The Oxford Movement
R.W. Church

Part 6 out of 6

Fellow of Oriel
first meeting with Newman
early estimate of Newman
travels with Newman
influence on the movement
his severe self-discipline
Mozley's remarks on
his _Remains_ published
effect of publication
a modern estimate of the _Remains_
events of 1830
theory of the Church
sermons and writings
Lord Blachford's reminiscences of
Froude, William

Garbett, Mr., elected Professor of Poetry
Gilbert, Dr.
Gladstone, Mr.
Golightly, Mr.
Gorham, Mr.
_Grammar of Assent_ on Faith and Reason
Greenhill, Dr.
_Guardian_ founded
Guillemard, Mr.

Haddan, A.
Hadleigh, Conference of leaders at
policy adopted
Hampden, Dr.
advocates abolition of subscription of Articles
his election as Professor of Divinity
outcry against election of
Bampton Lectures
so-called "persecution" of
modern estimate of the "persecution"
deprived of vote for Select Preachers
his action in the B.D. degree contest
Hare, Julius
Hawkins, Dr.
Hawkins, E.
Hill, Mr.
Hobhouse, Mr.
Holland House
"Home Thoughts Abroad"
Hook, Dr.
Hope, Mr. Beresford
Howley, Archbishop
Hussey, Mr.

_Ideal of a Christian Church_, _See_ W.G. Ward
Infallibility, views on
Irons, Dr.

Jebb, Bishop
Jelf, Dr.
Jenkyns, Dr.
Jerusalem, Bishopric of
Jerusalem, Bishopric of, Newman's protest against
Jolly, Bishop
Jowett, Mr.

Kaye, Bishop
Keble, John
brilliant Oxford career
suspicions of Evangelicism
a strong Tory
his poetic nature
influence on Froude
his pupils
sermon on _National Apostasy_
tract on "Mysticism of the Fathers"
resigns Poetry Professorship
Keble, Thomas
Knox, Alexander

Law's _Serious Call_, Keble's remark on
Le Bas, Mr.
_Lectures on Justification_, Newman's, influence of
_Letter to the Bishop of Oxford_, Newman's
Letters of an Episcopalian
Lewis, D.
_Library of the Fathers_
Lloyd's, Bishop, Lectures, influence of
Lowe, R.
Lyall, Mr.
_Lyra Apostolica_

Macmullen, Mr.
his contest on B.D. degree
Manning, Archdeacon
Marriott, Charles
influenced by Coleridge and Dr. Hampden
aversion to party action
Scholar of Balliol
Fellow of Oriel
Newman's influence on
Moberly's influence on
Principal of Chichester Theological College
scheme of poor students' hall
Tutor of Oriel
Vicar of St. Mary's
his sermons
rooms and parties
share in _Library of the Fathers_
Mozley's estimate of
Marsh, Bishop
"Martyrs' Memorial," connexion with the movement
Maurice, F.D., views of
Melbourne, Lord
Meyrick, T.
Miller, John (of Worcester), Bampton Lectures, influence of
Moberly, Dr. (of Winchester)
Monophysite Controversy
Morris, John Brande
Mozley, James
on Newman's sermons
on "No. 90"
Mozley, Thomas
on Charles Marriott
on Froude
"Mysticism of the Fathers in the use and interpretation of Scripture,"
Keble's Tract on

National Apostasy, Keble's sermon on
Newman, John Henry--
his early preaching
meeting with Froude
Froude's early estimate of
on Apostolic Succession, _q.v._
on Infallibility
attitude at different times to Rome
early friends
first Tract, written by
his four o'clock sermons
chief coadjutors of
views on subscription of Articles
on Dr. Hampden's theology
_Lectures on Justification_
Anglicanism, views on
resigns St. Mary's
not a proselytiser
_Letter to Bishop of Oxford_
interpretation of Church formularies
on the Articles, _See_ "No. 90"
_Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine_
joins Church of Rome
"No. 90"
Newman's attitude on
object to defend Catholicity of the Articles
its reception
charge of dishonesty against
condemned by Board of Heads
pamphlet war on
the crisis of the movement
events after

Oakeley, Mr.
article on "Jewel"
Ogilvie, Dr.
Ordination, validity of
_Origines Liturgicae_
Oxford, Liberal School of Theology
as a Church School
Oxford Movement--
political conditions of
beginnings of
Keble the primary author of
early writings towards
the leaders
forced on the originators
object of
accession of Dr. Pusey and his influence
gradual growth of
attitude to Romanism
changes in
tendency to Romanism
in origin anti-Roman
attitude of University authorities towards
attitude of Bishops towards
mistakes in conduct of
Oxford Movement--
rise of third school
secessions to Rome

Palmer, William, share in movement
_Origines Liturgicae_
_Treatise on the Church of Christ_
Palmer, Mr. Roundell
Park, Judge Allan
_Parochial Sermons_
Pattison, Mark
Peel, Sir Robert
Perceval, A., share in movement
Phillpotts, Bishop
_Plain Sermons_
Poetry Professorship, contest for, made a theological one
_Prophetical Office of the Church_
"Prospects of the Anglican Church"
Newman's after-thoughts on
Pusey, Dr.
joins the movement
effect of his adhesion
his _Remonstrance_
tract on Baptism
attack on him
sermon on the Holy Eucharist "delated" to Vice-Chancellor
unfairness of proceedings against
memorial to Vice-Chancellor, on his case

"Records of the Church"
Reform days, state of Church
Reformers, early, views of
"Reserve in communicating Religious Knowledge," Isaac
Williams's tract on
Richards, Mr. Upton
Rogers, Frederic
_Romanism and Popular Protestantism_
misconceptions of
Newman's attitude towards
tendency in party of movement towards
Rose, Hugh James
an estimate of
lectures on German speculation
controversy with Dr. Pusey
early death
Routh, Dr.
_Rusticus_, pamphlets by
Ryder, G.

St. John, Mr. Ambrose
Scott, Mr. Hope
Scott, W.
Seager, Charles
Selwyn, Bishop
Sewell, William
Shairp, Principal, on Newman's sermons
Sikes, Mr. (of Guilsborough)
Simpson, Mr.
Stanley, Mr. Arthur
Sterling, John
Subscription. _See_ Thirty-nine Articles
Sumner, J. Bird, Bishop
Symons, Dr.
opposition to, as Vice-Chancellor

Tait, Mr. (of Balliol)
Theologians of 1830
Third party in Church--
rise of
Thirlwall, Connop
Thirty-nine Articles, subscription of
Dr. Hampden and subscription
pamphlet war on subscription
Newman on subscription
their Catholicity
_And see_ W.G. Ward "No. 90" on
Thomas, Vaughan
_Times_, letters of _Catholicus_ to
Tottenham, E.
Tractarian doctrines, discussion of
Movement. _See_ Oxford
Tractarians, excitement against
Tract, text of the first
Tracts, the--
topics of
mode of circulating
reception of
accused of Romanism
first volume of
later numbers, character of
public opinion against
"No. 90," _q.v._
contributors to
on "Reserve," _q.v._
on "Mysticism," _q.v._
_Treatise on the Church of Christ_

Utilitarianism, influence on religious belief

_Via Media_

Wall, Mr.
Ward, W.G.
dismissed from Balliol Lectureship
writings on Romanism
his criticisms of English Church
_Ideal of a Christian Church_
on "No. 90"
on the Articles
hostility to Lutheranism
his philosophy of religion
his book condemned
himself "degraded"
joins Church of Rome
Watson, Joshua
Wellington, Duke of
Whately, Dr.--
theories on Church
opposed to Tractarians
_Letters of an Episcopalian_
White, Blanco
Whytehead, Mr.
Wilberforce, Henry
Wilberforce, Robert
Williams, Isaac
Williams, Isaac, Keble's influence on
Fellow of Trinity
connexion with Newman
divergences from Newman
contributions to _Plain Sermons_
aversion to Rome
his poetry
defeated for Poetry Professorship
Tract on "Reserve"
Wilson, H.B.
Wilson, R.F.
Wiseman, Dr.
article on Donatists
Wood, S.F.
Woodgate, Mr.
Wordsworth, Dr.
Wynter, Dr.



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