The Second Part of Henry the Fourth
William Shakespeare

Part 3 out of 3

Falstaffe. Stand heere by me, M[aster]. Robert Shallow, I will
make the King do you Grace. I will leere vpon him, as
he comes by: and do but marke the countenance that hee
will giue me

Pistol. Blesse thy Lungs, good Knight

Falst. Come heere Pistol, stand behind me. O if I had
had time to haue made new Liueries, I would haue bestowed
the thousand pound I borrowed of you. But it is
no matter, this poore shew doth better: this doth inferre
the zeale I had to see him

Shal. It doth so

Falst. It shewes my earnestnesse in affection

Pist. It doth so

Fal. My deuotion

Pist. It doth, it doth, it doth

Fal. As it were, to ride day and night,
And not to deliberate, not to remember,
Not to haue patience to shift me

Shal. It is most certaine

Fal. But to stand stained with Trauaile, and sweating
with desire to see him, thinking of nothing else, putting
all affayres in obliuion, as if there were nothing els to bee
done, but to see him

Pist. 'Tis semper idem: for obsque hoc nihil est. 'Tis all
in euery part

Shal. 'Tis so indeed

Pist. My Knight, I will enflame thy Noble Liuer, and
make thee rage. Thy Dol, and Helen of thy noble thoghts
is in base Durance, and contagious prison: Hall'd thither
by most Mechanicall and durty hand. Rowze vppe
Reuenge from Ebon den, with fell Alecto's Snake, for
Dol is in. Pistol, speakes nought but troth

Fal. I will deliuer her

Pistol. There roar'd the Sea: and Trumpet Clangour

The Trumpets sound. Enter King Henrie the Fift, Brothers, Lord

Falst. Saue thy Grace, King Hall, my Royall Hall

Pist. The heauens thee guard, and keepe, most royall
Impe of Fame

Fal. 'Saue thee my sweet Boy

King. My Lord Chiefe Iustice, speake to that vaine

Ch.Iust. Haue you your wits?
Know you what 'tis you speake?
Falst. My King, my Ioue; I speake to thee, my heart

King. I know thee not, old man: Fall to thy Prayers:
How ill white haires become a Foole, and Iester?
I haue long dream'd of such a kinde of man,
So surfeit-swell'd, so old, and so prophane:
But being awake, I do despise my dreame.
Make lesse thy body (hence) and more thy Grace,
Leaue gourmandizing; Know the Graue doth gape
For thee, thrice wider then for other men.
Reply not to me, with a Foole-borne Iest,
Presume not, that I am the thing I was,
For heauen doth know (so shall the world perceiue)
That I haue turn'd away my former Selfe,
So will I those that kept me Companie.
When thou dost heare I am, as I haue bin,
Approach me, and thou shalt be as thou was't
The Tutor and the Feeder of my Riots:
Till then, I banish thee, on paine of death,
As I haue done the rest of my Misleaders,
Not to come neere our Person, by ten mile.
For competence of life, I will allow you,
That lacke of meanes enforce you not to euill:
And as we heare you do reforme your selues,
We will according to your strength, and qualities,
Giue you aduancement. Be it your charge (my Lord)
To see perform'd the tenure of our word. Set on.

Exit King.

Fal. Master Shallow, I owe you a thousand pound

Shal. I marry Sir Iohn, which I beseech you to let me
haue home with me

Fal. That can hardly be, M[aster]. Shallow, do not you grieue
at this: I shall be sent for in priuate to him: Looke you,
he must seeme thus to the world: feare not your aduancement:
I will be the man yet, that shall make you great

Shal. I cannot well perceiue how, vnlesse you should
giue me your Doublet, and stuffe me out with Straw. I
beseech you, good Sir Iohn, let mee haue fiue hundred of
my thousand

Fal. Sir, I will be as good as my word. This that you
heard, was but a colour

Shall. A colour I feare, that you will dye in, Sir Iohn

Fal. Feare no colours, go with me to dinner:
Come Lieutenant Pistol, come Bardolfe,
I shall be sent for soone at night

Ch.Iust. Go carry Sir Iohn Falstaffe to the Fleete,
Take all his Company along with him

Fal. My Lord, my Lord

Ch.Iust. I cannot now speake, I will heare you soone:
Take them away

Pist. Si fortuna me tormento, spera me contento.

Exit. Manent Lancaster and Chiefe Iustice

Iohn. I like this faire proceeding of the Kings:
He hath intent his wonted Followers
Shall all be very well prouided for:
But all are banisht, till their conuersations
Appeare more wise, and modest to the world

Ch.Iust. And so they are

Iohn. The King hath call'd his Parliament,
My Lord

Ch.Iust. He hath

Iohn. I will lay oddes, that ere this yeere expire,
We beare our Ciuill Swords, and Natiue fire
As farre as France. I heare a Bird so sing,
Whose Musicke (to my thinking) pleas'd the King.
Come, will you hence?



First, my Feare: then, my Curtsie: last, my Speech.
My Feare, is your Displeasure: My Curtsie, my Dutie:
And my speech, to Begge your Pardons. If you looke for a
good speech now, you vndoe me: For what I haue to say, is
of mine owne making: and what (indeed) I should say, will
(I doubt) prooue mine owne marring. But to the Purpose,
and so to the Venture. Be it knowne to you (as it is very
well) I was lately heere in the end of a displeasing Play, to pray
Patien for it, and to promise you a Better: I did meane (indeede) to
pay you with
thi which if (like an ill Venture) it come vnluckily home, I breake;
and you,
my Creditors lose. Heere I promist you I would be, and heere I
commit my Bodie
to your Mercies: Bate me some, and I will pay you some, and (as
most Debtors d
promise you infinitely.
If my Tongue cannot entreate you to acquit me: will you command
me to vse
my Legges? And yet that were but light payment, to Dance out of
your debt:
a good Conscience, will make any possible satisfaction, and so
will I. All
heere haue forgiuen me, if the Gentlemen will not, then the
do not agree with the Gentlewomen, which was neuer seene
before, in such an
One word more, I beseech you: if you be not too much cloid with
Fat Meate,
our humble Author will continue the Story (with Sir Iohn in it) and
make yo

merry, with faire Katherine of France: where (for any thing I
know) Fals
shall dye of a sweat, vnlesse already he be kill'd with your hard

For Old-Castle dyed a Martyr, and this is not the man. My Tongue
is wearie
when my Legs are too, I will bid you good night; and so kneele
downe before
But (indeed) to pray for the Queene.


Rumour the Presentor.
King Henry the Fourth.
Prince Henry, afterwards Crowned King Henrie the Fift.
Prince Iohn of Lancaster.
Humphrey of Gloucester.
Thomas of Clarence.
Sonnes to Henry the Fourth, & brethren to Henry 5.
The Arch Byshop of Yorke.
Lord Bardolfe.
Opposites against King Henrie the
Lord Chiefe Iustice.
Of the Kings
Both Country
Dauie, Seruant to Shallow.
Phang, and Snare, 2. Serieants
Country Soldiers
Northumberlands Wife.
Percies Widdow.
Hostesse Quickly.
Doll Teare-sheete.

Epilogue. The Second Part of Henry the Fourth, Containing his
Death: and
the Coronation of King Henry the Fift.


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