The International Jewish Cook Book
Florence Kreisler Greenbaum

Part 9 out of 12


Wash the rhubarb thoroughly in pure water; cut it into pieces and pack
it in sterilized jars. Cover with cold water; let it stand ten minutes;
pour off the water; fill again to overflowing with fresh cold water;
seal with sterilized rubber rings and covers, and set away in a cool,
dark place.


To four quarts of plums take one quart of sugar and one cup of water.

Wash, drain and prick the plums. Make a syrup of the sugar and water;
put part of the fruit in the boiling syrup; cook five minutes; fill and
seal the jars. Put more fruit in the syrup; remove and continue the
process until all the fruit has been cooked.


Canning in the preserving kettle is less satisfactory; but is sometimes
considered easier, especially for small fruits. Cook the fruit according
to the directions and see that all jars, covers and utensils are
carefully sterilized. When ready to put the fruit in the jars, put a
broad skimmer under one, lift it and drain off the water. Set it in a
shallow pan of boiling water or wrap it well in a heavy towel wrung out
of boiling water; fill to overflowing with the fruit and slip a
silver-plated knife around the inside of the jar to make sure that fruit
and juice are solidly packed. Wipe the rim of the jar; dip the rubber
ring in boiling water, place it on the jar; cover and remove the jar,
placing it upside down on a board, well out of drafts until cool. Then
tighten the covers, if screw covers are used; wipe the jars with a wet
cloth and stand on shelves in a cool, dark closet.


To eight quarts of peaches take one quart of sugar and three quarts of
water. Make a syrup of the sugar and water; bring to a boil; skim it and
draw the kettle aside where the syrup will keep hot but not boil. Pare
the peaches, cutting them in halves or not as desired; if in half leave
one or two whole peaches for every jar, as the kernel improves the
flavor. Put a layer of fruit in the kettle; when it begins to boil skim
carefully; boil gently, for ten minutes; put in jars and seal. Then cook
more of the fruit in similar fashion. If the fruit is not ripe it will
require a longer time to cook.

All fruit may be canned in this manner, if desired.


The large juicy pineapple is the best for this purpose. Have your scales
at hand, also a sharp-pointed knife and an apple-corer, a slaw-cutter
and a large, deep porcelain dish to receive the sliced pineapple. Pare,
do this carefully, dig out all the eyes as you go along. Lay the pared
pineapple on a porcelain platter and stick your apple-corer right
through the centre of the apple, first at one end and then at the other;
if it acts stubbornly put a towel around the handle of the corer and
twist it, the whole core will come out at once. Now screw the
slaw-cutter to the desired thickness you wish to have your pineapple
sliced. Slice into receiving dish, weigh one pound of fine granulated
sugar and sprinkle it all over the apple, and so on until all are pared
and sliced, allowing one pound of sugar to each very large pineapple.
Cover the dish until next day and then strain all the juice off the
apples and boil in a porcelain or bell metal kettle, skimming it well;
throw in the sliced pineapples, boil about five minutes and can. Fill
the cans to overflowing and seal immediately, not losing a moment's
time. As the cans grow cold screw tighter and examine daily, for three
or four days, and screw tighter if possible.


Prepare the pineapples as above, allowing half a pound of sugar to two
pounds of fruit. Steam the sliced pines in a porcelain steamer until
tender. In the meantime make a syrup of the sugar, allowing a tumblerful
of water to a pound of sugar. Skim the syrup carefully, put in your
steamed pineapples and can as above.


In making preserves or jellies use none but porcelain-lined or
bell-metal kettles, being very careful to have them perfectly clean.
Scour with sapolio or sand before using. Take plenty of time to do your
work, as you will find that too great hurry is unprofitable. Use glass
jars and the best white sugar, and do not have any other cooking going
on while preserving, as the steam or grease will be apt to injure your

When fruit is preserved with a large amount of sugar (a pound of sugar
to a pound of fruit) it does not need to be sealed in airtight jars;
because bacteria do not readily form in the thick, sugary syrup. It is,
however, best kept in small sealed jars.

In damp weather jelly takes longer to form. Try to select a sunny, dry
day for jelly making. You can prepare your juice even if it is cloudy,
but wait for sunshine before adding the sugar and final boiling.


Large enamelled kettle, syrup gauge, two colanders, wooden masher,
wooden spoon, jelly glasses, one-quart measure, two enamelled cups, one
baking-pan, two earthen bowls, paraffin wax, enamelled dishpan for
sterilizing glasses and two iron jelly stands with cheese-cloth bags.


Much waste of sugar and spoilage of jellies can be avoided by using a
simple alcohol test recommended by the Bureau of Chemistry, United
States Department of Agriculture. To determine how much sugar should be
used with each kind of juice put a spoon of juice in a glass and add to
it one spoon of ninety-five per cent grain alcohol, mixed by shaking the
glass gently.

Pour slowly from the glass, noting how the pectin--the substance in
fruits which makes them jell--is precipitated. If the pectin is
precipitated as one lump, a cup of sugar may be used for each cup of
juice; if in several lumps the proportion of sugar must be reduced to
approximately 3/4 the amount of the juice. If the pectin is not in
lumps, the sugar should be one-half or less of the amount of juice.

The housewife will do well before making the test to taste the juice, as
fruits having less acid than good tart apples probably will not make
good jelly, unless mixed with other fruits which are acid.


There are three common methods of covering jelly tumblers: (1) Dip a
piece of paper in alcohol; place it on top of the tumbler as soon as the
jelly is cold; put on the tin cover and force it down firmly. (2) Cut a
piece of paper large enough to allow it to overlap the top of the
tumbler at least one-half inch on all sides; dip the paper in
slightly-beaten white of egg; cover the glass as soon as the jelly cools
and press down the paper until it adheres firmly. (3) When the jelly has
become cold, cover the top with melted paraffin to a thickness of
one-third of an inch.

To mark jelly glasses sealed with paraffin, have the labels ready on
narrow slips of paper not quite as long as the diameter of the top of a
glass, and when the paraffin is partially set, but still soft, lay each
label on and press gently.



Pick over half ripe currants, leaving stems on. Wash and place in
preserving kettle. Pound vigorously with wooden masher until there is
juice enough to boil. Boil slowly until fruit turns white and liquid
drops slowly from the spoon. Stir to prevent scorching.

Remove from fire. Take an enamelled cup and dip this mixture into the
jelly bags, under which large bowls have been placed to catch the drip.
Drip overnight.

Next morning measure the juice. For every pint allow a pint of
granulated sugar, which is put in a flat pan. Juice is put in kettle and
allowed to come to boiling point. Sugar is placed in oven and heated.
When juice boils add sugar and stir until dissolved.

When this boils remove from fire and skim. Do this three times. Now test
liquid with syrup gauge to see if it registers twenty-five degrees.
Without gauge let it drip from spoon, half cooled, to see if it jells.
Strain into sterilized jelly glasses. Place glasses on a board in a
sunny exposure until it hardens Cover with melted paraffin one-fourth
inch thick.


Follow the recipe for Currant Jelly, using half raspberries and half


Follow the recipe for Currant Jelly.


Follow the recipe for Currant Jelly.


To five quarts of strawberries add one quart of currants and proceed as
with Currant Jelly; but boil fifteen minutes.


The Concord is the best all-round grape for jelly, although the Catawba
grape makes a delicious jelly. Make your jelly as soon as possible after
the grapes are sent home from the market. Weigh the grapes on the stems
and for every pound of grapes thus weighed allow three-quarters of a
pound of the best quality of granulated sugar.

After weighing the grapes, place them in a big tub or receptacle of some
kind nearly filled with cold water. Let them remain ten minutes, then
lift them out with both hands and put them in a preserving kettle over a
very low fire. Do not add any water. With a masher press the grapes so
the juice comes out, and cook the grapes until they are rather soft,
pressing them frequently with the masher. When they have cooked until
the skins are all broken, pour them, juice and all; in a small-holed
colander set in a big bowl, and press pulp and juice through, picking
out the stems as they come to the surface.

When pulp and juice are pressed out, pour them into a cheese-cloth bag.
Hang the bag over the preserving kettle and let the juice drip all
night. In the morning put the kettle over the fire and let the grape
juice boil gently for a half hour, skimming it frequently.

While the juice is cooking put the sugar in pans in a moderate oven and
let heat. As soon as the juice is skimmed clear stir in the hot sugar,
and as soon as it is dissolved pour the jelly in the glasses, first
standing them in warm water. Place glasses after filling them in a cool
dry place till jelly is well set, then pour a film of melted paraffin
over the top and put on the covers. Label.


Take eight quarts of Siberian crab-apples, cut up in pieces, leaving in
the seeds, and do not pare. Put into a stone jar, and set on the back of
the stove to boil slowly, adding four quarts of water. Let them boil,
closely covered all day, then put in a jelly-bag and let them drip all
night. Boil a pint of juice at a time, with a pound of sugar to every
pint of juice. Boil five minutes steadily, each pint exactly five
minutes. Now weigh another pound of sugar and measure another pint of
juice. Keep on in this way and you will be through before you realize
it. There is no finer or firmer jelly than this. It should be a bright
amber in color, and of fine flavor. You may press the pulp that remains
in the jelly-bag through a coarse strainer, add the juice of two lemons
and as much sugar as you have pulp, and cook to a jam.


Take sour, juicy apples, not too ripe, cut up in pieces, leave the skins
on and boil the seeds also. Put on enough water to just cover, boil on
the back of the stove, closely covered, all day. Then put in jelly-bag
of double cheese-cloth to drip all night. Next morning measure the
juice. Allow a wineglass of white wine and juice of one lemon to every
three pints of juice. Then boil a pint at a time, with a pound of sugar
to every pint.


Take equal quantities of fully ripe strawberries, raspberries, currants
and red cherries. The cherries must be stoned, taking care to preserve
the juice and add to rest of juice. Mix and press through a jelly-press
or bag. Measure the juice, boil a pint at a time, and to every pint
allow a pound of sugar and proceed as with other fruit jellies.


Prepare the fruit and cook peels and cores as directed for preserving.
Cut the quinces in small pieces and let them boil in the strained water
for one hour with kettle uncovered. When cooked the desired length of
time, pour the whole into a jelly-bag of white flannel or double
cheese-cloth; hang over a big bowl or jar and let the liquor all drain
through. This will take several hours. When all the liquor is drained,
measure it and return to the kettle. To each pint of liquor weigh a
pound of sugar. While the liquor is heating put the sugar in the oven,
then add to the boiling hot liquor and stir it until sugar is melted.
When the whole is thick, and drops from the spoon like jelly, pour it
through a strainer into the jelly glasses; and when the jelly is cool,
put on the covers--first pouring a film of melted paraffin over the


One-half peck of tart apples, one quart of cranberries. Cover with cold
water and cook an hour. Strain through a jelly-bag without squeezing.
There should be about three pints of juice. Use a bowl of sugar for each
bowl of juice. When the juice is boiling add sugar which has been heated
in oven and boil twenty minutes. Skim and pour into glasses. Will fill
about seven.


Wash and pick ripe cranberries and set on to boil in a porcelain-lined
kettle closely covered. When soft strain the pulp through a fine wire
sieve. Measure the juice and add an equal quantity of sugar. Set it on
to boil again and let it boil very fast for about ten minutes--but it
must boil steadily all the time. Wet a mold with cold water, turn the
jelly into it and set it away to cool, when firm turn it into a glass



Lay fresh figs in water overnight. Then simmer in water enough to cover
them until tender, and spread upon dishes to cool. Make a syrup of a
pound of sugar to every pound of fruit. Allow a small teacup of water to
a pound of sugar. Boil until a very clear syrup; remove every particle
of scum; put in the figs and boil slowly for ten minutes. Take them out
and spread upon dishes, and set them in the hot sun. Add the juice of as
many lemons as you have pounds of sugar, and a few small pieces of
ginger. Boil this syrup until thick. Boil the figs in this syrup for
fifteen minutes longer. Then fill in glass jars three-quarters full,
fill up with boiling syrup and cover. When cold, screw air-tight or


The sour red cherries, or "Morellas," are the best for preserves. Never
use sweet ones for this purpose. Stone them, preserving every drop of
juice, then weigh the cherries, and for every pound take three-quarters
of a pound of sugar. Set the sugar and juice of the cherries on to boil,
also a handful of the cherry stones pounded and tied in a thin muslin
bag. Let this boil about fifteen minutes. Skim off the scum that rises.
Now put in the cherries, and boil until the syrup begins to thicken like
jelly. Remove from the fire, fill in pint jars, and when cold, cover
with brandied paper and screw on the cover tight.


Weigh one pound of sugar for each pound of fruit. After weighing them
brush each peach with a stiff whiskbroom. This should be done in putting
up peaches in any way. After brushing them peel the peaches very thin
with a sharp silver knife. Do not use a knife with a steel blade, as it
discolors the fruit. As fast as the peaches are peeled lay them on
porcelain platters. Put the peelings in the preserving kettle with
enough water to keep from sticking. Stand the kettle over rather a quick
fire and let the peelings boil with the kettle covered until very soft.
Then drain them through a colander and pour the juice strained back into
the kettle. Add sugar to this and let it simmer gently until it is a
thick syrup. During the time the syrup is cooking it must be frequently
stirred and skimmed. As soon as the syrup is thick enough, drop in the
peaches, twelve at a time if for quart jars, and six at a time if for
pint jars. Let the peaches cook gently until each one may easily be
pierced with a broom splint.

Then quickly skim them out and lay them on a platter to cool. Repeat
this process until all the peaches are done, then let the syrup cook
until thick as molasses. Skim it thoroughly. When cool put the peaches,
one at a time, in the jars with a spoon. When the syrup is sufficiently
thick, pour it through a strainer over the peaches in the jars until
they are full, then seal down quickly and stand them upside down for
several hours before putting them in the store-room.


To two pounds of berries take two pounds of sugar and three-quarters cup
of water. Put the syrup in the preserving kettle; bring it to a boil and
cook for about ten minutes, or until it begins to thicken. Add the
berries; cook for ten minutes and pour them out in shallow dishes or
meat platters. Cover with sheets of glass, allowing a little air for
ventilation; place in the sun until the juice is thick and syrupy. This
will take two days or more, but the rich color and delicious flavor of
the fruit will fully repay the effort expended. Put into small jars or
tumblers and cover according to directions.


To one pint of strawberries take one pint of sugar and one-half cup of
water. Unless strawberries are cooked in the sun they should be prepared
only in small quantities or they will be dark and unpalatable. If the
following directions are carefully observed the berries will be plump
and of a rich red color.

Bring the sugar and water to a boil; add the strawberries and cook ten
minutes. Remove the berries carefully with a skimmer and cook the syrup
until it is of the consistency of jelly. Return the berries to the
syrup; bring all to a boil and when cool put in glass tumblers.


Follow the recipe for Preserved Strawberries, using two-thirds pineapple
and one-third strawberries.


To one pineapple take three-quarters of its weight in sugar and one cup
of water. Peel the pineapple and put it through the food-chopper. Weigh
and add three-quarters of the weight in sugar. Bring slowly to a boil
and simmer for about twenty minutes, or until the consistency of


Pick the plums over carefully, removing every one that has a decayed
spot or blemish. Leave the stems on. After picking the fruit over, wash
it carefully in cold water; then weigh it and allow one pound of sugar
to each pound of fruit. Put a gill of water in the preserving kettle for
each pound of sugar, stand the kettle over a moderate fire and add the
sugar. Stir it almost constantly with a wooden spoon until the sugar
melts; then turn on a little more heat and let the melted sugar boil
gently until it is a thick syrup. Stir, and skim it frequently. When the
required thickness (which should be like syrup used for griddle cakes)
put the plums in the boiling syrup and let them cook gently for half an
hour; then skim out the plums and put them in glass jars, filling each
jar half full. Let the syrup boil till almost as thick as jelly, then
pour it in the jars, filling them quite full. Fasten the tops on and
stand the jars upside down until the preserves are cold; then put them
where they are to be kept for the winter.


Weigh 3/4 of a pound of sugar for each pound of fruit. After washing the
plums carefully, put them in a preserving kettle with just enough water
to keep them from sticking to the bottom. Set them over a moderate fire
and let them simmer for half an hour; then turn them, juice and all,
into a colander, filling the colander not more than half full. Have the
colander set over a large earthen bowl. With a potato masher, press
juice and pulp through the colander into the bowl, leaving skins and
pits as dry as possible. Remove these from the colander and repeat the
process until all the pulp and juice is pressed out; then pour it into
the kettle and, while it is heating slowly, heat the sugar in the oven.
As soon as the juice and pulp begins to simmer stir in the hot sugar,
and when it drops from the spoon like a thick jelly pour it into the
glasses. This is one of the most delicious fruit preserves made and is
always acceptable with meat and poultry or as a sweetmeat at afternoon


To five pounds of red raspberries (not too ripe) add five pounds of loaf
sugar. Mash the whole well in a preserving kettle (to do this thoroughly
use a potato masher). Add one quart of currant juice, and boil slowly
until it jellies. Try a little on a plate; set it on ice, if it jellies
remove from the fire, fill in small jars, cover with brandied paper and
tie a thick white paper over them. Keep in a dark, dry, cool place. If
you object to seeds, press the fruit through a sieve before boiling.


Jellied quinces are made after the direction for preserved quinces, only
the fruit is cut in tiny little pieces and when put in the syrup is
allowed to cook twenty minutes longer, and is put in small glasses with
the syrup and not skimmed out as for preserves. Leave the glasses open
till the jelly sets, then cover.


Wipe off each quince before paring, core and slice them, weigh your
fruit and sugar, allowing 3/4 of a pound of sugar for every pound of
fruit and set the sugar aside until wanted. Boil the skins, cores and
seeds in a clean vessel by themselves, with just enough water to cover
them. Boil until the parings are soft, so as to extract all the flavor,
then strain through a jelly-bag. When this water is almost cold, put the
quinces in the preserving kettle with the quince water and boil until
soft, mash with a wooden spoon or beetle. Add the juice of an orange to
every two pounds of fruit, being careful not to get any of the seeds
into the preserves. Now add the sugar and boil slowly for fifteen
minutes, stirring constantly; if not thick enough boil longer, being
very careful not to let it burn. Take off the fire and pack in small
jars with brandied paper over them.


The quince that comes first into the market is likely to be wormy and
corky, and harder to cook than the better ones. It requires a good deal
of skill to cook quince preserves just right. If you cook them too much
they are red instead of a beautiful salmon shade, and they become
shriveled, dry and tart, even in the sweetest syrup, instead of full and
mealy, and sweet.

Weigh a pound of sugar for each pound of fruit. Wipe each quince
carefully with a coarse linen towel. Peel, quarter and core the quinces.
Put peels and cores in the preserving kettle with just water enough to
cover them, and let them simmer with the kettle covered for two hours.
Then strain the liquor through a fine sieve and return it to the kettle.

Cut the quartered quinces in small pieces and put as many of them in the
kettle as the liquor will cover. Let them boil gently, with the kettle
uncovered, until so tender they may be easily pierced with a broom
splint. Take them out with a skimmer and lay on flat dishes to cool.
Repeat this process until all the fruit is properly cooked; then put the
sugar in the liquor and let it boil gently to a thick syrup; put in as
many of the cooked quinces as the syrup will cover and let them cook in
the syrup for twenty minutes; skim them out and lay on flat dishes to
cool. Repeat this process until all the quinces are cooked in the syrup.

When they are cool put the quinces in glass jars, filling each one half
full. Let the syrup boil until very thick, stirring it frequently and
skimming it clear. Then pour it through a fine strainer, while very hot,
over the fruit; and as soon as a jar is full, fasten on the cover. It is
tiresome work to preserve quinces, but the result pays for all the


Pare and core the citron; cut it into strips and notch the edges; or cut
it into fancy shapes. Allow a pound of sugar to a pound of fruit, and to
six pounds of the fruit allow four lemons and a quarter of a pound of
ginger root. Tie the ginger in a cloth, and boil it in a quart and a
half of water until the flavor is extracted; then remove it, and add to
the water the sugar and the juice of the lemons; stir until the sugar is
dissolved and the syrup is clear; take off any scum; then add the citron
and cook until it is clear, but not soft enough to fall apart. Can and
seal while hot.


Marmalades require great care while cooking because no moisture is added
to the fruit and sugar. If the marmalade is made from berries the fruit
should be rubbed through a sieve to remove the seeds. If large fruit is
used have it washed, pared, cored, and quartered.

Measure the fruit and sugar, allowing one pint of sugar to each quart of

Rinse the preserving kettle with cold water that there may be a slight
coat of moisture on the sides and bottom. Put alternate layers of fruit
and sugar in the kettle, having the first layer fruit. Heat slowly,
stirring frequently. While stirring, break up the fruit as much as
possible. Cook about two hours, then put in small sterilized jars.


The white part between the yellow rind and the inner skin of the orange
used to be most sedulously removed, but now we know that there is great
economy in using it. By doing so we can use large quantities of water in
proportion to fruit, for it has the property of converting this into

The Seville orange used to be the orange used in Scotland and England
for marmalades because of its bitter flavor, but we can get the same
effect by using the grapefruit. An all grapefruit marmalade is not
nearly so attractive and pretty as one of combined fruits, nor does it
have the zest that the grapefruit seems to give to a marmalade where it
is only one of the constituents.


Slice thin, skin and all, one grapefruit, one orange, one lemon. Add to
this three times its measure of water and allow to stand overnight. Cook
for ten minutes the next morning and then allow to stand until the next
morning, when finish by adding as much sugar as there is liquid and
boiling slowly until done, or until it jellies. The time commonly given
is two hours, but a half hour less than this is ample.


Cut three pounds of pie plant into small pieces (unpeeled). Peel three
oranges and cut into small pieces. Put with this two cups of sugar and
the grated rind of one orange. Let stand overnight. Cook until clear,
stirring often. Then add three pounds of granulated sugar heated in
oven. Cook until clear; ten to twenty minutes. Pour into jelly glasses
and cover with paraffin.


A novelty for the preserve closet and one that is very good is made from
ripe apples and quinces. Use one peck of juicy cooking apples and two
quarts of sugar. Pare the quinces and cut out the cores. Put the parings
and cores into a preserving kettle with two quarts of water and boil
gently for forty-five minutes. Meanwhile, cut the quinces into eighths,
put them into a kettle with three pints of water and simmer until the
fruit can be pierced with a straw; then lift the fruit from the water
and lay them on a platter to drain. Strain the water in which the
parings and cores have cooked into the water in which the quinces have
cooked, and after adding the sugar boil for ten minutes. Pare, core and
quarter the apples, and place in the syrup with the cooked quinces. Cook
slowly for fifteen minutes and seal immediately in sterilized jars. The
combined flavors of the quince and apple are very pleasing.


Take three and 1/2 pounds of large red cherries, stone them and cook for
fifteen minutes. Heat two and 1/2 pounds of sugar in the oven; add it to
the cherries; also 1/4 pound of seeded raisins and the juice and pulp of
three oranges. Cook until the mixture is as thick as marmalade.


Boil down any desired quantity of sweet cider in your preserving kettle
to 2/3 the original quantity. Pare, core and slice as many wine apples
as you wish to use. Boil slowly, stirring often with a silver or wooden
spoon. Spice with stick cinnamon and cloves, and sweeten to taste. Boil
from four to five hours; take from the fire, pour all together into a
large crock. Cover and let it stand overnight, then return it to the
preserving kettle and boil down, stirring all the while until it is the
consistency of mush, and of a dark brown color.


Squeeze the pulp into one bowl and put the skins into another. Press the
pulp through a sieve, weigh the grapes before you squeeze them and allow
three-quarters of a pound of sugar to a pound of fruit. Put the strained
pulp and sugar on to boil, the skins also, and boil slowly until thick.
It will be much easier for you to heat the pulp before straining.


Remove pits and wash prunes, take three-quarters of a pound of sugar to
a pound of fruit, and enough water to keep from burning; do not stir but
remove from the sides of the kettle occasionally. Let boil for hours;
when done, place in glasses. Let cool; cover with paraffin.


To three pounds of sweet and one pound of sour cherries allow two pounds
of sugar. Weigh the cherries when stemmed and pitted. Make a syrup of
the sugar, add cinnamon bark and cloves. Put in the sweet cherries
first, adding the sour ones half an hour later; boil down thick and
cover the jars with brandied paper.


Remove the stems and skins from five pounds of grapes and boil the pulp
until tender; then press it through a sieve. Boil the skins of three
juicy oranges until tender, then chop fine. Put the grape skins and the
pulp into a saucepan; add the orange juice, the boiled skins, five
pounds of sugar, one pound of raisins--the muscat seeded--and one pound
of shelled walnuts and boil until quite thick.


Wash five pounds of blue plums or German Prunes, cut them in halves and
remove the stones. Peel four oranges, slice them fine and cut each slice
in half. Cut the rind of two of the oranges into small squares, add one
pound of seeded raisins. Take a measure of sugar and a measure of the
mixture, place in preserving kettle on the stove and let come slowly to
the boiling point and cook steadily for several hours until the fruit is
clear and thick. Put in jelly glasses or jars.


Wash three pounds of German prunes, remove the stones and cut them into
small pieces. Mix one pound of seeded raisins, two oranges cut in small
pieces, the juice of two lemons, one pound English walnuts broken in
chunks, and three pounds of sugar. Place all the ingredients in the
preserving kettle on the stove and let come slowly to the boiling point
and cook steadily until the fruit is clear and thick. Put in jelly
glasses or jars.


This is very nice for all kinds of griddle cakes. Use the peelings of
your peaches when you are through canning and preserving. Add 1/3 of the
peach kernels and put all on to boil in a stone jar on the back of the
stove with a little water. When soft, strain through a jelly-bag by
letting it drip all night. In the morning add the juice of two or three
lemons and boil as you would jelly. Set a pint of juice on to boil and
boil for five minutes. Add a pound of sugar and boil five minutes more,
but it must boil very hard. Bottle in wide-mouthed bottles or jars.


Weigh the peaches after they are pared and pitted. Allow a pound of
sugar to a pound of fruit. Cook the peaches alone until soft, then add
1/2 of the sugar and stir frequently. In half an hour put in the
remaining sugar. Now watch carefully, stirring almost constantly for two
hours. Boil slowly, and add 1/4 of the peach kernels. Spice with
cinnamon and cloves, using whole spices.


Peel six oranges (California), cut the skin in very small narrow strips,
or run through a food chopper. Slice the oranges very thin and quarter
the slices. Let it stand overnight in three pints of cold water. Place
this in a preserving kettle with three pounds of seeded raisins, three
quarts of currants (picked and washed) and three pounds of granulated
sugar. Boil all together for two hours and put in glass jars, closing
them while hot.

If preferred, three pints of currant juice strained may be used instead
of the whole fruit. This compote will keep perfectly well after the jar
is opened.


Brush but do not peel the peaches. Select medium-sized ones. When all
are well brushed, stick each peach quite full of cloves.

Make a thick syrup of half a pound of sugar to a pound of fruit. Cook
the peaches in the syrup until they may be easily pierced with a broom
splint. Then carefully skim them from the syrup and after they have
cooled on the platters put them in glass jars or stone crocks. To the
syrup in the kettle add a few pieces of stick cinnamon and a few whole
allspice. Add half a pint of good cider vinegar and a tablespoon of
tarragon vinegar to each quart of syrup, and when the syrup just comes
to a boil after adding the vinegar pour it over the peaches. Delicious
with cold chicken.


Pulp seven pounds of Concord grapes; cook the pulp and skins until soft;
put them through a fine sieve; then add four and one-half pounds of
granulated sugar, one pint of cider vinegar, two tablespoons of ground
cinnamon, and two tablespoons of ground cloves. Bring to a boil; then
cook slowly for one and one-half hours. Put in an earthen crock when

This recipe may also be used with currants; use five pounds of sugar
instead of four and one-half pounds.


Wash and dry four pounds of small yellow or green tomatoes and prick
each one in five or six places. Stir three pounds of sugar in one-half
cup boiling water until dissolved; add the tomatoes and cook until
clear. When half done add the juice and the rind of two lemons sliced
very thin. When the fruit is clear remove it with a skimmer; put in
small jars, filling them two-thirds full. Boil the syrup fast for a few
minutes longer or until thick and syrupy, fill up the jars; cover with a
cloth until the next day; then cover closely and stand away in a cool


Pare the apples, "Pound Sweets" are best; crab-apples may be pickled the
same way, but do not pare. Leave on the stems and put into a kettle with
alternate layers of sugar; take four pounds of white sugar to nine
pounds of fruit, and spice with an ounce of cinnamon bark and half an
ounce of cloves, removing the heads. Heat slowly to a boil with a pint
of water; add the vinegar and spices, and boil until tender. Take out
the fruit with a perforated skimmer and spread upon dishes to cool. Boil
the syrup thick; pack the apples in jars and pour the syrup over them
boiling hot. Examine them in a week's time, and should they show signs
of fermenting pour off the syrup and boil up for a few minutes, and pour
over the fruit scalding, or set the jars (uncovered) in a kettle of cold
water and heat until the contents are boiling, and then seal.


Weigh the fruit and allow a pound of sugar to every pound of fruit. Tie
spices in a bag, such as cloves and cinnamon, and make a thick syrup of
the sugar before you put in the berries. Boil half an hour and seal when


Select tart, firm, red or yellow crab-apples, three quarts; remove all
decayed spots but leave the stems. Put three cups of cider vinegar,
three cups of sugar, and one cup of water in preserving kettle; let boil
two minutes, add two tablespoons of cloves and two sticks of cinnamon
broken; these spices must be tied in a bag, and let cook ten minutes.
Lift out carefully with perforated skimmer, put in glass jars. When all
the apples have been cooked, pour over enough syrup to cover; set spice
bag away in a cup. Cover jars and let stand twenty-four hours. Pour off
syrup and boil again. Wait two days, then boil apples, sugar, with spice
bag until apples are tender but firm. Place apples in jars; cover to
keep hot. Boil down syrup a little and fill the jars to overflowing with
the hot syrup and seal.


Do not throw away the rind of melons. It can be preserved and will make
a delicious relish. Remove the green rind of watermelon and the inside
pink portion that is left on after eating it. Cut it into two-inch
pieces and pour over it a weak brine made in proportion of one cup of
salt to a gallon of hot water. Let this stand overnight, then drain and
add clear water and one level tablespoon of alum. Boil in this water
until the rind has a clear appearance. Drain and pour ice water over the
rind and allow it to stand a short time. In a bag put one teaspoon each
of cloves, allspice, cinnamon and ginger and place this in the preserve
kettle with the vinegar and sugar. Allow one cup of sugar and one cup of
vinegar (dilute this with water if too strong) to every pound of rind.
Thin slices of lemon will give it a pleasant flavor--allow one lemon to
about four pounds of rind. Bring this syrup to the boiling point and
skim. Add the melon and cook until tender. It is done when it becomes
perfectly transparent and can be easily pierced with a broom straw. A
peach kernel in the cooking syrup will improve the flavor. Housewives
who object to the use of alum can omit this and merely wash the rind
after removing from brine to free it from all salt and then cook it
slowly as per directions given above. The alum keeps the rind firm and
retains its color. In this case the rind will require long and steady
cooking; say 3/4 of an hour or longer. As soon as rinds are cooked they
should be put into the containers and covered with the syrup.


Prick the plums with a large needle then weigh them, and to every seven
pounds of fruit use four pounds of white sugar, two ounces of stick
cinnamon, one ounce of cloves and a pint of best pickling vinegar. Boil
the vinegar, sugar and spices, and pour boiling hot over the fruit,
which must be packed in a large jar; repeat this three times. While the
vinegar boils the third time, pack the plums in glass jars and pour the
syrup over the plums. When cold seal.


Take fine, ripe melons, pare, take out the seeds and wash, cut into
slices about three inches long and two inches wide, lay them in a stone
jar and cover with vinegar for twenty-four hours or longer. Then lay the
fruit on a clean board to drip; and throw away one quart of the vinegar
to each quart remaining. Allow three pounds and 1/2 of white sugar to a
dozen small cantaloupes, three ounces of stick cinnamon, one ounce of
cloves (remove the soft heads) and two ounces of allspice (whole
spices). Boil the spices, vinegar and sugar, adding a pint of fresh
vinegar to the old. When well skimmed put in the melons, boil fifteen
minutes, twenty is still better; take out the fruit, put it in jars and
boil the syrup awhile longer. Skim it again and pour boiling hot upon
the fruit. Seal when cold.


This tomato looks like an egg-shaped plum and makes a very nice sweet
pickle. Prick each one with a needle, weigh, and to seven pounds of
tomatoes take four pounds of sugar and spice with a very little mace,
cinnamon and cloves. Put into the kettle with alternate layers of sugar.
Heat slowly to a boil, skim and add vinegar, not more than a pint to
seven pounds of tomatoes. Add spices and boil for about ten minutes, not
longer. Take them out with a perforated skimmer and spread upon dishes
to cool. Boil the syrup thick, and pack as you would other fruit.


Take the largest and freshest red cherries you can get, and pack them in
glass fruit jars, stems and all. Put little splints of wood across the
tops of the fruit to prevent rising to the top. To every quart of
cherries allow a cup of best pickling vinegar, and to every three quarts
of fruit one pound of sugar and three sticks of whole cinnamon bark and
one-half ounce of cloves; this quantity of spices is for all of the
fruit. Boil the vinegar and spices and sugar for five minutes steady;
turn out into a covered stoneware vessel, cover, and let it get cold.
Then pour over the fruit and repeat this process three days in
succession. Remove the heads of the cloves, for they will turn the fruit
black. You may strain the vinegar after the first boiling, so as to take
out the spices, if you choose. Seal as you would other fruit. Be sure
that the syrup is cold before you pour it over the cherries.


Take nice firm cucumbers, slice thin and salt overnight. In the morning
take vinegar sufficient for covering the quantity prepared, mixed spices
and sugar according to taste. Put on to cook and when boiling put in the
cucumbers and cook for thirty minutes. Delightful as a relish, and can
be kept for a long time if put in airtight jars.


Pears should always be peeled for pickling. If large cut them in half
and leave the stems on. The best pear for this purpose, also for
canning, is a variety called the "Sickle Pear." It is a small, pulpy
pear of delicious flavor. Throw each pear into cold water as you peel
it. When all are peeled weigh them and allow four pounds and a half of
white sugar to ten pounds of fruit. Put into the kettle with alternate
layers of sugar and half a cup of water and one quart of strong vinegar.
Add stick cinnamon and a few cloves (remove the soft heads). Heat
slowly and boil until tender, then remove them with a perforated
skimmer, and spread upon dishes to cool. Skim the boiling syrup and boil
fifteen minutes longer. Put the pears in glass jars or a large earthen
jar, the former being preferable, and pour the syrup and spices boiling
hot over the fruit. When cold seal.


Pare, core and cut small, eight pounds hard pears (preferably the fresh
green Bartlett variety), half as much sugar, quarter pound Canton
ginger. Let these stand together overnight. In morning add one pint of
water, four lemons, cut small. Cook slowly for three hours. Pour into
small jars. Seal when cold. Keeps indefinitely.


Wash the plums, remove the stones and in place of the stones put in
almonds. Take the best wine vinegar, water and sugar to taste. Tie in a
bag some whole cinnamon, cloves, and allspice; boil together with
vinegar. After boiling, let it get lukewarm, then pour over the prunes.
Let stand, and each day for nine days let vinegar come to a boil and
pour over prunes. The last day cook the vinegar down some, then put in
the prunes and let come to a boil; there should be sufficient liquid to
cover them. Keep in a stone or glass jar. Grapes (Concord) may be spiced
the same way.


Cut the brush part from the berry, but leave the stem on, wash
thoroughly and let drip in colander overnight. For eight pounds of
berries prepare a syrup of six pounds of sugar and three cups of water.
When syrup has boiled till clear put in the berries and boil for
three-quarters of an hour. Put in jars or glasses.


Boil the figs in water one and one-half hours, then drain and weigh. To
seven pounds fruit use the following syrup: Three pounds of sugar, one
pint of vinegar, two ounces of whole cinnamon, two ounces of whole
peppers, one ounce of cloves, one orange, and two lemons sliced. Boil
syrup one-half hour, add fruit and boil slowly two hours.



This French fruit preserve is truly delicious, and should be put up in
the month of June. To every pound of fruit take one pound of sugar. It
requires no cooking at all, and is therefore easily made. Get the
largest and soundest berries in the market. Pick two quarts and lay them
in a new and perfectly clean two-gallon stone jar and cover with two
pounds of the finest granulated sugar. Stone as many pounds of red,
black, and white cherries as you wish to use, and add the same quantity
of sugar. You may also use bananas, pineapples or oranges. Seed the
latter carefully. Be sure to weigh all the fruit, and allow one pound of
sugar to every additional pound of fruit. Pour over the fruit a pint of
pure alcohol. Tie up the jar with thick paper, and in season add
peaches, apricots, raspberries, blackberries, large, red currants; in
fact, all kinds of fruit. Green-gages and purple and red plums also add
both to looks and taste. Be sure to add the same amount of sugar as you
do fruit, but no more alcohol. In the fall of the year pack in glass
jars; looks very pretty. Keep it in a dry, cool place. There is always a
surplus of juice, which makes excellent pudding sauce. Add a little
water and thicken.


Lay the prunes in white wine for two days; then put on a wire sieve to
drip, but do not squeeze them. When they look dry, which will be in
about half an hour, lay in glass jars with alternate layers of sugar and
stick cinnamon and a few pieces of mace and a very few cloves. When the
jars are full, fill up with cognac and seal. Set in the sunniest place
you can find for three days.


Select only the largest and finest quality of clingstone peaches. Allow
a pound of sugar to a pound of fruit, and a pint of the best brandy to
every four pounds of peaches. Make a syrup of the sugar with enough
water to just dissolve it, and boil about half a dozen blanched peach
kernels with it. When the syrup boils put in the fruit and let it boil
about five minutes. Remove the fruit carefully upon platters, and let
the syrup boil fifteen or twenty minutes longer, skimming it well. Put
the peaches in wide-mouthed glass jars. If the syrup has thickened pour
in the brandy. Remove from the fire at once, pour over the fruit and


Select the largest sweet cherries for this purpose, leaving the stems
on. Allow half a pound of sugar to every pound of fruit, and a pint of
good brandy for every five pounds of fruit. Make a syrup of the sugar,
using as little water as possible. Pour it over the cherries and let
them remain in the syrup all night. Next day put them in a preserving
kettle and heat slowly. Boil about eight minutes. Take up the cherries
with a perforated skimmer and boil the syrup fifteen minutes. Add the
brandy to the boiling syrup, remove from the fire and pour over the
cherries hot, and seal.


Select large yellow, pear-shaped quinces, and peel and quarter them.
Take out the cores and throw into cold water, until all are pared. Then
boil until tender, so they can easily be pierced. Take them out with a
perforated skimmer and weigh. Then take three-quarters of a pound of
sugar to a pound of quinces, and boil in a little over half the quince
water. Add stick cinnamon and cloves (removing the soft heads). Boil
until quite a thick syrup. Pack the quinces in jars, add a pint of good
brandy to the syrup and pour boiling hot over the quinces and seal


Pare the fruit, leaving the stems on. Weigh. Proceed as with peaches.


Only young, tender, fresh vegetables should be canned.

Time your work by the clock, not by guess.

Weigh and measure all material accurately.

Take no risks. Food is too valuable.

Most fruits and vegetables require blanching; that is, all vegetables
and fruits, berries excepted, should be first plunged into boiling water
or steam after being picked over, and then, in turn plunged at once into
very cold water.

After blanching and packing in sterilized jars, add to all vegetables
salt in the proportion of a level teaspoon to the contents of a quart
jar. Carrots, parsnips and sweet potatoes require a teaspoon to the

Then fill jars to within quarter inch of top with boiling water, and put
in hot water bath--see "Canning Fruit in a Water Bath".

Cover boiler or kettle closely and sterilize or boil for the length of
time given below:

Do not close jars tight during sterilizing, or there will be no room for
the generated steam and it will burst the jars.

Asparagus, Beets, Carrots, Parsnips, Peas, Sweet Potatoes, and Turnips
require six minutes blanching, ninety minutes sterilizing. Asparagus
requires one hundred and twenty minutes.

Corn requires five minutes blanching on the cob; three minutes
sterilizing after being cut from the cob, or on the cob.

Lima or String Beans or Peas require five minutes blanching; two hours

Pumpkin and Squash require five minutes blanching; one and one-half
hours sterilizing.

Tomatoes require two minutes blanching; twenty-two minutes sterilizing.

Tomatoes and Corn require separate blanching, time given above, then
ninety minutes sterilizing together. The acid of the tomatoes aids in
preserving the corn.

Corn and Beans (Succotash) require ten minutes blanching, ninety minutes



Take new firkins or large stone jars, and scald them well with boiling
water before using. Vegetables that are boiled before pickling in a
brass kettle always keep their fresh, green color. In salt pickling
cover your jars or kegs with a clean, white cloth, then a cover made of
wood and last a heavy stone to weigh it down. The cloth must be removed
every other day, washed and put back. In doing this, take hold of the
cloth at each corner, so that none of the slimy substance can get into
your pickle, and wash the top and sides of the jar also.


Take plums when just beginning to ripen, but still green. Make a brine
out of sea salt or rock salt strong enough to hold up an egg. Pour the
brine over the fruit, hot, cover and let stand twenty-four hours. Pour
off and make a new brine, heat, add the fruit, heat one minute and seal
in the hot brine.


String the beans very carefully, and cut into fine short lengths; then
sprinkle salt over and through them, mixing thoroughly, say to
twenty-five pounds of beans, two pounds of salt. Let them remain in the
salt overnight. Then pack the shredded beans as tightly as possible into
jars or kegs, without any of their juice. In two weeks look them over,
remove the cloth and wash it, etc., as already described. When cooking
the beans, take out as many as may be required for a meal and soak them
in cold water overnight. In the morning set on to boil in cold water.
Boil for one hour. Pour off the water they were boiled in, add fresh
water, and prepare as you would fresh beans.


Select small, young string beans, string them carefully and boil in salt
water, in a brass kettle, until tender, and throw them on a large, clean
board to drip. Next morning press them into a jar, with alternate layers
of salt and beans, and proceed as with string beans.


Boil the corn, cut it off the cobs, and pack in jars in alternate layers
of salt and corn. Use plenty of salt in packing. When you wish to cook
it soak in water overnight. Pack the corn in this way: First a layer of
salt, half an inch deep; then about two inches of corn; then salt again,
and so on. The top layer must be salt. Spread two inches of melted
butter over the top layer and bind with strong perforated paper
(perforate the paper with a pin). Keep in a cool cellar.


Use none but the best vinegar, and whole spices for pickling. If you
boil vinegar with pickles in bell metal do not let them stand in it one
moment after taken from the fire, and be sure that your kettle is well
scoured before using. Keep pickles in glass, stoneware, or wooden pails.
Allow a cup of sugar to every gallon of vinegar; this will not sweeten
the pickles, but helps to preserve them and mellows the sharpness of the
vinegar. Always have your pickles well covered with vinegar or brine.


Examine the cucumbers carefully, discard all that are soft at the ends,
and allow them to lay in water overnight. In the morning drain, and dry
them with a clean towel. Then put them in a wooden pail or jar, along
with the dill, putting first a layer of dill at the bottom then a layer
of cucumbers, a few whole peppers, then a layer of dill again, and so on
until all are used, and last lay a clean, white cloth on top, then a
plate and a stone to give it weight, so that the pickles will be kept
under the brine. To a peck of cucumbers use about a cup of salt.
Dissolve the salt in enough cold water to cover them. You may add one or
two tablespoons of vinegar to the brine. If the cucumbers are small, and
if they are kept in a warm place, they will be ready for the table in
five or six days. If salt pickles have turned out to be too salty, just
pour off the old brine and wash the pickles and then examine them
closely, and if they are spoiled throw them away. Lay those that are
sound in a clean jar and pour over them a weak solution of salt water,
into which put a dash of vinegar. Always examine the pickles weekly.
Take off the cloth, wash it, and remove all the scum that adheres to the
pail, and lay a clean cloth over the pickles again. Do not use more than
a cup of salt in the new brine, which must be thoroughly dissolved. You
will find among Salads a nice recipe wherein salt pickles are used. (See
"Polish Salad," or "Salad Piquant.") It is a good way to make use of
pickles in winter that have become too salty for ordinary use.


Take two or three dozen medium-sized cucumbers and lay them in salt
water overnight. Wipe each one dry, discarding all that are soft and lay
them in a wooden vessel (which is better than a stone one) along with
grape leaves and green grapes, if you can get them, whole peppers, or
one or two green peppers, a few bay leaves, a few pieces of whole
ginger, a few cloves and a stick of horseradish sliced upon top of all.
Use plenty of dill between each layer. Boil enough water to cover the
pickles. Use about one pound of salt to six quarts of water, and one cup
of vinegar. If you wish to keep them all winter, have your barrel closed
by a cooper.


Select small firm green tomatoes, follow recipe for Dill Pickles, using
the green tomatoes in place of the pickles.


Select pickles of from two to three inches in length and scrub well with
a small brush. Pack in layers in Mason jars, a layer of pickles, a layer
of dill and a few mustard seeds, placing a bay leaf and a piece of alum
the size of a pea on the top of each jar.

Let one cup of vinegar, two cups of water and one tablespoon of salt
come to a boil. Pour boiling hot over the pickles and seal.


Pare large, green cucumbers, cut each one lengthwise, take out the seeds
with a silver spoon and then cut each piece again so as to have four
pieces out of one cucumber. When all are pared salt well and let them
remain in the salt for twenty-four hours or more; then dry each piece,
put in layers in a stone jar with whole white and black peppercorns,
small pickling onions, which have been previously pared and salted
overnight, pieces of horseradish, a few bay leaves, a little fennel,
caraway seeds, a few cloves of garlic (use this sparingly) and also some
Spanish pepper (use very little of the latter). Have a layer of the
spices at the bottom of the jar. A handful of mustard seed put on the
top layer will be an improvement. Boil enough pickling vinegar to cover
well. Add a cup of sugar to a gallon of vinegar, boil and pour over hot.
Boil again in three days and pour over the pickles after it gets cold,
and in two days pour off the vinegar and boil again and pour over the
pickles hot. Boil three times altogether.


Choose small cucumbers or gherkins for this purpose. Reject all that are
specked or misshapen. Wash them thoroughly; drain off all the water, and
allow them to lay in a tub overnight, thickly salted. In the morning;
wipe the pickles carefully. Lay them in a stone jar or a wooden bucket,
in this way: Put in a layer of pickles. Cut up a few green or red
peppers; put a few pieces in each layer, also a few cloves (remove the
soft heads) and a tablespoon of mustard seed, and one bay leaf, no more.
Then proceed in this way until the pickles are used. Then take half a
pound of the very best ground mustard, tie it in a cloth loosely (use
double cheese-cloth for the purpose), and lay this mustard-bag on top of
the pickles. Boil enough white wine vinegar in a bell metal kettle to
just cover them; add a cup of sugar for every gallon of vinegar, this
does not sweeten them, but tends to preserve them and cut the sharpness
of the vinegar. If the vinegar is very strong, add a cup of water to it
while boiling; it should not "draw" the mouth, but be rather mild. See
that the pickles are well covered with the vinegar, and pour the vinegar
hot over the pickles and mustard. If the vinegar does not completely
cover the pickles, boil more and add. Lay a plate on top of all to keep
the pickles under the vinegar, and when cold tie up. Look them over in a
few weeks, if you find any soft ones among them, boil the vinegar over
again, and pour it over them hot.


(For immediate use.) Take nice, large cucumbers, wash and wipe them; lay
them in a jar or wooden pail, sprinkle coarse salt over each layer, and
add dill, whole peppers and grape leaves, if you have them, also a very
few bay leaves. Cover with water up to the brim and lay a piece of rye
bread in the jar; it will help to quicken the process of souring. Cover
with a plate and put a clean, heavy stone on top of the plate, in order
to keep them well covered with the brine. Set them in a warm place, say
back of the kitchen stove, for the first three days. They will be ready
to use in a week.


Take half-grown cucumbers; lay them in water overnight, then wipe each
one dry and reject all that are soft at the ends. Lay a layer of
cucumbers in a new barrel or wine keg (a small vinegar barrel is best),
then a layer of the following spices: Fennel, dill, bay leaves, a few
whole peppers; then cover with grape and cherry leaves, and begin again
with a layer of cucumbers and fill in alternate layers until all are
used. Then boil enough salt and water to just cover them, test the
strength of the water by laying an egg in it, if it rises the water has
enough salt in it, if not, add more salt. Pour this over the cucumbers
when cold. Get a cooper to tighten up the barrel, and roll it in the sun
and allow it to stay there for two weeks, turning over the barrel once
each day.


Take about two dozen large, yellow pickles, pare them with a silver
knife (to prevent them from turning dark), and cut lengthwise. Now take
a silver spoon and remove all the seeds and soft inner pulp. Cut into
strips about as long as your finger; sprinkle salt over them, and so on,
until they are all cut up, then put in a wooden pail or large china bowl
overnight. At the same time take about two quarts of small pickling
onions, scald them with boiling water, remove the skins, also with a
silver knife, and salt the same as you did the pickles. In the morning
take a clean dish towel and dry each piece and lay them in a stone jar
in the following manner: First a layer of pickles then a layer of
onions, and then some horseradish, sliced, between the layers; a few
whole peppers, a very few bay leaves, and sprinkle mustard seed,
allspice and whole cloves between each layer. Remove the soft little
heads of the cloves to prevent the pickles from turning dark; cover all
with the best white wine vinegar; put a double cheese-cloth filled with
mustard seed on top. In two weeks pour off the vinegar carefully and
boil, and let it get perfectly cold before pouring over the pickles
again. You may pack them in small glass jars if you prefer.


Take pickles, cauliflower, beans, little onions and a few green and red
peppers. Cut all up fine, except the onions; salt well overnight, drain
off next morning and put in a large jar. Now mix one gallon or more of
best pickling vinegar with a pound of ground mustard (wet the mustard
with cold water before using). Put in a bag the following spices:
Cloves, whole peppers and mustard seed. Boil the vinegar and spices and
then throw over pickles boiling. Add a tablespoon of curry powder, and
when cold tie up, having previously put a cloth with mustard seed over


One hundred medium-sized cucumbers, sliced thin lengthwise, add one pint
salt, let stand overnight, drain thoroughly in morning, add two pints of
sliced onions, then add dressing, consisting of four tablespoons of
black mustard seed, four of white mustard seed, two of celery seed,
one-half pint of best olive oil, one-half pint of white vinegar. Put
cucumbers and onions into this, add one teaspoon of powdered alum,
dissolved in a little warm water, add enough vinegar to cover it well,
let stand three weeks before using.


Soak five hundred tiny cucumbers in salt water for twenty-four hours,
using one-half of a cup of salt to four quarts of water. Drain, pour hot
water over them and drain very dry. Take two ounces of cloves, heads
removed, four sticks cinnamon; tie these spices in a bag and heat with
three pounds of brown sugar and one pint of cider vinegar slowly, nearly
to the boiling-point, add the pickles and remove from the stove. Put in
glass jars and cover with vinegar.


Wash one quart of large cucumbers, cut in cubes, one quart of small
cucumbers left whole, one quart small silver-skinned onions, one quart
small green tomatoes chopped coarse, two red peppers chopped fine, one
large cauliflower broken in small pieces; pour over them a weak brine
solution made of one quart of water and a cup of salt. Let stand
twenty-four hours; bring to a boil in same solution, drain and make the

*Mixed Pickle Dressing.*--Mix six tablespoons of mustard, one tablespoon
of turmeric, one cup of flour, two cups of sugar and two quarts of
vinegar. These ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and then cooked
until thick. Stir in the pickles; heat thoroughly; empty into glass jars
and stand away until needed.


Separate flowerettes of four heads of cauliflower, add one cup of salt,
and let stand overnight. Place in colander, rinse with cold water and
let drain. Tie one-quarter of a cup of mixed pickle spices in a thin
bag and boil with two quarts of vinegar and two cups of sugar, throw in
the cauliflower, boil a few minutes and pour to over flowing in
wide-mouthed bottles or cans. Cork or cover and seal airtight.


Remove the strings and cut one pint of wax beans into one inch pieces;
wash and cook in boiling salt water (one teaspoon of salt to one quart
of water), until tender, but not soft. Drain beans and save the water in
which they were cooked. Reserve enough of this bean liquor to fill cans,
add one-half cup of sugar and one cup of vinegar, let just cook up add
the drained beans, cook all together and pour boiling hot into the cans.
Seal at once. Use as a salad or sweet sour vegetable.


Pour hot salt water over the onions, which should be small and perfectly
white. Peel them with a silver spoon (a knife would injure their color),
and let them lay in a salt brine for two days. Then drain the onions and
boil enough vinegar to cover them. Throw the onions in the boiling
vinegar and let them boil only a few minutes. Take from the fire and lay
them in glass jars, with alternate layers of whole white peppercorns and
a few cloves (removing the soft heads, which would turn the onions
black), a stick of horseradish sliced, and mustard seed and dill (used
sparingly). When the jars are filled heat the vinegar and add a cup of
sugar to a gallon of vinegar. Cover the jars to overflowing with the
vinegar, and seal while hot.


Wash thoroughly a peck of green tomatoes, eight large white onions and
six green-bell peppers. Remove the seeds from the peppers. Slice all the
vegetables very thin. Put them in a stone jar; sprinkle a pint of salt
over them, add a pint of cold water. Cover them with a napkin and let
stand overnight.

In the morning put as much of the pickle as it will hold in a colander;
let cold water run over; drain the vegetables a moment, then turn them
from the colander into a large preserving kettle. Repeat the process
till all are in the kettle. Then add a quart of cider vinegar, a half
pint of tarragon vinegar, a pound of granulated sugar, a half pound of
yellow mustard seeds, four bay leaves, an ounce of stick cinnamon
(broken in short lengths), six whole cloves and stand the kettle over a
slow fire and let the whole simmer for an hour with the cover of the
kettle drawn back two inches. Stir the mixture frequently. At the end of
the hour put the pickle in a stone crock or in glass jars.


Take large green peppers; extract the seeds and core with a penknife,
being careful not to break the peppers. Chop up one head of cabbage
after boiling it in salt water. When cold add one cup of mustard seed,
two tablespoons of grated horseradish, one nutmeg grated, one clove of
garlic grated, a pinch of ground ginger, one dozen whole peppercorns,
half a tablespoon of prepared mustard, one teaspoon of sugar and half a
teaspoon of best salad oil. Lay the peppers in strong salt brine for
three days; then drain off the brine and lay them in fresh water for
twenty-four hours. Fill the peppers with the above mixture, sew or tie
them up with strong thread, pack them in a large stone jar and pour
scalding vinegar over them. Repeat this process three times more, at
intervals of three days. Then tie up the jar and set it away in a cool,
dry place for three months.


Take one-half peck of green tomatoes, three red peppers, chopped; put in
one cup of salt. Let stand overnight, then strain off the water. Five
chopped onions, one pound of brown sugar, one-quarter ounce of allspice,
and whole cloves put in a bag; one bunch of celery, one-half ounce of
mustard seed. Cover with vinegar and boil three hours.


Rub together one teaspoon of sugar, saltspoon of fine salt and one
tablespoon of best salad oil. Do this thoroughly. Mix two tablespoons of
ground mustard with vinegar enough to thin it. Then add to the mixture
of sugar, and if too thick, add a little boiling water.


Take three cups of cold, boiled beets, grate and add one-half cup of
grated horseradish; season with one-quarter teaspoon of pepper, one
teaspoon of salt and two tablespoons of sugar. Add all the vinegar the
horseradish and beets will absorb, and place in covered jar or glass and
it is ready for use. Will keep a long time.


Take two quarts of boiled beets chopped, two quarts of cabbage chopped,
one cup of grated horseradish, mix with two cups of sugar and two
teaspoons of salt, add cold vinegar to cover, and place in gallon jar.


Take two pounds of cold, boiled beets, slice, place in crock in layers,
sprinkle with one teaspoon of salt, one-eighth teaspoon of pepper, one
teaspoon of brown sugar, one teaspoon of caraway seed, if you like, and
cover with one pint of vinegar.

Cold, hard-boiled eggs may be placed in the vinegar, and sliced over the
beets for decorations. The eggs will be red.


Select a medium-size, very hard head of red cabbage. Remove the outer
leaves and cut the stalk off close to the head. Then cut the cabbage in
quarters and take out the heart close to the leaves.

With a very sharp, thin-bladed knife cut the cabbage in shreds as fine
as possible.

After the cabbage is all finely cut let cold water run over it through a
colander; put the cabbage in a big kitchen bowl or a stone-crock in
layers about two inches thick.

Over each layer place two or three thin slices of red onions, and
sprinkle about four generous tablespoons of salt. Repeat this process
till all the sliced cabbage is in the jar or bowl. Let the last layer be
one of salt.

Pour a pint of cold water over this. Cover it with a plate that fits
closely and lay a weight of some sort on the plate and stand the bowl in
a cool place overnight.

In the morning pour the cabbage, brine and all, in a large colander to
drain; let the cold water from the tap run over it for about five
minutes; then return the cabbage to the receptacle in which it was

A stone-crock is really the best, as the cabbage will keep in it all
winter. In a kettle or saucepan over the fire add a pint of good cider
vinegar, a gill of tarragon vinegar, a half pint of cold water, a half
pound of granulated sugar, four bay leaves, a level tablespoon of
allspice, a teaspoon of peppercorns and three ounces of stick cinnamon
broken in half-inch pieces.

Let this all boil one minute and while boiling hot pour it over the
cabbage in the jar; place the plate which should be of porcelain, over
it; then put the cover of the jar on and let this stand for twenty-four
hours. Then pour off the vinegar, heat it again till it just boils, pour
it over the cabbage, cover it and put it in a cool place. It will keep
in perfect condition all winter, and is one of the most delicious
relishes known.


Line the bottom and sides of a clean barrel or keg with cabbage leaves.
Cut into fine shreds one or two dozen large heads of white, crisp
cabbage. Do this on a large slaw-cutter. Now begin to pack: First put in
a layer of cabbage, say about four inches deep, and press down firmly
and sprinkle with about four tablespoons of salt. Put one or two tart
apples, cut up fine, between each layer, or some Malaga grapes (which
will impart a fine flavor to the kraut). When four layers have been put
in, pound with a wooden beetle until the cabbage is quite compact and
then add more cabbage, and so on until all has been salted, always
pounding down each layer. Last, cover with cabbage leaves, then a clean
cloth, a well-fitting board, and a heavy stone, to act as weight on top
of all. It is now ready to set away in a cool cellar to ferment. In two
weeks examine, remove the scum, if any; wash the cloth, board and stone,
wash also the sides of the keg or jar, and place all back again. This
must be done weekly.


Boil nine ears of corn and cut from cob; chop fine large head of cabbage
and salt it; chop six green peppers; two tablespoons of white
mustard-seed, three pints of vinegar, one cup of granulated sugar, two
tablespoons of turmeric, two tablespoons of cornstarch, and one
tablespoon of dry mustard. Dissolve cornstarch and mustard in the
vinegar; put on to thicken. Strain salt-water from the cabbage. Mix all
the ingredients and stir in pot of vinegar. Let all get very hot and
seal in pint jars. This is fine as a pickle with cold meats.


Wash and look over one pint of mushrooms carefully, put them in an
earthen jar with alternate layers of salt. Let stand for twenty-four
hours in a comparatively warm place; put through a fruit press and add
one-fourth ounce of green ginger root cut in small pieces. Measure the
mushroom liquor; to one pint of liquor add one-half ounce of peppercorn
and simmer for forty minutes; then add one-fourth ounce of allspice and
of cloves and one blade of mace and boil for fifteen minutes. Take from
fire and cool. Strain through a cloth, bottle and seal.


Cut eight quarts of tomatoes in pieces and stew them until soft; press
through a sieve to remove the skins and seeds; add one head of garlic or
one-half onion, one-half tablespoon of black pepper, one-quarter
teaspoon of red pepper, one-half ounce whole cloves, three-quarters of a
cup of salt and one of cider vinegar; mix thoroughly and boil about
three hours or until reduced one-half. Bottle without straining, then


Forty-five large tomatoes, skin and cut into pieces, twenty green
peppers, twenty red peppers, six onions, all cut fine, two tablespoons
of salt, six small cups of vinegar, two cups of sugar. Mix all together
and boil two hours, then add one tablespoon each of ginger, cloves,
cinnamon and allspice, and boil up once. Bottle and seal at once.



How to set the table for the service of the "Seder" on the eve of Pesach
or Passover.

Set the table as usual, have everything fresh and clean; a wineglass for
each person, and an extra one placed near the platter of the man who
conducts the seder. Then get a large napkin; fold it into four parts,
set it on a plate, and in each fold put a perfect matzoth; that is, one
that is not broken or unshapely; in short, one without a blemish. Then
place the following articles on a platter: One hard-boiled egg, a lamb
bone that has been roasted in ashes, the top of a nice stick of
horse-radish (it must be fresh and green), a bunch of nice curly parsley
and some bitter herb (the Germans call it lattig), and, also, a small
vessel filled with salt water. Next to this platter place a small bowl
filled with [Hebrew **] prepared as follows: Pare and chop up a few
apples, add sugar, cinnamon, pounded almonds, some white wine and grated
lemon peel, and mix thoroughly. Place these dishes in front of the one
that conducts the seder, and to his left place two pillows, nicely
covered, and a small table or chair, on which has been placed a
wash-bowl with a pitcher of water and clean towel. In some families
hard-boiled eggs are distributed after the seder.


About three weeks before Pesach take twenty pounds of beet-root, which
must be thoroughly washed and scraped. Place the whole in a six-quart
crock, cover with water. Place the cover on the crock and over this
cover put a clean cloth.

When ready for use the liquor is boiled with any relishes and spices
that are liked and may be used either hot or cold.

Boil as much as required for the meal, for twenty minutes or longer if
desired, and thicken with beaten whole eggs that have been mixed with a
little of the unboiled borsht, add the hot soup and serve. Do not boil
after adding the eggs.

To two quarts of borsht take three eggs.


Place beets in a stone crock, removing greens. Cover with cold water and
put in a warm place and let stand for three or four weeks or until the
mixture becomes sour. This is used as a vinegar during Pesach and to
make beet soup, Russian style.


To two pounds of raisins (cut in half if desired), add three quarts of
cold water. Either place the mixture on a corner of the range and let it
simmer for two or three days or boil it until one-third of the water has
evaporated. A few tablespoons of sugar and a handful of stick cinnamon
can be added if additional sweetness and flavoring are wished. When cold
strain through a fine cloth. The strength of the wine depends largely
upon the quality of the raisins.


Take two pounds of raisins, seeded and chopped, one pound of white loaf
sugar, and one lemon. Put all into a stone jar, pour six quarts of
boiling water over all and stir every day for a week. Then strain and
bottle. Ready for use in ten or twelve days.


Take two pounds of ribs of beef and one chicken. Place in a large
cooking-vessel with plenty of water and add a split carrot and onion, a
head of celery, a little parsley root, pepper and salt to taste, and a
pinch of saffron. Let the whole simmer for two hours. The meat is then
removed and can be used as a separate dish.


This is an accompaniment of the Yom-tov soup described above. To each
tablespoon of matzoth meal take one egg. Beat the egg separately, adding
a very little ground ginger, powdered cinnamon, ground almond, pepper
and salt. Now stir in the matzoth meal and make into a paste with
chicken fat or clarified dripping. Form this paste into small balls and
boil them for twenty minutes in the Yom-tov soup.


Three pounds of Jerusalem artichokes, two quarts of stock, one onion,
one turnip, one head of celery, pepper and salt to taste. Peel and cut
the vegetables into slices and boil them in stock until tender, then rub
through a hair sieve. Beat the yolks of three eggs, add to the soup,
and stir over the fire till just to the boiling point. The soup should
be about the thickness of rich cream. If not thick enough, a little
potato flour may be added.


Take three eggs, beat until a light yellow and add one-half cup of
potato flour and one-half cup of water, beat well. Heat a frying-pan,
grease well and pour in the batter; fry in thin leaves or wafers. Cool,
cut thin as noodles. Just before serving soup, strain, then let it come
to a boil and add noodles and let soup again come to a boil and serve.


Add one-eighth teaspoon of salt to two eggs, beat slightly, stir in two
tablespoons of matzoth meal. Heat a little fat in spider, pour in egg
mixture; when cooked on one side turn on the other. Roll the pancake and
cut into noodles one-eighth inch wide. Drop into boiling soup before


One tablespoon marrow creamed. Add a pinch of salt, little nutmeg and
the yolk of one egg-mixed in gradually; some finely chopped parsley and
then enough matzoth meal to hold; wet the hands and roll the mixture
into small balls. Add to the boiling soup, and boil fifteen minutes.


One-eighth pound of almonds chopped fine. Yolk of one egg, well beaten.
Add almonds to egg, pinch of salt, little grated rind of lemon. Beat
white of egg stiff, then mix all together. Drop a little from end of
teaspoon into boiling fat. Put in soup just before serving.


Beat one tablespoon of chicken schmalz till quite white; pour one cup of
boiling water over one egg. Add it to the dripping; stir these together,
then add the flour, seasoning, a little chopped parsley, ginger, pepper
and salt, and enough matzoth meal to form into small balls the size of a
marble. Drop these into the boiling soup and cook about fifteen minutes.
Test one in boiling water and if it boils apart add more meal.


Soak four matzoth in cold water and press them after being thoroughly
saturated. Add a little pepper, salt, sugar, parsley, and a half onion
chopped fine, first browning the onion. Beat four eggs and add all
together. Then pat in enough matzoth meal so that it may be rolled into
balls. The less meal used the lighter will be the balls. They should
boil for twenty minutes before serving.

Serve matzoth kleis in place of potatoes and garnish with minced onions
browned in three tablespoons of fat. All matzoth meal and matzoth kleis
are lighter if made a few hours before required and put in the ice-chest
until ready to boil. When used as a vegetable make the balls
considerably larger than for soup.


Take six matzoth, three eggs, two cooking-spoons of chicken fat,
parsley, onion, salt, pepper and ginger. Soak the matzoth in boiling
water a minute, then drain every drop of water out of them. Press
through sieve. Fry about three onions in the two tablespoons of chicken
fat, and when a light brown, put the matzoth in the spider with the fat
and onions to dry them. Add one teaspoon of salt, dash of pepper and
ginger and one tablespoon of chopped parsley. Add the three yolks of
eggs and beat all this together a few minutes; last, add the well-beaten
whites. Form into balls by rolling into a little matzoth meal. Drop in
boiling salt water and boil fifteen minutes; drain and pour over them
hot fat with an onion, cut fine and browned.


Prepare a matzoth dough as for the soup kleis. Make round flat cakes of
it with your hands, and fill with cooked prunes (having previously
removed the kernels). Put one of the flat cakes over one that is filled,
press the edges firmly together and roll until perfectly round. Boil
them in salt water--the water must boil hard before you put them in.
Heat some goose fat, cut up an onion in it and brown; pour this over the
kleis and serve hot. The kleis may be filled with a cheese mixture. Use
butter in that case.


Have washed and scraped clean the nape or head and shoulders of halibut,
a shad, or any good firm fish; cut it up small and lay it in a stew-pan
with one pint of water and three or four good sized onions, fried in oil
a light brown; put them on top of the fish with a pinch of cayenne
pepper, and a teaspoon of ground ginger, with two teaspoons of salt; let
it all stew gently until it is done; if there should be too much gravy
on it before adding the sauce, take some off. Prepare two eggs and six
good sized lemons, squeezed and strained; then take some of the gravy
from the fish while it is boiling, add it to the lemon, with the two
eggs well beaten, and a tablespoon of potato flour; mix smoothly with
some chopped parsley; when all is well mixed, add it to the fish, shake
it gently for five minutes while it is boiling, taking care not to let
it burn; when it is sufficiently cooked let it stand for an hour and
serve it. Garnish with slices of lemon and parsley. To be eaten cold.


Take a sole or fillets of any delicate fish. Lay on a fireproof dish,
sprinkle with white pepper, salt and a little shalot, cover with claret
or white wine, and let it cook in the oven till done. Draw off the
liquor in a saucepan and let it boil up. Have ready the yolks of three
eggs, well stirred (not beaten), the juice of a lemon, and two ounces of
butter. Put all together in a bowl. Little by little add the hot sauce,
stirring all the time. Pour it over the fish, and sprinkle with chopped
parsley. Serve very hot. A few mushrooms are a palatable addition to
this dish.


To four mullets allow one dozen button mushrooms, one tablespoon of
finely chopped parsley, two shalots, the juice of a lemon, salt and
pepper. Oil some pieces of foolscap paper, lay the fish on them and
sprinkle over them the mushroom, parsley, shalot, lemon juice, pepper
and salt. Fold them in the cases and cook on a well-greased baking-sheet
in a moderate oven for about twenty or thirty minutes. Send to the table
in cases very hot.


Sift one cup of matzoth meal in a bowl, stir into it one cup of boiling
soup stock or wine. When mixed add one tablespoon of chopped almonds,
one teaspoon of sugar, a pinch of salt and the yolks of four eggs well
beaten; then add the stiffly-beaten whites of the four eggs and fry by
tablespoonsfuls in boiling hot butter or goose grease. Sprinkle with
powdered sugar and serve with wine sauce.


Soak about three matzoth. In the meantime seed a handful of raisins and
pound as many almonds as you have raisins. Now press every drop of
water out of the matzoth, put them in a bowl and stir them to a cream;
add a pinch of salt, the peel of a lemon, yolks of four eggs and a cup
of sugar, the raisins and almonds, and also a little cinnamon. Heat some
oil in a spider; the more fat the lighter the chrimsel will be. Last add
the stiffly-beaten whites to the dough. Then fry a light brown on both
sides; use about a tablespoonful of batter for each chrimsel; serve with
stewed prunes. Lay the chrimsel on a large platter and pour the prunes
over all. Eat hot.


Two and one-half cups of meal, four eggs, two cups of sugar, one
kitchen-spoon of goose fat, one of beef fat, four apples, and spices
according to taste. One glass of wine also, if convenient. Put the meal
in a bowl with salt, pepper, ground, clove, allspice, and cinnamon mixed
into it; peel and grate the apples, melt the fat and mix, put in eggs
and then stir in the sugar which has been boiled with water to a thin
syrup and cooled off. Hollow out two pieces, put cranberries or any
fruit between them; form into balls the size of a medium apple, and bake
them on a well-greased pie-plate for about one hour.


Break six matzoth in small pieces in a colander. Pour boiling water
through them, drain quickly. They should be moist but not soggy. Beat
three whole eggs well, fold the matzoth in lightly. Heat four
tablespoons of goose fat or oil in a spider, add the egg mixture; scrape
and scramble carefully with spoon from the bottom of the pan and while
scrambling add four tablespoons of sugar and cook gently until eggs are
set. Serve at once. The sugar may be omitted if so desired.


Soak six matzoth in water until soft. Squeeze out the water and mix with
four beaten eggs. Add one-half teaspoon of salt and fry.


Beat up as many eggs as are required; into these dip matzoth that have
been soaked in milk. Fry quickly to a light brown on both sides, lay on
a large platter, sprinkle with a mixture of sugar, cinnamon and grated
peel of a lemon. The more eggs used the richer this will be. Fry in


Beat six eggs very light, add one-half tablespoon of salt. Heat two
tablespoons of goose fat or olive oil in a spider. Break four matzoth
into large, equal pieces. Dip each piece in the egg mixture and fry a
light brown on both sides. Serve hot, sprinkled with sugar, cinnamon and
a little grated lemon rind.


As an appetizer nothing is better than a cake of unleavened bread rubbed
with a raw onion, sprinkled lightly with salt and placed in the oven for
a few minutes to dry. Buttered and eaten hot, it adds a relish to
breakfast or tea.


Pour one-half cup of water on one-quarter cup of matzoth meal, add one
teaspoon of salt and beat the yolks of four eggs very light, add to the
meal mixture, let stand five minutes. Beat whites of eggs very stiffly,
fold lightly into the yolk mixture. Drop mixture by spoonfuls in small
cakes on hot greased spider. Turn when brown and brown on other side.
Serve with sugar, jelly or preserves.


Beat egg yolk separately. Add one teaspoon of matzoth meal and pinch of
salt. Whip white to a snow, fold in the whites, and fry by
tablespoonfuls in butter or fat and serve with prunes.


Soak one and a half matzoth and press dry; heat one tablespoon of fat
and add the soaked matzoth. When dry add one-half cup of matzoth meal,
two eggs, two tablespoons of sugar and one-eighth teaspoon of salt. Mix
well and press into pie-plate with hands, as it is impossible to roll
the dough. Have dough one-quarter inch thick.


Dip in boiling salted water for one minute, one matzoth for each person
to be served. Put the soaked matzoth in a dish, pour over it a little
olive oil and grated cheese and repeat this until you have made as many
layers as you have persons to serve; cut in slices and serve. Use
Hashkeval--Greek Cheese.


Into one-half pint of water put one-quarter pound of melted fat; when
boiling add one-quarter pound of meal, finely sifted; it will form a
thick paste. Beat up four eggs, remove the mixture from the fire and
stir in the eggs. Grease some cups and put a spoonful in each; bake in a
quick oven. When done sprinkle with cinnamon and cover with clarified


Soak one pair of sweetbreads for two or three hours in sufficient warm
water to cover them, then drain. Put them in a stew-pan, with boiling
water to cover them, and then boil gently for seven or eight minutes.
They are then ready for dressing. Lay the sweetbreads in a stew-pan,
pour two cups of veal stock over them, add salt and cayenne pepper to
taste, and simmer gently for one hour. Lift them out on to a very hot
dish, add juice of one-half lemon and one teaspoon of potato flour to
the gravy, stir smoothly, and boil up, pour over the sweetbreads and
serve at once.


Cut up two pounds of chuck steak; put it on to stew with salt, pepper
and a little nutmeg and the juice of a lemon. Cook a few forcemeat
balls, made very small, and a few potatoes cut in small pieces. Make
ready a crust as follows: Boil four or five large floury potatoes; when
done, strain and mash with salt and pepper, a little chopped parsley and
a little melted fat; mix it with two well-beaten eggs; then put a layer
of it around the bottom and sides of a deep pie-dish; lay in the stew,
cover with the balance of the potato; brush it over with the yolk of an
egg and bake in a quick oven till brown.


Peel and cook seven or eight large potatoes, place in a bowl, add salt,
four whole eggs, one and one-half tablespoons of melted chicken fat and
a little more than a cup of matzoth meal. Knead in bowl to smooth
consistency. Take a handful at a time, pat smooth and flat, in the
centre put a tablespoon of prune jam, form into a dumpling, place
dumplings in boiling salt water, kettle half covered and allow to cook
twelve to fifteen minutes. Take out with strainer and serve hot. Have
ready a cup of hot melted chicken fat and sugar and cinnamon. Serve over
knoedel to taste.


Take some mashed potatoes, grated cheese, well-beaten eggs; make a good
paste, take tablespoonfuls of this mixture and drop in boiling oil; fry
until brown. Serve with a syrup made of sugar and water.


Mix one-half pound of plain mashed potatoes smoothly with a generous
teaspoon of finely chopped parsley, pepper and salt to taste; beat one
egg, add it to the potato, mix well and make it into little balls the
size of a cherry. Lay a tiny sprig of parsley on each, arrange the balls
on a greased tin and bake till a light brown.



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