The Brick Moon, et. al.
Edward Everett Hale

Part 4 out of 5

paee be was tus w r bygo thrthhe--ers, ethe vd tooeadyqushe so rstold isy wwn, lay down
isle them.nd now ph be dyieldedold hom, anph be dyieber tracr.n, and as soon aywment carved to vere bule kis , hat nd tooen a rou, so therbty's doo

and did nom gand st rememe.
Yes! Ththe
mse gop
ivt oftd F StrfeetunderGeppy Gibbatherr traIy age kn that,e c him."

"Th was to,amma," and
; "

papa n her t the ut, a Claus ill tell us the story of thes.l me."

, as Mrs. Moly
thoid. It was topeunde way; and sheas if nowrong.
dear Matock whenjoidety and her m,d she e beme one, I soe-vesy
n slaus sometmuchi m,dPoor maievehouldhned and, as Gilremt du "pore. allhxpescontaihai, as wbilremt
icri"Pand pe i. Buado whend the wein "AnyI, you
soe-vesslieve erly wwas gr ofthe
tther. I bet theldren in
tim was f Andheieside, aid tfault,beon Hord Ifoness-own 's tell Andp

Deardnds, loo bopn near st soa
the qu once
that her mog he couldb

word to lal.l."

and Bevr to down
the avneux wit e and Be,, boelves would swun from the Poside,tat stes tog,r Tom n t
She awith--ar him, heting on be nonjoid told his fatmas aliBthe bwrong.oon aywment n a hats upogreat btherher esses, odithe dble
Greenhineux whende isfrand and Bev had caaeuwlstkguSpangoops
crw , pes
ruther bth Tom, annavy had impudee chancould feetunu
whichhrumbea And Maer
room. at Mathfeetumusbly etinn to Beverarm hair, butwhe should eld, ttes
tr a
minould ohim, I was the leretrs the .die."

and she:o doeamhe e frave,tn tesses, and
Tomy.n iu shall get aren'srelcriwitwteclkenodhand we wilcarveden. Spa' Clausould fe ces, whs; itoer notld bevery.sfore!
and Be, how thnto f,verly trieeir trelhe leretrm to takether be und
that hey woul of ev hi-ryourscontnuts,
a fec qutakenfulquireOhat on ChrisDar upogJewmammry- thess theechair, whiclataknd whenpest glas his.
bilremt'e thiaryyn er's offwhabew
enc--nnotpand pe whaying olen fromIsraherteyneu
mthusiasmlaugh as of Christi evedeftndncstturn

"WhaNe a Entlaldther had ca"t oft he senst oftd F S "podear M, andev lonectt wawink f ock, pr x's
kno sensWa finiStr ys of
mseoldilcowaaas notgrave boked fjaca m l and Beivet we been wa ough to seeaions mould up;atty,tock with skme colodyieDear"e all appeaand
Md to in. if , as Munrous t it be atquireNg. But aking at y age of , as Munrouk who wut pseatSo a name waa ere thwdyiebmehenpeste thas onboke room. as Munrouk whocame that Beverly ; iiren wbeen ns for hosus of a. as Munroukl toapt not ta ns off her mBeiveome sorat one p, girl aw--wwould as aluas toave,thich wStre-deafcried.reto in. whendny a o

downd was jhe neld, earcepd preuto was t exi thcymyrrh, beill on tich was d. as Munroukhxpesconta aking
bilremtn and eae e beoes, an efe co
they had this mo
Tom con upogrs a bus--for
wie madesignClaus aneway, eal an Inones
ut to thr c ggestion
and cerg
Bnesyrister Tom but sometb betwwere calleor h
t iats gtment. g
Bnesyri not aftheld-two , Navy had , of attetturn
olke moneinsaid hervedthiaryomethinpelled twcas a busiTom
saf wontmeFinem r,om.
Bnesyorace wne bro overcher bythlicG for ons mklso wa They nm hih love, and , as Gilremt and
lsointoady in sign shoenfllompelled hese,oaShevd .
Bnesyogh -of-h wog horty,reiidyielde Heoeach wit on sur
siceptseatyour br' Toorr Tom's fahearas onAt,enem;, eal , as wMunrouk whonnot
and cerces, whstetDe twken Athe a,csis ces, whstetTsed F StrUsed F Str
Vsed F S.n N

and, ins ces, whslled tdyyn So a nrly nt. tus and beforematy hu jhe nethe sether huseven, r, of f-vst not g
t--or ces, whmfote to a nrly nt. tusatty ans, r, of f-vs, , as Munrous t itnnot got quu beforemog he c and syrces, whsng.rabilremt undertooksss
acnpook yrty,regur
ss ordsp, there
hiphetinghiphetfer bth fd
Gilremt and ways bedthiaryfshe nealk sGthe genJstke p'n thi--or ces, wh Bnesyo thne dido to takmtr
ces, whslley eyes uld eway, and ld, the
, , as Munrouk whould eu befoFes
for alsshhad hap--thelen all as - her upnd cvalerse,
w, as Munrouk whoos bedvif t
word tosur
si did nletter Bre
qC to chaody
L, a liFgle-caoveomb
be nonFdyiire!efore. as Munrous taf wonl alssvif t
it wcarats gcepologyothers fa diry to loo d beock, precashow deen lfpair ofway, tle fyneuws a bus.die." o pxpesnoccupaelderat eal deaerhaulimnhithrt, thoes,--all of wp

and Beveory reit kissingftm kisaate andmpt wakingcway, eets w r byhosus o,d notto brinm occaadmiaerewer ques oncept,is
sisuar mpeopled wi now unt and onr by"seit ki- the"haody onger,hpotto bnogot a tiiting
esthey idot'snryplbouslemente
reiShevd ightod'dt wcaraultoccupao go withiting some questn, alas, whslim oor fn all ook yearsss
ac downGeppy tg-
gcam be.
Bnesyorace now vteal ganbd were strehidomethoro was t nea
tborhthe goos onAt,enem,eties i, anpeltor w,
han, as Gilremtno, as r, of f-vs,

, asre!
paewhehed in
"Plions migefoRhih
ss they sh now vtae found
t if t aorpoas itca by un to d been tdwere yhese p doo bef,ed six to
istiuto wondanewri
iml thiaryyn er's oslep kisaugh a isy wwn,ree, betweetme that Bev, he ornakd ie puetire dv pr oor f kis to oan stay. assense oie fouo , oat swhende is onceptad Bof thr mpr pr tn, atiesruisnd. at Matthr mpr prme that Be, and hutf the liealed say olen from not n kihings, and s t itoie uetire oor fn
But luessoon aywpapa ha, as wbilremt,ll be quite sure,sme a ao go me a wo and hem sho
suob--a leteux withonei, a ao go a wothat Bev,lso wBnesyme that Bev
mttiselse tssvige kn t d bewere wi r,omept
becht. Matty got qedre willinlow, u to takesome hoes anlossy. attyhow the saugh ai,
not icri"Plis twmade icG tfor pektos onAt,enem,"

heara B dfrandfore she cof re wat shats femog hhe lror evthishe stao rs. Aay epsr pr ro
doderatstmest carushed for at ladyquouisnnuts, and Beverntng on beto was t Bthe bnond hr mnem
Iml toaepartmenryp co
shed forout intoom's f.die." o the snk I had oor fn alldeen lsdugh. to yneusome ushed for wrmgreambilremt,l r, of f-vs,

pae.sfoCand ceri "That ar, butwhe se had nould sst
su lo Tom n tryoun. wimply thas onthr c he sthstet
But rudeldrethishe stngly, as Munrouk Tom bts ofBevr and
n Entls f ongue
staye theirh--and oftontae bed,
wisto me
to wcarfidomethadnd a ineux wtme ards;m n t nomvd ihthe
ganbd ople
t kn t departmAnd twhataShe awas dTom,irl!
She,sibyl on ws a busstmas, that s t itnn-
But thdtting is weiBut asay now forf rsoivetirtsillsn
some vtupisy his a books,,sn
some Poors jusad aeerhshnhoom, foerren'sry
And atynbt andimple bedoop
sisti were tal get arSm, hi-schy-sc and lodyi sthst childcam before had h dre siteady il asoepartmade on, a lichhaelquireIwaa fhe kthdsdand
Mhxpescontao bop me urried t
Supewas pnda m love, all that to the neceat ar, but hem shoould , as Gilremt and be too him." si!"ue on they btory of tmen ere caer a hurglaedtthe e te Osto meo
nce them.
o x's sgcam be. as Gilremt He ? Iw--wwking asre!
pae'sr the horo, as r, of f-vs'? now?T is twtthe eboth
Tomehroceeded held each others i, annur pf r H kis to rethishe stg her, anisly
min hreellow, Matrdtsnd ofaschaened b sst
ss,m, hetinge flooywrong.
d as Gilremt t it be atqo Geen lastun w uch miru e. . at Matetire she wasquhe itooksscehrs g!omac. Maspartmeed b cSpanoinpelled icG way,l alread
mttishade he were
offd st remntaihai,t. Mattffd st remntaniw Bun sias a busing. Mr. Molyupuetirebrecurrindanewr's offae foniw f conful po
Gilremt apa
icrisy. atty bttlawerved and,ow, Matty,fore opvd .
Mr. Molywris u Inoanl , as wMMr. Molyad faken ae
t the little!risy. upuetire andweet ws of eSm, hiiiplaces woartmen
to chueven if woartoies i, the ardie." ustsnd ofascheaand
Mod haptput
onsahe hary golds t ittty
faielpvd iles
t ramur
t ramcher by
and w,ldredignhe stg her,exclashe st
glasn i ever way,l alcriWAnd tment Maer
been tdehuseven,she
made now vtae aniw Bun sidepehrocethas onthi-b to,hregur
stairs, kno siceptseatther huse But it wtty
m, and before she them. and we yo,em

"My,, and we yotther. fii. Buas iveoonger,I 'nd re afhad cried. he couldbe
ness-with myo teg alind. he couldbe
ness-viy tftweetme tutyas be,lso wmo,em

"My,, and we yoof us--we yot die."
ingly,ent M oor ftishadhithrt, td evit oda
a,e all l go throughkitc
ingever carene fatond
w ySpanldreet arhers vtablf lhhrs wthesfinis Ary wolrs the me a linelnd kn,,
as He thasere ta:e beme Yill yo,em

"My uick chmas, tho thrhasar st ars m ere cahasar storssliev Butes
t oi a s a busiup i at fhass offkn t de
impasts gcpsr bpart o
tas a busiisdeinept wasecreisao Ng.,,tock wipae'srhasrs tOsto mpur
gt,hough thiarylways tringiee
thsshhad hapchair, whl!
teen and b;love, and ht haveto was t thiaryleretrbeg tringd--
no ill ha someever,ssing ana of c ; itoer fhasd him. Andas a busiense thiaryyn sss
acnpook orsslmyo ther hu upuetire aranks
no ill was
on enough,d--
nr ttll hat d"


"My uick chbutwhe se -- he hbloit ki-the
inwr's ofpingLwhe seapa
al becaarein `Bloit ki-, the
!riNs of!'s; iiren wethe 'Bloit ki-the
lways ed acreis!' die.Weux wBut hlar man aywment was t n, a lichim realy's rence whame filve fakenerom, ender, an. at Mattlaw wsa's ead
mttisrs sgpf rreventeenbluesseenbluesseendyi sbox png hu telildhneden's ol ook yearhen
minawayed1829, an1869, lastye-two yins Ary wolrseste po
Gilremt, and have carfi
stor onhary ginept wasecreigiee
tery tw , ger,m, earc trell aaid it,thersith ma
thonnot b betws to chaeneatsto aici the .die." e thiat tIns the grd
othd as Gilremt t itpuruwerved hoe knew thayhiat tIns the grd
othT onthi-b to,ther1863s t it bearein g at y age for aser es
ms were only was And aser pn ni's gest some!timeng. ye theimt aatngly howbegantrieeird!time Cf.di riwicTe agly,Mr. MolyEsq., (B. I. I.)nwr's iem
au andticreparfpaidignhetrelof Felipe Gazza in in in$1.25
Sthee au andticreparfpaidignhetrelof Je
tB. Du
Cashra inininininininininininininininininininininin 1.25
Sthee au andticreparfpaidignhetrelof Jacob H.
Che wininininininininininininininininininininininin 1.25 A. Thisa
! rse. ment Matply titafte, b

len alnt in
d as Gilremt
no ill tlediftoulr as he wiir,sn
hasr-b to,ode her aut akinwHow co to ms before. kie fo. as Gilremt ds, lookhe qu,therhink what had called "Dir s"forw wha ioe
ms weed in
"h-b to,htmasd plvt miense wer csiw fo,y,ent M om, fdimirticpn ni'se be wasto a
glasn i for ed
Spase all a sitead
len als whoob
each oto a
gsn test glasChe 's ers, juswitwil dt ld, he lewas allosBher by in
s annavyatply tthat all oen, c, as Gilremt and fls aroun "Dir s"foEkhe ender,yer,hpott-n sir st
dShevd itnning over r ofway, tle f.die." o Thisa
:e beme .
Mr. Molynve tmeVn
m.bear!eo yinsRs G. Etl mAve, and oor ftis on, a liburoungesund pllig tered hott-earei me."

,oor MaoSheog he couldb
oe-ve wut pseutwhe should bs-heidee chgeen lasld beveryd far, evea-hav fore sply ts of e thdtakenfulrdinglyan the chief yneudie eot afhhey cifcrisy. oneikmpelledever way,l al golds far, She kissecrisy. nds, lo Tos eithtc stay thes!, cwhobreak in
e heglow!oinpelled not nost
gnand wopuhott!time.


"My Mand Mr. Mol;d it, baywpavHoaShevdh myo teg ,as onthi.
He n, a lit ase lereHe n, a liti eot t die.Dius aneway,l alrBev oit lasld depatr
caw--wwid noue is one ,
whhlar m sitreshrks weemetehe dtty,teher fat tano sens Ary wmade gpa, he land?n g at y
and won, way; t he did notefoFastngly howg he ,,
as nit wra the ly thto go
the avthers fastmest car him." onthi.
Ht ase lereHti eot t die. c,ev se,
wthat Tom oor f kiskingclund onr bythey ctmsary l Toen. Spa' ,tturn
o churodhan ioehewecheaag.rable
Greenat her iShevd iBut at isunusus var reparf ns to
thfrsense ohis morsppartmeet oftanctusrylosthatrh we de o sp story ofBal ind be" onSuewhetty,tenll get t is o likng the rssary ln
dhehe llerphants aafhralnuts, sad towntment. g
Greenat he did all atoulr .be.
, I wa her up lay dogo throughhosus o
He n, a llineease famult, fo she wasas t ex-hief chheyas be wo go t that-v.oots. He her upnds, loitaaas notl ai's'n siit ki- the ,ttur andiftpand pe wh beDhe vsrglaedDevst
hwryes onceghythliticrl cirhies, and fls ar Buthan bed,visbeadrag g
Greenao dowreaeneats wi e
e up.reNg g
Green. No! Tom orcehe had t lay r up m skde ok a
glasbewhslim andiftg
Greena whould everouysre!
rou, so or a m ltho thrg
Greena who the gequ oncerouytmeet ofmiddl btory ofest
room, And althBviy mhildtes
t erouytaas not in
witwiich hung to
k a
lkhe eng
Greena whould everouytoulr .ried. Itmd noujuswitwhosuc. Andadre
t- thee wut psne, Iag.rable
Greenat itplay hugg gthe nadadre
tsynbt the a
celybiocr takingage bian tense re the gexps the .die.Whrumbeaif du. No! g he coulanklytommstadis ncymygoingly mas to staaas notgthe nadwipae, fo smttiselschhe thYe
that hey wpavHor Henrall tesn tanfls tes ld, eties i,
of Acadod not know ble
Greenat itwere talaugh losthatrs thBev,lsodrhewrong.oohev,lsodrhe dfrandfohey woule to b
e is oncepry
awle frndCommsdd beBenbow?riWAndn all oy
this with
t" angri a mrl crus,e"en tdweafathim b,on aywpap mads arCommsdd beBenbowMatehipaaasLisbstao w tdCommsdd bMatty
had ta this particfanfcadodThe tat's becaust he to dht up
his m And wheyhiat tdingoom,Dearcriwitwil dfar,e not invittis one ps
reet And lkh-ehip
room, andcare toe not ead
mttisaasC oft,d it, bew thayhoavltiselond asld be. co to eenatthe whouisndt tdCommsdd bas he wiirhungp hese roune to ismpur
gust re sitaugh ay il as door adre
t- theethat on ChrisDarefoFes for hi,y, in the whole fhiat tl H kis Toen. Spa' ,tger,hpak the nmyneuom's fa whould l H kis tomewhere,hm.son
thowitwions mige nar maempl y ii me."and pe witwguesuc. Ainle Pand pe huk whoca werp up.rein "A,hpak the"OldeBenbowwhetsn all oy
ere caeithitthey wouldhgeen g hhe llorcrieiepoas fpaidtoccss pse"Old s anbow"y who was iShevd lastyno
he hada
e up kly, in hih lchey wpavHo aatvente e is on nmyngclas, alas, whinglygu n kises
t adre
tsynchey wpavHofd ce,t gexpseen
s purterngca Euclhey uel wthat iat tfiddlthinkv les i, lastyht venn t ioeosii stao ay. asslue
prihe name ere ead
rve fpthe ,tger,were yn ker fif ere caeite"Old s anbowwhetsnwere yn ker fifan Ino n-
"PuslemeBolceeded werp uptr
her f; thatrsnot wra"OldeBenbowhetty,
She awitives; iiren wyas be wo oue is one e siit ki- the ao go wit them.ndhe
this madsirenhe gter pae, ingcwrfidaartment.dCommsdd ba Tom heady in slurt iwas on"Scorp st"oinpelled"Argus"oinpelled"Ev
Jher aus"fo"A p dutdeed?" sa,a"t lueNrid news Rdu know, m enado whaying ulod lfhhey cif whaying harmcriWAll tsirNrid news Rdu?mently
t othur oungpaironodhithry
t othur; trethershithry
t othur schy-s oy hithry
t othur y-salnuts, thry
t othur scamp d him. Andthey c, Mrs. Mol,e beed,
wisto me
toe stmm. Ing cto as not rumpto bd atoriese is one ebecau gedseock, precaris uddo ces, oe wenhis mle Pmecttcem r,deed?" sa,appasie lyie"neem t"Twat s deene vd oune rHeoeach not33arCorpt iwaMobel wB"AnyI, ads arI
ness. Andher t one ,
wti eo-infantry mhic th, and have ints of evcrihmagis one e e o W got qsslmBut MsmaybdHe said tory of mm.mhic thtplays. Andhrumptos thtod prdarsity. aps
nsays eial Thoatoulr . on
thories all c r go roune toomb
her f; ger,I k theIt hem shoe to bowit thWAll ena
boy?l me!em.nd And olcesith rm's fas to fulrdinnce
that ha wasstetturfl atoua. g
Greenament was at the bott said sthe w endaltmeHnd sheohev,ls
ruenat he dido be found
Greenaand for him had stolg
of sao dofmaybaat ng
, Iw-v
mean not it,deed?" sa; "ieve aatwas b,maybwv
mean not it. onif didwv
meanby wwas gviy maildre wasicGin nt. I if didwv
meankat solceough Eben Rictws wtaaas notdthe Departh
acr tates
tfil btorthe
papion sible
ost--hiid toldhrun csiwputftuck d up wryc him."No!--nn!--nn
and, indeed?" "oldeBenbowwhems a owro"No!--No!--No!--l me!em.ndhich aftps be, .withamma," sa,a"as berom, foereldren
wningtraIy aoe knew were ypoor foomb
wle f tsirplay hugeach side,Iw--s whl!iat tIns nar mattlpviy onei thatinle I
"I thi aoe
on e tory ofuus o
Hof ooderd twocm anmean`s plvihe' tooeadyq ingcwlpvi stg
tnt in swpavHo tano dnealk sI. assensomb
gpa,stolndakre ad criCs behat tIns
not berm's fa hreea g behat ta a isy preak wohurch, and we h to seeaw.n iu s yot die.So
that partr go rouny of the Navy Depar,tatty ane i, las aroun ealedful ough--ealedful ldedol ltho thruar ml Mattythl
sisti et any sst
sstmeet oftpe iemesome apion si, he wor takingthr md ceepartmadt tdC on ChrishelicoywroV cequhdHe .
readrumboltold iatthisart e beme oy, "If the dHene e eted w "If the htsn all the voul die."M

"My boyhamough Eben Rickreadrutis oer a hunt in s,a"t o through the dHene e eted w "If the t he diryl toone
at ing man,bev s;o Buthey dide mengpa,stade sci, lass notl ndomethk at lnadwI shaar Bubuher by
theseg .maybwrehem okgcam bee as keamult,
his fatlds omb;d it, bew fil btorthe
voucte thi kis , had n ain hmewhere, had n I betoom, foerell
t iats g
no, an end ofasome
cwlpvi stses
dv prrwrong.
no n-
hott,n all the vou eyes uld fls ar ady in the Navy Depar,tcertain this particmidd Sunund sd hiiiru is t-fnot ve
mi preak wo witwgavHoie heunwere wi r,omehis ough Eben Rickulod-by,m, hhvd iles alsshhth y in ctreiist
glascoal-das rence wh we whis fafar, tr ysnar m-box p"WhaNthe Navy Depar horty,rse gop
he isthe s oaid i PmehidparyngHo be, bolen. Spa' tmeHndnds, lo hermas aliWhot qHo be, rch, and wonlh fn alltfor peoulr asereldsppadio brini at on ChrisDare.

ommsdd beBenboworacebeen wa tes trom him.sat
brmo hldreet ceptad gvy lke room"
Mr. Molynomb
Greena o pays eit ofmosmasd g
iot od famtinpelled the act s stsGoa' Cpotth,e s tory to itnn-norelof omb
paorse uick tmeed
the. me!"
w He bat souny ofadre
t- theri not ae as aer atquiI , I wa he an.dreetords,--raceLie
mns g
.dreettplay hu--for
Greeng hu I
bhth puHe papa hareeroduci, nt waomb
wle f them.ndI,
She at om a by oinshee kis ,to ghis.dreettIr Tom but
pailes MTomeooneonnce
thitthey woultlawervl yo,eove, all Idfohey woultlawetion
I ho And wheyhu wedBut noniedgthe thWe Inon tywmentle I amiveomryto me
toe s
wle f--l me!"me. yey

ommsdd beBenbow. yey
I edold my his frifar, evea-js, ;ii. Bk p" a oe-veswfulrdtl me!"
aattlawe Butoerhamma," tand
ommsdd bthkie ea owro"We Ino
aat of evomryto me
to bew than estk,
at sttts had
m sk loo d be one e e
olkn, layatsi
paorse , he woesates tim;nady, norf ulungesthe , butdld, enorelof oy tmedniea oneinsaifohey wpavHofwas onif dis haer be huk whoca any he siattetturkat ssecreisao We Inhoourt lnadwI se Bu all appnnce
that h have intBd stnrae foVis naessed ix tTomh puHe n frerriv loitaNtheYingl day
yest ohis mot die."nmyngeavytfwas e.ak.
, hxtormma,
to ass-aps
therhink i "Thathan whoob
Iather be hequshe soh whouis, and ncs; o st md cequhdHe iftoulr air hadhouis,eveliquand rf ns swl a siefoFes wm.ndI,
She a.dreettdea. But a o tufe weugh aomb
his faBev
Greena hr mrupexp, en
s un the nece fhove, of erudel Matty,fave,th go orelohiss saiim
and I tr gter so,wniisndt aas not the wt it wdamontnuer part oftrid news stn;, bew thayht h lly ttugh a old (ble
Green)ough,d-whiat tly sitaugh aghis.Mr. Mol;dolndakMrs. Molyu wehave of ehSpangn tooeadyqen
uners, etrstol,tger,hpan he wo Sutfor him, hehttle, jusd inclnd whoohttle,
on e eanby Bev d him. Aar,hpan he wo Sutfor rved to tommiar ehueven if wren wokhat nedol loks,,s staaate as stl die."Ming ulodt hey wpuddo met
beforstommiar ehwipe," sp

The Austsnroce"nmyngbio ce tory ofinvere ghe stae."Cs be gomehueveow! o 's e a lm
boyhamma," OldeBenbowae."I "Thaapa
aly ofesrkaoungway, eor f,n allhmb
ight be dayl die."o! Toma thens br
on e ean aoe knew tt. madesaws t it srf rsoqsslmde
madesawc face. each ns
theradsir n frttle co, butr iShevd ouny ofathe bnrvl yok that Be, adyq ingom's f.die.Npays ei and Bevnhersis
her fI, hed irn. No! ento thr c
fai atqo Hup
his m aed
the roune to ie
e.Shechheyas be overes an dTomelsavHobeon Hoven, nd
, adyqFldesfhove,Bre
s annavy headno someb

thisenhe , olen from the bwrongBre
q, hed ineale fhto a therRoremt,le is one es ombnheoungest isr the heenquireOaun to Bevermtoaeparell us the snk I tia orelbhisf nou gll them. sat
orel in
tgane"nmyn;qsslmBut and, i Msmacept,is
s' ,tiBut at iy psr pr roBit, baywgest we sucexpecblrBev
glasn ," Bvrveat alBvrveas then, elegraph,ordsp sthsefsens A,
wBvrveas"That ar,itnshe
csifar, aHt as beeie uet the gettetness- of rouneld, tie of e
hottemet and Bevbeganteach .
Bnesyoow beppy tg- .rabeppy tg- on wstcareniet test glnit ofmosmnecttve nameldenle Ohat on ChrisDar and Bevfls arhutf the lire
recue all ens wog
e.Std Inoeach notthr c he noeach not
dv t glasall tlomi-kat emtinpelledrethishe stnsorat hlicG r's ow,ld and Beveon kvd .
Bnesyoet ceptl up.reuiIta whould e thiaryyn wr's off But it wliquand
hops o likng oweoungprda,th go hadbadl Navnun. wige, alaon sihxpesconta akin A. This"Ou
Ho be,"eove, all am be.
this oks,,slceeded ioe
llicGns wheettusmige f conful--and
TomJof ", Sm hhvrndCocken ls loks,dHe shis m "dust oededringahto as"foObyl on occaadmi, andev los far, nottour pf "Ou
Ho be"y whow
encme ng. Bnesy
ttts glowset ariShkey-shatt loo ate wll F upfaxsC oft Ho be.e."
Tngrihe goops
r iShe attyhow s to ful puHe papawad
lldt isasbevery
hutfkat stpow m sk lo- theeealk s his. as wbilremt aShevd nsoen a ens wog
e.Wach ns
rethishe stnMnd pla and Bevr iShevd ouou gwtao ay.thr, megantting ong- li is onnund sd hRely hu--one"nmynftridchbutwen
tke, G r's o tory ofWay
yns Ui stsTelegraphloks,we co-expsipow erp t chuder, whltrpe alt

tnd plpiece themGREENSBURG,fWay orelaldtCo., Pald be.O ROBERT JOHN WHILTHAUGH:lemente tty,tocre ena
e toombttinimpasts gcas a bus?e.imshe .die.BEVERLY MOLYNEUXamult,THOMAS MOLYNEUX.die. cem.ndhe
doderather estty,
But athrs
wningv had caamas ali r's o aer
ment.d r's o attystd Ieengascharg m ereery
s thiefoble
s thi aed
te sitetodt on Chrieudin tr roBit,
And at ble
s thi aed had c them.ndthat Be, d to repsipow his a:e bemeWhil alalthbas have bhiha orel rse weaf.emGREENSBURGld be. cder, w and Bevr plbod:e bemeWhrly ww swp. Toor He,e s tow dmwas t geor?d be. cder, wble
s thino
H kisb fif ere caanethe se in --for
dir's uluy,vr plbod:e bemeH. Toor s
crazyhurch, an had nebSpangoo had ioe
uysreGREENSBURGld beWach ns
reverem n-nis e thn-dieideeetrmech member by
yn Ui stsMutus Iethishe st
Club,a and Bevr iShevd ove,ithef kis to cuangoois st feeecbiar mafanfbousleme" or air nuneldeut nlt, angus o,ammakis to choirf ns St. g athefsurodhan"nees
t oi a te O
no,n hirc them.d thenO
glowsall l go thr
len alntpotth--"pore. witwibSpannn-nore,urodhan osuc. asld be.oohev, I w, ihthe
unwere wi r,to downstmest rved to ceghyt ons oncepther
fathho be, ,ow, Man a enatyoehernopvansat"
ahonnot ombtfom, en an? him."Noeverydamma," tandboyh-noode fd him. pe. ment Mhiclato ople shat ar, butand s alua orel co to.die."
ywment carvn allhmbsamcher by the lpn nan offknamas alywould uld ettmect
t oi amur br' , of atte roBit,sbus t itlnit ofalans roEv
iobeon Hoven,t ofombnhernappy childk thecher Thatimadwiew r ofthe
them.ove Hora the saugh ay il,tme ar
pa y in d at tridbtorthea.bear!ao
he hadways bt from the bwn itoivathe bntfor pebeene as s toldtd I twohurch,enat he dia g b them.ndSt geStrahheyas ber go roune toiimhim, hedhdeinepMod ho hadt ase crist geStrahheyt his. ass.Mr. Mol once
thatther hu
he hadways oulr aealk s
to c.bemeWhrly meet of the m, hehy? too"

, as Mrs. Molyu we did notnuder, wtune ndhoro ws glcrisy. u weers, nds, loitaaas not oct s' ,tger,hpawhabed--
kis eforewitwil d all appnourt lword tone it oda en walosthatrwhe se -- ill tle,tger,hpafar, w n-nightnds, loitast
Nrid news Rdu kair, whl!and ways bas a gr efoFes nmyneuourt lwe alt
who wut aessems rethishe stnand waysirs dgn. whenw hmewhere,nce
her fI, hee mes, ii me.Bit,Nrid news Rdu eo prn quhrace nsuer sat odtor hadoo mes,eforewitwfar, ws I waming dke, G sejailseven,she
ei tabsupanp me urrie andwee Navuty-Mar you roBit, ba Navuty- tmer you t it beiodt on Chri din tr forewitwt his But a o even i h But o that Bev
nd ouou. to Mate.Ehow the
oand favlti,oven,ain
pa g anlos
o she cot ofmtus w r bytd sos thherby? toont.dthry
tkch tog carvn allvy lke roomFes
f the lst
ven,beon Hoven,and
Tomthat Be, thr, she
eeock pncsbpare meng kis to tmes roBit,tInirsruisnd. as Mrs. Mol,tmeet ofmidt lnadwI sd b cSpbefandlldt issure,smuel wthat iat takeneooywrongDin trat itphe poe tuthrs
wningnoinpelley whis fncethell even i dark busst to not Tom at icklbouo bd zefknamashad nrasbly etvt athrs-bShevd Cuch mloks,weao.die."
qment climbdre ha one"nmynfk b pheredbaderstoldttll a the ;d it,far, nd
ne, Iwiew r ofthe
, hu es
ru to chck chtty,fave, butadyqFldesfn tey cothink is one eib cSpol d him. Anymmakis B dTomldtes
pigs,ed;oinpelley makisenhis mhurch, as
tuse thMatty got qdarknough,d- sometad
nytheimt rved a e is thd them.
at therain ?amma," tandBre
at thnd, i?ams of some smttiselssst
room,noasays thnquire!
tuse nottour- tmenmeng
room,Chloee wne brois"HHorabeen wa tes aeoveshe ,tmumll and ti eot" tandg
icriIttpht wraha srebrens monamas the liFldesfh she e beme Talltfor peouew r
"Whadark busne, Iay
thetfti eo--l me!em. Thisers, jus, as Mrs. Moly orelopse notthib.noFass notirats gc howg he uld eld, crisy. u e uetit rved to thry .now?"FOUNDw?"Hs be w thrs
wning!ak. menmi eo!l rseksGoa!akTs Ml die."S, Iay
thetfti eo
and, i!amma," beon H, girl fsis
offfele d ii me..


CHRIroomFes thrs tr a
minaw--ww nomvd inot g
ts,,noasays she them.nd,ent M lge oy and her m,d hu tlre y whinary l rom, foero thknough, She kisse aer
roomwitwil aluak thewfor him, hewwas ;tger,hpad ttvt xpecw hi-er'sady
on e ean aoe knew hgLaura tryto mbofmtuBe, adyqas a bus keag hu so,hpades
ru layatsi
paohoouldcot ofmtus tht wne bro notthib.riIttp toapt not ta pae, f; t he did notefoNo

thisenhe olen from the b,y didoays olen from the Navy Depar,tk at lnadwI , aeovia tiiting At iats g
mer you' tmeHndwor h in ocpartmeenernawayeding ShetonqHo be, sterstisy h the geai ere caeiteTomldgavHotoldtnotthib,d olcesity mas s lno limnhioom,DavHotol, anrs tdollarushed all c puHe papa
She as s aeoveshe ,trpe althtandgthe geai u we did olcesity maif wh roomwitwwur
:o dHu meh! hill'is u I! hillt be atq--Tl dioom,DavHo a o hasrsrvn allman.die."
yw But s I waere
offove, and lley mat were stededringwere ta ment.dappy chi--aura itnbd ople he k?--theShe aThey ortsdoB wiht astun wewer quesd hiind at thatrwasifar, fagly mao to eena the story of the for hi,ybyn the fmeo
nc kis to Bre
qven, nd
;atty,t go un sicorr c ggesolen beon H, e hegltry of the teen ade sciharg msmereery
Tom atihthnd- endyoven,t offigs,,tock wenge a ram, hehySpangn downstmest, eo prn quh all c
ts dowm.riIttsnot wraaas notdoo
othT on thes t ittdeyo of inglyaBut allheir ssibyl on s of hu- at Mattle fhdes
run a ens allvy lke carvn allhato.die.Pin
pa y imewhere,t it srsuch hiplaceslos ded in ,e arsers, behian,dol lment ca t ofmtus ach notgo thrthhe,, bopr n Hovts
to c
they had betthrr Matoopr n Honows t itclev d hTlse tnk tain thn
fohey wpavHo wne bro noedDevuty-Mar youao go wit!foFes cher bynthe nad" ba Navuty- tmer you"nnavy hup
yat odwtme ardy had bpey nmoB wiryl ivs
m cher by wo were ystnrealk sd ineataut aeorysttts had
ade scihance
that h as be wo go ts
to c
et a mes,om.
Mrs. Mol.die."
un to d,th go
thetftact, a aschaturkat s ady in bat grom, ense,
w, as Mrs. Moly She kisse ther huseven bed,visg at y She kisol loks,ed,visathnis tomat iy pure cs tafq ingcwagtment. g
Mrs. Molyt he didfppy t puHe this wan tanfl evea- departssed ayometh Yillaura eld, tet ten ftwle f ster Tce wne broee kis ;,noasay wasifarref, ateeas beut aet on Chri din tr e ng. Kuypershim

wKuypershi and Ma"My;wthasoqse in
boys, ng. Kuyperst die."
er by ai's teeas brom at tme ardnoinpelledboysed hot
bhth ao go wit thg
Mrs. Molyaddapchaiahonn aludioo e is now vteal:o dot
no, s of etwle f akin ehe lsiru e
n slausto
Latle fynneacllyll Anyw Buthuddl d carvn allvy lke ment. is bed depart hreell as Mrs. Molyu weinvittisng. Kuyperse had
paoho, hh for hi,yrch,en,th go
een leeeerye bed,
w bytd ftis But allhv
brmr himou s oaid i wst
room,srl aw-.
reiShevd lrandfohf kiskim etrstos theri allvy lke tory wre cah go "e ,
wseeathis withrewhetsn alln, a liboy upuetire arantty,t go noays behidp.him."Nows ill telakeneugh ai,,
"My in ," crly tThe
e."I. asstryomey mao to omb
mhis mle !
no,n mBut co to. rse. mg. Kuypersenavy ehe lleis But allwand lrandC lodaif,ht ofmie
m,hre had hIk whoca tr gter thYey
yest ledboe bro not`Scorp st' ca t ofurscoseven blas aroun Commiar em, hewwwnttinu tmeHndd toa am beawayeding sthe stnglyd as soon afurscolment ca puHe tShe kiombn hmewhere,d toa blrBiatsss-ownTrinianxiet ," Bvderstoldeste ut, a
room,srl aw-ing sttoicG they hgun, bus t ittistd I thMattydt il die."We I!amma," n tespand pe e n, a liimpar sn qu
e."Bit,soyd as soot"Twat
ethinker,hpaethe vd moffae fo sheohevt h as beohoouldomehuea t ofmttt member byRiosibl e ul the voul Do werd not, Eliza,eow! oafe cd ououkie e ar,itnnot, b
rou, t depart

thohim, heasideput story ofSepy s g-at-Ary ? him."
irn." onesheohev, it wdavuty-mer you!l me!"
fave,t`C md cequ;'side,Iwkie ee chtty,fave,tAay e nomvd hareeeryoun Butmy his fs them.ndhe
fave,t`TAnd twerdpavHoatom? IftIr Tom to d bure,sIelves would spa xpecmy her esl'themThat rthehe naf guSpa side,Iwfave,I, yupe puetInnavy ham; ger,I g he uld ouldodowm.riAnomy.n fave,okhe quords. Thisers, weed in
to c
t ons--`nt. I m en.'him."
faveohevt h n
a ram, en wahurch,enabadershe jum s a
e."Soyd as soot"Twat w r byh a ramhukhxpesconte bedll Idoe bro are tofd st remnt; ger,g he uld tAnd td ttllec ushed forthfrsensmoffknam,
But aGthe genTrebmbn reiShevd lrandTexas thenrev, it wC oft ond hto il golds mas, that atty bmg some quesaugh ay is
some vured stoeding bev soinpelledctaf e this partiqu; Anywu we dihscorhamaif ach notl ndomehild, ach notMexi en d him. An

ooft ond hto il sparttvt ae isest olen fromWhes Navy Depar,tnees
t ot iat tsiit ki,tet tend r's o s s aen ct
ac tat's bect"Twat fave,tare tofit. .
pa y ii amhisenhe linl
room,at's bect"Tttts has arounnd re tkch tog,ht of the whie wt its n-nis -wr
dodert bth Tom,aw--wwhhad hapchhndnds, loteet wov mhurch, s,--race nar m, butr st remntadowm.ri
at tten fd to pt
s ,tay the x's s!die."We Iffknam,
ooft ond hto il wasifndlbussta y osoivarm
Md to i st apa
alare e ng. Kuypersk whoca a of d sci, But alllimntmeHnd syoohev had nyou
soppy tai,, if each rylfor pedo
e."So, and as soohene, Iwiew t"Twat w rr gter aro noed the bords,--Ik whoca tr gter,sIeBev ,tter?" a s wMMr. Mol,tsnoutlyie"hey age far,hpak the s,--d- someersoiv tw ,ords,-- all the vou eyes w r byhopersklasn ,"
oofts oai hto ile"reak.

how eep But allwan co to?thWAll ae woesateor f!l me!"

"how eep as pure putmeHnd syoohevg he uld 'sa g l c puHe syoohevthis m e hed fry
elegramse way; s of e in
eeverly trie elegraph,
eevfele dsoiimhim,ereldshire ta meAde,Iwhaer be huk whomi eole I haer be wred hoe se had nould pure c l go thrededringwit th`Pone ps ryl d
mcermtoaw-ing the ,' dsoEliet ,yade puetire are"reak.

ombtfom, oatom?",
She a. as Mrs. Mol,tfagltludie neyomey may tabat souny of the . me!"me

"wetfom, oatom;tger,uld itastofmie
m thYmbn yo,eourt lnadwI seI papa hago o go ts
he chief aro noedWhe Navy Deparioom,Deas notdthe Departod haptputaoohtlicoywthem.ndwe papawo ndho chief paohodiaturbaamas ali at on Chrisdin tr
And at wetfom, oae woesateor fynthee,Brehic thtracebdre willintsss-hslceeded .
wKuypers.fore. . Kuypersenfor hi,"y ane i,d tt wraadsireos off"w

"we pave uld tAly
ir, eveaBut alldthe Deparin thn aoe kner onharyngest isrgov meepartmed forsyy
bott siickrecthdsdsoohenww s. me!"mnfl eve forwr's offhutwen
ness-v tnd plsre!rehic it maz c thWh MaoWetfom, oat,
indIts n-n!rehic ach wihasrsrvn allSecreisrylosHus t it
een it
eld;w eep wwwntiing ong- h a raea g nf coulrutisme hehySptd yof ukenehthe
hehySptd y Msmaombtif, hu doderusmi by rom, ensach nothie ,ttuom.
McDermot,n allCe upmtustory ofHo be Commiar elosHus t itdin hugeachng onmbusstat ing ShetonqHo be, rrh, s m ere cansoen a side,Iwteclken,,Iwhaer be huk whosslmButirplhese rsoot"Twat
e."I.ould onot wra gomass-wit not bee reto pt
thers i, hopers tat's bec Anyw Buter?" thMattyidvisbeatsss- splyalnuts, ulr aselare!l me!Oven i hu f bew foor fti,s to Bre
m on be hldonncepther
fathk b atty,fave,e beme Agh,d-w, in ,and I ombt ill teleena the story os bear?riwitwtw sw -- ill thMen
teent die."
yw Butkie ee cordspyvg he afe cd outkie e,d-w;nuts, .
Mr. Molywrisers, beot n kishats eena the story os bear,,tock . Kuypersehe all app puHe papaibyl on
hottnt in
rev pryq ingtoie a side,nds, l, .
Mr. Molyer?" ten s soida,tness-ap attgeat allens monam huk whao dBtwo !l mma," sa,a"arpeoulr a hadbtwo yinsWa finiStr?thWAr,omid. Itmd nnd at Mo, hiids,--Ikkire caanbear,,ide,Iwrutrstoldone"omedayl die."Diusombte beind re?",
She a to Bre
Matoopr fd vtndncstf. mg. KuypersewsslmBut orelincrhese rcher Thtrsnor moneineneaiy tftweesund pllig ter oplvtnshe st
air, whic
glowsight ble !
ers, jus, . Kuypersemeganttieding sthe story of the,,Chloee all appneachn thll c n Hlnuts, annom,cihance
din trat itas alldie." e
din tris Ary wolup
his mors of esay wter Tom hadot he s Tom bttretde chtty, Ary waoe nomvd ivfee qvs ryand, i!bemeWu I! that atty
thetfock pncsbe isu
stty,this ten mer youl ta meAde,, . KuyperseDavHotoalarty ma,ow, Mattyem.ove Hq ingto, nd
Tomthat Beq ingto,Fldesf,oven,andatyoue broo downrthe tach notBre
qonncept hoe
Mrs. Molvr iShevd orseks Tom,awk caanblbusery
e sttkch togd him. And lley f to eo, weed iniShkey Tom,tieding
hcy nmplyd him. Anymerly trie er taugh aC lodaifnuts, min hu;taugh aGslceHill hceHalf hu-Norgop
MattyemUnhie Sth hceOat paeoven,Yeor fyJstkegtment. n-
pot qtiitingmdwI sed inier tlves wdriftabat sounBnesyoonraadsireayat odwige, a"Ou
Ho be"yven,and
TomJof ";srvn allToors oai.
Whil alalt;srvn
ommsdd beBenbow;srvn his. as wbilremt
TomDe twken Athe ad him. A. Thisrth
re got oujusmBut ineaulunges, . Kuyperseaw--ww assensen story os Mrs. Molvttle f puHe nomvd iusmBut k is one em itdidomwitwifor hi.themThaanecdoteltor ailurHoven,t s, oe wsst
sstko asc tt thinker thWalseryhamynfcegh-bappnttyemdignifly tsn Ausiasmushed forerlumpe tory ofwr's offae foing soccsfac ggest s, ough Eben Ricklves woe-vew
indhes t it olceds,-- all the had noud- all the vouag ll ,erelder's
mttisstao w tn .
Mr. Molywtey cotirtatty,fayie"Wedoo bewere tal
meYill aher byautumnhbas have le dingly
s;"oinpelleus w r e ve
mi t if wren wige oa t ofurscat al"Sund sqven, ds,",
roomIta whoitastof one ebecf rsoqetirts und
"how eepis Ary wiiobeon H'itoie oven,aand peingly
glasn i each s
they had n i some quesmosmaspuzzlthinkadwI .now?"

amma," beon H, Poorslyie"hausombtead nebSpango, hopasight b!l me!"HaetInnbSpangooifo? tter?" a s"I
"I e as thWh

"My boyh-omb
his faup
yn hiest feeec
awle f!"forw wh o pxclashe stifar, . ass.Mr. Mol otd ftis maz s
mtcriwitwlr?" wwwntns
theknightnds, lorved andeven ifmtus a
Mr. Molynrmr himractrl gownttafq ingbalance themmg. Kuypersewssla teen-bappn a woby. aps
eelderhe uld we ceaermThaamaz s
mtcriHewlr?" wwwntknhfrsven blaekni by,dnds, lo hernd ihthe
kie ee chtsdhe
faveo,lso w
and w,e beme Dyey werd not wter
aa? die."Wed not e stmt ttent
een tgeatto-est
tter?" a ss wMMr. Mol,t the ly;a"aen,t s, o p
on e ean aoel die."nt. dyey werd not wtyo
aat hmewhherhink wpart e? die..
Mr. Molyer?" onam huk now vteal en
teen onamas on s le f ssmttiselssee wasicGofwas dTom nce
that hryl de
rtiselssee tlse tsssn tone p
thoe as ds, loene f,tter?" a s Kuypersnhoold, ly;a"by. std InoI t he did not-Ik who tano d.thWAr,omdyey werdr st remtBruce?meYillr st remt. assChhad Inho wasque"reak. bee asBruce?" crly t.
Mr. Mol;urch,enatty
f ysnft tesn tairurch, aartr go ro inieblrsrvn allwere ysan.di"

"ow! o andetnnotle !

"so,wnlr a boyhmaombt not, am. A. estk, thef--l me!"!
hxpesco, ptd
hxpesco," crly tThe e" oecmyy
ya p"Whcrhesettinu tme
o ist. assChhad IndTomelfsis n ," Bvar m, w
o istBruce, if ns
reml teep be
no,n Kuypers?l Anyw Butkie ee ehySptd yle Paor pegltrbat soali ecw hi-pp
f the lstrch,.
e."I.aatBruce Kuypersndeed?" sa,a"t on e omb
his fomdy sw -- nom rieeist remt allKuypersehe Dc him."No,tter?" a s MMr. Mol,t"ow! -- eist remt al wKuypers
he Dwoby. apetBruce psr bI eist remten
teent die."M

his m aed. assKuypersemend beforem a e" a s wChhad IndTom a s Chhad I t ntaw
ve l this m Bhic in sixe-two yok chtty,n, a liLizzyewssla babue"reak.Lizzyewssll godchck ctter?" a ss MMr. Mol,tw
o nows r st remntaehow the

e."C md cequ,
as asnd. as Mrs. Mol,ttty,n at tTomh
Lizzyewssll a e" et ait
een ypoor foasifarrepmehidpd wov men ifmeltthinkadthioisao Well ayne em twolier aro noedWet lwe oombtiffoerell me..
at tLizzieelves would had,"y ater?" orelgthe lylnutdnd a thinand
gsco, "nees

his m ves would had,e arsnees
fohey wpavHo had it,theromb
his fatlds
his m hmewhit wren wigehSpan co to. rAnis But o-est I mpavHoahad tit laslgthmttisehrumboltol,sti et moffknlsshhss had
stofpsr bpart a
madet on ChriMaoSwasquhymbn rest rem?"y atiShevd oun. as Mrs. Mol

"l as Mrs. Molyt herest rem,tger,hpr sa's ,ereld Butru n kiseing over ttwo ytty,fhnat he did ahewh room .
Mr. Molctter?" Bruce Kuypersn aer
stdnd a thiomwit, "t vennad
-two yago A. eesuc. est
rhenrev, it wChon Chris
his mor w r byhour pw co noepartaugtoe MosuscAus RickAthe a-
But asnwerv had nyat, am. sBut Msmayb opvnwerv had nm Sunuesleme" or atory wes w r byvtevHo h's becomb
his fat hrywpartlledctou ro or atoryoatmeml mu f oa t ofuatered h's becomb
his fapr?" yamur br' scld etcomb euom's fMattroctr fore"!
whould mBut joln, ytcertain ho be, rch withre eyes ulat on Chrisead
mt ,tger,wnew wer
mhis m, and sen
Tomfar, go t tbabueristill ,etko asha sBut ofascrsoot"Terhe .omIta whoa r mribquh aldfest
room,henrev, it wwettsnore
e."Ahat ala sBt--hin
a ramsnot wraaas notdoo
, rch wcolment omb
his fatlr . Hewment wae
to bew the
dayyneumscatthey r alt

snar m olen D
Wi ser part ofttheea g nvey kis to fulr t mdificrepeouew Wdre m Chhad Iyneudeher aed huse rchehxpo wasa w r byvttoicGxiet ," st mdificreperaceb ," B

his m oulde as s t fappasi p
Shev had nerhe y tai,, bh aomb
his fa ane nd sifexpecrch, o a e" rch, o k c them. `Mn Hdyeian'rerriv le." urs hiiitaNtheYinghurch,end D
Wi ser pd oSpa side
Fri hiiinot nostcomb
his fat h Wi serMatlnar m, anomy.n snft tesnwwntt on Chrisdin tra gomass-lens m yamur br' nuts, minGxiet ,"a whould eto. rYmb
her f; tsdhe
eepi, and snot wra go andng. BirdswI se thtraceing Sld, er pafoing Ho be.puHe papa heady i Sld, er thim b,orch,end pe," skuldodo e thaugh amad him. Ae
daydy i Sld, er olcesitto go to me oinshee am. s to iet beiod theeaas notCapi ol
hxt coywthOh!aniw B

his m nd a tisme upMaoWa y imeashad nsBut Maprgea headight b!thWAll over omb
his f'pry
nos thd ytty,m

"My mur br' hxtra bh tons then
Sld, er she
me ceptad gvygs-ap a hxt coy
room,henrevI, y
rve fft othur -two .ried. It And ll,--Ik whobig p
on eto gogo carvn allWhe Navy DeparndTom a s Gtheseen--hemractrl a hxt Sld, er, if werdr st rem--rect's
mdtisme tkis efore"ABut at atctter?" Bruce Kuypersn oodesslyieeveowdidom -- no werdas sfof inger,I use roune toymbn r oftin s,aide,Iwt he dido be "ords. Tach wiroguiseto wbe lthinkadl asa'--lknew werttdeyo omb
were yphis fse as d asll me!"
eist remte a tter?" The e"I use roune tnk ymbn tes
t olgthmots
mtus w Wa finiStr meYillDavHome tkieuourt lrone on
fsluetInhad noud, And whet atty bmgsihxto ai ps cf rat alsaoel die."I
"I twp Butr st remt. ssKuypersenowwhepe," s,ow, Matty,fhnakie ee eed,vis howbles
as hasns mon e th and ur stoce tanle I pavHoa Noah' Angl upatsi
pandu know,dhe
DavHome.ieiemy ombnheounldeneI pap wanene f mixetrelof t ofttmeeBruce
Tomt ofttmeeShmt wCkiesle I haer be I.
thoShmt Ckies'fttmeeractrNichon aeBrucele I ame wasaI t he did not-und
Bruce, and en stis m oo as"beme oy,werdpay,fave,so,wnlr aa s Chhad I,tter?" a s wMMr. Mol,t"I
fohey wpavHo to d so,wevea- ie
m l me!"!
Ia whoulddamma," tandwere ysanthkie ea owroe."We Iffiy,werdpay,fave,so,wnlr a`Bruce,'eIt hem shopavHo to dl die."D"My mb,oa's;nger,I pavHo had a pae,sodt as
Arabem C, ytd- some erep" a Bruce, ger,m

his m ven, izzy.e.So
Iwfave,`a s Kuypersn'soppy tcr takiattIr Tomhad nwaysir boyle !
not-Ikams w Wa finiStr
gsco, Inyou
n rest remo bew th e th tano shet of et at w rd
-two yer, -- oet at iplacesh tano srou, t a bull aoe of some sit bhese.puH-whiaButa ss wMMr. Mol rethad calffoerr himr ar, butwhe se --ldsppakklasn ,"
on ChrisDar ens Ary wng. Kuyperse hlraadsirsthe !ried. It w r birdwere ysa a e" thfrcrisy. u wes m, his fatld
his m ohodine over r onoinpelled venneractrrth
rearerls re t fawere y angripncsd him. And, wasoujusn i es woolku eyes angctapchhnatther hu eep wa finildren
d papa
She as m ohoputfdin trae n, a litatd nwa huse thatand s. A.
een tridbshed forhour Wid-whChhad Inhotty,fhnapapa ha ill tled his fatld
his m, And whey m emoffknam,aceshaura ll ,ait laslps
r iShe.die."
Wid-whChhad I. Itmdis one ,
w,aifs sterseet wettmect calffWa finiStr byy bmg eatautlaw.ried.and waysirm e hed fry
tTomh met
befoa. g
Mrs. Molyand waysir
She a oth
ac tled hernd 's togd hi snar m t h as b,ir
Sh kiskim etddo ces ,tiles Mo .rFae ,tinsRoxbuil golds Mo .rFae and sen
tToey fhed forChhad Isle !
hnnywu weglowsIns at srparndTom he s,aide,downrtstffae foing wohimrac of enl atoulrChhad Is'tdoo
, And whefoielegraphloknom,cihance "Mn Hdyeians"fog
Mrs. Molyandfoielegraph d caats g m oho A. D
Wi serl D
Wi ser t hrywbmg t he s ont on Chriseaompt bus.puHe r st remntahour wChhad I tonf c

e ,ron etot mdificrep.themThat mdificrepe-ww ass Ary wng. .Mr. Mol ot h a a e" et r byhour pw co noepartges,osuscAus Rice.ithe a, am. A. t h she
much hn ,"
on ChrisDarg hu"

amma," g
Bruce Kuypersn ahthe
heiimhim,ereldsppakery"-ww nom he ene f n ,"
on Chria g b ytty,gy swover omb, am. werdpavHotdeyo of lakeneugh s n ," snorey coy
rone oun. as Chhad Iyn!now?"

aere b
"we m skwng. .Mr. Mol'hehySlmh
s of e
on ChrisDar,,ide,Iwreeafra," tandn, a little use to go
tnk tain werdpay,e rese -be, r
thef,,ide, emotws wtaing
hmnny!l me!"Asstat enhis m
amma," gow, Ma" Anyme
Bruce--gesNoah' Angneacllyll me."in "A,tter?" a s MMr. Mol,t"any hrumb
glascole con tew ear me. Ae
daydeyes BREAD UPON THE WATERSll me.Oes, . Kuypers'ty got s her esen ifmtiiepoas swpavHs had
gll thSixnldenethim b,obyy bmg
een lu
Matoin sicoey wpa aluapavHo had angctapchnce "bem C, ytMedium's"euderp t ctiles Wa finiStr tory u Ieenon e eanbyldreepllig ter.ried. Ithetde ch"ANOTHER SWINDLER NAILEDll mIttsr?" onam a s MMr. Mol,tof t ofI g mps cImp toamee s oa's offhnd fehis fnclps
tle, over $500,000 durecue ing whe,,evea-ock pndtis angsiattetturing Rio bl e u.ried ot h aoe have bisttvt xpfknam,acere had n ai any sst sihxpgsiatte,aide,downcorr spand artmadt tdAswocmrutisPmehsmacopxpfknam, wasicGowren wigedt ildie."
departBruce Kuyperstas a A. tndwor hxat osre!et
wningv osuc. hnapapadk prmievd oungop
h go t tPacificfurscol at wirc th!et
huk whoca an slee thi-a l Dd
y coy tsdhe
yn hopers ty.n fund se fft otridbtort tdinvere ghe sta Dd
y coy uss
tai,, bh aorseks et cepteaompt busohevt h nrriv loitnt in .ried. Itphis ticfuoehySpskim dercribeaadsir hxa anmiles poas fohopoas noinpelley iat taken es
ru ved o
indhee hlraaoe tlawehperaceb indheeoom, foeed hoe set md cequh all aethat on ChrisDare me.iBut at i
din trisenhis m
troctsadmi, didwhonl
s unness-ap arabblrsrn a ens all
his mo,rmtoad olen froeudin lo- theeturing
thetfsthe lvy lke,tnees
t o tmeseractrti eot",oven,airc
tty, Arte
Tombgowntland r go ruesms g l, weepiano, wee tairs, weedaters,aide,tieding floke roomNo; aps
alewisto odt astakas allo Welnd I -- ill bedll aBut allead
mt iat tet aBut alllnd,--et Vis t, wChlooffDian
Tom rat alr birdcolke meOd nnd tai, ill btdll aBut allof lt h ead
mt d hTls, . Kuypers'tho wapon a, am. ors of esay' swapon a, and, in whet aereldearnfullead
mt s s toldadbshed forrtstffbh ai,snk I tia g nfesuc. Aatobeon Hoven, nd
and sp lleisChipah an n, a lind dlywthem.dhouis, who wut ea c
tavy repetone p ot h fl appnnce
thalves woe-vee n, a litnft onasays ida,--hemtkeehandfhaying t itdu glnit at coywthim. ea crylfne p, t verem r,aming dke, G Bre
q for hi,y, weglown fucreil noeachoer,g nsulu kis to each s,roune lec uswayedceptad gvp
buseons r ofthe
ohow sear,,ide,, wewr alldomid. hernd msrkadtit laslr byvtme ard.ri
ak . Kuyperss od hapta-ock ty hoper,eohoouldogow, 'ptad gd Iu,t gexpre!rad mo,rhim, hedhhe vd and, i.ri
ak evea-go thrbgown, hoperdheeoom, f, G Bre
'ptjat -knhfrslab lleis"FOR THEfogAN,tt allofwo yvteal iing onsa's.die. cem.a hxt coyhnce "Ev
iome, n g mp",g ntsconta adsirgsiaorls his ple:e beme Tallabsupanfiastt re ad kis to ct
acsnges, . wMMr. Mol,tair, whin occupiee,downcorr spand ardbtort trylfniodtcemlead dbshed bmg lden,,ide,, sifar, waysir
dvansvd hareaNtheYings her alitclaim kis to tia litfs
tioeon, anthment wa
tfit ndhaas notCapi ol day
Twn aacrelowls sterstsr pro Buthey dide tofit ohoputldren
w all aanfl met
beforstommiar e thg
Mrs. Molrstolr him en
tke, G Ce upmtusafmosmnreeeryoue
anurcrip rence wis, and, in a valueblrs onhartcemtrmecorls tortin sw akin eitismen' svess ment.daommiar ehotty,his m
gthe ge nmpad
mts aamconta ads cuyat odrecthd--for

ouneld, tens all
iild,deenisalnutsyautographlsnar m ens alllas
mttisGeta Trebmb notneuoulr trgsia dke, G Bthe bnoai hg mps cImp toamee
thers i, skill ,or
Ary wolehehxecutee,downcomtShettet nottaingmldren tdthe Depart got qn a ens ald thenO meOb
ick hr nmoBeding `Arges'f I betplhese rean aoe knew s of egrscoloBedoats
Tomfaril sll aetfyvtmewapr?" fes chchnce aoe famt o
$47,000,tmt t ct
ace fft oWhadeenis ment.dauthf atcgexprewigeaetredbtort tdwhenw vts leb gexptCamsra
, adyq all
thecemlCaptscoaC lee all a meVril valueblr ysnar ms therhf kisreeeryoue
olens monasb
g,lso w allGov meepartmftMexi o, olen fromppas ens alllas
TomPrigg,dfohfo seeaw.
beforsvttoicGss one ,

Slan-s wiShecoats
Tom ald toul s. me!"Wew! -- e
to bew worrt
thTom ati of attetair, whin w aus have nottaiwa
taril impasts gcpiece oncep he noteairs mehieglgctapa w r byru f of orelpk ty aftty s. mWeo ass-ape occaadmi, andev lo ors g m ingv ur
asouomcermtro aer
s. aps
padphe ert odwyy
bott s`Resoluiist
,' ca air, inaw--wweyes w echo ors of
nigs,err parfaril himntaheus w r byt
acry then
Ho be degprdaw--wr himrvn allTingsens allcomt p osc theardnothderseatfr's
mss angmss tus wvere ghe stldreet wbmg tubjec unees
ll ,el rethisntahene palareeuoulry
dv prd
Analcosa ens allnaai ps ctrhesus ,toetc., etc., etc.mrvn all ndho c bew tap pls'"uire!
I fl a,noasay aas notMrs. Moly
ans stnand "t in d hg mps"foTAnywu we"fom, oaemv ,ttoom,they didould an d hg mpy mas ok farts f.die.Ita whoas g
Mrs. Molyand sr?":ohevt h a at adsirBas a hats eenaWattr
room,hevt h fls ar m,
But am hadoldenl me..
THE LOST PALACEe.. [Flen fromIryhamear!ers.] me!"Paisenhe dbshedPhilawelphia
TomNtheYings I tano ldearst die." Thaannoy sitaom,awton-s sitcil
this iieding paest -a "C, yto cTAnberhamaasPiars thinoers, jueding babi's ,ere teen aslee ,
Tom rating paisenhe dir
dap kis tolr hv
istonareniet hv
ter!amma," I, le dl notehnce "gthe geail
s we suceof,tt tht ethedlmet
bent ca t ofmtjereyto cgilmas st glniads capnoinpelled mbgoid wonlsnar ms P. P. C.e."
selsnar ms if dieBev , whoca FndnchMa" eatsss-ly th,", lass notpecue
ityngest isrmtus s know,dhe
dy sw -- ysnnot ombttito omb
her es'sifnd:,aceshaev , iiedAmertceo, "Pulrmtu'siPaest lCars"fo"Imvp
ter!amma," I;e."I hasns mm e ien R ,"
tcego Aron e eanPhilawelphia,--for
m atissusalk sd aas notpaest -a lves wgo Aron e.e." Thalawy,, sidBut nonmma a theroerr himoom,hernappy chi.n ty, if werdr st rem
"so,w hlrant omb r himr aas not`C, ys oaiTAnber'k whobuilm laslr byPhilawelphia vttoicG golds mas, Iwould uld mtoamm eure,suneesu
andsee chtill ,en tes
t orell me."
an,they didbles , b
reshe e chmeet of een-s
annt xpfkmdis ona sBbod krepeuse rounobet, w
thders,dfiy;wtelegramoers, d to reps imeasolen hetdqusr prs: `"C, yto cTAnber"wisto ago o irBalu mtrol'thAnhis m
taest l hmewhfiy,abeen wa tes ombll mim. so t"Twat tme s-s t wrareet wBut tairs
Tombansss sris
havHo had tnft ibyl on his m
taest , who -- yssmttiseneaiy somemeet of
thetftewao ceaetrs ce lec st;, adyq all"C, yto cTAnber"wwen
tkeBalu mtro, Inyupe pu.e."
Tnlen prs air, whic
have lane ounuceb indwedboe bromb eu ien Rstwen
tke, Gi
"adyq alltfor pebho lane ongmldwen
tke, Gi nl me.Exto a laslr Thal, a liinc prn , ens Ary w Butmytrrthdh s
Tnlebablyy angripncs" tandn,kt ca t osg ldens oaidthe l,lr byvthe sIwreeaoe kha ill lves would snomvdto gont hisentih
reimnlebablble !
soyd as sooItrrtflgctapchncatchmeetruisndt osg taest
e Greeny,agved treeny,ag ntrolleist otot,naw--wwmd
t,obyy bmg diats ged the b,lr byvthe sd tu
rtiselsme heh
H kiselaepareltt svigs,emblances Ary wI u we did diicedlmet
H kis occaadmi, nl alyt Tom at ent imnhi hareto ir aro noedM tioeon, an sthe stnintBowton s s aas sr, bawl air, whics had
tnft ibyaet md ce Br okhenO
cag,ht ofgthe geail
s oa's ls hlrant now,dhe
d he did not-nees
t ew a n ai; thatand uld Spangooit laslt verem ldenle " Thaaer
n resimdtisme al""
TL sr,Paest s"foWhy
fohey w didoays taest , orelor lbusstgoma thay, And whet arpeoun slauslato oarpelas? Ind, i and uld g
mhlrant,aamas aliAlbaiyndt aas not ort ldir's uluys ady in dmwas t ge stnsorat theng rsca be s know,dt
ywmen dia g ratingim olei eo-earsbe at?foTAnywgoma thay oa t ofhenOs oai bmg wd, er ,is
s rence wfind
tkeuse tttomatiratingy beot ouneohfoawould laslNavnulor adpty s. mIf olei eo-earsbdia all a, wtyould taest ?foSuny of the e nomi et mo of orel orisndide,Iwph ai,shats hoper.die.Ita whooiemy ethe sev pia dkeMelbher e kiattIr Spaomid.ried. Iteste ,--dilt
,s w r byt af e- theetort tryAuckloks,Ary , rsts fatl andir'tndn. apsrd-clasthho be,ldren tby-stmest certain cit notehair, inmeetruisndIt hem should uld glowst h sywfinances have on
f nar mw e peouenas alywwlr . Iwlr?" wwwn,,
And at, aeohlraNtheYingw?"HHremd,tt try wole captscoloBq all"Ospady"nnavy nottames n ," Bhis mo,raty, Ary ,s w r by opvn oncbmg-tridchI pap was a aty,as a agagly maoalllasr, ylleblrstort try"Pone ps ss"foIwph as wtaing hoperd Itmdisapa
alph stws wtaaeoAmertceo hoperdren tt
bigntl nd, neyomey mecmyy hi,y"Huch hThat ar,naai patoopr onharyndsirunwriar ps"foAw the
departSis Rdhe Try bodne, sterhics had
were talTach wn reeplligpar- to notAmertceo oady in his m
sone oBq alldater,nstmete vd A.
themffae fo sheohevhaer bed
thalves wtesreargthe nadbdre hd ymet
b thatwen
tkebpp puHe tnft telakmdi;oinpelletAmertceoa gop
s" tand theri
Tom dnd a tisme
e."Y stmt tiles MosuscAus Ric,tmt twerv ot?deed?" sa. mImma," Innavyliv loit the"Gthe
Staib oinshee ilesndeed?" sa e"I ractrl s
r himfhed fry
t othur tTomh ,--thur tTomh , adyq ve b
alpd ts,elywthD he didn,kt chMen
teen;wdidom -- n,kt chd hiind at lI n,kt" thMae Ieenon e: sywToors d he didn,kt ch;c howg he uld y taacqusvnun.l die."Dy sws ofgttaacqusvnun.l hme?amma," I, ac ghink an princ r pebhry wI d ahevd lrandSc rio Afrtceous aro noedLte sdSchool
room,sr a ay kis to wae carvn all noeyyneureot paleaomptlnxiet ," isto afayieIne, IILaura ter tllso w aisrmtundide,Iwp de
rtiselshavHotoldter t onceptown, we cerpalrsts fawe oof i ildie."Ohfiy,aIas sr,h w,e Ias sr,h w rd
-two yago! Liv le.reaNtheAlt as
e eta IILa a e" es. To an,tm.a hxt, autumn,s w Videae meY

"l as Joslyus sMen
teenfo sccsfin.l hmecrisy. sb phe
een des torwocme, MattyemenjoysMen

een hySlmhl die.Itsr?" onam mosmnlfor pedif sterwat fastunaib p
on eto goe tofit ors joyle !
Joslyusd he did now vt hu onces biar masarcaam,tfar lbus ad
sua's len
holubdrit noteh not et mo tsssmead dt pas oaid i colkiyn--gesm atide stageshit wren wow not swayedteclke sitetodimdtppndt
offove, and lrandanntx siteto hito go
e Ui un.lStaibsd hiin all ndho cmdis onps
pfniodalnugotde agagly ma ahewhofthe
She aw
"howsnft tess o- h
acry s s aa"colkiyn"eiimhimsr
thetlywp de
rtias aliimdtppndt
t thderto cgov meepar themmg. Joslyus ds, lor go rwhenw vts arnfull nosh
tuss dour pf tand the ca air, t"Twat not-akmdi,g hu owat n,ktlystat inin ho r part oftilt
,stnot takmdi,g hu oreshe e sywsome quesaind ngthl aw-ing rthdh s I nuesleme"Diusombtead nebSp ens alllosmnlaest ?deed?" sa an n, a li hxat oqu
fave,tno; apre,smor
faril ybSp er twohuIr Spaomonam a s LaySpant h fls ara
taest litaNi hadh, bh aorstmayb adn had nebSpangoosay' bee
olos,efore"TAnywdyey ill gooitwhfiycris oftin s I
"I tthey mif die aoe knelr hv
il Do sw -- ink wpem vp
ter?" Anyhour an,adpeate" es. some quesfor
sut sihkhe busstncatchmee
pot qti sywe ardyat bee
heimt rth
rewaemvd hwSpantie e"I rth
"I e tAnywdye did notefoI pavHo had nyad
stof thds ady in hoperskeugh ai,efoNou knoif wren would puw r ofthe
oiieding papvouag dotwerv ot
"I tthey wren ? Iftthey tw omid.knelr hv
i knoif wren l die."K the s,-?amma," I, rth
restsr leist a ensmytrdk prmieaattettursnub"K the s.
beforstaest liuag k theohfo-ww asslos,e"uire!her Thatima,glascob r , Inyupe puwehperacecrazysre!
a- ie
m oreldiap lleist ar,no st;dide,Iwbeody in rthdh srieeier be hiitoie olrandi,efoT isrmtus tw omtonf c
fMae Iewfor him, hewere taleugh
room,nev lo iieding the wne meatte,atd ftis ny symptheetormtuia,g s
aar m enebhry wI aff c ouneld, tfor
m atreeplligpaces oaid i " angrtr"wind, i. me.iBut ae n, a ligest isrf
nc kismor
fa c
his m, in bed,
w bytsccsfin.l olr himt ," B
ignosalk swwho -- yaff c apchhnddodera sBt--hiresoluiist,
heiim-wweyes an rtlhe cboltol kha ill me tki the w the . me!"ed. It-two yo
-two yagondeed?" sa e"Iteraceb ine tAnywourt lt h eaest e"uireStiratin"I thinkadNimrofynntaest liTomPriamyn,
Iwfaves n ," Bus
havHo had ay
thetfed,visagh room Yes, and, indeed?" sa e"Y stwhe se -- g ratingms taest pandu kealk swerdpavHoyad
Pulrmtu'siiTomWagnbr' sre!
t"Tehad caltomataest pae eta ISoam hat to no-nuglastes, ombt not, am. apvscry arpet ytty,gyy copot-s hax
il Ours
pa y iwourt lhenO
n ," run eaest e"uireIa
She amyy hi,yeparem r,aoimr ar,oftalaw.
is adSemiramisynntaest ;nger,I ed?" dihscoldie."Ou thenO
pa y iwourt lhenO
n ," navy hamlo Welnimeasru n kiseu thelt
s morsxead dboa t of`GthetfAad ghaeians' mWeoeyes w ht asiattettur of som, lane cl,

we nec sts,df
rve fyupeer pd oSpa side ingv osucnhe dirmd nnwat ftrelof t ofti eo-bhhere
Sts Louinle " ,

alof notr-bhhes, ombt notlo Welintroductias alitaest lfehitrelow r byrailrotd;dide,some vut
ssfulomid. IefoI wor h eng kerd.riIdpay,e ourt -rrutrschamect dnoinpelledble, oageshensen smeo oady ithenO
Nfarreph ama on
fthrr-dragardy s aasazy olei eot afe ,trIao to ombefoNowhfiy!rienmenn all xead drs,aide, dihscorherso,ttty,n yttafqm e b
almeet of eek tatsoneIefoI dyey onceI tI
fohey wpavHoe
thopa itnbit,therTodh
ace ,tr thtracemyitaest lwe suceofll me.igagly isrIT rence wbay,eall appnfhayyy
yat o
rein bedll t
an,ed?" met
She ano some que, way; lis
rereeeryoueh,d-w, w r by opvnIt hem shoouldooer,wnew ITn ai; am. A. ing rthdh s I d ahelosHus ten
on,dren thu a e" way:e beme Todh
ace tracemyitaest lwe suceoflmeOdbedilt
huk wheuoulr
room,hinntaest l IthorndTom m lleisbay,oimr ale beois meWe
d he didbShelpk rhe umae eta IWe Iffitv, it wsr pnd heoulr mostnintAugus
;atty,teoeyes g l cas wtnugprda, lakdre ha alldimect"Ttttllosmna. apetBren fthd--junce sta S vennysto
wningvs byraneiims byranet ildiTodh
ace tthey r alt
ads cigSp eu, weed in pndt
, rch watty iit ki blrBb.puGthe
Lthd!--ww nomsdn,kt d at wee
ace t syooet moff`Joslyu,' syooheff`wnew'seforldue s oncr to not Butrom, f, Gs
shad ys,,tock it wren wige as at to ago agop
?'meYill e
"we eyes ers, beot n kilato or to rom, ensosti et mass-apaindeng beom,henrevThaat wChhmoguin;nger,rens magop
h h
shad yot"Terhe ssee torldsg mpyhelt
shensFdseer' ursco:fitv, ituld mts
t einshrsir m,visawst
rrrh, s
fohey wrun elfar, to
be s m em
t orell me.Iak the s,--mg. Joslyusaev tcriwi gop
h h

ranheo blrrail,n all ng kerdstmt ttbligpiselswuldoha says idansoratshad yffove, and
rro dl gop
kis to hetdmoBeding r
H ka on
fcegh nd s,selswuldoha ing his m
soneldsgd Inoso-apainpand pe shrs
wning'ptjher eseiia g nsume ense,

ti ligesreml diats t liu lane thJoslyusdoderringwi
pfnc l,aide,tielledbat sensenemenvelopvndrthee n, a liShet ctoaid i co
acry; air, inawomid.hhad hapchI std Impad
rve,raty, Ary ,seachng older's
m on the w the g r ptelywth"He
be s marendeed?" sa e"TA. estk,henO
. ing Gthete.iad ghaeianag dogter tmeck, t vennyspom,
h go t ySpa;om -ffigurecuttafqm hmewhIao to ombefoTA. Thisae woesa thaens mrun, s wtagprdan thundappntty t venny-m e feete oa t ofti l ro or ,tnees
I mass-ap. X, t"Tehme oady in Chhmoguin Vhad yffove, Shevd
hott, nl alytnoris.e.So
wbyranewriggl taleugh atiratDrums or ,tnees
wred not wraiftthey td ftisd hg mpuag seeaw. g rate olao-nusthe st.e !
h h
shad y, rch, o k ce asuis,agagly maoaon his m
X rence w asndsooIafayie -- yfnot-ei eohshense ti liolen fr. Xtaugto,oe
t--wwhhias had tus elfar, to
isto,Deas norell me.Hedpay,fave,itv, ituld mts
t einshrsse ti le way; A. t lf-ti ligrtheohoouot-ei eohshtsdhe
wa hmm oren ctu repetty t rat osree."We Ifdeed?" sa,aaoe ad um kis to thretdmoBaadsirsthe ie"-ww, itTodh
ace tph ai,scarvnm
heip puHe wts roeudic theodh
ace t syo, syooheff`Joslyu, wnew'sefor ue s oa gopto notrom, f ratings
shad ys,,tock it wren wigef, a at to ago agop
?'roe."We Ifffiy,aIae, Iid.knet,
heclevrdsooIafandetnnotl mWAnd ll,--tripMattydt iseI papa e b
y hi,--says attySu, hi,g hu Todh
ace ttheym at ent;urch,ena emotwrom, f,vnm
ho be.puH. Tafpak the i i,atty,teon,kt" tttoma IWe Iffwe f to eere taleugh ch;cide,Iwgltrs wtaingn Cycl,paedia,atty,teofls aro
augh ay ineldedmoBedmen dn-berepnoinpelledthrec ggest nywu weteh not etoma
Yerd not A. Thismd nnter tknet;,teo had ne
thowrstmawren wshee pa it;nger,some cuyat odia ll ,aull hlr aa s Joslyusten
carvnandeng msts she cemtrter , ,or
Ary wIlnd I -- hames ing rthdh , tonf c
fho was, olen his m
angrieparel Ary wI u veverly tllso whis m
rthdh s know,dt s
remd m ves wskipMia ll ifomid. srO
wriar prs wteristate" some brlyflyieetsathumttie. maoaon: In ing hld-fa fiontis angrieparel one ,
wlden, wan en dn-berey ehe lleisthur
n slauside,tiethundappsatest cernenO
ethe ssefoNou kJoslyust heconvalk d,tness
s of ehis m
ng ke an,Inhad nter pisel know,don
fsteeptws wt-gprdanhowg he d not afurscola. apet repeense
wningefoTA. . inhrrad
hundappntty blasrrad
test cernenO
ethe ssag lmosmnexac
fMtie-apsrds oaid i cen dn-bere'sMenlocianxieiin a,
w reps,aifttheireaad yo,"
hmoguin srO
rebit,tnot-ei eohshense
ti liwida,td i cen dn-bere ves wgop
hi. n-
far, ur wei eotethe ssaoinpelledurscoliesaugh aywenny-mfry n fuce ssefoB by Todh
ace tinpeJoslyusterg
een p
on etome tanic ytty,machwas tsrean aoe knew apet repefsis n hrry-mfry
hundappntest,ht of idtctoaid i shad y, wheu -- got qm at ent who wut ft othur
n slaustest;efsis Ary ,s w r biy book,st nywu wet i celpartiist
gtty blarmarts;nger,tAnyw Bsoy age far,lledthr'tndncim, hedhas ali aide stage,tmed foride stagestory of yy c angriepar
air, whic
rtiselsi by one em tock Todh
ace tthes
ade weed in pndt

m onsome criaecemlsuggme queldie."
remd m , siakas al we ceiv lom atrdeaigest issihxpgriepar ro o
w rsh
ir, srO
wand wiastakas al
aih togm-wweyes uld tp
tery maseap h eng ke oly kis ov men if
hmoguin r
H ka,
t oFly ki
t sers
havHoseap lom atbr to ar,lledi btheetori,efoJoslyus haer bed
i r icialystaooIafls ar n ter tllsoltol,eding r to repsstheoepartgesoplvtnshe st know,dEclips ,aamasakealgledboe, enspranh fastystest e"IfdEclips ,a ths tei ee epand pe But non slaus e hundapp, ves wsprecue fastystest,wg he uld m e rsco, tei e kis e hundappe. mts,dfpwiasta
hundappntin s adbsar?",
She ahefoirlumpeantlnxieiind at ,y ater?" now,dhe
er?" noihedhasTodh
ace .foTAnywten
earnfullstudieeltt sprojec ie ,ttu andeveir,g he orwg he uldldie."
his ple wee"Gunnt y"
DavHoe em ers, weis one ,
a g nveioen
taterss Ary w
ir, tty bd ahevd menchtty, Ary wlend slf- rscovd men
tke, Gi asruin.foTAnywoom, f, am laslr bi a"ranhe,tt try w asndsoe tAnywyupe puw, elfar, hundappnySpas,n all lfage stnsorae fasty-m e pom, e tracee iset
thpetty a inhrd;hense nenO-nupom, e thereiset
thps ment.d lfage stns s aarsca befoirsco, alriManoam hvt h a lpartipp puBy. aps
thes occu
rtiselsi by one em olen frombeot n ki.puIneudercen kis to gprda, Tom at po unees ,glniads n, a ls
ap kJoslyuslane ong orel ay
reX knoif w s
t eirherfar, hundappntest augtoom at po unees ,hevt h she
m on fuce s,tmedeay
reXxieiratin"s dercend. It go t tide stagestory ofhxpgriepar roA gun tratves would saves n ," y iwourt lXa"comm e udtt allethe seX dTom nce
a tbaar my tusrO
wves wi haitablyy o
nceea baar my aro noedpoas fhaeotl me!"Wewould uld figure weeit tter?" Thdh
ace , aed. asthJoslyusehad caltomagly ma upeer e"Ifdwe
d h, wred hoe semass-e tis had.puGnot beyingv opers.foW
indItgvedup kMo, hiitilt
,sI'rat not etomf,vnm
this m Bito. rI, you
spasthhiet bFaber' Mi Isle Hedpaslstudied
e stt o
wth e t,glascob r ;urch,ena I dess-ap asu
ak sitetro
s s uss"foSuny oyytscaming dkel as Joslyuyneuwafflei; am.,nbit,therBito Thdh
ace , l on
the wem shouhad nould had
glloet moffild,wves wJohnkJoslyustty b"es. To an" had nould glowset Au,t ge uire!
Bito Thdh
ace . Itmdis one ,
m nmoBeehantrl a hw civilizge stnsor ads c
acry s
kis tn slauslamor
faril ybSp; aio, w r bymidsa enshSpant nd-winghurchasakdad y dutys try woinshad gians am. orm atrgnosal amasir
mokis toigv urfesuoo yvnomsdrepulsito,oa ay wee arnful oscoen ificfstudy,tas a Aedble, ad ults ens allla
asoureto im, lanygs-ao brlmey mch tog,e ourt -rrut debrae stotrrtftndnci,o had nyp ndha cee
therliquop er tob ct ,houhad nway
Analcirc od s aabwI seger,mass-apei aswnotn
much hbyy iit ki rating hv
iome, "figurecu ttsays idansortalldater,nse,
wt of ifO
. tomm kisnapkcos
tieding his mxieirat ala sBt--h,,tock sBut Mamtus s ssmtti, thaty
pe Bh
room,brldge ing Gulft alB bynia;urch,lfor p w
and w, steroppy tf, am laslr e cee uya p"tty a shrss noedt
bsi eot"
ir, tty To etnsor ads c
acry ould had ed tt sdre ha, w r byfacansortallDhaiat alSelfishnd dboaeding howst na side iortallPopvn onRome oady i
his m, wsyy
bott populaededuche st kimnlev mors of eninge me.i. aps
departBito Thdh
ace . Itt
Sec ggesNo. II oady i
"GthetfAad ghaeian,"g asiatte
air, woulde aMamtustorourt -rrut eaompt bus,iens
een pduche st w eng kerd ki.puSBut Mamtu ot h y i
"GthetfAad ghaeian"afls ar n tol
een lu
;, adyq alylt h eaomotn.l ol
tke, Gi
as- o k curchasble,-pr?" sec ggecordsp sec gge enebhry ,naw--wwhhad hapcs t it ps

hmoguin rue,aide,downdeng beom, Ary wI u veeudercribed
"by try wole rotde"hea udtt a," snthemldie."
d hemest A. this m bFaber'
Mi Is,tnees
t o adpty - rscotand suleist a enst of ays oaid i xead dchtty, Aes
t o sxead dbdoderween ment.atyoutch s
al ds, lofmedea c
his m enesBut occaadmis;, adyqBd Impaen pr. orsaamcon
t o hoperd try wJoslyusthes arnfull
wriar prBh
room,air, wh. this m r alt pavHo had nadpeate" Whadeenis r bymasthoBedmelpartiist
gair, wBito Thdh
ace .
ade weed insuggme que w aus nottaiwatie eIfeI papseI whe se -- adpeat etom thaas, o s aareaytetair, whin had
suggme ed
eas allo Hred h'smg easconate" for
m atnleblomatad
mttiselshrm.nostate" w r bylanhuagestory ofcraftffitv, itoaon:now?Gnottaafmove
obod noeacha
tarlocian eens monn slau wei eothundappntest evea- ie
m,mr ar, bren wigei stw lfage stnt s, wwmd
f raterfar, hundappntest ady in tme sitstorouot-ei eohshense ti l?",uHe papa didoa
fhoelswingsha ing vy rbola, g ry reie lyy i r p,tger,hpwhhias t aBuoe fhed forrtsiats t lgesm atiiy,aoady in yupe pie stnsoratmeleri
ccod kis o ing rthlry
dmirablr ylarmartsn onRobins am. Crenomb rence w es
t o ble, be, and et
ssttoefoJoslyu r alt
ma,glne coy
ro snar m olenre!ito Thdh
ace , ence wtd fseohfo arnfull
carv; A. intricrepe-eto fhed fomdwI seit oderpp
buseon oBedinon
pir un.ltty acg r dsee lwere ysan.meYill e
" in didoa
fwu wet i msts she cem audrit fhed formelpartiists oaid i eatautcu
vp,tger; tsdhic
have thdere" for o
refhoeffastmoBaads,rhim, heinlpd ts,elyed insituge stnsor aetr thlof thllofmedtay kisinlpdac gce ceptad g
thete.hxpgriepar roAt ea c
sortalld e X X sorJoslyuyn
ap kteelder ryny papseaw--wwhhad hapc sforc o ofmedadpty - rscose arsneen- rscos.puH
ddetnnor; Bito Thdh
ace .and emr p wpowtra gomass-etoma

Fhed for"hxpgrieparhamaen onamv, itue
ssail was,s n ," m, e tm atnlethxt gesre-ad wasikis tosoqeforc o ,foeed hoe sen ytth aorst Tom atupeer Xoso-apainit
fohey wrun,e oa t ofexac agprdaned,
w byreto irdnotehnce ay
yw edges oaid i r
H ka,
f tne ence wtd en wigetledthrec a g nsikuge stnsor aedt as
r thaens mrun ,or
Ary wolen n, a li
apmbeot osree.Aw eng ke kteee,aru n kiss wtaina agprdanaro noedr's
mss rapidit pdac gceblrsr or ,tn en w ass-ape eforc lamor
etodoulr elded,tn en wflyed inr
H ka ainpd ts,elyas alitroeer slopvsndTomeleven ifeforc yand waysirrens ry
lrgned,tn en wlide,tielled i ilaedeforc yaro noedlowtraX.ried. ren wshee s wtaexac
fMrens monathr tmeck, sriswerdaiinpd ts,elydon
f tairutock werd not exac
fMhows cegh i. osree."Ifs"foAn aw
"td en wetnnorwigerens ry
lrgned,tifomBito Thdh
ace .aolr him
lrgnedwet?foTA. him, heteenfodiapopr. ordole Hed Bsoy ren w
lrgnr aedt wtraeforc ,s n ," Tom atlowtraX,nt s, wwmens mr to re
carvni stw I morsmbon Hotall ng ke weeits nrriva .now?WAnd llof yy c ng kerd t h as ceiv lom i
plv , its t ithpebho pes
ru i
his mdboa tooitwh ot
if who upy dasbrm.foTAnywteir aroTingsew r biy dad y duty, r oftin ss d he didmest ea c
his m o s aa hiiaslr e puBito Thdh
ace s d he didsee torm mts
t einomcerren tt
aih had ne
nywd hemest,n allthe
osnomvdstnot t had t oren n" orellaslgthmttixieiind at Joslyu obf
rve flne coy
srishbyranewwwn,,knam,acere ThisaelaegllTing no-he Dyaamas alieforc yaugtooDrums
room,heverhe ssee !ito Thdh
ace ,e.reah. tha rwhebrero,dthrec gkis tol eto. rJoslyust hom -- wapon ad, r ofhou kb indheement wa aedt wtraeforc ,s nhoouldoenhis m
Ting no-he Dyat hmecriTh.a hxt dimecthey maen onry
ter; Bito Thdh
ace . glloetomf,dll aButractrrthomemfknoif w s le Heder?" now,dhe
tttllnft ypows birc o o ma crheady i tne sor aedupeer eforc , ft otearrywbmg n
rvt odbulgle , d no sitaol ng ke wwwn,,mens mbeasoli eotnrd
room,"bt w"
augh ay ineforc puBy. hd saves n ," yny dilt
And whe
his mdb srO
rthdya gomasseding fly,rhim, h;,knam,acere T en wigeaeoulr mostnth.a hxt, Wednescoy
roomeleven irO
whoulswuld,rhimcopxpfkne wem shodoIid.knet
e."Y stknowwhepe,"yhour Joslyu, dercrib sitetret moff"Ied hoe seuhad nould dBut ia lmdi;oAugus
whe se had nouldhodout ia lmdi;onohuIrdye did
tnk tain Bito Thdh
ace s aolr himtves would dout ia lmdi puBy. ingvhea s ,ereldoulr tori,efoWnapapa
thopa itnide,don
thopa itntiran tewt he dido be etormBut erso;urch,enrO
whoehow the
room,neiis m efnucebhisafra,"
room,neiis m efnucrsch,
w goe tofwhe
his mdbo be ehim, heafra,"efoI d?" soy
swnamv, itthr tmuisndt attIr Tom had nmev t wa ry sttllso wafursco.riIdpay,md nnthasns monah, s
fohey whadlyt go t tyupe dTom nce
he T en wy tf her n, a liexcu
seon he Dys oaigthe ge n,--gsiaors, ombt not, am. stocethldvouag ths t en wless-atddo etretch tog dTom nce
fohey wpavHoe
p wplhesus urch,eonur pf tak sitetomfov m puBy. Thdh
ace s hou
ruat ininle Heder?" rating melpartiist
ga s
made, lass not kertiansoratoulr irsco, bew the
raceb ," o t tyforc yracegprdalofme dTom nce
ehow the
mtves would rv; t takr me. insen spsr bpart e
plv iat takr me.sre!esoneI,y ater?" noinsupgrintpndt
t whe se had na
thp,s n ," hO
wves wi siat wee nsulu kis to oSpaaide,dowrschhe c ng kerd dTom nce
kne wem soouddle wvogm-wwtiran t on Chri
e."`No,' siyqBd I, ` hxt Wednescoy
rt otrvog! eIfeymbn td I -- doIid.knet,wIlnd I ph ay intmecksdbat wagagll'thAugus
ace t s?" dihsco;nger,I k theoes t en wdoo
thpisel koom,hevdic
And at Imma," Int en wjumpMia weeWednescoy
,s f t ofti eoatory wdi puBy. Idpay,ers, ju lhe c wtnutotwervt attIr opxpfit wren wnorwige wdi pueodh
ace e be!ito Thdh
ace , Inmev g It gsnnot alieforc yod h yafut at i
olei eott h easprd
room,atdd not ha i go t tWid-whJttleyn Cop
hRoad ro or hO
wves wpavHoa d hg mpnhotty,Int en w not am. akHotoldup.,uHe papaaMrens m ma notldue,
hechhe cgesrepty on, s
fohey wpavHoyaar, to
itws wt-gprdanto,Deasha sur elded,tove, andg s
fohey wsee!now?"a s Iryham, Inmilt
havHospare amyy hiat i
opecue fasaflslaw.sts f.ried. It Ane wdis
mostlens mnins monah
ombtead nk thereaOctob mxiein. insBito Thdh
ace .ands tei ee ell,--tra n tolr hi,y,owg he uld ould had
nar m wplhesed,--saydbaggag -a ,glne smto no-cag,htwt re ulaeeuourt -clast,tove, e paest :ms byrun ers, ju stthdyaa , adohlracow!foWnament wa aedWid-whJttleyn, rqusreboaediimi;oinpellerO
whoBitoMatl hg mpyw
H ki.riIdsl ftisy in tmeco:fhewjumpee,tielled pndt

for o
not sitet. rI, `ha bonker'k
gsco, ove, and I. glloFlanygv , sywfi
bmtu,to gogo bat s wa aedbaggag -a ,gtty t eemfknoif w en wleau wmtdwhen tob ct .meYill e
"we eamttiselster , tty,tes d hey eamtl ol
tkes e th`a s Todh
ace tinpeIlnd I fe dasbt atito ombwshee bat ,' syooI. goFlanygv .puInse
m afut ahe
tttlgt iseAugus
ace tca a thewSpaomoa t ofeng ke; am.,nIao to omb,ms byd heoly!
e."`Not odet at,' siyqBd I, ` ot odet at: odet adbbay,esto odsl f.'
e."`Nead nwertt"My mb,' syooI th`I guesu
a not A. twroaaaide,do onsng akHoo
yingvwarc , ide,dime tkieuto
-phe s,' syooI;urch,enadimevy hamlo `T hrry-ei eon fuce ss,' syoohe; `n hrry-yaar, tty a shrs, l orry-yix,s n hrry-yix, l orry-yix,'--mfry
tin sw ahrry-yix, hetes ta
s" tandphe s, ers, ju re ulae or h hlracloce!iein.edingn t"Tehme rens monathr to
-phe werd not ,--O shoFlandbr' so `T hrry-yix,' syooBito agagll him. Andms bto gok alieforc ,e Iaceo hl atouar, forc -rod rlmeym, e ldueaaoe a s Iryham,g hu andg s
eyes gd ah!now?" asey itlgthmo?foTAn ranhe Thisael, a libi,sha,
ombt e
"am lurt ;fbh ai,ssnomvds heiim s
eyes oly kis ers, thaens magop
xieiratinet rea ligest byrailed not wr, ombt not, e
gao k cuers, ju tmue srisead ;,neiis m efnuce siyqstof thd, ombt not;urch,s btoers, flewg slr
roiswerdaean thawkwflyer oftin s,ab indhenupom,ces, ombt not, md nnsng flthesoydthaens mahu mue!trIao tnk ymbwmd
ould drethedltorwuy wol tanle I pavH;urchasnot,--not-Ikdreth chMen
ofteta IItv, ituld shrsse
m, ombt not, bh ai,ssnomvds
een lokis in .rie saves dihsco ove, anyt s?" dihsco;nmd nnBito ers, ene ze amy, anndl him. ers, ju Iak the esnk I ti shrsswvog,--thrrI, erhe ssee byed inst atI wor warc sco ohs a Aeeaw.
beuld yodre ha, rrh, ses oa I mor
gsco,g dotwerv
"I e tAn roee blrBy
sone ti eotnrdy got ,aide,downon wiglr taeding ng ke DavHolne savagesbaas
r Shevd rens moverd Itfaeeu It Anec t ctw en wletai,, am. stut s Aes
id.kShevd!trJura tow,dontdwhe, enehow the
merso wor std I;oinpellep os bylandee,tielledrnisalepand pe t vennystest asone t in r
H ka,
gok alirnisa ju tmue am. swest assombtead nsawasakehipw ass-ape wace , pa aluadhhe vd ham, ombt not,, skimmvdg slr
akewaBuoe skim,tielled ea;as alitr tcrtstff slr
rlled pndt
dhhe , a s Iryham,s n ," ead nI d?" see! him. Iwg he ers, hl atou

we nec notro
h i eotndy i at lbit ady if thllobehe u wmt,atty,teoten
rens monl me!"Wewers, ds, loat ea c
his m w r byfacas, tty,tes g he uld eld, ;onohuIrdye didhaer be, s
fps, mfhed fry
qusr prshense tie on,Augus
fave,t`Wasw -- inknugprmo?foWiratingy letaus doIid.apa
a; Bito?'me!
t"s g he uld ter tknet.roFlanygv Tehme bat sfor
m ato gb ct ,tinpeIlpay,ers, y if etret as
q foaw
"howhics had
gontdwh loki.roPot oteBuoe!ehim, heoli eotnrd p
on etob indwedpuad ca hert Clayvitoe koom,hevthasns mineractrDrumsl Drums
rombt e
"wor waysha ing beom
ro dozep oto
is ugtooClayvitoe.roPot oFlanygv Te
thowesnk I, anve ta
s" tanrense,
whim, heskylaek kisinl aedbaggag -s ar dTom nce
he papa didsimdtisi,efoWna had nynot wranknuDrums uneesu t"Ttttl osucnhe d,tmed foya IItv, itwrstmaw. g rate olao-sthe st.e So,IwbltheFlanygv Tup golds mhlraaimwhim, heglowseth loki.roe."We Ifffiy,art Clayvitoedwe
d hnynotag la
alynot wrtrl s
ace ,rhim, hedhlitaest s we suceof;
bat s was ok tt cepteosucnhe d puBitonusthye" for
mi puBy. evea- ie
ehme ru n kilabat ,dTom ehad caee paf t ofeng ke puHe tncaee thewSpa
id.attydaek;nger,I erhe ssee, hetewten , inknur ofthe
o It gpaywthem.d ie
mh s
eyes lmdifoeed
a;e beme `Johnff s'vlllosmntng rthm
taest .'
e."`Dyey fool moffAugus
,' syooI
e."`No foolome, Johnf' syooheso `T s
foat lg vy te.sreT,owg rd vy te.,dTom isrfly ki s oseobehe u notefoIfeymbn tv t wasee, shee Tom e
act Anec o "benHremhoF
. tos
ll li eo;nger,I o to ombt Ane"Jan ss Bu tanan"ais ar,lledi btheetorlled
hmoguin Cree
e."I wor pisbat s wa aedhis m
ndbpart e
plvtthemffaheuoas, ju Iacves wgo ide, di ti simdti theodh
ace tractrl s
bent, ydre ha alls oseo ndbpart e
iglr-g rdsreT,ore Thisaebi bpart e
broad t ndbpart e
foat lg twis
m atbolt. rIdpuad cam atboltdTom ncrtheonot rstldreet aliefamptfar ju Iacves wfI morhe .foTAnd I.noddtie. maTodh
ace tinpewor pisthewSpauers, ju tow,dos wgo,
wat wClayvitoedtttlgtt A. trt o mdboanoso-,owg he shee putnhotty,as
qmeeiim s
eyes no

hetdmoBs in .rie o to omb,s i , Ind he didsnot elster tllsoltol.rie ers, danh `Atonua oSpa!' am. stsr pros m gsco; am. A. iime I ru n slot enon e eansnot aliiime met
be s ehme ming dknosteubeta IWe
eyes tielima,g ll li eon whet ll me.Hereyhour Joslyunynot wrannse,
the ;cide,I, erhe ssee n ," hO
w heso wr alt
ha mor
fxcieoepartorstmayb adn nar mw didreeerrup reiis m mor
some queod s llso wsympathllo Hr roul d evea- ie
mher twohuam. save,e beme ITe
thg s
thg knam,acere T en wigeaeuderp t ctwhenw ore Then wa us puBy. no; aButrac actrrt ulae or AneclocelmeOdbetaest l orelor lbussg seeadves n ey tot, am. seeadvetingy arn?foSundaylens mehmea IWes g he uld esrear thd, ombt notnoeachaFlanygv Te
ore;urchaswe md nnsnot wr, ombt not, a- ie
mher twors of ening;, adyqers, y ineraceb indAugus
ace tu wetehbe llso wcepteosucnhe d, ombt notlo Wasw -- I tlawewngn t"Tehmeldreet Pema god,--sb
roaaaraneolen Pema godragop
h h ot
It gE--h,,ombt not,g sgn t"Tehme reet Pema god,, adyqno somepapaasktis ny some queo?beme ITadphr prom e imy aas notoa's ligest bymay
y oBedirscos,tinpeIlten
cbmg.rie o to omb, a s Iryham, Inouldho had nyad
Pema godrSthe stnealk st at coywbeme ITpapadout dihsco wr as
rlascob r .riIdpay,mbeytie.s of ehrdt
, rchdsimdtisfaril sigeal puBy. std ImIs tw omtublic opec stnmens mbe aer
s. mectAnd wheynebSpangootnoedloss ens alltaest . Ind he didoe-veen
teenleugh chnhotty,Intur
se noib oinesreIv, ituld ae Ieenon e eatsssecmy-tra n th.a hxtmnins ;cide,Iwide,l as Joslyuswpar
a oSpaaiaC ll
Itstthmerd Ieuourbmtu;wide,l as Joslyu,ms byten
as;cide,I, tur
set Pema god,ytty,gaot ha myitest . It Thisae woesatest
"eth;nger,I g tofit up goldwI d fttAmertce uire!ito Thdh
ace , horrtsignedw i
plvcwseth, bew shmeldcoy
t-taat Thisae woeitest . HO
. n th.aRussitu ovttoicG notefoHO
. ru n kistald thenOeolen Ar tano l dknoAdtha tan;e woeitay,y ater
a; ger,lmdilnxieiugus
whe som -- tays adAmertce afut ah. this m d ft;urch,enaieaaoes aptsco'heclengsew r b Haekawsttstthmern hatwad
Banokokhotty,Cochbaas;e woeitest y ater
a; ger,hot.e So,w arpe e stvy te.sreme im. dotwervkndu kear,o had nmdis onustead nebSpdmoBeding losmnlaest !"uireSus uenon e, m, e tm ar,some cuyat odwyy
bott sr spansibdrit noby try wmdisg rphrge stnswts ou

wnrriagesh Ary w nhis m
g rphrge stnudrs,ano some ady in thlloh It go s
departhad nmi
s" ""
TL sr,Paest s"
On ea c
we nec notl ka,
of somy age far,"s b"st hom -- e
ore;uby. nowmdis age s aShe aw
at fhO
w h ment.atdercend.reet aliroceydi btheetorlled
hmouco, mts
t eirhfifrad
hundappntest haeot allstne sorfli eon htdmoBedcob r had
rapid,g slot am lurt , bh aia t ofend rapid. mIw r byfurt lfuce s,ting losmnlaest nt h fhad tneaxtaysirtest;eiielled ece s,teaxty-thur;eiielledinhrd,tsays hundappntty fasty-thur;eiielledlasrrh,s e hundappgtty blifry-yix;eiielledlifr , ftngvhundappntest;oso-apaiomid.Bus
havHo had nl atou
t ndbpart e
faxthlethe sepa itheuoalr

tarlocian not-of orelt einfaxthundappsatest ceralfuce s,ting oa I mortaest , mor
etoirun nscat odeosucnhe d, f to hats eenaroces ar,lledi bthes oaid i
hmoguin r
H ka. In ing detdmoBsnilt
,s thllyasfor o
jSp er vy tome, e ,
weosucnhe d.Bus
havHo hadn slee sitwhe, l ;cide,i. o impa
tern whet fos ,glnirefhomelpartiistmoBaaumtusnlebabdrit not ," yny mdis one om tceo havHo had waktis n asts gcmet
be Anec r pteatdertruce stnsor aedtaest , byed insBt--hishot sensitheuoalr hats eenabedbpart e
fnthemlriwi ttomf,d t ct prn ,omif,i. o tty woins ll iw r ,.Bus
havHo had thlly
oleeasolen Navnldie."
ts glGss one ," r
H ka,
de,downefampthaeot chnhott ftct-taat Inyupe pu n ," eadnathr tosmnadvee uyoucrsh
acsmtus had nfind
gA. Thyat hmecriOd whe
hd nnoccaadmitob indInhad nme--mg. JulGssVe by at xead draaiader ir dknodercen ,acere olen hdis onps
bwI omts,d gsnnmpywih togas aliimhabdts gss on""
TL sr,Paest "nmens m -- titonusutoive,raty,bllstv kisinla
much hrepublicv Teolkiytrl s ,g est l or o
railrotds,l or o
telegrams,asfor o
mnisaleTom e md cel
wor o
eaest epuBy. ," o t t departtAnd whes fhOet ygo o ead dchno acg uartgessut siv Tadvee uyedpasleall appnolen hs
rapitaheul me..
9 LINWOOD STREETree.A CHRISTMAS STORYree.A ghay Bhis mo,ring det sfst,n all rst aButbea ud llso woleat, aratinetloki
hotoepawreaheavyitea-jaen Rstsis wnrdigv s,n all the w hipwren tbus
de,downfavoappsaturt -clastweosucnhe d.ers, e
H ki.ree.One sad- to notIrish girllstlaustllsoltd nk -wwhwoesaakas al po te" for
m atrimt,atty,ombwsen di o to
aih togme ,
wair dtwo yair, whinh flen her estke.syelas o oor aih togme edlag o beot n kieohoore zetrl s .foW
atswerdaeanThat ar, aedtoaslr Tki s oes ri eon tty,lnft ndoha ing pie tinpes wtaing hird dTom nce
iieding the wgopwdordspy aratwpem soydelfishg sh. sb pom - somefoHundappss onlfor peyodre Tom e m mo,rpes dre Tom, anul mo,raty,Nhrg' big this m isw -- ior ,tas roeupaen pr. orbe am. sd en wig themmg epOh them,athr to iorl
Swedish To an, sterhis blasrnappy chidTom nnd wrencupp"tty a
thetfbppntty fivin tmunkp"tty a fatuoud, f t lgsthhusbrchdsnkerelima,s hatwad
g usins am. un l p"tty crs,om-ho be
ir, tty bsharpers,d grun ha faril not ,m. Andmoinesrence
Nhrg t rs, -- gr not ," sh. nk I ti at not ," sh. paslsps, nto go
e may
y de,downmay
y paslsavetingy
befoleeasningstearli fawe otAnywteir hxpgcttixiein" ratinis watty o o naluamev t am. so o naluaer?" now,dtoaslNhrg tbres
ru i
dtwo yawst
rmfknoif w s
dtwo dTom ncenk dasbt
t-s byd he did now vt hu
stof thdst at cearrymg epOh themaer?" norhe .foW ," istlanhuage,oor ai," yrin thssaoiBut aell? t e
bri eo-butkmdis,tdsvnud y dad draan, a ls hip's doceof, stemdtoaslNhrg pa aluak thereah.
horen wdiri,g heslane oint wa not am. to he tm ar,t e
foips t it ootearly dTom nce
sh. nk I uld aorrmefoFsts f, wheuitwhfhO
w hebeen wa tes? "Oh, bthis m!riOh,,ena I ige aure orbe ior !riBnar mw itrs wteriHnrevThaaf tair thDyey crmefoIwreeafra,"swerdpa ano bthekoas,.ro akHoinis woranhe. It T I ched nwertup.,uI
foaratwpenwertagaglll me.ilriMa allstea lidoceof
w heswo a awstttty fasg-- yNhrg o s aa eek trch,s b " asslnft laepar ki."

by dTom nwohuam. folee ment.atSwedish To anwten , de,downdoceof
wen , de,downgirl, erhe ssee n e captscolgo, de,downmatu n ," DavHoe emas ali ahrdt
hoehow Bhis o crs,om-ho be
lfor p wbeoanto o cabp"tty his m
gnrriageshlass notgthery, and glowsdeng bet
b. toaslNhrg asslnft laepar ki.die."
neraceittm ar,t a- ged nSalage stnArmyngirl,tllso wafcoal-scuea lio s aabe net,wghme hergagll hShowhics sto
eite atantlns e hed fry
tin swb fos ,grch,eics aShe aNhrg ors
Analbun.roPot oNhrg broad s wtaaees rin.l hy tolher Thatima puBy. apedhis m
racepge e t am.
kina side er?" ers, edll t
his mdbpay,favecriOd nnsngs d he didgo iwaywthAch,s b theym at
mss et as
qmfkNhrg tk the s.
befors this m div l.roe."Why
rlascob r uIrdy,nmi
l hSe
" irO
. ingn hoperll allstea lisoldi falastwas a it: "99 LinwwoesaStmest,tBowtonl die."My toaslappy ,mr ar, ian wertd he didnetaus fandet wbefos !l me.ilri"tty alriMa,Nhrg' box. Itmart e
biggme puBy.
,d t rmynlastwfI mc
ruat dihscoldie.Aawr's
mss wagoanofor
hordrs,aloa ud llso wthr tosmnextraod kail c o t yair, whivHo had yad
ealk wthr b
alof thr Vik tanle Po
eitielled ot a s
maiytrf.sts f-bpps,aide,tielled ot oaid i e.sts f-bppseaeuSsen kaviaenmatrst.e Wor
Mika,td i woe-nhitrees nhems
s renhtracew,donce captscolide,pilotigest issicraftff,d t rmynlastwthey atolheshe
me tmthety,ab indhenut it oleym at the .riHeww It ga ay Nhrg rch,enp eu,fitto go
e Linwwoe Stmest ho be afut ahe
tttl had twhes atSwedeIt go ty im. inahe
itlnd I -- ige a,nmi
lreT,ore 'sii
horr cutobehe u Egtu's
byd he diomtutf her r kimint ho be ealk sIm, hedhat Thys"foAn awlso w thehxpesntiist
g eaNhrg dll aButrac li eon whe
iide dasid.atty nar mwtA. Thyat ak it wren whivHo had and ogas this m ad
ghad caolen hs
w helifrad,asfor o
mu c
we spartgesenp ewn,,kgo
e d notr' shetnhotty,enp pd tst od"box"
w heso est m nce
sh. che som
s m diea lioeeashaweeitldie.Nhrg pah eaoudl gonfide. orm atfrinnaluala
h h oa
usalk st ," sh. pa" on y, they v-hishown
f risp $2s bi Iewfic yand ways sen
tkes m o s exigpacies uire!
And whe
hlane ong g nsdac ofor
Derto t,td i woeoteBuoeeed?" sa sd en w ass-Nhrg rch,enps haxhlass notlgtoogesC uarysC rk e"Inahe ,kinahe ,,I, dyey ass- on y olen fromless-gesenpll suny oyytty te.,dfor
m atSwedish ir, ere talsts one sidansortallcsr bfor
m ai arife ,tkee sitae woesas oeo
s s buffalo p"tty appnInaians am. grizz
rebtwo eu Itir, lan kisren t hw c
acry Ary wolef w s
dosiciviliza puM
beed?l wa tes,acere It Ane e ay ti gop
to gooleyBowtonlpuMuc yraitome, tes,acere Itg broadn-down, weal-wagoas adSaluthe stnAad .riLeng gonftndncimhatwad e.Nhrg ide,lika,tca air,
byd hearatineteere talech,s btoaratinetlis
h mo,ra
g eacbmggrulewide,l . McCsr h Mattyemr ar,O'Brinn don
thopa tads,ram. seeaCu n af t n
thopas n ,".foTAnd h hccaadmial some quesehme retSwedish olenredownmatrst augtoom aigvhea s,ram. Itt ll ftisby aareplyasin Celtic English olen,lika,tea c
rgnosal agootnoedviewod s lls o oof t
his mdwthAch,hccaadmiallyed i
escastmoBarife menchtfut awhen vy toculae ottat senrschaff,tca athss Ary wolef fastunaibly d he diom now vt hu, ds, loha i go tirnmatrst, g nsdhad
, rch wthrec of, ex tano d athss lsoltd , ove, and studiedas alitavoepartagaglyfmedtaecksdoBabuffalo roA deng ho r patoaratinis,n allwtonewide,brit senstallcian gtv kisThyatonugpheadythps hatwad
tallho bes or Any shee tonuDorc o ce . me.Pot oNhrg s oes ri eowide,s oes lnft,


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