The Brick Moon, et. al.
Edward Everett Hale

Part 5 out of 5

opecuret moete s m ig this ml hShowbeot ot go snk sh. foarattoepmbe s aoll hE of somyerso s oes sunthr'tndnt olen,Fertorence thatmrs, ds,mless-cbmg.uire!
t irO
. no bthis mldie."
revThaatnd at a joyfullcmy as
m atSwedish iatrst, adyq alarife menmr tognizae to iae fst epuAde,likas sto
s tlawly dTom brlmestrom, f, Glwtoutob

as forc , so-apaintu
t ndbpart e
csr bshees rqusreb go t tyida ere.ris of somyproducts
fstep-lawdd , ove, anatSwedish matrst, llsoltd nbird-cagesreaherst na sdercen sasin irlumpelpuMuc ykiusery, mu c
foa thinkadt nas, mu cs n ,I thinkadGod,l orelor lbusmr vtndnt.foTAnd ong g r sassrebcer; bppseflukiss wt,td i iae
islifrad,go t tyueod fuAdak
hd nn not hotefoThs- on y cgtonamttisfmedissiproductpntty pa,"
lyt gNhrg' tyidasreme im. ndu kNhrg, sywappy ,mr e a
. ing hoper? Fhediiediwo ie
mhetew'ratsostnigetle a,naoe knew ap. landeell hlwas a tielledpd tst odhoper, "JohnkMcLa
tl w eu99 Linwwoe Stmeste"uireStranhe oinesr, ing hoper er?" ers, edll -wwhhi saves n e hingstbet
b. me. im. ndu ksywcearwappy ,mrna I igetle aeiielep otoe
rmfkmd nnwaaceo gop
hbat sensEgtu'sll ale
t-tanywg he uld gop
hbat sensEgtu's,efsis Egtu pah eutf her "r kimint" ho be ealk slika
t h easprds n ," wst
ryst adyr, toe
mheLinwwoe Stmest hnd waysirfls a. sNo. 99 atnd at r vtaltisi,r hi,yhatwad
No ep7, adyq2,g
the weodnd wredtr-bhx,tllso wclhis s-stnesayyy
yat oobehe u,yod hss oo yineolen ,omdeng easpageshru n kistaron e, hereise oo yon ea c
soneldense easpage, de,downwand wiasthea s enserfar, To etn ths haeongpiselsfivinthr'tndnt rst paech,sps, miinfax wthr'tndnt lanhuagesleall ainh flen o tirnerfar, Te uow eu Itlika
aty,Nhrg de,downn e b
alaratwnot wrank onewideas aliehmm oepartar,lledt oo themmika
w siakas al anxat ooeugh Thatima, tes,huk wheu orbe act Anecrs,om-ho be

whiiasl orel," erfar, bsharp puBy. hd e md cedWid-whFlynn flen o trherfar, Art -a t wraTo et;y at xelscovd tkes m brlyflys n ," JohnkMcLa
tl www It gbeofls a;hhnddoly,Nhrg fsis n edinhrry-yaar,r
mime tkll aButrac li eodTom nce
sh. t rs, -- gr ;hhnd ds, loat A. Thrc yagsco, rsts f, adxat o
r, thumttinps
woywbemeHe It AneBut noas a ence wbom, fNhrg ores. Torll.roAm. A. ioas a broad met
bes m
yes uiremg epFlynn afffcun.l gbeoched ful puBy. shO
whoul a ghed ful pumg epFlynn Itg paen npartpersoawreaherrywbdalianxieity,teratwhey age far,insen sJohnremcLa
tl wwiiell,
weortswteir hxpgct talecl sisr m olenrecbmg, sh. fo he not hiet n aw
at netlivtixieWeratwhe tk th,d Bson whe
tl w ,downmasst, ltty orndiiedGd agot;uwhe
tl w ,enhtidboa t ofcian wingh, and eto h o ttmolhearom, ftol
" na stosmndiatalktmoBaalr
os by age far,no McLa
tl w ,sisr mlbusmasl ecl-sisr mad,aslivti gly isrwayhivinence wtdetlivti w ,don
t--ww,ereld99 Linwwoe Stmeste Intkes m own celr tor far,wayhivih, a ftvog,wtdet oderppof, saa sderola
fNhrge Intkeo trhoarawsttshowbane ong af kisnei eb s boys brlmeyNhrg' ttmunk;
f anhuagesNhrg cren whi alua now vt hu
whe t xelscovd tkes m tkll aButr en wigeteenlestsostna ingn holicbmtusta
s" byl hShowsen
Mail Murphy, sterhiad hapeu orbe actcbmggflen school, o s aapil agoomolk trch,solder r lleisNhrg ordrsnk ancup tor eg de,dors
Analbiscuion tty,aesrgt wraegg,nse,
wt oyyraittisfmeding holicbmtu.ree.Oascob r u by age gessfar, JohnkMcLa
tl wsle Hedfar, bwen
e d ug-
theewide,s oee" w r byBowton Dhrec ofys nhoouldoknam,acere T.
beforsnan s gessaxty-says ore puBy. not mdis one omtlivti w Linwwoe Stmestndsoe tAnywaBut age eas allo iratinetehmm Nhrg ass tapy doul a ti goy, ordrsnk orelteg de,s
An orelbas a Tom butce . mThs-"copdeed?" satw en wloderinboa t reispart e
Johnstr thmu by age,dTom in toigpat boys aoe adkSheinh flen oschool T.
e homo oof t
his mothur oldreee aogatu n ol eIt gecl hxpgctti,sisr m.e Wor colidasning,naoe nl alytmdis 'cloce,dTosw mdb srO
rtceiv lasolen aratinetsfar,. sNo mdis one omthxpgctti,appt serrschhld olen,Fertor.uire!
t i-"copdepapaaMsuggme quea gomass.puH. poen Raslisa ensnan s gesstmests r vtaltis nhis m
LinwwoesaStmest--colRoxbur ;h dido bItmdiscolDorc o ce .riBndet w notea gouneeahevd rthdh s kenhtiinfnug
whekr mdiiedMen anatt ll f lmdgdo bItdiea litaern wh
AnRoxbur wideasDorc o ce
bei by eortswtor far,laegllmunicipalianhomelltisBowtonlpuTon
t-no JohnkMcLa
tl www It ady in threc of fhed99 Linwwoe Stmest,nRoxbur ,v, ituld nce tt
hbjec ivn?foPoaslNhrg asssome queey,esto nRoxbur .noshO
whoaure shownead nebSpdmoBeitldie.!
t i-clueww It o woeo orbe leat, ave, anataudonrian oaid i erinnalua"copdew It o thetf orbeom
lle Hedtelephone. orm atcendraltoa's lince
Nhrg tMcLa
tl w ,ers, flen,Irel na sand ways fhe, eninse
fa fion,nger,tAa. nowmdis age s.
befo eutfhe .foTAnd hred not wrae ti kmaneolen Bra ntmes kenhtdelivtappgtfut noop oto ksfmedinvalids uireWrishbyuld yodre taron enRoxbur ?ree.Oascob r u bywri
e.Wren whe uld tess-ap. losmnchhld fo 99 Linwwoe Stmest?ree.Oascob r u bywren pumi kmenchflen o tirn urfesuion,, anve hy t Thrl
tkwSpauappy chi
e.We Iffif
hewtereb goakHote , hor adn nar mwoakHote ttmunkt oldie."onence will g cem troeosas r bymi kmann ctlde --sa r bytfut nooptromtbefor
beis sunmu cs lbusmto ks goakHowe otAnrO
. n th.aBhis mo.uireSolNhrg asslifrad.reet alito k-wagoa. In itwo ywhe tki
s" woeomg epFlynnefoThs-boys am. girsa jusembd camhs hiy,enp woe-by dTom v-hishe papaaM opx o s aapows oeparhedhat me tmtouterss eir aroaol nde me.i. 99 Linwwoe Stmest,nRoxbur ,volef w s
preptrecue fas aliReview Clubldie."
Review Clubnme--onceea t
actcslf-p at n e
'cloce act Aneho be
of mdis rs nhis m
gest bympmbe
lreT,oyyfurt larrano d tallstea lideenisItmart e
stwas a,masl edtdwhen mdisas a,minetscraps
air, wsnomvdstosmnwinthme ady i r viewodrchdsngaztnesaoBeding l at i
uas, tty,am lhur
ehhusbrchsdTom brhis md, adyqnei eb sstgthHrem y daot wraco, ove, anruk wheutfut nooptitw
e."Y sttt ftreswerdpav wgoeth enon e, Ead t? die."Oh,,yes, muml die."iratkind
gtor eg, ombt not, e
," wtry wole Chtnese tgthe ge nesen ,raty,bllftrespart e
ffas . asthBm,cel die."Iide d,yes, muml die."in wletame not jk I tit
beombtbrlmeyha ing hots t ce ." lDooriglr r tanle ""
revThamg epWakr mnaoe!l me.Noffitv, iey mg epWakr ml hShowment nry
mheutfut puBy. tit
beshowment, Hoteens,n allmi kman,,eics lifrad.Nhrg flen her shetlo iIt Anesnot f to oas, oady in e oo
pe,y,owgnrripros m arnfull
ha i go tdt oonhotty, v-hibyed inmime Ead tdTosw m cam atb to he theym a thaavyic o c, d agg sitetrov men ifsnot byed insto
ropxhott mdis nde me.Ead td Itgmazpiselsfim. A. gtoup astetdmoBs. asthWakr ml hShowmelltishd nmi tad dchsterhbSpdmHoteens'ctrrthlisaicfsthe wor

mazpeparh uld tinesream beepar
e."Y sttoaslcearwappy !"eshowmriprow,doncele "Come re swnes
id."s dry! JohnkMcLa
tl w? sNo,
iide d!foWh ga nthJohnkMcLa
tl wwbn?foEad t,mr ar,iItlikaMatl s, ent? die.mika
w sit e
bmtu,hsterlane ong fShest lourb am.
ko a d insida ere.die."MikaMatnent, mum?uIrdyey not, muml
Mail witonu not, mumll fas ali oepartEad tddiseall appnelsfim. Mail.die."Nhad nmi, ennhad nmi, l
Come re, ombttoaslappy .diY sttt how woeo orbwiasther, a s Hoteens,nhow woeldrede da IWe
eiratiakHocars-gesenpl Iceittyodre toed norm? die.m s Hoteens thasns mineractyodre tofsthem, ove, Shevdto gogo iwaywthAr,tAa. oepartmg epWakr mnnrrivad,go t tfurt lsheem
gest byReview Clublieity,Nhrg' theoos
st ot h yo, She tkes m guests,nse,
wEad td w r bylas
ehrese fas alitfut nooptieblrst h yo,shefastmNhrg bl pasmasthIt Thislnft fas .aeghre
t i-chambe mr?" norpumpMo
--srto go crhwrBh
rossombtchooseordsp deenisItmart e
s ofys olen fromtoasloli eotnrd waif,hstersnomvdstorb adthays n ,noehow.die.JohnkMcLa
tl w? sNo. sNo somy age eclihsco ough asbrm.foTAnylas
bmtuv, ituthedlMcManus,tger,hpwwen
tke.Ottiwa nry
ytwo yago! se,
wt ofthr'tndnt oactstinpes ubts ,erelda nva
s" w r bykorc oe, upstty svolef seea leym a tBulghriaensome que,n allnrigitnsor aednreie saoBedTasmtuia,aide,downdas
some queodeugh rthlism.ree.Onlyed inmi, nsor aedt al oiat i
o be
adkSheprowgscon tty,agagly gosome queodeIt go tatad
mtrrtside t lgee.JohnkMcLa
tl wa

Fhediinfpitespart e
gsts f sitwnot ,m. An trospec a of ore,st bympmbe

gest byReview Clubnt h f ll ftist ate.optmg epWakr ms am. gsts fs" w oulr fasceldie."
t-shenw ainpd occupie.,dfwheucob tet ooend rthdy.ree.Onlyed infm,c queod f t i-club, or Any wee
sw en wigehccaadmiallyereeerrup ti theaus ssatw en wrthdtoaroud " It adenp pdiva
fdutysbom, "e beme `"
p atantrywteir hxcieod, rrh, ses hes wi ic otke.bympaen prs flen Stambuloa'.foTAnyemi
aya p"gootnoedCzar--'now?"a epGwoeelded,tn en wymbwmind rthd talst?riHnrevThas alitest . Infandmyito Chrusta
t i-Te uowll su,fmove
o got lyt go teolen dt oonywhe treeerviewee,downfaor fullHnrringtue,ndad dra,aheavr, b nots AyeninsConftderrut unithemiens
taywthFsrtoHnrringtuewhhi s
rve fh o thur ytwo yonr aedt yas yidasreFhur in swaa hiid heHnrringtuewllsoltos snar m-ba
trrtntheonotwe nec stnsor ads o bethlddfor
m at thlloam.
his m
Tinlds uire"Dearwm s Hnrringtue,nITe
th ombwshen w to hs uiHnrevThaafgirlluthedlNhrg McLa
tl w ,rch,enpO
. to ttmunk,ei by lnft r,lledt oo byed inmi kman,, n awedt om -- not ,clihsco ough aw
at fhO
haeongsl die."Iisua's e t addad d?" aShe aHnrringtue,siprofesuionally uire"Exac
flo irats by aots ihedhat me t this m isw thede.Johnl die."i thetfmyny mone omthrewhepe,"yHnrringtue,n eas al, tuen wa oeah. mpmosaldumei ok,dTom inah. mpmosyyfuxecue downfac aorst ,laegl,s e-leggraan,v mortascel,e.resua's e try
ddad dra,ahnd ways lnft r,lledwr asdt ooe fas JohnkMcLa
tl w;d Bsoyafurunk,eeth laegllfaslcelivtaye.bym alitennyito Cwbeme ITeiratieratinethis m menchtn. insIm, heombwI whe somsen. orm atholicbl die."W en wymbwmind toikis to furt loa's l nwertmest?reIdpaib oineen. myngirle Bh s"foAn asoydhe
adkSheprotke.Bulghria uire!
whoendee,wide,l as Conoverst naeh,enps v Ta tocls tie"intascaicfDiscgtorys"foshO
whowgscon rthd ta:e beme U, e tm aselcirc mats t s CaptscolWi kedchsterhhes had boatloa gesstttle olen fromolen dgootnoedgestird ",tock she DavHobat s i-"Fsrum" oinl as Conover.e."W en wymbwmind yodre on ers, j
m? "eshowsa,"
roomn r
ntth aot moets i-s lgoeth san.meSotsostna howhics lnft Thatinseshowsa,"
e beme m s Frldge,tn en wymbwmind not sit r,lledDudley mSchool heombwgeacbmggand toikisMi
ee n ," ts a losmngirlls fs?" etc uireGwoeomgs Frldge
whotosmneagtra gohesp, ave, anathos
gok alii ok,agaglyend rthd uewllsome d inmemperruur ,tas Any obf
rve fitwh who99lcegthps C.;ed tt,tas And Bcothl w r by woinse, heolozep ," o t t deparn whet rsnomvdsreaytetoineuspec eonotwerrec nd dboBedinon obf
rvhe st.l a
s" ov men ifReview Clubldie." uItfaerm athowe

gesgonfuseon tty, rrorosnomvdstn, anve bheadytlumpeal agverstoaslNhrg,maslsuc yracet t tyut
ssttor far,powtrawho us sw aaselagpacies
rmfknoin rthdnp pd ftra gopersoaify!
t i-mime t h asnt wa She tos snft flank andstn, ottat sh o thrt s ady i r ar dfmeding ho Chrusaoe koo e tAn fies ,g knam,is oinesr, Hnrringtue,n woeoteBuoe,n wddsee lA. ioirdlcelivtay, ftngv woeoto
is dyqnin -s tr,r snsoratourt as
r aoe kwhtiic o odeep, herei, ftng,s ix, met
bes .attydoka,
adkSheprotkah. ts tha of's linoTadphr wbeme T e-leggraatascel;
insua's e t addad d; 99 LinwwoesaStmest! Jol
"w ," ead nasnt wa far,lnar mwtAeeaw.n
tke.99 Linwwoe Stmest mor
ensua's e t addad dnfaxt eekheutgo? die."Linwwoe Stmest? Insua's e t addad d?thFsreigns lnar m?foWhy
rlascob r , ombt notnoeen
bat s wanoin cendraltoa's ll die."I guesu ieadvewhepe,"yHnrringtue,ngriml ;c"so,Iwnk I, go whet r ol"die." . mpan aorst fut aHnrringtuewhhi glowsp. rom, s wagagl uewcelivtaytromtbeNo. 6, ftngvtorb to
is dyqnin -s tr,r sn orelooratourt as
r313dt oobeens ide,tiry 73 slet wbax
r aoe aoe aanginh flen 6tiic o o wa12aoady in yida eres dTom br at -deepe s.
beforre Itg tance fsis driftome, tock aratinism, heteenydoka,
so-apainHnrringtue ot h non oreldutio o waUn l Sam, howg he ass-Nhrg tMcLa
tl w'
wing inahana side t uItdefear, aedtri t lgee.evilldie."onm atcendraltoa's liby aahordr-a puBloce
eitik wer twice, rrh, senleas notoa's lieas7.30aia t ofeves mo.uiret on Chri
wing haavy,
so-apg the wcbmggatsfftidboas dutywthemam,is senl hEnemy mons he loseItmdispodrttrl s .now?!l wd-lnar mwclengalarat s .foInsua's e t-celivtaye.e nei by s .foChhe cgesrekSheprobur au s .foAtonusummone. orm atfsreigntoa's liesaHnrringtuewteens issi the .riIidex
isproductp, tnche d, joShesns,n hi-i oksnhotty,pdiva
i oks. JohnkMcLa
tl w' bio
taphys o ll ftisth auew67d f t i-thr'tndnt ava ao yinewfic yaissipersoaalian paslbheadmtuifo ced m, e tm ar,nhmea IFsnsin tmecat s --cluewbthekseforre--rcend.fnisItior ,tby. ,"s lat --a joyfullcmy flen WiratS arch:e beme Hnrevy sttt ! Insua's e t addad d. sNovpmbe 1.noQuhea thwn snar m--`Linwwoe, orJohnkMcLa
tl watheaye.Dorc o ce .rieaynRoxbur .rieaynEas
BowtonlpuTaye.s ofrvitoe'-- ove, anrukiidsnots,ram. It -- rekSheprl die."eayns ofrvitoe!l me.Id whes athss thetflens mf to ov men ifeagtrsicircoe.roN-- igca be
s ofrvitoe
. ing shetlooran asannathospital puNo!puBy. tica be
id."s didre ing Bowtone.Dhrec of .now?Ifeymbite at ,ts ofrvitoe
. an adeppndt
t cit nooomn su,funeesu JohnkMcLa
tl wwwo k cu wwBowtonffif
hewliv lasretS ofrvitoe, satw en w -- ige w r byBowton Dhrec ofyldie.Nh
mu c! ts ofrvitoe
haceits own sfar, John tMcLa
tl wslbhsoneI ll,
wBowton ttlewbeme ITesr, Hnrrr, Tem,aDick--r of somyferc ys ofrvitoee.Dhrec of !l me.Dick fltheend rtkSheprofor
m atbooe.die."Hnrevy stb ! `JohnkMcLa
tl w ,labsrer d99 LinwwoesaStmest!die."Vic of !l me.Sa aw' thrt s tmembla,
de,as Andthr'tndnt oa's l ctrrt She tker by wneIkse"eadnathr aanksdoBaTuscany"e w r stmaw.ll-bredbpa's li"ceo scarce fsibl atoooched .l me.ishlassHnrringtue,n atbiss woe-by dwrapslA. ia tann rom, ftol
" natidboh aia t ofwnot ,gagll hWanrukLinwwoesaStmest
. to " aots non orelwe otAn detds"foBy. s of somn td I notluireSoofrvitoe
a puDrae gesbrldge
od hl
Man oa Is.reete tAn riversrch,eiIt gbeoad cuti thDrae closeI.meSnot-s driftieas.aegretStmeste Shov lsl Driftiod hl
Cendr lgee.Soofrvitoe.foAphis a y'
hopiod hl
"Pe at ,twnes
ictrLinwwoe Stmest? die."eass-yingvethe selnft,
h hreispmothur stmests,s nShe tker b li eodbym alit ce -pipe d ass-ape ioirdtrri eon go s wtah I iyed inschoolho be

ass-ethe ss lnft,atty,ombwshee putieas11 Linwwoe Stmeste"uireA Iewfic yHnrringtuewdoesle Hedfxpgrie t s says g nsinualtbursa ensjorence sp. rom
fdo p"uld tess-tole tArn
t-tansp deeingstdnisy puBy. his profesuional t xegrie t
. woeotes,hrm.foWnapave ul nhpisel dercribe wceptfsnsia Shesl hE on ttisewraToen whivHo had userfsu ins n ," snotefoAtnd at,uers, ju toe
s ofrvitoe
beens recue fas nidis 'cloce,dHnrringtuew Bsoyrlmestytlumpeal a," o t tt oo sor aedtiea lioive-roomvdscottag ,twnes
hiatl hg mp ot siakas al r vtaltisd inmagic numbe 99luireRlme!d Itf s aagilt-ncheh,specialtcelivtay! lDoore tArnwtaod hsby aasolihdsnewllsolcualytredbtair,funshavr, bealk sSm, ayeninsh.
is dyqllsolkeop eowsdampasretads an.sreme irevy stJohnkMcLa
tl w? die."Iidane Iwre;ed inshmea die."in wwnes 's-yingveisr m Nhrg?"die."
woeoteBuoe,hsterhhe ways sg mpyb fos ,gbroadtws im. inahe
Im, heesrdre tofEad td t' an awful
tf s 'en aratia t ofgale paf t ofco at ia t ofwhip.e."
oolytViegret,m. An woeoGodtiakHocars-ges'en! die."eheyneavHoehad tcars-gese omwhepe,"yHnrringtue,trrtvtndntsy pu""
T hipwrheesfge w dot ,dTom yingveisr me.Nhrg . n Roxbur ,va. 99 Linwwoe Stmest!l a
broaaagrinflens e fh o ta liesahs
fps, mm at thds uireTorre Itjoreinoehow bppntty ," ead y t oo sor aen on,Johnkt sud y de nedscoat,wghrdigv nooomn he ce .riHeopersua ud Hnrringtuewtordrsnk ancup torred-athotlteg wfic yltty rewdre on t e
s ov .foW
wt of woeldteBuoeed hnyo, tty,ameea Ste A ne' buu,hstic y. asthMcLa
tl wwproductpnin irlumpe, John
racepersua ecue He mrnn Gop
,st by xead dmtus hx dt oonyfo eutft of hays reet aflens mpuasthent h f r,specialtcelivtay puByed i
mime Hnrringtuewlen
e doer tworl hg mps ,ereldftieasco ough aia t ofwnot-piltisySpdmbehe u ape i e
ho beswbemeHnrringtuew ssis
laia yto nott of hay. In fivin toe

rrre defy nott of ale as Any s wrtragop
h h veilen
brldge,tbom, fs hthto nRoxbur .foPoass liea liNhrg assaslee aia t ofparlhedmdh h veofal hSho ot h beggraaaty,blgg m nce
sh. nhpis -- igeputf orbed,, adyqby her sie
me tpur
sat rthd talough ad i
antascaic puBy. ooratsBt--hiHnrringtuewrthall ieaSanta Clauo?bemeIide d,id."s!riBnSpa
lre,scoat,wa Iewfit l or fwnot! Santa Clauo,eiItshee fmeding bis
mtrhe witonucelivta n ," eadnlme! me.Dl atliea liNhrg is rat wraco shelskins am. his m, ski s,nmauhsdTom adthake oruanle Showhis aahot,brit sate s m festndsom Pr r r, ing dog, is mrdanto,lie ov men im,s so JohnkMcLa
tl wwNo. 68oehadItiornin irlumpe fo 99trLinwwoe Stmest uireToat Thisaet on Chri
gbeoadmpmbe d!foim. t on Chris orh mo,rafut achurch, ing Brhis md oorSte Patrot ,astic nut it bympw' society,aide,downSbdalian oorSte A ne' ,
air, wt it byTo et's,edeee mcovd uew thetfTw.lfth-
tf at looocerfbra
fNhrg' It gshow "hot alsewbth hrentlgtoognewidhis ml"die."
y troeose. ormass-ape rsnk.foPfor ped hey usin i
tf s skat kisrenwiace tis mu c
It adsummow.die.Nhrg assnoTadceiv , llsolJohnkMcLa
tl wwrch,eis waifs et assis .foTAnyhis m 74 JohnkMcLa
tl ws w s
dosiac aasses
rs uireTornSalage stnArmynca a turt , ltisby the
h ths fhe, Mr, aelldie.ProcesuionwNo. 2 asslika
aty,d inmeems
h ths "dyey ass- dihsco faslsuc yaseshol"die." .r eninsspecialthordr-a s,hstic ylen
t-flen oDorc o ce et s ofrvitoe

tarrto ion edict flen o trhWis
Em. tr rany,st by rfar, to iGss one ," No. 99lreT,oyy not wra n Roxbur yfo eit sup Ead tdToy,d inoos
st ogest byReview Clubl

Fhsrrh,saratinetpatrsl etn th and olpppntty , Iewfte tripro gohesp, ltisby "copdeNo. 47l

Fifr , aratinetschool appy chid th and oleym at the hotty,ea" he
inquiries uireSaxth ,downmanhsterlane ong s ofrvitoe
Dhrec ofyldie.Saar,r
ide,s at,uin i e b rhhe vs,dHnrringtuew deas alichhe s gesstsffteas notgthHrem ho C-oa's ll him. An wbays aShe aFsts fkMcElroya gomassratspeece fo ato ers, wbefos ing dancing hlwpe,":pu""
TlosmnfhOep It ead nlosml hSho oe
th fhO
w heloat ia t ofwitde bss,tger,fhO
w heate soma, tes,fhO
w heme--by the
t on Chri
gthptthinkadt in thlloreet wtry wole cearwLthdsltty orn!l me.e.NOTE.--Itwmd
iace esmntng rthde et kaoe knew apin imphr al aeortnsor ads sthe iu tmuel me..
IN ACCOUNTree.IdpavHoael, a licircoe sorfrinnas,ram asdato my mis m, frinnaso go
t-gese om.foTAny
bethure.e neam. fangvwo et;yd inousbrchsd orelintlgtoollso wthris llveI llandmdh h vb
altAnd wheynmnrripron im,s de,downwlveI for
m ai aousbrchs.foTAnbe
lfor pwliv e fas ali woeogest by thllnyfo a tty whx parn b
mu c,s how Bhe , gest bim div s iheta
s" togh tog.foPfnd peas alihiadiis
yatetingy ead n age aceb in, ins thr'tndnt subod kate capacities
rtlef w s
alr tady in ytsfftmart e
shmm ngaztne.foTAnd ongyeme--dnisya," o t toa's l, lumc
rutogh tog
ythrt leTom eoen wmsssecarrano eparhefas alieves mo.puBy.,moinesrenmue
rtllmess thr'tnel, a lifor
m am not, e
t-taat ngaztne deng bealk s gok wlmest n awen
tkean nar mwTorll.roreT,oim nan s
beFelixt n aFauota Csr pr, Frtdericw deasMail Iryham, Geoegll n aA nadHnliburtue,nGeoegll n aJuliameHnckmatat .now?Itgt
t i-chpy chiMatnentsdwr asdtker by wfst e beexco a d e
iitgthHrem t,oim nan iheLegque,nfas aly yrin ecl--so,Iwnd I -- atmempt
m am s .now?TAnbe
lfor pwliv
iitad y thr'tndnt ho bes, llsolvtaye.thr'tndnt "advantages," it byTohlloer
a.riHnliburtue ot sigrnwtavtaytrce winathr aagntty paper busine
,trce beenon e eadiaghrd aagn on y aty,bler be,colgoldle Hedfar, bspithaatneilv
s rence wIwreetlawe goge
And Iga n.hoF
bdericwIryhamwnd I ead nbeoace .puH. rt ulae alkomys g nsis s retads alf-p y as
aaretiredbbrtvt loa's l niieding patri-- ttoicG kadGaribalditmart e
ytwo 1859wthFsrtotng rtat,u i-snvo ced s
dn y w r byBrit sMoo nooom eu ItI nhpishi aluaad eninftred s
lifge w r byla
ret nsindntem Insusalk str rany puBy. apedIryhamssfim. ers, wis mu c
inflefe as AniHnliburtues,ram. A nadHnliburtues g nsul s Phlly
Iryhamwough ad i
foadelooratolom,ce ers, wis rthd ly
de,as eagtrly as
g nsul s tog
ough ad i
chpy chiMatdt
ti tay.foTAny
bealr vtaytfe sepa ea c
his m.die."
y ge
thetfcealsth aufflefe, alsewei eonstvy t
rebtca be
aly yri
so-closelywaBuis" togh tog.foJrs, wi e enc C-vy toed, ombtsee; oonymfknoif go o ride, alye.ers, firatiwo
gnrriagesl hEilt
tds suc yai woeonumbe e besnkeresuc yainicG kne -py ty.foPfnd pe Any segeaeudiea litounmu cepa ea c his ml hToat T. foaratnead n aotluire"
y go
thetfcealstfflefe, Tom yt
t iy
eyes no
ed ti fiti theaef fauldoknam,th avtayt ged ly.foTAny ouldho otfmyny vt huarhs.foIryhamwdo p"mass-ape "Spec athe;"meHnckmatat
g ndercen ssnoTadheym at"Eves mo
Phst;"meHnliburtue,nwho us eo orbe w r byinsusalk sbusine
koepslA. oleyextravygv ctcsbits,nrea s m at"Advtati er"s de,down"Tsalrcript;"
alr tone omthavHoe es "t on CiaenUc st," ty , Ietone omtbuy "HarperMatWeekly."s Earil septrate eek gest bim div s t iy
buy mart e
bays,e.restetdmoBssubrcribias;et iy
o snk wheynmny uld aan aordho hxtmnumbe ,nger,tAnywaBw
aldo.roN-- mdis one omthactrrtheym at"Nge st"nfas wvnaytwo dfas aly less-et koep, gooe-nhitree. In fakt
ey de"uld tess-mu c
ftoce iieding gthHrem oegaeod f opec st,
de,downet huarhtbooes-yinn wdd
ough ayri
ssen arously
oetefoThs-B tern Shnkerll ap,e.JohnkMiltue;
t siD hg ;aJulia
t si"Barcoay'ctrApology ",tor
fad nyofmyny mnrks retit; mdisGeoegllhactr"OweneFelltham,"
de,downhis m isw there on MaicucrsAtrelius puWe Iffnon aar mwough ad ibe eeptrate tllmes;eding unithemibooes-bhsoneI ll,
wIw thed,uin thr'tndntbeedi queodbh aia s of enint ,tas ing "ArsbiaenNilt
has Anipriterfsu turt beedi que.riHnliburtue
has Gsaldvitoe's ( AniEnglish
Gsaldvitoe).foIryhamwh Itg paelascopy mart e
SthisarhluiCsr prwh Itg woeocopy mart e
Cruiks ,I .now?Ifeymbias
qminence wmart esbethuruI
fo en wlikg bis ,w?Itfo en wsay as
m atLaur atbyd hetAnd wheynDavHohiet issichos ligestwotkind
gtorcaka,t"Bhis'odeIt woeoas sayl"die.We Iff"RobiaytetCrusoe" bi kistald thay gorllltam.
crded,tuld tinesreepis
lantty psakr mffitv, ituld ged s n ," out ilt
,s tdnathr erfcuiuewhhi glowsawfull nooomn bympw w s
aodbluew hedhat diea liphrt lsco OsiridboBedmcoveymnd
s renhtis sunbluewdhat mewsen di vt hu
st wceptfest--ctv, ituld ged ,nITesr, inar,tAnyw Shevdtorestalktwvnlyt g"RobiaytetCrusoe" fas relief.die.Nhw,nRobiaytetCrusoe. Itm t

bhxldrede d, de,dorshefastmhier hi heteenyesahs
eoen nooomn ineet ali woeoaer
s. alievir
mens mouldhos ofihsco eadiatthiuish ceptcasggflen wo r , ownet tvdtormvy toall nolikg debtorsrch,crddi oonyfhs
eoefastsooomn n prries
rtlus:e beme
EVIL. lhaweeaahorr ter Ber,I amwolive,raty,no
fisl na svoidmoBaalr drnwtey,estato my opx tt sr cgtorys hip's cr rany w s .now?Itamwseryltisth aaty,eeptratea s Ber,I amwseryltisth eu It-ww,erechflen aratinet thllnyfo eth, olen from hip's crows bs
meprreblrs orbe sp appnolen d.stsl me..
An asoyole cebtorsrch,crddi oo acg uartgo s sa.die.Julia
rtheym . aroud tker bmordsp the ogesi --anetingy grded,t ItRobiayteter
a; di vunmu cefsis n eirn oy
yatydeIt gkoepstald te
the olen dnisyn hordre on t ed terians,n aa
tf s ea c ttmolhet iy
ehe sommassrsuc yaibalancele W ," mens m -- shee pesi ?foPfnd peasa vy toalw t nopfnd pe a
ytec ecur !uireSole
ey deee mcovd n ," ou r byinstan aordy
ehe stgon inwinghuanetiwhtii from mto no-room,tiwhtii from k no- sroom,tiwhtii Geoegl' studyhuanetiwhtii fromparlhe, en wii from hxtm alfningvmassrupstald tlis s ens
woesaaty, vil.riHnrevas ing rtaul s:e bemeFREDERIC AND MARY
GOOD. EVIL.die.WethavHoe reisnicG bays Ber,t
e doer-iglr r tan aras de,doreisnicG girle. t
e tima die.WethavHoenon e eahetn Ber,t
e weal bi Ie. awful,s drink,, n awe puuuuuuuuuuuuuu de,downLarrabeg fShest lhactr giar, Bh sfoThs-turm-taat nneld -wwhhs glowsup,raty,nowcat lmess ceo be go
ot mom. it die.WethavHo orelbooes-lland Ber,ingvfrinnasoborrot-oure.waaceo as a,minpes m -- sas lbooes,aide,tilytrenShe odmn inrtheymyny newspapere. volumes uiree.WethavHo yny ad y ttwo d Ber,wevas behe u an. 143, frinnas--enon e puuuuuuuuuuuuuunan s gn,ingvlis s ensmells die.WethavHoheale
rinbouo d Ber,t
e wppy chidmny be wttmolh. sicksfoThs-LnwtneI appy chidTra die.Wetwpem orbe mons me d Ber,l as Hogsr hwhhs lnft
intinet thll. F
bd $200dfmeding hoor ,rch,enld -seafra,"sh. foaratspom. itdwr
eoentrywhhs glows wanoin dogs uiree. GEORGE AND ANNA
GOOD. EVIL.die.WethavHoainicG home re Ymbwsen di giar ancup ton iwn,aide,tie retSsarst,
de, cor'te
tkean nggsrtger,hpwsen sasa she-
hore est lat Liea liiii wvnahundapp to ion trampe on Gau,, n awedhavHofrinnasooooooot
e doer.beenon e eafirati om.die.WethavHoshee pesfrom icGt llllli thetfmyny lfor pwcaras appy chidintinet thll. wl,
e.WethavHoenon e eado,
de, foWnapave gogiar anpy ty on uld tiunmu c. , Ietngv
cqua ntalk ss of eytwo,n ence wisahorr! sine

. woeoenon e, , foWnas m -- do ,clihsco wo oe
t cr rlsco mo.pu ean
de,wedt thetn deem t,at T. s m -- ean
tkedo.n Geoegllhadaad ed,t"Ave, anruld -senooheale
rinbuss"foBy. A nald mnrkedoknam,th a hetice
e uireTornappy chidTra , Iewsenl h foPfor pevotew hemfknoif w s ld oysd dra uiree. GEORGE AND JULIA HACKMATACKme
GOOD. EVIL.die.WethavHoei eotsplnnaid Tornplumbe s'
wing aBw
as appy chi. glveI fay r,lledwr asdlima,s ,m. An tlumbe s'
bi Is
beawful die.WethavHo on y enon e, , fo TornfShest lnd I -- he," o t te
t we not edll tkedo fo ho be
uneesu lledwinatidb," o t ttor
ore puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus hthwme puNmdis one onappmn yss drae wsenluireGeoegllnd I -- have gogo fo Wethatbefor Kydd School.n inBahiam hxtmye puuuuuuuuuuuThwnmay
y drinks ,m. An turt be ,ssis an
iGs. Ber,wevliv
iibe t at ci taict;asoyole bays ouldho tgogo t s .now?Ten go
t- or fwsasleta Lucuaer?" "cr me t ",yes
y ayeldtead nfor o
bi kisdeef puuuuuJaneaer?" "gthe,"pWakr mnsaves "Bull
de,Alicbnsaves "nobbys"foAn awmam,is cen no wo o s m -- aotluireD pWor e spoue
has ctlp ti Hot lmdgdyny mnnaceo liv e Aniprtside ty marTibe iasooooom, e tm . wad nepartIdt omChad gesreailrika puuuuuuuuuuuu -- aotluireree. FELIX AND FAUSTA CARTERme
GOOD. EVIL.die.Gwad nepars
be thereeo d Ber, sit e
chpy chidgrnwe.evof eytwol
Mon y go s fsr heo d biggme, alimwclhis s ces, wi ak it dil. m
b. me.iratinetbays arli woeoandd Ber,t e
chpy chidge m -maw.ll.meSotas ing girle. i woeoat school, exco are"
be plnnaid appy chi. measledchsteopecu-con e, oomn wsasletafehow.die.Oleomgs Por prwdiedndas
d Ber,t e
iGs;maw.ek trch,Felixtgsts paenouiuewwwww,m. An as cr rany waarhedoasin ihotoa's l. have i
iG uireTornloat volume marFce ted Ber,t e
At enaeumtidb,Bw
as Thislnft mdh h vboer-
d cara kisrenithabooes-lo examcov
tbl hen mdisenhtranoh h v oot
" natma thinuheesrwwnes s haeleend ran away. Im,is rsts f omgs FrednCuati 'habooes-Tra diwern b
tdnaid."s bom, fnd I AhemfkwHocarsa uiloder icGly uireThwnmi tad ds one onAobeena Ber,tngvdra nheemeras School "s detds awfull noe
t-tan BoSpdmoBn Heale
ey de"
Wnapave gogo o eves mo
vy toedram asdingvfrinnas,serrs wpem stut sup. Wethatbefgogo,s dyqllsh t s
eyes none.foWo o hadarsts f shee s .now? uThwningoets mo
wintheesund ds one onfts thisel me.. Wor
m asg hopers wheynDats fs" aratia t ofstudy ers, wis t e
cloce taut snidi
" na scolgooeogleyBowton
fa fion,nSilasyltty ringinh insshee -- myy
ys.foTAn hottbefor myy
ys,hstic ylerli woe--taus. A nadfmedinate be de,down
inet tmenmr heym athopers,nse,
wt om mto no moms sts, loaty pmnd
e uireTorywaButr togniza. An ravian oaid i situhe st.saSti IffttyJulia
rwheynfeltn nar mw eas allo Itww Ieudika
t v nott ofdoceof
shee: ombt ntheonotwo rt, oomn eoen wmsss rthdysfmedit uireTorywd he diadiagu
h h vet tvepars mu c. TAny ouh wthagu
pron imitounmu cein sfarraley.foTAny d heagrdes n ," wheynfo en wbe lnft fgoFelixtnoTadphr lhaweefrom hxte.evoo mo.puHe. I,
so-aotspoaknyfo eos. alm,moinetaisseco
slen ea c
soneefromquaaritieshstic yc en wberheriminatea side,seavHoe e equhe sts sunsimplifiedokname Aniei eotmens mdeee mcov edll theynfo en wt ugh aite berede d, edll theync en wt ugh ait uireThwnvisi ooseputfon t ed t"tllmes"--hot stranhe oname Aamnwindnfo en wm t
havHo pan a"parliaepars!"--ki
s", gooe-bl htfaeror Any weret tmanly dTom wdnt homa diGeoegllHnliburtue
crhwed s wta An as,
tkebra uiree.tHAPTER,II,
STRIKING THE BALANCEuireThwn hxtmnens mdowyawen
tkesegeWarrep ," o t M beum.reToat paebably
tolpppnt om.foAft men ifphay tngyeme--b hotppodrtepartar,lledCsr prs'wthFelixtr hey issi
REPORT uire1 puNUMBER.--Thnrevas iwen y-saysreaytesefsis c asrruula que,n wen y-thurufas regrdt puBy. ooro t tewen y-thur, ftngvas ing shmm;wnently,st bycb r dn holit cem trospec e one onaoentryl
Coent nott atoas saye.oply,st brevas iwen y-sayson ea c
sone uire2. EVIL.--Thn iwen y-says vilsdmny be
cl,ssifiedas aus: holit cem, 1; sociem, 12; phys cem, 5; ee aors,n3. me.iratinetphys cems vilsdw en wigerler beisby n,v morcon tnmemperrue
climrue, astetdmoBsm . abomination,astic nu"s dida
climrue, et wtry wtngva t s ooseT.
besgleybyed i
cupidian oaid i Dutch uireThwnholit cem vildw en wigeendeesby ne v nott oe.errisdict stnsor aenUc ti St tvs uireTornsociems vils,hstic y
beadmnjnrian oaialr

ehe somigerlductpnbyrrtside t l wwrcy est l s.
beforre yes no
ed ofmyny lfor p uireTornee aors troetrly haeong fo ato t e
ss.foIrn tndecend.climrue, a a
eoentrywuld yoad ntpnbyrithaoicGsnhotty,a
eommunity uld gopwdad,go t,doreisee aors w en wberhmrueroall abatea smfkuld putf oraol nde me.Respec full
FELIX CARTER uiree.Hot aly thagu
proitnaoe!foTalk? I o snk so!puTAn hotratial, loase,
,raty,nowsayslis tnrd puBy. apey and oed not tdnaPtdnicG brasns mita An Welsh r
woesabefos bod, rrh,ael, a liredigme qtern uneesu youre.g nscie t
. sttyneesu) trch,Felixtdown
ph aia anwindsreme Not Itieratyou,sm . "s didnonsensele W ym -- do
aiatoW aslot ,m. St hulsh de,do,
wteBuoes thasns m alye.rrre dodre tAnd wheynsa,led?e W ym -- go o a
Fsalk , llsolmitde nwiace seTom eool mnsummows-llane s mn?foYmbwean
shee wiace , ombtean
shee summow. die."I hatbecendippp paech,scorp stswhepe,"yA na.die."ehes 's-ul nhpisgese om.foTAns 's-a est lia Mexico,s dida
hundapp to le olen fromseg, s.
havHoyoure.memperruur uers, ju ymbwdika. die."Stuff! die."Noffitv"s didstuff ll aBuwhepe,"ytoaslFelix,s eagtrly pu"I s m -- panuers, saysspot puBy. ymbwdiv
iibem . vellty, ombt not.foIfeymbi wdd
itv"s grnwiastho euymbwmgtooough aymquar prwooratm,
wtowidhis m est wcegs m up. Ifeymbi wdd
,s tyswerdpav widhis m
ho be,ael, a licegs ml Dyey ombtsee?foTAnd,s tdnawiace lder ed, ombtmgtoos wt."reme irevforre myny lfor pwts fs?" aShe aHnliburtue; "oomn dole
ey msss myny mells?"die."ehes y
bead woeotyny lfor p,nger,tAnywa
bead the gomset.foTAny nead nquarrle.foTAny
bea diea litouncegs upe fas alirevolue sts, ove, anrukis suofihscon tmenquilliz talough ad i est ;et iy
selden die,s dn y
besot ,anhpis -eaguhrdithep,ndo edll thethea aoBeding vitoagesteens them ordo--saly
townead neas nye.hccaadmis wanerati om.foTAny nead nmakHocalls die."I less-elre,hepe,"yIryhaml hToat patriarchas yyy
mnu"s o t,drue yyy
m ens
wad neparl die."Wanrukis m . est ?hepe,"yA na,ningoedurously.die."I have bheadytrdre tofadmpmbe ato ayenber,I sen't uiIm,is ia Mexico,,I not.foIttidboa t is sideloorMexico uiIm,teens ato ugh aitl wwrcogley`HarperM--se, od woeotynyeuytwo yago--ber,I ead nbom, fmcov;st brevas aBw
alsaye.or twormi
dre evof eytwol
I aShe aFsuota to,loderfsis it,tger,fhO
w hebusllo I thasns ,heg nsinue"ytoaslFelix,s ael, a licrtatoa Ind,s"mdis onymbwmins madmpmbe .l me.Noffno somyadmpmbe d;raty,no somyfel
mu c less, goiasdtker b
phblic lebrar yfo l ok,dtetCar pr's rsts f, vagulirediche sts. In fakt
rit Thisaesuggme queaoBedHnliburtue'hedhat prgtodstorb populaewbemeHnliburtue
a,"sh. t h notnd im inah. weal.puTAn hotrat a,"sing shmm pu"Nhw,deed?" sa, "t
e weal oBsm .
crpwddfmedinis iace tnd I ces,yafuho binpes toars
rmfeuymbwad" w r bykondl talecisd inmate vs,dtty pate nott oe.fShest lpotpaech,sweep nott ofappmn ysl"die."odinis tngy grded.die."Itv"s dw Wednesday. Letnuheeia t Sruur hiifsis Mempnis d ass-g teap boatyfo New Orne ts, go t lk s g
VerrtCruztbl meeme , xelos ing grhe, enbuy thetho bess if,wevlik
,raty,renShe byed inmime waaceo do eor o
tfur p"uhxtmstri o.puOu nboSpdmnd I ces,yeesu llak it sw en wior ,tfmedit
. ings ing bhef
sheee olenl him. An wuho binpes toarsmnd I payed infhresei by w
t tmen, llsolmdisvos l, mripr,t"Ave, an appy chi? die."Oh,yes,"wmripro Anieagtraadar,rur r pu"I ouh wfasg--thi, an appy chi puWe IfftAnywa
bea Iewsen, yrin tAnywnot? die.Yes;ea Iewsre wsenluire"ehew w
eiratiakHothem llsoluodeItfaeror YeBuoe
Stri os, a Ohio side,seavHoe emdfmeding faeleend wiace ldee mdb," Ansio c Chad ge.foTAny eiratbHoenon e nar mldeasns m aanftAnywa
beal thetKydd School,
de,dowyawitonuge m - wsasletafehow. sNo somy. fad nyit s ire.puTAn hoeiratbHo nar mwc appnomedinan my appy chidTra tAnd wheyecare lnft fgome,
de,dowyawitorbe sfar, hundapp to leho hare et uu llak ifknoif w s ire.puTAnel, a little a nthgo o o t Model School,
d inmiddl talttle o o t Academy,s de,downglees
ehn go o chad ge.foHot tyny arevforre,s Felix? die.Felixt a,"singre yes iwen y-nidiluire"We If"t a,"sing arlsoofi cem Geoegl,t"it
. ings apeapis
test lI ead n age.foWhy
rt ed tSdni sstgtt lmdge fas areishundapp s toarsmaeytwo,aech,s gedzHo orelth aufs lifelwe oI s mth auffiwen yfuho binp.puTAnel, a little sw ey ces,yaa d e
rruel hishundapp am. fifty s toarsmfsis nwen y-nidi appy chi; hot mu ceihedhat,
Phlly? die."For y- areishundapp am. fifty s toars
rlascob r ,"ed hnyhe.die."I e
th fo puWe Iffdyey ombtsee, T. foaratsaves n ," www gle o o tbe eervaarhewevas boSpdiasthere,aufs when frorevas rfar, renhtces,yus,tesr, faxts toarsmamaw.ek; knam,is, fax y-faxts toarsmfas wen yf eekhvThas air pr, hundapp anetiwen yfs toars. Wetw ey buy ynyeuclhis s,tger,div
weefromon wm vs,dtty mass-ape appy chimaw.aerm ad tbig brhis md'aech,sisr ms'wthTAns 's-a s v no ogest ir y-sfar, hundapp s toarsmfas ir y-sfar, geshs uiWhy
rT. foaratmsss mon y! Itieratyou edll smfkyou'enydos it,tI' I payeato t e
bi Is ti I waachee -mm puIfeymbeudika, ombtshato t en ea c
payent nry -quar prss onymbrs lat wiace 's acg uars,dtty I' I chaegll ny thr'tndnt wfo erofi aaty,loss. Ber,I foaratmsss byed inbaeghinl"die."
t tmenes ubted ifknoif c en wigerl allo Bh aitsiprovedknoif c en .meStirati oywd he diaeia t Sruur hi;n tAnyweia tedlMo, ayeninstworpaest -a s.foTAny lnft f i
chpy chi, aratcelins e ffor
m at tangl,t," Ansio c on
Wednesday--a diea litempt eo orspom. the wiace froren tAner hves;e tt,tinis temptge stnteenyrtsiste"
rwheyns wrtrmis waMexico uiuiree.tHAPTER,III,
FULFILMENTree.Suc yaitmenquil areisd
alsa o t Mi
dppi,astic nut ita an autumntolood,raty,revtaltishier hi herede d
KthinkadWruers!riSuc ycelins full areisd
aliibehospitater New Orne ts!riMins mine -- igeposs ter ete tnrrr, v-his mn?fo"Nof"wmripro Aniidixoreblr"We have per,tngvh de,dord i eon e puWh geiratiump obat ?he Tword
alsi bjec ewrerc ednesalsa o t Gulfaufs Mexico fo"W ymwsre wsy orn?e W ymd hetee diadieyb fos e.waalnft solihdl na?" him. Anw r bylins -ho be,at VerrtCruz.die."Lo,dl na!ntty , Iew heteenl"die.Wrst , plnnaid aity!e W ymt h no somy oleym amboBedinon gedndmdh h vshe-
hore?e Rpp anetwfit ltowe
bate ge nts!riItww It, Ieless-a sthe -booe.diWAnd wheynl napr,
g,bllftreffitv, ituld git lsunbig ama est las apey and fancippnolen aratinismshow;e ttefsis n is tngy d he diac ap.foTorl hdg knam, whoenon e puHadn tAnywl napr uew binp-spit
rtlef woen whivHo had iibeheavr,. sNoo orelswsrdre tofam. frolas apey ld
iarbed,, non orelstumbldre tofam. frolas apey wal, l.puTAn hornfu
pron itgmazpisMexicaeodenhtean pron imito ride ete tAn hotle.foTo wal, meed ly
was retitr hi Anw itv, ituld eong befos ing menehhi s
d cun.e tAn l, a licaravy, geshordrpaech,muleshstic yw s
dosicnrrr,m ambon t ed t xegdi que gesdiscgtorys ts of vellty ogesptradis ,twnes
a mnnacoen w tanglah. wlimrue-flen omidwiace formidsummow

l Di. An wg nsulihiadee tkesavHoheardmoBaany vuc yvellty?bemeHn"sh. teardmoBam am?riHn and oardmoBafifty.e He t h not,
iide d, oardmoBamu ceelse.foHot che somh. telp oarthinkadt im?bemeC he
e wensul
rtlen,tr tommom. mdis r tworvelltys
air, wmins mbe fmedsalt?riOr
was rtnopfnd pe,
imposs ter wfo buy y fmhison wii suc yan Edhi?

Fhedsalt!thTAns v, ituldhinh inst onaoentry, htfae wis t e
frinnat ntheoo eden fromg nsulitad
mtpron im,s air, wt ituld fmedsaltl himywnes
in Ques tnro; oos en wtAnywnot go o o t Baxio? sNo; knam, assnoo flats de,dohtfaeroa'.foTAnre yes tadtty est rom, Xaespa.diOh,ite nan oaipl hghe sts fmedsaltl hBy. apey nhpis -- gon htfael himywnes
mdh h vris oaiChi gifiti die.Wis t e
frinnat git lsure n ," ts fs yes no tlumbe sasin ihotregquesahs
thed?die."Nead na tlumbe ia Mexico.l me.imyflefe-insusalk smhi?

"N-- mdis"foTAniprudt
t frinnatd he diaad en"Riskitouncegsl"die.Wes ing phblic schools gra ud schools aslci taict schools?

"N-- a phblic schoolwii saxtprovalk al"die.W he
e nei eb sstbe mofendeesif,wevs m -- sall?

"Cy. ymbs aroatssmfkyou dil.l me.Did t e
frinnato snk wheredw en wigetyny trampe?die."
tfrinnatsnomvdstorb s ubtfullior ,tby. suggme n.e tAeas notoccaadmial us ooratsix-
hooce rlductpn An wnumbe ,n de,gavHoaicertscolreperge stn go tatadn prss ainrukiid whoem eoyedhstic ydimindsee lmu cetramp no oafut wSpa
aech,sa,"sineas notlawtd he diaobjec etosm .
ofihoe uireTorywadkSheprotkaa kne moBafish,tfmedstic yVerrmeCruzt. werfbra
d pu"If edll thetmnnaer
arbt,druef"t a,"meIiyham, "wewnk Irbt,vof e haraheavr,.l me.Itv, itulw wwNovpmbe .puOh ,downglhe one ," ride, wis t ey lnft VerrtCruzt de,doron e afwitde bssrlascolsis jogg m slotly
stn go tim ntheptradis !uire"ehron e Edhi ftngv l h asuplle o ok alis lay.l me.Hegs m rch,eegs ml " . wmnd
st de,doat.roN-- a blnneldens
tasslsuc yasetngy ead nsawtb fos ,g dida
c irp no ocrit etlsuc yasetngy ead n oardmb fos ;da
hundapp obri eo-wiastpnbirds,raty,no
mdisn ," wheynt h ead omseepyb fos m rch,eegs ml "thps, kies
,yb at
,ybirds,rinsec s, aratntheend aras lgtoly uireThwnfiial purchasgg Itmf sayssmaratpl hghe st,ollso wa ho be
laegllenon e f s aal, a liarmy, ost mor gh ayn ytsi .puOranhes, ltmsts, p of
tanates,nmango s,
pin -iadledchcor'te, sugar--w at ciy,no
riphidintinosin ptndnniemsgardhid?thHaloratm,
wabovbeforre yes i e
smarad n o bes haeongiasdtker b
shmm eet tv;m alfratm,
wabovb,widhis m racepurchasgh eaadly.foTAism, hetouncolmn inetd
iar wwNovpmbe ,dbh aia Junll n aJuly
de,Augrs, wihinmemperruur dw en wigefax y-fax, mor gh a tangl uireTorywsen
bat s hetmulesl histlef
tamnolen VerrtCruz obrn
th olen Bowtonffinafifteepydr
a; ing bh Irbooesasin ihot thllnyfng bh Irpiidh in ihot thllnya
oet bax
iboBedcolsihefas aliy tot
oet oethItmf hoper, tty,a
oetn dozr, gesppacilhefas alimr,. sim. Anw begtu ftngvto,r sldensbld draflefe.roNead na gas-bd I - na t ce -loaknho had na crace ii t e
fShest l - na mnnafo eutfin wealnho had na re get looospoak fmeding binefi asor aenFeniensnho had n
e necesuian oaia-thid sit r,g paimrw Bhptthi.e."
lnnieshfauldo w r by w eres o tbe the gsMexicae
chpy chi, simpl , oiady, civir
rend wir
m atstranhe ideae tAeas notobjec efmedstic ylifge s giar, ihedhat menemays div .foTAny ca a hhee wir
age eale
rentoleyead y tay-- ogesip ooeg, g nvolvulus,tta
,yide,trchids ui"
the ge neirn
th bat sead y tayoainge speciedchfar, bainge thus,--a nge d Iustra que gesevolue st,masla nge
g,bllacg uarppnomedby the
lae gesnhitral tserfcuiue.roNins mw It, Ieslee ; tayow It, Ielefl uiDigme queawa ti haweeaadetitv;maadetitvawa ti hawebeexercis ; exercis awa ti haweestudy;fstudy wa ti hawebeg nve
a que; g nve
a queawa ti haweelov .foC he itwberhe ," Novpmbe Itmv m?foCanflefe run bl htfast?foCanfet wbisn ," t on Chri
eiItshee?foCanfwaalntflefe go bl h
fa t? IIt-wwposs ter enam,it
. ing e sepa Janurw ?foWo osen di lntflefe go htfast.e Rpall nois m . St uiVae naine' Day!e W ea s of ciy,lefe go htfast? wir
m at1sa ensMaichs hetmules yes ord
enooomn bytmgtoe,dord i hxtm .gs m rfarl.puTAn e neam. tmennut l, l.puAve, anru,
mdh h vgra u ooratnge climrue,n bytbegtu uew net batany,son net discgtorivs,dtty oiadys lifelfauldonet themsyasetngy begtu ,gaglluireSols wr Apaileend sols wr May. Lifelt h its oba a ls,--oh,yes, tica be
id.Thislefe.roBy. apey yes no
edo tatdttiis
ensba a ls.foTAny eyes no
ed inba a lsboBedpaissayrsmshutsup,r gkoepsgh ad i wests fffinaceens tfufteepyfest,s gare.puTAn lfault
,sifknoif fault
,sllso wGod's airo w r by wveits, ove,God's wSpm sunshin y
auldn tAne, ove,God's bluewskywabovbeform.meSottngy d hewname Any
eoen noos apey wrotew ty,reap anet chwdtty paiaced, wis t ey wal, loand ran ach,swamwond rode anet covb,wise Any
pactngag m nc. eonei y
de,easns m aat eonegirl,s stshis m nc. oley tman's pillot ,m. lis tnrd wa far,o sommaw' sthe noos apey analyza. Ans atnd
,yise Any
tasta. Ans atnd
sfullfruits,nos apey climba. Ans sw ed
sfullm uaraits, or ,rt ilt
,sos apey podrttpn An wtlefscgpe tArn
t-ta. wloudeesu ach,sttyneesuwsky.e.. Wor
ato t ey wmens mdowyaliv l.puAve, anyeT.
besgn ecl, ove, anrukT.
besgetyny rauldoknimito eden froi lder dre thisaenet lefe, aa mdowyaliv llintlgto, ove,evtaye.tayodaankrinbofo! t Junllchmm puThetmules
t faslagagll hAgagle Any
wal, loamquar prwooratm,
in tAn l, a ls airtethihvdscottag ,twlsolmdly aaserfcuiuewolen frombooesashaeow,twlsoltworguita seTom atolm
f wwpest looro t tpiidh,--ngs ingyrlane rthdysfmed areis eekhvpa JudiluiOnlhet reis eekh;sfmedmdh h v29t wt it bmeC me t epartar,Ansio c, ove,Janeaove,Wakr mnrch,Flos nt ww s
dotiakHothey wnegrdes.foTAnre en w hpis wvnad
as olen VerrtCruzsnoTadhchs henl him. sodinis summow
, heto wbisspom mita An Ninthifor
m am, befos Octobe fo en obriasdato thrnappy chidTm. An tarearhedo the
landlooro t tod hssky.foTAreisbusls eekhvbetwenw r by1sa Tm. An 22d,e.rehstic y ratinetpicuur swnk Irbt,findsee ,yIryham'ctrngtolwnk Irbt,revis d, Hnliburtue'hey tocles cr rlnted, wd i hw-snvonuiuewomedmeasuriasdpowe wnk Irbt,gasn loand wtlste"
rwhe dripis lowe
wnk Irbt,m uarppntty pace
e,ro t tpad
rvppnoluitswnk Irbt,dividppnomedinn Ninth mp ofrinnas.foTAreisoiadys eekhvpa lifelaar,rful,tger,dift ttor gh a rpwd mo,ra, enabovbealr

eor gh aiace rupe"T snk pesi f"wmriproFelix,sos apey o ok alis lat wal, wim asdthe
lava crags, ing doer-iglr h ituld ruasdato th.
lat wiace .' die."`Tads aadysoleyk no oOnah. grue-hbyd heswias, wBtca be
als v, ituhad na doer-iglr toyrlme.' die.TAism, heJulia'heimplenptulreply uireree.tHAPTER,IV me.HOME AGAINuireSolca a saystorb joSheeyle W ymcanfwaanot go Tom eomt ttor gh ainis nk Il meeme , Ans odiouheemeras, th.
fwoeotes,dogs, ove, ais surge--ac, hot remordreesu!--oBeding cruolwsea?now?! t eadnathismnd I enp.puOlk smos ing Sta seTomsaStmipes!riA
landloorfShest s am. hf t ce pipe
landloo wbiggsrs am. hf ca c bes, a
gas-meee s am. hfs liars
pastaboSpdmam. hf cards,ra
landloo wetiqunar s am. hf ban
rllll mo,rby. stirati oimwcoentry!e.i
taphs,hstic yton wii anfenstan ,sos apey
lanapr uewthe
leade, aa m ratinetnwen y-nidi wsre wsen,, adyqblgg m ncem orbe ar,t
e wead gesuewTuesday eves mo,s so It gseis"Muc yAt ugh aNldhinhs"foFhedar,Ansio ce Any
ac aafphay tngmnens mbefos C me t epar.riA
Pullman's paest -a s.foAty,lo! apey sectred sfcuiues 5, adyq6, 7 am. 8,mita An "May lowe s"foJrs,nmime gkiseas alibabytmf saysfrinna, de,dorgiar anbaShe
ensguavaheto widhis m, ove, anehstirufas Cincinnati ove,XenieeTomsaYeBuoe Stri os!ree.Hot beautifullwes ing liv -oaks ,m. An magnolias!reHot fad hh h vgreenbofo Anicotton!foHot blat s hetfst ogest byl, a linf
tovs,dtty oot beymnd disputbefor t
ytume ogest byba, lopeanutdb," o tvet tiues ainruksuofiimes apey
and oy notefmedswoeoanddt ce ! hE on th. teavy pilx tt ssts, nabovbeCincinnati whs gllden wir
m at opxalsi ho hw- orn tayoas apey ruihvdsupsto the
Ohio River, tty,ase Any
proit. sim. Anw, the
landloor aadyshhees!riItnut itKapndstdenhtsa,"sioent nll thetmes,yfavored est asin ihot thlllwes ing laeglr vitoages a Ohio.riHn andthgon ss of wanru,
o o.riXenie, tty,a
ytec ebadhkfast ame Anisghe st,otAnw r bytowe
loorAnsio c, tAnw r bs nwen y-nidi appy chi whv nott oigvh dekerchhe s ase Anetracolruihvs a!ree.Hot mu cetals v, it wanera,moinehot, eoias
qfor ,rchn ineee!foHot mu cerlnasure n eynDavHofor
m ai ldere neal
rt ed tmango s,
t ed tbanana
,tt oigvh t-brchse fas alibays, ,m. Any wfsnhefas aligirle!foYes;eaty ootn u cemos ingy o ok olen nutbrnwtafst , olen sto lehobea dre slen ear eaher,wolen frombol htt ratinreahsuilodeed s wtahaweeh o tais m, olen fromgirl ht tmanlyrhe ," ymbias
eesif,s m mhis m ryes no
emas gerhd ta pu"Ymbeurascem Ozro, ombts m -- tadten"sineas n,
wtro bers ,ereldlane fmedyou?foWhy
rmymbol, ombtsis
taces hetfsmolh."pu"Ibehope not,
papa; I t h n ne y-ei eotin ihotbatanybeexamination,ata
s" for
honsiheii Gr.ek trch,wsy e," o t tBuce
ye Club eauldhinh inst onrenShe mate ,yes
y ay.l m"Ymbyd h, ymbwdi a libiggsr?"efor troud papalreplied.di"Ymbyran ato t e
bnar m,nITeupeose, tica be
werdpads dihsco eatmip
wers"foAn asowsa,eend solue.roT i
chpy chi ciy,no
iitptradis ,tpfnd pe,
bh ainisomseems,vof eless-elbykongden eomt! afut ac me t epars ,m. An prtside t's party,aupe to the
YeBuoe Stri os estthemica a tworunusual paest snhospecially
pagag m. sim. mdiseaatnenteym at"Valptraiso,"s de,downhis m, os -wwhhadeee"
rwhe "Betheehenl" him. Anyrhe ok ato thrnappy chi,eend byd woeolut sl as Tuce
rww Ieugoiasdalso, ,m. Areisas tngvofo Anicoad gesgirlenooomn byto ok alm.meSottngrukT.
befor y- whtii all.meAomn bytspppntty sppp, mor gh a tangl hf cars,tesar as wBttheehennvisi ppnPtradis ntty Ptradis nvisi pp wBttheehen, tirati oywca a to New Salen, ence wisat in ytsuiuewe neiuy tit etsefmedstnd wheynehe stgos wanoin bdhchshaeow Quonschoneasn,l s.
beforiei eotam. An wuwen y-nidi wsre gomassr Any wsummow
hhee befos ingn wdems migrhe st.sareTorywdo,no
," Quonschoneasn,lbut wa far,ho C- toa's l arevforis lnar msest
t.foTAny liv
t mletaoBedingis iwn,a nottn go tanei eb sstas
m atLi a liGau.
laegllho bes, lirtethihvdsmor gh aym. wir it,ollso wdoepspiazz It, Iearhe, ent onroo s gesence wjoiw r bs roo s gesm at o bes tAner hves,raty,rutaha uew IesoneIe to mdispodrtwabovbeforecendre.puIn ea c
ho be,aeoaratsomt tiwen yffest,bydfifty,raty,inst onoara,--w at "s didiieding oara?--maybr anpiidh, maybr anfish-rod,rmaybr anriflye.or a tlefscgpe,ra
volume marbermstsmasla volume marbo os,asa spinnecu- s.el,masla guita ,masla ba a ldos .puYmbeumens mas
fmedw ," ymbi hpipp, fmedstudy as trma esy,raty,you ehe st wdd
t--ww,erena doepsdivae
c iugh ge olen Stamughl--you ehe st wdd
itasin mdis one obe eimpl lirtethihvdshells die.Li a liGautis sunn.aerm a she-
hore far,ead y tayn bytgo s wta oyole bdhchs e b the,
de,dow bdhchsis suho har,dow GulfaStoeth nll thetswimtid--wera,mt
ytec st.saSti Iff hetfurt tayot
lnniesh en w diaewim. TAny ouh w Anetrunes-lo od h
r de,dow closerhedoasarrano . sim. An ftngvthidTm. An ftngteepybays wen
tkrhe ," b th
ensba h aron . sim. ItFelix,sdow cyniceugrumbl m, ran rst s na, louewthe
h"s boys de,downbol e," himchfar,,FelixtwesahsSpdmtinesr, "Hotn di a limnna hpis,nes
haeow orbe t
ytec ly
t ady!" at
m atLi a liGau bytsppnl thetme,r s flen o trhFhsrrhvpa Julyt gthet13rhvpa Octobe -- wht thetfc
aliibehisthe --gdttiasdrthdysfmedMexico foNew sewias-mae nes ww s
,sTm. An f, Ietone otstreamnolen t
lnkeww Ieueasns m o,ruta Anetrthd ls.foNo e sepa clhisdre thisgo
eoentrywence w hpis, dn ; no e sepa memorTm.aldlane fmedt
ln Irpurchasgs; no e sepa lis s ensbooesasprtp app,hstic ytoif c en wreap inst at uewthe
14rhvpa Octobe ,twlsolatta
re sigh, alye.bane gooe-bl orboatssanet ogseTom eowseaty oordrpaechho hi eb sstadyqblae vs--almes,ytineuidTm. moon,astic ouh wsto l. uewvunmu cehiadine
,tam. wen
bat s o Bowton
tkrhmass-ape ln Irbaeghinsnyfo eayot
ln Irbills, de,dorsayn b ln Irgooe-blvs uireAft memdistayoensbill-p y talecisho be-advtati no oandnfhrewlll mo,rtngyeme--at Iryham'c,dor"nerati oi ldiimesl" him. Julia
ton wof,s m fhrewlll sall uewttwo l as wBlnkeluire"ehensa,nt!"t a,"sihv; "sng does didsee heteenyese.foe dil. Bh ait thisers, lgtolyttngru.thTAns v, ito trh thetfbrnnze Japanobe etinghustic snomvds htfrinnaly,s de,down thetfvasvs,dtty o m flowe
weItfad hha fad ,s de,hd nbooes-s of wanru.meShelfauldos ofihsco fmedTen o de,Maud tkephay wlso,uers, ju foe us eo orfmedBhidTm.e.Horst . sim. T. faotam. al, looorMexico
de,Ansio c Tm.e.s of dhinhs
I aShe as m if,s m
yeswtro ble as m,s de,Iv, itcelins e ftica be
ey de"uld tro blee s m ll aBu.meShelton wato ugh aSwampecottdtty o mrh tttyappy chi puI aShe as m if,downdrs, had n ro ble n tAne uewGlnnwtoneaStoeet,tger,fhO
arit does didats ll;eaty shelton wato ugh ahd nyon's ttmolheinsHono- sKonhs
I aShe as m if, An f,ilure oorRupee & Lacw dnoyedn tAne, ove,fhO
er he diaal aBuw de,Iv, it ht l h, fmedI
and had so fra,"sfmedt
m; ove, anehshelton waugh ahotn u cetanyeT.
beenjoy talMaca lay.foTAnn
I aShe as m if wd i hw-anvildfakthe n,downhis m sideloore otstreet ciyn uld tro ble s m, ove,fhO
er he diaal aBu. sim. TAnn
Ied h, `Hot canst at be?',fhO
er h, `Why
dher,wwo odo,no
le ad ibe tllmes tro ble us,tdyey ombtsee puIfeI ww s
you,sIh en w dialetlsuc ytllmes tro ble me.' die.GeoegllHnliburtue
d im s wtah"s knefe as Julia
ton e Anisgorys t"Do ombtadmpmbe Rsbiaaal Mecca?foYes, alye.aButr mpmbe d Rsbiaaal Mecca:e beme"Oh,hsSp
,sloak fmllowe loore otwoaknho hToat e
n fo en s,ytrave
landlove,fea;meIiainistfaerpest lt at Godt gseikho hWh glmdgdygo t h chee gthee!" me.e."Waynfo en wwaanot etd
le ad ibes n imes tro ble us?"die.Wry not,
iide d? tAnyweiayra uiree.
ONE CENTree.A CHRISTMAS STORY me.DOWNuiremgs Sta rnrost,vof esSplyttnetfc
puTheteuidt ituld
up. Yet,tcertscol noim, assnoo lins m o,etaissna mntch uiAo,umgs Sta r,na mntchdmny be
aol conomy!uireSolim, assnnam, Anw, adb,Bw
a,sdow ke
arjeryltisth s olen is tro bers pot etsehaweefromoloom, ove, an mon y wis wera,moneacend.road dom, e tm isbutheuom,seepybyumgssaSta r.puHe. end.s wta oy . wmrktulw, afut ahn andthgats fs" upstalyrts asor aen on y ove, an ke
anooomn answ fs" yes
y ay's lnar ms.sareTorn
rlascob r ,ahs
eoen glmit memad n "s! t uld tiunlonhs
Clara,y . wefe, was ret
de,dow bays wert,vof ejoll nober,l s Sta r,naras Anisame,
did t e
duty uhxtm .svh de.puHe."ki
s" o mrh ooe-bl,"
de,eia tedls wt- iwn. Edgsrt notppp, hietdoasas
qfor fifty cpars for .svlunch; An po Chrntean pr tfufteepyforsrcom, e pe,"ytart l; S bin,
d inma,"
r She e fas epyforsshee extratm, k; ove, anehlbyko
s" o.svh dee to the
parlhedwinalw, anddt sroa'. me.No!puHe. I,no
ma'. me.FhedClara Arew upstalywinalw anddt ve as m lisyn h de.pumgs Sta rnreo bat s o tng doer.meShelfluasditasod hluire"My ttwo John, anrukis ymbs bh Ircoatl hToat coateymbeusavHoue
has nftsyedhbertoi puI sawtit,yes
y aye de,I osen di bear eahavHoyouawe tit,at
m atBoSpdl die."De tClara,ywrst , a,nt ymbiare!"puOl smos ko
,s de,mgs Sta rndtp atra uireAty,loyally
hbyd het e
duty uhxtm .svh de.puHeed notpppntty signteym atsewegag detitque; b lodeed in mdn hohedColtaech,sa,"sg te
sfullwindn oy .m; b bnneldWoollty, fromoluitimnn,wsen la barrlerlasNmdisuc ehedoasoleomgs.fCowee; b Itm nmime at
m atBoSpd Bhptthi,
o okeding chaim, ove, anya tangl
e wenstitu que.riHb lodeedasin eas notoa's l ade,doleomgs Freemnna licenfo en wbe
woen glmok aas notlnar msewanehlbyca a obat , ove, ane, ho!yforsEn IrBowton!uireIflmdly ombt nth, ttwo reape
,ytdll tkeEn IrBowtoneuymbwmu Irgo

tfere -boa ,sos if--ww,erennentee.Greenbush,tmedBrmoklyt,maslCamd hluireAs,mgs Sta rno ok altstreet caerofut ahn and
preding fere nyfo ghtii o tng un nottnp ats ensEn IrBowton,omh. ciy,no
it lt at own avHoe e wenduceof
.svlas,nmit et.w?! t wrst one ,"?fo"Endlooro t raute"yca a,dtty o sgirdpred .svloinsnyfrudgl mad nto the
p--thry b Itin sfaich
ma,hfauldo t,at
las,,hfauldo An ftremnnn de,gavHonisomord
ss, ove, ane, tArn
t-mudom,spoakatern wadpredbat s o tng street cae.puHe. I, notodly ta
sreeo.e.No atnd
s!thTAntodly wmnd
st assnnam,tAns v, ita cae.uire"eit et, sirf"t a,"sing wenduceof, afut ahalfratm,
.uireMRs STARR (SMILING) puI havHononmit et,nger,ymbeumny seenymena d toar's winth. (FEELS FOR POCKETBOOK.)e Hello! uI havHonotrmympot etbooe;a tangl my aoatlree.tONDUCTOR (SAVAGELY). TAny genrrallywhhs tangl edingis aoats.uireMRs STARR (WITH DIGNITY, OFFERING A FIVE-CENTreNICKEL)wthTAns 's-ymbs fhre,nmanlree.tONDUCTORl hToat w ey do,
enon e onymbwtrampe enhtctangl youre.g atssanetsen di wdd
ymbs pdnnils.foYmby
pnoa'--aneed n
pnoa'wmens yt gick.uiremgs Sta rndecline ;dstnd wheynchee gMave it sS gareomh. nd I adphr ld inmata oyole suppeiacende t renht notsed .mewsenl hSlins mscuff
.pumgs Sta rnrtsists.foC nduceof ose Is drihow. smgs Sta rn. fj cun..foC ll tkhe badly
oArnwntii o mud.foCarndtp ats.sareTABLEAU uiree.SCENE,II,


(MUDDY STREET IN EAST BOSTON. smgs STARR, WIPINGe HIS HAT WITH HIS HANDKERCHIEF, SOLUS.)e reMRs STARR puIfeodly Clara t h notn had so nxiouh wabout
mt circumstalk s,dift tis wintheesu,maslnsSplytfo puLetnee bravelhet rlw ts w
!uire(RUSHES UPON THE SPAN.foCATCHES EACH HORSE BY THE BIT,omAND BY SHEER WEIGHT tONTROLS THEM.puHORSES ON THEIRreMETTLE;smgs Sta rn ON HIS. ENTER, RUNNING, JOHNe.CRADOCK.)e reJOHN CRADOCK. hWh a,ywroa!puHa! apey snot.foHot osen I thankryou,smy mnn?foYmbwhavHos ve amy appy chi'ss div s.uireMRs STARR (STILL HOLDING BITS) puYmbwhad nar mldeass-ape reits.uireJohn Cradoce m uarsrm a shet, seiz reits, bh aiss eagtrsnoTadwSpdmthg hoor ,ta-thfs" wrerc aas noi n oads uiPa
ss reits toyrlns mhana, de,wlsollnft feelhefas aeusalfreagern wtic oe tArnws,twlsolgrheefullwindsnyfo mgssaSta r.pumgs Sta rnseavHsrm a pluasiasthorsvs,dttyn bytruihytowSpdmPreecottdStoeet. (EXEUNT JOHNe.CRADOCK,uHORSES AND CHILDREN.)e reHaloramus d, halfrashente,umgs Sta rtpicks upstale.g inn wtic oe alsoTeupeoses orbe halfranreager. me.Itvproves orbe a bri eo pdnny,uers, olen t
mii .uiremgs Sta rnlr
arit wlsolcelins ehaweefromoiv -cend
beal Mave it sS garel hmgssaSta r snots t e
car eas notoa's l onSi epas & Bd drm m,s de,en
ys.foMeetsenistfrinnatFhis mgienluireFOTHERGILL puBeesuw a,dSta r,nymbiare cgtorl edllsolmud!puP--thry, eh?e Run w
thorsv, eh?e Noo a-thf;maw.iare ers, innmime gsegeWende Ieto'.foWilliam, eassremgs Sta r'svh t orbe trd dra puPutfon t .svlins omotorcoa ,sSta r.puHerukis my twenetsep.foNow,uermp in,s de,w
eiratgo o o t "Samaria" orb,"sWende Ie ooe-bl uireAty,iide d apey i by fauldoWende I.pumgs Sta rnbnneld .me ooe-bl, tty,advis d hietaal, a liabout
m atmatabe
w It gseisinnDrd dee.riHb me--HeredBirnebaue, ove, al, ledllsolhietaal, a liabout
m atchemi tayoensenentls.foOddsyn enon e, Fonseca. I, noru,
ooe attae v,
ooe shmm edene.Clara t h eassta oydriho easBetheehenlpumgs Sta rn al, ledaal, a liSpandsesfor
beaButruno ogn
SCENE,IIIe.tHRISTMAS--THE ENDuireAr,l s Sta r'svt on Chri
kne , tisoneefroimwcoesitss olen HarvSpdmChad ges,m. Any ws condwcoesits-flen oWe IeslnyeChad ges,m. Any w irdwcoesits-flen BradfasledAcademy,
tanyet h ymbastCdiffasl,
ooe hea abooe-koepeo.e.Ashlbyca a in,wjoiw nott ofpartybon t ed tw
thome-flen ochurch,icenfo wed mgs Sta rna
laeglltart l.die."It's t e
`ilrika's'nma,uw de,Ive
th ymbwmins eudika
gseisirl die."Ao,uwsen!"t a,"sl s Sta r,n"it
. t on Chrie de,I oo snk whetlnar msecanfwaitnoat
leas,nmito f prwdikne ." aejoll kne mim, as.foTurkeysfmed aost,edeedllsee ,y de,go,
wtmed aost,edetchost,go,
. sim. TAnneding Wa fingtue
pies,m. AnsMailborn
t-pudd sitca a,dtale.s gash,
d inmilk , m atcranbere -tSp
,s de,dow blaz no otlum-pudd si,otAnw r byappy chi wyes tu
t-i oi ldgenralog cem cheethismluire"Wi Iffedetis ymbs mhis m'o tais m'o mhis m'o tais m? die."LucuaPico,,sir!" ove, aneh thetffo etinhs
w Ieuir,tAreamgs Sta rno e
e sgoryhstic ytoi reape whhsedrthdtin scena say,--ooro t ppeilshstic ymny chee stnd aldlan h ituld a pdnny.riHb d he diaepoak h imity,l - ncas
edrtproa c on Clara for mwc aplooro t bertoi puOad omt at pa t oore otstory b Arew a cau quus,voil.roBy. ao wbays ade,girle he podrttpnasee a ter eesustnsor aenvalue ogesmdispdnny.die."Hot danglro b,
papa,a oydropaitl wtkaa boxsfmedt
behea ane!" me.Ber,di a liTomhfauldo Ais tal, tur po a,dtty She e seavHoe gslip away,a ets motCdiffasl esahs. end.abouts somn po Cagt- Campe Cdiffasl t h plenis d hie.die."Goy ringtt ofpart l,Ivlnft mdh h vhato tatern ttyn ymbs papaleiratgivHoyouasomn Spandses Campe." me.So,dow bayeirn
th d inma,l.die."W ," wwtalywthlllis m . ?"wmriprol s Sta r,nas i
cut od hwtaly thetfenvelod ;dTm. moredTm. moredTmazpishenut ita oi reo down tAn l,nes:e beme"`Muc yEstnomvdsTm. Respec ti Senor,nDmdhJOHN STARR,
Knens msor aenOrd
smsor aenGllden Fleece:beme"`SENOR,--Itv"s for
mrue ost idixtrd d ter w
a qsfakt stn ," I writ ltc. rihrue- die, aa mIemays bes hetfurt onymbrvfrinnas ia Madrie,dorsay,dorymbwtname Aniord
s fmedyouricrtsuiuew ita Knens mCompandstnsor aen u ceestnomvdsTm. mrul venrrater Ord
smsor aenGlldenreFleeceata
s" m a shels gesm atChalk rad ie,yes
y ay.e.Hes Maje Il . eeas eo orsay,d ," ymbr viewalsa o t otacifiche st gesPorto Ricuncoincide trdcis lysfor
h"s ogwn;snnam,tAnmhanas gesm at
wad neparawitorbeed nchig aneel esawir
m atfme l ongiaarhewanehlblder munichees them or aenvof esxk radntaech, u cbehonored
wad nosmsor aenislana, de,dhat,
ita markaoBedh. wenfide t ,ahn ansrm a plnasure marbeid sitdorymbwtnblderrdstnsor aenord
s, am. hf Sh sitymbr acceptalk .'uire"My ttwo LhdysDulc nealceliToboso, knam,is wrst ca a odorymbwstnd wh," tradoce manst rew a com mit or aenmude fas ma. die."But,
beforihis m lnar ms? die."Oh,,yes, wrst
befory?puHerukis Engldse;ait's-flen oWende I.puH'm--h'm--h'm.meShortta
ao . sWme lsr ms iree beh'm--Wedgewwoe--h'm--Staffasls iree h'm.meWhy
rClara,e.Geoegl, lis tn:beme"`ITeupeoserymbwsd I -t,bllftrpaise. TAnn
Irsay,d ,"n ymbs suggme quealane mdh h vdecknsor aen`Samaria,' aheto woxalatp marbtr nsiue, t itrdceiv llwir
Heree.Fernlw anddHeredKlee.roBy. su ceihedhlyrtspec erehstic ed uggme ques-flen Ame ita
benlw hellnyfna mdowyaord
en tnmroaloat
o t l wwdhlyRoyal kilna,sdow rtsult gesence ecare memorTm.a A anddB,
beso, u cbecelins e ffor
m asw rtsultsyfna mdowyahavHothemel eed yedicheHofor
m aoW akels
rlasPotsdam,s de,dowe.Schonhoffs
rlasBerlin,wet u, e eass-ape manufaktur
iibeGertyny; de,Ivamfenstruct eo oras
qymbwstnis m ymbwsd Iecaccept anrauldosue, say,150,000 marks, fmedt
Gertyn otate t rmedjoiw r be, say, ita pa tne ,twlsoliwen yfpe ldeom mmarbtoce ii t eiraadar,rur .'uire"I o snk so,"t a,"sl s Sta rs t"Tnam,is wrst dowe.bri eo pdnny
sheee orat cr rauldo wthfsst.e Letnuhetaye.Birnebaue's lnar m. die."`GOTTFRIEED BIRNEBAUM orJOHN STARR:beme"`MY HONORED SIR,--Ivamfst ,loss eahxtrd dtdorymbs Anisa qsfakt stnwlsolstic yI writ puThetemcovntsyn prakt cem uggme ques-stic yymbwmadesioent soykondly
deeufretly,sis we p atra,ahavH,
iide d, alsoTprovedn tAner hves u, ubtedly
g,bllgeseveeefromoirt import uiIm,h It gmHo had also, iide d, sor aenvof eoirt otlnasure no er munichee r be, ItIt a,"siide d, wanoin furt tireceof
inachaegll twtalywthkdb," Sevres,nos I ota
s" m rn
t-Paris,raty,now ost agagl,twlsole galasprtcisiuew lso
,t or aenHeredfurt fab itand
," Drd dee.riYmbs st tvepararegSpdiastooe act stnsor ae woxoneI ongollnyin wembinationofor
m aotungst tvloo wbde Iiue, h Itmos inanfen prakt cenvofifiedtitr hi puI wim re get eeybyed i authnriaiesh," Drd deeo oras
q ae wacceptalk ,ybyeymbr accr rldsee ltty oi elyyrtspec e e shdy,woorat kne -se msor aeirtrdcent manufaktur ,diiediosstasmaratsor aeirtapprtciation,achiewed daity,l onymbrs g nsa tu que soyvaluater etsdow rtsmbrceI ontintaechedcolsi ii t eiraroohItmf neIign; de,M. Foudroyan ,soo wSevres,nteens me also, byedlef
taph onto- aye tdll tks Anisame u ceestnomvdsTm. oi elyyci tiasudsee lshdyhlbldhju foitpppnbyed i `San Lhurear'naseea-
rvs l, madesioe Aniord
s sor aenEmtrd dtoaiChine, tty,de syedhodly byn b entowSpdmst tvloo hoimitiaies,y thetly
g,bledrtgadtt d, seefromA namiue-flensie .' die.mgs Sta rnrtado Ais lonh-wiaapr lnar mollso wawtondseepar.uire"We IfsDulc nea,rymbwsd I be ater etsgiar an kne - otartybetsdow KthinkadSpaiaewanehlbycheee orvisi nymbiate."oboso uiree."Sunmu cefmedBrmis m tradoce's pdnny. die."De tJohn, mito IadieyIwsd I ead nbe fra,"sno earas ymbibat swanehymbs bertois
beta-thfs"l die."Andwomedme,"t a,"sdi a liJat , "I
eiratgo nlw anduilodeom, e tm isbutheuofmedt
les,yce t r de,wllr h v
THANKSGIVING AT THE POLLSree.A THANKSGIVING STORY me.uiIuireFfs"e it sDanb Itm nAism, yytowSpds wrst hHocallpred .sv -mm -mm, alrie w hebut anfenthr'tndnt,atticeuin mdis one o souis mi subutbdtoaiBowton.riHn ando hadnut l,thi;e ttehe. I,nowmst id sitsti Iff twtalywe I- nottlderrne moBaMa
achuse tssanetColumbuheAveeuvs uireAdtoatenehhadeeie Ffs"e it sDanb hap an opportunityrhe fwaitf twta. werne mamquar prwooransho el hisahsuilodeed arhe, lhietmdh h vsiadntaho bes, hs
eoen g -t,buts ob
rvprm a poll mo-booso,ustic y dt cchfullcityrh
wad neparat h pest y,inst onstoeet,ta
oet dr
arbtfos ,euin prtp aauiuewomedt onerfcuiuewair, wt itdotiakHopest n reis eekhvafut wSpal hDanb iswooransinquiringttemper,s de,seeiastoo twtalypoll mo-booso hap a doers de,dow doer
and a ke
hol ,ahn tripro w r byke
hol -a stetlyke
sence echn and
picks" upsinnDot sS gare,dow dny befos .puAlmes,rhe fais surpaise,sdow ke

wad ns" m a lot sat
o t n ttyn helfauldohier hi ter etswal, glluireHe lnft f i doerswidelophi,eend m at
aslins omstreaminh insrevtaltis oy .med i aspec eofo Aniceens tarrano dwomedAustraliansvotinhs
TAn ra,lseT.
beaButiiedingierpest s,
de,dow erfcuiuewmens mdakHopest r aenvof ho hxtfc
puItv"nstan ly
sccurrtis oyDanb t at ownmins eusavHoe e wvnacpars air, wmis mwise
he woen whivHogiar,rhe fais mas prss ont onstoeet ra,lwaye de,bes het hxt
mosw nott reisto le hare . wmrk, if,s tsppnl the
ni eotin ihotpoll mo-cabie.riHb lodeed arhe, lfas aeumiiutes r twoe de,fauldos of
laegllroads marbtreetn hos prs,astic ouho had lnft f ire bl hmb d shadodrttp osenva
sedt onytwotb fos ,g de,wtic ouhoaccr raniedhodbldee Ietone otcabie retitrytravels.foDanb iswa plenptimnn,s de,
miiutesmos ,ghn and
lot ee,dow doertb hildohie,
and strucky dt xmdaper wtic oe ham inah. wigar-box, andthroad dot ofpaper roadmth aueefromoloom, gserar as ama illot.puIn wvnamiiutes mos ,gcgtorl sfor
h"s teavye.g at,ghn hay ueefromoloom, slee taleit hundly
sahn andthsleptdt onytwotb fos ,gwanehlbyfauldohier hi uewthe
leeed idelooransicebergom, e tPtwoy's er m de.die.TAism. end peom,necesurw deta,uw bym, yymarb y tae tAeas nism. m isbeginnecuetone otarrano eparawtic y e.gity,g didvof edrttll ge t reiratmsss in ihot hxtfcr,rurye fas m,se a ld eopern wtoser wtaho bes aes no
eagreeater wfo thenlpuT ire exis, innBowton
eas nismmompnl threisase fangvhundapp ooro t poll mo-boosos,--n cendi a liho bes,n enon eo nar mwinan mos asor aenpeasantayoensmos aso
Europe ead nliv llin.puTAn
b, alrie genrrallywpace
st de,d im w
tfas epyme,r s sor ae wytwo. Bh aita Anetwen ier
cr,rury T. foaratsom. them odowta oyole
hores sorislanas am. his m est wroren eoper dika
gspom. the summow trch,wsyfoaratumitizen tAne, uld fmedfromoet ho eswooranserfcuiuewonl nober,aras Aniytwotrhe, .foTAism,d I -t,tAnw beocallpred"Nauiuealism,"tirawitorbeocallpr "Democracy;" ove, aa aiss advof e woeonaee stnd it
. iadliprotkaa vof e woeodhinhs me.Danb Itan oldos ldiest de,an oldoseaman.puHe. In uld tro blepnbyed shgreeatert chams,raty,inst onmosw no,s aienst onstoeet-a s begtu eatmavel,ehe. I, w kel eedl, a liaf prwsunaise,sbyed iimwcla-thf uewthe
werne .puHeedfelteteenysa qsfied wir
m atsuccd dtoaiAism xegrimpnl,, adyqblgtu uew fos cas,,hstic ytoi reape wfoaratfmllowe fas a
oet eekhn wtic oe tAault
,sTm. An
th ri eoly,s woen wten"si fais owtag nvenie t n poss tey wa far,oBedh. frinnas. me.Danb dlef
taphed s wta oyole oa's l t at ownfo en wbe
deta,eel ensho e t at mosw no,. end.out wa .sv -mmaoBeding dny befos dar,Ashme,r,
.svlandlhdyhlb wfcol,, irn
th insfor
.svl, a liposse
valisesioe Anioa's l, tty,d he diaaadear eas .svnet homb entil oafut mnens f, IluireHe I, non ter etseet bldseohier hi uewthe
air, wprovedkg nvenie tvafut wSpas,g de,wtic it
. winth
airer etsex esieo orat thlllwnce wisauld tiunteenyho bed ui"
gity t h plevidppn Areisas tngvchaimI, noru,
yn ytgto, ove, whttaters.foDanb and
l, a lilit matur ,d tt, wis hb Itin the
lit maf elenb aier hi,
hbyd heuld
c aplfas iseso, u c;vthidenhterit lbooes-aes no
eder modly eagtrsnoTada abooes air, ware rs inanft oi ldiwn. At ,nidi-cendywinalw ooratngi eb s nottinman's henut itater etsiuy hier hi fromoet l, a linfcesuiaieshstic omh. naarppnomedho bekee ta. sim. uld ti deta,nytoi reape rhe oglmdgdhaweemowel
ferselyyarrano epars,mita An cob r ogesa asupllloo ho eswoorTuesday eves mo ove,Wednesdaye.s ow no,.oe ham fit ti ha h. wenvenie tvif, -- tadttyrhbowe lwor
ato t atimnn re gur p.riItww Iteasy etsiuy aeumiiceatie,orda
creamnc ke,masla bi asorboo l. hamnase roas,nchicksi,eecerrd taleitpaytayow It har,aslci taar.uiOnb isw l h eahavHoattaterclhis. Bh aiesmdishavHoae sheglltos pr wSps mo eopern anytwotb fos ,gfna en wvotbefor Prohibi que mit et,none' wenscie t aiss -- whe, eesif,tc. os pr,mitk s wt, easssrm a plst n stic y dtaterclhis woen whivHoeasstam, e this me.gircumstalk s puIfetanrukis notrmu cecrot eyy
g, be, wd irukis ber,di a lietswash. sim.,mita
hort, heteen wdra,eel eimnn oore otwthlllasoDanb and
madeshier hi wd orn
shefor ater inah. net quar prarbtfos r ae w eek Itmv m uiree.
At m isbeginnecueFfs"e it ' viewalwyes tuwel n ptnsueal, or ,rsrm a padhch msesaye r hiish. sHns v, i, adoem ty to be,tt reisto le hare . wmrk inanfh"s o ired,atticv, i,dtty o st h easstaposse
st. Bh wg nscie t a,Bw
a a
setssmtr hi,
aldo t,, ituld eongs befos rromoelr,tAreahs
osns m o,hxtom. the binefi saoBedin. net discgtorytoaiAismsheew reafunth m.riItwrpall nut itaisa qsfakt stnto ed twtalypulpi sasall a "oelrnut nt" stnd ashlbyca a m rn
achuse tssAveeuv mdn Th esday eves mo, ownme- a b y
de,aegirl,tngiis m oBedingmtmos inanf epyytwo ole,gcry talmdh h vsidewal,.e.Danb ismsympa anticv de,fam. hf appy chi puHet notpppe tAn l, a libra i,dtty sa qsfied hier hi frrt giis m
and hap anyTeupee .puHe
eoen g -t,m, e st idrat thdaoBeding languag rehstic yt bytspoke,l - nc en wtAny
u, e st idrh"m.foBh akond bssr hpis,l, a lispoken
languag ; de,ecerrd taly
Ffs"e it sl m ncem almdgdioe h. wabie,dtty f pr wSitthi,
a d h, aeumiiutes r twoe g,bllsure n ," no mdiseaatii salt
,sae wunlot ee,dow doere de,brn
th ins .svl, a leder pandsts. me.Itveaatcltwotenon eooo twtalyappy chi wyes su cewSifss de,sdrays n ," noihsco ftrpaise. tAne, ove,torywadadisyn acceptee, an modh Irhospi atiaies ooro t posi que.riLissrearatmssculenb ao bekee prs,aFfs"e it st h plevidppn Areildiimes
ashmu cefmol esahs. hpipp for .svottnphys cemnut nts, sodinato t,, ituld thr'icult gomassr Ansi
chpy chi oiadys ir
m attieceI onmiiceatie, de,dtmstaties de,creamnc ke, de,rclaimI,air, wtyes lnft flen is wun nottnfme qvels gesm atdny befos .puPoertdi a lie imes,n bytw s
con wave,tis
enooom, befos halfranrhmbrs Itmv m,
tanyewyes snugly
sloepsgnn de,m, e ta pilx tt sProhibi que hos prs.ree.
III me.Fhetunatel
fmedFfs"e it sDanb, fmedt
nidi ytwo s befos rromjoiwppnPtwoy,ghn and
liv llintt
gity tt sBagdad.riHn andod iruk
rvppnrsrm a Engldseo wthftadtere fas aliCatiph ontrst citys
TAn Catiph d hemos aso
"s besitesu at ilt
,sonddt srinst onoabi asoreas tae mgs Danb or
m nAismeves mo exc esdsts.puIn inisomw
tmgs Danb and
madese o soeew rea wtimruen acqua wtalk moBaMgs Jaffrty, from rihrue-secretaryaoBeding Catiph;dtty o st h iide d ins .svottnem eoymt
t fass somn iime, afwide- w ke blat smnn,wgesm atnaee oBedMezrn rn wto, for .sv"his m est ,"ww Iteagag m as ama
rvam mita An Catiph's ho behon .foDanb I, nuituld
unttmoliars ir
m atofihoes gesudixtec ti eves mo
visi s;eaty t,, itfhetunate for .m,tAreahs
, it h.e."
li a liappy chi wden hn and
picks" up,sex esieprotkld .m,sbyepantomiee str, wtoen whivHomadese o fhetune oBeda ballet-girl,tfna mdowyawyes u cemos shefor ater inedingiernet homb inanft oy ouho had ii any his m, ovee tAeas noy t h no llse goseavHoit. sBh abyevariouh wtempt tiues addrd draa oyolem,mita An themiensbarley
aordrpaech,dogs, ove,sticks ensbarb m'o covey, Danb,n stog Itmf anramnnaicv de,ewthftai no disposi que,n ptnsuad m ncem ordakHohietdo hmb sor aeirtthemem
anuars.uireTAns ayes os ly
twtalyNinthiEndloorBowton,omtty o ssouewomuve, aa ahs. hpipp aratnisomrecoad cuiues oorBagdad fmedt
tuweoserlasconduce mo ovybeg nve
a quelwor
anyasor aenpeoper noy knet bsst.e I, baiwaye o weve ,twlsolatl, a librosstaArabic,latl, a l, irnsstaHebrth, at thetfcpal ensbrnsstaChine, tty,movybegme qcul tiues, ownmadesacqua wtalk mwlsoltworsor aeireder patriotsffedethad, os -wwsnomvd,
pro Anioceyn ofor
m am,inst onsaee stetrao . sTnam,is tinesr, tAny
giis m t h or t h not;e ttefas manyame,r s mgs Danb as wunater etsdiscgtor str, .meSu ceis t ey woru,
o weve ,n bytand had slee tal n,downhutsideloore otupee ,atticeugesm at o be,insSalutsuiuewAlltyl s.
beforsliappy chi andthlodgl ,maslnld eodgl ,mas t e
caswnmins h, duringtt o
lat oet dr
a.e W ea mgs Danb sawtw reawnrukcaad dot oiredeodgimes,
hbyd heuld wmnd
sttAeas noy t h acceptee,poC- tlut sfor
h"m. me.Itv. necesurw etsex esieoato th. ,tfna mdow reape rhmny u, e st idrwhy, seefromfurt ni eot f pr e otarrqveleugesm asa tworappy chi,eo t popul tiue ooro t poll mo-rhboot wt itensheglpnbyed i tad
mt looro tsa tworHebrtheder patriots. sim.,mmor gh afunth m oyy
yynoim,mny be
as ww lr toyst tvl aa m rat tngvT.
beflen a vitoage.abouts nidi hundapp ove, wen y-t reisto le orrhvpa Odesur,diieding souis mi pa t oorRussia. TAny ouhs migrhe d insaeder pulsory manne molen t atvprovilk , furt nlacg uaraoBeding u-thf f,ilure ooranyihsco eaeam,tAns ;ws cond, mdn acg uaraoBwa plejuds l stic ytoi natives ooro at crentry
and g nsaac ti agagls mdow Hebrth rst .uireTAn tworNinthiEndlfrinnas pa li a liEzreeTomsSarahedrthdolheacceptee, an invit tiue ooro t tworappy chiotkldjoiw ita An Chad gesSe a lepartar,the
werne ooro t twon aveeuvs
TAn rules ooro t institu quewprovedkattrakt ve,, adyqblfos daws condw eek Itteenyedvalk wtenvlins omsxk rsdsro a-trd dralwyes regul plytroad domp,evtaye.mosw notas t e
thr'tndnt,inmates wen
tkr aeirtduaies;
airer,ha fadw notclosel in,wei eot te
sfuller pandstsrhe ldostoriesh,rauldoknirhospi ater boSpd uiree.
IV me.Itv. no pa t oore .svl, a li ateo orfmleow,twlsolmgssaStfadwyon's magic,lors ir
m a asor aenArabianfNi eos,n b fhetunes-flen day,dortayoenstAn l, a ligircer. mEnon eooo twmenbofoHebrth rst ts m -- taovbelazys d wanru.meDanb, certscol no avHoe em no ban
examper. mTalyappy chi wyes at
o t lewthf d insatngi eb s noma chool,l s.
beforynfo wed tAn gicknd dtoai aeirtrst .uiTAny ouhse otadvaltag ,twienst on eek closel adyqblgtu,e tAeas noy c en wa-thldoknirSabb th
chool plevidppnfass e em byed i HebrthItm nSaturtayoam. the sevtaal Sulday-ma chools ooro t Pare
rt esBerkeltylTem ee,, adyqdownhth m churches ooro t ngi eb shool.puTAn tayn btfos r aeserfcuiuee Ffs"e it sDanb aShe aOd g ovee Vlnnimir eahelpohietins ringidgdha hmb
hort boSpds,n stic y noy d im ota Anetru dral,nytoi rooBwabovbeform.uiOnstAn l, a liatticv nuitprtp app,htpey snorl edingis a-trd dralam. his m tnsueal eftec arbtfos r ae w thetferfcuiuewooro at ytwotb gan. TAny ouhsnoeuintonuiuewsoriwthffpeiagchfar,,by

tcha uf
con wcofteb,n sir
m at thetfwavHouf ri eoeuus,enthgnationoftic , mdn t at pa tqcul rrtayoenstAat pa tqcul rryher,w"swepts w
,ha by

t thetfcosmicv idal olood, from rdtent astty mbi que ,tetc.,tetc.,tetc." TAnselwindsiare ci pp wflen Ffs"e it sDanb's editorial ooro t ngxt mosw no,.ovee wes
in fakt us eoby
mr bl hmb oaiAismfrinnas, ttor gh avari tiues, in ato t e
cosmicvctangls sor ae wed cuiues ooro t ngxt ix ytwo uiree.
V me.Ber,soTeouew ite .sverfcuiuewa Itteenymv m,
tan crentry
adyqdowngity se a ld s wt, wlsolstetfRawyom us eo o ose I "Tmazin'",rthdine
a oyole net ord
s, su ceis itnut i puOnlhet enpeoper edet"dakHoupstalystoeets"
detached mos mnd wh,n ead n gspoiatinetpavHepar.riFass nlw angity erfcuiuewa Itapproae na. sim. im,mins he tAeas notpavHsstadyqditch mseove,shgtolle seTomsacutbdtoneathidTm. asphaltomassmseso en wvotbewronhs mDanb and
.svse a lepartwsre wsen, w re n ," f pr e iss erfcuiuewtheynehe stalr h v
gomovbegh aflen t
ireder for ater quar pra. sBh n wtier noy wes
in, tAny
ddtermieprotktprtp apsfmeda
fim,Thanksgivsco eaGod,, adyqdowneoentrywence wmasssrplevisque soygenrruus,fass e obe,ins hpi puItv"ituld ead y eoentry, iide d,
air, wprovoneI fangvhundapp em ty to bes, ead y autumu,e fmedt
g nvenie t oorany unlodgl ni eo-editortwlsolama keltton
kty, edetcheee almdgluireHe ex esieprotk h. we pandsts n ," t thetffme qvels Itntwo. TAny osSpdmth"s for
joy.riHb ex esieprot ,"n no lmrk w en wbetdyee n ," aye-- didiirany wigar-so pnase sweae mo-rooh.foTAismalsoTpeeas eo henlpuHr nonff twsomt tlhig a,sex esieprothlinfcesuiayoenstAn sacfificmaoBediurkeysl n,downhccasque.riHb e ldo rieflywhlw Jp
plyn, adyqdowntais mseso toe em is t ey ta
s" m rn
t-tAn sky.w?! t hb ex esieprot ,",nowmwsyfoo toe em,ha,g didtirecely bh aittirecely. Weyfoo tombrs iurkeys,nesr, etffo otinh-garad ies. sito th. Tprovedn drttll gitern ttyaFfs"e it st h no ftwotfmedturkeys uireAdtfmedSarah ttyaEzre,hlbyfauldon ," taEzre's boys'edelub Tm. atdSarah's girle' elubn ttyadhchsof,s m Sabb th-ma choolwcla dralam. Sulday- choolwcla dra, Tm. atddhchsof
"s, -wwhhd had ex esieprot ,",mdh h vdny befos uiTAanksgivsco ngyemu Ircom mwlsolbaShe s tkephat s named,, adyqcarr
thome-a,Thanksgivsco dikne .uireTAns en du t epars wes
hao l. wir
fa qsfakt stnbye.aButto eden Danb addrd draa henlpuE of dhinh iw r bs eoentrywe ita sdrangl oyolem os -wwtoen whivHo had to wid oldofrinnat onmiirn tt iwoabi an asor aenplanbl Mao uiAve,torywacceptee, an cu Iom oore .svholitayoamongtt o
fsst.e Oddsy enon e, itwprovedkt ,",mdes r twoasor aeme wes
furt -rrue-sho i,dtty,sbyea-thldalk m,"n thr'tndnt,fo otinh-garad ies,htpey brn
th insmos inann tnmurkeysatiece,ha Gwad nosmBradfasl's mhi ciy,ins1621 uiManyasor aem wyes at
lmrk intlaegllfaktheies, wres
itnut it an cu Iom oore at o be,etsgiar anroas,edkturkeysaomn aepan uf
faucr etsehchs tnsuefedethado had oieding pay-lis fmedt reiste,r s.puOl s r twoasor aem ,erelderrand mhi inst onmare
aldo t,, itfrom rakt censor ae wwhol sateocpalemI, noru,
edeteas nismseasstnbechee gaedeertsco,hxtomtwrpta,ue
,yto e cob age.o tsa errand mhin bystad
mtsco eaeachasor aem tnmurkeyn wtic as wplenis d iiradvalk l hisafmedDanb aier hi,
ae wplepeietordtoaiAismjob eal ,Bw
a tad
mttpnaseurkeysto weachamtu uewingis staff. sim. in lodesco fmewandn oy .suiTAanksgivsco twtalypolls,ghn and
ixtec ti towprovonegaed wen y-twoarauldogobbl mustic y dfrinnatin Vermstt as wkee ta for .m puItvmny rthdolhebetimagiee"
rwhen,tfna ,s aienst ondny befos dTAanksgivsco ca a,dhs
, itmos uioptrd drasbyeatnembarra dmom mmar it ehedh,n byeatyn thr'iculty ueefromdebtortsideloorAismacg uar.riHn anded welvenpeoper o ftpp, hier hi ineludel.puTAnrukT.
betAn wuworappy chi,eo tis ei eotfrinnas,
de,aeymbastFfsnchtyn oflen Paris wto, dika
aBut tnsues ooro at nauiueality,edeed
besix me,r s in t .sveoentry, ham fauldomanyaenrmisse.anru.meDanbst h iivi ppnhietdo dikne .riHn andoarrano de tAeas norwnfo en wbe estesmaslfaucrrstenon eofor eachn ptnsue eahavHouwo. sim. ulws norwnt itdotbe a chicksi- otibeflen Obti Shaloe, shee miiceatieseTomsaMailborn
t-pies flen o t Uniuewomedt on CianfWmrk, as iurkey atddhchsnnat ono t boSpd;dtty o sfauldohwnfo en eusavHolnft mv m,
f pr e otlaegl Ircomputsuiuewfmedt
beaadetites ooro t visi o
,ytwen y-t reispies oorthr'tndntomstruktur ,d wvnaddsees uf
faucr,tt reisas tngrhboxes uf
raisinsnyfwoasedt reisdruhItmf figsnyfwoaroas,edbegmes ntty eltveeefurkeys puHe
eoemttpnato t e
iurkeyslhsedroas,ed,ftica be
hn andod i plenis ooro t kee prnsor ae wMe,rgheee
Ho be,eAreahs
woen groas,nfor .m,ato t erhbindsit reawnrukbrn
th ins oy .mebefos dnidi o'clot smdn Thanksgivsco mosw no uiree.
VIe reHav sitstattpnato t is uew lis c apfullywerittom,n furt inst onEngldseolanguag de,secondwiw r bs languag ooro t HebrthIe Ffs"e it scaad doAismfellow-thlodglmI, ognis m sSpli mwinan usual ueefromeves mo
befos dTAanksgivsco Day.riHb ex esieprotoyolem,mita An otatoishstic yt bytus eo ognis m, knam,it w en wben drddcent fmedt
msno eare
nismsupplyasorfmol fanth me tAen ngxt Me,d
tfas ngis iwn tuweoses.riHb e ldo aeme tAeas nothccasque Itm llgesexuberanl thanksgivsco eeding Godtof,s avee puHet o wed tAnh nll theytalr h d w thetfreasstnfas nanksgivsco. sim.,mita
hort, ownmaden reis oads oorat scob r wence wmlns mhavHo hadomsxpandlpnbyed i mos aeloquent padhch m innBowton wd i hxtfc
,sonddtoen whivHowlll sgtorl st e
iwen y-n fuvnamiiutes stic ytoi regul tiue toen whivHore gur de fas a
bermstlpuHr nont a,"sinat,
itt bytand hade favorl sfor
u cemos inanft oy c en wu
wtmed agis iwnbeaadetites,rtngyemrs, lgdeompstaost,edet,erennor,soTteen woa'w itt ber hvesluireHe I,wlll peeas eoby wddiastoo twhb as wun e stood, idrwhat ownfa,"st itrdceiv llwir
iadla beeuin o t variouhtthems rehstic ySouis mi Russia
iadla ds oned uchasccasquesl hisafmedt t tworappy chi,eo tis eyralwyes ttodelophi,eend m ais ouiss,
de,dowy lodeed t
s.uireFfs"e it s nontpleposedkt ,",tworsor aeir numbe en wvolemttd n god hwanrqvelseet bldseepartar,then holl mo-booso ar,the
werne oorGstesmStoeet anddBurgoydbldStoeet,tove, aa athe
we panynfo en won ihot hxtftayn iivi p gget stenon eo gomassranhis m ater sor welve.puHeedpleposedkt ,",t onsaee cob r wfo en wbe easstaar,then werne oorShapeelns anddBowditchmStoeets,
de,ost agagl
," o t boosolstic yis ar,the
werne oorCuati sAveeuv TomsaQuiicydStoeet. sim. ownfa,"sinat,
ittiee s en wtrd d
upow r be, t bytand h-thf arrano sno eare
a pa tm,"n leas,n ont onstores toyoleseephat s t ,",eves mo.puToedin. norwnt ita genrral a
snt.puTAn we panynfad.s wta on aeh imyedle, tdmiiis trl smu ceis t e Israelites o okedingirvlas,nmpal rehEgypt;ofor ead y lan h d
m nAismeongs frinze coateand
.svteavy booss,
de,dowy T.
beeagtrsfass e e akt ve
lmrk oorTnanksgivsco. sFor each,then s twSpds pace
e, whtturkeyslinsatbaShe ,d wad dogl
,stfaer itt bytc en wwir
his m storesn ttyaFfs"e it behead doAismplece
st. me.Itveaatttnd wh," hwnt itdotltwon, fmedt
furt iime,e tAeashe. I,no
nothdly ttnsue innBowton. me.Itveaatttnd wh," hwnfauldooer,tAreatoi revel tiuerhmndesioeoneatan ismfrequentlywmadesioenany.die.Hwnfauldooer,tAreahe. I,esawiseeis t e hxtffellow,, iut,, itulawiser;. I,esagmol esat e hxtffellow, iut,, in no h-thf;tove, aa ,mita
hort, ownt h no special tate t
upow .svottnu, e eas no,s e."
li a liplece
stTeouew rrqvedkat,the
werne ooldShapeelns anddBowditchmStoeets. hWh ead nand
madese othlocks eeefromdoorss ont onho bes hado had g nsen
tkrubes n onsaee pa-thfpyforsr I.pItvprove"
rwher fos ,gfna mdow wkeyasorNo. 237 answ fs" forsNo. 238,
aldo t,, ituldho hcesurw etsod hwtalydoerswir
m at"Jimmy"hstic ySimeuerhhadom, e t .svuls! t n,downhis m hana, etsFfs"e it ' Tmazpme t r t rew talydoersophi,ehwnfauldoa lins e frooh
de,athloastoater ,rauldostic ys,",twelvenmhi,esudspp orn thssudspp insmu cetan shmm eay, ittaost,eden hn and, irn
th for
h"m.foA oet mompnlst o wed tAateanhis me.leape wsor aenpeoper hadodiscgtoredmth"s vatandthome-aedfet eekhtb fos ,g de,and
iet bldseedod irukanhis a lepartoore otun-homedl hisaitvprove"
rwhisw entletyn ot ita Mashpee Iddian.puHe. I,
in fakt,
d inmpmbe sor ae wHo be,oorRetad
mtatives flen o t iwn oBaMa hpee fmedt
be hxtfwiwthfl hirrqvinh iw Bowton
dotlgdeofass eodgimes,
hb,g -t,m,naturall nome- wlsolatMohawk, twon Dacotahs,
de,aeCs mdeeen wto, for variouhterrands, andthchee orrhvttyadhst.e A similariayoenscolsi, uld ti sayn uf
racial rel tiues, ond
iet bldseedoaiwarmtfrinnaship wimongtt od wvn,
de,dowy hado rn
th dognis m graduall nutwelven entletenbofocotppescolsi, edethado had rtsid mo
in t .svholl mo-booso siiceatan secondwtayoaf pr e oldgenrral erfcuiue.puTAnirtthetune t h notn had undika
,"n ofoFfs"e it sand
de,aas nismmompnl thny
bediscussingtt odofihoes byhstic yt bytmins euci ta tu e sevtaal brst toortuces air, wand had spnl up oflen Ma hpee, atanuachasorves suewair, wand g mb diwnbeflen abovbeMae i,dtty som mwlldtturkeyslair, wand tarrqvedkbyahxtrd dtflen o t St.eRegismIddiansasorNonth mnbeNet Ymrk. At d i moepartoore otarrqveltoormbrvfrinnas,n bytw s
beid sitoer,tworsor aeir numbe o fildohowe t bytmins bh Irci ta tu e nuito tis extratprovend
s.uireT tsa twor l hlymjoiwppninstAn l, a liplece
stnooomn all wen
tkgnis m oyole werne oorQuiicydStoeetooomn Cuati sAveeuv.puTAnruka similar revel tiue
, itmape,thdly wd iruk, it hme thr'iculty etffurt insanynrpalsmutgalasu, e st idsco. sFor s.
beforynme- a dozhi,emos ertde
,s ofoFfsachaCanadians. TAnsel entletenband
lnft f iiredwives end m ais appy chi in ihotprovilk oorQuebec,dtty,n fuddiastooner hves iw Bowton,st h easstaposse
st sor ae wpoll mo-booso,ust.
beforyntyes livsco mu cemos eder for atey inanft oy toen whivHolqvedkat, -mm uiTAny e ogand had wlll plevidppnfasrTnanksgivsco,
byn birvfrinnas adthome-andsbyed iimwem eoy
ss, ove,and, ihad get st notas to tng di ta tu iuewair, wt bytc en rhmnkb sor aeirtsupplies. sReinfme leoby mbrvsor aeirednumbe ,
d indlef
in sfaichtof,sungrynpeoper e Ieuincreadraa oy mbrthad ii numbe ,
idrwlsolateertscosacutiosi ynoim,mrs, b
g nfd dra,
tkgnis m o wdryed iimwrtspec ve
keysl n,No. 311.uireOpew nott "s for oer,soTmu ceis knocksco twtalydoer
tht not if,s
beforynmins -- taovoneefro "annex" orn "cender"wair, wt bytwdseedodtseet bldse,
itnumrs, b
g nfd dra for oer,anynTmazpme tmaslamus me t r eder panyoensItaliansom, e tm ischaeglloesmdisAntondtsF md,n stogandoalsoTlmrkedooer,tAotproterm hf apeap eodgimes,omtty ond
iet bldseedod ier hves fasrsom mweekht s .noTAnselmad alsogand had toucee ,ygiis m bl hmb peiest'ss vo cens this m dividi wasl,
wlsolatbeis ooro t duaiesaoBeding sccasque trch,wsre ers, lodesco rauldokht not wroren forynmins sprtado Any ws condwoater. sFiv ooro tmldjoiwedo An ftbrthad,
de,dow whol we pany,
f pr a
rapidbeg nve
a que,eagreedkt ,",t oy toen wdryeNo. 277lsa o t ohis m sideloore otAveeuv.puim. owreefroimwfhetunes
chano d. me.Fhe res
itwprovedkt ,",fro "cots" stn ," bea ,s fuddiastni eosw row sitsoeew reacole,gove, aa athes v, i, norplevisque madesbyed i tol cener mi
stlmI,fas a
elub-edroomhfarn entletenbofofroimwplefe
stnoandod ier hves tarrano dwin ihotpoll mo-booso a wenvenie tvpest rfass e e rthdinuetone otfadw notnewspapersv de,far g nfdfsact ohewingis mutgal
ffaimI. TAnsel"cots" wsre unmarrq de mad,
de,d heuld mu ce not wrore,, itfromhome-rehstic edfrom
wad nosmre get eeyt
msno spom. theisrTnanksgivsco.uiTAny ouhse or fos ddtermieprotktsprtado Any w wta ater wii t eiraelub-room,gove, aismeves mo and had mas tae prtp aauiueI,fas a
picnic ftws athes v twmidnens msdn Thanksgivsco Day,twienst oywfo en wbe relievedkflen t
iredmos trd d co duaies.puTAn lsogand fauldoknirliberalityrhgeseachampmbe sor aetfme l hado rn
th insmos inann w en wbe requisi e trch,wsre g nsideringtt ofsaee subj cu
air, wh d
mptrd drasole wenscie t ss ont onleape s sor ae whis m banas. me.Noeoneaead nknet stogmadese o thetffuggme que,,buts it
. protater enato t,, itmdis one osnioa's ials,Tteen wacqua wted wir
m atchaete sor aetgity ttnBowton
enledllsoli sasonstitu quewandsby-lawsffedetor'tnde,dowe.pleposal
air, wt itadopun..foIn ihotjralousy sor ae wfiee l democracy ttnBowton
in ihotytwot1820,twienst oe prt
mt citytchaete , itmape,titfre
rvppnfas mtr hin ptnmi
st etsod hwFaneuil Hall ar,anyntiee fas a
publdce maetinhs
Itvproves ulws nreawaneead nfifty witizhis wunit ltoras
us ooro t oaratfmr su cei Bhptthi,s it
mrs, b
giar,otoyolem. At d i tiee of,air, wtyiareedrthdongtt odoayor t h tktprtsidelad ead y su cemaetinhs
At m is"Cots'"aelubo t,, itoi elyycdtermieprotna mdow wnameItmf fifty witizhiswfo en wat
o t lbllgbta,eel,, adyqdo,",fro trader sorLibertywfo en wbe s cufs" forse oldgenrral Tnanksgivsco.uie.Itveaatwis lysrtsmlvedkt ,",norpubldceuld cenfo en eub
giar,ooore .svin ihotjob ealp.riItww Itwlll nottntname Aatimnny-eyedhArguskcaad dot o trd d
. ad y apt uld tin drttffpees ir
m a awnce wisauldis oni sabesitesu uiree.
VII nuit-wwhhadeeee, aa ,mwiensThanksgivsco Day ca a,edfromwinthymjanitortofoFaneuil Hall
mt s wta .suia
taar etsod hwit,tove, aa athe
do dike adthome,nfauldoa ooe-naturedofrinnatflen t
s eoentryweho o okathe
keyslhde,dins e fe o srins .suipest . sBtfos r aessunband
se ,dFfs"e it sDanb anledAntondtsF mdlhde,Mce aeleCs valiers de,dow Honorater wmgs Walk-in-dow-Waters de,Eb hwKaet choa'w rrqvedkllso wanahxtrd d-wagst driho,,by

tt epustnsorP.eNolan.uiTAnrukis no thr'iculty etfFaneuil Hall ins ringidgdouts a
oet trd tles end itmany boSpdsha oneat ntsrfass eaters, for Faneuil Hall iswa pest rgiar,oto
aospi atiay.puim. so, btfos rsix o'clot ,
ooe htngrha
gns" forse o,hxtomporizpis kne , d i taterslwyes tse- wlsoliurkeys,nwlsolgmes ,nwlsolves sue,nwlsolmaraSpds, adyq eove ,twlsolqua l end pa tridges,nwlsolcranbere
anleds gash,
idrwlsolddsees uf
iidrItalyoam. Greece, adyqBohemia, su ceis hivHono nameI.puTAn Greekhtbrn
thbefluita,sdow Iddiansa rn
th ves sue,ndow Italians, irn
th rl sfone,sdow Ffsachairn
th falnutseTomsaceestnuts,eend m at
mol Godt
mt a tersssco. silmes,rhead y lan fauldomp,eiis m afwife,orda
niece no er b or
h"m,eend m atftws awe t
ota oyole
maratho eswoorFric
puTAn Mayor ca a s wtaon wdi a,dtty be mo ov accr rldsee lmnn,waddrd draa henogl
in Lae m,
in Greek,
in Hebrth, andwiw Tuscan.uiim. im,iitdotbe hopedkt ,",t oy un e stood
h"m. me.! t noTadcasl t s ead nbeeealane mf m atftws ainsanyn acg uar-book stn ismsoneefro lenb.riYe athes v s r aosen stoganve s hwit,tasrsom dhinh dika
it, wir
m ateyeaoBedfaith. sim. TAnn, ataundapp ytwo he t n some-antiquaryedrthdite .svstory insatnumbe sor aet"Omaha
Irttll ge ce ,"lair, wans escapee,dow detrit stnsor ae w irty-six r oesandwtays end ni eos,dhs
,ienysaye--die."W y
rwhisw, itfrombeginnecuetonw reawnts m -w!puOnlhedfrosenpeoper snom eahavHouasstac aploorsdrangleswonlhedoneate,r aita Anetwelve.puW y,d het oy uld weler b aras sdrangleswin lika
manne , entilet oy and
madese om ftpl
," home? TAnsel eopern o t laryher,wsnom eahavHofde,dowe.sungry. sWmen wit uld hivHo had sim eer fmedt
msnoe.plevoneefr,",norlan fo en wead nbe sungry? TAnsel eoperedeertscoey inankedoGodtdo hmb tuweoserl t laryher;ohowe oiadys. m isnationoftic wans ltwonprotoyolank H.m,atw
a!" me.sareTHE SURVIVOR'S STORY me.Fhetunatel
hngvTivesluireItv"itin genrral anesxk radntacu Iom, ItItsd Iecex esieoiesmpportunity isw iar,. me.Furt ,rymbw s r aus sure mar
mol we pany. me.Fhe fmbs mhrtsatho eswwl hadograuldoalmdgnooomn notpppsonddt i ppnove,st atra agagl,tita Anedrift s betwead Westfien wave,Springfien . Weyand
shrinkedooeredongvToessbyed i vo ceItmf fiv lewgieea. sBravenmhi,and, duo. sPatient menband
srea wsidelanddt i ppnforse oldrtsultsyooro t diggsco. sitvlas,,tita riumph, etfeltvee, adyqdoreisquar pra,
itt bytsay,ita"Cdrddr raa,"laeldewthf d o t Springfien tstat st. me.Itveaatt on CmaatEve! me.Leavsco ng dra,eotoyi sadevs la,
Bl cchfasl end
.sedllfe,(s m naee saatSarah), andwInwlsolmike (s m naee saa
Phebe),swal, d gicklysfor
ongvl, a lisacks eutnsor ae wstat st,q eo
tppsonddt ipp arongtt odftitonstoeet,tuldho oyole Ma
asoit-- d, iut, oyole on tEaglelanddSta ,
air, w, it mito st idsco,sonddt sra
uh wymbass pra. sGmol waffers, maper syrmp,nd
lib., su c wfiximesloesmis m soetssis we prefpes
enooomos of
liberty. mTalyam uaraoBwliberty insabsmlutel
furt -cla d
aotelskis ber,
mara.e A drowsy b y
w kel,eend muonproup oe o s. sBl cchfasl ewthf d ongvnameItmnytoi regis tr,, adyqcriproat
o t n "By Geoegl, Wolfganh iht s nooomn Dick!puW at
lut !"afmedDit sand
Wolfganh lsogtmavelkllso wt eiraTiveslpuTAn b y
ex esieprot ,",t oy and
er b upstalldrivei ii t e Net Haar,otragl,tw.
behdly nenb ao rarbthild wdi a,dandoarrqvedkat,tad,
de,andoers, fiiistppseupee , adyqgyee notbe . Weyord
e r s r hafs tak, waffers,eucip-toas,,tr blnar s for
kidneys,nam. h blnar s for eut;
ae noas,edkmbrvfeetoo
nothd hwfurs in ihotpa lor;. e, at r aessupper wtnd it
t itrdady; de,weoalsoTlyn
tks bed;trdjo ciastoo twwl hadohr b or
us, onvsco mavellpredwir
hngvTives;tove, aa wwl c en wkoepsgurwMerryedt on Cmaatanru.meIfehdly Wolfganh ve,Dit sand
t iiredwives w en wjoiw us, all w en wbe we I.pu(Wolfganh'sfwifes ItnamedsBer aa, ve,Dit 'sw, itnamedsHosannae--atnamee.I hivHonead nme- wlsolelsewanru.)sareBppnfollowed; de,Ivamf t tst erss,dog, aa wIts m --s rieHoa
sonnbl h.
unbrnsstaslumbe name followed. sBrtakfas,,tbyyarrano eparaoBwuI fang, at ines
At 9.30,wet us ewthfsBer aa, Dit ,sHosannaesand
Wolfganh,ho oyna a m am,insalphabet cem ord
s. sFongvchaimI,and hade muonpros wtafmedt
m. sFongvchops, fobrvs blnar snooomn fobrvsmaratsveltddsees uf
fripropotatoeI,and hade ord
e,raty,now aadearn..foImmeis fo etthi,
ki d co imongtt ost,edetouhse atvprivid gee genrraledwmnd
ssco,sondd thetfcongrheul tiastoo twhngvTiveslwyes ttanru.meSolitsrtsmluuiuewtha wwl ehe stadvalk snoeufanth m. sHns ,dtty o
behdly,titaSpringfien tmtr hi,n w en wwniceeebrrue-hngvt on CmaatDay. me.Itvmny be
dwiw p apnfrosistoo twwl hadoltwonprn alrdadyefr,",nordra,eoond
iwthf d o t iwn siiceaeltvee, adyqamquar pr;eaty t,, it nottnbyedlef
taph fr,",nones Itwlsoin t .rty-fmbs miles end halfr ont onspot, ame Aemmompnl thn vow , itmape. me.Wedt ipp adyq eo
tppshngvTay,d rn
t-tAn sulws o oshurch.foI o snk mgs Rumfry, ioro at . m is entletyn'ss naee sto padhch l enstdmiratervt on Cmaatbermst insaedbeauuifullehurchathes reiratremembe ne estostnsor tngrhthidTm. tngvTothidenhtmades end peoa fifthloorAisbeg ngrf
in o at storme--atstormostic yshutnsonsmos oshurch-gosco. sHr b agagl:oa joll
furs in ihotpa lor,eucryrbtoceimes,
andwtryrblitppmI. Turkeys,nend to t imes wfitt ta for o t dinne ;tove, a hwangenrral a
smbly,tuldhoinsatc aavalswoy,g didiirawcofteb-room,gbh aita Anedrtgul rrgget s'tpa lor ooratNet Engl de,second-cla d
b, os -ww, itmrd
benoeu"dransients"gbh aob r hves n ," ay; de,whe t a,Bo t erh"boSpdpmI" hadogoneaeiis m tkr aeirtottnroohItm n gots m
aheee. me.Fhe peoper edethavHoe eigvTiveslwor
m am, im,iituldhothr'icult goplevoneeiwthftscoeparaon su ceinnhccasque.die."Ber aa,"t a,"sWolfganh,l"coen wymbwuld ewthftsco
uh wwir
hdis onyongvna ve
dalk s? die."Ho!rblavH,"t a,"sDit s goHosannaes"phay upow r b
virgscalp." sim. Hosanna esyedoa livel
Arab airlsa o t otavHstatia d, wtier no f,ifsBer aa
dalk drwlsolatspirid
unusual. Wos -wwiide d insmemoryoenstAn t on Cmaatof,s mldiwnocparmhome-rehCirca
a? me.ito t at,tflen "Ber aa"s go"Circa
a,"tisnnor,so.e.Wedd heuld dorwhiswa m ra. sTnam,t srall a blit sor ae wpee puW reawnts,"st itwhis puJohnsBl cchfasl puad dot oedbell-casl mito -wwbrnss (tAn lw
a brtak ii ngtolsnooomn som dimes
tAn dorita avHsts).foTAismbell-casl brnss. mTalyslee y b y
ca a; de,Johns a,"es"CSittff, . norwbe hv m afbarb mrinst onoo be?" TAn
thenprob y
a," wd iruk, i; de,Johnsbadeshietsom. .m puIita
miiutest oedbarb mraadearn.--blat , hetas
ixtec ti--wlsolats im tae fa l, tty,ftitonteeto, andwiw s .rt-sleevesn ttyabrnadn dr gury. me."Dowymbwttlldme, Caeswo,"t a,"sJohn, "o at .ehymbss eoentrywtAn doruld weaed agis coatItmnyt on CmaatDay? die."Sa tqn, tAny do,nesh,twienst oywgo eutdoors. die."Dowymbwttlldme, Caeswo,"t a,"sDit ,s"t ,",t oy anve
doorss.ehymbsveoentry? die."Sa tqn, tAny do,"t a,"spoersCaeswo, flurrq d.die."Boy,"t a,"sI,s"t el entletenb s rmas ta funs onyon.uiTAny waar ets not if,ymbwead nkoepst on Cmaat.ehymbss eoentrywfor oer,a
dalk . die."Neve ,tesh,"t a,"spoersCaeswo. me."DowtAny dalk mwlsooer,music? die."No,nesh;onead . die."Go
rwhen,"oI a,"esinsmyrbtd nss, accents,--"goeufet cei ziis mn,masla banjo,masla kit,tasrataurdy-gurdy,s oeda
fiddl . die.TAn blat sb y
we t r ntsrtmuonprofor
h"s violin.uiim. itfromdins d thwt ts
,sonddcreptdinto tng darene
,s am. itfromdarene
gais med mos thit sand
mos ,ghnuipesyppnforsui,dtty o spesyppnforsui,dtune af pr eune;
dalk i--furt for
stno a hwiw sport, a hwiw wwin wholitayofapnzy. Weyblgtu wlsolsaltzes--soygthetfisbeth
g nvenie t oor mavell ta wlsolyhngvTives--wnorwbefo en wwe hivHo had,dandowHo had all ol -alonb, fmngrhthi? Probatey pesy ta whis or eu crv.puim. nowmwsyblgtu wwir
saltzesn wtic ta
s" into polkasn wtic subsidedn drt gots m rauldodalk s;tove, a hwiw ad y exhaustionofeedfell backdiirawgravenquadrwad .foI dalk drwlsolHosanna;e.Wolfganh ve,Sarah w.
behngvvis-a-vis puWedte t
d rn
t-tAn saee ser,tAreaNoah ttyan. nreisboys dalk deuin o t arklwor
m aie fmbs Tives,g de,wtic ans hade dalk dread nsilk , in ead y lome t ruewone,ordanhis me.sportoore ottryrsSpth,tgosco rauldoit wir
m atsun, dikaeding drum-bea toorEngl de--ri eot nd
lnft, furt twon fmewand, ri eo hana acop
pastorale--tow whol ma
ries ooro tm;awnts,"sm am,wlsolashmu cespirid os -f
itnuhado had oida
fl,",mdh h vsideloorArarat,tgrauldoost tosnumrdd
tfas copquet.puTAnnsBl cchfasl caad dofass "Virgscia Reel," de,weotst p adyqcha
s" m rn
t-tAar.uiPoersCaeswo begtu eagst exhausted,fter,a
l, a liflip oflen s wtstaimI,aelpppnhietTmazingly.puim. f pr e otflip oDit scripres"CSnwymbwuld dalk m`Money-Musk'?" sim. in ones ildofrpnzytoortedins dle
dalk i "Money-Musk" de,"Huad'ss Vikthey" de,"DuimyeMwad r" de,"Youis's Ce pandst," des "Irdseojigs" stn e closet-doertdif,edkmffnforse oldsccasque tmito Aemmenvlay ueefromoloom scream ta wlson b fud,
de,dow wothidfell backdmdh h vsofasn f,iflhedfa wt,wlsolla
tsco.uie.ito th. Tlas,,tsiiceatan sente t a,f pr "Circa
misuass.puTAnrukT I,no
any bell,l - nany barb m,s am. wedd heuld dalk m,"m ra. sTnisw, itall a blit sormye.memory. me.W reawntrpall ts,"st itwhis: me.JohnsBl cchfasl a,"es"Let usa,Bo teenystheies." sItnut it row sitdaredtty o sput mos logItmnytoi furs. me.!er aa
a,"e--die.e."Heap onsmos wood, fromwina . appyl;e.! t leto t,,his le os -ww,pyl,e.We'll oepsgurwmere
t on Cmaatbmito." me.saShwnfa,"sinatftica be
-ww, itita"!er aa's Visi ,"--a
vd y stupi abooen wtic soi remembe d.die.TAnnsWolfganh e lde.sareTHE PENNY-A-LINER'S STORY me.[Wolfganh ihta reporte ,torveaatttnd, seefromstaffaoBeding "Sta ."] me.W nnsI,, itmdefrom"Ta tune" [hHonead n, itmdefroe."Ta tune" anrhmbr, enerss,hukcaadatbell ta from"Ta tune"
," Fhet Pesies be mo mdefrom"Ta tune." s! t I teeny ae wstoryoesahs.e ldoir.riHn fa,":]e W ea In, itmdefroe."Ta tune,"oI , itdesp cchprotoyreport mgs Webbtd 's gthetedrtpey waHayne. sTnisw, itita Aned
a oorsdages. Weyandho oyridelflen Baltimos to Wostscoton
e plytinst onmosw noho oyge athes vinstime.foI fauldomy booss w.
begoneaflen mye.roomhaienst onstage-lan caad do a,dtty I reporterot ,"n speec aita rsteroblitppmIomy llfe,hadogiar,o a m amweek
befos l hisawbyca a drt gBl densburg, im, thwtlilt
,sonde.I adcagnizpismy booss mnytoi feetosormymfellow-thta
sngle,--towrukT I,bh aonwnhis m tan inst onstage.foIe muonprono eesim
m am, ber,
notpppsiirawlome t rfas mt saa
Webbtd hier hi. sHrwtberenb aistface lodeed esahs.slept wd iru!puHe. nss eoue, ta
s" m i tiee of,c
,sor'tnde,mee.a pa t oora
andwic , fas wukT.
beoldofrinnas,--I saa
eoenr h agagls mhietinsm i Ogdstac su.meSa,"sWebbtd o o a,d"Steela,dIvamfbois med about th. Tspeec ; IshavHoae p aa
taph ino t,,hic aI covuld wmrdomp,ioenynmind;" des oi repehe d it"Hrwttoen wdh. Tdo?"t a,"shs. m"`Let usahopeot ,",t otbeis oorunrd tric ti freeden mayn bt,soTdrttftwinprofor
Anedesis to pre
rvpr edernnfcuiuewooro e sevtaal pa tsyooro t bod
ttol tic,lt ,"n sr b arrano epar,emos ertde
Tlas,sco,smny taovbeinsaedmeasure fa qsfaktory.' sHrwttoen wdhad.s ? die.It a,"sI dikae, an idle, ber,tAothxtrd d stTenomvdn iivmlved. me."im. im,iitiivmlved,"t a,"sWebbtd ; "b t I cov'dhoimtaovbeit. die."Howttoen wdh. Tdo?"t a,"sI. me."`LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND FOREVER, ONE ANDe.INSEPARABLE!' die."Capi at!" ownfa,",l"capi at!terit ldhad.s wtafmeedme." sir,tAreamompnl wew rrqvedkat,the
Capi oltt epu.foIe wrotbes wta helwindsifor .m,dtty flen myeuldesahs.rdads e em,twienst atvpest rinst onspeec aca a almdgluireito oBwuI iadla dae, an storyluirePhebe, a hwe lde.sareTHE SCHOOLMISTRESS'S STORY me.You remina mb sor ae imtad d stTt atvvd y speec amaden weemo, ItItosSpdmHene
t apinrtedivei it ar,anecexhibi que ar,Les latd Academy.foI rtsmlvedkt enst atvIn w en wfree, an slavH, he perdseo w o t attempt. sBh ahow?e.I, afwamnn--dqsfranappslpnbyed i law? sHa! oI aw!die.Itwen
tkrArkalswu.foIthd hedoa "Normal Chad ge, orn AcademynfasrTdhch ms." sWeyand
baadatead y seconds nilt
,s gomassritwpopul r.foImmeis numbe saca a. sHalBeding tdhch msesor ae ySouis mi States werg dra,eedod iru.e.I hidstdmiratervgls ruktorss.ehoiatpa wtinh ve,music--dit onmos ae
sntial studies.puTAn ariahmnticvI ta
thbemyr hi. sI ta
tho t,,e I.puIvaappevedkfame.foI aappevededlealt ; iivet eeyinrArkalswu fiv lppescents puOnlheones secretadevs loI ppmIevhf d in.puToa,Bo--on wave,ymbas,s ivulcent girlenove,sturdymmen--I sogta
thofroe.multiplic tiue
tater enatooneafatsatereorveaathidd hwiw wi saarrayasorfakts.puTAn nenb lenb is t e
thr'icult onu.e.I buriae, an"Nenb dimes
six,"oI ta
thbee em,t"istfifty-six." TAn rhymwnmadesitddhs
gildedkfalbehood ta
s" flen lit dotlip,tflen St tvl oldSt tv,--onn l, a lispeckdiirawchain mar
mld hwvhfiay.puIedrttis
etflen teae na. sSlowlheI sacchprot el rowthaoBeding rebelliue.puitvlas, o t alon blosyom so toup--aftere i saaundapp ytwo tonwSitthi.puTAn Souis mi osSptmsaa
furs..foIabrnodedkgtor my revenge.foI repais
et oldRic mond.foIthd hedoa furt -cla d boSpd mo-oo be, wroren ato t e
Cabieet anddmos aso t e
Senate ca a tmed agisedmeals; de,Ivond
iins dptnmanents puSohewingis browsedeloudel.puTAn furt flushasorvikthey ta
s" w
.puNins eu,f pr nens mt bytsat mv md agis calcul tiues, stic y Iecca a wronhs oI miled--anddt sra
vitoain! oNmdis one oisedsuhIts en wtrove.puNmdis one ois
ietimates macchprot en ptnthemalk ! oNhv m afmrs,er-road enatofitted esaitnufo en wdo! sim. I--tow desppslpnboSpd mo-misurd d--In atmdisknet sty!puOfthidTm. oftad,
wiensMemm ta m hasedfa,"sioemo, wor
an oath,t"W ywdh. Tdiscgrdalkytinsmbrs iotsas?"whivHomytlipI,bhonprotoyoeeny ae-secret! sBh ano!e.I hi. im,insmy bosoh.foim. TAnn ar,las, I aw a teat beregimpnl maichtdrt gRic mond,tsiigidgd"JohnsBr wt,"uIedcripresfmedt
furt iimeo w owen y ytwo ,d"Six rimess nidi istfifty-fang," de,glohe d insmyrbweet revenge.die.TAnnseaathuseedod iwhirt sorPhebe, ve,Dit .e ldo .svstory uiree.
THE INSPECTOR OF GAS-METERS' STORY me.Midi istai ateosor ae ingrheitudHouf republdcp.riIteuist,e I-nens t .rty ytwo siiceaI , itwal,idgdbyed i
iidrIthaca Railrnade--atcrodeed rnade,no
noe, adap ti towoi e speel.puOora
udd hwI aw n ," teongs cop
rimbe ,
trd tle,woi e abovbea
swamp, andthsprudgdha flen i saaies.puI lodeed fas a
wlsolstic edfo s cufsoir.riI nfauldoa dtoneawlsolstic eahammerse oldbpika. sBh aaas nismmompnl ardra,eoapproae press wta . I.e.It creamel.puTAny osSpd! sBh a an ewgieent h no powd o o
notod iwheavy dra,e. Wor
mt loormina oora wpoet,tove, ae cob ag oora,s mo,dIvfluco mytottnweens msdn t
fatsatrimbe .riI toen wh ldoir s wt, he perdse puTAn
ewgieenca a. sTAn elas,sciayoenstAn penb dimb mustirl de mao w o t air! s! t I hen won. sTAn cender
pr.uiigaglaI , itfluco ita ildogyaauiueI. s! t I hen won.s "Itv. no bedkmf rndra,"oI a,"; "b t w reaakt oBedPSpliampnl wa norwn aa wItfo en wbe oiady?" TAreethta
sngletc as end mhidfrei eot ara,
iteaatttnd whb
viciouhtcu Iom oore etfrnade,ta
s" me. s! t I hen won,edrtpeatsco eamyr hi mhxtsyoorScripture,etsgiar m
s eoerao . sAitfromdas c a,ta
s",aI , itwtirl ddinto tng, airnbyed i rebauldoonstAn r,f"H avees!"oI a,"es"ifbemy hebim,iita,syperbola,wItfoato nead nrtmuon eaearth. diHas,slheI ietimate tmtrtmrdinates,g de,calcul tprot en cufve.puW atftliss!riItww Ita pa abola! sif pr a
flins omoora,sundapp ove,Ievhnthad cubita,sIolandpp, htados wt,hoinsatsoftfmrd-hol !die.Inst atvdra,eo, itfromymbastU. S. Gra t ruewnisw, yedfo West Point fmedexamination. s! t fas me o t armiesaoBeding Republdc toen whivHot h no leape . me.I trd drasmy eesim,
wiensI aShe adotbe appo wtede.Midibtd orEngl de. silsooe e noeoneaelst,edseedodtsgd,n I-alonb , itforgottom.meSu ceisw rheitudHowlsolrepubldcp!die.Hwnceadra.puTAnnsSarah Bl cchfasl e lde.sareTHE WHEELER AND WILSON'S OPERATIVE'S STORY me.Myntais mband
lnft f i anapo ag oorSorapnfo fas anufo ptmvoyag ,tifmvoyag oim,mny be
caad d.puLlfe,saa
ymbas,gove, aismworn tsnomvd,s avee puTAn yae t bowl ddsdn m, e tmi eo-reefde,stay a,ls,nend to eaathiadyssaSudd hlhet encgrsaimI,seizpisus; ll wern slaiw itamy
mt ; ber,I--toistfatsatgif aso beauuysbadesm am,spareedmytlif !die.W ywl ta m onsmyr ate?foIn ihotZenanaaso t e
ShahaoBedPpmIiaoI fauldomy -mm me"Hrwtescapewnisweye?" I a,";s am.,wfhetunatel ,oI remembe d o at .ehmy retqculeuIedcarrq deoneaboxwoorF. Kidd 's iidelitervglk puIi taarlhedI iadliae, an liquipninstAn laegllbo a li oeonea te
kssaSouew it-ww, itdr ,oI iadliae, aa inst onsmaratbo a l,s am. sa inst onsuewone,hmbr puMy htadohch l for
,sb t w reaoore et? aI , ita
th,dtty I knetn all w en wbe we I.die.Itwasasons gns",,soTeouew itmy ideuus,ddficie tisse.wern nott,a oyole
ew mo-rooh.foTAenbarwtI i
tppsfas mye.mae n ! oAdas!o t,, ituld norw; ber,Iasonstruktpp ovhoimit tiue flen a covuln-wnoel,uawcofteb-mpyl,gove, won nu -crace
mI. Anl for
AismIgmadese o m, e elodhinh fass e e paest rove, ae Zenana.die.ItalsoTv wed revenge.foNorts,"sIts ubtooneaii taar
ahw;ofor .ehmy youis,Ivond
rtadoLucretiaoBorgia'ss memoiss, ove,I hidstteertsco ruletfmr slowlhesesy ta as iyranl ," td taace.foI , ititachaeglloest e
Shah's iwnbelenbe puE of n eek I ser,backdo t buttues oewnisws .rts eoraSpssbyed i widthlooryee n rtad; si, byyartit nottn o o a,dItforudkdo t buddiastsor aetgoraSp,by

ther,ove, i
ther,wlsolea, wtyek s,"sm a
vice close ,rauldoh. Tlarynx. Week b n eek,aar,then oi e religiouhttme qvela,sIocoen wseb aistface saa
teat er,ove,teat er.puitvlhig aod iwhitprotyranl dq d.diTAn leec eskcaad doit apoperxy.foI d heuld urddceivaedingnlpuHisw uSpdshsace
e, e paest .foIabaggprot en diimonas,
fl l for
Anm eaTrebizond,tam. said dot oact oinsatc iquli oeSouisnBowton.foNoemos ! su cemamheiesuioptrd d me.die.Hwr vo ceseaathuseed. sI t ldomyr ate instuon.e.sareTHE CONDUCTOR'S STORY me.I , itpoer.puLeas nismbHomytexc be, osmrais mbmye.apology.foI iwthf d a,Thisl Aveeuv c a,at,Thisty-sixson Stoeet,tove, aw n
g nduktoryslee na. sSatsnstempt de ma, ove,I o okaflen hietnismbadg ,t213s oI ee, an hitpr
fugures ulw.e W ea he. nss,dhs
knet uld hl hadolos ait.diTAn c a,st atra,dtty o swal, d oyole rtwo. Wor
Anedbadg onsmyrcoateItgoraec ti ei eotfareItwlsoin,tt epp de faswand, ove, pranh into tng stoeet. sPmv mty iswmy hnlhedapologysfmedt
crime.foI co t ad do yr hi instteeraSps aies mnd wern pesy ta wor
paopu.foFeaediswmy hnlhedexc be.puLes mt bytso en wsuspec a,dItjoiwedo Anisedgama, ove,mynfasty wpars wes
sohewinreisdoraSpssoomn sevhnty. Wor
-ll-gottom gaglsdItvisi prot el lde.exchano , a hwhd hweves mos puMy superdor .ettll ge ce
ewatera mb tkephat twlll nynmodes,nmpans,
de,aae midnens mI hidstteompdtent .puLeasmetbe a wannsco ea Iecymbastmom.meSiiceataat ins mI hivHonead ngamtera mors. me.I t rew talyhitprobadg into tng rivei.foIabn
th ae p hat thewMurrayaHpyl,gove,l l ensupri eot nd
honorater wlif . s! t siiceataat ins msor ereorvtan
ahrse-c as mptrd drs me. sAlw
a silk , dtsgdomp,iowtaorn tott,aItmrd
s mytottncoepo, wor
Geoegltdo driar m
enlednead nanveoI iwthf d t
de,airyedcarrqag oplevidppnfasr e publdc.foI covuld; wenscie t euiste ogmu cefas me.foYou ee,insmerawlonueparaoBwcrime.die.It a,"snoemos .e A mompnl's pa be, a
oet naturaleditwo ,dend siig lisi e huseedod iwa
smbly; noe, Ber aa, for
hd nsichi vo ce, e lde.sareTHE WIFE OF BIDDEFORD'S STORY me.At d i tiee ymbwspeak oorI,, itfrom rqvetom
wad nd d
sor wotlgvel
boys, Julius end Pompdy--Pompdyyole
eniorn sor aetuwo. sTAn teat -eyedhdSpling! oI ee,hietulw.e In atsoTeea,danigidgdtk h. net ,snismblue-eyedhbrois m,,edeedhadogiar,oPompdyynismblackdeyeathondny befos . sPmmpdynut it enrruus, ea tfauld; Julius parsimondtusmbHyonds vistuv.puI
rwher fos ,ginstruktpp t am,ins wotthr'tndntomroohI.puToaPompdyyI rtado Anvstory sor"Was,e uld, waar, not." To Julius, seefromhis m hana, I spokb sor aereito-lgveloorAisygthetfMhis m Natur ,dtty o
wplefubes gif s, eao
wappy chi.puLenvsco hietwlsolgrapessoomn orano a,sIot epp d,backdooaPompdy,gove, a
thohietnlws o oentiotpa celsksotas to savHoe e sto na. sLenvsco hies iddiastoon sto na neatl ,oI wen
backdooaJulius, oomn givHotietg ta m-c kes.puTAn cparmboys thwtflen ytwot o oytwo. TAny ouigrew tali nknicksrboce
mI, ove,and, truusers. TAny ouigrew tali njace
ts,eend ticam mnd;s am.oI feltn aa wItt h notnlqvedkiw aa,e. I and
ernqulr de nature. sPmmpdy,, an li a lispendthrift,,, itfromhonor de costser oora
avscos-bank tmito An r,n w
Anedcapi at puJulius, fromnis r, ticam t
ctseBwcroepiers me AemNet Crocefasl's.puOl s or aose boys is ulwsiw Botanyn Bs
,sonddfromhis m "itin SierrasLeyee!die."I t n
th ymbww.
begoidgdtk say,itaamho-thf phat ,"eu a,"sJohn Bl cchfasl;dtty o se ldo .svstory uiree.THE STOKER'S STORY me.WukT.
iastoon Atlantic,itaamCunard
s. sI saa
s condwstoker seefromstarboSpd sacch.foIn ih," horrqter wgate we spokb sorbtfos r kne , d i coaletas
ixhausted,s am.oI,
itt b bh I-drd draamnn,w, it pnl up to tng, capta,eotoyas
qhietw reawntfo en wdo.foI fauldohies hier hi at,the
wnoel.riHn almes, cb r do a,dtty badesm
s say,nodhinh ofocoal, ," tmompnl w ea he.mrs, oepe.anr htadoto tng wina for
hd nfull powd ,torveelwyes tlos .riHn badesm
oblidHomythandwiwtk h. poce
t,tove, akaedoer,tAotkeyasord iwaf pr frei eo-room,god hwtaat,tove,ubes n ong nsen sifor fuel.foI remuonprohas,slheto tng ewgiee-edroom trch,ws d heis we wnrukbil.puTAn roomhg nsa,eed, nothinh bh aon wacg uarabooes, stic ymadesamho- oomn er'tc ve
furs. me.Ota Anethisl dahet encapta,eoca a s wtahier hi in eeding ewgiee-room taies Itt h nead nshad .mebefos ,, caad do aeisidn,
de,d ldomeataat by
misuass hl hadogiar,e maotng wronhtkey;yas
sco metifmItt h us eoir.riI po wtede. oy .meing empty room;,no
a leafw, itlnft.riHn muonpre p hHowlsolfri
th. sAitI aw niswemot st,q ong nfidppn o o aa Anetruth. sTAn tooeskT.
betAnwevidp t ss rwacg uarsn sor aetBrit sh nauiuealmdebt;etonw reaistfamili plyt nott
,st aetCensolitatpp Fuld,
asr e "Censols." TAny,and, ihad secretlhesen
tkrNet Ymrk forse o,hxaminationaoBedJameItFiske, edethado had aShe adotadvalk sa
oet mpyliueI ohewin.svs cufiayoto tng EngldseoExche ger,raty,now a Iecevidp t s onindebtedne
t it yee!die.T encapta,eo, itabout to leap into tng sea. s! t Ieuci suad doAim. sI t ldohietdo say,nodhinh;iI toen w oepe.a.svs cret;,norlan elst,knet it.puTAn
wad nmpnl w en eunead nu-thf ir.riIt,, itsafetinsmbrthands.riHbedrtg nsideredoAismpuweose. Weyca a safetto porot nd
d h--dinodhinh. me.Otly ueefromourt quar pr-dahestic yfollowed, Ieugbta,eel leaveloorabse t n nd
visi prot elBank oBedEngl de, dts ee,what ohadeeee. At d i doersw itwhisuipestand, "Applic n sifor dividnnas eiratfier awerittombeaadlic tiue, for
naee end m uar, ," des
qAn nd
plece deuin ouon ead i Psy ta Tellp 's Or'ice." sI aw n nised ta nuiay.puToryntyes mas ta out net booes, eertsco t ,"n uldisehe stapplyaber,tAost,edet,erenacgu Iome ado puSos skilfullywdo tenbofo
wad nmpnl study,aulan nature.die.It epp d,lilt
lheto mdis one orpubldcedes
s. sI t okedmdis one orblan
s. sI wad dog aobr, "John Bl cchfasl,, L1747 6s. 8d." ove,anndlpnim,inso
nothd hwtrap.foIe m okamyvpest rinst on geu rinst ontellp 's rooh.foAftere ,n greeater hmbr, a
nit ,sttnBank oBrEngl dedinode
t it iar,otoy a; de,siiceataat daheI anve
quar prlywdrattntnamyam uaraflen o t mate ealo
wad nmpnln sor aetfcoentry. sAitI lnft f i tellp 's rooh,aItmb
rvpps n ongapta,eoinst on geu .puHe. I tng sevhnth lan flenedfromwindow, ove,I hivHonead nshad .memors. me.We, a hwaShe aHosanna fhe resvstory uiree.THE N. E. HISTORICAL GENEALOGIST'S STORY me."Myvstory,"t a,"sshb,g"eiratuass ustfaerbackdiito tng, phst.e Iww,pyltbe hcesurw fas me oottwlll stTeomt oincidnntitita Aneourt se a lepartoore . aoentry, ove,Iedplepose oo twwl ourt prtp ae end enjohet ent on Cmaa, tree.foAfterre . , if,ymbr cob ag h lds,rymbwfoato osSpe ,n wad -truer ate." sPretty wthetur ,dnlwsli a lisow wknet stam,t srbtfos rup!die.Aswwl hadosa libtdnsco ea Anvstoriesn we,and hade prtp a ta for o t tree.foShoppinh be ta out sor aere get st, we wnrukfa waflen obrvswn stores toymassrupsmbrs prt
mts, wtier no Tothidees v srnigidgdnuts,eend blott
egg-sowlls,nend popwern sto nadtflen o t stores sor aereEaglelanddSta .puTAn poppinh ofocorn,ins wotcorn-potppesedhadogmdis ewinrn
t-tAn whol ooro e story-tell ta. sAll, ih sitso nearlysrtad ,oI caad dot o drowsy b y
agagl,s am.,w o wsco hietavvd y laeglls,scktita Anewood-box,s aShe ahietdo ringsmerawhacchpt.puToamyvgthetfjoheAnedbrn
th d iwax ooro e eet bldseepar, ove,I badeshieeufane,e I.puHlwsli a lidiy o se snk stam,t srbtfos rhie!saSoTeouew ithl hadogmdisI wen
s tale slywdoweefromstaiss,s am. s epp ta out into tng doepssulw,
in frontoonstAn
ahtel,ulodeed up into tng lgvel
th. sT e storm andthceadra, ove,I coen wseb faerbackdiito tng,s avees. sIdn t
mito eves mo myrbtrnsssnmins hivHo had osSpdmfa , adyqwidn,
itI cut s wtaon ooro e wotpretty Naswayse Aatifoadlpnmgs Pynapon's frontowal,, hxtffromhotel.foIeucraggproit mv md agssulw.
Bl cchfasl end
Steela lower de sowe s, eametflen o t laegllpa lor window, ,hic aI
,"tachprotoyo t laeglr eldoonstAn tree.foWor
infiiitehothr'icultywtAn haullpnim,in. sI joiwedo Anetinsm ie p alsi, am. soonofe hidstststatel
trdet row sittroren asw, ititaany home-onsjohet at ins mita Aneriveis eoentiee. me.Wor
swif afingleswdiy hngvTivesladorn,ir.riI fo en euanve sa,"sabovb, oo twwl mavellprewir
hngvTives, oomn aa wItehe strtg mmeie, aa cu Iom t gots mp.riItww Ihoimtp
iblee,m, e tm iscircum taaces,s gomainsa,egmu cs secrecy; ber,-wwhhdo had agreedkt ,",all who,edseedodte muon tali nbacks oyole wircle,tita Aneprtp aauiue oBedprt
mts, mins doTeomwlsooer,oftence no fromhis mI. Asbeth
anesbyeonb, iw p pe ooldthr'tndntscolsis,
tanyewyes mare
AnenameItmfs giver,ove,rdceivai, am. pest psiirawlaegllelodhes-baShets
At das to eaatdone. I and
wrhaded up myt nifb, til-c su,omytlnar rc su,ofor Steela,dBl cchfasl, oomn Dit .puToamyvllfe,I givHomyt ld sacch-key,lstic edfhetunatel ofitatanr sacch;s goHosannaesi Bhrg drifla,danufpalsringsItehrw; t gBer aa, myt ld chain;tove, osSarah
Bl cchfasl, Anew cch ,hic agenrrally sung flen i . sFors a
oet mompnlstwntrptis
et o
hngvroohItwtier no pretty wHosanna arrano dw Aneoasty-nidi prt
clhaded s m hanas trch,ws ruseedoie puW reaaedwmndruus,si et!puW at
a fo ets oninfantinn la
ther,aomsacearming paaua l!ofor .ehthat ohadyamompnl werukT.tuldho to appy chi agagl?die.It ee myrbtory hurrq sotoyi saclose puDit ,swho,isbeth
taad sr,emouwted
tt ep-ladd ,g de,callpisussbyenamee.toyreceiva
mts. I and
nicet ld sacch-key oflen Hosannaesi nifbtflen Steela,datlnar r-c su flenedPhebe, ve,atpretty pe til-c sulflen Ber aa puDit andthgiar,o a nisw, cch-chain, ,hic ahs
knet I a tis";s Sarah Bl cchfasl,,a
l, a litoy oora
Gneeaaew cch sow wehrw; tty o
whusbam.,wa hanasoee sealsringe--atprt
mte. oy .meflen o t Czwo, I belpeve;rPhebe, o at . mye.llfee--fas wukT.
be mavell ta wlsolhngvTives,--and til-c sutflen Steela,datpretty l, a lilnar r-c su flenedDit ,sa sacch-key flen me, ve,atFfsacharepehe r flenedBl cchfasl;dSarah Bl cchfasl givHote tm is nifbtsng, carripreswlsolsoee bri eotve
es,sssy ta enato t,, ituldho oycut lgve;sBer aa, w, cch-chain; tty Hosannaesi r nohoonsturquoise end methysts.puTAn his m prt
bnufimilar a tqcles,g de,w.
itt bytw.
begiar,, wwir
mu cecender
ftpl ta. sBh aaas nismmompnl,
itDit nut itueefromtot sor ae
flins oorsdeps, onddiasts wtaa redbeaadletflen o t tree, a bli eot atabtrnphg sccur d.die.TAn furt ihingsIteasasonsciouhtof. I tng angrynnissn sors tam puIita
mompnl I ppmceivad t ,",t otb tam-boierm,s flen air, wt ba avHst , itwarmpp, hnd
ixplodel.puTAns floom beneat
us rndr trch,ws w.
bedriho,,llsoli winrn
ts n ongeilinh ve,tAn roomssabovb,--torn
t-ahwhd hinh ineding roof into tng stito ni
th. sArauldouitita AneairnT.
bnufly ta aeny ae-his m g nsen siTm. occup n sioest e
Sta , adyqEagle.puHlwsbittorlysw itI reminaedkmf Dit 'swflins omflen o t railrnade mackioest e
Ithaca adyqOwego
Railrnad!e.! t I coen wuld hopeosu ceinnescapewaathis puStito mye.flins , ititaa pa abola; tty,titaa perdoh notnlonglen aan,-wwhhsouasstaoottescriba
it, I,, itfrrswn seis le
,s atvlas,,tit ea tdoepssulw-bank nearst e
UiitedldSt tvssArseiaI.die.Tender
hanastdif,edkee end suags" me. sTender
tamsedcarrq deme no fromCiayoHospi at. sTender
eyesabrnodedn sad nme. sTender
scie t ac apdefas me.foItvprove eunecesurw , btfos rI adcav
e,rtea mput tvlmyr wotlegss me Aemhips puMy ri eot rmos itwtoll

tdeli ate, adyqcutiouhtoper tiue, flen o t soce
t. WeysavHrot en stumt sormy lnft rm, ,hic a, itamput tvdoers, bellws nwbefo en
s. sI am stito inst onoospi atotoyrecluit mye.stoeig a.puTAn coktorydoes notnlqke eahavHomg sccudyamye.mide,aa aen; ber, t s
a tAnrukis no earm .ehmy eompilinhedmytmemoiss, as writthi magazinnvstories puMy faithfuln nursewans la,"sm onsmyrbrtast
pillow, ans put aecca al's-haim pe til .ehmy mouis, tty,tftpl ta almes,n ptnsueall
acqua wted wir
John Carte ,t Anea tqs,,tIeuanve erittom out fas you,titanismmethod, fromstory sormye.das t on Cmaa.die.Itam soerytdo say,t ,",t othis mI hivHonead n had fauld uiree.

EldoonsTAn Proj cu Gutomberg EmhxtoonsTAn B it sMoue,
t. at.,
Haer w


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