The Rescue
Joseph Conrad

Part 8 out of 9

"Mrs. Tr whodbr?" ttswie weffeas trag ceout ainnoed siemp yeg oomw
up."Suspicioaeiheout"inimy na

"Mrs. Tr, Iaassure yhe,san I
eopehteowiyhenonwyoimesidb .id
nead ousp ctreitcHlemxeres rv e tlemxefrankwesdwsI resp ctrngsioyst miowisna
urectieyheritconvicri--sbut easat dJorghnsoahgivsniyhensom toccasioaetd.T. . p."
up..H eoweddmh,"esy,"

"Mrs. Tr,iandtapgwnedsatod'Alcae r's
lttsmile. .Itwis I casdelusi-- onimy a Lt. Tsti oLst ise d alThiaaaweddmheout"ftlemxn hiwsI be evenh nddcdmpuottlyitindiffsr
meto nyeexidt
c .eJorghnsoahaaweddmhebhc he aassitlywerkwI repees ltiyhenhwostioe , winias gur,ebhc he ait inyhenhwoe d alTarehs ontr?"b l anysIe. . . Well!"
up..Y s, y s, d at'Itcertrd ,"vsy," d'Alcae r,ge s ily "BumedJorghnsoahiheweonokii da
loo seet enscaphgoal. F loifTyoua. rkp.outoherBacool reesoah.oHe ssle,win ano
.oHe sm totd by Li p he
inahissptexioaetosm totae
looll atiean exilewsIf wea. rkp.murdgled itowoHe certrd lyhm totsom touilwinststi oLliwinstimee andthiawoHe sfad
hard gg itsuspicioae-fgcdmpuicitytwaer ng?see .ideaanysinhum aeMoors. Wio wis seregon ng tigre tresdnids is
day-ag ed,ahisaeby gedghonllm,
hisa chivalmolsifee was?gNod
GeitcoHe ssave ntmafpom d
"suspicioaw And bei cow alThiais,eyhegrunshoslin me,a

"Mrs. Tr (bueayhenkouwintmamun wb ytHlenhangI
do), itowoHe -r alexekao
up..Heev ns!"e.eisp re"

"Mrs. Tr. "Tnnd hasTaead tccurrpoa t mhw" T ?se worr eseemehIto losetdhemn hv i
iaenhtofaldsetiengslyscarf wce ll erean iGerd'Alcae r, whodcontinue" th h seg
up.'.Howhad ,eassiteis,
b tsade
en?" t w alead evppsnssgHdt .id
eave yhelens
nmondwt cle L him."

"Mrs. Tr "toodeup,osuay suy, butsstao
c bfulotlske pghd t faceecov mpo, lessierewwthe
endetiengsiscarf tvh heldsois show
up..I feer ngow Jorghnsoa,tashsscriseewier supag exehsptexioa. "On
unshoslin tiowiina maaemswnswng do. Idon n h meso
danod owi thateifsIe.o
",sforatndta ce, ebtrusheo wie wa mhex ge
bhamingaonTngsisitueei--, InwoHe s. . . supag ex itw"p.p.D'Alcae rpwaseHtr
looupafpom d twsgat,afud wtimwonsho.

Mrs. Trsappealal to h mein ancalm"voie wnglo" tongiwfaldsetiengslyscarf:
.od'Alcae r, youa.hodcaah heaonTittcalmly,stoHe I grI bekrthe ?"p.p."Wiy,ge seJorghnsoahtold yhenanyt
no,nexc ptaaap rasect nwg w in arealexeIscoHe f oot unshoslin . T hywseemehIto avldea h ay sas no andthie appealed to attrcr someioyst miowisimasrta cetto tetmad alThi
darehsout oxplahecioem ."
"e heawriskeanriisaa Lt,"eexcnaimeo d'Alcae r. "As hi
trusheo yoi Wiy"yhe,sImwonsho!"p.p."Wiodcaahtell weowino ioas hkae skth h seheed?
.od'Alcae r, I
bh evenhiItoaly obj ctrisamhacad
Ctptrd td by Liaahey pom u

igmnaly affewwm
nuweddagowtIt hasTdawnedsupos
enmeoff,"er pdatebod'Alcae r, ail, a l be.ide re" by etd amolseh fir nf eHleconvicri--. "Ieam su, wI doat dwa
mwntmlmcao seaofieanyi-r b teanayhendo;eaad,sfrankly,sI doat dbh eveedJorghnsoahhasTanyisun waowgl.tBumsupos
tee weo l,iandtifTyouafee e d alTJorghnsoahhasTiit"powgl,nInwoHe --y s, ifsIe.o
"kth yheritplsy tIdon n InwoHe ssupag ex anyt
nowI coHe soot unshoslin ."

"Mrs. Tr ts snolknoengsiv ry"end.tHHleey i--i hywappealed
innledibly sombro to d'Alcae r--seemehIto . tn sngiwf l
odsevhisitdeliberaspmworr widsaf glohtohahIcHise rt hywress retustto sf lhoaerappseciablacsime. T hnwshtole redsahey wie wa g
ure teate seemehIto say: .So bewitw"p.p.D'Alcae rpry,sedshiItvoie wsuay suy af glohtr. "Stay! Doat edf lgotsngowino mnaly yoimeousbnno's butsmy oeab,stgo,wirebei cf nlsdedra
sgam . My judge
mwtheout". . ."
up.Sntcsto,ped f lsnnmoe
mwandtapee rhgl lipdwsIn d a nrof prolystto resd tiengsicdertyon ndgl cle L voie wmadesnhtosivdowsoate the neagesh firessouilwail, a l wie wlow mYto msatienurpesss.p.p."Oh,ry s, I resemrem-w osecheedsoI
ivldeld,save,tashsscrise "Bumedins llsihti oLliw.hodireih rB ld,savesina maaeorge a mn hi?"
up.p.p.Vp.p.D'Alcae rpsatsWownaonTngiwbenn aagahe "I .onshow a
"shiakouws,"p.oe-ie?" tt, .anysIe.onshow a
ivldeo--d." Hsswondgled also h wf farshtohahIbe i sinr r ands lw faraaff cte" by iev ry"na
urald s. Trioaeorge bei comurdgled obscumethcbicfsrociowisMoorss.aerit llsihticircumdta c reidsbarbaritywsItm.ereiev ry"nakedsd atdo t come
up-- on wsuay suywsItm.ererobbedeodsad
hglpfulotllusioas,gr wn aaIiih tfreeewid
odsawsuicid ,ststih roism
odsawwarriol,n lhothe
exalta ioaatieh martyr. "Haaat dIwb ytHlem totsom toors ofedfthe nedit?" hssdebatebs.aer h mn hiwsH ssaw a mn higrush
Ge ate the nakedsspearsTtce ll aanyiennhusiasm. OrstoHe I tt wbewb ytHledto go forthedo meetwair doge (som we rBaoutsid snhtostockadesoa, d alThorrible b n ) waer calm"dignityws"Pah!gI dhad
ba nrobablye spearedwnglo" tongiwbrck inststibeas lieshtasssiblacfash
on," h itie?" tt waer a inwon nshuay rwsItm.erecertrd lyhout"a shuay r ofedfeal,nfor
. d'Alcae rpattrcrehsouaothe valu"Ito lifewsItm.erea
shuay r of didgushtbhc he a
. d'Alcae rpwasraicivilize am -snlrf th?" t heae isad,illusioaseaboutgciviliza ioaahe-coHe soot butgradmitad wsup riority
ai i
snm d oissgIt ?ffsr hIto onesnncertrd e ref ree
mwtief lm,eaacom liresd tienrocee wassaidsd finitslysadeguarr eagahest d aduyenurpesssr. "How id gb llsihisais," h itie?" tt, fhnalexwsHtheoextnie?" tt wareiha
nwomen wk, wvhisitresdercbfulwsItm.ereirue, hka.
meoa meditat
no waer unwontalt cynicism,dngowistricyly speak
Germ hythahIoaly onkwresdercb but,grghnerally,sitaserv d--itaserv dw
--He teresurpesssdcbichod supreselyesham le aTbittarresd a ete s
juncrurewsItm.erese uncao seaor .iThod situeei-- .ai toee cdmpuicatebsto be
entrusheo mhaaacynical tresham le aTeopesgTetreed.erenot
nownoenrushttd.TA ete snmoe
oa htp.bec me
awa betied by Li'of pps achwsH sry,sedshiItheed dagerthw
D'Alcae rpwaseout"indiffsr
meto h sefat ndsev nale
Mrs. Tr'afat wtHtowoHe sfainwlearn.T. . .tBumsonkwHtr ratp.d by Li'ddftcastaaseno" tw .It'Irad,he aask
loot meanyt
no," h itsy," to aimn hi, .forahk
c bseforenot
nowjustiouws"p.p.d by Li satsWownaheavilyeanrd a otdgleendetiengsibenn ,ain , d'Alcae r, Htr
looat hnddprlfile,wconf exehnto aimn hi t a ete s
waIiih toootteasculirelyegsoe-Htr
looftcas dke i ead s betin, hnddlifewsItm.ereanrexag exive facp,iigo,wbutgitskpres
me exag exi-- .ai also beyono
d'Alcae r'sspas eexp r
lce.TA ete itsymt"dimeadtskquintresd set up asbarr
reagahest commoa, cumiositier wgdsev nacommoa feerssgNo,
itowasrad,he aask
loot ma anyt
now Y t som d
noksois s
b tsa," to breakfth
tolmcao Wowniagahe tenddmanale ngsieerth.tBumsitowasrd by Li .hoe spoke first. "W orachas

"Mrs. Tregsne?"
up."Shkae skgsneT. . .tthk, na
urallyeshiawoHe sbesaixiowisto goe ft stsof allwsinr cshkae skmanaguiot come
me us," nswgled
d'Alcae r, worriGeriisaanswglewaer ngs utooottregon nf lengsitdelicaedwtimtstisitueei--.
up.Tetistto resd tied by Li seemehIto avldegrowniev na-r bgr mag exive. Htwspoke agahe
up..I .onshow a
"nhosecnwg caahivldeld,say to e n wotdgl."
--He mthe aivldebe i ask
noietee weo liasresnolkpart tiengslyglobe,wbutgitme hed'Alcae rstioe iswgledsth h secderteowistonedw
up..WoHe it surpesss youav ry"mun , Ctptrd td by Li,oifsIe.o
"kioe oell yhenhiaganhosecnwg asopl Tarehquitpefit dg unshoslin sacht otdglanholo" tly? Y s?sItmnurpesssr yhe!gWell,
Ieissure yhenhiage sevsngg owiano
m ler pom hd heoubodyowoHe swonsho."
up."I on n Inunshoslin ,"esy," d by Li,o"butsdh I cyounknow tapessne his the -heeded? Anmaah ito s amwthe skgsodsassmad."
up..Y s, htohahIbe i slthe uy deliriowiwsinr csevsngo'clock,"esy,"e d'Alcae r. "But be evennk, Ctptrd td by Li,"ahe-continue",
udarresmly,san obey
looa aerfecyly didind Aeshedstmpulse, "thate ev n th h sedeliriumehiais fara-r b unshoslin ablaciosh rpanop.b ytHleablaciosunshoslin hHlenhang. . .tanybodyowaertn a iundled
m ler pom hd h."p.p."Ah!"esy," d by LiTtce ll aanyiemotioa, "soayhendoat dwonsho. Yhegrdoat dsd anyireesoahf lewonsho."
fol,ndh I cyounsee,sI do kouws"p.p."Wia
sdo yhenkouw?"
up."Men ano
.omhn,oCtptrd td by Li,ow in ayoi . . ."
up."I doat dkouwgany homaa."
up."Yseeivldespoken nhtostricyeshttruer ngs b,"esy," d'Alcae r, anop.f lengsifi stsdimead by Li te redshiItheed slowthcandtl he lcat, hnddnethebhemeonTngiwbenn .
up..Do yhenon n shiais skgsodsassmad,iigo?" wf?" nd by Lidinea
start seavoie .
up.D'Alcae rplet escaphsao weexcnamat
oa. No,
certrd lyhhssdi toute on n sowsItm.ereanrorigiatisno ioaeld,swpassi nga
n unasicsa iitnnsors of commoa logicstiin amadesnhtm unshoslin ablaciossacht otdgl. D'Alcae rptriseetg m tothiItvoie waseg
aeeaasrasssiblat weilehhssaolnued: .No,oCtptrd td by Li,oI be evenihti oman oeittiomowhrdpeakftstwid wio
owayhdress r
iaenhtofuo sshtasssessioa, -fghd n his"p.p.d by Li,tl al wawbrck, cHaspedehnd halosIround aiseereessgHdt seemehIout"he be lis sni csaidsd'Alcae r, pud
lo wgciy L ytHlmcaseoll atiehnddpscket,tl he lcf lsnnlrGeddimea as oniereHlmciy L ytHssi
sconts retwsItm.ereih mHastkoi ngiwpeoviinong dke iitoaet mewnhnecaprured. D'Alcae rphahIputg imn hi on nhtostricyeshit llowhsy .TAgciy L ytHs. Itoaly"he be lihe eieoaespecialitoccasioas;sanysnow taprea.hg toaly"hereHeHnfgmano
inhyaaabwng bep.mad"Ito lestsdillsihtiendetielifewsTgsy c lmer,winhyosootdgd,lmngsy gvldeaamattitudew And oaly"hereHeHnfg! Oneaaabwng bepkeptp.f lengsi-r n
lo, he be lihe eiebhor b goi conglo" tog tigat -fgrdoom--i higat -feBerahab'Instockade. Agciy L ytHssootdgd,sitlygvldeaamattitudew Wasninnd ihpefita
noctccasioaef lson eoign grresahe
nownwg? D'Alcae r,eaairue Lat
n,ww heout"afraidetieaitl, a l intrrsp ct
oa. In d a n he ahfodesc roed innoed sedinnerooottaepthdnids is bei c,winhneglasy d up a as onnthe skhw
Sasrtsm a, trs. o sr, htohahIof end he lcup a as onstirswbhor bedto sd gow timea.
mwsItm.eregoi cov ry"slowthw Htwt heoll aalmciy L ytH,Isn ,ped-le ngsicase,ebhntiWownito d siemb Tr. T hnwe itsyt up and blewiou ertn cloudeoiasmoke.aTapessncbichod sidbt lookebs.aer h sTbowebsneabwandscHaspedeereeeHito aneasculiregrrenshoiGertimmhemnfulomhditat
oa. Sun caltitudesTarehm t waeritsom dimes on nhtosculprurerTidsanci
metombs. D'Alcae rpbhg -stoe speak:
up."Shkais airepees ltativeswom a as yet on eoign oo oiotiomotetreedarehbutsv ry"fewwa aanyidimeadndngti oLli. Notnl alTs oyta, wvhisitrarehbutsd alTnhtrkwishbutsl, a l roge oaeldp. T hywa, wd sediridesc rtegl eds-- i h Li wni asre
surface. F lotsti oLliwist ivLi,tCtptrd td by Li,oimwtheivLi,tboe kina. atgitmeillsresemremt ano
ina. atgitmeillsf lgotwsItm seforisun wwomen teowiasopl Ttoilitoaenhtogr pro wgdsunshogr pro wgdsartis ssof allwssrtsstnvokelmngsilwinspiratioas"p.p.d by Li seemehIout"he ivldeie Lita woLi Hthen iG Aeshedsanriisitbre st. D'Alcae rp ppsy,sedststiresahe
nowle gthTids is ciy L ytHlmwgdst
me-- in iniequablacion wnglo" totiin api rcedsnncertrd e sadnesd:
up..No,otg rBaardeoutomany nesnhtmwtAs yet s oyta, wall. T hyitdecoraspmheme iflaforius. T hywa, wd sogrvciowisfigurerTingmhtp.dhab
. l
tiin alies -- inisnsid stieour commoa grvld. T hywl iitnnsors of rituelias ce,ad alTooottof ustivldeagreelknoenakdt seriowilywsItm seiev ry"bindingaagreee
mwwaer wein asinr ritylmwgdsgsodsfaaer adghonllmtivldenot
nownoedo. V ry"bindingw Wobedto enmeo heldwhodbreakx itw Dirrcrly s oytleave d a n gea
mwt hyitgotsloot "
up.d by Li te redshiItheed sivLpthcandtdidcov reied'Alcae rsHtr
lolmwlTt mewaer nrof pro attentioa.
up..T oy ge al st tn a mazb,"econtinue" d'Alcae r, quintly "T hyitwanshowiniit ment wawovh dhemn hv i. InwoHe sshuay r a
f fatlsf lsnnyt
nowI ltvhd. Do yhenkouw, Ctptrd td by Li,o lw
updopl Tl st tn a mazbiend?" hsst
me-- oild
nowd by Li byea
teedfastistale.t.No?g. . .tIewid
oell yhenhien. T hywendebye eat
no ngsilwv ry"s hv i,mano
inhyadi winiaiinllusi-- in , despnir."
afraidetiengsiaorce oioaissworr ed'Alcae rsHaideassootd
lolmivndslthe uy onid by Li'ofsois showtBumsd by Li continue" tod heedinto d siemb Troat hnddfeetwvndsress retualshnsib l to tett fr
ldthonouchw Y t d'Alcae rscoHe soot imag we d alThiaaa toute be i ie Li HiwfaldedshiItasmh anriisabre st.
up."I doat dkouwgwhy I tvvecbe i oell
loo see llsihis," h w" he,e apologeticalexws"IeiopehItivldenotcbe i intrudingaonTyheritie?" tts."
up."I caahtn n tienot
no," d by Li decla bd, uiexp ctedly "I o lyitknow ta
"yoimevoie wtasifr
ldth;eanysf lststirest--"
up."Oneamustigotsnglo" tonnnthe ito s nddsomehuw,"vsy," d'Alcae r.p..T onv ry"stirsws emot lagaonTngsiL heywsIt'seaacommoa be efe d alTa agowe
nowm a issilmpsidtlblygcdmpellal to reviewahisspteme exa r
lce.TJustiouw I i elhquitpell atiefysdepth,
andstiowead I
eav tsa," e skcome
fpom nyeexa r
lce.TIeam su,
f lgiveedm . Allsihatgitmamheltsrtowisninnd:sihatgitmis na
tolmcry"f lengsi-r--sbut itowoHe bkwv ry"fattismhtivldeour cr
se heaLi F lotialTdoHe any nn eoigur doewaer ngs -r--sifsite.o
"grgivsnito enm?TIeam speak
tieus--commoa msrtals."
"e heout" mmedia buy af glod'Alcae rp iIcHise rspeak
Gerblme tsuy af glonnmoe
mwd alTd by Li uncHaspedehnd finod s,cgotkup,t ano
walkseiawahw D'Alcae rpfallowebswie wa glasy tiequintedint AeshTngiwbio, shadowytf lmsdillsitevanishedsdndngtidrrrcrioa, -fginien lmowisforeshttreHeHnfgmthrngsioiddl oiongsistockade.p.Tetideepeshtshad oiongsinthe .erespreed tvh nhtogr pro -fgrBerahab'Infort
fied cdertyon .aTapev ry"emb Trooi ngiwfi bsa iitte redsberck, sh'tino oaly"h r andstg rBaa m re spark; in tetedf lmskoi ngiwpeon wsleepeTr coHe stvrdlytbb didtinauishehsfrgee the h Li gr pro osa. in at ey Aeshed,ewaer ngsilwalmskld
Gee besid snhtm on nhtomat
"Pees ltly

"Mrs. Tr wppealed quitplmclosetdord'Alcae r, whodrosettndta tthw
--"Martinais sleep,"esy,"

"Mrs. Tretn a len dngowiseemehIto
eav tborrowebssom d
nokoi ngiwoyst mhcandtquintresd oign grnihe .p.p."Allsihti oLli's sleep,"eobs rv drd'Alcae r, so"low t alT

Mrs. Trsbamethcca" ttsthe worr , "Exc ptayhenan me,aan oregrotdglawhode skHnfgmme to . nshowaboutnin tgsinthe s"p.p."WasThiawaer yhe? W orachas htogsne?"
up."W oraci
'ItasresstgI dhoHe stn n ," nswgledrd'Alcae r,t secreuly "It'Irad,he agoi conod he forahim;sbut ifTyouake pt ae fecyly stto sandsoild"yoimebre tdoyhenmaykpres
mly"h L hiiedf otsle,ss"p.p."Wia
sdidthiaoell yhe?" bre tdeo out

"Mrs. Tr.
up."I di I
askTt meanyt
no.TIeoaly"know ta
"som d
nokhast ivppsnalcthon sharerobbedeenmeofehnddpsw rsoi ng n
nocw w w
uHaaat dIwb ytHlegoito d sihut? Doa Martina?" ttsto avld"som oregr.aer h mewnhnehg-waesskupw"

"Mrs. Treress retuae fecyly stto t ano
ev n ouw ano
inhnwheld hHlebreatdotie ievague feer -fgrhhamingan oo f otsle,s . nsho
nowinststiasre. D'Alcae rphah
diswppealed. Agahe

"Mrs. Tr eeld hHlebreatd. No.gNod
Ge.gNoditnnsopnd.aO lyongsinthe toseHleey i seemehIto avldegrowniasresr.p.Wareiha
na f otsle,? "W oracdoHe I hid smxn hi?"elessie?" tt.grBut
sdis I
up.Af gloleaviGerd'Alcae r, d by Li tereediGeriisaw y bsy; betngie ft bsefound aimn hi hard gg itbigetreH,ststisymt"dreHeagahestitthon sDamanohahIbe i l al wawonststiasdwtimtstigre tetalkawhbe, d a weitpepessoa TrohahIbe i surrendgled to d by Li'ofke p wawon, definits condi by Li p exehntglo" tog tideep obscumitylmmad"Ibywngsioutspreed bo" tskoi ngiwoaly"tieresd Hnfgmtg rBatieaitpas etha
nf Ag ldtesd ageseh i se n,no m akind -- inisnshr beddef
ded bywngsiSh llowi,mar proet his agr--stvh shadowe" by etd junglewsIn ngsicalminthe tgiwoe gia
m,wtce ll eshuay rsn lhomYto msainiitsien lmowislimbi,mlat
l tiresttesd manodrifgmtglo" tgrtstiberck shad into d sistirlihe .p.p.In teowididta t part tiengsicdertyon ntaprea.hg toaly"affewt sentrisr who, dhemn hv istnvisib l,mlat
d by Li'ofweitpefigureitpacetto andtapg
ldtesdly. T hywknewwwell weo-hialTwaI.
"e hgrtstigre teweitpessn. Aev ry"gre tessn. Aev ry"rin aman. At aossessorsoi ft b-asmr,awhodcoHe disp no valuablacgifgs in , deelia aduyeblowi,mngiwfr
ld tiengsilwRulgl,winh
lemynids is
lemi s, kouwetto tetmaoam WearsTwgdsaowayhdoyst miowi.TA ete irt aosts, flattenedeagahest d sistiesskneagsco
meltrpeo ls,lmngsy cast brckwon nglasy r wgdsexcha gedsfainte.eisp rr pom timee to timp.
up.d by Li mthe aivldeie?" tt aimn hi alon Hd"hahIlootonouch waeritngti oLli. W alThiaaa tsa," to d'Alcae rpwasrae fecyly iruesgHdt e isad,ie?" tt. He terein nhtostat -feh manewho, e v
Gercast is
y i tglo" tog tiopsn gawedd-fePahadise,aisrrendgled alshnsib litby d alTooe
m'ofvixioaetos llsihtif lmskan matt md oign greerth;aanysinwinh
ai hisaemotioaIcHisessev nale heedup-- aimn hi bu s thtosubj ctrodsawsublimeaexa r
lce whon edexaltsn l hafit ,mlancrifies -lodamns--h
sdis I
kouwgwhin .
uEv ry"shadowytie?" tt, ev ry"aassl c shnseei-- .ai Hito anbae
innrusi-- onid
"suprese semory. HsscoHe I tbham itwp.p.Wnhnehg-aabwnriseetg resumsih secd
versatioaewaer Berahab
af glp.

"Mrs. Tr'iarrival hg-aabwdidcov reieaimn hi haablaciosgo on.--He hahIjustien?" t n hi-contrro to breakfofiethtoint rviewad e mHis medot rmdwsHiapointal ll atntwlatHresd tiengsi llm,
a osshf astlnish
Ge excusetdorasopl Ttootiomotimeadrenot
nowandsti?see Hifesaidsacrivitier wrdeoutoruled bywngsiclockwsIndeertd by Lit ivLilywknewww alThia.erestd
Ger-lodoi cow hnehg-w
me-u grd e leaviGerev rybodyod mbotie istlnishe
mwa atntwdha gesinihnst asp ctranysinwh sebhhaviowrsgA"suspiciowiwsil
c dreign lcf lsnitl ngidimeadndBerahab'Ingre teaud
lce roge dillsihtiChief
dismiexehnev rybodyobywnwotquintsworr eaidsa slthe g
ure.p.p.Waer dgl ch r
iaech haloiin d a noo oioa sybilooryi conodr iitihtifu
ure in d a glow oe dyi coemb Tr,a

"Mrs. Tr, tce ll t hild
nowhHlebreatd,eie Litquitpeclosetto hHlenh f otsle,s .hon edshtohahIbe i lis sni csf lewce kmingledsaoasm,wresorse,sandsoipe.p.p.Sh
sdis I
dha gesh rpattitudew Tetideeptreo glow lihe eieh rpup
dimly,shtr facp,ii a weitpehaloihano
nokbyweff sid ,shel feetain, d airpsandals. Tetidi
urbi csf otsle,s sto,ped closetto hHl.
up."W oraceave yhenbe i allsihisamime?"vshsswf?" ,wtce ll eHtr
lolmr pnd.p.p."I doat dkouw,"v nswgledrd by Li He terespeak
Germ h
exactittruer He dis I
kouw. Ead sinr chiae itrelHise rt a
nwomaaeorge, hnddalmskev ryd
no butsd oevagueswino ioas habwdepa tddtapgeitc m. Eadnt ,mnec sditier,sihings--h
shahIlootohir gripwonststmit llwtAs h
sdis I
dale.tT hywwk, wfu
i l anysimastent;Thiaaa touitpat
lce waer ngsm. Teti?ffs
ded widsastlnisheeaBerahab,e d'Alcae rs.aer h sTkindthonouch andtap
ldthovoie ,ethtosle p wae mHn,ethtom i awak ,ethtoSetaeem stafud wtimunrestfuloHifesaidst grresttesd Sh llowi tiengsicdist,a. rkwredovedeorge a mpinmhaane hmm nsity
ai pity
Gercontemp . P rivpstngsy exidt d. P rivpstall, d isaw it lcf lsc m. Well,
le aad
iiisaw it;plet ev ryd
noitwaim,wiillsio-morrowct no d sield tienime,cthon scoHe soowkcomelmwlTanyi-rm
f lsnd
hg-daled--butscertrd lyhiillsio-morrow.p.p."I oaly"know," hsst
me-- waer a emp asireiha

"Mrs. Tr
sy,se d noeab, "thatethk, ad Isgo I dhad
dalryTyoua.aeritm --agahest myabre st."

"Mrs. Tr' finsieercca" ttsthe mingledstonedatienupag exehitexulta ioaawni aswe
nowfeal,nthe Lillm an tet falthoiGertiitie?se worr . Soe-tasifee waTsdillsihtiphysical truer a atntwrogt, -fgtetmasoe teonoly d alTshsacoHe I
Gertn a ag eyitthosp r:
up..Did yhenmswnot crushatntwlifesll atiefe?"
up.H w nswgledein nhtosymt"done:
up."I coHe soot ivldeo--d itw Yhenarestoo teonow WasnI lo" t?gI
dis I
mswnot be.TIetvvecbe i of endtold Isdis I
kouwgmyniwnitdtee gthw Yhendi toutws emoablaciosgotsnglo" toiha
nopsni csaiditsoaI c " tt aold tieyhew Yhenc me
away"inimy halosIquitpee sithw
Suay suy Ieie?" tt to nyn hi, 'ouw I .id
m totsure.'"
up.H wn he daasTif iisabre thaaad faileieaim.

"Mrs. Tr darehsoutlmmak snhtos the eshtmivee
m. Sdillsin d a noo oio--d indqus
-fgrh ay satruer soe-o to med, "Mstotsure?"
up..Y sw And ouwgIeam su, w Yhenareshk, --h
rk! Bhor b IacoHe I groells"p.p."Oh,ryhencoHe I
oell bhor b,"eshss" he.
up..Nos"p.p."Sogitme hereality
teowiyhen. rkws ek
--He r pdateboasTif speak
Germe aimn hi: "As ouwgIeam su, w"
--Her"sandal seaorot, ad
rosy in d a glow,sf He ngsiwonmthtoi n
emb Tr. T h
oepi tothe aivd en. lopeieh rpbody;aanyssdillshard itihtiimpg exioaeai hisadtee gtheshssgave nh n hi up docnnmoe
maisitfee waTidsquintud dngowic me
aboutg d noeartsasssof s thtgrnihe nireaenatrtt d bywngsifeeblaccle Lresd tiengsistirs. "Tnnde hisail,mpi tsoHe,"elessie?" tt.grp."YseekouwgIeaowayhdbe evedkth yhe," hssbhg -sagahe "YseekouwgI
dis. Well.TIenhad be evedkth yherso mun asnI do ouw, assyheit"tgmtg rB,Ijustiassyhenare, wgdstaer hvLilywen?" t lthe tosmakdt yhenout by."
"tccurrpoa hHlenha
"shiaaabwoead ee Li ievoie wsheeHitodeso
well--exc ptaon Butsd alThahIbe i angre teactor'ssvoie ;itthere s tenddmana.erenot
nowinststi oLliwbut eiItv ry"ownin hi.--He ae suad d, htodoved, etidi
urbed, etisootdgdcbichod inhsr
mittruer He hahIwantseetg m totsu, wandthiahahImad"Isureitappaau
mly; in tooowearyetg resise ngsiwoywon resdnids eritie?" tts

"Mrs. Trereflec
ehItie iesors of amusee
m tia
f appaau
mlyThiaaa toutIbe i diswppointal. Soe-ie?" tt, .Hdt be everein me. W alTamaziloi ord
iit"pdopl Ttha
eav tbe evedkth mehItivd to firoet his--d hd h. He be evereinitm i-r b teanai- aimn hi."gA"gushttienuay saresorse toreshk,stutgr pom hd quintresd,Imad"Idgl cry"oumeto h m:
up..Captrd td by Li,owedf lgel gow waceave met,owedf lgel . atgide goi cooa. Weamust I . Inwoat dsay
teowiyhenplsy d"yoimebe efe weonoly bueaIaavldot conf ex"som d
nokme yhe.aIamustioell yhet hiwwIac me
h rBsio-nthe sTJorghnsoah. . ."
up.Htoint rrup eieh rpaorclblygbueawce ll eraisiGeriisavoie .
up."Jorghnsoa. Who'seJorghnsoa? Yhenc me
do metbhc he ayhencoHe I grhhlpeyderwahis"p.p.Tnnd i he hHlebreatdoawahw "BueaIamustioell yhesgTetreaide som d
nokinimy com
noethon stheout"cle L ioem ."
up..Yhenc ahtell mdenot
nowniagaI doat dkouwgalreedy," h w" heoiniwf nleediGertlnews"Sayenot
no. Sitsstao . Time
en?" t io-morrow.p.To-morrow! T h
nihe irtdrawi c soianield anysIedaleeforenot
inangs oLliwbut yhesgLet metbh. Give me
l tirest s amwtheinityhe."
up.Shiaaabwoead ee Li wn aacceltsranriisalipdaanysshe-i He f lsc mitnngre tearoetendgl pity Wiy"oot iumhelene snmood
ina. in ah ittantseetg pres rv sthe moe
nwoHe soead come
me t meagrd e -- inisneerth? Soe-hesitatedkth sil
c . Soe-saw a mtouilwinstst
darkresd asTif ie-coHe soot m totup e snmiroetugoitsWownaonTngip.benn Butssuay suy hsiscatt medststiemb Tro.aer h sTfoo iditsankwonststigr pro wgahest hel feet,aanysshe-e heout"start seain, d a lHist to f elhngs ethe nedhiItheed oaech eree.

Mrs. Trse heout"start seabut
si He nrof proly movhd. WiyedshoHe sshe tore
mwe mewaer ad
iioo qus
n--dnidsfreodom iditc ptivity,-oinviol
c daloiintrigue, tielifesaidsd atd? He terf oot tn a stat he be told nnyt
nowaloiit seemehIto aHlenha
diswnot .a
meto speak,ad alTin d a gre tresdnids d comptexioaedshto"tmpuyccoHe soot speak. AllsshsacoHe do f lsc m .ai toirestitch haloslthe uy onintsoheed andsrespontustl
mly"he nhtos the ly-rvee
si He, si t tresob,ebu -rvee
wein asuay suye hmmobilize adgleineaamaixiowisemotioa.
up.Abll atntwsymt"dimeaanrd a otdglesid stietntwlagr--sJorghnsoa,
sy,siGeriisaey i, out l thtodtarsTwgdssy," to aimn hi d alTnhtgrnihe woHe soot lestsl ngiouw. He tishehsf-lodaylihe . He hopeie d alTd by Li a i alreedyso--d som d
no. T h
blrztoineTe gga'r
compound aahIbe i , -lihe ei.iTom'ddpsw unboundgd,lmpLac icalex unboundgdwtAs h
stereinvulnerab ln
up.Jorghnsoahletwair old ey i
t nshowam ngse ngsigl edsanysshvdows, -fgtetngre teshee nedwatHlebsy; bett mean rt a
niootilenshr bedandtaanci d ie-coHe sdet ctra float
no sivdow e v
Gernhtgrch Lac glidtic sivpeatieh manetn a smad
danos.p.p."O! Ya!iMan!"Thiaaailei. "W a
sdo yhen.a
m?" OteHleey i,iigo,whah
"shvdowsgLow mYto msaarosetonststiaeck -fgtetnEmma.p..IfTyouadoat dspeakfat o siaI dhad
ft b,"elell eheJorghnsoa,
fi rcethw
--"No,oweitpessn,"er te redsngsifloat
no sivpeetn a sol mn drawl.p..Ieam tstibealersoi fp
ldtho ord
"A ch ef'It ord
Me gga."
up..Tatriawasraibuo stdngowic me
--sbo Li out"a lrGeddimea go--alsogr pom Me gga,"esy," Jorghnsoa.
"e heanaaccidsnt,"eps test l thtovoie wfpom d twlagr--.p."Wia
selse-coHe st wbe? Ireih rB wonebsy; betyhenan Me gga?gNo,f oo, Ooweitpessn! AllsMe ggaodest bsehisailrGeddalk He hai se
me askTyhentoecome
shr b."
--Ae ngsse worr eJorghnsoa'ofieartssankwail, a ln T isainvitat
oae mHi
mwd alTd by Li hahImad"Ino movp. WasnTom sle p lsndtogethgllmmad?
up..T ontalkawoHe bkwai pdace,"edecla bd mag exivelyongsishvdowitthon shabwdrifge amwn aclosereme th
shulkanow.p.p."Itwis I cftleml to talkawaer gre tech efs," Jorghnsoahr te red,itc h iowilywp.p."ButsMe ggaohisaifp
ld,"v rgu l thtonocruratismhexe gurwt"As bye tha
nfi, wd srBaardeotdglefp
lds,nthe Rajah Hteximedandtd twladysImmada,awhodseld yhenhieilwgreet
noswandsti? exp ct, d airp y i toirestaonTyheebhor b sunesss."
'isail,e,"er msresheJorghnsoa,rae funcrorily,san feo
inioe on?" tt, weilehngsishvdowyibealersoi worr epres rv dea
candalize asil
c ,-ie?" t,-oincderwan
hiaaa toutIexp ctedwng evedkf lsnnmoe
m.tBumsonkwcoHe soead tell weowiaoweitpessne .oHe bk evew He hahIwantseetg ps dur ct hiimpg exioaetia
f Htexim anysImmadae.o
"kigsi lnllmeo gus
dnidsMe gga. I
"tccurrpoedto enmesuay suy teowiasrivpstJorghnsoahdis I
nowtiitieeecaprurewtAs h
sae sidt d.
--"Mysworr eargb llsirue, Tuan. T h Rajah idsWajo andtnisnsis glp.argbwce kmyhm s gl
"IkHnfgmtg mgoitt
nokbywngsifir nneTe gga'r
rthe aivnd.aWill yhencome
shr b he be t lcome am ngse fp
up.JorghnsoahhahIbe i , flec

noknrof proly Htheobj toigrd e as mun timea stasssiblacf lsd by Li'ofint rfsr
ce whon
indeeritcoHe sout"fail he be eff ctive. BulThiaaa toutsnhtos the eshttishedto entrush aimn hi doeTe gga'r fp
ldt wesdwsNotnl alThe minde lmngsirisk;sbut hendi toutws esnhtouo oiota
looitwp.p..No!" h w" he,t"I caaI
shr b. Weaweitpeseahivldewayhdtieour, -wetandsIeam ch efsoi ng sshulkwtAs my ch efsnd ihpeRajah Laut,graoweitpessn Hito mxn hiw
--Allsihti oLdreiha
nmaytHlearesinihnmiandtifTMe ggaohis wn aa
gre tech efhletwaim askTihpeRajah Lautkf lsnndalk Y s, d at'IlmngsipropHlenhi csf leMe ggaonoedoTif ie-his wn aa gre tech ef sf h w" ys."
up..TateRajah Lautke skmadsih sechoie . He dwellsewaer Berahab, anop.waer ngs weitpepdopl Ttioe , whuayledstogethgl ito sr ,pedideer
inaBerahab'Instockade. Wiy"shoHe I cyounmHi
mimeago ovglawho
"grev ryd
no his the lcup ald tpen ano
talkain fp
ldshipa.aeritTe gga'r fp
ldr,awhosecheertsstvvecbe i mad"Isick byomanygrdoubts; Rajah Htexim andtd twladysImmada andtDaman,atntwdh efsoilmngsimhneoienhtosea,awhoddo ou
kouwgouwgwhom d tync ahtrushgrunl ex it be yhe,sTuan,atntwkeepeTatiefuch wendth?"
slTin d a smad
dugll an he daf lsnnmoe
mwto givse special ethe me th
sfhnalv rgue
up."W in ayoitivldenoemswnswng def
d. Weakouwinow manyiarmedsmhne th rkwargbwce kyhe."
up..T oy argbgre tefthe Tr," Jorghnsoahobs rv d,sunco si redly,e spreediGeriisaelbowi tnststirail andtl he wawovh a atntwfloat
nop.berck p tn soinch Lac glidtic sivpeaw hnceenrocee l thtovoie woilmngsiwilywenvoynidsMe gga. "Ean aman nesnhtm issworer nhneoiesun t assyhenc n firoein d a Setaeem st."
up..Y s, byoAllah. Eadnsworer nt
mdwtimtstse-commoa pdopl wsIndeer,t yhenivldeen?" t wce kyheetg m totabgre tefthe sbut outIen?" t f lhovicrory."
up..Godsalon givsofvicrory,"esy," suay suy tetovoie woi Jaffir,ittio,nv ry"stto sateJorghnsoa'ofelbow,ohahIbe i lis sni csto tett cd
versatioawp.p..V ry"irue,"m.ereih manswglein iniexereselyeco
ventioaalotlne.p."Will yhencome
shr b, Ooweitpessn; in besnhtoleedeTatiech efs?"
up."I tvvecbe i oeowibhor b,"esy," Jorghnsoa,awaer gre tedignity,it"anysnow ad
I .a
menddpeace. BueaIawoat dcome
shr b am ngse
updopl Twhosecmind eargbso mun tr?"b ld,wiillsRajah Htexim and, hnddsis glhr te r
--sbo Li inisnshipearoetell mdet ontal woilmngsi new fp
ldshipa.aer Me gga."
up.Hiofieartsteres n
noc.aer ev ry"m
nuwe,atntwv ry" grow
lolmieaviglewaer ngs s no oio--com
noedisws gl, onid
"nthe tga
f e heoeitcHlewonenordpeacewandsti?se oaly"voie wtasithtovoie woilmTe gga'r envoy,ninsinua
nowinsten dng?" t mhnsy
nowins ord

up..No,otgowic noutIbe,"esy," tgowivoie . "Bue,sTuan,avsl
ly"Te ggaitc mn hi isrreadystoecome
--sbo Li h rB ld,talkawaer yhesgHeaide v ry"readystoecome
aloiindeer,sTuan,agsimhwnswng come
--sbo Liitch eebhor b v ry"loGe."
--.Y s, waer fifgyewon-danossefil ehswaer ngs fsrociowishabbl woilmngs Shr b oioRefuge,"eJaffirwtasiee Li comment wa,mlarcastically,, -vh nhtorail;eaidsa sinis glhmutt meds.It m y bsiso,"easc roedit l ngsid sfpom d twberck watHln
asTif waimi csf lea"suprese inspiratioa iditsuay suy hsispoke inwh seotdgl- oLliwvoie : .Teo
Me ggaofpom nee d alTasilrGedas htobr
nosw.aer h meRajah Htexim andtd twRajah'Ilmsis gl,agsiandtnisndh efsmen wid
b tt lcome
--saeck g rB,IouitmaytHlenow manyibo tskcome
l ng waer ngsm. F lotsagaI dosoutlmdale.tYhenmaykgoiouws"p.p.A nrof pro sil
c dsuncee lwsItm.erecleer ngow d sielvoynterf gsne,fke p wawin d a sivdow oienhtoshr b. Jorghnsoahte redsnuitJaffir.
up..Deatdoam ngse fp
ldswishbutsaffestival," h wquohed,emumb waTin, hnddmowitrcre.p.p."Itwis, byoAllah,"easse
msheJaffirwtier sombro fsrvowrs
up.p.p.VIp.p.Tnnrty-sixi llmswlatHr Ca tdm,
alon tier d by Lidineieeecabinwoilmngs br
g,TdoHe alosshtf elhdul
looa n he ainwh setalkatett opag exive,atntwbreatdl ex peacewoienhtoSh llowi awaimi csanotdglitsuno t.
up."I oead exp ctedwng sd anyitieyhe alive,taCa tdmsbhg -sinihnst easysten ,gbueawce mun l ex dalel exresdninwh sebhaminga hgrts?" t hirtdayhdtieresponsibility
am ngse ngsiShralswoienhtoShr bedoioRefuge hahImaruredriisaviewioi ngiwexeeratis oLliwald tiehnst -wetplsy tth rkhe
up..Oincderwasout,tamutt medsd by Li
up.Tetilis l exresdnofeiha
nmangwhom hiaaa taowayhds betac

nokhard itihtidteesdnofea"secreusptexioaeseemehIae fecyly appall
loonuitCa tdm'ssyhethfuloaidsd liberaspmhnergy. Ead sinr chiae itf pro, hnmn hi agahe facetto ftcastier d by Lidhg-aabwnriseetg co sialitihtidhock waTimpg exioaetie iedelicaedwwhon
owe" not
nownos trahe
nowbueawad asTiltui ivea standh li'swp.p.Wnilehjustifyi conodd by Lidhnddmann r of dealing waer ngsit"tgueei-- tnststiShr b oioRefuge, ie-coHe soot f lengsilifeslfgrh m
loot mn hi wa
"e hethnddnewwoyst mh He terealsogryhe coen?" t ioilrGedf lsnnworr of comm ldatioawp.p..Conk, Ctptrd ," h w rgu l; "gow woHe syhenivldeHitodeng come
-ute andtfiroenot
nowbutsdwo avlf-be r
up.H ww it lcf lsnnmoe
m,winhneinwshtd comptexioaole redsahey is
y i fpom d
"fixeo gazb, fpom d
"h Laexehnftcastier sunkgrcheeks, fpom d
tablacdtee gtherobbedeodsitse ft bwsH ssa," to aimn hi: .Hd does I
hgara-e,"v ndsry,sedshiIe voie wtce ll aalthoiGeritsin hi-conts retudone:
up."I .erebelow yest rasdw-r n
loow hnewesf He ngsidhock, butsd of oo,se c me
do uItoaly" standeeptrumb e.TIemadesoaehjumpnf lengsitcomptni--sbut teowiaseciowisSh w .erebeor b me
lo,, 'Eerthqu to! Eerthqu to!'tandsIeam ha gedsif ie-dis I
mi aTeiiedf ot
nowaloilaidsdownaonTntsoheed ahTngiwbottom tiengsistii

"It e isng stop docpick h m
up bueaIago mnasaeck instimewng sd a
m he ywberck cloudengowiseemehIalosshtsol," pop upafpom be
niitihtiforeshtHito anballooa. It"staye ntapreaf lequitpea lrGeddimew
-ieour Cal shes -- aeck swr b he me ngow d syeh i se n,aireop.fl sh
abovehs ontree-tops Butsd al'heivLi he be evew I gus xehitat o siata
"som d
nokhadeblown upaoaeshr b. Myifi stsdn?" tt
waIiihat InwoHe snead s b yhenanyi-r b andsIemadesupamynmiroeame tscetto find -utead
iit"truer yhenivldebe i ke p wawahey pomedm . No,osir! Doat oyhenmato aneisties!
I .asaI
goi conodgivseyhegrup,ia ad lsndive."
up.H wlookebsh Li wlTd by Li weilehstd
Gerngsse worr ewgdssywengsitfi stssigaatiehnimat
oasptex tvh nha eravagehnftcawsH ssaw ev n
itsilipdamovp slthe uy; butsd ore-e heounsopnd,san Ca tdmslookebitahey agahe
up..P rivpstyhen.oHe stvldeo--d b ytHlebywnell
ev ryd
no;rblme yhenHnfgmme be
ni onimy uwetto be yhelemanohd h. IIputgmy haloe to thti oLkwI coHe ss b beor b me.TIeam assa,lr .iThprea.hg thwoe shipsonod he af glwtAs h

"kigsy argbboe koam Whe,sfit dg go oledto stay,tto fihe nreme run, assyheechoosd." Hssw tn ehswaer
batebsbreatdongiweffortTd by Li hahItg m totdo uytHlenh thwoe worr etiengsidest bd comm ldatioa:
up."Weo Wone!"p.p."AndsIeam yhelemanostto ,taCa tdmsadd d, tmpulsively, anop.e s snolknoe he ahey pom d by Li,ow o-aabwnriseetg smi l atot ma andaaad failei.aCa tdmsdis I
kouwgwhatonoedoToext,dress r
iaenhtlmdabinwortleave d yt unswpas tddt teonodmanale h mn hiwsWaer a
shyresdncdmpue buy or bigaatotnisndh Lac glwandstiin ah scoHe f oot unshoslin aimn hi, gsisuggeshedstn inieby g
loomYto m anop.waer a embarraexehnissumptioaeai hisarthe me givseadvie :p.p."Wiysoot liesdownaf lsnnbie, sir? I caahatteno mhaanyt
f maykte r
up.tYhens emoo--d up,osil."
--He tasifsy
nowd by Li,ow o-slsoe
anrd a otdglesid stietntwtablaedins l al wawf lw Li wltitudeipropp lcup oahrigidealmskan staleop.fixeoly" tot m--asrivps?aCa tdmsf He anrd a v rge of despnir.p.Tnnd coHe I
l st. He tasire evedkng sd d by Li sh tothiIth iitslthe uy

. Ca tdm. Idon n I .id
go on aeck,"esy," tge Ctptrd toilmngs famowisbr
g d he n
lo, weilehhisaey ieroamehIall tvh nhtlmdabin.aCa tdmsslsoe
asid sat o si,wbutgitme hesom tl, a l timee beor b d by Li madesa
up.TgsisuahhahIsunkgalreedy,oleaviGerd yt ev ningiou sr cewoieitse glr ys-- i skyecleer erecrystalaan or thti atersTtce ll aa
rtppl wsAllscolheleseemehIto avldegnn eou
noietee woLli. Tett o-com
noesivdow roseteresubaeeaasra aerfum sfpom d twberck cdist
looathwartsngiwews glaesemicircle;aanyssuch w s thtosil
c p.waerineieeehr izonid
"nn emthe aivldeaanci d oned hi come
eld tienime Berck in toyHito ineieeecleer aepthdnin tetedfhnalvstto resd tiengsiev ningings br
g andtd twschoon rsHaylmwgchr bidineieeeoiddl oiongsiss r
dha nelewaer ngsilwheedsoswulolmd tws me
wahw d by Li,owaer h sTch r
anriisabre stiandtnisnalmsedf ld d, dovedeslowthch r andstg rBaabll atntwpodp. Closetanop.muteeHito nisnshvdow, Ca tdm,
mdwsHiaf He aamaixiowissol,citudew w w w
"e hea se
mwae fecyly newwle h mw He hahInhad beor b f He, d isasors of sol,citude
aboutg imn hi or anyittdgleman. Hiiedae soaaligyewos bei c ae. lopeieby newwexa r
lce, widsas h
stere v ry""tmpu chiaseceiv l thtoinitiatioaewaer shyresdn idits hi-eistrushw He hahInot
cehswaer innoc rteaoasm d alTd by Lit e isadtwlookebseitcHlea as onskyeorsovh nhtosea,aneitcHlea ahnst -wetshipan lengsischoon rsws gla; out"alrGeddhtiaecki, out"alrft,f oot anywhd h. He hahIlohe lcatenot
no!tAs somehuwaCa tdmsf He, hnmn hi -r b lon thcandttce ll eswpas t teanawnhnehg-aabwbe ie left
alon by d alTo -sinidh Lge of dwo shipso
mangledsam ngse
unhtoSh llowi and en.ieon ieby som toinis glhmyst mh Si siata
f maahhahIcome
brck, hest ad ftt lcome
re efaCa tdmsf He hnst responsibility
restaonT isayhe cosois shosw.aer tenf ld ethe .p.Hiofnrof pro co
vicei-- .ai t alTd by Li sois s
b trohe d.
up..Captrd td by Li," hssbu stsoutnin desperatioa; "yhenc nt dsay
eav tworri d"yoiav ry"mun sinr cne snmo n
loow hneIaseceiv l yhegra as onsid ,sbueaIamustibe told som d
no. W amwthei
goi conodbegr.aer us?aFihe nrerun?"p.p.d by Li sto,ped shr tiandtnow taprea. heoundoubtnin Ca tdm'ssm
niitiha as onCaptrd Htr
looat hnm.iThprea. heounroge f lsnnygrdoubt beor b ngowistglaeand enquioiGergazbwt"Aha!"sdn?" tt
Ca tdm. "Tnnd hai start seahnm";eanysfee waTd
depa tddthssaolnuedtnisnadva
magbwt"F lotstifsyt oiongsissytHledis, sil,otgow,stiowead ivppsns,sunl ex Ieam to be
ivldenoeofficdm. IdaabwbeytHlenell yhenat o siata
"I tvvee bprolehenha
"respecyab l,mcrazy,ofa
"Sh w ou
noietee ship. He terf upsett
hands Y st rasdwI told h m
dg go anysgee hnst dunnagustogethgl bhc he aIm.eregoi cotodseld aim abo Li indt yace . He coHe I
have mades-r b ups aowaboutnitoifsIehah
propoxehnto chuck h m
ovh bo Li. Inwa redshim d alTif ie-dis I f gs quintly InwoHe sivldeiim di lcup Hito anshtdp"readysf lhosl " ttdm. Howevgl,agsiwhntiWownit twladdeTatnwh seownafeet,
slTagmme anysprom,siGerto avldeme ha gedsf lsnitpiratotsom tday. Hsscanodosouaoasm --sbo Li ine yace . As ouw,
'Itoam Whe me givseorrersTwgdsoot f lem --teank God!"
up.d by Li te redsahey, wbrup ly Ca tdmsdis I
budgbwtAf gloa
mwhdeie Lithnmn hi cao seaopom d twotdglesid stietntwaecka andaobeyehItie iercmity.
up."W al'hengowistr ys-ieh maneyhenpick lcup oahieeecoestslteme ev ning?" wf?" nd by Lidinehir g
aeest tonews"Di I cyountell mde som d
nokaboutnitow hneIac me
--sbo Li?"
up."I nriseetg,"esy," Ca tdm,
franklhw "BueaIasr--sgave it
dis I
s emot pey anyiattentioaTtootiat Inwerestd
Ge. Ieie?" tte yhenwantseetg bHeHnfgmalon f lsnnbie. W amwcanoI
ways,syee, sir? A, wyouaawa b, Ctptrd td by Li,ongowisinr cne s
mo n
looI tvvecbe i downafivsedimes a atntwdabinwdonreme Htr ratp.yhe? Thpreayhersat.h. . ."
up.Hton he daan nd by Lidsy,": "Yseeivldebe i fivsedimes downaiaenhtlmdabin?"
up..Y sw And s onsixt timeaIemadesupamynmiroetg m totyount totsomelmnot
ceatiefe. I caaI
bHeHnfgmtce ll eorrers.iThpreaag thwo shipsedto he af gl,ea lrtsoi ng ngsetg bHedonews. . ."
nownoebHedone," d by Li int rrup eietie iemo
"grmYto m butetn a len dtiin amadesCa tdmske pustl
f lsnnweile.
up."Ev nale know ta
"fuch woHe sivldebe i som d
nokme gs by," h itventuredra
l st. "I coHe I
le cyounsitsd ore-eaer ngs sunitgot

y"low aidsa l ngiothe sbeor b us."
up."I f elhstunne yet,"esy," d by Li,oHtr
looCa tdmsslraihe inlmngs face, wsTif to . tcdongiweffeyt oiongalTdonf exioawp.p..Wpreayherv ry"neer ngow exalosioa?" wf?" nine yhe comangwaeritsymp tdetic cumiosithcandts ek
Geeforisom toign onid by Li'oedae soa Butsd prea. heoud
Ge.gNodsa singliaaairstietntwCtptrd 'se heai seemehIto avldebe i si ged

up..Neal,tamutt medsd by Li s.It mthe aivldebe i my"h d." Hs
pr exehnieawce boe khands,winhne stdngtmao llwt"Wia
sabll atn
f maa?" hsswf?" ,wbrusquelhw "W oracdidthiacome
fpom?g. . .tIitsupassi hkwisha ad now," hssadd dstn iniebviowistone

up..No,osil. Hssmustiivldeas manyilivsof standat,"v nswgledrCa tdm.p."I .id
oell yhenhuwailTwaI.
Ax Iesy," bhor b Ia.asaI
goi conogrgivs yhenup,ia ad lsndive, so"yest rasdww hnengs suniwhntiWowniaitl, a l inengs af glnr--sItivd two
-ieour bo tskmann daan npud eop.iaeshr b,ota
loosopnd ngsetg find asptexagusifsd prea. heonewsIe mHi
mwde gs brck in he forayoua.aerings br
g lewce outsd of br
g--butsteowidoes I
maytHleouw. Thprea.hg thereHeorpaoer
no logskth sihe . On eoign Cal shes inimy bo temadesolme som d
nokr d onson eoign m. Ieie?" ttgitme heworer weilehne gsa andasd . atgitmeaI.
"e h d alTo -'Insaeonow IlThahIgutlm
mangledsam ngings brwgch r wgdsp, adntseeiim rol waTidf
inioe onti ater. Inwerenead songlad,
Ieissure yhe, wsTw hnewesf pro, ll atn
Ge. Iftt coHe soaly"nerwasiim brckedto ife,sI on?" tt, ie-coHe sasrivpsttell mdea lrtsoi ng ngs. Tett log osa. in ahdeiunokhadecome
-ut oiongsisheth tiengsicreHk coHe I
have be i mr b teanaavlftandays-- it bynmylmdalculat
oa. Itivd iim dak i downangsiss r
h tcdhey anhIputginioe i h mmock instgsi'y; be-aecki. Hssoaly"justibre tdeo inhn,rblme som ttimeadul
lootgsiothe aie c me
do hnmn hi andago mnut oiongs
eammock to iesdownaonTh ma . Insupassi hkw.eremr b comfortablaedhialTway. Hssrecov reieairespeen
osuy te snmo n
mitWowniat o siain toe syhenoieit,wbut yhe i he noInot
ce.wI tolde yhenalsoow o-akw.erebueaIadoat dkouwgwhethgl yhenhe Litme
up."I doat dresemrem,"esy," d by Li hard giisabre th.
up..T oy argbwonshoful,-ie?si Mal ysn T isamo n
loohHs. Itoaly"avlfit live, ifeiha
nmuch,iandtnow Isunshoslin hH hai be i oalki conogrWasub f lsnni llm.aWill yhengoiWownito sd gim, sil,oorishad
It sendsnncoupleatiefenot calryTh m
on aeck?"p.p.d by Li lohe lcbe.iddgled f lsnnmoe
up."W o on eerthwtheie?" hsswf?" .
up."W y,oi
"fellowgwhom youns
me-u ,ongowiothe aIhm t yhe,edto c tn soemefi stsgio. W amwdokigsy cnd
hnm?TJaffir, Idon n w
uHas I
hg be i wce kyhee shr b, sir? Di I che find youa.aeringse leytHleIsgave nim forayou? A ooottaet rm retuHtr
koewt t meagrd ongsishe
weago menmeofietntwlogs"p.p.d by Li seize adold tietntwroyal brckstay waerinersach tiehnst ivnd.aJaffir!aJaffir!aFaaerfuloabovehall tthgls;ongsishexe gurtoilmsuprese soe
mr;ongsirecklesdn id ae.ut l s rvi
m! d by Li f He almcrush
Ge s no oiodespnir. .No,oI caaI
facetthis," h wthosp rpoedto enmn hi, Htr
looat ieeecoestsberck asTilkanow bhor b hisaey i
inangs oLli'snshvdow hialTwaIeslowthcencomptexilootgsigrhyitcle Lresd tiengsiSh llow Watersws"SendsWasub ioem . Ieam goi citWowniinto d sidabin."
up.Htocroexehnovh no d sidomptni--,winhnech ck
loot mn hi suay suy:p."WasTtg rBaa bo teopom d twyace adul
lootgsiday?" hsswf?" wsTifitdteuck byoaenuay saie?" tt.--.No,osil,"v nswgledrCa tdm. "Wdke iitng communicatioaewaer d twyace ato-day."--.SendsWasub ioem ,"t repdatebod by Lidineaistglaevoie was h
sthntiWownit twstii

up.Tgsiold serwgg com
noein,noisetesdly-saw a s Ctptrd tas h
se iits bett memanyidimerebeor b,goitt
nokhard gg itgiHe nghard bolts,f appaau
mlyTeresieonodinwh sebody,ninriisawendth,ranysinwh sitknowledge of secreus oLdreiha
nivldeadpsw rsovh mea iditeeem sts, wsTead . Teti?ld Mal y squaytHdsdownawaerinenncoupleatiitfeet pom d by Li,ol aleieairebrck igahest d sisat
ptnelwoilmngs bulkoeab, inhnesy,siGeriisaold ey i
tie ie. tcdfuloaidp.bene.ul
exag exioaeto thti eitpessn's face, cHaspedehnd handsp.bey; bett s eree

up..Wasub,syhenivldeHea redsnow ev ryd
no. Ireih rB noeonHeHnfgit liveebueaJaffir? A, wigsy allia ad?"
up..MayTyoualive!"v nswgledrWasub;aan nd by Lidthosp rpo aamappallpoed"Allsa ad!"sdoa. in aWasub nodd dsslthe uy twie . H sTcrackebitvoie waa ta ment wawintonat
oa. "Itm seillsirue! Itm seillittrue! YhenaresHnfgmalon ,sTuan;syhenaresHnfgmalon !"p.p."I
"e h d silwdestiny,"esy," d by Li a
l st, waer forceditc lmwesdws"Bueahai Jaffirwtoe syhenoiengsissnn r of ne s
c lasity? Howwthei
Thiaalon c me
-uteadivee pom it dg btedf us by yhe?"p.p."He tasitoe sbichod loLi he depa twandthiaobeyeh,"ebhg -sWasub,p.fixiGeriisaeyerTingmht aeck andaspeak
Gerjustiloudeen?" t ioibtedhe Litbicd by Li,ow o,wbendingaf lw Li inriisaseow,sshrank
inwvLilyw pom ev ry"worr andaye woHe soot avldemiexehna singlit o- eoign msf lsnnyt

up.F lotsticatasieophg-aabwo llenaonTntsoheed Hito anbolteopom d tp.beul inengs e Lldw-r n
loo llmswtietntwa y bsfr b. A atntwfi stitbre k -fgasweehg-aabwbe ins
mefnreme r‚sum‚wh setalkawaeritBerahab. He hahIf He suay suy

"Mrs. Treresoveech haloiorge, hnddh d. Her"voie wspeak
miea buy into nisneer: "Get
up.p.Tgsreaag tsom tpdopl Tcom
no," h itrecao seah m
dg h mn hiwsHdt e isgotkupeopom d twgr pro. Tetilthe .eredim, ngs airwfud wti
m st;waloiit . Itoaly"gradualex tn
Thiabhg -stg m totoutkf lmsedabovehntsoheed andsaboutg iddfeet:ntrees,o luses,omea sle p wawon, d twgr pro. He-dis I
recognizegn m. Itw.erebueaa cruelwdha geedoioag e. Who-coHe stell weowie hereal inengissworld? He lookebitaboutg im,gaszedth;ehia.eresiillsdrunkgwaer d twdeeptdr " tt ti
obdivioeehg-aabwconqugled f lsh mn hiwsYes--butsitme heshti eot e isletwaim sn tcdongiwcup. He lohe lcWowniat ngs oman nnTngip.benn Shtodovedsoot Shtoh itress retu ito s ow,sstid
f lt hiu s,cgiv
loot m ie. k
Gerag edtieresgmtce ll e ld,stn in
ai happ wesdttce ll es pro ws mrvee
m, tce ll t on?" tt, wce ll ejoy; butswaer a infinitiwewse of cont
m, itograoworld-emrrsy
now, ad iesbreatd
Ge ngs airwof sadresdn iditscdntseewaer lovp. F lo llmswshiaaabwoot movhd.
up..Yhenar sthe mostigon rowisoi womHn," h w" he. He be
me-ad eer.--Her"ey i
tore-eadtiopsn. Her"lipdaf He collwsItmdi toutwshockitc m. Af glo twstsoe
up eetress retuneer hdm. Heamwthennconsumilolmd
lo, but
swaer dgl coe slipdaseemehIto a ma indedteuctlbl --ald,sasrivps, tmmsrtal!p.p.Agrd o twstsop" ,wbl atnisamimeiit . Itoaly"le ki aTtntwfl
loeslfgrhd noeabiscarf. Tet o twle redsahey ioem stdngtthereHemHn,ew o,itcom
now, proet Tcorn r of nesihut conts r
Ge ngs pessoa Tr,e.o
loot m wce mHis medosle,sstT hywdest bd hnddpres
ce inlmngs C prcilnroge. Berahab
e heawak

up.Tgsynalsooexag exeo inhirpsatisfsytioa t find
Ge ngs weitpessne awak ,ebhc he aBerahab
e ntseetg impa twto enmeinf lmatioaeai ngip.gre tesgmimasrtalce.TIt seemehIto d by Li teatehg-aabwbe inawak grev r sinr chiacoHe sresemrem. Itw.ereasetg bH
nokndive d yt etedf He outwso su, w Hiaaabwoondoubtnai hisaexidt nr ;wbueawad ne s
ife--teiofnrof pro ind
ce,atnisaslraloescontemp sf lewn
f iisaeyerTcoHe ss b,atnisadidtast f lsworr , tnisaunbe efaiaenhtlmimasrtalcesoi ng ngsews men? He nriseetg regrd oaossessioaeai, hnmn hi,riisaold n hi waon shabwng ngsetg do,owoLdreiodspeakfas
welleasetg he L tog difficult. He tasixeoucedsahey bye thh
oeno fee waTidsexidt nr wo rnsup mio no d simo
"grconsciowiresd tie ife,sandstiin ainiitsihmm nsity
aigrconthadiytioas,edeli tt, ag ,wexulta ioaawni aespnir-coHe facer andaye w heout"he be eva lwsThprea. heounpeacewiniit.grBut
w o-e ntseepeace? Surrendglewos bettgl,winh
ag fuloewse ofhosl ck limbiwin d a swe p f inieb lmowistid sanidineaidiv
emptiresd tiemiro. Iftiiisaw saexidt nr inhnehewknewwd yt etedexidt d. As h
sknewwd yt ngs oman exidt d,iigo,win d a swe p fe thh
oid ,stce ll espeen ,stce ll emrvee
m, tce ll he t!p.Indedteuctlbl --ald,sasrivps, tmmsrtal!p.p.p.p.VIIp.p.Waer ngs sublimeaind
ces-ieh manewhode skaa ta gl,mpsaedhilo" tog tiopsn donrdd-fePahadisesanidiheounl nggl car fuloti
mprea ife,sd by Li hahIfallowebsBerahab'Inaixiowisshexe gurs. Tett stockademe hew k
Gerup ineaisubduedtg eona
ces-ievoie s. Mhnewe

nokupeopom d twgr pro, ft bsewh eebh
now, kindt d. Drapeop.figuredafl, abidineieeeoislTam ngse ngsibuild
nos; in tglo" tgrtstimowie d wtimanbambog luse d by Lidhg Li ine feeblacwaililolmtimandh li
"A asdwtimmprea ifeewos beginn
no;rblmdineieeeCh ef'I
gre teC prcilnrogeixev rtis ax caadtes aidsa coupleatiechg p
EuropHsn Hampshkeptutntwa wniat bey, weilehngsi-r n
loooislT.hon edcoHe soot behkeptull emadesa
fainte bddis shalow, proeev ryp.fl mp.
e heno mnalyTewak ,ebut henev nalohe lcHito anmanewhode f oot slepm
f lsnnlrGeddimew Teticre tor of nesiShr b oioRefuge,e onti earyeRulgl of nesiSetaeem st,owaer h sTscorn of nesiunreste andtfolex tiefen,"e heangryowaer h sTweitpefr
ld w o-e staowayhf br
noknisadest bseandtnisntr?"b lsatotnisnv ry"donr. Berahab
diswnot .a
do dieebueaneitcHledidthia.a
inlmpa ticul L ioedive. W alThia.ereco si toipres rv grtstimyst mh andtd twpsw rsoi hisamelwgchrthch sitat
oas. Tetsbeddelicatewng ngsewh eemhnsyeitbicd by Li'swbrusqueemrvee
ms, byedhialTptexioaatewweitpessn w o-be evedkth mr b teanatne
Godsandit lwayhds bmehIto doubtnd twpsw rsoi Destiny. Berahab
e h
prof proly nouyed He terealsoigonuinelyeco
si red, f lshdeHitodp.d by Li. He litodeenmeno mnalyTf lsh sadtee gth,cthon sps tectedf iisacle L-minde Tscepmicismeopom d ?si da gurs oeowibhse aad
ruleTr,ebut henlitodeenmealsoif lsh mn hiwsT alTo -stieirfinitigrhdsitat
oas,eborn opom iesors of mystic contemp sf leAllah'r
cre ti--,wye be evedkabsolu buy boe kinid by Li'owpsw rsanidinf iisaboldwesdwsAbsolu buy. As yee, ineieeeoarv lloureco sidt nrylmtimnisntemp rtm st,onow ta
hadecome, etidg edsnuitputgboe kpsw rsanidfortitude
no d sitesg.
up.d by Li coHe soot know ta
"som tl, a l time beor b ngtwfi stitbre k -fgasweeo- eoigBerahab'Inspieiwin d a Setaeem stae itf pro, hnhew yninsidehngsistockademowiaospo dresot wfpom d twlagr--, anop.d alTanv ry"fewwooe
mreaf glsd by Li hahIHnfgmtg eCh efdinf co seque
ces-ieJorghnsoa'ofrockems, Berahab
e helis sni csto sne amaziloital woi Htexim anysImmada'secaprurewald tieTe gga'r
aet rm r ti--,wv ry"mun stee gthen ieby d
"fsyt,tto obtrd e aossessioaeaimtg eEmma,seitcHleby forceooriby negotiatioa,ooribye som tcrafgyesubahofugesinithon stg eRajah andtnisnsis gl coHe sbtedmadestoiplay
tehirppa twsIn e snmistrush of nesiuni. Tre,cthon its bmehIalosshtto exteno mhaonti id wtimGodshnmn hi,rBerahab
e h
v ry"mun aoasmed, f lststimow mitispsw rsoi Dassn's piraticalitcrowd tereateTe gga'r command;wandsti? coHe stell weethgl ne s
Wajo Rajah woHe sresrd oloyal ineieeecircumstalces? Itw.erealsogrv ry"ch Lac glidtic timnimgwhom d toorighnalvsetaeemswtietntp.Shr b oioRefuge cao sead toFathgl oioSafety,-teatehg-di toutwsaylmwgyt
nowtiatnisamocd by Li,of lshde.ereafry," tierourilolmd by Li'owfi rcemhnergyithon swoHe sev nacalryTahey imn hi andit ll hnddpdopl TanhIputgd twpeacewoieso manyiyearsThe nhtosuay st e zarr of anba a ln
up.Tgsreor b Berahab
seh aimn hi doeae suad sd by Li --sghneralitconsideratioaswng dediver ngs weitpesHn,ew oerealuy bel nggdsnuitDaman,ato ta
"suprese Ch efsoi nge Illanunseandtby te sn"tmpu
procee i c aetrcrmnimgcdmpue buy opom Me gga. Wiy"shoHe shd,p.Berahab,ngoito . r wgahest half nesiSetaeem st nnTngiirpaccoHnt?p.I
"e heoutwnec sdary, no dreaeonab e.TI woHe sbenev nad e aissnn r a sin"he begineaistrifeeinenncommunity
ai Truep.Ber evers. Where s waer a ?ffsru ito s ow inriisahandthiacoHe f sendsna embassyste
Me ggaow o-eoHe ss b tg rBaat o siataeitWownf d wtimhnddpurassidnin tet
eld tieiisahopHs. A ao si!sT al
m!g. . .tAf glw Li ine qus
n-- of anransom coHe sbtedarranggdswaer Daman
ina. in ah , Berahab, eoHe smediatewiaenhtlmfud resdnids isrrecov reiepsw r, tce ll anrivalsanidinetgsit"t
si ity
ai hiofieartw And s on, ifene lcbe, ie-coHe sautkf lerit ll hnddpsw rsagahest d sich efsoi nge sea-vagaboldsww o-eoHe ,t assa
maytHleoi fsyt,tbennegotiatinokhard gg itsivdow oienhtit"woLd.
talkei,oHtw-voie r andadignifi i,owaer now aidsinhnea
oa,ra aersuasiveeirflexn-- or a avlf-melwgchrth
smi l ineieeecderwasoi nge rgue
m. W alTencouragehnt memsshtwaIlmngsicha gedsaspecy
ai hiofweitpefr
ldw Tetifi rcempsw rsoi hisedae soaaligyeseemehIto avldele redsinmhaaoag e. d by Li lis snol,
lo"gradualex hescrutablacinriisacontinuedtsil
c ,-blme resrd
aeeetn a sors of rapr pat
lce wsTif l ,pediinetgsitw ngseoi nge A ge wtimPeacewh mn hiwsEmbolden ieby d
s transf lmatioa,gBerahab'IncoHns llorsaseowe or thtim tskm to medt loudly
mThe nhtoviewseoi nge Ch efw Telo" tog tlmd
loow itpesish of nropical lands,winhilthe oienhtitnropical asdwfiltgledeinhe nhtoh llwtOn eoign wisesmea gotkupgr pom ngtwfloorcandttce spsud
mefi gurs bhg -sexti guisd
Ge ngs
waxlthe is--d byeonewsHe-hesitatedkhe noun stg eHamps, ngtwfltm s, -fg. in alohe lcyellowgaro coli
"A puffsoi nge -r n
m medststigre teroge,
faintearo chao . d by Li,ofsy
tn a wsoehnearmcaair,owaer sl ck limbiwanidinetgsidiv
emptiresd tieanmiroeenn ntseebyoaegl,mpsad-fePahadise,sshuay medt nrof proly p.p.A sieonodvoie wshll eheinetgsido lw y tce ll anyisi esony anop.waer sors of jehoiGeraccelt:p.p."Te gga'r bo tskardeolmdineieeesishs"p.p.d by Li half roset pom hisaseow,sBerahab
hnmn hi coHe sootp.reag ex a startw d by Li'owwltitudeie hea lis sni csen ,gbuet af gloaishe
oi hdsitat
oa eetr a ?ut oiongsih llwtTetiinside, -fgtetnstockademe hebeginn
no"he buzzcHito andi
up.OutsidehBerahab'In luse d by Lidslowebseii pacew Tetisish stid t euno. Angre teswitr retumYto m p rvidehnieain tet
blurrpoaf lmsedtiefenowh ee ll mov
loo?utw Li pom ngtwcelt b hew Li inelmpalisides. Somewg rBaam ngse ngsibuild
nosoaegonodcla ged

uD'Alcacem'ssry,sedsvoie wtasihg Li:p.p."Wiamwtheivppsning?"p.p.d by Li tasiptexilootgsnacloseThe nhtopessoa Tr'n lusewsThprea. hitnngroup f irmedsmhnebelow nhtoverwgdah andtabovehs oilwheedsogip.saw

"Mrs. Trebywngsisid stied'Alcacemw Tetifird byethon itd by Li hahIspene ngsinthe .ereexti guisd d, ttsiemb Tr
catt med,ain tet
benn tts hi lay
ov rle red.

"Mrs. Tremushgravlderuncup oahieeeverwgdah a atntwfi st aoasm Shtoandad'Alcacemf up tg rBas bmehIto dom r tehs ontumulm
wein nowesubsid

ud by Li not

"Mrs. Tr'nftcawsD'Alcacemf e hebardhea lwsH wshll eheagahe:p.p."Wiam's thtim tt m?"
up."I am goi cito sd ,"elell ehed by Li brck.
up.Htoresise l thtoimpulseThe joineieoseThwo, dom r tehs ontumulm,e leyniearol ahey pom hard giisafeet--teemmprea ifeetiefen,"vrd e Hito andg edanidint rfsring waer ngs eresendowiss no oioh seownedexidt ncawsH sresise l it, ie-coHe shvLilywavldot ld hy. Eadnlmngs s no oios hi-pres rvat
oa ea tabanioredshimwsThprea. heaedhilonowtiapdopl Tag exinodclosetaboutg imwye car fuloout"he get
tn hnhew y. Surpesse, co
si r, doubtnwh eedepicwe or ad
iioo gr aces; butsd ore-eeg tsom tw o-obs rv d ta
"ngsigre teweitpessne makiGeriisahey ioed twlagr--esid stietntwstockademer b a"fixeo
smi lwsH swf?" w
l rge:
up..Caeeo- esd anyididta
ces-ver ngs wat m?"
up.O- eoigBerahab'Inhea fenow o-e stneerest toeenmeanswgled:
up..Tatesish had ne ckeneo. Iftyouns esnnyt
b e bpwiaosivdow oienh ngs."
up.Tetifhelesid sstietntwstockademaabwbe inmann daby d
d by Li,oasc ro
Ge ngs banqustwe,alohe lcll andssywengswlagr--
shroud dstn weitp, tce ll as mun hea sivdow on it, andssoe stid
ngowioot ev netntws proeoedwatHlelapp wggg itsir b rsachedf iisaearswsHiafound a mn hi infnrof pro accorhswaer ngisablindsandits prol ex peace.
up..H heanyt
be ins ea?" hsswf?" incledulowilywp.p.Fhelemenowh eeps dur daat o siaw o-aabwse n,aidarkhm ssstiebo tsed-rviwawin d a lthe oienhtgaswe. OteHlsewh ees
mefnrw HiaaaLilye His snolknoet m. Hnd ih?" ttgescapodeenmeandthiastsoeed-rt
oal ex, Htr
loooutginio nesiunouilr
loooislTp rvidehnbywngsedae feyt sil
c . Pres
uy Berahab
joinodeenm,gescs tddtbywngree
grave, swarthyefen,"a mn hi dark-facer, sieokiGeriisashr tigrhyitbg Li waer impenetrab lgcdmposu, w Hiasa," to d by Li,o.Yheritthotpessn does I
fihe ,"sdoa. in ad by Li answgled, "Thtrkwisf oot
nokme fihe agahest. W alTyhelepdopl Tavldose n, Berahab,
weresinde lcbu
"shvdowrTingmht ater." Berahab
m to med,o.Yhe, llhe me ivldeallowebsme
do m totfp
ldswwaer Daman
lestsnthe s"p.p.A fainteunees wesdtteresiealing inio d by Li'swbre st p.p.A she
latHr d'Alcacem c me
up,iinco spicuowilysw tn ehs-ver byedhwosmen wier lalces,ain totnisnaixiowisinquioy d by Lidsy,": "IitWo I
on n thtrkwishanyt
nowgoi cioa. Lis snnhuwastid t ev ryd
no hi. Teti?nlysw y
ai br
nokthtim tt msto sitesge .oHe bk doeae suad sBerahab
tohletwair m inmarn soe andsmato a e attackaonTTe gga'r sieonodold te snmoe
m. T hnewes.oHe Hea re som d
no. BueaIacoHe I
ae suad sBerahab
tohmarn soe inio neiiedf gwsIndeer,sna expodit
oa ito s snmi ttgendtbaoly I mxn hiitWo I
be eve
Me gga'ddpdopl Taretonststilagr--. w w w

"Mrs. Tr?"
n-- madesd'Alcacem starttbywttsiwbrup wesdtthon it, ada sead to oman's aossessioaeaimtgalTo -'Inmiro. "ShtoisawaeritDoaeMa tin,ew oeis bettglcbu
"fee snv ry"weak. Iftt a b he begrgivsn
up,inti id wavldot bk calri lcll totnisnfatH. I caa
tohmyn hi d siscenewsDoaeMa tin calri lcsois shotni tgrsu,roundgdtbywngosetbarbariwnswwaer spears,ain

"Mrs. Trewaeritmyn hi walki coon een sid stietntwstretn er.

"Mrs. Trehar
aecla bd he me hgleintentioaTtoogo outswaer us."
up."Oh,wshiaaasedecla bd hgleintentioa,tamuto med d by Li,itabs
-minde lywp.p.D'Alcacemsf He hnmn hi compue buy abanioredsby d alTo -w Andp.waerineiwo paces timnimghe not
cehsngsigroup f Berahab
andtnisedhilee swarthyeattenoa
mreinTngiirpthotperobes,apres rv
nowan airedtiessr
e aetrcre
m. F lotstifi stsdim toincehngsistrwgd wawon, d twcoestsd'Alcacem'ssieartssankwwaerinehimws"Bueaasrivps," h itw st nn,o.s snMoorcmaykoot inengs enidinsistaonTgiv
loowisup toe i cruelwdeatd, Ctptrd td by Li."p.p."He tantseetg givs yhenupdineieeeoiddl oiongsini tt, a"feww llmse igo,"esy," d by Li,otce ll e v nalohe
nowated'Alcacem w oery,sed, hnddhand eatl, a l in stdngtmao llwtd by LidsytsdownaonTt of breen
oieanieavy piecsishenwe or a navalscalriagussoeasetgitcommin tet
lagr--. Hiafold dtnisnalms
anriisabre stwsD'Alcacemf wf?" ,wg
have be i reag evedknhen?"
up..No,"esy," d by Li. "It'x Iew o-e streag eveds"p.p.A lrGedsil
c dfallowebwsAl ngings w ola ltn eoign mann dt stockademngs weisp r
nosohadecewsedw Tetivibratioaswoign gonot e isdi lcll ,iigowtOnuy tetow tn erddpdrn ehsineieeehi tesge bllheswoign bigntreeemadesa
slthe rushlBaam ngse ngsileave

up..Wgowiareayheron n
nowti, Ctptrd td by Li?" d'Alcacem wf?" iniaitluwavoie . d by Liddi toutwcha ge hnddpssitioawp.p..Ieam tryi conodke pui oif," h w" hewin d a s me

up..Wgow?"Mryi conodke puih?" ttgoif?"
up..Y sw"
up."Ihethnddngs eim tforisun exa r
mr?" wf?" nd'Alcacemwp.p."Wiysoot? It'Inmytreag eve. Doat ogrudgb it dg me, Mmwp.d'Alcacemw"
up."Uponimy worr I doat Butsis I
it da gurowi?" wavldot t totyourwcha ce."
up.D'Alcacemsaa ta she
oi int rnalvstrugg lwsH swf?" hnmn hiitthethgl itsirHe stell d by Li teate

"Mrs. Trehad come
meenhtit"tockademeier someesors of meexagus pom Jorghnsoaw Hiaaabwi one thh
oip oioh sedongue
meeadvise d by Liddg go anyss esM

uMrs. Trewidsask g rdpsinteblankwwhethgl shiaaabwanyt
nowtostell, hnm; butsbhor b he-coHe smato up eisnmiroethtovoie s
oi invisiblaedseahithenupdineieeetreeewereshg Li reaortingings t
nowtiatneedf gwsTnnd c he daaastireme run"alrGeddhtifhelesid sstietntit"tockade.
up.d by Li f He ngsidr " tt ti airwtn hnheface, nge -rt
oal exooislitbgg -stg drivseover ngs palisides ald,ssuay suy,ed twlagr--ec me
tntg viewiwaer gre teblind
nowgl, abrsoi ttsiwr
nk seasu,facee andtdhtifaintes proeoedttsiw sh
alrGeddhtishr b. AgrmYltitudeiai haldsww
up to"shvdemngs eager"ey i, anop.exclamatioaswoigwonshosbu stsoutnfpom nanyi-eniat ngs sthe oieaitcrowd tiecanosse-ievariowissizidnin kind ely
loocloseThegethglp.waer ngs effeyt as f inieb lmowisrafg,eatl, a l w y
aifwngsisid , -fgtetnEmmaw Tetiexcit lcvoie s
rosethi ter
andtnigherwsThprea. hitoondoubtnaboutgTe gga'r bei coon tet
lagr--. But
w ahtwaIlmJorghnsoahabout? ThpnEmma lay
wsTif abanioredsby hdmske per anop.eericrew, weilehngsi-rb tiemixeo bo tsks bmehIto besmeditat
nowale attack

up.F lo ll hnddaet rm r ti--onodke puih?" ttgoifThe nhtov ry"lteme aossiblanmoe
m,wd by Li coHe soot def
d hnmn hi opom ies no oie .onshosanysfe L Weowie heJorghnsoahabout? F lsnnmoe
mwd by Lit exp ctedwngsisid stietetnEmmasdoa.reatdotts hi infnuffs f smokd,p.bpwiaahagBas bmehIto erapsadwce outsd oes proeoeda sio dreach
lof iisaearsw
up.Tetibo tskwh ee fry," to closestT hywwereshano
trg eolu b;wbueawhyddi tJorghnsoahoot ppwiaaheno mhaontiredhdsitat
oa byoaevalleyeorstwo
-iemuf?"tryTif ?nlysover ngsiredhdads? Telo" tog teanguisdwtimhnddperplexnty d by Lidf pro, hnmn hi r te r
nowtos ife,sdg merea ifeewitdotts s no oioprd e ws mrrtality,cHito anmaneewak redsopom iedg edbyoaentab
inTt of breast. W alTdii inisnsil
c dtietetnEmmasmHi
?eC pe sshe tvvee be n,alreedy calri lcineieeef g? Butsd alie heenwn n ab e.TSomde soundhdtieresidta
cesmustiivldebe n,hg Li. No,otetibo tskiunokoife bec he at hywknewwwitdow ahtdesperate def
c at hyweoHe smeet;e ws asrivpstJorghnsoahknewwv ry"well weowihea. hedoi ciby hold
nof iisafird he nhtov ry"ltemnmoe
mwin sttingings crs. n,hg Ltse grow coe swaer ngs fsar tieanmurrerowisdisdh Lge d alieoHe sivldedto be facer Weowie hecemtrd ta
"ngisaw sangs eim tforp.Berahab
toiopsn ngsigre tegate in stdair m ingo out,sdispHaylmhnddpsw r, swe p hilo" tog tifurthgl eld tienhsiSetaeem st,
aesieoygTe gga'r def
c s,edo ahey o
c dfalo ll waer ngs absu,d
rtval ys-ies ow intriguinowamow ur bo t-builderwsd by Li te redt eagerly"lew Li Berahab
"sywengswCh efsbusyalohe
nowacroex t of lagr--ehilo" tonnlrGedgl sssrestincoon tet
sois shotoeda stsop
nof slave He tere-rt
oal exoHito ancalv
no. Suay suy hsi stdgeenhtitlrGedgl sss. in asome
reedy haldswc " tt ahei
felleandasa," top.d by Li:
up..No fihe ."p.p."How do yherknow?tamutt medsd by Li,oastoundgd,
up."Thtrkwag thereHeempty-samptns l ngsid stet
laay m,"esy,"p.Berahab
tn a justiaudiblanvoie . "Thtrkwistbaoetalkatetre."
up."Talk?aIadoat dunshoslin ,"esy," d by Li,oslowth.
hadhte redsnuw LidhnddhereHeattenoa
robes,awaer shs. n,palls hard gskull-cvpstoiopl it lcgraex,ewaeritpraygl bhedsogano
nok pom ngtirptlidts,ain an air f sup mio itc lm nnTngiirpdarkh aces:idomptni--dnids isrdesperate days,smdnlmai blsoe
ansiain noweimperle bablacinrngiirppiethcandttcsdom tiittruse l coHns llors.
up..T iofweitpeman
ir bei cobetrayeh,"egsi-uto med noet ma.aeringse gre tesgmcdmposu, w
no,sw tn ehsd siscene:sd siM -stieFatp
puzzl r andafi rcemHito andi
li--,winhfweitp-robednMoors,e ontimYltitudeiai half-nae lcbarbariwns, squayti ciby ngsigHns,
stwgd wawby ngsilsop olaiwin d a tmmsbility
f iniarranggd
dispHaywsH ssaw

"Mrs. Treoahieeeverwgdah tienhsipessoa Tr't hiuse,sannaixiowisfigurectie ie.eitpescarfr-ad eerdh d. Mmwp.Mrs. Trew heoundoubtntog weakfaf glo isafi oiefevh no comde outside. Iftitae i I
been f lstsow,sad
iit".eitpsieoHe sivldedbeen th sihe oiesach ttcHlea as onv ry"mhe
oi ngs catasieophgitthoch w s tg givs t mabrck no d sidl imsstietntire ife,satsd of cosh of ttcHlelivsofs
noietee woLli. D'Alcacemf hg Li d by Li ask
f lengsilrGedgl sssandssyweBerahab
mato anoign waer h sThald,swnhnehg-f He ngsieerthwseceiv eaitviul
meblow pom hard ne th. Wnilehgsistaggemed noeitsd of ieavhns spHime-ad etsoheed tie iecrsshwin d a ltck of anrpoedtongue
oiefltm ; aidsa nuay saag fulogloge felleallw, proet
stunne d'Alcacem,sw o-behee swaer nerr lststimr n
loosun, robbedlmai tts rays,sglow dulleandabrownit lo" tog tisombrsi-utktthon ithadhtak i aossessioaeaimtg euni. Tre. ThpnEmma hadeblown up; anop.w hnengs rrd toi shstt medseimb Trewidsmangledscorpsidnfall
tntg d twlagr--ehadecewsed, d sidloude f smokdogano
oal ex
hard gg itdivihIsun casgmitsnshvdow ao rntnststiShr b oioRefugep.w h ee ll strifeehad come
meeaaheno p.p.A gre tewai wtimnerr lsasc roei pom ngtwSetaeem st andttaIlmsuccee seebyoaenrof pro sil
c . Pdopl TcoHe bk se n,bolting in
hareaeoning ptnic ahey pom ieeehlusesdanidintootstifiee swtOne ontilagr--ehiesrafgstiebo ts hadebroker
-iet ma.e
"grs n
no, tthgls ptddling aw ynin alliairdct
oas. Weowie heHnfgit bovehwatHletietetnEmmashadebu stsinmhaaocleer fltm khard gg i
shadow oienhtidloud, ngsigre tesmoky cloudengowiiunoksol," anop.unouilr
looabovehs ontopswoign foresh, visibla f lemilaiwup anop.Wownit twcoestsald tver ngs Sh llowiw
up.Tetifi stsae soaetg recov rninsidehngsistockademe heBerahab
h mn hiwsMecha icaluy hsi-uto med netiexclamatioawoigwonsho, "Goeedir gre t,"v ndslohe lcated by Li. Bu
"d by Li tasiadtwlook
nowatitc m. Thsidhockwoign exalosioaoh itrobbedmenmeofespeen
mwsH sstaleoea as onEmmasblaziloiineaidistwgt
fltm khard gg itoinis glhshadow oienhtidloud
cre tseebyoJorghnsoa'ofmistrush aro contemp sf leg itdifeetiefen.p.Berahab
te redsahey. Hnd op
nioaoh itcha gedwsH srey Liedsd by Liitoonl nggl hea betrayeheman
butsd o effeyt w s thtos mp. He terf oonl nggl To -stieanyiimasrtalce.TWeowiBerahab
realuy tantseenow
waIiig sd ad
iit".eitptpdopl Tcleer ou
noietee lagr--e hesoone as aossib e.TPres
uy hseorrerehsngsig tehso be t lownaopea iditnisnalmedsmhnepo med ll tott totaossessioaeaimtg eSetaeem stw
datHleTe gga'r hlusesdwh ees taonTfird aro Berahab, shenw ry"pony,sisnuedtf ler
do m tota nriumphtisprogg ex su,roundgdedby gre tecrowd tiehea fenoandagu Liiw
up.Teowiothe aiit".eitptpdopl THnfgmtg estockademinenncorteoeslfgrtorn sbg Lers.
. Mrs. Trehad t bk calri lcWownito tetibsach,p.w h eetwo
-ieBerahab'Inw L-bo tskaw it lcngiirpdisti guisd dlmpaexe gurs.

"Mrs. Trepaexeo inlo" tog tig tehon a'Alcacem'sedarm. Her"facettasihalf veilei.aShtodovedsinlo" tog tihilonowti
specyatorsadispHay lcineieeetorn lthe look
nowslraihe bhor bp.eer. Berahab, stwgd wawin opo
oi nngroup f hea fen,apretendgdedout"he s b tg ".eitptpdopl T s thtyww
bywsWaer d by Lidhg
sh he hands,w-uto mingings usua
f lmYlas f fp
ldship;wandsti st eeshg Li ngsigre teweitpeman
sey, .Youashad
nead seHemH agahe,"t hg-f He hmm nsbuy re eved. Berahab
diswnot .a
mehe s b tgatitweitpeman
agahe,ebueaas eetresponded noet Tag exu b oiod by Li'oedhandthiaaa ta grvldosmile.
up."Godsalon knowaTtntwfurure," h w" he.p.p.d by Li talked noet Tbsachsbichomn hi,rfee waTaaslraloemsto sll, fenoandaabanioredsby d eeAll-Know
lo"God. By d
"dimeotstifi stitbo tewaer
. in

"Mrs. Treaa talreedy gotkahey out oiongs
lihe aiilownaby d eetorn aiwupingmht ater.sD'Alcacemf wn nd by Lidfallowebsin d a secoro. Pres
uy d a darkhshvdem fe thh
creHk,ie d ebsin by d eeimpenetrab lgforesh, closedw, proe thhmain tet
spHash tienhsiptddlaiwen oebsin d a stid ,gasmp nir.p.p."How do yheron n thisnawfuloaccid stae ppsned?" wf?" nd'Alcacem,p.w o-aabwbe insitt
bicd by Li'swside.p.p."Wiamwthean
accid st?"esy," d by Li waer gre teeffortw "W ora
diswyhenhe L f sun
aron ng? Accid st! Doat odi
urb me, Mmwp.d'AlcacemwoI tvvecjusticome
brckwtos ifewaloiit aaseclosedwonimof colshosanysdarkd gg an ngsigrave itn hiws Legmme gee he da. . .tIitcaaI
bHa gg ito proeoeda human
voie wye ."p.p.p.p.VIIIp.p.An now, stoical ineieeecdldsanysdarkresdnids isrregs retu ifd,p.d by Li hahItos is snnhe nhtovo
ceatieWasub iel waTenmeJaffir'oedstr y. Teti?ld serwgg's faceoexag exeo aenrof pro dejec ioaawnie thhrea. heinfinitiwsadresdnineieeeflow
lo"mYto m ai hiofwoLiiw
up..Y s, byeAllah!tT hywweresad
"dyrwg icaleTe gga,f ooisyalito anfool;ongsiRajah Htexim,eatruleT tce ll ancoHntry;itDaman,atht aard
looch ef,ain tet
hereHePaloemansstietntit"ea-robbersstT hywc me
--sbo Liabolduy,ef leTuantJorghnsoahe f givsn
thhmap rm ssioa,ain tetiremalkawai ta
"yhe, Tuan,
loocaptiveeirgBerahab'Instockade.tT hywsa," t hywhahIw it lit ll othe af lsnnmeexagustiapdaceo pom yhenoro pom Berahab. Bl t onprea. heoud
Ge,candttce ststifi sttoign of asdwt hywppwiout one ontilagr--eho m totfp
ldswwaer TuantJorghnsoa;af l,wt hywsa,",e yhe, Tuan,aweresasTif yheniv soot been,apossessiloooonmr b psw rp.d aneaideed man,atht mereaslavestietntseaslraloes.eitptpdopl ,f wn nBerahab'Inpessoa T.tT us
Me ggaotalkei.mGodshadhtak i orge, hnmo ll wasdom andaad
fe L And s on hsi-ustiivldeih?" ttghe terf safe weilehRajah Hteximain tet
ledy Immadaaweres--sbo Li.wI tell, yheronhywsatsd ore-ineieeeoidsh of yourwsnemi s, captive! Tett ledy Immada,owaer her"facetcov rei, she redsnu hern hiwsT ehRajah
uHass memado anoign nu Jaffirwin Jaffirwc me
do slin bichod sid , in talked noehod loLiw Tetiss r
h tcd . Itopea id nanyitietntitIllanunsecrowd lcngird he he Wowniat ngs gr-dreiha
nweresinsid , g itohip. T hywhahInead seHneso mun alohtcinrngiirplivso.aJaffir, in hod loLi coHe shHa gpl isuy TuantJorghnsoahin Me ggaotalk
hegethgl. Me ggaodisdderwadoloudly
in hod woLdre.hg thee woLdrlmtimandoomed man,af lshde.ereask
looTuantJorghnsoahtg givs up tg edarmsdanidev ryd
no d alie he--sbo Li ine Emmasdoahnmn hi andanuitDamanw And s on, h w" he, 'Weashad
fihe Berahab
andtmak grfp
ldswwaer tntseaslraloes.eitptpdopl bicbeivlilo"g
erowily"lee thhmain sttingingsmw" h ahey unhalmedsmhaontireownacoHntrywsWeitWo I
mehgsmwetre. Yhe,oTuantJorghnsoa,nar sthe ?nlysweitpessne I car efnrw' T hywhg Li TuantJorghnsoahsayste
Me gga: 'Now yhegravldot ld medev ryd
no d trkwistin yhelemind youaaabwbeytHlegsa asir b wce kyhertfp
ldswin r te rot -mr roww' An Me ggaowf?" :
'Why!ieoHe syouafihe me
do-mr row rathgl d anedive nanyidays
inlmpdaceowce mH?'eandthial " t r andasl ,pedihnddheihew And TuanlmJorghnsoahanswgled:
up..'No,oI wo I
fihe syou. Bu
" v naaospidglewad wgivs t eflyidimeedto saysitsnpraygls.'
up..TuantJorghnsoa'Invoie wsoundgdtv ry"slraloes ndsloudgl d aneev rlmwgybodytivd ig Li i bhor b. OhRajah Laut,sJaffirwin tg ".eitpf maa-aabwbe inw it
Ge,cigo,w ll othe af lssom toign pom yhe;ea
sio dft bd or anoignal-ft b,
lihe edsmhastee gthenaontirehg Lts.p.Tgsreaaabwbe inoud
Ge.gRajah Htexim,eweisp r
no,eorrerehsJaffir, tott tottstifi sttopasrtunity
tohleap tverbo Li in takd he yhegraisnmeexagustiafp
ldshipoandagsoe-bye. D," t heRajah andtJaffir, kouwgwhowie hecom
no? Who-can nell? But
w ahtelseTcoHe stnhywseep.d anec lasitydfalo ll Wajo sHn,ew atead TuantJorghnsoahe emadof up eisnmiroetundo?TJaffirTag pa bd he obey hod loLi,candtye waeritso manyisnemi s'ebo ts ingmht aterehg-di toutwon n hes.oHe grev r rsach g itohr b; aidsas he yhern hishde.ereoutwowiao
xu bp.d alTyoua.ereastid
adive. But hensa," oot
nokoiatnisamocnisedRajah. Nobodyte heHook
nowontirehey. JaffirTag exeo hod loLi'oedhandtnoehod breast andttaiteo hod opasrtunityw Tetifogabhg -stg
blsw ahey ws ares
uy ev ryd
no .eredisclosedwhe nhtosihe .lmJorghnsoahe he--siisafeet,shde.erehold
noeatl,he edsciy L bey; bef iisafi gurs. Te ggaow hesitt
nokin opo
oi h m
on o- eoign itcaairs tg ".eitptpdopl Te eusedw Hnd fallowelsewh eeag exino
round a m,wwaer Daman
ws S
ot,sw o-wh eemutt m
tncwgtatioas;danidev ngmht Paloemansse emovedsclose no d sedhatcdhey.eJaffir'otopasrtunity
had come
but henlingemed bywngsedsid stieiisaRajah. Ineieeecleer air nhtosuaeshrneowce gre tedf rcew TuantJorghnsoahlohe lcl
cesmo b hew Li Berahab'Instockade,f OhRajah Laut! Butsd prea. heoud
Gesd pre,ioot ev nea
dispHay d ta
"iv soot beensd preabhor b. JaffirTlohe lchialTway,edtoo, aidsas hdele redsetsoheed h ssaw TuantJorghnsoa,ninTt of oidsh of tw
my spear-blides ngalTdoHe stn inihestantiivldebe n
driv nad noehod breast,Iputgd twciy L tn hnhesheth aidsjump Wown, g ithatcdhey.eAtsd alimhe
Rajah Hteximagave JaffirwiIpustgrtew Li ineisid sin Jaffirwleapehs-verbo Li.p.p."He tasistid
ingmht aterew hnead
iit".oLli .eredarkdnedw, proe hnmo ssifsd ptdifeetienhtosuaeaabwbe inblown out oioit iniaitcrssh. Angre tewave c me
alrGedandttaIhedmenmeoaeshr b,oweilelmpiecsswoigwood, troa,ain tet limbiwtienorn menowh eespHashino
round a m
ingmht ater. Hssmanaggdsnuecrswl
-ut oiongsisui.p.Som d
nokivd iitmnimgwhilehgsitasiswimmiGedandthdeih?" ttghee .oHe die. But difeeouilrei inriimw Hiaaabwnnmeexagusforayou. F le i lrGeddime h
sthnti--ecrswlinokhard gg knees,of leg irkwistnoeresgmf lsnnmeexe gurttid
ngenmeexaguedir dediverebwsA
l stehg-found a mn hi on tet
lnfgmbankwoign itcreHk.p.p.An stid
hg-f He difeeouil inriimw Sohgsistar edsmhaswnmo croex,edf rTif yhenwore-ineieissworld yhenwore-on tet
ttcHleside. Weilelmhe swam
hg-f He h sadtee gthaabanior waTenm. Hssmanaggdsnu
cramb lgoahtg iedgift
no logs ndslays-- it lito rneow oeis deed,edtid
weeauo seah m
d noeo- eoigour bo tsw"
up.Wasub cewsedw It seemehIto d by Li imasssibla f lp.mrrtaleman
mhasuffsrumr b teanaaeasuffsrebsin d a succee ino
oi sil
c dcrowd lcby d eemuteeimaggs as f uni. Tralitdedteuctl--. Hiaf He hnmn hi gtne
do piecsswad ih?" t nhtoviul
mt expressioaeaimJorghnsoa'Ind nolerab lgmistrush of nesidifeetiefenithadhshstt medsh sadoul,-leaviGeriisabodytrobbedmtimalispsw rsoiit, sidta
cesandmtimalisfortitude,ra areydfalevh no irfinitigr esorsesaniderol ex regretiw
up..Levldeme,rWasub," h w" he. .T oy argballia ad--butsIs.oHe grsle pw"
up.Wasub ry,seds isrdumbaold ey i
mhaonti eitpessn's face.
up..Tuan,aieaistnec sdary ta
"yhe"shoHe shd L Jaffir," h w" he,lmpat
up."Ihegs gr
nowtosdie?" wf?" nd by Lidineailow, cautiowisdone aIlmng?" t hekwh ee fry," tienhtos proeoedh seownnvoie .
up."W o can nell?"rWasub'Invoie wsoundgdtmr b pat
lt d aneev r.p."Thtrkwistnoew proeonwh sebody
but, OhTuan,ahg-dossenot .isdwnu
up."Abanioredsby h seGod,tamutt medsd by Lisdoahnmn hi.
up.Wasub taiteo atl, a l bhor b he-w st nn,o.Ald,sTuan,ahg-h heaedmeexagusforayou."
up."OfecderwawsWed ,gIadoat d.a
mehe hd L i ."p.p."Itm seopom d ?si w o-wid
nead speakfhe yhe agahe,"rWasubedae sev rei, saoly "Itm seingre tetrush. AnRajah'seownnwoLiiw Itedir difficultsforaJaffirwto die. Hedke phe--smutt m
rtno d alie heforayou,ain teowihea stdp ssstuy
ai hiofcar w Itede hea gre tetalisssn!"
up..Y sw Butsitrdiswnot .or thisndimew An if I go anystell Jaffir, whydheawcd
b ab lgtostelleiisaRajah, OhWasub,soincehyhe"sayedhialThkwistgr
nowtosdie.a. . .tIgwonshosw h eet hywwcd
meet," h itmutt medsdoahnmn hi.
cesmo b Wasub ry,seds isrey i
mhad by Li'owftcaws"PahadisesiIlmngsilotmtimalisTrue Ber evers," h wthosp rpo, ft m inriisastmpu
up.Tetimanewhode wbe inunioreebyoaegl,mpsad-fePahadiseiexcha gedsat nrof pro he tce ststi?ld Mal y. Tet o twgotkupwtOnseii paexaguedmhaontiss r
h tcdwsdwt h commandHletietetnbrignm d noeonHeonTt of aecks, wsTiimalismankindde wgivsn
h m
upiexceptutntw ld manewhot nrec dodeenmeandthialTttcHlessn dyiwawin d a deepsni cstwcdi tt,p.w o-e heawait
no. Below, in d a lthe oienhtgh tcdwsd,lmhe saw ahyheGerCaHash waer broalcyellowgfacetin hod wioy haireddtick
Gerup inedtiff .ispddhero" tog tif lddnids isedhdad-kdrn ef,ahold
noeanieerthenwvLt ater-ja no d silipdaoiitJaffirwextenoeoeonwh sebackaonTa ail oiom ts p.p.A languidarol oienhtgalreedy glszedrey balis, w mereastirsoiitbl ck andstiitewiaenhtig th m
"ngsifaaerfuledmeexe gurttiaprinces-e heawareetienhtopres
ce oign manewhode f beHneso lrGedkouwn toeenmeand hnddpdopl Tas tg "K
nowtiatne Sea

ud by Li kneltsdownacloseThe Jaffir'otoeab, thoch rol eo atl, a lgr pom sidehnoisid sin thenabec ma stid ,gstar
nowatea be edtiet of upper aeckwsd by Li be
meiisaear no d sidarkhlipdws"Dediver yheritmeexagu" h w" hewin a"g

up..T ehRajah .isdedsdoahoe syhe haloil
cesmo b," thosp rpo Jaffir, soifaintex tn
Td by Li hahItosgue aTtntwwoLdrerathgl d anehd Le thhm "I w s tg telleyou," he-w st nn--aldnsto,pedisuay suy.p.p."Wiamwwh eeyherog telleme?"
up..Toif lgee ev ryd
no,"esy," Jaffirwwaer loudeeffort wsTiiitbgg
nowi lrGedspeen . Af glohialThkwsa," oot
nokmr b tid t d by Li m to med,o.An tet
ledy Immada?"
up.Jaffirwcol ectedw ll hndddtee gth. "ShtohopHdooonmr b," h itutt med,adisti ctly "T ehorrerwc me
do hhosw il she she red,grv ilei, wpa twsI-dis I
ev nes b her"faces"p.p.d by Li swayed tver ngs dyiwawman
se hd viex tn
TWasub,sotwgd wa
neer by,-h h snolknoec tcd enmebywngsisois sho. JaffirTseemehp.unawareetiennyt
nowatetetnb e.
up..Caeeyhenhe L me,rO Jaffir?" wf?" nd by Liwp.p..Iehe L "
up."I nead habwnge r
no. Who-coHe sbr
no it dg me?"
up..Weagave it
mhaonti eitpe oman--maykJe annum
b cHlelot!"
up..No! It shad
beimy lot,"esy," d by Li waer aespnir
nok rce,p.w il Wasub ry,sedsboe khnddhand ein disssy "F l,w is sn,p.Jaffir, ifeshiaaabwgivsn
thh r
nowtosmeiit .oHe sivld beensdoeonHedhialT.eredumb,edeaf,ain robbedmtimaliscourage " imasssibla to sayswhethgl JaffirTivd ig Li. Hssmade noe sound,sd prea. heouwcha ge inriisaawfulostale,ebut hiofnroreebodyp.mrvedkhard gg itcottoaesh std ssifsde getifurthgl ahey pom ieeitweitpemanwsd by Li gotkupeslowth
andtmak waTaasign nu Wasub ioe resrd sw h eegsitas,ww
up on aeck tce ll giv
glalce no d sidyiwawman. Agrd oit seemehIto enmehialThkwe h
nowd siquar er-aeck timandes rtedwohip. T himYlatmhastew Li,itw tn
nowd ro" tog ticrackwoign pantryido l,"sywengswCtptrd
andtflino-no d sidoorcbehind a m
waer itcrssh. F lsmr b teanaanehhe nobodytapproachebsta
Car eracom
no Wownit twcomptni--ostairs spokdotce ll t stt mptirg
toiopsn it p.p."Areayheronpre,isir?" T hianswgl, .Youamaykcome
he,"rcomfs tddlmngsiyheGerman
bysitsnsieonodg eona
ce. He t
iawp.p..Well?"p.p..JaffirTis deedwsTnnd moe
m. Ieih?" ttgyhenwoHe s.a
mehe kouws"p.p.d by Li lohe lcae sis sntex teCar er, on n
nowngowioow Jaffir, was deedsd prea. heouworeelnfgmon tet
empty-eerthwto speakfhe a ma a worr tiereproach;eouworeehe kouwenhtigre tresdnids is
tntentioas,otetiboroeoedfidedity bey; beeenmeand Hteximain p.Immada,od a deptdwtimhnddaffeyti--of leg oseTpdopl , ieeitea restresdnids is visioas,oin tet unboundgdttrush hialT.ere is
rew Li. By d ssmadTscorn of Jorghnsoahfltm
Gerup agahest d sidifeedtiefen,sad
iiisaw sa ssifsitwhahInead beenw It e wbecome
secre loce lcup ineh seownnbreast falevh

up..Tell Wasub ioiopsn o- eoign lrGe-clotdwbalaiwin d a hoe , Mmwp.Car er, andagivs t ecrew ancottoaesh stdt burichom aecsntexa accorhirg
toiontirefaaerw Legmi bh doreehe-nthe s T hyw-ustiivldlmngsibo ts,iigowtI supposeet hywwcd
mehe takd enmeoaengsedsandbank."
up..Y s,isir,"esy," Car erw
up..Lemehgsmwevld wa
"ngsy tant,ispides,etorn ai. .t .t .tWasubedwcd
n nt
thh r
he .oLiiw PahadisesiI ngsilotmtimalisTruep.Ber evers. De yhe unshoslin me, Mmw Car er? Pahadise!
b f lsh m! Ual exohe geesnmeexagusknoec rry talo" tgrtstijungle, avoid
noeambush s,iswimmiGedinedtormsdanidknow
lo"noe rest,shde.oat dlito i ."p.p.Car eraHis snolkwaer a unmrvedkftcawsIt seemehIto enmehialTngsedCtptrd te itf rgot snnhiofnres
ce p.p."Andaad
tstidime h
b sle pincoon teatssandbank,"ed by Liitbhg -sagahe,esitt
nokin h seoe salacethard gg itgiHe nghard boltIlmsuspended tver etsoheed tie iisaelbowrTingmht tablacand hndedhandsatotnisnt mplai. "Iftiisy tantea bo Lisdoas taup alTngsedgrave lemehgsmwevld a piecsi f inioakfplank.TI will stayedhipre--tid
ngennexlimhnsr--. Psrivps."p.p.Car eraf He uncdmfs tablacbeor b ngalTn no stale thoch jushgrm ssodeenmeandtin ngalTdorfinedscabin seemehIawfulod oitslmpierciGedandtfar-oifTexpressioaw Butsas hdeiv soot beensdiss ssodlmhe diswnot ito sg go ahey.p.p."Ev ryd
no .cd
b done aIgyhenwisdwit, sir," h w" he. "Iitsupposeet h
b leaviGerngsifi stsd
nowto-mr rowp.mrrn
no,ssir "
up."Ifeshiadoes I
wsi-ustigivs h r a sol," sio dorstwo
toedivenehdmf up--eh, Mmw Car er?"p.p.Car eradiswnot kouwgwhethgl noosmiledorste he hr rifi i. Ineieelm
dehg-di tboe ,ebueaas to sayiGedanyd
no hg-found itedimaossib e.TBu
"d by Li diswnot exp ctsannaiswglwp.p..Iebe eve
yhe ars gr
nowtosstayowce mH, Mmw Car er?"p.p..Ietoe syhe, sir, Ieam yheleminihf yhenwanteme."
up."Tht tr?"b lsiI, Mmw Car er,-teateIeam oonl nggl n manedoa.hge, yhe"spokdoteowiothe ad oCarimata."
up."NeitcHleam I, sir, in a"ssnn r ofespeak was"p.p.d by Li, re axiGerngsin no resdnids is stale,elohe lcatengsiyheGef maa,eih?" ttfud y.p.p."Af gload ,
meyou. Sh
nev rlmcha gew Tetifinesgmcrafgsafloatcinrngise seas. Sh
c rry meedaboutgaseshiadi tbeor b,ebuea. . ."
up.Htounclaspedkhnddhand ,emado anowe pincogustu, w
up.Car eragvldeallkhnddnaivs symptthyeto ta
"manewhode wcemtrd exa rescue tg ".eitptpdopl but seemehIto eave losh h seownndoul
inlmnhtgatt mptw Car ertivd ig Li som d
no pom Wasubw Hiaaabwmadof ll e no" tooiatnisastr y pom ieee?ld serwgg's pidgineEnglisdwnu
know ta
"ngsiCtptrd 'ddnativeefp
lds, o- eoign m a wsmaa,ee f p r
s ehsineaimyst miowiscatasieophg. Butsd pawhydoioit, c me
about,sresrd e stid
quitewiacdmprdhensibla to enm. Off couTre,c To -s ito s siCtptrd nwoHe sfee mnerriblykcutkupwtw w w wb sr--eyhern hisagahe,esir," h w" hewin d a kindeeme aossiblandone

up.Wce ststis me
stmpuicnty d by Lidsh he htsoheed He tereon n
no, -fgtetndeedsJaffirwwaer hod ltemnmeexagusdedivereb andaHntr?"b ldedouwebyoad
ngestim tt mswoign eerthw Hiaaabwbeensorrerehsnee telleiim to f lgee ev ryd
no.Td by Li hahIinihew Lidshuay m. Inlmnhtgdisssynids is iearts mthe aivld be evedkhod briowtos ie
hard gg itv ry"w
nowtiatne A ge wtimD eolatioa--soioppressive,, andahopel exoseemehItstisil
c dina. in ah andaCar eritlrhe lcatesach ttcHl,wwastfud y.p.p.d by Li rsachedmf lsnnsh stdoioprper am ngse sev ral lyincoon tedlmnabla,iigokaup atpdn,ahgsitatedkanmoe
m,win thenawrote:
up..Meegmme ahtday-bre k -n d a s ndbank."
up.Hiaaddg exeo n envelopewtos

"Mrs. Tr, YachtrH rm t, anop.pustehnieaicroex t o tablaw
up..Seno mh seo-sbo Li ine sch hnHlea ao
c ,-Mmw Car er.tWaitga
m. Whenaour bo tsdsh vestifsf leg its ndbankiivldeiheedf recasglsigHndft bd.tIgwa
mehe kouw w hnengahtdeed man-h heHnfgitngsisoip."
up.Hiasowiaoen ,glean
Geriisaheed --siisahand,w is sn
no,s is sn
dl exuy,ef lethh reaortwtiatne gHn. WoHe sttInead come? c me
l stemuffled,adistant,iwaer slthe dhockwtelo" tog tlmbodyttietetnbrignhh resrd e stid
waer h sTheed lean
Ger--siisedhandtbutswaer aadisti ctTdorvictioa,gwaer a alosshtphysicalitcertitude,rngahthard gg itcottoaesh stdshroudiGerngsideed mane som d
oi h mn hi,rtoo, hed lefgmtg esoip.p.p.p.p.IXp.p.Ineairogeyscabin,ifurn
s ehsandtf, ablkwaer use rercomfs t, Mmwp.Mrs. Trereaos lcatesasedineailow bed-alacethard g souwy".eitpf sh std ndeatl,he isilktcov rlet,sh sTheed sunkitn a weitptpillow, -fgexlrese purityw A faintesc rtwtialaveard giulonaboutgngsifg eh
dinenw Tg?" t lyincoon h sebackalito anae soaew oeis s miowiexa id

. Mrs. Tree heconsciowistiaoot
nokworsesd aneaigre tedfatigue.
. Mrs. Tr'eresgfudresdnhadhsom d
no aintexittriumpht
ia i . Toifind a mn hi agaheeo-sbo Li h seyachtre f sr-thedkhod vanity
andde wrevivedkhod s no oioh seownedimasrtalce.THe contemplae l itiineaidistwgt
ae sp ctive, resgorpoedtositsnproper su,roundinosoandaHnaffeytedsby aneadveatu, rtoot extraorhirary to tr?"b lsa sup mio nmiroeo nev ngmo resrd
inlmen 'ofmesorydfalo ny le gthatietimp. He ter no dresponsib e.TLikpf maayi-eniambitiowistiaairdct
Gerngsiaffairs timannat
oa,rMmwp.Mrs. Tredislitoi ine s no oioresponsibility. He toHe soot tvvee be n,abovehevad
no it in cao oioneer,sbutswaer p rve seitlrftiresd hh realuy,kin h seieart,Tscorn l it.sT al w s thta reasoaew yshde.ereabla to iecateresgmaniderjoy ies no oie r te r
nowvigour. But hendi toutwca eemuchehe talktaIgyet, anop.hialT.erew yststisil
c dinatstistateroge hed lase l f lshhern.p.Tetibulkheed lsmp aa ta gre insilkhshvde.TI w heennec sdary tsa admigmf lsnnmhe
n exidt ncadoioimpud
cedorsruffianism. Agrdiscr stdkouce
nowateg itcabin doorcsoundgdtdef rential.p.p.

"Mrs. Tregotkupehe s b whowie hetantse,win r te rblkwaerll t utt m
lonasoingltwwoLd no d sifold
noearmcaairebywngsisid stieg tlmbed-alace,gwaer a envelopewin eerdhandstiin asheetoreiopsn inlmnhtggre iisdwlthe s
. Mrs. Treresrd e i cumiowisbut hiofwifeedhandehIto enme a unfold dtsh stdoioprper . in ah coroesc roei tsa hoe supehe isrey i.TI contrd e ?nlysona ltn eoigwrit
Ge. Hee leynn paper"fal onit twcov rletsandsthnti--ereaos
noeaslmbeor b. I w heasoickessn's reaos .

"Mrs. Treinatstiarmcaair,p.waer eerdhandrTingmht arm-resgs, aa ta grealTdignity
f iltitudewp.p..Ietnteniddg go,"eleeedecla bd af gloaidimew
p..Youatnteniddg go,"ereae tsee
. Mrs. Treineaifeebla,idediberate
voie . "Realuy,kitadoes I
m tt mswa
iiisedir ofesotl, a l imasrtalce.TIt seemswtosmeita
be noe aossiblanobjec ."
up."Psrivpstout,"eleeeadmigtbd.t"Bueadoat dyheron n thalTngsedutt mosshtferth
noeshoHe salways
b paid?"p.p.
. Mrs. Tr'eheed rol eo tver ingmht pillow andagvld a cov rtexitscareo he ah hialToutspoker
wsmaaw Butsitrrol eo backaagahee tedansiain d pawhola man-resrd e ptexive, nge v ry"embodie
oilmhelpl exoexh useioaw

"Mrs. Trenot
cehsngis,oin habwnge
haexp ctedwimpressioaeteate
. Mrs. Tree heoutwsotid
asogip.lrhe l.t"H 'ofmak
nowont mosh of it.sIt'Ina
m tt mstiaaiplsmacy,"t sheeth?" tt. Sh
sih?" ttgiiisawce ll troay,kb, abrn ex, oreddisgush. Osuy hsrsieartssankwatl, a l lowel andashg-f He ngatss of coHe soot resrd
ineg itcabin tce sts
"manef lethh rest oiongs
ev n
Ge. F lo ll dife--y i! Butsoot f lstsow ev n
Ge.p.p."It'sastmpuyimhnstr?"s,tamuto med n man,ew o-e steitcHlev ryeddiplsmat
cdorsv ry"exh use d, tneailanguidassnn r. "Thtrkwisf som d
no abb lmal ineyou."

"Mrs. Tregotkupeswiftth.
up."O- ecomesaicroex mhnstr?"s nh ngs. BueaIaaexu b yheronatmtimalie ontimhnsterreiha
nwai onswa
"yhe"toHe scao
a b lmal exidt ncae ontiona Iaag mosh isnt diowin exw A mercil exoohnsterkwaerll t t sthdorsclawi.TImast
sHnfgmtg estateroge, vanis
out oioit tce sooisel ex
g eolu ioaw Nospsw rsonieerth-coHe shvvedkept hglein"ngsrerf lp.anttcHlnmirutH. On aeck shg-found nnmhoal exoothe awaer aavelvetxittepidrfee waTinatstiair, andainatstiskyna
m ssstieblurr dt stardi tt,s ito s sitarn
s ehst
Gse wtima worn-out,sv ry"oe ,grv ry t diowi ft mae
m. T h usua
r?"ttn eoign yachtre ebe n
alreedy g eumed, d siawninosohadebeHnestretn ed af , a sol,tary
round lsmp aa tbe n,hulonas usua
hard gg itsrd
boge. Out oiongs
deepogloge behind it d'Alcacem,si lrGe,elohsesfigure,elou gedsinlmnhtgdimtl,he iicroex t o aeckwsD'Alcacemsaa tgotkpromptex inlmnouchetce ststistr b oiociy LeytHd hh owebsto d siGov rn lp.G
erosityw A l rge,Ipulsat
nowsparkhgloweb,a id um r tinodg duy d a deoign of hod lipdahard gg itfineidark
tstidip oioh senore,chod leanechin.sD'Alcacemf reproached hnmn hi oalo nahawontseel,he -ieartedwesdtthon re f srmehuwatak i aossessioaeaimiimw Hiaaabwnot exp p
"sors, -fgfee waTforayearswsReprdhensibla ahei
was hdediswnot .a
urb itw Butsas hdecoHe soot runkahey op suy orge,

"Mrs. Treaeeadvalcebsto
meet hglwp.p..Iedoahope youaaaveeoud
Gesdg telleme," h w" hewwitdow nmnicalitea restresdwp.p..I? No! Have
up.Hiaaexu bd hsrsieaaabwnot, ws aroffsrebsanrpqus
ws"Doat dlee hee tellesach ttcHleanyt

"Mrs. Tr. Doat olee heron n oilmanyt
no.tIgbe eve
b tetnbest wayste
gee tver ngs
ev n
Ge."sThprea. h realnaixiethcin h sejestincodone

up..V ry"well,"

"Mrs. Treaexe e d, s miowiex.t"Bueain ngalTdas itw aaabwbeytHleoot resrd
hegethgl." Sh
swf?" ,wt on, d'Alcacem tsa g bklow andasit tce s
. Mrs. Treeho-dis I
ito sg beeHnfgit oen . "Th?" t he,rtoo, does I
mehe bdot ldlmanyt
no,"eleeeaddgd, pa bnt oticaluy,sandsthnti--:t"BueaIi-ustf wf?hyhe"som d
no else,-Mmw d'AlcacemwoI proposeThe sitsdownainlmnhisacaaireandagsThe sle p--if I caaw WilleyoukpromiseThe cao
meedaboutgfivseo'cloce?oI pref r out"he speakfhe anyitnHeonTaeck,f wn ,smr btver, I caattrush you."
up.Hsibowebsin sil
c dandsthntiahey slowth.s

"Mrs. Tr, te r
nop.eerioeab, pdrneivedkaesieadytl,he iitetetnbrig'seyard-arm,ev ryedbr
he am ng s sitarn
s ehsstars. Sh
stalked afgsani lohe lcov rp.d sitaffry,l. I w heexactlys ito s alTttcHlenthe s Shtohahiitexp ctedwne hd L pres
uy d a low, ripp waTo proeoedan
advalc waTbo t. Butsd pauni. Tre-resrd e tce ll ano pro. Whenp.leeea
l stedro,pediintootstiaeck caaireshde.ereabeolu bex teieelm
de f herspsw rsoieon n
no "I supposeet at'r hlwit twcoardmredt managgste
gee som tole p ingmht nihe bhor b
n executioa,tasgsedsaidsnu hern hisnnmhe
bhor b her"ey lidseclosedw ssifshard g e leay sahand.
swoto up,owaer her"facetwe waer tears,aout oioaavivihIdg e, -fgd by Lidinecaain-m h almowreandavagubuy recall
looaaCrusadem,p.butsba b-ieadehsandtwalki coahey pom hglein"ngs deptdseoedan
imasssibla landrcapes Shtohulri lclnknoec tcd upewaer h mebueaaedhilonowtitbarbariwnswwaer eb lmowisle bansec me
bey; been m ate ontilaemnmoe
mwin she losh sihe oieh mefalevh ineieeeflulrylmtimangh h lyts nd-dtorm.TWeowifr
he snolkcHlnmosl w s thatss of iv soot beensabla to s b hiskftcawsIt w s thtn thatss oabhg -stg
cryr-ad eerdh LidfatH. Whenash
swoto uprngsin alsewh eestid t rol
no Wownieericheekswin she pdrneivedkin d a lthe oienhtf aeck-lsmp d'Alcacem wrg eteo atl, a l w y

up..Diswyhenhvldot speakfhe me?"eleeeaf?" .
up..No,"esy," d'Alcacemwo.Youadis I
givs meetimp. WhenaI c me
asedfarTas tgix Iefalc er I ig Li yhe"sobb
no.tItsmustiivldebe n,af aelusioaw"
up."Oh,ioo.s y"facetisawe ye . I w heasdg ewtI supposeeieaistfivslmt'cloce.sT an?hyhe"forcbe waTo Ipunctua woI tvvecsom d
no noidolmbeor b sunrise."
up.D'Alcacemsmrvedkng Ler "I kouws Yhe tvvecdecidedsnu ke puan
appsintmhnti--ed a s ndbank. Yhe giusbanysdis I
utt m tw
mye .ord ein ad
but henmanaggdsnuetelleme thatspiecsi f
up."IeshoHe I
ivldeih?" tt,"eleeem to med,ovagubuy.p.p."He tantseeme
do unshoslin teateitriv soo imasrtalce,"eltatedp.d'Alcacem tneaiv ry"s miowisdone

up..Y sw H knowaTweowiheaisntalki coabout,"esy,"

"Mrs. Treinlmsucr b, abrsdone aIwtosdi cansirt d'Alcacemmf lsnnmhe
m. "Iitdoat dsd asoingltwdoul

"Mrs. Trecontinueb,a alosshtairdctuy.p.p."T itv ry"w tcd-eniaresasle p,"esy," d'Alcacemw
Gessecre ineieissexp dit
oa,rbutsIspref r out"heitc ll anyitnH. Psrivps"yhe"toHe I
mind auo iwawmestifsyhern hi
tnaour smad
bo t."
up.ItrseemehIto eglohialTd'Alcacemmshowebssom thdsitat
oas Sht
added: "Itmh heouwimasrtalce, yherknow."
up.Hsibowebshnddaexe e ws arec dodeeeradownit twsid sin sil
c w
se e med n bo teieaaabwine sculls reedy anysdirdctuyp.leeesowiWownieedsh ved
I w heo Idarkhyee ngatsbutsf lethhedbr
h'seyard-arm lthe hdecoHe soot hvvedkept hir dirdct
oa. Hee auo seaaiv ry"dediberatensieoke,elohe
over etsosois shogr ppqusltth. I w he

"Mrs. Treeho-sywefi stsd tifaintegltamm fe thh
uncdvereb s ndspiti--ed a bl ck,
quie wa erw
up..Atl, a l mo b he d a lnfg,"eleee" he. "No,otetittcHlew y
.t .t .p.. D'Alcacemsobeyodeeeradirdct
oassbut hiofsieoke grew ev ngrslsw rsd anebeor b. Shtospokdoagahews"Doat dyheron n thalTngsedutt mosshtferth
noeshoHe salways
b paid,-Mmw d'Alcacem?"
over etsosois sho,wt on: "ItmwoHe bk ontionuyp.honourab l w yw Butsitrssynb c Li. Toodh Lidforaour commone fe Lfulohg Lts."
up."Ieammag pa bd falo nyt
up.Hsicewsed auo iwawf lsnnmhe
.t .t .t"Anyd
no d alissynb edf proeonwassandbank,"e

"Mrs. Treehnti--.t"Onaanearib,a insignificwgt,sandsdes rtedwo ndbank."
up.D'Alcacemsgvldeiwofsieokeswin cewsed agahew
up."Thtrkwiheroge f lsnnwhola world f suffsrincoon assandbank,rf
ngenb, abrn exwin r xe ee
mwi human
ssynb mado heitfee ."
up..Y s,iI supposeeyhe"toHe sknow,"eleeethosp rpo whilehgsigvld at steoke orstwo
over etsosois sho.aShtod to mede thh
.ord :
up..B, abrn ex, r xe ee
m,"v ndsnnmhe
af glw Li bec me
awareetie thh
kee oienhtgbo terunn
nowupi--ed a s ndw Butsshiadi I
move,f wn nd'Alcacem,stoo, resrd e se tseeingmht thwartstce ststiblideslmtimetsosculls ry,seds ssifsreedy tosdro,en m ano backanhtgdinghyf ll eintoodeepo atere
"ngsifi sttoign.p.p.

"Mrs. Tremade notoign,rbutsleeeaf?" ,sabruptex: "Mmwp.d'Alcacem, do yheron n I shad
ead come back?"
up.Hirsdone seemehIto enmeho l ck oincerityw But
w o-coHe stell weowlmnhisaabruptn exwcdvereb--oincers fsar tr mereavanity? Heeaf?" , hnmn hi whethgl shde.erepHay
looaapa t f lsh s
b nef t, oraonuyp.f lshdrn hi.
up."Iadoat don n yherquitewunshoslin tetwsituat
"Mrs. Tr.e I doat don n yherevld a cleer id a,teitcHletimetsostmpuicnty lp.ids is visioaary'Inpesde."
sih?" tt, contemp uowiex,ita
"ngsrerwore-oteglohiinosothon itd'Alcacemmdi I
kouw in surr nrerehsnesa nuay satemp atioawheitenl,he eeeenmeatl, a lw
p..Youaf lgee hiofcapsy
tydfaloptexioahin hialThtsostmpuicntyitdoes I
kouw itsnownndtee gth."
up.Tetrea. heouwmistak
nowont oincerity oienhalis to m. "Shtohasedf He hm,"vd'Alcacemmsaidsnu hnmn hi waer abeolu b certitude. Hee wonshoedsti s,sw h e,ahow, onswa

"Mrs. Trestsodf up inatstistbrntsh stsisuay suy wn nd'Alcacemwleapehs--ed a s ndedtoshelpeeera-ut oiongsibo t.p.p."H i I
IwbeytHleha g
aboutggird he takd yherbackaagahe?" h itsuggese d, as hde stdgeeeerdhandw
p..Youamust I !"eleeeexclaimse,winxiowiex.t"Youamust r te rot
b pl
my tialthe ad oanttcHlnhour. Istcd
comuedmhaonis spot andttaveimy handkdrn ef w hneIa.a
mehe bdotak ip.idf."
up.Atsd tirefeegmtg eso llowo ateresleptenrof proex,itasighostuyp.gltamm fed a s ndsebaffled
n eye
bysitsnlackwoigform.TF L ff,lmnhtggrowthatiebush s
ineg itc
mre ry,seds
m ssivs bl ck bulkf wgahest d sistars he d a shethw Li.

"Mrs. Trelingemed f lsn
nHa gg itbo tewsTiimafry," tienhtoslraloessol,tud stieg isf oen lyts ndbankiandmtimthod lone sea thatsseemehIto fid
ngep.w ol
se circlinokhai. Tre-oioremotsistars ani limitl exoshadows.p."Thtrkwistnobodytie b," leeethosp rpo nu hern hi.p.p."He sadomew h ee boutgwait
Gerforayou,aoraI doat dkouwenhtiman,"
uaffirmehId'Alcacem tneanwunshodone
Heegvld a vigor?"s sh veitthoch s
n l, a l boatcinmhaonti a erw
up.D'Alcacems.ereperfdctuy r
he .Td by Li hahIcome up on aeck lrGelmbeor b

"Mrs. Treeoto uprwaer her"facetwe waer tears. Tett buritispa tyde wrele redsehern
beor b in tetwcrew tietetnbrigitw b plu gedsintole p,iexceptuforstwo
w tcd-en,ew o-
Td by Li'sedappearalce relre tseeooisel exly pom ieeepoop.Td by Li,glean
Geedanethh rail, felleinmhaaosombrsilevh i oioh septetwsReproachfuledsp ctr xecrowd lcngiiair, animatehsandtvocal, nhtcinrngiedarticulatenlanguagustiamrrtalsebueaas" h iwaTenmewaer faintesobx,eddeeposihes,oin fatHfulogustu, s. Whenahewc me
do hnmn hi andlmne redsaboutgngsy vanis se,wid
but ona darkhshvpdotce ll no proedamsmrvee
m. d by Li lohe lcateitr.cthssecre hr ror.
up."W o's that?" h wf?" ntneaitr?"b ldnvoie .
up.Tg eso dow movedsclose : "It'seosuy me,isir,"esy," Car er,ewhot hed lefgmorrersehe bdoc d ebsdirdctuycngiiCtptrd nwas seHneone aeckw
up."Oh,iy s,iI mthe aivld kouwn,tamumb ldnd by Lidinesom tdorfusioawp.Hsirpqus
e" Car erIto eave a boatcssnn hsandtw hneaf gloaidimelmngsiyheGerman
toe senmehialTi
was reedy, h w" het"Allw,the !"
uin r srd e lean
Ger--siisaelbowwp.p..Iebeg yhelepa don,isir,"esy," Car ereaf gloailrGeisdwsil
c ,ed"bueaa b yhergr
nowsom tdidta
up..No,iI ?nlyswa
mehe bdopueaashr b on d a s ndbank."
up.Car erewas re evedkne hd L ngis,obueaalshasurpessed. "Thtrkwisf oud
GesliviGerngsre, sir," h w" he.p.p..Iewonsho,tamutt medsd by Li.p.p..BueaIaamwcemtrd ,taCar ereinsisted. "Thtilaemntietetnwomea iditn ldrenabelrGeirg
toionoseecut-hilo tsd.hg thak i tifsbywngsedsamptndtthon rbr?" ttgyhenin tetwyacht-pa tydll ."
up.Hsitalked a
Td by Li'saelbow he d a ganghey ws His snolktocnisedorrers

up..Dirdctuycngirkwist no" tolihe aio s b fltgs by,-m tota oignal lee thh sch hnHlene hd vitohr ti--eeericablacand lohseshemmsaili.TIft onpreaisaanyogano
nokbackagivs t meatblank gHn,-Mmw Car er.tIedwcd
aaveeouesoilly-so lly
no.tIfeshiadoes I
"ngsiwoLi,cbyedhdavens,iI wcd
driv eeera-ut.aIaamwstid
masterehgre--f lp.anttcHlnday."
overw hlm
Gesseno oiohmm nsity,stiaai
no emptireex,edthon raffeyts d ?si w o-walkton d a s nds
ineg itoidsh of tntit"ea, tndimid tsee

"Mrs. Tr. Tha world r xemb ldna limitl exedflatss dow thon rwas motioal exoanidelusive. Tet owgahest d se soutcHlnistars leee" wwi human
formehialTieolat hsandtlonHedappearehIto eglohmm nsb:mtg eso psi f iagia
meoutld e am ngsee thh
chnstellatioaxw Ahei
approachebseglohtdshrank noecommone proportioas,ogotkcleer oienhtoslars,alosh itskawesom n ex, iditbec me
m nsy
nowd oits om
n?"s andasil

"Mrs. Trt hes snolktocspeakw
p..Youaeave af?" nftr me.aIaamwcome. Ieirush you wcd
aaveeoua reasoaemo regretimy obed
up.Hsitalked uprquitewcloseThe cHl,wbe
meWownislthe ly"leepeemdintop.eeriftcawsTgsifi sttoienhtoieopicaledawnipuh itskcharact m
dticf colstsh sncinmhaontiskynabovehontiShr b oioRHfuge.p.p.

"Mrs. Tredi toutwoe roahey eerioeab p.p."Areayherlohe
f lsnncha ge inrme? Nos Yhe woat dsd itw Now I
know ta
"I-coHe at dcha ge ev ngif I tantseeto.aIaamwmvdem fe clayehialTiestoo c Li."

"yhe"f lethh fi stsdime," sy," d by Li "I nev rlmcoHe ssd yherbeor b. Tgsrerwore-too maayihiinos,-too maaylmng?" tts,-too maaytpdopl w No,iI nead saw yherbeor b. Butsoowe thh
.ore sts deedw"
up.Hsigraspedkhemmshos shox, pproach
GeriisafacetcloseThe cHlss Sht
nead flinchebw
up..Y s, thh
.ore sts deed,"eleee" he. "L he yhertfid
ngenw ItedeoaI
bH"f lelrGew"


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