The Communistic Societies of the United States
Charles Nordhoff

Part 8 out of 8

Meetinghouse, etc. Union Office, Harrodsburg, Ky., 1830, pp. 8.

57. An Address to the State of Ohio, Protesting against a certain Clause
of the Militia Law enacted by the Legislature. Lebanon, Ohio, Office of
the _Farmer_, 1818, pp. 24.

58. Investigator; or a Defense of the Order, Government, and Economy of
the United Society called Shakers against sundry Charges and Legislative
Proceedings. Addressed to the Political World by the Society of
Believers at Pleasant Hill, Kentucky. Lexington, Ky., Smith & Palmer,
1828, pp. 57.

59. A Brief Statement of the Sufferings of Mary Dyer, occasioned by the
Society called Shakers. Written by Herself. To which is added Affidavits
and Certificates; also a Declaration from their own Publication.
Concord, N. H., 1818, pp. 35.

60. A Compendious Narrative, Elucidating the Character, Disposition, and
Conduct of Mary Dyer, from the Time of her Marriage, in 1799, till she
left the Society called Shakers in 1815, etc. By her Husband, Joseph
Dyer. To which is annexed a Remonstrance against the Testimony and
Application of the said Mary for Legislative Interference. Concord, by
Isaac Hill, for the Author, 1818, pp. 90.

61. The Memorial of the Society of People of Canterbury, in the County
of Rockingham, and Enfield, in the County of Grafton, commonly called
Shakers. (No date--but about 1818), pp. 13.

62. Tests of Divine Inspiration, or the Rudimental Principles by which
True and False Revelation in all Eras of the World can be Unerringly
Discriminated. By F. W. Evans. New Lebanon, 1853, pp. 128.

63. Public Discourses delivered in Substance at Union Village, Ohio,
August, 1823, pp. 36.

64. A Revision and Confirmation of the Social Compact of the United
Society called Shakers, at Pleasant Hill, Kentucky. Published by Order
of the Church. Harrodsburg, Ky., 1830, pp. 12.

65. A Short Abridgment of the Rules of Music, with Lessons for Exercise,
and a few Observations for New Beginners. New Lebanon, 1843; reprinted
1846, pp. 40.

66. Sixteen Years in the Senior Order of Shakers, a Narrative of Facts
concerning that singular People. By Hervey Elkins. Hanover, N. H., 1853,
pp. 136.

67. The Shaker Society _against_ Gass & Banta. (Brief of a case in
Kentucky.) No date, pp. 8.

68. Catalogue of Medicinal Plants, Extracts, Essential Oils, etc.,
prepared and for sale by the United Society of Shakers at Union Village,

69. Shakerism Unmasked, or a History of the Shakers. By William J.
Haskett. Pittsfield, 1828.

70. Two Years' Experience among the Shakers: A Condensed View of
Shakerism as it is. By David K. Lamsen. West Boylston, 1848.

71. The Rise and Progress of the Serpent, from the Garden of Eden to the
Present Day, with a Disclosure of Shakerism, etc.; also the Life and
Sufferings of the Author, who was Mary Dyer, but now is Mary Marshall.
Concord, N. H., 1847.

72. An Account of the People called Shakers--their Faith, Doctrines, and
Practice. By Thomas Brown, of Cornwall, Orange County, N. Y. Troy, 1812.

73. History of American Socialisms. By John Humphrey Noyes.
Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1870, pp. 678.

74. Oneida Community Cooking, or a Dinner without Meat. By Harriet H.
Skinner. Oneida, N. Y., 1873, pp. 51.

75. Essay on Scientific Propagation. By John Humphrey Noyes, with an
Appendix containing a Health Report of the Oneida Community. By Theodore
R. Noyes, M.D. Published by the Oneida Community, Oneida, N. Y. (No
date--about 1873), pp. 32.

76. Male Continence. By John Humphrey Noyes. Published by the Oneida
Community, Office of the _Circular_, Oneida, N. Y., 1872, pp. 24.

77. Hand-book of the Oneida Community, containing a Brief Sketch of its
Present Condition, Internal Economy, and Leading Principles. Published
by the Oneida Community, N. Y., 1871, pp. 64.

78. Salvation from Sin the End of Christian Faith. By J. H. Noyes.
Published by the Oneida Community, Mount Tom Printing-house, Wallingford
Community, Conn., 1869, pp. 48.

79. Dixon and his Copyists: A Criticism of the Accounts of the Oneida
Community in "New America," "Spiritual Wives," and kindred Publications.
By John Humphrey Noyes. Published by the Oneida Community, 1871, pp. 40.

80. Faith Facts; or a Confession of the Kingdom of God and the Age of
Miracles. Edited by George Cragin. Oneida Reserve, N. Y., 1850, pp. 40.

81. Favorite Hymns for Community Singing, 1855, pp. 32. (Oneida

82. The Way of Holiness; a Series of Papers published in the
_Perfectionist_, New Haven. By J. H. Noyes. Printed by J. H. Noyes &
Co., 1838.

[The company consisted of himself, his wife, brother, and two sisters.]

83. Paul not Carnal. New Haven, 1834.

84. The Perfectionist. New Haven, 1834.

85. The Way of Holiness. Putney, Vt., 1838.

86. The Witness. Ithaca, N. Y., and Putney, Vt., 1838-43.

87. The Perfectionist. Putney, Vt., 1843-46.

88. The Spiritual Magazine. Oneida, 1848-50.

89. The Free Church Circular. Oneida, 1850-51.

90. The Circular. Oneida, 1854-74.

91. First Annual Report of the Oneida Association. Oneida, 1849.

92. Faith Facts. Oneida, 1850.

93. Second Annual Report of the Oneida Association. Oneida, 1850.

94. Third Annual Report of the Oneida Association. Oneida, 1851.

95. Bible Communism. Brooklyn, 1853.

96. The Trapper's Guide. Wallingford, 1867.

97. Die Wahre Separation, oder die Wiedergeburt, dargestellt in geist
reichen und erbaulichen Versammlung's Reden und Betrachtungen, besonders
auf das gegenwaertige Zeitalter anwendbar. Gehalten an die Gemeinde in
Zoar im Jahre 1830. Gedruckt in Zoar, O., 1856. (The True Separation, or
the Second Birth, presented in Spiritual and Devotional Discourses and
Lectures, applicable particularly to the Present Time. Delivered to the
Congregation at Zoar in 1830. Printed at Zoar, 1856.) Three volumes
quarto, pp. 2574.

[These are by Baumeler, the founder of the Zoar Community; and contain a
great many curious theories of life, present and future.]

98. Sammlung Auserlesener geistlicher Lieder, zum Gemeinschaftlichen
Gesaeng und eigenen Gebrauch in Christlichen Familien. Zoar, Ohio, 1867.
(Collection of Selected Sacred Hymns, for the use of Churches and
Individuals in Christian Families.) pp. 169.

[Baumeler's Collection, now in use at Zoar. This is the "second and
improved edition."]

99. Jahrbuecher der Wahren Inspiration's Gemeinden, oder Bezeugungen des
Geistes des Herrn. Gedruckt zu Eben-Ezer bei Buffalo. (Yearbooks of the
True Inspiration's Congregations, or Witnesses of the Spirit of the
Lord. Printed at Eben-Ezer, near Buffalo.)

[This is a series of volumes, containing the utterances of the "Inspired
Instruments" of the Amana Society. They publish a volume for each year,
but are now in arrears.]

100. Historische Beschreibung der Wahren Inspiration's Gemeinschaft, wie
sie bestanden und sich fortgepflanzt hat, und was von den wichtigsten
Ereignissen noch ausgefunden werden kann, besonders wie sie in den
Jahren 1817 und 1818 und so fort wieder durch den Geist Gottes in neuen
Werkzeugen aufgeweckt worden, und was seit der Zeit in und mit dieser
Gemeinde und deren herzugekommenen Gliedern wichtiges vorgefallen.
Aufgeschrieben von Christian Metz. (Historical Description of the True
Inspiration's Community, etc.) It is written by the Spiritual Head of
the Amana Community.

101. J. J. J. Exegetische Reimen-Probe, ueber die Letzte Rede unsers
Herrn Jesu Christi an Seine Wahrhaftige Juenger, etc., begriffen,
abgefasset und mitgetheilet in Einfaltigem Liebes Gehorsam. Neu
aufgelegt im Jahr 1860. Eben-Ezer, bei Buffalo, N. Y. (Exegetical Rhymes
concerning the Last Address of our Lord Jesus Christ to his True
Disciples, etc., conceived, written down, and imparted by Simple, Loving
Obedience. Newly printed at Eben-Ezer, N. Y., 1860.)

[It is in several volumes, and is a rhymed rendering, with numerous
reflections, of several chapters of John, beginning with the 14th.
The author was an old Mystic, E. L. Gruber. The first volume, the
only one I have, has 437 pages. I do not know why this and other
volumes have J. J. J. prefixed to the title.]

102. B. cum D! Die XXXVI. Sammlung, Das ist die Zweite Fortsetzung von
Br. Johann Friederich Rock's Reise und Besuch im Jahr 1719, etc.
Gedruckt im Jahr 1785. (The 36th Collection--that is, the Second
Continuation of Brother John Frederick Rock's Journey and Visits in the
year 1719. Printed in the year 1785.) pp. 145.

[This is one of the more ancient journals of the Inspirationists,
and recounts the visions of Rock, one of their early prophets. I do
not know what mystery lies in "B. cum D!"]

103. Das Liebes und Gedaechtniszmahl des Leidens und Sterbens unsers
Herrn und Heilandes Jesu Christi, etc. (The Supper of Love and
Remembrance of the Sufferings and Death of our Lord and Saviour Jesus
Christ; how it was announced, ordered, and celebrated by his Word and
Witness in four parts, at Middle and Lower Eben-Ezer, in the year 1855.
Eben-Ezer, N. Y., 1859, pp. 284.)

[I have given an account of this book in the description of Amana.]

104. Stimmen aus Zion, zum Lobe des Allmaechtigen im Geist gesungen, von
Johann Wilhelm Petersen, Dr. (A.D. 1698). (Voices from Zion, sung in the
Spirit to the Praise of the Almighty, by John William Petersen, D.D.)
Newly printed at Eben-Ezer, N. Y., 1851, pp. 456.

105. Davidisches Psalter Spiel der Kinder Zions, etc. (Psalms after the
manner of David, for the Children of Zion: a Collection of old and newly
selected Spiritual Songs, brought together for the Use of all Souls
desirous of Healing, and Sucklings of Wisdom; but particularly for the
Congregations of the Lord.) Third Edition, Amana, Iowa, 1871, pp. 1285,
of which 111 are music.

[This is the hymn-book at present in use at Amana.]

106. J. J. J. Erster Beytrag zur Fortsetzung der Wahren Inspiration's
Gemeinschaft, etc. (First Records of the Continuation of the True
Inspiration's Congregations.) Buedingen2.

[This volume contains the earliest utterances of Barbara Heyneman, the
present Spiritual Head of Amana, and also "Four-and-twenty Rules of True
Godliness," by J. A. Gruber, and "One-and-twenty Rules for the
Examination of our Daily Lives," by E. L. Gruber.]

107. Die Schule der Weiszheit, als das Hoch-Teutsche A B C, vor Schueler
und Meister in Israel. (The School of Wisdom, and High-German A B C, for
Scholars and Masters in Israel.) 1748, pp. 128.

108. J. J. J. Catechetischer Unterricht von der Lehre des Heils, etc.
(Catechism.) Printed at Eben-Ezer, 1857, and at Amana, 1872, "for the
use and blessing of the Inspiration's Congregations."

[There are two volumes, pp. 96 and 84. The first for youth, the second
for members in general.]

109. Der Kleine Kempis, oder Kurze Sprueche und Gebete, etc. (The Little
Kempis, or Short Sayings and Prayers, from the Works of Thomas a Kempis,
for the Edification of Children.) Eben-Ezer, 1856, pp. 382.

110. Seelen Schatz der Gott Begierigen, etc. (Treasure of those who
desire God; showing how a man should die to sin, hate his Adamic life,
deny himself, and live in Christ, in order that he may attain to the
complete love of God and his neighbor, and achieve a part in Everlasting
Salvation.) Eben-Ezer, N. Y., 1851, pp. 243.

111. Lebenserfahrungen von Carl G. Koch, Prediger des Evangeliums.
(Experiences of Charles G. Koch, Preacher of the Gospel.) Cleveland,
Ohio, 1871, pp. 411.

[This contains curious details of Count Leon's transactions at Economy,
and of Keil, the head of the Aurora Community in Oregon.]

112. Hirten-Brief an die Wahren und Aechten Freymaeurer Alten Systems.
Neue Auflage, 5785. (Episcopal Letter addressed to the True and Faithful
Freemasons of the Ancient System. New Edition, 5785.) Printed at
Pittsburgh, 1855, pp. 288.

[This is a mystical work much prized by the Harmonists.]

113. The Harmony Society at Economy, Pennsylvania. Founded by George
Rapp, A.D. 1805. With an Appendix. By Aaron Williams, D.D., Pittsburgh,
1866, pp. 182.

114. The Bishop Hill Colony Case. Answer of the Defendants. Galva, Ill.,
1868, pp. 94.

[Contains accounts of the Growth and Decay of the Bishop Hill

115. The Bishop Hill Colony Case--Statement of the Plaintiffs, Eric U.
Norberg and others.

116. Nagra Sanger, Samt Boener. Foerfatlade af Erik Janson. Galva, Ill.,

[This is the hymn-book prepared by Eric Janson for the use of the Bishop
Hill Commune.]

117. Constitution der Ikarischen Gueter Gemeinschaft, etc. (Constitution
of the Icarian Commune, unanimously adopted on the 21st of February,
1850; and, after revision, again adopted 4th of May, 1851.) Nauvoo, Ill.
Icarian Printing-office, August, 1844, pp. 27.

118. Wenn ich $500,000 baette! (If I had Half a Million Dollars!) By E.
Cabet, President of the Icarian Commune. Nauvoo, Ill., November, 1854.



Administration, at Amana,
Bishop Hill,
Cedar Vale,
Prairie Home,
Agriculture, excellent, of the Communists,
Alfred, Shakers at,
Amana Society, the,
derivation of,
population of,
industries of,
Amiability, a communal virtue,
at Amana,
plan of,
cultivation of,
Ann Lee. (_See_ Mother Ann.)
Architecture, communal,
Armenburg, Inspirationists gathered at,
Aurora, appearance of the people of,


Baeker, Rapp's successor,
Baumeler, Joseph,
his teaching,
Bishop Hill,
settlement made at,
disorganization at,
division of property at,
Boissiere, E. V., letter from,
Book-keeping, communal,
Books at Bethel,
Brains come easily to the top,
Business management,
at Amana,
at Oneida,
among the Shakers,
Business statement,


Cabet, Etienne,
Canterbury, Shakers at,
Cards prohibited,
Catechism, Amana,
Cedar Vale,
Celibacy, discountenanced,
said to be healthful,
Celibate Communes,
Celibates, the Harmonists become,
Ceremonies, Aurora,
horror of, at Oneida,
no, at Oneida,
Character, intellectual,
of Communists,
of members at Amana,
of people at Anaheim,
of Oneida people,
Children, at Aurora,
at Oneida,
training of,
training of, at Amana,
taught manual labor,
Children's houses, Zoar,
_Circular_, Oneida,
among the Shakers,
Clothing allowance,
Clothing distribution, Bethel,
Clothing, Economy,
Comfort, contrivances for,
in communes,
Communal life, advantages of the,
Commune, economy of the,
a mutiny against society,
land owned by,
barren lives in,
what they might do,
wealth of,
origin of,
number of,
needless isolation of,
which have failed,
when begun, at Zoar
not amateur work
dialogue on Shaker
of sins
of sins, Amana
Constitution of Harmonists,
at Zoar
at Amana
at Bishop Hill
Co-operative plan of Anaheim
at Amana
at Oneida,
among the Shakers
Covenant hymn,
"Criticism," account of a
how used at Oneida
Cup of Solemnity,
Cushman, Miss Charlotte


Daily life,
at Economy
among the Shakers
at Zoar
Gruber's Rules of
hostility to
to be avoided
Defalcation among the Shakers
Devil's Visitation
Divine Book of Wisdom
prevention of
simplicity of
Dullness of communal life
"Dutch town"


Eben-Ezers (see also Amana)
remove to Iowa
neatness of
hotel at
in 1826
tramps at
Education at Amana
at Amana
at Aurora,
at Cedar Vale
at Economy
at Oneida
(See also Industries.)
Enfield (Conn.),
Shakers at
(N. H.), Shakers at
communists not
as a bond
of living,
Evans, F. W.,
appearance of
conversation of
on cleanliness
Evening meetings at Oneida


a Shaker
Family life at Aurora
in Communes,
at Oneida
Fanners benefited by neighboring communes
no, at Vineland
Food, distribution of,
at Amana
at Aurora
among the Shakers
a Shaker


German communists
Germans settle Anaheim
Shakers at,
"Gospel Virtues,"
set forth in rhymes
Shakers at.


projector of Anaheim
their appearance
means for securing
Harmony, New, Ind.
Harmony, Pa.
Harmony Society,
articles of association of
Shakers at
Henrici, J.
Heyneman, Barbara,
her origin
falls into disgrace
"Hoggish Nature," rhymes against
Holidays, Amana
Honesty in communes
Household economy of the Shakers
Housekeeping, Economy
Hymnology, Amana


Icarians, the.
at Amana;
at Aurora;
at Bethel;
at Bishop Hill;
at Icaria;
at Oneida;
of the Communes.
(_See_ also Employments.)
Inquisition, religious, at Amana.
among the Shakers;
definition of;
members received by;
Inspiration Society, origin of.
Inspirationists, the;
settle near Buffalo.
Integrity of administration at Economy.
Inventive skill at Oneida.


Janson, Eric.
Jerks, the.
Jokes, pious.


Keil, Dr.;
appearance of;
founds Bethel;
goes to Oregon;
his house, 317.
Kentucky revival, the;
scenes at.
Kindness to laborers.


Labor, hours of.
Land tenure at Bethel.
Landis, Charles K.;
his account of Vineland.
Lawsuits against the Harmonists.
Lazy people, none.
Leaders, value of character in.
Lenz, Jonathan.
Leon, Count de;
death of.
Life, manner of, at Bethel.
Local-option law, good effect of.
in communes;
(_See_ also Old Age.)
Lord's Supper, the, at Amana.


Manufactures at Harmony.
Marching-songs, Shaker.
age for;
at Amana;
at early age, Bethel;
not helpful in communism;
tends to worldliness;
when allowed at Zoar.
at Amana;
at Oneida;
among the Shakers.
Mechanical skill in communes.
evening, Amana;
at Icaria;
evening, at Oneida;
religious Amana 53.
conditions of, Amana;
at Aurora;
at Oneida;
condition of among the Shakers.
Metz, Christian;
goes to America;
his historical description.
Ministry, Shaker.
Miraculous cures.
Mother Ann;
emigrates to the United States;
her appearance;
her sayings;
hymns to;
performs miracles;
on confession.
(_See_ also Ann Lee.)
Mount Lebanon.


Nativity of Amana people.
Nauvoo, the Icarians at.
New Harmony.
New Lebanon.
Niskeyuna, Shakers at.
North Union, Shakers at.
Noyes, J. H.;
on criticism.


Old age,
at Amana;
at Economy;
at Zoar;
provisions for.
Orderly life,
Orders, social,
Original sin, its nature,
Owen buys New Harmony,


Pecuniary success, Harmony,
Perfectionists, the,
Pet animals forbidden,
Pleasant Hill, Shakers at,
Police at Vineland, low cost of,
Poor, feeding the,
Poor tax, small, at Vineland,
Population, Amana,
believed to cause bilious fevers,
believed to cause cancer,
Prairie Home,
location of,
singular plan of life at,
Prayer-houses at Amana,
Precautions in regard to sexes,
Primitive Church, the,
Private incomes at Aurora,
Progressive Community, the,
Propagation, scientific, so-called,
Property at Aurora,
Property register at Oneida,


Quakers, charitable to Zoarites,
visit the Inspirationists,


Rapp, Frederick,
George, founder of Economy,
appearance and character of,
his doctrines,
sails for Baltimore,
on riches,
Miss Gertrude,
Religious faith, at Aurora,
at Bishop Hill,
at Economy,
at Icaria,
at Oneida,
at Zoar,
Religious meetings,
at Amana,
at Economy,
among the Shakers,
at Zoar,
Religious observances,
Roads, good,
Rock, John Frederick,
Roll and Book, the Sacred,
Russian materialists,


Satan personates Adam,
School, at Amana,
at Icaria,
at Oneida,
at Zoar,
Servants, inadmissible,
none in a commune,
Sex, no, in heaven,
Sexes, kept apart, Amana,
rules for keeping apart the,
Sexual relation, unnatural,
location of,
Sinner, repentance of a, in verse,
_Shaker and Shakeress, The,_
Shakers, colored, society of, at Philadelphia,
Northern and Southern,
number of communes of,
summary of Shaker faith,
when founded,
who make the best,
societies, Western, when formed,
Shaking Quakers,
Shirley, Shakers at,
Shops, Shaker,
Slavery, Shakers opposed to,
"Slug" exposed,
Social Freedom Commune,
South Union, Shakers at,
Spirit world, Shaker relations to the,
Spiritual manifestations, Shaker,
Spiritualism, among the Shakers,
Spirituous liquors, Shaker rule about,
Steamboat Self-denial, verses on the,
Steeple houses,
Subordination in communal life,
Success, pecuniary, at Aurora,
Sunday, among the Shakers,
at Oneida,
Systematized life,


Table Monitor, the,
at Vineland,
hymn, Shaker,
Texas, Cabet's attempt there.
Tobacco forbidden.
Toil in communes not severe.
Tongues, strange.
Trades, teaching.


Unanimous consent.
Unitary home.
Union Village, Shakers at.


Vineland; plan of settling,.
Vineyards, Anaheim.


War, Shaker losses in the.
Watervliet (N. Y.),
Shakers at,
(Ohio), Shakers at,
Wealth, not desired;
of Oneida Communists.
Wedding, a, at Aurora;
at Zoar.
Wedding-day at Amana.
Whitewater, Ohio, Shakers at.
Whittaker, Elder James.
Willamette Valley, the.
Winter Shakers.
Women, allowance for dress of,
at Oneida;
among the Shakers;
at Amana;
a magical fire;
dress of;
in communes;
rights of;
vote in Zoar;
will talk.
Woolen factories.
Wright, Lucy.


Year-books, Inspirationist.


Zoar; character of people;
origin of people;
purchase of land at.


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