at a breakfast
arranged by the Minister of Foreign Affairs to enable me to discuss
the subject with the general. He then made the most unqualified
declarations that he was opposed to all extension of operations, and
that he did not ask for a man or a lira more than had been accorded
to him by Crispi. Baratieri was a Garibaldian general, a daring and
brilliant commander of a brigade at most, without a proper military
education, but with some experience. He was a political general,
however, a partisan of Zanardelli, who had been the most insistent
rival of Crispi at the formation of a ministry in 1893, and he had
been Zanardelli's candidate for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
his nomination having been protested against by Austria on the well
understood ground that he was an Irredentist, that is, in favor
of taking the Tyrol from Austria. In the battle of Coatit, which
inaugurated the hostilities, he had shown brilliant qualities as a
partisan commander and had become very popular, so that to remove
him, as Crispi had intended when he was recalled to Rome, was very
difficult, the more as he protested his strict adherence to the
defensive policy imposed on him by the ministry; but on his return it
soon became evident that he cherished more ambitious plans than he
had owned up to when in Rome, and Crispi soon saw that his recall was
necessary. But Baratieri had now the support, not only of the common
public favor, but of the entire court circle, which saw in him a
convenient weapon against Crispi, and of the military party, and,
through these, of the King, who refused to assent to the recall of the
general when Crispi finally demanded it.

The premier was not supported in his insistence and pressure on the
King by the whole of the cabinet, and the only practical method of
getting rid of Baratieri was by increasing the forces in Africa to the
number at which, by the regulations, a superior officer was necessary
to command. The general chosen, Baldissera, a safe and competent
commander, was already in Africa, at Massowah, when Baratieri, warned
of his supersession in spite of all the precautions to keep secrecy,
precipitated hostilities against the distinct orders of Crispi never
to attack a force superior to his own, so as to force the issue before
he should be deprived of the command. A court-martial sat to try
Baratieri, nominally, but its sentence simply concealed all the facts
and covered the responsibility, which there was good evidence to show
was morally if not technically divided between Baratieri and certain
parties in the court and army cliques more desirous of overthrowing
Crispi than of securing a victory. The mystery that hid all the
details of the investigation that could fix the disgrace where it
belonged, and allowed only unimportant transactions to appear, will
never be dispelled.

Crispi was disposed to renew the struggle, for there was within a
march of a day or two a larger Italian force than that which had
been defeated, under a competent commander, and the losses of the
Abyssinians had been so heavy that they were unable to advance, while
the season of rain was so close on them that they must have retreated
in a few days, even if not attacked, and if attacked in their retreat
they must have abandoned all the fruits of their previous victory.
But to do this it was necessary to prorogue the Chamber until the
operations were concluded, and this course was opposed in the cabinet;
Saracco, the Minister of Public Works, threatening to resign if a
further prorogation was decreed. The public panic was such that a
partial crisis would have been the signal for an outbreak of disorders
on the part of the parties opposed to the African policy, headed
by the extreme Left in the Chamber,--a risk which several of the
ministers were indisposed to face,--and the ministry resigned without
waiting to meet the Parliament.

Civic courage in Italy is so low that any grave military or civil
disaster, no matter on whom should fall the responsibility, entails a
change of ministry, and in this case even the King abandoned Crispi,
though the chief responsibility for the disastrous result of the
campaign rested on himself. Humbert always retreated before any
popular commotion. He never understood that the duty of the sovereign
was to lend his moral support to his ministers so long as no
constitutional question was involved, or until there had been the
expression of the will of the nation, deliberately formulated, and not
by the accidental votes which in the Italian Chamber are oftener the
result of conspiracies or panics than of any question involving a
political measure. Parliamentary government in Italy is a caricature
of the form, demanding for its safe working the most conservative
influence of the Crown to control its action. But Humbert, by yielding
to every gust of excitement in the Chamber which, even by a surprise,
menaced the ministry, encouraged and developed the disorderly tendency
and the strength of the subversive party which always profited by the
disorders. Victor Emmanuel in a similar case quelled the anarchy by
dissolving the Chamber; Humbert had never that degree of courage even
when he knew that the disorder was directed against the monarchy, not
merely against a ministry; and he is, more than any other person, the
cause of the decline and anarchy in parliamentary government in Italy.

In the succeeding ministry the King had the unprecedented courage to
refuse to accept Rudiní and his programme, but admitted his inclusion
in the ministry of General Ricotti, an old and admirable soldier and
military organizer, who was resolved to begin his administration by
a long desired and needed reorganization of the army, reducing its
numbers and increasing its efficiency. On this point the King was
inflexible, for he always refused to allow the army to be reduced
organically, though he never refused to accept such a diminution of
the rank and file as made it utterly inefficient for an emergency, so
long as the _cadres_ and the number of officers were not diminished.
He sent a message to some senators who were in his confidence to the
effect that the measure of Ricotti must be defeated there, as he could
not count on its being rejected by the popular assembly. The senate
rejected it, and Ricotti, unsupported by his colleagues, resigned.
The régime of half measures and little men returned. The accession of
Victor Emmanuel III. may bring about a change, if the new King has
statesmen to fall back on, but I do not see them amongst the old men.
The only man competent to assume an effective reconstitution of the
state is Sidney Sonnino, the Secretary of the Treasury with Crispi,
but he is not a popular man, and, if he attempts to govern by the
strong measures necessary, he will meet the same hostility which
always assailed Crispi. Nothing less than the courage and abilities of
a Cromwell could reform government in Italy, and, in the opinion of
some of the wisest and most patriotic Italians I know, the task is
hopeless and the decay inevitable.

Fully convinced of this myself, I could but lose that interest in the
future of Italy which had always made residence there so attractive
to me. Moreover, I had arrived at an age which rendered the proper
performance of the duties of my position on the "Times" impossible.
Accordingly, I sent in my resignation and returned to England, where
in such condition of social and intellectual activity as my years and
circumstances permit, I hope to end my days, no longer a participant
in political affairs and content simply to live.


A., Miss, spiritualistic medium
A'ali Pasha
Abyssinia, Italians in
Adams, Charles Francis, minister to England during the Civil War
Adirondack Club
Adirondacks, life in the
_Adirondacs, The_, poem by Emerson
Adowah, defeat at, the decisive event in the decline of Italy
circumstances which led to it
_After the Burial_
Agassiz, Louis
is pleased with one of Stillman's pictures
first meets Stillman
makes excursion with the Adirondack Club
his scientific work
personal character
brief mentions of
Agios Rumeli
Aiguille de Varens
Alabama, the Confederate cruiser
Albania, Stillman's travels in
Albanians, character and customs of
intellectual capacity
Albert, Prince, his attitude towards the United States in the Civil War
Alcott, A. Bronson
Aldrich, T.B., contributes to _The Crayon_
Ali Saib Pasha
Alps, _See_ Switzerland.
American Archaeological Institute, Stillman undertakes expedition for
American Art Union
"American Pre-Raphaelite," Stillman so called
Ames, Mr., Stillman's companion on voyage to England
Ampersand Pond
Anakim, procession of the
Anti-rent war in New York
Antonelli, Cardinal, character of
Appleton, Thomas Gold, contributes to _The Crayon_
his character
Appleton, William H.
Arethusa, English frigate, at Crete
Arkadi, convent of
Arkadi, the blockade runner
Armenian massacres, action of England and Italy in regard to
Armitage, Mr., fellow art-student with Stillman
Art in America in Stillman's youth
Art instruction in France and England compared
Art Union of New York buys a picture by Stillman
Arthur, Chester A., school and college friend of Stillman
Associateship of Design, Stillman elected to, 140.
Assurance, English vessel, at Crete
Atlantic, the steamer, 139.
_Auf Wiedersehen_

Bacevich, Maxime
Backwoods experiences. _See_ Adirondacks, life in the.
Bailey, Philip James
Baldissera, General, appointed to command of Italian forces in Africa
Ball, Daniel
Banovich, Mitrofan
Baptists, Seventh-Day. _See_ Seventh-Day Baptists.
Baratieri, General, commanding Italian forces in Africa
Barbieux, French officer in Herzegovina
Baring, Sir Evelyn
Barnum, P.T.
Basil, St., Herzegovinian bishop
Bath, Marquis of
Beaconsfield, Lord, his Aylesbury speech
comment on Montenegrin affairs
discussed by Stillman and Gladstone
Beaulieu, M. Le Hardy de, Stillman's meeting with
Beaver Brook
_Bed of Ferns_, Stillman's picture
Buskin's criticism of, rejected by the Academy
_Being a Boy_
Bennett, James Gordon
Berdas, the, Stillman's journey into
invasion by the Turks
Berlin, Treaty of
Bigelow, John, managing editor of the _Evening Post_
_Biglow Papers_, edited by Thomas Hughes
Binney, Dr. Amos
Binney, Mrs. Amos
Bismarck, Herbert
Black, Rev. William
Blair, Mr., engineer
Blanc, Baron
Bliss, Elder, ancestor of W.J. Stillman
anecdotes of his family
Bodichon, Barbara
Borthwick, Colonel
Boutakoff, Captain
Boyce, Mr., artist, visits Stillman
Boyle, Mr., artist
Brett, Mr., artist, Rossetti's aversion for
Brigandage in Rome
Briggs, C.F.
Brin, Sig., Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs
"Brooklyn School,"
Brown, Mr., consular agent at Civita Vecchia
Brown, Ford Madox
Stillman's judgment of, and his influence on Rossetti
Brown, H.K., the sculptor
Brown, Mrs. H.K.
Browning, Mrs., mother of the poet
Browning, Robert, father of the poet
Browning, Robert, the poet
Browning, Sariana, sister of the poet
Bruno, Giordano
Bryant, William Cullen
Stillman's association with, on the _Evening Post_
contributes to _The Crayon_
feeling towards Lowell
Buchanan, Robert, his criticism of Rossetti
Buchanan, James, his influence on English public opinion
Burne-Jones, Sir Edward
Burnside, General Ambrose E.
Burr, Aaron
Butler, Benjamin F., his influence in Massachusetts at opening of the
Civil War

Calvin, doctrines of, held by Ruskin
Cambridge, Mass., life at
Camp life. _See_ Adirondacks, life in the.
Camp Maple, _See_ Adirondack Club.
Canandaigua, U.S. corvette, at Crete
Candanos, collision between Mussulmans and Christians at
serious fight at
relief of
Cass, Major
Castellani, Sig.
Cattaro, Gulf of
Cattermole, George, Turner's liking for
Cavallotti, Sig.
Crispi's opponent
Cemeteries, prehistoric
_Century, The. See Scribner's Monthly._
Chabot, Charles, the handwriting expert
Chalons, Alfred, miniature painter
Chalons, Edward, miniature painter
Chase, Salmon P.
_Childhood of the Virgin Mary_, Rossetti's picture
Children's Crusade, referred to
_Christ in the Carpenter's Shop_, picture by Millais
Church, F.E., artist and teacher of Stillman
Civil War in the United States, Stillman returns to America on account of
English attitude concerning
Clermont, Fulton's steamer
Clough, Arthur Hugh, Norton gives Stillman letter to
intercourse with
Col des Fours
Cole, Thomas, landscape painter
Collegiate education, discussion of
Collins line of steamers
Colucci, Sig., Italian consul at Crete
Comoundouros, Greek prime minister
his character
brief references to
Coney Island
"Conscious mind in creation,"
Constable, John, artist
Consular service abroad, weakness of
Conversion, Baptist views concerning
_See, also_, Revival meetings.
_Cornhill Magazine_, Stillman contributes article to, on
architectural restorations in Florence.

Coroneos, Colonel, his action in the Cretan insurrection
Corot, Jean Baptiste, comparison of his work with that of Rousseau
Cosmopolitan Club, London
Coutet, Alpine guide
Couture, Thomas
Coxe family, traveling companions and friends of Stillman
_Crayon, The_, Stillman's art journal
Creswick, Thomas, artist
Cretan committee of Athens assists Stillman
Cretan committee of Boston
Cretan insurrection
Stillman writes history of
Cretan women, beauty of
Crete, Stillman made consul in
consular life in
plan for its annexation to Egypt
later visit to
survival of ancient superstitions
horrible history of Crete
Crispi, Francesco, Italian premier, Stillman's association with, and
estimate of
his relations with King Humbert
with Sir Evelyn Baring
his overthrow
its consequences
his second ministry
review of his conduct of Italian affairs in Abyssinia
Crispi, Signora
Cromer, Lord. _See_ Baring, Sir Evelyn.
Cunard line of steamers
Cushman, Charlotte, in Rome
Cuvier, Baron Georges

_Daily News_, Stillman is placed on staff of
journeys and correspondence in,
attitude of the people towards the Herzegovinian insurrection
Dana, R.H.
Dancing, disapproved of by Stillman's father
Danilo, Prince of Montenegro
Danish Effendi
Darwin, Charles R., his evolutionary hypothesis
Davidson, Charles, gives Stillman lessons in art
_Dead House, The_
Delacroix, Eugène, artist
Delane, Mr., of the London _Times_
Delaroche, Paul
Delf, Mr.
Deliyanni, Greek premier
Dendrinos, Russian consul at Crete
Depretis, Agostino
Derché, M., French consul at Crete
De Ruyter, N.Y., school at
Dervish Pasha
Diamond, the steamer
Dickson, Charles H., English consul at Crete
Dickson, Mrs. T.G., cares for Stillman's children
Didot, Mlle.
Didot, Firmin, Stillman's meeting with, in Paris
Diplomatic service, American
Dobrilovina, convent of, Stillman's visit to
Dormitor, Mt.
Dossi, Count Alberto Pisani, Crispi's secretary
Doughty, Thomas, artist
Drobniak, province of
Duby, secretary of the Prince of Montenegro
Dufferin, Lord, succeeds to the Embassy at Rome
Duprés, the
Durand, A.B., artist,
contributes to _The Crayon_
Durand, John, partner of Stillman in publishing _The Crayon_
Dusseldorf, visited by Stillman
"Dutch courage"

_Echo_, English paper, prints letter from Stillman
Edhem Pasha
Edmonds, Judge
Edmunds, Senator
Elliott, Sir Henry, English ambassador at Crete
Emerson, Edward W.
Emerson, R.W.,
his estimate of Alcott
Stillman's first meeting with
his relations with Longfellow
excursion with the Adirondack Club
visits Stillman in England
influence on Stillman
first visit to
second visit
her attitude during the American Civil War
later visits and residences in
English church in Rome
Enneochoria, valley of
Ennosis, blockade runner
Ense, Varnhagen von
Epirus, invasion of
Erie Canal
Eshref Pasha
Estee, Elder
Evans, Mr., archaeologist
_Evening Post, The_
Evolution, theory of
Eyoub Pasha

_Fable for Critics_
Father's influence in forming character of children
Fenian organization
_Festus_, Bailey's
Fielding, Copley
_First Snow-Fall, The_
Fish, Hamilton, urges Stillman's dismissal from Crete
Fleming, Colonel, of Florida
Florida, Stillman's trip to
Fogg, George G., American minister at Berne
Follansbee Pond. _See, also_, Adirondack Club.
Forbes, Archibald
Forbes, J.M., gives Stillman a commission for a picture
France, relations with Italy
Francis Joseph, Emperor of Austria
"Franco, Harry" (pseudonym). _See_ Briggs, C.F.
Freeborn, Mr., English banker and friend of Stillman
Freeman, Professor Edward A
Freemasons in Rome
Froude, James Anthony, Stillman's friendship for
Fuller, George, Stillman's companion on voyage to England

Gallenga, Mr., Rome correspondent of the _Times_
Garibaldi, Giuseppe
Garrick, the ship
Garrison, William Lloyd
Geissler Pasha, German officer, in Crete
General-Admiral, Russian frigate at Crete
Geneva, Stillman's visit to
"Geodesy," nickname of a professor at Union College
George, King of Greece, his character
his weakness of action and unpopularity
calls Tricoupi to form a ministry
Gérôme, the artist
Gettysburg, battle of
Ghost at Chamounix
Gibson, John
Gifford, S.R., artist
Gilder, Richard Watson
Giolitti, Sig., Italian minister
Girtin, Thomas, artist
Gladstone, W.E., his satisfaction with himself
Beaconsfield's banter of
Stillman's intercourse with
Mr. Walter's dislike of
Goldsborough, Rear-Admiral
"Good Americans, when they die ...,"
Görgey, Arthur, treason of
Gosdanovich, Montenegrin interpreter and traveling companion of
Gray, Judge
Gray, Asa
Gray, H.P., artist
Greece, political affairs in
Greek Church, influence of
Greeley, Horace, opposes coercion of the South
Greene, Colonel W.B.
Greene, Mr., English consul at Scutari
Greenleaf, Dora
Greenough, Horatio, contributes to _The Crayon_
Griffiths, Mr., London picture dealer

Halbherr, Federico, archaeologist
Halford, Mr., his collection of pictures
Hall, S.C., editor of the _Art Journal_
Hamilton, Alexander
_Hamlet and Ophelia_, Rossetti's picture
Hamley, General
Hancock, Mass
Harding, James Duffield, artist
Haynes, Mr., accompanies Stillman on his archaeological expedition

_Hector_, Rossetti's picture
_Herald_, the New York, correspondence of, from Vienna, during
the Exposition; further correspondence.
Herzegovina, Stillman's journey to, as
_Times_ correspondent;
condition of the country during the
insurrection; battle at Muratovizza
_See also_, Dalmatia _and_ Montenegro.
Hibernia, Fla.
Hoar, Judge E.R., joins the Adirondack Club;
Grant's attorney-general.
Hobart Pasha, English admiral at Crete.
Hohenlohe, Cardinal.
Holland, J.G.
Holmes, John.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell;
Stillman's estimate of.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr.
Holmes, Sir William, English consul at Mostar, Herzegovina.
Hooker, Mr., secretary of legation at Rome.
Hosmer, Harriet.
House of the Four Winds.
Houssein, Hadji.
Howe, Dr. Estes.
Howe, Dr. S.G.
Howells, William Dean,
Stillman's first meeting with;
consul at Venice.
Hubbard, Richard W., artist.
Hudson and Mohawk Railroad, opening of.
Hughes, Thomas, Lowell gives Stillman letter to;
intercourse with.
Humbert, King of Italy, character of his rule
and relations with Crispi.
Hungarian crown jewels, concealed by Kossuth;
schemes for their removal;
recovered by the Austrian government.
Hungarian politics. _See_ Kossuth, Louis.
Hunt, Holman.
Hunt, William M.
Huntington, Daniel, contributes to _The Crayon_.
Hussein Avni.

Ignatieff, General.
"Indian Chiefs" of the anti-rent war.
Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique.
Inman, Henry, artist.
International copyright.
Ioannides, Dr., in the Cretan insurrection.
Irby, Miss.
Isle of Wight.
Ismael Pasha, Stillman's relations
with, during his consulate at Crete;
character of his rule;
action during the insurrection;
his dismissal.
Italian politics.
Italian prisoners murdered at New Orleans.
Ivanovich, General.

Jacque, Charles, artist.
James, Henry, father of the novelist,
contributes to _The Crayon_
Jay, John, American minister at Vienna.
Jews in Newport, R.I.
Johnson family, in the Adirondacks.
Jonine, Russian agent.
_Juliet and her Nurse_, Turner's picture.

Karam, Joseph, prince of the Lebanon.
Kaulbach, Wilhelm von.
Kestrel, the yacht, Stillman makes use of, about Crete;
hired for the voyage "on the track of Ulysses."
King, John A.
King, Rufus.
Kingsley, Charles.
Kingsley, Henry.
Knapp, Mr., revival preacher.
Kossuth, Louis, his tour in America;
his intercourse with Stillman.
Kovachevich, Slavonic patriot

Lamarck, Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet de
_Landscape Element, The, in American Poetry_, series of articles by
Stillman in _The Crayon_
Landscape in America, lack of picturesqueness in
Larcom, Lucy, contributes to _The Crayon_
_Lark, The, and her Young_, fable of
Leighton, Sir Frederick, visits Stillman
Lemaître, Frédéric, actor
Lenox, James
his attempts to obtain Turner's _Téméraire_
possession of another work by Turner
Leslie, Sir Charles R., artist
_Levant Herald_, Stillman's work upon
Leys, Baron
Lincoln, Abraham,
at the outbreak of the Civil War
his understanding of the North
in the Mason and Slidell case
brief mentions of
his assassination
Lind, Jenny, fellow-passenger with Stillman from England
Linnell, John, artist
Ljubibratich, Herzegovinian leader
_Llanthony Abbey_, Turner's picture
Lloyd, Mr., English consul at Syra
Lockwood, Le Grand
Longfellow, H.W.
Stillman's intercourse with
his spiritualism
comparison with Emerson
Longfellow, Mrs. H.W.
Lowell, James
Lowell, Charles
Lowell, James Russell
assists Stillman with _The Crayon_
is appointed a professor at Harvard
complimentary dinner to
comparison with Holmes
Stillman's personal association with and judgment of
brief mentions of
Lowell, Mrs. James Russell
Lumley, Sir John Saville. _See_ Saville, Lord, of Burford.
Lyons, Lord, English ambassador at Constantinople

MacDonald, Captain
MacDonald, Mr., manager of the _Times_, Stillman's association with
Mack, Dr. David
Mack, Laura, of Cambridge. _See_ Stillman, Laura, wife of W.J.
Mackail, J.W., his life of Morris
Macmillan's, evenings at
_Magdalene_, Rossetti's picture
Mahmoud Pasha, Hungarian general, in Turkish army
Mahommed the Arabian, bricabrac dealer
Mantz, Paul, French correspondent of _The Crayon_
Marsh, George P., American minister to Italy
Marshall, John, surgeon
Martins, Professor, French scientist
"Mason and Dixon's line"
Mason and Slidell, capture of
Matanzas, Fla.
Maxson, Mr., grandfather of W.J. Stillman
Maxson, Eliza Ward. _See_ Stillman, Eliza Ward Maxson
Maxson, John, ancestor of W.J. Stillman
Maxson, William B., uncle of W.J. Stillman
Mayor, Edmond, Crispi's secretary
Mazzini, Giuseppe
Mehmet Ali, governor-general of Crete
Mehmet Pasha
Meissonier, Jean Louis Ernst
Melos. _See_ Milo
Metellus, his siege of Canea
Millais, Sir John
his picture _The Proscribed Royalist_
Stillman meets
his facility of execution
his influence compared with Rossetti's
Millet, J.F., Stillman's meeting with, at Barbizon
his work
his personal relations with Rousseau
appreciation by Americans
Millianoff, Marko, Kutchian chief
Milnes, Monckton, Stillman makes acquaintance of
Milo, Montenegrin hero
Milo, the island of
Mirko, father of Prince Nicholas
_Modern Painters_
Mohawk River
Monson, Sir Edward
Mont Blanc
Montenegro, Princess of
Montenegro, Stillman's journey to, as _Times_ correspondent
condition and character of the people
incidents of travel
participation in the Herzegovinian insurrection
declaration of war and military operations
Russian intervention
campaign of 1877
siege of Niksich
later visit to the country
_See, also_, Herzegovina.
Montenegrin women, courage of
Monteverde, Colonel
Moratsha, Stillman's journey to
scene of defeat of Mehemet Ali Pasha
Morley, Lord
Morris, E. Joy, American minister at Constantinople
Morris, William; character of his work and Rossetti's influence
upon him
Mosier, Joseph
Mostar, visit to
Mother's influence in forming character of children
Moustier, Marquis de
Mukhtar Pasha, commands Turkish troops in the Herzegovinian
is replaced by Suleiman Pasha
Müller, Max, quoted
reviews _The Cretan Insurrection_
with Mrs. Müller, meets Lowell at Stillman's house in London
Muratovizza, battle of
Murray, Captain Patrick, commander of the Wizard
Mussulman honesty
Mustapha Kiritly Pasha, his campaign in Crete
his relations with Stillman
his recall
his execution of Cretans in 1837

Naples, Congress of
Naples, King of
Napoleon III.
Natural selection, theory of
Nevius brothers, missionaries
New Orleans, murder of Italian prisoners in
New York city
the schools of
description of, in Stillman's boyhood
artist life and journalism in
New York politics
Newport, R.I., "Seventh-Day Baptists" in
Nicholas, Prince of Montenegro, opposes Herzegovinian insurrection in
its early stages
Stillman's first audience with
his character and appearance
his civil list
incidents in Stillman's intercourse with
unwillingness to take responsibility of a war
his conditions refused by Turks
relations with Austria
his gratitude to Stillman for sympathy aroused by his _Times_
his opposition to Russian suggestions
movements during the war
brief mentions of
Nicotera, Sig.
Niksich, siege of
_Nooning, The_, plan of
Norich, Mr.
North Conway, N.H.
Norton, Charles Eliot,
first meets Stillman
contributes to _The Crayon_
friendship with Stillman
brief mentions of
Nott, Mrs., wife of President Nott
Nott, Eliphalet, President of Union College

_Ode to Happiness_
Ogle, Mr., _Times_ correspondent, killed by Turkish troops
Omar Pasha
succeeds Mustapha Kiritly in Crete
his campaign
his recall
_On the Track of Ulysses_
Orzovensky, Dr.
Osman Pasha
convent of
fighting near
Owen, Richard
Owen, Robert Dale

Page, William, portrait painter,
contributes to _The Crayon_
Paget, Admiral Lord Clarence
Paget, H.M., accompanies Stillman "on the track of Ulysses"
_Pall Mall Gazette_,
Stillman contributes to
is dropped from
Palmerston, Lord
Paris, visits to
Parnell case, Stillman's search for evidence connected with
Parrot, a pet
Parthenios Kelaides, in the Cretan insurrection
Pashley, Robert
Paul Smith's Hotel
Pavlovich, Peko,
commands Montenegrin troops in Herzegovinian insurrection,
Peirce, Professor Benjamin
Petropoulaki, Grecian officer in Crete
Petrovich, "Bozo" (Bozidar)
Phi Beta Kappa Society
Phoenix Park murders
Photiades Pasha, Turkish minister at Athens
governor of Crete
Photographs of Athenian views, taken by Stillman
_Pictures from Appledore_, first part appears in _The Crayon_
Pierce, Franklin
Pigeons, immense flocks of
Pigott, Mr., his connection with the Parnell case
Piperski Celia, convent of
Pius IX.
Plainfield, N.J.
Plamenaz, Montenegrin minister of war
Poe, Edgar A., Stillman meets at Church's studio
Pope, the, office of
Post, Mr., artist
Preveli, convent of
Princeton, N.Y.
Prinsep, Valentine C., visits Stillman
Protestant chapel in Rome
Protracted meetings. _See_ Revival meetings
Psyche, English dispatch boat, at Crete
Public School Society in New York
Pulzsky, Franz, Kossuth's colleague
Puritans, rigor of their rule in Massachusetts
Putnam, G.P.
Pym, commander of the Assurance
Pyne, J.B.
his work as a painter
influence on Stillman

Quarantine in the Levant

Rachel, the actress
Ragusa, affairs in and about during the Herzegovinian insurrection
_Rain Dream, A_, first published in _The Crayon_
Randall, Alexander W.
Raouf Pasha
Raquette River
Rarey, John S., impostor using his name
Red Cross Society
Regnault, Henri
Reid, Whitelaw
Reinhart, Benjamin F.
Reschid Effendi
Retimo, Stillman's trip to
Revival meetings
"Rhode Island and Providence Plantations"
Ricotti, General, Italian minister
_Riforma, La_, Crispi's journal
Ritchie, Anne Thackeray
Robertsbridge, residence at
Robilant, General, Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs
Rodich, Baron, governor of Dalmatia
Rogers, Mr., ex-officer of the English army
Rogers, Randolph
Roman Campagna
Roman Catholic Church
and the public schools
character and influence of, in Italy
residences in
description of
civil and political condition
immorality in
the Catholic Church
Pius IX.
abolition of American legation at
Rosebery, Lady
Rosebery, Lord
in Rome
attitude of his government toward Italy
Rossetti, Christina
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel
Stillman's intercourse with and judgment of
Rossetti, Maria
Rossetti, Mrs. Gabriele
Rossetti, William, English correspondent of _The Crayon_
Stillman's later intercourse with
Rossetti family, Stillman's intercourse with
Rousseau, Théodore, Stillman's meeting with, at Barbizon
his work compared with Turner's
Rowse, S.W.
his portrait of Emerson
remark about Ruskin
Rudiní, Marquis di, Italian statesman
his action in regard to murder of Italian prisoners in New Orleans
fall of his ministry
brief mentions
Ruggles, Dr. Edward, artist
Ruskin, John
Stillman's first meeting with
further intercourse
summer in Switzerland with
Ruskin, Mrs. John
coöperates in Montenegrin affairs
declares war against Turkey
the campaign
unites with France in creating difficulties for Italy in Abyssinia
Russian influence
in Cretan affairs
in Herzegovina
in Europe generally
Russians, characteristics of the

Sabbatarians. _See_ Seventh-Day Baptists.
Sabbath, the
St. Augustine, Fla.
St. Martin
Salisbury, Lord
orders withdrawal from negotiations with Italy in reference to
occupation of Kassala
acknowledges Crispi's services to the cause of European peace
renews compact with Italy and Austria
vacillation of
Sandwith, T. Humphrey, English consul at Crete
Sapunzaki, General Saracco, Sig., Italian Minister of Public Works,
Saturday Club
Stillman's first attendance at
Emerson as a member of
Judge Hoar as a member of
Sauer, Mr., correspondent of the New York _Herald_ at Vienna
Saville, Lord, of Burford
Savoy, annexation of
Schahin Pasha
commercial importance of, in early part of the 19th century
Stillman's early life and education in
Schmidt, Madam, a German refugee
Scotch Cameronians in Princeton, N.Y.
Scott, General Winfield, urges peaceful separation of North and South
Scott, Mrs. Winfield, dies in Rome
_Scribner's Monthly_, Stillman's connection with
Sectarian persecution, freedom from, in Rhode Island
Seemann, Dr.
Selim Pasha
Server Effendi
negotiations with Montenegro
revolt against Turkey
Seventh-Day Baptists
Severn, Arthur
Seward, William H.
his relations with Dr. Nott
his influence in New York at the opening of the Civil War
position in the Mason and Slidell case
sustains Stillman in matter of passports
his manner of making appointments
dispatch from, to Stillman at Crete
consents to Stillman's recall, which, however, is revoked
Sexton, Samuel, portrait painter, teacher and friend of Stillman
Shefket Pasha, inaugurator of the "Bulgarian atrocities"
defeated by Lazar Socica
Sheridan, Irish patriot
Sigourney, Mrs., contributes to _The Crayon_
"Six Greeks, seven captains"
Slavery in Florida, as seen by Stillman
Small-pox hospital, Newport, R.I.
Smalley, E.V., assists Stillman in _Tribune_ correspondence at Vienna
Smalley, G.W., European manager of the New York _Tribune_
Socica, Lazar
defeats Shefket Pasha at Muratovizza
quarrels with Peko Pavlovich
joins Peiovich
his method of attacking towers
Societies, secret, at Union College
Sonnino, Sidney, Italian Minister of the Treasury
Southerners in Rome
Spartali, Marie. _See_ Stillman, Marie, wife of W.J.
Spartali, Michael, Greek consul general at London
Spiritism, Stillman's investigation of
Stagecoaches, between Albany and Schenectady
_Star, The_, John Bright's paper
Stead, William T.
Stebbing, William
Stebbins, Emma
Steedman, Commodore
Stefan Nemanides, founder of the convent of Moratsha
Stephen, Leslie, Stillman's acquaintance with, in London
Stephen, Mrs. Leslie
Stillman, Alfred, brother of W.J.
Stillman, Bella, daughter of W.J.
Stillman, Charles H., brother of W.J.
Stillman, Effie, daughter of W.J.
Stillman, Eliza Ward Maxson, mother of W.J.
her early life
residence in Schenectady, N.Y.
strong religious nature
ambitions for her children
family discipline
general character
old age
Stillman, George, ancestor of W.J.
Stillman, Dr. Jacob, brother of W.J.
teaches in De Ruyter, N.Y.
takes part in séances
Stillman, Joseph, father of W.J.
residence in Schenectady, N.Y.
opposes his sons' going to college
family discipline
Stillman, Laura, first wife of W.J.
winter in Paris
return to America
remains in Cambridge while Stillman goes to his consulate at Rome
rejoins husband
life in Crete
Stillman, Lisa, daughter of W.J.
Stillman, Marie, second wife of W.J.
Stillman, Mrs., sister-in-law of W.J.
Stillman, Paul, brother of W.J.
Stillman, Russie, son of W.J.
his illness
his death
Stillman, Thomas B., brother of W.J.
Stillman, William James
early life and training
religious experience
intellectual slowness
love of nature and struggles of conscience
runs away from home
attends school in New York city, living with his eldest brother
goes to a school at De Ruyter, N.Y.
mental slowness disappears
college education decided on by the family
continues preparation in Schenectady
enters Union College
tries teaching a "district school"
conflict of will with his father
returns to college
college life, religious doubts, renewal of acquaintance with a former
teacher at De Ruyter
begins serious study of art
voyage to England
life in London
visit to Paris
returns to America
continues painting from nature
enlists under Kossuth, and goes to Hungary to carry off
the crown jewels
studies art in Paris
returns to America and continues painting
investigates spiritism
spends much time in the Adirondacks
curious mental experiences
takes a studio in New York
obtains position of fine-art editor of the _Evening Post_
relations with Bryant
with Mr. and Mrs. H.K. Brown
conducts _The Crayon_
breaks down in health
life in Cambridge and vacations in the Adirondacks
betrothal to Miss Mack of Cambridge
formal organization of the Adirondack Club, and purchase of
tract of land
severe illness
trip to Florida
returns to Cambridge
in the Adirondacks
goes again to England
life in London, conversion to the theory of evolution
summer in Switzerland with Ruskin
marriage to Miss Mack and winter in Paris, acquaintance with the
Browning family
excursion to Normandy
returns to the United States on account of the Civil War
is appointed consul at Rome
goes to England, thence to Italy
life in Rome
journey to America for wife and child
dissatisfaction with the Roman consulate
transference to Crete
journey thither
consular life
trips about the island
journey to and from Rome for wife and children
death of T.B. Stillman
to Athens on leave of absence
photographic work
is dismissed from Cretan consulate
death of Mrs. Stillman
returns to Crete to make consignment of the consulate
in accordance with wish of Mehmet Ali, the new governor-general,
goes to Constantinople to discuss condition of Crete
illness of Russie Stillman, journey to London, and thence to America
death of his mother
publication of book of photographs
undertakes painting again
takes position on _Scribner's Monthly_
returns to London,--association with Rossetti and other English artists
second marriage
literary work for various periodicals
continued ill health of Russie Stillman
copyright controversy
goes to Vienna as correspondent of the _Tribune_
reports Beaconsfleld's Aylesbury speech for the _Herald_
makes journey to America with Russie
death of Russie
goes to Herzegovina and Montenegro, as correspondent of the
_Times_, to report the insurrection there
journey through Montenegro and Albania
stay at Ragusa
goes to England
returns to Montenegro
goes again to England
false reports against his character as a correspondent
receives assurance of Gladstone's confidence
again returns to Montenegro
following the war
journey into the Berdas
witnesses the taking of Niksich
lost in the forest with the prince
excursion to Moratsha
returns to find that Antivari and Dulcigno have been taken
spends the winter in Corfu
removes to Florence
intercourse with the Brownings and Gladstone
exploration of the "track of Ulysses"
undertakes expedition for the American Archaeological Institute
revisits Crete
goes to Athens as _Times_ correspondent
returns to Florence
is interested in preservation of old buildings
letters to London journals
pleasures of life in Florence
gives up residence on account of prevalence of fevers
Mrs. Stillman and younger children return to England,
Stillman spends next year in New York, on staff of the
_Evening Post_
is appointed representative of the _Times_ for Italy and Greece,
with residence at Rome
goes to Athens, finding political affairs there in a critical condition
breaks down in health and returns to Rome
relations with Crispi
is sent by the _Times_ to America in quest of evidence connected
with the Parnell case
revisits the Adirondacks
résumé of his connection with the _Times_, to 1889
revisits Montenegro
rumor of his assassination
in Rome as _Times_ correspondent
evolution his religious ideal
resigns his position on the _Times_, and settles permanently
in England
Story, W.W.
Suleiman Pasha
Sultan, the
Sumner, Charles
Swinburne, A.C.
Switzerland, Stillman's journeyings in
Szemere, Bartholomew, colleague of Kossuth

Tanlongo, Sig., director of the Banca Romana
Taylor, Bayard, contributes to _The Crayon_
assists Stillman in _Tribune_ correspondence at Vienna
Taylor, Tom
Tcherniaieff, Russian general, commands Servian army
Tennyson, Alfred, writes a sonnet on Montenegrin affairs
Thoemel, Colonel
_Three Fishermen_
Tilton, John Rollin, American landscape painter
_Times_, prints letter from Stillman on copyright matters
correspondence from Herzegovina and Montenegro
from Florence
from Athens
from Rome
from New York
on the Parnell case
résumé of Stillman's connection with
his resignation from
"Tree of Judgment"
_Tribune_, the New York, Stillman correspondent for, at Vienna
Tricou, M., French consul at Crete
Tricoupi, Charilaos, Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs
his friendship with Stillman
his character and ability
course as prime minister
Tricoupi family
Triple Alliance
Trollope, Mrs.
Trollope, T. Adolphus, defends Stillman in copyright discussion
Trout, Stillman's first capture
in Montenegrin streams
Troyon, Constant
Turkey, her treatment of Crete
condition of the empire after the Cretan affair. _See,
also_, Herzegovina _and_ Montenegro.
Turkish maladministration
Turner, Joseph Mallord William
Stillman's meeting with
criticism of his works
his influence on Stillman
comparison of his work with Rousseau's
appearance through a spiritualist medium
scenes painted by him in the Alps
his power of composition
Tynan, Irish patriot

Union College, Schenectady
Utovu, battle of

Valide, Sultana
Van Buren, General, chief commissioner for America at the Vienna
Varnhagen von Ense, Carl August
Veloudaki, Costa, Cretan chief
Victor Emmanuel II., King of Italy
Victor Emmanuel III., King of Italy
Victoria, Queen, her attitude towards the United States during the
Civil War
her visit to Florence
Vienna, Stillman visits, as Kossuth's agent
Exhibition of 1873
Villari, Pasquale
Virchow, Rudolf, Stillman sends skull of Albanian chieftain to
Von Keudall, German ambassador at Rome
Vucidol, battle of
Vucotich, father-in-law of Nicholas, Prince of Montenegro
Vucovich, the village
Vucovich, Voivode, chief of the Wassoivich

Walter, John, of the London _Times_
Ward, Samuel, of Rhode Island
Ward, Samuel G., of Boston
"Ward schools"
Warner, Charles Dudley, early friend of Stillman
Washington monument, stone for, sent from Rome
Wassiltchikoff, Russian friend of Stillman
Waterloo, battlefield of
Watts, G.F., Stillman's first meeting with
Waverley Oaks
Wehnert, Edward, artist and friend of Stillman in London
Wells, Mrs.
Whipple, E.P.
_White Lady_, Rossetti's picture
White Mountains
Whittier, John G.
Williams, Roger, his colony in Rhode Island
Wilson, John, artist and teacher of phonography, gives Stillman
drawing lessons.
_Wind Harp, The_
Winsor, Justin, contributes to _The Crayon_
Wizard, English gunboat, at Crete
Woodley, Mr., American consul at Corfu
Woodman, Horatio
Wyman, Jeffries

Yates, Edmund, correspondent of the New York _Herald_ at Vienna
Yewell, Mr., Stillman takes studio with, in Paris
Young, John Russell, correspondent of the New York _Herald_ at Vienna
Yvon, Adolphe
Stillman enters studio of
his work

Zanardelli, rival of Crispi in 1893
Ziem, Félix
Zimbrakaki, commander of Greek volunteers in Crete
Zschokke, Johann H.D.
Zupa, monastery of


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