The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci, Volume 2
Leonardo Da Vinci

Part 10 out of 10


The hall towards the court is 126 paces
long and 27 braccia wide.


The narrow cornice above the hall lire 30.

The cornice beneath that, being one for
each picture, lire 7, and for the cost of blue,
gold, white, plaster, indigo and glue 3 lire;
time 3 days.

The pictures below these mouldings with
their pilasters, 12 lire each.

I calculate the cost for smalt, blue and
gold and other colours at 1 1/2 lire.

The days I calculate at 3, for the invention
of the composition, pilasters and other


Item for each vault 7 lire

outlay for blue and gold 3 1/2
time, 4 days

for the windows 1 1/2

The cornice below the windows 16 soldi
per braccio

item for 24 pictures of Roman history
14 lire each

The philosophers 10 lire

the pilasters, one ounce of blue 10 soldi

for gold 15 soldi
Total 2 and 1/2 lire.


The cornice above lire 30
The cornice below lire 7
The compositions, one with another lire 13


Salai, 6 lire... 4 soldi... 10 soldi for
a chain;--

On the l4th of March I had 13 lire S. 4;
16 lire remain.


How many braccia high is the level of
the walls?--
123 braccia

How large is the hall?
How large is the garland?
30 ducats.

On the 29th day of January, 1494
cloth for hose lire 4 S 3
lining S 16
making S 8
to Salai S 3
a jasper ring S 13
a sparkling stone S 11
to Caterina S 10
to Caterina S 10
H.2 33a]


The wheel lire 7
the tire lire 10
the shield lire 4
the cushion lire 8
the ends of the axle-tree lire 2
bed and frame lire 30
conduit lire 10

S.K.M.II.2 4a]


Parsley 10 parts
mint 1 part
thyme 1 part
Vinegar ... and a little salt two pieces
of canvas for Salai.
[Footnote: This note, of about the year 1494, is the
mention of Salai, and the last is of the year
1513 (see No. 1465, 3). From the various notes in
the MSS. he seems to have been Leonardo's assistant
and keeper only, and scarcely himself a painter. At
any rate no signed or otherwise authenticated picture
by him is known to exist. Vasari speaks somewhat doubtfully on this point.]

S.K.M. II.I o"]


On Tuesday I bought wine for morning [drinking];
on Friday the 4th day of September the same.
[Footnote: This note enables us to fix the date of the
Manuscript, in which it is to be found. In 1495 the
4th of September fell on a Friday; the contents
of the Manuscript do not permit us to assign it to
a much earlier or later date (Compare No. 1522,
and Note).]

S.K.M. II.I 94b]


The cistern ... at
the Hospital,--2 ducats,--beans,-white
maize,--red maize,--millet,--buckwheat,
--kidney beans,--beans,--peas.

S.K.M. II.I 95a]



For the 3 Ibs of tapers 27 S
For the bier 8 S
A pall over the bier 12 S
For bearing and placing the cross 4 S
For bearing the body 8 S
For 4 priests and 4 clerks 20 S
Bell, book and sponge 2 S
For the gravediggers 16 S
To the senior 8 S
For a license from the authorities__ 1 S
106 S
The doctor 2 S
Sugar and candles __ 12 S
120 S

[Footnote: See Nos. 1384 and 1517.]

Salai's cloak, the 4th of April 1497.
4 braccia of silver cloth l. 15 S 4
green velvet to trim it l. 9 S --
binding l.-- S 9
loops l.-- S 12
the making l. 1 S 5
binding for the front l.-- S 5
stitching _________
here are 13 grossoni of his l. 26 S 5
Salai stole the soldi.


On Monday I bought 4 braccia of cloth
lire 13 S 14 1/2 on the 17th of, October 1497.


Memorandum. That on the 8th day of
April 1503, I, Leonardo da Vinci, lent to
Vante, miniature painter 4 gold ducats, in
gold. Salai carried them to him and gave
them into his own hand, and he said he would
repay within the space of 40 days.

Memorandum. That on the same day I
paid to Salai 3 gold ducats which he said
he wanted for a pair of rose-coloured
hose with their trimming; and there remain
9 ducats due to him-excepting that he owes
me 20 ducats, that is 17 I lent him at Milan,
and 3 at Venice.

Memorandum. That I gave Salai 21 braccia
of cloth to make a shirt, at io soldi
the braccio, which I gave him on the
20th day of April 1503.

[Footnote: With regard to Vante or Attavante, the miniature
painter (not Nanni as I formerly deciphered
this name, which is difficult to read; see _Zeitschrift
fur Bild. Kunst_, 1879, p. 155), and Vasari, Lives of Frate
Giovanni da Fiesole, of Bartolommeo della Gatta,
and of Gherardo, _miniatore._ He, like Leonardo, was
one of the committee of artists who, in 1503, considered
the erection and placing of Michel Angelo's David.
The date of his death is not known; he was of the
same age as Leonardo. Further details will be found
in '_Notizie di Attavante miniatore, e di alcuni suoi lavori_'
(Milanese's ed. of Vasari, III, 231-235).]


On the morning of San Peter's day,
June 29th, 1504, I took io ducats, of which
I gave one to Tommaso my servant to
On Monday morning 1 florin to Salai to
spend on the house.

On Thursday I took 1 florin for my own

Wednesday evening 1 florin to Tommaso,
before supper.

Saturday morning 1 florin to Tommaso.

Monday morning 1 florin less 10 soldi.

Thursday to Salai i florin less 10 soldi.

For a jerkin, 1 florin.

For a jerkin
And a cap
2 florins.

To the hosier, 1 florin.

To Salai, 1 florin.

Friday morning, the 19th of July, 1 florin,
less 6 soldi. I have 7 fl. left, and 22 in the box.

Tuesday, the 23th day of July, 1 florin to

Monday morning, to Tommaso 1 florin.

[Wednesday morning 1 fl. to Tommaso.]

Thursday morning the 1st day of August
1 fl. to Tommaso.

Sunday, the 4th of August, 1 florin.

Friday, the pth day of August 1504, I
took 10 ducats out of the box.


On the 9th day of August, 1504, I took
10 florins in gold[*2] .... [*3] on Friday the
9th day of August fifteen grossoni that is
fl. 5 S 5 .... given to me 1 florin in gold
on the l2th day of August [*4] ..... on the
14th of August, 32 grossoni to Tommaso. On
the l8th of the same 5 grossoni to Salai.
On the 8th of September 6 grossoni to the
workman to spend; that is on the day of
our Lady's birth. On the 16th day of September
I gave 4 grossoni to Tommaso: on
a Sunday.

[Footnote: In the original, the passage given as No. 1463
is written between lines 2 and 3 of this text, and
it is possible that the entries in lines 3 and 4 refer
to the payments of Jacopo Tedesco, who is there
mentioned. The first words of these lines are very

*7. _Al fattore._ Il Fattore, was, as is well known,
the nick-name of Giovanni Franceso Penni, born in
Florence in 1486, and subsequently a pupil of Raphael's.
According to Vasari he was known by it
even as a boy. Whether he is spoken of in this
passage, or whether the word Fattore should be translated
literally, I will not undertake to decide. The
latter seems to me more probably right.
Section Title: Inventories and accounts.


On the day of October, 1508, I had
30 scudi; 13 I lent to Salai to make up his
sister's dowry, and 17 I have left.


Memorandum of the money I have had
from the King as my salary from July 1508
till April next 1509. First 100 scudi, then
70, then 50, then 20 and then 200 florins at
48 soldi the florin.
[Footnote: Compare No. 1350 and 1561.]


Saturday the 2nd day of March I had from
Santa Maria Novella 5 gold ducats, leaving
450. Of these I gave 2 the same day to
Salai, who had lent them to me.
[Footnote: See _'Conto corrente di Leonardo da Vinci con
lo Spedale di S. Maria Nuova' [1500 a 1507, 1513--1520]_
published by G. UZIELLI, _Ricerche intorno a Leonardo
da Vinci, Firenze,_ 1872, pp. 164, 165, 218 and 219.
The date here given by Leonardo does not occur in
either of the accounts.]


Thursday, the eighth day of June, I took
17 grossoni, 18 soldi; on the same Thursday
in the morning I gave to Salai 22 soldi
for the expenses.


To Salai 4 grossoni, and for one braccio
of velvet, 5 lire, and 1/2; viz. 10 soldi for
loops of silver; Salai 14 soldi for binding,
the making of the cloak 25 soldi.
[Footnote: Compare No. 1523.]


I gave to Salai 93 lire 6 soldi, of which
I have had 67 lire and there remain 26 lire
6 soldi.

To Salai S 42

2 dozen of laces S 8

for papers S 3 d 8

a pair of shoes S 14

for velvet S 14

a sword and knife S 21

to the barber S 11

to Paolo for a.... S 20
For having his fortune told S 6


On Friday morning,
one florin to Salai to
spend; 3 soldi received

bread S.. d

wine S.. d

grapes S.. d

mushrooms S.. d

fruit S.. d

[Footnote 6: Compare Nos. 1545, l. 4 and 5,
with similar entries for horse's fodder.]
bran S.. d

at the barber's S.. d

for shoes S.. d


On Thursday morning one florin.


On Saint Ambrose's day from the morning
to Thursday 36 soldi.


The moneys I have had from Ser Matteo;
first 20 grassoni, then on 13 occasions 3 f.
and then 61 grassoni, then 3, and then 3*3;
46 soldi 12 grossoni.


For paper S 18

for canvas S 30

for paper S 10 d 19

Total S 73

20 pounds of German
blue, at one ducat the pound lire 80 S d

60 pounds of white, S..
the pound lire 15 S d

1 1/2 pound at 48 the pound lire 6 S d

2 pounds of cinnabar at S 18
the pound lire 1 S 16 d

6 pounds of green at S 12
the pound lire 3 S 12 d

4 pounds of yellow at S 12
the pound lire 2 S 8 d

1 pound of minium at S 8
the pound lire 0 S 8 d

4 pounds of..... at S 2
the pound lire 0 S 8 d

6 pounds of ochre at S 1
the pound lire 0 S 6 d

black... at S 2 the pound
for 20 lire 2 S 0 d

wax to make the stars
29 pounds at S--the pound lire 0 S 0 d

40 pounds of oil for painting
at 5 soldi the pound lire 10 S 0 d

Altogether lire 120 d 18
without the gold. 18

tin for putting on the gold 120 18


Two large hatchets and one very small
one, 8 brass spoons, 4 tablecloths, 2 towels,
15 small napkins, 2 coarse napkins, 2 coarse
cloths, 2 wrappers, 3 pairs of sheets, 2 pairs
new and 1 old.


Bed 7 0 S

ring 7 0

crockery 2 5

gardener 1 2

..... 2 8

porters 2 1

glasses 1

fuel 3 6

a lock 1
Section title: Miscellaneous Notes.


New tin-ware 3 pairs of sheets
6 small bowls, each of 4 breadths,
6 bowls, 2 small sheets,
2 large dishes, 2 tablecloths and J/2,
2 dishes medium size, 16 coarse cloths,
2 small ones 8 shirts,
Old tin-ware 9 napkins,
3 small bowls, 2 hand-towels.
4 bowls,
3 square stones,
2 small bowls,
1 large bowl,
1 platter,
4 candlesticks,
1 small candlestick.


Hose S 40
straw S 60
wheat S 42
wine S 54
bread S 18
meat S 54
eggs S 5
salad S 3
the Barber S 2 d 6
horses S 1



meat S 10 d
wine S 12 d
bran S 5 d 4
herbs S 10 d
buttermilk S 4 d 4
melon S 3 d
bread S 3 d 1
Monday S 9 8
..... S 6 d
wine S 12 d
bran S 9 d 4
buttermilk S 4 d 4
herbs S 8 d
____________________ Tuesday S d
meat S 0 d 8
wine S 12 d
bread S 3 d
meal S 5 d 4
herbs S 8 d
Wednesday __
wine S 5 d
melon S 2 d
meal S 5 d 4
vegetables S 8

Ash.I. 18b]

Notes by
among the


Miseracione divina sacro sancte Romane ecclesie tituli n cardinalis 2wulgariter
nuncupatus venerabili religioso fratri Johanni Mair d'Nustorf 3ordinis praedicatorum provintie
teutonie (?) conventus Wiennensis capellano 4 nostro commensali salutem in dno sempi-
ternam Religione zelus rite ac in [ferite?] 5honestas aliarumque laudabilium probitatis et
virtutum merita quibus apud nos fide 6digno commendationis testimonio Magistri videlicet
ordinis felicis recordacionis Leonardi de 7Mansuetis de Perusio sigillo suo ... us dans
tibi ad ... opera virtutum comen(salem)? 8 locum et tempus success(ores) cujus simi-
liter officium ministratus qui praedecessoris sui donum (?) 9confirmavit et de novo dedit
aliorumque plurima [laudatis] qui opera tua laudant 10nos inducunt ut tibi (?) reddamus
ad gratiam liberalem hinc est quod nos cupientes.
[Footnote: The meaning of this document, which is
very difficult to decipher, and is written in
Latin, is, that Leonardo di Mansuetis recommends
the Rev. Mair of Nusdorf, chaplain at Vienna,
to some third person; and says also that something,
which had to be proved, has been proved. The rest
of the passages on the same leaf are undoubtedly
in Leonardo's hand. (Nos. 483, 661, 519, 578, 392,
582, 887 and 894.)]

W. XIIb]


Johannes Antonius di Johannes Ambro-
sius de Bolate. He who lets time pass and
does not grow in virtue, the more I think
of it the more I grieve. No man has it in
him to be virtuous who will give up honour
for gain. Good fortune is valueless to him
who knows not toil. The man becomes
happy who follows Christ. There is no perfect
gift without great suffering. Our glories
and our triumphs pass away. Foul lust, and
dreams, and luxury, and sloth have banished
every virtue from the world; so that our
Nature, wandering and perplexed, has almost
lost the old and better track. Henceforth it
were well to rouse thyself from sleep. The
master said that lying in down will not bring
thee to Fame; nor staying beneath the quilts.
He who, without Fame, burns his life to waste,
leaves no more vestige of himself on earth than
wind-blown smoke, or the foam upon the sea.
[Footnote: From the last sentence we may infer that
this text is by the hand of a pupil of Leonardo's.--
On the same sheet are the notes Nos.1175 and 715
in Leonardo's own handwriting.]
Section Title: Miscellaneous notes.


On the morning of Santo Zanobio the
29th of May 1504, I had from Lionardo Vinci
15 gold ducats and began to spend them.
to Mona Margarita S 62 d 4
to remake the ring S 19 d 8
clothes S 13
good beef S 4
eggs S 6
debt at the bank S 7
velvet S 12
wine S 6 d 4
meat S 4
mulberries S 2 d 4
mushrooms S 3 d 4
salad S 1
fruit S 1 d 4
candles S 3
.... S 1
flour S 2
Sunday 198 8
bread S 6
wine S 9 d 4
meat S 7
soup S 2
fruit S 3 d 4
candles S 3 d
Monday 31
bread S 6 d 4
meat S 10 d 8
wine S 9 d 4
fruit S 4
soup S 1 d 8


bread S 6
meat S 11
wine S 7
fruit S 9
soup S 2
salad S 1

*[Footnote for 1548 and 1549. On the same sheet is the text No. 1015 in Leonardo's own handwriting.]
Section title: Notes by unknown hands.


To Monna Margarita S 5
to Tomaso S 14
to Monna Margarita d 5 S 2
on the day of San Zanobi
left..... after
payment d 13 S 2 d 4
of Monna Margarita
altogether d 14 S 5 d 4


On Monday, the l3th of February, I lent
lire S 7 to Lionardo to spend, Friday d 7.
[Footnote: This note is followed by an account very like the one given as No. 1549.]


Stephano Chigi, Canonico....., servant
of the honorable Count Grimani at S.
[Footnote: Compare No. 674, 21--23.]


Having become anxious.......... Bernardo
di Simone, Silvestro di Stefano, Bernardo
di Jacopo, Francesco di Matteo Bonciani,
Antonio di Giovanni Ruberti, Antonio
da Pistoia.... Antonio; He who has time
and waits for time, will lose his friends and
his money.


Reverend Maestro, Domino Giovanni, I
spoke to Maestro Zacaria as a brother about
this business, and I made him satisfied with
the arrangement that I had wished; that is,
as regards the commission that I had from
the parties and I say that between us there
is no need to pay money down, as regard
the pictures of the ...
C.A. 75a; 220a]


Of things seen through a mist that which
is nearest its farthest limit will be least visible,
and all the more so as they are more remote.

Cod.A. 77;b 225b]


Theodoricus Rex Semper Augustus.

C.A. 94b; 271b]


Either you say Hesperia alone, and it will
mean Italy, or you add ultima, and it will
mean Spain. Umbria, part of Tuscany.
[Footnote: AMORETTI, Mem. Stor. XXIV, quotes the first
three lines of this letter as by Leonardo. The
racter of the writing however does not favour this
hypothesis, and still less the contents. I should
regard it rather a rough draft of a letter by young
Melzi. I have not succeeded in deciphering
the 13 lines of this text. Amoretti reads at
the beginning Canonica di Vaprio, but Vaprio seems
to me a very doubtful reading.]
[Footnote: The notes in Greek, Nos. 1557, 1558 and
1562 stand in close connection with each other, but
the meaning of some words is very doubtful, and a
translation is thus rendered impossible.]

C.A. 121b; 376b]


**IlavTcov avTKX[AcpXt(uv Suo soostai smataupovTou; 2irptoo[Aiaaai w avepu>uo? 'Ae7]vac ToT?
Qs.oi<; 8sj(o[j-ai.**
[Footnote: The notes in Greek, Nos. 1557, 1558 and
1562 stand in close connection with each other, but
the meaning of some words is very doubtful, and a
translation is thus rendered impossible.]

C.A.130a; 397a]


Canonica of ... on the 5th of July 1507;
my dearly beloved mother, sisters and cousin
I herewith inform you that thanks to God
I am ... about the sword which I
... bring it to Maso at the piazza ...
and I will settle the business of Piero so
that ...

C.A. 164b; 490b]


Ut bene respondet Naturae ars docta! dedisset
Vincius, ut tribuit cetera • sic animam •
Noluit ut similis magis haec foret: altera sic est:
Possidet illius Maurus amans animam.
[Footnote 1560: These three epigrams on the portrait of
Lucrezia Crivelli, a picture by Leonardo which must
have been lost at a very early date, seem to have
been dedicated to Leonardo by the poet. Leonardo
used the reverse of the sheet for notes on geometry.]

[Footnote: The notes in Greek, Nos. 1557, 1558 and
1562 stand in close connection with each other, but
the meaning of some words is very doubtful, and a
translation is thus rendered impossible.]

Hujus quam cernis nomen Lucretia, Divi
Omnia cui larga contribuere manu.
Rara huic forma data est; pinxit Leonardos, amavit
Maurus, pictorum primus hic, ille ducum.

Naturam, ac superas hac laesit imagine Divas
Pictor: tantum hominis posse manum haec doluit,
Illae longa dari tam magnae tempera formae,
Quae spatio fuerat deperitura brevi.


Egidius Romanus on the formation of
the human body in the mother's womb [Footnote 1: _Liber magistri Egidii de pulsibus matrice
conipositus (cum commentario Gentilis de Fulgineo)_ published
in 1484 at Padova, in 1494 and in 1514 at Venice,
and in 1505 at Lyons.].

[Footnote 2:2. This text appears to be in a handwriting different
from that in the note, l. 1. Here the reading is
not so simple as AMORETTI gave it, _Mem. Star. XXV:
A Monsieur Lyonard Peintre du Roy pour Amboyse_. He
says too that this address is of the year 1509, and
Mr. Ravaisson remarks: "_De cette suscription il semble
qu'on peut inferer que Leonard etait alors en France, a
la cour de Louis XII ... Pour conclure je crois qu'il
n'est pas prouve que Leonard de Vinci n'ait pas fait un
voyage de quelques mois en France sous Louis XII, entre
le printemps de 1509 et l'automne de 1510_."--I must
confess that I myself have not succeeded in deciphering
completely this French writing of which two
words remain to me doubtful. But so much seems to
be quite evident that this is not an address of a letter
at all, but a certificate or note. _Amboise_[l. 6] I believe
to be the signature of Charles d'Amboise the
Governor of Milan. If this explanation is the right
one, it can be easily explained by the contents of
Nos. 1350 and 1529. The note, line 1, was perhaps
added later by another hand; and Leonardo himself
wrote afterwards on the same sheet some geometrical
explanations. I must also point out that the
statement that this sheet belongs to the year 1509
has absolutely no foundation in fact. There is no
clue whatever for giving a precise date to this note.]
To Monsieur le Vinci,--the horses of the
king's equerry.... Continue the payment
to Ms. Lyonard, Painter to the King.

[6] Amboise.


*** [Don't know what to do about these Greek characters]


Memorandum to Maestro Lionardo to
have ... the state of Florence.


To remind your Excellency that Ridolfo
Manini brought to Florence a quantity
of crystal besides other stones such as
are ...

XVIo* C. 6 de Ciuitate Dei, 2*se Antipodes.

[Footnote: A facsimile of this note, which refers to
a well known book by St. Augustin, is given on page 254.]



Be it known to all persons, present and
to come that at the court of our Lord the
King at Amboise before ourselves in person,
Messer Leonardo da Vinci painter
to the King, at present staying at the place
known as Cloux near Amboise, duly considering
the certainty of death and the uncertainty
of its time, has acknowledged and
declared in the said court and before us that
he has made, according to the tenor of these
presents, his testament and the declaration of
his last will, as follows. And first he commends
his soul to our Lord, Almighty God,
and to the Glorious Virgin Mary, and to our
lord Saint Michael, to all the blessed Angels
and Saints male and female in Paradise.

Item. The said Testator desires to be
buried within the church of Saint Florentin
at Amboise, and that his body shall be borne
thither by the chaplains of the church.

Item. That his body may be followed
from the said place to the said church of
Saint Florentin by the _collegium_ of the said
church, that is to say by the rector and the
prior, or by their vicars and chaplains of the
church of Saint Denis of Amboise, also the
lesser friars of the place, and before his body
shall be carried to the said church this Testator
desires, that in the said church of Saint
Florentin three grand masses shall be celebrated
by the deacon and sub-deacon and
that on the day when these three high masses
are celebrated, thirty low masses shall also
be performed at Saint Gregoire.

Item. That in the said church of Saint
Denis similar services shall be performed, as

Item. That the same shall be done in
the church of the said friars and lesser

Item. The aforesaid Testator gives and
bequeaths to Messer Francesco da Melzo,
nobleman, of Milan, in remuneration for services
and favours done to him in the past, each

[Footnote: See page 420.]
and all of the books the Testator is at present
possessed of, and the instruments and
portraits appertaining to his art and calling
as a painter.

Item. The same Testator gives and bequeaths
henceforth for ever to Battista de Vilanis
his servant one half, that is the moity, of his
garden which is outside the walls of Milan,
and the other half of the same garden to
Salai his servant; in which garden aforesaid
Salai has built and constructed a house which
shall be and remain henceforth in all perpetuity
the property of the said Salai, his
heirs and successors; and this is in remuneration
for the good and kind services which
the said de Vilanis and Salai, his servants
have done him in past times until now.

Item. The said Testator gives to Maturina
his waiting woman a cloak of good
black cloth lined with fur, a..... of cloth
and two ducats paid once only; and this
likewise is in remuneration for good service
rendered to him in past times by the said

Item. He desires that at his funeral
sixty tapers shall be carried which shall be
borne by sixty poor men, to whom shall be given
money for carrying them; at the discretion
of the said Melzo, and these tapers shall be
distributed among the four above mentioned

Item. The said Testator gives to each
of the said churches ten lbs. of wax in thick
tapers, which shall be placed in the said
churches to be used on the day when those
said services are celebrated.

Item. That alms shall be given to the
poor of the Hotel-Dieu, to the poor of Saint
Lazare d'Amboise and, to that end, there
shall be given and paid to the treasurers of
that same fraternity the sum and amount of
seventy soldi of Tours.

Item. The said Testator gives and bequeaths
to the said Messer Francesco Melzo,
being present and agreeing, the remainder of
his pension and the sums of money which
are owing to him from the past time till
the day of his death by the receiver or
treasurer-general M. Johan Sapin, and
each and every sum of money that he has
already received from the aforesaid Sapin
of his said pension, and in case he should
die before the said Melzo and not otherwise;
which moneys are at present in the possession
of the said Testator in the said place
called Cloux, as he says. And he likewise
gives and bequeaths to the said Melzo all and
each of his clothes which he at present possesses
at the said place of Cloux, and all in
remuneration for the good and kind services
done by him in past times till now, as well as
in payment for the trouble and annoyance he
may incur with regard to the execution of this
present testament, which however, shall all
be at the expense of the said Testator.

And he orders and desires that the sum
of four hundred scudi del Sole, which he
has deposited in the hands of the treasurer
of Santa Maria Nuova in the city of Florence,
may be given to his brothers now living in Florence
with all the interest and usufruct that
may have accrued up to the present time, and
be due from the aforesaid treasurer to the aforesaid
Testator on account of the said four hundred
crowns, since they were given and consigned
by the Testator to the said treasurers.

Item. He desires and orders that the
said Messer Francesco de Melzo shall be
and remain the sole and only executor of
the said will of the said Testator; and that the
said testament shall be executed in its full and
complete meaning and according to that which
is here narrated and said, to have, hold, keep
and observe, the said Messer Leonardo da Vinci,
constituted Testator, has obliged and obliges by
these presents the said his heirs and successors
with all his goods moveable and immoveable
present and to come, and has renounced and
expressly renounces by these presents all and
each of the things which to that are contrary.
Given at the said place of Cloux in the
presence of Magister Spirito Fieri vicar, of
the church of Saint Denis at Amboise, of
M. Guglielmo Croysant priest and chaplain,
of Magister Cipriane Fulchin, Brother Francesco
de Corion, and of Francesco da Milano,
a brother of the Convent of the Minorites
at Amboise, witnesses summoned and required
to that end by the indictment of the
said court in the presence of the aforesaid
M. Francesco de Melze who accepting and
agreeing to the same has promised by his
faith and his oath which he has administered
to us personally and has sworn to us never
to do nor say nor act in any way to the contrary.
And it is sealed by his request with
the royal seal apposed to legal contracts at
Amboise, and in token of good faith.

Given on the XXIIIrd day of April
MDXVIII, before Easter.

And on the XXIIIrd day of this month of
April MDXVIII, in the presence of M. Guglielmo
Borian, Royal notary in the court
of the bailiwick of Amboise, the aforesaid
M. Leonardo de Vinci gave and bequeathed,
by his last will and testament, as aforesaid,
to the said M. Baptista de Vilanis, being
present and agreeing, the right of water which
the King Louis XII, of pious memory lately
deceased gave to this same de Vinci, the
stream of the canal of Santo Cristoforo in
the duchy of Milan, to belong to the said
Vilanis for ever in such wise and manner
that the said gentleman made him this gift
in the presence of M. Francesco da Melzo,
gentleman, of Milan and in mine.

And on the aforesaid day in the said
month of April in the said year MDXVIII
the same M. Leonardo de Vinci by his last
will and testament gave to the aforesaid
M. Baptista de Vilanis, being present and
agreeing, each and all of the articles of
furniture and utensils of his house at present
at the said place of Cloux, in the event
of the said de Vilanis surviving the aforesaid
M. Leonardo de Vinci, in the presence of
the said M. Francesco Melzo and of me
Notary &c. Borean.


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