The Story of Crisco
Marion Harris Neil

Part 9 out of 9

Peach Melba

_*Artichokes_--Select some small artichokes, trim them and put in
earthenware stewpan containing some hot Crisco. Season with salt and
pepper and cover stewpan, leaving to cook for about 10 minutes. Then
add for each 1 dozen artichokes, 1 pint canned peas and 1 shredded
lettuce. Cover once more and cook gently without moistening, the
moisture of lettuce and peas sufficing.

October 20

Young Chickens, Roasted
Stuffed Tomatoes
*Grilled Potatoes
Apple and Nut Salad
Fruit Cup

_*Grilled Potatoes_--Cut cold boiled potatoes into 1/2 inch slices
lengthways, dip in melted Crisco, sprinkle with chopped olives, pour
over a little melted Crisco and send to table.

October 21

_*Giblet Soup
Spiced Shoulder of Mutton
Brussels Sprouts
Mashed Potatoes
Prune Mold

_*Giblet Soup_--Scald and cut up 1 set of giblets--these include the
neck, gizzard, liver, and heart of any fowl, put them into a pan
with 1 quart stock or water, 1 whole onion stuck with cloves, and the
grated rind of 1/2 a lemon. Simmer for 3 hours and strain. Peel and
slice 2 onions and fry them in 3 tablespoons melted Crisco when brown,
stir in 1 tablespoon flour and fry it brown, add the stock and stir
till boiling, put back the giblets, season with salt and pepper, 1
grated carrot and simmer for 30 minutes.

October 22

_*Okra Soup
Curried Mutton
Stewed Celery with Egg Sauce
Asparagus Salad
Pear Fritters

_*Okra Soup_--Cut into pieces 2-1/2 cups okra, slice 1 onion, slice
1 carrot, slice 1 turnip, three tomatoes skinned and sliced, 1
cup beans, 1 can peas, dice 2 stalks celery and chop 3 tablespoons

Melt 3 tablespoons Crisco in a saucepan, add onion, carrot, turnip,
beans, and cook 15 minutes, add okra, celery, and 5 cups water, cook
slowly for 1-1/2 hours, add seasoning of salt, pepper and red pepper,
tomatoes, corn and peas and simmer for 40 minutes. If too thick, thin
with stock. Serve hot.

October 23

_*Haricot of Veal
Baked Tomatoes
Russian Fish Salad
Date Souffle

_*Haricot of Veal_--Cut 2 pounds fillet of veal into small pieces of
uniform shape and size, and fry till a light brown in hot Crisco. Add
2 tablespoons flour blended with 2 tablespoons melted Crisco. Season
with salt and pepper, cover with 1 pint stock or water, and let
simmer, covered closely, till veal is done and till stock is well
cooked away. Take up, arrange in circle on dish, and in center put
Lima beans, boiled and reheated in plenty of Crisco.

October 24

_Roast Pork, Apple Sauce
Browned Parsnips
Glazed Sweet Potatoes
Porcupine Salad
*Black Cap Pudding

_*Black Cap Pudding_--Mix 1/4 cup currants, with 3 tablespoons sugar,
1/2 teaspoon salt, 1-1/4 cups flour sifted with 1 teaspoon baking
powder, 1/2 teaspoon grated nutmeg, 2 tablespoons Crisco, 2 well
beaten eggs, and 2 cupfuls milk, and beat well together. Crisco a
pudding mold, sprinkle in some currants, pour in mixture, cover with
greased paper and steam for 2 hours. Serve with milk.

October 25

_Wild Duck with Mushrooms
*Stuffed Egg Plant
Apple and Cucumber Salad
Almond Pudding
Hot Cheese Denises

_*Stuffed Egg Plant_--Parboil 1 egg plant and cut in halves. Scrape
out some of the inside and chop some cold cooked meat with 2 tomatoes,
1 onion, and 2 green peppers. Then mix with 1 beaten egg, 1 tablespoon
Crisco, and salt and pepper to taste. Fill halves with this mixture;
sprinkle with breadcrumbs and tiny bits of Crisco, put in baking dish
with little stock or water, and bake.

October 26

_Mock Pigeon, Espagnole Sauce
*Scalloped Pumpkin and Rice
Baked Sweet Potatoes
Combination Salad
Honeycomb Pudding

_*Scalloped Pumpkin and Rice_--In Criscoed fireproof dish arrange
layer of stewed pumpkin, cover with layer of boiled rice, then layer
of white sauce, proceed until ingredients are used. Cover with crumbs,
dot with Crisco and bake until browned on top. To cook pumpkin, cut
in two, scrape out the interior, pare and cut into small pieces. Steam
and cook till tender. Rub through a sieve, add 2 tablespoons Crisco,
season with salt, pepper, and paprika.

October 27

_Noisettes of Mutton
String Beans Latticed Potatoes
French Salad
*Chestnut Dainty

_*Chestnut Dainty_--Boil 1 pound of Italian chestnuts 15 minutes; then
remove shells and skins, and put back to boil until tender, with 1 cup
of milk and 1 teaspoon Crisco, on the back part of range until soft
enough to rub through a sieve. Crisco a mold well and line thickly
with pulp, then add layer of apple sauce colored pink with currant
jelly; then another layer chestnuts and again a layer of apple sauce.
Over this squeeze some lemon juice, and bake in quick oven. Turn,
out on platter, and surround with whipped cream, colored with little
currant jelly.

October 28

_Shrimp Canapes
Roast Mutton, Onion Sauce
Sweet Potatoes
Corn Salad
Pumpkin Pie

_*Celeriac_--Well wash and peel the celeriac. Cut them in quarters
and boil in boiling salted water until quite tender. Drain well and
arrange in a hot dish and pour egg sauce over them.

For egg sauce, blend 2 tablespoons Crisco with 2 tablespoons flour,
add 1 cup milk and stir till boiling, add seasoning of salt and pepper
and boil for 8 minutes, stirring all the time, then add 2 hard-cooked
eggs rubbed through a sieve, mix well and serve.

October 29

_Cream of Spinach Soup
Baked White Fish, Caper Sauce
Rice Croquettes
String Beans
Boiled Dressing
*Chestnut Tartlets

_*Chestnut Tartlets_--Boil and mash 1 pint chestnuts, add 1/4 cup
each creamed Crisco and cream, 1 beaten yolk, 1/4 cup powdered sugar,
little salt, and 1 1/2 cups milk. Cover inverted small tartlet tins
with Crisco pastry, bake, and fill with mixture, and bake again.

October 30

_Brussel Sprout Soup
*Rabbit, a la Marengo
Parisian Potatoes Braised Celery
Lettuce, French Dressing
Prune and Rice Meringues

_*Rabbit, a la Marengo_--Cut up 1 rabbit into neat joints. Melt 1/2
cup Crisco in saucepan, put in rabbit and fry it quickly till browned,
add 2 chopped small onions, and fry for a few minutes, pour off any
fat into another pan, add to rabbit 1 cup brown sauce, 2 chopped
tomatoes, 8 button mushrooms, seasoning of salt, pepper, and paprika.
Put on lid and simmer gently 1 hour. Arrange rabbit on hot dish, put
mushrooms in heaps round with thin lemon slices, season gravy and pour
it over.


October 31

_Clear Soup
*Braised Duck with Turnips
Riced Potatoes
Orange Salad
Goblin Cakes
Custard Souffle, Vanilla Sauce

_*Braised Duck with Turnips_--Wash and cut 2 carrots, 2 stalks celery,
2 turnips, 1 onion in large pieces, put them in pan on these place 4
slices ham, then 1 duck trussed for roasting, 1 bunch parsley, 2 cups
water, dust nutmeg, pepper, and salt. Lay Criscoed paper over top,
then lid, and simmer 1 hour or till duck is tender.

Melt 3 tablespoons Crisco in a pan, add 1 dozen small peeled turnips
and toss till they are golden color. When duck is cooked, remove
strings and skewers. Put on hot dish, and arrange turnips round.
Season gravy and strain over duck.

November 1

_Irish Stew
Baked Rice
Lima Beans
Macedoine Salad
*Chocolate Cream Pie

_*Chocolate Cream Pie_--2 squares chocolate, 1/4 cup cornstarch,
1 teaspoon Crisco, 1 pint milk, 2 egg whites, 1/2 cup sugar, 3 egg
yolks, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and 1 tablespoon vanilla. Melt chocolate,
add sugar, cornstarch, egg yolks, salt, Crisco and milk. Cook in
double boiler till thick, stirring constantly; flavor with vanilla.
Pour into a baked pie crust shell, cover with meringue made by beating
egg whites till stiff and adding 2 tablespoons sugar; brown in oven
and serve cold.

November 2

_Baked Rolled Fillets of Fish, Bechamel Sauce
Cucumber Salad
Yeast Rolls
*Roast Guinea Chickens, Guava Jelly
Rice Croquettes
Scalloped Egg Plant
Pear and Celery Salad
Lemon Sherbet
Sponge Cake

_*Roast Guinea Chickens_--Put 2 tablespoons Crisco in each of the
birds, this prevents them getting dry. Slit 2 slices bacon once or
twice then tie over breasts of birds, which should be trussed for
roasting. Wrap them in Criscoed paper and bake in a quick oven for
30 minutes, baste well and frequently; for the last 8 minutes remove
paper and bacon; sprinkle with a little flour, salt and pepper, baste
well, and let brown. Serve on hot dish, garnished with rolls of bacon.
Hand with it gravy, bread sauce, and guava jelly.

November 3

_Celery Soup
*Casserole of Lamb
Sweet Pickle
Creamed Onions
Mashed Potatoes
Cabbage Salad
Caramel Ice Cream

_*Casserole of Lamb_--2-1/2 pounds loin of lamb, 1/2 cup rice, 2
cups good gravy, 1 blade mace, 1/2 cup Crisco, 2 egg yolks, salt and
pepper, and a little grated nutmeg. Half roast loin of lamb, and cut
it into steaks. Boil rice in boiling salted water for 10 minutes,
drain it, and add to it gravy with nutmeg and mace; cook slowly until
rice begins to thicken, remove it from fire, stir in Crisco, and
when melted add yolks of eggs well beaten; Crisco a casserole well,
sprinkle steaks with salt and pepper, dip them in melted Crisco, and
lay them in Criscoed dish; pour over gravy that comes from them, add
rice and simmer for 1/2 an hour.

November 4

_Tomato Soup
*Steamed Cod, Parsley Sauce
Roast Ribs of Beef, Horseradish Sauce
Charlotte Russe

_*Steamed Cod_--Wipe 4 cod steaks dry, and sprinkle with salt, pepper,
lemon juice, and melted Crisco on under side; lay on Criscoed platter,
put another Criscoed platter over; set on top of saucepan of boiling
water, and steam 3/4 of an hour, or until fish begins to leave bones.
Serve with parsley sauce.

For parsley sauce. Blend 2 tablespoons Crisco with 2 tablespoons flour
in a pan over the fire, add 1 cup milk and stir till boiling, season
with salt, pepper and red pepper, and stir and cook for 10 minutes,
then add 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, and serve.

November 5

_Ham Timbales, Cheese Sauce
Paprika Potatoes
Apple and Celery Salad
*Cocoanut Pudding

_*Cocoanut Pudding_--1 cup scalded milk, 3/4 cup soft breadcrumbs, 1/2
cup grated cocoanut, 2 egg yolks, 1 tablespoon Crisco, 1/2 cup cocoa,
1/2 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 2 egg whites, and 1/4 teaspoon

Soak bread in scalded milk until soft. Add cocoanut, sugar, cocoa,
Crisco, lemon juice and salt; beat well; add yolks eggs beaten, cut
and fold in stiffly-beaten whites. Turn into Criscoed pudding dish and
bake in moderate oven 30 minutes. Serve hot or cold.

November 6

_Roast Duck
Egg Plant Croquettes
Peppers Stuffed with Rice
Canned Pears on Lettuce, with Mayonnaise
*Brown Bread Souffle

_*Brown Bread Souffle_--Melt 2-1/2 tablespoons Crisco, add 1/2 cup
milk, 1/2 cup cream, 2 cups brown breadcrumbs, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and
grated rind 1 lemon; let boil 2 minutes, stirring well, remove pan
from fire, add 4 tablespoons sugar, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 teaspoon
vanilla extract, and when cool, beaten yolks 4 eggs. Beat egg whites
stiffly and add them lightly. Pour mixture into Criscoed tin, cover
with Criscoed paper and steam gently 1 hour. Serve hot with sweet

November 7

_Corned Beef
*Cabbage, a la Creme
Olive Salad
Hasty Pudding
Cocoanut Cakes

_*Cabbage, a la Creme_--Trim and wash 1 cabbage, then boil in boiling
salted water, adding 1 peeled onion stuck with 2 cloves. When tender
take out onion and drain cabbage. Either chop finely or rub through a
sieve. Melt 1 tablespoon Crisco in pan, put in cabbage, stir it well,
add 3 tablespoons cream gradually, salt and pepper to taste.

When thoroughly hot, pile in hot dish, and garnish with sippets fried
bread or toast.

November 8

_Cold Corned Beef
Baked Potatoes
Pickled Beets
Cauliflower Salad
Cheese Wafers
*Golden Pudding

_*Golden Pudding_--Line and ornament small pudding dish with puff
pastry. Beat 2 tablespoons Crisco with 4 tablespoons sugar till
creamy, add 4 tablespoons cakecrumbs, yolks 3 eggs beaten with 1/2
cup milk, 1/2 teaspoon salt, grated rind and strained juice 2 oranges.
Pour into pudding dish, and bake 40 minutes. Whip up egg whites to
stiff froth, stir in 3 tablespoons sugar, few drops yellow color, 1
teaspoon orange extract, and pile on top of pudding. Put back in oven
to brown.

November 9

_Broiled Steak
Mashed Potatoes
Spinach with Butter Sauce
Escarole Salad
*Cheese Fondue

_*Cheese Fondue_--2 tablespoons flour, 1/2 cup grated cheese, 1
tablespoon Crisco, 2 eggs, salt, pepper and red pepper, and 1/2 cup
milk. Melt Crisco, add flour, then milk gradually. Stir till they
boil, cool a little, add cheese and yolks and seasonings. Fold in
whites stiffly beaten. Pour into a Criscoed souffle tin. Bake 20
minutes in hot oven. Fold a napkin round and serve hot.

November 10

_Haddock au Gratin
*Venison Cutlets
Hashed Browned Potatoes
Oyster and Celery Salad
Marrons, a la Creme

_*Venison Cutlets_--Trim venison cutlets in usual way. Put 4
tablespoons Crisco in saute pan and when hot put in cutlets, seasoned
with salt and pepper, fry till brown. Then take out cutlets, put into
pan 1/2 tumbler currant jelly to melt, add 2 tablespoons Crisco with
1/2 teaspoon salt, and serve separately with cutlets.

November 11

_*Baked Scallops in Shells
Chicken Souffle
Fried Celery
Latticed Potatoes
Watercress and Green Pepper Salad
Meringues Glaces

_*Baked Scallops in Shells_--Take desired quantity of fresh
scallops--1 pint or 1 quart, and cook them in little white wine until
done. Drain, cut in quarters, and add to them 1/2 their quantity of
minced onion fried until tender, but not brown. Moisten with white
sauce, season with red pepper and salt, heap high in scallop shells,
cover with breadcrumbs moistened in melted Crisco, and brown in hot
oven. Garnish with lemon slices and parsley.

November 12

_Hamburg Steak Balls
Mashed Potatoes
Fried Parsnips
Apple and Celery Salad
*Baked Indian Pudding

_*Baked Indian Pudding_--3-1/2 quarts milk, 3 tablespoons cornmeal,
1/2 pint molasses, 3 tablespoons Crisco, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon
cinnamon, and 1/2 teaspoon ginger. Boil 1 quart milk; add to it
molasses, Crisco, salt, and spices, and lastly meal stirred smooth
with little cold milk; scald whole together, and turn into a well
Criscoed baking dish.

When it begins to crust over, stir it all up from bottom, and add
1 pint of cold milk. Repeat process every 1/2 hour, or oftener if
pudding browns too fast, till 5 pints are used; then let it bake till
done--6 hours in all. Serve hot with sauce of grated or granulated
maple sugar stirred into rich cream, and kept very cold till needed.

November 13

_Lamb Cutlets
*Curried Lima Beans
Tomato Salad
Cheese Fritters
Benedictine Jelly

_*Curried Lima Beans_--Chop 1 onion finely and fry it for a few
minutes in 2 tablespoons Crisco, add 1 tablespoon curry powder, 1
teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon flour, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, and 1 cup
water, allow to cook slowly for 20 minutes, then add 1-1/2 cups cooked
lima beans, mix well and serve hot.

November 14

_Cream of Tomato Soup
*Nut Roast
Piquante Sauce
Sweet Potatoes
Fried Egg Plant
Lettuce Salad
Baked Quinces

_*Nut Roast_--1/2 cup lentils, 1/2 cup shelled roasted peanuts, 1/2
tablespoon Crisco, 1/2 cup toasted breadcrumbs, 1/2 teaspoon salt,
1/2 saltspoon pepper and milk. Soak lentils over night; in morning
drain, cover with fresh water and bring to boil. Drain again; and
put in fresh water and cook until tender. Drain once more; throw away
water and press lentils through colander. Add nuts, either ground or
chopped, Crisco, breadcrumbs, seasoning and milk sufficient to make
mixture consistency of mush. Put into Criscoed baking dish; bake in
moderate oven 1 hour; turn out on heated platter; garnish with parsley
or watercress and serve with Piquante sauce.


November 15

_Sweet Potatoes au Gratin
Corn, a la Southern
*Raisin and Nut Bread
Apples Stuffed with Celery
Caramel Custards

_*Raisin and Nut Bread_--1 egg, 3/4 cup sugar, 1-1/2 cups milk, 1
teaspoon salt, 3 cups flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 2 tablespoons
Crisco, 1/2 cup raisins, and 1 cup chopped walnut meats. Beat egg with
sugar; add sifted flour, baking powder and salt alternately with milk;
last add Crisco, melted, and walnuts. Bake in deep pan in slow oven 45

November 16

_Cream of Corn Soup
Roast Turkey, Giblet Sauce
Mashed Potatoes
Creamed Onions
Melon Mangoes
Cheese Fingers
*Apple Strudel

_*Apple Strudel_--Sift 2 cups flour with 1/2 teaspoonful salt and 1
teaspoon sugar. Add gradually 1 cup lukewarm water and knead until
dough does not stick to hands. Roll dough as thin as possible on
floured board. Place clean tablecloth on table, put rolled out dough
on it and pull carefully with fingers to get thin as possible. Mix
4 cups chopped apples with 1 cup sugar, 1 tablespoon cinnamon, 1 cup
seeded raisins, and 1 cup currants. Spread over dough, and spread
little Crisco over apples. Take cloth in both hands, and roll strudel
over and over like roly poly. Roll strudel into Criscoed baking pan
and bake in hot oven until brown.

November 17

_*Stewed Rabbit
Glace Potatoes
Baked Onions
Jellied Baked Beans
Cranberry Bavarian Cream

_*Stewed Rabbit_--Melt 4 tablespoons Crisco in saucepan; joint rabbit
and fry quickly in Crisco, then fry 1 sliced onion until browned, stir
in 2 tablespoons flour and brown flour; now add gradually 2 cups water
and stir till smooth, when boiling add salt, pepper, and paprika to
taste, and 2 tablespoons chopped parsley; simmer slowly 1-1/2 hours.
Dish and strain over gravy.

November 18

_Julienne Soup
Toast Points
Stuffed Hearts
Browned Potatoes
Baked Squash
*Almond and Apple Pudding

_*Almond and Apple Pudding_--Pare and core 6 apples, chop into small
pieces and sprinkle with 1/2 cup sugar. Have ready 2 cups breadcrumbs,
soaked in 1/2 cup milk to which 1 tablespoon melted Crisco has been
added. Beat 2 eggs till light, add to them grating of nutmeg, a pinch
of cinnamon and good pinch of salt. Mix apple with soaked breadcrumbs,
then eggs, and lastly 2 dozens blanched almonds chopped fine. Thin
with 1/2 cup milk, then pour into Criscoed tin and bake. Serve with
sweetened cream.

November 19

_Spare Ribs Stew
Rice Croquettes
Waldorf Salad
Cheese Biscuits
*Cranberry Pudding

_*Cranberry Pudding_--Cream 1/2 cup Crisco with 1 cup sugar, add 3
eggs well beaten, 1/2 cup milk, 3-1/2 cups flour, 2 teaspoons baking
powder, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and 1/2 teaspoon almond extract, then stir
in 1-1/2 cups cranberries, turn into Criscoed mold, cover with greased
paper and steam 4 hours. Serve with milk.

November 20

_Oyster Croquettes
*Stuffed Lamb Chops
Chestnut Puree
Mashed Potatoes
Egg Plant Fritters
Kumquat and Endive Salad
Stewed Figs

_*Stuffed Lamb Chops_--Wipe 6 French chops, cut 1-1/2 inches thick.
Split meat in halves, cutting to bone. Cook 2-1/2 tablespoons Crisco
and 1 tablespoon chopped onion 5 minutes; remove onion, add 1/2 cup
chopped mushroom, and cook 5 minutes; add 2 tablespoons flour, 3
tablespoons stock, 1 teaspoon chopped parsley, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and
few grains red pepper. Spread mixture between layers of chops, press
together lightly, wrap in Criscoed paper cases, and broil 10 minutes.
Serve with chestnut puree.

November 21

_Baked Boned White Fish
Bread Dressing
Drawn Butter Sauce
Stewed Tomatoes
Mashed Potatoes
*Date Pudding

_*Date Pudding_--Clean, stone, and chop 1 pound dates, add 1 cup
English walnut meats, broken in pieces, 1/2 cup flour, 1 teaspoon
baking powder, and 1/2 teaspoon salt. Beat up 4 egg whites to
stiff froth, then fold in 1/2 cup sugar, add beaten egg yolks, 1/2
tablespoon melted Crisco and date mixture. Turn into Criscoed tin and
bake in moderate oven 30 minutes. Cut in squares and serve cold with
whipped cream.

November 22

_*Fried Smelts
Sauce Tartare
Roast Chicken
Creamed Chestnuts
Canned Stringless Beans
Orange and Romaine Salad
Mint Ice Cream

_*Fried Smelts_--Clean, trim the fins, and remove gills; wipe very
dry, roll in flour, brush over with beaten egg, roll in crumbs and fry
in hot Crisco until crisp; drain on soft paper, dish on lace paper
in a heap, and garnish with fried parsley, serve with sauce tartare.
Smelts make a nice garnish for many fish dishes, the tails drawn
through the eyes, dressed as above, and fried.

November 23

_Bisque of Clams
Boiled Fish
Hollandaise Sauce
Baked Parsnips
Celery Salad
*Italian Fritters

_*Italian Fritters_--1 egg, 1 cup milk, grated rind 1 lemon, 2
tablespoons Crisco, 5 slices stale cake, 1/2 teaspoon powdered
cinnamon, sugar and few grains salt. Cake should be about a 1/4 of an
inch thick, not less. Cut out into oval or round shapes with cutter.
Beat egg, mix with milk, lemon rind, salt, and about 1 teaspoon
sugar. Lay slices of cake in this custard until they are soft, but not
crumbly; time will depend upon how stale cake is. Heat 1/2 Crisco in
frying pan, lift few pieces of cake up carefully and lay them in hot
Crisco. Brown 1 side, then turn them over and brown other side also.
Add some pieces of Crisco as required. Mix cinnamon with 2 teaspoons
sugar and sprinkle some of these over each fritter. Serve with hard

November 24

_Cannelon of Beef
Creamed Cabbage
Franconia Potatoes
Cranberry Salad
Cheese Wafers
*Baba with Syrup

_*Baba with Syrup_--Sift 3 cups flour and 1/2 teaspoon salt into a
basin, add 1 yeast cake dissolved in 1/2 cup lukewarm milk; make well
in center of flour, pour in 5 beaten eggs, mix with the hand for 5
minutes. Put it into Criscoed basin, spread over with 1/2 cup Crisco,
cover and put in warm place until it has risen to twice its original
size. Knead until elastic, add 1 tablespoon sugar, 2 tablespoons
currants, 2 tablespoons sultana raisins, knead again. Turn into large
Criscoed mold. It should not be more than half full. Allow to rise to
top of tin, then bake in moderate oven for 30 minutes. Turn out and
pour syrup over it. To make syrup, boil 2 cups water with 1/4 cup
sugar for 10 minutes, then add 2 tablespoons apricot jam and boil 5
minutes. Strain, add 1 wineglass rum and bring to boiling point.

November 25

_Quick Beef Soup
Panned Chicken
Brown Sauce
Curried Rice
Creamed Carrots
Tomato Salad
*Baked Macaroni Pudding

_*Baked Macaroni Pudding_--1 pint milk, 4 long sticks macaroni, 1 egg,
2 tablespoons sugar, nutmeg, 1 tablespoon Crisco, and salt to taste.

Bake macaroni into 1/2 inch lengths. Boil milk, shake in macaroni and
salt and boil it very slowly for 1/2 an hour, or until quite tender,
and keep it well stirred during cooking. Thickly Crisco a pudding
dish and beat up egg. Add sugar and Crisco to macaroni, let it cool a
little, then pour in egg and mix it well. Grate little nutmeg on top
and bake pudding very slowly until top is delicately browned.

November 26

_Pea Soup
Boiled Tongue
Raisin Sauce
Rice Balls
Stewed Celery
Tomato and Cress Salad
*Graham Pudding

_*Graham Pudding_--Mix 2 cups graham flour, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 2
tablespoons Crisco, 1 teaspoon each cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and
nutmeg, 1 cup currants, 1 cup molasses, 1 egg well beaten, 1 cup milk,
2 teaspoons soda dissolved in 1 tablespoon hot water. Pour in Criscoed
mold, cover with Criscoed paper and steam 3 hours. Turn out and serve
with milk.

November 27

_Steak en Casserole
Sweet Potato Croquettes
Boiled Cauliflower
Pear and Grape Salad
Cheese Fritters
*Pineapple Souffle

_*Pineapple Souffle_--Cream 1-1/2 tablespoons each Crisco and flour,
add 1 cup canned grated pineapple and juice. Cook 5 minutes, remove
from fire, add little salt, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, and 3 beaten egg
yolks. Bake in Criscoed dish 20 minutes. Serve with following sauce:
Cook 2 tablespoons creamed Crisco in double boiler, add 2 yolks of
eggs, 1 at a time, beat, and add 4 tablespoons sugar, 2 tablespoons
orange juice, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, and 1/2 cup whipped cream. Serve

November 28

_Mock Bisque Soup
Mutton Haricot
String Beans
Fried Parsnips
Lettuce and Pepper Salad
*Apples with Red Currant Jelly

_*Apples with Red Currant Jelly_--6 cooking apples, 4 tablespoons
flour, 1 egg, cakecrumbs, apricot jam, 6 glace cherries, red currant
jelly, Crisco and syrup. Choose apples as much as possible same size,
peel and core them carefully, so as not to break them. Put 1 cup syrup
into stewpan or baking tin, put in apples and cook over fire or in
oven until nearly done. Baste them occasionally with syrup. Let them
get cold, then roll them in flour, brush over with beaten egg, toss
in sifted cakecrumbs, and fry in hot Crisco a golden brown. Drain on
piece of paper, fill centers with apricot jam, cut out some rounds of
red currant jelly, place 1 on top of each apple and a glace cherry on
that. Dish up and serve hot or cold. An apricot syrup should be sent
to table separately with apples.

November 29

_Smoked Salmon Toast
*Spiced Venison
Black Currant Jelly
Creamed Turnips
Grilled Sweet Potatoes
Escarole Salad
Cheese Dressing
Peach Gateau

_*Spiced Venison_--Rub a piece of venison with salt, pepper, vinegar,
cloves, and allspice; then put into baking pan. Pour over 1 cup melted
Crisco, add 2 sliced onions, sprig of thyme, 3 sprigs parsley, juice 1
lemon, and 1/2 pint hot water. Cover and bake in hot oven till tender.
Sprinkle with flour, add 1 glassful of sherry wine and allow to brown.

Thanksgiving Dinner

November 30

_Bisque of Oyster
Broiled Smelts
Drawn Butter
Roast Turkey
Cranberry Sauce
Mashed Potatoes
Stewed Celery
Romaine Salad
Roquefort Cheese
*Hot Pumpkin Pie
Orange Ice

_*Hot Pumpkin Pie_--Line pie tin with Crisco Pastry. Mix 2 cups
steamed and strained pumpkin, with 2 teaspoons Crisco, 1/2 teaspoon
salt, 1 cup sugar, 1/2 teaspoon each cinnamon, cloves, mace, allspice,
and ginger, grated rind of 1 lemon, 1 cup milk, 1/2 cup cream, 2
well beaten eggs, and pour into prepared pie plate. Bake till firm in
moderate oven. Serve hot. As a change, place on the pumpkin pie as it
comes out of the oven a layer of halved marshmallows, replace in the
oven and let them brown.

December 1

_Oyster Bouillon
*Baked Beefsteak
Fried Beets
Baked Potatoes
Grapefruit and Endive Salad
Nougat Ice Cream

_*Baked Beefsteak_--Cut 2 pounds of sirloin, 1/2 inch thick. Mix 1 cup
breadcrumbs, 1 tablespoon Crisco, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, 1/2
tablespoon chopped onion, 1/2 teaspoon each of salt, pepper, and red
pepper, 1/2 teaspoon kitchen bouquet, and moisten with stock. Spread
this over steak and roll it up, fastening with skewers or tying, and
put on rack in roasting pan. Add 1/2 cup stock, and bake 1/2 hour,
basting often. Place on hot platter, and pour around it sauce made
from 2 tablespoons Crisco and 3 tablespoons flour blended together,
with salt and pepper to taste, and 1-1/2 cups beef stock cooked until
boiling, then strained and added to 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce.

December 2

_Baked Pork Spareribs
Mashed Potatoes
Celery and Cranberry Salad
*Squash Pie

_*Squash Pie_--2 cups stewed squash, 1 tablespoon melted Crisco,
1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, 2/3 cup sugar; 1 teaspoon
ginger, 2 eggs, and 2 cups milk. Beat eggs until light. Place squash
in quart measure, add sugar, Crisco, salt, spice, and then beaten
eggs. Stir well and add sufficient milk to make 1 quart of whole mass.
Turn into pie tin lined with Crisco pastry and bake slowly for 45
minutes. When done a silver knife when inserted will come out from it
clear. Squash pie will become watery if allowed to boil.

December 3

_Brown Fricassee of Chicken
Cranberry Jelly
Sweet Potatoes
Boiled Onions
Orange and Pineapple Salad
*Farina Pudding

_*Farina Pudding_--Stir into 3 cups boiling milk 1 cup farina, and
cook 10 minutes. Rub together 1 tablespoon Crisco and 2 tablespoons
sugar; add yolks of 3 eggs, grated rind of 1 lemon and 25 chopped
blanched almonds. Stir this mixture into farina after it is little
cooled; lastly add whites of 3 eggs beaten to stiff froth. Steam this
pudding in covered mold for 1-1/2 hours. Serve with any sweet pudding

December 4

_Clear Soup with Rice
Mashed Potatoes
Cold Slaw
Plum Pudding
Hard Sauce
*Individual Mince Pies
Cheese Wafers

_*Individual Mince Pies_--Roll out Crisco paste 1/8 inch thick, stamp
into rounds and line gem pans, place in each 2 teaspoons of mince
meat; roll out more pastry rather thicker than first, stamp into
rounds size of top of pans, wet edges and cover pies, brush over with
beaten egg, sprinkle with sugar, and bake 20 minutes in hot oven.

For mince meat, put into jar 1 pound chopped apples, 1 pound sultana
raisins, 1/4 pound chopped figs, 1/2 pound currants, grated rind,
strained juice 3 lemons, 1 cup Crisco, 1 teaspoon salt, 1/2 pound
chopped almonds, grated rind, strained juice 3 oranges, 2 grated
nutmegs, 1/2 cup sherry, 1 cup brandy, 1 ounce mixed spice, 1/2 pound
each chopped candied orange and lemon peel, and 2 cups brown sugar.
Mix well and keep in well sealed jar.

December 5

_*Steamed Clams
Roast Ribs of Beef
Currant Jelly
Rice Croquettes
Stewed Tomatoes
Apple and Celery Salad
Mince Pie

_*Steamed Clams_--Wash and scrub clam shells; place in kettle; add
water, allowing 1/2 cup water for each peck of clams. Cover kettle
and cook until shells open. Serve hot with the following sauce: 3
tablespoons Crisco, 3 tablespoons lemon juice, 4 tablespoons chopped
parsley, salt, pepper, and red pepper to taste.

Cream Crisco and add remaining ingredients. Kettle should be
removed from range as soon as shells open, otherwise clams will be

December 6

_Caviar Canapes
Roast Duck
*Apple Sauce
Canned Beans
Mashed Potatoes
Tomato Jelly Salad
Apple Dumplings

_*Apple Sauce_--1 pound apples, 2 tablespoons sugar, 2 tablespoons
Crisco, 1/2 cup water, and strained juice of 1/2 lemon. Peel, core,
and slice apples, put them into saucepan with sugar, Crisco, water,
lemon juice, and cook them until tender. Serve with roast duck.

December 7

_Stewed Chicken
Cream Dressing
*Baked Sweet Potatoes
Creamed Carrots
Onion Salad
Indian Pudding
Bon Bons

_*Baked Sweet Potatoes_--Peel boiled sweet potatoes and cut in slices
crosswise. To 2 cups of slices allow 3 tablespoons Crisco, and 2
tablespoons each of sugar and vinegar. Have Crisco hot, lay potatoes
in it, sprinkle sugar over top, and pour vinegar over lightly. Bake
until a golden brown.

December 8

_Lamb Chops
Creamed Potatoes
Lima Beans
Carrot Salad
Pineapple Ice Cream
*Cocoanut Layer Cake

_*Cocoanut Layer Cake_--Beat 1/4 cup Crisco with 1 cup sugar till
creamy, add 2 well beaten eggs, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 2-1/2 cups flour
sifted with 2 teaspoons baking powder, 1 cup water and 1/2 teaspoon
almond extract, mix and divide into Criscoed and floured layer tins.
Bake 20 minutes in moderate oven. Use boiled frosting and shredded
cocoanut for filling.

December 9

*Chicken Hot Pot
Celery Salad
Dried Apricot Shortcake

_*Chicken Hot Pot_--Prepare large chicken. Cut into as small pieces
as joints allow. Do not remove meats from bones. Boil chicken until
nearly tender and keep broth left in kettle when you remove chicken
from it. Cut 1 pound of lean, raw ham into small squares. Wash and
peel and parboil 8 large potatoes and slice them. Slice 3 medium-sized
onions. Put into deep baking dish layer of chicken, layer of ham,
layer of potatoes, and layer of onions. Repeat until all are used up;
when arranging these layers strew tiny bits of Crisco over them. Pour
chicken broth over layers, well seasoned with salt and pepper. Add
enough water to almost fill pot. Cover pot, and bake for 1-1/2 hours.
Be sure plenty of water is in pot while baking is in progress. When
cooked put baked chicken and vegetables in large tureen. Garnish edges
with parsley. Sprinkle parsley and sliced cooked carrots over top.
Serve with small slice of toast on each plate.

December 10

_Cream of Celery Soup
Broiled Oysters, a la Francaise
Bean Salad
Cheese Straws
*Fig and Apple Cobbler

_*Fig and Apple Cobbler_--Nearly fill Criscoed baking dish with equal
amounts of sliced apples and chopped figs, arranging them in layers;
add 1 cup water, strained juice 1 lemon and cover with Crisco biscuit
dough about 1 inch thick. Place on range, cover tightly with a pan and
simmer 30 minutes. Lift cover carefully, make an opening in middle of
crust, and pour in another 1/2 cup water, 2 tablespoons Crisco, and
1 cup scraped maple sugar. Sprinkle a little maple sugar over top of
pudding before serving it.

December 11

_Roast Pork, Apple Sauce
Franconia Potatoes
Creamed Onions
Endive and Grape Salad
*Lemon and Apple Tart

_*Lemon and Apple Tart_--Line a large pie plate with Crisco pastry.
Mix together 2 cups grated apple, grated rind and juice of 1 lemon,
1-1/2 cups sugar, 2 eggs, beaten without separating whites and yolks,
2 tablespoons melted Crisco, 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1 cup thin cream.
Turn into plate lined with pastry, wet edge, and put strips of pastry
over top of filling. Finish with strip of pastry on edge. Let bake
until firm in center.

December 12

_Baked Codfish
Piquant Beets
Baked Potatoes
Lettuce and Cheese Salad
*Bread Pudding

_*Bread Pudding_--4 cups bread cut in dice, 3 tablespoons sultanas,
2 tablespoons chopped candied peel, 3 tablespoons sugar, 1 tablespoon
Crisco, rind of 1 lemon, 2 eggs, 1/2 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 cup
milk, and 4 lumps of sugar. Put lump sugar in dry saucepan and heat
until it turns dark brown. Add milk and stir it over fire until sugar
dissolves. Mix bread, cleaned sultanas, chopped peel, sugar, Crisco,
grated lemon rind, and colored milk. Beat up eggs and add them with
lemon juice. Let mixture stand for 1/2 an hour, or longer, if bread is
stale. Have ready Criscoed mold, put in mixture, cover top with piece
of Criscoed paper, and steam it for 2 hours. Turn carefully on to hot
dish and serve with it any good sweet sauce.

December 13

_Chestnut Soup
Pork Chops
Apple Sauce
Steamed Squash
Lettuce and Pepper Salad
*Raisin Roly Poly

_*Raisin Roly Poly_--2 cups flour, 2 cups breadcrumbs, 3/4 cup Crisco,
1/2 cup brown sugar, 1/4 pound stoned raisins, 1/4 tablespoon salt,
and cold water. Rub Crisco well into flour, breadcrumbs, sugar, salt,
and add raisins stoned and halved. Add enough water to mix whole
into soft paste. Roll into neat shape. Roll up in floured and scalded
pudding cloth, tying ends securely. Put in pan of fast boiling water,
and let boil steadily for 3 hours. Take off cloth, and serve pudding
on hot dish.

December 14

_Corn Chowder
Bread Sticks
Chicken and Chestnut Salad
Stuffed Celery
*Raisin Puffs
Vanilla Sauce

_*Raisin Puffs_--Beat 2 tablespoons Crisco with 1/2 cup sugar till
creamy, add 1 beaten egg, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1/2 cup milk, 1-1/3
cups flour sifted with 2 teaspoons baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon grated
nutmeg, and 1 cup chopped raisins. Crisco baking cups and fill half
full with mixture and steam for 1 hour.

December 15

_Boiled Ham
Fried Potatoes
Asparagus on Toast
Bar-Le-Duc and Cheese Sandwiches
*Cocoanut Pie

_*Cocoanut Pie_--1 cup chopped cocoanut, 3 eggs, 1 cup cream, 1
cup milk, 2 tablespoons cornstarch, 4 tablespoons cold water, 2
tablespoons Crisco, 6 tablespoons sugar, and some Crisco pastry. Line
2 pie plates with Crisco pastry. Put milk and cream into saucepan,
bring to boiling point, add cornstarch mixed with water. Remove
saucepan from fire, stir in Crisco. Let stand until perfectly cold.
Beat up yolks of eggs and sugar together, then add cocoanut to them.
Add this mixture to milk with stiffly beaten whites of eggs. Divide
into prepared pie plates and bake in moderate oven for 30 minutes.
Serve hot.

December 16

_Baked Fish Pudding
Galantine of Veal
*Pea Croquettes
Tomato Sauce
Cream Cheese Salad
Chocolate Meringues

_*Pea Croquettes_--Boil 1 cup dried peas that have been soaked over
night, till tender, strain and press through sieve. Fry 1 chopped
onion in 1 tablespoon Crisco, add to peas, with 1 tablespoon melted
Crisco, 2 tablespoons flour, salt and pepper to taste, 2 beaten eggs,
and breadcrumbs to make stiff enough to form into croquettes. Brush
over with beaten egg, toss in breadcrumbs, and fry golden brown in hot
Crisco. Serve hot with tomato sauce.

December 17

_Farina Soup
Salmon Loaf
Glazed Potatoes
Stewed Carrots
Cabbage Salad
*Pear Croquettes

_*Pear Croquettes_--6 halves canned pears, 1/2 cup rice, 2 tablespoons
sugar, 2 cups milk, 1 lemon, 1 egg, lady fingers and angelica. Put
milk and sugar in saucepan, bring to boil, and then add rice and
grated rind of 1 lemon. Stir this over fire until rice is tender and
milk absorbed, then turn it on to plate, and put aside to cool. Stand
pears on hair sieve until syrup has drained away, then stuff hollow
side with boiled rice, shaping it to a dome, so that they look like
whole pears. Beat egg on plate, crush lady fingers, and rub them
through wire sieve. Dip stuffed pears in egg, and toss in lady finger
crumbs. Have ready pan of hot Crisco, fry croquettes in it until a
golden brown. Take them up, and drain on paper. Insert small piece
of angelica in end of each to represent pear-stalk. Dish up and serve

December 18

_Fillets of Flounder
Tournedos of Beef
*Tomato Croquettes
Celery Mayonnaise
Orange Tartlets

_*Tomato Croquettes_--Cook 1 quart tomatoes until reduced to 2 cups.
Add to them 2 cups crumbs, 3 tablespoons melted Crisco, 1/2 teaspoon
salt, dust sugar, 1/4 teaspoon pepper, pinch red pepper, and dust of
nutmeg. Set away to cool. Shape into croquettes, roll in flour, brush
over with beaten egg, toss in crumbs and fry in hot Crisco.

December 19

_*Soup Bonne Femme
Broiled Lamb Steak with Virginia Ham
Stuffed Egg Plant
Frontenac Salad
Apple Tart

_*Soup Bonne Femme_--Wash, dry, and cut up 2 large heads of lettuce,
1 pound sorrel, and 1 pound spinach. Add 3 pints white stock, and
simmer, with 1/2 cup Crisco, 2 carrots, and 2 onions, for 1 hour.
Blend together 2 tablespoons Crisco, 4 tablespoons flour, and yolks of
2 eggs, thin with 1 cup of boiling milk, and add to broth. Season with
salt and pepper, press through sieve, and serve with croutons.

December 20

_Lentil Soup
Roast Loin of Pork
Apple Sauce
Potato Balls
Celery and Pineapple Salad
*Sultana Pudding

_*Sultana Pudding_--Line shallow dish with plain pastry, put in
bottom layer of sultana raisins. Beat 1/2 cup Crisco to a cream with
4 tablespoons sugar, add 2 well beaten eggs, 2 tablespoons milk, 1/2
teaspoon lemon extract, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and 1/2 cup flour. Mix and
spread on top of raisins and bake 30 minutes in moderate oven. Serve

December 21

Broiled Squab Chickens
Braised Endive
Potatoes Anna
Chiffonade Salad
Apricot Custard

_*Scallops_--For 1 pint of scallops take 2 tablespoons Crisco. Melt
in frying pan, add scallops and 2 minced onions and 1 tablespoon flour
with 1 pint liquor from scallops. Cook thoroughly, seasoning with salt
and bit of paprika, then add 1/2 cup breadcrumbs and yolks of 4 eggs.
Fill small shells with mixture and bake in quick oven, adding, if
liked, little grated cheese.

December 22

_Petite Marmite
Goulash of Veal
Saute Potatoes
Orange Salad
*Cornstarch Souffle

_*Cornstarch Souffle_--Bring 1 quart milk and 1 tablespoon Crisco to
boiling point; beat 4 tablespoons cornstarch with 1 cup sugar, yolks
of 5 eggs together and add to hot milk. Stir and cook 8 minutes
then add 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1 teaspoon vanilla extract. Pour into
Criscoed fireproof dish. Beat up whites of eggs to stiff froth,
then beat in 4 tablespoons sugar, pour over top of pudding and brown
lightly in oven.

December 23

_*Baked Tripe
Mashed Potatoes
Stuffed Onions
Baked Bean Salad
Cheese Balls
Stewed Figs
Whipped Cream

_*Baked Tripe_--Cut tripe into good-sized pieces and spread over
them the following stuffing: Mix together 4 tablespoons crumbs,
3 tablespoons Crisco, 1/2 teaspoon salt, dust powdered mace, 1
tablespoon chopped cooked ham, 1 chopped onion, 1 tablespoon chopped
parsley, 1/4 teaspoon pepper, dust paprika, and 1 well beaten egg.
Roll them up and fasten with wooden toothpicks.

Dredge with flour and spread on each 1 tablespoon Crisco. Bake in hot
oven 30 minutes, basting frequently with melted Crisco and hot water.
Garnish with lemon slices and pass melted butter.


December 24

_Cream of Tomato Soup
Cheese Souffle
Graham Rolls
French Dressing
*Eve's Pudding

_*Eve's Pudding_--Mix together in a basin, 1 cup seeded raisins, 3
tablespoons Crisco, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 2 cups crumbs, 1 cup currants,
8 chopped apples, 1 teaspoon each, cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg, 1/4
cup milk, and 4 well beaten eggs. Pour into Criscoed mold, cover with
greased paper and steam 2 hours. Serve with hot milk.

Christmas Dinner

December 25

Stuffed Olives
Tomato Soup
Roast Turkey
Cranberry Jelly
Roast Sweet Potatoes
Mashed Turnips
Brussels Sprouts
Orange and Celery Salad
Vanilla Blanc-mange
*English Plum Pudding

_*English Plum Pudding_--1 cupful breadcrumbs, 1 cupful flour,
1 cupful brown sugar, 1/2 cupful Crisco, 1 teaspoonful salt, 2
teaspoonfuls baking powder, 1 teaspoonful mixed spices, 3 eggs, 1
cupful milk, 1/2 cupful seeded raisins, 1/2 cupful chopped candied
citron peel, 1 cupful currants, 1/2 cupful chopped preserved ginger,
1/4 cupful brandy, 1/2 cupful chopped English walnut meats. Mix flour
with breadcrumbs, add Crisco, sugar, salt, baking powder, spices,
nuts, fruit, milk, eggs well beaten, and brandy. Pour into Criscoed
mold, cover with greased paper and steam steadily for four hours. Turn
out and serve with liquid or hard sauce. The brandy may be omitted.

December 26

_Stuffed Veal Heart
Tomato Sauce
Baked Sweet Potatoes
Mashed Turnips
Lettuce, Apple and Date Salad
Cream Cheese on Toasted Crackers
*Baked Apples with Custard

_*Baked Apples_--Core and peel 8 apples; fill centers with 1/4 cup
Crisco creamed with 1/2 cup brown sugar, add 4 tablespoons chopped
citron peel, and 1 tablespoon lemon juice mixed together. Mix 2
tablespoons sugar with 1/2 cup water and brush over apples; sprinkle
with crumbs browned in hot Crisco; bake for 20 minutes in moderate
oven. Serve cold with custard.

December 27

_*Terrapin, a la Maryland
Saratoga Chips
Roasted Capon
Oyster Sauce
Sweet Potatoes
Stewed Celery
Apple and Cabbage Salad
Hamburg Cream

_*Terrapin, a la Maryland_--Put terrapin in kettle, cover with boiling
salted water, add 2 slices each carrot and onion, and 1 stalk celery.
Cook till meat is tender. Remove from water, cool, draw out nails from
feet, cut under shell close to upper shell and remove. Empty
upper shell, remove and discard gall bladder, sand bags and thick

Liver, small intestines are used with meat. Add terrapin meat to
3/4 cup white stock, 2 tablespoons wine; cook slowly until liquor
is reduced half. Add liver separated in pieces, 2 yolks of eggs, 1
tablespoon Crisco, salt, pepper, and red pepper to taste, 1 tablespoon
flour mixed with 1/2 cup cream, and 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Make hot
and just before serving add 1 tablespoon sherry wine. Turn into hot
dish and garnish with toast points.

December 28

_*Belgian Hare, en Casserole
Scalloped Potatoes
Braised Celery
Pineapple and Celery Salad
Lemon Pudding
Caramel Sauce

_*Belgian Hare, en Casserole_--Separate hare into joints; season
with salt, paprika and red pepper, and saute in 1/4 cup Crisco with
2 slices of bacon cut in dice to golden brown. Put hare in casserole
with 1 cup hot water and put on cover. Bake 30 minutes, then add
2 tablespoons Crisco rubbed into 2 tablespoons flour, 1 cup water,
seasoning to taste, and 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Cook in moderate
oven for 3 hours. Send to table without removing cover.


December 29

_Nut Turkey Roast
Cranberry Jelly
Creamed Onions
Baked Potatoes
Hubbard Squash
Pineapple and Orange Salad
*Pastry Fingers
Lalla Rookh

_*Pastry Fingers_--Sift 1/2 cup pastry flour, 2 cups entire wheat
flour, and 1 teaspoon salt into basin, add 3 tablespoons Crisco, and
1/2 cup butter, cut them into flours with knife until finely divided.
Then rub in fine with finger tips and make into stiff paste with cold
water. Roll out 1/4 inch in thickness, cut in finger shape pieces,
lay on Criscoed tins and bake from 7 to 10 minutes in hot oven. Cool,
brush over with slightly beaten egg white, and sprinkle with salted
pine nuts. Return to oven to brown nut meats.

December 30

_Sirloin Steak
Glazed Pumpkin
Marbled Potatoes
Celery Salad
Cheese Relish
*Boston Pudding

_*Boston Pudding_--Cut 1 loaf bread into thin slices and spread with
Crisco. Crisco baking dish, put into it layer bread, sprinkle over
1 tablespoon each cinnamon, cloves, ginger, and nutmeg, then a layer
seeded raisins, and so on till dish is full. Pour over 1 quart milk
sweetened to taste, with 3 well beaten eggs, allow to soak 4 hours,
then add 2 cups more milk sweetened to taste. Cover dish and bake in
moderate oven 3 hours. Serve with wine sauce.

December 31

_Codfish, Delmonico Style
Roasted Leg of Lamb
*Chestnut Boulettes
Baked Potato Strips
Watercress and Green Pepper Salad
Cherry and Almond Parfait
Lady Fingers

_*Chestnut Boulettes_--Mix together in a basin 1 cup mashed chestnuts,
which have been peeled after cooking in boiling salted water, beat
into this 1 tablespoon whipped cream, 1/2 tablespoon Crisco, 1/4
teaspoon salt, 2 egg yolks, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 teaspoon sherry
wine. Cool and fold in beaten egg whites, form into small balls, dip
in beaten egg, toss in crumbs and fry in hot Crisco. Drain and serve.


An addition to the Crisco library, "The Whys of Cooking," or Questions
Asked and Answered, by Janet McKenzie Hill, of the Boston Cooking
School and Editor and Publisher of "American Cookery" is off the
press. Illustrated and containing 150 new recipes, it will be a
valuable book every woman will appreciate.

We will be glad to send this to any one who will write for it,
enclosing five 2-cent stamps.

Address Department C.O.
The Procter & Gamble Co.
Cincinnati, Ohio.


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