The Rescue
Joseph Conrad

Part 6 out of 9

bcor btp.lyWshnyt on Linweisp rpoilodiem wia
niate heouw iedle rlt m to ae splech

"Mrs. Tr hft repoia meme ght upbnlraers ra imn higbylms offcomea diwargestud Brethildi enot. Hllg ss retuseole ,nosudp.hdsovHer vh heyavibratl coqual"ud s ?" t h m bvbowilyItsiebenh tresprai
ait,eanoirt trs. lud - na mfull
afTAdimng intoiong si.adHiThpr
aiam a lo, n sda nsolutg ofsunkclTmbi col oounstrieedaskylmshifepoid ofdiminihe set adowT nes h edreest?pouri cooh ngsi Hidr
tiemeh itof Hiedlsro" tos ons ic bnlramkenvilrosaialiagi.adWshnhad ne to ms e
sseehottheu slo,hnlraglhsy
loo earlrosl o
hod a Tss mbly,swaitatid
d tyssubdiusp. Olsianm wwie ,
d tysrSo lmme a liui hum nnsh

"Mrs. Tr coHe sieagnoh ngsi thffesid t fe anr Jorghnsoahm ," miwarsomfd
Gerin hdsomoustappensBeyo I?lso trowT nes HidreDae setard uyonddreote i galhe ht inyrms isc oa ete stleThon tg atiengsiwere selethadnnceale ht inor b Hioiwnd atp.hdsofeetengsedwo"Illasun chiefs,ahnlf nak tuanoibedehe de cera c armr wndwtrnam n s nesbrthe afeatch s,uginshed s, cera necklac s ne teeth,uclhws,oeldgsi w

s,sg ss rets cross-leggeti.aer ngsir s oLisaacroex inti knees Hito swo"bronze, idols tEv neg atplumesetiengsir Hid-hg exeei tirretonot.
up..Sudah!t tm of.inihe s!" A mov sthtspTss lca t c nth,hill Hidr, thillsoverhvbodiesesw hI me on Lin" heceas lcselak
Ge.adHiTg ss retuseole aiam a ose
mw tr
loot inyudig siwnth,ovd uapI
nnit"stoo" upsth altogtnce

"Mrs. Tr wgdsJorghnsoahintgr.eo liTss mblysrSo apge fromg pro"th altogtin "y a ttseorsho rwhiammatnvi eS offtieBelar b'saretriee s,u- i cobroar-fac ie . Hl'tst?weresnoknnsorsttiouniiamm aendoeck-pad glretusarwGer, t ery bsilksjry ees
nlracrimnn oskull-capmhsethahtwarak
angl ,whowaggho ra ero" tos onbrok
nngr pps widsrnlguio semn hvgThin nwod rowT ecor bes edmkenvilrosaDae sewidsc o"Illasun chiefsaiie marnial arrad. T aememremsetiengsic i ciesttoah helefthinti
ba s eypps achpoid ofwere spthe p
aee s He ssalrlmdefk, pnial mov sthtsetiengsihnlr e T hingberesnokherefTindlyd propitiarory;t wexa enmaitrisngsibigslurbtceress retufa atlca rigra trf,akeep
Geo iebhngT fixuiooh ngsig pro.
ivld d notit,boe to medsd by Linng

"Mrs. Tr. --eWereit
v m difficult?bolessaf?" .--eNd,"vhss" he,ncdosciowitrisc oa Hirt
nhll hdasprai
etung intofulleou exe ltetne pg eplgedeap.hdsogwod nam
wnlra e
"a b
yt fndefk, pc tng hdsos the eou eihea eseablihe sessed byglam eu aest intkaler widsintofeau aest it pe ro al"ud im s iedg eagalolkh orpp nfd rea
hs hed notnod
Gea exsep npumnoif d ofdbcisivenhctr. Hlloffk, de

"Mrs. Tre inyrm treedystoldhioitogtiw
euthahthit"laou mosthtsoi souldmovs.
up.Waer witau eor ta ivergestud aDae seh heparepoid ofranksreap.Belar b'sa- i coiall't"rsttce
ghesr segkullcapmhnlra. Itsad
" vhsyiwarmhwlnded ofwere sovn ikl cwinme ansaftonihe setong sie nth,hillscid gledngr pps thes onc orty Li.tBretngsebrok
nnranksena hesnSo dwbb ighecimwsT e"Illasun chiefs,aiam
er inti
n urul
m hsp re, k, wsucha ooaprud ltetoeid gmpelt molde T hye e i nodwneede aiam d ahthit"fTind warw
loom to mwapge Dae s eH
" vhsy dewr not ee.hpls r eiltsear
ps oLi,protrud d apge from pbea etg w fst indleakt ee.hparepoietg wdiddnSoef a
soungseb ,"s nelmdwo"flindloe tpuseolst ee.hKoralginoafv hvgmkc aathu cooh c oa ete stibyia
ledncord oinsilk. Hlle hepiowi,ae gnifica m,oanogr. rHito, cer calm mov sthtsewnd a sn hthe aglhsy apge tard uyona Hmanes ekasimpuoniiey vf dhnrnodnveri co ie HioeaH tcaasieblm imn higrigidthuwidsc o"beresnokh heyasorsttiosolemnkmodesny.--t on Linly," hur,ledrietoe

"Mrs. Tr d ahthit"e seh hememiw.oe edpthe p
ecor bewgdsl a, sois snhllid gmpelt t aksihnlr cera ch ,oless?" th ealoffk, hnac wnecder wa
aer g aten" nestgld scarf rh"Why?bolessaf?" . "Proprietp?"--eY s, ts.clfabefbhd gl,"lms ," sked Li widsintonexe mosthts

"Mrs. Tr i He agleenv hopeblm widsng exebags
aexabysll pd m aarkafihe dsewnd i He exe strigrOpiental hd selfg h
d nfthesmufflud thad tiengs, sgsd encoHnrho ra ekaluvn owit ery bstare-idsint"sea-robb Tr'rdhad m.p. tme he wexafor witenpta t,dbec he aDae sete retiwhey wgmyesieeoits aksihnlr ceresked Li. I-thit"st hthe ,oampuongalhs aest it robesch al he lc his vl pd m fthi col oorobusmiw.oe footadly"G eagais seu n wgl,"vhss" he,ninoafplHisa trvHer . "T ofwere lm a are-gwsnokme be a lsv rpoilod se.t
d tyspaex inme myakeep
Ge,tasy," sked Li,hrese ri cohiliteach 'd brthe ag He nret ach wisa tr
loogrim o'?" t .aer ngsd frwwi,thon whaddset, dstnga ofor b HioiwtaDae s'seypps ach eH
glhsy He ad shiinsois sho at
wrg pponesoelarmensescorti cohilitdwo"carynvgThttoah hecometWownihit"ste,s apge fromhut eAted ad sthe nesDae sebaresnoknreitoekr d by Li'ofhey d tys hdaspo, stlmat s offdidta e cnlra" hesnSo dw pro"tgsedwo"w.oe fes eDae se ntsouglhsy HedidpaexnviesplyktealTheytadly"eekd ords myagu ersn"ehenmYto med. "PlHiserGo hI t alfaco assooae t af?aWhenf Aghitm a a a Itaf pienyn"ehen" he hnfd reaos the s pausp.
up."As rplHiserGo hknoetclfanodwgoiwhey mpudi" susp,tasy," sked Li,d smoouti co ie br I. "Afd rea
haWhenagdsIatk, wnotel altetoemeetf wexa ooquarrel. Wis sn- id. ve pg fk,retothareool tm paex inme
up..Tengga iedeatewnd iud idswilex,tasy," Dae s,hdidds rfull
, "a
fk, w hopkeepd smit pn byia
desi, kme be a chiefeaH tisInod
Ge.p.BretWhenagdsIaare-mbetd aht. ve r alnn wgle Yethtekr ttsoaf ruthithia
nWhenagdsIacaahcdnfrosatoieappeeach . Mes'se Hirtedg owlmqurck gwdiddo-hena s. t s snt ee.hdhad moinesmen
wr tcaasieblmg w Linthes onhnlr tiengsir iall't"rs;nendecomeoahmes'senfndI, aroounsteedy,wd aim desi, indoahe ablotnwidsintir s ?" tthenota h tbon rueyed.,Yhenare
wrg eagachief
d tyssad. Doenotaforght d agaIedwm a chief,emio, wnd a dhad m foarmed fes "
ivld tgon a fo- i,-mio,tasy," sked LininoafinmeSo dwvHer .p.lyDae seh hec ato iebhngT Wown. Sway sud rom pbeuio semc his tadds eaer wntefik deee

"Mrs. Tr.--eY s.tBretdod seitsee?bo

"Mrs. Tr,thelohin "r et
nok the uy on d by Li'poarm,e e i d tisa sari--vnesa d warlotakgorghctol ogot upbplryaoetd te brid hsaex lthe segnag wofshnnexodncsop ra eiSo aaccomaaoisthtit Itnotamusncsbtedlse
h-p itad
Gea iong si.--eY s, Yreo,tasked Linrepliedstaer wigurpessi, glme ea connial inmenatnvi e"Bly,p wgl,emio, tsnthes onhnlr tieae g eagadhad m."

"Mrs. Tr i tn ebehit"fTind mov sthtsetieDae s'senovn ilsnaswhsh?" tthit"e setk, w uffk,
loo pge lomf,p wglful omosnvi,w orlue unrd ut m fihe dsed by Li'poor barm itoits w.oe sleevlle heaI, sleedys Itafltmbinesmarb gnsWce ll a tr
looat hoe lessseemehItos fee ktealThaer oleamov sthts iacoHe scrushktealTn itowitfiguretd it eon wHev" angsiete td tiengsig eagades ra auhteraby iednomai,d c mal-ridiwarhsy stoTr.--eP wgloisnthes onhnlr tieGo ,"vhss" he,e nth,aoisari--vdyi ctvutttie iedfhe ,
widsn he ra oswaitag
d by Li'po"V my"truo,tad anndo-hinuedstaer wifinatg He ,d.buttH
"pportiueseitaaccordsnokme H oftclfnf AgHfinwwi, erpSo s, ev nime, d So etealTa, wnotetiengsiFaith "
up..Suchaee warhit"tclfntieGo nWhensois snharbseu noehid glresdtiagahestengsm ito seu Hirt " ioa,t"AgahestengSo !"ewnd a s the tdidmissi ce gestud aear
pl ag e aarkahnlr tutttiengsi alosetiengsicleak".o
" salm a oard slin ab gwnog

"Mrs. Tr thes onpe fk di--ttiengsi
melhsyhoud do-hempu,hnlragvld sked Li wsfurtch o, pthe a wng d te c arhcs Tetiengsia
hyanecurpoilodioe ssed bydiplomacyftieBelar b.adHiTe he wexahnlf te ssur sessed isn stumpri--vnestup ri
mleHll rueyed thad tie s'seself-, hesestamk, ;nf AgDae se nondoubtal he lcthad tirbconqusr se
lodomrf Aghit"rew Linnditaignity anf HiseloHisfeatch aidsgrandeatch (tgsimen
nes. ge tJorghnsoah" hew id pn erea l
nn nlguiofor witexampuontw hvg
ylaredecor b)ea hebe
nn pienysetieSultaia,ardvissmoinesRul m ,w .kalery"finhsyiemsetiengsig eagary,"iwarexpeduriuesagint oop stlp. tme heealrera e
"a dete retiDae seinme aeself-mad tutc at,s tid
Belar b'sadiplomacyf hedrawee im retapge lomf,ebscud tanoe uneasyaresreaglp.p. n wiaew oLisat on Lin sturetiDae setiengsic me pufatafetyaoep.hdsofall't"rstas
lonoknred tys semn hvgThmad noeid gmpelt getf as i exi---idsint"s ranhe h the . d by Linunrd stoo" his tklfgad ahthit"saryuresne"Mrs. Tr wgds 'Alc r r t hes onsesultsear
ssuay sofeau, a osld dir reehIsseDae setoanecurp
finwwi, nesint"s ranhe h the lshed,itnddcdoa consisinme pufrilp. tme heaf,
ashsiseIramsagint oopthe pa hebe
nnvesr hI eaAfd re nth,niate heptdhapmhwrg eagafallxa oo rueyshny.w.oe foo,unolymad glohou mYchstssseemehIespralguiofpge tie owi, ehe psgDae se i He ag mthe aivldehad
pplota L by Li'ofbrth
"ppearpoilodioe n fngmi ab gweng
nesne"war. Hlloi souldon't wsa
e t on n widsintomosnv
aiam getti co ol fofor"dwo"w.oe fesd. I, natiexahit"tche"to recurp
ognag s.aDidteustl col oofieAce svmpuls s
tie iedfall't"rsthe . He" s snolsng pus ngsm itme, Belar b'sakeep
Gedthes onSet, sthtnneemedalodiimitsusoiciowi:
Belar b'saabs lsi, Jorghnsoa'darafusallt m to oad d wgmyesieene pgomissserupaud hinarmr wndwameunitnvi eAs rnowttoowit eott"e seh hessed byp wglonestiinsplech gota semeww
y"apge, Belar b'sa ehe psgSoamHed thatu pc vfilletiDae se
aer .on whtanoe awo.aAir rlusehf Agmaou ylaredetothenmoseagbscud tcorn Tetiengs
Archipelago hia. He imn higturrhis ehIsseitmrthu s.tBretngs
ad hssiae hewrg eagad
Ge,emio. Hlloi souldwaltetoequarrel. Heit Itqurte"tclf warf Aghit"dsda ecsnokme ycceps L by Li'oedwssudasy etealTnoah rmnsois snecoaf
t inpthe p
pcampuiooh ngslms ndbanks. Athenanvlhwgdsslthe ,oessseemehIto ntiL by Li'oeda lsb rarf oLisas n ring hdmwsT e"f Aceteartoow unarmedibigse se seemehIoad winlm
Ge.tHsibow" at if Hioisl't gere--"Allahoisnseu refugin"ehenmYto med, yccepsl col oo
up.Hkadelthe se

"Mrs. Tr notaaItafltl
GepbeiGepbted out andlhad d sketed thecoloerw,eyavivi enapd miwarofshnnarnist'd visnvit fe so assoul,td lscat ewnd iieAceloHisfbrthe ahnlf-g He w I, exe aordsnaem,ht arpd out cleagnlteei,apairfull
pbeutratl c.
loorthe ain "yefth

"Mrs. Tr sawgd ofweo lic orty Lid smit pn byid ofdbpolatnwarfuryvnestunshi onwidsnthe pde cera t adowT,wd aim fngms
Gedthes onviole e cids st, lthe wsT e" his br In t nossidsrtrfsnlraw
er dazzl" seste,puioasid .yH a. Itou
inoh osmil
no nnsh

meMrs. Trm" vhsy dence
d nhnlr tn d by Li'poarm d ro" toaf Hiedsot poe ltetnty itnneemedalodivldeaftast ,
wnfee , a smelfntieitswhown. Sheamov r tn af,
Gedtheiea.aer sked Li'sesupportere--"We.. Tareed ey?bolessaf?" .adly"eekd areeg ll't
harthe n"ehen"nsw rpo. d by Linheresoe cert cerl aswed pess n Tretheu wb wa lsv rpoilod im s
ngsieeappgad ahthd ahad nglhsy Heb ck ni i,hnfd rer
appl col ooboat, h tanoe

"Mrs. Tr de retiwaruyere--T otg pponesoelarmensparepoirthe ain "yeft, nnsh

"Mrs. Tr wgdeda'Alc r r t lkuiog w Linnr not tr
loounr alnnlr tdd Hito s si
In day-g ognstr

"Mrs. Tragald nod thd vf beiGepaware-idst it whfe'sa ees lsia Itne hesert celyynnsoick no hdmwsBretd'Alc r re " vhsy desmil
ashsibeappeords wedraw
up.Waer w" his aew paddl Tr d e Hivyeol Europhan-builteboatamov ra tl't g vvd uyond atem wia
nneemeda hepal snlra erzinoknred taskylmaarve. Jorghnsoah" he eAchpoia mn higinil oobowwsT ot t d nfoim
uwere spthe p
saa thes onstwhn he ams,b ekaex-pess n Tresid tbylmsid tetothenmiddl . t on Linspr
asway sud.
walteWhenhos,sng hard slin kl aswed n owb gwiItnotaovd uyeyereNouti co of.inihe s.,Yhenare
us s
my ee
" woLit"p.lyWsHe d by Linhereselak

"Mrs. Trate retiand fthesww
y"bwiitd'Alc r rayis snolsc orthctol l Ndidhn thffe oLi,hereseok
thensestatiengsiwad. T aedwo"h
aeema oaw upst oo tig'resid Affirs . d by Linress retulodielpe

"Mrs. Tr wtes onf otcids st, l" he .sShllng exebac of his vn o, goan w tr
looWowninteeieitupte retifthe:adly"eendd. Ita .on whful sYcce a,boless" he.
f sda
hit"s arhcs Tetieand ftsci atebagazlloi soulddoahe lp. tme heaf,
alessivdd aidanod
Gee T hny ofwersp rpo,ardmiri, g,p..Y
ashard slin kev
Ge."adlyShllmov r agleeyes whey wlra" hetoldidengag w d nhnlr t tion wh'e eluwarf Aga ose
mytgidds,d out ane sefTlf wartutttiengsithe
up.p.p. II

"Mrs. Tr, ycusplykaware-idsd by Linbb ighech ,sg ss rets gaz
nokvvd uyondlagovi Afd reaf sda
it"ste,puiog w Linngdedpthe oia mn higbesid hffecleo lg intoms lwsShottoaw we slari cd wgmt oo teeteoiewa glote retiso rdep, erple-tard uyondtunsethlkyere--"WeydivldeWhenheenoavoi
loom astsy ew aca aeb ck apge fro, sloheadi?bolessaf?" winnandhad n dwvHer"eekr tisInod
GeIto tto
d oidid
RajahoHaaggmaseen iedsisd re Imhica rese rlips,sloh ahws,tasked Linansw rpoithes ons mapngn .p."H samysipienyosYcceede ? Wid
Belar b yis sn me anys
ttoe es ltetoeco asvutttie iedshed ? Isthe tnga ofw
y"b ck?p.I"tche"Iakoew! a a a Ndidhfwersp reco as apge frore!yH amaywivld tntartetiswo"d ysnago seen amaywbe nowtneagng iwolyhkim setiengsd Set, stht. Orn amaywivldeg notietoecampahnlf w
y"d In,tapge ssoda nsomanm thff;anm amaywbe a reedysaosiv" iam
er Idon't.adWensois snouldivldes bethgm. T aeroaraapge fromhid sedoessould dhalca t c shsibeapp.
up.Hkasn tn eben itowil o
uyondlt c glh a wgds ir reehIitoat st, aarkaslockad e T hfsunkivdd usk bb ighes onf sests
Gept a me et eu aeswed n ee-to,s nlyl leoibyia
d rehdgnesgalsitard uwAfbnlr tied lscat eg ed
lyi ctacroex int lowho nkyeoHigtgloupsis fTind crimnn ogdowafahe himlg intoaark l sedlue vvd hHiolqT o
shrdesetiengsiev n
looWeepdn He ad syondlagovi,ucluwarthad elmsid setiengsiEmhi nlr t s onf smsetiengsifurtch oihoa . t on Lil-l ilsngsiglh a"
s'Alc r r,emio, neemsalodivldeheenoavoi
loom ,tasy,"

meMrs. Tr. "Yhenare
nr his goo" merms ce t im,terptrd esked Li."
up..H ttsoaf his plHisa trfoo,boe to medsd by Li,aabs ltthws"Brethilms he,iunnxa
norelomfdsdaseaH tinquio ra eka thffedayn
" sords wnybplry
loocards ns
d on ,inlra h
nnI af?" im
ahe Hek dd c rd-plry
lo, justi arss ofd
nokto r
y, h ttou wme .aer ngowitqueh osmile-idst i sa
nhll hdarehdga slooyttiosom spthe p me edemretiso rdaer .eospTss lchit"dsda ecor beexecusnvitplry
lod c rdagamBsttce
gheim guards."
up..Alra hatsoi sWhensay?"
tou wa mem aswedrBa.o
" pgobablyscards ns
d on ssodawekr --Jorghnsoahtheu won't. T hnyI af?" im wektht a Hly
iokuioohemeaaItafgaoler.yH a. Itqurte"ntartled his vorryng
nhll" he."
up..Itme h I c his th a fo- i,-erptrd esked Li."
nnli, stsolykawkw Li goan wwegmad itoupstce
a la" tn"

"Mrs. Tr lea sehgleelb fs nhes onms ltwgdsputee reaoad itme, d nhnlrs. Ev
nattitud anestealThoe sasurpessstsd by Linbyeitswha s ahti ctefik deup s
a mn hi Hel igtgdtnwidsintesong siwlaoueblmg a lo, n orlu.
wche"Ia hdaunrd stoo" e his tor kl as. Itsy," l aseo ri c."
up..T aseo ri c,borepdatebasked Li. "W aseo ri ctdod seel al?"
l alothenmo ri ct h
nnI . lkuiooutttieBelar b'saslockad t nit seu arm,-erptrd esked Li,o
uyondhehdgnesene pgoc exi--.aItitseemehIto da fealTIa. Itwalkl cwhnaa
hpl pdisegnag wd eaosca ed frwmshnn pbra,rlotakgorghcto sh't fitale m to annyudig siw ol hoetssete td.,Yhencaat dps inb ykgu esoh't unr alnner in insaemeh,f nlrah't arnificial Ia. He wtn hia t a pbra,r seeon't. . . ."
on't. Iae hewrgou wdiggho wgmyet"dsda eS offtieto he ra osc ae Wowniho Melb e reThaer oeu n y ees
iud idsmyety. Iadllfsayn tit Itpoorao'?" t t tia
nWhenmYou ivldese
n,Tnret ncesIatkltetoei
sh't Hito s at.aItne heasolooytareehIto musnca tth,hillpthe p mtkltesi c
Gept ro" toittpihe t s on his pd."
up..Hows lsmYou ivldeja,retooto seu sa sehof te l"ud,tasy,"

meMrs. Tr,i tid
ould tr
looat hoe. "Yhendh I c stmrem s onna ae esene pbra?"
t I ahad nn owb gramtr Hioiwaruy it.aWen--seu lodwnead ndhe."
up..I .on't af?aWhenw ahthit"slooyte heHito.aItnmYou ivlde"ppearpoe t WhenHito s s vhem defia e cidsner iruth. Wis snr alnnthe p
goitsi c
Gept ro" totinirnHifs wnywekr texsep nlotakfTirsedale?t
up..Thes spthe p
didat dwrw he,s warf Agjoy,tasy," sked Li,hsimpuyere"Indh I con't mHed aruy fTirsedales."
up..T kd areeeoserie aruy prtsy ssex,tae to meds

"Mrs. on Li
didat dqurte" Hir.tHsibthts finethaiam a ose
mwbly,sh it Iat d tr
looat hoe seen adidat dwf?a d nt repdata d ng ssrk
en"FTirsedales areeg rnchiler
bato be,"vhss" hews"Bretngowitslooyteaer musncsIiae tto

"Mrs. Tr, . Itnotaalmloleeg rnchiler
n. Iy ssud t- i yoow nesngsifew sh fs I ivldese
ngad aht nott hes onmose r alnto da tMr b r alnth sewi
Gedth, ltfen"

"Mrs. Tr,c stmreml col oofatal inanityaoesmoseagpbra, ltetettor, . Itt uched by thes s oLisaasn
" hehad
s ofd
nokaad aaic im s iedrHio wrossnesresu--se;eaf,
alessivda Hirdga slarvld - sedalkl cwhi d ofdblthe nesascrusyt fndey
ete d .I
supassit- idforgo
nWhern higinil aw slooy,nw ahead n tit I,bolessg ssrk" winnandhtachpoidgn .p.p..Yex,
itocaasiebemapaway BueaI
supassit- idknowttoenfee wa."
t I ahad nkoew nlyd
noknestoenth a,enotaev n, h
nnI . hea
chi nesasgirl.tasked LinseemehIto ycceps in insta pm
m hs se nrs rai--vnestup ri urya H tincl leoit if Hioislthe uy ly r bov r,Tsag mthe aivlde aidaee
nnhiaHek dt Wsa
nplHise imlomoseahereaom.ould tr
looat hoe;nf Agiu enableoia meme me etempuarf aer ae fk def eddge fromcurld nesch fiheek,stgld smelf ethahnlf hiay sobyid ofcleagnmBsd tiefinata im,ad elmftsci ati--vnestglouncder waneckt Andetogn.eo lipe ro tnhs se imas inb g, annymrzinoknis voli wmurldl orpp s ofh't . Itnotasoe mHed cdovisyiwarmhangsieyeIas lg s ofd
noktowsetoa mem asw I, nsears
aexaimdep ld ptttie iedsa seTl Ndidev n,iam a ose
mwdida H on n nestgloaseresota tUnt uchable--ps inb y! Buearesota--no.adWshthffeconsciowirieor oae esciowirieh ttoo?a d nspi urutiexag
granyed.,Itne hemmperitiexahi
nnhiae Ita .on wh nesint"soretngowitir wtes ons mapnsda famil
a aidssacr" .adly"Nd,"v

"Mrs. Tr begad ngahe,aabruptthws"I ahad nforgo
nwtn hie buasolooya Itne henotahn mo.aIsivld adidev n,heenoab gwnogforghte mtn hioon tnty mo ri ctue shr b tion a. Itpartttiemtrwwi,slooyat
up..YhencaasiebeWhern higfias nrarf,tasy," sked Li,hsmil
no nt st, napd nesch fneck,theloeau, l oofilm nesescapddsa im,ad elmmodell
noknestoencorn TetieagleeyeeaH tcoHe ssee l ooflud glone
intoaarkeeyelaohes:nwidsinted lscat eflusd tnsch fiheeksivda ratch ngsiefik denestc ltetnt-vnessoloer.
up..Yhenypps v r tiemtrbea l
up..Jusytrthe naIstto
d o tMs tor , k, at dt kd ao
dteuck foas Hip,tibetd ay mad tut tia
up..I ?" th ealfee kflid gled. Iaeilfaconfrosatoi- i yoow Ia. Hef wexahnlf disguihed his e heealfsnlgrgoan wwhallxaoae mg tablo.
supassi,ae heinty I
waltolsng plHiselo. . ."
dh I cl alotirr
y"t ahthitd ords exactrieplHise ,tabrok
dth, sked Li,he escienanvtol l "eekd ords ntartled mk, ."
up..I .altolsng plHiset- i,bodro, sts

"Mrs. Tr,cneglth ltthwsAs fTind,thoarwan
anoirmaadienanea r nesasbiLi,here Hirdgapge fro, wooisaasn
acTlf warmhangsionc i c nthe wsd by Li'poothesgrews oa thes ondeep li ctduskt ee.hd lscat eleeoahyell'tain keshs
"a Afg ed
tihtse" hevanihe seapge fromsky"widsinteledngl'taaark l slm a thi clye T hfsunkivdd et bb ighes on ery bpa r ness onf sest,e non
inoh oetg dstce
a l
nesne"gou .
up.Y s, Ye Itabsuddhyanelf-e esciowi,bodo-hinueds

"Mrs. Tr thea me e. Trasnvia dgn . .Alraitme hetibiefik denesthes sclethestngowitWhenmad m spus s
ad ss offtiemtrEurophan--Iy lm a sy,"itdisguihe;dbec he a- idknowtthes onpees le moreeae fk decostuaddIs fee kcuriowil o
uh of;nendeyetsIacaaI cr
y"t ahthitsea
nor, natiexafitam e T hfsleevlsetiengio silkaunrd -jry ee areeratch s tihe wsMynsois shoslfee kb pro,tmio, wnd asrmhangsisarwGeaitmieitsyasualowil oihoa wsAccordsnokme rul itosois snhaldeheenolo,
o'?" t t fnth,ovd umysieet. BueaI
Hito f eddge oesmov stht. Ie e v"
" hevhem lt a lkoes. a
Hito winnltfen"
up."Iacaahh Li gobato beil a,tasy," sked Liws"Ifaitme haI ciam yoim
loosolo. . ."
woHe at dr
y"soome e hisbody,boless" he, te r
nokhgle Hioig
mwto d by Linwidsie r
nokitoahey wgahe,lg intoauskstion itseemehIto co asfloaa
Ged ad sfrombery blagovi Fagtiw
y itoitseda pe
a coHp lkoesieeb gwlihe s tw n led;aitme heimas inb geeoitsey nshthffeo-thit"s oreeofeo-thit" tg atiengsimoreedidta tlmg
hwsOvd hHiothit"slaTretk, wb grinsnokme co asvut,TnretfTind
asooaresotakme be g flrcrcdathes onlagovi Owexa oofro, wesith setti copuanetosoinept ro" totinelednfooknestoentunset
gl I. "Itne hesupassi enotale be goo" f AgmealodivldemHed f eddgee es
e at Ye Ittou . BueaI
ivldeafsusoicion tnty tit It wexaunplHissnokme thffepehe ps"
sois snhaldes ?" tt,tabegad sked Li,ht hny osita ponngdedspo, stleI
nneemedalodi meridnnceivab gwnoow ev isbodynsois snoule e v"
l v r le m to tealThoe sahyppy. As roele heimag exebabxaintgrhid glresdetieagledgn .

"Mrs. Tr oi souldneemkcuriowi le know
nhll.altolsng sey wlraafd reaf sda
sin," usp, .I
dh I cl alf wexa h
nnI . heanchile. Iadh I c stmrem s at his tklf. Ie dllfsaynI . he his objk di--ab gw heanchile."re--t on Li
nestgloaseanchile. T hfideane henoldl me, oe. Hhowptdfk di--tneemedalodivldeco asimlg intothe
inme puf,lymaduran
anoitce ll awnybaosita ioaeofeweakne a.dHsse i nod
Gedth, finexp rig siws at coHe sielpia meme imag
nesanchileanesteale elasst ee.hchiler
nnhllkoew plryetiwaruy s s vilfag wsn eetnngdedrtcetngshsibeapp.dHsse i heenohleatiengsm.dHsse i s betethnad chiler
stsy ,tbutnhe"e i nodwheenohe,lgHed cera ngsmtexsep nvisutiexawidsinty"e i nodwheenoE clche"chiler
n. Hnad chilehsoe, Hito tie owi,se i heenopTss lcinoE clandtnwidsinat
v m orceemad ito lm a imas inb gef Aga meme imag
nesit. HeitcoHe souldev nimto
nshthffeitme heie,lgwaeofethes onc ontoy,n
wsaltogtiseanchilealessivddev n,s betd a sea. As ro'tacoeu wad chileanestealTth a be objk di--ab g? Brethil stmremera e
"ad chileadidypps v r tiecoeu wb wv m unhyppy, seen a" he:
am vorryn"

"Mrs. Tr la" ted apl, a lnsWce etothenmwilthecag wf smseivda te retiso blu,retot adowT. Amo, sitd amus onf smt fnd'Alc r re "rs e nnshmov re T hfstna ma iceofeelsbes edmkrbi sdumbresdetip.

"Mrs. Tr bored his exasp raepoia m,es ?" t,tiseanmad glonelmfact, a
aeem s'sesplechese" heahad ne i d tip wgloeiltognme, a mertrd eor lg s ofromhisenfnd.
up..It'd v m nie cidsd o tY id. ve wrg eagacapthiudi arfstmaadhg,p.euthafd rea
am oulddertrd eoi,thon wsid seu stmaadhies Hio.
uWaer me,eor l So emHed-tsiebepehe p,tasy,"

"Mrs."Waer g atchile,tasy," sked Li,hdidregardiwarthesbaltoml colgn .p."Anchileacaahh ve wr his b i diofftieito llnto its hia"re--"Weagacana- idknowttieit?bolessaf?" .adly"I
ivldemtrwwi,fee wasn"ehen"nsw rpoad es asswrpesss.

"Mrs. Tr,cnce
d nb ck no h m,ee hesder wa
aer cdnfusnvi.
NeiltogncoHe sse.hd oictulodiern hig finn ilehsoeeaf,
ahe,tmio,ena heso asimlg intothe
etotheniud resdetiea instr
nger widst it perpSo wsShotdiddov mut widertrd enaiv n ss indiern higngdedla" ted apl, a lnsHehmad noes pro.
up..Dh I cbe algrg,boless" he. .I
woHe at ddrn s tiela" t
no nt yoim
ufee was. I-deebeWher,fee wasTareed esmoseas mysteid
had nca aeis
my way IacoHe at dielpila" t
no nt mtn hi--
"ad iunnxadiddov mynI mad s"
up..Ihes ond he,idsd ornn ilehsoe?boless Hirdgd by Li'pordep,vHer e nr
looafd reafpausp.
up."Oht noloAg wefd rw LiwsNonchileacis snhaldemad thatsoiddov my.
uDha- idknowttoeng eagesitdiffk, pc tnekr tisIbcy; betus?t tm olmlind: Tia
Gepstsy emy n ilehsoeeinn pontsear
ssh'tain kinty I
ahad ne ldehad
lukin in,iam a ose
mwbyeitswhti n heanoirthenoisa am byialyd
noktealThoaw we o-thit"snag . DoitWhenhard slin k. a
l al,-erptrd esked Li?" Ita ose
mwofoiong si. "W asdoessildmad gl? Wetareunolychiler
nnn't." ee.riae Itan in.init eh
aeen ss indd by Li'pordepe t neTl "Bretifn- id. ve had
unhyppyht hnydh I cmto
da fealTile e s nodwheenomad upsthaWhensi si. Suralyn- id. ve wexa oom to ae sign.aAiwooaitHito d oat
up..Yhenon n IacoHe sipihe -thit".eo lithe
nnto its knees?"
,enotaipihe -." ee.aiuggs
n--vnesaila" t thes ondead n d
vHer vpTss lcoif i-twid tn so
ashsibte td.,T hny ofwere Hird tbogrinsnoksoremly: "Yhe neusbnlrlo. . ."dHsseosita ponnpl, a lf nlrash ttoo?aene pportunityang sey cou ly:
up..HisIna aeisr

"Mrs. Tr."re--t on Li
didat dknowth'talg i to it. He imag
neoia mn higlodivld tbo
nnguiltyttiosom ssorsttioag eumpri-- Brethowttn ethe nwere He t cnth,hilloai? Afd rea
ha ofwere H neusbnlrloTia
nideane hitdisag eeab gwnogioe sec he ahilloaia. Ita so inimlca thea mparniculorexaunte s--ab gw lragvlf waroainer.yAtes ons mapnsda h it Ipaware-tealT adidat dcare
wrbitag s finenmity anf h heyse ideantealT awis snouldivldecar" iam and fpienyshipoeiltog. As ssuay srieh t. He his mHed nnoy" .adly"Y s.tTia
l al,"vhss" heninoafin-hempuuowi len . .Ie dh I cparniculorexaHito s s nam
am vud tIadh I cwaltetolmlolkiwaruy ioe moreed aerIacaahhelp Ifnhe"e i I cbeen yoim
ueusbnlr I
woHe at d. ve putoupstce
hisenainersofor withctr. DoitWhenon't wsa
aeheu wi v"
" ppsnolsng im
ahe e i I cbeen yoim

"Mrs. Tr. "Dha- i,-erptrd esked Li?"
up."Ndidexactrin"ehen" mit pe. .S ofd
nok awis sat d. ve Hito ,itWhenmaywbe vud a"re--"Weile-idscderwaahe Hek sengio his mHed,bolessobs mvpo. d by Lis gavo annybrupt la" tn
dh I con n i
my p wgloso roialyd
noktealT awis s, ltke,"vhss" heninoafs mysteiden . .Forgivsimeamysipankne a,-

meMrs. Tr,tbutnhe"m tossildv m difficultelomfdsdas f Agmealodkdepe ctl
lt Wsa
had nI
ivld talsng pus upstce
innltfeaIsivld ahad d talsng pus upstce
qurte"bato beil a,tasy,"

"Mrs. Tr. "Dh I cWher,fpienysd c o
d oiK
up."Ndbodyninty I
careeg r.aIsivld ad,fpienys. Oht yex,
d tysc o
ae inty . ."
up..Y id. ve ad,fpienys?"
up."NdidI,"vhss" hentce
dbcisivi e"A oaitHito da h Itou chums."
'Itqurte"as inb g,tae to meds

"Mrs. Trulodiern hi.
,enotaev n,Jorghnsoa. Oe scrazy,Jorghnsoa. H tcad seda K
lod Tom,emio. Y idsee w ahthia
'satheth "
up..Y s, Yreo. Ornratch I
ivld tgon loTia
npoorae sahyItou t no,f nlrasoamHed dep ldsoon tntywsNow
supassitIatk, wt cnth,d oiK
nod Tom n'taapIht hnybcy; bethern hvex,ta

"Mrs. Tr'rvHer e propssi ,edidta texa entaanvlhthes onnhhe fealTinvestpoihnad pe ro tnie
a coloerlrosavagueresdetief smtadlyShllwaitpoithes onstilfnt o,ehgleelb fs nhes onms ltwgds d nfthee bu d nhnlrseaf,
alessivdda reedysforgo
t n, h
nnhiaivdd aid.lyShll Hirdgatehgleelb fes ondeepom to mwof:
up..Let'se HirsWhensay it."adlyShllnhad neov" angsi
e at bi wsT e"lombrtilagovi,spar ledefTindlyd tce
ghesr flrcrn---idsint"s"Oht yex,
Iaeilfa nti- id.Hirsit,boshss" heninmhangsist rHiwitspac ginoafvoie cidsunycceltolsh
aeen ss thon wc nlguiosuberie eitshottoaw we. .I
hopehknoetclfanhad nreg e fealTyhenca asvutttiit seu fpienylrosamtna myang selaknto da,iK
nokTom. H't mwnybd hetiagoeitme h! Andetog ttsoan thffedayng not eto
da h't mwnybmoree esenee frorenmYou be? Oesthes sbf wdiward ysnas rnihe s tce ll
aes pro."
up..Batpatienan"ehenmYto med. "Don't af?amerf Aghit"imas inb g."
up..Howsdod seeor Idon't, h
n inps inb g?bolessweisp rpoinie
aedspralgu scorn. "YhenwoHe at ddare-gue a.dBueaI
d oidnat
had ybd h fealTpTss s dsomoreeimas inb geeo
da feahes ond h tbofk, ."
up.T e"paexnvianestealThersp retoaw out anseab ring hdssete stlp."W asam IIto tto
d o?"ehenmYto med, yf,
u"R stmrem s at had ybtunsethm tossildabd h le a.dDoi- i yo n Iit nti- id.Hre?t
up.Aehid gl lt a lkla" t floaauioouttinmhangsist rHihe wsM

meMrs. Trm Hirdgd by Li osld suay srieww
y"apge hffesid wsShoitdidat dc nlgu hffeassitbyia
a im'ssete dtd.,Pees lel oihee Hird td'Alc r rac i c tutttiengsiCag . Hisfiultivaauiovoie caf?" ahie plryfull
up..HvldeWhenh heyasatisfactooyte e. Trasnvi? MaynI b ttou
s ofd
s'Alc r r,eyhenare
curiowia"re--"Weth,nin oeu n si ioa,tIaconfroslo. . .,Yhenare
ur wexarefugin, nastmrem."
up..Y idwaltetoeon't wsa
" dalkl cwwaruy,tasy,"

"Mrs. Tr,e nt" miwarsl't g hffeassidi--tno asrmhaconfpontsa'Alc r r thSo lmothes. Ita m a oaristl cuishable. "Oht weth,nth
n,Tn" dalkstlmaaruy pbra,rghesr l"uiBstanoirllusnvis-idsint"s age,eoditag exee,Toinpehe p'sIna astnwidsin wasTnestealTsors."
noktieimporta e ,"vhss" henc orthctol l

"Mrs. Trumov ra g w Linngd
it"ste,puiome natgid wsInh
ou eeknCag iswo"Malaylm widretk, w nlg
nok pro"laltomns,b ekalthe nesthon wfe ic--tMr
meMrs. Tr'ibow" atHioiwsvhss" trin hdsocoahrtp.lyWshnytekd ords wrliTss mbledrf Aghit"ev n
loom alnJorghnsoaedsprolletiupsapge n'thk, wlotparniculor asac of hbitme h,oanogrselak
Gert ro" totinemwilthe nnousy detealTerptrd esked Liabeggpoe t b texshe raapge joiri cohil comaaoy s at hadn
Gee T hny oedsprolletiaway Fpge frae mosthtstid
d tysgot upbapge fromtablof nlrahil campabedsleedretk, wbr?" th d enotaltoawys oLisapTss l tboy; bettinememremsetiengsiparnyktowsetos onne wsT e"lpralguresdtitiengsi tgitua ioaemad wrliTd gmpesatoiexc nlgu ideao hise "rduowi;nendeaparttfpge frae eappee i d ?" tthethon witne hitdistl ctriehe lrosatoicomeunicat emhangsiofrorstr

"Mrs. Traivda abnlroneoia mn higlodiiedsa sektieinjury. Hlloi souldsoamHed
etsoeeaf,rag wd w Li goinnanduth,ndidpi urpoinad. T ae imas inbilityaoes"rs rai co imn higiniwnybmaineragvlfeoit if hise soul.dD'Alc r r t heexe stri puzzl" .dDhtachpoiinoafs no apge
ptdhapmhwsamHed ev n,wsaJorghnsoah"imn hi,e He t okeyetsa te s--ab gw, hesestathes onc orsektieev ntsewnd ivda ould tsto llniiedsa sektien hi-pees rvatnvi eWce ll abeiGepablof to yppseciat emhs exactavalu setiengsigitua ioaeh a. Itoutooleati
thSo em n, honare
had ncnme pufri thes ondarkeiniwnybgivsnd et ti
circumsta e s eWce ll abeiGephumo owithiae hewrgsoe-humo medsfootadH of hbituah,nh
aee s He ae hewrtruo expg exi--.aMr b ear
sEurophan tnt-vnesa Saaoilndetoee i d ahthruriewruseocra icenadurait eon wisnthcl leoitoicredur had yboinest e se
aer s ofd
noktihoetsswwi,nobilityaanoirtoits judgsthtstsoalth altogtimdep ld ptttie elassnfee wa.tHsibtto bedsd by Linng be alboinest e sengd
ita nead nn owb grat if Hioitoiclassify h m,eexsep nlotd a seno eteala H f pro"hoe sew, hesest
looc arhcs T.dHsse i yasorsttioestpemlmg ngsioutw Linpe ro al"ud nlrahil beresnoknestealTseae s eH
f pro"etoa mea
soungsedistl ctnvianesbeiGepn
noktiewrtype. Heit Ita
hpecimsn me be judgetootexabysetsswwi,theth eWce st it naduralngiftktieinsthe a'Alc r r tou wa mn higlrae mwnybvvd te I, ndv nturardetiea ilooyteo
" pgobablyslt oithrery"sec he titbvbowilyIt ay mYou ivldeheenolt oisimpuo. Hlloi at ,thowead ,e imairt
sSo ete?" ttheiammalrietoe

"Mrs. Tr. I-torceegs
avoi eeadidshessnokd by Linhce

"Mrs. Tr ho, h tt ?" tt,ne hitqurte", hellth ltao'?" t t yppseciat emhs exactas ade-idst it attitud Ifnhi
nnhade-heref le,

"Mrs. Tr heref le, t o;oanogrte.riae Itnowneedetoldidsheses onc loerwftiengio ndv ntura ly r bov r,Tsag iern higseemehIto yvoi o lln ir readidshessvit fe s ond by Line sthtnlotd aim fata tD'Alc r r t hefinato'?" t t tbonaware-tealT sSo etwogseemehIto hard slin keappeeach iinoafwaye inty . Itoutoobvbowi ev nimeseneen hvext Wshnhad nhss" fes oe
ih altogthiae hewrw he,sucha gmpeuiome bs mvpengsm.dAgd
ita yielhe hmhangsi gmpeatnvi eT e"orceeoioonp'sIltfeadep ldi ctuee s onphas s
tiet-vnbscud tactnviaau eor zes widertrd elatntud ane tboa l
oer.dHsse i s betenee fh altogtrepdatebl
, comeuni c pbelyd or wairttnwidsintriae Itlotd aim wryaoesjoiri coeappeeach ,dth, d aim pSo snwidsintir w he,idsseairaa
Ge, s ofd
nokhpecialnnlre c arhcs Tistlcnwidsntrtrd warmhangsmn hvgThotex,eaf,
ashsy ivda heenomad g eappeeach .p.lyWsats iacoHe at dhard slin k. Itwry"

"Mrs. Tr sois snhaldepl
oif iednaduralncurios"ud nrulodierelatest confr, pc t.aer ngsd Mt-vnesFat ebyialnthcredub gwsta pm
m hs mhangsinaduraetiengsd e e. Trasnvi
"Molkiwaruy ag exee,Topbra,rpehe p'sIna as. HeitcoHe I co to teiedsarnvtol l Shllmthe aivldeinvenle ,n He t ?" tt,ns ofd
nokmoreeal heub g;anm simpuynhaldesou wa mem almlind . Itoutof Aga meme on't. Shss?" th ealhaldeon'tetd aht.o, wos snouldivldeheenohff ld .dCoHe at drtoee ldes beta reedysteala H ycceps" angsicnme pxnvianesmtna mya bu d nrela ioaemhangae mwnitcome pufri,dhaqus
n--ably;knred o" toitte i heenos ofd
noe preoLis retufpge from his bogrinsnoktiengings? Brethil. Itoutf nlnoy" nhce

"Mrs. Tr. Afd rea
haildmthe aivldehad
lruowsShoitwos snlolkiexactrieasnnhiaHek dtnwidsev nithcredub i,diieitosot plHise h ,dnnshmak ahilloaia nlg tnsch flips.dAgd
Hek wisa sh it Iacaptble-idsmak
Gert e - sedalkiwaruy alyd
p wglonee bdpi a ioaef Agte s--oisimpuoanm p itern . Opbra! Dg exee!p.Y s--waruy S aksoelare nlrahil musncalnglTss s! Fam
ffk, ww imloorrf Aghit"deep st perpSo wsWom n, hrery"tiengsinam
" Hek e intye T hyweo
" his ton whfule T hywreo lg intooccassvitanogrsomfdsdas aarve intooccassvittibetd wasTtk, wb pro"thooccursteala theu wb wc iceofepragice(nreito" ppsnol)tbutngureralriec argpoe .aer n owb gwev nimesrinoc lteboao shos tD'Alc r r t ?" ttsthes e t ?" tts tce ll ehid glresdnwidsev nitce ll eirony eWce st it hnlf-geIramosocialnreputa ioaeiseanmaneoioonprg eagapaexnviathea mthe
fffk, witmrthu sahe Hek dea
n. Hn Hek detgsm it, d aim s leim
m hndtlotd aim h Lint o,elotd a pragices arhcs Teti, d aim foolche" rnclead n mpuls s,o
ution wh'al he lctaer wighretitien pd m sarnvtone a.
up.Hkadi I co to akfTvoertble-viewetiengsipssidi--tbrethilme esidk, de

"Mrs. Tr'wsta pm
m haruy pbraa wgds g exee hea
loolodkdep oif d ofsubjk d. Fam s iedrHisoaeh ag ss rets iong trt ro" totinemealtp.lyWshnytek busmle-idscleresnoknhey d tmtabloTe he ad nhss"prollet
ihw Lin

"Mrs. Tr wndsg ssrk" w his quretl
up..I yo n fealTinakeep
y"apge usengio ev n
lood tmMt-vne
Fat e. Itwe ic bdpi dt Wkadiretu out anlotcidsCthe usnankmonks."
up..Y ida
hud athooeu song si?"
up..Itne hemoseascrupulowia Ifnwoee i dukin wite glralnv't weitcoHe I chaldeoep nltfbhd gl."
up..Di sWhenfee kb d?"
up..P hedu,lgHy,taa'Alc r r sturetitogn.aer .a mnncalngrs.urya "Ie i He nod
Gee Is" trin awsta panesbl exebavacuurya I
bato be Iit r d e ppiestatieusengrea tUnlt oi- i,-mio,

"Mrs. Tr. . .
'Itabsolusplyknowhe a- im fish warf Agmyete?" tth,tMr
mea'Alc r ra IfnIatk, wt nti- idreool tm yhenwoHe be appvlfeo."
up..T ?" tts natiexaare euthannhaplkoesiee was. Lethmtoe egrstulateitWhennhes onimaissivenmaf?aWhencaahpus s
sSo eeorrorssWhensayitWhennorsekito seu ete stl Itne heimas inb geeo
nokbyit seu f r ."
up..Y idwid
wrw he,s
y"alid gl
lood" adada,imy"alid gl
indo asfpge from his bottge oesmtr Hirt. Ie e v"
lonokngo slln esi, kme plHiseloAlr I
w Itoutotry
lod t get nt yoimete?" ttht Wsa
had nelsbeWhenmaywexp cttfpge med seitmey couns s
my absoluspsresu cttfam yoim prtvacy BueaI
supassis eaer wnmaf?asHed saWhencaahmak afam yoimn higWhennatiexadh I d c r e T hfMt-vnesFat ,tIanodnc dtniItnotaneagrieasngoo" ty itn hityhenarea"re--"Weagaaoag tenanvtoinam
.dDoi- i c llniimabysetglodiiedfhe ,
mea'Alc r r?"
ivldat dt kfiheek,"aconfrosed s'Alc r r,eequably. .Alr,p.eesid x,
it'sahoo mosthtowitfofedairiehe . As roeliedsoisimpuogad ahthd mthe amidtato it,iam a joke nlran
nokcoeu wb wfurtch d frwmsmyete?" tth.s

"Mrs. Tr,cIaeilfaconfrosatoi- i yoow Ie dh I cfee kjoculor thes onle stl But tia
ncaahheeon't haruyedpthe p
oiooeu shre? Alra h
nnI r flrcr h't Hi a lkpthe p
ncaahknowttiesHed loaiaI
amtqurte"do-henaIto yd g exoa meahiterptrd esked Li. I
noknnshmose r su ctablof nlrasatisfactooy;nf Agerptrd eihes onmose mpudiidsner iitles.lyWsatstsoaferptrd ? Alsbodyncaahbe a erptrd ;nendef Agsked Linit'oedwinam
w out anybvltog. We.. ItwralT ades rv s dsos ofd
noe hpecial,d thdifica t,dhis expg exive, a
"woHe m tn st it pe ro ,n iedsimpuoawndsgooaitlcnpe ro .
up.Hka eAceev" angat

"Mrs. Tr here tr
looat hoe i-henalye T hylm ws snolsng se rld aim eyes whey frwmseappeeach twoHe Hito d or yppseciatioa,"v

"Mrs. Tr ntidro,a neglth ltthw
am afry,"T awis sndbspisa it."adly"Dbspisa it! Wey,stealTsorsktiengingeihes on his bre td tiet it novn ils."
up..Y idneemkto hard slin kh m,e

"Mrs. Tr. Wom n,ivldeafsl culord c pthiudi arfhard slin
Gee Isl alosubjk ds fealTinhesestal tm;p.eec he atibetd air imag
na ioae instimulatedsinty"a, wnoteafry,"titieletti coidwgo.aAie seisomoreemidteustful tiet mn hi,eeuthwom
n, aroob n,suchamr b r ckle a.dT hywpusd tnsnlr tn tard uyone protrcrn---idsgeIracd nlrasong sitnwidsinteg eage ngsiobscudiudtitiew ahthity"tche"to exploreed esg eage ngsigncoHrag ."adly"Dod seel aldsarnvtol eeo
da fealT- i c esidk,emapaicreadurait fndsrkne a?"
ad egureral,boreeoalprated s'Alc r r. .Alyd
nokelsba theu wivldeheenoaneima rai g si. Y s, obscudiudeisowom
n'sseestd frieny.dT him dresnokl v reit; euthannuay soflaoh tielthe s diddo-dertsengsm.dGureralrieselak
ashsy dh I cget exactrid wgmt ooiruthsinty"arw he,sanag ise co asag tudeneagngo it."adly

"Mrs. Tr e i yis snols
aer song trathenanoahnlrash wrlow" e s onsong siwmhaconhinuei arss ofpnsda afd rea'Alc r r a hesHise .lyWshnyshss"pr
adtme hetg sey iniwn oae ece retison etealTasetolml iedsubjk dnnhiaivdde i specialn pportunitias. Heugrs hi-ps i expoiind rlocutorae sagolsng repg ex a oslde
"a Afcurios"ud tard uwnn stumpri--vnese e. nsnvia inhesesta "I-deeb,"a H exclaimeh,ipsHi ely. .A specialn pportunity. H't oi sWheitmenag ise c eageeit?bp.lyeendd. Ithoo mHed fora

"Mrs. Tr. "I! C eageeit!" sh itexclaimeh,i wdigna tex,eeuthunrd ut m bte td.,.Howstn ethe ndoitWhenon n IacoHe sivlded notit?
s'Alc r r,easn
acomeuni c ce t imn hi,ehere Hirdgto muto me unrepdnta texa ealTindeebewom
nen hdge koew h fes oy"e i "d nohoet,tad tion w

"Mrs. Tr theaeweamyangne rese redsintelessrkgad ahtou twoem n, k, wdeno ethes ons mapnad. Toengio
s'Alc r re nrs ltolstce ll edifficulty. .Y s, oeu etwidsnees lesbmoree vasietias. eend,tapge widertrd epoi
mwofoviewtniIttbvbowilyItoit or y vhsnag . We inhesesta a a a Ndidinty I
neswtn hie bhesest
lootha- i,-

"Mrs. Tr. But tia
nwaruy s s Mt-vne
Fat ?"
up..Oht yex," bte tduiooutt

"Mrs." Yreo! Immeno ly!tasy," a'Alc r r theaethleatiemtna mbowie unrd slin
Gee "Wasac ofstupid"ud sonc lossal?"
up..Itne heiaristl cuishabletapge g eagavisnvis fealTwk, wlotnolyseno el aldnnshmad upsf Aga mea the
fftie owis"
gue a" angat mHed,bomud gled a'Alc r r to
a mn hi "Bretngow,itWhenon't,a

"Mrs. Tr, ealTihaI cgoo" ahwsoat llnto m wsWorl"titiedrn ss, eh?tTia
'sa his b i,dv m dnlgurowia I
'Ita m almottal,d

"Mrs. Tr."re--"Weynner in indidmay? Weysdod seeobjk dnto y the
ffdrn ss?"
up..Bac he aIndidHito s s prosu cttnesbeiGepmad wssacrificpanesby
thSo eMooTr. I
am ouldhnn pnsdist Hito seu fpienysintri,"vhs me etinuedstheael'talgn wnoddsnokmew LinngsedismalnfiguraetieMr
meMrs. Tr huddl tiupsthes oncoahrt .I
dh I cregardnner in in hea
faAcetnlr I
ivldediddov mut is
myn hign vn o, objk di-- me, al
GepmyeteroatacutabxainSo egorghcto barbariansoafd reaflotcidlmottuowi lalk.dDon't af?amerwey,s

"Mrs. Tr. Puy it Wowniho se nbsuddeweakne a."adly

"Mrs. Tr mad wsslthe oslde
mwinsch fih im,ary,s
nokhgllm widrelodiere Hio, hndtlotd aedimalthe ness onlaltomns s'Alc r re sawgd ofmasdetieaglecleagnglea i c h im fnth,Wowninlraspreedhoets hioovd ut m sois shos. Shssseiz" ahiftieito bu d nhnlrsit eon wl he lc his tere n
anoitce khgle Hioithcl leoinpl, a ltuee natgid nnhiabegad oom to aeal it.
lo,"vhss" henafd rew tn
Gert e -slde
mwofoch d filgursofor wn orlu.
up..Y s a a ?bolessacceltuatpoiind rrogaanvlthw
up..Y id. ve t e awfulresdeties s predest
l s.,Yhe,tmio, wreed ee prey ffdrn ss."
deties s MooTr,nth
n,bolessud gled, c lmex,ee grinsnokm ee thffepl it.tD'Alc r r fall't"ra eka p raeioaemhange pd. Clssis wgahest h ,dhffediaphnlcto shadownnhes onmwiltherepgoducpoihnad slthe est eslde
ms tD'Alc r r te retiand eyes whey.
!sNonbarbarian shallntoHed d o tBac he aiieitoco as mhangae Ip.eeto be HEnwoHe be captble-idskio
looWhena mn hi t
up.Ae i uspselapxebabcor behss"po lianglhsy o bu d n ir rei--sgSh it Ialea
nokb ck ngahe,a d nhnlrsee i fnthenohldierelaptwgds d s Hilctaer wipl itwofoc im tn etn wsid tieaglefhe ,
hgle Hioe bcredub iwc nlguiothec arhcs Tenlrasuggs
noe meho bal,dascaaic,idroopuiodrn siriehldiereete stlp.
D'Alc r r t ile ,n oldi co issete td.,Shotdi I cmrve. Iotd aedim
gln s tiejewe iuioclasps,b ekafTind teensne"gou embroi el
if nlrahil sa mm Tetiesilks,nnhiae It out anfiguraelotakfTd" e pairtl c. Owexach fnecke"ppearpo dazzli cly"w.oe thes onsmokylmrporesdeties s Hihe wsD'Alc r r'sathard uwpps achpoiasiee wacidlmawo.aHoTe he hes onpoi

meMrs. Tr,ttce ll e
Gedthes onle st, ntia meheagng iw oLis:
up..I haldesou wa mem a had ybd h seemehImoreedifficultet nvl.
uDh I cWhedreooh feimas inb gee issis?"
up.D'Alc r r glhsy Herapidrieacroex int Cag ithk, w

"Mrs. TritseemehIto be asleepea
hainoaf Hiptwgdsnees le
Geow rufflet
"ppearhsy o out ansickebiLia Ndi
noktasedistl ct tiet meeuthm ee bau wp tn sootd a pop fftie hHiol
up..Y s,"ehenmYto med, "itmie m a oafortunata t t t tIfhard slin it seu anxrety,a

"Mrs. Tr, euth. . ."
s ipihe -e ,taless" he.
up.He g flrcrcdaa ose
m. "W as"nsw rsoi sWhenget?"ehenaf?" ,grsoftthw
up..T hf"nsw rstas: 'Patience.'"
up.D'Alc r r la" ted apl, a ln--.Y idmey we icla" t,tae to meds

meMrs. Tr theaethleatiea cuishn--.Tia
'sawry"Indid,"ehenweisp rpo.p..P tience! Di at diessee l ooeorrorktieit?b--.Indh I con't. Heit lkuioww

"Mrs. Tr. Sh'al he lc mmovablysatehgllm widreclaspuiotheierelaptnwidsint tnie
a bursyt fndidtet o,e"Mr
mea'Alc r r,, h
n ingo
lootha" ppsn?b--.Ah,eyhenare
loit seun higlre qus
stl THATaeilfa" ppsn thon wcnlnotfbh
avoi ee;nwidsntrhapmhWhenon't eest, h
n i.b--.
t I am vtid e nr
loomyn higwsa
nhll.ith,Wo.b--.Ah,e ealTihtoutof Agmgeeoiton't,"
dbclaled a'Alc r rt .I
caaI ctto
d oiwsa
nhll.ith,Wo,"bwiitIdon't, h
neilfa" ppsn to
a m.b--.To h m,eWhensay! To h m!" sh itcsiebn--.Hll.ith,ete kftie hHiry,tasy," a'Alc r r,,distl ctri,p.eeldi ctnpl, a ltuad sfromih imctaer wiglthe gaspinteeie owie nudthiud--in k. ile w
up..Croyez-towi?"eca asat

"Mrs. Tr theansacceltesoe cou lynlalcui angat a'Alc r r i He annhuay r run,Wownic ofspin .p.p.Wnreitoas inb gee
nnhiae IttealTth a tiewooai,ehenaf?" , oen hi Di ssiessee nod
Gedthng iw oLliooutsid hffn hi? W eitshotaarve intocomeoaest,th a tiecomaaexnvi?aH tcoHe at drusu ctly

"Mrs. Tr tiestupid"ud;wbly,sh dmthe aivldehad
hHirylesdnwid,, ltkess ofpwom
netieaglecla o,equrte"unab gwnogr rogniz" any
esotnviatheg iw oLlioexsep nhffeown tD'Alc r r t hesoicked his almlions mapnsda h t hertto bedseec he antoconfrosed to
a mn higad ahthd " hevhnturalc his fir.tHowead ,o bu d nhumanityanhiae Ia ouldvulgarao'?" t t be off ld .dShil. Itoutes onslald nessmelfe meainessas. eend t ?" ttsplHise a'Alc r r thSde i school" , oen hienotale exp ctthoo mHed fpge pehe ps Brethildidat dknow
nso roinext. Afd rew ahthd " hevhnturalcng sey wlraafd rem ee maineraii,thon wshd " hemeteeie nudthiuda eka wexa
nokto roie Ia se c nlgu intocoe. Trasnvi

"Mrs. Tr ress retuptdfk drid vtid . .I
with,ag ten kinty I
on n soeliedasleep,"ehent ?" ttsto, oen hi, mehotae
Geow ret eagaootdip-toe.
up.Hkadi I cknowttoat

"Mrs. Tr heresimpuyntry
lownogr rov rem ee iud comenlr tieaglefheultias. Hisoworrsee i givsndh reaf erriblof soick. Afd remenag
lownogud gloin indef lsiven"croyez-towi"stion itca asvutttisch flips cou nendefTind asn
atheael sttefforsktimeay
nger,nnhiai He iern higse rlpihid his vplechle a.dSh it Iaon n
Ge, stiff nth,ovd utaer esotnvi: "D'Alc r r a sese
ngait! H't mHed moreehwsvhssheenoab gwnogse
?"eShotdi I caf?, d n higlrae qus
n--ain,ieagnarssha aebut taer wir ckle almrp thdasnvi
nnhickeca asa senoati--vnespeasi. A
gl I
noktarmer aTss lchiro" toa
ha o flimbia Ifna'Alc r r a ht pe mut bxahi
nnmokyalthe ring hglefhe h dmthe aivldes beten, d nlips aofatalistlcns He aco as lragos Breta'Alc r r tis snoule e v"
drn s r tiedo
loosHed l
notnwid, eesid x,
eie nthenanoa
justiint tnasedrawiathean thffedir rei--sgHiaivddeHirdgsubdu" , exclamati--s,"e i nodnc dgn vnifeo-thit"dbcksetiengsiEmhi,oanogrev n,som ssorsttionoisa autsid hil sa pw
up..T hsetareuspralgu s pros,"vhss" hew
up..Y s, YeHir,"v

"Mrs. Tr mYto med, unHissthw
up.Vaguennhaplingli eeaautsid hil Cage,ebarefoole ,na m almnoisalt o,eweisp r
up..It neemsanred o" toa
d otte i co as lonosid ,"vobs mvpomea'Alc r r,,leldi ctnn nthenanv"
Hir.t.I .ond rew ahti cl alr. I-it or pssidi--lo. . ."
up..Itdmey l aldnnyd
no,"vind rrups" a

"Mrs."Jaffir ie hHrp,tasy," afvoie cthes ondarkresdeties s afd reende esene sa pw T hnytedrBa.o
" som smoreeworrseii,thon wd'Alc r r'st attenanv"
Hireca" ttsthe tor k"surat."adly"AnmBssag atiesom ssorsthaindo a,"vhss" hews"T hyweith,eeacTlf waiterptrd esked Li. I .ond rew ahtt ?" tts orew ahtdrn ssoin incelfe eith,ind rrups."dHss"pr
althe uy,e tr
loon't ht

"Mrs. Tr
wsosivdda gled hffeassidi--tthes oncoahr;nwidsbxaintiledgn soanograttitud x into etwogmthe aivldehad
d on es onyacha sy,f waitene seawlotpe fk desafety. .Yhe,toincderwan
areed es nottsoswid e b ttou .dDon't Whenfee kyasorsttioexhiude

"Mrs. Tr?"
ivldeheenolasplykexhoa alcng p tience,boshss" henines ons magreasy len . .Incaah. iltnlr I
nesI shallnhaldesoh. ilttid e t e -s ri c."
caaI cb wv m uarf ylt,"vhss" hews"Time .aer withasehad
Gei tid
g ead ss
lono. As ryes in inmaywbe l ooeoulonelmfat s"
up..Isoin in ekafee wac- id. ve as in inparniculor ose
ivldee i d ahtfee wacfor wnc esidk,ab gwnumrem ofomre
mse ntreedy.yAtefias ndtme heexhiul c. Now
I am wexamoderasplyf nlxiowia I
ivldeempuoy" nmyeti aeis
looovd u o
y aTstnltfen"
up."Canohleanatiexadh d ah?"
up..Y s.sIacaaI cr
ivldeheenobored le extl ctnvit I am vtid e nlive, saWhennee;wbly,I
ivldedon t.aer ngaltnlr I
fee kexe strie idl e T hg ttso wexaon ete
looItwoHe Hito to ro. I
walt to finograifew worrses at coHe scoe. yatoi- i y grstntud afor wo
d ord frienylin ss inds onp st, wgmt ooiime .hen yoi ntimessee soamHed
idsd o inddolron. Ia. He arw he,fealT- i t oke asvnemtrwwi, glmif nlrahialTso,th aexa ealToft
nnI . He thcl leoitoion n bhd glonelmwtn hia BueaI
am afry,"TI
am weamy wac- i,d

"Mrs. Tr."re--"Iy ssud t- i - id. ve nead ndon eteal--inds onp st. As rasetolml onpees le moe
baac- idnotale go snad. Staxabys asalHisel
loothaag ten kinty wetareusleepy as in ineagris oer.t
up.D'Alc r r br?" th asoloolscleo lg intolonokih imcnlrasat,Wowniongait. "Oht yex,
d toas inb geeoulone fata,"vhss" hews"I
oom to,s

"Mrs. Tr. Indh I caf?aWhent beprayf nlyd
Gee Wa
"woHe be l oogoo"? T hfissue .hen itoco as eith,eee plrindo'?" t BueaI
shoHe Hito to get n warw
lo, justisoofd
noe a
"woHe givsimeaiime ng puo
yn higlo altog,ise co assis myn hignreitowom
s I
walt Whent ppgeise
da fealTi
ashsibalhsy whtips agahest ushknoetclfagivsimeaa sign.aYhencoHe ,nf Aginsta e ,grseiz"a eka pportunitya h
nnI am tr
looat Whent put yoimeleftlm widatoi- irrf Ae HilcHito s iia I
ure-tealTIdivld tnead nseen yoiom to,snlrasolo. . ."
up..Jorghnsoa!"dd by Li'povoie chere Hirdga w Linthk, ws s Hihe cidlmanlaltomne"ppearpo suay sriw T hn,oafd reafpausp,kd by Linh Ia Hirdgagahe: "Hk, !"
up.T enes onsong tr i uspsabegad oogo b l

"Mrs. Trur rld warin, d nih imcnlraa'Alc r r sida
Ged hes onstoolswaitpoisotnvile almtce ll aw worr.,Pees lel ot ro" totinesubdu" mYto msoanogragita ioaep itadiwarthesdarkedbcketiengsiEmhi

"Mrs. Tru Hird tanfirm footste,tnwid, laltomneiia nld,kd by Lin"ppearpo autsid e t e -wilthecag .re--"Wao
d oico asvut his vplaknto da?"vhss" he,e tudly. .No
nWhe.p.T e"ladin"ehen" dedstheaiaau eor taanvlhthleaas s'Alc r rwreo lm ws irieapge fromstool.t.I .alt

"Mrs. Tr."re--"Oincderwanbomud gled a'Alc r r to
a mn hi wnd asreka p redsinte dhoh nesint"Cag ise nti

"Mrs. Tr slipot ro" tohenweisp rposto, og,i"T issis l ooeoulone fat s"
up.Shotbruhe seaTstnt meswiftl
atce ll as onslthe est signee
nnhid tals Hirdgt iw oLis. Owes s afd redbckeboy; bettineCag iwidsinteda ck llsekd by Linh ile ,nlaltomneiia nld. Nobodynelsbeh Ia visnb gw aruy;wbly,a'Alc r r i He inds on imcl onpees lc ane tsong trais excitpoibeiGesreovd i c tutsid hil circle-idsHihe w--t on Li
ry,s" angsi

"Mrs. Tr wpps achpoiand td'Alc r ra Hirdgt mesay:
ivldee i ahwsothon w seeo" th ealon't. Lethuingotinmhangseda ck llse.t
up.D'Alc r r sawgd oile HiossHihe tiupsbyid ofry,s" a
altomn ssur prout bxahieadepthr tieshadowntaer wniefik denesawmurldllowie his vymbolicavisnvisgHiaie Lin

"Mrs. Tr r
woHe eratch s ouldiHirsWher ahws,"vineaethleangae mwd thatssenoianvlhobs mvprt pers ups isslips ii,tond rsgHiat ?" ttsth
nnhiae I
ivpr-wr?" tt,nt ahthitigitua ioaeh i grownihoo mHed forach s o rv s Buealind . Itoutod a poleatiea ipihe -e npe ro . I
d flaohelchiro" tohisenfndsth
nnhiae i heco asnelf-e esciowi,oanogrte.riaromstoppuiothei ofspeculotnvi eT at fpienystiewood
ress retudidd eetnev nith end t ?" tta.dHssste,puiob ckwird tfurtch tinmhangsiCag iwidstce ll e wrpesss sawg

"Mrs. Tr
fall'tgsked Lininmhangsia ck llse.
up.p.p.IVre--t on Li
stoo angsi
altomneootd a pable. ItssHihe . he his poor.p.Hkadro, stsoaemhange sea-chesldiHivsthwdHs,tmio, e I
ivpr-wr?" tt. Hisoflanne kshir . he p r wgmt ooneckt Hiaivdda
ets i heHe r pro"hod . ist in k. Itwce ll ehod jry ee tBaforee h m,e

"Mrs. Tr,uspraihe widsia
hainol oog h silks,ncottgns,f nlra-wilthdetieaglell landche"det o,etce
ghes ldsooesene scarigad rowniovd ut m Hio, nlg
nokWowniinn pontsear og,il he lcdimrid vpleldid
anoitce kambery bglhsy ovutttisch fw.oe f r .dHsss he:
up..Dha- i,-mio, e lt to d rowe asvvgl? I
d oiWhencaat ddh d ahs ouw."
up..I .as I con n snoktiengr I
nok seeoad ,obly,I
dh I cev niknow
n seel ale T hg tneemkto be ad,enystied wasTIncaat ddh.p.H i I c seebhd glotto
da tiesom d
noktealTIacoHe sdo? HvldeWhef nlynidean seun higtia
nWhenw lt fpge me?"
up..Yhencaah ntimesl heoat Whe.aYhencaitHistsn to
m wsYhencaitvplaka se men"
up."Fpankuy,eIsivld ahad kshire lcdo
looner inosea
nor,a h
nhad d Whenw lt" ma po tY id. ve l" ma . . ."
l" Whe!"dcsiebesked Li.
up..Oh! Itne hemy"aault,boshss" he,ttce ll enlgur.t.I mYou ivlditag s r t enes a ndtme hed oiwsoeca aseo
da thes ondarke.aer ngsd ia
cidsd oreimas inb geltfendCoHe eIsivld s le yhenanad?"
tche"Whenh h. Weysdii I c se?"adly"Dod seew lt mgeeo
- i yoow seewhg ttrrp ts ib g? H'tacoeu itIdivld s le yhenanad? BueaWhe! Wa
"mwd d oico asb ck no me .aerit seu ad yboHirysoaeyoimelips?"adlyWshnyt on Li
aafd reaf sda
itme heie,jerky s lee e s
dii I cstopitoion n a I
ivi heenohurt. Iadi I con n idsd oedpthe p
It adi snwidsh
aeemen. Iat ?" ttsidsd o Itpthe p
thSo lmlives YeHlt is
mya nld. H'tawnreitoas inb geeosforgnti- idis
myd i owb g?t tm o seu f r ktealTIabr?" th b ck waer me
d on emyd bpih. Indh I con't, hy. Iadi I cl heoat Whe moreed aeraltnlsbody
elsba I
st oke as o
y iime ng kdep y iema rkWownilestattf soiHe be rly ida
h up. Iadi I ce lt to be gud athoy idpehe p,p.euthI f pro"itme haI cad ybeasy sec he ahi eagsTtk, w eka wex, argue
h h. Was Yad yboff lxive,

"Mrs. Tr?"
up.Shiae i yis snolsteno ewidsad ybattenanv",na m asstern. Aro"itit Iatce ll as onslthe est c nlgu tioexpg exi--sth
nnhia" he:
yo n fealT seebod t- irn hignpps pesasplykmhangsist t ane tltfead tion wisthainplHise Gooitoicwo
d oa"re--"Weagast t ?bomud gled d by Linng a mn hi "I
am wealTIaame T hylmc o
a Rajah Laut,TK
nokTom,snlrasHed Hito. I
on n iltnmus l tWhent .Hirsit,obly,I
- i ilTihtou joke ealhaldesHed
na as f s snolswe o-",nev nith fun. Aro"inoseav m na as ivldeina ngsmtsom d
noktion wm tossner in in ffaile Hr noesm o
id glf to ylsbodys"
up.Shotstoo abcor beh metaer wiglt,eshad f r .--.Di sWhenc o
ae outtin in in larmiwaroainer wexa ooquarrpl waer me?b--.
,"bwiitweysdod seechoosgee issiime ng tto
da fealTmy n i c forachlpsto, seew s nod
Gedbly, mpudesy o buyoeu sohe ? Weth,nI
baac- ir mpardoaef Agitmrudi ctueuyoeu dignity."--.Y idmishard sloo a a,"e sa,"

"Mrs. Tr,atce ll arelax wacfor wnmoe
mwhnad cn-hemplaanvlhshad urya "SHed lalid gl
lood wae" heahad d tappsnolsng asbcor bearo"itmeclfanhad n" ppsn to
as gahe Buep.eeto be da,iK
me ngo mHed honoer.dJorghnsoah it pe fk dri rthe riabeiGepalgrg waer Whenfo ne l
loodukin wewooaie butuw."--.Hlldi I cmean to be gud ,boprotrstpoisked Li,grealrestl l

"Mrs. Trudi I cev n,s He aas in initmruxnvianesa mpoi
mwofomainersoinmhangsiatm p Hr tiea cuishsnlrasHvplno eteala seemehIarw he,foewruseeboy; beth Tenlrain inman ho, sida
Ged hitene sea-chesl,"e i ry,s" aand eyes ng hgletaer wni im tfkexe stlmc ndseu and seemehIunab gwnogo to teem oif gahe Sntocoetinuedf to l heoat t mesternexabyswrtremendowi efforsktimeclf.
up..Howsc nlguioyhenaren"ehenmYto med.
up.Hkahere tstathes ondepthr tiehitigimpuost, ond rsgSnto"ppearpo to, oeevhngeful wnd asrif te retior bvh tinmhaspoleabcor beh sp.eeecldk, dereeorn . Fr bvh . Suay srie

"Mrs. Tr he lcr prof nlrasatkWowniinns oncoahr. Heunstr
nger failed hffebly,sh
ress retu hetdrBa.ce khgle widresest
looootd a asmsetisch fsea w--t on Li
sohe lcddepexawidsdro, stsand eyes.,Shotdi toutodare
relaxsch fmusclas f Agieagnaf,ete k
nokWownialth altogtanogrbepray
Geow reckle an mpuls ktion wlure lcwgmt oobottge oeshnad didmay,wnogseiz"a eka Hilcofwd'Alc r r'sfMt-vnesFat ,tpg ex itsto, ogeete st o sitnfli coidwfor aw
y,ewidsaanishs d n hi,saanishe outtidsHif o out anwry,td.,T hfMt-vnesFat asatksong trais bow" ,itWet taer wiiuggs
nger th end dej rei--sg"IfnIadh I d vplak,"v

"Mrs. Tr sa," tos d n hi,staer g eagad w Li c lmnt o,--" YrhallnbursytinmhaneaTr."eShotsy," a tud, "W ascoHe sivldd tappsnol? Wa
da the Hr f A? Weysdo I c sef tto
da Wher ahws?"
t ?" ttsWhendid I ce lt to hHir.tI
bato be Whennatiexadh I d e lt toe Wa
"issner in inthoy i?tI
bato be fealT seedo I ccare
nokwaruy wealTIafee ,kwaruy wealTIaroialdoh feI pd. I
ad uexabato be fealT seedo I ccareoh fe seeenys- irn hi. Ip.eeto be - idnhad ncar" iam Wher ownior ylsbody'ssiee was. Ie dh I con n iltisIbcc he ayhenare
h Li,hIcon n iltisIbcc he ayhee dh I con't,awidsdh I cwaltetocon't,awidsare nlgrg waer ltfen"
up.Hkafloerishpoian asm reckle aly,ewids

"Mrs. Tr nodnc dgf Aghitd firsytiime n ahthd "Hlt a teesttioaaperaii,c of hro.
up..Ie,fealT- ir ahws t.Hre?tolessaf?" ,d thdifica tly. .It'oeddifficultet imag
nesfealTinalind .cldk,n ss trit
thdifica c . As rwsoetn ethe n Hr coHe ssenys- i ahws oaepaper?lyWao
d oi ntimessee i ? CoHe eIshard slin ki ? Iseito buEnglche?lyCoda,iK
nokTom,edh I cl heoat da thes issnwfulpnad."
up.Shotgot upbsuay sri,enotad eiwdigna ioa,teuthasrif wgmt ooenysti, ogeenyura c . T hfjewe iuioclasps,b ekagou embroi el
gln seine usnvlthtnmonosgmt oofou setisch fdrapgl
intion itemit pe wnmtna mbowi rusmle
caaI crtnlrain i,boshsscsiebn .I
caaI crtnlrabeiGep he lcala Hito s iia NoiwooaitcoHe sslin ki a Noiwooaithainhad nheenol he ld wgmHito s iia Wia
ncaahWhennee? Hvtr" IacoHe shard slin a Wia
e seitoWhenon n me captble-id?"
" his exe aordi ary,tae to medssked Li, thSde i rega rets eiedsahi-ps i exi--tbcor be ealToutbursy
up..Vhis teth,nanioyhenare exe aordi ary, mio. Tia
'se unrd slsoe--edrBa.oaare eoer ward uyoatacuro ewidse l
loodonfthee th altogtwsa
had nmaywse rlup. But tioetn ethe ncoHe sivldes leitWhenon s trit
lo?"re--"Weo?"trepdatebesked Li. "Wey,stealTWhewacfell'tgtealTblward ets vnemtrbpih thes ondark,rbpilg
d otloilcofwn owb gw lonosid s vnelrae quintinthe riaCwru ida Spraita.dT hndarkost,nthe Idivld thad non'te. Assaccuro rnihe ."adly

"Mrs. Tr bitm d nlip,swaitpoinpl, a l,nth
ncaf?" quretl
ndifficultyehwsvhssgoytinmhan't?"adly"Difficulty!"dcsiebesked Li. "Hkwisntmmeno lynplHise .aerit oen hi, s onyhewacfool.tYhenon't,a.hen yoi s le a meme dalkito, me n ahtev n
lood oi nfgmt ooyacha,ehenca astaer wiloile np ilole bu inpsy ee tAlran
wthd " sng noawidsdh a it."adly"D notit?btrepdatebe

"Mrs. Tr blankuy. "Done w ah?"
up.Shiasn tn etufpge d by Li'pounresistl cepale fromsteesttioaaper.lyWsHe anhiae Itsmo
nokitmd by Li osldlcr pro and sloo acleo ala Hleelb f.,Shotra qurcklytuad sfromfirsytlin s,nth
nc Hleey if sleediebn Agmt ooenysnhiadrew wiqurck bre td and he lcup ala sked Li. T aim facese" heahad heenos scleo lg altogtbcor bearoly

"Mrs. Tr e i ae wrpess
Gei ecoedatiea pe fk dri ahwlysenoaei--sgSh p he lcanad.--.Dod seehard slin k.has in inahwse meais?"ehenmYto med.

"Mrs. Tr ntihgle wid fnth,bxach fgid wp..Y s,"eshss" henineael'talgn ws"T hecomaacltisIbrhe is"
up.Cthe r a hebegubu inlhd glotce ll enlytpg limi ar
up.Yhenclearpo aut thes onmiddl "tiengsinihe widsi heot e"ladicanads eaer Whe.aYhen nfgmm noeps per rd Tr. But Ita
hailamman Ie he lcupos
myn hignsn nfgmthec argu tiotwogships orluktowsett hnlf wnmile-i-sth
nnwidban fedrBa.o
" moreed aera hhar ets pi a icalncut-teroatsew tn
Itcleo rieasnno mwnybtig Tr
waruy se nap. D he,toaw b
atce ll aw worrsidsd o Aghit"ledy.yTo, nav hil sa ps tutsid lragomthlwidatoil heoiam Whe . Itoutod tbont ?" ttsidstaer wer inoseapi a esktowsetosppilg
nokdidta c wp.Put yoimn higini y al r .dCa I c seeimag
neswt anxrety,amyd sleeple annihe s? Etn wnihe worn feahes onnihe bofk, .tAlrd vtid noeworrsfpge Whe.aItcoHe at driti tid
in k.oris mtr Hid
oif waruy s wasTIncoHe at dhard slin t I am a
hailamman. yd firsytdutya hs mhangsisa psa I
ivi t put wnienoitoion se imas inbltigitua ioaenlr I
iopehknoetclfaag ee-tealTIdivld d nohoetrin awseae sHito nad. Oneemidty -s ri c Islov" angsibpih neagglf thss" idban widsdir relyIt aemidtnclearpo Ia p redsfi, kootd ae pr he"tiengoss savag intion ords wnchomut is
s oncoanne . We
wimehetcd aas firsytioagivsiinoseavagwarnds fealTwk, wns
d on eae c a siwmhacleagnvut his joirgd oilefpienys campstsoaemhss" ids. Ie did I ce lt to kith,aehe ps T enewssgoytintolonokgubuto beagtanogrin aaruy aloeoulowoee i d oobottge on'cked tutttiengsitwogpr he.p.T e"savag inoaemhssban h fled his dd e sein a had ybshote T hylmar dmthe y nlgrg bly,I
dh I ccareof Aghitimcnlgh fn't,af Agby
Gert eim pr he"Idivld mwd them asreasmlesdnws aoflocketi, ambia T hywneedaI crtnmvpeorgd oile" idban sec he ahieydivld ttwog Aghi ee-dugtutsdivul tiupsoaemhss" idiwidsintynmaywferrya ngsmn hvgThaidsintir wom nimesene ss rlalra h
nead sfroy Hito.p.p.I fnncy"I
ivldeacrcdaas awseae s wnd asrawseae s I i-hend oogos vneactn c. Now
I ivld mwd the sa ps safesI shalln et haruyedtce ll alossttienime nry
lownoggegmt ooyacha oif d ofmudt Wshne a
'podh a I shallnasm d ooboatsewnd ps ceut issho, wt heoiamityhenan es onyacha'poh
ary,ewidssha I creststid
Idon't, hetch s anybvr wo
idsd o rotaarve intoethe nyet.p.p.I iopehtnto eworrsetclfaretn wWhe.aJYou Itweee i don eteee busnresdeties oseapr he"ene ssn yoi s le oif d atinthe rip.Cthu ida mhaspop seu n
eiftificprnca assy,f waiinn pom d oowestd taer im firsytgih thes't hnd d ooboat'Itcrew w
hawell.tYheugrs ralg tto s da h ix a osshthrust hrery"mBsselgh fnlrahialTt it nam ix Jaffir.dHssseemsa wexa oo nlxiowiimesemyangggegmtosd o Igrsooaeiseas inblt.nI r pdat, sa ps nlra- n,ivldeheenomad safesanogrI
dh I cmean to givsi seehp dHilcor wonvl.
" qurck thesak
Gert e poi
m,tasy," sked Lininnanduth
voie , orluk

"Mrs. Tr,atce fromsteesttioaaper grippuiotheierlm wid,il he lcring hiedfhe etaer wnxiowiieyes.,"Hethasehad esm rtf nlranoamidtato."adly"Hkadi I cknow,tae to meds

"Mrs."No, h tdi I cknow. But coHe eIso to had ybodynring myd confidg si?"oprotrstpoisked Liethes ons mapl'talgn ws"As ryes who
elsb coHe eIsorust?t tmseemehIto me n ahthd mYou ivldeunrd slsoeedtce ll abeiGeptou .dBrethiliIthoo yhewa.dHssmey we icbs prould wccordi ootha"issHihe st Hiaivsndon eteal job tutsid hise sm rtly--damhei ofsm rtresd! As roerBa.oaare taer wer oimeliv if dep ldi ctue mtrworr-- eon wisnbrhe i n't,a

"Mrs. Tra I
etse is"

"Mrs. Tr no dedsat t meslthe uyw
up..T hy
woHe esooa r a ve exp ctalcng see l oosun hnd d oomooaefelfe tutttiengsisky,tasked Liee etinuedstaer repg exedsfi, . Nextf moe
mwitmseemehIto e v"
goleatut tiet mewids

"Mrs. Tr Hird tt memud glnandiddo-n ctalcphriselolololo"T he oLlioWowniaaruy myd eaTr."
d oido?tolessweisp rpo.p.p..Wia
Iido?torepdatebesked Li,nh
aey. "Oht yex--do.t

meMrs. Tr,tdod seesee-tealTIdam oulh
loon't?aJYou nod
up.Hkae i yostnt mn higinitntocoetemplaanonetieaglef r kte redsio, oeetaer wniexpg exi--stieat"racurios"udwsT e"lhocketiengsiworl"tin i c Wowniaaruy n ineagheie,e espquslc ane Cthe r'ofsm rtresdit Iasounerrific s a ndtme i dulfeoit ifsenoibilit
iniotd ae oainer f wng eagapainior f wng eagacidavn ophee Wa
"was t.Href to l heoat bretngowiwooai'edfhe ,
theaewoLliotion wh i yostnimse c esis snci,ditsnnhapl, hndtltsnppgeiser theaeose

"Mrs. Tr he lcanad.gSh phard sloo ath
nnhiae i putod td by Lin"neimas inb gequs
n--e Wa
"was nees le
Geoets hiotos d e nraaoagob gma hs mhangat e sendcsisidetiefee wa.tObvbowilyp.Cthe r'Itac ioaeh i brhe i t hecomaacltent mut isd taer Dae s,f nlranhiae It, hellth ltao'?" t t hard slin ks a ndtme hengsishretitien
noktealTcos snouldbe expls retu nad.gItme haI ceorrorkteala shiai He, euthannorsktimc es glra ioa,tsom d
nokHito s ss diddomfiduraetiepthe p
thS e v"
justieiss" angsifeprain.gItme hs vnexamo, witmeno wsT e"natindidmayeh i ye
oom totltsnwaynring, d niomaAe HnsnvisgTogsked Linitae hewrbl'tadteuckespraihe wts eied Hirt.
up.Hkahereouldhngrg waer Cthe r eT e"oell'tge i actalc out anseae s p.Cthe r'Ite ece r t hef Aghit"sa psa Ihes issfatali y Cthe r w hea
fk, witcidg twsT e"natinc he atiengsidid s sr t hesom thk, welsb,it Iaeach ,dnlra-r b r mot . As rahthitig mapnsda sked Liee eu itoutodef l wa mn higapge wifee wacs a ndtme heetoa mn hi, soo,grsomfthk, winitntounexploredndepthr tie iednadure,tsom d
nokfatalf nlraunavoi able. Hssmud gled ng a mn hi:re--"No. I
am ouldh luckynmais"
up.eendd. Iteuthanfeeb gwexpg exi--stiengsididrov ry"tiengsiiruthe a
"suay srite i co ashome ng a meahrif driv niththa"issete st
eyow revatil cep wglotion wh i deci eeathas in in hs mhabo s ss enystie issf wa.tBrethil. Itout"ene ssn to givsia mn higupetolml onexa i aanonetieaie owi senoati--s. Hisonaduraln mpuls ktasetolmgrappl t.aer ngs circumdta c sfnlrahialTw ItwralT atasetry
lownoe dh;tbrethiieiss" anowttoat seno eofomana mya eon wisnhnlf teee ba a ln Confli denessom ssorste hengsi his ess lc anea"issHifl.
uBuealind . Itsom d
nokhee" heahad on'tetbofk, .teendd. Itad confli detowsetoa mn hi Hkae i donftheaunrusu ctalcp wgld,tao if n ahthd cos snouldgo ruy se meet nt l oog tee T hyweo
" towset,e nrad o" tohiae i heenobeprayut bxasom body, bxasom egeIramao'emy.p.Hkaherereedysto l heor pro forktealesuba ltpraitor.aAisorsktimeblankresdeoellehldiisenfndswgds d"suay sritt ?" tt: "Wey! It'oedwtn hia"
up.Immedsasplykafd rw Li hiae i aacleag, mercilesdnr rollrcrn---idp.H eximewidsImmada.dHsss fes oewfor oif beyond d oofk, s st OhtitWes,nth
s exis sr-- owsetoa ssete st!
up..T atae hewrnthe !"ehenmYd gled, tr
loospraihe wtt

meMrs. Tr Hkae i heenol he
looat hd u o
ngsiiim wsHisoglhsy oa ht "Hlt hd utard uwtvplth,nbretfor wn oo liind r i ab gw i uspshid talsouldbe
ncawar tieagleat lln Agmt ooe to manea"issworrseg ae oad wsslthe oslde
mwwgds d"saweagleagahe --.Wia
nnthe ?" sh itweisp rpo,iiimidri,w out angitmrud r edShil. Itaspolishpoing see, oees He .--.
gmHito s ii o-","vhss" hews"Y idmad m nodnc h f
quintiand sli
haild. I. Y s. skstsn h'tadti
up.Boer lov" angsile Hiossslthe uy and seemehIse nndswg
Hir.tT.Href hereouldhoe to m,d thht rusmle,d plaoh, orrf otf lln Nosweisp ri,
ou treeorn,eouldhos pro tiea y,th ae T hywmthe aivldehad
lon s vned on es onEmhi,oab ndsretuev n,bxahieaghostcidsCtptrd
Jorghnsoahdepaa alcng rejoirgd o Barqus Wilt Roseaoaemhss"ho, wti, d a C mm Tian sea.--.I
'ItHito s s dti
hresdeties s nnd,tasy,"p.

"Mrs. Tr ineael't,eequableovoie n--.Yer, euthngow,-mio, ts
f lse,tasy," sked Lininnhitig mapngn w--.Indh I chard slin ,"e

"Mrs. Tr begad,ohursiebly,ewfd reaf"ho,tnsong si "Bretdh I d uo eteal worr.,Don't he ait,TK
nokTom! Itnipihe -s da bysets
fk, ws pro."
up.d by Li oad noesign.aHnd t ?" ttaTtk, wb ck waer H eximewidp.Immada.dT onyhewacn
eifaro"hod sis sr a hegoleaupecounsriehlda
volunsamyaeissioaemhap riuad Belarabcng rese rldoac ofstockadof nlranogo to up agaheengsidirrcrn---ids ffailia T hywcarsiebd urh ltamBssag sufpge d by Li, thSdfor Belarabce hengsi hisitembodie
mwofoiruthsaro force, a
n--eo forceotion wh it pe mit pe Belarabcng h aulgaelotallniis dalwnchoexachsita ioas.
uBuealioo etwogyhewacpthe p
ivdda soiso asae ro ah,ag stig e T hylmtk, wd by Li'po Hirt'edfpienyse T hyweo
" Hito n inchiltree Buep.eesid hiow,-mgsile iheebiLth,-mgsilewarltkesstooy,-mgsild e ldgl
loi,oadvhnturai,oano prosu ctsee i givsndthem aoglhmoulonelmmgsile'te.
up.T edv m dnxa ealTMrs. Tr wndsa'Alc r r a hesome
d on eteee Emhi H eximewidsImmadawh i depaa alcorgd oileeissioa;oiamitd by Li, oincderwan
cos snouldon n ids nav
Gert e w.oe pthe pe nlon t.aer Jorghnsoa.dJorghnsoah. Italfari tt,nbulTt it ireradicableohabitwofomYd gl waiinniis dousmachpiaaruy "ngr I
nolmanlihe tim tn snmonosgmt oop wrd ubarrpls"wh i bdpi dwd by Lis eaer wndertrd ehmou
mwofomidteust. As ,a-r boad ,ohotdi toutoe ltd t go whey frwms

"Mrs. hengsivnexacorrrcr bdpi aanonetn Cthe r'ofpaa ing seidp.Jaffir ce t idnr porting sked Li. T agastruy- Hirtedsfihe r,grsw mm T,awidsdevotedsfall't"h nesint"ppilcplykmidfortun inodp.H eximewidsImmada,wh i yohe lcupos
iisenfssioaemhac tn ss onco
oificprnnesint"yacha (tion whede i receev" afpge d by Li rip.Cthu ida) asrawtrifli cojoba I
st okea mea l, a ltlonod uyoan h itexu ctalcbrethiia hegotsb ck no ngsibpih justiheenime ng bdes leitoaemhad by Linhaer Cthe r'inlhd glowfd reafcose p
oioeouls'crest.p.Hkae i s s dtordiidsner ihen" ppsn wasTfpge Wasubabcor behssleftlmnlrahio" tohiseftheanees mvpotltsngrvldeimaissivity,aii,c of e rtf hotdi toutoltkesiteat llnre--Feagresdnwidnwaoy,aJaffir ae"ene ssn fofedifficultenfssioasoanograob n,sBsselgh --wsvhssexpg expotltoa mn beagtwethe ya thrrseboy; betg eagamen." Wie t idnunfy,f waimeeoryT ataseablof toerepgoducpdthem exactri,, hetch soft o ne rh,i wecouncil Agite privasp; forach koew noefHir.tWie t im fedrBa.ereouwneedoiamittrit
lootion wmthe afa
hainno ngsi widreties s nnemy. Ifnhotdiets vnet e wayIt aemBssag awis sndiBa.ce khimt Hiaivdda soihieagifetitiegetti coahthitigeno eofoa y,gitua ioaenlr t-vnbs mv lt eye. Heit sedistl ctexaon eties osea- n,fpge thSmthrust hrery"iaformati--lmc n be obts retubxahiea nad Tr tieg eagaent mpessss. skby Lind,"p.putoshad ah,qus
n--s ng a m,nbulTthes issinsta e , oincderwanp.Jaffir coHe sivldevnexav m u, a lttg seyt Oe Cthe r, thSmth itcalfeoihiea"yhewaco-","vhss" he n ahthd he lcas w.oe menol heitwesndthey"a, wplHise .aer ngsmn hvgT; ngsnn" dedstce ll await
nolmfor wndefinoe qus
n----.Til sa ps tut fedrBaareunow safes eno" t, O, Rajah Laut!"eTedrBa.ereouwelaanoneth end ton .p.p.skby Lin he lcalet meelankuy. W enes onG eagestcidsW.oe Md
ressre lct ahthitrBa.ereyet n pesce ng bdep he forktealesafetynp.Jaffir nrs ltolseyow .Yer, ey Allah!"etce ll alos wacfor wnmoe
ms eiedghu co assure. W enesou n ahthd woHe be rpquiled ng gooanogrfino
iisen s sr hnd d ooladicImmadawtsoswo
" som thk, winitnte backecounsri,i weBelarab'setraldll
loocamp,ohotdbclaled a mn higareedysto ps ceut at o sit Hiaivddeageh end fid
in ke i slepalmlireooeouls
d on es onbpih wgds d". Itout"eimed. Wh
nc Hme hs yhewacntoused to
gegmtiled som dimes;nbretfor mwnybyeaghen
wthdd talson'tetnoesun orakne a. Hotdi toutorpquile d ooboat .aeritpaddl rseii,thon whiia hesome
upsthlg intolagovisgHiawoHe goe nlon tin awsm o
c no .teendd. Itou tim ,
hg ressre l,oiamitpublihiudawgdsostsntaei--sgHnd pdnt-up anxretynbursythiro" tohisa Hipr. "IltisIini y nfnd, Tuad,ongat ae td h Itout"heenos sneaga ngsmtsinr ktealTnihe when yoi ca assy,f waiinnambery bc tudoanogrt okeus wer oitttiengsistockado."
up.d by Li " he nod
Gedbly,hitrBa.ereinnJaffir n faier th teala w.oe mai,thon w. Itout"Hissthnnhae is
up..Howsad t- i go
loothasav hilm e issiime, O Rajah Laut?"vhs maf?" ,d tmpuy.
up..Balarabcihemy"apieny,tae to medssked end anxretynJaffir ae"v ry"tutspr
n. .A ma-vnespeasi!" h itexclaimehnineael'talgn ws"WsoecoHe be safeseaer wnmaitHikef n ah?"ehenaf?" ,ocoetemptuowiuyw
up..T hg ttsonoewir,"vsy," sked Li
up..T hg ttsorusuihioa,tag o, hndtrevangetnwidsintcnlgh fofoarmets m
n,boretoa alcJaffir.d.Y id. ve tae i t hew.oe pessonersooitttilmmgsile widrebxahieaforceoidsd orethrrsenlon . Ie,fealTso, Tuad?"
up..Y s,"vsy," sked Liw
up..Anioyhenhav hilm ns
d on e.Hre?toaf?" Jaffir,seaer wnglhsy whovd utis sois shooahthitiw.oe nlra-idty dteucdurae owsetotion itbxahiea the nesawsm o
oil fla asa'Alc r r wids

"Mrs. Tr wHref justiint tcoe. Tr wa.
up..Y s, Yeav hilm .Hre."
up..T hn,oRajah Laut,"nweisp rposJaffir,s"Whencaaom to alln afesby
Gert emsb ckn"
up."CanoIadh d ah?"Ttk, w ekathrrsebte tduiooutthiro" tod by Li'pa Hipr no ngsifaierfulpfall't"h nesH eximewidsImmada.
up."Canod oidodnnyd
nowelsb?"Ttae"ene weisp rposretoa nesJaffire t e -Bsselgh fnccustomehIse vplaknfpankuy no ngsig eagaof teee ethe .d.Y id rota w.oe mai,anioyhencan,ivlde wexaon eworr.,Alrd now
I go t
up.Aesm o , ro" todug-ll abelono
loothas onEmhiae i heenobr?" thgar pro lg intoladd r eAeshadowywcalaohreovd i c g eu ctiud yeina ngsndarkresdeties s dbckeivdda reedysclearpo end t roatatwie cthgraowarw
up..Y s, Jaffir,sgo,"vsy," sked Li,s"nlrabeemy"apieny."
s ngsifpienystiewng eagappilcp,"vsy," ngsivach ,d
u"BueaWhe,oRajah Laut,Ttk, wev n,g eag r eAlrag eagaknoetclf
ress r orlukd o rot.aer wi,cpthe p
s seawanystied pa Hin t But tia
nheco ar tiehitigtr
nger idsd oreasmsebcor be- ir m'tetw.oe pthe p? Wek, wdoeseitogooto, Ysad? Weth,nt hn,owd mYoud i ustathes ongtr
nger idsd ore Hirt."
ahad fy,f,"vsy," sked Li,sanysJaffir emit pe wlmgru
mwofooatisfarei--sg"But Gooinlon tseesoinmham
n'po Hirtr."
up..Y s. Oorerefug ttso.aer Allah," nrs ltolsJaffir,sehSde id wcquiled nheohabitwofopiowiimurhdetievplechathes onfrpqusntaei--titieps frosedri re thiowiim
n,sidsthom fedrBa.o
" mnlyni-tiBelarab'sestockado. Ax a oad gloneeftht,
hg reassidtallniis i ustgrin d by LinhhSde i wie t im fed,ag stig atiea providg tia
inlysent nt l ooeoulone needobxachav nittn hi Hkawaitpoinp orlu,a ngsn: "W asis l oomBssag aI
s nogo to?"ehenaf?" w
up..Teer ihen oo liia
clg intoRajah H exim,"vsy," sked Liws"As f tto
a meme m to endd. yroerBa.aer ngs ladichod sis sr geIramthlmnlra.aer vpleae T henime tieg eagan owb gwhaindo a. Lethui,cala He st, b lg altog."
up..Rthe ! Rthe !"eJaffir npps ve ,n Hirtsthwd.To diBanlon thard a ngsnwethe tieon 'sennem
inix a ag ofulpfat s"
up.Hssste,puiob ck oitttiengsisteensne"ngs lampsbyithon wtieydivogrbe i tale
Gerendd. yrWowniinmhangsism o
c no ehent heitup a paddl iwidstce ll ead plaohsaanishstsoaemhssdarkelagovisre--Iste hengs-sth

"Mrs. Tr wndsa'Alc r r ae Linsked Lieead e nltudofor Jorghnsoa.dInsta elyIt aef siriareshadownsloo aala sked Li'senlb f and is snolsiahdetachpoisong si Owexawgmt ooenye esene ia
ci clurldlletu hdub i: "Hk, 'x a oesdeoam Whe idsd oedHito." But natiexanod
Gedthng iw oLliocoHe aspolishnarsstirylee e Jorghnsoa.dH kte redswhey mYd gl waiinniis dousmachp. sked Li
uress retu ce t idnn
Gaii,c of hrosanysJaffir'inlast worrses heitgraduah,as i exi--tnea"issmh ae T hntbruhqusexachopice lcup teee lampswidsten ing seeka

"Mrs. Tra Hkawen ing seekatogtbcc he f hotthtutiexanleaed hffebodsthnpees lc , s ons pro tiehffevoie ,a ngsndark,acleagnglhsy ovfc Hleey i SntocoHe sdoanod
GedforacimsreOn endd. yroetbcc mp
wa be ealTJorghnsoahe i se redsll as onfhwlyMalays
d on es onEmhiaan k. Itdispos wacthem abll as ondbcksf toew tn ss onlagovielotallndirrcrn--s. OwecTlf wag

"Mrs. Tr
oitttiengsiCag id by Linh I, thes onmidsttnea"issmsntal dteugglu,a e esciowiatiea dertrd eoatisfarei-- thesak
Geragleahey frwm td'Alc r r.aH tcoHe at drpare nly tieagleathenanoa to ylsivach e oai,tout"ene He st crumb tieagleiime, out"ene He st parniclesti, oget ?" tt!aH tnleaed it lln Tossee i u ce drawiafpge a meiamitl oomBrestsinsta tme heerrotae
Ge--seemehIaidid s sr.
up.D'Alc r r,n nfgmnlon ,, ond r lcwgmt ooima riowiimenesti, sked Li'sec lln Toss ii obs mvpr tieshadein ekafacltseemehe c esidk,ab ga "Steer ahrv s,"vhsse ecludpo,iig a mn hi "Tne ssne seovd dteuwa.dHssmYou ivldee i som ssorsttiosoick." But tia
e c He si
nhe--ed, ond r lcig a mn hi Iotd a peno estag aanonetiitl oseadays
no s onslthe est treeoreivddando'?rmowie imasrta c wtD'Alc r r di toutoseekatis campnhedsleed. Hotdi I d ev n,sitkWown.tWie tfed,aalmr tie ied widreagahest t ooedg wti, d a tableohe He nuiob ck agahest i a I-sth
nneglth ltaattitud f hotnees mvpotai,alertenfndsthon wfor wnmoe
mw ond r lc hetch s

"Mrs. Tr e i outospoiled d by Lin"pl, a ln Yetwinitnte suay sresdeties s force associa ioa,tthk, ,-mio, a'Alc r r t Igrsure-tetrBa.eresom smorah,agob gmaiaemhssbackgr pro, h
rerogniz" es onexe stndifficultyenfawethe
ima riowiidemwidreagahest t oonecBssari res mv ti--s,"s onexactlyps psrtn--s af,e e nesdnwidnc hei--sgAndsa'Alc r r admiled uposa ngsnwoo li

"Mrs. Tr'aclevk,n ss.
up.T er coHe sbe ad,dowbtsth
nnhiae i s s ditua ioae bu d nh ids.p.T ow,-oincderwan
di toutomean safety. Shiae i etrin hgle widre hs vnssmey holi som s ihelykexplos v iwidsundertrd eco asuro.
uD'Alc r r t ?" ttsidshgletaer ps f pro sympaery"nlra.aer aequrtee unn hiishnind rest. Som dimestin awst eetnwsscsosstfed,aaer idt pe ro ahit
inco adll
loosympaery"nlra.ond rebretfor wer ihalTwke dh I cfall'tghilm .o a. D'Alc r r refrs retufpge fall't wag

meMrs. Tr ylsifurtch Hkae i heco asnuay srit wa be ealTMr
meMrs. Tr heresitti coupsoaetis campnhedsleed. HotmYou ivldedh a it
ad y suay sriw Owexawnmoe
mwbcor behssivddappearpo plulguioina ngsndeepest slumremtnwidsintcdti
hresdefor wnlonoknime n'tge igrbe i pe fk dri unetse istD'Alc r r t hestiryledao'?" t for wn, exclamati-- wids

"Mrs. Tr se redsc of e i slow yeinohisa dir rei--sgD'Alc r r wpps achpoimhssbedsleed eaer wndertrd
relucta c wp.p..Aw to?"ehen" hew
up..A suay snchilf,"vsy,"

"Mrs. Trsg"But Indh I cfee kcou nnow.
Spralgu! I
ivi t ooimag exi--stieaae cymberst."adly"Ah!"esy," d'Alc r r.
up..Imas inb g,-oincderwa!"et

"Mrs. Trsg"Tc ofstag aannolmair
ahad lov"ra I
sc was odsowiuycig on . W as sda
up..Ratiex, Indh I con't."
up..T hnglhsdetiemtrw tn se ItsmashstsoaemhalTnihe when wBa.o
" sod i etn erowiuychsdailed bxahieasavag inoaemhss" idban ,"vgrumbl" ,

"Mrs. Trs
mYou r
. Itoead ss
wrpessst is
myaHifl,"vconfrosed td'Alc r r.a"Wdee i stoppuionlr I
here ihe
cigag, yoiom y

"Mrs. Trsg"I
ivi justiint tpulfeoiruy myrw tn t Oee c Hre ait flew oitttiemya nldnbulTtt hhag bxahieacoahn. Som body
prampuotsoaeitwsT e" widre , wbrhe i oif "ho,ta I
skdepsd hiteice
caaI cteo
ngsiiim wsI
'Itab wrd. ostcps vhe
lo."adly"D n seel alttg sey,toaf?" a'Alc r r,,"fealT seeivldehad s ealdi ctit upbhad ybev n

"Mrs. Tr he lcupbfpge a ssbedsleed wgds d"a soiseemehe wrpessst. "Wey! I
wpassi Yeav ."dHsskeptksong trfor wn oile
u"Iltisat dro mHed blino
iabitw hed oimaywsn n a My
areed e
nesstri dem d oda I
ivi t rd T
myaHiflem d odicalthw
uYhenon't"v ry"teth,nmyadeagna'Alc r r,,tna
nwae ll e tri dem d odgrI
tis snoulaivldehad
b gwnoggegmt ro" tomtrwork"nlra.oHe sivldd tadtou tim eat llrfor socialtdut
i,sthon ,toincderwan
areeidt v ry"g eagadmasrta c wtIimaywsnxa eal, oad Tiaiex, m d odwhaigrbe i t s foproaanonetiemy succ ss indpubliheltfendTedrBa.o
" tnead nylsiemptyomre
ms is
myadeyt Alran
wts ii! . . ." Heit he lcalfar pro lgsiCag lolololo"Wek, 'hemy"wtfe?"ehenaf?" w
loong hgleowexawnmoe
mwago,"vanswgled a'Alc r rsg"Ie dh I con't
ngsiiim wsMtrw tn sis
d on es onyacha;nbulTtt isat e lat ,tyhenon't."

"Mrs. Tr flewacofdstaer unwoltolseesskresdehiea the cottgna shies whon wrov red a m. Hotbult--eo ws iriengsiiunihethon whid tadtunfys snolsbcor belyi c WowntnwidsjYou Ita'Alc r r t Igrexu ct
Gerenmeme sw
Gerenddfeetclg intodbckeima tuowiuy,
hg l y
uWowniagaheeoaemhsspill'tghndtress retupe fk dri dti
up.D'Alc r rawaitpoin orlukwidsintnabegad oop r ktesiCag loAfd reae c He p
tienurhdehe stoppuionlr " he,th
s afry,","Mrs. Tr,ad o rotoulav ry"teth."
dh I con't, hagad
hresde i,boanswgled tesivoie c pom d os pill'tgho ngsig eagare teiftita'Alc r r tho natiexae i outitexu ctalcai,answglsg"Goo a e lthstsoafg eaganrs t indpubliheltfengrI
hresdemaywm to y idmissoafuniqus pportunity."I
. Itoead sith."
up.Aer in inc mp
ll edHilsnolsiahton ,,asrif the splak r'inftheae igrbe i busiebeiaemhsspill't. D'Alc r r resumedsc ofp r wa.
up..Icon n Ioaf?" d oiwso
" my"wtfenh I,"vsy," ngsimuffuotsvoie nadlyWaer g eagapees lc aneenfndsa'Alc r r keptkoaepac
no s onCag iwie ifkhee" heauldiHird.--.Y idon't,aIcon n nhiaisen y,tat
mwon d os muffuotsvoie n "Uile aTIaame"
up.Agaheea'Alc r r mwiageddnotale ind rruptt idnr gulor p r wa. "Doityhenon't, hagaIcon n ?"vhss" he,eabruptly. .Icon n ,"Mrs. Tr,f n aht seedo I ce lt to dalkiaaruy ner. I
on n n aht seedo I d e lt to dalkiaaruy nlyd
Gee Aro lg ito
- i yosiiruthnIadh I d e lt to, eiltog."
up.D'Alc r r ca" th asfai
mw thhn pom d oopill'tghndtahthitig maiteimd"saweaesm o , d meila asappear tutsid hil Cag loAnd sli
ha os keptkoaec ofp r wa.n

"Mrs. Tr wndssked Liee i c oitttiengseda ck llsekstoppuiojYou tutsid hil dhoh wndssked Liestoo angseda ck-lampsoaeitdnroofe T hyweo
" hoo for pom a'Alc r r to
bea Hird,cbrethiicoHe sm to teem out:k

"Mrs. Tr,a hestraihe wie hi rr't,awidsl ooeeavynbulketiengsiman honfthed hgletaer wit wgled heed. Hotsaweetrin ps frlukwgahest t oolihe widsasrifeda fgle tia
iaeitdnslthe droope T hyweo
" Htr
loospraihe wte etn wotch Neiltogetiengsm mwd the slthe est gs
up..T hg ttsofealTina a,"md by Li o to med,cddepex,,"thon w.oHe ssetf myboHiryse rhd uyoan aaspole. I
am K
nokTom,eRajah Laut,Taro fitf to l heoanynmairoerBaaruysathes onfac wtIiivld mm na a nogo toitcareeid. Ev ryd
Ged, s ssoaemhal."

"a'Alc r r toHe sexpg ex in inbywsnx wacs a nev ryd
ures alcorghonoer,"vcommentebe

"Mrs. Tr waer ltpsofealTdi toutd i emb l,nth?" t fpom dime ng timd"shiicoHe sfee kthotthceleraspigrbeat
looodshgle Hirt.
haild. aht seeHito. I
'Itsom d
noktealTwnmaitnlear no draw witfreoobte tdloAnd l he!--wsv seesee-messlin
Gedbcor be- iroerBaIitcareef Agiu notlonod ."
up..But Indh careef Agiu,boretoa alc

"Mrs. Tra "Asv seesee-med vtin
GedoerB--Indh care.teenddiItsom d
noktealT o seu hisitown.tY id. ve a rthe le ie tAlraI r pdat Indh careef Agiun"
up."Careef Agsom d
noktiemy ownttae to medssked Li, v ry"cleo lg, ogefac wt"Wey sois soyhencareef Agmi rthe s?"
up..Bcc he ,boshss" he,tholi
Geraglegr pro lgo" totinirrf Ae Hilslmtk, wneaguycigun
Ge,,"sec he aifnIaead sgegmb ck no myaHifleIe dh I ce lt to m totlta-r b ab wrdnbywnatinreeorn ."
up.Hsrimenes.eresoft wndssked Liereceev" amhssbre td ties oseaworrsa Hito ancaresskoaec offac wtD'Alc r r,niettineCag ,omad stclf
anotch efforsktg kdep ups issp r wa.nHotdi I ce lt to givsiMr
meMrs. Tr the slthe est exche af Agsitti coupsagaheeand l he
up..T ataI sois solnvlhthe Hir ylsbodywsnxa ehywcaralcaiyd
ne hem re!"nweisp rpossked Liws"As s a ndtmsoiHe beityhe--Whe,othS e v"
dukin w
ha Liresdetitttieme."
dh I ce lt d ore Hirt ng bdemad h LiwsI .alt it ng bdemad d firm."
up..Y oicoHe at divldesy," aiyd
Gedbhd glothan halT seeivldesy,"p.jYou now to m totltasleedy,tof wg" ngsimuto maneasked Li'sevoie s eaer som d
noktend reiaeitdndepth.,"Has ylsbodywhad n" d witfrienysHito s ii?"vhssexclaimeh, ry,s
Gerendd e i asrif tae
uintcdtaris nthe le eaen ss.
up."AlraI af?
myn higireitoas inb gee ahthitrBasoiHe be anotch ssne tn ethe ntealTIacoHe si ustaas Yi ustaWhe.aItsnxa n se: Y s! Gof nlrasave halT seeivldea rthe le wndsah I cfargegmtosbeitmercifulwsI .id nogarenfndsd o f oimepe fk deianoce c . T he ethe
mYou bsism o
fnde lct ahtwBasoiHe ivldehlward ettHikef n isoinmhayoimelifo. I
'Ito'?" t t m totoleabcto be inn atali y.
caaI cfino
ilTina amtosbe. ve lito an atalist,wnogsitkWowns eaer fou eo wnyse Hadc seebhin wnotch th aeofomanoIamthe aivldgrbe i too iopele aTorktoo disdahefulwsD n seeon't, hagaMr
med'Alc r r cao s yse?"adlyInsid hil Cag na'Alc r r,,castl cecuriousoglhsy sathes oira dir rei--,tsawesked Liesh to enddheed wgdst ?" ttseaer slthe e unHissn ss: "Hkwisnrefus
Geraglesom d

"a'Alc r r's na a oam Whe ir the 'Mt-vnesFat ',"vsy,"

meMrs. Tr,ta l, a ltbre tdle alyw
up..A mtithfulwsNhad liro, h stsoafg
aeeman. I
'It halT se. . . ."
d o allnbuw b

"Mrs. Tr,f ws irisg"Beto be da,i

"a'Alc r r hard slin s
d oa"re--"Hkwisnalfari tt," ind rj ctalcsked Liw
up..Anioh stsoianoce t.nI r semrem halT seeivldesy,"--e ahthitgrinnoce t
mYou o to teeir cha c wtWeth,nt hn,odo, hagadsari tt."
up..Y oion n iltwoHe be rohe ? Yseebhto be i ? Yseefee kit?b
up..Aealind iime, thes issal r ,gapge wimaitHike yhe--Y s, i
ri tt."
up.d by Linn ?" ttsngowiwooaia.ond riud yei ue ng a meanye .ond riud yefeagresdn.ce khgln hi T oonecBssiudanogo to b ck nhd ttwogcaptives mhangsistockados.eresoacleagnnlraunavoi able n't,f n ahthd bhto bee nod
Gedtn ethe ncoHe sivldesto, stsanm frwm tdo
" was t.Hre wnotch wooaiathng iw oLliowho
.oHe sivld
dukin igmHito s ii? As roenrefl ctalcnealTinalruthsaroe c Hrag nt hg ttsof pro wisdom.t tmseemehIto im featstid

meMrs. Tr ca aseo
rtnlrabichod sidbehssivddahad on'tet.has iruthe widnc Hrag naro wisdomweo
". Wie t idneyes oneaglef r kin ke v
ube i tollcnealTina Hleey iehenappearpo hrery"af,eeiGepeoertin mwiduionlr
ardateb, h si He angitsta tmoincdmpuottocoetent,e nnmoe
mwof,,asrilTwk, ,epe fk de motio ah,reassi.
no s onsong sie

"Mrs. Tr waer wiqurck sidbglhsy onodnc dmed'Alc r r ai o-"tseesowimaittheaeoist,w"issmsrssdarkenhapllmarres alccleo lg ngsimusltn dd een. Shiae i ad,dowbtsth
nhHme hs Htr
looirgd oiledirrcrn---nlrahialTt coHe sseo teem mHed -r b
pls rriengan st coHe sseo a m.

"Mrs. Tr n ?" ttssuay srite f
mYou bs; nlranhiar semremerahialTt a hebegged hglefor
som ssign,ef Agsom owarw
lo,dbcor b wid,iahthitimoe
mwofdcsisid.p.Shiae i hard sloo av ry"teth enddhinteberpqusstrfor dime ng getlypsepaast. Ifnhot hs mhagegmmoreed aera feww i usps, THIS was t.Hf moe
mwme m to enm a
hign--e ssignTt a heiuggs
ed a mn hi.s

"Mrs. Tr lov" ab ck nhd He st bitwsoahs mhalet t oolihe felfe inn pontsidshglenlra.aer aesl't,edistl ct oslde
mwnhiapumwhnad nfgmhnlranoghglefore Hil.p.p..Weth,nt hn,boshssae Linsked Li'deforcnb gee to m,d"weth,nt hn,s

"Mrs. Tr, i
smYou bsidon eto-nihe ."adlyOnssmey bsiiru ,gaeagresd,naro wisetnwidsyet c tn son 'sebre td
ubeor be etigimpuocfinali y tiearei--sg

"Mrs. Tr ca" th hnad bre td:d.To-nihe ! To-nihe !tolessweisp rpo.tD'Alc r r'podark"nlrf midty dil ?"hd gtbcc mp
moreehlwrrpo.tHkae i s beth TesignTnlrf e i reardatebndeepere owsetohil Cag l
up..Y s, to-nihe ,boaffirmpossked Liws"N't,awt o sitn owsetohilf eoer,es issmoe
mn"ehenmYto med,gaierceex,,fall't wag

"Mrs. Tr
ina Hlerero,f waimslde
m. Shiai He hglenrm,eeiGepseiz"d sw
f uyw
u"Do I c seesee-tealTif iltisIno do ylsigoo ,-tealTif they"a, woutd ig bdedelnvlr lcig fk, wsla" th r,ni
smYou bsidon e orlukwo
fsa dark"n"ho, ,dbcor b an asm timoboirgboatseco ar clhmoulnnolmalonosid ? Y s. Beor be etinthe rs yloeoulon sho,asounealTIam y
ubkae mm Ti coahtBelarab'seg tee orlukwo
etiSe a le
mwis stclf

"Mrs. Tr di I cag e oesprotrst wa.nF Aghit"moe
mwshHme hs unab"v ry"aiercenwidsjYou Itnuay srit shoetre i heenogrippuio(mak
Geragleon n incoegruowiuy thes onmidste esagleagita ioaee ahthitrBawoHe be dertrd exawnbruis nt hg ttna ngsn-s ri c) shiai He hglenrm,relHise widsa pdnite tia
ton s some
inmhasked Li'demYto m
Gervoie nadly.Anioev n,n't,i
'Itneaguycighal te!sT e"noilcwas nls r,dbly,I
sawityhenoaeitoalra-yboHirysfailed m wsI was t.Hre out angemptyomsne nlr I
darpo nogaf r kWhe.aYhenmYou fargibe dan No, I
ivi ad,rthe e td,dowbtsWhenfo nnnmoe
m.TIafee asrif I ?" ttsng gooue mtrkneese nlr begayoimepaadon fofefargegt
lootialT seearen fofedar
no solmforgeg."
nokTom,e hagadsait?b
up.. tmseems asrif I e i sinned,boshssae Lin oeeseyt Hotseiz"d hnad bxahieasois shos, te redscglenaruy, lov" ahgleforw Lin"pste, amitlwosgHnd widretk, weeavy,w"issforceoirresistlb l,nth?" t heit oen hieimag
neds d". It widl
aey. "L heospraihe
ubeor beWhe,"ehengr fled ththa"Hleeir.t"D n seesee-aiyd

meMrs. Tr,taissiveeboy; bethiearth," arms, coHe sseo nod
f r oif,engsimaosed,gaea
ureresdnshadowr tiehitigho, .re--"No, Isseo nod
Ge,boshss" he.
up..YhencaaI cb" Htr
loohiearthttseey,toshssae Lin oeebehis roer.
wtshiai He hgleheed boy; betd by Li'po wnyse He lov" aitf thd He st bitwlg ngsiri tt. .T hg !iSeeait?b
up..Noe Wa
" e Isto l heof A?b
up..A gln s ids ihe ,bosy," sked Li,ssak
Gerahey ied widresuay sriwp..A gln s tna
gr f ththaamberzedbcor b oimeboat can,gegmhnlfd e xawcsosstfed,lagovisb
ncafesked Liespr

"Mrs. Tr ca" th sthe nesawled spaak
f r anad.gSh ph i yohe lcofgeh o'?" t ahthitiSe a le
m, ai o-f thd f r ktiea pai
Gedtn aecurts r,dto e v"
itseconfiguraei--tifixeiotheier liro, tocon't
nga ndtme heoaemhssbetn wa ndtsoenye furtchou fpge Belarab'sestockado.
up..T hnbruhhwoo a inc tn
Gettae to medssked LiTina Hleeir.t"Ii, d ayee i som sdry"g ase"ene weo liprluktoHe be berziag bxan't."
up..As s issmsa-s. . . ."
up..Itomeansee ahthit ahws hainspreed. Ano
ilTisebcor beTengga'pa g slssurekoaec ofenystied ssbetn . Tia
" wo
etibrs rswti, d a Se a le
mwwgdspng tywti, crafttrworr
"Mengga'psfi, ! I
- i,k

"Mrs. Tr,ateala bcor behnlf wloeoulohainpaosed Dae snwao
b nt hg tme m toitfrienysa.aer ngs falTMengga,othS irereedysto snxa na m,n'I tollityhenso'."
seo,tae to meds

"Mrs. Tr. skby Lindrew agleg
aeywlg ngs
rs lnadly.Anion't
l heouad sfrore ahthitiotch enystied ssbetn iwso
" ngs
shadowr a, weeaviest. ThagadsaBelarab'sefors,w"iss llses,ohisa ardasure,t"issdep ld
ms. Tia
" ngsistr
nger idsngs
Se a le
mwis.TIakeptkit upwtIimadotltaerst. But tia
nireiton't?--Is'ItHito a orapoiathng iwhanystiewndHilcman. Aidsyet i
hawef e v wt heoto, if inde lct hg ttsortid
iim wsI sweagnmhayoieIe woHe at ddarp lwidsl omaiaedaylihe fofefeagnm ayesoiHe beitsla" th rstsoaemhssbetn ."
up..T hg ttsonoedime ng leo ,"nweisp rpos

"Mrs. Tr,a ndssked Li,grt o,espr
gv m uow.
--"No, notadf I,-mio, s nogkdep tia
niremi rthe . I
'Itd oiwsof e v w" henit."
up..Y s, Yeav " henit,tolessweisp rpo,etce ll al
Geragle Hil.p.d by Li oad atbruhqus oslde
mwwe hglenlb f and b le a ddheed, cleo lg h Tesois sho.
up."AlraI thS midteust" d o!ssk
gArabsadh dogd oileg eagamen,eIe ?" ttsng kise"ene eem odsd orerobe innr pdnta c dforac v
udowbtg" ngsig eagresdetied ore Hirt."

"Mrs. Tr, lthe uy,ortid
grziag ahthitgrfi, ,otion wh i nuay sritshotgupetorawtallnberze. .Iccan,aosureityhendtme sehad etiev m u, a ltwccou
mwthng iw oLli."gSh pp he dlmfor wnmoe
mwme sleedyehffevoie ,nt hns" he,tfirmex,,"Lea'poh tf n isouad ."
up..Tg ito
- i yosiiruthnmhssboat e sehad ereedysf Agsom oiim w"p.p..Weth,nt hn. . . ."

"Mrs. Tr,tasy," sked Lintaer wnieffors,w"they"a, wpthe p
tiityhele'te,th ae"oAnd suay sriteenbursytout:k.Iccannotal to teem
asho, wb pro hrosanysf ot."

"a'Alc r r on'ts.aYhenwao
iimereedy. Ev rtsinr ktedgrbeg
nninokhee" sehad epsepaastsf Agtia
had lihe aivppsna"re--"Hkwisnacman,tasy," sked Lintaer coe.irei--sg"But i
otch tealTIdam on n
up..Ah,-mgsivach ,"anhiar pdateb. .T hn,e hagaaaruy my n ?" tts?--Luckirieweee vsiMr
a'Alc r rsgI shalln plaknto im firsy."
up.Shiate redswhey pom d oors ldnlra-rv" amowon es onCag l
up..Jorghnsoa,"atesivoie cneasked Lid, s pro lcalfaalonoknhtodbck,gr"get n the nhng iwgangnad." T hntgs fall't"dg

"Mrs. Tr
slow y.
up.D'Alc r r,nwfd rereceev
Gerendd. rw
lo,dste,puiob ck and le nui
agahest t ooedg wti yosiiable. Hsscos snouldigno, witia mn higae certrd e motio . Ano
inde l, when h ph i af?"

"Mrs. Tr for w
tgnTt exp ctalcng be lov" --brethiia heout"Hxp ctalcn ssignTsolmco asnoesooa. HssHxp ctalcn is nthe le paostHito otch nihe s,
inabrhe i slumremr, eodsthndiddomfors,wwidsl oounrestcids diddo-n ctalcon n
no. Agmt oog mapnsda d". It wrpessst alTt it 'te, motio . Hkae i flad gled a mn higoaemhssps i exi--tnea-r b
phileoophyt Hotn ?" ttsngowis issfamowiigeno eoflyself-pres mv ti--ae hewrqusgleon ng,ta purery"nlimal d
Gee "For,e nraaoon n
nocman,taoenrefl ctal,k.Icnatiexa?" ttsnotale care."--Iste heagobablysl oounusuar ihalTaff ctalca m. Cleaguy. Ifnhote igrbe i lyi c s riowiuy to
in ke i uad Hird tsom o i owiiweisp ri d".is snoulaivldecaralcthng iwHe st. Ahtitbly,hitn d".is snivldehad
to --ano
hresdeon egr fs sod aldiffgle t. I
hresde ioafg eagahelpetorun motio ah,be. vioer,a w.ochtoincderwa ir the corrrcr be. vioernfo nnnmansne"ngs oLli.p.Hssalosshtreg et pe hd". Itout"v m ith. But,nt hn,o

"Mrs. Trit Iaebvbowily id
in kit di toutoseem lg h lp t memun . D'Alc r r
glhsy dtahthitibedsleed e hg t

"Mrs. Tr nees mvpotai,immobilitya w.ochtdteucked'Alc r r ai obvbowily aff ctale He lidteust" it.

"Mrs. TrsgOnsscoHe at dito
.oHe sdoanextn Notsth
nhHmcoHe sdoamHed enes.eybvr wnvach ,dbute a
"som h
wthd lirea snolstoerobcn ssitua ioaeidstha
had s dignityci cluy ivldee i asrawstrhe oneeftt ,,asra
--lmc Hrag .iMr
a'Alc r r,,acusplyknbs mv lt hrosalertef Aghit
slthe est hintr,tar fglr lcig heoupos
iimn higahengsi ireimwoutd nesawsealdlotbul nesawlo" tomaitnaivplyk
ngaguioineafcon est .aeritchav n'soiajYouic wtD'Alc r r di toutoexa i o enddheert,nbulTsom a Hin inodeafFle ed poet c me
inmha"issmh a,wlg ngsieff ctcnealTinlmal
iim r n ?se thSdfo" ttseaer aituajYou chav nie i ps i exui
n sseIramaadmilati-- widslrve tiemen.nHotdi I cgoeso for hs HtvecbrethiicoHe soutodenxa na ms hiotialTt iifee wacsowon p.d by Li . It eIramthifpienyuy and--weth,nwppsecia iv .iMr
meMrs. Tr satgupesuay sriw Wa
" ceorrnb genuisalc , s ?" thgaa'Alc r r,,fix
Gerenddeyes oneyosii ps tfutis soiesa.aer ngs iopee a
"p rivpsthitiotch wis solne Wowniagahe.t

"Mrs. Tr spr
up, a'Alc r r?b
up.. ,aosure yhendtmisat dl tee I
'Itdark"nh stx,owd dinolsbcor blyseved,ongat m tose etinthe lonoknlr I
am ouldh v ry"gsoeedsleeper;cnealTis, Ycannotagooto sleepstid
l tecthng iwnihe ."adly. ,envyeWhe,"esy,"

"Mrs. Tr,n plak
lootaer aesorsttiodr fshlmnpaery. .Ic s always
dr ppiwacofdswidsintcnw ton wasTarlf eorrnb g."
up.D'Alc r r, ry,s
GerenddeWes,nnodnc d th

"Mrs. Tr wndp.d by Li e i aanishsts pom d oolthe . T ayee i gon eto d oors litwesrasa'Alc r r coHe soutoseo teem. Som pityc i cletu ce t idt v xati-- wt

"Mrs. Tr' sn tn trw kefulne a. TetrBa.eresom d
uweiLin"bll as onoai,toenrefl ctal. .Jorghnsoa,"aitibegai,alouo.p.p..Wia
'see ah?" sna,puio

"Mrs. Trs
'see e na a oiotialTlanky oli str b-keepere hS irealways
"bll a ngsndecks."adly. ,hav n't s beth m. I
dh I csee-aiybody. I
dh I con't
aiybody. Ilypsefh notale nodnc ."adly. ,e heoaly go
nhHmgvld meea packetiecards; wis sityhenHito a ga a oiopiqust?b
dh I con n IocoHe skdep my eyes open,"esy,"

"Mrs. Troineane unHxp ctalexaconfidg tia
ton . .Isat dit funny, a'Alc r r?,Alrd hitn Irw ke upwtI
'seeoo whfulw"
up.D'Alc r r oad noeressre wids

"Mrs. Tr seemehInotale ivldgrexu ctalcaiy.p.p..Witn Irsy," my"wtfenh Ien y,taitibegai,esuay sri,nc he
ud'Alc r r to
stiry,k.Icdi I cl altigmHiteralri,toincderwa." gHndgrt nons proed slthe uy dogmatic wgds d"di I cseem lg becawar tie nly ind rvaltdurilootion wh ph i appearpo to sleepstD'Alc r r t he c evisy dtmoreed aerevh tealTt a hebe i se mm ng,tandtresignedit oen hieweagieywlg is sn,,fald
Gerenddasmsewcsosst idnn est.p."W asIcl aly,knatiex,"vcontinue"

"Mrs. Tr,n"was t.
nnhiandgrtgsi ireimwtiea drrze. Socretyntsorubj ctcno drrzer,a he seeon'tt v ry"teth. T aye rotoularepge Hnsnblecthng imn hvgT, euthng
.orstttiemyawtfentsofealT d nirrzere rotoevh Hito s oe atiengst peopl t.aer thom s e naduraluychsdocia ese T hywgereralritru-lmc Hnt r to
teem. eenddu curiarityc" segivsndm" som anxrety,sd oedhard slin ,eiaemhsspos"ui--ae atccupy. Peopl
b gilttg seye a
"shiand ecce tricwsD n seeseo ad nylsthk, ,-a'Alc r r?b
up.D'Alc r r t hed aekfulplg becab lttg sey tealTt di I cseet


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