The Grammar of English Grammars
Gould Brown

Part 44 out of 54

occasion to insinuate his jealousies of persons and things."--_Barclay
cor._ "Yet _frequent_ touching will wear gold."--_Shak. cor._ "Uneducated
persons frequently use an _adverb_ when they ought to use an _adjective_:
as, 'The country looks _beautifully_;' in stead of _beautiful_." [544]--
_Bucke cor._ "The adjective is put _absolute_, or without its
substantive."--_Ash cor._ "A noun or _a_ pronoun in the second person, may
be put _absolute_ in the nominative case."--_Harrison cor._ "A noun or _a_
pronoun, when put _absolute_ with a participle," &c.--_Id. and Jaudon cor._
"A verb in the infinitive mood absolute, stands _independent_ of the
remaining part of the sentence."--_Wilbur and Liv. cor._ "At my _late_
return into England, I met a book _entitled_, 'The Iron Age.'"--_Cowley
cor._ "But he can discover no better foundation for any of them, than the
_mere_ practice of Homer and Virgil."--_Kames cor._


"It is reported, that the _governor_ will come _hither_
to-morrow."--_Kirkham cor._ "It has been reported that the _governor_ will
come _hither_ to-morrow."--_Id._ "To catch a prospect of that lovely land
_whither_ his steps are tending."--_Maturin cor._ "Plautus makes one of his
characters ask _an other, whither_ he is going with that Vulcan shut up in
a horn; that is, with a _lantern_ in his hand."--_Adams cor._ "When we left
Cambridge we intended to return _thither_ in a few days."--_Anon. cor._
"Duncan comes _hither_ to-night."--_Churchill's Gram._, p. 323. "They
talked of returning _hither_ last week."--See _J. M. Putnam's Gram._, p.


"Hence he concludes, that no inference can be drawn from the meaning of the
word, that a _constitution_ has a higher authority than a law or
statute,"--_Webster cor._ "Whence we may likewise date the period of this
event."--_L. Murray cor._ "Hence it becomes evident that LANGUAGE, taken in
the most comprehensive view, implies certain sounds, [or certain written
signs,] having certain meanings."--_Harris cor._ "They returned to the city
whence they came out."--_A. Murray cor._ "Respecting ellipses, some
grammarians differ strangely in their ideas; and thence has arisen a very
whimsical diversity in their systems of grammar."--_G. Brown_. "What am I,
and whence? That is, What am I, and whence _am I_?"--_Jaudon cor._


"It is strange, _that_ a writer so accurate as Dean Swift, should have
stumbled on so improper an application of this particle."--_Dr. Blair cor._
"Ye know, _that_ a good while ago God made choice among us," &c.--_Bible
cor._ "Let us take care _lest_ we sin; i.e.,--_that_ we _do not_
sin."--_Priestley cor._ "We see by these instances, _that_ prepositions may
be necessary, to connect _such_ words _as_ are not naturally connected _by_
their _own_ signification."--_L. Murray cor._ "Know ye not your own selves,
_that_ Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?"--_Bible cor._
"That thou _mayst_ know _that_ the earth is the Lord's."--_Id._


"ELLIPSIS is _the omission of some word or_ words _which are necessary to
complete the construction, but not_ requisite to complete the
sense."--_Adam, Gould, and Fisk, cor._ "PLEONASM is _the insertion of some
word or words_ more than _are_ absolutely necessary _either to complete the
construction, or_ to express the sense."--_Iid. cor._ "HYSTERON-PROTERON is
a _figure in which_ that is put in the former part of the sentence, which,
according to the sense, should be in the latter."--_Adam and Gould cor._
"HYSTERON-PROTERON is a rhetorical figure _in which_ that is said last,
which was done first."--_Webster cor._ "A BARBARISM is a foreign or strange
word, _an expression contrary to the pure idiom of the language_."--_Adam
and Gould cor._ "A SOLECISM is _an impropriety in respect to_ syntax, _an
absurdity or incongruity in speech_."--_Iid. cor._ "An IDIOTISM is _a_
manner of expression peculiar to one language _childishly transferred to an
other_."--_Iid. cor._ "TAUTOLOGY is _a disagreeable repetition_, either
_of_ the same words, or _of_ the same sense in different words."--_Iid.
cor._ "BOMBAST, _or_ FUSTIAN, is _an inflated or ambitious style, in which
high-sounding_ words are used, _with little or no_ meaning, or upon a
trifling occasion."--_Iid. cor._ "AMPHIBOLOGY is ambiguity of construction,
_phraseology which_ may be taken in two different senses."--_Iid. cor._
"IRONY is _a figure in which_ one means the contrary of what is
said."--_Adam and Gould cor._ "PERIPHRASIS, _or_ CIRCUMLOCUTION, is _the
use of_ several words, to express what might be _said_ in fewer."--_Iid.
cor._ "HYPERBOLE is _a figure in which_ a thing is magnified above the
truth."--_Iid. cor._ "PERSONIFICATION is _a figure which ascribes human_
life, sentiments, or actions, to inanimate beings, or to abstract
qualities."--_Iid. cor._ "APOSTROPHE is a _turning from the tenor of one's_
discourse, _into an animated address_ to some person, present or absent,
living or dead, or _to some object personified_."--_Iid. cor._ "A SIMILE is
_a simple and express comparison; and is generally introduced by_ LIKE, AS,
_or_ so."--_G. B., Inst._, p. 233; Kirkham cor.; also Adam and Gould.
"ANTITHESIS is a placing of things in opposition, to heighten their effect
by contrast."--_Inst._, p. 234; _Adam and Gould corrected_. "VISION, or
IMAGERY, _is a figure in which what is present only to the mind, is
represented as actually before one's eyes, and present_ to the
senses."--_G. B.; Adam cor._ "EMPHASIS is a particular stress _of voice_
laid on some word in a sentence."--_Gould's Adam's Gram._, p. 241.
"EPANORTHOSIS, or CORRECTION, is _the recalling or correcting by the
speaker_, of what he last said."--_Ibid._ "PARALIPSIS, or OMISSION, is _the
pretending_ to omit or pass by, what one at the same time
declares."--_Ibid._ "INCREMENTUM, or CLIMAX in sense, is the _rising_ of
one member above an other to the highest."--_Ibid._ "METONYMY is _a change
of names: as when_ the cause is _mentioned_ for the effect, or the effect
for the cause; the container for the thing contained, or the sign for the
thing signified."--_Kirkham cor._ "_The_ Agreement _of words_ is _their
similarity_ in person, number, gender, case, _mood, tense, or
form_."--_Brown's Inst._, p. 104. "_The_ Government _of words is that power
which one_ word has _over an other, to cause it to assume some particular
modification_."--_Ib._ "Fusion is _the converting of_ some solid substance
into a fluid by heat."--_G. B_. "A proper diphthong is _a diphthong in
which_ both the vowels are sounded together; as, _oi_ in _voice, ou_ in
_house_."--_Fisher cor._ "An improper diphthong is _a diphthong in which_
the sound of but one of the two vowels is heard; as, _eo_ in


"An adverb is _added_ to a verb to show how, or when, or where, or whether
or _not_, one is, does, or suffers."--_Buchanan cor._ "We must be immortal,
whether we will or _not_."--_Maturin cor._ "He cares not whether the world
was made for Caesar or _not_."--_A. Q. Rev. cor._ "I do not know whether
they are out or _not_."--_Byron cor._ "Whether it can be proved or _not_,
is not the thing."--_Bp. Butler cor._ "Whether he makes use of the means
commanded by God, or _not_."--_Id._ "Whether it pleases the world or _not_,
the care is taken."--_L'Estrange cor._ "How comes this to be never heard
of, nor in the least questioned, whether the Law was undoubtedly of Moses's
writing or _not_?"--_Tomline cor._ "Whether he be a sinner or _not_, I _do
not know_." Or, as the text is more literally translated by Campbell:
"Whether he be a sinner, I know not."--_Bible cor._ "Can I make men live,
whether they will or _not_?"--_Shak. cor._

"Can hearts not free, be _tried_ whether they serve
Willing or _not_, who will but what they must?"--_Milton cor._


"We need not, nor do _we_, confine the purposes of God." Or: "We need not,
_and_ do not, confine," &c.--_Bentley cor._ "I cannot by _any_ means allow
him that."--_Id._ "We must try whether or _not_ we _can_ increase the
attention by the help of the senses."--_Brightland cor._ "There is nothing
more admirable _or_ more useful."--_Tooke cor._ "And what in time to come
he can never be said to have done, he can never be supposed to do."--_R.
Johnson cor._ "No skill could obviate, no remedy dispel, the terrible
infection."--_Goldsmith cor._ "Prudery cannot be an indication _either_ of
sense _or_ of taste."--_Spurzheim cor._ "But _neither_ that scripture, nor
_any_ other, speaks of imperfect faith."--_Barclay cor._ "But _neither_
this scripture, nor _any_ other, proves that faith was or is always
accompanied with doubting."--_Id._ "The light of Christ is not, _and_
cannot be, darkness."--_Id._ "Doth not the Scripture, which cannot lie,
give _some_ of the saints this testimony?"--_Id._ "Which do not continue,
_and_ are not binding."--_Id._ "It not being perceived directly, _any_ more
than the air."--_Campbell cor._ "Let us be no Stoics, _and_ no stocks, I
pray."--_Shak. cor._ "Where there is no marked _or_ peculiar character in
the style."--_Dr. Blair cor._ "There can be no rules laid down, nor _any_
manner recommended."--_Sheridan cor._

"_Bates_. 'He hath not told his thought to the king?'
_K. Henry_. 'No; _and_ it is not meet he should.'"
Or thus: "'No; nor _is it_ meet he should.'"--_Shak. cor._


"The prayer of Christ is more than sufficient both to strengthen us, be we
_everso_ weak; and to overthrow all adversary power, be it _everso_
strong."--_Hooker cor._ "He is like to have no share in it, or to be
_never_ the better for it." Or: "He is _not likely_ to have any share in
it, or to be _ever_ the better for it."--_Bunyan cor._ "In some parts of
Chili it seldom or _never_ rains."--_Willetts cor._ "If Pompey shall but
_everso_ little seem to like it."--_W. Walker cor._ "Though _everso_ great
a posse of dogs and hunters pursue him."--_Id._ "Though you be _everso_
excellent."--_Id._ "If you do amiss _everso_ little."--_Id._ "If we cast
our eyes _everso_ little down."--_Id._ "A wise man scorneth nothing, be it
_everso_ small or homely."--_M. F. Tupper cor._ "Because they have seldom
_if_ ever an opportunity of learning them at all."--_Clarkson cor._ "We
seldom or _never_ see those forsaken who trust in God."--_Atterbury cor._

"Where, playing with him at bo-peep,
He solved all problems, _e'erso_ deep."--_S. Butler cor._


"One can _scarcely_ think that Pope was capable of epic or tragic poetry;
but, within a certain limited region, he has been outdone by no
poet."--_Dr. Blair cor._ "I who now read, have _nearly_ finished this
chapter."--_Harris cor._ "And yet, to refine our taste with respect to
beauties of art or of nature, is _scarcely_ endeavoured in any seminary of
learning."--_Kames cor._ "The numbers being confounded, and the possessives
_wrongly_ applied, the passage is neither English nor grammar."--_Buchanan
cor._ "The letter G is _wrongly_ named _Jee_."--_Creighton cor._ "_Lastly_,
remember that in science, as in morals, authority cannot make right what in
itself is wrong."--_O. B. Peirce cor._ "They regulate our taste even where
we are _scarcely_ sensible of them."--_Kames cor._ "Slow action, for
example, is imitated by words pronounced _slowly_."--_Id._ "_Surely_, if it
be to profit withal, it must be in order to save."--_Barclay cor._ "Which
is _scarcely_ possible at best."--_Sheridan cor._ "Our wealth being
_nearly_ finished."--_Harris cor._




"The first proposal was essentially different _from_ the second, and
inferior _to it._"--_Inst_. "A neuter verb _expresses_ the state _which_ a
subject is in, without acting upon _any other thing_, or being acted upon
by an other."--_A. Murray cor._ "I answer, You _may use_ stories and
anecdotes, and ought to _do_ so."--_Todd cor._ "ORACLE, _n._ Any person
_from whom_, or place _at which_, certain decisions are
obtained."--_Webster cor._ "Forms of government may, and _occasionally
must, be_ changed."--_Lyttelton cor._ "I have _been_, and _I still_ pretend
to be, a tolerable judge."--_Sped. cor._ "Are we not lazy in our duties, or
_do we not_ make a Christ of them?"--_Baxter cor._ "They may not express
that idea which the author intends, but some other which only resembles
_it_, or is _akin_ to it."--_Dr. Blair cor._ "We may _therefore read them_,
we ought to read them, with a distinguishing eye."--_Ib._ "Compare their
poverty with what they might _possess_, and ought to possess."--_Sedgwick
cor._ "He is much better _acquainted with grammar_ than they are."--_L.
Murray cor._ "He was more beloved _than Cinthio_, but [he was] not so much
admired."--_L. Murray's Gram._, i, 222. "Will it be urged, that the four
gospels are as old _as tradition, and even_ older?"--_Campbell's Rhet._, p.
207. "The court of chancery frequently mitigates and _disarms_ the common
law."--_Spect. and Ware cor._ "Antony, coming along side of her ship,
entered it without seeing _her_, or being seen by her."--_Goldsmith cor._
"_Into_ candid minds, truth _enters as_ a welcome _guest_."--_L. Murray
cor._ "_There are_ many designs _in which_ we may succeed, _to our ultimate
ruin_."--_Id._ "_From_ many pursuits _in which_ we embark with pleasure,
_we are destined to_ land sorrowfully."--_Id._ "They _gain_ much _more_
than I, by this unexpected event."--_Id._


"Athens saw them entering her gates and _filling_ her
academies."--_Chazotte cor._ "_Neither_ have we forgot his past
_achievements_, nor _do we_ despair of his future success."--_Duncan cor._
"Her monuments and temples had long been shattered, or _had_ crumbled into
dust."--_Journal cor._ "Competition is excellent; _it is_ the vital
principle in all these things."--_Id._ "Whether provision should, or
_should_ not, be made, _in order_ to meet this exigency."--_Ib._. "That our
Saviour was divinely inspired, and _that he was_ endued with supernatural
powers, are positions that are here taken for granted."--_L. Mur. cor._ "It
would be much more eligible, to contract or enlarge their extent by
explanatory notes and observations, than _to sweep_ away our ancient
landmarks and _set_ up others."--_Id._ "It is certainly much better to
supply defects and abridge superfluities by occasional notes and
observations, than _to disorganize_ or _greatly alter_ a system which has
been so long established."--_Id._ "To have only one tune, or measure, is
not much better than _to have_ none at all."--_Dr. Blair cor._ "Facts too
well known and _too_ obvious to be insisted on."--_Id._ "In proportion as
all these circumstances are happily chosen, and _are_ of a sublime
kind."--_Id._ "If the description be too general, and _be_ divested of
circumstances."--_Id._ "He gained nothing _but commendation_."--_L. Mur.
cor._ "I cannot but think its application somewhat strained and
_misplaced_."--_Vethake cor._ "Two negatives _standing_ in the same clause,
or referring to the same thing, destroy each other, and leave the sense
affirmative."--_Maunder cor._ "Slates are _thin plates of stone_, and _are
often_ used to cover _the_ roofs of houses."--_Webster cor._ "Every man of
taste, and _of_ an elevated mind, ought to feel almost the necessity of
apologizing for the power he possesses."--_Translator of De Stael cor._
"They very seldom trouble themselves with _inquiries_, or _make any_ useful
observations of their own."--_Locke cor._

"We've both the field and honour won;
_Our foes_ are profligate, and run."--_S. Butler cor._


"THE is sometimes used before adverbs in the comparative _or the_
superlative degree."--_Lennie, Bullions, and Brace cor._ "The definite
article THE is frequently applied to adverbs in the comparative _or the_
superlative degree."--_Lowth. Murray, et al, cor._ "Conjunctions usually
connect verbs in the same mood _and_ tense." Or, more truly: "Verbs
connected by _a conjunction, are_ usually in the same mood _and_
tense."--_Sanborn cor._ "Conjunctions connect verbs in the same style, and
usually in the same mood, tense, _and_ form." Or better: "Verbs connected
by _a conjunction_, are usually _of_ the same mood, tense, _and_ form, _as
well as_ style."--_Id._ "The ruins of Greece _or_ Rome are but the
monuments of her former greatness."--_P. E. Day cor._ "It is not
improbably, _that in many of these cases_ the articles were used
originally."--_Priestley cor._ "I cannot doubt that these objects are
really what they appear to be."--_Kames cor._ "I question not _that_ my
reader will be as much pleased with it."--_Spect. cor._ "It is ten to one
_that_ my friend Peter is among them."--_Id._ "I doubt not _that_ such
objections as these will be made"--_Locke cor._ "I doubt not _that_ it will
appear in the perusal of the following sheets."--_Buchanan cor._ "It is not
improbable, that in time these different constructions maybe appropriated
to different uses."--_Priestley cor._ "But to forget _and_ to remember at
pleasure, are equally beyond the power of man."--_Idler cor._ "The
nominative case follows the verb, in interrogative _or_ imperative
sentences."--_L. Mur. cor._ "Can the fig-tree, my brethren, bear olive
berries? _or_ a vine, figs?"--_Bible cor._ "Whose characters are too
profligate _for_ the managing of them _to_ be of any consequence."--_Swift
cor._ "You, that are a step higher than a philosopher, a divine, yet have
too much grace and wit to be a bishop."--_Pope cor._ "The terms _rich and
poor_ enter not into their language."--_Robertson cor._ "This pause is but
seldom, _if_ ever, sufficiently dwelt upon." Or: "This pause is seldom _or
never_ sufficiently dwelt upon."--_Gardiner cor._ "There would be no
possibility of any such thing as human life _or_ human happiness."--_Bp.
Butler cor._ "The multitude rebuked them, _that_ they should hold their
peace."--_Bible cor._


"A metaphor is nothing _else than_ a short comparison." Or: "A metaphor is
nothing _but_ a short comparison."--_Adam and Gould cor._ "There being no
other dictator here _than_ use."--_Murray's Gram._, i, 364. "This
construction is no otherwise known in English, _than_ by supplying the
first or _the_ second person plural."--_Buchanan cor._ "Cyaxares was no
sooner _on_ the throne, _than_ he was engaged in a terrible war."--_Rollin
cor._ "Those classics contain little else _than_ histories of
murders."--_Am. Mu. cor._ "Ye shall not worship any other _than_
God."--_Sale cor._ "Their relation, therefore, is not otherwise to be
ascertained, _than_ by their place."--_Campbell cor._ "For he no sooner
accosted her, _than_ he gained his point."--_Burder cor._ "And all the
modern writers on this subject, have done little else _than_ translate
them."--_Dr. Blair cor._ "One who had no other aim _than_ to talk copiously
and plausibly."--_Id._ "We can refer it to no other cause _than_ the
structure of the eye."--_Id._ "No more is required _than_ singly an act of
vision."--_Kames cor._ "We find no more in its composition, _than_ the
particulars now mentioned."--_Id._ "_He does not pretend_ to say, that it
_has_ any other effect _than_ to raise surprise."--_Id._ "No sooner was the
princess dead, _than_ he freed himself."--_Dr. S. Johnson cor._ "OUGHT is
an imperfect verb, for it has no modification besides this
one."--_Priestley cor._ "The verb is palpably nothing else _than_ the
tie."--_Neef cor._ "Does he mean that theism is capable of nothing else
_than_ of being opposed to polytheism or atheism?"--_Dr. Blair cor._ "Is it
meant that theism is capable of nothing else _than of_ being opposed to
polytheism or atheism?"--_L. Murray cor._ "There is no other method of
teaching that of which any one is ignorant, _than_ by means of something
already known."--_Ingersoll's Grammar, Titlepage: Dr. Johnson cor._ "O
fairest flower, no sooner blown _than_ blasted!"--_Milton cor._
"Architecture and gardening cannot otherwise entertain the mind, than by
raising certain agreeable emotions or feelings."--_Kames cor._ "Or, rather,
they are nothing else _than_ nouns."--_Brit. Gram. cor._

"As if religion were intended
For nothing else than to be mended."--_S. Butler cor._


"To prepare the Jews for the reception of a prophet mightier than _himself,
a teacher_ whose shoes he was not worthy to bear."--_Anon, or Mur. cor._
"Has this word, which represents an action, an object after it, on which
_the action_ terminates?"--_Osborne cor._ "The stores of literature lie
before him, from which he may collect for use many lessons of wisdom."--
_Knapp cor._ "Many and various great advantages of this grammar _over_
others, might be enumerated."--_Greenleaf cor._ "The custom which still
prevails, of writing in lines from left to right, is said to have been
introduced about the time of Solon, the Athenian legislator."--_Jamieson
cor._ "The fundamental rule _for_ the construction of sentences, _the rule_
into which all others might be resolved, undoubtedly is, to communicate, in
the clearest and most natural order, the ideas which we mean to
_express_."--_Blair and Jamieson cor._ "He left a son of a singular
character, who behaved so ill that he was put in prison."--_L. Murray cor._
"He discovered in the youth some disagreeable qualities which to him were
wholly unaccountable."--_Id._ "An emphatical pause is made after something
_of_ peculiar moment has been said, on which we _wish_ to fix the hearer's
attention." Or: "An emphatical pause is made after something has been said
_which is_ of peculiar moment, _and_ on which we _wish_ to fix the hearer's
attention."--_Blair and Murray cor._ "But we have duplicates of each,
agreeing in movement, though differing in measure, and _making_ different
impressions on the ear,"--_Murray cor._


"It will greatly facilitate the labours of the teacher, _and_, at the same
time, it will relieve the pupil _from_ many difficulties."--_Frost cor._
"_While_ the pupil is engaged in the exercises just mentioned, it will be
proper _for him_ to study the whole grammar in course."--_Bullions cor._
"On the same ground _on which_ a participle and _an_ auxiliary are allowed
to form a tense."--_Beattie and Murray cor._ "On the same ground _on which_
the voices, moods, and tenses, are admitted into the English tongue."--_L.
Murray cor._ "The five examples last mentioned, are corrected on the same
principle that _is applied to the errors_ preceding _them_."--_Murray and
Ingersoll cor._ "The brazen age began at the death of Trajan, and lasted
till Rome was taken by the Goths."--_Gould cor._ "The introduction to the
duodecimo edition is retained in this volume, for the same reason _for
which_ the original introduction to the Grammar is retained in the first
volume."--_L. Murray cor._ "The verb must also _agree in person with its
subject or_ nominative."--_Ingersoll cor._ "The personal pronoun 'THEIR' is
plural for the same reason _for which_ 'WHO' is plural."--_Id._ "The
Sabellians could not justly be called Patripassians, in the same sense _in
which_ the Noetians were so called."--_R. Adam cor._ "This is one reason
_why_ we pass over such smooth language without suspecting that it contains
little or no meaning."--_L. Murray cor._ "The first place _at which the
two_ armies came _within_ sight of each other, was on the opposite banks of
the river Apsus."--_Goldsmith cor._ "At the very time _at which_ the author
gave him the first book for his perusal."--_Campbell cor._ "Peter will sup
at the time _at which_ Paul will dine."--_Fosdick cor._ "Peter will be
supping _when_ Paul will enter."--_Id._ "These, _while_ they may serve as
models to those who may wish to imitate them, will give me an opportunity
to cast more light upon the principles of this book."--_Id._

"Time was, like thee, they life _possess'd_,
And time shall be, _when_ thou shalt rest."--_Parnell cor._


"Our manners should be _neither_ gross nor excessively refined."--_Murray's
Key_, ii, 165. "A neuter verb expresses neither action _nor_ passion, but
being, or a state of being."--_O. B. Peirce cor._ "The old books are
neither English grammars, _nor in any sense_ grammars of the English
language."--_Id._ "The author is apprehensive that his work is not yet _so_
accurate and _so_ much simplified as it may be."--_Kirkham cor._ "The
writer could not treat some _topics so_ extensively as [it] was desirable
[to treat them]."--_Id._ "Which would be a matter of such nicety, _that_ no
degree of human wisdom could regulate _it_."--_L. Murray cor._ "No
undertaking is so great or difficult, _that_ he cannot direct
_it_."--_Duncan cor._ "It is a good which depends _neither_ on the will of
others, nor on the affluence of external fortune."--_Harris cor._ "Not only
his estate, _but_ his reputation too, has suffered by his
misconduct."--_Murray and Ingersoll cor._ "Neither do they extend _so_ far
as might be imagined at first view."--_Dr. Blair cor._ "There is no
language so poor, but _that_ it _has_ (or, _as not to have_) two or three
past tenses."--_Id. "So_ far as this system is founded in truth, language
appears to be not altogether arbitrary in its origin."--_Id._ "I have not
_such_ command of these convulsions as is necessary." Or: "I have not
_that_ command of these convulsions _which_ is necessary."--_Spect. cor._
"Conversation with such _as_ (or, _those who_) know no arts _that_ polish
life."--_Id._ "And which cannot be _either_ very lively or very
forcible."--_Jamieson cor._ "To _such a_ degree as to give proper names to
rivers."--_Dr. Murray cor._ "In the utter overthrow of such _as_ hate to be
reformed."--_Barclay cor._ "But still so much of it is retained, _that it_
greatly injures the uniformity of the whole."--_Priestley cor._ "Some of
them have gone to _such a_ height of extravagance, as to assert,"
&c.--_Id._ "A teacher is confined, not more than a merchant, and probably
not _so_ much."--_Abbott cor._ "It shall not be forgiven him, neither in
this world, _nor_ in the world to come." Or: "It shall not be forgiven him,
_either_ in this world, _or_ in the world to come."--_Bible cor._ "Which
_nobody_ presumes, or is so sanguine _as_ to hope."--_Swift cor._ "For the
torrent of the voice left neither time, _nor_ power in the organs, to shape
the words properly."--_Sheridan cor._ "That he may neither unnecessarily
waste his voice by throwing out too much, _nor_ diminish his power by using
too little."--_Id._ "I have retained only such _as_ appear most agreeable
to the measures of analogy."--_Littleton cor._ "He is a man both prudent
and industrious."--_P. E. Day cor._ "Conjunctions connect either words or
sentences."--_Brown's Inst._, p. 169.

"Such silly girls _as_ love to chat and play,
Deserve no care; their time is thrown away."--_Tobitt cor._

"Vice is a monster of so frightful mien,
_That_ to be hated _she_ but needs be seen."--_Pope cor._

"Justice must punish the rebellious deed;
Yet punish so _that_ pity shall exceed."--_Dryden cor._


"THAT, WHOSE, and AS, relate either to persons or _to_ things." Or
better:--"relate _as well_ to persons _as to_ things."--_Sanborn cor._
"WHICH and WHAT, as adjectives, relate either to persons or _to_ things."
Or better:--"relate to persons _as well as to_ things."--_Id._ "Whether of
a public or _of a_ private nature."--_J. Q. Adams cor._ "Which are included
_among both_ the public and _the_ private wrongs."--_Id._ "I might extract,
both from the Old and _from the_ New Testament, numberless examples of
induction."--_Id._ "Many verbs are used both in an active and _in a_ neuter
signification." Or thus: "Many verbs are used _in both_ an active and _a_
neuter signification."--_Lowth, Mur., et al., cor._ "Its influence is
likely to be considerable, both on the morals and _on the_ taste of a
nation."--_Dr. Blair cor._ "The subject afforded a variety of scenes, both
of the awful and _of the_ tender kind."--_Id._ "Restlessness of mind
disqualifies us both for the enjoyment of peace, and _for_ the performance
of our duty."--_Mur. and Ing. cor. "Pronominal adjectives_ are of a mixed
nature, participating the properties both of pronouns and _of_
adjectives."--_Mur. et al. cor. "Pronominal adjectives_ have the nature
both of the adjective and _of_ the pronoun."--_Frost cor._ Or: "[Pronominal
adjectives] partake of the properties _of both_ adjectives _and_
pronouns."--_Bucke's Gram._, p. 55. "Pronominal adjectives are a kind of
compound part of speech, partaking the nature both of pronouns and _of_
adjectives."--_Nutting cor._ "Nouns are used either in the singular or _in
the_ plural number." Or perhaps better: "Nouns are used _in either_ the
singular or _the_ plural number."--_David Blair cor._ "The question is not,
whether the nominative or _the_ accusative ought to follow the particles
THAN and AS; but, whether these particles are, in such particular cases, to
be regarded as conjunctions or _as_ prepositions"--_Campbell cor._ "In
English, many verbs are used both as transitives and _as_
intransitives."--_Churchill cor._ "He sendeth rain both on the just and _on
the_ unjust."--See _Matt._, v, 45. "A foot consists either of two or _of_
three syllables."--_David Blair cor._ "Because they participate the nature
both of adverbs and _of_ conjunctions."--_L. Murray cor._ "Surely, Romans,
what I am now about to say, ought neither to be omitted, nor _to_ pass
without notice."--_Duncan cor._ "Their language frequently amounts, not
only to bad sense, but _to nonsense_."--_Kirkham cor._ "Hence arises the
necessity of a social state to man, both for the unfolding, and _for the_
exerting, of his nobler faculties."--_Sheridan cor._ "Whether the subject
be of the real or _of the_ feigned kind."--_Dr. H. Blair cor._ "Not only
was liberty entirely extinguished, but arbitrary power _was_ felt in its
heaviest and most oppressive weight."--_Id._ "This rule is _also_
applicable both to verbal Critics and _to_ Grammarians."--_Hiley cor._
"Both the rules and _the_ exceptions of a language must have obtained the
sanction of good usage."--_Id._




"You have bestowed your favours _upon_ the most deserving persons."--_Swift
corrected._ "But, to rise _above_ that, and overtop the crowd, is given to
few."--_Dr. Blair cor._ "This [also is a good] sentence [, and] gives
occasion _for_ no material remark."--_Blair's Rhet._, p. 203. "Though
Cicero endeavours to give some reputation _to_ the elder Cato, and those
who were his _contemporaries._" Or:--"to give some _favourable account_ of
the elder Cato," &c.--_Dr. Blair cor._ "The change that was produced _in_
eloquence, is beautifully described in the dialogue."--_Id._ "Without
carefully attending to the variation which they make _in_ the idea."--_Id._
"All _on_ a sudden, you are transported into a lofty palace."--_Hazlitt
cor._ "Alike independent of one _an other._" Or: "Alike independent _one of
an other_."--_Campbell cor._ "You will not think of them as distinct
processes going on independently _of_ each other."--_Channing cor._ "Though
we say to _depend on, dependent on_, and _dependence on_, we say,
_independent of_, and _independently of._"--_Churchill cor._ "Independently
_of_ the rest of the sentence."--_Lowth's Gram._, p. 80; _Buchanan's_, 83;
_Bullions's_, 110; _Churchill's_, 348.[545] "Because they stand independent
_of_ the rest of the sentence."--_Allen Fisk cor._ "When a substantive is
joined with a participle, in English, independently _of_ the rest of the
sentence."--_Dr. Adam cor._ "CONJUNCTION comes _from_ the two Latin words
_con_, together, and _jungo_, to join."--_Merchant cor._ "How different
_from_ this is the life of Fulvia!"--_Addison cor._ "LOVED is a participle
or adjective, derived _from_ the word _love_."--_Ash cor._ "But I would
inquire _of_ him, what an office is."--_Barclay cor._ "For the capacity is
brought _into_ action."--_Id._ "In this period, language and taste arrive
_at_ purity."--_Webster cor._ "And, should you not aspire _to_ (or _after_)
distinction in the _republic_ of letters."--_Kirkham cor._ "Delivering you
up to the synagogues, and _into_ prisons."--_Luke_, xxi, 12. "_He_ that is
kept from falling _into_ a ditch, is as truly saved, as he that is taken
out of one."--_Barclay cor._ "The best _of_ it is, they are but a sort of
French Hugonots."--_Addison cor._ "These last ten examples are indeed of a
different nature _from_ the former."--_R. Johnson cor._ "For the initiation
of students _into_ the principles of the English language."--_Ann. Rev.
cor._ "Richelieu profited _by_ every circumstance which the conjuncture
afforded."--_Bolingbroke cor._ "In the names of drugs and plants, the
mistake _of_ a word may endanger life."--_Merchant's Key_, p. 185. Or
better: "In _naming_ drugs _or_ plants, _to mistake_ a word, may endanger
life."--_L. Murray cor._ "In order to the carrying _of_ its several parts
into execution."--_Bp. Butler cor._ "His abhorrence _of_ the superstitious
figure."--_Priestley._ "Thy prejudice _against_ my cause."--_Id._ "Which is
found _in_ every species of liberty."--_Hume cor._ "In a hilly region _on_
the north of Jericho."--_Milman cor._ "Two or more singular nouns coupled
_by_ AND require a verb _or_ pronoun in the plural."--_Lennie cor._

"Books should to one of these four ends conduce,
_To_ wisdom, piety, delight, or use."--_Denham cor._


"The Anglo-Saxons, however, soon quarrelled _among_ themselves for
precedence."--_Const. Misc. cor._ "The distinctions _among_ the principal
parts of speech are founded in nature."--_Webster cor._ "I think I now
understand the difference between the active verbs and those _which are_
passive _or_ neuter."--_Ingersoll cor._ "Thus a figure including a space
_within_ three lines, is the real as well as nominal essence of a
triangle."--_Locke cor._ "We must distinguish between an imperfect phrase
_and_ a simple sentence, _and between a simple sentence_ and a compound
sentence."--_Lowth, Murray, et al., cor._ "The Jews are strictly forbidden
by their law to exercise usury _towards one an_ other."--_Sale cor._ "All
the writers have distinguished themselves among _themselves_."--_Addison
cor._ "This expression also better secures the systematic uniformity _of_
the three cases."--_Nutting cor._ "When two or more _infinitives_ or
clauses _are connected disjunctively as the subjects of an affirmation_,
the verb must be singular."--_Jaudon cor._ "Several nouns or pronouns
together in the same case, require a comma _after_ each; [except the last,
which must sometimes be followed by a greater point.]"--_David Blair cor._
"The difference between _one vowel and an other_ is produced by opening the
mouth differently, and placing the tongue in a different manner for
each."--_Churchill cor._ "Thus feet composed of syllables, being pronounced
with a sensible interval between _one foot and an other_, make a more
lively impression than can be made by a continued sound."--_Kames cor._
"The superlative degree implies a comparison, _sometimes_ between _two, but
generally among_ three or more."--_R. C. Smith cor._ "They are used to mark
a distinction _among_ several objects."--_Levizac cor._


"This would have been less worthy _of_ notice."--_Churchill cor._ "But I
passed it, as a thing unworthy _of_ my notice."--_Werter cor._ "Which, in
compliment to me, perhaps you may one day think worthy _of_ your
attention."--_Bucke cor._ "To think this small present worthy _of_ an
introduction to the young ladies of your very elegant establishment."--
_Id._ "There are but a few miles _of_ portage."--_Jefferson cor._ "It is
worthy _of_ notice, that our mountains are not solitary."--_Id._ "It is
_about_ one hundred feet _in_ diameter." [546]--_Id._ "Entering a hill a
quarter or half _of_ a mile."--_Id._ "And herself seems passing to _an_
awful dissolution, whose issue _it_ is not given _to_ human foresight to
scan."--_Id._ "It was of a spheroidical form, _about_ forty feet _in_
diameter at the base, and had been _about_ twelve feet _in_
altitude."--_Id._ "Before this, it was covered with trees of twelve inches
_in_ diameter; and, round the base, _there_ was an excavation of five feet
_in_ depth and _five in_ width."--_Id._ "Then thou _mayst_ eat grapes _to_
thy fill, at thine own pleasure."--_Bible cor._ "Then he brought me back
_by_ the way of the gate of the outward sanctuary."--_Id._ "They will bless
God, that he has peopled one half _of_ the world with a race of
freemen."--_Webster cor._ "_Of_ what use can these words be, till their
meaning is known?"--_Town cor._ "The tents of the Arabs now are black, or
_of_ a very dark colour."--_The Friend cor._ "They may not be unworthy _of_
the attention of young men."--_Kirkham cor._ "The pronoun THAT is
frequently applied to persons as well as _to_ things."--_Merchant cor._
"And '_who_' is in the same case that '_man_' is _in_."--_Sanborn cor._ "He
saw a flaming stone, apparently about four feet _in_ diameter."--_The
Friend cor._ "Pliny informs us, that this stone was _of_ the size of a
cart."--_Id._ "Seneca was about twenty years of age in the fifth year of
Tiberius, when the Jews were expelled _from_ Rome."--_L'Estrange cor._ "I
was prevented _from_ reading a letter which would have undeceived
me."--_Hawkesworth cor._ "If the problem can be solved, we may be pardoned
_for_ the inaccuracy of its demonstration."--_Booth cor._ "The army must of
necessity be the school, not of honour, but _of_ effeminacy."--_Dr. Brown
cor._ "Afraid of the virtue of a nation in its opposing _of_ bad measures:"
or,--"in its _opposition to_ bad measures."--_Id._ "The uniting _of_ them
in various ways, so as to form words, would be easy."--_Gardiner cor._ "I
might be excused _from_ taking any more notice of it."--_Watson cor._
"Watch therefore; for ye know not _at_ what hour your Lord _will_
come."--_Bible cor._ "Here, not even infants were spared _from_ the
sword."--_M'Ilvaine cor._ "To prevent men _from_ turning aside to _false_
modes of worship."--_John Allen cor._ "God expelled them _from_ the garden
of Eden."--_Burder cor._ "Nor could he refrain _from_ expressing to the
senate the agonies of his mind."--_Hume cor._ "Who now so strenuously
opposes the granting _to_ him _of_ any new powers."--_Duncan cor._ "That
the laws of the censors have banished him _from_ the forum."--_Id._ "We
read not that he was degraded _from_ his office _in_ any other
way."--_Barclay cor._ "To all _to_ whom these presents shall come,
greeting."--_Hutchinson cor._ "On the 1st _of_ August, 1834."--_Brit. Parl.

"Whether you had not some time in your life
Err'd in this point _on_ which you censure him."--_Shak. cor._


"And the apostles and elders came together to consider this
matter."--_Barclay cor._; also _Acts_. "Adjectives, in our language, have
neither case, _nor_ gender, nor number; the only variation they have, is
comparison."--_Buchanan cor._ "'It is to you that I am indebted for this
privilege;' that is, 'To you am I indebted;' or, 'It is you to whom I am
indebted.'"--_Sanborn cor._ "BOOKS is a _common_ noun, of the third person,
plural number, _and_ neuter gender."--_Ingersoll cor._ "BROTHER'S is a
common _noun_, of the third person, singular number, masculine gender, and
possessive case."--_L. Murray cor._ "VIRTUE'S is a common _noun_, of the
third person, singular number, [neuter gender,] and possessive
case."--_Id._ "When the authorities on one side greatly preponderate, it is
vain to oppose the prevailing usage."--_Campbell and Murray cor._ "A
captain of a troop of banditti, had a mind to be plundering
Rome."--_Collier cor._ "And, notwithstanding its verbal power, we have
added the TO and other signs of exertion."--_Booth cor._ "Some of these
situations are termed CASES, and are expressed by additions to the noun,
_in stead of_ separate words:" or,--"_and not by_ separate words."--_Id._
"Is it such a fast that I have chosen, that a man should afflict his soul
for a day, and bow down his head like a bulrush?"--_Bacon cor._ Compare
_Isa._, lviii, 5. "And this first emotion comes at last to be awakened by
the accidental _in stead of_ the necessary antecedent."--_Wayland cor._
"About the same time, the subjugation of the Moors was completed."--_Balbi
cor._ "God divided between the light and the darkness."--_Burder cor._
"Notwithstanding this, we are not against outward significations of
honour."--_Barclay cor._ "Whether these words and practices of Job's
friends, _ought_ to be our rule."--_Id._ "Such verb cannot admit an
objective case after it."--_Lowth cor._ "For which, God is now visibly
punishing these nations."--_C. Leslie cor._ "In this respect, Tasso yields
to no poet, except Homer."--_Dr. Blair cor._ "Notwithstanding the numerous
panegyrics on the ancient English liberty."--_Hume cor._ "Their efforts
seemed to anticipate the spirit which became so general afterwards."--_Id._


"But how short _of_ its excellency are my expressions!"--_Baxter cor._
"_In_ his style, there is a remarkable union _of_ harmony with ease."--_Dr.
H. Blair cor._ "It disposes _of_ the light and shade _in_ the most
artificial manner, _that_ every thing _may be viewed_ to the best
advantage."--_Id._ "_For_ brevity, Aristotle too holds an eminent rank
among didactic writers."--_Id._ "In an introduction, correctness _of_
expression should be carefully studied."--_Id._ "_In_ laying down a method,
_one ought_ above all things _to study_ precision."--_Id._ "Which shall
make _on_ the mind the impression _of_ something that is one, whole, and
entire."--_Id._ "At the same time, there are _in_ the Odyssey some defects
which must be acknowledged." Or: "At the same time, _it_ must be
acknowledged _that_ there are some defects in the Odyssey."--_Id._ "_In_
the concluding books, however, there are beauties _of_ the tragic
kind."--_Id._ "These forms of conversation multiplied _by_ degrees, and
grew troublesome."--_Kames, El. of Crit._, ii, 44. "When she has made her
own choice, she sends, _for_ form's sake, a conge-d'elire to her
friends."--_Ib._, ii, 46. "Let us endeavour to establish to ourselves an
interest in him who holds _in_ his hand the reins of the whole
creation."--_Spectator cor._; also _Kames_. "Next to this, the measure most
frequent _in_ English poetry, is that of eight syllables."--_David Blair
cor._ "To introduce as great a variety _of_ cadences as possible."--
_Jamieson cor._ "He addressed _to_ them several exhortations, suitable to
their circumstances."--_L. Murray cor._ "Habits _of_ temperance and
self-denial must be acquired."--_Id._ "In reducing _to_ practice the rules
prescribed."--_Id._ "But these parts must be so closely bound together, as
to make _upon_ the mind the impression _of_ one object, not of
many."--_Blair and Mur. cor._ "Errors _with_ respect to the use of _shall_
and _will_, are sometimes committed by the most distinguished
writers."--_N. Butler cor._




"Such _a_ one, I believe, yours will be proved to be."--_Peet and Farnum
cor._ "Of the distinction between the imperfect and the perfect _tense_, it
may be observed," &c.--_L. Ainsworth cor._ "The subject is certainly worthy
_of_ consideration."--_Id._ "By this means, all ambiguity and controversy
_on this point are avoided_."--_Bullions cor._ "The perfect participle, in
English, has both an active and _a_ passive signification." Better: "The
perfect participle, in English, has _sometimes_ an active, and _sometimes_
a passive, signification."--_Id._ "The old house _has_ at length fallen
down."--_Id._ "The king, the lords, and _the_ commons, constitute the
English form of government."--_Id._ "The verb in the singular agrees with
the person next _to_ it." Better: "The singular verb agrees _in_ person
with _that nominative which is_ next _to_ it."--_Id._ "Jane found Seth's
gloves in _James's_ hat."--_O. C. Felton cor._ "_Charles's_ task is too
great."--_Id._ "The conjugation of a verb is the naming _of_ its several
_moods_, tenses, numbers, and persons, _in regular order_."--_Id._ "The
_long-remembered_ beggar was his guest."--_Id._ "Participles refer to nouns
_or_ pronouns."--_Id._ "F has _a_ uniform sound, in every position, except
in OF." Better: "F has _one unvaried_ sound, in every position, except in
OF."--_E. J. Hallock cor._ "There are three genders; the masculine, the
feminine, and _the_ neuter."--_Id._ "When SO _and_ THAT occur together,
sometimes the particle SO is taken as an adverb."--_Id._ "The definition of
the articles _shows_ that they modify [the import of] the words to which
they belong."--_Id._ "The _auxiliary_, SHALL, WILL, or SHOULD, is
implied."--_Id. "Single-rhymed_ trochaic omits the final short
syllable."--_Brown's Inst._, p. 237. "_Agreeably_ to this, we read of names
being blotted out of God's book."--_Burder, Hallock, and Webster, cor._
"The first person is _that which denotes the speaker_."--_Inst._, p. 32.
"Accent is the laying _of_ a peculiar stress of the voice, on a certain
letter or syllable in a word."--_L. Murray's Gram._, p. 235; _Felton's_,
134. "_Thomas's_ horse was caught."--_Felton cor._ "You _were_
loved."--_Id._ "The nominative and _the_ objective end _alike_."--_T. Smith
cor._ "The _numbers_ of pronouns, like those of substantives, are two; the
singular and the plural."--_Id._ "_I_ is called the pronoun of the first
person, _because it represents_ the person speaking."--_Frost cor._ "The
essential elements of the phrase _are_ an intransitive gerundive and an
adjective."--_Hazen cor._ "_Wealth_ is no justification for such
impudence."--_Id._ "_That he was_ a soldier in the revolution, is not
doubted."--_Id._ "_Fishing_ is the chief employment of the
inhabitants."--_Id._ "The chief employment of the inhabitants, is _the_
catching _of_ fish."--_Id._ "The cold weather did not prevent the _work
from_ being finished at the time specified."--_Id._ "The _man's_ former
viciousness caused _him to be_ suspected of this crime."--_Id._ "But person
and number, applied to verbs, _mean_ certain terminations."--_Barrett cor._
"Robert _felled_ a tree."--_Id._ "Charles raised _himself_ up."--_Id._ "It
might not be _a_ useless waste of time."--_Id._ "Neither will you have that
implicit faith in the writings and works of others, which _characterizes_
the vulgar."--_Id._ "_I_ is _of_ the first person, because it denotes the
speaker."--_Ib._ "I would refer the student to _Hedge's_ or _Watts's_
Logic."--_Id._ "Hedge's _Watts's_, Kirwin's, and Collard's Logic."--_Parker
and Fox cor._ "Letters _that_ make a full and perfect sound of themselves,
are called vowels." Or: "_The_ letters _which_ make," &c.--_Cutler cor._
"It has both a singular and _a_ plural construction."--_Id._ "For he
_beholds_ (or _beholdeth_) thy beams no more."--_Id. Carthon._ "To this
sentiment the Committee _have_ the candour to incline, as it will appear by
their _summing-up_."--_Macpherson cor._ "This _reduces_ the point at issue
to a narrow compass."--_Id._ "Since the English _set_ foot upon the
soil."--_Exiles cor._ "The arrangement of its different parts _is_ easily
retained by the memory."--_Hiley cor._ "The words employed are the most
appropriate _that_ could have been selected."--_Id._ "To prevent it _from_
launching!"--_Id._ "Webster has been followed in preference to others,
where _he_ differs from them." Or: "_Webster's Grammar_ has been followed
in preference to others, where _it_ differs from them."--_Frazee cor._
"Exclamation and interrogation are often mistaken _the_ one _for the_
other."--_Buchanan cor._ "When all nature is hushed in sleep, and neither
love nor guilt _keeps its_ vigils."--_Felton cor._ Or thus:--

"When all nature's hush'd asleep.
Nor love, nor guilt, _doth_ vigils keep."


"A _Versifier_ and _a_ Poet are two different things."--_Brightland cor._
"Those qualities will arise from the _well-expressing_ of the
subject."--_Id._ "Therefore the explanation of NETWORK is _not noticed_
here."--_Mason cor._ "When emphasis or pathos _is_ necessary to be
expressed."--_Humphrey cor._ "Whether this mode of punctuation is correct,
_or_ whether it _is_ proper to close the sentence with the mark of
admiration, may be made a question."--_Id._ "But not every writer in those
days _was_ thus correct."--_Id._ "The sounds of A, in English orthoepy, are
no _fewer_ than four."--_Id._ "Our present code of rules _is_ thought to be
generally correct." Or: "_The rules in_ our present code are thought to be
generally correct."--_Id._ "To prevent _it from_ running into _an
other_"--_Id._ "_Shakspeare_, perhaps, the greatest poetical genius _that_
England has produced."--_Id._ "This I will illustrate by example; but,
_before doing so_, a few preliminary remarks may be necessary."--_Id._ "All
such are entitled to two accents each, and some of _them_ to two accents
nearly equal."--_Id._ "But some cases of the kind are so plain, that no one
_needs_ to exercise (or, need exercise) his _judgement_ therein."--_Id._ "I
have _forborne_ to use the word."--_Id._ "The propositions, 'He may study,'
'He might study,' 'He could study,' _affirm_ an ability or power to
study."--_E. J. Hallock cor._ "The divisions of the tenses _have_
occasioned grammarians much trouble and perplexity."--_Id._ "By adopting a
familiar, inductive method of presenting this subject, _one may render it_
highly attractive to young learners."--_Wells cor._ "The definitions and
rules of different grammarians were carefully compared with _one an_
other:" or--"_one_ with _an_ other."--_Id._ "So as not wholly to prevent
some _sound from_ issuing."--_Sheridan cor._ "Letters of the Alphabet, not
yet _noticed_."--_Id._ "'IT _is sad_,' 'IT _is strange_,' &c., _seem_ to
express only that _the thing_ is sad, strange, &c."--_Well-Wishers cor._
"The winning is easier than the preserving _of_ a conquest."--_Same_. "The
United States _find themselves_ the _owners_ of a vast region of country at
the west."--_H. Mann cor._ "One or more letters placed before a word _are_
a prefix."--_S. W. Clark cor._ "One or more letters added to a word, _are_
a Suffix."--_Id._ "_Two thirds_ of my hair _have_ fallen off." Or: "My hair
has, two thirds of it, fallen off."--_Id._ "'Suspecting' describes _us,
the speakers_, by expressing, incidentally, an act of _ours_."--_Id._
"Daniel's predictions are now _about_ being fulfilled." Or thus: "Daniel's
predictions are now _receiving their fulfillment_"--_Id._ "His
_scholarship_ entitles him to respect."--_Id._ "I doubted _whether he had_
been a soldier."--_Id._ "_The_ taking _of_ a madman's sword to prevent _him
from_ doing mischief, cannot be regarded as _a robbery_."--_Id._ "I thought
it to be him; but it was not _he_."--_Id._ "It was not _I_ that you
saw."--_Id._ "Not to know what happened before you _were_ born, is always
to be a boy."--_Id._ "How long _were_ you going? Three days."--_Id._ "The
qualifying adjective is placed next _to_ the noun."--_Id._ "All went but
_I_."--_Id._ "This is _a_ parsing _of_ their own language, and not _of_ the
author's."--_Wells cor._ "_Those_ nouns which denote males, are of the
masculine gender." Or: "Nouns _that_ denote males, are of the masculine
gender."--_Wells, late Ed._ "_Those_ nouns which denote females, are of the
feminine gender." Or: "Nouns _that_ denote females, are of the feminine
gender."--_Wells, late Ed._ "When a comparison _among_ more than two
objects of the same class is expressed, the superlative degree is
employed."--_Wells cor._ "Where _d_ or _t goes_ before, the additional
letter _d_ or _t_, in this contracted form, _coalesces_ into one letter
with the radical _d_ or _t_."--_Dr. Johnson cor._ "Write words which will
show what kind of _house_ you live in--what kind of _book_ you hold in your
hand--what kind of _day_ it is."--_Weld cor._ "One word or more _are_ often
joined to nouns or pronouns to modify their meaning."--_Id._ "_Good_ is an
adjective; it explains the quality or character of every person _to whom_,
or thing to which, it is applied." Or:--"of every person or thing _that_ it
is applied to."--_Id._ "A great public as well as private advantage arises
from every one's devoting _of_ himself to that occupation which he prefers,
and for which he is specially fitted."--_Wayland, Wells, and Weld, cor._
"There was a chance _for_ him _to recover_ his senses." Or: "There was a
chance _that he might recover_ his senses."--_Wells and Macaulay cor._
"This may be known by _the absence of_ any connecting word immediately
preceding it."--_Weld cor._ "There are irregular expressions occasionally
to be met with, which usage, or custom, rather than analogy,
_sanctions_."--_Id._ "He added an anecdote of _Quin_ relieving Thomson from
prison." Or: "He added an anecdote of _Quin_ as relieving Thomson from
prison." Or: "He added an anecdote of Quin's relieving _of_ Thomson from
prison." Or better: "He _also told how Quin relieved_ Thomson from
prison."--_Id._ "The daily labour of her hands _procures_ for her all that
is necessary."--_Id._ "_That it is I, should_ make no change in your
determination."--_Hart cor._ "The classification of words into what _are_
called the Parts of Speech."--_Weld cor._ "Such licenses may be explained
_among_ what _are_ usually termed Figures."--_Id._

"Liberal, not lavish, is kind Nature's _hand_."--_Beattie_.

"They fall successive, and successive _rise_."--_Pope_.


"A Figure of Etymology is _an_ intentional deviation _from_ the usual form
of a word."--_See Brown's Institutes_, p. 229. "A Figure of Syntax is _an_
intentional deviation _from_ the usual construction of a word."--_See
Brown's Inst._, p. 230. "Synecdoche is _the naming_ of the whole of _any
thing_ for a part, or a part for the whole."--_Weld cor._ "Apostrophe is a
_turning-off_[547] from the regular course of the subject, to address some
person or thing."--_Id._ "Even young pupils will perform such exercises
with surprising interest and facility, and will unconsciously gain, in a
little time, more knowledge of the structure of _language_, than _they_ can
acquire by a drilling of several years in the usual routine of
parsing."--_Id._ "A few _rules_ of construction are employed in this
_part_, to guide _the pupil_ in the exercise of parsing."--_Id._ "The name
of _any_ person, object, or thing, _that_ can be thought of, or spoken of,
is a noun."--_Id._ "A dot, resembling our period, is used between every
_two words_, as well as at the close of _each verse_."--_W. Day cor._
"_The_ casting _of_ types in matrices was invented by Peter Schoeffer, in
1452."--_Id._ "On perusing it, he said, that, so far [_was it_] _from_
showing the prisoner's guilt [that] it positively established his
innocence."--_Id._ "By printing the nominative and verb in Italic letters,
_we shall enable_ the reader to distinguish them at a glance."--_Id._ "It
is well, no doubt, to avoid unnecessary words."--_Id._ "_I_ meeting a
friend the other day, he said to me, 'Where are you going?'"--_Id._ "To
John, apples _were_ first denied; then _they were_ promised _to him_; then
_they were_ offered _to him_."--_Lennie cor._ "Admission was denied
_him_."--_Wells cor._ "A pardon _was_ offered _to them_."--_L. Murray's
Gram._, 8vo, p. 183. "A new _potato_ was this day shown me."--_Darwin,
Webster, Frazee, and Weld, cor._ "_Those_ nouns or pronouns which denote
males, are of the masculine gender."--_S. S. Greene, cor._ "There are three
degrees of comparison; the positive, _the_ comparative, and _the_
superlative."--_Id._ "The first two refer to direction; the third _refers_
to locality."--_Id._ "The following are some of the verbs which take a
direct and _an_ indirect object."--_Id._ "I was not aware _that he was_ the
judge of the supreme court."--_Id._ "An indirect question may refer to
_any_ of the five elements of a declarative sentence."--_Id._ "I am not
sure that he will be present."--_Id._ "We left _New York_ on
Tuesday."--_Id._ "He left _the city_, as he told me, before the arrival of
the steamer."--_Id._ "We told him that he must leave _us_;"--_Id._ "We told
him to leave _us_."--_Id._ "Because he was unable to persuade the
multitude, he left _the place_, in disgust."--_Id._ "He left _the company_,
and took his brother with him."--_Id._ "This stating, or declaring, or
denying _of_ any thing, is called the indicative _mood_, or manner of
speaking."--_Weld cor._ "This took place at our friend Sir Joshua
_Reynolds's_."--_Id._ "The manner _in which_ a young _lady may employ_
herself usefully in reading, will be the subject of _an other_
paper."--_Id._ "Very little time is necessary for _Johnson to conclude_ a
treaty with the bookseller."--_Id._ "My father is not now sick; but if he
_were_, your services would be welcome."--_Chandler's Common School Gram.,
Ed. of 1847_, p. 79. "_Before_ we begin to write or speak, we ought to fix
in our minds a clear conception of the end to be aimed at."--_Dr. Blair
cor._ "Length of days _is_ in her right hand; and, in her left hand, _are_
riches and honour."--See _Proverbs_, iii, 16. "The active and _the_ passive
present express different ideas."--_Bullions cor._ "An _Improper
Diphthong_, (_sometimes called a_ Digraph,) is a diphthong in which only
one of the vowels _is_ sounded."--_Fowler cor._ (See G. Brown's
definition.) "The real origin of the words _is_ to be sought in the
Latin."--_Fowler cor._ "What sort of alphabet the Gothic languages possess,
we know; what sort of alphabet they require, we can determine."--_Id._ "The
Runic alphabet, whether borrowed or invented by the early Goths, is of
greater antiquity than either the oldest Teutonic or the Moeso-Gothic
_alphabet_."--_Id._ "Common to the masculine and neuter genders."--_Id._
"In the Anglo-Saxon, HIS was common to both the masculine and _the_ Neuter
_Gender_."--_Id._ "When time, number, or dimension, _is_ specified, the
adjective follows the substantive."--_Id._ "Nor pain, nor grief nor anxious
fear, _Invades_ thy bounds."--_Id._ "To Brighton, the Pavilion lends a
_lath-and-plaster_ grace."--_Fowler cor._ "From this consideration, _I have
given to nouns_ but one person, the THIRD."--_D. C. Allen cor._

"For it seems to guard and cherish
E'en the wayward dreamer--_me_."--_Anon. cor._




"And they took stones, and made _a_ heap."--ALGER'S BIBLE: _Gen._, xxxi,
46. "And I do know many fools, that stand in better place."--_Shak. cor._
"It is a strong antidote to the turbulence of passion, and _the_ violence
of pursuit."--_Kames cor._ "The word NEWS may admit of either a singular or
_a_ plural application."--_Wright cor._ "He has gained a fair and
honourable reputation."--_Id._ "There are two general forms, called the
solemn and _the_ familiar style." Or:--"called the solemn and familiar
_styles_."--_Sanborn cor._ "Neither the article nor _the_ preposition can
be omitted."--_Wright cor._ "A close union is also observable between the
subjunctive and _the_ potential _mood_."--_Id._ "Should we render service
equally to a friend, _a_ neighbour, and an enemy?"--_Id._ "Till _a_ habit
is obtained, of aspirating strongly."--_Sheridan cor._ "There is _a_
uniform, steady use of the same signs."--_Id._ "A traveller remarks most
_of the_ objects _which_ he sees."--_Jamieson cor._ "What is the name of
the river on which London stands? _Thames_."--_G. B._ "We sometimes find
the last line of a couplet or _a_ triplet stretched out to twelve
syllables."--_Adam cor._ "_The_ nouns which follow active verbs, are not in
the nominative case."--_David Blair cor._ "It is a solemn duty to speak
plainly of _the_ wrongs which good men perpetrate."--_Channing cor._ "_The_
gathering of riches is a pleasant torment."--_L. Cobb cor._ "It is worth
being quoted." Or better: "It is worth quoting."--_Coleridge cor._ "COUNCIL
is a noun which admits of a singular and _a_ plural form."--_Wright cor._
"To exhibit the connexion between the Old _Testament_ and the New."--_Keith
cor._ "An apostrophe discovers the omission of a letter or _of_
letters."--_Guy cor._ "He is immediately ordained, or rather acknowledged,
_a_ hero."--_Pope cor._ "Which is the same in both the leading and _the_
following state."--_Brightland cor._ "Pronouns, as will be seen hereafter,
have _three_ distinct _cases; the_ nominative, _the_ possessive, and _the_
objective."--_D. Blair cor._ "A word of many syllables is called _a_
polysyllable."--_Beck cor._ "Nouns have two numbers; _the_ singular and
_the_ plural."--_Id._ "They have three genders; _the_ masculine, _the_
feminine, and _the_ neuter."--_Id._ "They have three cases; _the_
nominative, _the_ possessive, and _the_ objective."--_Id._ "Personal
pronouns have, like nouns, two numbers; _the_ singular and _the_
plural;--three genders; _the_ masculine, _the_ feminine, and _the_
neuter;--_three_ cases; _the_ nominative, _the possessive_, and _the_
objective."--_Id._ "He must be wise enough to know the singular from _the_
plural"--_Id._ "Though they may be able to meet every reproach which any
one of their fellows may prefer."--_Chalmers cor._ "Yet for love's sake I
rather beseech thee, being such _a_ one as Paul the aged."--_Bible cor._;
also _Webster_. "A people that jeoparded their lives unto death."--_Bible
cor._ "By preventing too great _an_ accumulation of seed within too narrow
_a_ compass."--_The Friend cor._ "Who fills up the middle space between the
animal and _the_ intellectual nature, the visible and _the_ invisible
world."--_Addison cor._ "The Psalms abound with instances of _the_
harmonious arrangement of words."--_Murray cor._ "On _an_ other table, were
_a_ ewer and _a_ vase, likewise of gold."--_Mirror cor._ "TH is said to
have two sounds, _a_ sharp and _a_ flat."--_Wilson cor._ "_The_ SECTION (Sec.)
is _sometimes_ used in _the_ subdividing of a chapter into lesser
parts."--_Brightland cor._ "Try it in a dog, or _a_ horse, or any other
creature."--_Locke cor._ "But particularly in _the_ learning of languages,
there is _the_ least occasion _to pose_ children."--_Id._ "_Of_ what kind
is _the_ noun RIVER, and why?"--_R. C. Smith cor._ "Is WILLIAM'S a proper
or _a_ common noun?"--_Id._ "What kind of article, then, shall we call
_the_?" Or better: "What then shall we call the article _the_?"--_Id._

"Each burns alike, who can, or cannot write,
Or with a rival's, or _a_ eunuch's spite."--_Pope cor._


"And there _are_ stamped upon their imaginations _ideas_ that follow them
with terror and _affright_."--_Locke cor._ "There's not a wretch that lives
on common charity, but's happier than _I_."--_Ven. Pres. cor._ "But they
overwhelm _every one who_ is ignorant of them."--_H. Mann cor._ "I have
received a letter from my cousin, _her_ that was here last week."--_Inst._,
p. 129. "_Gentlemen's_ houses are seldom without variety of
company."--_Locke cor._ "Because Fortune has laid them below the level of
others, at their _masters_' feet."--_Id._ "We blamed neither _John's_ nor
Mary's delay."--_Nixon cor._ "The book was written by order _of Luther_ the
_reformer_."--_Id._ "I saw on the table of the saloon Blair's sermons, and
_somebody's_ else, (I forget _whose_,) and [_about the room_] a set of
noisy children."--_Byron cor._ "Or saith he it altogether for our
_sake_?"--_Bible cor._ "He was not aware _that the Duke was_ his
competitor."--_Sanborn cor._ "It is no condition of an adjective, that _the
word_ must be placed before a noun." Or: "It is no condition _on which a
word becomes_ an adjective, that it must be placed before a noun."--_Id.,
and Fowle cor._ "Though their reason corrected the wrong _ideas which_ they
had taken in."--_Locke cor._ "It was _he that_ taught me to hate
slavery."--_Morris cor._ "It is _he_ and his kindred, who live upon the
labour of others."--_Id._ "Payment of tribute is an acknowledgement of _him
as_ being King--(of _him as_ King--or, _that he is_ King--) to whom we
think it due."--_C. Leslie cor._ "When we comprehend what _is taught
us_."--_Ingersoll cor._ "The following words, and parts of words, must be
_noticed_."--_Priestley cor._ "Hence tears and commiseration are so often
_employed_."--_Dr. H. Blair cor._ "JOHN-A-NOKES, _n._ A fictitious name
_used_ in law proceedings."--_A. Chalmers cor._ "The construction of _words
denoting_ matter, and _the_ part _grasped_."--_B. F. Fisk cor._ "And such
other names as carry with them the _idea_ of _something_ terrible and
hurtful."--_Locke cor._ "Every learner then would surely be glad to be
spared _from_ the trouble and fatigue."--_Pike cor._ "_It_ is not the
owning of _one's_ dissent from _an other_, that I speak against."--_Locke
cor._ "A man that cannot fence, will be more careful to keep out of bullies
and _gamesters'_ company, and will not be half so apt to stand upon
_punctilios_."--_Id._ "From such persons it is, _that_ one may learn more
in one day, than in a _year's_ rambling from one inn to _an other_."--_Id._
"A long syllable is generally considered to be twice _as long as_ a short
one."--_D. Blair cor._ "I is of the first person, and _the_ singular
number. THOU is _of the_ second person singular. HE, SHE, or IT, is _of
the_ third person singular. WE is _of the_ first person plural. YE or YOU
is _of the_ second person plural. THEY is _of the_ third person
plural."--_Kirkham cor._ "This actor, doer, or producer of the action, is
_denoted by some word in_ the nominative _case_."--_Id._ "_Nobody_ can
think, _that_ a boy of three or seven years _of age_ should be argued with
as a grown man."--_Locke cor._ "This was in _the house of_ one of the
Pharisees, not in Simon the leper's."--_Hammond cor._ "Impossible! it can't
be _I_."--_Swift cor._ "Whose grey top shall tremble, _He_
descending."--_Milton, P. L._, xii, 227. "_Of_ what gender is _woman_, and
why?"--_R. C. Smith cor._ "_Of_ what gender, then, is _man_, and
why?"--_Id._ "Who is _this I; whom_ do you mean when you say _I_?"--_R. W.
Green cor._ "It _has_ a pleasant air, but _the soil_ is barren."--_Locke
cor._ "You may, in three _days'_ time, go from Galilee to Jerusalem."--_W.
Whiston cor._ "And that which is left of the meat-offering, shall be
Aaron's and his _sons'_."--FRIENDS' BIBLE.

"For none in all the world, without a lie,
Can say _of_ this, '_'T_is mine,' but _Bunyan_, I."--_Bunyan cor._


"When he can be their remembrancer and advocate _at all assizes_ and
sessions."--_Leslie cor._ "DOING denotes _every_ manner of action; as, to
dance, to play, to write, &c."--_Buchanan cor._ "Seven _feet_
long,"--"eight _feet_ long,"--"fifty _feet_ long."--_W. Walker cor._
"Nearly the whole of _these_ twenty-five millions of dollars is a dead loss
to the nation."--_Fowler cor._ "Two negatives destroy _each_ other."--_R.
W. Green cor._ "We are warned against excusing sin in ourselves, or in _one
an_ other."--_Friend cor._ "The Russian empire is more extensive than any
_other_ government in the world."--_Inst._, p. 265. "You will always have
the satisfaction to think it, of all _your expenses_, the money best laid
out."--_Locke cor._ "There is no _other_ passion which all mankind so
naturally _indulge_, as pride."--_Steele cor._ "O, throw away the _viler_
part of it."--_Shak. cor._ "He showed us _an easier_ and _more agreeable_
way."--_Inst._, p. 265. "And the _last four_ are to point out those further
improvements."--_Jamieson and Campbell cor._ "Where he has not clear
_ideas_, distinct and different."--_Locke cor._ "Oh, when shall we have _an
other such_ Rector of Laracor!"--_Hazlitt cor._ "Speech must have been
absolutely necessary _previously_ to the formation of society." Or better
thus: "Speech must have been absolutely necessary to the formation of
society."--_Jamieson cor._ "Go and tell _those_ boys to be
still."--_Inst._, p. 265. "Wrongs are engraved on marble; benefits, on
sand: _those_ are apt to be requited; _these_, forgot."--_G. B._ "_None_ of
these several interpretations is the true one."--_G. B._ "My friend
indulged himself in some freaks _not befitting_ the gravity of a
clergyman."--_G. B._ "And their pardon is all that _any_ of their
impropriators will have to plead."--_Leslie cor._ "But the time usually
chosen to send young men abroad, is, I think, of all _periods_, that _at_
which _they are_ least capable of reaping those advantages."--_Locke cor._
"It is a mere figment of the human imagination, a rhapsody of the
_transcendently_ unintelligible."--_Jamieson cor._ "It contains a greater
assemblage of sublime ideas, of bold and daring figures, than is perhaps
_anywhere else_ to be met with."--_Dr. Blair cor._ "The order in which the
_last two_ words are placed should have been reversed."--_Dr. Blair cor._;
also _L. Murray_. "In Demosthenes, eloquence _shone_ forth with higher
splendour, than perhaps in any _other_ that ever bore the name of
_orator_."--_Dr. Blair cor._ "The circumstance of his _poverty_ (or, _that
he is_ poor) is decidedly favourable."--_Todd cor._ "The temptations to
dissipation are greatly lessened by his _poverty_."--_Id._ "For, with her
death, _those_ tidings came."--_Shak. cor._ "The next objection is, that
_authors of this sort_ are poor."--_Cleland cor._ "Presenting Emma, as Miss
Castlemain, to these _acquaintances_:" or,--"to these _persons of her_
acquaintance."--_Opie cor._ "I doubt not _that_ it will please more
_persons_ than the opera:" or,--"that it will be _more pleasing_ than the
opera."--_Spect. cor._ "The world knows only two; _these are_ Rome and
I."--_Ben Jonson cor._ "I distinguish these two things from _each_
other."--_Dr. Blair cor._ "And, in this case, mankind reciprocally claim
and allow indulgence to _one an_ other."--_Sheridan cor._ "The _last six_
books are said not to have received the finishing hand of the
author."--_Dr. Blair cor._ "The _best-executed_ part of the work, is the
first six books."--_Id._

"To reason how can we be said to rise?
So _hard the task for mortals to be_ wise!"--_Sheffield cor._


"Once upon a time, a goose fed _her_ young by a _pond's_ side:" or--"by a
_pondside_."--_Goldsmith cor._ (See OBS. 33d on Rule 4th.) "If either _has_
a sufficient degree of merit to recommend _it_ to the attention of the
public."--_J. Walker cor._ "Now W. _Mitchell's_ deceit is very
remarkable."--_Barclay cor._ "My brother, I did not put the question to
thee, for that I doubted of the truth of _thy_ belief."--_Bunyan cor._ "I
had two elder brothers, one of _whom_ was a lieutenant-colonel."--_De Foe
cor._ "Though James is here the object of the action, yet _the word James_
is in the nominative case."--_Wright cor._ "Here John is the actor; and
_the word John_ is known to be _in_ the nominative, by its answering to the
question, '_Who_ struck Richard?'"--_Id._ "One of the most distinguished
privileges _that_ Providence has conferred upon mankind, is the power of
communicating their thoughts to one _an other_."--_Dr. Blair cor._ "With
some of the most refined feelings _that_ belong to our frame."--_Id._ "And
the same instructions _that_ assist others in composing _works of
elegance_, will assist them in judging of, and relishing, the beauties of
composition."--_Id._ "To overthrow all _that_ had been yielded in favour of
the army."--_Macaulay cor._ "Let your faith stand in the Lord God, who
changes not, _who_ created all, and _who_ gives the increase of
all."--_Friends cor._ "For it is, in truth, the sentiment of passion which
lies under the figured expression, that gives it _all its_ merit."--_Dr.
Blair cor._ "Verbs are words _that_ affirm the being, doing, or suffering
of a thing, together with the time _at which_ it happens."--_A. Murray
cor._ "The _bias_ will always hang on that side _on which_ nature first
placed it."--_Locke cor._ "They should be brought to do the things _which_
are fit for them."--_Id._ "_The_ various sources _from which_ the English
language is derived."--_L. Murray cor._ "This attention to the several
cases _in which_ it is proper to omit _or_ to redouble the copulative, is
of considerable importance."--_Dr. Blair cor._ "Cicero, for instance,
speaking of the cases _in which it_ is lawful _to kill an other in
self-defence_, uses the following words."--_Id._ "But there is no nation,
hardly _are there_ any _persons_, so phlegmatic as not to accompany their
words with some actions, _or_ gesticulations, _whenever_ they are much in
earnest."--_Id._ "_William's_ is said to be governed by _coat_, because
_coat_ follows _William's_" Or better:--"because _coat_ is the name of the
thing possessed by William."--_R. C. Smith cor._ "In life, there are many
_occasions on which_ silence and simplicity are _marks of_ true
wisdom."--_L. Murray cor._ "In choosing umpires _whose_ avarice is
excited."--_Nixon cor._ "The boroughs sent representatives, _according to
law_."--_Id._ "No man believes but _that_ there is some order in the
universe."--_G. B._ "The moon is orderly in her changes, _and_ she could
not be _so_ by accident."--_Id._ "_The riddles of the Sphynx_ (or, The
_Sphynx's_ riddles) are generally _of_ two kinds."--_Bacon cor._ "They must
generally find either their friends or _their_ enemies in power."--_Dr.
Brown cor._ "For, of old, _very many_ took upon them to write what happened
in their own time."--_Whiston cor._ "The Almighty cut off the family of Eli
the high priest, for _their_ transgressions."--_The Friend_, vii, 109. "The
convention then resolved _itself_ into a committee of the whole."--_Inst._,
p. 269. "The severity with which _persons of_ this denomination _were_
treated, appeared rather to invite _them to the colony_, than to deter them
from flocking _thither_."--_H. Adams cor._ "Many Christians abuse the
Scriptures and the traditions of the apostles, to uphold things quite
contrary to _them_."--_Barclay cor._ "Thus, a circle, a square, a triangle,
or a hexagon, _pleases_ the eye by _its_ regularity, _and is a_ beautiful
_figure_."--_Dr. Blair cor._ "Elba is remarkable for being the place to
which Bonaparte was banished in 1814."--_Olney's Geog_. "The editor has the
reputation of being a good linguist and critic."--_Rel. Herald_. "It is a
pride _which_ should be cherished in them."--_Locke cor._ "And to restore
_to_ us the _hope_ of fruits, to reward our pains in _their_
season."--_Id._ "The comic representation of Death's victim relating _his_
own tale."--_Wright cor._ "As for _Scioppius's_ Grammar, that wholly
_concerns_ the Latin tongue."--_Wilkins cor._

"And chiefly _Thou_, O Spirit, _that_ dost prefer
Before all temples _th'_ upright heart and pure,
Instruct me, for Thou _knowst_."--_Milton, P. L._, B. i, l. 17.


"And there _were_ in the same country shepherds abiding in the
field."--_Friends' Bible_; also _Bruce's, and Alger's_. "Whereof every one
_bears_ [or _beareth_] twins."--BIBLE COR.: _Song_, vi, 6. "He strikes out
of his nature one of the most divine principles that _are_ planted in
it."--_Addison cor._ "GENII [i.e., the _word_ GENII] _denotes aerial_
spirits."--_Wright cor._ "In proportion as the long and large prevalence of
such corruptions _has_ been obtained by force."--_Halifax cor._ "Neither
of these _is set before any_ word of a general signification, or _before a_
proper name."--_Brightland cor._ "Of which, a few of the opening lines
_are_ all I shall give."--_Moore cor._ "The _wealth_ we had in England, was
the slow result of long industry and wisdom." Or: "The _riches_ we had in
England _were_," &c.--_Davenant cor._ "The following expression appears to
be correct: 'Much _public gratitude_ is due.'" Or this: "'_Great public_
thanks _are_ due.'"--_-Wright cor._ "He _has_ been enabled to correct many
mistakes."--_Lowth cor._ "Which road _dost_ thou take here?"--_Ingersoll
cor._ "_Dost_ thou _learn_ thy lesson?"--_Id._ "_Did_ they _learn_ their
pieces perfectly?"--_Id._ "Thou _learned_ thy task well."--_Id._ "There are
some _who_ can't relish the town, and others can't _bear_ with the
country."--_Sir Wilful cor._ "If thou _meet_ them, thou must put on an
intrepid mien."--_Neef cor._ "Struck with terror, as if Philip _were_
something more than human."--_Dr. Blair cor._ "If the personification of
the form of Satan _were_ admissible, _the pronoun_ should certainly have
been masculine."--_Jamieson cor._ "If only one _follows_, there seems to be
a defect in the sentence."--_Priestley cor._ "Sir, if thou _hast_ borne him
hence, tell me where thou hast laid him."--_Bible cor._ "Blessed _are_ the
people that know the joyful sound."--_Id._ "Every auditory _takes_ in good
part those marks of respect and awe _with which a modest speaker commences
a public discourse_."--_Dr. Blair cor._ "Private causes were still pleaded
in the forum; but the public _were_ no longer interested, nor _was_ any
general attention drawn to what passed there."--_Id._ "Nay, what evidence
can be brought to show, that the _inflections_ of the _classic_ tongues
were not originally formed out of obsolete auxiliary words?"--_L. Murray
cor._ "If the student _observe_ that the principal and the auxiliary _form
but_ one verb, he will have little or no difficulty in the proper
application of the present rule."--_Id._ "For the sword of the enemy, and
fear, _are_ on every side."--_Bible cor._ "Even the Stoics agree that
nature, _or_ certainty, is very hard to come at."--_Collier cor._ "His
politeness, _his_ obliging behaviour, _was_ changed." Or thus: "His
_polite_ and obliging behaviour was changed."--_Priestley and Hume cor._
"War and its honours _were_ their employment and ambition." Or thus: "War
_was_ their employment; its honours _were their_ ambition."--_Goldsmith
cor._ "_Do_ A and AN mean the same thing?"--_R. W. Green cor._ "When
_several_ words _come_ in between the discordant parts, the ear does not
detect the error."--_Cobbett cor._ "The sentence should be, 'When _several_
words _come_ in,' &c."--_Wright cor._ "The nature of our language, the
accent and pronunciation of it, _incline_ us to contract even all our
regular verbs."--_Churchill's New Gram._, p. 104. Or thus: "The nature of
our language,--(_that is_, the accent and pronunciation of it,--) inclines
us to contract even all our regular verbs."--_Lowth cor._ "The nature of
our language, together with the accent and pronunciation of it, _inclines_
us to contract even all our regular verbs."--_Hiley cor._ "Prompt aid, and
not promises, _is_ what we ought to give."--_G. B._ "The position of the
several organs, therefore, as well as their functions, _is_
ascertained."--_Med. Mag. cor._ "Every private company, and almost every
public assembly, _affords_ opportunities of remarking the difference
between a just and graceful, and a faulty and unnatural
elocution."--_Enfield cor._ "Such submission, together with the active
principle of obedience, _makes_ up _in us_ the temper _or_ character which
answers to his sovereignty."--_Bp. Butler cor._ "In happiness, as in other
things, there _are_ a false and a true, an imaginary and a real."--_A.
Fuller cor._ "To confound things that differ, and to make a distinction
where there is no difference, _are_ equally unphilosophical."--_G. Brown_.

"I know a bank wheron _doth_ wild thyme _blow_,
Where oxlips and the nodding violet _grow_."--_Shak. cor._


"Whose business or profession _prevents_ their attendance in the
morning."--_Ogilby cor._ "And no church or officer _has_ power over _an
other_."--_Lechford cor._ "While neither reason nor experience _is_
sufficiently matured to protect them."--_Woodbridge cor._ "Among the Greeks
and Romans, _almost_ every syllable was known to have a fixed and
determined quantity." Or thus: "Among the Greeks and Romans, _all
syllables_, (or at least the far _greater_ number,) _were_ known to have
_severally_ a fixed and determined quantity."--_Blair and Jamieson cor._
"Their vanity is awakened, and their passions _are_ exalted, by the
irritation which their self-love receives from contradiction."--_Tr. of
Mad. De Stael cor._ "_He and I were_ neither of us any great
swimmer."--_Anon_. "Virtue, honour--nay, even self-interest, _recommends_
the measure."--_L. Murray cor._ (See Obs. 5th on Rule 16th.) "A correct
plainness, _an_ elegant simplicity, is the proper character of an
introduction."--_Dr. Blair cor._ "In syntax, there is what grammarians call
concord or agreement, and _there is_ government."--_Inf. S. Gram. cor._
"People find themselves able, without much study, to write and speak
English intelligibly, and thus _are_ led to think _that_ rules _are_ of no
utility."--_Webster cor._ "But the writer must be one who has studied to
inform himself well, _who_ has pondered his subject with care, and who
addresses himself to our _judgement_, rather than to our
imagination."--_Dr. Blair cor._ "But practice _has_ determined it
otherwise; and has, in all the languages with which we are much acquainted,
supplied the place of an interrogative _mood_, either by particles of
interrogation, or by a peculiar order of the words in the
sentence."--_Lowth cor._ "If the Lord _hath_ stirred thee up against me,
let him accept an offering."--_Bible cor._ "But if the priest's daughter be
a widow, or divorced, and have no child, and _she return_ unto her father's
house, as in her youth, she shall eat of her father's meat."--_Id._ "Since
we never have _studied, and never_ shall study, your sublime
productions."--_Neef cor._ "Enabling us to form _distincter_ images of
objects, than can be _formed_, with the utmost attention, where these
particulars are not found."--_Kames cor._ "I hope you will consider _that_
what is _spoken_ comes from my love."--_Shak. cor._ "We _shall_ then
perceive how the designs of emphasis may be marred."--_Rush cor._ "I knew
it was Crab, and _went_ to the fellow that whips the dogs."--_Shak. cor._
"The youth _was consuming_ by a slow malady."--_Murray's Gram._, p. 64;
_Ingersoll's_, 45; _Fisk_, 82. "If all men thought, spoke, and wrote alike,
something resembling a perfect adjustment of these points _might_ be
accomplished."--_Wright cor._ "If you will replace what has been, _for a_
long _time_ expunged from the language." Or: "If you will replace what
_was_ long _ago_ expunged from the language."--_Campbell and Murray cor._
"As in all those faulty instances _which_ I have _just_ been giving."--_Dr.
Blair cor._ "This mood _is_ also used _improperly_ in the following
places."--_L. Murray cor._ "He seems to have been well acquainted with his
own genius, and to _have known_ what it was that nature had bestowed upon
him."--_Johnson cor._ "Of which I _have_ already _given_ one instance, the
worst indeed that occurred in the poem."--_Dr. Blair cor._ "It is strange
he never commanded you to _do_ it."--_Anon_. "History painters would have
found it difficult, to _invent_ such a species of beings."--_Addison cor._
"Universal Grammar cannot be taught abstractedly; it must be _explained_
with referenc [sic--KTH] to some language already known."--_Lowth cor._
"And we might imagine, that if verbs had been so contrived as simply to
express these, _no other tenses would have been_ needful."--_Dr. Blair
cor._ "To a writer of such a genius as _Dean Swift's_, the plain style _is_
most admirably fitted."--_Id._ "Please _to_ excuse my son's
absence."--_Inst._, p. 279. "Bid the boys come in immediately."--_Ib._

"Gives us the secrets of his pagan hell,
Where _restless ghosts_ in sad communion dwell."--_Crabbe cor._

"Alas! nor faith nor valour now _remains_;
Sighs are but wind, and I must bear my _chains_."--_Walpole cor._


"Of which the author considers himself, in compiling the present work, as
merely laying the foundation-stone."--_David Blair cor._ "On the raising
_of_ such lively and distinct images as are here described."--_Kames cor._
"They are necessary to the avoiding _of_ ambiguities."--_Brightland cor._
"There is no neglecting _of_ it without falling into a dangerous error." Or
better: "_None can neglect_ it without falling," &c.--_Burlamaqui cor._
"The contest resembles Don Quixote's fighting _of_ (or _with_)
windmills."--_Webster cor._ "That these verbs associate with _other_ verbs
in all the tenses, is no proof _that they have_ no particular time of their
own."--_L. Murray cor._ "To justify _myself in_ not following the _track_
of the ancient rhetoricians."--_Dr. H. Blair cor._ "The _putting-together
of_ letters, so as to make words, is called Spelling."--_Inf. S. Gram.
cor._ "What is the _putting-together of_ vowels and consonants
called?"--_Id._ "Nobody knows of their _charitableness_, but themselves."
Or: "Nobody knows _that they are_ charitable, but themselves."--_Fuller
cor._ "Payment was at length made, but no reason _was_ assigned for so long
_a postponement of it_."--_Murray et al. cor._ "Which will bear _to be_
brought into comparison with any composition of the kind."--_Dr. Blair
cor._ "To render vice ridiculous, is _to do_ real service to the
world."--_Id._ "It is _a direct_ copying from nature, a plain rehearsal of
what passed, or was supposed to pass, in conversation."--_Id._ "Propriety
of pronunciation _consists in_ giving to every word that sound which the
most polite usage of the language appropriates to it."--_Murray's Key_,
8vo, p. 200; and again, p. 219. "To occupy the mind, and prevent _us from_
regretting the insipidity of _a_ uniform plain."--_Kames cor._ "There are a
hundred ways _in which_ any thing _may happen_."--_Steele cor._ "Tell me,
_seignior, for_ what cause (or _why) Antonio sent_ Claudio to Venice
yesterday."--_Bucke cor._ "As _you are_ looking about for an outlet, some
rich prospect unexpectedly opens to view."--_Kames cor._ "A hundred volumes
of modern novels may be read without _communicating_ a new idea." Or thus:
"_A person may read_ a hundred volumes of modern novels without acquiring a
new idea."--_Webster cor._ "Poetry admits of greater latitude than prose,
with respect to _the_ coining, or at least _the_ new compounding, _of_
words."--_Dr. Blair cor._ "When laws were _written_ on brazen tablets, _and
enforced_ by the sword."--_Pope cor._ "A pronoun, which saves the naming
_of_ a person or thing a second time, ought to be placed as near as
possible to the name of that person or thing."--_Kames cor._ "The using
_of_ a preposition in this case, is not always a matter of choice."--_Id._
"To save _the_ multiplying _of_ words, I would be understood to comprehend
both circumstances."--_Id._ "Immoderate grief is mute: _complaint_ is _a
struggle_ for consolation."--_Id._ "On the other hand, the accelerating or
_the_ retarding _of_ the natural course, excites a pain."--_Id._ "Human
affairs require the distributing _of_ our attention."--_Id._ "By neglecting
this circumstance, _the author of_ the following example _has made it_
defective in neatness."--_Id._ "And therefore the suppressing _of_
copulatives must animate a description."--_Id._ "If the _omission of_
copulatives _gives_ force and liveliness, a redundancy of them must render
the period languid."--_Id._ "It skills not, _to ask_ my leave, said
Richard."--_Scott cor._ "To redeem his credit, he proposed _to be_ sent
once more to Sparta."--_Goldsmith cor._ "Dumas relates _that he gave_ drink
to a dog."--_Stone cor._ "Both are, in a like way, instruments of our
_reception of_ such ideas from external objects."--_Bp. Butler cor._ "In
order to your proper handling _of_ such a subject."--_Spect. cor._ "For I
do not recollect _it_ preceded by an open vowel."--_Knight cor._ "Such is
_the setting up of_ the form above the power of godliness."--_Barclay cor._
"I remember _that I was_ walking once with my young acquaintance."--_Hunt
cor._ "He did not like _to pay_ a debt."--_Id._ "I do not remember _to have
seen_ Coleridge when I was a child."--_Id._ "In consequence of the dry _rot
discovered in it_, the mansion has undergone a thorough repair."--_Maunder
cor._ "I would not advise the following _of_ the German system _in all its
parts_."--_Lieber cor._ "Would it not be _to make_ the students judges of
the professors?"--_Id._ "Little time should intervene between _the
proposing of them_ and _the deciding_ upon _them_."--_Verthake [sic--KTH]
cor._ "It would be nothing less than _to find_ fault with the
Creator."--_Lit. Journal cor._ "_That we were once friends_, is a powerful
reason, both of prudence and _of_ conscience, to restrain us from ever
becoming enemies."--_Secker cor._ "By using the word as a conjunction, _we
prevent_ the ambiguity."--_L. Murray cor._

"He forms his schemes the flood of vice to stem,
But _faith in Jesus has no part in_ them."--_J Taylor cor._


"Auxiliaries _not only can_ be inserted, but are really
understood."--_Wright cor._ "He was _afterwards_ a hired scribbler in the
Daily Courant."--_Pope's Annotator cor._ "In gardening, luckily, relative
beauty _never need stand_ (or, perhaps better, _never needs to stand_) in
opposition to intrinsic beauty."--_Kames cor._ "I _much_ doubt the
propriety of the following examples."--_Lowth cor._ "And [we see] how far
they have spread, in this part of the world, one of the worst languages
_possible_"--_Locke cor._ "And, in this manner, _merely to place_ him on a
level with the beast of the forest."--_R. C. Smith cor._ "_Whither_, ah!
_whither_, has my darling fled."--_Anon_. "As for this fellow, we know not
whence he is."--_Bible cor._ "Ye see then, that by works a man is
justified, and not by faith only."--_Id._ "The _Mixed_ kind is _that in
which_ the poet sometimes speaks in his own person, and sometimes makes
other characters speak."--_Adam and Gould cor._ "Interrogation is _a
rhetorical figure in which_ the writer or orator raises questions, and, _if
he pleases_, returns answers."--_Fisher cor._ "Prevention is _a figure in
which_ an author starts an objection which he foresees may be made, and
gives an answer to it."--_Id._ "Will you let me alone, or _not_?"--_W.
Walker cor._ "Neither man nor woman _can_ resist an engaging exterior."--
_Chesterfield cor._ "Though the cup be _everso_ clean."--_Locke cor._
"Seldom, or _never_, did any one rise to eminence, by being a witty
lawyer." Or thus: "Seldom, _if ever, has_ any one _risen_ to eminence, by
being a witty lawyer."--_Dr. Blair cor._ "The second rule which I give,
respects the choice of _the_ objects from _which_ metaphors, and other
figures, are to be drawn."--_Id._ "In the figures which it uses, it sets
mirrors before us, _in which_ we may behold objects _reflected_ in their
likeness."--_Id._ "Whose business _it_ is, to seek the true measures of
right and wrong, and not the arts _by which he may_ avoid doing the one,
and secure himself in doing the other."--_Locke cor._ "The occasions _on
which_ you ought to personify things, and _those on which_ you ought not,
cannot be stated in any precise rule."--_Cobbett cor._ "They reflect that
they have been much diverted, but _scarcely_ can _they_ say about
what."--_Kames cor._ "The eyebrows and shoulders should seldom or _never_
be remarked by any perceptible motion."--_J. Q. Adams cor._ "And the left
hand or arm should seldom or never attempt any motion by itself."--_Id.,
right_. "_Not_ every speaker _purposes_ to please the imagination."--
_Jamieson cor._ "And, like Gallio, they care for none of these things." Or:
"And, like Gallio, they care _little_ for _any_ of these things."--_S.
cor._ "They may inadvertently be _used_ where _their_ meaning would be
obscure."--_L. Murray cor._ "Nor _can_ a man make him laugh."--_Shak. cor._
"The Athenians, in their present distress, _scarcely_ knew _whither_ to
turn."--_Goldsmith cor._ "I do not remember where God _ever_ delivered his
oracles by the multitude."--_Locke cor._ "The object of this government is
twofold, _outward_ and _inward_."--_Barclay cor._ "In order _rightly_ to
understand what we read"--_R. Johnson cor._ "That a design had been formed,
to _kidnap_ or _forcibly abduct_ Morgan."--_Col. Stone cor._ "But such
imposture can never _long_ maintain its ground."--_Dr. Blair cor._ "But
_surely_ it is _as_ possible to apply the principles of reason and good
sense to this art, as to any other that is cultivated among men."--_Id._
"It would have been better for you, to have remained illiterate, and _even_
to have been hewers of wood."--_L. Murray cor._ "Dissyllables that have two
vowels which are separated in the pronunciation, _always_ have the accent
on the _first_ syllable."--_Id._ "And they all turned their backs, _almost_
without drawing a sword." Or: "And they all turned their backs, _scarcely
venturing to draw_ a sword."--_Kames cor._ "The principle of duty
_naturally_ takes _precedence_ of every other."--_Id. "Not_ all that
glitters, is gold."--_Maunder cor._ "Whether now, or _everso_ many myriads
of ages hence."--_Edwards cor._

"England never did, nor _ever_ shall,
Lie at the proud foot of a conqueror."--_Shak. cor._


"He readily comprehends the rules of syntax, their use in _the constructing
of sentences_, and _their_ applicability _to_ the examples before
him."--_Greenleaf cor._ "The works of AEschylus have suffered more by time,
than _those of_ any _other_ ancient _tragedian_."--_Dr. Blair cor._ "There
is much more story, more bustle, and _more_ action, than on the French
theatre."--_Id._ (See Obs. 8th on Rule 16th.) "Such an unremitted anxiety,
_or such a_ perpetual application, as engrosses _all_ our time and
thoughts, _is_ forbidden."--_Jenyns cor._ "It seems to be nothing else
_than_ the simple form of the adjective."--_Wright cor._ "But when I talk
of _reasoning_, I do not intend any other _than_ such as is suited to the
child's capacity."--_Locke cor._ "Pronouns have no other use in language,
_than_ to represent nouns."--_Jamieson cor._ "The speculative relied no
farther on their own judgement, _than_ to choose a leader, whom they
implicitly followed."--_Kames cor._ "Unaccommodated man is no more _than_
such a poor, bare, forked animal as thou art."--_Shak. cor._ "A Parenthesis
is a _suggestion which is_ introduced into the body of a sentence
obliquely, _and which_ may be omitted without injuring the grammatical
construction."--_Mur. et al. cor. "The_ Caret (marked thus ^) is placed
where _something that happened_ to be left out, _is to be put into_ the
line."--_Iid. "When_ I visit them, they shall be cast down."--_Bible cor._
"Neither our virtues _nor our_ vices are all our own."--_Johnson and
Sanborn cor._ "I could not give him _so early_ an answer as he had
desired."--_O. B. Peirce cor._ "He is not _so_ tall as his
brother."--_Nixon cor._ "It is difficult to judge _whether_ Lord Byron is
serious or not."--_Lady Blessington cor._ "Some nouns are of _both_ the
second and _the_ third declension."--_Gould cor._ "He was discouraged
neither by danger _nor by_ misfortune."--_Wells cor._ "This is consistent
neither with logic nor _with_ history."--_Dial cor._ "Parts of sentences
are _either_ simple _or_ compound."--_David Blair cor._ "English verse is
regulated rather by the number of syllables, than _by_ feet:" or,--"than by
the number of feet."--_Id._ "I know not what more he can do, _than_ pray
for him."--_Locke cor._ "Whilst they are learning, and _are applying_
themselves with attention, they are to be kept in good humour."--_Id._ "A
man cannot have too much of it, nor _have it_ too perfectly."--_Id._ "That
you may so run, as _to_ obtain; and so fight, as _to_ overcome." Or thus:
"That you may so run, _that_ you may obtain; and so fight, _that_ you may
overcome."--_Penn cor._ "It is the _artifice_ of some, to contrive false
periods of business, _that_ they may seem men of despatch."--_Bacon cor._
"'A tall man and a woman.' In this _phrase_, there is no ellipsis; the
adjective _belongs only to the former noun_; the quality _respects_ only
the man."--_Ash cor._ "An abandonment of the policy is neither to be
expected _nor to be_ desired."--_Jackson cor._ "Which can be acquired by no
other means _than by_ frequent exercise in speaking."--_Dr. Blair cor._
"The chief _or_ fundamental rules of syntax are common to the English _and_
the Latin tongue." Or:--"are _applicable_ to the English as well as _to_
the Latin tongue."--_Id._ "Then I exclaim, _either_ that my antagonist is
void of all taste, or that his taste is corrupted in a miserable degree."
Or thus: "Then I exclaim, that my antagonist is _either_ void of all taste,
or _has a taste that is miserably_ corrupted."--_Id._ "I cannot pity any
one who is under no distress _either_ of body _or_ of mind."--_Kames cor._
"There was much genius in the world, before there were learning _and_ arts
to refine it."--_Dr. Blair cor._ "Such a writer can have little else to do,
_than_ to _new-model_ the paradoxes of ancient scepticism."--_Dr. Brown
cor._ "Our ideas of them being nothing else _than collections_ of the
ordinary qualities observed in them."--_Duncan cor._ "A _non-ens_, or
negative, can give _neither_ pleasure nor pain."--_Kames cor._ "So _that_
they shall not justle and embarrass one an other."--_Dr. Blair cor._ "He
firmly refused to make use of any other voice _than_ his own."--_Murray's
Sequel_, p. 113. "Your marching regiments, sir, will not make the guards
their example, either as soldiers or _as_ subjects."--_Junius cor._
"Consequently they had neither meaning _nor_ beauty, to any but the natives
of each country."--_Sheridan cor._

"The man of worth, _who_ has not left his peer,
Is in his narrow house forever darkly laid."--_Burns cor._


"These may be carried on progressively _beyond_ any assignable
limits."--_Kames cor._ "To crowd different subjects _into_ a single member
of a period, is still worse than to crowd them into one period."--_Id._
"Nor do we rigidly insist _on having_ melodious prose."--_Id._ "The
aversion we have _to_ those who differ from us."--_Id._ "For we cannot bear
his shifting _of_ the scene _at_ every line."--_Halifax cor._ "We shall
find that we come by it _in_ the same way."--_Locke cor._ "_Against_ this
he has no better _defence_ than that."--_Barnes cor._ "Searching the person
whom he suspects _of_ having stolen his casket."--_Dr. Blair cor._ "Who, as
vacancies occur, are elected _by_ the whole Board."--_Lit. Jour. cor._
"Almost the only field of ambition _for_ a German, is science."--_Lieber
cor._ "The plan of education is very different _from_ the one pursued in
the sister country."--_Coley cor._ "Some writers on grammar have contended,
that adjectives _sometimes_ relate to _verbs_, and modify _their_
action."--_Wilcox cor._ "They are therefore of a mixed nature,
participating the properties both of pronouns and _of_ adjectives."--
_Ingersoll cor._ "For there is no authority which can justify the inserting
_of_ the aspirate or _the_ doubling _of_ the vowel."--_Knight cor._ "The
distinction and arrangement _of_ active, passive, and neuter verbs."--
_Wright cor._ "And see thou a hostile world spread its delusive
snares."--_Kirkham cor._ "He may be precautioned, and be made _to_ see how
those _join_ in the contempt."--_Locke cor._ "The contenting _of_
themselves in the _present_ want of what they wished for, is a _virtue_."--
_Id._ "If the complaint be _about_ something really worthy _of_ your
notice."--_Id._ "True fortitude I take to be the quiet possession of a
man's self, and an undisturbed doing _of_ his duty."--_Id._ "For the custom
of tormenting and killing beasts, will, by degrees, harden their minds even
towards men."--_Id._ "Children are whipped to it, and made _to_ spend many
hours of their precious time uneasily _at_ Latin."--_Id. "On_ this subject,
[the Harmony of Periods,] the ancient rhetoricians have entered into a very
minute and particular detail; more particular, indeed, than _on_ any other
_head_ that regards language."--See _Blair's Rhet._, p. 122. "But the one
should not be omitted, _and the other retained_." Or: "But the one should
not be _used without_ the other."--_Bullions cor. "From_ some common forms
of speech, the relative pronoun is usually omitted."--_Murray and Weld
cor._ "There are _very many_ causes which disqualify a witness _for_ being
received to testify in particular cases."--_Adams cor._ "Aside _from_ all
regard to interest, we should expect that," &c.--_Webster cor._ "My opinion
was given _after_ a rather cursory perusal of the book."--_L. Murray cor._
"And, [_on_] the next day, he was put on board _of_ his ship." Or thus:
"And, the next day, he was put _aboard_ his ship."--_Id._ "Having the
command of no emotions, but what are raised by sight."--_Kames cor._ "Did
these moral attributes exist in some other being _besides_ himself."
Or:--"in some other being _than_ himself."--_Wayland cor._ "He did not
behave in that manner _from_ pride, or [_from_] contempt of the
tribunal."--_Murray's Sequel_, p. 113. "These prosecutions _against_
William seem to have been the most iniquitous measures pursued by the
court."--_Murray and Priestley cor._ "To restore myself _to_ the good
graces of my fair critics."--_Dryden cor._ "Objects denominated beautiful,
please not _by_ virtue of any one quality common to them all."--_Dr. Blair
cor._ "This would have been less worthy _of_ notice, had not a writer or
two of high rank lately adopted it."--_Churchill cor._

"A Grecian youth, _of_ talents rare,
Whom Plato's philosophic care," &c.--WHITEHEAD: E. R., p. 196.


"To excel _has_ become a much less considerable object."--_Dr. Blair cor._
"My robe, and my integrity to _Heav'n_, are all I dare now call _my_
own."--_Enfield's Speaker_, p. 347. "_For_ thou the garland _wearst_
successively."--_Shak. cor._; also _Enfield_. "If _then_ thou _art_ a
_Roman_, take it forth."--_Id._ "If thou _prove_ this to be real, thou must
be a smart lad indeed."--_Neef cor._ "And _an other_ bridge of four hundred
_feet_ in length."--_Brightland cor._ "METONYMY is _the_ putting _of_ one
name for _an other_, on account of the near relation _which_ there is
between them."--_Fisher cor._ "ANTONOMASIA is _the_ putting _of_ an
appellative or common name for a proper name."--_Id._ "_That it is I,
should_ make no difference in your determination."--_Bullions cor._ "The
first and second _pages_ are torn." Or. "The first and _the_ second _page_
are torn." Or: "The first _page_ and _the_ second are torn."--_Id._ "John's
_absence_ from home occasioned the delay."--_Id._ "His _neglect of_
opportunities for improvement, was the cause of his disgrace."--_Id._ "He
will regret his _neglect of his_ opportunities _for_ improvement, when it
_is_ too late."--_Id._ "His _expertness at dancing_ does not entitle him to
our regard."--_Id._ "Caesar went back to Rome, to take possession of the
public treasure, which his opponent, by a most unaccountable oversight, had
neglected _to carry away_ with him."--_Goldsmith cor._ "And Caesar took out
of the treasury, _gold_ to the amount of three thousand _pounds'_ weight,
besides an immense quantity of silver." [548]--_Id._ "Rules and
definitions, which should always be _as_ clear and intelligible as
possible, are thus rendered obscure."--_Greenleaf cor._ "So much both of
ability and _of_ merit is seldom found." Or thus: "So much _of both_
ability and merit is seldom found."[549]--_L. Murray cor._ "If such maxims,
and such practices prevail, what _has_ become of decency and
virtue?"[550]--_Murray's False Syntax_, ii, 62. Or: "If such maxims and
practices prevail, what _will_ become of decency and virtue?"--_Murray and
Bullions cor._ "Especially if the subject _does not require_ so much
pomp."--_Dr. Blair cor._ "However, the proper mixture of light and shade in
such compositions,--the exact adjustment of all the figurative
circumstances with the literal sense,--_has_ ever been _found an affair_ of
great nicety."--_Blair's Rhet._, p. 151. "And adding to that hissing in our
language, which is so much _noticed_ by foreigners."--_Addison, Coote, and
Murray, cor._ "_To speak_ impatiently to servants, or _to do_ any thing
that betrays unkindness, or ill-humour, is certainly criminal." Or better:
"Impatience, unkindness, or ill-humour, is certainly criminal."--_Mur. et
al. cor._ "_Here are_ a _fullness_ and grandeur of expression, well suited
to the subject."--_Dr. Blair cor._ "I single _out_ Strada _from_ among the
moderns, because he had the foolish presumption to censure Tacitus."--_L.
Murray cor._ "I single him out _from_ among the moderns, because,"
&c.--_Bolingbroke cor._ "This _rule is not_ always observed, even by good
writers, _so_ strictly as it ought to be."--_Dr. Blair cor._ "But this
gravity and assurance, which _are_ beyond boyhood, being neither wisdom nor
knowledge, do never reach to manhood."--_Pope cor._ "The regularity and
polish even of a turnpike-road, _have_ some influence upon the low people
in the neighbourhood."--_Kames cor._ "They become fond of regularity and
neatness; _and this improvement of their taste_ is displayed, first upon
their yards and little enclosures, and next within doors."--_Id._ "The
phrase, '_it is impossible to exist_,' gives us the idea, _that it is_
impossible for men, or any body, to exist."--_Priestley cor._ "I'll give a
thousand _pounds_ to look upon him."--_Shak. cor._ "The reader's knowledge,
as Dr. Campbell observes, may prevent _him from_ mistaking it."--_Crombie
and Murray cor._ "When two words are set in contrast, or in opposition to
_each_ other, they are both emphatic."--_L. Murray cor._ "The number of
_the_ persons--men, women, and children--who were lost in the sea, was very
great." Or thus: "The number of persons--men, women, and children--_that_
were lost in the sea, was very great."--_Id._ "Nor is the resemblance
between the primary and _the_ resembling object pointed out."--_Jamieson
cor._ "I think it the best book of the kind, _that_ I have met
with."--_Mathews cor._

"Why should not we their ancient rites restore,
And be what Rome or Athens _was_ before?"--_Roscommon cor._


"It is labour only _that_ gives relish to pleasure."--_L. Murray cor._
"Groves are never _more_ agreeable _than_ in the opening of spring."--_Id._
"His Philosophical Inquiry into the Origin of our Ideas _of_ the Sublime
and _the_ Beautiful, soon made him known to the literati."--See _Blair's
Lect._, pp. 34 and 45. "An awful precipice or tower _from which_ we look
down on the objects which _are_ below."--_Dr. Blair cor._ "This passage,
though very poetical, is, however, harsh and obscure; _and for_ no other
cause _than_ this, that three distinct metaphors are crowded
together."--_Id._ "I _purpose to make_ some observations."--_Id._ "I shall
_here_ follow the same method _that_ I have all along pursued."--_Id._
"Mankind _at no other time_ resemble _one an_ other so much as they do in
the beginnings of society."--_Id._ "But no ear is sensible of the
termination of each foot, in _the_ reading _of a_ hexameter line."--_Id._
"The first thing, says he, _that_ a writer _either_ of fables or of heroic
poems does, is, to choose some maxim or point of morality."--_Id._ "The
fourth book has _always_ been most justly admired, and _indeed it_ abounds
with beauties of the highest kind."--_Id._ "There is _in_ the poem no
attempt towards _the_ painting _of_ characters."--_Id._ "But the artificial
contrasting of characters, and the _constant_ introducing _of_ them in
pairs and by opposites, _give_ too theatrical and affected an air to the
piece."--_Id._ "Neither of them _is_ arbitrary _or_ local."--_Kames cor._
"If _the_ crowding _of_ figures _is_ bad, it is still worse to graft one
figure upon _an other_."--_Id._ "The _crowding-together of_ so many objects
lessens the pleasure."--_Id._ "This therefore lies not in the _putting-off
of_ the hat, nor _in the_ making of compliments."--_Locke cor._ "But the
Samaritan Vau may have been used, as the Jews _used_ the Chaldaic, both for
a vowel and _for a_ consonant."--_Wilson cor._ "But if a solemn and _a_
familiar pronunciation really _exist_ in our language, is it not the
business of a grammarian to mark both?"--_J. Walker cor._ "By making sounds
follow _one an_ other _agreeably_ to certain laws."--_Gardiner cor._ "If
there _were_ no drinking _of_ intoxicating draughts, there could be no
drunkards."--_Peirce cor._ "Socrates knew his own defects, and if he was
proud of any thing, it was _of_ being thought to have none."--_Goldsmith
cor._ "Lysander, having brought his army to Ephesus, erected an arsenal for
_the_ building of _galleys_."--_Id._ "The use of these signs _is_ worthy
_of_ remark."--_Brightland cor._ "He received me in the same manner _in
which_ I would _receive_ you." Or thus: "He received me _as_ I would
_receive_ you."--_R. C. Smith cor._ "Consisting of _both_ the direct and
_the_ collateral evidence."--_Bp. Butler cor._ "If any man or woman that
believeth _hath_ widows, let _him_ or _her_ relieve them, and let not the
church be charged."--_Bible cor._ "For _men's sake_ are beasts bred."--_W.
Walker cor._ "From three _o'clock_, there _were_ drinking and
gaming."--_Id._ "Is this he that I am seeking, or _not?_"--_Id._ "And for
the upholding _of_ every _one's_ own opinion, there is so much
ado."--_Sewel cor._ "Some of them, however, will _necessarily_ be
_noticed_."--_Sale cor._ "The boys conducted themselves _very
indiscreetly_."--_Merchant cor._ "Their example, their influence, their
fortune,--every talent they possess,--_dispenses_ blessings on all
_persons_ around them."--_Id. and Murray cor._ "The two _Reynoldses_
reciprocally converted _each_ other."--_Johnson cor._ "The destroying _of_
the _last two_, Tacitus calls an attack upon virtue itself."--_Goldsmith
cor._ "_Moneys are_ your suit."--_Shak. cor._ "_Ch_ is commonly sounded
like _tch_, as in _church_; but in words derived from Greek, _it_ has the
sound of _k_."--_L. Murray cor._ "When one is obliged to make some utensil
_serve for_ purposes to which _it was_ not originally destined."--_Campbell
cor._ "But that a _baptism_ with water is a _washing-away_ of sin, thou
canst not hence prove."--_Barclay cor._ "Being _spoken_ to _but_ one, it
infers no universal command."--_Id._ "For if the _laying-aside of_
copulatives gives force and liveliness, a redundancy of them must render
the period languid."--_Buchanan cor._ "James used to compare him to a cat,
_which_ always _falls_ upon her legs."--_Adam cor._

"From the low earth aspiring genius springs,
And sails triumphant _borne_ on _eagle's_ wings."--_Lloyd cor._


"An ostentatious, a feeble, a harsh, or an obscure style, for instance,
_is_ always _faulty_."--_Dr. Blair cor._ "Yet in this we find _that_ the
English pronounce _quite agreeably_ to rule." Or thus: "Yet in this we find
the English _pronunciation_ perfectly agreeable to rule." Or thus: "Yet in
this we find _that_ the English pronounce _in a manner_ perfectly agreeable
to rule."--_J. Walker cor._ "But neither the perception of ideas, nor
knowledge of any sort, _is a habit_, though absolutely necessary to the
forming of _habits_."--_Bp. Butler cor._ "They were cast; and _a_ heavy
fine _was_ imposed upon them."--_Goldsmith cor._ "Without making this
reflection, he cannot enter into the spirit _of the author, or_ relish the
composition."--_Dr. Blair cor._ "The scholar should be instructed _in
relation_ to _the_ finding _of_ his words." Or thus: "The scholar should be
_told how_ to _find_ his words."--_Osborn cor._ "And therefore they could
neither have forged, _nor have_ reversified them."--_Knight cor._ "A
dispensary is _a_ place _at which_ medicines are dispensed _to the
poor_."--_L. Mur. cor._ "Both the connexion and _the_ number of words _are_
determined by general laws."--_Neef cor._ "An Anapest has the _first two_
syllables unaccented, and the last _one_ accented; as, c~ontr~av=ene,
acquiesce."--_L. Mur. cor._ "An explicative sentence is _one in which_ a
thing is said, _in a direct manner_, to be or not to be, to do or not to
do, to suffer or not to suffer."--_Lowth and Mur. cor._ "BUT is a
conjunction _whenever_ it is neither an adverb nor _a_ preposition."
[551]--_R. C. Smith cor._ "He wrote in the name _of_ King _Ahasuerus_, and
sealed _the writing_ with the king's ring."--_Bible cor._ "Camm and Audland
_had_ departed _from_ the town before this time."--_Sewel cor._ "_Before
they will relinquish_ the practice, they must be convinced."--_Webster
cor._ "Which he had thrown up _before he set_ out."--_Grimshaw cor._ "He
left _to him_ the value of _a_ hundred drachms in Persian money."--_Spect
cor._ "All _that_ the mind can ever contemplate concerning them, must be
divided _among_ the three."--_Cardell cor._ "Tom Puzzle is one of the most
eminent immethodical disputants, of _all_ that _have_ fallen under my
observation."--_Spect. cor._ "When you have once got him to think himself
_compensated_ for his suffering, by the praise _which_ is given him for his
courage."--_Locke cor._ "In all matters _in which_ simple reason, _or_ mere
speculation is concerned."--_Sheridan cor._ "And therefore he should be
spared _from_ the trouble of attending to anything else _than_ his
meaning."--_Id._ "It is this kind of phraseology _that_ is distinguished by
the epithet _idiomatical; a species that was_ originally the spawn, partly
of ignorance, and partly of affectation."--_Campbell and Murray cor._ "That
neither the inflection nor _the letters_ are such as could have been
employed by the ancient inhabitants of Latium."--_Knight cor._ "In _those_
cases _in which_ the verb is intended to be applied to any one of the
terms."--_L. Murray cor._ "But _these_ people _who_ know not the law, are
accursed."--_Bible cor._ "And the magnitude of the _choruses has_ weight
and sublimity."--_Gardiner cor._ "_Dares_ he deny _that_ there are some of
his fraternity guilty?"--_Barclay cor._ "Giving an account of most, if not
all, _of_ the papers _which_ had passed betwixt them."--_Id._ "In this
manner, _as to both_ parsing and correcting, _should_ all the rules of
syntax be treated, _being taken up_ regularly according to their
order."--_L. Murray cor._ "_To_ Ovando _were_ allowed a brilliant retinue
and a _body-guard_."--_Sketch cor._ "_Was_ it I or he, _that_ you requested
to go?"--_Kirkham cor._ "Let _thee_ and _me_ go on."--_Bunyan cor._ "This I
nowhere affirmed; and _I_ do wholly deny _it_."--_Barclay cor._ "But that I
deny; and _it_ remains for him to prove _it_."--_Id._ "Our country sinks
beneath the yoke: _She_ weeps, _she_ bleeds, and each new day a gash Is
added to her wounds."--_Shak. cor._ "Thou art the Lord who _chose_ Abraham
and _brought_ him forth out of Ur of the Chaldees."--_Bible and Mur. cor._
"He is the exhaustless fountain, from which _emanate_ all these attributes
that _exist_ throughout this wide creation."--_Wayland cor._ "I am he who
_has_ communed with the son of Neocles; I am he who _has_ entered the
gardens of pleasure."--_Wright cor._

"Such _were_ in ancient times the tales received,
Such by our good forefathers _were_ believed."--_Rowe cor._


"The noun or pronoun that _stands_ before the active verb, _usually
represents_ the agent."--_A. Murray cor._ "Such _seem_ to _have been_ the
musings of our hero of the grammar-quill, when he penned the first part of
his grammar."--_Merchant cor._ "Two dots, the one placed above the other
[:], _are_ called Sheva, and _are used to represent_ a very short
_e_."--_Wilson cor._ "Great _have_ been, and _are_, the obscurity and
difficulty, in the nature and application of them" [: i.e.--of natural
remedies].--_Butler cor._ "As two _are_ to four, so _are_ four to
eight."--_Everest cor._ "The invention and use of arithmetic, _reach_ back
to a period so remote, as _to be_ beyond the knowledge of history."--
_Robertson cor._ "What it presents as objects of contemplation or
enjoyment, _fill_ and _satisfy_ his mind."--_Id._ "If he _dares_ not say
they are, as I know he _dares_ not, how must I then distinguish?"--_Barclay
cor._ "He _had_ now grown so fond of solitude, that all company _had_
become uneasy to him."--_Life of Cic. cor._ "Violence and spoil _are_ heard
in her; before me continually _are_ grief and wounds."--_Bible cor._
"Bayle's Intelligence from the Republic of Letters, which _makes_ eleven
volumes in duodecimo, _is_ truly a model in this kind."--_Formey cor._
"Pauses, to _be rendered_ pleasing and expressive, must not only be made in
the right place, but also _be_ accompanied with a proper tone of
voice."--_L. Murray cor._ "_To oppose_ the opinions and _rectify_ the
mistakes of others, is what truth and sincerity sometimes require of
us."--_Locke cor._ "It is very probable, that this assembly was called, to
clear some doubt which the king had, _whether it were lawful for the
Hollanders to throw_ off the monarchy of Spain, and _withdraw_ entirely
their allegiance to that crown." Or:--"About the lawfulness of the
Hollanders' _rejection of_ the monarchy of Spain, and _entire withdrawment
of_ their allegiance to that crown."--_L. Murray cor._ "_A_ naming _of_ the
numbers and cases of a noun in their order, is called _the_ declining _of_
it, or _its declension_."--_Frost cor._ "The embodying _of_ them is,
therefore, only _a_ collecting _of_ such component parts of words."--_Town
cor._ "The one is the voice heard _when Christ was_ baptized; the other,
_when he was_ transfigured."--_Barclay cor._ "_An_ understanding _of_ the
literal sense"--or, "_To have understood_ the literal sense, would not have
prevented _them from_ condemning the guiltless."--_Bp. Butler cor._ "As if
this were, _to take_ the execution of justice out of the hands of God, and
_to give_ it to nature."--_Id._ "They will say, you must conceal this good
opinion of yourself; which yet is _an_ allowing _of_ the thing, though not
_of_ the showing _of_ it." Or:--"which yet is, _to allow_ the thing, though
not the showing _of_ it."--_Sheffield cor._ "So as to signify not only the
doing _of_ an action, but the causing _of_ it to be done."--_Pike cor._
"This, certainly, was both _a_ dividing _of_ the unity of God, and _a_
limiting _of_ his immensity."--_Calvin cor._ "Tones being infinite in
number, and varying in almost every individual, the arranging _of_ them
under distinct heads, and _the_ reducing _of_ them to any fixed and
permanent rules, may be considered as the last refinement in
language."--_Knight cor._ "The fierce anger of the Lord shall not return,
until he _hath_ done it, and until he _hath_ performed the intents of his
heart."--_Bible cor._ "We seek for deeds _more_ illustrious and heroic, for
events more diversified and surprising."--_Dr. Blair cor._ "We distinguish
the genders, or the male and _the_ female sex, _in_ four different
ways."--_Buchanan cor._ "Thus, _ch_ and _g_ are ever hard. It is therefore
proper to retain these sounds in _those_ Hebrew names which have not been
_modernized_, or changed by public use."--_Dr. Wilson cor._ "_A_
Substantive, or Noun, is the name of any thing _which is_ conceived to
subsist, or of which we have any notion."--_Murray and Lowth cor._ "_A_
Noun is the name of any thing _which_ exists, or of which we have, or can
form, an idea."--_Maunder cor._ "A Noun is the name of any thing in
existence, or _of any thing_ of which we can form an idea."--_Id._ "The
next thing to be _attended to_, is, to keep him exactly to _the_ speaking
of truth."--_Locke cor._ "The material, _the_ vegetable, and _the_ animal
world, receive this influence according to their several
capacities."--_Dial cor._ "And yet it is fairly defensible on the
principles of the schoolmen; if _those things_ can be called principles,
which _consist_ merely in words."--_Campbell cor._

"Art thou so bare, and full of wretchedness,
And _fearst_ to die? Famine is in thy cheeks,
Need and oppression _starve_ in thy _sunk_ eyes."--_Shak. cor._


"The silver age is reckoned to have commenced _at_ the death of Augustus,
and _to have_ continued _till_ the end of Trajan's reign."--_Gould cor._
"Language _has indeed_ become, in modern times, more correct, and _more
determinate_."--_Dr. Blair cor._ "It is evident, that _those_ words are
_the_ most agreeable to the ear, which are composed of smooth and liquid
sounds, _and in which_ there is a proper intermixture of vowels and
consonants."--_Id._ "It would have had no other effect, _than_ to add _to_
the sentence _an unnecessary_ word."--_Id._ "But as rumours arose, _that_
the judges _had_ been corrupted by money in this cause, these gave
_occasion_ to much popular clamour, and _threw_ a heavy odium on
Cluentius."--_Id._ "A Participle is derived _from_ a verb, and partakes of
the nature both of the verb and _of an_ adjective."--_Ash and Devis cor._
"I _shall_ have learned my grammar before you _will have learned
yours_."--_Wilbur and Livingston cor._ "There is no _other_ earthly object
capable of making _so_ various and _so_ forcible impressions upon the human
mind, as a complete speaker."--_Perry cor._ "It was not the carrying _of_
the bag, _that_ made Judas a thief and _a_ hireling."--_South cor._ "As the
reasonable soul and _the_ flesh _are_ one man, so God and man _are_ one
Christ."--_Creed cor._ "And I will say to them _who_ were not my people,
_Ye are_ my people; and they shall say, Thou art _our_ God."--_Bible cor._
"Where there is _in the sense_ nothing _that_ requires the last sound to be
elevated or _suspended_, an easy fall, sufficient to show that the sense is
finished, will be proper."--_L. Mur. cor._ "Each party _produce_ words _in
which_ the letter _a_ is sounded in the manner _for which_ they
contend."--_J. Walker cor._ "To countenance persons _that_ are guilty of
bad actions, is scarcely one remove from _an actual commission of the same
crimes_."--_L. Mur. cor._ "'To countenance persons _that_ are guilty of bad
actions,' is a _phrase or clause_ which is _made_ the _subject of_ the verb
'is.'"--_Id._ "What is called _the_ splitting of particles,--_that is, the_
separating _of_ a preposition from the noun which it governs, is always to
be avoided."--_Dr. Blair et al. cor._ (See Obs. 15th on Rule 23d.) "There
is properly _but_ one pause, or rest, in the sentence; _and this falls_
betwixt the two members into which _the sentence_ is divided."--_Iid._ "_To
go_ barefoot, does not at all help _a man_ on, _in_ the way to
heaven."--_Steele cor._ "There is _nobody who does not condemn_ this in
others, though _many_ overlook it in themselves."--_Locke cor._ "Be careful
not to use the same word _in_ the same sentence _either_ too frequently
_or_ in different senses."--_L. Murray cor._ "Nothing could have made her
_more_ unhappy, _than to have married_ a man _of_ such principles."--_Id._
"A warlike, various, and tragical age is _the_ best to write of, but _the_
worst to write in."--_Cowley cor._ "When thou _instancest Peter's_
babtizing [sic--KTH] _of_ Cornelius."--_Barclay cor._ "To introduce two or
more leading thoughts or _topics_, which have no natural _affinity_ or
_mutual_ dependence."--_L. Murray cor._ "Animals, again, are fitted to one
_an other_, and to the elements _or regions in which_ they live, and to
which they are as appendices."--_Id._ "This melody, _however_, or so
_frequent_ varying _of_ the sound of each word, is a proof of nothing, but
of the fine ear of that people."--_Jamieson cor._ "They can, each in _its
turn_, be _used_ upon occasion."--_Duncan cor._ "In this reign, lived the
_poets_ Gower and Chaucer, who are the first authors _that_ can properly be
said to have written English."--_Bucke cor._ "In translating expressions
_of this_ kind, consider the [phrase] '_it is_' as if it were _they
are_."--_W. Walker cor._ "The chin has an important office to perform; for,
_by the degree of_ its activity, we disclose _either_ a polite or _a_
vulgar pronunciation."--_Gardiner cor._ "For no other reason, _than that he
was_ found in bad company."--_Webster cor._ "It is usual to compare them
_after_ the manner _of polysyllables_."--_Priestley cor._ "The infinitive
mood is _recognized more easily_ than any _other_, because the preposition
TO precedes it."--_Bucke cor._ "Prepositions, you recollect, connect words,
_and so do_ conjunctions: how, then, can you tell _a conjunction_ from _a
preposition_?" Or:--"how, then, can you _distinguish_ the _former_ from the
_latter_?"--_R. C. Smith cor._

"No kind of work requires _a nicer_ touch,
And, _this_ well finish'd, _none else_ shines so much."
--_Sheffield cor._


"_On_ many occasions, it is the final pause alone, _that_ marks the
difference between prose and verse: _this_ will be evident from the
following arrangement of a few poetical lines."--_L. Murray cor._ "I shall
do all I can to persuade others to take _for their cure_ the same measures
_that_ I have _taken for mine_."--_Guardian cor._; also _Murray_. "It is
the nature of extreme self-lovers, _that_ they will set _a_ house on fire,
_as_ it were, but to roast their eggs."--_Bacon cor._ "Did ever man
struggle more earnestly in a cause _in which_ both his honour and _his_
life _were_ concerned?"--_Duncan cor._ "So the rests, _or_ pauses, _which
separate_ sentences _or_ their parts, are marked by points."--_Lowth cor._
"Yet the case and _mood are_ not influenced by them, but _are_ determined
by the nature of the sentence."--_Id._ "_Through inattention_ to this rule,
many errors have been committed: _several_ of which _are here_ subjoined,
as a further caution and direction to the learner."--_L. Murray cor._
"Though thou _clothe_ thyself with crimson, though thou _deck_ thee with
ornaments of gold, though thou _polish_ thy face with painting, in vain
shalt thou make thyself fair." [552]--_Bible cor._ "But that the doing _of_
good to others, will make us happy, is not so evident; _the_ feeding _of_
the hungry, for example, or _the_ clothing _of_ the naked." Or: "But that,
_to do_ good to others, will make us happy, is not so evident; _to feed_
the hungry, for example, or _to clothe_ the naked."--_Kames cor._ "There is
no other God _than he_, no other light _than_ his." Or: "There is no God
_but he_, no light _but_ his."--_Penn cor._ "How little reason _is there_
to wonder, that a _powerful_ and accomplished orator should be one of the
characters that _are_ most rarely found."--_Dr. Blair cor._ "Because they
express _neither the_ doing nor _the_ receiving _of_ an action."--_Inf. S.
Gram. cor._ "To find the answers, will require an effort of mind; and, when
_right answers are_ given, _they_ will be the result of reflection, _and
show_ that the subject is understood."--_Id._ "'The sun rises,' is _an
expression_ trite and common; but _the same idea_ becomes a magnificent
image, when expressed _in the language of_ Mr. Thomson."--_Dr. Blair cor._
"The declining _of_ a word is the giving _of its_ different endings." Or:
"_To decline_ a word, is _to give_ it different endings."--_Ware cor._ "And
so much are they for _allowing_ every _one to follow his_ own
mind."--_Barclay cor._ "More than one overture for peace _were_ made, but
Cleon prevented _them from_ taking effect."--_Goldsmith cor._ "Neither in
English, _nor_ in any other language, is this word, _or_ that which
corresponds to it in _meaning_, any more an article, than TWO, THREE, _or_
FOUR."--_Webster cor._ "But the most irksome conversation of all that I
have met _with in_ the neighbourhood, has been _with_ two or three of your
travellers."--_Spect. cor._ "Set down the _first two_ terms of _the_
supposition, _one under the other_, in the first place."--_Smiley cor._ "It
is _a_ useful _practice_ too, to fix _one's_ eye on some of the most
distant persons in the assembly."--_Dr. Blair cor._ "He will generally
please _his hearers_ most, when _to please them_ is not his sole _or his_
chief aim."--_Id._ "At length, the consuls return to the camp, and inform
_the soldiers, that_ they could _obtain for them_ no other terms _than
those_ of surrendering their arms and passing under the yoke."--_Id._ "Nor
_are_ mankind so much to blame, in _their_ choice thus determining
_them_."--_Swift cor._ "These forms are what _are_ called _the Numbers_."
Or: "These forms are called _Numbers_."--_Fosdick cor._ "In _those_


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