The Rescue
Joseph Conrad

Part 7 out of 9

meMrs. Tr Hkadi I cev n, Hir ylsae to ms,nth?" t heae i ad,dowbte a
"ev rybodywns
d on es onEmhiaw Itwidbenw to bxan't. But Mr
meMrs. Tr bdpi dwt mewier thvisynb geeidteust wgds d"n ?" ttsitlypsud
mwme add:
up..YhenfargegmtialT serawtfenhasra
fnsngsndeck llses"
up.eendd. It hefor h d".is sngo, forach koew v ry"teth a
"shif hereouldfnsngsndeck llses

"Mrs. Tr,ncdmpuottexaconvisy dtby
m, oad noessuro. But neiltogedi t oolte Wowniagahe.p.D'Alc r r gvld a mn higupeto medstaei--sgTetinthe seemehe exe stlyknpag exiv .iAttd by Li'pos ll afor Jorghnsoa,-tealTi-f thd ps f pro song siedteuckeenddeaghe i owiuy,
hg ry,sedsc oe ey sfnlrasawe

"Mrs. Tr tutsid hil dhoh tiengsiCag . Heitstirystsf Awon ebulTshd". Ita reedys owset. Hotsaweshd". Itlov" .p.ShiaseemehItitttiebre td widsasrif unab gwnogsplak wt"Ha I ceedbhd gloshl as ondo A?beiuggs
ed d'Alc r r.
up..Ctptrd td by Li'poe i c in,tolessweisp rpoa na m. "Hkwh Ien yeitup "issmh ae"
up..T a
'seaerexcdllent d
Ge,bocommentebea'Alc r r,,quintly. .Ie c ecludps pom d tsofealTwBasow
ha Hir som d
ha Hir it llrfpom me,"vbte tduiooutt

"Mrs."Ah!"eexclaimehnd'Alc r r v m uow.
--By tealTnsda d by Li e i ent mpo,iigo,wwidsl oodecks tiengsiEmhilmtk, walfaaouiletaer lov
Gedfigurese Jorghnsoa'sevoie ". Ita soa Hird giv
Gerdirrcrn--s. F Agneaguycaw i uspsngs foimepe soass eaeretohil Cag tress retumotio le a. AeshadowywMalaywinitnte gangnadrsy," suay sri: "Sudah, Tuad," wndssked LiemYto med,p..Ratdy,

"Mrs. Tr."
up.Shiaseiz"d a'Alc r r's nrm,and ledrenmeme n sside tiengsiCag e furtchou fpge the corn reiaetion w

"Mrs. Tr' belcwas nlsced,p. orluksked Liebhe
ed a mn higin psice
Gedup teeetack tiengsiCag e lant mnsasrif etre i suay srittccurrpoa na msngowis is,stha
had s ivppsn" ,d hoHe soutobeca de lctiodarkresd.t

"Mrs. Tr d,"p.nod
Gedbly,he rlenddheed ig heoovd utis sois"Onssmoe
mn"esy," d'Alc r r,nineael'talgn fnlrasm,f waiatt

meMrs. Tr'eagita ioasg"Beor be- irito
Gealet menaf?n se:
'Hvld YOU oad up seramh a?'" Hotsawetaer lHed wrpesss w
looodshgleey i WasrilTaldig aanon?,App he ai oforusuihioae feo
b y; bethioo etwogpeopl e T hntd'Alc r r sy,"p.apolg alicalth: "P rivpstIa?" ttsnotale ivldease lct ah
n--," wndssked Lieca" th

"Mrs. Tr'aworr ,n"Oh, I
am oulp.afry," le wnswglsngowiqus
up.eeergd oilevoie r san a d by Li eunoknhtolampsupsagaheeand sloo
idlecthng itrevev" althe ;nbulTalossht mm diasplykhssae Limed'Alc r r cao
Gerenmedidd eetlyw
up..Ctptrd td by Li!"
up.Hss-rv" amowon es om at o sit Agmt oog mapitsta tm

"Mrs. Tr'a Hidopivotedswhey pom d oogr pp le iesn pontah,as "ui--.
up.D'Alc r r,nad y s riowi,espr
gineaef siriarehard ton .p.p."

"Mrs. Tr neo s meofealTwBamYou bsidelnvlr lcpp le hioo
Mo As onegho, ."
up..Y s, t hg ttsonod
nowelsbef Agiu,bosy," sked Liw
up..Ivconfros I
am a bitwstiryledn"esy," d'Alc r r;nbulTexcdpt for w
lthe uy hursieb Yd glhsy onobodywcoHe sivldegu expotay nlyd
nowemotio .adly. ,hav ea rthe le my"gsoetname,"vsy," sked Li,sa soiv ry"calo,p. orluk

"Mrs. Tr neagna m,n ce t alf-veiled eWes,n is snol
imaissiveeHito a ag eid
woHe at dqus
n--ofealTfor wnmoe
m,"vconceaed a'Alc r rsg"Alypointsidshonoerttsonodplg becdiddussst. Bly,hitrBatsorun wa d
u h umanity,aloon Tosbsidelnvlr lcpp h lple alyw . . ."
up..P rivps!" ind rruptpossked Liws"BueaWhetnlea I cfee kiopele a. Ilyam ouldhgmHibd ty to givsiup myaHifleoam Whele'te.g

"Mrs. Tr
on'tssthy. Tia
,iigo,w ofengagui."
oned ore onoer?b
dh I con't.,Apppomiskwisnacppomisk."
up..Nobodywc n be h lo lg intoimas inb g," ressre l d'Alc r r.
up..Imas inb g! W asis imas inb g? I
dh I con't
i a I
am ouldh msne to dalkitiengsiimas inb gbvr dodg wbehis ri a I
di toutobrilood oed.Hre."
up.D'Alc r r wgled hnddheed fo nnnmoe
m.T. ,hav efinoshst," h it" he,thraldlhwd.Tgat mun wI
ivi t seyt I
iopeh seedo I con n If e v wappearpo haruuy anxiowi."
up..It'see e bhou policy,aloon"k

"Mrs. Tr mad hgln hisae Limesuay sriw Nod
Gedtdshglelov" abumwhna ltps,olessdi toutoevd
ry,seshgleey i .It'see e oaly as inb gbpolicy. Yseebhto be me,p.

"a'Alc r r?,. . ." He lad anTalossht mperceptnb geeslde
mwti, d a heed. lololo"Weth,nt hn,oIapumwalfa-yboopehin
- i,k
.gaa'Alc r r,,noggegmt isouad ai Hissthnas ns inb gbnlrasave us weritfrom som o dsowi scen . Y oion n p rivpsthialTtt isaI thS ?" thgatow . . ."
up..No, no!
dh I con n so," ind rruptposa'Alc r rsg"IltwoHe bee imas inb g."
s afry," iltwoHe ,tolessadmittal,kahrvowiuyw
up.D'Alc r r oad a gs
ure asrif to begah r to
saxan'a-r b an aala oncescsossedouad sfo

"Mrs. Tr' side tiengsiCag . Hotdi toutd e lt to givsia ms hiotime ng tn n aaruy ntsofase.o

"Mrs. Trit Iasitti coupsoaethe campnhedsleedotaer ae the cottgnisteetwhovd utis legr Hkastirpotay nod
Ge,wanystn wpps ach
Gerenmmed'Alc r r didred Lialcn ss the s n
noctfutis ownioHirysowis is
u hu ctetion wseemehIto beofealTtfuexe stnd rrorsg"Tc ofis
u hful,taitin ?" ttsgTetimaitkeptkasortid
ha, witiiesn orm.
up.T eoimag exehnd'Alc r r ivi t m to an efforsktg brilooa ms hiotod iap t melthe uy oaemhss"ois"Tetimoe
mwhaindo a,"Mrs. Tr,ato
wtsom oforsitud ,"vhss" hes eaer Hisy indimacy.

"Mrs. Tr he lcupbsw
f uywT. ,hav ejustgrbe i tale
loomhayoimewifo. Sh ph i aocommunihati-- from Ctptrd p.d by Li fo nwi eoer.tItoress rs fo nwi now to nees mvp
asrmun w he as inb gbvur dignity."I
nifonecBssari w
boereon'tt how to dig."
up.In nnmoe
mwof ps f pro sti
hresd,nd'Alc r r ivi time ng .ond ritwesltogec offac d. It hespolywiniexpg exi-- wsee e oasiupte rede to a m. Bueanuay srit asm,f wappearpo oaeit,otion w. Itdertrd exf thd Hast d
Gend'Alc r r exp ctalcng see. AnTaldubitab gwsm,f . A
lthe uy coetemptuowiwsm,f .p.p." yawtfenhasrbe i stuffilood oleheed eaer som a-r b tdshglp.nongeno n"k

"Mrs. Tr spr
gineaevoie ".ion waspolish dmed'Alc r r ai mun w hemhss"m,f ,eaevoie "tsa
ne heouldfrrotablee nomepeevesh,cbrethahIaididtl ct oulb tdsaldulge c . " yadeaga a'Alc r r,,tna
nirrzec" segutosun wa holi tieagleia
"shiawis sitito
- i ylsasorsttioia
. Socra
imas toTr,am diums,
fortune-ito Tr,ncha,lata-s af,alln ortsadh obtrd tawstralgud alflu lc anvh wooen.tY id. ve ses-sth
nsorsttioihilood oln hi.s IthahIaidalki.ce khglebcor bediiner.gTetialflu lc ath
tf wsegutoovd uterstsoiad ednb g. Icnatiexabhto be ngs fell'tgis
uhnlf irrzy a mn hi T hywofgeh aren yhenon't.
I gavsiup argu
uwce khglw Now,e hagadsaitT seeivldegodplg ito
me? BueaI
. rwod oedtealTIdam notago
loomhat totltas riowiuys"
up.Hssrej ctalceessklysl oocottgnisteet,apumwhnddfeetclg intogr proe nlr bult--eo nddjacketwtD'Alc r r,n h d"dalkal,kbcc mp
wa beby
uintcd the no,sesbehis ro msngowi

"Mrs. Tr wndssked Lie.o
" tleav
Gert eeCag ,obrethiit
mwon dg ngsiend wgdst en waitpo
wnxiowilyef Aghit,answgls
up..Se !iShec" sefall't"dgo mstitttnodbck,"Ttk, w

"Mrs. Tr' firsy
iopeh seehard slin thialTtt isaa fk, wdrrze. YhencaaI ed.Hlp sesinokteal. L heoalT d nis tumo. Sh p tmpuyc" selosh hnad heed. Luckiriengs oLlitnlea I ckn't. But wpassi a
"som d
u tmilor hahIivppsn" oalT om wsI
".is snivldehad
exe stly
u hkw LiwsOh!ay s,
do a.
gonylsthk, .aI
caaI cslin f n isohulk,thioo epeopl ,es issalfer ah,Cag . Iabhto be I sois s
f o
ff I eo
" hooress r .Hre."
up.Tetialwon edetachpoivoie cneaJorghnsoahmadotltn hisae Li neagntnte gangnadrsyyi c: "Tne boat e sehad ewait
no f Aghiiss llmepasy,
up..Lethui m to a virtueone necBssiudain tgoseaer wngsoethracp,"it" he d'Alc r r,nreedysto t tot

"Mrs. Tr hard ghit,armt pe ruasivply, forach di toutoon't, hagat m totoiotialTg

"Mrs. Tr seemehIanotch ssn. .Ic s afry,"
a'Alc r r,,t ah
- i,kigo,wwrotoulav ry"strhng-mh ast. Ic s go
loomhat totagrblanketcofdsta ssbedsleed.,. . ." He flewacdtme s irieovd utislmarmsanysf ll't"dgd'Alc r r cleo uywT.W asIcsuffgl osshly pom,itstralgu to
sax,w ofcou s"

"Mrs. Tr wndssked Lie.o
no neagntntwgangnad.kTod ev rybody'Itoxe stn wrpesss

"Mrs. Tr addg exehnendd.tfegrfi,"Yhenwk, walways
la" t waiattpeopl 'poerrzer,"Ttae"wralT s" he,--"anion't
seeivldea irrzectied ore'te.gBut td, ont ddiddussedteal."
up.D'Alc r r paosed oa,-ry,s

"Mrs. Tr,a ndst
uWownimhss"oip'd sidbeinmhangsiboat.TJorghnsoahe i aanishstsinohisa ownimainer out angexorcnsed gioot,a ndssked Li,dste,p
Gedback,gr nfgmhusbhrosanyswtfenfac"Did
- i yo n Iowwsegu
loomham to a fuss?" af?"

"Mrs. Troine nnv m uowsvoie n " ,aosure yhenI
tis snratch goed aersliyroerBw
uYhendi I con n n ah?tY id. ve losh alln eno eofcnatiity,aidt pgobabilitywsI was justiin n
nocta ssev n
lo tealTIdtis snratch
ubkaylsthk, ed aerho
" Htr
loo-- wt Whe.aAlT seraf llyw . . ."

"Mrs. Tr'alouo, " arnin!"hmadotsked Lintalc , c he dlmd'Alc r r to
f hnddheed Wownimhsrecthng itboat,a ndsevd
Jorghnsoa,-f Awon esom thk, etitttiesthe , cHise mumb
nowinohisa dousmachp. T e oaly ae soa thS seemehInotale ivldsae Li t ah
exclamati-- was

"Mrs. Troa mn hi,othS continue" smootcey:
up..w . . ahthitiaberra ioaeids seramh a,td oiwso seemehIs
wa riore to commoaed eduhit
i. Yhenwrotoulad oln hi, ouldhgm o , nlrasom a daytd oiwid
admiteto me tealTw . . No, e e bhou ihiloowao
b ntolmforgegeit,o he seewao
sooacseetd oln hi. WBasow
haahad lenanoae a
"subj ctcthes onfu
urew Ic s certrd e seewao
be oaly igo
glh" le wgreootaer lesoaemhalTpointa"re--"Howsfor heed wre yhenHtr
lo?" af?"

"Mrs. Tr,afin
voie c ndsevd es onv m lgn fiaetion wshiawis seivldeaddg exehit oe
ivi t oyehad
bll aso parnathng iwhao
-fgd oiletowniollsesp.Shiamthe aivldehad
Gerenmeat tia
nnsda d"exp ctalcng bet hom ,otiolo a footmairoeld hil dhoh tpenwwidsl ooblo" t s waitpo
thng iwst eet.
--"Nolav ry"far. eenddcaaI cHast mun wlonod ."

"Mrs. Trooad aa dolde
mwwsrif to leaveshgleexactthnas th?" t heawk, wratch
uag exehnnogkdep an wppointe
m.T.Biengs by,"vhss" he,echpce
ua mn hi,o"I wpassi as fell'tghard slin s
th?lo" tlyofealTwBaarlf we lthy. Hsscos snh Liuy dowbtsth
up..It'see e Hast d ?" ttsngowiwoHe sent r hnddheed,"vsy,"

meMrs."Oh,ay s, justiso,"

"Mrs. Tr all't"dga l, a ltimait
lc atos piercenhard genddcasuar mainersg"But Indh I cnfndstdll
lood oedtealTIdivldee i o'?" t tioihisw Ic s psepaastsmham to--ah!--tos m to conceexi--a. Aelorgedu cuniari sacrifisi Owexangs eo le as "ui--aiItso ab wrd! He lihe conceevablysdowbtsmy"gsoetfaith.reWoHe at di
nhesjYou Itteth idsd o,n ce tyoimepaaticulaga alflu lc ,awis seiilt to o msngowitaer leshiawis seivldenod
Gee to feag? I
am a mansne"mtrworae"
up..T a
ir the fi,sy ihiloohiawis senaduraluycon n tieaaycman,tit" he

- ileey ieahad be opsn" ?"

"Mrs. Tr begai,efrrotably,d hitn g v"
it upwt"Weth,nro mHed e e bhd glothen.tI givsi- i yitfreoo hro."
up..Wiat m dsi- i cha getd olaattitud sHito s ii?"vaf?"

meMrs. Tr,trusuihiowiuyw
up." yared Lieoam Whe,"vhssanswgled tce ll ahesita ioas
ind roed to jod e seeined orecaptivitywsI was justiiry
no solmpe ruado a m. . . ."
- i ab olusply,"nweisp rpos

"Mrs. Tr,aforcnb y. .Ic s
glh" le get nway. I
dh I ce lt to seetd osagaheetio
- ileirrzee seovd ."
up.Shia. Itdonf proed bichod seIramavehde
si But itsta tly
usucc ed
Gerenddaiercenweisp r c me
a "ho,t,ninanons cretynla" te nlr a mun wlousho,a"Notsth
nIaatttn walywimasrta c . . ."
up.Hkaspralg nway,,asrilTwk, ,efpge a sswtfe, widsasrhiit
mwoad s tntwgangnada. ved hnddhnlranoghgleamiably.
up.d he ed d mexabyee e Hant mnsoaemhssroof tiengsia ck llsek

meMrs. Tr ress retuv ry"stio
waer l wgled heed widsa
su cteidt pgof pro medstaei--sgI cHast" abumwangitsta tmbcor beshss-rv" d nedswidsbruhh waiagahest sked Linpaosed oa
waer Wowncasteey ielg, ogedbckecabina d by Li eeon es ondhoh shl . Hsswaitpoin orlu,s m d a dolde
mwmowon es ongangnadabumwchpceed a mn higin f fall't"dg

"Mrs. Tr ththa"Hlecabina
up.Iste heaitn sdark"inimhsre. Hsscos snsee-ab olusplyonod
nowanye .ai opag exehnbyee e ps f pro sti
hresdnhaouilled evd ebykmh
ssurottiebre tdiwa.
up..Ic s go
looonegho, ,taitibegai,ebre
loohieabl ck and de tdlikef song sieg slss
Gerenmeaidsl oothviinb gbwooai. .Ice ltei t sey
up..Yhenwre go
looonegho, ,tar pdatebs

"Mrs. Tr. Hffevoie t Igremotio le a, blank,ounr
up..Y s, fo nnnfeww llms, ofefaraHifl,"vsked Liesy," indm"asuredgrt norsg"I
luy ivldeto diga.aer ngsmTorkto digaluybleoam otch
meFam Whe,rif I ?wexakoew how to m iageeit,oIdtis sne lt to liv .iIlyam tdll
lood osta ssbec he ai
ir dark. Ifnmhsreca hebe i ae the
ina Hle I
woHe at divldecome
in."adly. ,eishn seeivhInot,"vud gled t oog mapunr
loiwabwooai'sevoie .p..Yhenwre always
e i c to me .aer ngssi lives wgdst ?se de tdroine d olehhro."
up..Y s, i
'seeoo mun woam Whe,"vwafesked Li'sehard ton docomment.p..YhencoHe be no otch teanalru loAnd seeareoianoce t! Dh I d eishnmeaHifl,"bwiiwishnmeaHuck, oam Whe areoianoce t--ano
d oedwao
ivldeto t to y ir cha c w"
nokTom,"khssae Li h Tesaywinitntodarkresdoine tion wh pseemehInow to nerceibe ngs gln s idstogecair. .Iceclf
t to mtrcha c wtAs srysnotale come
neagnmukwgahe oam Ic s weagyd nesd oa"re--"Iccan,weo
b to be i ttae to medssked Li, and sle,puiooitttiengsedcabin, shl t
loohieadhoh wft r hnmeg
aey. Forac higiw i usp,lmpe ivps,ng iwsti
hresdncontinue", wgdst en nuay sritl ooccaire feo
ovd uinitntodarkresdwsNhxtnmoe

"Mrs. Tr'aheed, appearpo thng iwHthe nesnhtolamps nfgmoaemhssroof tiengseda ck llse. Hffebwre asmseg aspe es ondhoh as"Wait wnmoe
m,"vshss" he,tlously, inmhangsishadowr tiehitia ck.p.Shiaee Li no footsle,s,tsawenod
Gedexcdpt s onvanish
uwhitpenhapl nesnhtolate Ctptrd H. C. Jorghnsoa,-wso t Igraldiffgle t dg ngsiHifletiemen.n"Wait,iK
nokTom!tolesshesis se,--ry,s
Gereffevoie ;nt hn,o.Icdi I cl altig. Dh I ebhto be me!"
ust csieb,nreckle alyw
up.F Aghit"seIoni time nh
nnthe abwooai'sevoie wstiryledengsedoHirysetiemenwns
d on es onEmhiwtAo
excdpt s onoHirysof t s
Jorghnsoa. T e Malayscthng itboat he lcupbfpge d oilethwirys.p.D'Alc r r,nsitti cothng iwst mnssteetssbesidbesked Li, i He af son
noctfutis Hirt.
'see ii?"vhssexclaimehsg"I
ie Li y ir na a onodbck. Yhenwrod e lteb,nI
on n a"re--"Shrve tif,"v rd Tedssked Li, alflexnb y,etce ll aevd eHtr
looahgaa'Alc r r.

"Mrs. Tr wasee e oaly on e oo"di I cseem lg be
u har ti nlyd
Gee A lonoktim eaf glothetboat nfgms onEmhi'pa sidbehssle nuiwmowon ed'Alc r r.
up..Ieivldea osshtoxe a rdinary"fee wa,"vhss" heoineafcautiowiedhard ton . .Icseem lg becthng iwair--Indh I con't.,ArBa.owon d os wah r,na'Alc r r?,Are yhenquitpen me? Bueaoincderwan
wBaarl o-f thd wah r."
up..Y s,"esy," d'Alc r r,ninet oog mapton . .Csoss
loohiep.Styx--pe ivps." He ie Li

"Mrs. Tr hd gloaitualov" a"Vhisitlikely,"nwein wh pdi toutoexu ct.ssked Li, hnddhnlraon d os ti
h r,nsateHito a mansne"ston .p.p."eeergyoimepointsidsview h Itdha ged,"nweisp rposd'Alc r r.
up..Ietollcmyawtfent m to an offgl,tat
mwon d odeagnest .eisp r ti, d a otch ssn. .Aen mtnea-rney. Bly,hg ito
- i yosiiruthnIadh I d bhto be v ry"mun wiaeitdnsucc ssw"
up.D'Alc r r oad noewnswglsnlraonriewoard ettwesltogeckadi I clikef bhd glo

"Mrs. Tr' vach ,dunreasoaab geesod. TetrBa.erenoeda ny

"Mrs. Tr waseaiiroub
nowae soaw Now h it"uay sritgrippuioa'Alc r r's or b-armsanysaddednhard genddbre td:p..
dhwbtsev ryd
Ge. I
dhwbtswesltoged a offgl wao
had bes m d ."
up.Aer in in. Itout"v m imag exiv .iTetrBa.eresom d
nokaitifuloine it: .eisp r,tgrip, shldd r,n h tiea dorlts p he enpo thng iwdark.--Butsd odemotio a.eredeepstO siemoreed atsev n
lo, euthngnd iimelmarllsehnbyee e husbhro'Itdidteesd,nd'Alc r r'siwoard wpps achui
n sb rd Th tieawe.
up.Ire--"Havsi- i godpK
nokTom'siw tn sinimhsre?"esy," aevoie "tsa
lyseemehInotale atttn wintcd the esht mpsrta c dg ngsiqus
Jorghnsoa,-tutsid hil dhoh tie

"Mrs. Tr'apart tiengseda ck llse,swaitpoif Aghit,answgls He ie Li ael'tac m v ry"mun a Hito anmoan,ng iwstiryledessurottiepaheetiat m y bsisom dim ra Hird tn dack looms But it lov" ahim ouldhgm o . Hsswis senhad s ivvecag eysof tp n
lo tel dhoh uile aTtollcno do s
,"iaetion edcaseshiawis seivldebeoeld,ntaer compuottoaldiffgle ce,k

meMrs. Tr oxe roed on d odflhoh .ce khgleheed rrst wawon d odedgud nesnhtocampnhedsleedo(oaetion wd by Li e i ahad sldpt),w he th?" t shssa i subsid lct hg tapge wiknee
ure tion wndgrtgsiattitud sof psay r,nsupplihati--, ofea fgatsgTeti llms tiengsednthe aivinpaosed

"Mrs. Tr by. Af glofl
loiwabhgln hisoneagl
onees,olessdi I con't
wiy,isinr kst coHe son n tienod
nowsolmprayef A,eivhInot
nowsoothvhe ,a ndstaseeoo for gon ef Agsun wae futi gee
looaredespahr, shssa i ress retut hg ttid
iit"seno eoflyexhau
n--oe i grownioneagledg ngsipointsiaetion wshialosh hnad bhto fTina Hlepowgledg esss. Insawhalf-sitti coattitud ,khgleheed
ures waiagahest d odedgu nesnhtocoun wandscglensmseflewacabove, ogeheed,vshss" n inle wnoaldiffgle ce,knhtofk, wresigna ioaeide nnworn-ll abodywnlr a worn-ll anfndsw.ochtoigeh isee e oaly sorsd nesrhou iha
nio ar togpeopl e oo"arl desperasply id
in kislmtklcome
o'?" t ineafnad.kTheivoie cneaJorghnsoahrllsehn ogeoitttie a
"st tee Sh p atgup,,achi cothnev m u,mb widnc llcalfaovd .re--Jorghnsoa,-behis rtel dhoh,ar pdatebswaer ltfele aTobs wacy:
up..D n seeseo K
nokTom'siw tn sinimhsre?"

"Mrs. Tr gotgupe pom d ooflhohe Sh ptott mpo,isn tn
looahgag iwair,sanysf uidsl ooback tiengsinsmccairnhard geelehhro.
up.Shia. Ita soireedysto ask:T.W k, wam I?"ebulTshd"r semremeraanye at o sikbcc mp
e e pshywof iha
nareivecag dsw.ochta hebe i lyi c
uWorm lt fo nnnfeww llmsTina HleunHisywnlr ps stra gtbody. "Wia
s timeadsait?btshiaialh rstsout.
up."Dawnttaps '?"nce es on mper
urbab gevoie c as ondo A.t tmseemehe to agleia
"dtme hea word iha
nioHe sm to anyboHirysson .aeritwppse Hnsnoaw Dawn!iShecsloo awppalfed. Ano
yosiion le aTvoie s tutsid hil dhoh hesis se:
up..YhenmYou ivldeTom'siw tn smhsre!"adly. ,hav n't s betit,tolesscsiebwwsrif tormentebebit aag e.
up."L heoheetiat desk d
Ge. Iesd o push tpenwngsishhd glo seewao
ubkayb gwnogsees"

"Mrs. Tr bcc mp
wa betiengsips f pro darkresdonesnhtocabina
uJorghnsoahee Li h Testagg Ti coinimhsre. Af glonnmoe
voie ,otion wdteuckeev n, nmeaswstralgu,s" heoinefailt tores:
up..Ieivldei . I
'Itsto, st."
up..Itodoesat dmad gl. I
dh I ce lt to on't
ng oiim wiTetrBasois s
beca kaye bll .iSeeaitaylsthk, ?"
up..Y s, i
'sefas snolstoethd wahch,"atesidazpoivoie canswgled frwm t owset. Jorghnsoahwaitpoibcor bemak
. "Wio
- ilmpaostiytout to me?iTetrB'r neehiowi l, a lttimea nfgmn't!"
up.Tetidhoh flewwopen,otion w. Itdertrd exesom d
nokJorghnsoahe ip.nod"exp ctal. Hkae i exp ctalcbumwadhnlra.aer ngs w tn sprotsud i
n lo" toa narr'tac ack, But essdi I cstiryoback tr givsiyls
otch signToforurpesss wt sesinok

"Mrs. Tr fud yedg exeh.
uAgahest d odfailt cleagresdoin d odfra a oiotie opsnishhd gloshif nees ltei t o msngssdarkenil ?"hd gtidstogesois shosorurm Hnt dd bxaa sleekeheed,vbec he atogecaira.erestto
fnsng oiwogplaits.kTod Jorghnsoah

"Mrs. Tr tha Hleun-Europswnodg exthahIalways
be is didplHissne,walosshtmonstrhur. Hffest ture,t"gleg
ures, hnad gereralecarriageedteuckeenddeyp
asrab wrduy thcoegruowiseaer wp. alaywis tumo,eeoo wmpl ,esoo fre ,esoo b ll--offgnxiv .iTo

meMrs. Tr,tJorghnsoa,-thng iwdusk tiengsipaosag ,oivi t o
su cteidt aidim whitpegioot,a nds oocci
h i h Tebichod gioot'Itw
up.Hkapice lcupbngs w tn sfpge aogeoitspreedipalmetce ll aa word tie a nks, o exemumb
nowinohis dousmachp, "H'm,ay s, tia
'sei . Is ivve I c eu fargott n how to cou
mwseIonis corrrcr y,ebut i
'If bhd glole ivldea w tn ."
up.Shiaa heout"intcd the eshtnotio a.ralT sl aly. Ano
lessdi toutedcare. Hffenfndsress retudonfuse widsiit"seno eof eodsths diddomfors opag exehnhglw Shia.eisp rpo,ese mefthesly, "Iabhto be
I've sldpt."adly. ,hav n'tttae mb ehnJorghnsoa,-grow
nowlo b an amr bedidtl ct lg, ogeey i Tetibp he resdonesnhto"ho,tsdawnoiad eise rapidrit shoeesnhto"unawk, wimait
lt ig heoupos
nhtoSe a le
mws"N' feagd nesnhamn"ehenadded, eoas fud ya
up.Isttccurrpoa n

"Mrs. Tr n
"p rivpstshiaa heout"sldptlyeiltog. Hffest teca hebe i mr be out ang mperf ct,
Gende tde Sh p hldd red ahthitgrrerollrcrn--.
hful nihe ,boshss-Yto med,gag giey.
up.T erBa.erenot
nowsooiopehfofefpge Jorghnsoa. Shd"exp ctalcenmeme
vanish,oaldiffgle t,eHito a aa ntom tiehitia adecarryiwacofdshitgrwpps pesasply a adew tn sinihnddhnlraf Agsom ounHirtcey purassi.
uJorghnsoahdi I clov .iHndd. It ngitsHnsnble,walosshta"seno le af nees lce! Nod
GedcoHe be extorted frwmei . Bl aa wav tie nlguishn Itdonfuse wItw
haaogeotch senoa ioas sweptt

meMrs. Trcofdshglefeet.
--"Ca I c seeito
me-som d
up.F Agc higiw i usp"p rivpstJorghnsoahmadotnoessuro;nt hn: "For
looaiybodyothS caastsmhaaskn"ehenmYmb eh
ina is dousmachpsg"Tdll
looTom,eloon Ano
Tomakoew .ralT se ltebe td,do.iHow'deon eto on't
.ralTYOU wre af gl?"
up.Shiaa heohad exp ctalcng Hir so ssntrworr e pom d alTrth,"
shadow. I
s donoto owiimYmb ed. Itfascina ine,witdnsuay ss Htquaciuda.ereshoc
no. Ano thng iwps f pro sti
lyreigned-tutsid dtme heasTif thereca hebe i no onea nfgminitnte oLlit.ce khglebutsd odaa ntom tiehiat ollcadv n
urer. Hsswara Hird agahe:T.W asIccoHe soto
- i toHe be .ors ed aerpois--s"

"Mrs. Tr . Itout"f siriare.ce kJorghnsoa'sedonsecra gd
phrisei Tetimedha icalevoie ,nt hrworr et imn hvgT, enddair ti, ab tracti-- wppalfednhglw Ands ooha I cdon e eu;olessca" th som a -r b tdshisehaconce redsmumb
no: .T hg ttsonod
GedIadh I d on't," wndst o
b wrdi y tieg iwstitee
mw. Ita soiwppalfiwa.

"Mrs. Tr gaspe enlra.aer aewi soln a ltla" t:p.p."eeergyoicon't
calfednaf gloK
nokTom Hast nihe ."adlyHs glhsy dtae xawlonoktis sois sho n lo" tohil dhoh tiengseda ck llsec as ongrow
nowbp he resdonesnhtodad.gSh pdi ts
,"loonp.Iste hee i c.t tma hecome! Anotch dad! Ano

meMrs. Trca .ors ecal sityed aersntrdiddov ry"shiaa hemadotlneagl
Hifl,"d aersntd
Gedst coHe sivldeimag
nedsle come
to agl Tett v ry"magnitud sof eorr Agsleediednhgl,TseemehIto caloeagl
agita ioaeeresom ,th asoneefttaltdrugsadh beor be ety,tho . Sh e laiin"psteedyehnlraon Jorghnsoa'sesleevgbnlraspr
gquintly,s didtl ctly, urg"Yhenwk, wonodbck. W asIce lt to on't
isswesltogeI was Hird?"
up..Y s,"esy," Jorghnsoa,- b
ie Li y i." T hn,,asrii, rllsehna l, a l,ehenadded le aTmedha icalth: "The weo li"oipa Hird d oa"re--

"Mrs. Tr wf?" hgln hiswesltogenercha c tshiaa heout"stmpuy
sd eimehsg tma heohad tccurrpoa naglebcor ben
"p rivpstshi
uhndt Agmt ootimeadlTseemehIto togesoeae i ad,str
nger f Ag-r b
d aersa.eisp r. Hao
lesshad ereelexesotlous? Ano
yosia aduy
h,nt hrnthe lralT i gon ebyatogecada nfgminiaglebody,
vanished frwmehna ltmbr,taissuiooitttiehd uiniaeflesh. Hffefthee .ai te redswhey pom d oo ihe , in thialTfactcgaveshglec Hrag solmcontinue. Mr bov r,engsimanebcor beh r t hesotdetachpoi pom d o
shames wgdspesd sfnlraschde soneeHifletealTt seemehInotale cou
me at o , excdpt s
"som h
wtam otch gsimanaguioa
nnsdasIto catn ednhtofk, wHiteral"seno eof t hrworr eaddg exehnt o m--ano
answglednhtmw Andswnswglsngem! Answglsunfail
Gely, imae soaalri,ttce ll e nly fee"YhensaweTom--K
nokTom? Wasrh nt hg ?sIcl al justiinhn,,ahthitgrmoe
m.TT erBa.ereae the as ongangnad.kWasrh nonodbck?b
up..Noe Ihng itboatw"
up..Alreedy? CoHe sIaivldehad
Hird tn g itboat Wownimhsre?tY idseye ae weo li"oip
Hird me--ano
dh I ccare. Bl acoHe sie ie L me?"
up..WasrilTTom yhenwk, waf gl?"esy," Jorghnsoa
fnsng oion eoigae neg th
--"Ca I c seewnswglsme?tolesscsieb, inggiey.
up."Tom .erebusiw No dorlt's nlsd.kTheiboat shov" atif,"v" hes Jorghnsoa,- sTif heawk, wfk, uycon n
looalouo.p.p..Yhenwoat dito
m ,nt hn?"k

"Mrs. Tr aao
s phiz"d a m,e fearle alyw Shia. Itouldhfry," neaJorghnsoa. Justiinhneshd". Ip.afry," tienod
nowanion'body. AndsJorghnsoahw
mwon d n
lolmalouo.p.p..Iegu ex heawao
be keptkbusii pom n't
-- widss

"Mrs. Tr seemehIreedysto t totbyee e sois shosowidssh to teahgaaeed-voie rasp ctg ttid
nheggpoif Agfk,cy. Bueanuay sritagl
strhng whitpensmsefto
Wownibyatogesid ,engsinsmh tieangexhau
haahad ,eohad fino
ll ,tolessweisp rpoa naeln hi.s p.ShiacastedownioHleey ieiaeintolerab edhusiriati--, iaeintolerab egaaesi, ,oas th?" t soeae i veiled hffefthen Notsaessurotreachui
n slon liresdonesagleia?" ttsgBut tihneshd"ry,sedscHleey ieagahe
uJorghnsoah. Itouwlonod cslin
nowbcor beh rw
up.F Agangitsta tmshss" w, nmeallnberck tn g itbgierialt hrosnarr't
uWo Awoy,wwidsl oonhxtnmoe
mwoeae i vanished tutsid ,,asrii, devo medsbyee e hutoblrzectielthe . T ao"unaa i r,senaon d os Shr b tdsRefug l

"Mrs. Tr c mp
titttnodbck hgln hisdtme heasTite.o
"ewaeritw b llritunveiled fthe,ntaer widb-tpenwwidsdry,isleeple aTey i p.T eilegrze,dundidmayedsbyee e "unsh
Gu,s"?" ttsngeoianerosshedoHiryttioihiloi Hin sday offglolstoethd aissioaeidsch dreed widd neshd uimait
lc . T aolagoon, e e bhin ,snhtocolllmsTwidsl o
shapesedteuckeeertmoreed aerevh ereae u i owiipahet wawon sne mm no ecloe t id
lo tel dolde
mh tieanginHxplihab edlifo. Sh
shadedscHleey ie.ce khglehhro.TT erBa.hg taiguressoaemhssbetn ,a dol
Gendarkedotssoaemhsswhitpenemicircl wb proedsbyee e
stockadea, bace lcbyeroof esdgescaboveethd ailoegrovei Furtchad brck ngsimasdonescarvettweitpecoral"oaemhssroof tiengsiossqu
shonea ito a oeitpeday-stir.sRelthi-- widspolitics--alwayse aslitics!iTo n slnfg,wbcor beT
ngga'Ito slssure,tn sloom tigrfi, ma hecha ged inle w pierah tiesmr
l Bly,hitrBa.hg tsom ,biee treesouad hitrBaano
lesscoHe at dito
wrsltoged a nihe counc litivinprolonoddwitdnsitti c. Som vagu n ormsa.hg tstid
n rBaano
lesscoHe apic
ure ngema naeln hi: Daman,ng iwsupr se
ccief tiesea-robremr, .aer aev
ngefulboHiryswidsl ooeyes oigae grzelle; S
mot,ng iwsserafanatic .aer ngs bie
urbaa,-tealTotchad sailt taer aescaltm uotn cloe twidsash ieiaehnddhnir,sanysT
uwhom s e coHe aimag
ne frwmehnarsax,wfat,agsoe-temp rpo,ecraf ytitbly,reedysto spao
bloo aoaehnddambitiowis.eybhrosalreedysbt s
o'?" t to flau
mwabyell'tgst tecumb, ula as onv ry"gat tie Berahab'Itstockade--soe ety," he.s p.Shia" w,vshssimag
ned,vshssev n,admittal n't
ng onatiity tiengoo
ihiloi ouwlonod ca fk, wpagualt ssrsow
hpoif Ageffevisioaewaeritbarbarowiwsplend olaalrasavag emphasisw Shiaqus
n--ddwitenoedlonod --bretlessdi toutofee kigminiaglesseleaaycmoreed aer--de feels
yosia pth tieg iwseanhard gitdnpetnefulbgl, ad tgntnte turm i
-fgitdngshywfury. Hffeeyes ra ged afa ,dunbhto b
nowanye fearful--ano
inhnealfaat o siklesshac mp
wa betiengsiemptyiCag e wier tts ind rioh herdid rd T,snhtocampnhedsleedsonodpl ton nway,itw pao 't
lyi c onsngsndeck,snhtodyi c flamea ito a shrstsof duo
uyell'tgstuff hesid hil lamps nfgmha gi c oad hitiiable. Tett weo li"teuckeeert hesqutiid widsasrif alreedysdecayed,iaeflimshlmnno
idlecaa ntasy. BueaJorghnsoa,-sdatebsonsngsndecku ce t idt brck noeit,ot heouldfdl .iHnddtccupati--, igo,wseemehIf ntasticlmnno
soe ruuy dorltishnfealT d noHiryss n a as onoai'r hd gl, ab orpui--ailtig. Jorghnsoahe i bcor beh m,nstr
tchpoion d os deck,sseveral"bimh tieratch eretowidsdirty-Htr
loorops ids diffgle t l
ngerstapge wicoHpl etdsaln essmhaabll aa foot. Hkae i
(angidiotamthe aivldeamlsehn mn higin tsa
ne y)sset fir dg ngs
o'ddonesnhtm T hywsmrs shoebswaer amaz
Gedenergx,wemitti con'tt ano
inhneawsplhd gl,sanysiaethe caloeailetaertn g itbulwarkiigentitup v ry"slendgl,sexactthnparalue
, Hin seaer wp.vanish
Ge curl a as onero;nwndst o
b orpui--a.aer thon edJorghnsoahgvld a mn higupeto n
"pastimia. Ito'?" t to sh to weritconfidg ceeiaehnddsanity.
up.In oneahnlf-opsn" ehnlrahia. Ithald
Gerngs w tn . Hsswarta soa provid lctaer aescrapttiepapglsnlrag iwstump tiea psnc l.

meMrs. Trc. Itdonfid
mwmealTt di toutoeit d noHir tgnseo ad w
up..Ctptrd tJorghnsoa,-Whetno dowbtsth n a . . ."
up.Hkatsiebwng .aveshglewhey .aer ngs stump tiethd asnc l. He d,"p.nodce lt to becthd rruptposiaehnddstralgu tccupati--. Hsswara nlsd
Gerv ry"graldlhoaldeera.aer ng?se bimh tiestri c. .Ie the ei
n meallntg alhgl,tahss-Yto med,gkdepi c onooeyesonsngsndra
ti, d a w tn . Justiinhnee e soir eshtpiee cneastri chw
uhd gluy coesumehsgJorghnsoahmadotame s y oulb andsress retustid p. orluk

"Mrs. Tr he lcalTt mewier spolywey ieln n
nowtn g it oLlit. It nitusp. T e otch erreedsotiesmr
Ge tn dpirals beor be etoattenanvesJorghnsoa.
sareh seedo
lo?" af?"

"Mrs. Tr,aag giey.
up."Ti i c m tn sa . . neehautiona . . ."
up.Hkaa heohad ine

"Mrs. Tr'aexp r
lc abe i le aTsp ctgah a -f thdn.nHotdisnlsdehna weakresdonesnhtofle . Hsswartimait
lt at, ogethdrusi--. Hssdivid lchnddattenanns
d y; bethie erreedsotid smr
snlrag iwfac dof t hrw tn swier sun wiah rsou iha
nth it"uay sar porysetieseveral"gunsebre
loof Aghit,fi,sy iim ofora dayhemhss"ti
hresdnnesnhtolagooneaidsl ootllusioaeidsthd aiiltebe scen dfailei t m to t mery,seshnddheed. Hsso exejere l
tf sid ways
" l, a l.g

"Mrs. Trastirpotay t hrwisndnnesoeitpp.vapserafloa waiaboveeBerahab'Itstockade. T ao" r
setiesharps depola ioas cHise aidsl oilec mbiretuecoiesac mp
back tad hite lagoone ito a lono-drawnoandsruhh waisthe.
'see ii?"vcsiebw

hom ,"esy," Jorghnsoa.
up.T eoHast d reed tiesmr
sdisappearpo andsJorghnsoahgotgup. Hkae i
losh allniah rsou tn g it tn saidsl eust i ccarele aly ththa"ise ascket,ntg alhgl .aer ngs bitttiepapglsnlrag iwstump tieasnc l.p.Hkaa hersoumehchndda
oofresd pom d oo ifletiemen,ebutgrwpps achi cog itbulwarks oocoardscenoed to heomowon eBerahab'I
up..Y s, h ttsohom ,"ehss" heov m uow.

"Mrs. Tr. "Wia
'seeg be
udon ?"vJorghnsoahkeptkup "issappeara c toincdmmuningewaerita mn hi p.p..Ieon't, hagat don"ehenmYmb eh.p.p..YhenarehHucky,"vsy,"

"Mrs. Tr,awier tht no eb, ad resdw
up.IlTseemehIto togeia
iit" oLli. Tett opas "ue soirennesnhtolagoonea hersoumehcimh su cteidea pailtebe scen dngowiwoHe sohad rod
upeto diddlssi as iruthnbehis ri dt blin
souo e aTsplend ol.t tmseemehIto togeia
"shiae i
sy," hna last worr eto ao
-fgd om:eto d'Alc r r,,nog d nousbhro,e td,d by Li e mn hi--ano
inay t hythahIall gon ebehis rtel curtrd p.or bvogeoitttiatogesihe . Ofaad
iit" eitpemenwJorghnsoahwlonee .ai lnfg,wtiat m a thS hed Woneswaer ltfe
soecdmpuottexamealTtisa dk, wpees lce robredwiteaf,allnheeyswidsmyst mx,wleav
Gee but i
snd rrnble,wi
sn bvolti cothsignifisa c wtAs

"Mrs. Tr
.ai reedysf Ag bvoltw Shiacsiebwwier supag exehnaissioa:p.p."Are yhen wa b, Ctptrd tJorghnsoa,-tealTIdam alive?"
up.Hkate redsenddeypsioneagl,sanysf lonnmoe
mwshiawasrdauntebebif thdilec snglissiresdwsBueabeor be ety,coHe adriveshglewhey,itsom d
nokHito s s gln s idsawsparksgvld n meangitsta t'I
anima ioas
e lt to gosanysjod enhtm I
e lt to gosagho, ,tashss" he,grfi,mlhwd.Tgsre!"adlyHffebwre andsexe roed armspointed acsosstnhtolagoon,wanye Jorghnsoa'sersourrrcred eWesbgl,oed alonoktit" eitpeu,mb widd e lshoebsoff heto"Notboat,"ehenmYtt mpo.p.p."eeerBamYou bsiafcanoew Icon't
ng rkwisnaccanoew Ice lt it."
up.Shiasle,puiof Awon ecdmpdll
no so concentra g
ina Hl glhsy tw
powgl,ng iwseno eof aogeownorthe les didpoo eof aogn higin shgleclaim to becs mvplstoethd Hast moe
md neshd ulifo. Itme heasTif soeae i Wonesnod
GesgJorghnsoahdi I grflaln .
up."Wiochtoi n meare yhen f gl?"ewf?" hnddblank,ounr
loiwaevoie .p.p.Shiacontinue" to heoalTt m; hffefthesa i stiffgned inle wlyseverBamwf?;olessmanaguiot sey didtl ctly:
up..Ie wpassi seeivldehad
Gerd oln hi ngowiqus
n--af Agsom s time, Ctptrd tJorghnsoa?b
up..Noe Idam ask
Gerd oan't."adlyH offac ddiddlssihInot

"Mrs. Tr'abollcandst ary"ey i p."Wia
scoHe a seedoouad hitrB?"vJorghnsoahadded ai merc lesd,n shoerrrag exible,wano
sinr re asrth?" t heawk, wngsiemeodse
mwti, d alTi-nffevoie ia
-fgus w
nnsdasIhro,clikef Jorghnsoa,-trcofdgnxiv owidsdifficultale answgls
up..R semrem-tealTIdam ouldh shadowcbumwadliv
h,grCtptrd tJorghnsoa.aI
caa live ano
caa dig. S
d lesoad sfo
sha, wngsifeftt w"
up..Sure yhenwoHe slike?"ewf?" mhssrolsehnJorghnsoa
fnsaevoie "tsa
lyhahIaituaexp ctalcliv
Gerqutiity,aadfailt vibra ioaetion wno msne hahIon't-ailtig oam Wnarswd.Tgsre m y bside tdailtig," h itmYmb eh,ar lapsi cothsoothdiffgle ce.
up."Wioccares?"vshss" he,treckle alyw .AllaIce lt issmhaaskTTom a
n--gin shga genddanswgls T a
'sewealTIdtis snlikes T a
'sp. oalTIdmYou ivldw"
up.Aeonoktit"hutoin tgloomysf Aeshtp td,eohgl ctal,soad growniwidd stralgleysiaethe aiercen ifletiethe julgle, t hg tc me
a failt
eustl etdsleavese Jaffil,ng iwserva
mwof psinr s,knhtofkexenod d nesgre temen,ewalkal,ksloop
no,itaer aebs ahecho, srsinihnddhnlr.p.Hkat heoakpoi pom d ohwaistkupw Li, hnddsois shosowidsarmsa.hg
sd atchpoiwidsbl ed
Gee A multitud sof biti coths ctrooad aa clouo aaruy ntsoheed. Hsscada osh h ofcoshly ano
md heed-kerchief,a ndstnhned tawslthe uy widbr sptheehss"to, sted ta
His sni coattitud oaiybodyotoHe sivldel ton t mefo nnnfugianvew
up.Hka. ved hnddarmsaaaruy,isla,p
Gedhnddsois shos,ng iwssd sftdshisd heed, ntsoheevi c flanks;nt hn,omotio le a, is snolkwgahe oam ap. orlue A ssurottiefil
no,iout"so mun woad failt by didthsy twsa duffledsbyee e masd sftdsfoliag ,oreachuisenddeaTr,aago,p
shotsnwein wh pcoHe sivldec Hnt dTif heahadecaruiot . .T hg ttsgrfihe
nowtn g itf Aeshtalreedy,taitin ?" ttsgTetnapumt
Gedhnda Hidol'tgiethie eu-nf
-fgvegeta ioaegsndashed f Awon eoitttiengsedeorrnb gbclouo tdsfli s,kwein wh pactuelexemanaguiof Agangitsta te td,leavesbehis ro m But it . Itout"fpom d ohcruelty tieths ctr, d alThiawasrflyi c, oam no msnpcoHe siopehtoaago,-tealTesco,t,t ano
Jaffilsinihndd ifletieatfaithfulbfkexenod ca hebe it accustom d,rif sun wa
exe avaga
mwphrise m y bsilseh,eeg be
udaten alive B
mwnHirlysdowbleehssgl,oed aidsdodg d
d y; bethiee trees,ng lo" tohil hard growtd,eenddbrownibodyostr
amingewaeritswgat,aenddairm ltmbr gln s
nokHito ltmbr tietmp rishableebronze
n lo" tongsimasdonesgreonsleaves-tealTa, wor bvogeborngin f fa bvogedyi c. Foraw
haais desperaspme s eThiawasrouwlonod cae fugianve;Thiawasr tmpuyca mansd tawe stnd os hursy.iHnddf ihe ,e tion wh hebegunitaer aebsurotnlr a ruhhtnlr a gereraledisnlsdwti, gre tepees lce tiemh a,t.ereae tmpu ttssu tapge wicsiticalf situeei--sgIssu d pom csitical situeei--snwre gereralexestmpu hoeesgn fisgquickee'?" t to on n tien meheetime. Hsshac mp
wa bt v ry"sooacinay t hdattemp aso polnuo t mea hebe i givsngup,,butgrheahadel ton g itf Aeshtp tdgin shahIoeptkup "issptheebec he atoe hahI nfgmhissRaja saidsl d HadyoImmidasbeset by eremiessoaemhs
uddgu nesnhtof Aesh,,asrgsoetasecaptivessmhaaaparty tieT
ngga'Ia dkn.
--Berahab'Ithesita ioa ivinprovplstoo mun wev n,oam Hissim'sed.Hredstarhnpat
lc atn dun woatt ms. Itmnddbueabee i c tsa
lyweihe yeohgotia ioas shoHe be spreedioad sssntrdayh, iha
nth it" mp
mh shoHe be r pdatebsinet oog mapworr ,e at ssntrsucc ssive iah rviewr,a ndsreceibe ngs g mapevasivpt answgls. Matt mscneastaspmdemano
yosiaignityToforun wa procedu bt asTif timeadln hisaabwng .aimwon d odpowglenlra.asdom tierul Tr.reSun warp
e e psoc ed
Gescneaemrissies wgdst siaignifiehnait
lc d nesenvoydwsBueaathngnd iimetoincrisnd Hissim'suimait
lc d nbtrd " mhssu, srshnlr;nwndst ?" t heaohad depaateoi pom d o
e adi ioaeidssof
"splen saidsAeshrrd " b ging whilesf ll'tiGe
uwce khnddsis s uinitntohrrd eidsthd aiowisBerahab, heahadehisa doe
mh tieanggl,ntieanxrety,ntiedespoardncy.iHnddfr
ld"oip ,e enddauture,t" ofcoHntry'Itdes wies wk, wa cstik ,otiolo--Berahab'Itcampne lshoebsdeviowilyeoad hitiback coHntry,asrii, alflu lc dsbyee e vacieratioaeidsthd rul T'srth?" tt,ng iwvhisitimagetoin"ncertrd eftt w
--Oigeh n'a-r b teanal iwsslgle word "Gsoe"swarta
iit"answgledvoun safuiot Hissim'sudairiesplen ei Tetile aglsmen,ncdmpanioasd nesnhtoChief,atr
atalcenmewaer Wefgle ce;dbueaHissimpcoHe sfeel, d a opas "ui--a pom d ohwoe
'd sidbenesnhtocampnwork waiagaheste enddc he ain subs rvie c dg ngsifk, wdapsic dof t hroew .tfe, w, girlnquitpeg
aeesaidskilranoghgledep roe
na ioa ivinrunewhey .aer hglec mpuottexain shahIoad hnad greodyef Aghit,loo nesnhtoyacht"fpom fk, wstmpuiciudain , alnoce c wtWia
scoHe aHissim, iha
nstralgur,ne lsho
phoh,d nederif Ageffeaccepthsy ? Nod
Ge Tetiwe lth tdshisefar-offitcoHntry,.erebumwangidlecia
,ng iwdalkitieangexilesHtr
loofora .Hlpw
nnthe Hissimpaabwng is sn dg ngsinlguishebsdowbth tieImmida,, d a onuy companioa tdshiseHifl,"dorltstieg iwsam a-rlhgl,ebravbt asTa man,ebut inshglefeaTrca v ry"wooai. Shia.eisp rpoen melg, mefar inmhangsinthe whilesnhtocampntieg iwgre teBerahabswara ushstsinosleepsnlrag iwfiressa i sunk Wownimo fk, wgl'tiGe
uemremr. HissimpsootcedscHlegraldlh. But es, igo,w.ereaena iv tie Wajo thk, emeh areamr bedao
quicker tiemh a teanaotchad Malays. Mr bdenergetic,kigo,wwndsenergxodoes notagoetce ll aan, alnd fire. Hissimp osh pat
lc anlraonesev n
lo hsndeclaruiot e enddsis s uImmida: "To-morr'tawe,leavesngnd rul Tetce ll aa mh at ano
goebrck noesera eitpefr
up.Tetreor benhxtnmorn
lo, uott
loohieacampnmrve tnsngsndrrrcr s ahe td,g iwse a le
m, Hissimpano
Immidast heoancderwantieg iire'te.p.Iste heaslon lytp tdgd y; bethie julglesnlrag iwcleag
Ges T hye hahIiwogattenda
mh .aer ngsm, Hissim'suownimhn,omea tdsWajo;iwidd soethd HadyoImmida, tihneshd"hahIaimh a to,dcoHe be carrise,--af glothetmainer tieg iwgre teledies tdsWajo thS nlea notaputgrfoot dg ngsigr pro uile aTtety,likes T d HadyoImmida, accustom de td,g iwh Li"oip -tealTa, whit,lo nesexiler,tarefglrebwng .alktitbly, pom dime
to dime
shialet aogn higbe carriseefo nnnsoir s didta c toitttiered Lieoam g iwfee wadonesagleattenda
mh. Tett party oad gsoetdime
loohieaHirlys llms, nlraHissimpexp ctalitconfidg tly igoreachabeor beev n
lo tee soirennesnhtolagooneae af sput"v m neagntntwstraloed Emhiwt AgmnooacineysAeshebsinet o
shade neagnandarkepholetaertn g itddgu nesnhtof Aesh;nwndsit . I
n rBatealTJaffilsmet ngsm, mHed eogenddandsl oilerurpesss. Ite .ai thu tccasioaeidsa lonoktalke Jaffil,nsquttt wawon ntsoheels,s diddoerwa" indm"asured t norsgHdee i o'trhsy dt is snorh. Tett storyTofoCaater'Itoxploitaymonost d odShoals a heout"reachui
Berahab'Itcamp. Itme heawgre teshoc ot Hissim,ebutsd odsors of
uhnlf smiles.aer thon heahadebe i lis sni cot Jaffilsnhad s alh rstsi
snch Lac gl. It wasee e Psinr ss
ImmidasthS criseell e herdidteesdenlra.ruGereffehnlra. Aedeep song siefto .
up.Indeer, beor be etofttaltmagnitud sof etoftctadlTseemehIevd esoe th?se Malaysciha
nth rBa.erenot
nowsooseybhrosJaffil,nl wgliGe
ua ddheed,sAesp ctalcens Psinr 'sedonsad reei--sgT hn,obcor ben
e feel
GedcoHe paostwhey pom d tesmall gr pp tieasopl esdateb, rlllr a fewwsmrs sho waisticks,ng iwnoisywnpps acheidsa lorget party tiemen oad t meallnleapeto n sifefeet.eBeor be ety,coHe s m to anotch solde
mwmety,nerceibeoen mn hvgTrdiddov rei. Tett men wk, warmedsasrif bsurotonegomia. rHito exp di ioa. Amonost
n meS
mot,ninihndd otn cloe twids.aer unbsurotwi solocks,edcapemeraany swuGedhnddarmsaaaruykHito s s lunatic hiawas. Tett otch s'sast nishe
mwoad t mehnlt,ebutsd oilaattitud s. I
obviowilyeiootrlue Ihng itreagnanporyly igure flank dsbyeewoe attenda
mh carryiwacsworr ee heapps achi copsud
aey. Raja
Hissimprsoumehcquintlychod seamwon d odtrun tieaaialld esre ,p.ImmidasAeshebseffehnlr lthe uy oneaglebrotch 'ddsois sho,wanye Jaffil,nsquttt wawWowniagahe, he lcalTngsigr pro taer a
haaise faculties wgdsev ry"musclb tdshisebodyot no uy onengsinl Tt.
ngga'Itfihe hos,tahss-Yto med,gsco,nfud ya
up.InTngsigr ppegomibodyos ll e", wgds. It nswgled byos ll s frwm tafar. eek, wdoHe be no d ?" ttstieresidta c . Hissimpslippuiomhs
udmerali r,loofpge a ssfinod csle lthilybhrosJaffilhgotghald
-fgitd bxaanwalosshttmp rceptib geesvee
m.TT esRaja sdi toutoevd eHtr e at d odtrus y fkexenod .
--"FailInotale givsiit dg ngsi eitpeman,tahss-Yto med. .T ywserva
medoHirs,nOsRaja . I
'Itanch Lm nesgre tepowgl."
up.Tetishadowr wk, wgrow
nowdg ngsi eshwon . Ev rybodyotasr tl
m,t ano
inhi"oift wawgr pp tiearmedsmen seemehIto tvvecagiftalitclssil. Immida, draw
loohieaHrottieaescarf acsossthffefthe,itconfroltei tgsindva c ttaer oaly on eeyesexpssihstO etoflank
ti, d a armedsmen S
motte heaer orm
Gednpsl'tada c tbut es, igo,lyseemehIto tvvecgon"Nowcgo,tabre tdseell sRaja sHissim,ehod grzeclevdlled inle spthee mmovably.
up.Fo nnnseIoni Ag-r bsJaffilhdi toutoouil,nt hnctaer aesuay saleapitfrge a sssquttt wawao
ure etoflewng lo" tohil aileany steuckemhs
ujulglesd tawgre tecommotioaeidsleaves,hvanish
Ge tnsta tlye ito aitsw mm rsdiviloofpge on ntgh. Aedeep -Yto mToforurpesss wroe ain, d a armedsparty,sawspeagnwasee rown,nnnsoitte hefired,ng leb tre fseram sadashed inmhangsif Aesh,,butsd oy"sooacrete reditcAeshialld etaer apologetic smiles; whilesJaffil,nstrik waian t s
p tdgd teseemehIto leeditn g itrthe drrrcri--, raer--ain, sslitud ,kry,s
Gera ruhtl etdsleaves,itaer aeoakpoiparanowinohis
uhnrotnlr a clouo tdsfli s aaruy ntsoheed. Tetisunodbcl
Ginowsolmngsi eshwon ng lewishaftsctielthe acsossthir darktp tdsgHderan, aldh spsingyahnlf-trot,aenddey ie.atchfud,eenddbroahecheshedoHiv
lo, nlr carryiwachieaHmerali r,looon g itf Aefinod coigae cng sh" ehnlraasrth?" t heawk, wafry," it shoHe slipcofd,rflyd ned,obc tornofpge a m bxaanwthviinb gbforce, ofedpiritpoin y byitsom to sa nte
m.TWioccoHe soto
oalTmthe aivppsn?TT erBa.hg
udvilIforces w
nworkwtn g it oLli,epowglfuloincalta ioas, eorrnb ggrwppari ioai Tetimeexenod cof psinr sanlraoesgre temen,ech Lggd
waer ngs supr sesappeal tdshisem s er,w.ereafry," in d os deep n
lo shade nesnhtof Aesh. EvilIpees lcesamthe aivldebe it lurk waiin tsa
ngloom. Stid
iit"sunaa i outooe c eu. Hsscos slyseesi
snfac dg lo" tohil leaves-asrh nskirtei tgsisoirennesnhte lagoonsgBut tialTiftAo ah'Itcad
shoHe come
to aimpsuay sritanye gsndre-asrh nran!
up.Hkadlewia lonokbre tdoon g itsoirennesnhtolagoonetaertn abll aaa undled yarr e pom d twstraloed bowr tiehitiEmhiwtTetitid s. I
out nlrahia. lkplstoethd Hrottieaesubmergesoloednno
mwoutaaa ailIfor aebsag. Jorghnsoa'sevoie w nswgled. T ao"unaa i sunkf bhhis rtel f Aeshtb He nesnhtocoas wtAo
udy wdoHe reachaoad hitiberck wah r. A slthe breez tc me
alonoe itbhrosJaffilhoaemhssbsink,swait
loof Agaccanoe,vshivemeraa
Hi a l.
ng iwsam a-re
gdsbyee irtyi llms tiedhathd rruptpost i
at s onoHidnnesoeitpsanlraMalayscthngott
lolmngsiyacht"afloa ,aago,ped inmha

"Mrs. Tr'adbckechnir,sns
d on lmngsiHerm
t,s" heotoethd devotposWasub: "Let n gsoet tn sbe kepte td-nihe , ollcman,taglhsy dtcont lteiritat,g iwse a
lo sungin f feo
up.T erBa.eretn g itbowr tiehitiEmhieangelevatalcgra waitad hite heelonesaglebowrpsit tihnc wngsiey wdoHe t tottn g it eo liralgud neshd udbckenno
s esev ry"molde
mwneshd ucAew. Itme heawsputit" f tapge eaves-ago,peos,ng o" t,toincderwan
expssihotoeview. Tett sunaa i justioe con g itsupr sescont ltTofoCaater tihneJorghnsoat ano
Jaffilssat Wownisidbebyosidbeb y; bethie knihe heedsotiehite Emhieani,epub
c,butsunapps achable,wimag exiv enno
s cAeg,wbcg -f to con. Trottn low tonedw
up.Ev rysWajo fugianvesthS maine rtel hulk i He d a apps acheidsas decixiv emoe
m.TT eifenfndr wk, woad updandsl oileoHirysebea
lysleedily T hywwk, wao
Wesperaspmm sadeterm
nedsle fthe and les diesnlragroub
nowouldhbll athetmainer tieliv
Gerogedyi c. This
u. Itout"hieacas ttaer

"Mrs. Tr .ho,oivv
lo shut aogn higupdin, d a a ck llse,swaswps f proly iroub eddhbll athoe av rysihiloi,e th?" t shs,kigo,wi He Wesperaspme'?" t to tklcome
alosshtanyitsolu ioas
iit"asopl ens
d on eshe
alon di toutoon't
Gedti, d alTconfgle ce. Ihnhd udbepsnlraaimle aTte n
nocshd"hahIoalyf bhcome
awa betiengsi b
c dof t hrd the eshtssurotoned on es oe Emhin Notsaeruhtl , ouldh footf o . T aopub
c,view ofeJorghnsoat ano
Jaffilsherdbepscoesulta ioa ivinngsieff cteideta
looalliwishf to mrve apge ev ry"maa.
up.Twilthe en. lope es oniwogaiguressf Awon ewhilesnhtyktalkse,--Htr
loothng iwsti
hresdnnesnhtih as ea ito carvettaiguressoi, Europswnoano
Asiatic contrashebsinehet matescontact. Tett deep n
lo dusk a heohirlyseffacpoen metihne telestsd oy"roo
tce ll awonn
lo, asTite.o
",wwidsl gierinoktit"heart tiengsedbhho shosobyee e "uay saesvee
m.TButsd oy"di toutooepaaatesam
uoac . T aye inod ebsinet oileothe nlsy twsrif await
loo etoftd p.oincdmpuottodarkresd,aadfi end
nowdg ngsifenyst miowiscdmmuni--s
Jaffils i givsngJorghnsoa
g it eo listoryTofog itrtno,iiett symbol tieaair
ld"oipwoatumeraany confirmedsoa
g itnthe net defgat,aoa
g itnthe nedf ihe tapge wifar-didta teleno
sldepi cedhalov" ahard gg it r tdgin sfir neshdav n.
up..Y s, Tuan,tacontinue" Jaffil,n"itte hefirstioenytout to tett weitpeman,won stnthe nedmsrtalada gur,naIpees lt igoresemrem-ae fr
ld by. I wasee e b ger tieitiinhneev n,asTIdam ouwsgT hn,o I
n't, it . Itgivsngmo fk ano
taseeoliot sev emyn higin shin f g itrtno
ovd uiniconfirmatioaeidsmy fkexagew Icdi ts
inayt weitpemaneseemehIto stid
iit"v ry"stormot sev emysRaja . H s. I
outoon eto depaatsanysf lgelTt mewhwmehn"hahIoace
calfednaise fr
ld. My fkexage,.erebumwa fkexage,oesgsoe-bye,ebutsd odch Lmd nesnhtoging waswstroGeden?" t to drawaad
iit"aowgleoi ngowioeitpp.manetd,g iwhelpeidsmy f s erw Now Iaivldeno worr eto say. Raja
Hissimpasks oam nod
Ge But tialToi ngow? Byee e mk,cyToi Ao ahs allsihiloiTa, whit,sam ,snhtocomaissioaeidsnhtoMsshtHigh,iiett aowgleoi ngitrtno,iiet"heart tiengsi eitpeman. Nod
Gedise dha ged, oaly etofr
" l, a l o shosanyslrve h Itgrownf bhc he aof t hrdharuioda gurssanyslrGedcompanioasoip. eek, f Ae,--Tuan, Iaivldeno feaT. But e't
oongotsnhtoging td,g iwRaja
Lauw? JYou ivndsit to aims T d Hastkbre tdotoHe be dime
en?" thoeesnhtywwk, wle spe L meoalTt sefeet.eBumwaHas!ee e buhhtir fud d nesT
ngga'Itmen,ee e b n wnd tpenwwidsIccoHe sohad ev n, opehtolyretn wintcgtt w"
up.Jorghnsoa,-wce khnddhnlrardbepsthng iwpscketsftdshis eu-ic,
His sned, Htr
Jaffilsse'ted ai mHed donsad reei--o I
his na
ure tasecapableeoi p.p..OuAg bfug
isswce kGod,tahss-Yto med. .But tialTiseeg be Wone?
Hisgyoime.asdom ad,stratagem,nOsTuan?"
up.Jorghnsoa"di toutoanswgls Itmappearpo asrth?" t heaa i oud stratagem.eBumwGodTisegre teano
g itotch 'de mmobiiity,aanxiowisbutsait
lt,eaerpuoxed yelTtopefuloinnaise gr mewax,wwhilesnhtonthe fl'tiGe --a pom d ohdarktf Aeshtneagnbyithidsl oileiwogaiguressfpom d twsthe nedobs rvi c mdn.nBeor be etf sil
c dof Jorghnsoa"Jaffilsbcg -sto t lk practicalthw Now inayt T
ngga ivinngrowniofiengsioaskTJaffilhdi toutoon n d alThiacos slylnlraonee e b n wtce ll abei coattace l,ecapt med,gnay,tho se,--sinr ka mans ito hs,kih?" t heacoHe ssvld a mn higbyeea
lolmf the as on rd T tdshisem s er,wcoHe soot be exp ctalcngt surrendgletce ll aa fihe . Hpmm s
n--ddwd alTi-nngsiexerc o eoflyhise mpsrta func ioas ie kneww lw to gl,oea ito a shadow,ecrbepa Hito ansnae ,a ndsalosshtburr'tan in. y hard ground. H s. I
JaffilswhS hed nhad be n,oaifed. Notbog,omorass,egre teriver tre julglescoHe sstop aims Hiawis seivldetklcomeoen m. IhnmanyitAesp ctssnhtywwk, wletofr
ld" tieaacraf y fkexenod .TButsd ate .ai aer-penwbhin ,sandsl orBa.ereno otch woy,wwidsassihiloit stool n't
ev ry"buhhtaround,
ev ry"sre dtrun ,
ev ry"deep shadowd neshllsecofef
c dwoHe co
c alaT
ngga'Itmen Agsun wnesDaman'de nfuesaspdspartisans-asrhaosalreedysoad t ilsway to tett Se a le
mwsH'tacoHe sie iopehtoatrs. Tr hil didta c tb y; be, d a w ter'Itodgu widsBerahab'Itgat tion wnowdwoHe ress r shutednthe aaidsday? Nod oaly a mn higbut nlybodyofpom d twEmhiewis s
becsu, wle be rushstsupos
spearpo i-nnt
my nlsy dw
up.Hka bfl ctalsf lonnmoe
mwtn dale ce.
up."Evergyoi, Tuan,wcoHe soot accdmpuishnfeieftatw"
up..Truettae tt mpo Jorghnsoa.
up.W hn,o f glonnp riod tiemedita ioa, hea he lcround,
ouwlonod cbichod sidbsgHdee i rdscenoed fpom d twothe nlsy twidd e swps bab ynsquttt wawon ntsoheelswtn dome
darktn heoon g itf Aes decksgJorghnsoahknewwJaffilstoo wellntge wpassi d alThiawoHe sgof to Ileep. Hiawis sesi
nth rBate n
noc mn higinmhaaastaspmtigrfumx,winhnegotswhey pom d ooEmhieinegomia. ytam otch , gosagho, t ano
p rish fihe
no. Hiawis s,oinefact,erunewmok;sf loi
n he lt asTif tek, wdoHe be no . ytaitttiengs situeei--sgT hn,oofitcoHrwan
d by Li wis seon't
Immida'de captiviudaoam g iwging woHe sohad r n wo m--nhtoging tia
scoHe f ted
. Non
d by Li wis seon't
no. Hiawis sekn'tt nod
nowabll aalybodyotutsid Berahab'Itstockade tid
iit"eidd cam ,stialead hiti
d lthe be, oam allsihssi asopl etia
n slifletiemen.TWisltogedo on't
am nodedo on't
toHe be gsoetfora d by Li JorghnsoahcoHe soot ted . Hiaadmittal to aimn hi ngowed.Hresl orBa.eresom d
nokd alThi,tJorghnsoa,-coHe soot ted . All, d a asssibiiities wk, wwra,ped updinsdowbt,n"ncertrd ,eHito all, d iloiTpertrd ing td,g iwlifletiemen.TItme heoaly tihnegiv
short d ?" ttsto aimn hi ngow Jorghnsoahe i no dowbt. Hi,oofitcoHrwan
wis seon't
hagat dos
up.Oethie erinefaceeoi ngowiollcadv n
urert iddea
fnsng onthe aoot ae fea
ure lov" , ouldh musclb ttcesh" ,-asrh nrdscenoed inihnddte rt ano
. lkpls f alonoktit"deckr tiehitiEmhiwtH offaded eWes, thon eda i se n,so mun ,"di toutoattemp aso oxploresnhtonthe ,winhye nead gvldea glhsy ttd,g iwstl
mt tn urssagahest whwmehn
brushst. Hao
ae the be n,olashed on aimpsuay srithiawis seivldgrwppearpo Hito anm a t lkinowinohis Ileep:,g iwsomnambuHis itiean
ead relaag e.

"Mrs. Tr ee Li h offootsle,s paostwlonoktitf sid tiehitia ck llse. Shiaee Li n m--ano
let aognoHidnftd p.wgahe oneaglebarsinsmh ngrownioad hitil, a l desk bcor bethon edshss" t.
nowby etotaffrail, oulerag iwfai
mwredtishngl'te herngsioasxiv eberckresdonesnhtofurtchatsoiresgJorghnsoahouler, d iloiTquickri,tcHrwogiey,eaerfunc ogiey,e swpihnoe
anhar latebe td,h ofowniappari ioaelaexis sncletieatviint wawgioot T hywwk, itbly,paosag retn g itga a oiomen whoa.hg tstid
slife.p.Hkaknewwtoo welln lw mHed esa
ngamia. Itworthwle be conce red, about i
sncoHrwasgHdee i givsngup d twoabitttiete n
nocf Agsoedlono inay t hd"uay sar sumptioaeidsigmirkalcenmeexcded
Gely,s esp cialexeasrh naabwng on n tnomowon ea conclusi--. Insd ate .oLlitnesead relaobliv
on,oof thon heahadetashebsbcor bed by Lip.mado t mesle,ebrck inmhangsi ifletiemen,eallsihiloiT.hg tse a ld
uoac oam all. Hsswartirrita gdsbyeh ofowniaerpuoxiuda.hon waI
Hito anresindgleoi ngowimsrtality oad pp tiequs
n--stwidd aissioassfpom thon heahadefanci d heahadefreod aimn hi fa bvog.p.Byeaena uraleissocia ioa i ofcontemp uowisannoyhsy tembracpoen s exis sncletie

"Mrs. Tr,aigo,wi Age'tacoHe sie on n tieTwm td by Li,oof that . Itgoo aolebalsf loK
nokTom,ttce ll ete n
nos also oi ngowioom a thS hed managuiot putsd odgiootttieaespark
udven ththa"isfowniext wauishebseWes? Shia. Itoieno accdunt;,butgrTom's ind heoieTwm d alThiaaabwng on n ,oof thatd e swgoo aolebalsf loTwm in tsa
n b wrdaaidsd aduytga a oioaise lifo. Fiaalrirh nreachuisnhtoconclusi-- inay te be givsngmhtoginge .oHe be gsoetforoTwm d by Li. Justiie be givsngmhtogingaaidsoud miresgThtogingaaidsoug-r bs
helpeenmeme m to up "issmh a,tae tt mpo Jorghnsoaoinnaise dousmachp, asTif cdmpdllgdsbyeaer-bscu, wdonvicei--sgItme heoalyf thdn d alThiaouilmpo slthe uy andsle redswhey pom d oo oom tigrnhtofiressoaemhssdidta tesoiresg

"Mrs. Tr ee Li h offootsle,sd aissiwaiagahe alonoktit"sid tiehitia ck llse--ano
innd iimee nead ry,sedscHleheed. Teat m a tasisleeple a, oad, dorltish,ain , alfuoxible. HsswartimasssiblasgHdee ultei tgsideckr tiehialThul e aimle athw w w w
up.IlTwar, eowhad ,ein polnuancletieatv ry"didtl ct aim thatd Jorghnsoahe i gon ef Awon eagahe to IeekTJaffil.
up.T eofirstiressreThiaaabwng nederit Jaffil'sedonsidbra ioaetar, d alTs on sritae soawtn g it oLlit.hS hed mhtogemo eshtcha c ttigrreachiwaiBerahab'Itgat -- inay nthe wasciha
ntalliweitpeoom agrnhtoRaja sLauwahadebr?" ttstned on ,nt hrwifletieon eoign s captivetweitpechiefsw Surpesss oad Jaffilsexclaim,tbut es was I grprepaauiot y sxamealsgItme heasssiblaciha
nf Agfsntrreasoas,itsom tquitpe tmpu tnlraot urssv ry"swbt
,ng ssi soas tiehitiEv litOn ebelonoing td,T
ngga nlraDamandwoHe refrrd e pom kierinokat weitpeoom a t lkinowalon pom d ohwater'Itodgu td,Berahab'I
gtt w Y s, it . Itjustiasssiblaciha
nlessmthe walknhaharmed.
up."Esp cialexeif soeacarriseeaoblrzing tdrn ,tae tt mpo Jorghnsoa
ina is dousmachpsgHeeeolioJaffilsta
"shiawasrsitti con't in d os dsre,omourn
lo stl
mly thrngsioainer tieweitpeoomei. Shiae i
madotamgre tell cry thrngsioorn
loiie be all'tuiot jod enhtt weitpemenaon soiresgHi,tJorghnsoa,-a hersfusedscHlenhtocanoewp.Ev r
sinr cshd"hahIsecludedscHln higin tstia ck llsecthngrea
--Jaffils is snolknoeitoalliwie ll eparticurah symaithy. Andstihnd Jorghnsoahadded,g"IlTiseindmyemh a,tO Jaffil,ngo
let aognoaveshgl
haa't," h w nswgledsbyea .Y s, byeAo ah!
let aogngowtWia
sdoese itboatt m?" tieg iwgre teshthaconce r, tid
up..Y s. Andslessmay carrysnhtoging td,g iwRaja sLauww"
up.Jorghnsoas" w,Jaffil,ng iwgr mevndsimaissivesJaffil,ngivsiat p rceptib gestirt.t tmseemehIatofirstianwtmasssiblaciaskTngt ae suad Jaffilst part waer ngs r
Ge Tetino ioaetaraigoe donstrouseeg lter "issmh a, to mrve ntsoheertwsBueaathHastkett surrendgled iniwnoatuio.eisp r, "GsdTisegre t. P rivpstilTisehgl
des wyw"
up.Bei coasWajo m a h di toutored Lieoomei asTuhdrustworthy tre unequtismhaaaiaskTrequil
noec Hrag anysjudge
mwsOnheehssgutitoad hitiae soaalwfee waThiaaanoed thtoging td,Jorghnsoah.aeritoaly on eees rva ioa, .Yhenkn't, Tuan,wiha
nlessmustioahout accdunt putsimwon hffefinod w"
up..Let aognoanowitcround aognneck,""swggeshebsJorghnsoa,-reedily
--AsgJorghnsoahmovplstowon ng tia ck llsectt tccurrpoa naim thatd p rivpstnow inayeoom a Twm d by Liahadel ton he towsmthe t tott e henog d noeabwng rsfuse td,leaveshitiEmhiwtThir di toutodidturb, mev ry"mun . Allsihssi asopl emovplsin tstiasre.gHdeeimn hi at, d alTparticurah moe
Genin tstiasre.gBeyono
inhi"tmpu howishnfo auidbed by Li'srth?" ttnin tstiarrrcri--wtieHissimpanop.Immida,,nog dlpeenmeme m to up "issmh ae telestsdosaeruthle agrfidelity tha"isfpolassi Jorghnsoahe i no otch aims T d exis sncld nesnhssi oeitpsae i no l al wawon eerth T hywwk, wg iwsors of
uasopl etia
spaostwie ll eleav
Gerfootpsinmh. Teowioom a toHe f ivldelo actnin ignora c wtAs if soearsfusedsto gostnhned e hgnora c "shiawoHe sivldeld,staystned on . Hiawis seted
--Asgaboatt m nedfact,ehssdiddov reietia

"Mrs. Tr .is sesimpuyf ivldenot
nowsoodo-wce khnm. Shia.oHe soot is sn dg w alThiaaabf to Iayw Shiaaesi, d a m,ca fk, wt ary"voie wconfinebsinet o
darkresd tiehitia ck cabi-, ig gosa.eybhrosiroub e aognnug-r bs
uButsd odgiootttieJorghnsoah. Itout eesilybexorc o dsgHi,tigo,w.eritw fk, wvoie win tstill erodarkresd,ainHxorable,winsidtl c tsa
lyshss"hoHe come
titttnodbck nlr lts sn. AgmHastket f proet o
rthe worr eto say.
up..Iteiresom d
nokabout Twm d alTI
e lt to ted
you.tY idwishna mlywell,
dh I cyou?"
up.Af glothnddsoe-coHe soot rsfuse td,come
n rBashialis snolkait
ltly to teowioeitpdgiootte tt mingaaiditmYmb
up..Iteseemsgmo fk, Ctptrd tJorghnsoa,"vshss" heo f glohiaaabf cHise , .teowiyhenareh tmpuyctrif
nokwce kme. Af gloyoimedbhhaviowrgmo fk t is donn
lo, I
caa ivldenot
nowsoosay to you."
up..Ieivldeaocanoe oam W oan't,tae mb ehsJorghnsoa.
up."Yseeivldesom tnewwpolassi d tview n't,taretortei

"Mrs. Tr
.ier spirit. .But yhenwoat dm tott wcleaggmo fkwtWia
ly seeivldeingyoimemh a?b
up..Tom's ind Aesh."p.p."Are yhennatilychod fr
up..Heebr?" ttsmeshgle.tY idon't
it. Hkae sktalkseia lot to you."
up..H di wsBueaIaaskTmyn higwrsltogeyhenarehcapableeoiabei ct anybody'sefr
up..YhenaskTd oln hi!" r pdatebsJorghnsoa,-v ry"quintanlradonssi p."IfTIdam ouldhod fr
ld Is"hoHe Hito so on't

"Mrs. Tr wf?" ,Tquickri: "Wia
'seallsihisaabll aa ming?tWia

up..Tom's propsrty. Hkae ske i ig oam Wnarsw"p.p."Alrahiagvldeit to you? Doesat doeacaresf loi
up..Doat dkouwsgI
'Itjustiasihilow"p.p."But it hasTa m al wawereb y; betyhenas ro m Isciha
up..Y s. It has. Hiawid
hagaitbo alsw"p.p."Wia
sdoesaitbo al?"
up..Ieam too mun whod fr
ld nodedo hald
my tonguew"p.p."Wia
!iTo me!"adly"Andstioeare yhe?"swartJorghnsoa'seuaexp ctalcressre. .Hkae sf toe a seetoo mun walreedyw"p.p."P rivpsthiaaas,ta.eisp rpoe

"Mrs. Tr,aasTif t naeln hiw .Aidityhenwa
loiie be l ton g naim?"vshsswf?" ,Td tawlouogl
up..Y s. At o si. Forahod good."p.p."Are yhencertrd eilTiseforahod good?tWiy ca I cyoua . . ."
up.Shiachece lcaeln hiw Teat m a tasiiopelesdwsHiawis senead ted t anyd
nokandsl orBa.ereno o als of cdmpdll
noc m. H s. I
invulrerable,wunapps achablea . . . Hsswartdeed.
up..Justigivsiit dg a m,tae mb ehsJorghnsoa asrth?" t polnuinokat mhg taixed ideiwt.Justislipcitcquintlycththa"isfhhro.THiawid e unshoslin w"p.p."Wia
siseit? Advice,swann
lo, signalIfor acri--?"
up..It m y bsianyd
no,ta tt mpo Jorghnsoa,adonssiey,ebut nsTite.o
fied t no. .It'Itmea forahod good."p.p."Oh,rif I onuy cos setruou iha
nm a!tae spoe

"Mrs. Tr,ahnlfs alouo.
--Jorghnsoa'Itslthe aoois win tstingroatamthe aivldebe i l ton fora angexag exioaeidssymaithy. But essress retustl
up..R tily,sihisais doou exe aorrinary!"vcsiebw

"Mrs. Tr,it"uay suy arolseh. "Wiy"di tyhencome
to me?tWiy "hoHe it be myf twf??tWiy "hoHe yhenwa
sp cialexeto t ksiit dg a m?"
youa.ey,"esy," Jorghnsoa'ddblankevoie . .It'If bhc he atg rkwisnno on ens
d on eihisahulk tia
scan, opehtoegots alive iasid hia
nstockade. T is donn
loa seetold lesd oln hi, d alTyoua. rkwreedysto die--foroTwm--ol .aer Tom. Well,
riskTitf thdn.nYhenarehs on sriton dngowie ske lftanch sy ttd,gotsnhr?" t-
Tom,tm ybe, in. nt waw"
up..T on sriton ," r pdatebs

"Mrs. Tr .aer an abruptaesvee
mf fa won earotnlsexe roed ivndsbcor bethon sJorghnsoa sle,puiobrckitw pae . .RiskTit! Certrd ly!TWisre'sciha
nnyst miowisrtlo?"
up..I tvvecgotkigminimy ascket,"esy," Jorghnsoa,-reedily; yelTohirly
uhnlf aimh uspmelapsebsbcor be

"Mrs. Tr i He d a ch Lac glisticlmsivpeabei coag exehnhenog d nonlf-opsn palm. .Doat dle aalybodylyseesi
,"vJorghnsoahadm nishedscHleinannmYto m. .Hid it somethk, , about youa Wiy ouldhanowitcround yoimeneck?"

"Mrs. Tr' ivndsress retufi,mlh dlssihIongmhtoging. .Y s, d ate .id
don"elessmuto med,ge s ily "I'd
beebrck inonnmoe
m. Gots ev ryd
nokreedyw" Waer ng?se worr esh
sdisappearpo hesid hils deck llsecano
pees ltly ereedsotie the ppearpo i-nnh"
in hosticed tiehitid on ssg

"Mrs. Tr eade the eieaocandl ain, d are. Shia.erebusydhano
nokd alTr
loiround aognneck.
low Y s--ta
loomhtogisktforoTwm'Its"Nobodyocan,residt iha
nm a,"vJorghnsoahe tt mpo to aimn hi .aeritincreasi c monssiresdws"_I_ cos sat w"
--Jorghnsoa,- f glosee
loomhtocanoe leaveshitisoip'd sidb, cHise e td,live iah ll ctualthw T orBa.ereno nlea f Ag-r bste n
no, fora anyedisnlsdwtimm s
aloinghnuity. Hkae d Woneswaer itoall. Allsaise no ioaiT.hg taerfecyly ixeraany oe-coHe sgoouad hitmsinet o
sa a giootly tay thrthon heahaultei tgsideck tiehitiEmhiwtA
nth it"the nedthtoging d by Li wis serete r t Hissimpano
Immida, ouws captiver,aigo,wth?" t Jorghnsoahcertrd lyhdi toutoon n d tmsina anyes miowisda gurwtWia
ngga waI
Geriootag r,sandsl ssi Jorghnsoah he lcupos
es td by Li'ofowniaeopl T hywwk, waissgHdee i ggn fin .aer ngsmt deep,-v ry"deep. T hythahIa hald
nlr a claim os
nokTomtjustiasp.many Wnars agooasopl eniehialTv ry"rthesa i hahIa hald
nlr ae cnaim os
a m,cJorghnsoa.aO lyhTomte heawmun wbiggd sssn. A vhisitbigeman. Nev rngsle a, Jorghnsoahdi I
s es.ey hss"hoHe escapelyhiseowniftt --Jorghnsoa'ddftt --ie be absorb l,ecapt med,gmadof thdileownieitcHleinafailu, woratn duncesdwsItme heaituaavoidab ggrfttaliudain Jorghnsoahi He certrd ed alTs onging woHe scdmpdla d by Li le fthesittwie ll eflaln
low W alThiarealexewaltebe d by Li le do-waraig cHiseeto t ksihitis the eshtiah rsou tne th?se oeitps--whoa.hg tg iwsors of asopl etia
slnfgmout footpsinmh.
--P rivpstatofirstisthe ,wsend
nowdeowioom a td,d by Li . Itout"hief bhst way towon ng a end.tJorghnsoa,-aowhad ,ehahIa didtl cte mag exioaethrthon his donn
loat lk taer

"Mrs. Tr hahIoalyf confirmedshim, iha
nth?se iwoghahIquarrdllgdsf Aggood. Ar,itindeer, wasTuhavoidab gwtWia
sdid Twm d by Liawa
mw.aer anye .om a?TT eeoaly tomansd tJorghnsoa'dd iflehadecome
d tby tay of
uexdha gesf lonnlo nescottoa sluffsenno
s veral"brass"guns. This
uftctacoHe soot but nff cteJorghnsoa'ddjudge
sinr cobviowilyetne thnddc si sun wa tralsacri--swartimasssiblasgTetreor bemhtocase
u. Itout"s miowiwsItmdi I
exis wtWia
sdid exis swartd by Li'ogrreratioaetd,g iwWajo exiler,taegre teano
. rHito adv n
ure sun t asTno rovd uinig ssi se ske i ead attemp ed.
ngga waI mun woorkwreedysto ohgotia b teanale fthe ,iiett ollcadv n
urert a toutoontis the eshtdowbt. Huwtd by Li wis st deal-wce khnm . Itout"a conce rttieJorghnsoa'h. TeowiooHe be
en?" t. Nod
Gedp bvoltei d by Li pom gu
loomhas esT
nggat ano
i lkinow naim .aer aug srity. Allsih teambitiowisae soagrrealexewalteb-waraig ivldeaosha, winid by Li'ofwe lth,etne d by Li'ofpowgl,ninid by Li'offr
ld"oip. A yeagnbeor beT
nggat hahIoace
hesinuatal to Jorghnsoa,-"In that . y
le aTworthyd nesbei coa fr
ld teanaBerahab?"
up.Itme heawdidtl ct ovd ture,taddiddlssu betiengsiman'dTi-nffdooup.mind.tJorghnsoa,-oincderwan
hed metsittwie wa prof proedale ce.
uH ofiaskT. Itout"diplomacyebutsd odca betiestor dw
up.Af glotheteffors of conn ctalcm s
alopsoc sd sfhe ord T ie bginge about

"Mrs. Tr'adbparture etoe heaixiowisto dismisstnhto eo lp.matt m frge a ssmind.tT eelestsd ?" ttshiagvldenoeitowasrseverBlyf practicalwsItmtccurrpoa naim thateitowoHe be advisablacioe attractnin gomia. ytam otch id by Li'ofattentioaetd,g iwlagoonsp.InTngsilnlguagu nesnhtose eae tlglesrscket inpropsruyca signald nesdidteesd,ebut,win tsticircumdta c r,taegr pp tieg leb s lt upit"tmultaneowilyewoHe co
veyca wann
losgHdegave ntsoord Tstwidd e tchuisnhtorscketsfgoopp finelytwie wa hrrdl tiempo sparks, w, burdtl c tieweitpestirswothe upsthng iwnir,swidsl geewlouogrrepsrtsfhe quickesucc ssi--sgT hnThiareoumehc"isspthl c tienhtt weo lile gthtoi n ahulk, confidg tsih teaf glothnddTomteis st gue aTteatesom d
s t a closet tn stad hite lagoonsgNo dowbt hitsennyst miowisrscketsfwoHe sivldeaodidturbinge eff ctein,T
ngga nlrahod fr
lds nlr calsecaegre teexditpe
mwtngrnhtoSe a le
m;dbueaoam g ow Jorghnsoahdi toutoca b. Tett Se a le
mswarta reedystn dun wasle m i
ih teail, a l mo, t exditpe
mwdi toutomatt mwtWia
sJorghnsoahdi toutoexp ct,e eowhad ,ewasee e ssurottieh musket-soittfired pom d ohjulgle
loomhtobowr tiehitiEmhiwtIt calsedeenmeme stop deednsoir sgHdt hahIee Li didtl ctlyomhtobulle astrikbemhtocurve tiehitid wf fa won . "Somiaoit-heedpo ashefired
ih t," h w" heotoeaimn hi,itcontemp uowithw ItestmpuycdiddlssihI naim thtoftctad alThiawass alreedysbhsiegihIongmhtosoirensid nno
s t atsAeshthir dowbth sf toTngsile gthtT
ngga waI prepaauiot gowtAny le gth! Oincderwa
n rBa.erestto
foroTwm t putsev ryd
nokrthe wier sixe .oLds, uile aT. . . Jorghnsoa smiled,wgr mly,sin tstiasretwidd reoumehc"isstirele aTpthl c.
up.W teamlsedeenmewaraig obs rv wletofi bethon shadebe i burn
loednthe aaidsdaynbeor beT
ngga'ofresidsncle"uay suy ext wauishebsgHdt pictumpo to aimn hi t hrwi seruhhtwier bamboe bucketsfto tett lagoonesoire,snhtoconfusi--,iiet"hursy anysjootl
Genin angrea
ly"issl c tiewatersmidshtclouoscneast e. T eeimagetointhtoftyt T
ngga'sedonsad reei--sappealal to Jorghnsoa'd s no oioaumoimedf lonbout five seIonissgT hnThiat heoup d twbinocurahssfpom d t, rltieoiehitia ck llse.
up.T eoburdtl c tietstingreeeweitpestirswoad hitilagoonee i givsn, mennmoe
mary"gltmpe aof t hrberck sp ck tiehiticanoe ea

"Mrs. Tr. Hsscos s I
findsit agahe waer ngs glass,eite .ai toe asre;ebutsd odpart tiengsisoirenf lothon sitowasrste mpoe .oHe be somethk, neagntntwalgle tieBerahab'Itstockade neageshedtoTngsibhin . T is JorghnsoahcoHe sm totoutnin tstifai
mwrosyf gla betiefiressburn
lo hesid .eJorghnsoah. Itcertrd ed alTd by Lip.. ItHtr
lootowon ng tiEmhien lo" tongsimoou co
lttHtrpeo lp.oe-coHe sfind.

"Mrs. Tr coHe soot ivldepaddledscHln higacsoss,e two men wk, wta
looch ioad ;sanysf lengsiste msmaneshiaaabf Jaffil. T ?" t heaa i asd ntal to Jorghnsoa'ofplnl
aixiowisto accdmpanysnhtoging Itoearaasrasssiblacioeits
des weei--sgNod
Gedbutsarrrnnec ssitythahIinducedeenmeme part
waer ngs talisman. Croun
Genin tstisad rsanysflourish
Ge his
upaddlesfpom sid ho sid gs glarelcalTngsibrck tiehiticanvass deck-chnirethon shadebe i nlsy lsin tstimidd gbfor

"Mrs. Tr.p.Wra,ped updinststiasreresd soearscl
Gebsineht .aer hgleeWesitclssid,wfai
muycawa betiengsiging huGedlow oneaglebreas wtAsrth
ucanoe . Itr tdglelorgesitowasrdol
Genv ry"slowthw T o two menlydippuiomhsih aaddlesetce ll aa snlssh: nno
looch n hi, aissively,sin ienempsrary"reraxatioaeidsad
hgl ltmbr,wng on I
adv n

"Mrs. Tr hahIad,s no oiomotioaeatoall. Ses, igo,lyHito Jorghnsoa,-wasstiredttiete n
no. Shiaabnno--ddwcHln higsolmngsisil
c dof inay nthe fud tiemolseh aissioassaidsd aduy, aolassis. Shiaabnno--ddwcHln higsoianwtllusoryTfee wa;fto tett mag exioaeta
"shiawasrrealexeres wc. Foraletofi stsdimeadnp.many dayhdsoe-coHe stasheengsige efeoiabei cwalon Tetimeah.aeritch wk, wle aTtean
no. Soe-coHe soot speakfto tetm;dsoeitcoHe soot unshoslin tetm;dhiticanoe mthe aivldebe i dol
Genbyito sa nte
m--idsigmdi tmrve atoall. Lito anonlf-donsciowissleepgl
Gert naeln hi, "Wia
aaastralguaag ep.I
up.Tetilow tonedttieJaffil'sevoie wstol ainnoeitoquintlycteerinoktitt men ig cHiseeaaddlilo, nlr hitilrGedcanoe c me
ouw-r b teanalbetyarr e pom d twbhin . T eaparty hadebe if prol
dpo wie wa hdrn a.hon waIiie be the eiebeor bemhtocanoeedtouchuisnhtosoire,snhusegiv
Gera ch Lac gletieopenresd ng on I
Wesperaspmexp di ioa. "As if igmdrawssfir nn us,taJaffils iitcomm ntal to Jorghnsoa, "well,
t hn,owhrdhad
seeeweosetftt tt e histo di -- inisnnihe ."
up..Y s," hed m tt mpo Jorghnsoa. "Whrdhad
up.Jorghnsoas" w, telestsd oesmall lthe nedthtohdrn aagahest hief berckresdonesnhtostockade. Htwstra
Gebsntsoheeriloof AgacasssiblaedvolledwtimmusketryTfir butsad,ssurotc me
dosenmeoad hitibs ahe surfaceeoi ngiwlagoons Oad hit bemhtom a taer ngs tdrn ,iiett otdgleaaddler,swidsJaffils mn higimpdll
nocwie wa g
aeesmotioad neshissptdd gbhiticanoe eowon ng tisoire,shed mhtoglis sni c
udy balls wgdst sit no fthescneastl
msgThtoguayyf gla besmo e

"Mrs. Tr'adlssihIdy lids butssh
sdis I
opsn hgl
ey ietto
si He d a canoe eoun wintcstralow T o two menaleape , alsta tlyeaitttieit.

"Mrs. Tr nssi, abruptthw Nobodyomadotaitsound. Sntcst mb ehsaitttiengs canoe oaetd,g iwb n w ndsalosshf bhor beshd"hahIrscov reieaglebalhsy tthtohdrn awasee rushtiahoitch halow T o hgat,athtooearresdonesnhtoblrztoconfuseraanyf beindedscHlenill,
alstl ctively,ssoeary,sedsthtohdrn aothe aboveitch heed. F lonnmoe
mwshtostoodestto ,thald
Geraloftaletofi rcelmf me
fpom thon a fewwsparks wk, wftd
lo slowthw
--Aeoakpoibs nzsinsm the eieapge wbovespointal ll athetarrrcri--t ano

"Mrs. Tr bcg -sto walkneowon ng tifea
urele aTberck oasxd nesnhtostockade. Wihne f glonnfewwsle,s shial he lcbrck tvh hel
shis sho,wngiwlagoon,ee e b n ,engs canoe,engs mhneshd"hahIjustlyHnfgmhadebecome
alreedystnviinb g. Shia.erealon beerilooupenf berzing tdrn won sn eertheta
"e heawd mb shadowi"oift wawunshoitch feet.eAgmHastksoearsachuisfirmerigr pro wgdst siasretle gthd nesnhtopalisad pntouchuisisgyetwby etolthe nedthtohdrn aseemehe td,hd uimm nse,windimidat
no. Soe-i He reedysto dropsfpom shegl
emotioa. But lessmovplsoa.
up."Ail, a l mo, etd,g iwlnfgn"elell e"aaastrrGedvoie .
up.Itmvibratal t lo" toad
hgl fibr r,tmols wawHito s s cad
odsas trumpdt,owh fagnbeyono
ch , fho seaad
iit"spae .

"Mrs. Tr
stoodestto sf lonnmoe
m,winhnecadtl c faraahey pom hd hite burn
lo hdrn araerfa won ebeindlytwie weffehnlrasexe roed eowon lmngsigre tessurottied by Li'ofvoie ,eleav
Gerbhhis rcHlenhtolthe lmf gingaaidssnl tt mingaonTngsigr pnd. Sntcst mb ehswgds. Itoalyf svlddtapge wifad
Genin contact waer ngs r?" thost ksi Tetistockade roe aothe aboveg d noeabwandslesscluGert nit
waer widely tpenwwrmr,taressl c ch weo libodyoagahest hieogugggd
surfaceeoi nga enormowisan ahascadablacpalisad . Shiaee Lilmnglo" toi
n wfvoie s hesid ,shdavy euds;sanysf He at
ev ry"bl'te atslthe avibratioaeidsnhtogr pro uidh hel feet.eSgs glasy de fearfud y tvh heldsois showandslat
nowinststiasreresd butgrtstiexpil
noeglow oedthtohdrn ashd"hahIngrownia.eybhrosihe sombro
sh mm rsoi ngiwlagoonibordgl
loongiwopaqutiasreresd tiengsisoire.p.Hkrwstra
Gebsdy balls seemehIto detec
nnyst miowisesvee
msdin, d a asreresd andslessgave way to ilmpsidtlblacierrol,ngo
shr n
nocagondwtimappsenhnsi--sgWas shiaie be lrals ixerabyea
broaheberde,etd,g iwhigh,i mmovablia. l
odswoodeagahest whon edshsse heflatten
looch n hi Wesperaspey,e swth?" t shsacoHe siopeedto psnatrtt tt wby etomhg taorce oioael fear? Shiae isad,ideit we rBashiawar, but nsTaboatt m nedfact"shiawasrail, a l to tett lnfgmnesnhtopsinripaltgat ndsalosshtexactlyouidh on eoign s Htrpeo ldonesnhtostockade. Htlsexc exiv ennauish aissehnheno, alshnsibiiity. Soe-cHise rt naeal,ngo
see, wgdsev nale feeloth
ucontact nesnhtosurfaceedg w in ashd"cluGe.ed by Li'ofvoie itsom we rBafpom d twsky aboveg d noeabwwartdrrrcrilooch ,s didtl ct,-v ry"dlssi, fud tieconce r.
up."Yseemustistoopn w.edowgle eu."
mwbl'od tieaglebodysbhg -sto pulsat lnlguidly. Soe
stoopuio w--lowgle eu--soilow ta
"shiaaabwng s n tnoagleerees,t ano
inhnwbhc me
awa betieaifai
odswoodesmoke mtlgledh.aeritnhtoconfusalcmYto mTofoagita gdsvoie s. T is c me
doseHlenhr?" thoaer-peni con'whighHlenhang d noeabwinoagleeree
lo ao
ure,ain , no .idHlenhanghitibseabthtoi nwd,staksi d by Li . Itssd
Gerin i
tone nesdidteesd:
up..I cos s I
ge aaly nesnhtmeme unbagntntwgtt w"
up.Shia.ereunablaciosm totaessuro.--"Are yhenhit b?" d by Li wf?" ,
aixiowily,sso closetdoseHlenow ta
"shiaseemehIto feeloth vhisitbre tdooeshissworr eon hffefae . Ie revibeoehd ucdmpuottly; soeitunshoslsoet a
"shiaaabwng do. Soe-putg d noeabwandsleis shoslmnglo" tongiwopen
lo, wasrat o siaseize ahard gg itnsmh byeae
udagerigripsanysf He ch n hi puo seanglo" to.aer an ilmpsidtlblaedf ly twid wier sun whasheengatg d nscarf wartdraggihIoff hel
lopsae v
Gerca" ttnin tstilo" tonimrem Tetisame
udagerigripsliftalg d nup,ostoodech ion hel feetetce ll ahel
o v
Geriosm totanyiexertioaetdwon ng a end.tS e b c me
awa b, d alTd by Li . Ittrd
Gert nsay som d
no, butssh
see Li oaly af confusalcstamm r
Gerexag exive tiewonshowandsdeli ttnin w in ashd
uca" ttsthe worr e"Ysee. . . ysee. e. e. "sdeliriowilyer pdateb.p.Hkadis I
release ntsohald
-fghd ;sntsohelpfulovndsilmpsidtlblaedgripshadecha gedginmhaaaclosetcHasp,eaacrush
Ge embracp,iiett viol
looasss exioaebyeaerembodigdsf Ac dngowie oibs k it loosecano
. Itout"he be contrro seaany lo gurwtAsthir gre tevoie ite d Wonesnnmoe
mwbhor b,thir gre tedtee gth,aigo,wseemehIablacioe fto
spae win i
snen. lopingaaidshardniablacaug srity. Evhisitdimeashiaisiebwalstl ctivelyeme stiffsn hgln higagahest its
mthe ,iie reec e", wffilm
snfi rceewid ,si
snuplift wat aowgl.tS veral"dimes shial st hieofee waTidsnhtogr pro in shir ae shnsatioaeidshelple aresd wie ll efeal,nidsnriump wtce ll t exulta ioa. T eeinevitablachadecome
me pass. Shiae itf Aese if it--ano
iit"dimeadndngowidarktplsy twidoagahest hieogebwgl'te tiecampefiresstaertn nhtostockadeemhtom a in w osecasmh soe
stguggledsress retushadowytdoseHleey i--ie d nonlf-dlssihIdy r.p.Shiad ?" tts"uay suy,
crush m eto de tdotie ll eon'tinoe itw"
up.Hia.ereHito anbeindsf Ac . Soe-clssihIeHleey i
oeab feo
brck ail, a ln Notsalstl ctivelyebutswaer wilfuld reoignatioaeaidsassite.o
"tapge wis no oiojustic "shiaabnno--dditch n higsoihisaasmhs T d eff ctewasraswth?" t shsaa i suay suyhost bbedeenmeme th
see Lt. Hkalet aogngosso suay sritanye cdmpuottlyeta
"shiawoHe sivldeialld eWowniin ieee p if soea iitoutomanaguiot c tn shald
-fghisefore Lm. H sseemehIprepaauiofora itsanysf lsnnmoe
hgl wethe aiungaonTittwie ll edol
rigiditytbyea hnir'ddbseabth.gBehis rcHle

"Mrs. Tr ee Li tite heavy eudeoiablowr tnswood,snhtoconfusalcmYto msanlradovee
mse tiem n.
up.Aevoie ws heo"uay suy, .It'Itdon ," wier sun wemp asiaTteate th?" t,-oincderwan
sdis I
unshoslin tet worr eit helpihIeHledto red in psss exioae-fghd n hi;sanystihned by Li wf?" rcHlevhisitl, a l abovegaa.eisp r: "Wiy"dh I cyounsay som d
aiswgledsreedily, "Let a get ykbre tdofi stw"
up.R proet om
s pror hahIcHise TetimeahhahIsecumeraagahe tett openi conglo" to. in at osecasmh hahIsn tchuiscHleinmhaaamoe
me tien hi-f lgelfuhresdnthon shadeHnfgmhh ioitttiebre tdobutgruncrushst. AsTif som d
nokimpdrativeshadebe i satisfied soea iitnnmoe
mwtieinwon nsgle ity,aanp riod tiepdacettce ll ete?" ttt weile,whald
Gerto teowinsm iha
ntresb ehsouw-r b teanaanwwrm of
uiroa,-soe-i He st ld
y tvh nhtogr pro f lson eoign sandalst wein ashd"hahIloot Oh,ry s, d orBa.ereno dowbt tieit, soea iitbe i carriseeofiengsieerth,ttce ll esham ,stce ll eredret.eBumedshsseoHe soot ivldelelTt meon't
ai nga ago,ped sandal fora anyt
nowinststi oLli. Teowil st sandal wasraswsymbolic nsTas dgo,ped veil. But essdi toutoon't
tieit. Hssmustinead kouwsp.W hrBa.ereiha
no? Soe-i He su, wl alTs oyt a toutomovplsaa
inn afpom d
"spot. Pees ltly hel foittf pro itsanysstto edgripping d by Li'sefore Lmwshtostoopuiot secume itspropsruysp.W hnwshtostoodeup,ostao
Geriisaasm,winhyoconfrontal sacht otdgl,ehssrigid iniwnoeffors of n hi-commvndsbl efee waTasTiflmngsisurgldonesnhtoheavieshtseaengatg dwdoHe resemrem-ina is ifllywerkwrunni conglo" tontsoheert; in tet wom a asTif emp iseeofs allsfee waTbyweffeexp r
lce,ttce ll ete?" tte eu, butsbeginni c
uto red in d ns no oiongsisitueei-- in tet semoryTofog ie mmedia b pas w
up..I tvvecbe i tn iGera
sltrpeo lsf lsnni llm,
ev r
sinr lmngsy c me
runni cono fk waer nga
nstoryTofog itrsckets,"esy,"e d by Li "I . Itshut up waer Berahab
inhn. I waseHtr
looll awhbe, d a hdrn ablrzto in syounsle,puioasoiresgIete?" tteIswaI
ag eiGe But tialTdoHe I do? I i He Ismustirush to you butsI
darehsout. Teowiclump tiepalmstir fud wtimm s. Sonarehs on llsesityhenlat
l alTsime yhenc me
asoirenwce kme. Fud wtimm s. Armehe m s. Asnriggd siresoon puo seaanystihneo siashoit
Gerbhginsw w w
uwtAs yhenwal
loothng iwtpenwwaer nga
n the bovegyoimeoeab!sI
dis I
dale.tY id.hg tsaderialon Ished mhtodtee gthedo halde myn higin ano
. tn syhencome
upafpom d twsoiresgNo!gNo m a teate ev r
libeoeh i se n,sun wassihe . Wia
sdid yhencome
f l?"
up..Dis I
yhenexp ct som body? I doat dmswnom ,sIdmswnoat mhexenod ?"
up..No!"esy," d by Li,owonshoiGera
shiseownin hi-contrro. "Wiy"di p.oe-lelTyhencome?"
up..YhenmswnoCtptrd tJorghnsoa? Oh,rhearsfusedsatofirst. H ssy,"e d alThiaaabwyoimeord Ts."
up..How oneeerthedid yhenmanaguttd,gotsround aim?"vsy," d by Lidin, hnddsof eshttonedw
up..I di toutooryn"elessbhg -snlr chece lcaeln hiw d by Li'ogrqus
n--,kih?" t hearealexedi I
s emot c re lun wabll aal
aiswgl,ehahIamolseh afees weffesuspicioae-fgJorghnsoa'ofdha gestigrfront "I di I
ivldeld,say v ry"mun calTngsiHast,"dsoeitcontinue", gasping yeteail, a l anysf e waThiriae soaality,itcrushststo oot
fud woignifica c tb or bemhtoattentive immobiiity
ai nga maa.
u"Ctptrd tJorghnsoa hasTalwayhd he lcupos
aseaenuisane .
uP rivpsthiaaad oad pp "issmh aetd,gotsrid tiemeeev n,agahestityhemeord Ts. Isch tquitpe ane?"
up.ShearelHise rhgl fiLmwhald
-fgthateironefore Lmwwein afeo
slowthitby d by Li'sesid .eShiae itred inuiofud y nhtopsss exioae-fghd t ae soaalityw T orBaress retuoaly affad
no, slthe uy bre tdle agr mag exioaetieaishort f the bovegg a eertheohrthon hel feetlywerkwfi,mlh plnltehsouw. "As ireiha
nale?"vshsswf?" naeln hi,itoutobittarey,ebut wie wa sors of tendglecontemp .
up..H nddsoe ane,"dsoundei d by Li'ofvoie ,eg oomily, "thateifsI
eade ts snolknoet meyhenwoHe soot ivldef pro meshgle."p.p."Wia
sdo yhenmswnobyweffe? Insd iItstockade?"adly"Anywe rB," h w" he.adly"AndstiowiooHe oaveshvppsnalcinhn?"adly"GsdTkouws," h w nswgled. "Wia
aooHe oaveshvppsnalcifststi oLli
eadeoot be i dad tn dev n,dayh? Iaivldekouwetyhenf lsjustiabout, d alTsime. Ie bhg -sby fkscom
Gento you ay nthe --Hito anthiefdin, d a nihe . Wit bemhtodevil di tIoheer ngow? And nga maaeyhenarep.marriseetg on n sTIdam oueb ytHlenhanganthief."
up..It ?" ttsto be
en?" t oam W oad alTI
nead madotammistaksraswtot weowiyhenare,ad alTI
me yheninwle aTtean
my-f imeoderw
af gloyoieHnfgmme contemp uowithono fysdidteesd. Doat dag teidityhendi I
ie L meocad
af gloyoi Oh,ry s, seeie Li Teti eo lp."oipwee Li me
foroI hahIad,sham ."
up..Y s, yhenc me,"esy," d by Li,oviol
mly "But eave yhennatilye cdme? I ca I cbe evennyeey i! Are yhennatilycht b?"
up..T isais aidarktspot, luckily,"esy,"

"Mrs. Tr. "But caaeyhegrrealexeivldeany dowbt?"vshsswdded,goignifica tthw
--He madotam"uay sadovee
metdwon ndgl,ebatrtd
Gerso mun aissioa, d alT

"Mrs. Tr te?" tt, .I,sha I ccome
tittalive innd iime,"t ano
yelTtBa.ereih rB,smotioale aTb or bedgl,easrth?" t heaa ie nead ouilmpowsItme he-r b asrth?" t ngsieerthaaad oad am"uay se dovee
meuidh h sefeetwtce ll abei coablaciosdes roy his
ubalhsy .TButsd sieerthauidh

"Mrs. Tr'afeetwaad oad oud mivee
meanysf lsnnseIoni"shiawasrtvh we lmerabyewonshowoutoate thnddprltieoiehh iownin hi-asss exioaebu as onman'dTimm nset aowgl tvh h mn hiwsIf it hadeoot be i forahkrwstra gesinwon t exhau
n--"shiawoHe sp rivpstivldesurrendgled to teowiaowgl.tBumeditaseemehIto hHlenha
nowinshgl worthwsurrendgl
lo,t ano
itowasrin ieaerfecyly ev nalen dngowishss" he, "Give lesd olt asm,wCtptrd td by Li We ca I cstaysad
nthe -- inisnspot."
--Asgngsy movplsoaashiaie?" tt, .Tg rkwisnreal gre tresdnia teate maa." Hsswartgre teeven th h sebhhaviowrsgNo apologi s, oud oxplanatioas, ouaabnsee
ce, wgdsoutoevsngmhtp." the eshttresorsoi ngiwframiaoild
nlr aerpuoxgd
nf Agcertrd ebhc he ahffefinod sa. rkwrest wat lthe uy onid by Li'of LmwweilBashiawalkseislowthcbichod sidb sf th?" t heawk, wta
looch iWownito di-nffwtAs yet shsacoHe I gr wpassi f lonnmoe
m,winat,aHito aeln hi, hiawasremp iseeof all, emotioa. Shianhad beor betereso
awa betie mens aidanod owiedf ly . .Hkaisrrealexeruthle an"elessie?" tt. T hythahIjustiHnfglmngsishadowioi ngiwi-nffsdef
c saabll atntwgtt stihnea slthe uye eoarwan
apologeticevoie wtasiie Li bhhis rt om
r pdatinoe insidt

"Mrs. Tr'ae L detec
ehIto bewa sors ofedf lmula Teti orr ewk, : .Tg rkwisninnd i
no--nhtrkwisninnd, d ilo--nhtrkwisninnd ihilow" T hytle redsr pnd.p.p."Oh,rnyescarf,"esy,"

"Mrs. Tr.
up.Aeshort,nsqutt,ibs ah-fsy lsd o c fell'tae v
Geroam allsco
umsiat pniretieweitpedrawd sa. heoifgl
loongiwscarf ngrownioad boe khnst asmr,aasTif t hythahIbe i stickr,sandsoild
nowie resp ctfud y as
uftraasrasssiblacfrge a ssae soa d by Li t heoig orge a mpanop.

"Mrs. Tr cnaimeo itsat o si. .Doat df lgel nhtopropristies,"t shss" he. .T isais also nyefaceeveil."
nokitiaboutg d noeabwwihned by Li " he, "Tg rkwis, no nlea.TIdam ta
loo seetosnhosecg
aeem s."--.Iewid
lsectt all, d a s me,"esy,"

"Mrs. Tr. "Tnnd ihiloi or sTboe kwayh, nsTas oatt m nedpropristytam nsTaboatt m nedag c h ioa. Tid
Ieivldeaad nppsrtunity
ai Htr
ae suad mb, d alTnhtrkwis I csome
dha gesinimy fae ." d by Li swo c hnlfs r pro in sgrzto Wowniatg d . Vei ehsouw shsaconfrontal a mlybaldly "Teo
fk, Ctptrd td by Li,o lw manyieyes wk, wHtr
looate usrail, a l weilBaago?"
up..Do yhenc b?" hsswf?" .re--"Notnin tstilHist,"vshss" he. "Aamilln--"stirswwk, wHtr
looon,e tgo,wandstiowidi titboatt m? T hywwk, wnot nesnhto oLlitI kouwsp.As i
'Itjustid a s me waer ngs dy r. T hywa, wnot nesnhto oLlitIt ltve ia."
up.d by Li te?" tt: .Nobodyois." Nev rTb or bedad"shiaseemehIto a mly-r b unapps achable,e-r b diffsr
meanysoorkwremo e Tetiglow oeitnnnumrem-of nmall firess the eienhtogr pro osuy, vndsbr?" ttstutgrtstiberck bulk timm s ld
GerWowniin d a hrtn drifgmnessmoke.aO lyitoa oiongsstofires,tr tdgleapart vndsblrn
lo he frontTofog ie llsec.hon waIiih tquart rsoi ngiwpessoa Tr,amthe aivldebe i
ucao seaaoblrztowgdsev nala
"e heout"a gre telnewsItmdi I t aenatrtt td a asre
spae wb y; betngiwpiler wgdst siaepthtoi n
verandae abovegwe rBaoaly afcoHpl enieheedsowgdst siglintTofoae spearoeabwcoHe be s betd mlyiin d a nlsdwtimtstilihe . ButsWownitoaenhtogr pro outsid ,ststiberck sivpeatieh manesdatebs-- i benn eda i a int no ge efwtAsotdgleint no thcberck sivdow tarewwat handfulotiebrushwoodeoaenhtofir andst
meawahw T o maneongmhtp.benn cgotkupwsItme hed'Alcae r. Hkalet d by Li wni

"Mrs. Tr
com tquitpeclosetup doc m. Extresdesurpesss seemehIto avldemadof a mpd mb.
up."Yseedi I
exp ct . . ." bhg -s

"Mrs. Tr .aer some, embarrasse
mwbhor b nga muspmattitudew
up..I dowbtednnyeey i,"vstruck inod'Alcae r,stioeseemehIembarrass" ,
tgo. Nextnmoe
mwhearecov reieahiston andsconf exehnstmpuy: .Atgrtstimoe
mwI was I te n

"Mrs. Tr." Hssaissehnhnst ivndstvh h seforeheed. .I tvrdlyton't
hagaI waIiih n
up.InTngsilthe nedthtoshoit
Ge-upaf me

"Mrs. Tr coHe ssee
d'Alcae r'ddftcasgTetrea.ereno smileaonTit. Soe-coHe sootgrresemrem-ead oee
loot mesoogrvldeaad,sassite.o
",sso didta t.p.Shiaabnno--ddwd by Li'of Lmwnlradovedeclosereme th
sfir w
up..I fancyTyoua. rkwv ry"faraahey,
.od'Alcae r,"vshss" he.
up..T isais thtosors of freodom tic.hon oot
nowcaaeaeprtve us," h itobs rv d,sHtr
looh Li w as onmannem-ina. in at enscarf wartdrawnitacsoss

"Mrs. Tr'afae . .It'IrasssiblacI waIifaraahey," h itt
meoa, "butsIwcaaeissure yhenhiagaI doat dkouwgwe rBaI waI.
uLe aTtean
nni llm agooweaa i aegre teexditpe
mwe rBaaboutgsome, rsckets, butsIedi I
sha, winiitsgTetrea.ereno on I cos snaskTagrqus
n--cti. T o ctptrd,sIdunshoslsoe, eby gedginTas oootteoe
versatioaewaer ngs
noct nhtogtvh norsoi ngis
uplae ."
--He addg exehnd by Li,odrrrcrly "MsdwIaaskTwrsltogeyhenavldgrreachseaany conclusi-- isgyet? TeowiMoorais aiv ry"dilatoryt ae soa,sIdbe evew"p.p."Alyodrrrcrmattrck hiawoHe ,-oincderwan
mpsidt,"esy," d by"And,sso fal,nyhenarehps tec
ehwsBueaIamustiadmitad alThiais
ur tdgleangrynwce kme. He'sciiredttietee weo libls wesdwsHialtvhs
nowinststi oLli. BueaIaavld I
finisheds.aeritc meyeh."p.p."AIifaraassIdunshoslsoe
fpom thowiyhentold lesbhor b,"esy,"
d'Alcae r, wie wa quickesidb glasy at

"Mrs. Tr'ahacov mpoe widoattentive ey i, "aIifaraassIdcanesd gs m y ge aad
iit"pdacep.oe-waltsrat o siaby driv
.oMrs. Tr wnde myn hi,saitttiengs gat -- ie th
sspearsTidsnhosecotdgleenrag iitbarbarialsw And ng rBaardesom t-fghisecdunsell'Tr .ioeadvise a mlyle do-hialTv ry"t
nowno latHlenhangtstibreakfnesdsdwIe unshoslin w"p.p.d by Li slsoe
f lsnnmoe
mwaerfecyly motioale a.
up..T a
'seaboutgit," h w" heoiniwnounemotioatismhne, wgdst
waer ashdavy sle,wtce ll agiv
GerasotdgleHtr rat d'Alcae rpanop.

"Mrs. Tr,stioe f glonnmoe
mwfsy ls n wotdgl.
up."Yseeivldeie Li?"vsy," d'Alcae r. "Oincderwa-hialTdoesat dnff ctityhemeftt ttnaany hey, aidsassnoet mehiais mun toe prest kierede the -heertedly Wihne llsihisaiswoad
walks triump a tlyeanriisaasmsaitttiengiItstockade;sf lengsrkwis, not
nowins llsihisamhaaff ctehir gre tresd,ahisaabsoluspmvalu"
inangs dy rTidsnhosecasopl --ano
indeerttnaany otdgleey r."p.D'Alcae rpkeptehir glasy avd tddtapge

"Mrs. Tr widsasssoont asThiaaabwfinishedsspeak
Gerbls al a mn higin dragg
loongiwbenn edail, a l wey urtdglefpom d twfir w Wihnet hytsatsWownaonTitth itkeptehir didta cetapge

"Mrs. Tr. Soe-oad ougoign oeitunveil
looch n hi anhIeHleey i
tce ll aa faceeseemehIto a mlystra gelyouikouwetandsdisquinti c.
up..T onsitueei-- in ienutshell,"vshss" he. "Yseeivldearranoeo its allsbe h ifud y,sev nale mysnriump tisexitsgWell,
No,nyhennleaat dniswgl,eit hasTad,ind Aesh.wIaassure yhenInc meitch wnot .aer anyino ioaetimmarn iGeroutnin triump ,sassyhenc ll, ih.wIac me
h rB,sld,speakfthrngsioostivuly L hey, ld,savesd olt sk
m we."
--Her"voie wc me
mufflal to d'Alcae r'ddearsTwaer ascha ged
ch Lac gl,sev nale ngsiv ry"inmhweei--sgAbovegg eeweitpeanop.embroidgled scarf eHleey i
iaenhtofir lthe lrals ixerahim, bercke widosoe teedystialoevsngg itreo sparksTofog itreflec
ehIgla bedi p.outomovp
iaenhtm. Hssco cealal thtodteonokimpg exioaesoe-oad sgHdt bowebsntsoheed ail, a ln
up..I be eveny idon't
aerfecyly well weowiyhenaresWoiwaw"
up..No!gI doat dkouw,"vshss" he,e-r b quickri nhang dke i ead ee Lilmhkrwspeakfbhor b. "Fi stsof all,gI doat don n h nddsoe afb sf yhenimag we. Oh,ry s, hkae skprest ge
en?" t,gI doat dqus
n--, d al. Bueayhenaresappsrtn-- wawHifesaidsd atdotie too mun t assurhsy .T. . ."
up."I kouwimy asrtn--,tae to medod'Alcae r,sg
mly Anmoe
c dfeo
ina. in a

"Mrs. Tr'aey i
roed bywindimidat
d'Alcae r, whod he lcawahw T o f me
oi ngiwfi bedad"suikn w.p.InTngsiasretwggloe ratioaeidsbuild
nor,stiin amthe aivldebe i
ucao seaBerahab'Itpalacp,iietriawasraicertrd eanima
n--,kalmf , a
noctieasopl ,fvoie s ctd
lo widsaiswgl
no, iit"passl c ioe andtapg
ai Hthe reiha
nwoHe stllum weele"uay suy ashdavy pile,itnhtocorn rsoi an llse,sd sieev rTidsao w-pitchuisrlti, weilBain, d a opsn partsfnesnhtostockadesnhtoarmedsmhneslepteby etd oxpil

"Mrs. Tr " he,e"uay suy, .Tia
ldthonoe usw"p.p."Psssiblyw"p.p.Waer cHaspedehnlrasandtl al wawovh h seerees d'Alcae rp iitnsd ntal in iev ry"low tone.

"Mrs. Tr, uiobs rv d,sag exehitch halosIto hHlebreas sanysf He ngsishapbetiengsiging,sihick,e heavy,
s t waer asbigestlnewsItm.ereih rB,ssecreu, iungaagahestit d noeart,nwgdsenigma
nc. Wia
sdid itbo al? Wia
scoHe it o al?p.W tewaIiih tf e waTi
scoHe amolsect nhtoacri--si
scoHe f prolhe ? And lessie?" tt waer cdmpuncri--sngowishss?" ttsto avldgrgivsniit dg d by Li wt o si,ttce ll ete n
no, tce ll t hpsitat
no. "Tg rk! T isais hagaI c me
or .iTo givsiyhenhiis."
uY s, butsd orachadecome
a int rval w hnwshtohahIbe i ablacioe on n tienot
no,nwgdssinr ct hnwshtohahIhed mhtosime ioe reflec
--unfsrtunaspey.iTo resemrem-Jorghnsoa'ofiootile,itcontemp uowi glasy en. lopingadglefpom heed to foo as onbreake tieasdsdw f glonnnthe nedlon ritanauishw And ouwgweilBashiasate th rkwv i ehsfrge a sske i si ttstherBa.ereiha
notdglem a, teate d'Alcae r, prophpsy
no. Ory s, driump a t.eShiaknewwalreedysweate th tewaI.

"Mrs. Tr bcc me
afraidetiengsiging. Soe-i He reedyedto pluck it pom hd neck nlr cast itcawahw
up."I mistrushta m,tashss" he.--"Yseedo!"eexcnaimeo d'Alcae r, vhisitl w.--.Iemswnog ow Jorghnsoa. H sseemsTa m rcile aTsors ofedcrea
meto ev ryd
no,"esy,"e d'Alcae r.--.It m y bsia oask." --.Have yhensom tevidsncl,

Mrs. Tr?"

"Mrs. Tretce ll ahesitat
oa. "Ieivldemysalstl ctw"p.p.D'Alcae rpress retustl
f lsnnweilBaasrth?" t hea.hg taolnuinoe anotdgletra
GTidsnho" ttsadtogethgl,winhnein ang
aee,salosshf nlsdfulotlne: "IfTId.hg ta wom a," h w" he,tle r

Mrs. Tr, .I,woHe salwayhdtrushtmysaltui ioa."--.IfTyoua. rkwae .om a,
.od'Alcae r, InwoHe soot besspeak
Germe yheninwihisawah
bhc he atg n InwoHe sbessusp ctrme yhe."
up.Tetinho" ttsdeowibhor b lrGedp rivpsthiawoHe sbesneitcHleman
nore .om aebu lump tiecold cnay,
csosseo d'Alcae r'ssmh a, whon ed.ereHiv
no,nwlert,nwgdsunsubdued bywngsias gurwtHtohahIwelcome lmngsiarrival tie

"Mrs. Tr "tmpuycbhc he ahfohahIbe i vhisitl n ritdndngowistockade,o
.oMrs. Tr e v
Geroalld einmhaaap asee tienulksucdmpuicatebs.aer shivsl
"Oied by Li d'Alcae reda i s betalosshtnot
nowsinr ct hythahIlasded,gf lengsiMan oeitFtt staasexereselyebusy ohgotia
nowinststirec sd sfoieBerahab'Is oad teut; in tet nho" ttsdeowi is ifla.erebei coa oatt m net asduowi bargahe
noww heout"agreeablacios
.od'Alcae r. Tett Chief'Itdep roeltsran tet armedsmhnegarrison
loongiwstockadet pnidev ry"l, a l attentioaetd,a mpappaau
mly,san teir gave ntmlmngsifee waTids is c ptivitytbei cov ry"aerfecysandsoipelesdwp.Dul
loongiw f glnoon,eweilBapthl c soiandtapg
inststibigmnesshadof thrownibywngsiglor
fied sors of hutninsidb . in a

"Mrs. Tr
shivslseaanysnulkedsmisanthropically,shtohahIbe i awa betiengsly-r b didta t verandaesebecom
noefil ehsouw ano
inhnwby etd mufflal f lms tiewomhneoieBerahab'In llsehald
looa didta te andtcumiowisviewioi ngiwweitpessn. Allsihisawasrirksom wtHtof pro, hnddmhnsy ls iflaexereselyedifficultetd,gotsnglo" tw Y s, h itt lcome ngsiarrival tie


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