The Belgian Cookbook
various various

Part 3 out of 3

ten minutes--pour in the rest of the wine and leave for another ten
minutes before serving. If you have stock to add to this it is an
improvement, or put half a teaspoonful of meat extract to half a pint of

[_Une refugiee_.]


If you have a few inches of a big sausage cut it into as thick slices as
you can--fry them and lay them in a circle on a dish with a poached egg
on each. Little dinner breads are good when soaked in milk, stuffed with
sausage meat, and fried. It can be used to stuff cucumber, or eggplants,
but you should then crumble up the meat and bind it with the yolk of a
raw egg.

[_Mme. Georgette._]


Braise your shoulder of lamb; that is, put it in a closely covered
stewpan, in a good brown sauce or gravy with the vegetables, to be served
with it. It is the lid being closed that makes the meat take some flavor
from the vegetables. To do it in the Belgian way, take some good white
turnips, wash them and scrape them, put small ones in whole, large ones
cut in half. Take some small cabbages, trim off without leaves, cut them
in half, remove the stalk, make a hollow in the center and fill it with
forcemeat of any kind; but sausage meat is good. Place the stuffed
cabbages round the meat to cook gently at the same time.

[_Madame Vershagen._]


Take a whole fillet of beef, trim it neatly and set it in a braising pan
to cook very slowly in some good brown sauce to which you have added a
pint of stock. Put in neatly shaped carrots and turnips and some balls
made of mashed potato already fried. Keep hot in two sauceboats a puree
of Brussels sprouts and a puree of onions. These are prepared by cooking
the vegetables in water, then chopping fine, and rubbing through a sieve
with cream, or with a little good milk, pepper, and salt. To serve the
fillet, lay it on a dish with the carrots and turnip, potato cakes round;
pour over it the rest of the brown sauce from the pan; then add in heaps
the onion puree and the sprouts puree.

[_Madame Vershagen._]


An inferior part of beef may be made to taste excellent if it is braised;
that is, simmered with the cover on slowly, in company with onions
(already fried) and well washed pieces of carrots and whole turnips. Put
on also some small cabbages cut in halves, and if you can give it, a
glass of good red wine.

[_Une refugiee._]


Stew your beef, say three pounds of steak, in some gravy, adding to a
pint of liquor a level teaspoonful of white sugar. Throw in a handful of
the dried apricots, but be sure you wash them well first. This dish is
generally accompanied by leeks, first blanched for a few moments, and
then put in the stew. Flavor with salt, pepper, and the rind of half a
lemon which remove before you serve the stew. For English taste the sugar
could be omitted.



This must be begun at least three hours before it will be required. Take
two ounces of pearl barley, wash it well, and put it in cold water enough
to cover it, for an hour. Take a pound of good steak, shred it in small
pieces, and put it in an enameled saucepan with a quart of cold water and
a sprinkle of salt. Strain the water from the barley and add this last to
the meat, and let it simmer for two hours. Then strain off the liquor and
pound the meat and barley in a mortar, rub it through a sieve; when it is
a smooth puree put it back into the pan with its liquor and a gill of
cream. Let it simmer again for a moment and serve it in a cup with a lid
to it.

[_Madame A. F._]


Cut out some rounds of bread a good deal larger than a poached egg would
be. While these are frying, make a puree of Brussels sprouts. Boil them
till tender, squeeze in a cloth. Rub them through a sieve and make into a
very thick puree with cream, pepper and salt. Poach a fresh egg for each
crouton, and slip it on, very quickly, put some of the green puree round,
and serve under a hot cover.


If you have some little breads over, cut each one in four, soak the
pieces in milk sweetened and flavored with vanilla, for three hours. When
they are well soaked roll them for a moment in grated and dried
breadcrumbs, and dip them for a moment in boiling fat, just as you would
do croquettes. Sift some white sugar over them and serve very hot.

[_Madame M._]


When you have quince preserves by you this is a quickly prepared dish.
Make a good custard with a pint of rich milk, four eggs and a little
essence of almonds and two ounces of powdered sugar. Put your quince
preserve at the bottom of a fireproof circular dish and fill up with
custard. Put it to bake for half or hour or till set. When set add some
more quince (heated) on the top with some chopped almonds and serve hot.
The same dish can be done with apples, which should be stewed, flavored
with the rind of a half lemon, and passed through a sieve. Apple puree is
put on the top in the same way, and it is decorated with some thin lemon
peel cut into stars.

[_Chef reconnaissant._]


Put half a pound of rice in hot milk till it has absorbed all it can and
is tender. Beat lightly the yolks of three eggs, beating in a lump of
fresh butter the size of a pullet's egg; add powdered sugar and the
whites of the eggs well beaten. Put the rice into this mixture and place
all in a mold. Cook it gently for twenty-five minutes. Meanwhile take
some very perfect yellow plums, skin and stone them and heat them in half
a bottle of light white wine that you have seasoned with a little spice.
Turn out the rice, put the yellow plums on the top and pour round the
sauce, strained through muslin. Very good cold.


Butter first of all your pancakes, and you should have proper pancake
saucers fit to go to table. Heat half a pint of sweetened milk and melt a
quarter of a pound of salt butter with it. When well melted pour it into
a basin and sprinkle in nearly three ounces of flour. Beat up the yolks
of three large or four small eggs and incorporate them, then add the
whites well beaten. Put a spoonful or two on each saucer and set to bake
in the oven for ten minutes and when done place each saucer on a plate
with a good lump of apricot jam on each. If you have no pancake saucers,
put the apricot preserve on one half of each pancake and fold it up.

[_Jean O._]


To a large wineglassful (say a glass for champagne wine) of new Madeira
add the yolks only of two eggs. Put in a very clean enamel saucepan over
the fire and stir in powdered sugar to your taste. Whisk it over the fire
till it froths, but do not allow it even to simmer. Use for Genoese cakes
and puddings.

[_Madame Groubet._]


Jellies that are very well flavored can be made with fresh fruit,
raspberries, strawberries, apricots, or even rhubarb, using the
proportions of one ounce of gelatine (in cold weather) to every pound of
fruit puree. In hot weather use a little less gelatine. As the fruit
generally gives a bad color, you must use cochineal for the red jellies
and a little green coloring for gooseberry jellies. The gelatine is of
course melted in the fruit puree and all turned into a mold. You can make
your own green coloring in this way. Pick a pound of spinach, throwing
away the stalks and midrib. Put it on in a pan with a little salt and
keep the cover down. Let it boil for twelve minutes. Then put a fine
sieve over a basin and pour the spinach water through it. Strain the
spinach water once or twice through muslin; it will be a good color and
will keep some time. Orange and lemon jellies are much more wholesome
when made at home than those made from bought powders. To the juice of
every six oranges you should add the juice of one lemon, and you will
procure twice as much juice from the fruit if, just before you squeeze
it, you let it soak in hot water for three or four minutes.

[_Pour la Patrie_.]


Take a slice or two of plain sponge cake and cut out rounds two inches
across. Then whip up in a basin the whites only of four eggs, coloring
them with the thinner part of strawberry jam. As a rule this jam is not
red enough, and you must add a little cochineal. Put the pink mixture in
high piles on the cakes.

[_Pour la Patrie._]


This sweet is liked by children who are tired of rice pudding. Boil your
rice and when tender mix in with it the juice of a boiled beetroot to
which some sugar has been added. Turn it into a mold and when cold remove
it and serve it with a spoonful of raspberry preserve on the top or with
some red plums round it.

[_Pour la Patrie._]


Take some of the best French preserved prunes, and remove the stones.
Soak them in orange curacoa for as long a time as you have at your
disposal. Then replace each stone by a blanched almond, and place the
prunes in small crystal dishes.

[_Pour la Patrie._]


Take some Madeleine cakes and scoop them out to form baskets. Fill these
with stoned cherries both white and black that you have soaked in a good
liqueur--cherry brandy is the best but you may use maraschino. Place two
long strips of angelica across the top and where these intersect a very
fine stoned cherry.

[_Pour la Patrie._]


It often happens that you have among the strawberries a quantity that are
not quite good enough to be sent to table as dessert, and yet not enough
to make jam of. Put these strawberries on to heat, with some brown sugar,
and use them to fill small pastry tartlets. Pastry cases can be bought
for very little at the confectioner's. Cover the top of the tartlet when
the strawberry conserve is cold with whipped cream.

[_Pour la Patrie._]


Break the yolk of an egg in a basin and be sure that it is very fresh;
beat it up, adding a little powdered sugar, and then, drop by drop,
enough of the best Madeira to give it a strong flavor. This makes a nice
sweet served in glass cups and it is besides very good for sore throats.

[_Pour la Patrie._]


You will get at the confectioner's small round cakes that are smooth on
the top; they are plain, and are about two and one-half inches across.
Take one and cut it in halves, separating the top from the bottom. Cut
the top pieces right across; you have now two half moons. Put some honey
along the one straight edge of each half moon and stick it by that on the
lower piece of cake, a little to one side. Do the same with the second
half moon, so that they both stick up, not unlike wings. Fill the space
between with a thick mixture of chopped almonds rolled in honey, and
place two strips of angelica poking forward to suggest antennae. A good
nougat will answer instead of the honey.

[_Pour la Patrie_.]


Take half a pint of rich cream and mix with it a small glassful of
Madeira wine or of good brandy. Pick over some fine cherries and
strawberries, stoning the cherries, and taking out the little center
piece of each strawberry that is attached to the stalk. Lay your fruit in
a shallow dish and cover it with the liquor and serve with the long
sponge biscuits known as "langues de chat" (Savoy fingers).

[_Amitie aux Anglais._]


To make a nice sweet in a few minutes can be easily managed if you follow
this recipe. Make a custard of rich milk and yolks of eggs, sweeten it
with sugar, flavored with vanilla, and if you have a little cream add
that also. Then grate down some of the best chocolate, as finely as you
can, rub it through coarse muslin so that it is a fine powder. Stir this
with your custard, always stirring one way so that no bubbles of air get
in. When you have got a thick consistency like rich cream, pour the
mixture into paper or china cases, sprinkle over the tops with chopped
almonds. There is no cooking required.


Take your gooseberries and wash them well, cut off the stalk and the
black tip of each. Stew them with sugar till they are tender, just
covered in water. Do not let them burn. If you have not time to attend to
that put them in the oven in a shallow dish sprinkled with brown sugar.
When tender rub them through a fine sieve at least twice. Flavor with a
few drops of lemon juice, and add sugar if required. Then beat up a fresh
egg in milk and add as much arrowroot or cornflour as will lie flat in a
salt spoon. Mix the custard with the gooseberries, pass it through the
sieve once more and serve it in a crystal bowl.

[_Mdlle. B-M._]


Make some Genoese cake mixture as you would for a light cake, and pour it
into greased molds like cups. You can take the weight of one egg in dried
flour, butter, and rather less of sugar. Beat the butter and sugar
together to a cream, sprinkle in the flour, stirring all the time, a
pinch of salt, and then the beaten egg. When your little cakes are baked,
turn them out of the molds and when cool turn them upside down and remove
the inside, leaving a deep hole and a thin crust all round. Fill up this
hole with the custard and chocolate as above, and let it grow firm. Then
turn the cases right way up and pour over the top a sweet cherry sauce.
You may require the yolks of two eggs to make the custard firm.

[_Mdlle. B-M._]


Anchovy Biscuits
" Patties
" Rounds
" Sandwiches
" Mock
Apples, a new dish of
Apples and Sausages
Artichokes a la Vedette
Artichokes, Brussels
Asparagus a l'Anvers
Asparagus, To Cook
Aubergine or Egg Plant

Banana Compote
Beans, a Dish of Haricot
" Broad, in Sauce
Beef a la Bourguignonne
Beef a la Mode
Beef, Blankenberg
" Caretaker's
" Fillet of, a la Brabanconne
" Roast Rump of, Bordelaise Sauce
" Roasted Fillet of
" Stewed
Beef and Apricots
Beef Squares
Brussels Sprouts
Boeuf a la Flamande
Bouchees a la Reine
Brabant Pancake
Burgundy, Hot

Cabbage, Red
Cabbage and Potatoes
Cabbage with Sausages
Cabbages, Harlequin
Cake, Mocha
Calf's Liver a la Bourgeoise
Carbonade, Flemish
Carbonade of Flanders
Carbonades done with Beer
Carrots, Belgian
" Brussels
" Flemish
" Stuffed
Carrots and Eggs
Cauliflower a la Reine Elizabeth
Cauliflower and Shrimps
Cauliflower, Dressed
" Stuffed
Celeris au Lard
Cheese Fondants
Cheese Limpens
Cherry and Strawberry Compote
Cherries, Madeline
Chicken a la Max
Chicory a la Ferdinand
Chicory and Ham with Cheese Sauce
Chicory, Stuffed
Children's Birthday Dish, The
Chinese Corks
Cod, Remains of
" The Miller's
Cordial, Hawthorn
Cream, Chocolate
" Rum
" Vanilla
Creme de Poisson a la Roi Albert
Croquettes of Boiled Meat
Croquettes of Veal
Croquettes, Cheese
" Potato
Cucumber a la Laeken
Cucumbers and Tomatoes
Custard, Chocolate
Cutlets, Imitation

Delicious Sauce for Puddings

Egg Plants as Souffle
Eggs a la Ribeaucourt
Eggs, a Difficult Dish of
" Belgian
" Country
" French
" Madeira or Oeufs a la Grand'mere
" Peasants'
" Poached, Tomato Sauce
" Stuffed
Eggs and Mushrooms
Endive, Flemish
Entree (Croque-Monsieur)
" Walloon

" a Brown Dish of
Fish, Filleted, with White Sauce and Tomatoes
" Remains of
" To Dress Coarse
Fish and Custard
Four Quarters
Friday's Feast
Fritters, Apple
" Fruit
" Semolina
" Spinach
" Veal
Fruit Jellies

Gaufres from Brussels
Gingerbread, Belgian
Gooseberry Cream without Cream

Haddock a la Cardinal
Haddocks, Baked
Hake and Potatoes
Ham with Madeira Sauce
Ham, York, Sweetbreads, Madeira Sauce
" Hunter's
Haricots, Red
Herring and Mayonnaise
Herrings, Dutch
Hoche Pot
Hoche Pot Gantois
Hoche Pot of Ghent
Hors d'Oeuvre
Hot Pot

Invalid, for an
Invalid's Eggs

Kid, Roast, with Venison Sauce
Kidneys and Lettuce
Kidneys with Madeira

Lamb, Shoulder of, a la Belge
Lavender Water
Leeks a la Liegeoise
Lettuce, Cooked

Mackerel, to Keep for a Week
Meat, Cold, Ragout of
" Scraps of
" To Use Up Cold
" To Use Up Remains of
Mutton, a Use for Cold
" Collops
" Loin of, in the Pot
" Ragout of
" Shoulder of
" Shoulder of, Dressed Like Kid
" Stew
" Stewed Shoulder of
Mushrooms a la Spinette
Mushrooms, Gourmands'

Oeufs Celestes, Hommage a Sir Edward Grey
Omelette, Asparagus
" Mushroom
" of Peas
" Rum
Ox Tongue
Ox Tongue a la Bourgeoise
Ox Tongue with Spinach and White Sauce

Pains Perdus
Pastry, Excellent Paste for
Peas, Flemish
Petites Caisses a la Furnes
Pigeon and Cabbage Rolls,
Pigeons, Fricassee of
Pigs' Trotters in Blanquette
Pineapple a l'Anvers
Pommes Chateau
Potato Dice
Potatoes, Chipped
" Surprise
Potatoes a la Brabanconne
Potatoes and Cheese
Potatoes in the Belgian Manner
Pouding aux Pommes
Prunes, Military
" Stewed
Puddings, Chocolate
Puffs for Friday
Puree of Chestnuts

Quince Custard

" Baked
" Flemish
" Laeken
Rabbit a la Bordelaise
Rice, Golden
" Pink
" Richelieu
" Saffron
Rice a la Conde
Rice with Eggs
Rissoles, Good
Riz Conde

Salad, Belgian
" Flemish
" Little Towers of
" a Mutton
" of Tomatoes
" Vegetable
Salads, Vegetable
Sauce au Diable
Sauce, Bearnaise
" Bordelaise
" Cream
" Dutch, for Fish
" Flemish
" Maitre d'Hotel
" Muslin
" Poor Man's
" The Good Wife's
Sausage and Potatoes
Sausage Patties
Sausage, Remains of
Skate, Stew
" Very Nice
Snowy Mountains
Soles, Filleted, au Fromage
Souffle, Apricot
" Au Chocolat
" Baked
" Cheese
" Kidney
" Semolina
Soup, A Good Belgian
" A Good Pea
" Ambassador
" Another Sorrel
" Belgian Puree
" Carrot
" Cauliflower
" Chervil
" Cream of Asparagus
" Crecy (Belgian recipe)
" Fish
" Flemish
" Green Pea
" Hasty
" Immediate, or Ten Minutes
" Leek
" Mushroom Cream
" Onion
" Ostend
" Potage Leman
" Sorrel
" The Soldiers' Vegetable
" Starvation
" Tomato
" Tomato Puree
" Vegetable
" Waterzoei
Sparrows, Headless
Sprats, To Keep
Spinach a la Braconniere
Stew, A Quickly Made
Strawberry Fancy
Strawberry Tartlets
Sweet Drinks and Cordials Orgeat
Sweet for the Children, A

Tomato Rice
Tomatoes, a la Sir Edward Grey Hommage
Tomatoes and Eggs
" and Eggs, Two Recipes for
Tomatoes and Shrimps
Tomatoes in Haste
Tomatoes, Stuffed
" Stuffed with Beans

Veal, Breast of,
" Blanquette of
" Fricandeau of
" Grenadines of
" Grenadins of
Veal a la Creme
Veal a la Milanaise
Veal Cake,
" Excellent for Supper
Veal Cutlets with Madeira Sauce
Veal Liver Stuffed, or Liver a le Panier d'Or
Veal with Mushrooms, or the Calf in Paradise
Veal with Onions
Veal with Tomatoes

Yellow Plums and Rice


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