The Journal Of A Mission To The Interior Of Africa, In The Year 1805
Mungo Park

Part 5 out of 5

Ainsley on Wednesday morning, and went to the village of the king of
Cataba to pay my respects. I had previously sent the same day, my
baggage and people, to Giammalocoto. On my arrival before Cataba, I gave
him one musket, and one string of amber No. 4. which he distributed to
his attendants. In the evening of the same day, I took leave of the
king, and arrived at Giammalocoto, after sunset, where I met my people
and effects. I left Giammalocoto, on Friday morning, and slept at
Tandacounda. I departed next morning (Saturday) and slept at Guenda. On
Sunday crossed a rivulet and slept under a tamarind tree close to the
village of Sandougoumanna. I sent to Sallatigua-koura, king of that
country, five bars of tobacco (ten heads). I went and slept at
Woullimanna. I gave to Mansancoije, the chief, two bars of scarlet cloth
and two bars of tobacco, and to his son, one bar of scarlet cloth. I
also gave to my landlord three bars of tobacco. Departed next day early;
stopped at Carropa at noon, and went to Coussage, where we slept. I
there found my family, who had been driven away by the Bambarra army. I
staid at Coussage two days and gave Maitafodey, chief of the village,
three bottles of powder. [Footnote: One bottle of powder passes for five
bars.] We left Coussage in the evening, with all my family; arrived at
Montogou in the morning, where my family resided before the Bambarra
army entered this country. I here found my mother. I staid at Montogou
about one month and a half, or forty-six days.

Having disposed of such of my property as I could not carry with me, I
left Montogou at about nine A.M. with my family and people, stopped at
Moundoundon, having crossed three rivulets; slept there. Mamadou, the
chief, killed me a sheep: I gave him one bottle of powder. We departed
in the morning, stopped at Couchiar at noon, under a bark-tree, where we
passed the rest of the day. We filled our leather bags with water and
departed about four P.M. We travelled all night and came to Saabie at
three A.M. This village is inhabited by Marabous (priests). We stayed
there two days. I found there a relation of one of my wives. I gave him
one bottle of powder and three pagnes (a piece of cloth the natives make
use of in their dresses). We left Saabie in the morning, stopped at noon
at Joumajaoury, and arrived at Tallimangoly. I there met a relation who
killed a sheep. I gave him three grains of amber. We slept there. Next
morning we departed, and arrived at midnight at Baniscrilla, where I
found the King of Bondou with the Bambarra army. I went to pay my
respects to him, and gave him ten bottles of powder, thirteen grains of
amber No. 1, two grains of coral No. 1, and one handsome tin box. To his
first valet one pagne, worth one piece of baft; to his goldsmith four
pagnes; to the Chief of the village two bottles of powder. (Ten bars.)
Slept there two nights; departed early, so did the army on their way to
Gambia. We stopped at noon at Cambaya, being very hungry: we departed in
the evening; and slept on the road. At about eight A.M. on the next day,
we passed Gnary and Sangnongagy; received at this last village some peas
without stopping. We stopped at noon at Dougay. Next morning early we
departed, and stopped at noon at Daacada; in the evening we stopped and
slept at Bougoldanda. Next day we stopped at noon at Saamcolo. Some
singers of the village paid me a visit; I gave them a few trinkets. I
had here a grand palaver (dispute) about one of my dogs, who had, as was
said, bit a man; with great difficulty I prevented the animal from being

Departed next day early; arrived at noon at Soumbourdaga, and slept
there. Next morning at nine A.M. arrived at Debbou; my friend Saloumou
gave me two sheep; I gave him two bottles of powder. Saloumou told me he
would keep me company to Sego if I pleased; I readily agreed, and gave
him ten pagnes to give to his wife to support her until his return. Next
morning, Saloumou being ready, we departed from Debbou: we crossed the
Faleme, and stopped on the other side at a village also called Debbou. I
bought there two sheep and some corn; we staid there three days, and had
our corn converted into kouskous. We departed from Debbou early on
Monday, the first day of Raky Gamon, [Footnote: May 4, 1810.] and
arrived at noon at the village of Diggichoucoumee, the residence of the
King of Bondou: we stayed there four days and killed two sheep. I gave
to Almami Sega two bottles of powder; bought one sheep. Departed early
and went to Sabcouria, where we slept; it is the last village of Bondou
to the northward.

Left Sabcouria early, and passed Gouloumbo: we slept on the road. Next
morning at nine A. M. we stopt at Dramana, in sight of Saint Joseph, the
Fort of Galam; we staid there five days. I was forced to stay there so
long, on account of a palaver I had with the family of one of my wives,
who opposed her going on the voyage with me: I was divorced, and she had
to give me what she had received at our marriage, which is the law among
us Mahomedans. I received one bullock and four sheep. I gave the Chief
Euchoumana fourteen bars in amber and powder; to the people one bottle
and a half of powder, and two bars of amber; to the Chief of Galam two
bottles of powder and twenty flints.

We departed early; crossed _Choligota_ [Footnote: The Ch must be
pronounced through the throat.] and Taning_ch_olee, two rivulets, and
arrived at noon at Moussala; slept there. We were well treated by the
Chief. I gave him two flints and thirty loads of powder. Departed very
early, and arrived at Tambouncana on the Senegal River. I there saw a
Moor who had a very fine mare, which I bought with the goods which were
returned to me in my palaver at Dramana. The King of Bambarra built
there a large fort. We departed, and arrived at noon at Samicouta; we
then went to Gui_ch_alel, where we slept at the house of Amady face,
Chief of the village. We stopt there the next day, owing to one of my
slaves running away, whom I got back again. Early in the morning we
crossed the Senegal River at Settoucoule, on the Moors' side. I bought
one sheep; slept there, and was well treated.

Departed early; stopt at nine A.M. at Coulou, and slept there; we found
there only the women, the men had followed the Bambarra army. Departed
early, crossed _Ch_olibinne and arrived at Challimancounna, where I
staid two days. Ourigiague, the Chief, received me well, and killed a
bullock. I gave him one bottle of powder. We departed long before
day-break, crossed Fallaou, stopt at day-break at the Lake of Douro to
take water; we went on, and arrived at nine A.M. at Medina. I was
obliged to stay there twelve days, to wait the return of one of my
fellow travellers; not hearing any thing of him, I sent a man after him,
because I had lent him my mare and a musket. The man brought me back my
mare and musket. I was there well treated by the Chief and village
people, who gave me five sheep. I gave them in return one bottle of
powder, and one and a half bars. I bought a sheep. This completed the
three moons from my departure from Montogou.

We departed early, and crossed Kirgout, a river full of hippopotami and
alligators. At noon arrived at Cougnacary, formerly the metropolis of
the kingdom of Casso, but now occupied by Bambarras. Received one sheep,
and gave one bottle of powder and five flints. We slept there, and next
day early went round and crossed the river Kirgout again. At nine A.M.
passed Maretoumane; farther on, passed a large rock called Tap-pa.
Arrived at noon at Camatingue, after crossing five rivers; we staid
there two days; received a bullock and a sheep from the Seracoolies
residing in Casso. I gave to Nare-Moussa, the Chief, half a bottle of
powder, and ten grains of amber. One of my slaves was there redeemed,
and I received another in exchange. I met there the King of Bambarra's
messenger; I gave him half a bottle of powder. We departed early,
crossed Garry between two rocks; arrived at noon at Lambatara; slept
there. We were all the way surrounded by mountains and rocks. We started
early, after taking water for our provisions, and had to ascend high
mountains. About noon we arrived at the top of one of them; a part of my
people went forward. When on the very top of the hill, they were
surrounded and attacked by such a quantity of bees, that my people and
beasts of burden were scattered; [Footnote: The bees in those parts of
the country are very numerous, especially on the tops of the mountains.
A similar accident from the attack of bees is mentioned by Park in his
Journal, p. 37. See also Vol. I. p. 331.] when they were a little
appeased, we went after our beasts, who had thrown away every thing they
had on their backs. I found one of my asses dead, being stifled by the
bees getting into its nostrils, and one of my men almost dead by their
stings. I had to give him something to bring him to life, and that with
a great deal of pains. We slept at the foot of that mountain, under a
monkey-bread tree.

Departed early; at nine A.M. we met on the road one of the King of
Bambarra's messengers, who was sent after me; we stopped and sat under a
tree together; he told me he was sent by his master, to let me know if
he met me at Cougnacary, he was ordered to procure me plenty of
provisions, and keep me there to rest myself; but as he had met me on
the road, and a long way past Cougnacary, he would lead me to the first
village, would get me some provisions, and that I might stay there to
rest myself; to which I agreed. We passed Goundouguede and arrived at
four P.M. at Jyggiting Yalla; on my arrival I told the messenger my
intention of sending somebody to the King, to let him know of my being
in his dominions, and near him. I then sent Saloumon my friend to
Giocha, where the King resided. I told him on his arrival at Giocha, to
go to Sabila, the chief of all the King's slaves, and a confident of
his, to give him thirteen grains of amber No. 1, one pair of scissars,
one snuff-box, and one looking-glass; and tell him I sent him those
things as a present, and let him know of my arrival. After this man's
departure, I sent another messenger, and desired him to go to Giocha, to
endeavour to see my old friend Allasana-Bociara, one of the King of
Sego's messengers, who were sent as ambassadors, and tell him that I
send him this grain of amber, and that piece [Footnote: One round half
dollar.] of silver, as a mark of my being near him, and not to leave
Giocha before he saw me. I had learnt his arrival there by a caravan of
slaves I met on the road.

After I had sent these two messengers unknown to one another, the King's
messenger came in the evening, and told me he was going away, but should
give orders to the first village he should come to, to receive me well
and give me provisions and all assistance; and that I should wait there
for further orders. I then slept there: in the course of the night, the
Chief of the village where I was ordered to go and stop for further
orders, sent a messenger to his son here, where I was, desiring him to
stop me here. Next morning his son came to me, and said it was useless
for me to go any farther; that his father had sent to him and desired he
would furnish me with whatever I wanted and keep me here. I told him, if
I staid where I was, I should die with all my family, of hunger and
thirst; and that I would go on where I was ordered, unless I was stopped
by force. I immediately got every thing ready and departed.

At noon, we arrived at Maribougou, where I was ordered to stop. Foula
Massa, the Chief, sent me to his brother to take up lodgings. When I
came to his brother's house I was refused lodgings; I then went under a
large monkey-bread tree and made halt there. The Chief came and told me
to stay here; I said I could not, as water was very scarce, and my
company very numerous. He immediately gave orders that no one in the
village should draw water, so that I might not want, and that I should
have no excuse. I took that opportunity to give drink to all my people
and cattle, and filled my skins. Being ready to depart from thence, the
two men I had sent to Giocha from Jyggiting Yalla, arrived; one told me
he had seen Sabila, and delivered my message and present to him; that
Sabila said, he perceived I wanted to be his friend, to which he had no
objection; the other messenger told me, that the King of Sego's
ambassador said I might be assured he would not leave Giocha before he
saw me, according to my desire.

I had in my caravan a merchant I met at Dramana; he came from Senegal,
and had some friends in this village, who sent to tell him to take away
his goods from mine and put them aside, as I was in great danger of
being plundered, and his goods would be lost to him if found amongst
mine; to which he objected; which gave me a proof of his good
intentions, and of his friendship to me. I was then convinced something
unpleasant was planning against me. I therefore forced this merchant to
take away his goods from mine; as it would be unjust he should suffer on
my account. I then placed myself and people against the tree, well
armed. I had two double-barrelled guns and a musket in good order, and
well loaded; and waited for what should happen.

While I was in this state of defence, a messenger from the King came to
me, the same man I had met first, who told me, that as I was complaining
of want of water, he would conduct me to another village. We accordingly
departed, and arrived at Wassaba; when there, the messenger shewed me a
house where I was to take up my lodging, and have my things in safety.
He then wanted to separate my people from me and scatter them in the
village, so as to have a better chance to plunder me; to which I
strongly objected. I went with my people, baggage, &c. into the middle
of the yard of the house appointed for my lodging, and staid there.

The Chief of the village came to me, and desired I should give him my
people to go and fetch me a bullock: the King's messenger took him aside
and spoke a little while to him: he came again and told me he could not
give me now the bullock, as his cattle were too far off among the King's
herd. When the messenger saw me settle in the yard, and disposed to
spend the evening there, he left me and went away.

When I was sure of his departure, I sent another man to Giocha, and
ordered him to go to Madiguijou Marabou, who would introduce him to
Sabila; and when there, to give Sabila seven grains of amber, and tell
him to go and let the King know, that wherever I went, I met some of his
people who stopped me from one place to another; and my intention was
positively to go to him, and to beg Sabila to obtain my request. My
courier came back the next day, and told me that Sabila said, the King,
his master's pleasure was, that I should stay where I was, and come to
see him (the King) on the next day, with which I complied.

Next day the King sent a messenger to me with orders to lead me to him.
I left my family and baggage, taking three horsemen of my people with me
and four footmen, and departed with the messenger. I had, previous to
that, sent a man before me with five grains of the largest amber No. 1.
with orders to wait at Giocha for me. We arrived at the back of the
village at three P.M. on Tuesday; the man I had sent before me, was
there waiting for me; he told me softly that where I was going we were
betrayed; and not to let the King know of my going to Sego, as our lives
depended upon it. I told him, that he well knew, I was sent by the
Governor of Senegal to Sego; and to Sego I must go, unless I was
prevented by death or force. I then entered the village and went
straight to the King's door, followed by his messenger, I there
alighted; the messenger made me wait at the door, and went in to take
the King's orders. He came back immediately and told me the King was
sleeping; the guard took possession of my people and me, and lodged us
in the guard-room with them. It was then about sunset, and not a single
soul of my friends and acquaintances or relations came to see me. I then
began to think seriously what was to be done. A griot [Footnote: Ballad
singer and dancer.] woman was the only person who came to comfort me in
my distress.

This woman on leaving me went immediately to the ambassadors of Sego
(which I afterwards learnt), and said to them, "Oh me, oh me, my back is
broke." [Footnote: An expression of sorrow among the cassonkes.] The
ambassadors asked her the reason; she said, "Because Isaaco our friend
is here, and they are going to kill him." Sabila being a very powerful
man, and not hearing from him, I sent my boy to Madiguijou; and begged
he would introduce the boy to Sabila, and when there, to give him the
five grains of amber. Not being well guarded, I sent another man to my
landlord where I always resided when I passed in this village, with my
compliments, and my surprise at not seeing him since my arrival. He sent
me word that he was happy to hear of my being so near him and in good
health, and that nobody had given him any notice of my arrival: which
last words I attributed to his being afraid to meddle with me while in
the King's hands. I sent in the night the merchant who was advised to
draw his goods from mine at Maribougou, to the Sego ambassadors; and
informed them of my being here.

Seeing the guards' carelessness, I went (still in the night) to my
landlord, who had still some influence near the king, and gave him one
of my wives necklaces, nine grains of amber, and seven grains of coral.
From thence I went to Madiguijou, and told him I was sent on a mission
to the King of Sego, with some papers; in order to facilitate me on my
voyage in search of a white man gone in the interior of this country
long ago. I went from there to Sabila and told him the same thing.
Afterwards I went back to the guard-house, and laid myself down to
sleep; while the guards were amusing themselves in dancing, singing, and
drinking. My slumber being disturbed by my uneasy mind, I awoke and
found all the guards gone.

I went to take the air, and returned again to sleep, but could not. I
heard the feet of several horsemen in the street, going, I presumed, to
Sabila's house. Early in the morning I sent another message to the
ambassadors, to let them know how critically I was situated; that I
heard they were going away to Sego without me; and my uneasiness at not
hearing a word from them. They sent to ask me why I did not follow this
time the same road I had followed on my other voyage. I sent back the
man to let them know as the two kingdoms were at peace, I thought it
secure and safe to travel through this part; that Mungo Park had
promised King Mansong a present; and Mungo Park not returning, the
Governor of Senegal had entrusted this same present to me for Mansong,
and that I was now the bearer of it. However, since they were determined
to go without me, they might do so, and whether I should be released or
die; they should hear it soon enough at Sego. They sent to
Tiguing-Coroba [Footnote: Vulgarly Tiguing-coro.] (the King) a message
saying; We have heard that Isaaco our friend is at Giocha, bearer of a
present to Dacha (King of Sego) which Mr. Park had promised to Mansong
(Dacha's father); that Mr. Park not returning in time to his country,
his friends had appointed Isaaco to be the bearer of that present, which
is with him now, and is destined for Sego, to the King our master. In
case Isaaco wishes to go back, we beg you will not let him do so; but if
he wishes to go on, on his mission to Sego, we also beg and hope you
will give him all assistance, and some trusty persons to conduct him to
Sego. [Footnote: This equivocal invitation was given to the King, who
well knew that the King of Sego was more powerful than him; and if he
should injure Isaaco in any manner, he would be driven from his

Then came Massatan Wague, a Marabou, who told me what I have above
related, and how I had been arrested with an intention to destroy me,
and take what I had; that Sibila had been the means of my escaping such
danger, and had saved my life; to which story I gave little credit,
knowing well the reason why they shewed me such mercy; but I thanked God
alone for my preservation. Massatan Wague advised me to give the King's
only son something. I went to that prince, and gave him half a piece of
white baft, and two grains of amber No. 1. I went back to the
guard-house, where I passed the following night.

Next morning my landlord went to the King to beg (as every thing was
settled and appeared favourable on my side) that he might take me to his
lodging; to which the King consented. He immediately came and took me
away to his house with my people. I went with my land-lord
(Tong-Manchong) and my people to the King: on arriving, after the usual
salutations, I presented him with a fine tin box. The King addressed
Sabila, and said with a nod, "Here is the business." Sabila said, "This
man is our old friend, and is a good man." My landlord said the same.
The King turned to me and said, "No; here is your box and keep it; what
else you have brought in my country I shall keep; you may return to the
place you first started from, and travel on your mission by the same
road you travelled first, with the white men; but your goods, and every
thing else you have with you, I shall keep. I know what you have is
destined to the King of Sego." I said, "I might, it is true, have
traveiled by other roads, and you would never have heard of me; but in
my way, I heard you lived in peace and friendship with the King of Sego;
I therefore thought I might with security travel through your country."
He stopped me, saying, "What I have said to you is enough."

I left the house with part of his slaves. I went to my lodging, and
immediately completed the amount of sixty bars in powder, amber, &c. I
took the horse Robert Ainsley had bought for me, three ducks, and the
tin box he refused. I gathered all these things, and went with my
landlord and offered them as presents to the King, which he accepted: in
his presence I gave Sabila one bottle of powder; to the King's singer
one snuff-box. The King, on seeing these presents, (the only thing to
cool his anger) told me he would lend me somebody who would conduct me
straight to Sego. I said, "I could not go so soon; because if I did,
whoever would see me would think I deserted from him; and I therefore
thought proper to stay where I was and rest myself awhile." The King
said to Sabila, "You see Isaaco appears to be a courageous man; if he
had been of a weak-spirited mind, he would have run away, and left his
things in my hands." I went home, and spent the rest of the day and the

In the morning I departed with my people to Wassaba, to fetch my family
and things; I staid there two days; but being uneasy in my mind, and
being afraid of something planning against me, and as I had good reason
to think so by the few words I heard at different times, I went back to
Giocha, presented myself to the King; and told him that before I left
his dominions, I had thought proper to come and swear fidelity and
friendship to him; and that whenever I should go backwards or forwards
from Senegal to Sego, I should always pass through his country and see
him; but that I should wish also at the same time that he would swear to
protect and treat me well, and be my friend; even should he be at war
with the King of Sego. He sent for Chiaman, the eldest son of the royal
family, who swore the same to me in his and the King's name. I likewise
swore before them what I related above. After swearing, Chiaman told me
to give him a handsome gun or a coussabi (shirt) by way of cementing our
oaths. I told him, I had none at present fit to present to him, but gave
him my word, that if I should go back to the white men's country, on my
return I would bring him one of those two objects.

I staid in the village until the next morning. I had in the mean while
wrote a prayer (Grisgris) or amulet, to a man who gave me a bullock,
which I carried to Wassaba; I slept there. Next morning I had the
bullock killed. The next day Iaque, Chiaman's brother, sent me word to
wait there for him. I immediately sent my family and things by another
road, and waited for Iaque. He came and presented me with an ass loaded
with kouskous to help me in my travels. I gave him half a piece of fine
white baft, five bottles of powder, two looking-glasses, and two
snuff-boxes. He then left me, and I went the same day to Giocha, to take
leave of the King, and beg he would let me have the promised conductor
(between Wassaba and Giocha there being seven rivulets to cross.) He
gave me a man named Mourocouro, who went on foot. He then shook hands
with me, saying, "Isaaco, I bear you no malice now; but did so once,
because you conducted white men to Sego; and never passed here to let me
have something from them, whilst every body else shared their
generosity." I took my leave of him and went to Chicouray, Chiaman's
village, where I met my family and things safe. I staid there two days.
Chaiman killed me a bullock, and I gave him one pagne, worth two pieces
of bafts, one bottle of powder, twenty flints, and one bar of scarlet

We started in the evening and arrived at Chicouray. [Footnote: These two
last villages bear the same name.] Sambabile (Chiaman's other brother)
gave me some corn and a sheep. I gave him a blue pagne, a striped ditto,
one bottle of powder, twenty flints, and one bar of scarlet cloth; which
pagnes I got by the sale of three slaves I was obliged to sell to help
me in my expenses. I staid there two days; in the morning I started, and
arrived at noon at Jyallacoro; where resided Madifoutane, the King's
son, to whom I had given half a piece of fine cotton and two grains of
amber; he gave me some corn. Madimarian, a Marabou, killed me a bullock;
I give him one bottle of powder.

Next morning I started from thence, passed three villages, and arrived
at three P.M. at Cobla. I received cooked victuals from the village; I
gave two flints. We departed next morning early, and arrived at noon at
Amadifalouma bougou, the last village belonging to King Tiguing-coro, it
being on Wednesday, and six moons [Footnote: July 2, 1810.] after my
departure from Senegal. I bought there an ass.

Having before me a large forest to cross, and uncertain of the right
road, I hired four men to conduct me. I departed next morning, and
crossed a small river near the village. We entered the forest at noon,
and came to a large muddy pond, where the hogs could not pass safely;
our guides shewed us a better road, where we crossed easily. At two P.M.
we stopped where had been formerly a village. We found in our way after
sun-set, a large land turtle, which we killed; and passed the night
there. Departed early; at ten A.M. passed Sarina, formerly a village;
stopped awhile. The four men I had charged to go as guides, wished to go
back; they were afraid to go on further. I was much disappointed at such
behaviour, and got angry with them, and said I would sooner go back than
be left in such a forest. They shewed me a road, and told me to follow
it straight along, and to be careful not to turn either to the right or
left, and that I should soon find a village inhabited. I gave them half
a bottle of powder and ten flints, and let them go, as I could not do

I went on, and found the road the King of Sego's army had taken nine
years ago. [Footnote: When at war with Tiguing-coro.] Farther on we met
a small pond; being very thirsty, we spent there the best part of the
day; a little farther we found a large pond, where we made a halt, and
past the night under a tree. Departed early; arrived at noon at the
lakes of Chinchare and Tirinn. These lakes are never dry; and the King's
army always stops at them to take water. After dinner we started, and at
five P.M. arrived at another lake. We went on, and came to the village
of Giangounte after sun-set; where we stopped five days, on account of
one of my people being sick; received the first night a few provisions;
next day they killed me a bullock. Here I thanked God for my escape.

On the third day the King's people came; the village gave them a bullock
and a sheep, which I killed myself; they gave me a quarter of each for
my share. This village is surrounded by a mud wall, is well fortified,
and I presume is well secured against any attack. One of the hogs being
very large and fat, I could not carry it any farther, but with great
difficulty: I told the Chief of the village to take charge of the hog,
and have it conveyed to the King his master; to which he objected, being
afraid to take charge of an unknown animal, and the additional
responsibility of taking charge of it for his master. I told him I found
it impossible for me to carry it any farther; I should therefore leave
it with him, and he might do with it as he pleased. That the village
belonged to his master, so did the hog, and I was sure he would take
good care of it.

We departed early and arrived at noon at Fabougou. After dinner we went
to Giongoey, where we arrived after sun-set; we staid there two days.
Early in the morning we departed, and at ten A.M. arrived at the lake
Sonne; stopped a little under a tree; crossed the lake; stopped awhile
at Tonneguela; arrived and stopped at Gommingtora, where we spent the
night; received a sheep. Departed early, and at ten A. M. arrived at
Wattere. Departed in the evening and came to a large open field, very
dangerous for travellers, on account of the Moors passing there very
often. We therefore travelled during the day and all the night.

At three A.M. came to Toucha. On my way from Gommingtora here, I saw a
tree grown on the top of the dried stump of another large tree; the wood
of the above tree is employed in the composition of our gunpowder. There
is also near the tree a large and high rock, forming a pyramid, and a
large stone on the top of its head. On my arrival at Toucha, I missed a
chest which my nephew carried, and which contained some looking glasses,
beads, my fine coussabi, and my wife's bracelets, which were given me by
Governor Maxwell. I asked the boy what was become of it; he said, that
being fatigued on the way, he had given the chest to a man who had
followed our caravan from Giocha. I suspected the man had stolen it, by
not seeing him with us. I left my family and things there, and went
immediately with some of the King's people to Wattera in search of the
thief. I had the Chief of Toucha's son and the son of the Chief of
Wattera with me. From Wattera we went to Tagoubou, where we found the
thief, who had broken the chest and taken away the things; he had on my
coussabi, had sold some things, and had in hand the remainder, looking
after a slave to purchase. We seized him. The Chief of Tagoubou begged
me not to hurt him in his village, but to carry him to Dinghang. Arrived
at Dinghang. Maineoro, the Chief, told me, since I caught the thief, I
might take him away, and do as I thought proper with him.

We went and slept at Togouboo, and next morning went to Wattera.
Departed in the evening and arrived at night at Toucha, and joined my
family. On our way the thief shewed me where he had destroyed the chest.
I found the boards useless, and left them. I left Toucha early next
morning, and at nine A.M. arrived at Douabougou. The Chief wished me to
stay, but I refused, and he gave me a sheep. Farther on we passed
Dilla-faa Courna and Bonabougou, where we staid awhile, and went to see
Magnacoro at sunset: (these villages are all surrounded by Ronn-trees;
[Footnote: A species of palm tree. (I do not know the particular
name.)]) the thief carrying all the way the remaining hog. On my way
there, one of my people staid on the road, having a sore leg. I was well
treated at Magnacoro and slept there; the man with the sore leg came
next day. I staid two days. There is in this village a fine Doualli
tree, the first I had seen on my way from Senegal; this tree is most
beautiful, always green and in blossom, but bearing no fruit whatever.
On the back of the village there is a foundery for casting iron; at a
little distance on the river there is a cataract, not quite so high as
the Feloups. I took guides to shew me the right road. Departed early; at
noon arrived at Soubacarra, passed Tacoutalla; crossed there a small
rivulet; farther on crossed another, and stopped at Sirecaime, a village
situated between two mountains, where we slept. Next morning received
ten moulles [Footnote: A small measure made out of a calabash.] of corn
and departed.

At noon arrived at Camecon; received there from Fiong, the Chief, a
sheep, some milk, and corn. In the afternoon departed, and passed
Sidong. At sun-set arrived at Sannanba, where we slept. I found here my
sister and one of my wives I had left in my voyage with Mr. Park, and
where they waited for my return. I asked them what they heard concerning
Mr. Park. They assured me that they had seen Alhagi Biraim, who told
them that Mr. Park was dead; and that he saw the canoe in which he died
in the country of Haoussa; to which country, he, Alhagi, had been, and
to the place where Mr. Park died. Yamme Marabou gave me bullock; so did
Moulina one; Guiniba one; and Facoro, the Chief, also one and some corn.
Two sheep were given to me by Alhagi; one by Fatuna-bougou; one by
Amadibinne-doucara, and three by Dimba Soumares. We staid there eight

On the ninth day the hog I had left behind was brought here. I received
one ass from Mouline: I gave to Amadibinne one musket and five yards of
white cotton; to Yamme half a bottle of powder; to my sister ten dollars
and one muslin pagne; to the Chief one bottle of powder and twenty
flints. I released here the thief, who all the way had carried the hog;
I released him, because I was certain, that, if once in the King's
power, he would be put to death. Four days after the hog came, being the
thirteenth day of my stay at Sannamba (Saturday), and the seventh moon
of my voyage.

I departed early, and ordered the hog to be brought along by the same
people; passed Baromba, took water at a large fountain; passed
Bancoumalla. After passing a large lake, stopped and slept at Sirberra,
at the house of Babamerine, who killed a sheep: received from Manchia
the Chief, one sheep; I gave them twenty loads of powder and ten flints.
Departed in the night, and arrived at two in the morning at Counnow.
There is but one well for the whole village, and three beautiful large
Doualli trees are round it. Found there the King's army.

There is on the east of the village an enormous large tree, inhabited by
a great number of bats; another such tree is on the west side of the
village, likewise full of bats; but what is most extraordinary, the bats
of the east constantly go at night to the west, and return to the east
at the approach of day; those of the west never go to the east. The bats
are all of the same kind. The natives say that their lawful king lies on
the west. [Footnote: Tiguing-coro, the descendant of the lawful Kings of
Sego.] The army departed about three, and I about day-light; we met on
the road the rear guard on its way to join the army. At four P.M.
arrived at Gargnie, a large village, where we slept. There is but one
door to enter it, and two large trees on each side of the door; the
village is situated in the front of a beautiful large lake, which
supplies them with water. We met there a caravan from Cancare; received
from them a few collas. Departed early, and at ten A.M. arrived at
Dedougou, where we slept. The people of Gargnie had brought here the hog
and gone back; and the people of this village being all out in their
fields, I was obliged to wait until next morning, so as to have the hog
carried; received three fowls; I gave three loads of powder. Next
morning I required four hands to carry the hog (which imposition I laid
on every village I came to) and departed. Passed Issicora and five
deserted villages; at four P. M. arrived at Yaminna, and stayed there
three days, at the house of Boya Modiba, who killed me a sheep. I gave
him two bars of scarlet cloth. A woman who had been redeemed at
Montogou, and who had followed my caravan, found here her husband, who
gave me a sheep and a hundred collas.

Departed early and arrived at noon at Yaminna, [Footnote: Bearing the
same name as the last place.] on the river Joliba (Niger). I wanted to
cross the river immediately, but the rain prevented me; at four P.M.
embarked in a canoe, and went on till about ten P.M. Arrived at
Mognongo, on the other side of the river, having passed nine villages.
The river here is very wide. Departed again, and arrived at noon at
Samman; lodged with Guinguina, where we formerly lodged with Mr. Park,
and where we lost three white men by sickness. At four P.M. departed,
and arrived at sun-set at Sego-coro, on the opposite side of Samman,
having passed four villages; lodged with Sego Somma.

This village was formerly the residence of the kings; and to this day,
when the King wishes to go to war, he always goes there to have his
gris-gris (amulets) made, and to prepare himself. When they take a king,
a prince, or a man of high rank, whether a stranger, or of the country,
they confine him until the fasting moon is come. He is brought in that
moon to this village, and laid down in a house appropriated for this
purpose only. His throat is then cut across. When the blood has
completely stained the ground, the body is carried into the open field,
and left a prey to the wild beasts. There is not a fasting moon, but
that one or more are butchered in the house, and for the space of eight
days after these executions, no man, whatever he may be, is allowed to
pass by that house (called Kognoba) without pulling off his shoes or

Departed early, passed Segobougou, Segocoura, and Douabougou, and
arrived about eight A.M. at Sego-chicoro, the residence of Dacha King of
the Bambarras, on Monday 11th of the moon. [Footnote: August 26, 1810.]
This town was built by Dacha's grandfather, [Footnote: Mansong's father,
named Wolloo.] who rebelled against the lawful king; being chosen leader
at the head of his party, drove the king from his dominions, who retired
to the west, [Footnote: He is obliged to gather another army and go
himself at the head of it, to revenge the first, should it be
destroyed.] and was proclaimed king himself. Being a great warrior, he
maintained himself on the usurped throne, and left it to his posterity,
who enjoy it peaceably now.

I lodged with Guiawe, a man attached to the King. Next morning the King
hearing of my arrival, sent to tell me he was going to Douabougou, and
wished I would go and see him there. He had got on his horse and was
proceeding, when a heavy shower of rain came on; he dismounted and went
back to his house. After the rain, he ordered me to come to him, and
bring him the hogs in the manner I had tied them for travelling. On my
entrance in the first yard I found a guard of forty men, young, strong,
and without beards. On entering another yard I met another guard, well
armed and very numerous, lying in the shade. A little farther on I found
the king sitting; there were four broad swords stuck in the ground, on
each side and behind him, which had been given to him by Mr. Park. He
had on his military coat, which he is obliged to wear when he sends out
an army, and cannot leave off until the army returns. He commonly wears
dresses of white or blue cotor, or silk, with a great many gris-gris,
covered with plates of gold or silver, sewed about his dresses. I sat
down on one side of him, and my landlord on the other side. After the
usual salutations, I laid before him the drum, the two blunderbusses,
the bed, the two hogs, the scarlet cloth, &c. and one dog. [Footnote:
The other got away on leaving Mariancounda, and was lost.] I said to
him: "Maxwell, Governor of Senegal, salutes you, and sends his
compliments to you; here is the present which Manchong (or Mansong) your
father asked of Mr. Park, and which he promised to send him." He said,
"Is the Governor well?" I said, "Yes, he is well, and desired me to beg
your assistance in his endeavours to discover what is become of Mr.
Park, and ascertain whether he is dead or alive; and that you would give
me a vessel to facilitate my voyage; and the Governor will reward you
for so doing." He replied, "What does the Governor mean to give me?" I
said, "If you render me all the assistance in your power, the Governor
will give you two hundred bars." He asked me, how the Governor could
give him that sum, being so far from him? I told him, the Governor, it
was true, was far from him; but that I was there to represent and answer
for him. He then accepted my offer and promised me his assistance. The
King ordered a bullock to be killed for me. I staid to the end of that
moon. [Footnote: September 13, 1810.]

The first [Footnote: September 14, 1810. They reckon one day when the
moon is seen.] of the following moon, being the day I intended to
depart, a prince of Tombuctoo came to Sego, to demand a wife who had
been promised him. The King went out to meet him with a guard of six
hundred men, almost naked and well armed. The prince said, that being a
friend of his father (Manchong), he thought it his duty to come and let
him know of his coming to take the wife promised him; the King replied,
"Why have you permitted the people of your country to plunder one my
caravans, [Footnote: My landlord lost his share in that caravan; seven
hundred gros of gold and a slave.] and why did you not prevent it, and
why did you yourself plunder another, belonging also to me?" The King
left the prince out, and returned to his house with the guards, after
unloading their muskets. The prince went to his lodging. He reflected
how critically he was situated, and that by his bad behaviour, the wife
which he had once been promised, had been given to another; and that the
people of the caravan he had plundered, had been before the King and
there had denounced him; and that his life was at stake. He immediately
sent three horses to the King, and half a piece of cotor [Footnote: So
in the MS. of this translation.] to all the chiefs present.

Next day the ambassadors of Giocha came together with the ambassadors of
Tiguing-coro. The day after the King went to Impebara. I next day went
to meet him there. After staying there nine days, and hearing nothing, I
was much displeased; some one went to the King and told him that I was
angry, and was about to depart. He sent to tell me he was going to
Banangcoro, and that I should go with him; he did depart from
Banangcoro, but I staid; he sent me a courier to order me near him. I
went to Banangcoro, and lodged with Inche, the King's slave and
confident. The motive of the King's journey was to see one of his
children. He has six now living: and three he had destroyed. The custom
is when a male child of the King's wives is born on a Friday, that the
throat should be cut; which is done immediately. The King sent for me. I
went to him at ten A.M.; he ordered part of the presents to be brought
before him; which was done, and among which were the hogs. [Footnote:
The remaining hog died shortly after my arrival at Sego.] They were left
loose before him and pleased him much.

On the next day (Friday) he gave me a canoe with three hands
(fishermen), and I departed on my voyage after Mr. Park the following
tide; we passed ten villages, and arrived at supper time at Sansanding,
[Footnote: This village is two days journey by land from Banangcoro.]
where we slept; departed by land at three P.M. and arrived at sunset at
Madina, and lodged with Alihou. I found there Amadi fatouma, [Footnote:
Amadou fatooma.] the very guide I had recommended to Mr. Park, and who
went with him on his voyage from Sansanding. I sent for him; he came
immediately. I demanded of him a faithful account of what had happened
to Mr. Park. On seeing me, and hearing me mention Mr. Park, he began to
weep; and his first words were, "They are all dead." I said, "I am come
to see after you, and intended to look every way for you, to know the
truth from your own mouth, how they died." He said that they were lost
for ever, and it was useless to make any further enquiry after them; for
to look after what was irrecoverably lost, was losing time to no
purpose. I told him I was going back to Sansanding, and requested he
would come the next day there to meet me, to which he agreed. I went to
Sansanding and slept there; next day I sent back the canoe to Impebara.
Amadi fatouma came at the appointed time to meet me, being the 21st day
of the moon. [Footnote: 4th October, 1810.] I desired he would let me
know what passed to his knowledge concerning Mr. Park.


We departed from Sansanding in a canoe the 27th [Footnote: This Journal
mentions no moon nor year.] day of the moon, and went in two days to
Sellee, [Footnote: Called Siila in Mr. Park's first voyage.] where Mr.
Park ended his first voyage. Mr. Park bought a slave to help him in the
navigation of the canoe. There was Mr. Park, Martyn, three other white
men, three slaves and myself as guide and interpreter; nine in number,
to navigate the canoe: without landing we bought the slave. We went in
two days to Ginne. We gave the Chief one piece of baft and went on. In
passing Sibby, [Footnote: Here no mention is made of times. Called
Dibbie in the plan.] three canoes came after us, armed with pikes,
lances, bows and arrows, &c. but no fire-arms. Being sure of their
hostile intentions, we ordered them to go back; but to no effect; and
were obliged to repulse them by force. Passed on; we passed Rakbara;
[Footnote: Called Kabra in the plan.] three came up to stop our passage,
which we repelled by force. On passing Tombuctoo we were again attacked
by three canoes; which we beat off, always killing many of the natives.
On passing Gouroumo seven canoes came after us; which we likewise beat
off. We lost one white man by sickness; we were reduced to eight hands;
having each of us fifteen muskets, always in order and ready for action.
Passed by a village (of which I have forgotten the name), the residence
of King Gotoijege; after passing which we counted sixty canoes coming
after us, which we repulsed, and killed a great number of men. Seeing so
many men killed, and our superiority over them, I took hold of Martyn's
hand, saying, "Martyn, let us cease firing; for we have killed too many
already"; on which Martyn wanted to kill me, had not Mr. Park
interfered. After passing Gotoijege a long way, we met a very strong
army on one side of the river; composed of the Poul nation; they had no
beasts of any kind. We passed on the other side and went on without

On going along we struck on the rocks. An hippopotamus rose near us, and
had nearly overset the canoe; we fired on the animal and drove it away.
After a great deal of trouble we got off the canoe without any material
danger. We came to an anchor before Kaffo, and passed the day there. We
had in the canoe before we departed from Sansanding, a very large stock
of provisions, salted and fresh of all kinds; which enabled us to go
along without stopping at any place, for fear of accident. The canoe was
large enough to contain with ease one hundred and twenty people. In the
evening we started and came to before an island; we saw on shore a great
quantity of hippopotami; on our approach they went into the water in
such confusion, that they almost upset our canoe. We passed the island
and sailed. In the morning three canoes from Kaffo came after us, which
we beat off. We came to near a small island, and saw some of the
natives; I was sent on shore to buy some milk. When I got among them I
saw two canoes go on board to sell fresh provisions, such as fowls,
rice, &c. One of the natives wanted to kill me; at last he took hold of
me, and said I was his prisoner. Mr. Park seeing what was passing on
shore, suspected the truth. He stopped the two canoes and people,
telling the people belonging to them, that if they should kill me, or
keep me prisoner on shore, he would kill them all and carry their canoes
away with him. Those on shore suspecting Mr. Park's intentions, sent me
off in another canoe on board; they were then released. After which we
bought some provisions from them, and made them some presents.

A short time after our departure, twenty canoes came after us from the
same place; on coming near, they hailed and said, "Amadi fatouma, how
can you pass through our country without giving us any thing." I
mentioned what they had said to Mr. Park; and he gave them a few grains
of amber and some trinkets, and they went back peaceably. On coming to a
shallow part of the river, we saw on the shore a great many men sitting
down; coming nearer to them they stood up; we presented our muskets to
them, which made them run off to the interior. A little farther on we
came to a very difficult passage. The rocks had barred the river; but
three passages were still open between them. On coming near one of them,
we discovered the same people again, standing on the top of a large
rock; which caused great uneasiness to us, especially to me, and I
seriously promised never to pass there again without making considerable
charitable donations to the poor. We returned and went to a pass of less
danger, where we passed unmolested.

We came to before Carmasse, and gave the Chief one piece of baft. We
went on and anchored before Gourinon. Mr. Park sent me on shore with
forty thousand cowries to buy provisions. I went and bought rice,
onions, fowls, milk, &c. and departed late in the evening. The Chief of
the village sent a canoe after us, to let us know of a large army
encamped on the top of a very high mountain, waiting for us; and that we
had better return, or be on our guard. We immediately came to an anchor,
and spent there the rest of the day, and all the night. We started in
the morning; on passing the above-mentioned mountain, we saw the army,
composed of Moors, with horses and camels; but without any fire-arms. As
they said nothing to us, we passed on quietly, and entered the country
of Haoussa, and came to an anchor. Mr. Park said to me, "Now, Amadi, you
are at the end of your journey; I engaged you to conduct me here; you
are going to leave me, but before you go, you must give me the names of
the necessaries of life, &c. in the language of the countries through
which I am going to pass;" to which I agreed, and we spent two days
together about it, without landing. During our voyage I was the only one
who had landed. We departed and arrived at Yaour.

I was sent on shore the next morning with a musket and a sabre, to carry
to the chief of the village, also with three pieces of white baft for
distribution. I went and gave the Chief his present: I also gave one
piece to Alhagi, one to Alhagi-biron, and the other to a person whose
name I forget, all Marabous. The Chief gave us a bullock, a sheep, three
jars of honey, and four men's loads of rice. Mr. Park gave me seven
thousand cowries, and ordered me to buy provisions, which I did; he told
me to go to the Chief and give him five silver rings, some powder and
flints, and tell him that these presents were given to the King
[Footnote: The King staid a few hundred yards from the river.] by the
white men, who were taking leave of him before they went away. After the
Chief had received these things, he enquired if the white men intended
to come back. Mr. Park being informed of this enquiry, replied that he
could not return any more. [Footnote: These words occasioned his death;
for the certainty of Mr. Park's not returning induced the Chief to
withhold the presents from the King.] Mr. Park had paid me for my voyage
before we left Sansanding: I said to him, "I agreed to carry you into
the kingdom of Haoussa; we are now in Haoussa. I have fulfilled my
engagements with you; I am therefore going to leave you here and

Next day (Saturday) Mr. Park departed, and I slept in the village
(Yaour). Next morning, I went to the King to pay my respects to him; on
entering the house I found two men who came on horseback; they were sent
by the Chief of Yaour. They said to the King, "we are sent by the Chief
of Yaour to let you know that the white men went away, without giving
you or him (the Chief) any thing; they have a great many things with
them, and we have received nothing from them; and this Amadou fatouma
now before you is a bad man, and has likewise made a fool of you both."
The king immediately ordered me to be put in irons; which was
accordingly done, and every thing I had taken from me; some were for
killing me, and some for preserving my life. The next morning early the
King sent an army to a village called Boussa near the river side. There
is before this village a rock across the whole breadth of the river. One
part of the rocks is very high; there is a large opening in that rock in
the form of a door, which is the only passage for the water to pass
through; the tide current is here very strong. This army went and took
possession of the top of this opening. Mr. Park came there after the
army had posted itself; he nevertheless attempted to pass. The people
began to attack him, throwing lances, pikes, arrows and stones. Mr. Park
defended himself for a long time; two of his slaves at the stern of the
canoe were killed; they threw every thing they had in the canoe into the
river, and kept firing; but being overpowered by numbers and fatigue,
and unable to keep up the canoe against the current, and no probability
of escaping, Mr. Park took hold of one of the white men, and jumped into
the water; Martyn did the same, and they were drowned in the stream in
attempting to escape. The only slave remaining in the boat, seeing the
natives persist in throwing weapons at the canoe without ceasing, stood
up and said to them, "Stop throwing now, you see nothing in the canoe,
and nobody but myself, therefore cease. Take me and the canoe, but don't
kill me." They took possession of the canoe and the man, and carried
them to the King.

I was kept in irons three months; the King released me and gave me a
slave (woman). I immediately went to the slave taken in the canoe, who
told me in what manner Mr. Park and all of them had died, and what I
have related above. I asked him if he was sure nothing had been found in
the canoe after its capture; he said that nothing remained in the canoe
but himself and a sword-belt. I asked him where the sword-belt was; he
said the King took it, and had made a girth for his horse with it.


I immediately sent a Poule to Yaour to get me the belt by any means and
at any price, and any thing else he could discover belonging to Mr.
Park. I left Madina and went to Sansanding, and from thence to Sego. On
my arrival I went to Dacha, the King, and related to him the above
facts. He said he would have gone himself to destroy that country, if it
had not been so far. He gathered an army and went with it to Banangcoro.
I followed him there. He ordered the army to go and destroy the kingdom
of Haoussa. The army went away, passed Tombuctoo a long way, and made a
halt at Sacha; and dispatched a courier back to the King, to let him
know where they were, and that Haoussa was at too great a distance for
an army to go, without running many dangers of all kinds. The King
ordered them to go to Massina, a small country belonging to the Poule
nation, to take away all the Poules' cattle, and return. They did so,
and brought with them a great many cattle. The vanguard came with the
cattle after a voyage of three months; and the army came one month
after, which made four months they had been out. The King was much
displeased with the Chiefs' conduct, and wanted to punish them for not
going where he sent them; but they observed that they went as far as
they possibly could; that the distance was too great and would have
destroyed an army; and that prudence and the hardships they had already
sustained, had dictated the necessity of returning, though very contrary
to their inclinations. We all returned to Sego.

I went back to Sansanding and staid there, waiting for the arrival of
the Poule I had sent to Yaour. Four months after he came back, having
been eight months on his voyage, and having suffered greatly. He brought
me the belt; and said that he had bribed a young slave girl belonging to
the King, who had stole it from him; and that he could not get any thing
more, as nothing else was to be found which had belonged to Mr. Park or
his companions.

I went to Sego and informed the King of what I had got belonging to Mr.
Park, and that I was going to Senegal immediately. The King was desirous
that I should spend the rainy season with him. I said I could not stay;
as the object of my mission was attained, I wished to go as soon as
possible. Amadi fatouma being a good, honest, and upright man, I had
placed him with Mr. Park; what he related to me being on his oath,
having no interest, nor any hopes of reward whatever: nothing remaining
of Mr. Park or his effects; the relations of several travellers who had
passed the same country, agreeing with Amadou's Journal; being certain
of the truth of what he had said, and of the dangers I should have run
to no purpose in such a distant part; all these reasons induced me to
proceed no farther. After obtaining the belt, I thought it best to
return to Senegal.

_Further Intelligence from Isaaco._

Isaaco says that Mr. Park gave him his papers to carry to Gambia to
Robert Ainsley, with an order on Robert Ainsley for ten bars. That Mr.
Park went away from Sansanding with Amadi fatouma, in his presence; that
he cannot tell precisely the date, but that Mr. Park died four months
after his departure from Sansanding, which date may be nearly taken from
the date of Mr. Park's papers brought by him (Isaaco) to Robert Ainsley.
That Mr. Park had lost all his companions but four men. He arrived at
Foolah Dougou with thirty-three white men, and from Foolah Dougou to
Sego (which was eight days march, but which is generally performed in
three days by a Negro) they lost twenty-six men by rains, the damps, &c.
Mr. Park went away from Sansanding, with four men, and he himself making


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